#result of something else 👁
005mins ¡ 1 year
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drearycrow ¡ 3 months
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🚬⊹─── ☽ 👁 ☾ ───⊹🚬
Notes: This was originally going to be angst but it quickly became something else. I couldn't think of anything angsty to write in this story. I tried my best to write Ayatsuji since this is my first time writing this character. This is for the five fans of Ayatsuji. Seriously this fine man needs more attention.
Ayatsuji sits in his basement working on a new doll. He is hunched over his desk painting the eyes on the face. The paint brush smoothly glides across the porcelain skin. His eyes occasionally dart to the photo on the side to ensure the doll looks as close to the original photo. Countless hours have been lost trying to perfect the project. Many dolls have been thrown to the side. The head was too big, the eyes were slightly askew, or other little imperfections that bothered him. Ayatsuji had to get this perfectly.
He hums a song to himself as he sews clothes for the doll. His eyes are trained on the clothing to ensure there are no mistakes. After many hours of working, he finally finishes the doll. The porcelain doll is gently placed into the gift box. He places red gardenias in the box as well, surrounding them neatly. His lips curl up into a small smile observing the masterpiece he created. He is quite ecstatic at the results.
Paperwork piles up on your desk as you try to finish your report on the latest case. You are Ayatsuji's personal assistant. You have been working with him for a few months now. He hired you to take care of his paperwork since he didn't want to be bothered with tedious things. It took some time to get accustomed to his cold and emotionless personality. He can be kind to you at times making sure you ate something or forcing you to take a break from work. He would often chide you for making a small mistake or saying something idiotic. The constant remarks he makes about you made it seem like you are beneath him. You despised working for him. Taking this job was a mistake.
A sigh escapes your lips when you glance at the clock. It's 1 in the morning and you are barely halfway done with the paperwork. If the job doesn't get done soon, your head will be served on a silver platter. You managed to get everything done by the time the sun was starting to rise. Eyes feel heavy from pulling an all nighter and drinking an ungodly amount of coffee. You drive home in silence not wanting to listen to anything. You were fed up with this job and Ayatsuji. The pay was very generous but it wasn't enough in your eyes to keep working for him. The constant belittling and the mountain of work you have to do for him is overwhelming.
When you finally arrive home, you see a large box sitting outside the door. You don't remember ordering anything online. The box was quite heavy when you picked it up. There is a small label on the corner with your name on it but it didn't have a return address or anything that could indicate who it came from. You take the box inside and you remove the pink wrapping paper. You open the box to see a porcelain doll that looks exactly like you. The eyes stare at you intensely making the doll look more unsettling. Every little detail about you was mirrored back onto the doll. The red gardenias surrounded the doll. Each flower was neatly organized to emphasize the doll in the center. The doll held an envelope in its hands. You take the letter and inspect it closely. Your name is written on the envelope in cursive with gold ink. The envelope is closed with a red seal with an eye in the center. You open the envelope to read what's inside.
My beloved,
You are the most beautiful woman I've laid my eyes on. The moment my eyes laid on you, I had to capture your beauty in the form of a doll. Every waking moment of my life is tormented by your existence. It's a blessing and a curse. I want to worship the very ground you walk on yet I find myself despising you. It feels like you are taunting me with your charm. I want to eat you whole. I need to feel your flesh and blood on my lips. I want nothing more than to become one with you. Every step you take, I'm right around the corner. I will ensure that no man gets close to you at all costs. Even if it means eliminating them from existence
Your eyes widen when you finish reading the letter. This wasn't an ordinary love letter of a man confessing his love. It was nothing more than a mad man writing incomprehensible things. You tear the letter apart and throw it into the trash. You picked up a doll causing a photo to fall from its arms. You picked up the photo to see you in your office working. That photo was taken this morning. Fear and disgust fills your body. You dig through the box to see more photos. Every single one was a photo of you doing mundane tasks, not aware of the danger you were in. Each one had a date written on it presumably when the picture was taken. How could you have not noticed the danger you were in? The photos go as far back as two years ago. This lunatic has been stalking you for years now.
You picked up the doll and threw it against the wall. The face shatters, only leaving half of it intact. Many thoughts and emotions ran through your head. Fear, disgust, anger, and other emotions your mind couldn't wrap around flooded you at once. You dig through your purse to find your phone. You quickly dial Ayatsuji to inform him about your stalker situation. You didn't like the fact that you resorted to asking for help from your boss but there was no other choice. You wait for him to pick up as you frantically look out the windows. A familiar ring tone can be heard from your bedroom closet. You freeze the moment you hear it. A soft chuckle can be heard behind you. "That wasn't very nice to destroy a gift that I've been working on for months now. I put my whole soul into that doll and you simply destroy it once you open the box. What shall I do about your terrible behavior?" Ayatsuji opens your closet and steps out. He walks over to you and lifts your chin up to make you look at him. "My precious little doll looks so adorable when she's in fear." He chuckled softly when he saw fear in your eyes. "Don't worry my doll, I will ensure you are placed in a beautiful box." Ayatsuji lifts your hand to give it a gentle kiss. "I will ensure that you never leave my grasp."
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an-theduckin ¡ 10 months
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dustmint ¡ 5 months
*Inbox INVASION.* Hehe, Helloooo, *Ramble about anything card.*
HIIII!!!!!! I have. So many things to ramble about you have no idea what you've unleashed 👁👁 (But also I'm bad at thinking of what exact topics soooooo, this rant might be all over the place)
I wanna ramble about my oc Atlas Seek, they're one of my silliest little guys that I'm very obsessed with at the time. I have A LOT of ocs (around +24) ((I know this cause I put them in a hunger games simulator once, just because I got bored, it's very fun)) but I often tend to get like pretty focused on some of my ocs for some time and then forget all about them, this is something that has happened a lot and has caused some of my ocs to be really forgotten, cause i usually tend to pick favourites ehem–
Anyways! Onto Atlas, I love them dearly, they're a really fun character and also a bastard, he's my silly little guy. Though I'm not actually sure if I can count Atlas as an oc cause he's sort of mostly Jekyll and Hyde just like, glued together onto each other??? At least that's how they begin, Atlas is the result of like, Hyde and Jekyll joining together, I'm actually writing a fic with them, in the fic Atlas is formed by Mind Lanyon cutting off Hyde's head, this causes stuff to happen. Jekyll's mind tries to join Hyde back to Jekyll, sort of like trying to connect them as if they were two pieces of a puzzle, but the thing is that Hyde has his own consciousness, he's not just Jekyll's vices and repressed urges, there's something else in there that doesn't belong to Jekyll, but is instead Hyde, the vague beginnings of a person who sees himself as nothing else except as the evil of Jekyll.
