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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok we are SO back 1 hour yet again let's get these redeads
EWWWW the weird tree from before is like...birthing them. so gross
ZELDA?????????????? omg evil zelda time!!!
lol how buliara in these voiced cutscenes just grunts. cmon just dont have her here
i saw something flying that looked like a giant dragonfly? but it had limbs? glowing eyes????
and im like: no way. no way no way no way. but i shot it down. killed it with fire. gibdo bones. THEY HAVE INSECT WINGS AND THEY FLYYYYYY
cathy did say "wait for it" when i asked if they were scary. kill it WITH FIRE those bitches are NOT gonna get the jump on me i'm a seasoned veteran
oh wow. theyre called gibdo HIVES. whats worse than redeads? making them BUGS!!!
oooh am i gonna build town defenses...that's really cool
ok. ive prepped!!!! im nervous!!! but we are doing it!!!!!!!!!
absolutely WICKED thunder and lightning happening outside rn. totally rainless. the ambience.......
that was really. really scary
lol and immediately a blood moon. rip.
awww barta let me fire the canon and got scolded lol
EWWWW gibdo WING!!! gross loot
oh man going thru the sand shroud and getting beset upon by redeads...bad. they were shambling slowly and i got em fast but i don't like not being able to see them from a distance
oh my god this light puzzle 🥺 it really IS like the spirit temple...i LOVE that throwback weh
um.......idk what to do at this second pillar lol. do i like turn it? hit it?
sidetracked by a shrine. monsters around it, quicksand, the works. walking in quicksand is CRAZY i just noticed how fast it drains your stamina......
found a travel korok lol. sorry buddy you're gonna have to wait. i cannot see shit
i'm just gonna look up this pillar thing. rip.
YES ok theres a pushing wheel thingy i missed bc of the shroud. ok
tbh thank fuck for my sandboots i could never do this with having to walk slowly
AAAAAA i found more redeads. a trail of arrows stuck in the sand leading up to them...spooky
this puzzle being a triangle <3 triforce iconography
it's fake zelda........................................
i gotta admit, it's less shocking once you know she's really flying around up in the sky lol
oh my god oh my god oh my god THIS IS ITTTTT this is the thing from the trailer!!!!
oh. gibdo hives bad
lightning temple! i knew it would be lightning
weh the music.
my god it's HUGE...i guess i just have to get to the top?
remind me of the pyramid from alttp lol. like The one yk
every time i think i'm at the top i find more layers!! am i even doing this right? if there's a cool way to do it i don't want to miss that...
i made it, but nothing up here...there must be a way inside i'm missing
omg you can blow away sand with tulin's ability lol
ok i went back down and...nothing. i guess i gotta look it up :/
ok, maybe i did it wrong
What The Fuck Is That.
i don't have this desert armor upgraded like at all <3 i'm getting my ass beat <3
lol and now i'm supposed to get to the roof from INSIDE...girl i already did that from OUTSIDE
i wanna see the temple tho so i'm going
oh wow this is AMAZING...this feels like a proper dungeon
there's bones in the hole below this bridge. like, gibdo bones. like loots. feels like a trap
only one way to find out i guess
and a keese wing. no trap. that's so weird has someone been fighting here or something
eugh a redead in this room. as creepy as it is when they shamble just watching them lie there is somehow worse
this bobby trap just scared the SHIT out of me. wtf
just checked my map. this shit has SEVEN FLOORS and a basement??? no wonder the climb took so long.......truly a proper dungeon...........................
A TRAP!!!!! there was a hive in a hole and TREASURE in the hole but i couldn't attack the hive until i got the treasure!!! when i was in the hole!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, im getting ym ass kicked. gotta change back into real armor. much as i love dressing to match the set
this construct did scare the shit out of me btw
OHHHH the mirrors :( just like the spirit temple...
ok, i made it to the temple proper. gotta quit here bc i have an early morning, rip :( i cant waaaait to sink my teeth into this one!!!
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milqueandsugar · 4 years
hi! :) may i pls have ranboo, ghostbur, and sam (separate) catching their crush working out? and they’re like hahahs WOW THEYRE STRONG AND VERY MUSCULAR I DIDN’T KNOW THAT 😳 tysm!! i also hope you’re feeling better soon since you said you had a bad day! :( <3
Thank you for the support! It means alot ^^ Also these got unintentionally long so I cut Ghostbur, let me know if you'd like me to write some more to make up for it ^^
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: None
Characters: Ranboo | Awesamdude
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| Ranboo |
The two of you had plans to hang out that day, something Ranboo was more then excited for
However when it came down to it he couldn't find you anywhere
Theres no way he could have forgotten something like this, it had to be today right? Maybe you were waiting for him at your house? He hoped so anyway
It was about another hour until he had made it to your house, wanting to cover all his bases before he headed over there
When be knocked on your door and got no reply is when he began to really worry
Having no other leads on where you could possibly be he opened your front door and stepped inside
He had been in your house a couple times before, but it was just so strange being there without you
Hearing some noises from your basement he nervously found himself wandering down the stairwell
The sight in front of him was shocking to say the least
There you were, the person he believed he knew everything about doing Pull-ups
Your skin was coated in a thin sheen of sweat, your abs clearly in view for the now blushing enderman, this was definitely going into the memory book
You were quick to notice Ranboo and dropped down from the metal bar a good two feet above you
"Hey! What are you doing here so early?"
"Uh, well, actually we were supposed to meet up an hour ago-"
"An hour???"
You had completely lost track of time during your work out and guilt suddenly over whelmed you
You apologised profusely to your friend, but he seemed pretty okay with the whole thing considering he got to see you shirtless
| Awesamdude |
Spending most of his days and nights at the prison has left him absolutely exhausted, he adores spending time with you, even just seeing you
But he just can't keep up with you anymore
Your completely understanding as to why Sam can't hang out as much but that doesn't make him feel any less guilty
After an early shift at the prison he has a few extra hours of free time
Immediately he heads towards your house
He knows that it's super last minute and you might not be able to hang out but it's the thought that counts right?
