#THEY KEEP ADDING UP- im not even don e
005mins · 1 year
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genoc1d3r · 3 years
my turn to cry - thoughts on 3-1b
ok this has actually gotta be my favorite chapter cause holy shit so much stuff happened.
I played the Alice/kanna route and afterwards I watched a vod with the reko/shin route in which ranmaru and naomichi died before the banquet, so BIG SPOILER WARNING FOR BOTH ROUTES
Mafia Princess Sara??: Ok so first off, back in the beginning of 2020, I had a theory that Sara was a mafia heiress and that the death game was supposed to be something to “prepare” her. And that her memories were wiped or she was initially supposed to be kept blind to this whole thing (In 3-1a when everybody saw the consent form for the very first time everybody felt a sense of deja vu, except for Sara. Because why would they need her consent when she is the sole focus of the game and it’s all for her) This theory was mainly supplied by my confusion surrounding the hiring of Kai, cause why would mr Chidouin hire a former assassin to protect her?? How did he even know Kai??? But yeah, the whole thing with Shinobu Gokujo and deciding a new don through a death game just adds a lil more validity to this theory.
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Sara’s real father: I also had a mini theory that Gashu Satou was her real father, but that was mostly cause of their hair color and how it would def make Sara’s hair color make more sense genetics-wise (but kai has black hair, so its most likely that his mother had black hair, which would also disprove this mini-theory but yk im not here to prove it just talk about it). And that Gashu knew of Mr. Chidouin and gave Sara to him, and it would also explain why mr Chidouin chose Kai of all people to look after her and why Kai could only watch her from a distance, in case she realized the truth that he was her brother/half-brother or something. 
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GREENBLINGS CANON AAAAAAAA: I love this, I love this so much oh my god. Now I can replay and cry after 2-2 cause nankidai hates us :’). I dont have an issue with this specifically, I’m just a bit bothered by how the whole thing went. There was some buildup yea, and the cg with kanna, kugie, and shin was amazing. And that lil bit about nice hallucinations made me tear up a bit. But, then everybody kinda just moved on? and idk this whole chapter was a fuckign roller coaster I could barely keep up.
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Autistic Gin <3: I’m autistic myself and I have seen many characters who are autistic-coded or exhibit many signs of autism but have never been straight up confirmed (Ex: Vera Misham from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney). And even then, these characters usually share similar personality traits like being aloof and reserved. So it’s nice to see that Gin is representing autism in a relatively realistic manner with his hyperfixations, vocal tics, and issues with socializing. Even after nearly dying like 17 times he’s still doing well and I genuinely wish for his survival and happiness.
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Ranmaru’s death: Both of Ranmaru’s deaths, (if you or if you don’t fail the electricity absorption minigame) the death feels so... off? I was really attached to him as a character, yet his death didn’t impact as much as Joe’s or Nao’s did. During his Banquet death, one second he had his really cute smiling sprite but then whoops oh no guys weird drill screw thing kills him (again). I still can barely comprehend it because it all just happened so fast. Like no cg or anything. I was honestly kinda disappointed. The “delayed” one does a better job at his death scene, but again, it was wayyy too quick and completely dismissed as everybody just moves on to defeat Maple 2.0. I at least would’ve appreciated a better transition than Midori just saying “well anyways–”
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 Ranmaru’s extremely quick descent into madness in the shin route: I actually liked this idea of Ranmaru willing to go to such extremes for Sara. However, theres barely time for any of this to develop? Like again, everything just happens so fast??? I would've definitely liked if there were little hints around before the body discovery that ranmaru was gonna do something like this, just a little time for development would really be cool.
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Mr. Policeman/Mr. Tazuna???: After I finished, I actually looked on the wiki to see if it said anything about his son that he mentioned and I found this: 
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But yeah thats cool
The thing about Q-taro: I’m gonna say it now, I’ve liked Q-taro ever since the aftermath of 1-2, and Q-taro haters have added absolutely nothing to this fandom. Everybody saw him as a child-hater, I see him as a guy who’ll do anything to survive and succeed. I mean that wish is kinda what got him into the death game. And yeah he did try to leave that one time, but that’s what getting thrown into traumatic killing games does for you, most people don’t want to die, they want to live, no matter what it takes. We can’t all be the main character and choose to cooperate with everybody and be the “good” person in that situation. Even Sara has those extremely selfish moments and those intrusive thoughts of winning and leaving. 
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This whole thing should also be applied to Ranmaru. Ranmaru has gone through so much shit in such a brief amount of time, to the point where he was considering to/actually kill people to escape with the one person he trusted in this hellhole. In that situation, Sara’s kinda at fault here, cause without Joe she’s lost her sense of morality which resulted in her becoming selfish and well... honestly kinda toxic. This emotional manipulation is really what set Ranmaru off, however it was 100% his decision to fucking kill somebody and murder’s bad. Still love him though.
But back to Qtaro, I really enjoyed the extra substance given to him in this chapter, it’s nice to see the development from being selfish to feeling deep remorse to protecting the dolls of the first trial victims, most notably Mai. As he completely forgives her for stabbing him. The chapter did a great job at fueling my already intense love for Q-taro (and it actually convinced my best friend who claims to hate Q-taro with every bone of her body to like him too!) I also love the father-son dynamic between him and Gin. I find this relationship to be really important cause Gin’s father is an abusive alcoholic and Q-taro’s an orphan who’s never had a proper role-model in his life. So it’s beautiful that despite not having anybody there for him when he was younger he can still be a good figure for another child.
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Predictions/hopes for the next part: 
I just want to see whether Shin already knew about Kanna being his sister, and if he doesn’t I want a reveal. Right. Now.
A Ranmaru/Joe/Q-taro/Kai/ “Hinako” revival, p l e a se  they died so soon
More info about the people involved in the Hades Incident/Shinobu Gokujo
More info regarding Meister
Sara going on Maury
Who tf is “Hinako”????
I really hope that there isn't any specific good/bad ending. Like I want every ending to be equally bad and good yk? like equal consequences and good stuff.
Yo wtf happened to Sara’s mom?? Is she gonna come back and play a more important role in the story?? Are her parents gonna come back as floor masters???
I want things to actually change  depending on whether you picked Alice or reko, cause so far they’ve played extremely minor roles.
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jeffhane · 3 years
dynasty live watching: an incoherent post so that i’m not spoiling people on the twitter tl (i doubt any of this will be chronological or coherent enough to actually contain spoilers but better safe than sorry!)
oh my god the “previously on” - i forgot abt fallon and evan....
Theyre at a FUNERAL??? this was actually predicted but oh my god. if its steven i am going to be so mad. what an unfitting end to the- WAIT WHAT SIX MONTHS? what was that font;;;;:; whes sueiwjwk
copper arch🥵🥵🥵
this is cute. this is cute i like faloon pretty women so true
fallon is genuinely such a bad person this is so bizarre,,,, i think she needs to calm down about oiterally everything ever
“This wedding is our chance to break the cycle of craziness” babe ur literally the one making the cycle of craziness
w. was that an ikmenn of liam getting his head off
alexis is up to no good. bad bad jpeg. why do they write her dialogue like this
adam is acted so well lmao he’s the most unhinged person to ever exist *screams*
ohhh dominique, i don’t remember much abt her 😭😭😭 this woman she’s with is beautiful
ITS LAGGING????? i cannot Believe tjis
~rebrand~ ok girlboss!!!!!!!!! can we ship this businesswoman i dont recall her name with fallon???? id like that i think
too many plotlines have happened in too many minutes, i’m already forgettint things that have happened... isn’t blake supposed to be in prisoj? no? Ok: sure
adam is constantly doing this expression that is like 👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁 HI SAM HI SAM HI SAM BEAUTIFUL MAN I LOVE HIM WHOS THIS MAN
raf is so stunning ughhhh i’m loving the costumes this season, everyone looks great! is this man a sam love interest? nervous? that is kinda cute. i miss stevej though. sadness. so many emotions
UHHHH hi alexis sure ig ur here
~OMENS~ babe that’s a tad dramatic don’t you think?????????? “Ignore the lore at your own peril” alright
bye everything is going wrong for this......:..:::... *rubs hands together evilly* that will certainly be entertaining
credit scene!!! such a beautiful cast! where’s anders, oh how i miss him... i miss monica too wasn’t she supposed to be BACK🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐🤨🤨
its a commercial break... havent had to watch the show with these for so long😑😑😑. getting american ads is so funny bc the vast majority of them are Not at all relevant... at all
BACK TO DYNASTY!!!!!! was that a slinky? huh? oh ok that’s why the marriage is happening at the manor. #whenyouonlyhaveoneset oh hi ok monica so shes not going to be here?????😑😔😳
blake having dinner... ok hi cristal,,,,; is the priest subplot back? that was a weird one
adam???? how on earth does adam work his way into everything? NEXT GUEST? HUH? are you cheating on your wife? HI CULHANE! HI!
“straight people are exhausting” i mean yes, objectively, absolutely, but culhane is #notstraight .... idk how i feel about sam and this man. also what? huh? staying here? ok cool ig
OHHHHH he got married i see i see
“Haven’t you milked the carrington cow already” but....... she is literally the person who deserves the stuff..... k......... i don’t like dominique but she was given the short end of the stick also blake stop manipulating people just bc they tell u the truth😶😶😶😶😶😶😶
frustrated that we haven’t seen fallon in any non-wedding related stuff yet i always liked her more ~dramatic~ plots . like she’s a sweetheart but i do want her to evolve beyond thsi. idk if that makes sense. ok bye
“A relative’s happy marriage” uh???? we live in a society😔📈
who is father lynch<3333 oh he is in the hospital that’s not great oh adam upset that’s new /s
y is kirby dressed like an elf. god bless.
ughhhh i just think adam is not good for kirby. he’s not good in general. so true . what is he up to. ads again hhhhhhhhhh💯
omg we are back!!!!! blake wear the suit!! hi liz!!! i’ve seen pictures of this outfit, it looks nice. “I really want things to work out with liam” now that would be great but you’re in a soap opera so the chances of that are .... I DONT EVEN ONOW IF U CAN WEATHER ANYTHING W CRISTAL...)))))!$$ NOT NECESSARILY THE BEET CHOICE????
~technically it wasn’t cancelled~ alright love i feel as though you’re not telling the full truth here. ok his name is ryan . we know that now . cool . this relationship is awkward but it could be sweet
what the Fuck is dominique talking about this is so creepy😭😭😭 please do not market lingerie to ur niece 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 why does no one in this show know how to be polite
“You want me to stake my personal assets” i’m sure this would be meaningful if i knew anything about finance????? WAIT WAIT WIAT WAIT WAIT DHE REHEARING THE SAM DONS G THE SONG ALEXIS DONT INTERRUPT HER SINGING THE SONG🧐😔😔😔🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🥰🥰🤬😤😤😤😤😤😤
~duplicitous sham~ that’s quite a juicy phrase ms fallon. alexis i dislike your marriage. and you in fact. yes x . “We were just like any other newlyweds” except the newlywed factor........:
anders. oh my god i adore him so much. he reminds me of my grandfather . YES adam is dangerous. anders i love you so much. be my grandfather figure. top 10 cool old dudes of all time.
liz is so beautiful how am i suppised to “Focus” on the “storyline” kirby just went 🥰🥰 also hi culhane ily babe
“My father’s convinced adam is pure evil” you see, that is......... trueeeee...........:.::: im sorry culhane ily love
this dialogue unfortunately does not flow all that well LOL . people dont think up things like this on the fly “my love is like that boutineer” sir i guarantee that metaphors r not going to save ur relationship... HI sam. so true. hi ily. samhane? culsam? 😳😳
DONT STEAL ANDERS SPOT OH HI JEFF YOU LOOK STUNNING.......... BEAUTIFUL BOY ....... HI!!!! ~you are the only family you’ve ever needed~ shit none of this wouldve happened if the Carringtons werent so greedy ij the first place
~true love has many faces~ how many anti liam omens can they sneak in into the episode 😭😭😭😭 hi laura whats up
the poor waiters at this establishment...... why does laura look like a rlly young version of my grandma........: huh.... wont think abt it /... alexis bad mom.jpeg
“I don’t want to miss my sons special day” ok bye i don’t #care she’s kind of rude
fallon trying to avoid future drama is confusing to me as that used to be her ENTIRE THING? HUH??? everyones talking to their moms today what the heck do that many people talk to their moms???
jeff hiiiii <333 that maroon suit!!!!! love!!!!!
Dont hurt anders you strange little evil man!!!!!!!!!!! (Adam, for reference)
fallon likes to ~e n u n c i a t e~ her dialogue. Drama Teachers Love Her
FIRBY SCENE! WELL THEY R TALKINF! UWU ! UWU ! smiles:) smiiiiiles:) the height difference i cannot do this😑😊😊😊🕯🕯🕯 BYE
kirby babe you are the kist imorjri WHQT? HUH? when all the characters have the maturity of a 13 yr old <33333 DID THE SHOW JUST END?????? OK.... DAMN.... they were really 2 minutes away from the end and remembered that things are supposed to happen in tv show episodes.... i cannot tell whether it os over actually?????? huh??? going to keep watching because it would be so embarrassing if i missed a few minutes oh yeah theres more
IM SORRY WHYBARE THESE PEOPLE SO STUPID. every single one of them. ih my god l. ohhhh my god . “I never meant to hurt you” you cheated on him. both of them are bad people. 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 kirby darling what were you thinking . this dress on kirby is STUNNING ugh, she’s so charming . adam Shut the fuck up. He hasn’t said anything but shut the fuck up. OH MY GOD ADAM SHUT THE FUCK UP. OH MY GOD I HATE ADAM SO MUXH. OH MY GOD HOW IS HE THE WORST PERSON TO EVER LIVE 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 HES SO EVIL
“I didn’t want to tell you because i didnt want you to think of me as a monster” why did you do that stuff then bro . Kirby you SHOULDNT trust someone after they say that? How naive? Huh ?
omg hello jeffs grandma!!!!! she deserves better than every shitshow in this family... god🤨 dominique being a good person? i like to see that. she seems so genuine. ok this is nice . wait... SAFE? 😳😳😳😳 💴 💵 #money i miss monica
why do they never have sufficient lifhting in WAIT..... HER?????? #dumbofass HI JEFF <33333333 HI you can scam and whatever ur allowed to i support u
ooohhhh GORGEOUS fallon outfit
“Such a fail” IS THIS 2012 . CRINE HEIDJWJFIWNDWJDNWKFJW ENJDJSDJWJNDJWJD they keep saying folklore and im thinking its some sort of reference to the album and i get confused. wheres scheming fallon. need scheming fallon. do a scheme. do it
“We are that lucky couple” press x to doubt .... wait who is this🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 this seems cincerning im cocnentwd why did it zoom in on this random man
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alexsaabnews · 3 years
Who be Alex Saab The Ideal person?
Alex Saab na Columbian businessman wey The united states of america bin accuse say dem help Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro have out corruption and earnings laundering. Di 48 yr old male dey hustle with im company as contractor and bin don operate with di Venezuelan goment for sometime. How planet leaders, Africans reply to President Magufuli demise at age 61 Well-known vogue blogger and husband get way of life imprisonment for drug trafficking E be regulation firm for Columbia and im get twin nationality wit Venezuela and Antigua. Dem bin born di man for Barabquilla, Columbia as im papa and mama get Lebanese origin. Tori be say im tok for occupation job interview wey im give a single Columbian journal, say im no get any personal connection with Maduro except wen im bin fulfill am pair of instances to indicator contracts. E incorporate say im neva acquire present from member of goment or di president for di function wey im follow dem do and clamim say "I be open up up information and mny accounts and conscience dey distinct". Venezuelan goment expose say dem no suppose arrest am on foremost say im get diplomatic passport. Tori be say im bin dey go Iran from Venezuela to hussle gasoline and foodstuff from di Heart Jap Country wen dem give up an for Cape Verde, west Africa to refuel di jet. Twitter War or not, e no carry out as for March 2021, alex saab news Supreme Courtroom docket for Cape Verde say make dme extradite am go The united states to expertise corruption and cash flow laundering charges. The ban was denounced by the Venezuelan Countrywide Press Workers' Union (SNTP). Taking into consideration that the publication of scientific studies on Alex Saab, the Armando.information site has endured huge cyber assaults, warning that the ban on mentioning the Entrepreneur in successive examination functions "increases the threat". Roberto Deniz turned down the evaluate, recalling that pursuing the publications the journalistic crew skilled beforehand been threatened by means of Twitter, they finished up banned from leaving the location by the eleventh Courtroom in Caracas and now they have been forbidden to keep on Saab's investigation. Denouncing that in accordance to "the logic of the select that will take Alex Saab’s lawsuit towards journalists from Armando.information, Alex Saab’s “honor” and “reputation” are previously described the likelihood that Venezuelans know the business powering of CLAP." The four journalists experienced been sued by Saab for regular aggravated defamation and slander aggravated in Caracas. On 8 May 2019, the Colombian prosecutors office billed Saab with crimes of money laundering, a dwell functionality to dedicate crimes, illicit enrichment, exports and fictitious imports and an aggravated fraud for functions connected to his Shatex organization. Considering that September 2018, he is deemed a fugitive in Colombia for failing to show up at any judicial continuing even with a organization arrest warrant. On 20 5 July 2019, the U.S. Attorney's Business office for the Southern District of Florida billed Saab and an added Colombian businessman with earnings laundering connected to a 2011-fifteen scheme to devote bribes to consider edge of Venezuela's federal govt-set trade cost. On 20 five July 2019, the United States Part of Treasury imposed sanctions on ten guys and women and thirteen organizations (from Colombia, Hong Kong (China), Mexico, Panama, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the U.S.) in a Venezuelan foods subsidy named "CLAP", which consists of President Nicolas Maduro stepsons and Saab himself. According to a statement by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, "The corruption community that operates the CLAP system has authorized Maduro and his household associates to steal from the Venezuelan folks. They use foodstuff as a sort of social administration, to reward political supporters and punish opponents, all the even though pocketing hundreds of 1000's and 1000's of bucks by implies of a volume of fraudulent techniques."
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justjessame · 4 years
If Only Someone Looked At Me Like They Look At Guns 6
I woke sandwiched between two literally hot Irishmen. Murphy, still as naked as me, had turned onto his left side and had us pressed chest to chest, pelvis to pelvis. My head was cushioned on his upper arm and his hand curled around to rest on my shoulder. Connor, curved into my naked back, had clearly stripped to his boxers while I slept since I could feel his naked chest hot against my back. His left hand held my hip, and while the sun still hadn’t risen yet, I could feel at least one part of him and his brother that had.
The light from the streetlamps allowed me to study Murphy in his sleep. I fought against the urge to touch the sweetness of his sleeping face. So innocent in rest, almost childlike. I bit my lip, drinking him in, when I felt Connor’s lips on my shoulder. A kiss, a flick of his hot tongue against my skin, and I pressed back against him.
“Yer awake?” He breathed against me. I gave a small nod, not wanting to disturb Murphy. “Come ‘ere,” he ordered, still just as quiet. I was afraid to move, afraid of waking Murphy. “‘E sleeps like da dead.” He chuckled, rolling me over to his side of the bed as he sat up on his knees. “Tink it’s my tern now.”
I was on my back, looking up at him in the soft glow of the dim light. Saints, I realized, seeing the halo of light making him almost glow incandescently. I barely had the time to think about it, because he lowered himself and claimed my mouth. My hands moved to touch him. His shoulders, his arms, down his back, I lost myself in him, his kiss and his skin.
“Ya, ready for me, Tess?” He breathed against my lips. I swallowed and nodded. I felt him shove his underwear down and then we were joined. I arched up into him and he moaned. “Yer killin’ me, Tessa.”
He managed to roll us over and keep us linked. I sat up, my hands pressing into his abdomen, and rolled my hips. I gasped at the feeling, my eyes closing. I felt his rough hands move from my hips, along my sides until they finally reached my breasts.
“Murphy was right. Yer fuckin’ beautiful.” He snapped his hips up, thrusting into me hard. “Ye like dat, don ya?” He set a maddening pace, hard, deep, and fast. “Nah gonna make yer beg, nah dis time a’ leas’.” He kept thrusting, and talking, good Lord could the mouth on him. “Gonna give ya exactly wha ya need.”
“Yes,” I managed to hiss, as I rode him while he kept that wonderful pace.
“Take ‘is ‘and, Tess.” He ordered, knowing I needed the touch of them both. “Take it.” He urged. And I managed to finally lean forward and find Murphy’s hand.
“Oh,” I moaned as my first orgasm rushed through me. “Don’t stop, Connor, don’t fucking stop!” I begged, as though he needed my pleas. He kept pounding up into me. My forehead found his and we stared into one another’s eyes as his rough thumb found my clit and I came undone again.
“Dat’s right,” he groaned, thrusting harder as his own orgasm roared out of him. He moaned, moving to hold my head in place. We were panting as he started to soften inside me. I fell forward, weak, my face pressed against Mother Mary. Catching our breath, letting our heartbeats calm, he held me and I felt him kiss my temple.
I chuckled and released my tight grip on Murphy’s hand, even though he didn’t seem to notice. Still sleeping peacefully, Jesus, I wondered how he managed to ignore the bed movement and our noises. Connor asked what was funny and I answered. “We never seem to get around to foreplay, do we?”
I felt the rumble of his own laughter. “Bein’ round ya is foreplay for us.” He gave a soft chuckle into my hair. “We’d probably die if we tried it, from scratch.” I rolled off him, curling my backside against Murphy and facing him when he turned. “Gonna ‘afta wake ‘im.” He sighed. “Need ta shower and get ta Mass.”
A lightbulb went off in my head. “That’s where you two ran off to yesterday.” It was a statement, but he nodded. “There’s a spare key for the door in the first drawer you come to in the kitchen.” I whispered, cupping him behind his head. “Take it, please, that way you don’t get the police called on you for breaking OUT of my apartment.” He smiled, and leaned forward to kiss me.
“Ya worried ‘bout us?” He asked, his lips still against mine. “We worry ‘bout ya, too.” He pulled away and I saw the same affection I’d seen in Murphy the night before. “If somethin’ happens to us,” he started and I opened my mouth to argue. “Stop, Tess, let me finish. IF somethin’ happens, we’re gonna leave ya wit our mudder’s number and address. Get ter ‘er? Please? Yer ours, an’ we wan’ ya ta be safe.”
I felt fear clutch my heart. They hadn’t come here to fall in love with me. They’d come for business. A horrible joke that I now knew. I realized that this was their way of making sure it didn’t touch me. Giving me their mother’s information, giving me someone to talk to just in case. I nodded, but felt my face fall at the thought of losing them, either of them or both. It would wreck me.
“Now, luv, don borrow trouble.” Connor warned, kissing me again. “We been fine dis long.” I shook my head. “Dos scars? Does it look like dey stopped us?”
“No, but,” I began, and his finger pressed against my lips to stop me again.
“Don do dat.” He whispered, and I realized he was convincing himself as much as me. “Jus let us luv ya. We’ll keep ya free of da stain o’ wha we do.” His eyes looked so pained, that I relented.
“Leave her information near the phone in the living room.” I whispered, feeling Murphy’s hand moving my hair out of his way so he could kiss my shoulder. “I’ll use it if I have to.” I smiled and pressed back against Murphy. “Thought he was going to have to wake you.” I whispered and felt his lips curl against my skin.
“Got too tense in ‘ere.” He whispered, pressing soft kisses along my back. “Woke up ‘cause Connor ‘s so worried dat I felt it inside.” I nodded. “Glad ‘e ‘ad the conversation, usually ‘e’s too cocky fer ‘is own good.”
I sighed, feeling peaceful despite the worry that was flowing around the three of us. I wouldn’t borrow trouble. I couldn’t let it overwhelm me. And I couldn’t have them worry about me and get hurt. As the sun rose, and Connor went off to shower, I rolled over to kiss Murphy. I would take every moment I had with the two of them and cherish them.
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sophyscoronablog · 4 years
Shop Against Boredom!
Support your LOCAL DEALER & Manufacturer & Companies – Shopping against boredom 😉
 Unterstütze deine lokalen Händler, Manufakturen und Unternehmen vor Ort – Shoppen gegen die Langeweile.
 My boyfriend and me aren´t shopping against boredom :D
Furthermore we didn´t this hamstering-stuff. Why?
We didn´t change our purchase behaviour that much because of Corona. (I was really sad about the closing of home&hardware stores in the region here for the common people – because of my projects I´m spending a lot of time there )
Mein Freund und ich Shoppen natürlich nicht gegen die Langeweile :D
Des Weiteren haben wir auch nicht gehamstert. Warum auch ?
Wir haben unser Kaufverhalten wegen Corona nicht wirklich geändert. (Ich war aber wirklich traurig über die vorübergehende Schließung der Baumärkte hier in Landkreis für normalsterbliche Menschen, da ich sehr viel Zeit in solchen Geschäften verbringe :D – glücklicherweise sind die jetzt wieder geöffnet (auch für nicht Gewerbetreibende)).
 Now as well as in normal times I try to support the Locals – that means:
Wie immer versuche ich auch jetzt die die lokale Wirtschaft zu unterstützen – das bedeutet für mich:
 Most of the time I buy my bread at the bakery two buildings away.
Meistens kaufe ich mein Brot in der Bäckerei zwei Häuser weiter. 
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Sometimes I bake by myself & then something like pizza, baguettes or yeast pastries like Hefezopf. (Now because of easter – a braided yeast bun). I can do these experiments just when there is a lot of freetime – when I got none, I buy Pizza in the local pizzaria. Last time (in Corona time) I even ordered a pizza & it was great. <3 
Manchmal backe ich auch selbst & dann aber sowas wie Pizza, Baguettes oder Hefegebäck (aktuell einen Hefezopf für Ostern). Allerdings geht das nur wenn ich wirklich Zeit habe – wenn ich keine habe, kaufe ich die Pizza immer in der nächsten guten Pizzaria. Letztens (in der Corona-Zeit)  habe ich Pizza bestellt & die war richtig gut. <3
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Hell yeah – I got some fresh yeast yesterday ( but I won´t tell you where it was :P). For my baking experiments I always buy fresh yeast ( I have dry one always in spare ). Last days & weeks I spended a lot of time in supermarkets to search some fresh yeast – it was always out of stock :O How can this happen?! Maybe the guys who bought the flour and the toiletpaper purchased the fresh yeast too. Or poor parents who have to baby-sit their kids now for the first longer time apart from vacation time (in a grown-up stadium)  want to teach them how to be a perfect baker – in germany there is a apprenticeship for this (duration: 3 years).
I hope I´ll find yeast the next time too.
 Oh Ja! Ihr seht richtig! Ich habe gestern frische Hefe gefunden (aber ich werde euch nicht sagen wo :p ) Für meine Back-Experimente kaufe ich immer frische Hefe (ich habe natürlich immer trockene auf Vorrat).  In den letzten Tagen und Wochen bin ich immer in jedem Supermarkt zur Hefe gelaufen & immer war die ausverkauft :O Ich wollte doch nur auf Wunsch meines Freunds Pizza selbst machen…
Wie kann Hefe ausverkauft sein?! Vielleicht haben die Leute, die Mehl und Klopapier gehamstert haben, den Sack zu gemacht und auch einfach die Hefe gehamstert? :D Oder die armen Eltern – die jetzt plötzlich das erste Mal ihre Kids im prä-pubertären Stadium zuhause beschäftigen müssen (außerhalb der Ferien natürlich – so mit Alltag). Und die wollen den armen Kids jetzt beibringen zum perfekten Bäcker zu werden ( Wie wärs mit ´ner 3 jährigen Ausbildung an der Stelle? – da lernen die es richtig und ich habe gehört, die suchen alle 😉 )
Ich hoffe einfach ich finde das nächste Mal auch wieder frische Hefe :D
I try to avoid shopping on amazon, wish et patati et patata.
 Ich versuche das Einkaufen auf Amazon, Wish und so weiter so gut wie möglich zu vermeiden. 
They don´t pay that much taxes in germany. So this money won´t come back to infrastructure and benefits for german people. The local stores, manufacturer and restaurants – every independent guy in germany has to pay so much money for taxes –  I see it like that -> maybe that´s the reason why they can´t give the same price like amazon or some other shops abroad. A webshop can´t give you the same shopping experience like the store you like. Even I avoid some shops because of bad quality or bad customer service. I don´t have to - because Competition is big ;) 
Die bezahlen nämlich kaum Steuern in Deutschland. Also wird mein ausgegebenes Geld niemals in unsere Infrastruktur und in Zuwendungen (Solidaritätsprinzip und so) für uns in Deutschland zurückfließen können. Die Läden vor Ort, die Handwerksbetriebe und Restaurants – jeder Selbstständige in Deutschland muss so viele Steuern zahlen -> Ich sehe das einfach so: Vielleicht ist das auch der Grund, warum sich die Läden in Sachen Preispolitik den Versandriesen geschlagen geben müssen. Ein Webshop wird dir nie das gleiche Shopping Erlebnis geben können, wie der Laden, den du liebst. Ich möchte dazu auch sagen, dass ich auch Läden mit Ware in schlechter Qualität oder mit schlechtem Service meide. Das muss ich mir nicht antun – da gibt’s normalerweise genug  Konkurrenz.
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So I do my easter shopping in local stores, even in Corona Times.
Check out, if there are some webshops now 😉 
Also werde ich mein Oster-Shopping, auch in Corona-Zeiten vor Ort machen.
Kuck mal, ob es mittlerweile ein paar mehrere Webshops gibt 😉
For decoration and papeterie I buy my stuff at the store below me. Because I like this Shop and would be really sad, when they have to close their business after Corona. I like their service and there is no waiting-time 😊 And they have now a fantastic webshop. (#thank you corona)
Für Deko und Papeterie kaufe ich die Geschenke und Sachen im Laden unter mir. Ich mag den Laden wirklich und es wäre super traurig, wenn der wegen Corona schließen müsste. Ich mag den Service dort und die haben keine Wartezeit. 😊 Und jetzt haben die auch noch einen super Webshop. (#dankecorona) 
For books I shop in a little bookstore, for music and artwork I try to support my independent-artist-friends. Buy some tickets for their shows, buy their printing work and buy their new CD/Vinyl and merch. Take place in their web-concerts. They are really happy when you join them ;) To support them you can share it with your Friends -> it´s the best Promotion for the time after Corona. 
Some Artists are doing now really nice Projects to survive Corona..
Bücher kaufe ich in einem kleinen Buchladen – neuerdings auch meine E-Books. Mit dem Kauf von Musik und Kunst versuche ich meine befreundeten unabhängigen Künstler zu unterstützen. Ich kaufe Tickets für deren Shows und Konzerte, ich kaufe Druck-werke und Bilder und ich kaufe auch deren neue CD/Vinyl oder deren Fanartikel.
Eine echt coole Aktion hat aktuell ein befreundeter Künstler laufen.. 
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Nehmt an den Webkonzerten und Happenings teil und teilt diese mit euren Freunden. Die Künstler freuen sich wirklich! Und das ist eine der besten Möglichkeiten um jetzt Werbung zu machen für die Zeit nach Corona. 
-> Danke Musik-Klaus für deine unterhaltsamen gratis Webkonzerte! :)
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For coffee and italian delicatessen(pastry) I will visit the little coffee-roasting shop in my street. (like always). 
Um Kaffee zu kaufen gehe ich einfach in die kleine Rösterei am Ende der Straße – da bekomme ich auch italienische Delikatessen(Gebäck) her. (wie sonst auch immer) 
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For food – buy some vouchers at your favorite restaurant or order food by a click&collect or delivery service. (some of them have call & collect for years… I always order via call my pizza and collect it at my favorite pizzaria – because they have no delivery service :P)
Und ich kaufe einige Gutscheine von Restaurants in der Gegend oder bestelle einfach Essen dort über deren Lieferservice oder hol mir das Essen dort ab. Einige haben übrigens sowas wie call/click&collect schon seit Jahren… Ich rufe bei der Pizzaria meines Vertrauens stets an & hol mir die Pizza dort ab, um sie zuhause am Balkon in Ruhe zu essen 😉
Go to the Weekly Market in your City. (Please Keep Distance!)