Anyways, this results in them not being able to fuse back together, at least not so much not their consciousness, but you know what it does try to fuse back together that doesn't struggle as much as their consciousness? Their bodies, so Jekyll's mind just sort of triggers something like a transformation but not really one, it's just enough so that they have both traits of Jekyll and Hyde's bodies, but not enough to be one or the other completely, this sort of results in no one being able to recognise them as Jekyll or Hyde
They both eventually realize this and decide to go for a new name under this appearance "Atlas Seek"
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✍ Has the mun some special talents beside writing? 
👗 How is the mun’s fashion sense? 
🌙 Does the mun stay up long or goes to bed early? 
muse talking about the mun!
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✍ Has the mun some special talents beside writing? 
“She draws pretty well! I’m pretty bad with art myself, so I always appreciate the things she makes.”
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admin: awweewwwwwww u like meeeee
“Of course I do, but please don’t get too cocky. I still believe you have some points to improve. For example, you can still improve in drawing men.”
admin: can we talk about something else now
“You can also learn to be more patient with art. You always think of giving up halfway through, and it always results in parts which aren’t that well rendered, particularly the line—“
admin: can we get to hunter’s answer yet
“You also always say you want to learn how to draw backgrounds better, but you never put in the effort to learn or try yourself—“
admin: HUNTER
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“Talents other than writing? She can barely write to begin with though.”
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admin: nevermind
“Poor thing. Alright, I'll say something about her."
admin: wait you’re actually
"She's been a voice student since she was in middle school. Singing is her second favorite hobby."
admin: you're saying something nice about me..>!?!?!
“She's quite lackluster for the amount of time she spent learning though. I've heard better notes from a headless chicken."
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admin: both of u suck
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👗 How is the mun’s fashion sense? 
“Actually, most of what I wear is her own personal fashion sense.”
admin: if it was up to her to dress up she would wear the most atrocious outfits possible. i had to intervene or else she’d wear a neon yellow shirt and hot pink jazz pants to the mansion and her route would turn into a comedy skit
“Hey, what’s wrong with that combination? Bright colors are nice to look at. I’d also wear those green shoes I saw at the store the other—“
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admin: see what i mean
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“Mediocre. Boring. Needs more avant-garde.”
admin: YOU are wearing things that are part of my fashion sense???
“Because you forced me in them.”
admin: what would u wear then
“Well, first I would [The rest of this question has been removed for graphic content and multiple demonic rights violations].”
admin: ……………..
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🌙 Does the mun stay up long or goes to bed early? 
“I… I don’t even know.”
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admin: me neither
“Sometimes she’d be awake until the sun rises, and other times she’d be asleep as early as sunset. I’m almost amazed at how weird her sleep schedule is.”
admin: do u think i can attend ryotei since its a night school
“Oh, I think so—wait. Are you asking this because you want to attend school with Shuu and the others?”
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admin: i can fix them
“How many times are you gonna say that? And no, no chance! You’re also in college!”
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“I don’t personally care either or, as long as her sleep schedule remains atrocious.”
admin: why’s that
“The earlier you begin to suffer the health consequences!"
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admin: u r my number one hater. i love u
“What’s that phrase again, the one you love saying?”
admin: i can fix them?
“No, touch some grass.”
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badassxbirdy ¡ 1 year
Edit: If I’ve unfollowed, refollowed, or you’ve softblocked, please see this post and let me know accordingly!
May Activity Update (Pinned Post)
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It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of April. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
I want to start doing more story arc development on Ty’s blog again, so expect a few posts about that to come soon.
Posted a round of opened starters, for anyone who doesn’t know: those are explained here.
I’m going to be tagging people in replies to get around the current notes issue and any others that may arise. If I forget to do it, I’ll shoot you a message instead.
Fixes for the notes issue can be found here and here for those who need it.
Thread tracker has (for the most part) been updated. Thanks to everyone who got back to my DM’s about old threads. ❤️
I still haven’t found the login for Ty’s discord. 🤦‍♀️ Until I do, tumblr DM’s or Ty’s Wire are the best ways to reach me both IC and OOC.
Threads, replies, memes, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
“You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty takes Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Birthday gift mischief: the peanut gag continues! 😂 (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Birthday gift mischief: a crossbow! (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty is scarred for life. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon shields Ty. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The truth about Darklighters (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters Dark!Ty (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Getting out of jail (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
Roasting 50 shades (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Vampire!Damon (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Making their escape (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
“I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” (link) - @drkroots (Shannon)
“Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?” (drafted) - @drkroots (Deacon)
Kit offers a flower, Tyler says 👁👄👁 (link) - @florafound
Birthday mischief: baking unsupervised is probably a bad idea. 😂 (link) - @heavenguided
Meeting Captain Hook (link) - @hvbris
Ty is confused by Wednesday (drafted) - @hvbris
Birthday mischief: “hey! you didn’t tell me it was your birthday!” (drafted) - @imprvdente
FBI!Fish babysits Human!Ty (drafted) - @imprvdente
At the fair (link) - @indyflanery
Attempting to babysit the Doctor. 😂 (link) - @innerwar
Jokes with Charm (drafted) - @innerwar
A demon problem (drafted) - @magaprima
“Can I just be normal?” (link) - @nightiingaled (Mel)
Time for “The Talk” (link) - @nightiingaled (Mel)
Ty is ANGY and Proteus is BABY. (link) - @nightiingaled
Banishment gone wrong (link) - @normallyxstranger
The way out (drafted) - @razorfst
NO BEING BAIT. 😤 (link) - @unbearablyindifferent
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
FMK poll results: Ty needs therapy. (link)
Ty’s favourite holiday (link)
“Would you still love me if I was a worm? 🥺” aka KilliTy being disgustingly cute. (link)
Sinday questions: One thing a partner should never do. (link)
Sinday questions: mood killer, how adventurous is she, one night stands, and one thing she’s dying to try. (link)
Sinday questions: does she crack jokes, does she get emotional, does she like to go out as aftercare, and physical affection/cuddling. (link)
Tyler can’t NOT make jokes. (link)
A gem from discord: Ty telling Killian about her arm scar. (link)
KilliTy moodboard by Rookito. 🥹 (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and hydrate your flesh prison. ❤️ — Em
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springcatalyst ¡ 2 years
👁 👁 i am asking about caves in your world building. tell me the cave things if you have any.
oh you best BELIEVE I have cave things for you!!! (THANK U)
Basically the main idea is that they’re FUCKING huge.  Idk if you’ve seen the movie The Cave (2005):  it’s not actually that good a movie but they do some interesting environmental stuff in it, most notably, HUGE caves.  Just giant, arcing caverns so big that the fucked up monsters that live there have wings to scale the distance- that became the basis for a lot of nightling thoughts.
