#a swing in the dark
andrigyn · 1 year
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A Swing in the Dark - Moodboard
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maviyenot · 1 month
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voidbits · 11 months
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more swing designs since yall seemed to like them a whole whole lot!!! >:]
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sfsolstice · 4 months
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Emily Dickinson, in The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
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happyheidi · 2 years
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a moment of calmness. x
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 3 months
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sergle · 6 months
I feel you, its so bad 😭, I had to go on a functioning adult human schedule for school and good god, out the house by 7am... bad bitches are not built for that..
WE REALLY ARE... and man, I can brute force myself into any schedule if there are things that HAVE to be done at certain times (like school, like you said) but it absolutely never feels "right". it feels like waking up at 3am to go to the airport type of shit. and it is truly so annoying... to get hit with the "that's a Normal schedule, you need to Fix your schedule" okay. alright. but let me hit you with this one. is it "normal" or is it just conducive to a 8 - 5. because no matter what my sleep schedule is like, or how locked in I am, I'm more clear headed at night + more productive and energetic. and no matter what, I'm tired during the day, especially the brightest times of day when the sun is allegedly supposed to be signaling my brain to be awake and alert. and it doesn't matter how much sleep I got.
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kagoutiss · 9 months
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divine intoxication
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burntoutuserboxes · 7 months
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[This user has mood swings.]
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fidgetspringer-art · 25 days
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"Where are you going, little bird?"
Ragnarok from @seeminglydark
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andrigyn · 1 year
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Chapter Six
Nesta meets the Lady of Autumn, and one of the Vanserra brothers. 
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Link to AO3
Eris closed the door to the yard behind him, and walked back inside with Nesta and the dogs trailing behind. They continued until reaching her bedroom. 
“Will you join me for breakfast in the morning?” he asked. 
Nesta looked over her shoulder. “Sure, I’ll see you then.” 
With that, Eris watched as Nesta retreated into her room and closed the door before breathing a sigh of relief. The dinner didn’t go well, but it also didn’t go poorly, which was as close to success as he had hoped to achieve. If anyone noticed the glamour he threw on her to disguise that brute Cassian’s scent, they didn’t say anything. The male supposed that this was a good test of his skill. If even his father wouldn’t notice in the few days it would take the scent to pass naturally, then that was something to celebrate. 
Rhysand had sent him an untrained assassin, with the scent of another male still emanating off of her, when she was supposed to be pretending to be his bride. Eris knew that asking the Night Court for help had the potential to overcomplicate things, as they rarely dealt honestly with even their adversaries. 
But her powers changed matters, and he was truly surprised to find out that she was untrained. This was why even if he knew of her limitations, he had no regrets. She would have to make use of her magic eventually, because without a regular outlet she would go mad, if she hadn't already.
There was not much that could shock him after centuries of life, but tossing a female with such potential aside seemed on the surface to be a very stupid decision. The only potential explanation that made sense was if her magic was too much for Rhysand to contain, so it was safer to keep her weak. 
Eris wanted a great deal to know what the Cauldron had gifted her. He could sense the sheer power dripping off of her, and Nesta likely had no way of understanding how significant she was. How cruel of the Cauldron to bestow its gifts only to a female such as Nesta Archeron. She didn’t dream of conquest, not yet. But if he could train her, that power may as well be his. Perhaps she would come around once she realized how satisfying it was to bring the entire realm to their knees. 
Nesta woke early the next morning to the sun peeking through her curtains. She let out a yawn and stretched her arms upwards until she heard the popping sound of one of her joints cracking. Ordinarily, she was not afforded enough time to relax in bed. As soon as she roused herself in the House, she would leave her room a mess in her haste. Pajamas were flung onto the floor, the bed was left unmade, and before she knew it Nesta was flying down the stairs so as not to be late for training. But on this first full day in Autumn, she realized that there was no such hurry. Nesta rose from her bed, and then made it. She tucked the sheets in. She rearranged the pillows. By the time the job was done, it looked untouched, as if she had not just slept there with arms and legs sprawled as wide as the bed itself. 
And after that, Nesta poked her head into the adjoining bathroom. She grimaced at the sight of a sizable clawfoot bathtub sitting right next to a window. There were some bathtubs that she could manage, with the help of a strong drink of course. This one however, was so large that she supposed there was not enough alcohol in the entire Autumn Court to quell her anxiety. She would have to go without a bath today. 