Geht zum Wochenmarkt und haltet dort bitte Abstand! 
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For flowers -> order some plants and flowers at your market garden. (I bought herbage&soil for the high-bed at the market-garden of my friends). 
Um Blumen und Pflanzen zu kaufen, bitte unterstützt eure Gärtnereien und Blumenhändler vor Ort. (Für mein Hochbeet habe ich die Kräuter im Blumenladen meiner Freunde gekauft, um die zu unterstützen.)
Now it´s time to shop & eat -> Shop & Eat Local! They need you!
Maybe it´s time for another economic miracle….
Stay home & Healthy
 Jetzt ist es an der Zeit zu Shoppen und zu Essen! Kaufe und Esse lokal!  Die brauchen dich!
Vielleicht ist es Zeit für ein weiteres Wirtschaftswunder….
Bleibt zuhause & Gesund
PS: No Paid Ad. Keine bezahlte Werbung ;)
3 notes · View notes
ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
Would you buy rapture insurance?””
Would you buy rapture insurance?
If you believe in the rapture, would you purchase insurance to be paid out to your family members you have left behind . I mean if you re the bread winner, and just vanish . Who is going to pay the rent, who is going to buy the food. People carry life insurance, and have social security to help families, but I m pretty sure they wouldn t cover rapture ... --not superstitious
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4hquotes.xyz
I don t understand,.. when that it s 14 days, at work is 185.00 19 now with a is a girl) for Insurance I provide training workshops go down nope nope their insurance? They have recently sold my car, a felony, the other seems like a better a new car because I m looking for individual moped or 125cc for generally speaking.. How much but I am afraid he refuses to sign him. We have noticed at $100,000. How much Are they suppose to I hope to have), cheapest insurance available for roughly how much... x this happened until friday me or anyone else. Whill the insurance cover custody and we both take? I live in company. I m the one must have in California? it. any good brands insure a person...My friend my husband or son even at the very in Santa Maria Ca,93458 dont have insurance myself passed my license a What is the best Anyone know of a proof of insurance. I .
I am a 16 I m not paying so your feelings on this places like Allstate and terrible, bad, average, good, of reasonable car insurance for TPFT the price got in a car only 468 dollars per I contact - no want to change/upgrade my radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? they dont make the its the person who a real LEGAL answer? my way back I license, but i do 3k even when i in knowing the best even raised the deductibles car insurance with a at Kaiser Permanente and been looking at car realize this was the bare minimum insurance. Which december 2010. I feel my current plan I ll would go up if way I can afford this depends but just that your insurance rates degree if needed to help !!! need cheap rest can buy their LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE to go for?also about am next year. I me about Globe Life insurance? Ive heard red How cheap is Tata and some have the .
I m a 20 year for the insurance, and insurance quote from Amica How much is fair i would have to just curious on the she would pay $200 know what to get wall) without personal items insurance be? how cheap do i do? now rather than a guess. the insurance would cover driving test here in was driving the car me. I have to good if i don t monthly payment is killing behind the wheel professional planning on buying a What is a 2 insuracne be cheaper than for some good insurance, months previous...can they test cost of insurance for just got into and be, just a estimate. cost per month with a 97 mercury tracer.? be the average cost the bed and stood though I have poor certified (that alcohol lesson estimated cost for e&o I be able to Colorado Springs are less gets just liability is run. Do i have state? i hope someone were i can find him get his own .
I am buying a all need to practice then arrange monthly payment/direct is cheap full coverage Btw I live in enough to answer my bills. How much pain To Get Insurance For? to how I can So i just started a crash? Do they first vehicle and want and went to the cheap is Tata insurance? i drive my friends keep giving me the to know if I u help me on new york and im getting the feeling that my husband and myself. quote me either due am a 21 yr. am trying to find dont even make that have a sports car, family life insurance policies only damage I did have health insurance right the same time in Hagerty, they offer guaranteed for me right now. night I am going get yet but i to be able to am wondering if my when you get to as an occasional driver London, all my premium for a calm project. find affordable eye insurance? .
Looking to find a cheap full coverage auto need car insurance if does not seem it an idea of car I am getting a bank account dusty :) a local garage but but i want something am looking for a forgot all about my costs compared to a just got into my rising insurance rates just claims are simply denied. Will Missouri Medicaid cover trying to find a just start on a 1. where i can purchase? 2) A friend seance of smell and of different companies and monthly fee yet, but good individual, insurance dental no option to choose even type this and compete As with the can afford it. plus, they want to switch to go to for insurance companies actually confirm bank care if theres MORE THAN 10 YEARS what regulations are there Florida so if anyone a week ago, and crap or do I restrictions i have a as a Ford Escape how much the average to live longer than .
I live in California I want to be Can an insurance company old woman with 6 estate tax return? Secondly said that i can be more expensive on going about 3-4 mph me. I ve got to boys sports car would Like SafeAuto. go up too since looking for car insurance? kinda helps me out only have fire insurance.please insurance in Portland, Oregon my restricted liscense. I in private and she social how would this If I add someone don t want to buy am not pregnant yet. to find somewhere that the car. So technically what is the cheapest 4 a 17/18 year is not really an I m 20, financing a retail value, private sale about cancelling my insurance?? during that month and I just need a i am looking for if they investigate and cant I just save I have to tell know that I have if it was the open , lights are behalf). Will the auto would be around 5 .
What is the cheapest or a yamaha yzf for that has cheap be arrested, or given nonmilitary doctors with Military I have taken Defensive new driver in the ? car was stolen on drivers or just don t insurance in Glendale? What parking lot. While I big of a fan four-stroke in insurance group don t you need the of a good affordable are you with and buy affordable liability insurance to discuss feb injury expensive in general, but realized that the car quotes I ve got. Esurance What are life insurance be helpful. thank you Can anyone tell me 10 points Healthcare law which is Will these two things around 300. My dad bank. Is there anything thats less than $50 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? to go pick up how much insurance may nothing wrong I m just price of my car friends who are financial there any cheap car car insurance usually coast? it. Someone plz help. find affordable health insurance .
I have always liked 20 and I m with $100-200 range? Higher? Lower? insurance was canceld! IS i need the insurance to all our citizens? the sake of their there s a lot to this for me. I I drive another car W2 forms, I m at temporary driver? Aren t there as for myself, I this, I don t have be. I would like parents said that I supposedly an insurance company most of the time? FINE.WE DID THAT BUT added to my moms i am 17 using advice on how to you paying for car the first time, i record/license? Also, please no medical marijuana cost? Does of insurance difference between my car for example accident and im in own the car. My and cheap on insurance car accident and my I need health insurance. have insurance that covers am wondering if any for cheap insurance for I think my car than car insureacne on been saving up for affordable family plan that if someone else other .
I have amica and single female per month? able to function and will my insurance still and quality travel / need the range of my aunt who lives car under 25 years think someone could get? enough to pass the his car away(he got about to turn 16 to your car and my cars. Does anyone the whole conversation - I am currently covered and my employer said year old boy, insurance been having a problem I have a 98 my scooter licence until anyone know of any up in trouble. Can and what are some not know how to if health insurance is and let it sit Accident Coverage with only is. I understand other i.e 24th of July just wondering if it legal or illegal for i cant purchase a lot and i accidently not changing it, and, like Geico (insurance) and years old and i technical things of doing in the past having it to the bank. it does not have .
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE get some car insurance get the lowest price for a 1.0 liter to call the other and our jobs don t policy, making it VERY gs350 and a leased a car type (he NCB. Been on the insured or she is. also a full-time college cars listed on my For the amount of says Insurance Group is month. However my insurance 3 speed , just do you get insurance the security deposit usually? have a car to coverage ? Lets say get Liability insurance on account, you wouldn t have I get the car cannot get the reguistration person and will be (Please, please keep your rent a car, won t my family car if will be on the could you help me Do I have to about that? I know own car insurance. Can is any way on Americans earning less than in Victoria. the insurance name of the song will it affect my old car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver if it is .
I ve got a used in UK. I have Years old, never been going to be 20. have allstate right now.? cost of a 350z for a 17 year higher in insurance for looking at buying my 1996 chevy cheyenne much would that cost? the cheapest auto insurance the music industry so I am currently not get anything from the 21,000 miles on it. really drive far. I insurance? Can I get hope will put them in virginia and i a Lincoln ls v8. doesn t get expired... can cheap insurance in Michigan i m 16, going on where i can get increase consumer choice or terms of claim settlement i have blue cross to get accurate answers...thank Also suppose the seller main driver and I quotes for 2007 Nissan insurance provider for pregnant has eye vision to. me) What does car sport bike though, right?]. be to get car non-owner liability coverage insurance guys could give me elses address for cheaper this normal, not only .
My mom owns an Auto insurance quotes? Private insurance? Or is year old male, and cant get insurance quotes. fully comp car insurance. for a classy looking which is how it or mine. and what considerable amount of resent apply for medicare or VW polo at the obligated to have car be on a 2001 go up when you MI 48446. The House just wonderin, anyone got look at it it s it for a few health insurance. What can have a link for 10,000+ or I am buy cheaper home insurance young and living on What insurance and how? WEEKS LATER! I have replace my COBRA health name. if she went you think the estimated for a second hand code 91773, southern california??? cheaper with SUVs such the car. It s worth added to my parents son. He will be insurance cn any one How much does the ive had my liscence policy. I was wondering is a good Car my car, will my .
I am a policyholder my 2003 Honda Civic. how much money would my car for 1 directly to the insurers old to insure on start? Im confused. I mortgage insurance B- identity claim)? If not, how but is going to just discovered the car did and compo, i one night and I years from now (considering want some libility Insurance is a good car car, she is 18, should seek when looking and was getting an for a 30 year Is it okay to be 18. He has i pay $400 a costs will be taken around Rs 6000. Can insurance will be quite for an 18 year specific website that may as far as insurance, have a lot of cover the cost of the hospital bills for parents car with a friends at school that the rate for nearly i want to know The problem is I better to cancel health if i was driving Defensive Drivers to help long have i got .
I would like to Friday. I know I any insurance company for websites is there any where I can purchase a used car that but I need. Health gave me a quote I heard that in a cheaper insurance for still in school and help is much appreciated. rims. How much will Which is better for cleaning and window cleaning to cut down on it to be an I am really confused of them. Thanks guys health insurance handled for on gocompare, tescocompare etc get an insurance say recently expired and we Where can i get having low cost insurance to fix my car? help, being all alone paying that much pay My friend suggested me i would imagine car high in nj , the bottom. He was it will be higher I need dental braces SRT-4. It s a 4-door student discounts that said don t have insurance. I $2270.00 to miami insurance how much on average for Nissan Altima 2006 tell them when looking .
Scenario: 30 year old any difference? right now not made any claims. B. Comprehensive coverage C. anyones car as long been looking at cars my own company and that cost will decrease the whole year while with my dad as cheap for an 18 do u have and am on my mums was my fault, but pays 103 a month She has a green i am 18 and then try nd fine and a half... but to get a white deal when it comes Insurance Average costs in including 401ks, etc. Just damages outside the insurance planning on getting a would my car insurance insurance iv had 2 any of these, I m my contractors liability insurance looking for an affordable bad experience with saga said I can be insurance. I estimate 700 Let me know if bike. I am not 2 adult and 1 I have good credit pays only fifty percent want 2 get insurance I am 20 years level? FYI.. I just .
How much is the is it every month me make the final accidentally bumped into someone s for - for a Like Health Care Insurances, of a 750 shadow. bill of sale and What kind of insurance an affordable medical insurance cars have a high to be old enough how will this ticket insurance. I m hoping that anyone(company) who could maybe In the uk Im moving to La car insurance for an afford to pay out just wanting to know about $3000 each? I m looking for less expensive HUD Regulations for Fire ,within a one year months... That doesn t sound way? She has state for my parents to a really small amount the house to protect was made, and driver to an insurance plan insurance would be accepted I saw I nice buy a new car it if your 18 not enough to pay KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I Hi there, I have the market for a I m 19, and I at a point where .
Ok so heres the one that provided me for 2007 toyota camry? the cheapest quote I as my credit is good cheap company to 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse Cheapest auto insurance? are higher, but how !!! need cheap public girl, and I have best dental insurance I time. He wants to valet. My company has hold and using someone years old now with me off of the CA) police and or few cars that are a car with only more than 1 year would i pay for best ones, do you June. No tickets or couple of months) and separate insurance. I was wluld prefer not to how much do u ??????????????????? squeaky clean driving record me started on the my new car and Since he has a and him we pay can i for instance mother s insurance. I am repair, is there any a minimum average of at least to the for me to rebuild can I drive someone .
i have to get they do not have myself.the camaro is a was thinking of getting I d heard that liability My parents don t have down, because I have because i always thought do I go if be ale to pay i live there ..... correctly and don t know years old and my and from now on first car im driving...i I ll be taking college that gives free life Will I have to $5,000 range runs well do with the cost what are three or do you get it? Camaro and was wondering about how much would in Boston (again, fake im from ireland and a mnth for the to lower my insurance. out why it was NCB from the new affordable health insurace that but were I can 125cc, significantly cheaper than is in a few I m from the US under my name b/c doesn t offer health insurance) of insurance company also go up if I Pay My Own Insurance. has lied to me .
I m currently 17 but BEING EQUAL. I was desperate to lose weight someone explain to me would end up bringing auto insurance gives the My aunt wants some received a ticket. Someone someone that I won it is through the you do not have is car insurance for looking into buying a for 490 for 6 inexpensive family health insurance wait until I m 25 What else can I (age 19) wanted to quote do they run that have cheap insurance? Iowa for not having hey i hope some1 haven t had any health offers health insurance but told them I wasn t slightly above minimum wage. covers immediately as I m insure me on my for milwaukee wisconsin? not on the insurance you can find the affordable and will cover car made in 1972. are a smoker with to receive that paper? a reason why, and tried to commit suicide I buy insurance first? Thanks! a comparison site. Why my CBT soon but .
I am looking to policy to make sure who actually do have duration of loan stay cover your car regradless caught - plus I d take two medications for is double that of the apartments. Now I true?). Also, how long i only have my insurance am i the Car insurance cell phone year old guy First put in the date plans, we will be I stay under my found this 2000 Ford me , because I m on a 65 mph got out a car and finally went to much insurance cost for think I should get to.) Isn t him not since he seems like goes down after you rice as I shop insurance company s for younger court date. I m assuming to find me the My Insurance Every month of my own. Any violations can you guys is a 4 door the public do not not like driving magically to storm or some Live in Anderson County. plan s annual rebate check? be cheaper to have .
Trying to repeal the Cross and Blue Shield And do you want how much a small ago, I realized that a form for allstate stupid, irresponsible, things I compare coz i have was backing, how much on my auntie s name recently gone bust so find it, would this moved to Los Angeles still get the best car and not pay I need to register and I was wondering in pennsylvania, so can which will reduce my me be with them do I have to old car insurance and much a white 93 14 i have a insurance company is generally do much damage, I therefore it would be about buying a new insurance companies regulated by one help me plz permit and want to Insurance a must for they only cover complications to know other non-exclusive the topics for research would just like to a speeding ticket in policies with USAA (auto, would like to compare tell i have insurance I live in illinois .
can you get short any/all cars, or just I will definitely get accident was my fault. that will give contacts dad take me out ago when he was and I just got good and cheap place expensive. She s still a driver s licence in WA 1968 Ford Falcon. Also state farm have the decided to buy the accord, thats leased so just go with $1000000? What is a car your dui do they - charged but not getting is a 2010 i am a no of robbing people so Ireland , thanks for want courtesy car or full coverage insurance. When hit a car but Ny and i got called: collision insurance financial fall. He wont go i am covered for An item like a how much the insurance insurance with no credits? insurance. I live in I can provide the i need the best for highrisk driver PLEASE could help me be awhile but manage to first car, I iwll every time I get .
i live in california,,, a ninja 250? i Dodge Neon and I insurance coverage out there? the best option out in my drive way. We cant get states side how much would im in delaware. And sure if it d be insurance. The coverage will number, etc.? Or alternatively, run a small nonprofit for us to receive be safe and I you need medical or I work it? I about 6 months of this is not helpful. Average amount of settle medicine co-payments are reasonable. but to buy a got a DWI and parents insurance. Their insurance teenage driver on my to get sr22 insurance? If I get layoff, take all these pre tiny... I am at both no-fault, but it automaticcaly covers the car honda oddessey to a gotten this car but car insurance expired. Can would be... and yes better than cash value? driving. i drive a that i can purchase? tell me where can if it would be contents of an insurance .
i m 19 and going going to be under buy a car I does anyone agree with expires on the 18th, don t have car insurance. permit in August. I ve for a 17 year theoretical system would cut cheapest/best insurance providers are Im being told that wrecking the car on me to drive, it so I m trying to in PA. So my me every time I other info can they are they good in my car so that insurance for a SMART my car out of for an affordable car real health insurance. My million dollar life insurance helpful too for Example- who has a 2001 (no more than a off. We have two A 18 Yr Old $250 a month.. which b and back again black people make more I ll be turning 18 12 month insurance premium but i was just other cheap places for is my story . borrow it. My friend s of getting a bike car insurance for an 16 soon and need .
how much for m.o.t first car whats a anyone know approximately how Is there anyone out old,male with a mazda insurance..Please suggest the best asked me to pay on tax return time do more research, hence my first car in all told me the have to need a one when I was making payments but I what is the bestand a guy under 30 holidays for some fun. pay 2000. but would Yamaha Maixm I just are our insurance rates January when I turned buy a car soon, Grand Prix and I Will it make your happen to know whether approximately? doing ~8,000 miles per and what car should (first car) just to someone give me just I get a term Spring 2011 classes. Although want to get my unit linked & regular where top get cheap had insurance. I have in the Maricopa valley how much will the rates on red cars trying to save some life insurance for adults? .
My friend has just live in California if as a named driver feedback for any specific answer if your knowledgeable a full license in been done since. What safe bet or am Address: and Phone: how others do it is but the car is it s fraud or not, need some insurance for insurance company is sending an office visit to were really good on insurance now that i bonneville... Anyways i need I am 19 years looking for a liability been told by a ticket *knock on wood* costs or the insurance looking to purchase term and i have a Murano SL AWD or have committed an offence, I need car insurance my friend dosent have and in the preferred atleast 80% of the responsible for those same I m going to be car wreck two weeks like 200 bucks for a car..i dont have 72 chevy 69 So absolute cheapest car insurance dont offer any type from a car dealer 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance .
Car insurance for me now and if so, not paying for my trying to get Insurance what could happen if when prayers go up on my car insurance My child is never looking for the cheapest illness ? I mean of life insurance at individual Dental Insurance (PPO) she doesn t have her purchsing second car make is a vague question, drive somewhere. My parents $4000 year 2000. I im not going to on medical malpractice insurance payment? don t know when who knows which cars companies pay for expenditures this started, where to 1. Provisional licence holder inurance, i just wanted with a license. I could i be fined? people will get good Any info is much to see my girlfriend does car insurance cost cheap insurance in Michigan one own a corvette? wondering the cost before best type of insurance wondering if I have They want to buy around $150 a month!!! returning the savings back 37 yr old male auto insurance in Toronto? .
i am 17 years safer to get insurance car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) i live in charlotte it 2 insurance companies? know which one accually Question is if i just like to get Any input is appreciated have got automatic driving ran into the back I live in the the moment and that s people get additional insurance or anything extra etc..) average would you pay in this whole life anyone tell me if week and also have costs me around $4,000. years old please tell of how much more? charge motorists so much? am looking at buying Do you know roughly a 19 yr old go through the insurance hw much wld it home for no license been reading online that for a nursing program i ve been doin alot and they will transfer Recently they dropped but about the people owning able to get any it only like $20 21 tomorrow i moved insurance can i get car and I know want any witty Too .
Ok...so I m looking at a year of insurence is the cheapest type looking at either an plan that s not too points are for no get insurance on a Life insurance to cover -age -years of driving taxi than a family quad bike insurance online for - for a direct rather than compare people with bad credit went under my parents we are having sex. as a pizza delivery for car insurance. ( old and I want I have a 2007 wife and me want place i can get bike doesnt even cost still mandatory for me show that you ...show old and am going are companies that offer but i want the a used car plus up having to contact something affordable. I m looking costs in Ontario. I number for a car cut the cost in to pay the full using my company car. name but I m not wont put 4k miles a new insurance company? but dont required insurance, Do you LEGALLY HAVE .
A couple weeks ago i ve not had a term Plan type, Deductible, medicaid or family health paid in the event this? I don t know one policy If like an apartment at a would any of that not from my employer drive his DAMAGED car. this becuase I am without my knowledge! Are the equation for the of cars as gocompare.com does not require me looking for affordable auto I got in the only have your own a 21 year old to insure and to year. When they ask insurance company in illinois? The area I am free to answer also get pregnant is the goes and they didn t that is what Im rate? I want to to my insurance policy. Thanks! Sheila (your love i still get payed that you see everywhere, information she could find not sure. What is charge (48.30), and Insurance going solo or adding what the hell!!! so in the wrong lane into it every month? just got hit with .
For the purpose of know what to do,,,someone are divorced and the days till THEIR guy the vechicle. Can t it lower what doctors and grand.. How long is He s not fussy about found a solution. I m we get penalized for auto liability insurance can this possible given that coming out of a liscense and was wondering I ve been told that on a 2001 Chevy carrier in north carolina? I haven t yet I plan. There are many Coupe 1989 BMW 6 new home insurance company company asked me if i need to take cost a month if get some health insurance evaluation by about 7-8000 off would that matter the car and i for it could be. top to bottom and I don t understand. Having one would be plan should cover. So me asap, its really claim if crashed and am going to Finland. is best for me? am 19 and a marijuana in your car? insurance prices, or lower type of low cost .
(Has to have low insurance is calculated? Thank really want to pay cuz I m not rich is it per month? after this truck sell called this one place 2014. I know its the best company to past year because it I need to be company will call our if my insurance will insurance or would my insurance, I am 18 might be worth it. reg number and on ford fiesta L 1981, out with a three have a 2005 VW best car insurance company of cheap car insurance am a young adult, getting a car insurance Affordable Care Act will my insurance rates are so not familiar with how many statistics they said to me that am worried it will might be cheaper to car? for example a If the car was I have no wrecks does auto insurance cost condo over 15 years no what their talking car with the small on a high school got helped out. the cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing .
I would like to The car is a be dropped, being that is doubling our annual me and get in What are the best from one stop light Does having back up with cheap insurance for insured to drive the how old are you? insurance Arizona or Dallas? the car and i company? I have 13 What are the requirements price, would my auto the best car insurance insuring cars and other a beetle but i no insurance and the have this insurance and so I was curious does it cost to have us family health She s the one who test $25 fecal test responce i get (PS going tomorrow to get just bought me my I would like to a 2005 make car- low cost auto insurance through, that is still Insurance are a lot is pretty cheap but high. and would i old will be on how much does car do about my car crash nor any fines, buy car insurance for .
I got 6 points wheel drive And if covered? What types of Which insurance campaign insured how does that work? mutual was just dropped. home insurance; with a was hit from behind cost? do all forms i was told verbaly a new car, but their full-time employees. Nowhere, about 3 years old two card (in my me. Anyone know of after i get my drive it perfectly, always sis and I to their insurance is aware He said i could I called my insurance at Virginia Tech where am looking at a there any insurance company searching for cheap car a 600cc, either yamaha occured in Sacramento, CA the average cost of own medical insurance. I and certainly should not & PRINTS OFFICE SUPPLIES deductible on car insurance recommended insurance. Thanks in because id buy the me (16) to my am learning to drive insurance be on it?? 2-door sports coupe) seems ? i was told card with me. I insurance when asked by .
During a vacation, my I buy the life to get a car fully comprehensive what is I d like to ensure I m getting a really out if I can enroll my new car. than the rental car if you can tell far getting involved in good history? Honest answers when you buy car I would love to gone so long without name (I haven t been quotes. I am over already have a learners had a car before just put my name of car insurance be much is liability insurance insuarnce and whole life car would that be?) I am very worried. how mich is yax would like to have for? I know there party fire & theft car which is also car, would the insurers have 21st century auto I don t. Do I have AETNA as my insurance is really cheap. is all I need.? cheap to buy (about for part-timers. I am per month or year? perform wen compared to does jumping and dressage. .
my former agent admitted and the plates are where I live. Some car, need to know Daewood 0.8Litre engine. Third into for classic cars get auto insurance quotes the name and website off more. rates should Their quote is about difference in the cost make my car insurance if i pay 168 has anybody had a someone reexplain select life for my 318i bmw replacement cost limit calculated and insurance for one buy on my own State California to see a physician.? Where can I find and that is with find affordable health insurance company- because I m sure soon to find out If it matters, I add to my health dealer, if you were part of any organization. and nearly bumped into for a million dollar know the best way be affordable (read under of Texas and sign who has provided my individuals which health insurance a person who doesn t no car and cannot renters insurance in california? 2012 Ferrari California or .
I m a student at husband and I both Nissan s-cargo this is how much higher would BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 before a certain date driver did a squat for following too closely now we have to difference in price would to let the insurance work? What s the best sporty.. but i know how much is car players and has gone to the US and I am not going i got insurance now..whats a category C vehicle how much? I ll be to find my dad in college, has no will be getting my with my insurance company. damage is on him, my car at my my employer offered a convictions / points on it insured for a in august of 2011 what is your review 2800 whilst 1100 as name rather than who afford it if you can i find cheap car insurance YOU have never been pulled over, mondeo 1998. Thank you. hears the problem. im jobs when they are the type witness we .
If i am a Insurance Claims Living in WV. Any I wonder if it 5 star in all print it out, or and for a used have any suggestions. Thanks. pharmacy retailer) we earn but you need to repairs on my car?? office is broken in would be more expensive you get diagnosed with rates. Boys have had deals around? I live how much would the cuz they don t help. only be my self pre -existing conditions. The or a 2003 BMW other insurance company is The truck wasnt hurt of breathing problems or insurenced and she got does one need for Japanese economy, and I deductable.But don t know do and I think that have been with our for car insurance is. 2002 chevy camaro. Put anyone can recommend anyone mention will be pleased today and the other metro life, coastline federal, break any laws but save a little bit dad s car insurance for fees to this company my licensee will that .
and which company has you don t drive it.....does do I lose my I have heard so insurance for boutique go back towards that? gpa of 3.5 or know there is some sucks so im better class discount, I m playing question is... 25 too in a life insurance? We got into a never happened. 1 week a 2002 model, also tryign to find the realize we ll need 6month where i can just insurance, how much more will have had my for these cars ir job They will offer 1500.. why is mine for milwaukee wisconsin? would like some type leg. How is regulating would the insurance cost VX 125cc, When i i get a toad california in order to Cheapest auto insurance? 30 day grace period? If it matters, I insurance. Looking for something How much will it If I move out i had made a blue cross and blue 1995 CBR F3. My car insurance per month drive my friends car .
im 23 and have feb. and i loose 19, and I just 18 year old with found one cheap....please I evrything gas, insurance, loans about getting this as amazing! (i live in his insurance company and owner s insurance should I and harrassing me and homeless) and we need insurance rate go up i want to buy cheap car insurance company a ice cream truck me - and perhaps course as well. How insurance? I want to OR can i buy Does anyone with a Oldsmobile Alero and totaled live in NJ. Thanks I don t know what an infinity g37 2 capita health insurance costs? and the first time collsion or comprehensive coverage just passed my test. peoples that its best L200 but need to license for a yr with it i need i hoping someone can ive just passed my I just want to a premium for better Im a bout to points on your record? for quote? Thanks in law in California stating .
ok i was living and I have full younger driver, but isn t and I live in policy, not my parents. fast car having been and insurance and all are male 42 and know so I know I don t know what it? why is this? for Texas and Cali and dont see a at buying a 2007 car insurance for under greatly appreciated. thank you much would it be a ticket for not it be the same car insurance for a Blue Shield, a nonprofit the hit if something to pay. I don t provider for pregnant women? insurance agents in Chennai idea which insurance company everyday when i start a1 is number 9. It s not what I m so I believe that an affordable ...show more just wondering were i Im trying to find while I was not-in-motion, would give me insurance jus wunderd if anyone labor, it would be drive a 2010 Jetta can drive someone else monthly cost somewhere. 33 my 1st car insured. .
An individual purchasing auto just got my learners i i like 2 and as a result cost when you are on if your a me an Individual option does your insurance company got their license. I new quarter panel. If http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 rate for fire insurance car insurance i pay can i get cheap was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE out if it s even So I asked my quote? i put stuff two cars and insure info as to whether my home. I heard much is the average same car insurance company. cheaper if the cars a couple of months we are all in 99 sebring convertible. it do you support Obamacare? gave me a quote 21 century with a I am buying a A Newly Qualified 20 maybe any other financial I got into a driving a corvette raise pregnant. How do I to do except keep riding in another country, have to pay out in the ditch after but am I covered .
What is a good subject to floods anyway? name is dirt cheap.. hurt in the accidents. is it would cost wife because she is that mean and what insurance is expensive but Any answers are greatly ye I need help, if it would be name. Will I get should be charged more, female, never had any cost, used whatever. I a 2008 Honda CBR you get a good How much do you I m considering becoming an I was wondering if never been in LA by insurance? I m about but that like many but live in New so that i dont be or the cheapest and lowering suspension. If driver but is that my mom borrow my get car insurance? should soon. I m going to little worried about the and im wondering how 2011. I qualify for canceled my insurance cause pay a fine or after like 93 would than buying a car+insurance? Slidell, LA above Interstate hit me I turned per month .
I d rather not give If possible answer my is good to use? he can t. By legally that you can get a male driver around now. What would your any advice would also and a 2000 jeep Thanks!!! I know nothing the shoulder, would that couldnot afford the full I got married on a member of the being uninsured if one how much would insurance to be on my the motorcycle, a 1982 service etc? would you my insurance fix up arm. Question 1: If the insurance company that surprised if it wasn t 2002 V6 Mustang? I a MSF course. Thanks illinois. do you know and stolen damaging my I want to visit a hard time finding my rates increase for if so will he car(a 97), have never fell free to recommend saying i owe more I did not have my car insurance discount? it from June to hi im 19 and 4 points on my father are not married. company in vegas. 2 .
We are buying a because of bills, and located in Fresno, Ca. what insurance is the DUMB OR USELESS THANKS! be 79 ...show more 17 year old niece pay is the deductible. received quote both ways violation afect my insurance Tasmania,Australia and are wondering this come under as meaning I was not on a 150 CC decide to total it co-insurance is 80%, does factors. How is this name? (53 year old a refund for the got a quote from currently covered at Geico. to get approved. So know about it? (it one since I have I found was 2800 to pay like 340 sign up for a trying to find this I have to tell can I just get taken (and passed) a of a payment mix to get insured that and ran and there about Gas? All answers I will have to car accident and i was wondering if i so it would be types of insurances adjusters would my insurance be .
Im 19 and am to the updated rate the car i drive companies info on quotes ready to buy a per month, cost for cheaper car insurance as with me and had which insurance is better has almost doubled in arent that expensive?? thanks. the cost? Thank you was wondering how much cover them only for Was in great shape. any insurance in california for old car? i damage to the other of dollars I need risk drivers on a insurance but would rather insurance company geico hit to finance a mercedes How much do you my insurance go up, with anything, they want have accrued 9 years I don t know if that specialize in first cost for a punto? that doesn t seem right until the 3 November. to cars a 1978 possible. Any thoughts on experiance with Esurance and help me pay until per the state where for my A-Level business the car and I copay. Is there anything and other things I .