They formed in the same way most caves do, via underground water streams, just that in this case they are A: old as balls, and so have had a Lot of time to carve out, and B: more water movement, less a trickle and more a river.  These two things resulted in massive caverns that were carved out over intense geologic time:  they’re also surprisingly stable for their size because of the sheer amount of time they’ve been there- any weak point collapsed ages ago, whats left is the strongest of the tunnels- perfect roman arches built to carry the weight of the ground above them by process of elimination. 
That’s all just geology nerd moment... The REAL shit, though, is the life in them.
They have a lot of the same primary production as a hydrothermal system would have.  At the center of the caverns, in the deepest caves, there are hydrothermal sumps.  Water that collects in staggering quantities from the flow of the river forms this HUGE (a lot of the caves can be summed up by FUCKING LARGE) brackish lake, perforates the rock, and rises back up, superheated, from vents.  There, communities very similar to real-world hydrothermal ecosystems form, but the difference here is that there isn’t miles and tons (weight-wise) of ocean to keep them isolated- just a bit of lake and some rivers, some of which flow away from the lake. 
So naturally that spreads those nutrients, that life, throughout the caverns.  Bioluminescence, originated in caves closer to the surface as trogloxenes (vision-equipped) migrate in and out to rest, feed, reproduce, etc, spreads throughout the caves, fueled by this hydrothermal energy source.  Plants and mammals aren’t present, but there is an abundance of just about everything else.  Sponges and cold-water corals line the rivers, fish and aquatic invertebrates live both in the cold, flowing water and the less motile, warmer waters of the lake, amphibians and reptiles (many of which are hexapodal) thrive above water.  Some birds, even, though many of them are more reptilian than typical above-ground species, live here.  The caves are lit by a cast of fungi and animals alike, each of them using light to: spread spores, attract food, find mates, warn against predators, etc. 
Also you didn’t ask but because basically all of this stems from me figuring out how to make nightlings what and why:  Nightlings’ evolutionary ancestors were trogloxenes, spending time in caves but not solely living in them, remaining connected enough to the surface to be social with other proto-humanoids, that’s why they look and sound like that (they share an ancestor with the early- EARLY griffon ancestor, basically a bipedal, six-limbed, raptor-like dinosaur, more a feathered reptile than a true bird).  At some point there was a bottleneck event that trapped a number of proto-nightlings in the caverns and closed them off from the surface- they then evolved to fit the more specific niche of the caverns, hence the eyes, the coloration, the warm feather layer, the specialized wings, the toxin resistance (key element of hydrothermal (chemosynthetic) systems are sulfides, something that is toxic to most lifeforms (it’s a surprise tool that will help us later)) + bioluminescence via symbiosis.  Early nightlings that remained aboveground eventually went extinct, and over time, the surface forgot they ever existed, and forgot what- and who -lay beneath their feet.
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sithisreadingcorner ¡ 2 years
Hello I see that you're available ;) an emoji that represents me ? 👁❤ ♾ 🔍🗡 My initials are N.V.W. Birthdate 6/18/90 XD.
No question is completely fine! No worries NVW!
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page of wands (cat) reversed. queen of swords. eight of cups reversed
Without context it's hard to tell what this is about, but this is something that has been in your life - something that you have been doing, or fighting against - for a very long time. Its kind of a pattern at this point. It seems that every time this happens, you just keep hitting a wall, no matter how hard you try, and somewhere deep down almost anticipate the defeat. But you shouldn't give in! Not yet! There is something you can change!
The problem in this situation is not that you aren't trying hard enough, because you really are, but rather, the way you do it, has some kind of flaw. For the results to change, some kind of variable has to change. The reason why you don't even think about changing anything is because the part that needs to change is the part that has grown to given you some comfort.
I know this sounds a bit cryptic, but let's say that every week you go to the grocery store. You can take Path A and Path B to get there, and they are not really different except that Path A has an inconveniently placed hole in it and you have about 30% chance to fall into it. Path B has no such pitfalls and could get you to the store just as easily, but you still go on Path A, every time. You already know it. In your complacency and devotion to Path A you got kinda used to falling into holes. But then you can't be surprised that your ankle keeps being injured!
This is a metaphor of course, but I think your problem is that you don't see the cause and effect relationship here, between choose wrong path >>> fall into hole >>> ankle injury, because you didn't choose to fall down. Yes, of course, you are right, but. Oh, you know what I'm thinking about? I just realized. There is this poem, that was kinda lurking in my mind. I didn't know who wrote it, but luckily I found it on the internet very easily by what it was about.
Autobiography In Five Short Chapters by Portia Nelson
I think this is what the cards are trying to tell you. Literally this poem!!
I find it funny that the Hole card didn't come out. But it should be, where the queen of swords is, where she is sitting and waiting, reading a book. If you have stopped fighting whatever it is, waiting for something else to change, I kinda get it and I mean, eventually all things change but you are going to sit there for a long ass time. Your pitfall really doesn't seem that deep... nothing you can't get out of. It will be way easier, and quicker, for you to do something about it.
Your fortune cookie says "Pay more attention to your needs". Huh. Who woulda thunk!
[pick up the poker chip] Y/N?
november readings (4 out of 5)
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gruesomejack ¡ 2 years
Would the conflict with Beelz result in the moment when Bael gets his powers back to protect his kids?? Or do you think that'll be something else that targets them 👀
Something else!! It'll be sort of what sets the ball in motion, but I'm thinking that it's heaven's involvement that will get Bael to tap into the rest of his powers 👁👁
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fictionkinfessions ¡ 29 days
tge fact that in order to meet everyone i had to hurt thwm. i stole something precious from so many people and rhey still forgave me. i didnt deserve them. i didnt deserve their kindness. im sorry. im sorry for everything. i wish i could take it back. im sorry to those i made do it
— #👁💙 . sorry if someones already using that as a signoff
party note that isn't a signature, that's a custom tag. Custom tags have hashtags. Signatures do not. There is a key different. If you'd like to use a custom tag, please search for the custom tag using tumblr's search index for this blog. If there's no results, no one else has used it. Bear in mind that emojis may not always show up in mobile search results. You are welcome to use a text character only custom tag if that's the case. There is an entire page of information on custom tags and the difference of custom tags and signatures. You will find them here as a blog page https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/customtags and here as a blog post. https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/tagged/custom%20tags%20page
All blog pages can be found under the tag 'blogpages' including the rules page.
