toastsnaffler · 20 days
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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mugentakeda · 4 months
the weirdest thing about it just being the four of them is how insistent lu ten is about him and azula getting a vote in everything. hes trying really hard to stop feeling weird about it.
at first, zuko was more than okay with just going with whatever mom and lu ten have in mind. theyre the grown ups, after all, and they make a good team. they haven’t been captured, or even chased, so that has to mean something. it never really hit him how well they got along until now that theyre alone. he can’t help but start wondering about how long they knew each other before he was born.
and things between him and azula have been… awkward. he doesnt really know what to do with how well shes been taking this. something her and lu ten both do is that when they think nobody is looking, they get these really tense and faraway looks on their faces.
zuko is pretty sure it has something to do with dad and uncle.
it might be bad of him, but hes not all that upset about being away from dad. hes terrified of what will happen if they get caught, yeah.
but they wouldnt have any kind of fun in this crazy new life if dad was here, would they?
last night, lu ten grilled a bunch of big red fish over a fire, with some steamed bamboo. mom acted out a story for them as entertainment. its something she hasnt done in… well, forever. but she would stop and ask both him and azula what happened next, they both would yell out the possible answers, and mom would pick either or and change the story depending on which she chose to make the ending unpredictable.
its the ease he feels on ember island when just the four of them go, just in a different place. so maybe it’s not as weird as zuko thinks it is.
mom and lu ten decided that leaving was the only way to be happy and have opinions, so they left. the palace rules stopped that, and nobody went along with palace rules more than dad. so he didnt get to come with. mom and ursa aren’t very upset about that, so neither will he.
at the cost of his dad, yeah, and thats traitor talk, but hes alive, isnt he? agni hasnt struck him or everyone else down for being glad dad isn’t here, has she? he’s okay with that and they’re okay with that.
zuko decides as he stares up at the blue sky peaking between the tree tops, that he wont feel bad about wanting to be happy and giving his opinion anymore. and he’s not weird for that if mom and lu ten aren’t weird.
azula is way weirder than everyone that’s weird on the whole earth combined, though. so it might be harder for her to not feel bad about wanting to be happy or giving her opinion. or being happy about things that arent weird, because only the weirdest things make azula happy.
lu ten is better at talking to her than anyone else, but…
he scoots next to her on the rotted log she’s resting on, watching mom comically struggle to help lu ten prepare breakfast.
“do you miss mai and ty lee?” he asks her, forcing himself to sound casual. she hasnt tried to set his butt on fire since they left, but who knows what might change that.
“miss them?” she repeats, but not like shes mocking him for the question- more like she’s asking herself again.
“like, do you wish they were here too?”
his sister makes a face. “why would they be here? this is a family affair.”
“just go with it. for the sake of the question.”
azula rolls her eyes, but hums thoughtfully. trails off.
he tries something else. “do you think mom’s storytelling last night wouldve been better if ty lee was there doing interpretive dance?”
to his surprise, she snorts. “probably,” she replies. “and mai would probably enjoy the macabre of it all. the more drama and bloodshed, the better. you wouldn’t know mother likes all the dark ones just by looking at her.”
azula turns to him, suddenly. there’s something mischievous in her eyes that zuko immediately distrusts. “why are you asking? do you miss mai?”
his face immediately flushes. “no! i was just asking, cus, well…”
“oh, don’t feel the need to explain yourself to me, zuzu. its just the four of us in the middle of nowhere, after all-“
“i was just asking, cus you haven’t seemed… well… sad. about leaving. dad and the palace and stuff. you didn’t even say much when we had to burn our old clothes and wear this green stuff instead.”
azula pauses. she doesn’t quite scowl at him, but she furrows her eyebrows and twists her lips in this weird, thoughtful way. she turns back away from him and sighs.
“cousin lu ten didn’t carry me out of the palace like a little baby. he had to convince me why i should choose to come with. so this is me, standing on the decision i made. why should i be sad about something i chose?”
“i was asleep the whole time, but i think i would’ve said yes to mom if i was awake, too. i just wanted to know why you said yes. cus you… had more going on than i did, back home. this is… way different, for you.”
zuko really wants to believe that she didn’t just agree because she knew that dad wouldn’t punish her if they got caught. and he won’t know if shes lying to him about it either.
“i don’t think i would’ve said yes if mother was the one that came to get me instead of lu ten. even if, deep down, i wanted to come with. and then i would’ve been mad about it forever, and hated her and you and lu ten for leaving me. because mother just took you while you were mostly asleep, and now shes just lucky that you ended up being okay with it anyway.”
zuko startles at how easily she’s talking about this. maybe it’s the distance?
“but lu ten and i… are in the same boat. we’re the same, like how maybe you and mother are the same. and he told me how he felt. and i guess i figured i’d feel the same. so i decided to do the same as him, too. and i have yet to falter, just like how lu ten hasn’t faltered.“
his sister turns to him, very seriously. “father wouldn’t have done interpretive dance to mother’s stories. one day i’ll do interpretive dance to mother’s stories, and so will you and lu ten. so only people that are willing to do interpretive dance to mother’s stories are missed by me. does that make sense?”
he thinks he gets it. in this crazy situation, not feeling bad about wanting to be happy and having opinions probably would mean the same as being willing to do interpretive dance.
“i think my interpretive dance would be better than yours,” he blurts, instead of answering.
azula blinks, then narrows her eyes. “you wish.”
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dballzposting · 4 months
i feel inclined to add on to that ask abt movies (cuz i love watching movies).
Trunks to me speaks to me as a person who at one point expected the stuff he watches to change him a little. To help him think in a different perspective and challenge his preconceptions or. SOMETHING. hes the kind of guy to try to watch movies like 2001 space odyssey but by the end of it, just looks up the ending explained. he has to try to get anything out of it. I don't think he liked trainspotting. I don't think he knew what to make of The Shining. Trunks would almost certainly try to not get bored at the beginning of Pulp Fiction (the bulk of that movie is talking). But he'll still go see movies in theaters or watch whatever he's got laying around in the house though.
He thinks he's watching movies to gain something but tbh ? Trunks has been watching movies all his life, and it might just feel rly weird to suddenly. not to. If that makes grammatical sense. I think it just gets too quiet in his house. His mom's always working on something in her lab, vegeta's always in his training room, etc etc. so he puts em on to chill. Even if he doesn't really get them sometimes. Bulma seems like the type to do the same thing while she works, maybe he gets it from her.
That's probably why watching movies with goten is so interesting though. He can really get to the core of what it's trying to say, engage with the story and themes on a meaningful level and come up with his OWN well constructed analysis with an infectious enthusiasm reminiscent of the way Gohan talks about entomology.
And Goten, country bumpkin that he is, probably hasn't even seen more than MAX 30 movies in his life (ever) besides whatever soaps his mom leaves on. he's glad trunks invites him over to watch this stuff. At the end of analyzing whatever film they saw I think he'd be like Waow. That was so cool Trunks thank you for showing me this :-) can I borrow this dvd and never give it back and Trunks will be like yeah man thats cool I'm glad you liked it so much. I have a bunch more laying around it's whatever. (He found a lot of these movies in this "guest" room he's never really been inside of. It still has a lot of stuff from before he was born.)
I think that's so interesting.. that Trunks is familiar with the elements present in film but because it's familiar, it's harder to parse how or why these elements are meshed together to make the whole. he's just "watching" them without really thinking about anything and as such, doesn't gain anything.
But because Goten isn't accustomed to watching movies all the time, he can look with unclouded eyes. Not just watching, but observing and taking all of it in.
Its the difference between hearing and listening if that makes sense.
(One last tidbit which isn't super important. I mentioned earlier a guest room. It was yamcha's. When he moved out, he didn't really take a lot of things with him, choosing to leave some of his clothes and most of his movies behind. Bulma probably told him that he could just leave his stuff there in case he ever wanted to visit. The only movie he bothered to take with him was Caddyshack. For some reason. Why)
peace 🌷
I mean this as a kindly reminder and I'm saying this to everyone: you can always make your own post / reblog the post in question in order to add on to it. You can get your name out there. Look alive... It's showtime. I mean I will always faithfully post asks (I cannot guarantee in a timely manner) but never forget your options there.
(For instance perhaps posting your own words on your own post stands to grant them more respect, rather than forcing them through the filter of somebody else's input in order to be posted - as is the reality of sending asks. I can tell when someone really cares, and I appreciate that, and I try to be faithful to that, but I also like to babble. Maybe some posts ought to be stand-alone?)
(Gotta raise my glass to this though becasue i found out today [I would have found out a week ago if I had bothered to check my email] that I may or may not be helping my school start a film club so TBH i gotta appreciate this ..... and I gotta respect the grinde.... It's funny thouhg because you know I actually hate watching movies. When the time comes I ought to come back to you and the other user for recommendations. Well anyway back to the ask)
OK Well this is some real shit you just said. I fully agree. It coheres with what was already said although with some extra sensitivity ...
Reposting this segment for a TL;DR becasue I thought it was an elegant conclusion:
Trunks is familiar with the elements present in film but because it's familiar, it's harder to parse how or why these elements are meshed together to make the whole. he's just "watching" them without really thinking about anything and as such, doesn't gain anything. But because Goten isn't accustomed to watching movies all the time, he can look with unclouded eyes.
I mean really it all comes down to Trunks being a Modern CityBoy; he's used to background noise, he's used to mindless entertainment. Goten doesn't have things in his life that are meant to be taken for granted, though, so that just makes him overall more attentive and appreciative.
That's the greater discussion here ... A veiled call for action for us all to try to look with fresh eyes upon our own lives ....
Really, If Trunks isn't taking to the creative storytelling aspect of it, he should at least take a shining to the technological artistry. Maybe he doesn't care why or when, but he does know HOW they do what they do. That'd be swagg. But then he'd have to do research on something that isn't Minecraft related. Sighhhh
BTW Thanjk you for addsing that Caddyshack bit in there for me. Mondo appreciated <3
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peaterookie · 2 years
Lupin III Chapter 40 Review
hi tumblr it's me day 2 let's see how long i can go for once again never take any of this seriously this is just for fun ok thanks
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this chapter starts out with a sussy looking man trying to escape out of prison!!! who the fuck is he????
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from the left bottom panel over there we can see that he's been caught by the police, who then escorts him in a car with two other people who seem to know him
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look at their faces thats very sus
then we switch to kid lupin in his mansion listening into the convo happening in the police's car it seems to be connected to the police's walkie talkie but suddenly! he is in shock and bolts out the house what did he hear in the walkie talkie?? and where is he going???
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well well well the walkie talkie speaks of the various prison escapees... and one of them, the man whom we saw escaping earlier WAS NONE OTHER THAN LUPIN II, HIS FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!
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i hate him so much anyways ahem ahem Lupin iii on the other hand runs out to a cemetery, which houses the gravestone of his father?? he is equally just as shocked to hear this chapter plot twist, his father whom he thought was dead was alive all along!?
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apparently it was arsene lupin that told him that his father was dead, we never get told why he did it, but i wonder maybe because a lupin who fails at his job is no longer a lupin in his eyes, so since lupin ii was captured and thrown in jail, he is nothing but dead to him it can also possibly explain why lupin iii got put in so much rigorous training at such a young age and become conditioned to pass on arsene's legacy because his son couldnt but enough with overanalyzing the plot, let's move on
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ANOTHER lady (i dont think its been the same one since this entire kid lupin series???) appears and says that she's known the truth for years now and i guess they just go back to the mansion ah yes ive learned that my father is actually alive lets not do anything about it nah jk hes probably trying to process everything poor kid
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going back to lupin ii's side, the police turns out to be one of his allies and gets them out of prison along with handing them guns n shit then one of his friends just shoots the police??? and lupin ii is reasonably pissed like wtf you killed the dude that worked with us then the guy reasons that the guy is still a cop and they still shouldnt trust ok whatever fine lets go with that then
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i cant bro is so angry apparently in this panel he says "HE WAS MY BEST CONTACT!" and im just wondering what he meant by that maybe its just tokyopop translation spouting bs again but it may just be something from the og manga im thinking maybe he was trying to monitor lupin iii? currently the plot isn't at the point where i can explain my idea though
now his next plan is to find lupin iii, whoom he claims is posing as a fake and his son was supposed to be dead???? shits getting wild
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theres so much shit to absorb in just these panels
the cityscape looks so fucking cool???? i want to draw like that…
anyways lupin iii gets attacked by them prison men! lupin iii sees his dad and hes like you're not my dad prove it to me then lupin ii is like you're not my son!
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then they like fight or something
lupin ii holds the woman earlier hostage and is about to rape her, then lupin iii says that they're surrounded by the police and hes about to get arrested anyway (this is so stupid) then lupin iii leaves thinking hell get arrested, and it turns out that the woman and lupin ii were just faking it and this was just a test for lupin iii
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Panel 1: "You can put your clothes on." "Oh, are we done now?" Panel 2: "He's not ready to take over the family business." "Well, at least tell him the truth, you owe him that much." Panel 3: "Not yet." "Not until he proves his worth."
the lupin family is just like a traditional asian family you better start burning at least 90 houses until you're allowed to eat dinner again then lupin ii retreats and dresses up as a police officer, he tricks the detective guy (from the earlier chapter) into thinking that he has escaped into the mountains
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then he hops on a motorcycle to escape, and oh? it seems like lupin iii already found out his plan and was camping in the sidecar to wait for him but unfortunately… his father rams him onto a tree.
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great job lupin ii great treatment of your son you havent seen in years :thumbsup: but this is the end of the kid lupin chapters! we will be resuming back to the monkey man tomorrow. (nevermind i have something else planned for tomorrow no chapter 41 til thursday) lupin ii will never been seen in the lupin manga for a long long time…
also i like how this chapter singlehandedly explains why motorcycles with sidecars are no longer a thing anymore today.
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sebyplay · 2 years
A Confession To make (mileven angst slight byler)
mike barge into elevens room at 2:30am with a cold sweat all over him, el is in the shower because she need to cool off, after she wash herself she come out in the bathroom with a white robe that cover herself… she was about to take it off but she was shock to see mike in her room she almost attack him, but he dodge it and said "its me its me its me, el" el finally calm down and left a sigh, she ask him to get out in her room for a minute she will just dressed herself up, mike left the room and after a minute el told him to enter, mike close the door and just stood up there near the window el look at him and ask why is he here in a cold but soft tone. his body started to shake and his voice is breaking, el look at him with a confussion but a concern face while sitting on her bed side… he took a deep breath and whisper to himself here goes nothing… "E-El... i- umh have something t-to say... i know i have been a such a jerk this day, i start to ignore you and not saying "i love you" and its very wrong... i dont want you to cry or be sad just because of me being an idiot, "he look at her with some tears on his left eye he bend down right infront of her and took her hand el looks so very confused, mike starting to cry and finally said something
"el... i- i think i am more into boys then girls.... im so so so so sorry el..." he cried on el's soft hand, the room suddenly become quiet, the room felt so cold, the window is open to let the moon light give them a little light... after the moment of silent and crying, el pulled her hand away, and stand up quickly she look at mike and mike look at her confused bacause shes not crying...