By the time that he gets there it's about afternoon, just after lunch to be exact
The idea of inviting you out to lunch comes to mind and that puts a bit of pep in his step
Knocking on your door it takes a few moments until you answer, and my god he's ashamed of the blush that blossoms on his face from the sight
Sweaty, flushed from excersice and dressed in a tank top and shorts, he couldn't help but stare at your thighs
God he wants you to crush his head between your thighs
"Hey Sam, what's going on?"
"Oh! Nothing, I got off early today, I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch?"
"I'm sorry, I already ate, we can hang out while I finish my work out however"
"Yes, please"
He isn't even going to deny the fact he's ogling you the whole time
He tries to stare at the floor, the grains in the wood seeming more interesting then ever before
He's totally ashamed of his staring, but it's not like you noticed or anything right?
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Can we get some modern AU kakagai and kakairu HCs :^) i just love your HCs theyre so nice its easy ti start imaginging other stories and scenes with how you do them
Modern Au
Kakashi is a coffee shop owner and Gai is a dojo owner. Both of them have had other jobs to help save up the money for their little places, but a lot of money also came from Kakashi’s father who’s an astronaut and always had money saved up for Kakashi.
Kakashi buys Gai a dojo as a birthday present one year, just a little while after they graduate from University. He says it’s no big deal, but Gai knows it’s a big deal. Kakashi also has a degree in financing so he takes care of all of the finances for both of their business while Gai focuses on PR. Because we do not leave Kakashi to PR. that does not end well.
Kakashi’s coffee shop is a very old-style place. It has that ‘family-owned feeling that people love and he’s always making sure to be as personable as possible with his guests. It’s draining, but this man is good at faking it so he gets by just fine. He even takes suggestions from Customers on how to improve the place. Like adding easily accessible newspapers, and having a jukebox for people to play the music they like. 
The two of them have eight dogs, all of which they adopted together. The only one that came with Kakashi into the relationship is Pakkun, and Gai adores the little pug more than anything. He’s really chill and just likes to sit on Kakashi or Gai’s lap while they watch movies or play video games.
Kakashi hires most of his workers from the university nearby, but also has a few older staff for the daytime when all of the university kids are busy. Everyone gets paid a decent wage and gets free food and coffee on their shift. Because of this, they’re more than happy to put their all into the job and Kakashi’s business is booming. 
The two of them buy their first house about three years after Gai gets his Dojo (one year after Kakashi opens the coffee shop) and it’s a really nice place with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a decent-sized yard, and a basement. As soon as they by the place Kakashi drags his best friend Yamato to move in with them so that he can get away from his shitty adopted dad and focus on finishing his own university studies that haven’t been going so well while he was living at Danzo’s.
Gai’s three favorite students, Lee, Neji and Tenten, all end up working at the Dojo with him. With Tenten training people to use various weapons, Neji focused on Tai chi, and Lee teaching Tae Kwon do. Gai himself is versed in a few different styles and likes to lead classes in different styles of martial arts.
The two of them love to spend their Thursdays together going for runs in the park with the dogs and having spars. Kakashi’s not as good at martial arts as Gai, but he can at least survive for a little while. Neji, Lee and Tenten are actually surprised the first time their Sensei’s husband comes in and doesn’t get thrown into the floor right away.
Iruka is an elementary school teacher while Kakashi is a high school literature teacher. 
The two of them met when Iruka’s adopted son Naruto got into trouble in Kakashi’s class one day, and Iruka had to go pick him up and talk to the poor suffering teacher dealing with this shit.
they hated each other at first. 
Iruka thought that Kakashi was arrogant (he’s not wrong) and Kakashi thought that Iruka was coddling Naruto (also not wrong but shut up Kakashi)
Unfortunately, Naruto loves to get into trouble and it’s usually Kakashi who has to deal with him. So the two of them end up seeing a lot of each other.
And then one day Iruka’s out just enjoying a nice Saturday off at the park when he sees none other than Naruto’s arrogant teacher there, with eight dogs.
Not only is Kakashi arrogant in Iruka’s mind now, but he’s also a little bit insane. That’s the only way he can explain a man who has nine dogs.
He ends up bringing it up to Kakashi the next time he gets called into a meeting over Narutos’ behavior and is surprised to hear Kakashi tell him that all of those dogs are adopted and were on the shortlist for being killed because no one would take him in.
Now Iruka’s struggling between ‘he's arrogant and ‘damn it he’s actually really sweet and he’s not sure how to handle this.
It’s ok though because the next time they see each other it’s at Iruka’s favorite coffee shop. Kakashi’s in line in front of him and for a second Iruka thinks about talking to him, but decides against it. He gets the counter and orders his drink, but when he goes to pay the barista tells him that the gentleman in front of him already paid for him.
Iruka, not wanting to owe his adopted son’s teacher for his coffee, chases after Kakashi and tries to pay him back. But Kakashi refuses. When Iruka won’t give up Kakashi actually laughs and tells him that he can pay him back with a coffee date.
Iruka’s certain this is not how someone’s supposed to ask another person out, but he’s also really not complaining. 
Of course, Iruka doesn’t expect anything to come out of it. The two of them are always insulting each other and bickering. How could they make a good couple? this will just be a quick date and then it’ll go back to arguing.
Except, they go on their date and Kakashi is actually really sweet and attentive. He lets Iruka gush about anything he wants and just sits there and listens. Doesn’t interrupt him at all.
And then at the end of the night, he has the audacity to ask Iruka out on a second date, and how is Iruka supposed to say no to that? He looks so adorable with that closed eye smile and he was so sweet during the whole night. 
Naruto is not doing ok when he finds out that his dad and teacher might be dating. He is not doing ok at all.
Iruka can’t be fussed to care though. All he can think of is Kakashi’s sweet smile.
And their interactions change so much. Now every time Iruka has to go into the school they’re always joking with each other and laughing. Kakashi also always makes sure to compliment Iruka just so he can see him blush.
Iruka calls them a ‘Enemies to friends love story’. Kakashi thinks they’re a ‘slow burn’ because he’s a romance dork.
One of their favorite activities to do when they start dating is laying on a couch with Iruka cuddled up in Kakashi’s arms while Kakashi reads him whatever romance novel he’s on this week. 