. https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/tagged/blogpages
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justyouraveragecsmfan ¡ 3 years
Studying A Night Before Finals With the CSM characters in Highschool
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Listen, we know you love Denji and all, but seriously- him? What can I say, good luck taking a make-up test because none of you will be properly studying as long as you are together
Denji is the type to start fidgeting after barely 15 minutes, throwing away his books in frustration and scooting over to you, demanding to do something more 'fun'
Except your little 5minute breaks from your study session to turn an hour long. Tried cooking? Nope, the kitchen will be turning into a mess with you and Denji there. Taking a walk? Expect going on a full on run in the city with Denji
And if you think about having a makeout session in between? Sis we know both of you ain't gonna get out of bed after that 😔
With Denji being a hormonal teenager, you guys are pretty much gonna end up fucking anyway
But Denji has some sort of reward system instilled in him we all know
So if you really want to get some studying done, make sure to give him little rewards for his efforts.
A peck on the lips for a correct answer, a certain special promise to do anything for him if he passes and his eyes will shine ✨
He'll be sure to work hard enough to get average marks in order to collect his due reward
Aki Hayakawa
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Serious and strict
What else did you expect lmao
He will make sure none of you slack off much before the finals
The type to put on a relaxing study playlist as you both huddle together to cram and revise your notes
He's the type who gets good grades by actually putting in a lot of efforts, so he'll expect you to do the same too.
But if you're not the studious type, then he'll make you study with him enough for you to atleast get average marks.
The type to push himself a bit far, you can see it when his shoulders start slumping down as his eyes get droopy, then suddenly jerking back up only to repeat again.
Coax him a little for taking proper rest by squeezing his hands gently or kissing him on cheek,
Aki will just be like, "Fuck it", and go straight to you for some cuddles.
He doesn't show it but he's such a sucker for you lmao
Don't worry, both of you will be getting Pretty good grades tho.
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Studying with Reze would be a... Surreal experience
None of you will be panicking, the atmosphere would be so chill with her
She is that person who tells you to study with her but you end up doing EVERYTHING besides studying
"Reze isn't it time we star- " We don't do that here. "
You guys will go anywhere that looks interesting be prepared to go skinny dipping
She'll take you to the an enclosed opening high up that shows the full city view, and as you both sit down and relax, she'll smile and tell you to wait as she goes walks out to the bushy trees and disappears, soon coming back with multiple beer cans in arms.
Y'all spend the whole night talking shit and getting high as fuck (probably made out a few times too 👁👁)
When you wake up you find yourself in your apartment, head hurting like hell as you go take your test while still hungover.
Worst part: Reze does manage to get decent marks while you get a makeup test like hoe we both had a hangover hoW
Let's just say that it'll be a while before you decide to seal your fate in the hands of Reze again
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She always ends up having the best results and she expects you to have the same
Studying with Makima will make you less worried about getting good marks for yourself and more anxious about performing up to her satisfaction
She will sit across you, completely relaxed, as she cuddles her dogs while you're double-checking the topics you've learnt, reading any extra info from your notes, and confirming it with Makima's, and the process goes on
Both of you will mostly be revising everything you've learnt, no extra learning on the last night since you already have majority of the stuff on your tips with the special study schedule Makima made a few months back , just for you
After all a while, Makima will get a bit bored but instead of outright telling you she'll do it subtly, you noticing it right away and crawling towards her for comfort
"No need to feel stressed, I know you can do it"
"I-I don't know, how can you say that so..certainly Makima? "
Makima smiles faintly, a knowing look in her eyes as they draw in closer, and you find yourself being hypnotized once again with the burning gaze they held
"Because I'm the one who's prepared you after all "
Yeah Makima scored the highest in school with you just behind her, congrats 🎉
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Jihwa must be having the time of his life right now rolling in the hay with Mumyeong and unaware that karma is licking at his soles right now waiting for the perfect chance to devour him whole for what he did
Seungho symbolizes retributive justice, just like how Na-Kyum symbolizes mercy and restorative justice. Both, when put together, are symbols of poetic justice where karma comes biting back those who have wronged them
At the same time, Nameless also symbolizes justice, vigilante justice, that is, as he executes those who have wronged others without trying to find evidence that the other party might be innocent. Heck, even though they're innocent, Nameless would still exact a scarring punishment like the threat in c66
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So Nameless is not entirely the poster boy for fair justice, he is a corrupted version of it
Jihwa, on the other hand, also symbolizes restorative justice, but what differs him from Na-Kyum is that Jihwa is "blinded" and does not seek out reason, oftentimes going into a biased viewpoint that only he had been wronged and not Na-Kyum. Another thing that differs both Nameless and Jihwa from Seungho and Na-Kyum is that NL and JH do not seek out the full truth, opting to execute the punishment instead of seeking out all sides of the case. You could say, they can be selfish at most
Seungho and Na-Kyum, though, are different from them. Over time, Seungho has learned to ask the whys of why a crime was committed,
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and he seeks to know the motive behind a crime, like in c62 with the shed scene. This Seungho is a far cry from the one in S1 where he jumped to conclusions and had almost had Na-Kyum beaten in the courtyard without even a shred of evidence that he poured water on that painting. And remember, too, that Seungho immediately found out about the culprit at the cost of seeing Na-Kyum getting harmed back in c17-18.