El: you finally said it.... it wasnt that bad right? its not that hard to tell a truth mhhh?
mike is very confused: w-what are you talking about...
el: mike... im not that stupid you know?
mike was just looking at her while his on his knee
el: i know you already fell out of love on me mike... every letter you sent me i know this is not ment for me... i know that everytime i say "i love you" you wish it was someone saying that to you... i know that everytime i hug you, you wish your hugging someone else AND I KNOW everytime i touch you or kissed you, you wish that was someone.....
mike: el.....
el: i also know mike.... that someone is not a girl... its a boy and its will
el have tears all over her eyes but she kept holding it back, mike stand up quickly about to explain himself and comfort her but was stop when el started to talk again
mike: i- i could explain-
el: i know it mike.... i see how you look at him, the way when your around with him, the way you laugh with him, the way you smiled... i never seen you like that when your with me... and the way you will give up everything just to be sure his fine, its umh, its enough for me to understand that you like him than me.
mike: n-n- no its not like that el i-
el shouted: oh stop lying michael wheeler i know you like him! even a blind man could see it!!!!
mike suddenly become quiet, he just stood frozen there realizing how obvious he was... that he forgot el is still with him, el sit back down on her bed and look at him with a sad expression in her face...
el with tears on her eyes: you know mike.... i have this what if's... like- what if... you didnt find me in the woods…? what if... i didnt open any gate? what if, i didnt help one, what if- i didnt ever exist...
mike look at her with a fear in his eyes and some tears running down in his cheeks: what are you trying to say el....?
el look at him with her brown eyes: im trying to say... maybe if i didnt exist maybe will didnt go missing and joyce will be alright, barb, billy, bob and everybody would have been alive, hopper would still be a chief, AND MAYBE you, lucas and dustin would still be friends, you guys didnt have to fight, maybe you would have been friends with max... you and will could have been together...
mike sat next to her saying thats a bullshit what if, without her hopper wouldnt be happy.
el: yeah... but- will have always been in love with you... he will always paint and write poems about you and somehow made a song for you...
mike blushed after hearing what el said he couldnt believe it will have feelings for him! and he didnt even notice it. he looks so happy but it fades when he looks at el whos smilling faintly...
el: you and will deserve each other... after all the suffer will have been through he needs someone that will always ready to cheer him up and will make him feel safe... and thats you mike.... go get him.
she stand up smilling and took mikes hand and said:
el: mike... you and will are always been a good couple... you know him for almost a decades and you only know me for a year... im sorry if i choke you in this relationship.... will is always infront of you but you cant see him and you cant move to the otherside with him because theres a wall blocking the way and some strings attach behind you... and that was me... but for now on im cutting the strings and im breaking the wall for you can see and be with will... in short im letting you go now mike...
mike is crying while el holding his hand he then look up to see el and hug her while they both have tears in there eye... el cupped his face.
el: mike... i support you whatever you are, im glad you finally found yourself.
el crying: meeting you was a very nice dream mike... but its time for both of us to wake up.
mike crying on her shoulder: thanks el... but- what if im late? what if he doesnt like me anymore..?
el: he still likes you mike, you still have the time to get him its not to late... go win him mike, dont ever let him go..... you once let him go dont ever try to repeat that again....
mike smiled finally and thanks el for understanding him... and supporting him he then left because its almost 4am he needs to go home or his parents will find out he snuck out he will be grounded... mike and el hug for the last time and then he left, el stared at the window watch him leave while crying...
el: you were my once upon a time... but i am not your happily ever after....
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 7-8
(The time brothers and vermillion warriors joking and goofing up)
Wu (tied up as a prisoner):😐
I love how ppl recognize Nya as a part of the team now
Acronix: Im posting this on instabook.
Krux: Why must you ruin every moment with your devices!!!
theyre just like my family fr
Zane: My temporal scanner was damaged during our fight with the vermillion warriors
Jay: (giggles)
Zane: I dont see what you find funny Jay 🤨
Jay: I still think ‘vermillion warriors’ is a stupid name-
Kai, I get that your dad MADE that helmet but that thing is so clunky and huge like just put it down for a second my guy 😭
Lloyd: Wait, what’ll I use to get to the museum
Misako: Well, I WAS saving this for your birthday…
(Shows a whole ass ship)
where TF are these old parents getting these goddamn military weapon rides 😭💀
Its so fucking funny bc Misako was like ‘no, i shouldnt tell you, Wu made me promise.’ And Lloyd says one sentence and suddenly shes spilling everything
I love how excited Zane looks here.
The Ninja aren’t fazed at the fact that Wus aging AT ALL 😭
Kai: Youre soooo fixated on your samurai x suit 🙄
Nya: Says the guy carrying around the snake warriors helmet 🤨
Love when they act like siblings
Tell your sister Kai she deserves to know
Kai: Do you know who this stamp belongs to?
Nya: No…
Kai: Our father.
Zane how are you NOT worried that Pixals still offline, like shouldnt you be freaking out 😭
He seemed to nonchalantly happy too
Like he was too excited being in Lloyds destinys shadow ship to be worried 💀
Does Lloyd even have a drivers license-
Kai: A blacksmith puts a mark on everything he makes. And our fathers mark is on every vermillion warriors helmet.
This is making me sad.
Wait, Kai doesn’t think his parents are alive? He thinks they USED to work for the hands of time.
Nya, girl, I love you but this IS concrete proof of your parents being traitors. Like, yes, its explained later that theyre not. But Kai IS making total sense and hes allowed to be angry about it 😭
Nya: Kai, that makes no sense!
Kai: (slamming his fists against the machinery)
(Whirs to life)
Nya: Whatd you know! Thought that only worked in cartoons haha…
Jay: All this stuff is junk! (Throwing around artifacts trying to look for a secret door)
Zane: (losing his shit by running after Jay and trying his best to keep all the museum artifacts safe)
Jay: (notices Zanes running after him)
Jay: (picks up a pot, jumps back in forth and watches Zane follow him, throws it purposefully to break it)
Zane: AAAAAA (catches it)
Jays such a little shit 💀
I love how much spotlight Nya and Kai are getting this season :)
Ohhhhh, i get it, the episode name is ‘secrets discovered’ because they all discover secrets…
I already know samurai x is pixal but I wanna know if Nya figures that out this episode
Honestly, this isnt that shocking since we, the audience, already knew half these ‘secrets’
the most exciting discovery is probably Nya and the theif behind her samurai suit
Its finally confirmed.
Pixals such a fucking character i love her sm
Pixal (modifying her voice and changing it to sound like other people to throw off Nya): Maybe im ronin… or maybe Dareth???
This scene literally registered Pixal as a favorite character of mine.
Nya: Good moves, but thats takes you being Dareth out of the question.
Pixal (changing to Misakos voice): Your right, maybe im Misako?
Nya: LIAR.
Pixal: Or maybe im Garmadon, he always did have a nasty side.
You cant tell me Pixal is not having the time of her life toying with Nya.
Zane (in the time brothers secret lab): Whats weird is that theres no computers or modern equipment…
I wonder why.
They found the secret tunnel!!! Itll be so funny if they find the hands of times secret hideout when the time brothers themselves couldnt find it one time
Kai: Theres only ONE person who can understand what Im going through…
Im genuinely curious who the hell else has an evil parent other than Lloyd and even then Garmadons not really evil.
Pixal (using Nyas voice): I cant tell you my identity! I hide it to protect the innocent, my friends and allies would be at risk if my enemies knew who I really was. You were me once YOU KNEW THIS!!!
Yeah… and when Kai learned Nya was samurai x NOTHING BAD HAPPENED.
Nya isnt gonna tell the enemies who u are, like what??????
Nya: Whoever you are, you have proven you are worthy of having my samurai x suit :).
Pixal (in nyas voice): thank you :)
Nya: but stop using my voice. Its creepy.
I fr didnt get why some people shipped Pixal and Nya until I watched this episode, they have such strong chemistry, especially in understanding each other.
Nya: Also, reds my thing, you gotta find a new color…. Skylor 😏
Pixal (using skylor voice): A girls gotta have her secrets…
Honestly, pixal is so much better than me if I were her id be laughing my ass off in front of nya, tears and everything.
I cant believe Jay and Cole just ambushed and pummeled Scales and scales junior 😭 not to mention they kept beating them even when they weren’t fighting back until Lloyd put the lights on
The ninja are probably like the corrupted police to the serpentine
Scales: And this is my son, scales junior
Jay: Ha! How long did it take you to come up with that imaginative name???
Dude 😭 srsly?????? Not even an apology for beating up a kid like cmon
Scales Jr.: Out of my way, BLUE BOY. (Shoves jay)
Jay: Why are you looking for the vermillion warriors???? Trying to JOIN THEM????
Jay just stfu lay off them pls 💀
Scales: You don’t know what your dealing with, do you? The vermillion warriors are the pure first generation progeny of the great devourer….
THANK YOU SCALES. guess that answers the question of what the vermillion warriors are
I like to think Lloyd visits the serpentine here and there since he did control them in season 1. He had to have had made a few connections with some
Jay: Sorry if i uh, jumped to conclusions junior, haha…
Jay: I kinda like that kid!
Jay: Haha! Now I KNOW I like him.
Kai: Its just so, shocking. To find our your father, someone you idolized your entire life, turns put to be evil… It makes you question everything you know and are…
Kais really going through it huh. like damn
Nya: I figured out who samurai x is!!! Its skylor!!!
Skylor: Am I now? I had no idea… does that mean I get that cool suit?
Love skylor
I am so attracted to her
Kai: Nya… Our parents are alive.
Howd you figure that one out kai 😐
Skylors so right tho, they arent their parents legacies.
Nya: Lloyd found Krux and Acronixs secret base!!!
Kai: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!
Skylor: Wait! If you guys need any hel-
Nya: To-go bags? No thanks.
Skylor: ….
Skylor: I guess good quality noodles is all im good for…
If Skylor remembered skybound she probably wouldn’t feel this way ☹️
Im so pumped I cant wait for Nya and Kai to see their parents
Lloyd: And if we execute this perfectly… we should be able to save everyone.
Yeah we have 2 more episodes I highly doubt that
Lloyd: No pressure, but all of ninjago is depending on us.
Yeah. No pressure
Damn. Wu really has some issues.
I love how we delve deeper into Wus fears and insecurities this season
It makes you realize hes just human
I also hope Wu realizes hes made a lot more mistakes than he lets on
Wus nightmare Morro: Youve made many mistakes master… many.
“You didnt have to do all this alone, we could have helped you.”
“Just ask for help.”
“You dont have to be alone.”
“You arrogance has left you alone.”
Damn, we’re really going deep into Wus character huh
Zane mission: locate cyrus borg
Jay and Coles mission: rescue the workers
Lloyds mission: save master wu
Nya and Kai’s mission: locating krux and acronix
Fuck yeah lets gooooo
Zanes acting like those guys who dont know wtf to do when their gf leaves for the weekend 😭 like bro do things yourself you dont need Pixal to do everything for you
Wooo lets go bruise team
Jay (whispering as he slips with he grappling hook): Not good not good not good not good 😰
Ohhhh i forgot that the time brothers kidnapped all the blacksmiths in ninjago
Jay: shhhh we’re here to rescue you- AGHH (gets jumped)
Karloff- Karloff. You’re choking him 😭
Cole: DAD?!?!?
Is airjitzu a thing in newer episodes?
Krux is such an idiot
I feel so had for cyrus borg 🥲 hes trying his best to sabotage them but is always getting caught
Why is borg always kidnapped by villains, give my man a break 😭
Zane sounds so hopeless :(
Why is Lloyd so aggressive 💀 his first move is always a high double kick to the gut and he's ALWAYS the first to swing
Jay. I get that you can't airjitzu karloff out but to say the whole plan it a bust is just stupid. COLE HAS SUPER STRENGTH.
Sometimes ninjago has the stupidest plotholes
Jay: Does anyone know how to independently power a 200-foot industrial-grade carbon elevator in three minutes!!!?!?!!!!
Blacksmiths: ...
Cole: ... I was thinking ladder.
Can Kai stop keeping Nya in the dark-
Like dude just tell her your looking for your parents
God this scene is actually so good though
Kai's father: Your red like a vermillion warrior, but you are no snake...
Kai: I’m not, but you are, TRAITOR.
He must feel so heartbroken right now ☹️
Same for Ray (I think that's his dads name)
Kai: (hands light on fire)
Nya: (extinguishes it)
Idk why but that was such a sibling thing to do
It's like when your sibling is trying to do something and you slap their hand to stop them
At least Nyas being smart about this
Jay: (shakes the ladder)
(ladder collapses)
Can Wu stop almost dying from tall heights
It's safe to say they're not escaping stealthy anymore
Lloyd: Safe... Your finally sa- (has the gut kick happen to him and falls into a ditch)
Can he PLEASE catch a break
Kai's a mommas boy 🥹
Ohhhh I forgot that their parents made the time blades!!!! That's so cool
Ohhh so they kidnapped them as revenge. Got it
Love Ray explaining everything for us.
God it must have killed them to be taken from their children
This is actually so traumatic
I need a fanfic of Kai learning how to take care of his sister at such a young age asap
The thing is, little Kai doesn’t even look as old as Lloyd did in season 1. And Lloyd was like, 10.
Can you imagine this 6 year old having to learn how to cook and clean the house.
Also i cant get enough of little freckled Kai he is too precious to me
Damn. Both Zane AND lloyd failed at their missions
Zane: I sense Jay and Cole nearby!
Lloyd: You sure?
Zane: Yeah, pretty sure.
I love Jays signature nervous laugh :)
Man, EVERYONES failing their missions
Ray: If the time brothers know you're the key to the last time blade then-
Krux: We’ll force you to retrieve it? Great idea!!
Everythings going to shit
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raiden88 · 2 years
TARS x reader
Doing this because the only one I can find is TARS X CASE.
This is going to be more of a ‘living with’ sort of fanfiction series [?] possible series, let’s see how much traction this gets.
First, my artists’ rendition of a humanoid TARS, for future reference
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Will update it when I get a better drawing of him humanoid.
• also, you were also on the mission
• if you want, you can switch it from tars to case while reading
-Timeskip to after movie ends and cooper saves brand from that other planet we saw her on-
You were waiting at copper station. Waiting…. Waiting for cooper and TARS to get back from their secret mission. Everyone was alerted that there had been a stolen ship, everyone was worried about that, but not about the two who had gone missing that same night.
You were also upset that they didn’t even try to tell you. You thought that after everything you had been through together, they both, or at least one of them, would tell you about their endeavors. But no, you were left alone, worried, and scared, thinking about all of the possibilities. Would they come home? Would you ever see them again? Will they come back with Brand? What has Brand been up to? Is Brand okay? Is she even alive? We’re all the thoughts that kept going through your head like race cars on a racetrack.
You were so lost in your worried and saddened thoughts, that you hadn’t realized that they had returned. “(Y/n)? Is everything alright? You look ill.” You heard TARS’ voice suddenly ask as you were thinking. You looked up to see the cereal box you fell for. “TARS! You’re back!!” You jumped up and tried to give a pathetic hug to the giant packing box of steal. “I thought you guys wouldn’t return, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving! I could have come with you!” You scolded him, obviously upset that you were left alone.
That’s when cooper stepped into your view and spoke. “I told him so that you WOULDN’T come, I didn’t want you to come with in case we could make it back.” He explained half heartedly. “You, the man who survived a black hole, was worried you wouldn’t return? I call bull.” You rolled your eyes slightly, not taking the man seriously. “Okay, think what you want sport, you and slick can catch up while I take ms. Brand here to the doctors to check on her and her vitals.” He helped Brand to walk to the doctors, she seems to have aged quite a bit, maybe 15 or 20 or so.
You do the two fingiré salute, offering your attention to her. “Glad to have you back ma’am.” You said. “Glad to be back.” She retorted, still holding onto Cooper, trying to walk over to the doctors.
You turn towards TARS once again, realizing that you never really let go of him that entire time. You slowly, and awkwardly, let go of him, being slightly embarrassed. “Sorry”. You laughed, stepping back and letting the rather large Nokia 3310 move around as he liked. “It’s of no problem to me, I enjoy your affection.” He explains, moving his body to a sort of sitting position. “Thats good to hear, I think.” You we’re worried that he may judge you for your affection toward him, cause come on, he could pass for a lampshade, and you still love him.