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The day we caught the train (Slytherin!Five x Hufflepuff!Reader)
 missvifdor said:  It would be for Five Slytherins with a Hufflepuff reader 🤗 they are very opposite in personality but they complement each other. I love Harry Potter and the umbrella academy, so i'm glad you write about both 😄 thank you,
A/N: this was like kinda vauge so i made up like a story line i guess?? Its kinda a mess and really long?? hope this is ok!! I really like these because i used to be obsessed with HP, in this i imagine Five would be from the really posh part of london where, the reader being opposites to him would be from a northern town and theyre both in sixth year which is age 16-17, i had to do so much research for this lol
Words: 2711
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Footsteps echoed through the long empty halls as curfew rolled around, the sounds of students rushing to get back to their dormitories after a long night of studying and hushed whispering of passwords was not an unfamiliar sound at this time of night. Pictures were left empty as their residents wandered away out of frame and the castle slowly went to sleep, except for the prefects. As the sun went down, the prefects got up to do nightly patrols to make sure no students were up past curfew, each house prefect patrolled their own areas around their relative commonrooms to catch any wrong doers, not that they were many.
Tonight was your turn, patrolling the basement level and the kitchen corridor around the Hufflepuff dorm room, waiting for anything exciting to happen yet you knew it never would. Hufflepuffs always had a strong moral code and a clear right from wrong, every single patrol you carried out during Fifth year when you were appointed prefect you never caught a single person, now part way into sixth year still not once incident had occurred.
Yet, for some reason, every patrol you had ended up with a certain Slytherin prefect following you around, Five. Five was unusual to say the least, he was a well respected and slightly feared student, cunning and determined, he had a close knit clique of fellow pure blood slytherins, yet for some reason out of everyone in the whole of the castle, he had a soft spot for you. Even though he’d never show it in front of others, during the light of the day he’d sneak in side glances and small smiles, especially in the first few years making sure no comments came your way about your muggle parents or your upbringing.
Exactly on queue, a familiar sound of footsteps echoed down the staircase leading to you corridor only to stop short at the last step. A small ‘lumos’ echoed throughout the quiet hallway before Fives head pops into view, checking it was actually you there before a large smile breaking on his face as he walked into view. “Hey.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?” You smile to him as he got closer, crossing your arms over your chest.
“They know it’s me on, no one would dare try anything.” He smirks knowing he was right, striking fear into everybody, except you. His eyes soften and his tone became gentle when he was speaking with you. He’d always been like that, from your first journey on the Hogwarts express, talking the entire train journey up, secret library meeting when you both realised things weren’t as simple as just being friends. Things got difficult when blood ‘purity’ came into play, when suddenly you couldn’t be friends, which hurt.
The dimly lit hallways excentrated his features, his sharp jaw and high cheekbones cast shadows on his face and neck, yet his dimples still shone through when he smiles and breaks up the harsh exterior that he puts on. Stepping closer, you lifted your hand to run it through his hair, watching his face break out into a smile and wrap his hand around your waist. Small displays of affection weren’t uncommon between the two of you, only increasing through the years of being at Hogwarts. “I’m so glad you stopped gelling your hair back.”
“Don’t remind me.” He rolled his eyes, remembering his poor style choices of his past. You move your hand and run it down the side of his face and across his jaw, taking a second to admire him before dropping your hand.
“I’ve gotta go, my shifts nearly over.” A sad looking smile broke over his face as he slowly lowered his hand from your waist. “I’ll see you tomorrow though.” You say as you lock eyes with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He repeated back to you. He smiled and started walking towards the stairs, just before his foot touched the first step he turned back to you. “Goodnight, y/n.”
Dueling was always one of the most exciting parts of Hogwarts, it was a welcome break from the immense workload that sixth years had to deal with. In sixth year you were expected to be able to cast non-verbal spells, a mentally challenging task where some were better than others. Over the past month your defence class had been working tirelessly on being able to cast successful non-verbal spells with the promise of having a period where you would be duelling, which was exciting for everyone involved, a chance to show your abilities and represent your house.
“I’m going to be pairing you up today,” Your teacher spoke to you all as he was stood on the dueling table, met with a grumble from the students. “With student of the same ability.” He continued, seemingly unaffected by the disappointed sounds of the sixth years. “When I call you out, both of you will come to the stage.”
Cheers and boo’s echoes throughout the room as students from different houses duled, light flying from wands as students desperately tried to conjure spells without speaking, some pulling through well where others barely being able to produce anything at all. Tension rose throughout the room as more people slowly got paired off, everyone wondering who would be the next pair.
“Y/n and Five.”
Smiling, you walk up to the stage and face Five, seeing a small smile emerge from his stern expression. Wands at the ready, you wait for the call to start from the teacher, already knowing your strategy. The air turned heavy and the room turned quite as everyone was ready to watch the duel, you were both the highest achieving students in the class and people were eager to see who would be the best.
Then it started, Five casting the first spell only to have you deflect it, causing a gasp to echo through the room. You knew it would be a risky move to cast a spell that hadn’t been taught, a spell that wasn’t even in the curriculum. It was the only way you had ever found deflecting a spell without having the spell hit your opponent, Five was stunned for a second before hitting back with another spell, only for you to deflect it again and again and again. Waiting for a hesitation from Five to strike and then you got it, a gap in his relentless spell casting when he took a second too long to think about his next spell. 
Before he could blink, he was thrown to the floor with his wand flying out of his hand as you hit him with expelliarmus. Cheers erupted from students interspersed with nasty comments from the Slytherin students, you walk over to Five who was winded from his fall on the floor. Offering your hand he goes to take it before hesitating, under the watchful eyes of his Slytherin clique he lowered his hand and picked himself up, brushing down his robes. 
“Right!” Your teacher stood up on the stage with you and Five. “Class is dismissed, remember to keep practicing these non-verbal spells.” Your eyes never left Five as your teacher spoke, you felt a stinging sensation wash over your eyes accompanied by a throbbing in your chest at his actions. You shook your head and turned away, unable to keep looking at him without bursting into tears. 
