ivyprism · 6 months
The Horror Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OC Rewritten (Info Dump)
Warning: Mentions of Famine, Anxiety, Facial Scars, and implied child abuse.
Molly - Human OC
Personality: She is an extremely gentle and sweet lady. She is dedicated to her family and friends. She's uneasy and easily shocked. She adores her sisters. She is extremely patient and silent. She generally keeps to herself and despises violence. She learned to cook from a young age. She seeks solace from her adoptive mother and aunt. When anyone else touches her, she flinches. She tries to be as discreet as possible while expressing her feelings, but her adoptive mother always finds out. She is exceptionally skilled in painting and needlework.
Appearance: She is a 7-year-old skeleton with green eyes. She is roughly 4'6". She has a crack on her right eye socket and a crack on her shoulder.
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(Stripes included!)
Kenzie - Human OC
Personality: Kenzie is a very troubled teen. She's terrified, but nice. She does not trust easily and has been terribly traumatized. She struggles to communicate her intense emotions in a healthy manner and prefers to keep them locked up. Regardless, she adores her sister. Her biological mother instills a great fear in her. She is scared to touch her sister for fear of hurting her. She admires her adopted aunt Mist and wishes to be like her someday. She thinks she spoils everything she touches and is afraid of making a mistake. She doesn't know how she feels about her second opportunity.
Appearance: She is fourteen years old. Her eyes are a shade of yellow. She has long black hair often tied in a braid. She has a petite physique. She is 5'3".
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Kamryn - Human OC
Personality: Kamryn is likewise a difficult teen, although she adores her sisters. She is quite protective of Molly. With the exception of her family, she is rude, cold, and distant. She is deeply committed to her family and will go to any length to defend her younger sister. In order to protect herself, she is willing to cause harm to others. She has a hard relationship with her twin sister and wishes to help her as much as possible. She possesses a strong moral compass and was hesitant to aid her adoptive mother. She does not have a relationship with her birth mother and prefers her adoptive mother.
Appearance: She is an identical twin to Kasie. She favors her human form. She is fourteen years old. Her eyes are a shade of yellow. She has bobbed short black hair. She has a scar on her nose. She has a petite physique. She is 5'3".
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OKAY BABE HERE ARE SOME UNHINGED ASKS. Starling. Tell me about it. Is there a scene that shines like the starling's wing?
THIS FIC IS MY BABY. this is my "Steph goes through some stuff and takes on a new mantle outside of anyone else's legacy including her own" fic. this is my darling (hah — starling? darling? hehe) my beloved it touches on Steph's relationships with every other member of the fam and one of my favorite things is Steph and Damian, so —
Steph didn't do sleepovers much as a kid. Most of her school friends lived in the same poor area she did and they often had shitty family situations and so- sleepovers, or getting together at people's homes, wasn't really a thing. The few times Stephanie had spent the night at someone else's place, though, she found that she was usually the first person awake.
She's not a tremendous night owl, is the thing — oh, she handles nightlife just fine, working through the night as Spoiler-Robin-Batgirl, but in her own free time? She prefers getting up early to staying up late, the opposite of both Tim and Cass. So even when she stays up late into the night, like last night sleeping over with Cass, she tends to get up early.
Which is why she's now alone in the kitchen at the Manor, hunting around for something to snack on while she tries to define herself in a visual way — aka, Pinterest boarding for new costume and/or identity ideas. Her dad is dead, so Spoiler is a thing of the past. Robin was... never meant to last, not for her. And the Batgirl mantle has never sat right on her shoulders. It's a question of what she wants to convey, visually speaking, as much as it is a question of who she is. She pulls a box of trail mix bars from a cabinet and picks through to find a yogurt-dipped one before retreating to a sitting room at the outside edge of the house.
There's sunlight here, streaming in brightly through the tall filigreed windows onto plush velvet seating and soft cream colored carpet that her feet sink into almost like sand. Steph sits down in one of the chairs and pulls the tablet from underneath her arm, tapping in her security code before pausing to open her granola bar. She loses herself in the unusually mindful scroll for a while, idly enjoying the quiet stillness of the huge house before anyone else is up. If mornings here are like this, she thinks she might need to stay over more.
She lifts her head from the thumbnails of violet fabrics and combat boots to stare out one of the windows. It looks out on the garden, filled with light and growth. This room must not be used as much as others, because there's a thin layer of constantly-moving dust in the air, shimmering in the clear beams of morning light.
There's a sound of movement at the entrance to the room and Steph jolts from her reverie to see Damian standing there, arms crossed over a Nightwing-themed t-shirt and cardigan she's pretty sure was stolen from Tim's closet. "'Morning, little bat," she greets cheerfully. Usually, Dami moves silently, even on the creakiest of floors; he must either have meant to alert her to his presence, or else is far more at ease than normal.
"I didn't realize anyone else was awake yet," Damian says, confirming the latter of Steph's suspicions. "Good morning, Stephanie." He looks quizzically at her, then at the tablet in her lap. "What are you working on?"
Steph gestures him over. "Trying to figure out where I'm going next. I can't go back to Batgirl," she says. "I need to try something new." A fresh start, she thinks, and if anyone can understand that, it's Damian. It shows on his face, too, the childish enthusiasm he so rarely shows lighting up in his eyes as he glances over her screen, scattered ideas and plans laid out across it.