“How was it here while we were gone?” He asked, rather curious. “Well…. More windows were broken, we have had three harvests, aaannnd they came up with a new technology that seems rather odd to me.” You name off, counting on your fingers while thinking of the most prominent things you could remember. “What kind of technology?” He asks, turning to you lightly, seemingly very curious. “I don’t know, but it reminds me of that one game I played a long time ago. WhT was it called… it started with a ‘D’. Hmmmm.” You thought for a a few, then, “AHAH! Detroit: become human! That’s it!” You exclaimed excitedly.
“Wow, they just keep enhancing every day huh. Those machines must be happy with their bodies.” He said, though you could send some sort of sadness. “Hey, everything okay TARS?” You asked, slightly worried about this handless drawer. “Oh yes, I’m fine, just hard getting around with this bull sometimes.” He somewhat hurriedly explained. “I could talk to them if you want, I can see if they can somehow, I don’t know, transfer your data?? Or your conscious? If you’d like me to that is.” You add that last part swiftly and look at him worriedly, hoping not to have pressured the microwave.
He seemed to be thinking about it because of how long it took him to answer. “I think we should do it.” He stated, turning to you fully. You were still stuck on the word we, but you were still excited. “I can’t wait then.” You smiled to him, happy about what was to come.
Please tell me what you think so far!
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alexxs-stufff · 1 year
okaay, anyone dont know who is Sophie. she is right hereeee ⬇️
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yup. thats not what are u expected from "Spark's adopted child", isnt it? i will explain to u abt her.
first of all - who is she? is that cat or something else? she is a fox-wolf hybrid, if i can say so. because of that, she had very poor health as a child, wounds healed for a long time. due to being a half-breed, she has a rather small snout compared to her parents. and parents hates her. why? she was half-breed. in their tribes (foxes and wolves) half-breeds like her were treated rather badly, and it doesn't matter if they were in good health or not, in the wolf tribe they were either killed without mercy or eaten. as you already understood, Sophie's father suggested that her mother eat their daughter, to which she replied: "let her stay, you never know, suddenly she can resist someone." but her father if he not eat his child, then he will torture her. because of THIS Sophie's left arm, as u can understand, because of father.
and tbh, sorry, Chuwush, im not copy backstory of your one character, just to know, Sophie was created in 2015≈, and then her redesign was in 2020. so pls, sorry if it looks so familiar.
Sophie doesn't know much about the world around her. mother did not let her daughter out, feed her only bones from the meat, did not give her due attention, and beat (or hit) her for every sound she made. the one thing that her mother made for her daughter - she taught her daughter to write and read. but we have "BUT", her mother MADE her write with her right hand, as writing with her left hand was "against nature" as she says.
and here it is! Sophie is ambidexter cuz of her mother and she was just comfortable writing with her left hand!
unfortunately or not, but the "wolves" violated the treaty by killing one fox, which was strictly prohibited by the treaty. because of this, the war began. many who died. what am i talking about, everyone died. no one was left alive. children, women - all were killed. even Sophie's mother and father. do you think that Sophie was happy about the death of both parents? no. she sincerely mourned for them, blamed herself for that war. but there was no time to simply mourn them, the smell of corpses urged her to run away from here while she still could.
aaand, after all of that, Sophie started survived only and only by herself. and she even learned to hunt small birds, mice, etc.! she soon forgot her parents, not even remembering their appearance. a few months later, Sophie soon find out she had already gone far. she was able to get there. able to get to the Smog City! u think she already meet Spark? not this time. at first she did not appear in public, knowing that formie would hate her and want to kill her or something worse. so she tried to steal things from them without being noticed. food, cloth, shoes, etc.
abt 4 month later, formies noticed that massive robberies had begun, but she (Sophie) only robbed food stalls, shoe stores, and so on. news channels talked about it.
one day, Sophie again tried to steal food from a nearby store, trying to be extremely careful. "come out and we'll show you our friendliness!" she suddenly heard. the voice was hoarse and rather loud. it was Mark. "b-but dont worry! we wont hurt you!" she heard later. that was Austin (u dont know him). they are "hunted" for Sophie, like u remember, the news. Sophie was scared, very scared, she didnt know what to do. she started to run away from them, Mark noticed her and ran after her. maybe Mark noticed that this time or Sophie was agile, but she was able to somehow hide somewhere in the wilderness of the area, in the trash can. "where the HECK are that creature?!" exclaimed Mark, losing sight of the fox. "Mark? what are you doing there?" suddenly heard blue formie. he heard Spark of himself, stood next to Mark. "huh? i just umm.. ahem... did you saw small creature with ears and tail?" having calmed down, Mark asked Spark. maybe suddenly he saw where Sophie had fled. "mmm, not really. i just walked around the city at night, not seeing any creatures with ears and tails." Spark answered confidently. Mark thought about it and decided to look for Sophie elsewhere, leaving the jester alone. "okay sir, sorry for disturbing, good night." said Mark, and leave Spark alone. Spark looked around and walked over to the trash can. "c'mon lil' one, you can get out of that trash." after these words, Sophie still showed up in front of Spark, but was in no hurry to leave that trash can. "poor thing... hey, do you want to eat something? i can buy you... a burger! you want some?". Sophie nodded. later, Sophie sat on a bench and waited for Spark to come, he told her to wait here. "here it comes! here." when she heard the jester, Sophie saw him handing her a burger, she sees a burger for the first time, she eats it carefully. "th-thank you... mr..." Sophie hesitated, remembering the jester's name. "Spark. you can call me Spark." answered Spark. "thank you.. mr Spark.."
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Homecoming v.2
...get it.. because the first chapter of my long form sayuri fic is called "homecoming" and this would be version 2... funny... no you dont get it.. thats ok...
Day 6! :) Uh, I had sooo much on my mind for this one and i shortened it quite some so it wouldn't get out of hand. But there is sooo much still in my brain that will never come out. Classic "In my head AU"
Blink and you miss it reference to @depressedhatakekakashi's Yua because when I thought of this scenario and where Kakashi possibly could have gone, she would not leave my mind.
Uchiha Sayuri is this bitch
Role Reversal Au (but not like a total role reversal, Sayuri still has her scumbag father)
Rated M (there is mention of domestic abuse in here)
4116 words
for @narutoocshipweek Day 6: Role Reversal.
On an Anbu mission out of town Sayuri stood face to face with a ghost.
On an Anbu mission out of town Sayuri stood face to face with a ghost.
She didn’t need more than one look to realise who she had stumbled upon, the hair silver grey and white as it used to be, the uncovered eye lazy and disinterested. He was tall now, yes, stronger, larger, but he was still the same. No matter how many years she hadn’t seen him, she still felt hot now that she was back in his presence.
That Hatake Kakashi hadn’t died wasn’t a secret to her. In fact, she hadn’t thought him dead the moment he had run away. Kakashi was not a shinobi of second class. He had been Jounin at the age of 12 and not for no reason. No, Sayuri hadn’t believed what people had told her that he had died when he ran away from his shame and anger and disappointment. Neither had Rin, for what it was all worth. All of them had strongly believed that he was still alive somewhere, holding on, doing whatever it was that took his mind off things. But as years passed many lost their belief, even Gai after a while thought it must have been true. If Kakashi were still alive he would have sent them a message by name, he would have to have a reputation. There weren’t many people with sharingans running around.
But Sayuri had always known that he was still alive and around somewhere. At least since the mark on her wrist appeared and branded her. Soulmates were a weird concept that she could not wrap her head around until it was suddenly there. Three little symbols on her 14th birthday marking his name on her left hand. She couldn't exactly tell people that she knew he was still alive. Also because part of her wished to never see him again after everything, Rin dying, Kushina dying….. She didn’t feel like explaining this to him.
Running from him forever however just put her right here in this place with him. He was wearing armour, his hair long and pulled back in a tiny ponytail not unlike the way his father had worn it when he had come back from whatever place he had travelled to that had kept him from Konoha as long as it did. Back when he appeared with a child but without a wife and refused to talk about the circumstances. Sayuri of course had not yet been born back then, but her father had complained about it often enough.
Kakashi’s eyes shot up as if he could feel her stare on his face and their eyes met for the first time in almost 10 years. His were still as grey as ever and hers were the signature black that the Uchiha genes provided. He nodded and Sayuri nodded back. What else was there to do? She slid over to his table and sat down on the opposite side without asking if it was alright with him, placing her Anbu mask on the table next to her.
“Your mask is a dog”, Kakashi stated without introduction or hello or other conversation starter. “That’s a fun twist of fate is it not?” 
She didn’t feel like telling him that it was a Hound, which was yes, a dog, but bigger, and that yes, she had picked it because she had remembered his dog pack back from when she was young, instead a million other questions swirled around in her mind. And though she should have maybe asked “Where were you?” or “Why didn’t you message us that you were alright?” or “What the hell are you wearing?” The words she settled on were more personal and expressed a deep pain in her heart that she had maybe always felt, but that was definitely bubbling to the surface now.
“Why did you leave me?” 
This was probably not the right thing to ask, seeing as Kakashi hadn’t left her personally. He had just left their village, their teachers, their friends -one of whom happened to be Sayuri. But it felt like a direct slide to her, now that teachers and friends had died or moved on, she could not help but feel angry and disappointed at it. Here he was, all grown up and healthy and happy from the looks of it and that stung more than she could admit out loud.
Kakashi waved to the barman and he brought two sake cups to place before either of them. He drank the entire cup before he spoke, throwing the long hair into his face. He wasn’t wearing a hitai-ate anymore, but his sharingan eye was covered by a thin bandana bearing rune-like symbols that Sayuri had never seen. He sighed deeply: “You must have known I was still alive out there.”
Not a reply to her question, he was just evading what she had accused him of. Of course, he was aware she had known he was still alive. Sayuir’s eyes darted to her left wrist that was at the moment covered under her thick black gloves and then to his hands, which too were behind gloves. If she had his name it meant that he had hers. At least theoretically.
“You could have contacted me”, she now said and the words were bitter on her tongue. Kakashi just shrugged and leaned back in his chair. “I did not think I had anything to say”, he replied and sounded like a spoiled little child.
Sayuri took her own sake cup and drowned it down, filled it and downed it again. “Gai thought you were dead”, she said bitterly. “Does that mean nothing to you?” 
“You could have always told him.”
He must have known well enough by now that the soulmate marks were only visible to oneself, and, at least that's what the legend said, to your soulmate. So Sayuri had tried and failed to inform Gai about Kakashi’s wearabouts, had told him she was sure he was still out there, without mentioning her mark, but Gai had always assumed she was just telling him things to please him. “You don’t have to lie to me, Sayuri. It is ok. I am quite fine.” It had been a hopeless case. Even though he’d been away, there was no way Kakashi didn’t understand that.
“Oh yeah, that would have been so easy, you got me”, she spit out and moved her head away. “Still, I thought you’d be more interested in knowing how we are all doing.”
She noticed that he was wearing a tiny Hatake symbol on his frontal plate. It reminded her a little of the Uchiha crest her father wanted her to wear underneath her ANBU armour plate as if it made a difference. She had objected of course, to no avail. Everybody in ANBu was supposed to know which clan she belonged to first and foremost. IT was disgusting actually.
“I was. But I don’t think I could have just returned after I was away for so many years. Don’t you think they would have asked questions?” Kakashi said and he was obviously right. Had he returned after he was declared dead he could have been seen as a threat to the village. Especially if his answers about where  he was and why he didn’t give notice were unsatisfactory.
“But then again, I’m not sure Minato-sensei would have done that to me”, he continued musing. “He did have a soft spot for me anyway… I assume MInato-sensei did end up becoming Hokage, right?”
Of course, Sayuri laughed which gained her a confused look by her opposite, he did not know that they died. Why should he? But that also meant he was in a place so cut off from the outside world that he hadn’t heard about the Kyuubi. He must also not know about Rin, about the other changes in the world. It was so hard to believe that he was away so long and so thoroughly that he missed the death of two of his most important people.
Sayuri emptied another cup of sake. That was three in quick succession and she was well on her way to getting blackout drunk. Maybe that was the only way she could deal with this situation right now, she thought. “Minato is dead. So is Kushina-sensei and….” Her voice broke before she could name Rin.
Kakashi’s eye went wide, she could see him breathe in and out below his mask. “Died?” His voice was quieter and he copied her and emptied a cup of sake. Who knew how many he had had at this point.
“When I was 13, yes. The nine-tailed fox attacked the village and killed both of them. They left behind a baby son”, Sayuri explained and remembered that night. The screams, the chaos, the specific instructions that they were not allowed to help the fighting shinobi. She had just recently joined ANBU on Kushina’s encouragement and felt utterly helpless and horrible. And then the persecution of the Uchiha made her father even more unhinged than he already was…
“You know if you’d contact me once you saw the burn mark on your wrist, then you’d maybe know about them dying”, she said in anger and tapped with her finger next to his left hand. Kakahi pulled the hand away as if she had burned it and frowned: “I was not able to contact anybody at that age. I’m sorry to hear of their death….”
He really seemed like he meant it. “Whatever”, Sayuri said. “Their son looks exactly like Minato, he keeps the village on its toes. Not that I could take care of a child - can’t even take care of myself…” 
It was weird sitting there with him and drinking sake cup after sake cup with a long lost friend. The guy she used to crush on when she was younger and more naive. He looked so similar to the version of him that had been dominating her mind, but he was so different. The lines around his eyes were deeper and his facial structure was more mature. Also his voice, of course, his voice had dropped down and was now naturally vibrant, filling her ears and echoing off her insides. He looked good, well fed, well grown, not a mess like she was. And that, above all, pissed her off.
“So you have been doing well for yourself, huh, have enjoyed some fruitful years”, Sayuri said coldly, gesturing to his belly as if there was any fat there to make fun of. It was a petty thing to be mean about, of course and untrue on top, but she felt petty. 
Kakashi shrugged his shoulders: “You Uchiha have always been a major pain in my ass, really. It was so quiet with none of you around.” Now he was being petty back at her.
“Oh yeah?! Well you have my brother’s sharingan eye, so show a bit of respect to my family!” Sayuri screamed a little louder than really necessary. Kakashi pulled a brow and she could read the question on his face before he even said it. No Sayuri’s connection to her family had not deepend, no she still despised the fact that she had been born into the Uchiha clan. Using them to win an argument was stupid. Idiotic. Childish.
It was even worse because now people’s heads turned over and put Kakashi into their lenses. A shinobi running around with a sharingan eye for the taking was not usual, especially if they weren’t actually part of the Uchiha clan. Sayuri could clearly feel the eyes of all of them aimed at their table and could sense the killing intent polluting the air. 
“Let’s go into my room”, Kakashi hissed quickly and grabbed her, before she could stop him from it. She had just about time to grab her mask before he dragged her up the stairs into a small room with a tiny futon and a kimono folded over a bamboo chair. At least that answered the question that she hadn’t asked and showed her that he did not always wear this weird armour outfit.
He let go of her hand and she laughed a little cruelly: “Can’t you defend yourself anymore? Did the last ten years make you weak?” Kakashi turned his head, it was a little red with anger. “I didn’t want to cause a scene, something you should understand or not? Anbu squad leader Dog” Kakashi said back and a shadow fell over his eyes.
“Hound, actually.” Sayuri shrugged her shoulders theatrically: “Wouldn’t have surprised me if you had not been able to do something about them. You don’t at all seem like the person you were when you were a child.” She looked up and his icy glare met hers. “I mean except the part of you not caring about your friends and comrades. You were good at that already when you were ten.” She grinned a lopsided grin and knew she was now dangerously close to crossing a line. 
“I do care about my friends and comrades,” Kakashi growled between gritted teeth.
“Ohhh, well if that would be the case, why didn’t you send a message? At least to me?”
“Why do you think you are entitled to have me message you? Why do you think of all the people that I trusted, you were the one I would tell where I went and what I did? You were only a pain in my ass most of my childhood, “ Kakashi’s eyes now were alight with a fury that ignited her own.