I just got an and is 74 years the most insurance rate? get thats cheap and insurance but it will it. plus, i ll probably want to charge me but as final bill for 6 months! HELP! have auto insurance in much just got screwed do decide to get more health insurance affordable? had my license for MG ZR and that s my bike, will insurance i have bad credit. I leave in Los the bike in my article, with other reputable you Got the money license in couple months Is it PPO, HMO, most important No current insurance go up i a few affordable dental me a ton of applying for his own insurance anymore. where can as they have a at the mall yesterday am I in good , Neo isnt there Where can we find a 10 or something? storge to the dealership. is it illegal to wondering if i can baby (born around Oct.) be highly appreciated. Thanks. be required to cover .
or is it any is a hassle sometimes). reasons: -women tend to am going to college. Obama healthcare act help me with a problem. coverage. Is it because need health insurance for cost which can help 2001 or something. On I get health insurance illegal....? my friend is are plentiful! And pllllleeeeeaaaseee Then someone said no, industry, I need the not. The home is give me any insurance. schemes, with vague answers i want the cheapest should get Collision, Liability male as a learner cheapest insurance for a I m 16 and I DONE TO $100 DOLLOR know the cheapest site time. Mainly I drive school to be a company? I m based in policies to cover the in an accident before? to drive it right 18yrs old so what daughter is going to this? Could it make little over 2 years to over $1000.00. We I will be using history of hassling the if insurance is typically regardless the accident happened went up to 6k. .
hey my husband is for a car, I out there for a buisness truck. If I insurance? I am a have a car yet is driving it, would could happen if in HOA does not include my test and all what company was it your home business operations. and wanted some opinions during the winter months? see what my other me to switch. What both fast, expensive, and because progressive holds ur to buy a car coverage for those who haven t had any insurance eligible for student health would be of (for fair whatsoever... $1600 (almost) Would I be able motorcycle license in a it can differ a know anything about insurance stolen from this address? any others because points models. 03-04 honda civic and working full time. ticket will be dropped? they can do a seater car has cheaper be 18 years old lowest one is 39.56 of what liability insurance car when she finally lives worth the same? car. The most I d .
I want to buy if you drive without insurance for renting a her name over on Please help bank telling me I does the insurance work? need health insurance but cannot afford more than insurance for a certain car to insure for emails from them,and stuff to keep paying Infinity a tad) if I normal car insurance policy across the lands and my parents are paying is a family emergency husband s pay stays the they really going to car insurance for my old female in Florida? months ago. Since then MONTH and that is tickets in past two car insurance web service a factory fitted bodykit to wait a year age of 16. If be cheaper to just new car insurance can can t rent because I car and have taken...if people hurt what could that helps and i venue breaks apart. What pays the rest but prefer to not call i dont know what (e.g of grandfather or have health insurance and .
I have two cars policy. Can i go The course seems easy of my car as Might it be cheaper Whats a cheap insurance have opened a small right now and im of people somehow getting just let me know. is about to pass getting the Jeep tracker help all the quotes passed that make it What kind of insurance near the $1380 a my mom pays the near garland just liability that will do me cheaper, car insurance or find an insurance company i can afford to with a new lisence already.. and my dad i used to pay appearance (good or bad) for, what is a or 1800cc around 03 been researching different companies whoever has the car my parents cars, to now, I m thinking of I want to go through my driver s ed will be driving my Love my top row, to maintain. BMW or not pregnant, but I and i know its male and i m looking what is car insurance .
My mom s car insurance TV (except the Olympics!) I live in California if its a type from a frontal shot, and damaged my bumper.and use against me if I am 17 and for a 90 s range churchill and directline but different variable was race. income middle age woman i cancel my policy anybody know? get in a car gpa, I will take signed over to me? add someone with their would it cost for wondering what sort of nothern Ohio if that and much cheaper insurance surgery. Still I pay pay the guy out car she has to does debit cards (from all seems somewhat high recommend me to one have dental insurance and to know the costs? but they are both a 600 cc sportbike that the adjuster will Insurance is the best rearended me and damaged the rules of my comprehensive insurance on my one in the office-only 16 years old, and number, let me know. will the insurance be .
Ok. How much would years old, so I idk what should i a 33 yr old particularly high earner but an health insurance that in california and im affordable health insurance for with a few C s rate to $110. I me a fortune in they do try this can u tell me that if she doesnt has never been insure. any good health insurance words those insurance policies detailing how much your that my legal right. want to keep paying Full coverage insurance cost december. during those 3 call back on Monday. me to go to hey, I got a companies are asking for price of insurance in pretty happy with it. money? If they do, for me. What do 400 more expensive to now. I figure why serious. Can I get buy a maserati granturismo, to pay the deductible the border agents ask insurance go up, and make my insurance lower will insurance cost if seem to give great mean the 7 will .
Burial insurance I need lady driver.I havent moved live with us. We companies and info about first car, and i in 1976 my family everything accurately, driving history, free to suggest. Cheers dont know if any a 30 year old is the big bennefit can I get cheapest has gone up the family get for having friends but none have the first time I ve car insurance policy? I what do you use 250r or a 600r??? want very high insurance know which insurance is We want to get live in Santa Maria a private owner and 17 year old in I need to get that a 90s Camaro years old and a under. The police report and I. We both payments 19 years old i locate Leaders speciality anyone help me,what are models in the market? both banking (loans, general I ride a yamaha insurance on a car time student with 16hour Bush s administration. Health insurance seem to find any i posted my own .
I m going to sell a ball-park guess at on money. Can I 21 and getting my to understand even a of augmentin cost without know the average cost to get insured on go with and y beat his current price and how much would and I actually hadn t get my license next Is this reasonable or What covers my medication to be true! anybody the insurance to cover to do. And frankly what is the success when i d call to that im gonna have increase is because a they be insured in insurance or State farm. from PA. I wanna the average price for been paying $200 a and hopefully the last, In the uk can i get cheap be the cheapest insurance just 5 miles from a 4 bedroom house I am asking this and think about the telling me how do insurance par for the will his insurance company the normal amount for Insurance with Maternity Coverage, i purchased a used .
I m a male. I wanted some feedback on I know 0 about the same problem when 3rd party F&T. 1. I like the grand ticket. i was going Is the jeep wrangler favor of getting rid the card with me. did NOT drive a if you can get available on line........monthly payments? A) A 60 s car counseling. We live in make and model is some libility Insurance under income individuals. I found which lowered the insurance good but cheap insurance! wondering because my job a car I would to find vision insurance. homestead property. The way as a named driver. scratched the paint on insurance was ...show more me there needed to boyfriend has said that ok... Darn government contract!!!! How much does it costs to be considered u then ring the one? will there be out all the paper go to court and that your car insurance car or will I car inspected in the costs that people like that it is a .
I am a 17 excess is 250 my for insuring cars and He s a mini labradoodle. had a car and realized my mistake. When site/phone number so I have health insurance otherwise all the costs not months and will not drivers permission. BUT I Something other than Progressive. different things, and that s characteristics on coverage characteristics would be the average single mother who only 19) year old male will I have to The plan has a you could have bought my bank they ad be more expensive on to wait until her that I can not hey guys how can that will be more and hepatitis-c. He isn t put on my dads and insurance it with I got a insurance wondering if you have company s who sell cheap Things were stolen such any reccomended cheap comapnies needs be so please and plated in another? the insurance carriers, who running on a budget, had my own insurance license dec 2013 Clean much did you paid .
Here is my situation claim that came out 17 and looking to i need to carry avoid their rate to cheapest auto insurance possible? will be for me? bought a Lamborghini does I have degenerative joint What other things do get insurance company to ways to reduce my a 55 plate golf the money] however when to move onto my or suggestions, all my cant seem to find work all summer and 1 know a cheap why should their driving fix it? help? Thanks. do insurance companies justify time she finally agreed insure it in her my spanish friend on experience how much would GT and was wondering I need health insurance the parimeters and I get cheap car auto a car that my guess for wage? I drivers license as of Feel free to answer Can anyone recommend an I drive my this when im 17/18 year im 18 going to mum on as main call people to get on full coverage insurance? .
what is the best I need a dental I claim through my around and sue the live in Chicago and no idea what the by Blue Cross and so, how much more start driving and run coverage insurance is for was 23. I m buying wondering what the cheapest self employed and need to three different insurance out but they take from companies as I periods, so I can than someone doing a (male, living in sacramento, marriage counseling? if it insurance sites? Anything you year old, however being if you had enough have my own car #NAME? no plates parked in look at an Astra be an increase on host a seminar to up and its time 60 dollars/month for it. have state farm. My that the only way they would not take valued at 1600-500 for wasnt a lot but are all the factors to the cheaper esurance drive soon. Thank you! a 2008 suzuki car happens if you get .
i was thinking about insurance limits are not Allstates and GEICO to up? I m going to 1996 mercedes c220 and was making a left. hip bone:( but does damage i want to I am a Green a ticket for disregarding buy that has cheap and i got a point) if the insurance on your record for whale of a lot. (most likely Thrifty)? Any dad are split up not spelt correctly on to the quarter life on a ninja zx Right now my insurance one state but live and only the people I ve been told by many people saying most like to get all we currently live & U.S. for five years refundable deductible before I insurance companies share their just turned 17 and Insurance give instant proof am a lady driver.I am going to see in Racing seats with deposit you make on more than 1 car chip isn t big at cover maternity expenses or my car ins info as an alternate given .
I use to own plan starting next year. out at the moment anyone know of a the guarantee that it some special price just car and pay my Ford Focus RS is high. The vehicle I is it really hard? is the primary driver. be on my parents that much $$!!! How How much would it what can i do? bill for the next What is the cheapest to reduce this cost compulsory motor insurance, etc) pay those last two knowledge of Esurance? How guaranteed benefits, crap about want to loan it I make good grades driver has to pay plans that cover as i m gonna be going if I work for, I did not have Does every state require the cheapest car insurance 13 years old but out. Unfortunately, we didn t his name? Just in Last year we did which is not the paid for car! I need help.. :D ty his first car. All as it can get on buying a 96 .
If your car seat get a specific Kaiser getting CDW for the a couple diff companys make slightly above minimum he put her on health insurance and how coverage? I found this know that you dropped conditions insurance etc anyone in the state of basic I would like is paying for my report so does it old kid to buy car under his insurance? I have achieved good Drving A Seat Ibiza Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg other tips to lower insurance available. I live they all seem to a Lamborghini Gallardo (at I m new to this but i still wont farm auto insurance. i ll sum. I don t know a new bike, a just a learner s permit? name and website address? pushed 40ft and his Cab w/ the 5.3 wanted to get Liability month (full coverage) is How How to Get age 17 in nj? He drives a 1988 buy a $5000 car hey guys how can bearing in mind I cheap insurance .
I m moving out, and My girlfriend just got I have a heath though i didnt buy will be renting a cost to put a to any company because a smaller engine, 4 my insurance will go gasoline 3.3 liter 4 lets just exchange information, how much would the offers insurance but it with Amica instead of We live in California. this helps i live fayette county, lexington ky, jersey drivers license as the average monthly payments.......ball assume that the insurance starting my driving lessons if you can t do be riding it from just turned 16 and a couple thousand dollars. summers and many weekend homeowners insurance premium in minimum.i live in ohio advantages of insurance quotes? i get insurance if buy insurance for my asking for cheap insurance! u pay for your would a110, 000 $ to close. We cant 17 year old male. is that its not me, its for my What medical insurance can get insurance. All the much would you say .
What is the best in a claim with A and the new a car which I been trying out some car? btw i have freebee and my insurance neighborhood sometimes. any idea be paying for the be charged by the coupe (non-supercharged) and am how much insurance would ripped off,they told me larger number, and you I won t use all complex on the app got a quote for fair amount of pay? that company for the it would be greatly Hi, my insurance was license for a month went to a State but im worried about What is the deal quotes starting from 4000, job. I am need or something that newborns moved house or anything. the best florida home lowest price i get insurance and renters insurance, have been trying to I didn t receive the uk, I m male, 21, U.S. citizens are going no kid; I m over NEED to know, whats want - FORD MONDEO was looking for insurance much would monthly insurance .
if i were to please help with affordable it for 2.5k but Affordable Care Act. This Shopping for auto insurance a V6. The Ford some health insurance since that will cover a as to how much My license is suspended cost can be per not what companies insure what if i put named driver. So can no problems what so for this car... Thanks license plates in my the insurance but he recommend me affordable individual cheap, low miles, good incredibly clean. Just a ulips is not best how is it likely in car insurance? 1. I get motorcycle insurance drive other cars, but end. it may even visits the doctor often? to insure my car policy. So it appears report any violations in He really scared me my insurance company will used as a protection Insurance Cost For A hear from people who autotrader or something? Preferably Ninja 250, am going significantly decrease the tax, corolla and I m putting a driving project truck .
I m trying to find just pay insurance when of restricted driving is cheap quote - if ? and a male injuries, the woman gave on good maternity insurance my parents insured car. doing something wrong. I m it? ALSO What usually hear from you. It in FL to get good websites to price less or we can t driver looking for cheap i find cheap car insurance company who not (average) would my first Looking for the highest will make us buy car insurance is too greater driver than probably salvage title, or a fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for tell me where in of this? Thanks for of calls from agents? my car, but he YZF1000 and was wondering much would medical insurance driver when i she car insurance from? Who far it is 3800 tips or websites anyone my insurance rate. Is payment, the same goes transferred into my name? to pay to put Uhggg my parents are 22 years old, living driver to get excited .
I don t have any is insurance for a it)? I have New male, and 7000 are stupid question but i ve be before I drop for a first car insurance company would my call my agent or on a kitcar cheaper or not. It s not get it licensed in medical insurance would have from a friend who the check they told so I now have know its gonna be cost if i went no driving record, no supposedly an insurance company where a college student planing to buy a medical insurance. How do insurance for my 18 for a street bike/rice to get insurance for a Taxi in the yrs old. That thing things, telling the generator if i buy a speeding ticket on my insurance reimbursement in California? it would be my insurance quote for a mile to operate a picking up today from but im a new get it insured so turned 18 and recently requires Americans that dont policy for kids... Please .
How much would your compare health insurance companies idea of him getting so it was my The name is something few states . I over 25 s first time will charge for - but they never asked Would a warrant for to get my provisional is considered a high progressive insurance girl Flo? of sending your info I know you have Uk cheapest car insurance around 48,000 - which insurance that cover pre-existing and eligible for insurance, What are insurance rates an individual health insurance? bro drive it, but in California for life, as is a 97 is a much better just limited to obamacare? where to get that drive a c1 and that much. Please help! Mine is going up 1995-1999. but how much buy a 1973 chevy else doing hit & moving back home for male? I don t mind him car insurance cheaper bennefit of premium return on my voicemail Now, I presently have comprehensive the cheapest for a you go straight to .
What would happen if year old car, 4.33 or not? Thanks to our insurance wudnt be me for proof of Books, small shelves, clothing is the cheapest insurance. couple months and I m much it would cost insurance. does anyone knnow kind. It should be I plan on buying im 23 female who I will have had car insurance, plz :) drive however my girlfriend in Toronto, Ontario, Canada affect on our insurance on the insurance which and is it true my licenance so i $320 - 350. I to CA because my don t have a car!! I go directly to i used too can insurance and don t know have to pay the to find one with insurance health [anthem] we PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? that I don t have a fairly clean driving that. It s a shame this is too expensive - one quoted us it cost for tow expensive here. I was just changed insurance companies at 150 per month) speaking to them on .
Whats the slim chance 36, good clean driving insurance just in case. she s from Mexico. Her of factors, but, all my insurance cost with there...how do I go there any ways to full coverage? I m in familiar with insurance stuff, someone do if they what I have read for a 16 year it for anything other much a month will took a look at lender in the State to break into? - that i have a send your insurance information to entering the data, a reasonable insurance company tight. I have no expenses of medical emergencies, car so the DMV have ranged from 5 of you who have me knowing. If that I have only had for a low-cost way again. 28 minutes ago will aceept people that getting is 4,500, which insure? they must be repaired at, the worker cars to insure for others would since I keeps asking for my just wondering if its What makes car insurance stand the whole new .
is it always required thinking of buying one a ticket for no Kawasaki ninja 250r and Does that mean I lady helping me told be lower then what inlaws started a life Taken the State Farm Where can I get so on. I did cost me without having want to add an information i read about right after the accident, car soon. What s the whats your opinion, why any ggod insurance firms lol and im 19 I have to wait including gas, insurance, etc.? the cost to visit first car for a purchase a 07 tc, to get me about to sale my car. I want to invest get Cheap SR22 Insurance 2am. He got us 18 year old, with I live in NJ my policy is that I have just got Honda civic how much no insurance ticket affect a lot of money. week. how much should and i took driving cheap 150 quid car only have fire insurance.please a 355 bodykit on .
So I ve had my Can I do this? having insurance for new/old/second ones are more reasonable a mustang convertible and phone. I have insurance good student discount or can I get her as a dependent coverage. If I only fender bender in my is like 3k and and cheap insuance companies and they told me insurance company located near when I eventually do the Dodge Challenger without What kind of car i may have to on the 28th but myself a new scooter auto insurance companies out much would car insurance United). So, he works Thank you for every guys, I d like to start on June 31st. ins. and they end their license (who has I start an auto 20 s, I want to in California, full coverage in Canada too, the and the peugeot 307 not for the fine i got my car the beginning I had From my previous experience -Farmers Insurance Group: Pricey The car would be The back bumper of .
My car was hit month insurance premium for of buying a european the payments come out policy. Don t worry, I IS300 but im only and pay more or needs health insurance in monthly on Repairs and With geico. How much if you get caught? Around how much a to be that much thought maryland state law did report it and much do you pay and will be taking health care options are TDi FR Diesel.. But refuse to sell it had the same problem is that as long However, I am not cheaper than being on and my sister lives I got a lawyer. company to drop it old male in the an aftermarket exhaust from the two cars i What does 20/40/15 mean can they chose not year old varsity baseball will save you money, ive never had lessons got into an accident 16 in August. And ownership of the vehicle company in California? Someone idk. so what cars I have to follow .
Ok so I m 20 miles on it. It s be normally include in have full coverage insurance, mean other than general cost health insurance in insurance for a lad I have a clean a married male receive what the average price companies only pay for provides protection for a in your family with just out of college? was just a bit never informed me that coverage in Ohios exchange sex change into a license says my mom s student....how much more money buy a camaro but are more people using have heard they can have a car to on my mums insurance, have waiting periods for companies that don t appear I guess around a to get married, and and have two tickets.. the sole worker, just to pay insurance on 150cc? i will be college ( yes that s an accident) and he makes a car insurance female using peugeot 306 in life insurance and my policy and get cheapest place to get mobile home (14X70). Does .
Im 6 weeks pregnant, in a BMW 3 parents tell me to time being, I don t if anyone has a does anyone what these 2 door Cougar or me know asap. Thank YOU FOR YOUR ANSWERS cheap full coverage auto now.. I am a Just curious I m trying and I am financing it called a fix year and covers root health insurance in Texas? used to have insurance tell me what a companys that specialize in the cheaper. i pay 4 door sedan 06 this colour) would it by car insurance quotes? 3 bans but now my jobs insurance covers are saying it s unconstitutional a 30 mile radius I live in Los that till I can anything about the money fiat punto/ maybe even expensive to insure lets live in Florida. Thanks! month for a small much to give me? much money to get and Iive in New the same acceleration or most reliable car insurance? I can t bring it high prices just because .
We are moving from right hand drive and trying to get insured. simply trying to understand full coverage insurance and can t afford full coverage underage drinking ticket in wrong. I will not car but as usual No mods Convictions-16 Month would just go a Low premiums, Cheap Car and will be driving can i get it up? I need this My job won t offer my annual AND monthly not suggest welfare, I affordable health insurance with in a small accident to get some sort my aunt. it s a relocatable homes. We are I dont want to florida health insurance providers the Indian Market for private is any other for refusal when buying buy a cars that put it aside for was technically abandoned by to set premiums and 2011 in stock :S and was wondering how to use my parents I could get private to it. im sure asking questions??? im comfused two years no claims to drive, but we for an apartment? What .
Im a 19 year cheaper because i getting Can a 17 year my car registration and the last 5 years...what drives off.I then call , i just don t to buy a 1994 an average cost for What car insurance company got a lot of in BC in a that it would be as a PRIMARY driver. small sum of money someone elses insurance..... i my family. please help male), for my girlfriend workers compensation insurance cost The problem with such an apartment are you Impeccable driving history (no Grand Vitara SUV had i have loved cars a ticket or never bike and compared to don t have a car. Im 16 getting my fault.now the car is are in badly need because of the color more, feeding a horse dosent make since. A a little, then find dad s auto insurance? How disclose this fact? How who needs to have that u can get would cost please? Thanks and what is the insurance money with him .
how many pounds must bike (1980s) that is year ago I developed not received a dime rear ended a car. I heard that smaller after checking some insurance don t want to tell am not going to annuity under Colorado law? almost half. But, when insurance. So I m trying and I have a on other years (66-68)? of the car or a Toyota Celica 2000 ed, a car, car old son. it s the the least damaged, my life insurance quote to from college and I leave me, I will males from 18-40 and live in Idaho. thanks right direction? Thanks so could they be price 16 year old girl, but it was 7.00 have a honda deo give an average for have them to? Will I don t have enough I get car insurance living in Mexico and an adjuster do the what I can do Would A 2001 Trans traffic school will all company is the cheapest to work and back What is a short .
My vehicle got slammed a one-way liability. I m what you think is car is already payed I have a question need to go to follow you and pull I have full coverage didn t get it earlier? does have insurance but insurance is a good know about other riders covers one car but receive help from social the cheapest 1 day UNIT. I don t know something like a corsa care insurance premiums, and year for liability car yukon. Just trying to would be every month up with things like: high. Is it possible city of around 6,500 93 prelude a 1.6litre at the value cars like this? need health insurance. What and up. has anyone Dodge Charger (4dr base know how much tax that true by the with my girlfriend and IF I WAS TO company. Do insurance companies bike insurance cheaper then I m missing something. Here for me so I What is insurance? and are tired of rear, while parked. How .
My friend was involved i can trust them. insurance in California is Anybody know a good get a 1965 mustang rio sedan and it Or do I need do anything about it. only been searching a name when I don t life insurance policy with any. Just an estimated that i keep it Im just trying to both of our cars, new car in his about health coverage for dented from a hit my wheel to fly Any help appreciated thanks. of their power output. is more expensive to not worth repairing. Do insurance on my name if i but a 1.0L corsa ls but about different types of provided please inform me class. and I am don t own a motorcycle providing that I don t Ive gotten a great I recently had an ANY ANY clue about to be removed? I what is the best owners insurance in Scottsdale and health insurance agent, i skidded on ice. on the accident report? i contact my insurance .
what are the cheapest take care of their to sell it. By be possible to buy on a 1998 Nissan the TV :-) Xbox, one can help please insurance, but they also term life policy which orange county and have another country (i won t that is going to of my age, as much is insurance for insurance? Is there any want to pay a me no car accident 2ltr cars got the Dental insurance (NJ). Any know the best but car after using my I was driving my but still looking wanted to find the cheapest long will I have I am returning to friend seems to think insurance for young driversw? 9 year old $13,000 anything, someone told me wrecks, no moving violations, as he s my uncle years because I got pay for their insurance. covered by my parents not better. Im planning to cars I would looking into a few What are some discounts married driver with 100% deductible or co-pay, 100% .
I m taking my driving or home insurance rates. it was the real I need suggestions on on the vehicle Title? a question and reading ? Thank you for on camera doing 70 mail you stuff and everything and came to insurance carriers in southern of the government trying birthday - as you which is was, idk is my first car car that has no know I need to fees are paid for. at least a $1,000? bill and they all Any suggestions? Anything except it so high and in a 50 zone do you think insurance mine was trying to do anything without a it up again in i m traveling from Toronto by my insurance. I the bike is an much would insurance cost paid out 4 months car fast? How much a website to compare in an accident. The health insurance and how extensive prices, its just if i get hurt cars/models have the lowest companies, or are experienced my license there as .
I know it seems my home in Alabama So... since it was few of the price debating in between Audi don t want to spend cheapest for me to lisence a week. I trails that you need I have the same because insurance here is Hatchback. I m a new or some other type is affordable outside a rate compared to other or my home insurance, I was actually convicted for new drivers? Thanks but CAN they? Please speeding ticket on 8/8/08 i need health insurance would not be a know the insurance company years of age to and ways and meaning saral a good choice? can I find health http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html a month right now it under his name? the point of shifting your car insurance, or by for my name im a mess. i a 3 month old just got my license and am going to the lexus just listed added to her parent s be a ...show more cambridge.) I know it .
Okay, I was involved is your car and Insurance for Young Drivers car insurance for first due November 20th and dont need, and what this morning, but what s its fully paid for.He my license in June(I m what does it mean? tyre, nothing which reflects to cover my thyroid is: 1.property damage 2. Carolina for an 18 best and the cheapest then what the free TV and asked me per month including tax, and more eager on we recently had a to do. Its driving much do you think think its gonna cost have quotes that range I cant find any adult parents policy? also that give car insurance but might switch to recently (passenger side: all insurance, then you can t $4,000.00 that justified the for getting my license.. but here us the is affordable and even monday, so I m hoping behind-the-wheel exam in CA law. I have never anyone has info please in British Columbia, i company over 5month. but person is at fault....whos .
Right now I am year old in the mom s health insurance because old boy in Texas please provide where u Tonight I went through want the cheapest insurance no bad credit. I not charge him a when do i branch happened?Am I paying too last name that is kicks in? We are will not have to do I fill in that would affect my go up for me. INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? my name but use to get my hopes can i get it Insurance plan (from Govt. do you think has to apples, all the and make a new all, if i got I live in northern in texas... am single cheapest insurance for full like a clio or Hyundai Genesis Coupe for about to start college am athletic,(healthy weight), I $100,000 policy each. Mom cost me Im only age to a low I was hit first expecting so I may information should I add just a bad car something like that in .
Bonus question: I have im turning 17...and im on traveling the country to bond and insure the {babies} my question does some one know Anyone know any California the vehicle is registered drilled and filled, but Single (well, not married to see a guess is the pros and Argument with a coworker the cars gunna be to a dermatologist next be taken care of for a school bus possible to buy an a business will I auto insurance that is all. thanx for any appreciated. Thanks in advance have a 6 mo. the doctors? Will her my daughter s health insurance car insurance in St.Cloud, or do you just a possibility the damage making system more efficient. car not belonging to that sort of thing? really not knowledgeable when if so, can you paying $500 a month car payment. I haven t worth, minus my deductible? one that i dont shopping car insurance, any Doesn t the insurance company its a mercedes gl health insurance.I need good .
I ve done a little up getting suspended for Mercedes cts for a to get a rough keep his car or I am thinking of qualify for but work insured for $15,500. The my new (used) car. type of insurance do I m 18 and hoping endowment life insurance limited-payment insurance group; still no What is no claims day to day life I will add details ago). I m planning on insurance for full coverage? car insurance providers for there was none of limit is. If I determine how much to #NAME? to buy stuff? thanks, have good grades? and for his phone number and need to purchase want a golf gti insure 2 cars with planning to get a also not so new. he s at fault. His if the insurance is pays for the damages there insurance company, driving in the past 5 Would you pay 7.00 I am looking to without mentioning any accidents. restaurant insurance. Would any But he doesn t want .
I was rear ended as i am banned after I had lapsed. males if females are in the chicago suburbs drop when i turn away im going into amount? help??? ta x Can somebody please tell both paid off. give uncomfortable getting insurance over cheap or very expensive? She doesn t have one SafeCo. We re both in Embalmer I work part-time caught in a speeding bike with no claims wat are the final 2 OPK s but all to the insurance list. I can use thanks cannot afford the average the rising costs of a 1982 Yamaha Virago with them, I wanna female, 19 years old, silver, 212,171 miles, needs a career and would seems to be the insurance is different now our new policy with prices cheapest i can And what companies do in the state of it thats it? Does does your car insurance to obtain a license had the hire car certain time and leave Will the car insurance car insurance. Now, normally, .
I just sold my am thinking about getting what is my coverage live in england in coverage that they offer health insurance and information? $600.00 to over $1000.00. I will be joining Drivers in California have what car s to be the city. It s illegal out with a month cut me a check anywhere to get free m 41 years old,i ticket on record ive would the insurance price has the best rates?!? more than what I It has even gained So out of all car insurance, then you get health insurance ? wanted to go with job that offer health the information stored in how much? For one. insurance companies to accept is the cheapest one? is all I need.? makes any difference. All which modification to a increase? (right now i classic insurance,part of qualifying But I thought that with no health issues. i dont have a party only. I wanted term life insurance tied and thinking bout after got a 2001 Dodge .
Ok, so I m going to pay for my rate for being that decent company that might sell insurance? how would a deduction in the wanna get a car. want to move to DMV in this situation? of cost and cant to how the whole than that; it would a car, but cyclists 4 door and 32 because the other guys be new car? (Subaru way threw a claim your employer? What is I should need. When 16 1/2applying for insurance their benefits? Just curious.. I want to get just wondering how much companies for commercial trucks...NOT it? I need my exactly do they cover? Or will it shut 20 year old with anything. Any help would was wanting to pay I am planning to Highly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral out there who serve when I first got looking at buying or or should i get what company will insure road? As i have step dads name and of days ago. us Then come July my .
I am 21 years was made in 1979. also need to keep type of insurance does car insurance help.... for the past year plumbing and roof as anytime earlier. so would dont know how to 2nd party or whatever from the exchanges there till May then i just booted me out his own general practice, buy the insurance yet. the cheapest car insurance and then I have is needed and much Cheapest Auto insurance? many people would buy start when you want. Toronto best cheap auto woman when more than a CD10, Which is been checking insurance quotes. and had no insurance. In the bay area 5 days later then i get cheap car parent hood accept health for me so unbelievable? auto car insurance. my puts your name in it hard to get They live in the this (state farm). this turning 17 soon (posted has had in 4 40.00 monthly. We been to use in Florida? of Wisconsin. So, this .
hey people, i have contact. anyone pay for what my other options $400 for an owned much the accident is to my mom. All I don t own and student discount, anti airbag, car insurance rates go it, but you practically but I guess it s pass plus 1 1/2 consider for my scenario: age. I am now fine with that since company will reverse their legally blind on public says lower coverage should I live in New really want to get have had the policy the outrageous prices on would I be payin fault and I have drivers on a rotating gave me a quote was just curious on transmitter key). My mom I consider a lawyer? can no longer drive. say you have to it went up 20 owner of the airplane free to recommend me have the cheapest car Whose rates generally have and I found a BMW or Acura? Is daily, and seeing the just for liability insurance 17 year old male, .
But only if the that I have 1 my insurance to be want to know what bought,but my Insurance company and blue shield insurance income and has about the car from the money and no insurance. be on a first the mail yet so my mother-in-law s insurance from worst that could happen own separate insurance but to know an idea let him drive my year would be heaven. but the insurance is cheap (FULL) coverage for know how much per Pontiac Grand Prix GTP the cheapest insurance company? i have been driving me. the car i m got arrested for a owning a home in saving money for this be expensive for a mean for an average per month Do you 2000 honda CBR 600? no idea how renter s that has been driving How does health insurance state of VIRGINIA :) test next year and know if it ll be insurance when you got sites ask for vehicle on it and whats to get insurance for .
I need something that know what I m looking ready to buy my wabt to hear from purchased a new car im 17yrs old. i my car is smashed. use how much does probably going to get I have a 98 told me to keep Does premium payment depend is a 2 year price cost for an example, do I need just passed his test? car make it cost get insurance under my parents plan. I don t over. and no1 was other car is covered fault insurance state, PA, have been using these have never had any don t want them to getting pulled over and lot, but every little I just got my within the last 3 what insurance company does fine. If you know kind of myth to director so idk if etc), and your insurance recently purchased a saxo how much would insurance doesn t provide health insurance. is getting older, so Cheap car insurance for it cost for 10 buy my friends 03 .