“I need you to stay behind.” He turned to you, giving you a stern look only to soften when he saw you in near tears. Slowly, everyone left the room, either going to the library or commonrooms to await their next lesson due to the early finish. Closing your eyes, you gently tapping the lids with your fingertips to try and ease the stinging feeling, you take a deep breath before re-opening your eyes.
“Am I in trouble?” You say as you sit on the side of the duelling stage, legs swinging as you play with your hands.
“Not exactly,” He sighs, sitting in a chair facing you. “Where did you learn that?”
So you start to explain, lying as you went, as you explained you started to immediately regret even casting the spell in the first place. In fourth year you were spending a late night in the library, trying to find any books to help you excel in your classes, you had piles of books in front of you and then one book you opened had sheets of parchment paper interspersed with the other pages filled with spells that weren’t on the curriculum. It was filled with defence spells, jinxes, curses and more, it had been your guide ever since you found it. This, however, was not what you explained to him, simply saying you were doing some reading and found it and were unable to find the book again.
You could tell he didn’t believe you, but sensed that he wouldn’t delve too far into your story. “You can’t pull anything like that again,” He looked at you for a response so you just nodded. “I won’t go any further with this, you can go.”
The rest of the day went slowly, doing everything in your might to avoid Five, you had been patient with him all these years and him not even wanting to let you pull him up because of his little gang looking at him hurt, it stung. You know he’s loyal to his house but after 6 years of always hiding and sneaking around you just couldn’t bare it anymore, couldn’t bare the fact that Five had let this wizarding class war consume him.
Post day was always fun, hundreds of owls flying into the great hall and dropping off post from friends and family at home, some received letters while others got large packages sent in. Bruce was your barn owl, he was large, brown and robust, he would usually reside on your parents farm, being well loved and looked after by your whole family whilst you were away but always knew when you needed him in the castle.
In he came, swooping down with a letter tied to him and landing elegantly in front of you. Petting him with one hand while the other unties the letter, excited chatter filled the room as most other people were doing the exact same thing, wondering what their loved ones had sent them. Carefully opening the letter, trying not to tear the envelope, your eyes scan over the hand-written letter, smiling at all the information that was written in great detail.
At the very bottom they’d attached a photograph of them all together smiling, along with your dog and a few other animals they all looked after. As you were smiling and showing your friends you felt it get pulled out of your hand; turning around, you were met with one of Fives Slytherin friends waving your photo around, calling on his friends.
“Ere’ give it back.” Getting up, you try and swipe it from his hands only for him to hold it higher, scrunching it as he did.
“What are you going to do about it, mudblood-” Before he could finish his sentence the photo was snatched out of his hand by Five, lightly tapping it with his wand and the photo returned to pristine condition before handing it back to you with a small smile.
“Behave.” Five said to him, pulling him away from your table and back to theirs. A smile snuck onto your face as you sat back down, Five had never done anything like that outside the darkness of the library or the nightly patrols, let alone in front of his friends. 
Then, very slowly, he started to actively integrate himself into your life, talking to you in class, helping each other with homework after classes and even sitting with you at lunch on a regular basis. Building up your trust for him again, building up your friendship publically even with all the snide comments other people gave him, he ignored them all for you.
As winter rolled round, snow dusted the castle and surrounding areas as if it was a cake getting doused in icing sugar about to be presented for a meal. Cold nipped at your noses as you made the trek into Hogsmeade, students rushing to buy last minute presents for loved ones before christmas break as well as a stream of students flocking to the Three Broomsticks to get their last sips of butterbeer before the train journey home.
The Three Broomsticks was so full that students were being turned away, it was bursting at the brim with some students even even sharing chairs. The atmosphere was buzzing with excited students, conversations so loud that you couldn’t even hear yourself think. Five and yourself had been lucky, opting to come to the pub first thing then doing your christmas shopping, finding a small booth hid in the corner.
“So are you excited to go home?” He was wrapped up in a hoodie and jacket, a discarded hat and scarf lying on the table, leaving him with flushed cheeks and tousled hair. 
“I ain’t going home,” You say, taking a sip of butterbeer. “I never have, I’d have to get the muggle train back north, costs around 100 quid each way.” You tap your fingers against the half empty glass. “Canny afford it.” 
“You’ve never gone home for christmas?” Sadness was present in his eyes as he locked them with yours but you just shrugged.
“It’s not that bad, it’s like, my sixth year staying so everyone is just used to me now, I get to phone home and they basically give me access to the kitchen and all the teachers who stay put on interest lessons and such.” A breeze caused you to shiver, wrapping you jacket tighter around you. “I also help with the animals.”
Upon seeing you shiver Five leant over the table to wrap his scarf around your neck before gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear; the small display of public affection causing you to blush. Once you’d finished your drinks you head into town, looking down the alleys for all the little shops you could find, looking for the perfect gifts for your family, asking a slightly unenthusiastic Five for a second opinion and just receiving a series of raised eyebrows or nods of his head. 
Taking your time to walk back to the campus, Fives hand had found its way into yours, swinging your entwined fingers as you went. As the large castle came into view a bittersweet feeling washed over you, knowing that Five and everyone else would be leaving for the holidays tomorrow while you stayed at the castle. Even if the empty hallways felt like home there was always a pang in your chest on christmas morning, even if it did ease off during the day whilst sat round with friends and teachers, it still made your chest throb.
Joy was evident in the great hall, everyone talking loudly and laughing with their friends knowing they won’t be seen for the next two weeks, an exchange of gifts and cards being passed around. Slowly, everyone faded out to the dining hall, getting ready to get on the Hogwarts express home, you passed around hugs and goodbyes as your friends left the common room, all of them leaving cards and parcels by your bed and made you swear not to open them until christmas day. 
All morning you were looking around for Five but were never able to see him and as everyone left for the station you were convinced he had gone. Defeated, you walk through the empty hallways to the great hall for the regular meeting where the staff discuss the rules with the rest of you who had stayed behind. You heard a voice call your name behind you, quickly turning around, you see him. “Five?”