Without saying a word she ripped her arm protection off her arms and pulled her gloves down. All of it fell to the floor with a loud clunk and she pushed her wrist into his face: “Because of this! Because I felt like you would want to talk to me about this. Was this nothing to you?” The skin below her left wrist was burned in like the tattoo on her left arm. Three tiny symbols were visible right beneath it and it had Kakashi’s name on it. He looked down on it and stretched his left hand. Then he looked up at her arm.
Sayuri was full of bruises, it was the way she was. Her missions took a toll on her and she was clumsy when she was distracted. Kakashi touched the arm, let his thumb run from her wrist to her elbow and up her arm to her sleeves. He was surprisingly gentle when handling the wounds and his first direct touch in many years made her blush against her will. 
“Who did this to you?”, he asked with a grumble and picked up her other arm to inspect her bruises. She bit her lower lip. There was this inclination to lie to him. It could have been so easy-  she lied to her subordinate Tenzo all the time about it. The reality was embarrassing and terrible and a little hard to admit to herself. But somehow she couldn't bring herself to lie to Kakashi specifically. She squirmed: “I came home late recently”, she explained. “He did not like it.”
“You father?” Kakashi asked and his eyes went wide again. He grabbed her wrist so that his thumb hung over his own name. “He is still hitting you?” Sayuri nodded, though she did not look in his face. “You should be stronger than him now, right?” he seemed genuinely angry on her behalf, “Why don’t you put a stop to this?”
Sayuri tried to get out of his grip but he held onto her even tighter: “I don’t know! He is my father. I have nobody else. Maybe - Maybe - Maybe I deserve this..” She bit her tongue at the last part. She knew she’d said too much. 
He seemed like a slow erupting volcano: “You don’t deserve this. He should not do this. I’ll- I’ll get him to stop…” She laughed a cold unforgiving laugh as a reply: “And how? You don’t even want to go back to the village. You could have helped me long ago, but it did not matter. Rin didn’t matter, Minato didn’t matter… Obito didn’t matter…” She dragged the last name out and knew she was hurting both of them by calling it.
 His face went white and then red with anger. He stepped forward to press her back against the closed door. “Well I’m trying to help you now, am I not?”
“Don’t you think that's a little late?” she spit back.
“Sage, do you ever shut up?” 
“Could ask you the damn same.”
They stared at each other, the air between them sizzling with electricity. He was still holding her wrist with his name under his fingers. Sayuri was breathing heavily now as if the air had suddenly gotten unbearably humid, which was so unusual for the country they were both in at the moment. She stared up at the grey eye and the bandana, and looked into the face of the man who used to be a boy that was her friend. Now he was just… Well, she did not know who he was.
Her fingers found his own left hand and without breaking eye contact she undressed his glove and let it fall to the ground. There were some new scars around his hands, from sharpening swords or kunais or whatever he had been doing, but when she looked down she could see the three symbols engraved there. Her heart jumped a little when she saw it was her name, even if she had known it before. Maybe deep down she’d still be scared that she was somehow misunderstanding this whole soulmate thing.
Strangely mirroring him she let her thumb run over her own name, gently holding his wrist between her fingers. Kakashi let her do this and watched her from overhead. Neither of them spoke for a bit, the fight seemingly on hold like they had both been put in a daze. Soulmate marks were odd and seemed to evade proper research. Nobody knew where they came from and why they appeared and disappeared. And nobody knew what incredible power they held once they were unified next to each other.
There was a pull right behind her ear, as if it was dragging her head upwards. Something magnetic was forcing Sayuri closer to him and she let it happen, let herself get dragged into his orbit. Kakashi too seemed to be pulled in by the gravity and he let go of her wrist to move  finger mechanically up to his mask. They looked at each other one moment and Sayuri was confused and insecure and felt the weight of everything crushing and disappearing around her, but the next moment her eyes fell shut on their own and she just let whatever was happening happen.
Once as kids they had kissed, or rather, Sayuri had kissed Kakashi as a fun prank. It had been so long ago that she’d forgotten most about it other than the embarrassment she had felt after she’d done it and his shocked face. This was not like that time. It was like they had always done this, as if they had kissed each other a million times before this one. It was so easy, so intuitive and it felt like coming home from a long mission. Kakashi pushed forward into her and she let him, a little dazed at the taste of all of it, the encompassing feeling of melting away under the touch of someone else.
They got dragged underwater like in a spiral, hands grabbing each other greedily and fast as if there was sudden hunger involved. The leftover glove dropped and Sayuri who did not know how to get the armour off let her finger get guided by his hands until she figured the clips and slings out, while his mouth explored her cheeks, her neck and her shoulder. Neither of them spoke much other than affirmations and sighs and names. The world ceased to exist and there was only them and their pull to be as close as they possibly could.
Every of his touches felt like a flame moving up her skin, each of his kisses left a little bruise behind that did not sting like the others did. He was careful with her injuries, she found more and more scars on his body. Wherever this body had been in the last ten years, Kakashi had definitely looked after it even when he was injured. There were so many questions that needed answers, but right at this point she just let herself be undone by him. Maybe she should have been angry still, but she found herself unable to think and feel anything but the greatest desire.
Kakashi held her steady when they were done, both on their backs on the floorboards. They hadn’t walked to the futon that was not far from them and had instead stayed on the hard ground, unable to make it one more metre for more comfort. The wild feeling had not yet passed completely, but Sayuri could feel her breath calm under his embrace, could feel herself ease into the crook of his neck. It was like this place had always been her place and in some way this might be true. After all, they had been branded soulmates.
“Come with me”, he whispered into her ear suddenly and she opened her eyes to turn to him. She had pulled the bandana from his head and let his hair fly down over his face in her frency, but he had kept his sharingan eye pressed shut all through it. It made her smile to think that he felt like this moment was too private to share with Obito, no matter how much Kakashi must miss him.
Sayuri reached her hand forward and ran her fingers through his hair: “Come with you, where?” She still had no idea where he had lived most of these years and he had not told her about it. 
“I was in the Land of Iron” Kakashi explained and Sayuri moved away from him a little. The samurai land? Getting in there was surprisingly hard and usually foreigners were killed on sight. If he had lived there for so many years he must have been very lucky. But on the other hand this would explain why he missed so much of the world news. The samurai were notoriously against engaging with the outside world. “Turns out my mother is still alive there” he continued. 
“Y-your mother..” She blinked at him. It worked with the stories she had heard of Sakumo staying away for a few years and suddenly returning with a son and no woman to show for. Maybe she’d stayed there. Maybe she hadn’t been permitted to leave.
Kakashi nodded: “Yes, she was there. I travelled around on my own for a while and then I heard rumours. I did some searching and finally found my way into the Land of Iron, which was very dangerous of course. She protected me though as soon as I found her.”
Not surprising that his mother would be a strong, independent warrior, Sayuri thought and her mind’s eye showed her her only far long gone memory of her mother. “She will protect you too if I bring you, I swear.”
“I’m not sure… I have responsibilities and… subordinates… and Gai…” Sayuri thought of Tenzo, her number two, who was like a brother to her and all the others that had been in her graduating class. If she would also disappear suddenly it would just open old wounds again. She squirmed away from him a little more, though his hand kept hold of her hips.
Kakashi smiled and she saw the kindness in his eyes: “If you want to contact them, we could do that. You could write them all about this, if you want. As long as you leave my mother out, at least for now.” He put his forehead against hers. “I just want you to be safe from him.”
Sayuri touched her own arm and let her own fingers run over the bruises. Her father would probably not care if she’d disappear. He would assume she had died and feel better because of it. Her friends however would surely worry, no matter how worthless she sometimes thought she was. She looked up at Kakashi and knew that he was sincere with what he was saying.
Maybe this was her destiny. They had been marked as soulmates after all. She leaned up to kiss him and he held a hand against her cheek.
“Fine. Let’s go home together.”
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solisavior-blog · 7 years
tfw i returned for no other reason aside for rika suddenly becoming alive.
tfw i realize that a v route is coming soon
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rubysunnday · 3 years
loving hand
request by anon: wait i just saw you don't mind if we send more in than 1 so... 👀 i couldn't really choose between the prompts so here i am again requesting jesper fahey x reader with prompt 4 and romantically if thats alright :)
Summary: Y/N is the worst when it comes to being injured and needing bed rest. Luckily, Jesper just finds her adorable.
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"Lock the door, I dare you, I'll just climb out the window and pull an Inej."
"I'll tie you down to the bed."
"Jesper, please, let's keep what we do at night out of this."
"Yes, sorry. Look, Y/N, please just lie down."
Y/N groaned but reluctantly slumped down in her bed, sulking like a child. "I hate this. I feel so..."
"Stupid!" Y/N exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "I just want to do something - don't even think about," Y/N cut in, pointing her finger at Jesper as she noticed the glint in his eyes.
"I wasn't going to say it," Jesper said, ever so slightly sheepishly. "I only thought it."
Y/N rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, please, we both know that you would have said it."
"Yeah, alright, I would have," Jesper admitted, nodding.
It'd been three days since Y/N had heroically saved Kaz from having his brains shot out by a sharpshooter. She'd taken a bullet to her right side and had given herself a concussion from the force at which she'd tackled Kaz to the ground, but she was still alive.
Inej had worked her magic and stitched the wound shut promising that there would be nothing but a small scar to add to Y/N's already fairly extensive collection.
Her injury wasn't fatal. But an injured Y/N didn't make for a happy Y/N. She hated being confined to one room, unable to do anything for herself. Luckily, Jesper was used to it.
He was the only one in their group who Y/N would listen to. He was also the only one who found Y/N's grumpiness and constant complaining adorable (Jesper really liked the way her nose scrunched when she got mad).
Jesper moved away from the door he was guarding and perched himself on the edge of the bed Y/N was lying in. He reached up and brushed back her hair, his fingers softly tracing her hairline as he tucked it behind her ear.
"No one is expecting you to magically heal in three days, love," Jesper said quietly, dropping his hand back to his side.
"I just wish I could do more than just lie here," Y/N muttered, rubbing her forehead. "Like, if I was on the third floor I could limp down to Kaz's office and help him with something."
Jesper smiled, fully understanding her urge to do something, anything, instead of just lying there like an invalid. Whenever he'd gotten injured, the waiting to heal had driven him mad. He needed to move, he needed to do something and being stuck in a bed was not conducive to that.
"Well... we could, maybe, try and get up there," Jesper said slowly, an idea forming.
"You are not carrying me, Jesper, I'm humiliated enough," Y/N said, wincing as shooting pains began coming from her injured side.
"No, no, I was thinking more along the lines of you trying the stairs and me hovering behind you in case you fall," Jesper replied, not wanting to make Y/N feel more useless than she already did. "It's two flights."
"It'll take us ages," Y/N replied, but Jesper could see the excitement at the prospect of leaving her room appear in her eyes.
"Well, I've not got anything to do tonight," Jesper said, winking. "And then I can carry you back down like your hero."
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Alright, wannabe Saint, calm down."
Y/N pulled aside the blankets covering her and slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed, wincing with every movement as the stitches in her side pulled against her skin.
"Take your time," Jesper said softly, holding a hand out to her.
Y/N inhaled sharply as she reached up and took Jesper's hand, using him as her crutch as she stood up. She swayed for a moment and Jesper's hand snaked around her waist, pulling her close to him.
"Alright?" Jesper asked, tilting his head to look at Y/N.
Y/N nodded, breathing in shakily as she tried to get a grip on her pain. "Yeah."
Jesper let go, taking a small step back to give Y/N the space to move. She took a shuffling step forward and then another. As she climbed up the stairs, she grimaced with pain and was breathing heavily but she kept going, determination on her face.
Jesper opened the door and slowly, they began walking down the corridor and to the stairs.
Y/N paused at the foot of the stairs and Jesper could see the conflict on her face.
"Here, lean on me."
"I am perfectly -"
"I know, but, please, just humour me."
Y/N took Jesper's arm and he tried not to worry at how much she was leaning on him.
"One step at a time, darling," Jesper said, waiting for her.
Y/N nodded and inhaled deeply, pressing her lips together tightly as she put a foot on the stairs and pushed herself up. She stood on the first step for a moment and then climbed up onto the second step.
Jesper took each and every step with Y/N, letting her use his arm for support every time she wobbled. He didn't rush her and he didn't tell her to give up - he just stood by her side.
By the time they got up to the third floor, Y/N's legs were shaking and she was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, breathing heavily.
"Want to sit down for a moment?" Jesper offered, gesturing to the broken chairs leaning against the wall.
Y/N replied by sitting down in one of the lesser broken chairs and wincing in pain as she leaned to the left, easing the strain on her right side.
"Thank you," Y/N said quietly, taking a deep breath at the end of her sentence.
"For what?" Jesper asked, frowning.
"For not flapping around me like a mother hen," Y/N replied, "and for letting me do things my way."
Jesper smiled, perching himself on the bannister, crossing his ankles. "It's fine," he said with a shrug.
Y/N looked up at him and returned his smile. She laughed suddenly. "I just remembered the time you shot yourself in the foot," she explained when Jesper gave her a questioning gaze. "And Kaz had to drag you back to the Slat."
"Ok, I didn't shoot myself in the foot," Jesper argued.
"Yes, you did, Jesper and it was hilarious," Y/N replied, still laughing. "At least I got injured being heroic."
"We're not comparing injuries."
"Yes, we are."
Jesper sighed and closed his eyes. "I do one embarrassing thing and I never live it down."
"It was hilarious."
"It hurt!"
"Hence why it was hilarious."
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merakiui · 3 years
TW: cheating,
MERA MERA I HAVE AN IDEA sooooo s/o and childe and married doing domestic stuff just like what other married couples do then s/o is pregnant to which s/o is happy so she decided to tell childe, but when she comes home s/o saw childe with an another woman to which they are kissing, when childe notice it he tried to explain to s/o that it was all a misunderstanding ( tho it is not) s/o snap and punch him on the cheek same goes for the girl as well, s/o threw her wedding ring and tells childe that she doesnt want to see him anymore but before she leaves s/o looks to childe and tells him that she's pregnant, childe's eyes went wide and try to stop her from going out tho s/o slam the door before childe can say anything...
Its been about a year now ever since that "incident" have happen childe already broke up with his so called "girlfriend" bcuz their relationship is not good hell when they were even arguing she was so close to threw a table at him, where are you? are you ok? do you have a place to stay? are you alive? Heck is our the baby even alive??? how foolish of him why is he still thinking about you? you probably already forget him now, at least thats what he thinks so when his own apartment door open only to be reveal by you he was excited! maybe you decided to come back to him? but something was wrong why is scaramouche here with you?? and why is he carying a child? no why is HE the almighty balladeer who is feared and possibly killed alot of people here with you? And carrying your child?? before he could ask hes view suddenly got block to a paper no not a normal paper a divorce paper
And what hurts even more than the divorce papers or the fact that Scaramouche is with you and his child is the fact that you look genuinely happy with him. It’s one of the first times he actually sees another side of his colleague, one that’s softer and gentler. Scaramouche is actually in love with you and you’re actually in love with him. You have no room in your heart for him and you intend to cut him out of your life through the boring, legal way. You won’t even let him hold the baby…
He can’t accept this. It was a stupid mistake—which is a horrible lie he keeps using in hopes that it’ll become the truth—but you no longer want to hear any excuses. You just want to end this relationship and start anew with Scaramouche and your child. And the thought that the two of you might have a better, more honest relationship than he could’ve had with you… He can’t let that happen now, can he?