"Yes, I knew you were exploring new options in your vigilante career," he says, then fixes her with an intense, almost excited look that makes her want a camera, because Damian looks his age and she thinks it's precious. "Do you know European starlings?" He asks.
"Can't say I know any personally, no," Steph says, probably too deadpan considering that Damian is an animal-loving little nerd who might actually have made friends with the birds in question. "But yeah, the crazy little guys that fly in huge flocks. They're everywhere."
Damian nods, ignoring her joke. He reaches for her tablet, pauses to look to her for permission. "Be my guest," she says, scooting over in the huge chair. "Come on, plenty of space. Your artistic eye might help," she adds, watching him quietly preen as he moves to sit beside her.
Dami taps at the search bar on the screen, pulling up a series of pictures showing small birds that look like they've been painted by someone practicing their pointillism. "European starlings are known for flying in murmurations," he explains, "But even on their own they're quite striking." He turns the screen toward her, zooms in on the picture of a bird, seemingly-gold-tipped feathers fluffed out to show a film of shimmering jewel tone colors lighting up the black plumage. It looks, primarily, purple, with holographic blues and greens swirled in.
Steph stares at the picture, then at Damian. "That's a real bird," she says doubtfully. "Not computer generated or retouched?"
Damian nods sagely. "Look," he says, scrolling past countless more pictures of birds with the same color scheme, understated-yet-bright jewel tones, tipped with lighter spots at the edges. Steph can feel her face lighting up as she considers the possibilities of shimmering through the night.
"Dami," she says, grinning, "You might be a genius."
"Well, of course," he says haughtily in reply, but falters. "I could... draft some suit designs, if you like," he offers, a touch tentative.
Steph ruffles his hair. "I would love that."
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today i told my south asian parents i dropped out of debate and joined drama instead.
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
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I'm in the process of planning and making DoL merch for the upcoming convention. There will be all human LIs (except Avery) and Jordan and Wren, maybe? That means my Eden will debut soon. Anw wish me luck and good health so I can finish them before August please Ụ-U)
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yuseirra · 5 months
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really long post here but Aigis and Ryoji basically share the same vibe.. these guys should have been friends!! They could have been!!! They're both very very wholesome entities, very precious people. So sweet and curious and caring. I kind of want to see that happen because they actually do share a whole lot in common regarding how they interact with the protagonist
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figloom · 8 days
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Lil Welcome back gift Because I noticed something Hehe 🤲💕
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THEY ARE HOUSE RIBBON BUDDIES YOUR HONOR😭😭 god your artstyle is so fucking cute ai, I exploded when I saw that
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
(˶ ˘ ³˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶).∘☆˚♡
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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"I'm not afraid."
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goodmorningbluejay · 5 months
Anyone like the idea that Adam sees the exorcists like his kids. He's an asshole to everyone but no one messes with his girls. Like they give him macaroni art and shit and usually he'd be like "get this fucking thing out of my face", but when they do it he's like "Oh my god, did you do this? This is incredible, it looks just like me"
And to even pounce off of that all the exorcists litreally act like 10 year old bloodthirsty kids around him, except Lute who he sees as his angsty teenage daughter.
If Lucifer wants to date Adam he's gonna have to except all the exorcists too, no matter how violent they are
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cozyfaee · 3 months
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Ahhhhh he's so 🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰
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eveh-koko · 13 days
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Tamaio 🩵💙
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waltprincesse · 1 year
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When you're so pure even Gaston is shocked.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Luffy not knowing about Zoro promising Sanji to kill him if he ever ends up losing himself makes me go feral because that's something they can only know about. Because Zoro's respect for life and death goes beyond anything, and Sanji knows he understands. Sanji knows that if somebody has to kill him, it's him.
And I don't even think it's because Sanji assumes Zoro's opinion of him is hatred and it would hurt less for him to do this, but because Sanji knows only Zoro would be able to treat the promise as it is. Because he would put Sanji's wishes before any feelings he has for him. It's not that Zoro doesn't care, but I think he respects people's ideals and decisions to the extent of being able to kill Sanji if he so desires.
That being said, he'd do it if there's no other way to fix it. If it's either dying or living as an emotionless machine, which is the same as dying for Sanji, Zoro would fulfill his promise. And there is just... Something about Luffy not knowing. Their captain. The man they're devoted to the most as if he were their God. Luffy doesn't know. It's something only the captain's wings are aware of and the thought of these two keeping this from Luffy until the end is just insane. Not even trying to make it romantic here, but the bond and respect these two have for each other is crazy.
Maybe it's the poetry of it all, too. Somebody like Zoro, who has looked at Death in her face multiple times and said "no", ending Sanji's life, who wants to give in to death to not experience a fate worse than death for him.
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epickiya722 · 7 months
I just think they would be friends. I just think they deserve happiness. I just think they're amazing.
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oddkingofkings · 1 year
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deejayponethree · 3 months
MLP: FiM has some of the best little kid writing I've ever seen in any sort of media. The cmc are very clearly kids, their worries and struggles are all things that 7-8 year olds really worry about. But it's done in a way that still treats them as people, if that makes sense. I remember watching around that age and genuinely relating a lot to the cmc. They're well-rounded, and written as people rather than the Token Little Kids (even if that is their role, marketing-wise).
I'm not doing a very good job of wording it right now but I really do enjoy that the cutie mark crusaders are characters just as much as the mane six, and are still little kids at the same time. It's refreshing.
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