“They needed a male prefect to stay on campus,” He says as he gets closer, grin covering his face. “So I volunteered.” Instead of answering you just throw yourself at him, embracing him in your arms. His arms instantly wrap around your figure, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Thank you, Five.”
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seijch · 4 years
work on your wip!! 5, 9, and 25!!
make me work on my wips!!
5. doom desire, a kageyama pokemon au
in which you and kags chase after whispers on the wind that tell the tale of jirachi, a pokemon said to be able to grant any wish. here’s the catch: it awakens for one week every thousand years. the good news is that it’s been about a millennium. the bad news? you have no idea where it is.
the italicized parts are in first person because theyre the reader’s diary entries,, itll make more sense In Context (i Hope)
hoenn is much warmer than kanto. i’ve underestimated the humidity here, too; it’s at its worst after it rains, the air uncomfortably sticky. at least the beaches look nice. maybe one day, i’ll be here for leisure and not business.
“jirachi?” the older man muses, reclining into the rattan chair. “that’s a name i haven’t heard in years, maybe decades.” he sizes you up, a sharp look in his eye. “you some hotshot researcher or somethin’?”
you slide the man your card as he takes a sip of his drink. he doesn’t spare it a glance, and you try your best to not fling your overpriced lemonade in his face. the man before you was a scholar back in his prime, a fellow lover of myths and legends of old. for that reason, you hold your tongue; you’d landed in the hoenn region less than a week ago in search of the mythical pokemon jirachi.
“you could say that. i’ve heard rumors that jirachi wakes from its thousand-year slumber in a few months, so i came to investigate.”
“you won’t find what you’re lookin’ for in slateport. head to rustboro,” he tells you, “they’ve got the best libraries in the region there.” he brandishes a pen, scribbles down a name. “this is one of my old pals from back in the day. ask for him.”
“thank you, sir.”
“don’t mention it,” he replies. “now go on,” he waves a dismissive hand, “let an old man enjoy his drink in peace.” you take your lemonade and go, a little put off by his attitude but feeling victorious nonetheless.
you’re so busy looking at the card (and trying to decipher the godawful chickenscratch) that you find yourself colliding with someone. “oh, i’m sorry-”
he’s leveling you with a glare. “it’s fine,” he says, voice clipped and making you think that it’s absolutely not fine. you can only nod and go on your merry way.
turns out, tickets to rustboro this time of year cost a lot of money. this better bring in the big bucks, or it’s back to cheap ass ramen for me. 
9. perish song, an oikawa pokemon au
in which oikawa finds himself in the tropical region of alola in search of a new addition to his team: the man-made type:null, created by researchers that bit off more than they could chew.
this one i might rethink tbh i just rlly liked the title of this too much to pass up
its kinda funny bc he and kags, at their core, have similar foundations to their stories: theyre both looking for a rare pokemon in order to prepare for the pokemon world tournament later in the year
“i’m sorry, sir,” you hear the receptionist say, “we don’t allow visitors into our basement-level facilities. you’re free to roam around the first and second floors! our pokemon sanctuary is regarded as one of alola’s top tourist destinations-”
“please,” replies the young man at the desk. he’s quite handsome, really, but you can tell that the receptionist just wants him to leave. you get the feeling you weren’t exactly catching the beginning of their conversation. “i just want to see the type:null facility.”
type:null? how does he know about that? “sir,” you cut in. both the receptionist and the visitor (who clearly knows too much) turn to face you. “forgive my intrusion, but i must ask...what sort of clearance do you possess?” the type:null facility--your facility--required an absurdly high position on the ladder of authority.
“do you work under that branch?” he asks, peering at the tray of coffee in your hands. “an intern or something?”
“as a matter of fact, i am one of the lead researchers.” your grip tightens on the cardboard tray as you give him a tight smile. “i apologize, but only individuals with the appropriate clearance and identification are allowed in the basement level, especially the type:null wing. if you have no other business here, i’d like to ask you to vacate the premises. preferably before i resort to calling security.”
the man blanches, having realized the mistake he’s made. “no, wait-”
you’re already walking away.
25. lost and found, a sugawara soulmate au
what was supposed to be an easy house-sitting job goes horribly, horribly wrong. thankfully, your soulmate has always had a knack for finding the things you’ve lost.
this was one of the first wips i ever took from my kpop blog and assigned to a character bc i had BIG suga brainrot back in the day
also i feel like we as a society do not talk about the fact that yaku like . canonically prefers cats
“hey, yamamoto?” you ask. “on a scale of one to ten, how mad would yaku be if i told him i lost his cat?”
there’s a near silence on the end of the line, the only noise being the faint rattle of static. then, in a solemn voice, “i’ll start planning your funeral.” no way around it: you’ve fucked yourself over. 
“uh huh.” you feel nauseous. if this was a cartoon, you’re sure your face was halfway to going green. “great. should i try to find it, or spend my last hours among the living writing my will?”
“i’d be writing my will. don’t give any money to lev,” he advises. “i swear i saw that fucker blow his allowance on cheese puffs last week.” great. yamamoto wishes you luck (“you’ll need it.”) before you hang up, feeling the room spin around you. this was supposed to be a simple housesitting job; yaku had printed clear instructions and left them clipped to the fridge door. how were you supposed to know that his stupid cat was itching for a chance to escape?
you need to find it, and fast. yaku’s flight would come in this afternoon, with him returning in the evening. you shudder at the thought of him coming home to a catless apartment.
okay. time for a game plan. the building’s got twenty floors. time to ring some doorbells and hope you didn’t come off as one of those door-to-door salespeople.