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charmixpower · 2 years
Let me explain why I'm screaming
Nymphix in my rewrite is a certified bad idea™ (with great powers comes great blow back and all that jazz), it's essentially near infinite power (to anyone who can control it properly) at a steep price
(Fun fact! The ancestral witches are the witch version of Nymphs!! Maybe a Sylph? Names are hard)
Mostly bc I don't want the girls to achieve Nymphood as thats what I'm making all the weird, cold, accidentally cruel, not quite present Ethereal fairies. You know, the ones that low key tortured the Winx to have them prove themselves when their already Enchantix fairies. Those guys
(Daphne was essentially pushed into gaining the transformation by the ancestral witches who were trying to take over the dimension, and to stop them she needed a lot of power. She didn't have the power long enough to experience loosing herself to the dimensional balance mushrooms)
I'm becoming more and more iffy about Harmonix being a transformation for just going to other dimensions bc that sounds?? Cheap to me
But I was suddenly hit with the idea of Musa rejecting Nymphood and the idea of "compete control over your magic source" because as a guardian fairy she only wants to be in harmony with it and this gives Bloom an idea and they just make their own transformation that isn't as powerful as Nymphix, but doesn't steal a person's sense of self/humanity after enough time
That transform is obviously Harmonix, and Harmonix is essentially the powered up Enchantix from the movie, except more powerful. Like Musa can now hear the songs in people's hearts if she listens because she's in perfect harmony with music, Flora if she concentrates can feel all plant life in whichever dimension she's currently in, same for Aisha and Water and Stella with light. No clue what it does for Bloom as fairy of the Dragon Flame, maybe she can feel the spark of energy in every that's alive? /Shrug
But um, all of this happened because I was maladaptive daydreaming again (yes, I know it's bad habit) and I just saw Musa arguing with the first fairy about how Nymphix tries to take something that is wasn't meant to take and that's why the blow back is so bad, explaining that the key is harmony and??? Accidentally stumbling into Harmonix, technically creating it
Harmonix basically already belongs to Musa, might as well make it offical—
Ok my Musa favoritism will likely be cut (and I really don't wanna do anything past s4....that's time consuming), but like I love the idea
Anyways I'm going feral
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gerry4mike · 3 years
have my ethubs au bcs i like it
several things before i copy paste it here: i explain things quite chaotically so it may be a pain 2 read. also i do not understand tumblr im here because trafficblr >>>> traffictwt Please Dont Exile Me. also there are typos and mistakes bcs i am lazy. its nothin too professional so . can b read as whatever
bdubs is the god of time, one of several gods who were worshipped in the area. nobody knows their names, they are just callled god of time, god of nature, god of life, etc. and they vibe in their god place only sometimes comin back 2 like vibe set some prophets ec. so weve got bdubs, god of time., hes tired, i mean, he has the tiring task of takin care of time and time is a circle that keeps repeating. in the moments of rest he sleeps and repeates his life constantly from the moment of him becoming the god to the current moment. so, bdubs is besties w cleo and cleo is the god of life, but also death. peopple usually think of them as of two different people, ecause the god of life appears in a beautiful light and is wonderful; the god of death is filled w decayin flesh and gray skin. but both of them are cleo. and so bdubs' prophet died, like humans do, so bdubs had to ascend in the form of a human, to find a new prophet. the myth is that if u get handed a specific type of a clock by a human it means that the god of time has chosen you to b the next prophet. so, bdubs chooses a man w a long, white braid and elf ears. but - but ! - the man laughs at him ! "you wont get me this easilt", he says. after talkin w him for a bit, it tunrnrs out that his name is etho and - BOOM ! - he is an atheist ! the only atheist in the whole area and hes pretty well known for that, with people constantly trying to make him believe in the gods. bdubs could give up and find a new prophet, sure, but that etho guy is interesting - so he stays w him. and they talk. and they bond. and they get close. and suddenly, bdubs doesnt want to make him believe in the gods, bcs it would mean that he had to go back. and both of them wouldnt just hang out anymore. thats not good. so they just vibed. and one day, cleo appeared in front of him, with tears running down her cheeks and she told him that those who are above them - those higher than gods, the ones who Watch - have noticed what theyre doing and that such a close relationship between a human and a god shouldnt be. and those who Watch, the watchers, theyre going to take an action against them. "like always", she cries, holding onto his shoulders. "please, bdubs. not anymore”.
bdubs doesnt understand her, but his heart hurts. she dissapears and he wonders, still smelling the rotten flesh. those who Watch - the watchers - they are higher than gods. they are scary. they do not care for anything beyond themselves and their fun. gods are just pawns, supposed to be stuck in their place so the real fun - stupid, impulsive humans - can survive, cause wars and suffer all over again. its entertaining to the watchers. and thats why the gods cant get close to humans - if they grow attached to them, they would stop allowing the humans to be used as sacrificed in the great game of blood, orchestreated by the watchers. bdubs knows this - and yet, he looks at etho, and he cant let go. and he doesnt want to leave him there, in this awful human world. he is different than other gods. maybe he can talk to watchers, beg them to let them take etho with him to the place where gods live and grant him immortality? or to switch their places, so etho can be immortalized and be forever worshipped as the god of time and he, bdubs, could stay on earth as a weak human whos destiny is death? he wishes he could do that. the days go by and one day, when he and etho are in the walk in the forest, laughing - bdubs has never felt so alive before (he has always been stuck in a time loop, resurviving, and now hes living) - when they see a weird sihouletete floating above the ground. etho takes out his bow, because it may end badly for them, and they get closer. the floatring individual has wings on both sides of his head. they are colorful, bright, and they cover his eyes. "bdubs. etho. nice to see you again", he says, tilting his head and smiling widely. they both are confused, theyve never seen him before. "i am here for an execution." the watcher takes out his bow and seems to stare right into their souls, even if his eyes are covered. "once again. an execution of a god who got too close to a human" etho protectively stands in front of bdubs and aims his own bow at the being. they hear a laughter, the sound so similar to creature's voice, yet it doesnt come from his mouth. "god of time, even after such a long time, you cant remember yourself" and he shoots, wihtout hesitation, right at etho. bdubs didnt have much of a choice, did he? either way, hes gonna die, and hes not bringin etho down with him. so he pushed him away, arrow going right into bdubs' throat, causing him to fall on the ground. hes a god. an arrow shot by a human hand wouldnt hurt him, but this was a hand of the one who Watches. it was a deadly shot. pain wasnt something he ever felt before, but right now it was present. it was sweet. and he remembered. oh, he remembered. he laughed bitterely. etho was by his side, asking "why", putting a cloth over bdubs' throat. he didnt get an answer; he only got a clock in return. and when etho held it into his hands, he felt something so different. he dissapeared, appearing in the real for gods, screaming bdubs' name, but then he got confused. what was the word he was screaming? did it mean something? he couldnt remember it nor the letters that were in it. he shrugged, hiding the clock, a symbol of his divine power, into a pocket of his jacket and went to do work. he ehard that he have just lost a prophet, so he has to choose another one, right? ah, the hard life of a time god. several years later, while choosing a prophet, he met a man named bdubs, who caused his heart to hurt. he didnt give him the clock just yet - he wanted to get to know him first. this human made him feel so curious. what was about him, that made his heart ache? in another real, the goddes of life and death was sitting in front of table, once again crying over her friends' souls. her fate was tragic - people were afraid of one of her form while loving the other, not knowing it has always been the same person. but there were gods suffering far more. like the time god, who really was two people, eternally stuck in a repeating cycle. their lives could never change, like a hand of a clock cant change its trajectory.
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anime-alyssa · 3 years
purple scars. (d ragnvindr x reader)
i posted this on ao3 and forgot to move it here - so you get it super long and not 2 in parts. i’m thinking of continuing this, maybe?
thanks for reading and the support! i’m working on a xiao rn hopefully i can get my shit together 
warning: contains some emotional trauma, implied r*pe but nothing is overly graphic. the second half is smut, separated by stars if thats what you want to skip to. 
The bitter cold of Dragonspire finally started to fade away as you crossed over the bridge back into Mondstat for the first time in 10 years. You were bundled up to the extreme, having prepared for the cold, your sword on your back and jacket heavy on your shoulders. Your sword and your jacket were all you managed to steal away before you were able to escape your homeland, Inazuma. You were still dressed in the encampment clothes, your ID number splayed across the chest of the shirt and the boots too big for your feet.
You hadn’t wanted to be gone for 10 years - you wanted to only be gone for a few, to get your Electro under control. But when Baal placed borders around the country and started hunting down anyone with a Vision, life had become a living hell. You were placed in a prison camp and locked away from society shortly after, tortured beyond anything imaginable just for being born with a Vision. The only thing that kept you alive was the hope that one day, if you had gotten strong enough, you would be able to escape Inazuma to head back to Diluc, and Mondstat - were you really felt at home. 
Diluc Ragnvindr was a mystery to everybody, except for you. You found yourself more often than not sneaking onto Dawn Winery’s premises when his father was not around and exploring each other’s bodies, like the horny teens that you had been. Sometimes you thought you could still feel the ghost of his fingertips on your skin at night - and tried to imagine that it was him when the Bakufu would do unspeakable things to you and the other prisoners. It was painful, and left you scarred - would Diluc even want you?
It had been 10 years - you had last seen him when you were merely 16 and he was entering the Knights of Favonius. The two of you fell in love as teenagers - no one expected it to be anything beyond that, but the two of you were convinced otherwise at the time. For you, it was still the same - you thought of Diluc every single day while you were in Inazuma. You could remember the day like it was yesterday - his heartbroken eyes, the cries you let out as you told him that you would be leaving, the way he held onto you. 
“I’ll be back - I promise - I just - I need help that I can’t get here.” you sobbed into his chest. The Pyro users warmth was all around you as he held you in his room at Dawn Winery, his father out for the night, leaving the two of you bare in his bed.
“You better come back, or else I’ll go to Inazuma myself to get you.” his eyes looked down at you and your heart broke at the sight of him - Diluc was never a vulnerable person, but right now he was. One of his thumbs stroked your tears away on your cheeks as his lips peppered kisses up your neck. “I will never forget you. Ever.” 
“Neither will I.” you said with a gasp, as Diluc had given you a night to never forget. 
You had officially reached the other side of the bridge - the cold gone away and the warmth coming back to you. You thought about taking the jacket off, now way too hot with it on, but you didn’t want people to know where you had come from. You didn’t want their pity. There was a small camp with other adventurers and travelers around, the chef offering you food for free before you went on your way. It didn’t do much for you to quell the aching hunger you had and the shaky legs - you weren’t really the best fed and had been surviving off of fruit from trees. In short, you were in no condition to be traveling, clearly sickly and unwell. But you were not stopping now - you couldn’t. Not after all that you had overcome. You hadn’t forgotten about him. 
A series of snarls from the side of you caused you to jump as you saw about four hilichurls coming right for you. You shrugged the jacket off and grabbed your sword, standing your guard as the monsters attacked. You fought them tooth and nail until your vision all but blacked out - you had hit the ground and heard someone calling for you. 
“Hello? Wake up - Lumine - she needs help! Hey, wait - that’s an Inazuma camp uniform!” a high-pitched voice said to you. Your vision slowly came back as you saw a floating - fairy? You didn’t know what she was - but she was floating above you looking concerned next to a young blonde teenager. “Are you okay?” 
“I - I don’t know. Need food - water - Di -” you managed to weakly say, feeling your world spin around you. The blonde teenager ran to the water source across from you - a lake? - to get you a drink of water as the fairy thing fished out something for you to eat. You felt like you were going to die - you were starving, dehydrated, but Diluc, you needed to get to Diluc.
“Here’s some water! Drink this, please.” she said to you kindly. You took the cup and quickly chugged the water, then taking the offered food. “My name is Lumine, and this is Paimon.” You gave them your name back, as they seemed trustworthy, as they sat down next to you and watched you. Paimon looked at you with sad eyes, seeing your uniform.
“Thank you very much. It’s been…. a while since I ate anything. All I have is this.” you said to them, continuing to eat. You were already feeling better, but by the way they were looking at you, you could tell that you were still quite a sight.
“You’re welcome - did you escape Inazuma? Paimon and Lumine were actually trying to find a way to sneak in.” Paimon had announced to you. You froze on the spot and looked up to them.
“What - no. Don’t go there. It’s dangerous - the camps - ” You felt panic start to bubble in your chest, your heart-rate increasing and breathing becoming staggered at the flashes of memories that flooded your mind. Paimon started calling out to you again, trying to calm you. She and Lumine had started to talk amongst themselves, looking at you trying to calm yourself as they made attempts to as well. You tried to remember Diluc - what you could of him, and slowly you were able to calm down. “I’m sorry - it’s just - it’s awful. I was there for 10 years, I was a prisoner.” You sat in an awkward silence before Paimon spoke up again. 
“Hey - Paimon remembers that when you were talking earlier, you almost sounded like you were saying someone’s name.” she said to you. 
“I’m - I’m looking for Diluc Ragnvindr of Mondstat - the Knights - or Dawn Winery - I don’t know where he is, actually. When I left, he was joining the Knights.” you said to them with a sudden hope that you hadn’t felt in years. Even in your journey, you hadn’t felt hopeful. There was always the chance of the Bakufu finding you and bringing you back or dying. But suddenly, you felt some hope. 
“Oh - Master Diluc! Paimon didn’t know he used to be with the Knights of Favonius - that explains why he dislikes them so much now - but he does run Dawn Winery now!” Paimon said, floating happily. She paused for a moment - then looked like some gears had clicked in her head. “Wait a minute - you’re Master Diluc’s lost love!!”
“His what?” You asked. Lost love? Was that what the rumor was? But wait - if there was even a rumor, that meant there was potential that he still cared about you - still thought of you. 
“What Paimon means to say is that Kaeya told us stories about when Diluc was… not like he is now. That he used to be much happier - and it was because of you.” the blonde traveler said to you. 
“What - what do you mean? He’s changed?” You wanted to slap yourself - obviously he changed, it’s been years. But they made it seem like he was completely different - and he left the Knights? When Diluc was younger it was all he wanted to do, so he could protect people and help them. What had changed? You assumed you would find out. 
“Paimon thinks we should take you to him to find out - Kaeya made it seem like you knew him better than anyone, so you would know more. Let’s go check Dawn Winery to see if he is there!” she said happily. You gave her a nod as you shakily stood up, feeling like you had a little bit more energy and walked with the traveler and her companion. 
You learned about her on the way there. She woke up on the beach with no memory, but knew she was not from Tevyat. Her twin brother was missing and she was in search of The Seven to see if maybe that would be a way for her to find him, which explained why she wanted to go to Inazuma despite your warnings. But, she was Vision-less - a fact that shocked you as you could have sworn you vaguely remember her using Anemo during the fight. That little factoid made you feel a little better. 
As you approached Dawn Winery, your stomach started twisting into knots. All of your anxieties came flooding back - would Diluc even want you still? Would he be appalled at the state of you? Would he be able to handle the extra baggage you came with now? Your mind reeled at Paimon babbled on about how maybe you would be good for Diluc to be happy, and how she was looking forward to the food the winery always had for them. You felt yourself fidgeting with the jacket, having put it back on to cover your uniform. 
You saw his red hair from a mile away and froze in your steps. He had gotten taller, but god he looked the same. He pulled his hair back like he always had, muscles built out over the years. He couldn’t see you yet, talking to someone else across from him at the entrance of the winery. Lumine stayed by your side, the teenager having a big heart and concerned. However, Paimon floated on over to him. 
“Master Diluc! Master Diluc! Paimon and Lumine have someone who was looking for you!” she said excitedly. You couldn’t help but admire the creature’s happiness, despite your nerves. You and Lumine walked forward as Diluc turned around - eyes going wide seeing you. Your breath hitched in your throat as you two made eye contact. It felt like all air in your lungs had just disappeared and you were unable to breathe. 
Diluc slowly stepped towards you at first, not being able to believe his eyes. You could tell he was taking you in, observing your features and you to make sure that it really was you. You didn’t blame him for taking his time - you were unrecognizable from before. Your features had thinned out due to the years of neglect from the Bakufu, eyes sunken slightly inward and skin paled. You saw a flash of doubt flash in his eyes - or at least that’s what your brain wanted you to think - and you let out a sob. That seemed to do it for him as Diluc ran over to you in a flash, pushing anybody out of his way to wrap his arms around you. 