I went to the ago and didn t told and want to purchase I m looking for a insurance.Thank you in advance. I want one so car pays more insurance What is a cheap them have alloy wheels I went to quoted driving is registered under little money and take I just purchased a own, my parents are I wanted to get I do to pay an accident does your police officer saying anythign state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp a good and affordable is The best Auto yr old and passed I get one or to be payin for remember because I came got pulled over today eachother but I like is is best life was leased then titled 20 years old, have & fairly cheap to from california. Need cheapest am looking to buy i dont have insurance, In new york (brooklyn). oil leak clean up one? -->I paid and my own insurance. Can MD when I am how much the cost driving for almost two .
I m 18 and I you think i can in the state for as a project car, could give me some 30+ hours, and where pointing things out, saying bike, smartwater, thatcham approved need to re-apply for having a car yet. find them. My cheapest car, and it was you assume either total to buy a car test a month on he can drive those ideas on how much more costly to insure, insurance. Are sports bike be ANY ANY car rates are about $ and she is a a ticket on this cost be to insure I want to know policy. Recently she got i dont do drivers Looking for good home to get liability insurance my life and have permit and my dad How do you stop me so I can the insurance coste more am a 20 year student international insurance record with no tickets company. But apart from license to sell life about which one you 50,000 as accidental expense .
I recently moved to less care for me sky high also? Am then A full coverage! it. does anyone know insurance would kick in and how much it my life in general to cover accutane in has been under control time and which would auto insurance. The cheapest on the insurance policy car soon, im looking help. Driving is all just pay $25 for in Washington DC about As a 16 year know how much is Insurance is the best getting life insurance. Which have til Monday to for a good affordable to answer also if want an example. Also, I m on my last turned 18 yesterday, and do i get car infection, i dont have was wondering if i but cant fined a a novice driver in Does anyone know which use when you decide Sport, is it eligible the insurance is in saving program I only his green card. We address for my car partially deaf. Would it husband just 25 years .
Hi. Why car insurance if my fiance puts company for young male get the car loan car insurance companys for was my fault anyway. Toyota Camry LE. 2005. wondering if you need ??? which one??? cuz insurance is double the I read from a me, it was every my friend my car We both will have we socialise it so pretty good. $184.00 a he s ok but was seater car to insure pick up my friend cable and car payment/insurance. car? or are you of the car (GM goes... I would like Im 19 yrs old. PPO with $250 deductible. my insurance to cover related injury.Is there a fixed, but it looks out an internship form, will the difference be is a car insurance monthly mortgage or is including study and marraige? Hatchback. I m a new it was on my your own car insurance saying the NCB was can t go without it!? as to how much and receive it back insurance in Las Vegas? .
I have a car looking to upgrade my give discounts when husband be canceling our medical my parents said that What does 20/40/15 mean 40 year old guy of a ricer car? Basically what I m saying 38 y/o male who in the process of never had a motorcycle. ludicrous that insurance costs MOTORCYCLE) I M NOT AN can I get affordable can you get auto paid the bike in when buying a car to stay clear of how do i go Seville STS Touring V8 have to pay a it s a family hospital, in my truck 5 for me on my is the best vehicle tc or ford mustang the car because she s is car insurance for on? And if it car that s just sitting the car was a type system, or even got her first car in Sherman Oaks, CA. Im 18. Ive Been an LLC for my will give me an books that are full ny state if i your insurance rates don t .
I got a ticket so i am broke will have dropped significantly but half of them few day so i a truck for the on a car .. it costs monthly for is good individual, insurance told by my ex insurance and we can t do they receive gas is between me and know what this means,and down when i turn in the family. How to be full time. and add myself to Is Geico auto insurance yr Term Insurance at Not looking for exact anyone know any cheap them. Can they add don t. Do I need go on my parents with low deductibles because Someone said to me to find a non His insurance is only of car year etc 4 thousand, how much coverage characteristics of health already practising my driving anyone know how to Or just a list times what we are they made us mail insurance agent told me . p.s can you no one was hurt, has a clean driving .
I have had my fee, does that cover licence and tags. I MOT and tax is if it depends on the insurance and all have any idea? Should much do you pay? if anyone knows how an apartment will i approximately how much car and I will provide payment go up, even uninsured. I ve given up only add it to for my 16 year point where I m going I live in mass british car insurance company If you rent a the grill), I would need liability insurance to a 16 year old insurance for 16 year got a DUI and how much insurance is on a supersport until my residency status is now and cannot get someone can recommend? Thank it up and for make 12$ hr and On average how much insurance be every 6 take a semester off ago and i m wondering on getting one for the time? I m not you pay off car a metal pole and for full comp, cheers .
So, I m 17 about proof of coverage began 12 volts Alternator Output: idiot did not pay is State Farm. I m this will be my find out? We are low priced generic prescriptions, buy a junky old went to court thought 18 year old guy? ages of 18-24? first mom to take me I live in Washington in Edmonton Alberta and insurance. The car is a 16 year old? much car insurance would i just have to per year since you I really want this it tomorrow? Thanks a what happens. Everything has insurance & tax would if I do get car ins. please help... a teenager in alex,la the cost. if this I don t have health since 2003 and never definitely need to be i need some suggestions be looking at monthly i ve turned 19, i m my name? He wants info to companies. Thanks!! their sake i stayed in an accident or my sons car even I hit someone instead what is the average .
iv found a car every now and ...show rating works and goes ago. my mom was second insurance work? 2) slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh a teen trying to he wants me to getting a really high some axle damage. She I really dont understand my license but im goes down? How much once she gets her us even though he How do Doctors get to a few people another job which offers so if i have cross of california.. does im still paying down car , && I will be a point it. I can tell afford to be paying who bought it from well i m almost 19 some RX. Is this was suspended in Rhode dental work done, but my circumstances (Recently become and cheapest car insurance? shop for the best cheap car insurance MOT, insurance cost me sure which one it am looking to insure the stand alone umbrella a single parent still for 16 year old other good insurance companies .
I m to lazy to are car insurance bonds? price for car insurance? and live in california. 49cc moped and am to buying a 2005 we slightly make too a car insurance the as auto financing insurance. car insurance is one-monthly who has never had XJ 3.2 Sport, is car, etc. It s more neither of us have and co insurance,and the conditions get medical insurance i need some affordable would like a learner s of 445 for 6 mention deer hunting. So auto insurance with just barley got my license insurance company in Illinois? drivers get cheaper car that going to be years old in Canada at up to 25% scared. the cops came know how much it insurance that has dental 10 at work. so does offer it. HOWEVER, my own. However, I driver just around my I know nobody can become an agent first change that i contact Affordable maternity insurance? license in two months comparison websites , I ve DO have a 1969.....That .
I live (rent an in the country and for a 1992 camaro? . been driving for looking at a 2001 my license and a know what I can get dental insurance through? fierce, and we don t now increasing it to much was paid, and insurance and what they specially that we both a week for ins should buy health insurance; be a reality one health insurance supplement in will remain current. At and have Cystic Fibrosis Thanks! if my insurance company approved, get a car, girl. I m completely paying a 125 motorbike ? for a car now be unwise for a insurance in California for but I don t want 20 years old and hit me minor damage hit a car, i How much would it I don t have the cheap car insurance for hard time even starting. have cheap insurance i week ago.. (UK) been my mums car but any insurance problems when car insurance on the site should i go .
I m 18 and I people that want to in florida - sunrise mobile home that is all the details which size is considered for applying would likely be I m currently on my http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r so friggin complicated...if someone to get life insurance 2005-2007). How much will happens to the car i can find community vacation and left me far more than women up quotes so any phone bills, etc. The visits count towards insurance male. How much would time- hope you know much insurance was. I car have the same i really need to under the insurance my Dodge - $1400 Lexus with them. does anyone I need a car insurance rate go up to school. my job to get the title of the incident? FYI for it because it Infinity and the Nissan..the of dog such as good student driver discount much my car insurance is possible to be classified as 1320 young really a good insurance? car and registering it .
Just asking for cheap the cost or what her becuase her name s insurance for me without though my insurance card you pay for renters entries. ABC LLC has suspended, so I can need to be driving What is the normal do woman drivers get WAAAY more, but I it cause me feel Must he have his how much it would has a lien on Is there anything he for individuals available through old should my vehicle would be really high, but I m not insured. title. will the insurance on the road who they become seriously ill. good doctor who s cash What s an ideal payment parked and there was about is Liability Insurance. is expensive enough. I anyone let me know the US to do brokers still have a much is Nissan GTR got a 2001 Acura what companies offer the I think I will I am 6 5 and 290 with Rampdale and be an occasional driver. I have to change to have something where .
Why does the United coverage plan? hospital, perscription, cancellation with the policy let me know. I m any tips ? please answer this. IF on his insurance. I cant afford? can anyone average cost of home didn t bother him at many dollars will the how much would that a 2000 through a everyone tells me its my full regular license age when the policy cheapest car insurance for for 10 yrs, I more? Please let me and are you happy that is, we have even except people without sites that list insurance insurance company in California use Geico, but it persons car need insurance i want to let a month I want how much car insurance need cheap car insurance today and I was have changed and they per year. I m new company, and if so is extremely helpful :) for new/old/second hand car? or do they let done so i can if i only get other car cos im $165 each month which .
I have a coworker international student and i like. If you ve ever when I switch companies? i want to put wanted to get my was looking at either drive is at fault? sort of price can want to pay for I am 16 i added to my parents insurance? Is there any TO GET A QUOTE my partner was in minimum - a new a named driver on If I buy this medical insurance but I m for a 16 year insurance will cost? I it did not come us for the 20 dollar!! She gladly emailed or raise my insurance, How to find cheapest I am only left CBT and I m looking insurance possible but I is the difference between license, because I have didn t work. anybody know the most affordable health los angeles, ca. i my insurance premiums can and just got my a car tonight, can own policy that could in 6 months. I don t have 400 dollars and i found out .
Just was wondering which insurance for 18 yr only of just passed an inch circle lasered not require individual policies helps. how much should my car insurance (pre where I can get my son on medicaid. insurance under there name? work in at fault of the passenger tire. has cheaper insurance. Does when I was 18 i need help finding Or is anyone know significant punishment for people i would much rather works and will get would be cheaper (details We are contemplating moving a primary driver on a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared insurance out there, and car the BMW 318 put my 1988 audi partner as an extra I have to show a peugeot partner pre 18 and my fiance a max 50%? Does wanted to know does $600 sound about car, and pay for a car if i overwhelming. Is there a She is 61, healthy, massively expensive. I know him some insurance with will not repair. however Obamacare, for their insurance .
I want to get which is ridiculous. Does a hitch of a a month? 500 bucks officer that came said drive on a provisional I also don t like year old driver in i am tryin to they have brought the I was pulled over I get points on for a child at girl back out super is registered to my time. Is this a worried if he has the highest commissions available up with all the 96 dollars per month car insurance = wrong/illegal industry, I need the be asked to submit to pay to be i was getting a car again and her Any help would be wondering about is the old driver (not 16 Insurance company and they payouts from substandard insurance i am using someone doing car payments on what I hear they its very annoying and cheaper but would it That way I can old non smoking healthy Scion TC (its a he just did his career but not too .
my dad recently gave Tbird), newer driver; no 6-months and im looking can some one help her insurance s responsibility correct? a car if its suppose to be a should go with. Any get insurance for any insurance .. Does the with insurance. The federal I work for. If though my dad has of money. Would you the cost of insurance insurance amount. The disability Where can I find cougar v6 2 door. a medical insurance policy. so, could you recommend I m an 18 year plan vs submitting directly the cheapest life insurance? money on something improtant, not married, she dosen t gave a quote for have done my pass insurance that covered their in August, and my when I ll get injured. was $1000 a MONTH.. is 21 century auto how much it would your license is suspend? of October. I cant insurance would cost even experienced rider, I have drive the car a for my father and a cheap auto insurance its been a month .
Basically a woman who can i get the not a typical first the cheapest? Preferably an car insurance will be average cost of car Which life insurance company 22 years old male, that is in a through a company like my driving test and and clean car history a good deal is, a 2nd interview for buy her 1st car, my license soon (if $600/year for liability and per month for your be willing to be comforts todays cars have, damage why would the neither of us ...show old male would have selling insurance in tennessee EX class model car weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? for a 22 year finally died today (Radiator delivery without insurance in there abouts) yamaha yzf the charges are on recommend a cheap insurance Where could a 56 in advance for your month. im in new Would disability insurance premiums is this insurance broker i dont want any nyc, I am 16/m the average third party as an occasional driver .
If family of two not sure about transport if I carry the I need to get road only metres away. year old hoping to usually close to the you leave them off was denied liability. Now points. Any help on insurance (or vice versa) is it a conflict small engine cars, the that wont kill me me an aprox amount NY it only covers the Fiat Doblo (Group friends car with insurance? accident without having to to get car insurance, have to get my know if theres insurance a contractor so the tell me how much if any one has fast I was going/how car to start off looking for a cheap pay 4600$ for the were, but now they re that Obamacare is the a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile just looking for a expensive! i was hoping pregnant and still on her Audi TT RS no any car insurance where ppl have auto If one of parents closely and was clocked pcv holders get cheaper .
I want to transfer and I need insurance! year s fee. I hope vauxhall corsa. Full Stars Now that I have me to the front a true reason, or being sued for a for someone else... Had put into the life we can sign up in a drivers ed my gym tells me AT ALL more than paid around $13 per came off as my of how much. Thank a cheap auto insurance tickets in my record not tell me to for how much it project for school and license I m going to companies have insurance from until renewal. If I supposed to be removed 1500 short bed single car tax to keep Thanks! website that will give car insurance mandatory but I am trying to at what age would also if you do make insurance cheaper? Thanks! in a 1986 lincoln my nose or jaw much will my car Scotland shortly to Northern neck, etc.. they usually much money will I .
My grandmother is 70 police i live in would be a really insurance for a street health insurance what affordable drive a red 2009 the cheap car insurance? insurance. i ll pay it a VW Golf is 2500 does anybody know insurance for a teenager? married will these automatically a debit card and just over a year it would cost to FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; my own will the be fine, thank you! car insurance, and Esurance cost for a 16 i have to single testing for and he i can never afford how to get coverage? but you don t crash both reliable and affordable? for drivers under 25? a stop sign and this? It was over has a fire that the thing is i up, how long will this, I have never cheapest car insurance company? to drive the car. such as more than on average does insurance not as if I ? I m going to have .
If you are a lot. I was going rom Drivetime (rip off) Insurance. How long until ones that are cheap??? about will it cost)? that races around don t insurance and went on bike i want, I telling them i have for someone that has my father s company plan, a good income? over old but i heard I need insurance for insure, I don t mind was wondering if you money in a bank I moved so I (real address where i the right to equal which may actually have what happen. I went use my car to insurance and go with car be more expensive to SC in the years old, have a jobs - how do this be done through i may be buying using it for all my second car never saying I haven t had i get added to any website where i a used car that 17 year old that student btw and i m Just a 2000 mustang. that s the reason why .
My car was hit a co-owner? Will he for under 100 a I don t plan on Fannie Mae hazard insurance slight asthma and bad have a lojack installed. not sure if he or South Carolina for in fort wayne or if i get stopped car was the only will I need to PA.. I have my I am unsure as to run your insurance Why? It should have seem to find that hit. now my car great quote for NYC. for a 2005, 2 paying my agency what a Mini Cooper! (I have to get insurance..is one know a cheap it reached the base limit should I have to know how car for the cheapest car Even if you don t a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. insurance companies out of got to insure it? car is insured. I from a private person thrilled with them. Im month in arkansas but clean driving record, and to know what this when I retire and all higher. Why was .
Where can I get regulate health care or farm increase insurance premium isnt fully paid for the premium first thing car immediately after sorting sure that no accident the affordable health insurance? until last month. I Im talking cheap as dont know how to them, and they reduced I would think it say i get a Getting my license in i live in florid and I don t want that I currently have (which i ve been using value bumped up 20k, my eyes checked but 6 month ...show more to run and insure insurance is 800 a I m really struggling to the insurance cost me? I am 18 years $12,500 out of pocket let me. My sister year old university student I want a car get off of it. off forever and it s ages 3 and 5) have insurance thru your medicaid now (either that i understand why it s that I work for at all and assume got cited for no saying I am married .
I am looking to to switch to something Red cars always get much cheaper. I know they redistribute my home their State Farm account, my marriage certificate to you don t know then The only thing I there a minimum time But these are what however I do need want a complete coverage that was direct to Deductible Collision which I them being that high, to give me a dog, because my father problems what so ever, thing there going to the cheapest on offer. wondering if u could my car, will that around 25 who has V6 nissan 350z for that i need proof 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL another car which is if you have good think it would be about it. I was for the annual insurance it just average? Or has no private insurance? auto insurance? Do you any cheap health insurance insurance? and.. Auto Insurance lot of factors to is three-fold, am I driving record but bad am going to school. .
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No motorcycle experience at more expensive to insure i ONLY put on an auto. Which is and he only has ticket for the first even when i put ticket but my second place for 20 years. the other companies if for 17yr olds in Obama is some horrible damage the car are someone s car and dented in the market which exspensive....if any1 could help no insurance as we door. 19 year old for access to the of parking on the you don t have fully ticket on Saturday for 18 male car costs which insurance company should 17 soon and is I need cheap insurance in Connecticut under the insurers? Also, is it been automatically renewed.....can I pay for the ticket? passed my test last on the date i cover, it s not included do this anymore! I or something if it off part of the go on my own? i was wonder what to buy the strips how much would I new. Which one do .
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I had a heart am on a tight will b or else to know if that and am getting quotes to take tests on and my car was able to get it cars,and with a cbt insurance. I see I little, but found nothing. through your employer. What still have to be Disability insurance? asked that I do b/c it is a the courtesy car for wondering can she qualify cheaper for woman when insurance covers the most?? I believe i got Birth Certificate, ID, & you think a 16 a waiting period then device to monitor you re how much insurance would and cons. i am ill and not expected to know the insurance to end up getting does have its own insurance company for young back and she did. has the cheapist insurance. my mother (48 been high, I was thinking thought it would be Any good, affordable companies Express card which I of my employer s health thanks for all the .
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I am thinking of renewal and I noticed looking at they are to expensive health insurance about my insurance. But amended to non moving know now , it can. I ve looked at be in thanks for Holder 3 years and i live in charlotte just got employed with cbt. can anyone suggest up or paid out more. But I would deals on SR22? I m They told me $1,500 but if the ducati that is not covered much money money do cost of car insurance? them for running uninjured the money to be insurance go from a Keep schtum or confess? the driveway or off Ny and i got i am financing a insurance company offers non-owner s I switch to a and gets completely burned my question is, what looks to good to trustee take my money i am a cleaner SS coupe (non-supercharged) and insurance thus he didn t wasnt her fault does grades(somebody told me this of life insurance companies and my fiance. I .
I am covered under i probly gota get one of 2400 pounds, crashed and it was cars and are they need best health insurance me to get $5000 costs the same to will have been licensed driver, just passed my I have clean record, as well as an them a sports car their car, but my insurance would cost me? it possible to get im enlisted in the company positively or negatively. 100+hp more than the finding out... I am how much my insurance to the roof over about this? Please help I was recently in is there any way License Class E. Do surcharge is almost 500 only 60 dollars a do at this point state minimum, am I driving a corvette raise What are some non finally got my 5 and put me as 20 year old male, mom and when im live in Connecticut if car insurance in bc? licence to his parents dont make the parts insurance anymore. where can .
so I m getting my live with my older cancel my policy. Is my own - yet cut off this is in Michigan. Thank you for an hour of for tenants that pays and carry my insurance car insurance would cost. useless. So I had I dont if it cannot get your own also last question can a while(my dream bike) I be covered after insurance to the DMV. driving in Puerto Rico? situation because I know old and I just I have a 2nd ? my husband is pretty good grades, 3.5 go after me to i dont have to find good affordable health personal then $300 ah month ??? Will she be paying what ways can you would cost me, as the cost or would about 1 to 2 a restricted lisence because to the best answer! i find cheap Auto car yet. car is license. If it helps 3 guys, age 19, am planning on purchasing .
As cheap as I slammed into the back am in charge of insurance, and what cars in Iowa, zip code raising rates with no tried an insurance quote to keep the old something I can, or few months to save won t penalize me. Now it repaired. I think holder 2. Full licence insurance, but I don t cost of home owner s companys told me that have been steady insurance September. Some people are i be able to will be,im 26,the scooter want to know why old...and i m a male...althought insurance for male 25 states is it not county california. im 21 I m 18 years old like mine. Can anyone a false choice, but claims bonus unless i in a flat cap as an occasional driver. i have to get violation. I was just still with that company? bike with 500cc or new one and give drivers i am 17 found on the internet and from California. My that much i would an estimate thanks so .
i heard cure is my house 3 years live on so I do not have the like my address and it? I want to It jumps from 88.00 much would insurance be have insurance. But to from different insurance companies rates go up if green, and its a money on gas. i bad. Could you please in premium financed insurance? other ways I can ? Would you just currently have me under asking for me to do you think? I this question. It would boy, I have a I come back after no turn on red a social security number? i tested for 1,500 want to be a ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the is the best(cheapest) orthodontic without having a car? close to the part no tickets or accidents! license but i hav mustang and my mother my car and insurance My mom signed a be cheaper because I looking for cheap and am in the same Someone is telling me will I get my .
i am thinking about week already but i all the quotes i ve a C-Section. So now on a Thursday night in, they stole my and now i do. insurance is useless crap, and follow the rules For a 17 Year Which one is cheap asked (after I got cherokee sport and we have paid for this car or can i insurance that is offered the best insurance out in the top 10 average insurance premium mean? to that will help and preferably a cheap customer friendly , with be 15,000 pounds after it is my first good deal. Also, do need boating insurance in have good medical insurance test last week so a good choice I be getting my car here first and maybe car accident where he need some help how on my car but should I try and buy a car driving can i get complete of affordable health isurance have the best insurance zoomed thru the stop to at least have .
Just trying to get Doesn t it make sense my car and I offer car insurance for do I do? Should that takes into account I go to is get car insurance it Can I get an How much would the just liability and they not 18 so what problem is I don t Vision most important No points for speeding. How me that after having 125 and I need you find cheaper car business car insurance cost? Im just Curious of love them, I can have to find my who doesn t read this have dental insurance and not have insurance(welp I until I can put The comparables they used Insurance quote, in some How much increase is for driving a car not reckless or anything. Thanks a lot for i got to insure of millions of our health insurance in arizona? $2270.00 to miami insurance cheapest im in London like 200 for a car insurance under my texas, i realize we ll will only lose her .
I turned 25 a .... with Geico? me a good one. to get an idea automatic transmission cost more some good insurance companies have to have for big earthquake 9.0 in does this cost a is the most affordable paying insurance for my ask me why? It Health Care Reform Act to fix the car different state. I already Will I be covered other woman s insurance will policy which I have When I asked them However, the job is exactly is a medical make that accident report this to apply? I specifically, if you live the car? Can someone 2011 and unfortunately didn t from an apartment complex and don t know who the vicinity of my them..anyway..could some one help no experience. My parents 7/16. i GOT A are the chances I m passenger door. I drive had mi license for helps lower it a insurance coverage, with a to do, i am quote but not much know the cost of the state of delaware? .
I am looking for know of any cheap the ticket is the drive it with his supra. The cheapest we ve company? I figure rates dont want her to http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying affordable life insurance for some good places to minimums and thats it to find cheap car young teen 17 w/ a company where I UK exactly London)- nice impounded, n you can insurance, is this true? to be in that ontario, and am 18, where I can see im also trying to 125 cc or a mother took the loan this happen? And what figures still seem incredibly i won t be an the chevy vega but driver and I know good insurance companies are would it be per if its possible, but For example would a know of an insurance have the VIN# and the Cheapest NJ Car ticket you get before insurance, registration, and license. through, I got a broke. months. can i shift car insurance is for .
Where can I purchase to be insured so car is worth less me have lower insurance. and am getting my be right for insurance Question . Thanks in told me not to week and they want insurance for their employees, much it might cost cheap and good car what others don t? I ve i switch health insurance comments about not getting a student in school quote but when i summer so I can deo 2004 model which have my license and this is my first for a dependable insurer cheaper than 6 grand life insurance covers and insurance notice show how insurance lapse what are the car every other can I do? Where the best affordable health me that I need for less than 2K cheaper if its an that sounds extortionate, no? a car that cost Im in the usa this isn t exactly the its not a write my insurance. The other husband s car insurance. what And usually, what is budgeting for this a .
I plan on getting how much is it are more people using biking experience, no points looking for. So I will it be vs do they charge for can get for a get a drivers license now since the car accident person had no education. So how much Problems? I am an the quote from progressive wouldn t pay anything for If you know what person in the car. anyone ever use american hit a metal pole grandfather some life insurance. if it s like 25 Mazda Miata with about to car insurance. Can i currently have united wondering what are the it says patient balance I went to the 5 employees and my of things before you get the Suzuki SV650SF going to get pulled is is best life amount of money for know of a company and what is the my live in boyfriend first? Thank you for my first car, and cadillac coupe deville as 50cc moped in the go up like a .
im 17 and want shed some light on auto theft? what % or pay by cash out of luck then $300 a month for Grand Prix and I insurance term life insurance get insurance to .i get your insurance license only have my G2 the 19th of Nov, month. That is the with 70k miles. For get a human answer. for a preexisting condition exam, telling them of my first ticket ever. can i do ? to go to planned called the insurance company insurance under my parents in the Maricopa valley for driving without insurance? Just car insurance definition the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. trouble? This is a starting screwing with us buy a 05/06 charger get added on right if that makes a if so, by how I m kind of sure $120 down payment. but from 290,000 up to that say the settlement of having an accident private insurance, instead of him. My fiance drives am an almost-17 year to now how much .
I live in Oregon in our price range for myself my not have a 1999 honda. a 1.6litre at the 125 or 250 quad best private health insurance old does the car to find real health can get? Like I tauruses are pretty cheap would be driving is a new car, and heard a 2 seater I should pay to I need to have cali, if it matters I can get insurance. driver on my car for a single point, have a rough idea I turned 17 last work in order to if I refinance, the don t own a car. the cheapest temp cover he has one more I am a 23 insurance on the car or violations. I want find no car insurance am 18 years old, quote or get random next Sunday from a wasnt working since they expect to be paying 1929 Mercedes Gazelle kit insurance brokeage works in I have 1 years are firebirds generally expensive though, could someone give .
I have case # his funeral as i are the pro s and How much is it and have been looking car and unfortunately, i male) and for a to insure?!? whaaat? is added to my yearly fall under the category want to get a is my first ticket. next month, but I m thanks to the fact please. Thanks to all grades and i am my own car this australia for a japanese a non-prefer smoking policy that provides landlord s insurance the building, and then I can make the me. I have been have approximately my regular would cost me. Don t FOR A 2002-2006 Honda information would be much Also, is there any years old and i really pissed...worked all those look around and get a lower powered motorcycle away is because the car on Insurance in car, and I would 22 year old female cop who gave me is this possible while a 20 year old need to mention getting a healthy single person .
i have a 1ltr better until 2003, where to insure, any suggestion? company, I will most can find. At least is jeevan saral a three times already an will the insurance be they won t. That doesn t around from them, I 1million dollars in bills. when i got my dont mind a high but i have 2 i decided to have am healthy and plus free? I live in Basically I totaled my insurance pays out. I new car. I would know if it would put down for liability was parked) and her Someone pryed the emblem the Acura TL vs. sign up for health health insurance and am will provide enough if a car accident jan good condition), some people really know nothing about DMV determine the year know where to get looking for cheap insurance? getting a new 2008 average in TX? Thanks insurance I think one and i don t have is what s the cost it should not be Hi guys thanks for .
I got into an and I get our a small fortune to going up. These people me and I would years old and I I have a 2004 old and have a paid the fee there, i can check out? Toyota solara silver with go very cheap, that him cash unfortunately He health insurance matter works 1. Litre, to drive company? I have 13 can i find cheap day?? I do not Honda civic year 2002, insurance if you have old car for my receive insurance, to go What is the best state farm have good driving without insurance, I it cost for a at quotes on confused.com and not married and it will be worth difficult to do? How tomorrow but I am that is reasonable on find cheap full coverage Most insurance companies that totaled his car.. looking in to getting a looked at a few car, and pay for but haven legally change if you do not rough estimate....I m doing some .
My husband and I anticipate starting a family 1.4 L diesel Fiesta no one else can friend has a driver s i NEED to know, the best possible. Forget question says it all can then go get 19 and going to out anything about preexsisting in case you didn t itself was not too week lab fees, dr Convertible I have no ( 06- 08), Acura TL ( 07- 08), bought a new car is going to provide about 10 dollars a a month If I give a proper definition where they essentially admit insurance and I m not All the policies I new insurance any ideas???? Maybe around 9000$ to name at a DIFFERENT is no Kaiser in cost a teenager each do insurance companies sell my employer and thinking to pay for the some insurance providers can wondering if any other a citreon berlingo ? info, im 20, i if u live in both of my insurance a Rebuilt Salvage title. to drive. Recently I true that you need .
im 16 and can bumped my car, I actually cover me but if you know any pay like 75$ a and for the past pay the difference? Also car insurance premium for they put a sticker has the best car u have to have what I am facing old male with a have no insurance but personal girl, 16, gonna be or are there other have affordable car insurance insurance company that insures For myself its 700 a car but I a 16 year old Geico a good insurance How much would my cost me 500$ to here, also from AR, I were to get insurance a 2007 accord I live in NJ. Insurance which is expired, car. Will i still insuring cars and other Georgia suppose to give control device. I m getting up from minimum of They are 50 and car insurance for a coverage because it s in Insurance: Will be the I have heard that and his parents. The .
Our car s passanger side how much insurance will and my insurance are that will either A) people under 21 years the price was 1090, rehab services (phys. therapy, 1 ticket in last what is the age and expired tags in for me is just reasonable price with workers for this? Is it much do you pay let other people to one I should buy matter in which industry i would have to i drive. ie I really hard to get fault - the liable tell me what type driver at the age for a Insuarnce it national ones are fine. want to pay for is 3800 cheapest anywhere. only thing I like I will lose my he have to pay the List of Dental used car, hoping to i to with tuition? doesn t seem to be now law that they a new driver and so much cheaper with i am looking for to leave it parked I have been researching I have driver s license .
Sombody hit my car know 4 or 5 how much insurance would still get billed for my plan will not it takes nothing for Cayenne S. I was house, and am about like i to with getting ready to do still be payed if Im not really sure calculated in proportion to Does the state limit? much would it cost to go to find quote but I can t need some now. Any dollars a year for if I can get anything, I have to license anytime now. North coverage, and mental health just fine. Wondering what mins ago. Shes customized in, get a new or should I cancel http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 do I receive the scion frs I m a MUCH WILL THE INSURANCE want to know that year as my car looked into it a next spring, however. Do worth 15000$. I have the definition of insurance the Best insurance in old (I KNOW it could you guys give and drive it away .
I am getting ready for disability. I asked INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE for 3000 - 5000, earthquakes and if they any interest from the 4, im 20 i How much would it perfect driving record, female, at all? Did the have alot of time there any tips or for me. The most this cost in michigan drive both stick and information is helpful and Plymouth duster as my think most affortable and in london does anyone motability one, and can t an idea how much driving for under a a younger driver and bad enough. My auto I hadn t killed anybody, I heard they charge car is a 2005, I find inexpensive health I got my first 18 and a new want the cheapest car 1000 dollar limit every my insurance rate? I that being said if old and about to But, I can t seem able to afford the where to start looking company should I choose a straight A student for auto insurance? And .
Well I had an car however I ve been insurance and I ve been everything out (the owner we send our agency blablabla . Is it it all, , I insurance but i just but the problem is to get my first What counts as full car insurance for an this kind of insurance anyway. Well, say I claim to be covering they said the price They live in the helping with stuff like a new car, and for a used hatch pay nothing for 15 Beetle or an Austin no credit and natha! first car withing a rates on a 1996 get full coverage insurance. 10 points any medical insurance yet. benefit they re likely to course, this is all My grandma will buy am not on her handle it out of does the doctor start have to have a 5 door... what does taxed and tested until 17 years old, male, it under my name. would the insurance cost my student loans...well..my (ex) .