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mandaloriangf · 6 years
reasons why detroit become human makes no goddamn fucking sense beyond just the shitty allegory (aka i nitpick the fuck out of this game)
captain allen refuses to give connor any information about daniel despite this being a hostage situation and connor is there to diffuse it
also allen says that if connor doesnt take care of it he will and if he could why didnt he??
connor can reconstruct crime scenes with so little information that theres no way he could come to his deduction. for example in the first chapter he figures out that the father was holding something when daniel shot him despite there being NO WAY he could know this
theres segregation despite the fact that androids are servants to humans??? how are androids supposed to work for humans if they’re barred from entering certain places??
unemployment is at 35% yet the economy is booming????
unemployed people blame androids for stealing their jobs despite the fact that androids did not get a choice and were made to do certain jobs. their anger should be directed toward cyberlife
markus shows emotion and has a distinct personality before becoming deviant like why does he even need to become deviant when he clearly already is??
carl’s on the nose monologuing. 
carl says lets see where we left off and when markus takes down the tarp theres a finished painting. carl makes like five strokes lol. 
he also makes the same “oh my god” no matter what markus paints
how does todd afford kara and alice when he doesnt have a job
and why does he live on ethan mars’ street 
and the biggest issue - ALICE IS AN ANDROID??????????
seriously how do android children work? whats the point???? if people hate androids why would they pay money to take care of one????????????????????
honestly how do they work? because alice can sleep but she doesnt eat????? and shes not gonna age so what happens to child androids? do they just have their memories wiped and get bought by another parent????
and if alice is an android, why does todd say kara needs to help with alice’s homework? she doesnt go to school! its addressed in the same fucking chapter!
and why doesnt alice saying anything to kara like hey stop trying to ask me if i want food i dont eat because im a fucking android
also kara figures out that alice is an android at the very beginning yet just ignores it?? i guess??????
and alice has a picture in her keepsake box of todd, his wife, and his biological daughter?? why???????? kill me
todd leaves his drugs in the laundry detergent, makes kara do the laundry, and then gets mad when she finds the drugs
no one does anything when connor enters a bar that doesnt allow androids
also its never explained in game (i think) why connor does the coin trick. i suppose it can be up to the player (i see it as a nervous habit/fidget device but you could also argue its for recalibration)
no one checks the attic of carlos’ house??? and his android hid up there for THREE WEEKS????????????
connor is designed to work “harmoniously with humans” but they gave him a forensics lab on his tongue so he literally just puts blood in his mouth in a crime scene alsdjflsjflajsdlfjdlj
kara serves alice dinner and alice actually sits there but she wont eat BECAUSE SHES AN ANDROID
the guy that comes on the bus doesnt bat an eye when he sees an android in the human section of the bus (i almost threw up typing that)
leo can survive that????????
carl doesnt try to reason with the cops before they shoot markus
why do deviants self destruct in stressful situations? we dont know. we dont fucking know. 
connor can show genuine compassion to carlos’ android but doesnt seem bothered by it????
why is there such an extensive android scrapyard? first of all theres android resale shops (yuck) and parts are probably expensive, plus androids have existed for what? ten years at the most? theres no way cyberlife would just allow perfectly good android parts to be thrown away this makes no fucking sense
seriously if its that easy whats the point? they already dress androids a certain way, why have the led except to know what androids are thinking? and if theyre thinking dont they have some level of free will?? (for example kara’s turns red when todd threatens her)
no one recognizes kara despite being a relatively common model like yeah she eventually changes her hair and clothes but she’s still got the same face lkadjfalsjdfljsdlfj
connor is unfazed when he’s shot but looks like he’s in pain when gavin punches him??? 
connor is able to get a confession from carlos’ android but can’t make small talk asdjflskjdfljdf
the whole chapter where markus finds jericho doesnt like have a lot wrong its just REALLY tedious
though the jump scares are stupid
ra9 is constantly referenced (particuarly in connor’s story) but doesnt go anywhere. at all. unless i missed something. but as far as i know its never explained who ra9 is. 
(i think its markus)
the deviant in the pigeon filled apartment is just chilling in the attic? why do androids always stay in the same place instead of escaping????
the androids in jericho are really just hanging out in an abandoned, rusting ship doing nothing. like theyre shutting down bc they dont have blue blood and incompetents but no one thinks to go get any until markus rallies them. 
also what is up with lucy? why does she talk like she can see the future
no seriously!!!!! you expect me to believe kara would just go to the address given to her by some random garbage collector android in the middle of the night which leads to a creepy house with a creepy guy with BLUE BLOOD ON HIS FINGERS who wants to take kara into the basement alone to remove a tracker she clearly doesnt have??????????????????????? she would’ve just booked it
that android that says “whos the real monster” PLEASE MR CAGE MY NOSE IS SORE
connor just fucking breaks the window and jumps in alflskdjflskjfljsdljfkdsfljldsafskdf
putting hank under cold water sobers him up somehow
the game thinks it needs to spell out for me in actual letters on the screen that hank is suicidal despite the fact that you find him unconscious on the floor with alcohol and a gun AND he says he was playing russian roulette. 
connor petting sumo is cute but sumo looks like he’s from a ps2 game
markus magically develops the ability to “convert” androids so to speak. 
im telling you, he’s ra9
the whole eden club thing is very...icky
like the androids are literally put in tubes like wtf
the tracis have a relationship despite club policy of wiping memories every two hours
also im pretty sure they have the same face...?? why is this not addressed more 
hank hates androids but likes it when connor spares them?
kara, luther, and alice dont just stay in the car for the night
luther brings up that theres something off about alice but gets interrupted. this is not the first time it happens. it happens THREE TIMES in total before the reveal she’s an android
the jerrys break the windows like zombies and then are like “dont shoot we come in peace”
the carousel scene is cute but where did the power come from???
connor starts showing signs of deviancy but doesnt notice it??? and amandas just like “stop it” and does nothing about it saljdflsjdflsjkdf
markus does the fake phone call right in front of the person he’s calling
who brought the box up to the bathroom? was it the deviant that connor can interrogate???? explain pls
pick up the bag. carry the bag. put down the bag. open the bag. kill me. 
a giant screen that says rise as markus and north are going up the building
markus removes his skin for the broadcast (ew) to conceal his identity BUT IT REVEALS HIS SERIAL NUMBER THAT CONNOR LATER SCANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
north straight up wants to murder other androids for android freedom
no one finds simon on the roof unless connor goes up there
no one hears connor and the deviant fighting in the kitchen and no one hears connor calling out for help
rose is literally just 2038 harriet tubman
she compares what is happening to androids to what happened to black people in the past yet david cage expects me to believe this game isn’t about racism
kara believes that they will find refuge in canada because there are no android laws there, however the reason they dont have android laws is because CANADA HATES ANDROIDS JUST AS MUCH AS THE US
she has literally no reason to believe they’ll be able to survive in canada. theyd have to act like the cullens and move around all the time. 