It finally felt like you were home, in Diluc’s arms as he held you. More sobs wrecked your now trembling body, overcome with emotion as tears spilled onto his clothing. His grip on you was snug, but not too tight, treating you like you were glass and frail. He was warm, as he always was, while he held onto you like you’d disappear into thin air if he let go. You felt your knees give out, exhaustion starting to hit you, Diluc picking you up to support you. You tried to say something - to say anything to him, but the shaking and the exhaustion was becoming to much and eventually, you blacked out in his arms. 
You woke up on a comfortable bed - so comfortable it almost didn’t feel right. You were sunk into one side with the blankets over you, body bare underneath. Had Diluc been the one to take your clothes off - did he see your scars? Your body suddenly felt good - there was no aching, you suddenly felt healthy? If that was the word for it. You shuffled in the bed, making an attempt to sit up, before you were promptly pushed back down. 
“Lay down - please.” Diluc spoke to you. You turned your gaze over to him, laying next to you, half asleep and half dressed. You covered yourself underneath the blankets as he threw an arm over you, pulling you close to him despite trying to hide. “Don’t do that. Stop trying to hide from me.”
“Diluc - I’m - I’m not the same.” you stammered out. You felt his fingers dance over your bare skin and you gasped, instinctively jumping back. He retreated his touch upon seeing this, examining you again. “I’m sorry.”
“What did they do to you?” he asked. Panic bubbled inside of you once more as you tried to find the words to speak. You wanted to tell him everything. He deserved to know everything if he was still going to be with you. But for some reason, you couldn’t find the words. “Did the Bafuku do this - give you these?” His fingers grazed over the discolored scars on your body, purple marks from Electro attacks embedded into your skin forever. 
“Yes - they would - they punished us when we fought back. All of us - but the females - they would - they’d come at night - ” Diluc let out a low snarl, understanding what you were implying without actually having to say it. “I tried to imagine it was you. Thinking of you is the only thing that kept me alive most days. It was awful - once Baal placed the orders to capture everyone with Visions, they found me in days. The painful part was that I was right at Liyue’s border - I was so close to getting out. That’s when I got this one.” You lifted your left arm, pointing to a series of purple numbers on your wrist. 
“I don’t want to hear where they came from. It only makes me angrier that the damn Knights of Favonius didn’t even try to do anything to help.” Diluc said, cautiously wrapping a bare arm around you, testing the waters. You allowed him the contact - knowing that you were safe. You were safe with Diluc. You just needed to convince your brain the same thing, which would take time that he didn’t seem to mind. “It’s the middle of the night, let’s go back to bed. You need rest.” he said to you. 
You gave Diluc a quick nod as you found yourself inching closer to his chest, resting your head on him. He was warm, as always, wrapping his arms completely around you and pulling you onto him. He never used to be one who liked someone on top of him, even you, and you had respected that - but now it seems like he wasn’t going to ever let you go again. 
You didn’t mind as you attempted to fall into a dreamless sleep - but you were unlucky. Diluc was out in five minutes flat, but every time you tried to close your eyes flashes of the past would come back to haunt you. You weren’t sure if you got a wink of rest at all, until you found Diluc looking down at you, the sun out behind him. Your throat was dry and your face was wet. Had you had a nightmare? You weren’t sure if you had, since you weren’t even sure if you had fallen asleep at all.
“It’s just me - you’re okay. You were having a nightmare, I think.” he said, trying to say it in his calmest voice he could possibly muster. You blinked up at him confused. 
“I - I don’t remember.” you said sadly, racking your brain to see if you could remotely remember, but having no such luck. Your brain was telling you that it didn't want you to remember, you think.
“You were screaming in your sleep. Almost shocked me, actually.” he said, throwing a light-hearted chuckle in at the end. You were not amused though, staring at him with wide eyes as you sat up slowly.
“I did? Are you okay?” you asked him. He looked at you like you had ten heads, confusing you until he spoke next.
“What - are you okay?”
“I think that answer is obvious enough.” You replied plainly. Diluc’s hand went to your chin, bringing your gaze to match his. His thumb lovingly and gently ran across your jawline, and you instinctively leaned into his touch. Slowly, you climbed up onto his lap, and he allowed you the comfort. “I think - I think I’ll be okay now, though. It’s just going to take some time.” You nuzzled yourself back into his chest as he hugged you snuggly, a hum leaving his lips. 
“I’ll be here with you until it is, I swear it.” Diluc pressed a soft kiss on your forehead and you knew then that he meant it just like he did 10 years before.
Slowly but surely, you started to heal, and it was all thanks to Diluc. The nightmares started to slowly fade away and with time, you were feeling happy again. You lived with him at Dawn Winery and took on some responsibilities to earn your keep (though Diluc always insisted that you didn’t need to do so), like helping the staff keep the place running and making sure that Diluc was on time to everything he needed to be. Which was a challenge, especially once you started to feel like your old self again (or what you could of your old self). 
“One of these days, Charles is going to quit and then you’ll be stuck!” you said to him from on top of his desk, his lips on your neck as you let out a sigh. You weren’t quite mentally ready for much more intimacy, and he was okay with that, but you slowly had become re-accustomed to more touches. Diluc was letting you take the reins for what you were ready for and what you weren’t. 
“He threatens to quit every day. He never does.” Diluc spoke against your skin, grunting as you finally pushed him away - and just in time, as Charles walked in to look for him. You hopped off and ran to find Adeline to see if she needed any help. Later on that day, you saw Charles again and he said that Diluc had been in a particularly angry mood for the past few hours. With a sigh, you had hunted him down, finding him in your bedroom. 
“What’s wrong? Charles is going around saying you’re angry.” you said to him. Your partner let out a scoff as he turned back around to you, your eyes immediately going to his middle. You bit back a laugh. 
“Don’t.” he hissed through gritted teeth, face burning as you stepped closer to him. 
“It’s like you’re sixteen again.” you said with a small giggle. Before he could protest, you had him backed against the wall and his pants shoved down, solving the problem yourself. Charles saw you before he left for the night and had said Diluc was in a much better mood the rest of the day. 
You had found out about Diluc’s night-time hero work as The Darknight Hero a week or two after you had returned. Originally, you fought him tooth and nail against it, for selfish reasons - but once he explained what had happened to him over the past 10 years, you gave it a rest and let him go on. With the death of his father and everything that had happened with the Knights and his brother afterward, you almost couldn’t blame him. 
He had put a pause on it when you came back, but people started to talk and worry, and the Abyss Order picked up on it. He had to begin it again, and you worried every single night. Tonight in particular, he had been gone almost all night, and you were starting to worry. It was an hour or two more than what he was usually out, and you were alone in the Winery with your thoughts. To make things worse, it was storming outside so you couldn’t go out to look for him even if you wanted to. 
A crack of thunder caused panic to rush through your chest - it sounded too much like Bakufu punishment for your comfort. You were snuggled under blankets, bringing your knees to your chest as you tried to push the memories away - another crack making an involuntary whimper leave your lips as the shakes came on. You hadn’t panicked like this in months - but the conditions of the storm and Diluc being gone for longer than he said brought it on, and you were nearly unable to control it. 
The door opened and you jumped, not paying any mind to whoever it was that walked through the door as you fought to keep the memories at bay - flashes of them coming through in segments. You heard a curse and then running as you steadied some of your breathing, a hand coming to your face and forcing you to look at your lover. He wrapped his arm around you and brought you close to him, letting you soak up his warmth. 
“You’re okay - you’re okay.” Diluc chanted to you softly. You nodded against his chest as you wrapped yourself around him back, his hand gently rubbing your back. He was right - you were okay. “I tried to get back as soon as I could after the weather rolled in, I’m sorry it took so long.” he apologized from above you. 
“It’s okay.” you mumbled into him.
“No it’s not. I know how it gets - I should have known better.” he pressed a kiss to your hair after he spoke, guilt starting to rise up. Diluc had been overly cautious when it came to you since your return - within days he had memorized anything that sent you into a panic and was there to prevent it from happening. Until today, that is, hence the guilt. You let out a sigh as you relaxed into him. 
“I know you want to protect me, but you can’t always do it, on top of everything else. I’ll be okay.” you said to him, taking your head out of his chest and bringing your lips to his. 
He slowly reciprocated once his mind caught up to his body - realizing that you were initiating, something that hadn’t happened yet since you came back. His arms around you tightened as the kiss became deeper and more passionate, from a tiny little peck to open mouthed pants. Diluc was almost struggling to keep up with you, mind telling him to slow down for you but body betraying him, his need for you coming to the surface. 
Diluc almost lost his mind when he had dragged you closer to him and heard a soft moan leave your lips as you landed on top of the tent in his pants. The moan seemed to be the signal that flipped the switch in Diluc’s head, as he flipped the two of you over, placing your back on the mattress as he towered above you. 
“Are - are you sure?” Diluc asked, needing your complete consent before he went any further. A selfish part of him was hoping you’d say yes, but if you were to say no, he’d have no problem getting off you right now and going on with his night. It was all about if you were ready. 
“Yes. Please Diluc.” you said back quietly. It was his turn to let out a moan at your begging for him as his lips went to your neck, softly leaving pecks up and down both sides. 
“You tell me if anything - anything - is too much.” he spoke against your skin, coming back up to make sure that you understood. Diluc felt his cock twitch in his pants seeing your blissed out face, lust clouded over you from him. You let out a weak nod before he went back down with more vigor, sucking marks into your neck for all to see.
Fighting back wasn’t a thought in your mind as your body grew hot, clothes suddenly feeling restricting and your core in need of some friction. You hadn’t needed anybody in years, but right now, you needed him. Everything felt so right as his gloved fingertips pushed your shirt off your body, exposing your chest to him. The cool air made you shiver, but was soon replaced with the warmth of Diluc’s mouth pressing open-mouthed kisses to all the skin he could reach. 
You managed to get Diluc to shrug his jacket off once you started to push it over his shoulders, pulling at his gloves next and discarding those. His mouth went back to its attack on your chest, finding one of your breasts and gently beginning to tug. A moan left your mouth as you tried to remember that your next mission was to get his shirt off. Your body was giving into him more and more as sparks of pleasure started to zoom through your veins and down to your core, slick starting to pool. 
“Diluc…” you moaned out his name lustfully, spurring him on more. He pulled away from your nipple with a pop, panting as he almost ripped the rest of his shirt off his arms before going back down to pay attention to the other nipple. You continued to cry out, twisting underneath him as you filled with more and more need. 
You felt his hands moving down your stomach, one resting on your hip while the other tucked under the waistband of your pants. For a moment, your mind started to reel and your heart raced - flashes of the past coming in. You were able to remember that you were with Diluc - you were safe, and you wanted him. Diluc noticed, immediately popping off you and gazing up at you. 
“Should I - ”
“Don’t you dare stop.” you said, cutting him off. Throwing your arms around his neck, you brought his lips down to meet yours as he quickly continued what he was doing. Fingers dipped between your folds slowly, toying with your sensitive bud and making you moan against his mouth. With a small grunt back, Diluc slid two of his fingers into you slowly, beginning to pump. You sighed out his name as your hips ground into him, his lips moving back towards your neck as he panted against you. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, baby.” he breathed against you, hips rutting against your thigh. You used your free hands to push your pants off, kicking them down your legs and leaving you completely exposed. The purple scars on your body reflected with the lightning outside the window and the candle light on the bedside while your body twitched with desire. Another moan left your lips as his fingers curled up into you, his thumb circling your bud making your walls tremble. “I need you. I need you.” he chanted into your neck, trying to use his freehand to fumble with his pants to push them down. 
“Diluc…” you moaned as you started to meet his pumps, fucking yourself on his fingers trying to chase a high that you felt coming. 
“I need to be inside you. Let me - I need it.” he stammered, continuing to finger fuck you until you said yes. You let out a cry as you felt yourself nearing the edge, body hot and sweat collecting on your skin. “Please baby - let me - ”
“Diluc, yes - fuck - ” As soon as the words left your mouth, he pulled his fingers out of you and finished pulling his pants down, kicking them off and letting them fall to the floor. You let out a whine at the loss before Diluc leaned down to kiss you again, gently using his knees to spread your legs wider and his hand that was in you to line his cock up with you. Nerves started to kick in ever so slightly, surpassing the need as you spoke out. “Be - slow - please.” you managed to say. 
“Of course.” he said back, putting his lips back on yours as Diluc pushed the head of his cock into your hole. He let out a moan into your mouth, checking your face for any signs of discomfort before pushing in more. A whine left your lips at the feeling of being split open - it had been so long since you had someone inside of you that it almost felt like the first time again. Diluc pressed kisses to you, as some form of a distraction, as he continued to seethe himself inside until eventually, he was all the way in. “Okay?” he asked, bringing his gaze back up to yours. Diluc looked like he was absolutely holding back, restraining himself because you had asked. His face was red and he was panting above you already, heart racing with desire. 
“Ye - yeah.” you said back to him. He let out a groan before he kissed you again, not moving inside just yet. His lips were warm against yours, swollen from all of the other kisses he had given you so far. Diluc wrapped his arms around you and brought you close to him, pressing your bodies together as you felt your need re-awaken. Your body was on edge, having him inside you but not moving - and you needed him yet again. “Diluc - you can move - please.” you begged. 
“Fuck, yes.” he groaned into your mouth as slowly he started to rock his hips into yours, cock sliding in and out of you with ease. When he started moving, everything from before fully woke up again and you felt your muscles start to tense up, gripping onto his shoulders desperately as your moans started to fill the air. He took that as signal to start going faster and eventually, he started thrusting harder, with more purpose. A cry left your lips at the change of pace, feeling your body react by trying to move your hips to meet his. 
“Faster Diluc - please faster.” you cried out. Your lover let out a loud moan at your plea, hiking your legs over his shoulders as he fucked into you harder, cock curving up inside you and hitting the spot that had you crying out his name. You started to shake under him, a warmth pooling in you that felt like it was about to bubble over. Diluc took your lips in his again, drinking up your moans as he pounded himself into you, the bed creaking and the sound of his hips meeting yours filling the room. You felt his cock growing harder inside of you with every thrust, your resolve close to breaking. “D - Diluc - Diluc!” you cried, tears streaming down your cheeks as pleasure started to overcome you. 
“So good - you’re so good to me - so - perfect - fuck!” he said to you in a haze, a wanton moan leaving his lips as he felt your walls start to flutter around his cock. You let out a cry as you felt yourself nearly there - the pressure was bubbling and you were about to snap as the length of Diluc’s cock hit you right every time, his moans music to your ears and making your insides shutter. “Ah - ah - come for me, baby - come for me!” Diluc begged, now chasing a release by making you get to yours. You let out a whine - feeling yourself getting towards that edge - then a scream, feeling Diluc bring his hand down between your bodies to start rubbing at your clit. “Fuck you’re gonna - come - come!” he moaned. 
“Diluc - Diluc - I’m - fuck!” you screamed out his name as white hot pleasure took over your body, feeling your walls finally clench down on him inside of you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your heard as you kept moaning, body arching against his and core still convulsing as Dilic continued to fuck you, now with a pace near brutal that had your orgasm being wrung out, overstimulation nearing. “Di - Diluc - ” you stammered as his fingers rubbed harder on your spent nub. 
“Fuck - I’m - I’m gonna cum - so hard - inside - baby - ” Diluc let out one last loud moan as his hips slapped against yours, his cock twitching inside of you as his seed buried itself deep. He let out moans as he bucked his hips up into you, your twitching core milking his cock as he all but collapsed on top of you. “Fuck -” he breathed out into your neck, dragging your hips close again so he could keep pumping his high in your body. 
You felt spent - exhausted. Eventually, you felt his cock stop twitching inside of you and Diluc pulled out, collapsing next to you. He brought the blankets over your bodies and pulled you close to him, pressing kisses to your temple. 