Nesta threw on a casual navy gown, with a high neckline and long sleeves. It was simple, apart from some delicate silver embroidery. Her hair was fashioned in its usual coronet. 
Eris came to fetch her as promised, and led her to a different dining room than she had seen the previous night. It was meager in comparison, but Nesta didn’t mind. The thought of being alone with him did not intimidate her as much as sitting beside the entire family. So when they sat, and began eating, her appetite was present. 
“Did you sleep well?” he asked. 
“About as well as I ever do.” She buttered her toast lightly and took a sip of tea, “Is it really true that I am free to spend my time however I wish? Until it’s time to, well, you know-” Having an entire day to herself, let alone months or even years of them ahead of her felt so strange. When she lived in Velaris, Nesta used those days to rot in bed. 
Eris gave her a keen look, with just one corner of his lip drawn upwards. “Why, would you like me to give you work?” he asked, “What did you do each day in the Night Court? Just live your life here as you did before.” 
Nesta paused and averted her gaze. “I trained, but not in magic, in combat. The rest of my time was spent in the library.” She settled on an incomplete truth delivered with as much sincerity as she could muster. Whether the male was capable of seeing through her was a question that Nesta still pondered. 
“And is that what you want to do here?” he asked. 
She answered quickly, without even thinking. “No.” 
“Then it’s settled, you’ll go to the library, since you seem to want me to tell you what to do so badly.” 
“Silly me for not wanting to risk a night in the dungeons, or worse. One misstep seems to be all it would take,” Nesta jabbed. 
“I could show you the dungeons, if you wished. Then you could tell me if they’re as frightening as your Spymaster’s.”
“Not interested.” 
“Suit yourself.”
“What is it that you do all day?” Nesta asked. 
“Military duties, I wouldn’t dream of boring you with the details,” he explained. 
Nesta recalled that the eldest Vanserra was the general of Autumn’s armies. What exactly that entailed, she couldn’t be sure. Night’s armies were really Illyria’s armies, with some of Keir’s Darkbringers added to the mix. She imagined that here, the military might function in a way more familiar to her, with civilian volunteers and a draft during wartime. 
“Try me,” she teased. 
“I have to oversee patrols of the Spring border, even winnow there myself if there are any creatures who have crossed over. Under ordinary circumstances, I’d be inclined to find it amusing how your sister broke Tamlin so thoroughly, but not if it means the bastard is too lazy to control his lands.” 
“Tamlin reaps what he has sown.”
“Perhaps I’ll drop you by the border then, and see if your opinion changes.”
Eventually, they finished breakfast. Eris walked Nesta to the library and promised to meet her so they could walk to dinner together. 
Nesta was alone, truly alone at last, and being enclosed by bookshelves pleased her greatly. She took a moment to pace around the room, and consider which book she would start with. So many looked old and worn. As she moved, she ran her fingers along the spines until she found a promising title. 
‘A History of the Human War’ 
She pulled it from its place on the shelf, and opened it. The words were written in a language that was just barely familiar to her. To her eye, it looked like a more antiquated or obscure dialect of Scythian, which was a tongue she knew well. Of course this had to be yet another time that her mother’s insistence on Nesta receiving the best education worked to her benefit. She read the classics, and learned the geography, history, and languages of the continent. 
There were certainly no classes which covered Prythian, especially not for a young lady. No, fussing over the Fae was a way for paranoid men to pass their time. It was the ideal hobby, really. Poring over history books, studying ancient artifacts, and accumulating weapons until one found themself the owner of a small armory were all great fun. 
Graysen and his family thought that they knew an awful lot about what lay past the wall, and so did the Children of the Blessed. As far as a young Nesta was concerned, the only important thing to know was that they enslaved her people long ago and were not to be trusted. Everything else was just a bedtime story to frighten the children.
But she was a part of this world now, whether she liked it or not, so Nesta read. She took her place on that particularly inviting couch in front of the fireplace and read until the sound of the door creaking open brought her back to the present. 
It was the Lady of Autumn who entered carefully, and closed the door behind her. Nesta eyed her with curiosity before remembering her manners. Once she set her book down beside her, she stood to greet the female. “My Lady.” 
“I thought I might find you here,” she said with a slight smile, “Please, sit back down.” The female plopped down in the chair across from the couch, and Nesta sat as well. She was taken aback by even those simple words, because it was the first time Nesta was able to hear her dulcet tone. It felt like a privilege that few were afforded. 