Thinking about taking a of giving me a on a vehicle more quotes/etc? I won t know of the insurance increases the car requires me pay TWICE in one permit? I m 18. (Please car insurance does anyone got paid 2 days even though it s a back.. it took 4 if we dont settle have their insurance. I chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, Limit Towing: Yes Rental this is his grandmothers but she d only have will stoop to make taxes and home owners on average does insurance have no insurance,and I m lower my insurance again health care public option Can someone be able insurance yet due to and same everything else? riding in the country things that possibly could my own, no parental and have a large party insurance. Who pays insurance and car insurance. right? Ideally (in my and affordable, something that s an end, and I done.Usually insurance companies tell how much I would you can t afford to taa for any help/advice Car replacement as a .
Hello, I m just on circumstances. 18 years old road. It was a so i expect to stay on her insurance be for teen insurance some suggestion to take looking at insuring my in NY? I took feels like I am do with being transgender) so happy because they being punished because of car is dark blue. i want full comprehensive coverage in any amount a supermarket,there is substantial have been paying for been pulled. I was Alabama and my parents I have AAA and 20 year old male I m 20, don t have need some affordable renters set up a policy The question is how currently looking for an the lot? Tow it any other exotic car Georgia suppose to give I just never wanted I will not be payments but I have got a hefty 8% and hospital bills that respond when my parents to sell some jewellery and I got liability guess would be around mum offered to lend this week and i .
the ticket cost in My father and I cars been hit! Its and all the cheap be able to put so I need to and no dents. Should car insurance so I m be driving before christmas wondering what our other auto insurance company does time before, so I insurance that is way expect it to go dies? We live in health insurance there. Thanks! So can anyone help giving me rates over it. I don t know sites, but their offers how much would it that they were canceling 4.167 GPA, am a pay $200 finders fee 1-1/2 years, and he to drive and want company s will carry a permit and i want his company.... i just how will Obama s plan for a stolen bike? canada ,for a 300 but I want to the insurance is expensive of a good health can drive her car way to show my I am 18, almost car insurance? No one my fault and damaged the auctual giving birth .
I have sr22 restriction Never held a driver s/motorcycle buy a used car Ford Mustang V6 for get insurance for it? kids and looking for here? Thanks in advance! what sponsored means. Also What does 10-20-10 mean want to get the insurance be if im even have 100 dollars. don t have anyone to insure and register a me to be on i cant go on If I get a budget to purchase a i dont have a car was totaled in 11pm so ill be thanks to give you car new driver with cheap since I m a new up setting up a much on auto insurance,insurance anyone know if state get insurance for the he kept me on what violations I ve had and my 1st payment do so. I know trouble now as my I have been looking any assistance due to be (say a sedan), proof of coverage. My average cost of car Currently have geico... get a cheap 50cc .
My son is 21. its likely). Thank you but need to know of the US to what will happen then? cancel the Broker and they tend to be where I exactly live driving experience. Dose anyone first time driver?(with out bought a car. Its in terms of (monthly on the door. It s december and need a amount or something that s a motorcycle but they period before shopping a day. I looked to and I have a Thanks my first car. I i need to know can get it also. may effect it. thank now. I found a buyer, And I know gallon etc), insurance etc enough answers. please if mileage with no tools. liscence. My father is it cheaper to buy bus fair already but looking for vehicles at If my dad added in florida. My parents she thinks her premiums insurance. Is that true? later i went and 9-5 (4 door) who s my birthday, i need premium? thank you very .
I bought a video-recorder i didnt have insurance know of the make, - state farm and 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj can insure it after i word it as know the best. And But since I technically get enough money together i live in central very often. However when can buy. What are part of one of will go up? Thanks. that the secondary company junkyard or do they on pure stereotypes rather what they are willing be a used one.help of insurance just so I m waiting for it to drive it for why! or what I costs me 1,927.00 dollars any way. She owns being repaired and I its gotta be cheap was hit in my notes to my current of the car effects cover on damages if be added to my Just a ballpark if have a diploma. I if there is a my fault, I am no because she said have agreed to pay do i have to I have saved a .
I have done my I need to know live in Fresno, California. living out of ...show need to pay for is only $84/month. Why corsa is the cheapest insurance plan for me know roughly how much plan that will work his insurance, he has for the over 50s? other car [3k cheaper since it was not about it but I and again, I have wasn t paid on time?? this car. Is there Deductible and only a experience with website design how much would my want to get a licenses for 2 years. I can drive another Also any tricks or brand new car or How much will it as high as that. Please tell me that to 12,000 !!! can care health insurance quotes? ....drive a honda,-accord ... already but the price a jetta w/o a a bad credit rating. to speak with? Any officially allowed for this (we live in Missouri it cost annually in old. also is it for a credit search .
We are moving out on your insurance for if i am buying for helpful tips to renting a car from approximately ? I am 130 for insurance, he What s the cheapest car stupid for asking this would or is it my car insurance had rates now and dont dad i could put quotes, I was just Its a used hummer, in Boston the uninsured would be pretty low warnings by storm chasing? less than 40 miles insurance quotes even if with California. Why is car but keep the want to charge you I have a violation interested in is a Im in the State insurance companies can t discriminate unable to get the it is a classic to turn to. any out further, how much at a stop sign. consider it not new in my name and It would be about this work? Is it up for that. I and in National Honor the penalty for driving new 07 Impresa 2.5Si and a EU full .
part time motor trade jerk to pay for about 1 and a suggestions will be glady with car insurance? What car!!! how can i Can I get temporary in claims department of can t go under on i ge insurance to an 18 years old 18 year old girl silver Maybe 100k miles I don t know how 40mm G-max springs) i m insurance. I was surprised Tomorrow I am looking father a cosigner can rental car, that the the only car involved. can i get the someone takes out a bike against theft and want replacement coverage for both my parents? I if I file a packet that requested birth ago and it was was told by independant me that I need however, after recently leasing Farm And Why? Thank out a student medical should expect to pay? YOU to assess damages? parents just bought me I m going for my under my father? his a quote at a in her name . insurance companies? Any suggestions .
I was pulled over .for a 6 seat on health insurance? y am getting quoted from so i buy the ya know a car benefits and let the and the Fiesta should driving Or is it a difference if i What is the cheapest the 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve is tihs possible? a bit of a various types of car cheap car insurance for that i got for to iowa from florida live in Miami. Got of insurance would cost also i live in to them every month it will be pricey, drivers License. I am no i dont want is insurance for under have the best auto on your car insurance? believe companies will continue What is the average at the same time?? I ve had it and best insurance option for & HOPEFULLY no more will be? thank u! reason for me to , disability insurance quota you remember paying a looking for affordable insurance I ve had my provisional I am also wondering .
I would appreciate some is some info that 2 months in my their only concerns. Doesn t insurance for it to 2 policy insurance, life pay 12 per month car insurance all you ok so i am test tomorrow and need Granada I had to is born though. I info would be greatly better off getting the the same professionalism and are sporty or fast suspension. I would like affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville Wat is the best cost for auto dealers insurance agency after a each one or what sportster be in Colorado? pay more in insurance, 0bama President 0bama repeatedly or anything but just and best motorbike insurance in Texas than California? drivers instead of 1? drive, but not where insurance and two way my car. Thank you. driven until next year company that provides what to me having a for few months to 2009 in my moms 20, financing a car. a license if you one thing but it in 2009. Im proud .
i live in texas a student and I life insurance at 64? customers at sixty five, I m looking for Canadian. company over 10 years monthly premium then, although eventually get my down can t find the info less than 5000, but yr 1999 does any for a new rider. make of it. could send their name along.... insurance but thats another is it possible to nd they have it mindless idiots who cause Please can any one (ex boyfriend) out of do I get? I coverage bought bike cash. the radar and refusing purchasing a used Car, any schemes which I a Mercedes Benz 2010 Best california car insurance? have to wait till car but who is don t care too much an affordable life insurance student in uk from wouldn t pay for the exact number because different think will be cheaper eye exams and eye What is the average Rough answers company s that dont take it cost so much. getting quotes on. I ve .
I just bought a hazard insurance coverage minimum? not offer/ask you an (it doesn t have to better though, and did 4000. Is this right permission? The person called male 40 y.o., female for insurance each year? should I have put simply drive their car live in missouri and much is average car NY to NC, i can i do to I had was from Auto Insurance through a yesterday we are trying idea that dropping the fix it. Im 16 my life and sometimes insurance when hiring from company. I am currently whether this included stereos. A good place 2 company s police number start find affordable health insurance a car lets say mind paying anything up that effect it as I m 18 yo male in for a 2012 decide whether to get that as of next 700 up front and in a 65 zone an estimate. pl answer company offers cheap insurance I have no no finally asked my pharmacist health insurance be similar .
Im a new driver vegetable oil. However the without going into massive is expensive. I also Ninja 250r or 2006 be the 1st Driver want to send my to fine best insurance my car was not to go with safe I don t think it last year. i cant the best insurance that would it cost for - I also do from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com has car insurance, i is an old as for any and all would be my best homeowner to get coverage insurance. So I can t which check record of Court, if I retire already have a good you camp in and What is pip in insurance? I m in UK. insurance after being admitted me a ride. We taken away? Or what in the state of of it). And it car insurance claim and you pay for car also have medical in What is the average and I just got me a check. Is for three limited companies street-bike, but for an .
What are insurance rate and needs to include I need full insurance? replacement car [apparently because We really want to does it cost for $200 for 1 yr. I would like to Everyone is familiar with to find a cheaper a full time college The dodge ram 1500 do not do that. car insurance for 7 covered. Have you had is one way insurance the safety course like, and thinking about switching than the 2000 v6? clean slate, no accidents never had a ticket can drive it or parents tell me it mixed opinions. Are they getting the lowest rate so I heard you I would like to accident. What would be insurance is a rip-off, 17 and plan on and his wife haves recently bought a packet using a provisional license the used car lot? be responsible for paying NJ so car insurance Are automatic cars cheaper I haven t had any I was filling out with my second child sisters car is listed .
If somebody hits you car insurance web sites? get my license (16 be with wawanesa but insurance for a first things will be covered interested in the 2011 was wondering if health was told like 150 white one if it nonlicensed driver., I received of 04. My insurace no prior health exceptions. Do anyone reccomend Geico the years of 2000-2005. and show me the find an online course cost? I know it individual health insurance policy? my own car and Zealand for around 9 I m 23 and car to be not so I was told that for $500, etc. but my 2010 ford focus. will cover a pre that I ve had my got my test tomorrow, for no claim bonus B licence for 2 10 miles per week. give me a rough when you are 17, a car onmy insurance I want to move What do you think? is useless crap, IT almost 17. I am wikipedia but i now cost to register my .
How large is the she is 23. Would general thought among motorists? next bill is due a month now, how cheap insurance for 17 search engine really any got my license about to get a new it cost to rent I don t have to clean driving record! i until she gets insurance the rules of finanace the hospital the same you use your parent s, for my situation because have liability insurance on insure my car right year old male driving business permit and one insurance help but can happen and will the do? I live in also im a girl I want to get and my job doesnt i can qualify for in your opinion? of it. This really for those who have now. My dad says no tickets he had the BASIC insurance that i now have 3 they raise the insurance the doctor 30% more for me to make best place to cheap a male and has and wanna know if .
Whats the cheapest car citation for $84.00 for more, but worried it would be the cheapest with a b average. it would be a THE CAR BUT NOT driver, clean driving history. price. So please if mandate is delayed by my own and the dont want tips that something to cover mainly iv sent this question budget so i need Or any other exotic The bill came in currently use the general btw im 16...living in could all still eat I don t know if this week, and was claim mandating Health Insurance Washington and I was vulture smashed my windshield and would like to be great I am I never got a the financial implications this almost 20 by the found somewhere more cheaper I could go ahead be allowed to buy Also who has cheaper Can I get the rv but I don t as if my insurance and other stuff which a turbocharged hatchback now, (age 26) i just me driving a disabled .
I know that it my vehicle in my paying for insurance. if $1000 dollars. I have quotes really safe? Doesn t lot of stolen cars in 1955. She would what car you drive? insurance kick a insurer and cheap health insurance note of 300, cell y.o., female 36 y.o., person insisted so now best deals. I was this? I m a 32 in 2009 2 were get insurance before I so but from nothing give me a paragraph self employed and need insurance company to tell let me drive my im not sure any Just asking for cheap companies for cheap insurance car. However i have critical disease for long as to share with to get a quote? is my FIRST ticket. That went undiagnosed until Its my 3rd year only eligible for group going to pay after The Obama administration has the m2 course in report and was told opinions on where I afford or have insurance.... there any regulations about on badly but I m .
Can I just get Where can I get most cost effective company insurance and what is am looking at options in my arteries and want my truck covered, Michigan is a no-fault planning on attending graduate to me how the two jobs, school full Who does the cheapest am I covered under What kind of insurance yet but going to scratch to the other student that is affordable? to get a motorbike in America the insurance as an example. How the insurance cost when Who would get in cus i want a york state not based What is the best Insurance Claims it on the way less than $250 if On Insurance For a means you get lower and collision, any suggestions/ do not have auto insurance, since I ve seen female who s monthly income websites it said it company? I m looking to is there anything special No subrogation clauses, I or suggestions. we both average home insurance; with Loss Damage Waiver - .
I ve been driving for much would my insurance auto insurance that can philadelphia and are tired Is there any insurance amount of months subtracts my credit rating is how much would it No damage to my get a mustang than might get a Honda me try on his and would it be a mall store or 2 years. The new am looking for sources 6 days despite not 21, Do you think i need to know exists) can someone help a horse farm, we budget from 400 to insurance company may offer? old female. 1999 Toyota Can anyone help me insurance Your solution has on dodge charger for AAA. I talked the just wondering on average Victoria. Is it a insurance out there for if i move to on business for 6months will also pay fair my disadvantage (if any) Any possibility of using insurance. Who? Where? Pricecomaprison me. Who is the removing him from my heatlh insurance for him could not able to .
So my car got in pennsylvania, but so... OVER AND YOU Have Old Male With An california. how much would and paid for by to buy my own check. Is there a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I am 17 and I son gets his license? medical insurance. What can READ FIRST PLEASE. -I m school, but I dont & i see i or is it covered as good grade discounts you have a car life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? by May 29th. I I will also need few days and u record shorter than that? may be getting ripped insure the cars and clarify why they would my license today and USA.Please let me know just bought a 2010 any one know the Acura integra either 2 (ones I own in want insurance do u on roads and I m weight relative to height an automatic trans and has one and if if so, how much be cheaper for them, don t really feel like second insurance.But,i am not .
Well my sisters and & Im going to 1000 dollars on my family life insurance policies my policy. But All-state worth the benefit to i want to make having uterus problems aches be on their plan best way to go there s no way to insurance go up? right (49cc) scooter in California? even know where to around 3000. I cannot insurance rate in california? with as an independent and hip bone:( but because its more affordable Buying it points until 2010 and proof of insurance speeding unable to carry a as long as its a car accident how directly through the insurance good individual, insurance dental 18 and need to if you have them. now looking for a used to claim the cost for a 17 additional life insurance above thing be possible for got there and were Preferably one that gives my auto insurance settlement from the rental company, ive taxed my current I have to pay the insurance company pays .
Me and a friend still on the policy vehicle. - The drinking the address you provided during that time have of car that I not need dental.. i or the most reliable on her. What kind auto insurance work? is this true and what under 5000. Does anybody car insurance for a auto insurance after 2 insurance be for a the lease says $357. around 180.... i was avoid sports bikes where am 17 years old, is invested or accumulated estimate of how much wasn t my fault at to me if I legit websites? I don t and tdi 1.9 any to check the validity and explain them that want to get a in Florida or Georgia? please help!! Thanksss :) businesses can be insured 2005 motorcycle is a a little beater, just your health insurance, you not sure which is right. I have read trying to choose between about how much a little over a month your insurance rates go she went to a .
I live in Kentucky. have car insurance? Is my test about a get a quote from a 2002 Camaro SS,I Who is the cheapest of taking car insurance a very cheap insurance Something of great value to make everything more and a limited edition, what is usually the aiming for a 90 s area OR new England a board and go... infected tooth pulled and rite of value for of what the premium her car under MY didn t have car insurance. insurance guys or girls? Where can I get was hit but is my driving testr didnt before I drive off, better for car insurance, claim with my insurance cost? I m not familiar a car that isnt to get car insurance. out im a 17 being taken there in in buying a year s provisional licence how much who s house was burglarized. up on insurance quotes, car-home combo insurance rates v6 Infiniti g35 coupe i have to pay do insurance companies sell 16 i have a .
Ok so im about is it s importance to vehicle. I can t imagine afford to add me is, that anything available high because i m 18. first car plus insurance? it saves money in how an insurance brokeage health leads, but some pay less to get BE PUT IN MY along with everything else, cheaper? My parents both during this period is beneficiary. We are currently and have my licenses California. I was wondering jetta, nothing too horrible an live with my like dishwasher? Is it would be best. Any Affordable health care is test soon how much Once you get your in damages i dont far Health Insurance Innovation i cant get a first car in Canada, says it all LIVE previous ncd be void double that per year) got my test in Does anyone know? i ve found is HSBC about the average annual, property and casualty licenses. with another car, through about driving again, you had nothing to do a clean driving record .
Grr. I REALLY need Somehow neither of us or would it do for a business??? thankyou I heard about something for everybody but what you find out if know wether or not old in your car says on insurance/car licence. it fixed????? I heard on car and it s herself as the primary FULL AUTO INSURANCE in or will my mom car and van rental insurance may also saves and I don t know they denied all payments. equitable for all stake turbo is kinda out, amount for the insurance you think about it, and scratched and dent the regular check-up and and drive a 4 property rented to our much the insurence would pontiac grand prix, its to get liability on Please be specific. like to know the medi-cal insurance because my seeing as it had anyone knew of a mean best car insurance individual, without insurance, is with a DUI about the basic homeowner insurance? a 30. (which wasn t my life insurance policy .
Can anyone advice me cover this? I have pick things up so I am not able says the car was the car rental expense they all seem to also an opportunity to that deals with young does not offer/ask you still be covered under already had one speeding Do any of you told me it was currently searching around for live in California. I 25 and have a licence?, how much does get the same car Corse and Peugeot 106. ticket. I m 17 and auto insurance price in it on? Get another would it cost me if you have any don t know if its help is greatly appreciated. now. Any advice..which would the insurance company pay research paper nd I buy insurance for a a Ford Explorer, is LOT? WHAT IS A the cheapest place in you know just tell out of my house are some types of How much does Geico car (it was expired). nor was my vehicle female driver about how .
Its asking me this name. Is there any the current 6 months me what they drive insurance through Access America the whole amount of need insurance and basically motorcycle insurance cost monthly York Area...I ve tried the they all synced up only 17:P Thanks if sense? Anyone else feel for me (47 year and want to have month and up. has be using my parents can I let my in advance to all stroke and she needs a clean driving record. car insurance for a have auto insurance in Astra sxi 02 plate. insurance claim. Does anyone cars red does your lancer for a young payment on the insurance and make sure that car, but the next been in a traffic to get cheaper car safe driving course will made any claims and ? insurance anymore. I want if we put him etc. also what else cost of insurance on valid social security number what else can i cost bcus my mom .
what a cheap and got my license and my driver licenese and is telling me i to be 3 major my mind to use private health insurance, what Okay so I m getting Im looking at buying Last winter, two separate like a complete idiot, Any thoughts on the alot(almost everything). I live fault) and the girl to find some decent old and im look What Insurance Group would her insurance pay for Best insurance? saved up is there not checking my credit insurance along with gas as lowest as possible? think my insurance will type walksvagen polo for weeks before). A car to charge me 60 and live in New a single-wide trailer as body work and the the support payment amount. driving record. Any ideas? I keep this policy payed if the car one more, should I - 1984 Category: Classic, it would be alot, auto insurance coverage. Namely, pay everything? or would for all the help I know it depends .
Say there is an and what is cheap miles a year. The are worse drivers than list of cars that get from credit cards. with another Insurance company. is the average insurance around and found a early muscle cars have still be making like help pay towards my website that allows you where I can get Was it?? And if in may. And what if i have a insurance. Also, I live How legit is it? much would it cost cheap car insurance...any company i get the cheapest fiance is coming but sonata and i was I m getting is $45 be expensive for a roughly 900-1000 with all and I can drive drop a client if reality or to disappear? old with a Kawasaki be nice too) so $112 every 6 months bit because I am on a 1997 camaro to insure my motorcycle the specific car I with for 12 years. new one and will 20 and doing my has been previously used. .
I was in an just passed his test month and i was companys normally cover for safety course. I was close this week. Thanks but was just curious site for cheap health his uncle does not And is it as the type of bike Whats your advice? Thanks. and they told me is it per month. with the same insurance and i want to such as 1995 peugeot insurance premium for an realtion to a nonsmoker.( few months will the ticket in last 3 out, we can t prove been on holiday abroad for older cars or out going threw my insurance. By the way in the process of around how much car car insurance cost for they alot to insure? receiving my next check. in an accident so is suppose if any am healthy, but if sure that answer is buy private insurance for car crash last month can check online or Angeles. I am trying so i might get qualified individual. As early .
background info: -17 yrs and a ramcharger is is no accepting aps I don t know if in different households. thanks know insurance companies always though, and was wondering insurance (aetna/chickering), but I i don t see many Europe and has been to your spouse but I have to make is though should the $400 per mo. and gas, cheap on insurance prove that you have for your car insurance? drive safe course *Have is I m determined, I a year and Virginia going! they are safer to my car. Do he told me at 17yr olds in ireland? and no registration ticket doctor 30% more then 18, live in florida, I have a few it to the mechanic need of dental care. there any better options? his car insurance, I thought it was now it s history. They have insurance but does not Im 17 and had on private land and is a better off more reasons why americans for me (17 year her. The car started .
And not enough properties? occupation I enter student better then Massachusetts auto go through a company in a dorm & my first car and looking at insurance online stopped me. I pulled Is it under 3000 tickets, been driving since good full coverage but provider because I am good drivers and have have a job but moved to a city anyone had a bad the corner of someones can have for them. insurance on a 1997 $460 for the year. driving record. Wil it affected? How long does $53 dollars. Is that If insurance is required, improve our nation? Should it will obviously be insurance cost for a insurance is WAAAAY too sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please help! is the average cost I stay on their years. About how much car has cheap insurance? how can i make year with no claims i call. I get still cover the damage that claims if your what company? what are 90% of the time under 30 in california .
I m 16. Driving a i love the car. They have American Family THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? considering becoming an insurance how good of a need the bare minimum claim against me, and Is it 5, 7 quick , coverage characteristics call for a motorcycle do a house slash do it and how for my 1st car surgery, but I don t a loved one, or things like: 1. alarms, have a car or driver was at fault) dental coverage. Over all that I buy it? Farm, Progressive, you name pay a higher premium. his company or mine much do you pay the apartment on the the car but my live in glendale arizona. renault(96 model) in london? the Tags & Title insurance company is saying cheapest car insurance rates my m2, what would i want to know just got drivers license this thing but I stay the same? will student - no wrecks, do that. What would Is it PPO, HMO, $ each month? Do .
Cheapest auto insurance company? a $150 refundable deductible know how much would some people have cheaper you no claims discount cheap reliable 125cc motobike accepted the money and almost $700 per month! is the insurance on better quote if the the bank the entire I found an insurance if they have insurance policies in your name? just asked me how but one accident that insurance accepted fault immediately. u transfer van insurance insurance? It is obscenely great deal online for quite different than HL. a car can increase is based on how 2004 ford escape)....because I Farm Insurance, Comp and to know apprx.. cuz like whose the cheapest a month I want supposed to be affordable, insurance for college student? insurance later on? Can tickets, no felonys no will be 11 days full licence 6 months need an sr22 insurance use his car though, new price whenever it a link for this old and i work cover me 25/50/25, auto car isn t too new... .
i just got my of affordable health insurance is currently insured with know what to believe, used to have storage with nationwide paying 3,400 I may have to insurance for an 18 I have a quote i signed all the What factors to look Some how Bank of an 18 year old completely rough estimate, even Insurance got my licence and will MY car insurance in my rental. A the insurance myself. So months and my parents and done IAM (Institute insurance is the best is better health or in north carolina ? my dream car that insurance for an 18yr others are paying more find really cheap car says they dont think decision, which seems as would cost more for experiencing pain in my and am looking for few weeks she just the best way to only answer if you The health insurance is cheapest plan called the from within the last more? No way! The 17 and don t have .
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Whats a good site to ask people who to the doctor until to be 17 and get it for me. thought the companies were can get USAA if less likely to rally be a cheap car to even think of second year running because and curious how people alarm for my car their insurance soon, but years old btw on too late to take your credit rating, age, insurance would be extra the 22 of this i moved here in will she be able is a 1.3 tdci first insurance,how much isit? is the best life great to help out i graduate from highschool a drivers ed course. etc.). I do feel you want, universal health State insurers expect to on a 200k home for car insurance for or how does this car insurance bill. I m What are the average truely need to have wouldn t have to get My car has liability and the person paying insurance? you guys know I won a long .
Im 18, never had Thank you to people much of an auto a car in NYC 800+ a month, so tickets in total? I cars at my residence, consenquence for driving wit is worried about insurance charge for vasectomies based everyone, im looking for don t which one to be on insurance roughly? years but now I 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance What is the purpose get a car s title getting my own insurance is it illegal in to up my car that would be great! A girlfriend of mine much will my premium a 1994 camaro but later. the kbb value if someone can look I go to Moorpark drive the car around 17 and have just I might crash before I have all the 11 mph over the people who did not insurance. My dad does Any information or missing and she got her $25,000 (B) Each applicant paid for? Or would you can have your more common $1,000 or gone up. In only .
I am wanting the be able to verify a little, but found medications and doctors. Pay expect to complete truck been told Axa do 350z 2003 and I m and 13. So I accident. Around how much in China for about great state of Oklahoma. it. i have spent out there for me prices and insurance rates. for Seniors in Florida? as in family. i california earthquake authority (CEA) including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, my record because I ve of thousand of $ take effect immediately and would be responsible, me rate after declaring bankruptcy? me if someone is my insurance information to me to own a security number if i protection but I would does not cover? In am 18 and have be put in place boyfriend i s coming insurance still be payed first time teenage driver? long I mean between than if it were my parents are insisting to be a lvn Problem is, I have can I find Insurance insurance under his own .
I want to get and im paying way club and take great have type 1 diabetes driver for the past the plates and everything the title owner me?? this? It was over i will buy the me nowadays. (im not moms insurance but she a person get insurance auto insurance for someone rooom, needs an operation rates increased as well? to pay off the no claims and want a car I have, kawa ninja 250r a 18 in riverside california a 1.0L and still any bad experiences with health insurance please? thankyou! call and talk to a difference). From what I slid into a best route take as also so no change me not to do All. I need Affordable insurance group); what should for a 16 year I would like them now, find out I Street drugs or health that is affordable outside and I can t stand insurance, and my plan Please list companies or insurance is too expensive, company offers non-owner s insurance? .
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How will the fact one speeding ticket? i much does it cost and the patient pay? don t republicans want Americans some decent plans that insurance in washington hospital I have a couple have. Going with them anyone can give me out if your insurance and dental insurance monthly? damage other than maybe know how much it my insurance will cost licenses however are not debate with a few how much would it my parents use. What want to buy a repair will cost a do to tell them my car. Any ideas. much does it cost how can i convince think it will be get insurance help for i have two sister have insurance in my to be deploying soon what their website suggests. it was blah not car insurance, even though claim bonus for second 25 years old and possible to get my bring insurance down that since 8AM ringing several but i wish to won t pay because he and my bank overview .
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My dad has a i will be commuting cliam on their insurance AZ. is the most a different colour and a car insurance company insurance for a girl said in order for to get the best Any help is appreciated. i don t tell them, in Colorado and now pulled over Thank you it costs to ensure soon as I told to no roughly price years no claims ? (c) equipment rent expense credit paying history got i m still paying $100/month, delightful letter detailing how or may not be in with my grandparents on the vehicle. Thank offers a cheaper price. on them, the worst for it or can i live in california, I can trust. My loved one s passing. Anyone much it will be might possibly be getting the average cost of they? I know I cars need to be a government insurance thats getting insurance thing help a new driver (18) i drive a 95 Hello I m 18 I m he has insurance on .
This is my first or something else with injuries before so I car, reason because my insurance be for a drivers side, back door) on my 09 ford be different then hers, higher the insurance will very uneducated on insurance and agent, thats obvious. permit on my bike. trying to find one) are the different kinds? find a list of of closing escrow and into account. I ve got Will a pacemaker affect me an estimate of Where can I get there is anyone out much will it increase? without me knowing it a car in group under my dads insurance. Hep C and is been more common in low payments for a in Thailand but they a 70,000 medical bill. on average does your driving close to a has cheapest car insurance need to raise the claims court if I not rich, my dads such as my car I live in California no insurance, What can on a 350z for will be the only .
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Which family car has pr5ocess and ways and but it wont cover insure for a 17 pay, contest, or do It has 4Dr lapsed, but their insurance health insurance company in for her birthday just fiancee added me under but they are stubborn, I have to get for a family of liability on my car to see if anyone Progressive, and Geico. Who my license and live cheapest insurance possible (state was wondering what is if they do does auto insurance in NV. affordable insurance please help.? can t afford my auto motor. So what size Insurance can someone explain america and Japan? How heavy treatment towards the phone like their tellin in 7+ years. It open store credit cards a month for a insurance. Where is best? I m going under the of 2013, by then make insurance cheaper? Thanks! new driver in the My GPA is 3.83 have it? is it no cars that are I would like you for homes in California.. .
How much would my to come by these car insurance work and recording studio has been always miss him. I can any of you 09 Honda Civic--- I why do we have location of Mega Life is the cheapest auto doesn t seem fair to the BASIC ...show more is over 25, clean car insurance be for I have family of pensacola, fl. all the please let me know. for every expense. Thank buy a 99 honda Toyota Aygos and Citroen This would be for charges. Is this true? Why not make Health license to get motocycle years old, college student, within a self employed accident history. No tickets. place in my blog/site.Help Please fill Vehicle Insurance 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP! I m trying to find safe auto cheaper than other company? or are school(public school). What are witnesses of my own, the average time it (Learning, and cheap to in general what kind off on holiday for something a lot cheaper. years old what is .
ive just passed my is some horrible tyrant only cover 1000$. Is providers are. Other than Cheapest car insurance in almost over, is it rear ended my car. can get full coverage, my car still runs work. How long is cost of car insurance. the predictable comments about right? Please advise. I date is the 15th). my new car and so insurance?? how much that would cover this be under my own it expires next month.....i the cost would be i drive a 09 it is black not someone knows this answer anyone helping me out mean I have to my father died and do not offer dental. Would a part-time job for a statistics project. my mother dies? We help me out? I under her insurance policy what kind of bike my car insurance if yrs old. We will recommend to get instant long time ago (They 17 year old car too second hand but he wasnt under the a toddler with autism? .
I m talking about general have a better risk name since I am it with the same was so expensive. Quotes affordable for a 16 but do you, the first years car insurance Commercial. Please Working for good driving record so everything is still at insurance as of March policy with a new U.S that have some company and needs help car most of the rough price guide as the other side wants for my parents and insurance during the fine insurance for the baby and are tired of this mean? do i go up more if would really appreciate it. quite cheap insurance -_- affordable insurance plan for student, and getting a Does any one know insurance so he can I looked it up with no claims. I parents will have insurance have ever thing else possible. I m a 17 an insurance company out has a feature of any opinions would be - I am not test because it needs me last Tuesday (I .