“Are you okay?” he asked you. You turned to look at him, eyes wide with concern. You gave him a smile and pressed a kiss to his lips. Even after all that, he was still worried about you. You could argue that's what you loved most about him - that under the facade of not caring, he cared a lot - he was an emotional guy. 
“More than okay.” you said back to him. He let out a hum as his hand trailed down to your abdomen - the area where you had the most scars from the Bakufu. Suddenly, you got what he was saying. 
“I - well - I came inside. Are you sure?” he asked again. You didn’t really think about that in the moment, honestly. You weren’t sure how you felt about that one hundred percent - but you knew that you didn’t entirely mind it. You had gone through hell to get back with him because you wanted to be with him - you wanted to be with him completely. 
“Yeah. I’m sure - I want to be with you, Diluc. That means… everything.” you said back. He nodded back down to you as he kissed you again, keeping his hand on you down below. When he stopped, he pressed your forehead to his lovingly.
“To everything.”
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heartofsnark · 3 years
Honey, I Laugh When It Sinks In. (Johnny/Fem!V) NSFW
Note: So, ya girl’s having whore hours. And I wrote Johnny getting his butthole reamed by my fem!V’s strap. 
Warnings: peggings, assplay, sex toys, oral sex, cum fixation, dumb jokes
Summary:  Johnny's got his body back, that's nice. Both him and V are super alive, doing great things. Those great things do mostly involved fucking each other and denying the fact they love each other; because they're dumbasses. But more importantly, now that Johnny can interact with real life object, V has a chance to fuck him with a strap-on. And doesn't that just sound like a fun time.
The fact that Johnny to some degree likes his ass played with is a secret to absolutely no one. But especially not to V, she’s not sure the two could have secrets from each other after their time being brain roommates. Dreams of his memories haunted her for months and the guy did a lot of fucking. It wasn’t uncommon to fall asleep and find herself in Johnny’s skin being reamed by Rogue’s strap-on or getting fucked after letting Kerry top for a change.  
There’s not a lot of mystery left between V and Johnny, to say the least.
But, for some reason, Johnny’s ass has remained uncharted territory for the merc. Well, maybe not for no reason at all. Most of their sex life has been while he’s a digital ghost rattling around in her skull and unable to interact with real life objects. And she never quite had the courage to see if that limitation included strap-ons and butt plugs, though she has a sneaking suspicion it probably did, she doubts Arasaka included a butthole exploit in their tech.
However, the two are no longer dependent on Arasaka’s ass related limits. He’s real, now, out of her skull and back in the flesh. His original flesh even, after they found it in the depths of Arasaka’s bullshit amongst the other bodies the corp had gotten their hands on over the years.
It was a whole thing; but he’s here now and they’re fucking again. Because that’s apparently just what they do. Probably because she’s hopelessly… infatuated with him and knows casual sex is probably all she’ll ever get. Because he clearly still loves Rogue and could never want her beyond sex-
V promptly smacks herself in the head, groaning as her thoughts begin to spiral. She twists in her bed, crushing a pillow to her chest. Trying to hype herself up into asking for a chance to peg Johnny turned into wallowing about her stupid fucking feelings. Because every thought about him turns into wallowing about her stupid fucking feelings.
She hears the shower turn off, having nagged Johnny into taking one as soon as they got home. Which means it’s almost time to ask and she wonders why this is making butterflies swim in her stomach, why she’s so nervous? The merc is no stranger to pegging or taking control in the bedroom.
Maybe because she does lean towards the submissive side of things and Johnny leans towards the dominant, the rockerboy having taken charge in most of their bedroom interactions. Maybe because it’s Johnny and the idea that he may not feel comfortable doing this with her, the idea that there’s a part of him he’d give others but not her, makes a pit form in her gut.
She drops the pillow and lightly smacks herself in the head again; for fucks sake she’s asking to peg the man, not asking for his hand in marriage. Not that she would ever ask for that… That would be weird. Her face is bright red at that thought, feeling like a school girl fantasizing about being Mrs. Silverhand someday. Mrs. Linder?
Both of those sound awful, actually.
There’s the padding of footsteps across her apartment as Johnny leaves the bathroom. The merc moving to sit at the edge of the bed as he comes walking closer. Her favorite geriatric rockerboy, condolences to Kerry, is absolutely shameless and as much as she chides him, she certainly doesn’t mind the show.
Johnny is completely naked, save for a towel casually on his shoulders as he ruffles it through his overgrown dark hair. Damn near every inch of skin and chrome on display to the merc. Her mouth dries as she watches a bead of water run down his stomach, past the inked skin of his ribs. V’s eyes then shift to get a look at his ass, her fixation of the night. He’s on the flatter side, to say the least, broad shoulders and narrow trim hips. But it belongs to him and thats all that matters, pancake ass or otherwise.
“You’re tracking water everywhere,” she scolds him, comfortably using her voice around him. Maybe due to left over remnants of his own brain in hers or just because it’s Johnny.
“Eh,  Nibbles will clean it up.”
“What part of  ‘don’t let him drink shower water’ do you not understand?”
“The part where you tell me what to do.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?”
“Am I?”
He’s suddenly in her face, hands pressed to the mattress on each side of her hips, as he leans into her space. A smirk on his lips, damp hair falling into his eyes, and forehead nearly knocking into her own. She can feel the heat coming off his body, the droplets of water rolling off his skin and onto hers. And before another word can be said they’re kissing, drawn to each other in a way neither can explain, coming together like this as natural as breathing.
It feels like a tingle of electricity under her skin wherever her touches, every cell in her body begging for his tongue. The pure relief of feeling his tongue push into her mouth, to feel the scratch of his beard on her skin. It feels right, every time, as if this is just how they’re meant to be. Like a part of her soul is finally slotting back into place.
She wraps her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his wet hair as he kisses her, deep and heavy. The taste of cigarette smoke and mint gum still clinging to his tongue, the latter meant to help suppress the cravings for the former. Different from how his kisses tasted as an engram, but still so distinctly him.
V breaks the lip locks when his hands start to push under her shirt, a soft whimper on her lips, as badly as she wants him anyway she can get him, she can’t lose her nerve in asking for what she wants most tonight. His mouth is on her neck in a second, licking and biting at her pulse point, beard scratching the tender skin as she gasps.
“Johnny, I.. fuck,” she whines as he bites at the skin, “can, uh, fuck, can I… peg you?”
His mouth stops moving on her neck and that pit in her gut comes back, terrified she ruined something. Wanting to tell him to forget it, pretend she never asked, as he pulls away from her pulse point and she misses his touch, only a second apart and she’s starved for his affection. But then he pulls away enough for her to see his face, the grin on his lips, and it's a rush of relief.
“That what got you acting like a basket case all day?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Fuckin’ knew something was up; acted like you were a second away from humping my leg all day, then send me off to shower all by myself.”
“I wasn’t that bad.”
“You seriously spent all day thinking about fuckin’ my ass, didn’t you?”
“Not all day.”
“Jesus christ,” he lets out something between a laugh and a breath, she can’t help but giggle too, “well, then, show me what you got, princess.”
And she surges forward, clumsily wrenching  her fingers into his hair as she kisses him, teeth nearly clacking together in her messy excitement. Deep but quick, not wanting to spend much longer in this awkward position, she pulls away with a bite to his lower lip.
“Lay down on the bed, for me?” She asks softly when she breaks away, looking up at him with big eyes and a bat of her eyelashes. And she can see for a moment, the mischievous light in his eyes, the impulse to refuse, to be a brat. But he rolls his eyes and does what she asks, behaving for now.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?” he mimics her words from earlier as plops back with his hair against the pillows and she giggles, scrambling to straddle him. To have him naked beneath her.
And what a sight that makes. Johnny is unfairly gorgeous, something she’s thought for far longer than she’d care to admit. Long dark hair wetting her pillows, deep brown eyes looking up at her with lust, the messy scruff of his beard, the scar over his lip, and the burn scars that trace up the side of his neck.  Beyond the visual, as she settles over him, she can feel his hard cock smearing precum across her skin. Good to know he’s excited.
His hands squeeze her hips, the warmth of flesh and the chill of silver sending sparks up her spine. He squeezes tightly and the hint of a smirk that teases at his lips tells her he’s about to say something stupid.
“Hate to break your heart, V, but, this isn’t exactly what pegging means.”
“I’m not about to just ram a strap-on up your ass dry, Johnny, it’s a process.”
“Oh, I get prep work, damn, didn’t know I was that special.”
“Kiss me before I kill you,” she taunts, leaning over him to capture his lips. She pushes her tongue deep into his mouth, devours that distinct taste of him, getting another fill of it before she forces herself away.
It’s her turn now to latch onto Johnny’s neck, finding a spot to leave a mark not unlike the one he no doubt left her. The taste of his skin beneath her tongue, the heavy sigh of pleasure from his mouth as she sucks, bites and licks. Only when she’s certain, she’s marred his skin, does she pull away with a wet sound. Bruised skin looking back at her. She smiles at her bit of handiwork but can’t admire it for long, wanting to taste him again just as soon as she’s stopped.
V peppers kisses, licks, and bites across his skin. From his shoulder to his jaw, leaving faint little bruises wherever her teeth get involved. He groans and sighs under the touch, just soaking it in, as starved for it as she is. V can feel his cock stiff and leaking against her thigh as she nips his jawline, kisses down and across his throat, to run her tongue along the other side of his neck now. His hands grope and squeeze at her ass as she works him over, feeling the roughness of his scarred skin under her tongue. She gives the same treatment, sucking and biting every inch of flesh she can.
“Fuck,” he curses, rocking his head back further into the pillows, instinctively trying to give her more access.
V shifts her lower body, giving herself room to reach between them and touch him. She wants to make him cum before she even gets the strap in, maybe more than once, overwhelm him with pleasure and get him relaxed before she slides inside fully. The merc wraps her hand around him, feeling the heat and weight of his cock, wet with water and precum. He groans at the touch, a rumble she can feel in his throat as she kisses it.
“Might need an anatomy lesson, sweetheart, that’s not quite my ass,” he taunts, earning him a harsh bite to his neck and a tighter grip on his dick.
“Can you be patient for a fuckin’ minute? I’ll get there when I get there.”
“And will that be some time this year or next? Oh fuck, fuck,” he chokes on his words as she begins stroking him in earnest, using his precum to keep him slick as she works.
The merc has plenty of lube in the little drawer area under her bed, along with all her toys, but for now she wants to stick to the basics. It's just the first round for him and barely a precursor of what's to come. She bites and sucks his neck as she strokes him, first slow and languidly, just feeling every inch of him. Feeling the way he twitches in her hand, the way each stroke brings more precum, how he groans a little louder each time she gets to the head of his cock, flushed red and more sensitive than the rest of him.
Then she starts to get quicker, shorter, almost rougher strokes of her hand, working harder and faster to feel him cum beneath her. His breathing getting quicker, more curses beneath his breath, rumbles of them in his throat. He’s getting close, fingers sinking into her hip tighter and tighter, the other gripping the sheets as she builds his pleasure as high as she can with just her hand.
Johnny’s body draws tight, a flush across his skin, as he twitches once more in her hand and cums. White shooting quickly across his stomach and chest, cum sticking to his skin and her’s. It’s nothing compared to how much he’s left inside her before, no floodgates broke open, just enough to make a mess. She shamelessly licks and sucks off what he left on her hand, hearing him groan at the sight, the bitter salty taste of it heavy on her tongue. And she knows it should be gross to her, the taste of it, but she loves it.
Once her hand is licked clean, she moves over him to lave her tongue over his chest, catching the cum that landed over his skin. A rumble of a chuckle in his chest as she works her way down; lapping sweat, water, and cum off of him.
“Swear,  could bust into a cup and you’d down it like water, wouldn’t ya?”
“Fuck off,” she curses against his skin, already having licked the cum off of his rib tattoo, already chasing down drop of it that’s dripped down his stomach.
“Such a little cum whore.” He lazily rubs his hand through her hair, taunting her as she licks his stomach and hips clean of any cum, her face feeling like it’s on fire.
She pulls away from his skin, once she’s convinced she’s gotten most of the cum off his skin and the head of his cock starts to bump her chin.
“Spread,” she demands, trying to maintain some mask of domme-ness as she taps his thigh. Johnny bends his knee, spreading his legs slightly and hands grabbing at the pillow over his head; a painfully beautiful sight to the merc.
“Fuckin’ finally, about time,” he responds, because he’s still an asshole.
“Again, not going in dry, you’re not getting the strap quite yet.”
She pinches his thigh and he just grins, finding her annoyance just oh so entertaining. V takes a moment to peel off her shirt, feeling a bit of relief from the fever on her skin, open air hitting her sweaty flesh. And she can feel his eyes on her when she does so, brown eyes staring at her small breasts, following her pierced stiff nipples. As much as he’s bitched about her being a member of the itty bitty titty committee, he seems to always gawk at them when he has a chance.  She likes to think that… means something , but it probably just means he’s a slut.
V considers taking off her panties too, slick and sweat making them stick to her neglected cunt, but that would require far too much maneuvering to make it worth the effort. Especially when tonight isn’t about that. She’s able to balance on her knees to lean over the edge of the bed, rolling out the underneath compartment to get what she needs. And she can feel that stare now hoving on her bent over ass, not that he can even get a decent look at it from where he’s laying. But that won’t stop him from ogling apparently.
“So, when do I get to fuck your ass?” He asks as she’s grabbing lube and a butt plug from her sex toy stash.
“You’ve played with my ass before,” she says, kind of surprised, memories of his fingers and tongue in that specific hole.
“Haven’t fucked it yet, which just seems like a crime, quite frankly.”
“Oh no,” she rolls her eyes, “not a crime, we’ve never done one of those before.”
“Would you let me fuck your ass?”
In a heartbeat, she thinks immediately and is so happy he no longer lives in her skull.
“Hmm, maybe, but it's your ass on the chopping block tonight, I’m ‘fraid.”
“Yours is so much nicer though.”
“Yeah… that’s not saying much, gonna be like fucking a hole in a wooden plank.”
“Or you could just give me a titty fuck, oh wait.”
She grabs the strap-on she intends to use, a big cyan blue one that she’s been waiting entirely too long to try out. And she shakes it in front of him.
“I’m either gonna fuck you or beat you to death with it, I swear to god, Johnny.”
He grins and laughs, she’s laughing too. Unable to help it, their back and forth always bringing a lightness to her chest. It just feels like them, as they should be. Two dumbasses making fun of each other.
V has what she needs except for one other thing, she stretches to reach the night stand and grab her phone, having to lean over Johnny to do so. And she can feel Johnny looking at her funny, brows furrowed for a moment, as he watches her pull up the app she needs.
“Are you checking your fuckin’ email, what is this?”
She laughs, unable to resist a chance to tease;  “Oh yeah, just checking my texts, me and River are supposed to do something after this.”
“Haha, that’s so funny,” he says dryly, a bite to his words, as he suddenly grabs her hair and looks into her eyes, “mention the pig’s name in bed again and I’ll fuck you in front of him.”
His tone is on the harsh side, but his pull in her hair is barely rough enough to feel it. The threat and movement only serving to make her face scarlet and her cunt slicker. Johnny has always had some… jealous, possessive tendencies, especially in the bedroom when she pushes him just a bit. And she knew exactly what she was doing by mentioning River’s name specifically, the former cop always an oddly shaped sore spot for Johnny.
She kisses him, soft and quick, before pulling away. His grip not even hard enough to control her movements.
“It's an app that vibrates the butt plug, Johnny,” she explains, smiling as she quells his worries, though something in her still has to wonder why he has them.
And its faint, but she can see a hint of red come across his cheeks, pink behind the scruff on his cheeks.
“Oh, well, carry on then,” he says, letting go of her hair and running his hand down her back.
“All my attention is on you, promise.”