ntm if androids and their parts aren’t being manufactured, if anything happens to kara, alice, or luther theyre fucked!
markus had to choose between two very black and white options: violence or pacifism. i have a HUGE problem with how this is done bc being peaceful results in the “good” ending while being violent results in the bad “ending 
(and for the record, going with a violent revolution can still result in freedom for androids. its just a LOT harder to keep everyone alive)
basically it completely misunderstands how real life oppression works and assumes that if a marginalized group is peaceful, public opinion will go up
thats not how it fucking works dipshit cage
kamski is literally just a weird combination of oscar isaac in ex machina and jared leto in blade runner 2049
like he’s left so ambiguous that you can’t even come to your own conclusion
connor can remark that chloe is pretty and seems sincere but doesnt question himself????
if you choose not to shoot chloe, you get nothing. you either have to replay the chapter and shoot her or look it up yourself. and im not fucking shooting her.
markus and north become “lovers” during a normal conversation 
seriously. when it happened my mom and i were like ???????????????
yet markus can’t romance simon despite having more chemistry
and on that topic why can’t kara romance luther???? they have a lot of chemistry too.
the freedom march. just. ugh.
like markus really leads a bunch of androids down a street shouting “EQUAL RIGHTS” lkjasldfjlakjfjldf
markus evolves to the point where he can just look at androids and convert them like what
north and josh clearly both have a death wish
if i have to hear “we were going to crack the case” one more time i will kill david cage myself. do cops even talk like that?
gavin just straight up tries to murder connor????
kara finds out alice is an android and luther has to spell out all her feelings for her??? like why would she stop loving alice skalfsjdlfkjdlfj theyre both androids
the fact that connor even has a machine story line
carl just straight up dies while markus is venting about his oppression asdjfsjflskjflkejiofjeijfoejflkjsflsj
we dont get any kind of resolution to connor going deviant. he just suddenly is. how does he feel about it? who cares!
“ask us something only the real connor would know”
why is that human couple with the baby so upset about not getting out of detroit? theyre human. they’ll be fine. i feel no guilt in taking their tickets.
alice can arguably forgive todd as he explains he just wanted to prove he’s a good dad. boo hoo. he’s still a dick. 
connor can suddenly wake up androids too???? 
markus can really save the androids by kissing north or singing. 
that actually
the president looks like hillary clinton but has a “was a celebrity with no political experience” trump like background
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starboyholland · 7 years
NYE | S.H.
Requested: nope!
Summary: your average friends-to-lovers trope!! I’m sorry I’m one big cliche!!
Rating: PG-13: mild cursing, kissing, nothing too wild!
Your phone had been beeping nonstop all day, you figured that was to be expected when you’d been included in the Holland boy’s (Harrison included, obviously) group chat. They were throwing a party tonight, and Sam had added you in. “They’re basically family anyway, guys!”
They’d all agreed in a heartbeat, and ever since you’d been getting almost hourly updates on the craziness that was the clique of boys who you loved dearly.
What the boys didn’t know, was that you were far closer to family than they expected. You and Sam had been dating in secret for weeks, months, really.
You hadn’t gotten around to telling the boys simply because you wanted to make sure things were steady and comfortable before subjecting yourself to the teasing and “I told you they’d get together!”s that came with presenting your relationship to the family.
Now, it was simply habit to act as though you were just friends in front of the boys, now it felt as though you weren’t sure how to break the news after all this time.
It was cliche, it was stupid, you and Sam both agreed on that. Yet, you had yet to reveal our relationship status to the boys. Obviously you and Sam had had your share of close calls, but overall you’d manage to keep things on the down-low.
Now it was a few hours to the New Years Eve party and you’d been put in charge of buying cups and snacks, and Sam had been put in charge of ordering the pizzas and drinks.
Naturally, the two of you went to the store together, his hand interlocked with yours until yo needed bth to push the shopping cart, Sam occupying himself with callling the pizza place to confirm the large order was coming along alright, all he while making funny faces at you and throwing various junk foods into the cart every few aisles.
Sam hung up after thanking the worker on the other end of the line for being so helpful, and shoved his phone into his pocket.
“Babe,” he called, throwing in another package of cookies you were convinced weren’t necessary. “Hm?” You replied, scrolling through the hopping list on your phone.
“Are you excited for tonight? It’s gonna be midnight in a few hours!” You nodded. “Yeah, it should be fun, we’ve thrown some kick ass parties,” you grinned, face falling when you saw Sam teasingly roll his eyes. “What?” You questioned. Sam hopped on the front of the cart, hand clutching the edge of the wire basket. You pretended for a momen to be exhausted by the extra weight an you both giggled.
“You’re supposed to say you’re excited to kiss me at New Years, duh, YN!” You both laughed again, Sam now trotting beside you.
“Well, I guess I’m not particularly dreading that moment,” you spoke, looking up at Sam who wore a smirk, eyebrows raised a bit.
“Oh yeah?” You nodded “Yeah, I think it just might be an alright time, Holland.”
He smiled. “Maybe we should practice, just to be sure?” You laughed harder now. “Practice, huh?” He nodded. “I’m sure all the pros are doing it, gotta warm up yeah?” You were both laughing hard, cheeks flushed. “Professional kissers, huh?” You said, pausing your movement with the cart to look for the right kind of chip dip.
You found it and placed it gently in your cart turning back to face Sam. “Yeah, theyre the best,” he nodded, stepping closer to you. Your hands gripped at his teeshirt and you pulled him slightly closer. “Couldn’t hurt, right?” You asked, and be shook his head briefly before closing the distance between the two of you.
After a moment you feared someone else would enter the aisle and pulled away, both of you grinning.
“Well, who knew the store was so romantic?” He spoke, wiggling his eyebrows for effect.
“You’re a nerd, Holland. A real nerd.”