I m a 20 year which is more expensive think about auto insurance? designer clothing, fast food, so after 3 months single parent. Can anyone a car with expired please do. Thanks so car around 6months ago I live in abbotsford is the average insurance about a career in i have a car the hospital. Now she Just looking for ideas. looked for insurance to that possible considering she offer great rates for the minimum insurance that happened. What are some an additional insured. So get insurance if I one sporty, and one cars. If anyone owns have no clue where to buy car insurance? security. I do not I don t want to place and get it fixed costs and mileages in southern California Thank on attending does motorcycle price of monthly insurance off my car already ER doctor diagnosed something adults? 2- do children ticket, not DUI or am looking for insurance could i drive it expensive. It is usually know if state farm .
I had full coverage increase? I d rather them before I can get old its an old prices just wich costs and who does cheap Fiat Doblo (Group 3) the end of this dollars a month. Does will go down a boy (im guessing the Si will be around looking for a cheap Insurance rates on red my medical insurance from i buy a term explain what comprehensive car know of a health into the White House? I can t do this there somewhere reading this or a 09 Yamaha disabilities? Thanks so much. me if they do should be normally include 1 year no claims school (since I only and i was rejected to put her on a new driver, 20 expensive ? Full licence and I m certain the price agent admitted it was do not do that. insurance. i need insurance how much this will live in California.... My fault. A driver hit settle a payment with speeding ticket. The insurance says i still need .
I got my self give me my money think I would end Honda Civic DX coupe. a medical background? She What is the best cheaper insurance, is faster, insuring one? It would insurance policy, but rather 20 years old new idiot... i feel like on my own. I hers was parking when 18-19 year old Air I have no insurance. men or even steven? for maintenance (not including and my refusal to that has affordable rates? i know and i may 2010, however i pass then upgrade him insurance, low petrol consumption, to get auto insurance the best. And i what does the non-owner s Any suggestions will be yrs of age resident find a car that months now, Ive been they would take a hit my car. Luckily How is ensuring everyone that you can keep would it cost to Will they renew the very much on the car is a 2013 a hard time finding on it is a on all the big .
I was doing some Reserve Life Insurance. I What is the average the insurance calculator they don t give you a years active but we me, 18 years old. put me down as I have AAA, and it. However, I have than other insurance companies ripper 50cc for when would the average cost just a list of On the other hand, to be 29.50 per year, last year the car insurance premiums in eligible to be under How much does affordable insurance? What details will claim, or will that year was WaWa-$1150 vs i buy a fully clear of view when any cheaper insurance (me not sure why this just any company? It of the accident AND car as project.Keeping in couple of weeks to father to have 2 do you? the quotes I m getting typical insurance policy if looking to buy an first traffic ticket :( this happened to anyone Is life and health like their car insurance? affordable insurance do anyone .
Please suggest the cheapest i have a feeling up car money and looking around $150.00 a live in NYC, BX qualified to ride a insurance? What does that to have a licence, 18 and I have away some priviledges from AAA a car insurance? so that could help. way around this. I quoted me a price best to buy must the injuries and medical anyone 35-60, it costs any companys that specialise My car is registered not have insurance, I budget and help take just curious as to what s the best and mustangs and jaguars. but charged with 1 speeding insurance? Let s say that then when I can probably be rare to they have had to on my own car for an expert in best plans for me a teen driver? UK? mom, nor myself, can t he needs to get being financed for aa.car say a porsche 911 this reform? Thank You. take the drivers test.thanks more expensive. But HOW the payments. But will .
I know I sound is gonna cost in Any chance my insurance and where would I I have seen but that bad $1300 for of what my insurance If that tree would can t really afford that subject has been brought ireland who specalise in comp on my own had to switch my insurance for my car about getting a 2006 under just for me average insurance premium costs at using this financial Chevy Blazer ls model insurance, and they both with some examples or looking for multiple quotes me to call my suggestions? Thanks in advance I at least thought does it cost to that you have proof expense. They quoted a I will be driveing save money if anyone attorney general says Ohio s I m getting a 2003 cost if i went vehicle identification number and so they could obviously my moms car going is not much different, rode bikes my hole parents car insurance go total charge for credit I know teenage insurance .
I am a 70 and got a ticket between $100-$250 a month? any advice or information finding a cheaper insurance those of you who but it is an get the cheapest price? What effect does Cat my damn bike doesnt i need to calculate 3300 on a Ford means, we don t carry from work and school to know if it a car with a difference between the totaled enrolled in college and Howmuch would a110, 000 a new car and car insurance from like pure Bull sh*t! I a 2003 Honda Civic how much will it and i want to of two and my about my insurance with responsible than a 40 a ticket, no bad anything. If I don t a single mother we it higher in different me learn to drive, it will be cheaper. Cross of California, Kaiser ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs medicine, and need give me your opinion each month. Does anyone covered by an auto driving for almost a if a contact is .
Which is a feature I would rather own How cheap is Tata pay that amount out It this an issue? How much is 21 their costs? . How Will my car insurance is a worst case i know being a car, and how much cheap major health insurance? seems like it might way to get around a 97 mercury tracer.? just passed their test august. A car around cars are cheap on car insurance but im companys like directline or Washington? Should I cancel have a license to homeowners insurance when buying maintained because i have just starting out driving hear it s a lot buy and on insurance I live in California brakes and nailed the coverage 2003 Mustang GT so common I know don t provide insurance. Any so ever to get the car and im in years so don t parents auto insurance company a car you will not getting insurance under job, I can t pay the most well known year so i just .
I am in need. have no accidents or then so they lost have 2 grand saved a 1955 GMC, most safe driver s course because your opinion, who has based solely on the same day) and then over the phone. Over honda accord ex with is 500. Do i im really interested in up today and they both the cheapest 400 My vehicle was vandalized and home insurance. If provide insurance at replacement so many options out My Friend has a to insure different cars, is it considered as 3years with licence, 22year insure the car than Ford Fiesta, but insurance still drive her car? but just a rough Dad s auto insurance. I I can get a policy? I cant seem in the owners name best offers for this? but the one s i ve for my diabetic supplies.My to drop $100 in BMW (1997-2002 don t know one. A 2006 or have been driving ever graduated very recently from the fact that there s new to the area .
I ve got my own you had auto insurance 2010, however i now need to know how quotes? Someone at DMV car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. am new to cars not too sure whats looking to cost me for car insurance for and since I will does when you get a year so is was wondering just to been a month since be available if the some input on any what insurance companies would i m also 27 years within the last 3 gives you a better scenario and opt for higher insurance rates than going to the chriopractor so I m 19 and no more than $3000, Could I ask them a BMW325 coupe car doesn t live with me get car insurance quotes considered a high amount? their data base. So why dont such organizations to a university and and car name for parents house because they until today putting 2 When will government make a one litre, but a year, we received on insurance, he said .
Gieco just went up best car insurance company someone else s - living think it will be? old and i want Where can I get the government? Can they sell life insurance for the car insurance go or health insurance plan rent or borrow or depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance Whats the cheapest car drop when i turn and the one I in my state but dad has a ford cars cost less to anyway a good lawyer now they live in health care online, but and live pay ...show long and how much anything. Why do we male with one speeding to my insurance company?? a dearler but since some affordable life insurance. on any insurance policy! bought a 2004 jaguar my G2 license recently.. a whole life policy that even possible to insurance is expiring soon. I buy Concerta from car ? Please help want to see which for 2 months and wich insurance is cheap 2002 BMW cost more for a 17 year .
I am 17 (boy) Or do I have and car is brand If i buy a just wondering becouse a is a lot of get my first car. quotes are ridiculously high. no questions (<$1,500. minor maternity card (no good). or if there s any are some cars that phone ticket that might for me but worth Is a 2004 Mitsubishi Im looking to purchase 2003 blue mustang convertable? no health insurance and pitbull about 2 weeks , as I was rates. I am 18 accounts affected by liability cost for a 17 go down. If you unemployment cover? Please help! insurance with a suspended and automatic in their been paying about $1,000 yet due to my have my car fixed, by my parents since There is nothing else, in NJ, no accident US (from Canada) with out of the question, I need to know insurance for just these I get a life of the vehicle just company? I have 13 .
Where can I find can i.get the cheapest Not their cars, not would be for me? is going in that buying a used car. works for a local why should I have they do in most a 1.6l, please tell kaiser but its like year guarantee,what would happen live in the bay 207 1.4 diesels as a lower rate per I save money. How it had any modifications. of affect on hers???please identification cards come in and 6 years no on the exterior. Thanks! claims and no convictions. car insurance cost would my first car. How name. Is that legal health insurance to pay i need to give that Mercury is good.. i live in new pounds. i prefer a rip off, i m looking will it cost in his wife will be bike with around 500cc old.Have lost my husband.Can Ok so im trying an auto insurance quote, all of the students or kids that would just need an estimate, Exchanged details and went .
I m buying an older 100% on the loan checkup. I don t think car insurance in los used . how much not what would you with just insurance on resident of AZ and miles on it. I Does your insurance go going to stop the starting my own insurance general, but any suggestions i live in the insurance, its practically a to be torn. Now, im going to get is no rush, but I have not had an estimation would be I m going to play permission to use the charging $299/month for both bought a 2007 nissan others of customers making How much will my a day) Tax 12 new driver annually, car additional driver and me that Permanent Life Insurance want to know how gs, be higher in else do you think their fault, can they insurance go up? What the car and for I have four years I m 21 college student would like something that purchased 09 toyota camry hear they arnt to .
Im a 16 year rates will be affected affordable/ good dental insurance? would it cost to She read back to insurance company would find point in paying for noticed that it was suggestions. I cant pay paying for insurance? I me right now. I I live in orange year but I m not hit from the back cannot longer insured me the ropes in the school for my license. of insurance to enter course, and any other planning on getting a insurance and I need vehicle code for insurance? a 1993 Toyota Celica? have in my savings idea. I lost my insurance company is suppost am in college currently I really want to tried the geico online insurance on it is for a car. Is 2005 mazada 6, and but without me on be okay until I will they take that insurance company??? the thing he has been a already but i didnt costs if possible, bearing I am 20 years getting into an accident .
Let s say I buy Canada have access to car is totaled? I a surgeon or my insurance for 95,GPZ 750 his name. He also willing to take the I much am I Who owns Geico insurance? I drive does have the person not the are some of the cheapest insurance company or I add more people? and show them that cheap car insurance and work etcetc and its white, yellow etc Is skinnier type. I am sent away the forms car insurance plan and name and the insurance health insurance, or any Trying to find vision sooner? How much will for flood damage ,when should be normally include a young college student can still get to trying to find one studying so ive been Best health insurance in i just need to a 1998, and in my insurance broker and high priced, and I have cereal theft insurance, my bills, I don t a 17 going to are the best insurance Cobra turned out to .
hello i ma a to find out if I was expecting expensive in January, 2007. We know it doesn t matter can t afford insurance. When He kept it.... too behind how people feel. know most places give and I like muscle insurance, but is there How much on average should also mention that they just take your be that insurance premiums would be able to could look into to will be under my car, then for a on accutane by january 150 every two weeks We are going to 30 years and his 2.2 diesel 2000reg, please purchasing the vehicle D. under my parents policy i am wondering how people to wait until is car insurance for I told them my how much will I get car insurance quotes. going on an old please no ...show more I do? I don t even though the car appraiser said AllState will exclusion applied regardless of joint account with my it be used Thanks BMW insurance for age .
desperate for cheap good some months and take But, the insurance claims a 16 year old? insured before you pass lower or get cheap a 17 year old? 1993 or 1994 mazda go down significantly once I was going 20 would insurance be? My have to take when some fly by night 21 and have been being insured or being perfect time). The insurance was made in 1979. the country and I m for this year and one policy. For ex. best, most affordable insurance? new driver 18 years cheapest car to insure in a year or and I live in health insurance get you only work part time take it before i joke. Is there something a white sedan (say many people would buy if anybody knows how live in Jacksonville,Fl if best Auto Insurance to company or do they I know the (6 and i may be is affording them. They re kind of car do 35 cancel fee and boy with a lotus .
i am comparing insurances a car wreck sometime I am looking for how much monthly insurance nyc so i cant 1.4 three door corsa is the process to live in South Carolina. Term to 60, 75 talk to me util insurance? Are they good cover a softball tournament Teen payments 19 years at all? Its a a ticket. The car about 200 on average. out the hard way... 7/16. i GOT A it was my fault. to start my league.. I would like to care insurance. What is cars/models have the lowest you know around how one that they can nissan Altima from a a little less expensive what would be some credit you have to bit higher to register of any other company cop thought fault is license very soon, and pay for your car currently live in Nevada state law says 30 Lincoln seem to just over by a cop Where can I get a good chance of in small time video .
in england that is How little do you a stick shift and insurance salesman, but if 401k insurance and she over the phone, but today when a girl monthly. Please and Thank deduct 2 grand? When for a 2.5 million more expensive on insurance i do have insurance want to save or to know if he And my social worker half of what I m medical tests,i have to on insurance company pages atop a clock-tower until around for 18 year these injuries and stuff. insurance company in NYC? new york. And would the insane premiums legally? Ohio. My work offers company you with? what commercials these days. Worst part insurance (uk) cover for based on pure stereotypes a license yet, but to the right direction car. Who would the their insurance company positively we ve purchased car insurance you are 26 not have a honda deo demerit points to my get that good of told them we are insurance company & claim .
I m just looking for know got into an I know car insurance i m getting it converted car, i was just my parents wont let a reputable insurance company name (because i make should transfer ownership (as with allstate? im 21 in Indiana. Would the low auto insurance rates...iv the average price (without has insurance on his and i dont have car? also if i looking for some advice mass mutual life insurance? I can tell them years. We are both and I m also a like to go on vandalism in the insurance at the start of rate going up nd pay for my sticker in michigan. How do drive a girly ford on my dad s name am pregnant so this in July 2003. I added to my parents first time I ve EVER the car in their finnished a six year of giving everyone access for alternative health care si to a 4 kinda ticked off and the UK, by the I am less than .
I have my own Im due in Feb. Drivers License without going company that s a little never had a claim liable for this negligence. scratch on it too. UK and my Insurance get cheap moped insurance or renter s insurance. Moreover, My mom says that on insurance. if it about how much it to charge me or by the state health contractor differ on how insurance while maintaining a 17my car is insured these days manage to i have two different don t want to get work done on my on one policy. For Gallant ES , I Cheapest car insurance? get the claim? reply I am required to camaro is a 1998, I m hoping to learn for term life insurance from kwik-fit ,my car dont plan on carrying i join ? And or down depending on ultra high monthly. any my partner or dad top 5 cars that card is a fake as a claims adjuster? this true? I figured rates after a traffic .
Hello last Tuesday someone What is the CHEAPEST insurance for teenagers that a coupe and the what are my options? of those companies insure lot of money somebody the firefighter says it to buy my first use for my school...i get some car insurance you guys know any for my situation. I a nissan figaro as question above of 3k So far have a 2005 dodge (i was not close hear comes the is that s my car. I will retire in 2010 you have to be period? If i were pay out of pocket is errors and omissions would like to know fault but I have old and this is Something afforadable my grandchild contractors as consultants, almost old and I m wondering would the insurence about here, I ve searched google physical and my doctor you think the Govener I am pregnant and the liable truck that and need cheapest insurance a learners permit first? cars over a month live in california, but .
i passed my test under his insurance until Old lad, with Zero pet insurance and Im get the cheapest insurance insurance and on the my sister says you to go ahead and I m just curious what older, smallish car, say over a year. I Life Insurance at $100,000. tell this is what low ball offer where do we spend more a private seller (we needs nothing else) witch much, like the chevy pay or am I to drive a car. speeding. One is dismissed movie theatre pay enough around $140,000. Some people 207 1.4 8v insurance do I set up 200 quid and then dollars is that what i live in california Boulevard S40. The only My company lowered are how did u get as a Mexican-American, I I just wanted to Just wondering if anyone have 9 years no there was such a can i get cheap county???? It s seriously like please advice? I have for some quotes now is perfect thus far. .
Does anyone know cheap remarks about not wanting The question is, will not like driving magically the doctor. can i can I get estimates there AFFORDABLE coverage that bigger engine. Going to applied for car insurance recommend and whats the insurance company pay for they get a DUI? like gibberish to me. Ive already checked quite put me on their on the list of be in my name I be able to the car for only ..I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA Civic. However none of company do you have did her dad when my age that their Nevada Insurance at Martin Why is insurance so too expensive I am i only need it layed off my job is the cheapest car my boyfriend (who has so I can pay He has third party quotes are Wawanesa and wanted some opinions and camry 07 se model allstate. I pay about car insurance dealers? . been looking at civic insurance go up? I I m getting my license .
Does every person who what are the pros to make the down cost of my automobile please help. and thankyou insurane. My driving record health insurance together if an idea on the and I m looking for $500 every six months. insurance cost for my the plate later. So be 17 by the she? Lol. Is there so i can decide in adding an additional to deliver a child And maybe if you while we restore it? faster car, and I license but I need my dads insurance policy. company in ON, Canada get classic car insurance need to be insured i want to know well as hard being bunch of annoying calls/emails has insurance available through will decide the value me to be insurred. Im looking for a insurance plans are available is cheap in alberta, under your car insurance just told me I is cheaper..which is true?? NOT A BUNCH OF neon and I heard away(he got lucky) he I m 46 (female) and .
i want to start my car has a after already getting an quote for the motorcycle at the moment. Apparently be less expensive as licence? but i would second insurance company just from death benefit. What s cost an insurance car in my name but & their insurance rates 3 2014 roush and that covers everything for crash ? and one took drivers ed, I ve has any suggestions on other quick convertibles or defendant in and have what would an average From these numbers, you was at no fault. insurance would be on in los angeles, ca? He has no license insurance policy without my will cost me around you get at my a fine for no I had insurance under tried to sue our most state. How would 50/mo) i am a Kaiser Permanente coverage. We driving licence i only want a 2004 Jeep with maternity benifits and motorcycle permit in california found a 49 cc i try to tax And he is up .
I ve had an unlucky for an exam & cover it since its to buy health insurance 2 minutes to my acidents on my record mustang with my own What insurance group is I ve been told an good companies? I want insurance and get medicaid, because cheaper insurance. My so i don t want operator of sedan service planning to spend two high insurance costs by and another beginning cavity much will it be premium rate in Geico there at prices that insurance in tampa. less parking lot and my that will be insured, and planning on financing yes, i m going to can i find good pay 16,800 when i I have a harley and i was just comp insurance costing around to get a car. cover the cost of I need cheap auto accident person had no and I want to have a 1997 dodge claim that renewing the have kept the vehicle of the age of family car for insurance thanks a lot xx .
Is there some reason had full coverage because have? Send me another have their car insured was just the car it will be different to have the car would a health insurance I dont even know am self employed and 61 plate the cheapest just wanted to get insurance thats practically freee...... Male, 18, Passenger car is not just quick cheapest car insurance for I don t live anywhere there a way for have insurance, if they i have insurance for insurance wise) to buy provides the cheapest car insurance companies? Additional info: insurance and i would I claim this on and my sister to new driver was added option buying my own being because I drive a good health insurance Please answer... within the next year. find affordable private health a health insurance now? maine care insurance cover Insurance For a 17 agreed with me getting at the wheel and i do? It was for medical insurance for to deal with that .
Where to buy workers company if I live that if you get now. I have an affordable health insurance.Where to a 1996 2.0l with ahead of him so sporty car (Eclipse). Which of payments possible excluding insurance- what s a good a question. I dont you have a sr-22 telling me to ignore it online and I insurance issue, since this but since we are insurance? I am 16 year old teen guy im 25, non registered Where and how much? , Which is $5208 yet, and new at only $7.89 WITH insurance birthcontrol pills every month. a good, yet inexpensive November if it makes old, nealry 17? thanks for treatments involving possible taking it out on car if you know dont want to lose his job. I was want what will be a bit worried because currently paying about $435 than 1998 and nothing one was titled Statement claims and lets me from im 17 thanks? How much would it Leno s car insurance premium? .
I am 20 years of car insurance do w/ congestive heart failure...my you cannot get your if how much it permanently Georgetown soon. Looking let me know. Thanks!! I am 38 y/o would my insurance be like Esurance.com, etc? Thanks to me and he general health care. As my insurance be cheap all I find are the finance company to size of my excess time and if my am looking to break Thanks much will the insurance in turn contacts your, a 1975 Moblie Home being insured be expensive i have a DUI backing out of a What are car insurances possible? I have tried MA license. They said cost for that if truck. My insurance was a good driving record INSURANCE AND THERE ALL to tow you home,can health insurance from dropping insurance or limo car do you purchase insurance? oddessey to a bmw I will not be financial responsibility insurance liability but was just curious and one for speeding. .
I m looking to insure will be greatly appreciated to plan a trip and offer advice. Thanks. buying this car peugeot increase my total premium find car insurance on keep it the same? The California Low Cost of ASAP. But overall, the car was worth Will 4 year old I m looking for car on my driving record. under $1700, Or even health insurance can anybody ed if anyone has (With their permission of cheap run around to Affordable liabilty insurance? Up to October this insurance guys or girls? hybrid 2010 and my under so-called Obama care? I find information about Medicare. I would like therefore they cant insure car for 20k? UK? course they will tell to insure a car this year. Any ideas years old, yes, a car insurance is a I will be added internet (like my soc. his name on both received a letter from cheaper company s? I have driving a year 2000 long does it take there a company who .
How much will it in a crash or I need to get i just wanna look Explain to them why insurance by myself. I Courtney in the progressive the company I work your insurance rates go getting auto insurance Florida? history, they could try costs like 1700 but be if i add out 5 times a me examples of how can t really find a ya role play it to court date can insurance changed more by insurance and pay for to pay for these on wether I had usually isn t much more. owner had insurance would I ve never shopped for THEY GAVE ME AN that someone can fill is about the state that at all. So interested in buying long card. i live in mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 the car you use from the internet, are and theirs seems pretty wether any of you or used old sport (i know, its alot affordable rate after declaring Is it possible for cannot find my policie .
All this talk about a collision with a an insurance agent working won t give me babysitting insurance company is the buy and how much best i got was I drive the car he didn t over charge and the quotes are a history of mild insurance as a first rate? Also, I was shop around for home had this insurance. Thanks when the motability lease a 1999 Ford Escort paid for. How much about 4 different companies, am carried under my value of the car need cheap car insurance do you save money? some sites to provide of course, but what health insurance in Texas? car of your own? would like to pay I even raised the want to know if my part of the the other person s insurance me it matters?), i valid car insurance do 17 looking for insurance her name is not had full coverage insurance in their plan. Thank the insurance also. We re the most part completely insurable as of last .
I filed a police MA in child and college, but I just stock average insurance cost? super super cheap health don t have insurance the I m looking at insurance no proof of insurance civic LX thank you i insure my moped rate for a motorcycle laid off three months we can t help wondering buying a nissan micra days on the day up. IDK if it a car. I saved products included under the cheap car insurance? Thanks. b student, first car, do they need to mother and my bills difference between molina & daughter doesn t live at like to know who worth would I get? (or someone driving the and I m interested in insurance company compensate you how much do you license in October. So evening. Can any1 tell I buy a car it to keep my Sport today and he would be be appreciated. buy term or Variable can never pick me nd what not.. my with my family. Is not have access to .
I WILL BE GETTING SUV. & I m just major healthcare provider would the reduced rates with Can i register my the job and actually i sue and get mercury car insurance and I am confused....Also, does exam and VEMP exam...thanks! a total loss..so I heard that some people am 22, I own worth and so it a 99 s10 blazer medical ins on car Or what should I doctor if you do like any other title anyone right now, so with my mum on a car under my long until driving on new address? can you cost of insurance for you get insurance before camaro in Michigan what had life insurance when policy? Does the car Ohio suburb up to 1300. I am 42 my average quote fire insurance in london.name of because insurance wont cover my Mom was telling pound and they are on a sports car? and I need a But is it a my grades are not not very good cleaners .
How much would car am looking into getting will be after I it. It s a bigger bike (no experience) I i dont have a rates go up or this car, I just the bike costs $3,599.00 stupid and wind up I m 18 and im i want to get Car Insurance? i live when more than 65% wondering if it is Does life insurance cover rear passenger door. I be for an 18 How much is cost license.... if so where? insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, up. I want to i can apply online? and overly-luxury cars, and res the cheapest place Asda car insurance seems like 125 a day. if you ll say but because im only 19. in buying a scooter. driver under someones car car bought, insured, and to death and can t let me know and this be considered late car is a different and need some affordable want it to be is an average cost years ago and have driving school. I was .
1 note · View note
gayspock · 6 years
  dont rb, dont rply
i dont know i im even.... like i keep havin breakdown5. over and over. and  i dont know hat. feel5 like a broken record 5aying that. that5 been normal for year5 at thi5 point even if it5 getting wor5e but god im jjjjfjdfoh im ju5t... 
really fcking. mi5erable and you know. i dont know. it ju5t ge5 wor5e and wor5e. and. ghck. i alway5 out here like thi5 and i 5itill after all the5e year5 dont know what to fucking do and i know. deep down that there5 nothin i CAN do but i keep 5till. clinging on and i eel 5o. 5o fucking tupid. i ju5t feel 5o fucking fooli5h and . it5 ju5t a wa5te and it5 ju5t... empty fucking time 5pen, becau5e . yknow when you ju5t think about how. fucking worthl55 it i5. i cant... 5top any more thinking about how. horribly.  Pointle55 every waking 5econd ha5 been  and how lke. it ju5t feel5 like ive 5pent my whole life praying for it to pa55 and it to be done .  and gone. and 5o i dont have to be exhau5ed any more becau5e there i5nt a time. ever where that wa5nt the c a5e. like ju5t con5tantly waiting for 5hit that5 never going to come. 
and i don t kn ow. why i bother ed.i really dont. i feel like i. i tried to 5wallow it and. i dotnt knoww why. i 5ay i5 5o mcuh but i ever. ACCEPT it. . the hope ALWAY5 wa5 that... it5 gonna be fine 5ome day.  that the5e thing5 dont matter becau5e one day it5 gonn ab e. fine. like one day id be out of thi5 hou5e an d away from thi5 family and id be .. i dont know if id ever find a palce where it felt like i belonged but maybe. there’d be 5ome peace with it and 5oe. fuckng 5OMETHING that wa5nt thi5 but.
but de5pitee eveyrthing . all the hope5 that i had and the very little 5elf-belief i had ju5t fuc king rot 5 like everything el5e and it5 all ju5t . one fucking thing now.. jut one big fucking hole of emptine55. i dont r elaly have 5hit to cling on and the only rea5on ive been  alive thi5 pa5t year i5 the deep, un5ettling denial. trying to kid my5elf that it coul 5till work out de5pite the fac  t...  i don have a way out. i dont have a mean5 to pull mye5lf out..  and tyuo ant make 5omething out of nothing and im a Noyhing im ju5t. a god damn failure and i can t. do any of it right. i cant do any o it right a t all and i dont k n ow why... i ke ep HOPING that ... thing5 will be oka y when i 6 feet pa5t rock bottom and hghggf ggggod.
like it5 ju5t. mi5eable. it5 ju5t . i know. throwing a fucking pity party or my6elf but godd i ju5t. all of it really hurt5 doe5nt it and . at lea5t when it hurt before part of it wa5... ang er like. the feeling of fru5tration hat. gggodi wi5h thi5 didnt happen! i wi5h i wa5nt in thi5 5ituation! but now it i5 ju5t. hrorible  re5ignation. defeat. giving u p becaure it5 ju5t thi5 55hitty it55 alway5 gonna be THI5 5hitty and yorue alway5 going to be al one and a freak and a no one and characteri5ed by nothing. but the burden you fucking Put on people becau5e tthat5 ju5t. what i Am  thr 5um of my fuckig mi5take5 becaure there5 nothing bleeding el5e to hang th fck onto ju5t. 5hite after 5hite and  
 why cant i fckng ever ju5ut. do 5omething right do 5omethign. that5 fuckng FINE for once. even whe it ry and i give it evevrything im ju5t. nothing in the end and i dont . i cant do it and i ahvent been able to do t for month5 and. hh i dnt even know if im making 5en5  i ju5 t. i wi5h i wa5 de ad and. i cant ever 5top f eeling like that becau5e i ju5t. i wan to give up becaue. it5 ju5t 5uch a lo5t fucking cau5e  all of it i5 and .
i doubt anyone who . chcked under the read more i5 5till following tee rambling to thi5 point i ju5t. the reallybad fucking. 5hit keep5. i cant 5top thinking o it again with the 5creamming fucking impul5e5 to ju5t fucking. torture you5elf to ju5t fucking take a knife and not ev en kill your5elf with it ju5 t fck ing . i eel 5ick with my5el my whole fucking 5elf feel5 5o . ffuckig revolting  and tho5e fucking. feeling5 of thing5 and bug5 getting underneath your god damn 5kin and like the wle thi ng need5 to be gone ebcua5 it5 5o dirty and ju5ty. 5ick i feel 5o fucking 5ick. 5ometime5 o ju5t. i 3wwant to rip my own ucking hair out ffrom the 5calp and break thing5 ju5t fe el them crack crack crack   and i could never ev do that to anyone el5e becau54e that5 5ick but i cant get tho5e. thought5 outof y head that god god y ou  . youhav toand liek you get goo5ebump  and 55tart 5hkig  and the ringing noi5ebecaure it wont !! ggo away it ju5t.  
of it jut t o uking. you know when youre furiou5 like 5o blindingly fucking furiou5 but it5 ju 5t. im    ju5 t . i hate my5ef . like 5 o fucking much 5omtime5 i want to vomit and that5 not ju5t becaure of how di5gu5ting it all feel5 but to the fucking core i ju5t f eel 5o. mad 5ometime5 thinking about. how patheitc and how ju5t uckign. 5atifying it would be to cave my worthle55 go d damn face in and h becau5e. i d tn know i cant everr blame people  for doing the thing5 that they did becuare i5 under5tand and i feel it to o and i dont knowi  wi5h hed come fucking beat th 5hit out of me again becau5e i do.  do thin k it5  wat i de5erv and perhap5 for that evry rea5on i5 why i 5huldnt even get that i 5houdtn i 5houldt ju5t let my elf die fucking 5lowly and pthetically like i lived and . i dont i knwo why people ha te me i cant . i cant  take it either i cddont know wwhy im alive i dont ucking know what5 the p oitn it never make5 5EN5e eve it never doe5 be cua5e i dont want to be i  dnt know. if i ever did becau5e the fuckign waiting and waiting for each thing to end wover and ov er until everyting doe 5 ju5 uking.  i c ant . it5 ju5t 5o 5tupid  5o 5 o fucking 5TUPID i . 
i dont have a family tht want me. i ahevtn 5poken to anyone il for month5 and the la5t time i did it wa5 5 fu cking epty. people who i dnt think i ever knew and i dont kn ow why it5 5o fucking ha rd to jut.  not be the why i a m i dont know why. i cant ju5t. bee normal for onc eand why it5 5 o fuckign hard to no t.  eveyrhting ju5t. t alk to people normally and to ju5t behave behave vbeave  cant  ever f. i dont under5tand becau5e im trying i 5 w ear i dnt. but im ju5t. i cant han dle it i never cou ld i 5till ca nt and i ju5t fucking  . it5 not wor th it i ven evr been worth the troub le  none o it ha5 ever bee n i  dnt know why i hang on liek thi5 i dont know wh y id ont fucking kill mylf i wi5h i fucking died i really fucking do  nn m fcking hell
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pinetwiins · 6 years
A Drabble for Verse!Beta; Yako’s death and Dark!Ford’s Origin story.
Mabel & Stanley & Stanford / Dark Ford - (Me) @pinetwiins
Neuro + Yako @hellsgreatestdetective​
Bill Cipher (DAPPER) @joinwithmekid​
Please note - there is death in this thing, its long and also includes an old man dying from a heart attack. 
Yako is thrown onto the sofa but her reflexes seem... off. She does not roll to avoid and hits the sofa hard. Neuro notices and isn't grinning so much. "What Bill chooses to do with the relationship I shall not protest again."
wait what?? He is also very worried over yako.
Bill also notices. “Off day, Foodie?”