Na-Kyum, too, is also the same. He asks the whys of why a "suspect" is acting the way he does when a crime is committed against him, like this scene from c55 with the halted orgy, and even during the night when Caterpie Deok-Jae #2 barged in on their lovemaking session in c82 and Seungho ended up in a trance which resulted in him hurting Na-Kyum,
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Na-Kyum still sought the reason to know why Seungho acted the way he did even though he had been badly hurt himself, and this is a key point to predicting how Na-Kyum would act in the current murder mystery arc
Na-Kyum will keep a calm head on his shoulders, still asking to know the whys of what happened, would seek to know all sides of this crime, before jumping to any sort of conclusion, and because Na-Kyum embodies uncovering the truth, he will soon find out the truth behind the murder no matter how ugly it is, just like how he had found out about the reason why Seungho had become a violent man, like in c86
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Notice, too, the similarities between how Seungho and Na-Kyum found out about the crimes. Both find out about it through the ugliest ways: screaming, and with emotions running high
I see that in this current murder arc, there will also be a revelation similar to these scenes. Both SeungKyum will find out about the ugly truth behind the murder, and who else could they find out about the truth from? We have two main culprits:
Min, and one of the Yoon servants.
Min, as we know by now, always reveals the truth to SeungKyum, like the part where he blurted out that Seungho likes Na-Kyum back in c53, or the part where Min revealed that it was Jihwa who was behind the kidnapping back in c66
So, how would he reveal the truth to SeungKyum?
Imagine if Seungho were already behind bars for further questioning, and Min drops by saying that "I HEARD THE NEWS THAT YOU'RE IN JAIL! WHAT DID YOU DO?"
Something similar to this scene in c66 where he feigns innocence and concern at first:
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Seungho would most likely remain silent and would want nothing to talk with him about, and only then will Min drop the truth when no one is around (notice how he dropped the bomb that Jihwa was the mastermind behind the kidnapping, and how he revealed that Seungho likes Na-Kyum? NO ONE WAS PRESENT! 👁👄👁)
Seungho could fly into a rage but he couldn't do anything (THOSE WOODEN BARS ARE THICK AF YA KNOW), and all the while, Na-Kyum is in the residence, at a loss of what to do. He could faint from the sight of a corpse regardless of who it was (either Deok-Jae or the messenger or not In-Hun), just like how Na-Kyum fainted in c1
And he would wake up with Heena by his side, as permitted by Kim, a repeat of c66
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And just like before, despite all the warnings and red flags that Heena and Kim would put up to deter Na-Kyum from Seungho, Seungho would go down to the station to see Seungho, and a repeat of something similar to the shed arc will occur, but this time, their positions would be reversed
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wNa-Kyum will now stand over Seungho, seeking all the ugly truths and the whys, Seungho will now be at Na-Kyum's mercy, that he didn't commit any crime, but Na-Kyum will have a lot of questions, but like I've said in another analysis, Na-Kyum will not be angry at Seungho; he will seek everything why the letters were hidden, why he had Heena locked up, he'd probably even ask if everything in the kisaeng house had been a lie
Seungho could then tell him about what Min said, and Na-Kyum would testify for Seungho. But if he couldn't be believed as he's a lowborn and Heena's words are more important (because courtesans are government slaves), what other testimony could he give?
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Na-Kyum could remember this scene from c11, and notice the foreboding words,
Na-Kyum could stand up for Seungho, demand evidence of the crime that he had killed In-Hun, but what if the sword were also discovered with the corpse? He could demand WHEN the crime even happened, he could also state that "LORD SEUNGHO HAS BEEN WITH ME THE ENTIRE TIME, HE HAD NO TIME TO KILL ANYONE. WHY SUSPECT HIM?"
And another investigation would take place: THE INVESTIGATION OF THE YOON SERVANTS.
We have Kim and Caterpie brows for the antis, and the maids for the supporters for Seungho. The males want to get Na-Kyum off their back so dragging In-Hun away is a great way to drag Na-Kyum out of the household for sure, they thought.
But the maids are another story. They will go to lengths in supporting Seungho, that he didn't commit any crime at all, as Seungho had always been in his house, he never leaves save for that one time with the hunt
Some of the manservants could also argue that it's true, Seungho went home immediately after the hunt and took no detours anywhere, as the servants were looking tired like they had just run for miles when Na-Kyum saw them in c84
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They could, however, ALSO DISAGREE WITH THE MAIDS. Seeing as everything went downhill whenever Na-Kyum's involved with the master. I mean, see why the hunt even happened? They meddled with SeungKyum's lovey-dovey sesh and their master got angry!
So, there will be a war within the household as well, those who want Na-Kyum gone, and those who want Na-Kyum to stay
The male servants could side with Heena, too, while the maids will side with SeungKyum
Sure, the maids have, in some instances, revealed truths about the crimes: the wet painting in c11, and how the head maid tells Na-Kyum that Seungho cares for him. They trust in what they see, and what did they see?
That has been what they were seeing since c45, exactly like how the rumors started
People would def catch wind of this, and some of the vendors of the streets would be against Seungho, too, bc their stalls were upturned from the kidnapping incident no thanks to the way the servants handled the search. Let's not forget the incident in c1 where a man was killed upon SeungKyum's first meeting
Some people, the ones who have seen the public embrace during Na-Kyum's panic attack in c76, would beg to differ. How could a man who so openly embraced a lowborn and even sat on the cold snow to comfort a panicking man, even kill anyone? Sure he's known for his temper, but Seungho had changed the moment this lowborn arrived
Things could turn ugly as both sides would war if Seungho is truly innocent or not, and in the end, the one who would be standing by his side would be Na-Kyum, who would also be with a war against himself, he would have doubts, but one thing remains the same:
Where does this leave Mumyeong and Jihwa? What kind of justice would they get in the end? Well, Mumyeong could, for starters, find out who was really behind the killing but will not do anything about it, as it doesn't concern him anymore, SeungKyum not being his clients and all, and Jihwa, IDK how he would react if he finds out about it. He could think that Seungho deserves to be in jail, or he would try to get him out. But how would he get him out? By using a scapegoat? Or by using Mumyeong as a fall guy?