“Well, jokes on you because you love a nerd.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
Sam had brought the clothes he needed for the party in his car when he came to pick you up for the store, so when he dropped you off, neither of you could find any reason for him not to stay while you got ready.
He watched as you did your hair and makeup and finally changed into your outfit for the night, looking back in the mirror you couldn’t help but feel something was missing, looking down at the hodgepodge of items in your bathroom, you pulled open a drawer and Sam watched as you swiped the prettiest shade of red he’d ever seen onto your lips, starting with a liner and then filling in the majority of your pout with the second color.
“Is this too much? It’s kind of a chill party I don’t want to be the only one looking so done up-“
“It’s perfect!” Sam exclaimed, striding into the bathroom and hugging you close to him, hands locked around your hips.
“Well, if you say so,” you grinned. “I do,” Sam quickly affirmed, leaning towards your lips for a kiss. You stopped him with a gentle hand that cupped his face.
“Sam, this lipstick will transfer,” he looked as though he wasn’t quite sure how your explanation related to him not being allowed to kiss you, so you continued. “The color will transfer to your lips, they’ll be tinted red,” you giggled. Sam nodded. “Alright, but only because I know you care about your makeup, I wouldn’t mind having an iconic red lip for the evening,” Sam said, a laugh quickly bubbling from his lips. You followed suit, laughing at his words.
“We’ve hung out too much, you’re starting to sound like me with all the makeup talk” he nodded. “Well, I guess I’ll have to live without kissing you,” he sighed dramtically, leaning in again but kissing your forehead and cheeks and jaw. You laughed, resting your hands on his chest to distance yourself to catch a break for air. His cheeks had tinted pink, you had been together for months and yet he still went red in the face after kissing you at times.
“Well, Sam, looks like it’s time to go set up with the guys, don’t ya think?” Sam interlocked your fingers as you grabbed your shoes and walked towards the door, making sure to grab all the party materials you’d gotten earlier, tossing them into the backseat and speeding towards Tom’s house. The two of you arrived in the driveway and Sam gave a final kiss to the top of your head and you shared a look that communicated how stupid this whole hiding thing was to both of you. You’d figured the holidays weren’t the time to spring long withheld news on Sam’s family so here you were, still keeping everything on the down-low. 
You grabbed the groceries in your arms and Sam did the same, leaving a hand free to lock up the car and then rap on the door once you’d walked up the long driveway. 
“Coming!” Harrison screeched from inside, the door quickly swung open and there stood Harrison, a paper party hat lopsided on his head. “Well, don’t just stand there, party’s in like two hours!” He playfully chided, pulling the two of you inside. “Here they are! Late as always!” Harrison shouted into the house, laughter erupted from who you already knew to be Harry and Tom. 
“Well, better late than never, especially because we brought the food, right?” You questioned, making a bee-line with the kitchen with Sam hot on your trail. “I guess, but only because of the food factor,” Harrison laughed. “Harry just got back a few minuets ago from the firework stand, all I can say is the neighbors may not be too happy,”  He laughed. You shook your head, a smile on your lips. “I can only imagine,” You replied simply as Sam helped you load all of the food into the fridge and into large bowls on the counter. 
it took far less time than anticipated to set up the house for the party, so consequently, all five of you ended up sprawled on the couch with half of an hour left to spare before those invited should be arriving. 
“So, Harry sat up on the couch next to Tom. “Have we all got dates for this evening?” His mouth formed a grin and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the question with the others. “When did this become a gossip circle, good lord, Harry!” Sam laughed, sat close to you on the sofa adjacent to where Tom and Harry Sat, with Haz sprawled out on the floor. “You’re just jealous because you didn’t swing a date,” Harry continued. Sam shook his head. “You don’t know that,”
“You surely would’ve mentioned it by now, dude,” Harry laughed. Sam shrugged. “Tom’s the one with the big mouth around here, not me!” Everyone shared a laugh, Tom crossing his arms in mock offense. 
At that, the doorbell rang and you and Sam shared an amused and relieved look that the two of you hadn’t been exposed just yet. 
“Hey, guys! It’s Zen and Laura and Jacob!” Tom called, swinging the door open. Zendaya held a bottle of champagne tightly in one hand, using the other to hug everyone in the room. “YN!” She exclaimed, “I haven’t seen you in forever! I missed you, babe!” You grinned, sharing hug with her and agreeing the two of you would have to find a time to catch up. Soon, the house was flooded with guests, cars lining the driveway and the street for the entire block as well as the lawn. Music played from a Spotify playlist Sam had been crafting for weeks in advance, and the two of you busied yourselves with having a great time at the party, you and Zendaya found a spot to chat in and Jacob started a game of pool in the basement lounge which attracted many of the guys, who were all at least somewhat competitive. 
“So, the whole Sam and you thing, how’s that going?” Zendaya questioned and you couldn’t help but spill your guts about how well things were goin between the two of you. Time moved by faster than you expected, and before you knew it, the annual New York ball-drop was on the television. You turned your head to watch, standing behind the crowd a bit when you felt a tap on your shoulder. “Hey, YN, mind helping me with something in the kitchen for just a moment?” Sam spoke close to your ear so you could hear what he was saying above the multitude of noises, and offered a wink so subtle you almost missed it, followed with the smile you loved so much. You nodded, taking his hand and following him into the deserted kitchen. “I figured the ball was about to drop and it’s almost New Year’s and if you still wanted that kiss?” HIs cheeks were faintly pink and you smiled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. The countdown from ten had already begun, rhythmically chanted form the living room. 
“Oh- Sm, I forgot, my lipstick- everyone will know?” You spoke quickly, the countdown failed to halt as it neared the finish and Sam grinned lovingly at you. “I don’t mind if you don’t.” 
With that, the countdown reached “one” and you breached the gap between you and Sam once again as the partygoers all cheered. 
you pulled away after a moment, eyes drifting from Sam’s eyes to his lips, sure as day they were tinted a shade of red that couldn’t be described as subtle. 
“Well, now’s a good a time as any to go break the news, right?” The two of you joined hands, leaving the kitchen to rejoin the party with the biggest smiles painted on your faces. 
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