“You do have a lovely library, my Lady.”
“Please, call me Auriana, you’re going to be part of the family very soon, after all,” she said with an easy smile. 
“Thank you, Auriana.”  It was a name as beautiful as the female who sat before her, and it rolled so easily off her tongue. 
“I came to ask you if you’d like to go for a walk with me, it only makes sense that we should get to know each other.” 
Nesta nodded. “Of course, that sounds wonderful.” 
With a swish of her gold dress, Auriana led her outside. Nesta stood quite a bit taller and leaner than the Lady of Autumn, and in that moment she felt her resemblance to her own mother. Nesta knew she did not have the same warmth and softness of Elain, or even Feyre at times. No, the eldest Archeron was all harsh lines and contrast. She was striking, even beautiful to some, but in a way that scared off most. It made sense to her that she was not enough for Cassian. She couldn’t blame him for loving Mor for all these years, even if it hurt. 
As they walked, Nesta looked around in admiration. She noticed how out of every tree, none were exactly the same color, and the entire spectrum of reds, oranges, and yellows could not be compared to any Autumn that she experienced below the wall. It inspired a kind of childlike wonder that she hadn’t experienced in years. She wasn’t sure where to look, the landscape was so extravagant. 
“So how have you been enjoying Autumn, Nesta?” Auriana asked. 
“It’s beautiful, like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” 
“And I hope my boys have been polite to you,” she quipped. 
“Of course,” Nesta replied. Eris had been nothing short of gentlemanly, although she couldn’t speak for the other Vanserra brothers. 
“You see, I was young when I married, just like you,” Auriana said, “I remember how confusing and difficult it all was.” 
Although there would be no real marriage between her and Eris, Nesta understood perfectly. She was groomed from birth to become a powerful man’s bride. The person she was today as a testament to the diligent work she did in service of that goal, and her mother’s ego. Coming to Autumn meant stepping back into that role. 
“So was my mother, and her mother before her. Some things never seem to change.” 
Auriana paused. “Forgive me if this is too forward, but it’s important to me that you know I am not your enemy. It is difficult for females here, especially foreigners, although I’m sure you already understand what I mean.” 
“I suppose it is difficult for us everywhere, but perhaps I may learn to bear it with such a kind mother in law.” 
As they meandered through the grounds, Nesta found her smiles and laughter come easily. 
The next few days passed by swiftly, and without interruption. Nesta settled into a routine that kept her relatively sane. After seeing an outfit repeated just one too many times, Eris gifted her a whole new wardrobe. The deep jewel tones suited her far more than navies or grays. Black was a color she would never give up, though.
There was morning breakfast, and then Nesta was free to dedicate herself to the research she was conducting in the library. Auriana would call on her at least once a day for either lunch, afternoon tea, or a stroll across the grounds. The older female was a wealth of knowledge, and seemed willing to answer any and all questions Nesta had about Prythian. Auriana had been nearly everywhere, save for Illyria, so she was naturally curious about the far north. Nesta shared some stories of her own, and pretended not to notice the burn marks peeking from underneath the sleeves and collar of her dresses. It pained Nesta, but the way the Lady seemed to shrink right before her eyes in the presence of her dreadful husband was worse. 
The next morning was one like any other. It was not yet light out when Nesta jolted awake. She was drenched in sweat, and her arms flailed about. Those pesky nightmares that had stuck to her brain like glue since the war were back, after she assumed they had finally abated. This time, she relived the death of her father. He was the man Nesta despised most in the world, who sat idle as they starved in a shack that could hardly pass for a house. 
It was his risky decision making that brought on their misfortune, but it was Nesta who was blamed. It was her fault that Feyre hunted, her fault that Elain wouldn’t grow enough food to eat, her fault that father wasn’t able to accept their new reality and at least try to work. But despite his shortcomings, he came to battle prepared to sacrifice everything, and he did. From that point on, she decided she wanted to have space in her mind only for the good memories. It didn’t work, and she remained bitter. 
The nightmares may have been more bearable if she had someone to keep her company as she slept. Cassian seldom stayed the night with her, a stark reminder of where they stood. He only began to speak openly and directly about their relationship after the news of her coming to Autumn. Was jealousy the only way to hold his attention? She couldn’t escape the fact that the Illyrian was ashamed of her, and that stung. 