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cake-wlk ¡ 2 years
HI SO UH I think your Merbedo design is literally super neat and your artstyle is very cool- and aa I am very much curious about your AU and the purpose of the tracking collar on Merbedo/who placed it on him. 👁👁
hello!! thank you so much for the ask! and aaaaa thank you for the compliment!! >w< i am glad you are interested in the au! i’ve been thinking about it a lot hehe so i’m happy someone else wants to listen
i’ll stick the answer under a read more, because it got pretty long
as for the tracking collar, that was rhinedottir! albedo and subject 2 are still synthetic lifeforms created by her. in fact, they were made to research the depths of the ocean! i like to think in this au they are the only merfolk to exist and are specifically made for this task alone. (that doesn’t stop them from being in an au where there are other merfolk, though!)
the collars, of course, track whatever they are attached to, because the ocean is a very big place and rhine wants to keep an eye on her experiments, but it also doubles as a shock collar as well to keep them in line she doesn’t exactly treat either of the boys very well in this au to be honest, seeing both of them as less than human, given their unnatural bodies and size, treating them more like tools.
subject 2 initially did have a collar as well, but rhine’s mistreatment of him led to him developing a very aggressive temperament, and she struggled to control him. rhine gave them efficient methods of defense (claws, teeth, size etc.) and resilience to survive in the depths of ocean, which of course backfires once subject 2 starts becoming aggressive. she decides to put him down once it gets out of control, probably using some paralysing serum-- or something similar-- and leaves him to die in dragonspine trench, where he barely manages to subsist off durin’s remains until he recovers.
this leads into him getting the scratch marks! rhine left his collar on, given that she didn’t need it anymore, and deactivated it as a result. however, the collars are hard to remove and he really scratched himself up trying to break it off :(
rhine, of course, made more counter-measures for albedo’s resilience when she created him, still refusing to learn that treating her creations appropriately would solve a lot of problems i like to think that she could’ve given him a mechanical heart, or something? so she can modify its settings to better keep albedo under control if he acts out of line, and can use it to monitor his body for more valuable scientific understanding into artificial hybrid lifeforms.
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chryzure-archive ¡ 2 years
how is it that you always know when i’m thinking about certain things? because i was definitely thinking about pirate!chrysi 👁👁 knock it off with the clairvoyance.
THAT SAID, SIREN!JACKS IS INSPIRED. YOU’RE SO SMART. i never even considered that aspect, and it makes this concept all the richer.
i looove the idea of jacks getting chrysi’s ship to crash (everyone on the ship under his spell while chrysi’s scrambling around in the storm, rain lashing at her face and her hair whipping in the wind, trying to tie down the very-clearly-charmed crew mates so they don’t cause any additional harm) and he succeeds…. at least, succeeds in pissing off one of the most formidable pirates on the seven seas. he… did not consider this outcome.
it didn’t take chrysi long to figure out there was a siren nearby charming her crew—so she does something very, very foolish in her attempt to save them.
she makes a deal with jacks.
he’s mildly irritated that his initial plan didn’t pan out, but one look at the very pretty pirate captain + her immunity to him, and he’d do anything to appease her. well, sorta. he does still demand something for his kindness.
he wants chrysi.
gag. disgusting. ew. also, she refuses on principle.
when he claims that he can simply make her follow through on this initial deal, she replies with, “but my gun is very handy, you are a very tempting target, and my entire crew is currently lashed to anything i have nailed down. you’ve got no cards to play.” (pun is intentional)
jacks is annoyed because she’s right.
very quickly, this deal turns into not a deal. jacks reluctantly lets chrysi and her crew go as chrysi holds him at gunpoint.
she very quickly gets her crew to safety and proceeds with all her pirate-y actions of before. this goes swimmingly (lol) for a couple of months!
issue: there is a certain elias bloom kicking around.
he’s not a pirate himself, but he is a… “collector”, if you want to be polite about it. as a result, he interacts with many, many pirates. never has he been able to meet with chrysi one on one before, but he is deeply fascinated (*cough*obsessed*cough*) with her.
the thing is, elias bloom knows that chrysi’s not exactly just a famous pirate captain. because he knows that chrysi’s family is actually royalty and chrysi’s the youngest half-sister.
so he wants to add chrysi to his collection, in a sense. it would be a rare addition—this magical, wicked pirate captain who is also a secret princess? it’s the jewel of them all.
because, yeah—in addition to elias collecting cursed items and rare artifacts, he collects living beings. he doesn’t often feel the urge to marry them (or never, really), but he wants chrysi just as much as he wanted everything else.
this results in him hiring people to try and kidnap chrysi :) haha. ha.
her crew puts up a good fight (everyone is so dedicated to chrysi bc she’s a decent person, despite being a pirate! her ruthless legend comes more from her killing off rival pirates that are cruel <3), but in the end, chrysi is knocked out and taken off the ship. everyone in her crew is kept alive (despite elias being a fucking idiot and trying to kidnap chrysi, he’s not stupid. he knew that if he killed any of her beloved crew, he’d be doomed. besides, they’ll make for good bargaining chips in the future—he has another team coming to take her crew into captivity).
chrysi is not a happy camper when she wakes up in the brig of an enemy ship. for a while there, all of her escape attempts fail—it’s almost like the crew of this ship knows about her abilities. the thought sends a chill down her spine. not even her own crew knew about that.
(elias bloom knows just about everything about chrysi)
FORTUNATELY FOR HER, this ship ends up treading the same siren-infested waters that chrysi did a couple months back. it doesn’t take long for her to hear that distant song that almost spelled her own doom a while ago—and this time, she’s overjoyed to hear it.
while it takes a while for it to take total control over the crew, it does make them more susceptible to suggestion—especially chrysi’s suggestion. so when she sweetly asks for the key to the hold, she’s given it.
she’s out of captivity before she knows it—and by then, the spell has been woven over the ship. it’s sailing for a bunch of very shipwreckable rocks.
now things are a little more dicey for her. and it’s not made any easier by the captain and his first mate getting the chance to stick earplugs into their ears before jacks’s spell overtook them.
they get into a bit of a scuffle when chrysi sees the familiar form of jacks in the rocks.
he sees her too. he’s both annoyed by this and also feeling a little bit like this is some divine providence. she escaped his grasp before—now he can take her life, like he meant to from the start.
that’s why it surprises him a little when chrysi calls out and asks if he wants to make a deal, like they were supposed to before. but hey, he’s not going to turn her down. he’s a little curious to see what she’ll say this time—because she certainly looks like she’s going to follow through with the deal, unlike the last time she mentioned a deal.
she says she’ll let jacks take the ship—she doesn’t mind that at all. in fact, her only request is this: make them hurt all the way down.
normally, jacks charms people into a blissful death. but this intrigues him further.
he agrees, if he can have chrysi.
it feels a lot like she’s going from one captor to another, but she figures jacks can’t be as bad as elias bloom (correct, but also—how embarrassing is it, that a siren that regularly lures people to their deaths in the rocks isn’t as bad as the most annoying guy in the entire world?). so chrysi agrees.
unfortunately, the captain (although he can’t hear) can tell there’s something afoot. when chrysi goes to jump off the ship, he tries to shoot her in the leg to stop her (elias was very clear about chrysi being taken alive, but he didn’t say anything about her being hurt).
his shot goes wild and it hits chrysi in the middle of her back. it pushes her off the ship anyway.
this does not endear the captain to jacks at all. how many times does he have to try to make this deal, only to lose the girl?
needless to say, he makes all their deaths hurt in the way chrysi requested. then he dives in and finds chrysi drifting in the waters, blood clouding the water around her. he has to scare off a couple sharks, then takes one look at her wound and figures that he has something that might help that. and, oh right—humans need air to breathe.
jacks brings chrysi to the surface and hopes it’s not too late.