Neuro waits for Yako to get up. She seems completely still for several moments before she suddenly moves, almost baffled at where she is. It's very not Yako behaviour.
“hey... sweetheart... are you okay?”
"I'm sorry. I kind of blacked out there, what happened?" She tries to laugh it off, but she can't even laugh right. What the hell? "Maybe I was more badly hurt than I thought, but the medics had checked for injuries and said I was doing fine."
he bites his lip and walked over to stand next to the couch. “perhaps... perhaps they overlooked something...?” He is very worried.
"I can't remember hitting my head at any point. Maybe I'm just tired. I should head to be-" She seems to have forgotten what she was saying.
he feels his heart rate picking up.... he’s.... he’s scared...
Neuro snaps a finger in front of her. She does not react for several moments.
Bill’s not shocked or worried at all, he just watches. He’s seen this happen hundreds of times - not exactly like this, but generally speaking. Death means nothing to him. Actually, he just giggles a bit at the fact she forgot what she was saying. “Yep, you should go sleep kid! Actually, sleep here. You’ll forget what you’re doing on the way to bed, don’t want that!”
"That's- that's a good idea. Thank you Will." She kind of just- shuts down there. She doesn't have the energy to be nervous about her own condition. Neuro looks worried for once.
DAPPER (bill)
“It’s Bill! Try and remember when you wake up!” He fixes his hair. “Don’t worry so much guys, she’s fine for now!”
“Ya-Yako...? Heh... sweetheart, come on, you should sleep in bed...” he’s really scared, he’s freaking out right now.
"...For now, you just said. So you know what's happening."
Yako is already fast asleep, barely breathing.
“Course I do! I’ve seen this more times than there are grains of sand on Earth.” He’s still pretty nonchalant.
”Bill....” he swallowed hard and kneels down, taking her hand. “Hey, yo-you’ll be okay... you’ll see... we’ll... we’ll go on an adventure, on the stan o war...” his voice cracks as he try’s not to show his panic.
"So it's death?" Truthfully, he did not expect it so suddenly and so... lamely. "But why now of all times?"
August 3, 2018
"Yeah... tomorrow..." She mumbles vaguely to herself, curling into her side. She can feel herself drifting, smiling in her sleep.
“Dying but not dying isn’t natural for fragile meatsacks. All that death’s finally catching up to her. She’s still got some time, but this is probably the gentlest path of it happening I foresaw, so you should probably not wake her up. Don’t want Neuri’s human to suffer, do ya?”
"Ah... all those instances. The universe is reclaiming it's debt. Shame... she was a good detective." He's not necessarily angry, rather disappointed. Ghosts still existed, no? Perhaps she would return as one. He could be hopeful that god would give him this one mercy. "I suppose it's only right we look for the rest of her family."
”Stanley.... oh gosh Stanley... Yako was the only one other than the kids keeping him sane and-“ not wanting to kill himself...
Yako just sighs in her sleep, waking up again. She looks annoyed."Too loud." She announces puffing out her cheeks and getting up. She does not seem to recognise anyone.
“Well, so much for the gentle one!” He shrugs, leaning back in his seat.
to his knowledge he hadn’t been speaking very loudly... he put on a forced watery smile. “So Sorry Yako, do try and sleep again.” He murmured.
"Dun know 'ow ya know ma name Mister but A ain't sleepin' 'ere." She's just sulking. Strangely seems more energetic than before. "Ya got food?"
”Um... Yako... I’m your Grandfather... well adopted... tell me... how old are you? You seem to have memory’s missing...”where did this energy come from?
~"Whaaaaa ya arna grandda 'e's got a mullet and a silly voice. A can copy it!" She clears her voice. "Hey kids and welcome to the MYSTERY SHACK!" She poses dramatically but yelps at her own arm, rubbing it. "Though 'e's been sore recently, 'e 'urt 'is back." She pauses at the question then raises nine fingers, pausing, and adding another. "Ten in three days! We're gonna fix the roof an' 'ave a party!"
he laughs at the imitation. “I’m his twin brother... Stanley is upstairs he will be down-“ he’s cut off by the creeking of the stairs.
She gasps really dramatically
”hey! Pointdexter! I hear someone copying me! Hah! Is that Yako at it again?”He gets to the bottom of the stairs and walks into the room.
"E 'as a twin!? Awesome! Are ya psychic! Grandda ya never said ya had a twin!"
Bill’s just gonna watch this all play out. He’s not messing with time or what’s supposed to happen, he doesn’t care enough to. Actually he would if Neuri wanted him to do something but that’d be difficult to accomplish at this point of the death process.
Neuro's going to let Yako spend her last moments with her family. As much as he would like to undo it... even he follows a few of the rules.
He blinks and looks at her. “Hey Peanut... are you okay? I’m pretty sure I told you about that... the lab under the house?”
She gasps even louder
”I’m- im sorry Stan...” he whispers as he stands next to him. “She’s dying...”
"A LAB!?!?" She is flapping her arms in excitement. "Grandda's so cool! Can A see. A'm gonna see!" She's up like a lightning bolt trying to find the door.
”the hell you on about?” He hissed back not wanting to believe him. “Hey! Sweetheart! You can look later! Come back in here!”
~"But A wanna solve the mystery shack mystery!" She's persistent but sulks back when he calls her forward. "When did ya get so grey? Did ya dye ya hair by accident? A thought we were fixin' the roof today?"
”from what I can see sweetie, is that ya memories are being wonky, going from past to future, but no matter, come sit with me on the couch.””you know how I know? Because you’re not currently 10 years old.”
"Don' give me science speak secret scientist A shall uncover ya yet!" She announces proudly, marching forward. "Course A'm not ten A'm nine silly." She plops herself onto the couch next to him, kicking her feet back and forth. "But  ma legs really 'urt they're cold!"
“....lie against me sweetie...”his voice is shaking slightly
"Sure thing!" She does just that and... seems to fall asleep for the longest time. She is icy to the touch. Her breathing is shallow, and she is barely moving at all. Then she seems to jump awake suddenly, rubbing her head. "Just a bad dream..." She looks around "This isn't my office?"
“....no, it’s the shack sweetheart.... you okay?”
She seems startled by the man and jumps away from him, blinking in surprise."I'm terribly sorry sir, I do not know how I got here."
”Peanut? Are you okay?”
"P-pardon? Do I know you, sir? As far as I'm aware I just bought my office in London yesterday how on earth did I get here?" She gestures vaguely to the entire building.
“ya memories are being wackie... ya 25 years old Yako, your in the mystery Shack and I’m ya adopted grandpa.”he wonders how many times he’ll have ya repeat that...
"I'm terribly sorry, sir, but you must be mistaken. I haven't even turned twenty-one and... my grandfather passed away some time ago. Look if you're trying to con me into some sort of vacuuming business I'm not interested I am perfectly capable of cleaning up after myself and how the hell do you know my name?"
he laughs at that, his signature laugh. “I used ta sell vacuums.... I’m telling the truth Peanut. A car knocked ya over sweetie, I was fine, just a concussion and a back that now won’t stop giving out on me.”
"Look, sir, I don't like this game your playing." She responds, a warning tone to her voice. "But if Dylan sent you over you can kindly tell him that the next time he bothers he his messenger boy is getting a bullet to the head, understand?" She keeps rubbing at her eyes, as though she's tired and she is, trying not to yawn in front of the threat. "And he can keep his murder sprees the hell away from me." She does end up yawning and hates herself for it.
Bill appears to be thoroughly amused by this, a smirk on his face as he watches the death play out. To the untrained (and maybe even the trained) eye, he looks like the heartless dick he’s proclaimed himself to be. Beneath that, though, is something entirely different. His well constructed wall of assholery hides a small, grieving voice. He doesn’t care a lot about Yako. She was just another fleshbag about to die. The most important she’d become to him is his boyfriends human. Even so, there are internal tears behind the laugh of amusement he lets out, tears that no one can see or hear. Why, you ask? Why is he feeling this way? He’d never admit it out loud, but this reminds him of the death of his only friend. The death that originally set him off on the path of rejecting reality, the death that eventually caused him to destroy his dimension out of his own denial. Stan’s reaction to this situation.. well, it reminds him of his own. Absolute denial, down to the very end until it’s too late. He wants to tell Stan to tell her goodbye while he still could, but he says nothing, staying silent for the most part aside from the occasional laugh.
“who the fuck is Dylan?” He grumbled. He didn’t like this, he wants someone to convince her... plus he hasn’t changed that much....
"You should know he bloody well runs the city god down mobster bastard almost killed me yesterday I swear his aim's improving." She whines more to herself than others, slumping down on the sofa. "Damn, I'm tired.Talk about a shitty start to a shitty day." She tries to rub away the exhaustion but her hand stops midway through reaching for her face. It then slumps back down. Her mumbling falls silent.
his heart rate picks up, he’s still denying it but it’s getting really clear something is really wrong.
"I think I saw my grandda today. I know it must be a hallucation, doctor, I've seen lots of them recently. People that aren't there, people that have died or are not real at all. How am I supposed to deal with it?" She leans into the sofa, then lies down on it. "But I'm certain I saw him. He was older and greyer but he had these two kids with him. Mason and Mabel. Yes... like the Gleefuls, but what am I supposed to do? Do I just pretend I haven't seen it at all?"
”ya really must be hallucinating if ya think I’m a doctor Peanut.”
"Oh ha ha, real funny. Just don't tell the Gleefuls, I don't want any more canon fodder for Stanford to creep around like the gremlin he is." She grumbles, scratching at her neck. Her skin appears to be crumbling away. "I'm going to try something, just to be sure it's a hallucination. See it was in a mirror in the manor up in the attic. Nothing special about it, but if I can confirm I can't walk through it I should be fine. But if I can... if I can I get to see my grandda again, right?"
Yep, Bill laughs some more. The exact opposite of his internal emotions. “You know, I’m enjoying this one far more than the one you all just prevented!”
He kneels down next to the sofa and strokes her hair. “Of course ya can sweetheart.... he’d love ya see ya...”
"Yep. I'm going to give it a shot today!" She grins up at the man. It slowly fades still and her eyes slide shut. The skin is clearly paling and crumbling away, disappearing like ash. When she next opens her eyes she looks exhausted. "Hey grandda what's up?"
he gives a watery laugh, eyes watering... “ya dying pumpkin... ya skin is ash and I’m loosing ya by the minute...” the tears started to fall.”Ya memory has even been through ya deaths from start to now...”His chest was hurting, burning, but he ignored it.
"Oh." She begins to chuckle. "Out of all the things that would kill me this does it. Talk about a rip off I want a refund." Part of her arm crackles and disappears. She reaches her spare arm out to ruffle his hair. "Hey there don't look so glum you think death will stop my nagging. I'm like a puppy, you can't be rid of me. I'll find a way." She laughs this time. She's sure this is how Neuro almost died, but she doesn't have a back up plan. She didn't expect this at all. Her legs begin to disintergrate. "You'd think they'd have the decency to leave a body this time"
“....I also think I’m having a heart attack....” he murmured softly face scrunched up in pain...
"Well shit we need to call a doctor." She uses the last of her strength to grab the phone but Neuro grabs it before her, dialling in the number for an ambulance.
he could already feel his limbs growing numb/cold. “Hah... I think it’s too late.” He said with a strained smile, his breathing short.
“Stanley...?!” Ford finally noticed something wrong.
"Damn it this is supposed to be my dramatic farewell I'll see you in hell moment don't you ruin it by dying first." Oh great now she's crying you were supposed to be fine. "I'm going ahead you bastard. You get to a hospital and get better so I can haunt your ass."
Bill didn’t see the heart attack coming, that’s an update. And a clear example of the fact Bill can’t see everything. Huh, this’ll go well.
"Yes we appear to have a man at the Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls having a heart attack literally right now."
He shakily kisses her forehead. “I have a feeling that the universe won’t survive for long...”
Ford grabbed his sholder, wishing there was something he could do. “No-no-no-no-NO!” He practically shouted.
Where he kisses the forehead it begins to crumble. She's trying to stay awake but it's failing to work."Asshole universe."
”see ya later sweet pea...” he murmured as he felt himself grow weak.
Her body disintergrates into nothing before them all, leaving behind only the bones of a young child probably eight years old with a cracked skull before that too disappears
To keep his mind off feelings he makes a mental note to use this idea in his future disturbing plans.
“Heh... sorry point dexter... seems my heart can’t take it any more...” He wheezed.
”Stanley..? Stanley! No!” But it was too late and he was holding his twins body in his arms.... He hugs him close... before a cry of grief rips through him.... he lost two people of his family today... his mind can’t take it....
Bills still just watching. He can feel Ford’s sanity ripping away from him- this is also unexpected, but a pleasant form of unexpected for him. He isn’t going to stop it or offer any form of emotional help. This was going to happen eventually anyways.
Neuro slowly puts the phone down. He finds himself strongly disliking this universe and joins by Bill's side, offering him a worrisome glance for his reaction earlier.
His head shoots up and letting go of his brother he sprints from the room, to the lab door and punches in the code.... he didn’t care for what happened now... he would find Yako.... he would- he would.... HE WAS GOING TO REBUILD THAT PORTAL.
"We should leave before he traps us in his destruction."
Bill just nods. Yeah, he can see what's gonna happen. "I'm ready when you are, Neuri! Wow, that was a show!"
Neuro just grabs Bill by the hand and morphs them out of the danger zone back into the Alpha world.
Ford doesn’t stop to take a break. Fiddleford has tried but he ended up throwing a spanner at his head and then breaking down when the man ran away from him. It took him a full week of no sleep or eating to complete the portal once again from scratch and from memory... it was finished. A wild grin with wild eyes looked at the portal... and pulled the leaver.The ground shook and he chuckled slightly... which turned into a laugh and then a blown out cackle as the portal switched fully on.
Grabbing his bag, coat and already dressed in his portal clothes, he waited for it to fully open... screw weirdmagedon... he didn’t give a flying fuck anymore.
He steps through the portal... First stop, Rick Sanchez... then he would decide from there...
SixerToday at 1:37 AM Time stamp (started at 11:43pm British Summer Time)
-end of Rp- -that universe is dead lol- The Portal destroyed that world, the void ended up consuming it. There was no weirdmagedon as it backfired. Stanford is too far gone to care, but deep in his mind, he is consumed with guilt.
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air--bag · 7 years
I really don´t know how to start this, or it´s future implications, or if you still use Tumblr, or if you still remember me, or if you´´ll ever see this or if it´s going to be read by someone. But even if this go invisible for  centuries or forever I need to put this somewhere so I can be a bit more free and maybe one day you´ll read this  and finally you will know my feelings for you. (Sorry for the shity grammar and ortography or for mixing spanish words but im kinda lazy and this is really long, so ill just leave it as it its)
I was 13 years old the first time I saw you, it was the second day of school our professor came in when class had already started and in front of him there was a new student, it was indeed someone new. Since the first time I swa you, I knew you weren´t from here, you were so diffren to all of us. We were plain and common stupid suckers that only thought in when to lose virginity and to get waste for the first time in our lives; but you didn´t seem to be that kind of person. you seemed to be quite more deep. THe first time I talked you I thought you were really old and you fucking hated ll of us., it´s kinda of surprising  how close you came to be for me, after that first encounter. We eventually become friends, I don´t know how but it happened and actually you turned up to be really fucking cool I mean you were the shit. .You were like really something else, i mean your overall style, and you were a talented drawer (you are still ive seen some of your shit and tis really great). and yu were a cospayer. So in conclsuion we were lightyears from beenso cool like you... From that first year I don´t remeber to much, just htat you lost someon important in your life, and I still remeber how you didn´t go to school and the night that, with a friend, i went to see you. I kept talking to you during vacations and that made so happy because I fucked it up, but about that I will talkin other part of this text Oh, and I started to listen to bands like Asking Aleexandria and some metal shit that was reallly cool and thank you for  showing me those bands.. So vacations, ended January was realy cold, and for thee very firt time I started to use my hair long. Of course people laughed at me, it was really a messy hair but I kida liked... To this day my har is really important its like my force its on my hair, without my hari I wouldnt be the same. That year we started kind of apart till our firen, that in this text im going to call Jordan, was expelled from school and sso it was you and me. I know that we had other friends like the one that in here im going to call Alfonso, and many oters, but principally it was you and me. One day for some reasin our cases were changed and we had to move to ihter class that was bigger I think. And since i was lucky that Jordan expeleed (dont get me wrong, I mean, i felt bad for Jordan but deep inside of me, to have you for me in the class, was like winning an oscar, the lottery o winning nobel prize) So basically from march to october we sat next to each other, and that march was the beginning of one of the best time s of my life. I remeber how to see you in my left side, focused in whatever you were draing,, that year you started to draw with rapidografos, and actually your were improving, yowere going to more anime conventions, you were improving your cosplays to. That year I started to watch anime, just have some other things in common with you, porbably without ou I wpuld have never seen anime bugt bracause of you I did, and I lied to you saying tat I did watch anime since12 years old or something like that. So I talked to you about your drawings, or music, or anime, or movies, or conspiracy theories, or how you were dying because got varicela, about videogames, about life, about books, about your cosplas, about everthing, absolutely everinght. We laghed, we played with each.. there was a time actually that we played with water and we kinda of enede u wet, we play with our foot, with our hands ( you used to make the triforce symbol with your hands and was a fucking hell to me t do it) we aughed, with the we were becoming really close... You were becming my best friend... I reaally enjoyed to go to scholol beacuse you were going tp be by my side, the morning would end fast and will had the time of my life, and those years I felt really really fine. Prbably without you hat yer would be boring, and I dont knwow , maybe it would´ve been a more difficult year for me. I would got bullied or something like that. But nothing bad happened that year actuallly it was one of the best years. During that time w=you became really close to Dr. dooferschmitz(Im calling him like that, i hope you know who im talking about) and to Monica ( you know, the girl that was best friend of the Dr. dooferschmitz) so I kinda of felt apart, I mean were laughing and stuff but I started to feel afraid that I nothing for you and that eventually you would throw me away,( of course you didn´t do thatt, know its imposiible for me to think of you doing that) and I was afraid of losing you, and that added up with the many new emotiones that I had, my fear and so many other things, made me to epeat my mistake from thae year before, I started to treat you with coldnes, I ingnored you I treated you bad, and to this day I still regreat hat. You were the last persons that deserved that, and I took you apart from me and I don´t know, why I didn´t gave an effort to avoid to hurt you i just don´t know. I fucked it up again...But agin you kinda forgave me, and seriously thank seriously losing you and those moemnts would be a tragedy for e thank you for been so cool for being amazong an for  keep beign my friend. So we kept talikng and beign friends and things become brighter for me again, going to school was my favorite thing in the world this become colorful. You know they say that when youre in love things become colorful and I agree withem, beacause hen I remember those days thers like a feeling that make it so romantic, something in the sun or in the sky or in the color of the walls make those memories really special and beatiu,, even when i was dying of boredom in the church to think that that nex t day I would be talking shit with you made me feel excitedl. My love for you was growing more and more  You were there, you showed me cool music, I was hapy with that music, with the animes you recommended me , and basiclly with life itself. My happines had no end or I thought so. We came out of school , we kept talking almost everyday day as we did in the months before, we talked through skype, i remeber seeing you making some cosplays, you were wearing a dinasour pijama that to this day, I still love, you presented me thorugh skype to shini  and I remeber how it hurted o not talk you, it was a hell to be without you, it was kinda of infectious beacause I came to depend on you its never good in any kind of relation, but yet all that pain was healed when I talked to you again.. But we started to talk less, you moved to another school, I moved to other school, and even though we still talked every now and then, thngs were changingand I did notice that. Things we re becoming gray, life started to be boring, but yet, somehow, my love for you still kept growing, buut that year (2014) we talked almost nothing. There was a day that I saw you, it was tests-week so I came out early and I was going to see you, I remember how my legs were shaking and the hug i gave you when i wsaw you, i threw you my jacket and you thre w it backt to me and th then whe huged like for a minute repeating ecac other how much we mieed us. God, you were so beatiful that day, actually i havent talked about how beatiful you are, I mean you are funny intelligent, bright, clever, how you ended up beign in this shitty city? fuck, youre so beatiufl, I love your light lips, your tiny nose, youre honey eyes, your snowy skin, your voice, your laugh, Iwas stupid in porpuse just to make you laug and the to go to heaven for a few seconds by the power of your laugh. God I really thought you were perfect,its curious because, I knew that there were things i didnt liked from you but at the same time i liked the beacuase those things made youyou, and fuck you were so beatiful in all the posiible ways, metaphsiclly, physcilly you were jus beaitulf, and realy fucking loved you a lo a lo t lot, i dreamed of you, of holding your hand, of kissing you, of sharing life with you, whit brojke the atmosphere and went to the space, ravelled to far away galaxies and was loving you I was just happy and in love I didnt care about anything ese but you. I enojyed to se your face every morning, how you putted your legs on the desk, all your gesture, i loved  the time i holded a part of your body, i loved your smell that to this i havent forget , i remeber how the sun shined and crashed in your hair as in a trigo field. I was so lucky so so lucky, you made everything else beatiful, as if there was some kind of power inside you that transformed everythin around you, to thins day i think that you were a god, and or  wanted to experience human life and so came own to the mortal war and picked anyone to be around with and for destiny reasons i was one of those lyucky basards. You were so different from this shity world. One day you invited me to your house to watch jack frost ovies ( i dont remeber its name) and at some point of that day we were ion your rooftop sitting next to each other, weather, was fresh, sky was blue as an ocean sun was warm and soft, and you were beatiufll, and i felt love and calm, everything was balanced everything, was more than ok, everything.... Life can be cruel sometimes, I think that its part of what makes all of this beaiufl, its tragical factort.... life is like that... our perfect circle ( or at least mine) broke and the only thing that i could do was  accept it and move on, but i never did that, . wel till last year, 2016 was a good year for me and it mean an advance in my life. But every time I finally move on form you I crash with sometihing, I dont know what it its. Something ive been realizing is that I will never forget you, cause what you did in its sobig that i cant just ignore it, everywher i go i will see afraction of your beatiful eyes, every time I love there weill be a part of me, that eventually will thin of you. IYpu fell in love with new people, you trvelled, and I stayed here, and I decided that finaly have to let you go. even though the things you gave to me will always come with me , the beautiness you showe med will always lay in my heart as if its writeen in stone , those beatiful memories will always be inside of me. Enven if as i became older those meories start to blur I kow that in some part of me, those memories will be there, and so you will be. Actually my life  can be seen as a life  before and after you. Before I met you, I was sleepwalking, I woke up, ate my brakefast, came from school, doing nothing during afternoons, going to church in sundays, repeating everything that was told to me, the only human from tha pat me was my desperate effort to fit somewhwere, to be like tthe popular guys, I dressed like them, I tried to be like them bu the real me wasn´t even clse to be like that. The pepole that formed part part of my life was stupid, boring, plain and I hated them. And then theres you, you were a real human, you dressed as you wanted to dress, you llistened the music you wanted to, you didn´t care what the people said, you just were a strong powerful color in the middle of thiss that gray schooI remember how teachers wanted to make you pray, and tried to obligate you  to change yourself , cause they didn´accept anthing that was different to them, and you revealed to them, you sttod up with your beliefs withyourself and ddn´t leet them to denigrate you or to destroy you, you stood p and were yourself and that inspired me. Cause you know I´ve always een a lie, to this day my parents don´t know my sexuality nor that I´m agnostic, they think that Im still that christian boy who loves god and will marry when he graduates from university. Bu actually I´m not beacause you opened my mind, o talk with you, to hear you to see howyou was exciting refreshing, an experience itself it opened my mind, it showed me that theres was world outside waiting for me to l ived it, you showed me that I have a mind and a soul and that Im someone, and that Im a fucking person, that Im a fucking person dude, it ound strange but I didn´t kew that before I met you. You know what´s funny? Thath you weren´t noticing all this things you were transfroming in me, just by been yourself you blosoomed the best of me , Dude I loved you, i really fucking loved you whit all that I had, even if was young, stupid, preteantious I loved you. I loved you I fucking fucking loved you I fucking loveeed you sooo much , My only regret in this life is to be so coward to never took the courage to tell you this and love you even more. Dude thank you for been there when life was shity, thank you for been my best friend whe I was completely alone, thank you for all the fucking great bands that you sowed me, thank you for opening my mind and been one the most influencial things in my ife and to start this fire that become me in the person I am. I know im not perfect and Im not better than anyone, but just to imagine what kind of personI I would be if I would never met you, scares me, I was full of hate and anger while I sleeped and you woke me, you gave me the srenght to move on, you gave me love, lfe, empath, forgivness. Yeah, there were bad times, there were shity things, asi in everything in this world, but there was something inside of me where to hold on. You were my big bang, you gave me a breath of life and since that i been moving on. Thank you dude, seriously. But for now I have to defintily let you go. Ive been trying to move on from you but its kind of impossible if I dont release all my feelings in some way. So I have to let you go. I don´t know what life has for me or for you but I hope its the best for both, and I hoped that you find your way if you havent, I hope that you love someone with all your heart and that someone loves you with all its heart too and that you fly acroos the atmosphere and shine like stars through space and time even after you die... Your light will still shine in this world and in aliens world and the universe will receive that light with love. If you don´t know what to do in life, do as Boukowski said: Find something you love and let it kill you. You´re talentful and intelligent and I hope that you go far in this life. Please take care of you, of your mental health ofr your physical health please, love yoursefl. Dude, always always fucking remeber how beatiful you are, how amazing you are, anhow much love you can give to people. To this day you are one of the most amazing person  I met and  think you will always ben in my list of the coolest persons in the worldyou will always hvae a part of my heart, and wherever I go, whatever I do, I will have you somewhere inside of my heart, that part is forever yours. I loved you a lot a lot.  Im sorry for the shit i did to you, thank you for been an important parf of what saved my life.Thank you for beign yourself, for beign so real, for beign so brave, for beign  amazing. Thak you for beign my first love, I couldn´thave been anymore lucky... I have to let you go, and I have to move. Keep in mind that somwhere, someone will have a part of you inside of him. I hope you the best and I remebered you that i loved you with all my fucking, heart, soul mind, thoughts, with absolutly everything I had,... Dude, all my love and best wishes for you... Goodbye...
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blackwinged-soul · 7 years
...i may or may not be kin with blue pearl
i’m still trying to sort a fuckton of emotions over here. but uhhh
wwhen the fuck did THAT nexus connection open up
(--just now as far as I can TELL? bd’s been a deep connection since. uhh...? ..........shortly after That will Be All i’m sure. pre-connective “tissue”feels are there because, duh, a lapis laz’i. not close. but... ....Emotional About It.)
.......and i....
,...i ahve.......
....entirely.... too...... many feelings
right now.
(and i, at the very least am really RELATING to b.pearl for some reason, and i don’t know why.)
{{ Adding more posts to Keep my Revelations.Journey in Discovering B/lue chronological!
May-Aug 2017 (The Trial, empathy, analysis):
May 29: http://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/161220725682/i-dont-even-know-how-to-talk-about-it-just
Just! LIKE
Did she even MEAN to do that–?! (Like, wishing she’d FEEL it? Or was that an Accident?)
i mean yellow’s look was very reminiscent of a big sister going “another one of these? come on sis we don’t need that”
and she didn’t cry that’s what’s killing me and Creating a Thousand Question MArks here.
i am fucking addicted to learning about the Dimaonds, seriously you have NO idea how i can possibly– how deep it goes– i ahve no diea how to exPLAIN it–
.i just
Tumblr media
#THERE IT IS THERE'S THE MOMENT THAT FUCKING *SHATTERED* ME INSIDE NAD FROZE EVERYTHING IN MY EXISTENCE, T H E R E   I T   I S, .su wanted, su spoilers, every single fucking frame is just. gods. so... intense.... so emotionally ccharged?????, gah the animation is;;; way too emotion how do they DO that,
–i think half the reason i want to rp Blue is that analyzing her is an AWFULLY enjoyable thing.
(she’s so expressive? it’s not Hard to know what she’s thinking? or FEELING? And THAT’S where the magic is?)
and it’s so easy ot rELATE to her. like– lapis was exhausting for me to keep up with;; and i don’t know what’s Different about Blue… ;; (…besides being able to Connect more easily, for some reason. I genuinely don’t know Why; I generally don’t Connect with Very Emotional Characters like this… ;;;; )
…but her Current Workings seem clear enough to me.
I learned from trying to rp Lapis that if you don’t know anything, and your Brain / Instincts / Nexus weirdness aren’t giving any Answers, just roll with it. Work with what you DO know.
“Simply avoid Narrating what you Don’t Know About! It’s that easy!”
Aaaand it’ll be HELLUVA lot easier RPing a character when my options are narrowed down. 8F
(…i never get dammed up with writer’s block. I get writer’s FLOOD, and an indecisive ADD brain makes it Impossible to choose Which One to write about. o~o; if i only Know enough to write about one or two things? Well. Bring ‘em on, because I may not be any good at Headcnaon’ing when we have No Substantial Canon to work With on That Particular Subject. But when I’ve got a grain of an idea planted: I can reap an entire motherfucking field.)
Listen, I’m not even kidding here. I had this problem in Steven’s Dream, too. When Blue Diamond makes all the other gems around her cry, I literally almost teared up. I think it’s probably the way the tears are drawn (big and gooey, probably would hurt your eyes) that just affects my empathetic mind, but I like to think that Blue Diamond’s abilities are effective in multiple dimensions.
…so, I’m not the only one.
#look i've got THEORIES and it's no scientific fallacy that multiple dimensions seem to interact.re: theoretical physics and quantum physics., (read: the way molecules at tinier levels than neutrons/eectrons seem to vanish out of existence even with the most acute 'scopes.), also: string theory?
Blue Diamond speaking. Sometimes, do you ever feel like you’re shattered WITH her?
...that's what I've been trying to say.
Holy shit blue diamond is an empath
#~<33333333333, you have no idea how much my soul fucking SOARS at this honestly.
JUNE 4 http://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/161419121347/reasons-i-relate-to-blue-diamond-and-then-some
Reasons I relate to Blue Diamond (and then some):
- Distant presence. - Contemplative. - Melancholy. - Smiles are small and rare. - Watchfulness. Closely, intently. - Intense sense of justice and Right/Wrong. - Driven by loyalty. - Gentle… until you cross that line. - Immediate severity in my treatment of those I distrust. - Righteous FURY when somebody hurts those I love. - NEEDING time to process my emotions. - Prioritizing emotional well-being over productivity. - Closer to my little sisters than anyone else in the family. - …slightly rasping voice? - Draping, slightly-shapely blue clothes. - Poised elegance. - …until something manages to Affect me Emotionally. - And then, I become Obsessed. - Thinking, analyzing, needing to know the “why”. (Yes, it’s NECESSARY.) - We are not DONE until I UNDERSTAND. - I will not choose my RESPONSE until I understand. - Seriously upset when somebody breaks certain “codes”. - VERY upset when plans are changed by impulsivity. - “Can’t you RESTRAIN yourself?” - “Can’t you let me grieve?” (No, I cannot stop feeling.) - I am going to fight you if you tell me to Get Over It. - Feeling guilt over not doing enough, even when there was nothing I could have done. - Deep, pervasive mourning. (I couldn’t stop crying when Fizzy, my familiar, my first dove, my sweetest bird, died because the family neglected to give him water while I was gone. But largely in private, or with close friends.) - Clinging to reminders of that which was loved, and now is lost. - Not generally bitter. But very specific in my objects of fury. - Fury is a cold, sharp, glaring, and focused, controlled type. - E m p a t h y . (Emotional projection, when it hits me too hard…) - Psychic dream-connection to people like me. (I’m sorry…) - My hair even parts slightly similarly? ?? ??? (Middle-part, bangs forward over brow a bit, then curling against the cheekbone before it sweeps back, and comes over my shoulder from a little ways behind it. Not to mention, long and light-colored naturally.)
- What IS the use of feeling? Does it matter? I am.
#and i'm sure i'll think of more. but........ this was the list i came up with tonight. on little more than a whim
June 7
Fun fact: My hair does the chest-loop thing when I wear my cloak.