Nesta rose from bed and dressed quickly. She decided that a walk might do her some good, and calm her mind before breakfast. The hallways were empty while she snuck through and out the side door. Nesta was fortunate enough to have made it outside just in time to see sunlight peeking through the colorful foliage. Now, it was only a matter of following the same route she took with Auriana into the woods. 
Nesta scanned the dense forest around her as she walked. It didn’t hurt to be cautious, just because she had not encountered much danger in Autumn thus far did not mean it was not present. This is why when she caught the silhouette of a horse out of the corner of her eye, her heart began racing. As a child, Nesta was quite afraid of the creatures. Most people thought them beautiful, but all she could see was hundreds of pounds of muscle poised to strike. At her mother’s insistence, she still learned to ride. It was an important skill for a lady to have, she said. In the end, mother was always right, Nesta should never let silly phobias control her. 
As curious as Nesta was to see who else spent their mornings in this forest, she recognized that it would not be wise to wait for the horse’s rider to come close enough for her to recognize them. She turned back and broke into a jog to put some distance between them. The brisk air felt good against her cheeks, so she picked up speed. The crunching of leaves under her boots must have given her away, because she heard the sound of hooves hitting the hard ground behind her. It was only getting louder. 
Nesta turned her head to see the horse and its rider just a few feet behind her. Before she had time to react, she was already being trampled. The animal’s hooves felt like sledgehammers pounding into her body. The pain surged through her, but her only recourse was to claw at the ground, and try to pull her body away. Her legs were dead weight now. When the horse had finally passed her over, Nesta lifted her head to see who had almost trampled her to death, and of course it was one of those damned brothers. 
‘What the fuck is your problem?” Nesta shouted. The male dismounted and walked towards the ditch, electing to extend a hand once he was standing directly above her. 
She ignored it, and struggled for a moment to stand up on her own. It took three tries. Each attempt meant falling back over shortly after, which made it more and more difficult for her to not cry out in pain. Once she had done it, Nesta brushed the dirt off of her dress and waited for him to grace her with a response. 
“My apologies, Lady Nesta.” Once he realized she wouldn’t accept his help, he brought his arm back in one swift motion so it was resting on his hip. The male was a bit taller and larger than Eris. His features were also less refined, but there was no denying that they were related. 
He didn’t back away after Nesta refused his help either. She thought she was probably supposed to find him intimidating, but she couldn’t be bothered. His name, she recalled, was Drustan. Each brother did introduce himself at dinner on the second night, and names were simple enough, but it would take time for her to commit the birth order to memory.
“You’re going to be sorry,” Nesta grumbled. 
“She speaks at last, and may I say you’re every bit as charming as people say,” he jeered. 
Drustan’s presence started to make her skin crawl. He was standing far too close, and there wasn’t another soul in these woods. Nesta’s heart was still beating out of her chest, and she felt just a small lick of silver flame emanating from her pointer finger, but she controlled her breathing. A male in close physical proximity was rarely an issue for her anymore, so long as she had control over the interaction. Now, Nesta felt like that scared, defenseless village girl again, whose only option was to flee.
“It’s been lovely seeing you, but if you don’t mind I must be going.” The sarcasm was dripping from her voice. She thanked the Cauldron that she was so adept at hiding her discomfort. 
“Ride back with me then.”
“I will not take no for an answer, you’re injured.”
Nesta recognized that she had no other option. She could run away, but the pain emanating from her leg begged to differ. She could barely stand let alone run. It also didn’t seem like an appropriate reaction anyways, unless she wanted to give the impression that she was wild and boorish. She would have to endure the ride back. 
Drustan took her silence as a ‘yes’ and backed away to mount his horse. Nesta limped over and took his hand. He hoisted her up carelessly, not bothering to conceal his amusement when she winced in pain. 
“Hold on, I promise I won't bite.” 
She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist, praying that this would be over soon. They took off far too quickly. Her grip only tightened as the wind whipped against her face and blew through her once neatly pinned up hair.
Tag List: @tuzna-pesma-snova​ , @majestythewraith​ , @acotardeservesbetter​ , @joonsbratz 
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emypony · 1 year
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this was too good as a standalone not to post <3
anyway. being a herrscher is hard 🥺
Damn this blew up!!
Join the Honkai (very Senti and Felis centric heheee) discord!!
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onyx-got-clowned · 2 months
‘ ‘a shot in the dark’ ‘ blood TW
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mumpsetc · 10 months
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I Clung To You in Hopes We'd Both Drown
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