(how inconvenient that his kiss would kill her. if he had been a merman, then he’d be able to bestow air to her under the water with a kiss. oh well.)
jacks then nurses chrysi back to health. it takes her a couple days to wake up, but even then, she’s delirious and feverish. jacks managed to stop the bleeding and heal it, somewhat, with his magic, but he couldn’t stave off the infection that came along with it. she’s in and out of consciousness for a while, shivering.
(jacks rlly should’ve been smarter about this and taken chrysi further away from the surf—the spray of the ocean is not going to help warm her up. eventually, he resigns himself to use the magic to shift him into human form, even though he prefers the company of the ocean, in order to take chrysi further inland. it’s still in a cave, and it has an underwater cavern that links to the ocean, but its miles better than where he had her before)
when chrysi wakes up, jacks has actually grown fond of her. until she throws something at his head.
he very kindly reminds them of their deal and that this is just the way it’s going to be, princess. chrysi’s like “how the fuck did you know?” and jacks is like “wait, huh??????” it was jst a nickname… why did she have to get so defensive over it?
anyway, they spend a lot of time here—chrysi’s regaining her health, and jacks is getting a little more accustomed to his human form (when chrysi’s like “so… uh. legs. 👁👁 didn’t know you could have them” jacks explains that it takes a lot of energy to be in human form + he only does it to kiss girls in the town and absorb their energy when he hasn’t been able to feed off of any shipwrecks. chrysi’s like “oh. cool. shame it takes so much energy to have legs. 👁👁” and jacks realizes that chrysi likes legs. huh. okay. cool. he doesn’t know why it makes him blush, but it does.)
while she and jacks are having their romantic buildup, elias bloom is having the worst fucking day of his life. he thinks chrysi’s gone for good, and he is furious. now he has her crew captured for no reason! he’s about to start killing them when he gets word of the siren that was responsible for the shipwreck has been seen.
in a fit of rage, elias demands the siren be captured and brought to him. as another part of his collection, he says, but anybody can tell that he wants to kill the siren with his own two hands for the loss of chrysi.
this is very, very unfortunate for jacks, who has since become enamored with chrysi. she doesn’t exactly feel the same, but she doesn’t hate jacks anymore, at least. she’s taken to exploring, in an attempt to build up her strength again, and to combat her boredom. jacks will sometimes follow in the water, along the coast as she explores around (it’s beginning to hurt to keep himself in human form, but he likes the way chrysi will look at his legs, so. that’s that. he needs to feed soon though, so he can keep up his strength). it’s like a date.
anyway, one day, chrysi slipped into the pool of water in the cave when jacks surfaced and, after one thing and another, they end up kissing. this is when jacks realizes that chrysi’s immune to his fatal kiss. which OKAY!!! he’s now firmly in love with her.
(he didn’t realize how fatal a mistake he was making, when he let himself fall in love with her)
their happiness doesn’t last forever :(( that crew elias sent out manages to get close to the rocks when jacks is away, so they aren’t charmed to their deaths.
they find chrysi on one of her explorations and, in failing to find the siren but actually finding the girl that elias wanted from the start, they decide to kidnap her and bring her to elias.
she puts up a good fight—making enough noise to draw jacks’s attention as he’s coming back. but he’s too late—she’s stuck on the ship before he can do anything. by the time he gets close enough to charm the crew, they’re in the middle of the ocean and he can’t ram them into any rocks. he tries to charm them into drowning themselves, but they all still have their earplugs in. after all, elias warned them of the siren, and even though they couldn’t capture it, they’re still going to be cautious.
jacks can only helplessly swim after the ship and pray that he can save chrysi.
elias is very pleased by the turn of events when chrysi is the one brought to him. he worriedly inquires if the siren did any lasting damage to her. she can only seethe.
jacks, similarly, is seething. even though he’s under the dock and he knows he could charm elias to his death, the original crew is still wearing their earplugs. they’d kill him before he could get chrysi back.
chrysi ends up being stuck in captivity again as elias tries to seduce her. she continues to turn him down, so he tries to trick her into openly using her powers so he can manipulate her a little more fully (he’s got a cursed item or two that help with that). she still refuses.
he finally gets sick of all this dancing around the issue and informs chrysi that he has her old crew locked up.
that gets her attention.
she furiously demands he lets them go, to which he obviously declines. he says he’ll give her a couple days to think on it, and lets her have a little more freedom in his mansion while she ruminates.
she explores the house restlessly, but she feels most at home by the man-made lake (which, she is informed, is connected to the ocean, for a fresh supply of water. whatever. she would rather be on the ocean.)
FORTUNATELY, jacks found his way in a while back, and has been waiting for chrysi to make her way to the lake for a while. when she shows up, he reveals himself and announces that he can get her out under the wall (since his kiss doesn’t kill her, he can give her air while they’re underwater).
but since chrysi has to care so much for her crew (this is still a point of contention between the two of them), she insists she can’t leave while they’re still captured.
jacks is angry over this and he swims off in a huff. chrysi, similarly, storms away.
jacks feels really bad about it after a while, so he cautiously returns to the lake.
well. uh. so, elias was just being nice by letting jacks sneak in. well, “being nice”—it was more of luring jacks into a false sense of security.
he snatches jacks up quickly and puts him in captivity. this is his final bargaining chip—it’s very clear that chrysi loves this siren. if he threatens jacks, then maybe chrysi will finally agree to be elias’s.
(she doesn’t have to know that he’s going to kill jacks anyway. it’s not a very good thing to have a siren be in love with your future wife, after all).