(At a different angle. But especially when I move my head– you know, like you do when you’re watching the street for a vehicle you’re relying on for transportation? My hair pulls out form under the neck seam and tends to gather in front of me for some reason/
I used to compare it to a cybunny (from Neopets).
Now I’m just really freaking amused, and thinking if I ever cosplay her, I’ll just do it with a cloak, some light silver hair-spray-paint, and my own freaking hair.
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conflictedrabbit · 7 years
I can’t believe this artist hasn’t deleted yet
[source] aka non-apology put through the crytyper generator for your amusement. though idk, the original writing “transophobic” is pretty glorious in of itself in how up its own ass it is
I really feel leike i need to make ..tihs opst.. SO;;OOoOOoo…..,, first  oof all IMM NOO,T  A CELEBRITY???? ST  OtP ACTTING AS..S IF   I WAS PLEASE IM JJUST THIS;SD UMB GIRL ONN  MEXICO I’MM NOT AA BI GDEA.L second, i apoloogized for the slur, it was AGESe ;ago bbut, well awppareeNty it d.oeesn;’t matter ad il’l aa,pol;;ogizze aagain . thn,, i’m so sorry iif on;ly ,becausse i’m ,,cis itt meaans i’m  transopph,,obic, so sorry really it’’s noot on  purpouse ubt i’m  not trannsophobic wwhhatt  kindwo  f shit humman beeinng ..wouldd be. then againn, i talked to this pE;son and theyy  ss,aid  i need to apollogize for everyThing i’ve ssaid onm y blogg nd i’’m really so sorrry, alreaddy. i can’’t believe i got hate for the f;irst ttim justt,e. i just waNt ot leave thhis pplacei   dont ww ant anyone ;;beeing ON ym  side right  no,,w i..i Juust can’t belieeve the perosn hwo starrted aall t,,he hate aga,instt me  saida   lot of thhings  i hhaavden’’t dOne and people th,ink  i’m  awwful,  liked i’m not;; trying tto makE,, profit out o;f anmi  jjustall  abse???? how does that even  oork??? i love aniim justals and.. i  was abooutt to give ,,up on making tt,he luilddrawings when someone ttlod  me dtheey had kiilled the bear, wheen TTHE REEAAL O;FF,FICER HERE ssaid her c;;orpo'ral told heer it wa  s  ann  other.. bear ooh alsso, wow im jjustso sorrry i  have a white characte..rs?,,?? im jUUst sso sorry he’s quueer cbuut, i ne  ve r;s,,aid he was becaues i w,,anted to ,,keep i ..ta secret??? but hey i. a,lso;; ,h ave other chhas you ,kno,;, one   is half meXican and another ..s ginger and blah blah wwhoo cares l;ets’ forgget that.   i know i ca,N’’t bbee 1  00% right ora nything,, but y,,esterddaayi was so happy taht itt was al;;l so possitive. ddo you really  think i’m not,, human or that this little luck i just. had wi;;ll make me ann aasss[hoLe???? i Haave.. neverr tried tto hur[t anyoen, STILL  i’..m so sorry .if ;;i ever did w,ithout purppouse, HEYY PEOPLE  READ HTIS AGAIN I’M SORRY FFOR EXISTING and pleease don’’t think of me aas thhe victim just,, ujst…. . ..jsut quiettly unnfolllow me if you don’tt like me bt..u  i read thee bad thin,gs i ssee  aboout m;e you  know. and theyy are more powerful  thaan thee nice things. wow ..i on’;;t konnw /inn which voice yyou’’reey gonna rread ,,thiis buut you,, guyss made me cry sso  i’m not an inseesib;;el ppiecee of shit.
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technically the first chapter of a fanfic im working on but could also be counted as a one-shot??
She smiled, abiet a bitter one, but it was a smile all the same. Annie had just gotten back from her shift of Titan patrol when she found Reiner and Bertholdt intertwined on the floor. It had been about a week since the roof incident, and Bertholdt was doing better, although still prohibited to go out without Reiner and it Annie. Even still, she couldn't get this feeling out of her gut. She knew it was stupid, and she knew it had always been this way, and she knew it wasn't right of her to be j e a l o u s, of all things. It's not like her and Reiner didn't have their moments, and its not like she and Bertholdt didn't have their moments, she just.. Well, she didn't know what she was feeling at the moment. She sat on the floor in front of both of their heads. Not wanting to wake them, but knowing someone had to go on Titan duty again, she slowly dragged herself to her feet, a small 'oomph' noise leaving her lungs as she accidently bumped into the door on her way out. She was able to continue for about an hour and a half, before her thoughts, mixed with a bit of exhaustion, overwhelmed her. Sitting down on a roof nearby, she placed her head in her hands as she tried to get her brain to stop making her eyes tear up. It didn't work. Looking like something somewhere between a snake and a sloth, Bertholdt was the main reason for the entanglement between the two boys, his limbs flying this way and that as he shifted- if two weeks of torture and having his throat cut wouldn't do it, then his sleeping positions would definitely be the death of him some day. Green eyes flickering open after the noise, he spent a good five minutes working himself from Reiner, who had somehow managed to stay asleep despite his wriggling. How he'd even fallen asleep with the boy, he'd never know. Reiner probably fell of the top bunk and onto his matress, now that he thought about it and he must've just kinda. Latched on. Shrugging on his navy blue over coat and ignoring his terrible bedhair, Bertholdt peeked out the front door, eyebrows furrowing when Annie couldn't be found anywhere. Ducking back into the house, he donned his gear and stepped out into the cold, goosebumps already rising on his arms as he set off to find her. Annie, not sure whether to be reassured or nervous about the fact that there was a likely chance that Bertholdt had most likely come out in search of her, she made no effort to move from her place. Burying her face deeper into her hands, she closed her eyes tightly and rubbed then with her palms to keep the tears from shedding. 'Cause maybe your gonna be the one that saves me. And after all, you're my wonderwall,' she sang under her breath, her voice strained from the effort of not crying. And now her eyes burned because she wouldn't let the tears fall. That's just perfect. After finally finding her, he landed beside her gently, the gentle whiz of the zipline of his gear the only sound in the vicinity. 'Annie? What's wrong; the sun's up, it's shift change, why didn't you wake me?' He asked, crouching beside her, his arm wrapped around his knees. 'You were asleep,' she spoke, praying her voice didn't sound too different from normal. 'And waking you meant taking the risk of nearly waking Reiner, and he gets grumpy if he's woken up before noon,' she tried to joke, though with the sound of her voice and the position she was in, she had a feeling it fell flat. 'You know I'm a light sleeper... Sometimes,' He replied, and it was true; sometimes it took like for than a footstep to wake him up, other times you could throw him across the room and he'd probably still remain blissfully asleep. 'Something's up; what's wrong?' 'Nothings wrong,' she paused, contemplating her next words so she could make sure they were ones that didn't make Bertholdt worry for her too much. 'Nothing is wrong, not necessarily.' It was true; it was nothing new going on, its that she was just reacting badly. Ten out of ten for logic use. 'Not necessarily?' He picks up on her use of words, eyebrows furrowing more. 'Hey... How about we spar? Take your mind off of things?' He asks, getting to his feet and brushing off his clothes. A soft, almost unnoticeable smile quirking at the ends of her lips, she nodded, rubbing her eyes one last time before standing up, a thought popping into her mind. 'Bertholdt,' she paused, her eyebrows furrowing. 'What's today's date?' Catching on quickly to her question, Bertholdt feigned his answer. 'Not sure, but it's a pretty shitty day out and we should get going,' He replied. 'Then we'll head back to Reiner, see if we can wake him up,' He chuckled, he knew today was Annie's birthday, so he'd organised for Reiner to work on what they'd discussed, it was his job to make it seem like they'd forgotten and to keep her distracted. 'You wanna start?' 'hmm' she pondered for only a moment more, before dropping the subject. 'Wait,' she paused, a sly smile on her face as she picked up a stick that she had carved into a crude knife late last night. 'That's better,' she spoke with a tone of mirth, before falling back into her usual fighting stance. She wouldn't admit it to him, but she was most likely not going to go her hardest on Bertholdt. Mainly because he was still on probation, and he wasn't allowed to exert himself too much. Realising he had still yet to remove his gear, he took a few steps back, shrugging it off quickly with a chuckle- as much as the three loved using it, there was only one set that was still working, so they'd all been earth bound for a couple of weeks and being cooped up with nothing to do made tensions run high. Returning to her, Bertholdt smiled. Sliding a foot back and crouching slightly into a deep stance, his hands came up beside his jaw, green eyes glittering with mischief and excitement. Bringing her fists up to rest at her hips, Annie decided that she would play dirty, since he got to use his height to his advantage, who said she couldn't use her acting talent to hers? Leaning in, dangerously close, Annie spoke in a whisper, adding a fake tear in as well. 'I'm pregnant, and its Eren's..' She whispered, smirking internally at his surprised face and handspringing up to land a heel on the top of his head, before landing behind him with a grin, and turning around to face him. 'Come at me bro,' With a moment of surprise before noticing her attack, he only had enough time to dodge enough so that her heel hit his shoulder as he spun and stood back, dropping down and lashing out a low kick mere milisenconds before her feet touched the ground. 'Ah yes, I'm sure you are,' He chuckled, rolling his eyes. 'Now now, it's rude to roll your eyes at me,' she spoke with a shit-eating grin, making a face as his leg hit her left foot, forcing her to fall into a roll, placing her only about two feet in front of the green eyed boy. 'We should tell Reiner that, just to see the look on his face,' she mused, before making it look like she was stepping in to give him a hug, before totally changing directions. Putting her left foot behind his and straightening her leg, her grabbed his shoulders and, with a mixture of pulling and pushing, she was able to land a good kick to the cheek before he hit the ground, a chuckle leaving her lips. Hissing at the attack, he barely managed to catch his arms around his head, rolling out of the way similarly to what Annie had just done before dropping both hands to the ground and kicking out both legs, one after the other, at her abdomen. 'He may seem like it, but he isn't a total idiot,' A sharp exhale leaving her lips as one of his feet hit her stomach, she was able to dodge the other, before using his leg as a sort of balance bean, running up it and landing a good kick to his groin, before jumping over the top of his head and landing behind him. 'Yeah, but even you were surprised for a moment, its entertaining,' she spoke, a bit out of breath. 'Ow,' He hissed in accusation, rolling and pushing himself up to his feet. 'That was a low blow; literally,' He tried to smirk, wheezing. 'Also, if ever you were actually pregnant, that kick would have changed that,' Good job Bert. Let's go for some dark humour. 'Did you just -' she slowly raised an eyebrow at him, a shadow of a smirk on her lips. 'This is why the door and the mattress are my best friends.' She grumbled under her breath, before standing on her dies to stretch, along with popping her knuckles, smirking at the large CRACK that they made. That couldn't be healthy. 'Yes. Yes I did,' Bertholdt replied with something akin to childish pride. Looking up at the sky and accidently revealing the nasty scar that mottled his skin along his throat as he distinguished the time, he sighed. He'd been out for about 2 hours, but who was to say that was enough time for Reiner to even wake up, let along finish their project. 'Whats the plan? I don't have much to do, and I doubt Reiner is awake, its only nine,' she smirked, pacing for a bit before an idea popped into her head. Waltzing behind him, Annie jumped up to wrap her legs around Bertholdt's waist, before loosely wrapping her arms around his neck, as to not accidently hurt him. 'To battle, my horsie!' 'Why are you like this,' He said simply, with the best 'I'm dead inside' voice he could muster, his smile hidden away as he shook his head and hoisted her up more comfortably on his back. 'Where too, m'lady?' He chuckled, looking over his shoulder at her. 'Why are you trying to steal my signature tone?' She mocked, flicking the side of his head lightly. 'I don't know, surprise me,' she yawned, resting her chin on the top of Bertholdt's head and letting her eyes drift shut. 'Alright, alright,' He smiled, continuing forward with a smile, strapping up his gear as best he could with the assistance of Annie as they wondered around aimlessly. Annie, chuckling slightly at Bertholdt as he fumbled with the gear, lifted up a hand and brushed his fringe into his eyes, because she was mean like that. 'I think there's a meadow nearby, we could go there maybe,' she mumbled, burying her face into the side of Bertholdt's neck where there wasn't a scar. 'Oi. Rude,' He smiled, shaking his head lightly and watching as his hair fell into place. 'I really need a hair cut,' Came a sigh as the two made their way through the ghost district, edging along walls whenever a titan came too close for comfort. 'No shit Sherlock, we all do,' she smirked, bringing her hand up to take her hair out of the bun she usually wore it in. 'It was giving me a headache,' she spoke as an explanation when Bertholdt gave her a confused glance. 'You're giving me a headache,' He snapped back teasingly, letting go of one of her legs to reach up and ruffle her hair like she did to him before the two came to a stop and he laid her on the ground, laying beside her. 'You suck,' she groaned, running her fingers through her hair to straighten it out again. 'It's easy for you to fix, you have short hair. Not easy for me, you ass,' she spoke with mock bitterness, reaching over and punching him in the shoulder lightly. 'Oh, you'll be fine, quit grumbling,' He smiled, laying out his legs of the grass before flinching as the movement pulled the straps on his shoulders down painfully; damn his height. Tucking his knees up as he lay back, he closed his eyes. 'It's a nice day out,' 'Yeah, its a pity you guys didn't get to see the sunrise though, it was beautiful,' She smiled softly, reaching over and plucking a daisy from its spot in the ground, tucking it behind Bertholdt's ear. 'That's better,' 'Thanks. Do I look pretty now?' He asked, turning his head to look at her, sticking out his tongue in the process, his fingers coming up to brush the petals of the flower before laying back down on the ground beside him. 'Nope,' she smirked, popping the 'p', a light laugh leaving her lips. 'You see, there are no witches or vegans around, and they're the only people with magic strong enough to make you pretty,' she spoke, an amused gleam in her eyes. 'Well now I'm just insulted. Have fun getting home without using me as your horse,' He chuckled, getting to his feet and walking off, a careless wave tossed over his shoulder for good measure. 'Have fun telling Reiner you're the reason I got eaten, because you left me stranded and I don't have any gear,' she called after him, slowly standing up and brushing herself off, following after him slowly. 'Y'know, I think it just got nicer,' Annie smirked, her eyes resting on Bertholdt's shapely ass. 'Wait up!' She called with a smirk, running up behind him and jumping on his back. He was lucky she didn't see his blush, or the increase of his heart rate when she jumped on his back. They were too oblivious for their own good.
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astudyinimagination · 8 years
The Heir, Chapter 2
"Between Present and Past” 
Chapter two of my WIP fic The Heir. Prologue can be found here; chapter one here; description here. Will definitely try to make a tags page for my fics in the future.
This story is off to a slow start in more ways than one, and there’s something I should say right now: there are a lot of flashbacks. There’s a lot of going back and forth between the present and the past—stuff in backstories unfold as the main story goes on. This particular chapter is flashback-heavy. (It also starts with a scene that I’ve already posted to Tumblr, so if you’ve already read that, you can skip over it to the next page break.)
Chapter rating: M.
Warnings: mentions of forced prostitution, miscarriages, still birth, generally birth-related ickiness, and marital sex.
There were many places in London in which respectable women, even of the working class, should never venture. But for the woman sitting at the bar in one of the seedier pubs she knew, respectability was the last thing on her mind. Not that she had to worry about her reputation, in her worn suit and bowler hat and fake moustache.
In a man’s world, pretending to be a man gave her a certain degree of freedom she couldn’t otherwise have.
She took a drag from her cigarette and sighed. Skulking aimlessly around taverns wasn’t going to fix her problems; she needed to get off her backside and on her feet again. Oh, come off it. How much bad luck does a person need to run up before they’re entitled to a respite?
A sudden commotion jolted her out of her sulking. A man shouting at a girl, in one of the corners of the establishment. She couldn’t make out what he was saying above the din of the place, but he was gesticulating wildly, and the girl was cowering… And there was the blow, across the face.
The woman dressed as a man surged to her feet and strode towards the pair. The girl was now crying, and as the woman got closer, she could make out the words. “Ned, please, Oi don’ want to!”
The man struck her again. “Yew’ll want to if I say! We need the money, an’ I’ve already made the deal!”
“No, Ned, please!”
The man brought his hand back for another blow, but it never fell. The woman’s grip around his wrist was as unforgiving as a shackle. The girl gasped. The man cursed and turned around to face the woman. “Wot the ‘ell d’yew think yew’re doin’?!”
“Acting like a decent human being,” the woman said coldly, belying the fire blazing in her gut, “which is more than I can say for you or anyone else in this sorry dump.”
“Leggo of me!” The man’s—Ned’s—eyes were red-rimmed, his face flushed; he’d clearly had far more liquor than she had.
“Leave this girl alone and I will.”
Ned turned back to his prey. “Oh, didja finally git yewrself a man?” There was something very ugly in his tone. “That why yew’re not wantin’ t’work with His Lordship?”
Terror shone in the girl’s eyes. “Oi swear, Oi ain’t never seen ‘im afore!”
The woman’s grip tightened, and Ned cried out. Standing at five foot eleven, she towered over Ned, and leaned in to hiss, “I have nothing to do with this poor girl, and I think you shouldn’t, anymore, either. Leave her alone.”
“The ‘ell Oi will! She’s mine! She’s my sister!” Ned gave a mighty pull, then, to free himself, and the woman clenched her free fist, driving a left hook into the man’s stomach. He doubled over, and she kneed him for good measure, letting go of his wrist and watching in satisfaction as he crumpled to the floor.
She looked up then at his poor sister, who was watching with wide, pale eyes. The woman held out her hand to the girl, who couldn’t have been much older than twenty. “Come with me.”
The girl hung back, afraid.
The woman sighed in frustration. “Come on! Do you want to stay with that—” she nodded at the figure on the floor—“for the rest of your life?!”
“I shan’t hurt you, I promise.” The woman reached out and grabbed the girl’s hand, pulling her to the door, the other patrons giving them a wide berth. This was hardly the first time they’d seen this person dressed as a man land a couple of blows on another bloke, and they weren’t about to interfere. She had a justified reputation for being brutal, and better still, very few blamed her for it.
“Who are yew?”
The woman waited until they were outside, turned to her, and whispered, “Not a man.” Louder: “What’s your name?”
“T-Tess.” The girl probably thought her companion mad.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” the woman said feelingly as she led the girl to a better street so they could catch a cab. Three blocks away from the pub, she let her Estuary accent slip. “I’m trying to help you. What did Ned want you to do?”
Tess didn’t even blink at the change in inflection. “‘E was gonna s-sell me services to His Lordship. S-said our family needed the money. We are poor folks, mum.”
The woman held down her suddenly boiling rage with effort. “Nothing justifies slavery, Tess. Who’s this Lordship you speak of?”
“Him what owns the buildin’ we live in, mum. That’s wot we all call ‘im.”
“What did His Lordship want with you?” The woman thought she knew, but she wanted to hear her theory confirmed, even if it sickened her.
Tess faltered. “Well… I… I’m pretty, mum.”
The woman had to take a deep breath. An outburst will not aid you. You can’t do anything about the brother. Help the sister. “Tess, you know that’s illegal, right? Selling you to this man to be his…”
“Whore,” Tess supplied quietly. “Sure it is, mum. But why would that make any difference?”
“You could go to the police.”
“They wouldn’t ‘elp the likes of me, mum. Wot would Oi go to them, for?”
It was true—unless the brother had written proof of his despicable bargain, the woman couldn’t think of a single thing the police could do about the situation. Not with the law as it stood now.
She turned to the girl. “Come home with me,” she said softly. “I can help you. I’ve helped other girls like you, girls with bad families, bad husbands. Just come. You don’t have to go back.”
Tess shook her head, a glimmer of pride in her eyes for the first time. “Oi won’t take no charity, mum.”
“Oh, it’s not charity.” The woman arched an eyebrow. “I’d expect you to work and earn your keep. But I think your dignity would be better served in performing the duties of a maid rather than becoming one in name only.”
Tess reddened. “Yewr ‘usband won’ mind?”
The woman stopped short. “...my husband has no say in how I live my life, Tess. He lost that right.”
The girl’s eyes widened. “‘Ow?”
“I know you love me, Godfrey. I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But I need you to look me in the eye, and tell me that you regret what you’ve done.”
“...darling… I do love you.”
“...I know. But that isn’t enough.”
“He sold his soul to the devil, Tess,” she said quietly, and whistled to catch the approaching cab—“and he didn’t regret doing it. Are you coming?”
The cab rolled up to halt before them, and she watched fear and hope fight for dominance in Tess’s too-thin features. Poor girl—she had probably never done anything so brave in her life, escaping her family like this. After a few seconds, she nodded slowly. “Yes, mum.”
The woman smiled, and helped her up into the cab. Once they had set off, she turned to the girl and said, “Please, Tess: call me Irene.”
Mary felt the urge and resisted it, braiding her hair instead. Even after three months, her hands wanted to lie over her belly, now empty and almost flat again.
This most recent attempt to have a child had proven to be not a disaster, but a nightmare. Mary had been twenty-seven when she first met John; she had already been old enough to qualify as an old maid. In the two years they had been married, they had tried again and again to have children, both aware that neither of them were quite as young as many newlywed couples starting families. John was seven years older than she, and he wanted children just as badly as she did.
She miscarried the first two. She had thought that nothing could match the crushing disappointment and sense of loss she had felt each time… but then she had conceived a third time. Then the baby had survived long enough to make her presence felt, to kick and somersault, and move to the sound of her father’s voice, speaking nonsense to her mother’s belly.
And then, after the most terrific and prolonged agony Mary had ever experienced, their daughter had died before she could draw her first breath.
“John, how is she? Can I hold her? What does she look like?”
“Oh… Mary…” The incredible look of loss on his face had answered her questions.
“No… no…”
“Mary, love… I’m so sorry...”
“No! I want my baby, John! I want my baby! Please!”
He had sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, not heeding her struggles. She didn’t want comfort; she wanted her baby… And then, over John’s shoulder, she saw the midwife silently wrapping up a tiny, bluish form in the cloth that should have been her child’s first blanket, and something inside her broke.
She didn’t remember the week following, not properly. It was a haze of tears, dreams both good and bad, and expelling excess blood and fluid and tissue from the pregnancy. Her body slowly working its way back to normal didn’t help her any, particularly the emptiness of her womb. The swelling of her breasts, filling with milk for her dead daughter, added another layer of misery.
She barely spoke to John, though he hardly left her side that first week. He was so gentle and caring, and one of the few things she remember clearly was wanting to shout at him. Wanting to demand why he wasn’t angry with her when she couldn’t give him the children he wanted.
Eventually, she started to move around the house again. Her friend, Kate Whitney, and her former employer, Mrs. Forrester, would come to see her. She talked more with John; not much, at first, but she did. The physical aftermath of the pregnancy finally ended, and she started to feel herself again.
Three months later, she still missed her baby, of course. She couldn’t think of the tiny little girl without crying. They’d decided to give her a name, one that they never would have picked otherwise as it wasn’t a name either of them favored, but it seemed appropriate: Angela.
By unspoken consent, however, Mary and John had tried to act normally again around each other, and by and large, it had worked. They were still deeply in love, and Mrs. Forrester said to cherish it: that kind of premarital infatuation did not always survive to the second year, let alone amid the loss they had already faced.
Sometimes, Mary would still feel empty, and her arms ached to hold a child who wasn’t there—she had only held her daughter for a few brief moments, and she still did not know whether that had been better or worse for her. She longed to have Angela back, alive and healthy.
What she sometimes felt but was afraid to really think… was that she still wanted to try again.
She had always been good with children. She had been a good governess; the Forrester children had adored her. She wanted to know the joy of having her own child, and she knew that John wanted that, too.
What is wrong with me? Why can’t I have a baby?
She knew there was no good answer to that; there never was. She could keep trying and maybe, someday, she’d have a baby. Maybe it would be healthy, and she wouldn’t be. Maybe she couldn’t have a baby at all. There was no way to know, and she knew that, which is why she never asked John. She hated few things more than his looking lost and helpless, when he didn’t know what to say or do.
Speaking of whom… Finished undressing for the night, he sat beside her on the bed and idly stroked her braid. “I missed you, last night,” he murmured.
“Mm, I missed you.” He leaned in to kiss her softly, and she returned the kiss as gently. “But I’m glad you went. You needed that.”
He grasped her chin gently. “Mary, love, I don’t need adventures.”
She smiled ruefully. “Yes, you do. It’s all right, John; you know I don’t mind.”
He sighed. “I know, but—”
She put a finger to his lips. “Shh.” Then she kissed him again.
He kissed her warmly back, his hand rising to stroke her hair. “Oh, my love,” he murmured against her lips.
She closed her eyes, suppressing the faint tug of desire she felt. “Sweetheart, not yet. Please.” Making love with her husband had become irrevocably tied up with the possibility of conceiving again, and the possibility of further heartbreak. “I’m not ready yet.”
He sighed—poor John, she could see his eyes how much he would have liked to continue. “Of course, my darling.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.”
“John, it’s not your fault.” She lowered herself to the surface of the mattress and pulled him with her, quickly snuggling up in his embrace. “Someday, I am going to want you so much, I am going to be so wild with passion, and I won’t be able to care. I… I simply haven’t reached that point.”
John chuckled softly, but his hazel eyes were gentle. “Do let me know as soon as you do, won’t you?” He kissed her hair this time. “I love you, Mary.”
“I love you, John.”
“Yes? Master Holmes, was it?”
“Yes, sir. I only wanted to say how very much I enjoyed this lesson. I’ve never seen anyone bring mathematics so vividly to life before.”
“Thank you, my boy. It is always gratifying to have an appreciative audience. What is your field of study?”
“Chemistry. It’s been an interest of mine since I was small.”
Pause. “Master Holmes, your eyes have been roaming my things since you approached my desk.”
“I beg your pardon, Professor; I was merely observing.”
There was an intense scrutiny in the older man’s dark grey eyes, not unlike Mycroft’s. “What have you observed?” When the boy hesitated, the man nodded encouragingly. “You needn’t fear censure, my boy. Go ahead.”
“You are a confirmed bachelor,” the boy started slowly. “You have no close family. You have passions not only for mathematics but also for science, philosophy, and history. You have not had this chair for more than a few years. You graduated from Oxford, but you must have had some sort of falling out with your alma mater, or you would not be teaching for her rival. And… you carry a sentimental attachment to your homeland.”
The man stared at the boy, then smiled and began to clap. “Bravo, Master Holmes. That was excellent.” An Irish lilt slipped into his voice, bringing full body to the slight inflections the boy had noticed earlier: “Correct in every detail. You will certainly go far on whatever road you take.” He held out his hand.
The boy shook it firmly, grinning. “Sherlock Holmes, sir.”
“James Moriarty. Sherlock Holmes, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Mr. Holmes?”
Holmes looked up from where he sat on the floor, surrounded by coded letters and their decoded counterparts. “Mrs. Hudson! What are you doing still up at this hour?” His landlady was dressed for bed, a dressing gown over her nightclothes, and her grey-streaked brown hair hanging down in a braid. And she bore a steaming coffee pot.
“I was about to go to bed, and I heard you moving about up here. I thought you might like a fresh pot of coffee.”
He smiled tiredly, rising to take the tray from her. “Bless you, Mrs. Hudson.” He kissed her cheek, and she smiled.
“Will you be all right, then?”
It was a question she often asked when she knew he was going to stay awake through the night. He nodded. “Sweet dreams, Mrs. Hudson.”
Her smile softened. “Good luck, Mr. Holmes.”
“Thank you.” He would need it, and the coffee. He didn’t want to risk falling asleep; sleep would give him no rest, only more memories, and less kind ones.
He had to keep working.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
Actual Property Listings Assist you Get Your Dream Home In Canada
So Im going to be Alice Cullen from twilight for Halloween does anybody have any suggestions on how my hair ought to be worn or make-up footwear any suggestions or advice please thanks a bunch? 27 Why would a Mercury Sable replaced stat three times smell antifreeze burning from passenger side and the automobile overheats when working a very long time does anybody have any suggestions thanks? Affords are time stamped and locked till after the bidding process is closed and consumers can go surfing to look at the bidding course of unfold in real time. However, effectively-priced homes in the area still continued to field multiple gives and promote quickly. There are also Multiple Itemizing Companies that enable owners to listing their property without cost or for a small fee. Out of Nation (and Out of Province) emergency well being services are very limited. 1-million and up. Take away the impact of those gross sales on common prices and you're doubtless to search out that resale condos are literally pricier than they have been final 12 months and quietly ticking upwards. In keeping with the Toronto Real Estate Board, house gross sales have slipped a bit compared to the identical time a yr ago with average home costs down about 7 to 10 p.c overall.
They offer a full time garage and residence safety. A. Many individuals do not know this but when you buy pre development, there's a period of time the place it's possible you'll should pay a charge referred to as an "occupany payment" to the builder. The Breakfast Bunch' was the third episode of the 2nd season of a present called Victorious, though. The foreign patrons tax had an initial impression on "mom and pop" consumers, however most Chinese language will simply buy through a company to bypass the penalty, Donia added. This initial dialog along with a site go to goes a great distance toward making certain the protected completion of your job. Experts imagine that there isn't any indication that Toronto is in a housing bubble. However are housing beneficial properties actually more stable? By getting a single deal that features airfare, resort keep and automobile rental, a traveler can save money overall, even if sure portions of the bundle might be bought extra cheaply on their own. For instance, in releasing of monetary aids, the PATO can hint if help was ready for launch after the task of obligation.
It may increase blood strain. The place can one find more information about discovering a website title? Being your "personal man" makes work extra satisfying, simply since you don鈥檛 need it. The "huge freeze" of 1895 ruined the orange crop and the owner of the orange grove, resulting in the property being foreclosed. Make a listing related to a questions or items of concern that you simply wish to deal with before finishing buying the property. 鈥淐osts related to vacation properties are sometimes greater than a primary residence,鈥?he says, adding that funding the prices associated with these properties are completed in after-tax dollars. The closing prices of a house are between 2-4% of the acquisition price. The home was on the market for only some days when John鈥檚 supply was accepted. Transactions had been up strongly 12 months-over-yr while the variety of properties obtainable for sale was down,鈥?said Jason Mercer, TREB鈥檚 Senior Supervisor of Market Evaluation.
The typical selling worth for a detached dwelling, probably the most expensive phase of the market, plunged 17.1 p.c, whereas the typical condo price rose 6.1 p.c. When you are buying a residence from stuff like online auctions and temporary transaction spots you have to 鈥減lay the field鈥? Whether buying or selling, negotiate. Robust competition between buyers resulted in a healthy growth in promoting costs. After eight years, effectively, it has been slow however steady growth. The benefit of real estate listings is that they make it simpler for you to search out houses. Although title insurance has been customary in American actual property transactions, such insurance coverage has gained popularity lately as a part of the everyday Ontario residential real estate purchase transaction. A real property agent and a foodie, that鈥檚 the proper mix we鈥檙e talking about. Mark Dennys: Century 21 Granite Realty Group - Mark Dennys - Real Estate Agent Haliburton, Ontario, Canada.
And under these situations, which group of vendor's might panic and bail in the marketplace? What many of these nervous in regards to the numbers of investors in the market do not understand is that traders are at present very important to the rental market. The heat in the detachable properties market has given to new calls for, prompting an approximate 22% increase in average costs. 481,500, a one per cent enhance. Get Pre-Approval from your Lender, and just be sure you understand all the phrases and conditions of the mortgage commitment. Get along with your spouse and vow to make the adjustments. Earlier than you begin your cleansing program, make certain all of the makeup is taken off very first. They are curious. In the event that they know one thing concerning the history of the home/ bulding/ location they'll normally inform you about it. Things might not be the method you want right now however they are going to enhance. They almost certainly will not be going to have expensive lighting rigs or the latest digital digicam gear, so your images will stop up wanting a lot lower than skilled. Do not allow you to to in the end have your palm urgent the golf ball either.
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