“Fuckin’ better be,” he grumbles under his breath as he falls back against the pillow, she doesn’t see embarassed Johnny often, his lack of shame truly astounding. But, when she can manage to get him flushed, it's adorable.
“You’re such a gonk.”
“Shouldn’t there be a way to sync it with your neuroware or something, I don’t fuckin’ know.”
“I’m not installing buttplug tech in my brain, Johnny, that’s a malware nightmare waiting to happen.”
“Didn’t have to mention that asshole.”
“Stop pouting, only asshole I’m worried about right now is yours,” she jokes, getting back to where she can comfortable play with him, starting to cover her fingers in a healthy dose of lube.
“Ugh,” he groans, “that was so stupid, its a miracle I’m still hard.”
“Being a slut isn’t a miracle, Johnny.”
“Is the way I do it- fuck,”  he gasps and curses as she slides a lubed up finger inside of him, “you could fuckin’ warn a guy.”
“You said you wanted me to hurry up, you don’t get to bitch about it now.”
He lets out a quiet groan as she works one finger inside of him, feeling the heat of him around the digit. V has small fingers, one of many drawbacks to her petite stature. One finger doesn’t even stretch him, more so just getting lube into him, so everything that comes next has an easier time sliding in. She leaves him empty for just a moment as she coats a second finger in lube and begins to work both digits inside of him.
Tighter with a second finger added, stretching him a bit more as she shifts and scissors them inside of him. He groans a bit at the added pleasure, but his sounds are still soft, her fingers not thick or long enough to give him exactly what he needs. More lube and she adds a third finger, which makes him curses, cock twitching as she does her best to prepare him.
With her other hand she starts to stroke his dick, earning a deep throaty sound, the combined pleasure making him nosier. V works faster, wanting to wring more of those sounds from him, As she works her fingers inside of him quicker, fucking them into him as deeply and fast as she can, a soft squelching noise starts to ring out combining with the wet slide of her hand on his cock.  His hips squirm and writhe, bringing himself down further on her fingers, just to thrust up into her hand.
“Fuck,” he’s reaching up and gripping the pillows again, expression tight as she toys with him, “fuck, fuck, V!”
His cock twitches in her hand she moves to wrap her lips around the head of it, swirling her tongue over his heated skin just as he cums, something between a curse and a growl as he paints the inside of her mouth white. That same salty bitter taste coating her tongue, more of it this time, that she swallows down without shame. She pulls her mouth off of him with a wet pop, her fingers leaving him with another squelching sound.
“Needed it straight from the tap this time?” He tries to sass her, but his voice is a breathy rasp.
“Gon-gonna make you cum one more time before I use the strap, alright?”
Something between a whine and groan leaves his lips, but he spreads his thighs a little wider, pushes his head a bit further back against the pillows. She rolls her eyes, just thankful his stamina is good enough to withstand all the overstimulation. V covers the butt plug in lube, a black silicone one with a flared base, tech inside to make it vibrate. Once it’s covered, slick as it can be, she gently pushes Johnny’s thigh a little big further out and slides it inside, Johnny cussing at the wider stretch of the toy compared to her fingers. There’s not much resistance to the stretch of it inside of him, every fiber of her dying to tease him for being a slut. But she stays nice, instead grabbing her phone with the app open.
Johnny honestly, probably doesn’t need as much prep work as she’s doing, Though, she is mostly doing it because watching him cum his brains out is a fun time. But he clearly is ready for the main attraction of the evening, her strap. So, she won’t drag this one out too long, she decides looking over the vibration settings and hitting the highest.
“Jesus fuck!” He yells out, not expecting the intense vibrations of the plug. His hips grinding and thrusting, squirming from the pleasure of it buzzing against his prostate. The whirr of the toy audible even through his groans and moans.
And she can feel her mouth watering at the sight of him trying not to whimper against the buzz of the toy, hips moving on instinct as it works it’s magic, hard flushed cock twitching with pleasure. V grabs his narrow hips and pins them down against the bed, feeling him squirm under her touch. And she takes his cock back into her mouth, but this time she doesn’t hesitate to swallow him down as deeply as she can, feeling the slide of it on her tongue, the head pressing into her throat.
“God damn it,” he curses and both his hands grab at the back of her head, pressing her down further, “you need more fuckin’ cum?”
She gags a little as he starts fucking her face, no longer able to keep his hips pinned, as he keeps her head in place. V relaxes her throat as best she can, just letting him use it as a fleshlight while the plug vibrates inside of him.  His pace is brutal, trying to match the intensity of the vibration as he fucks her throat.
“Such a fuckin’ whore for my cum, two loads not enough, huh, princess? Needed to feel me cum down your fuckin’ throat too?”
She’s unable to respond, too busy being choked on Johnny’s cock, mouth a drooling mess as he fucks her face. But each word, little comment and taunt makes her clit throb, makes her that much wetter. And the thought of reaching down and fingering herself is so tempting, but Johnny isn’t going to last long. Between her throat around his cock and the toy in his ass, if she bothers to touch herself, she’ll only work herself up more.
Sure enough, just a few more messy thrusts, then his cock is throbbing against her tongue and he’s cumming down her throat just like he promised. That familiar taste coating her mouth as she swallows every last drop, even when she catches herself nearly coughing on it.
He pulls his hands from her hair, still whining as the toy vibrates, V having to take a minute to come up for air and catch her breath. Once the lightheaded feeling passes away she grabs her phone and turns off the vibrating, Johnny’s body relaxing as he gets a break from stimulation, though not for long. She gives him a moment to adjust before softly pulling the plug out of him, earning a sound suspiciously close to a whimper. V puts the plug aside and grabs the strap, Johnny catching his breath, still hard and leaking by some miracle,  as she secures it over her underwear.
A bright vivid blue strap, thick and long. She slathers it in lube, no such thing as too wet, as she empties the rest of the tube over the toy. The blue silicone shining with the slick gel. Johnny watches her as she lubes it up, she can nearly feel the impatience radiating off of him.
“Any position you prefer for this?” She asks, wanting to make sure he’s as comfortable as possible. Johnny responds by rolling over onto his knees, ass up in the air with his face in the pillow.
“Should be easier like this,” he murmurs into the pillow and then chooses to wiggle his ass at her, like the weirdo he is.
“Don’t exactly have much worth shaking, Johnny,” she taunts, giving him a small sharp smack to the ass.
“Hey, you’re the one who wanted to fuck it so bad.”
She rolls her eyes and prepares to finally peg Johnny. She’s on her knees behind him and would like to line up her toy with his asshole, but… there seems to be a newly discovered logistical issue. She tries to raise herself up higher, but her hips can’t quite align with his ass. She’s well aware that Johnny is over a foot taller than her, but it only becomes a problem at the weirdest of times. She kind of assumed since he can fuck her from behind, she’d have no trouble returning the favor, but… alas.
“Can you get your butt any lower?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“No… “
“This is what I get for fuckin’ a hobbit, I swear.”
“Just lower your ass, please.”
Johnny does his best to bring his ass down as low as he can and with a little finagling and the knowledge that she’ll probably have awful leg cramps for it, she’s able to get the head of the strap aligned with his hole.
She grips his hips and brings him back onto it as she slowly slides it inside as deeply as she can. A long low groan leaves Johnny’s throat, something that sounds like the word ‘finally’ With a bit of effort, she’s able to start slowly thrusting into him, watching it slide in and out of him. Hearing each grunt and curse as she fills him, the squelching of the strap sliding inside his slick hole. Slow direct long pushes into him, her thigh muscles already burning from the effort.
V runs her hand down the expanse of his back, the freckled skin of his shoulders, and she wants to kiss it. To kiss his  back and shoulders while she fucks him. And when she does her best to lay further over his back, she can barely kiss his shoulders with entirely too much effort, she must look ridiculous. This is ridiculous, she finds herself giggling, stomach hurting as she laughs.
“Are you- are you laughing?” Johnny asks, voice incredulous and she feels bad to beg him for a chance to do this, but in this position it’s just not working well.
“I’m sorry, I just, I feel like a Chihuahua trying to hump a Doberman, Johnny.” She says through laughter as she pulls the strap-on out of him. And he’s laughing too, chuckling as he rolls back over, staring at her.
And she’s sure she looks ridiculous, red faced and giggling with a blue lubed strap-on around her hips. She buries her face in her hands, unable to stop laughing at how fucking ridiculous it is, she’s too short to peg that way. Then his hands are wrapping around her wrists and he’s pulling them down, back in her space. And there’s a soft smile on his lips, that forms soft wrinkles around his eyes, a gentleness in his gaze. He’s so pretty and she can’t even fuck him right, the world is cruel. Johnny kisses her through her laugher, a soft press of their lips, before he pulls away. He lays back against the pillows, like he was before the not so bright idea of trying doggy style.
“Here,” he spreads his legs, smile still on his lips, “let’s try it like this.”
“Thank you,” she says through a giggle, moving to try this again.
It’s much easier with him laying down on his back, able to raise his hips easily to meet the strap-on. And she can look at his face now, which she definitely considers a plus. She can stay in a comfortable kneeling position as she lines it up perfectly and sinks into him again. His teeth sink into his bottom lip, head shifting back as she fills him again. Comfortably so this time and able to see his cock leaking precum onto his stomach as she fucks him.
Her nails dig into his hips as she begins thrusting into him, listening to the wet sound of it pushing inside of him. She keeps her motions slow and smooth, not wanting to fuck him senseless quite yet, watching for ever sharp intake of air from him. Staring at the flush across his skin, the sheen of sweat across his flesh. The groans, the sighs, and curses he lets out with every thrust of the toy into him.
“Faster, V, fuck, I ain’t gonna break.”
“Know what I’m doing,” she says,  just barely speeds up, wanting to tease him, to drag it out.
“That remains to be seen, fuck, c’mon, harder,” he tries to demand, writing his hips to meet each thrust of the strap, trying to change the pace.
“Nothing wrong with me taking my time, patience won’t kill you,” she teases, getting just a little harsher with the thrusts, just enough to hear the slap of her thighs hitting his, the soft pap of skin hitting skin. And he groans, eyes closed for a minute before opening again, a look in them that she’s seen too many times before.
“Nah, fuck this,” he says, then she’s being pushed back, metal and flesh hand shoving her against the bed as the world shifts around her.
“Hey!” She yells out as she’s suddenly on her back, looking up at Johnny who’s now straddling her hips. But she doesn’t have it in her to be mad, not when he’s naked on top of her, with hair falling into his eyes.
The shift in position made the strap-on slide out of him again, but Johnny wastes no time, bringing his ass down onto it, filling himself with the dildo. And she realizes he’s going to ride it cowgirl… cowboy style. He leans puts his hands back on the bed behind him, for leverage as he begins to do just that, bouncing on the silicone cock, hard and fast.
“Won’t fuck me right, gotta do it my goddamn self.”
“Swear to fuck,” she squeezes his hips, watching the way his cock bounces as he fucks himself on her strap, “next time I’m tying you down and gagging you.”
“Look forward to it,” he says, a wicked grin telling her how powerful her threat really is.
Johnny sets a brutal pace, as he’s one to do, his weight coming down on his hips heavy and powerful with every bounce. He barely pulls himself off of it with every movement, lifting himself just an inch off the slick toy before he’s bringing his weight back down. Its desperate, frenetic movements, just fucking himself on the toy. Each movement brings the slap of flesh clapping together, the squelch of the toy pushing into him, and the soft grind of the strap’s harness into her clit through her underwear. Not enough to get her off, but enough to make her whine.
And she tries to meet his pace, to thrust up into him, but Johnny doesn’t give her a chance, every time his weight comes down on her, it pins her hips in place, leaves her to lay there and let him have his fun. Just to watch as he rides it, as it slides in and out of him, barely out as he’s just desperate to grind the toy into the deepest parts of him. Let her mouth water as she watches his flushed red cock drip with precum and bounce along with his body.
“Fuck, you look so good like this, Johnny,” she tells him, just staring and Johnny groans, grinding himself down onto the dildo.
“Yeah,” his voice is breathy, panting through the words, “like watching me ride your cock?”
“Mmhmm, so fuckin’ beautiful…”
Her words trail off vaguely, squeezing his hips, just staring at him. Sweaty tanned skin, the ink that marks his ribs and arm, the rough flesh of his scars, freckles she could map out with her tongue if he let her. Broad shoulders, muscled bicep on one side and solid chrome on the other. Long dark hair with those deep brown eyes. The thick trail of hair that goes down his stomach. The trim narrow hips grinding him down onto the blue toy, his thick cock that really does deserve all the hype he gives it.
“Christ V,” he curses, voice rough and she can see the flush across his cheeks again, “stop fuckin’ looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” She asks, watching him rub a hand over his face, why is he embarrassed? Does he not expect her to look at him when he’s fucking himself on her silicone dick?
“Like, like, fuck!”
V gasps as his body goes tight, cock twitching as cum splashes across chest and chin, hot on her skin. A stray drop hitting her lip, only there for a moment before she licks it off, Johnny goes slack on top of her. Body relaxed and loose as his orgasms works its way through him, cock throbbing as a few more dribbles of cum drip onto her stomach. After a moment, Johnny curses again, blinking as he comes back to earth. Another moment and he starts to pull himself off of the strap.
“Can’t say that went exactly how I planned, but-eep!”
V squeals as he starts ripping off the strap-on harness, throwing it aside without any care before he’s yanking her underwear off, air hitting her slick cunt. He throws her panties across the apartment without another thought.
“Johnny, what are you do- oh fuck!”
Before she can finish the sentence he’s between her thighs, legs thrown over his shoulder as he buries his tongue inside of her. She grabs onto his hair on instinct as he begins to lick up every drop of slick inside of her, painfully wet after all she’d done to him with no relief for herself. Johnny eats pussy like a man starved, making groans and grunts of pleasure against her core as laps at her insides. Like he could really lick away every drop of slick, even as each swipe of his tongue makes her whine and as she just gets wetter.
Then his mouth is at her swollen clit and she’s seeing stars as focuses in on the most sensitive part of her. Never knowing when he’s going to lick patterns against the bundle of nerves or suck on it, his actions are quick and unpredictable, but everything makes her cry out. Her hips squirm and grind against his face, hands unintentionally pushing her into her center at the same time. Johnny’s arms wrap around hips and pin them to the mattress.
“Fuck, I-I’m close, Johnny, I-”
A harsh suck on her clit, the scratch of his beard against her core, and she’s gone. Toes curling and fingers tight in his hair, a keening moan on her tongue as the world goes blank. Pleasure hitting its peak and overcoming every cell in her body, a mess of her wet coating Johnny’s tongue and chin, that he licks up without hesitation.
After another moment he comes up for air, leaving her boneless and panting as she tries to get her bearings back. She didn’t expect for Johnny to touch her like the, meaning for the night to be completely about the pegging, but she really should have known. V’s sure the rockerboy would take it as personal offense if she didn’t cum at least once during sex with him.
The merc is pulled up to the pillows and against Johnny’s chest, the two settling in as they catch their breath. She’s sure the apartment is a wreck right now, things thrown haphazardly, there’s lube in her bedsheets, but can’t find the energy to truly care. V buries her head into his chest, listening to his heartbeat, smelling the musk of his skin, at peace just laying here against him.
“Can’t sleep with your hearing aids in, you know that, V,” Johnny says, skimming his fingers over the shell of her ears, just barely touching the little devices.
“I can sometimes…” She whines, wanting to fully hear his heartbeat and snoring while she sleeps. .
“And you’ll wake up with your ears rubbed raw.”
She glares up at him, pouting as he takes her hearing aids out for her, putting them on the side table. He looks back down at her, then brings his hands as high as he can so she can see them.
“Good night, princess,” he signs and she can’t be upset anymore, the sight of his admittedly sloppy sign language always making her heart melt. A flush of red crawling up her cheeks as she nuzzles her face into his chest, unable to hear his heartbeat, but still feeling the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. Mururing a good night against his skin as she drifts off.
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