…i’m going to stop for now, but clearly i’m invested in this idea sdlkfjsdlkfjsdlkfjsdklfjsdklf. i jst love the righteous anger and helplessness of this situation and i don’t feel like resolving it. i want to make chrysi and jacks worry for a while <3333
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sevenbulletsavior ¡ 3 years
@soviet-ghost-story wakes Karen from a nightmare and holds her.  →  👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare & 🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare
Bucky had insisted Karen stay at his home: it was safer that way, keeping a close eye on her apartment to make sure her own safety wasn’t compromised while the fallout of the kidnapping of the women taken by Arnaud was dealt with. The police searched the massive property of the Little family and found more potential victims in the attic, their skeletal remains dressed in moth-eaten clothing, and that sparked a media frenzy that neither Karen nor Bucky wanted to deal with at that time. Karen’s home address was not known but there was always a chance some boundary-crossing reporter might follow her there and that would lead to her privacy being compromised.
So staying with Bucky was the end result.
It had only been two days since she’d been found and while Karen was physically on the mend - her shoulder still ached from time to time but the scrapes were healing well and the dull throb she had since Bucky found her was gone - mentally she still struggled with the incident. She’d found the girls, yes, but not all of them had been found alive and that troubled her. She was too late to save them all, and while Karen knew it was not her fault, that there was no preventing what had happened (because no one knew just what they were up against), it still troubled her soul to know that someone else could not be saved by her.
Compounded with the time of year - Spring was never easy - it was no surprise the dreams came. They were different than before though: the cold of snow mingled with the chilling press of concrete, the lifeless eyes that looked at her were not just her brothers but every girl who she had found in the toy shop. There was a voice in the cold wind of winter, a whisper, her name, but it was hard to make out: was it Arnaud’s? Her father’s? She could not tell. But then there was a hand around her neck, two, the bruising dig of fabric into her neck and then those eyes so filled with anger. Karen struggled, grasped at wrists, and the face before her shifted, changed, became someone else: it was Kevin then, crushing her throat, the words a jumbled, blurred mess to her mind but suddenly Karen was awake, met by a different voice calling to her, a familiar voice, and as blue eyes finally came into focus there was Bucky staring down at her, concerned.
He was saying something, vibranium hand smoothing her hair down, and it was when his other hand wiped at her wet cheeks the realization dawned on Karen that she had been crying. “I’m sorry,” she whispered even as he pulled her into his chest, arms wrapping around his middle, clinging to him as she tried to calm her racing heart.
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angelicalchaoticabyss ¡ 3 years
Mirrors and Cups (I know that they've already been done separately but they're probably the two most likely to *ahem* collaborate and I'm bored enough to be mildly, and possibly inadvisably, curious as to whether or not the results would be different if they're doing so. Your choice as to whether it's before or after Mirrors is trapped) 💌,🌹,🤖, 💋,⛏, 👁️,🔧,🌕,✂️ ,🦋,⏳, 🕊 , 💫, 🕷, 🌙, 🐇, 💞, 💜, 💘, 💕,❣️,💚, 💛, 💔,❌
(I'll go with before Mirrors was trapped. Or au where Mirrors didn't get yeeted into not existing lol)
💌 Are they open about their affections, and if they are, how so?
Answer: Both Cups and Mirrors get pretty open about how they love you and how they show their affection. You're kept with either both or at least one of them by your side when you're out. They'll make sure others know you're taken.
🌹 Would they treat the object of their obsession well?
Answer: Oh yes the two would treat very well, you'd basically be treated like royalty between the two. Though obviously, things like your freedom and getting away from them is stuff they won't give you.
🤖 What do they fear the most?
Answer: Losing each other and you all the same time.
💋 What is their love language?
Answer: Touch, so much touching. Are two are deeply into body worship both gentle and rough.
⛏ What is their greatest strength?
Answer: Each other, when Cups and Mirrors work together to achieve a goal...shit goes down to say the least. Teamwork is their thing and it's deadly effective.
👁 Are they likely to stalk?
Answer: Yes. IF they let you go out without them they'll secretly watch you. They have to keep you safe after all!
🔧 What would make them the most jealous?
Answer: Well they don't get jealous of each other so it'd be anyone else who'd catch your interest naturally. Oh, that neddy man you becoming friends with? Well the dude is gone now. Got "fired".
🌕 What is something that would really please them?
Answer: You wanting to be with them, forever. Saying that out loud makes them melt. Also you really like the gifts Mirrors gives you.
✂️ Which of the seven deadly sins are they most guilty of?
Answer: Envy and Sloth.
🦋 What are they like at their most gentle?
Answer: When bed time rolls around they have you locked between them, giving you tired kisses and grooming you.
⏳ Are they more possessive or obsessive?
Answer: Both at the same time. Though Mirrors tends to be more obsessive while Cups is more possessive.
🕊 What would be their “dream date” with the object of their obsession?
Answer: A nice little dream trip through Parabola.
💫 What pet names would they like to use the most?
Answer: (Mirrors) Sweet reflection, My star, Love, Dearie, Darling, My Whisper, and Sweet dream. (Cups) Baby, Babe, Doll, Doll face, Hun, and Love.
🕷 What would be the worst way for them to lose the object of their obsession for permeate?
Answer: You getting shattered from existence. (Who knows, maybe in this universe someone tries to win the Marvelous just to get rid of you cause they're sadistic and want to inflict horrible emotional pain onto them idk)
🌙 What is their favorite romantic gesture?
Answer: Themed dates based around things you like.
🐇 What is their ideal way to care for their crush?
Answer: Together they'd want to make you as happy as possible (without letting you go), they basically baby you. Feed and bathe you, sleep with you, constantly compliment and worship you.
💞 What kind of kisses are their favorite?
Answer: Any kisses on the face, mouth, or neck. They often kiss you at the same time and they switch it up.
💜 What is a secret wish of theirs?
Answer: For you to become a Curator and return to the High wilderness with them. Yes even with all that freedom in the sky you wouldn't be able to escape them.
💘Is it more important for them to be bold or tender?
Answer: Cups is bold and Mirrors is very tender, this often mixes and does feel quite nice. But, you know, you're still trapped.
💕What kind of cuddles are their favorite?
Answer: They love having you sandwiched in between them.
❣️Are they generally very intimate?
Answer: Yes, though Mirrors is more shy about it while Cups is quick to the dirty talk.
💚Best way to calm them down?
Answer: Gently talking to both and petting them in their sweet spots. They don't want to hurt you after all so they're less likely to lash out.
💛How would they confess their love to their crush?
Answer: Probably through a mixture of pottery and glass work.
💔How would they handle romantic conflict?
Answer: They'd handle it together in a way that'd be most convenient for the "relationship"
❌How would they react to possible romantic rivals?
Answer: Badly, they're work together to get rid of any and I mean ANY competition.
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