#🖋 wip game
the-writer-nerd-ro · 4 months
(Also tell your ceramic figurines that I love them)
Thank you for the ask!!! Sandbo and company say hello!
This is four sentences but it's the end of one of my Valentine's Day fics :D
Hunter pulled Sara into a hug.
“I love you, Sara without an H.”
“I love you too. I'm glad I get to share my home and life with you.”
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pinespittinink · 19 days
🌿 pinespittinink reintro 🌿
hello and welcome to my blog 💌 i'm easing myself back into writeblr and hope to meet some new people and continue to vibe as i always have on here. this is not my main blog, so while i may follow you, it won't be from this account. i don't follow or engage with minors; all my work is adult and queernorm unless otherwise indicated.
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a little bit about me: catherine ~ she/her ~ capricorn ~ pan & poly ~ 28 ~ 18+ only ➡  about page ⬅ ​
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i've been around here sporadically since 2018 and always tend to come home; i like prompts and ask games and tags and fun things. i write love stories in sci-fi and fantasy settings, and i'm working towards traditional publishing always. currently i'm querying my adult fantasy standalone, The Great Glavenisean Theater (The Night Circus x House of Leaves). i enjoy writing nsfw content, lush scene setting, and detailed emotional headspaces.
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🖋 my wips 🖋
the great glavenisean theater 🎭 {wip intro} {general tag} spec fic/fantasy standalone. a tailor goes to the big city and gets swept up by a phantasmagorical theater with an interdimensional portal in the stage, gets a crush on a cute guy working the rigging, and maybe starts to lose his mind as shit gets Weird™️
in the deep of the trees 🍃 {wip intro} {general tag} high fantasy, romantic subplot, standalone. (bi4bi otp). a social-climber uses subterfuge, blackmail, and murder to achieve his ambitions, and the court eccentric that he's in love with gets weirder and weirder when a new discovery is brought back by an exploration team.
star white 🌟 {wip intro} {general tag} romantic space fantasy, standalone. (gay otp) one man searches for the love of his life after he's been abducted by sentient dark matter, and spends millions of years travelling through space with a semi-organic AI ship.
solene's verse 🌊 epic fantasy, duology. (t4t otp) a young self-taught wizard makes a ton of bad decisions, as a group of ragtag youths from the cesspit of the world try to rescue the elder brother of one of their own from a tower of cultists.
the revenant (working title) dark fantasy, duology(???? who knows). a one-woman-war-machine who cannot die fights alongside her childhood best friend and lover and their loyal band of vagabonds to bring down the corrupt royalty desecrating their kingdom
the wasteland (working title) weird spec fic/dark fantasy, novella. a lousy hot-tempered fire elemental and a shitty light necromancer embark on the world's worst walking roadtrip to a castle on the wasteland falling away at their feet.
[odyssey solomon's wip - mad max fury road x the road x the locked tomb, post-apocalyptic fantasy. father and son against the world plus a weird shapeshifting bitch]
[gentle poly cathedral wip - romantic fantasy, novella. gargoyles and psalms and stained glass, my beloveds]
[soft poly space wip - romantic sci-fi, duology. androids and black holes and librarians, oh my!]
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🎐tag guide🎐
my writing 🌸 my edits  🌸 my poetry 🌸 sap spill 🌸 {original text posts, not always writing related} uwu romance 🌸 {umbrella tag for everything love and romance related} trope talk🌸 {umbrella tag. overlaps often with uwu romance} character work🌸 {what it says on the tin} compilations🌸 {tumblr web weaving posts} i live here🌸 {stuff i jive with on a molecular level}
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[ Romantic and indulgent prose full of filigree, worlds full of whimsy, mystery and a hint of danger, a core of tenderness rooted at the heart of every story. Your writing is always penned in the manner of a love letter not just to the craft or even as an ode to romance but to the subject of love in itself. ] – @aninkwellofnectar​ 🌹
“for whom / and to whom all this love, / all this light falling.” 
–@ragewrites, Film Still, for pinespittinink. 
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benjaminrydersnest · 3 months
For the ask game :)
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?" 🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?" ❓ask anything you want!: "who are your favourite characters that you've created so far? talk about them if you'd like to share!"
Have a great day <3
✏️: A lone child, forced by extenuating circumstances to grow up fast, traveling the kingdom while being hunted; several people get isekai'd into a new life entirely, and are haunted by memories of what was and the knowledge that that cannot be anymore; an infamous villain loses his memory, and now he must recover what he can, while being hunted and tracked from every direction and trying to grapple with the fact that he is a different, better person now. 🖋: The first one? I love Medieval Fantasy. It's one of my favorite genres, and the first story I ever tried writing, Dragon Slayer Adventure (amazing title, I know) was one of them. I've always loved a good story of that genre. The second one? It seemed so genuinely interesting as a concept to break convention and not have isekai'd protags be immediately enamored with the world around them and instead be haunted by the stark reality that they can never go back to what was. The third? The Bourne Trilogy and Metal Gear series, as well as some of pre-reboot Archie Sonic. It just sounded cool and now I'm rolling with it. ❓: I have two in particular I'm obsessed with. Daniel Fawkes is a rich businessman and owner of scientific research company FawkesCorp along with his brother, Valian. However, he seems... Shady. It's not obvious at first, but eventually it's revealed that he is doing some genetic experimentation with lizard genes and calls his "other" self Raptor. Trevor Steele was born on a nice island out at sea with his family, and quickly broke away from their extreme strictness and was disowned, but his sister Angela took care of him. He and his brother Darren argued a lot, but his sister would always comfort him. His sister contracted cancer, his mother died, and his sister died soon after in front of his eyes. He lost himself, becoming extremely angry and spiteful, not helped when his agency was partially stripped by Valian Fakwes (there's the name again!) and before he could have room to breathe, it was taken again by Hector Finch. After being let free, he lost his memory due to an accident and became the focus character of the third WIP I mentioned, making it all come full circle.
Thanks for the ask! I haven't really talked much about these, it's nice to put it out there in some fashion.
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augmentedlavender · 2 months
HI THERE! I wanna just post some random wips and sketches and I thought I'd make an ask game out of it. Even tho no one will probably see this.. oops.
Anyways! send me a number 1-10, then ✏️ for a drawing (mp100, OCs) , 🖋 for writing (mp100 -- likely serirei), and 🎶 for song lyrics :]
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
wip ask game!! 😈
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs/or as many people as you want.
@padmedala tagged me in this, sooooo let’s play!!! send me asks!
a real fucking legacy, to leave 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨💔
til kingdom come 🧙🏻⚔️
i remember who i am (when i’m with you) 🎨🖋
me and my dog 🐶
hold my hand tight (we’ll make it another night) 🤝
a cruel summer with you 🏕🎆
tagging but no pressure ofc: @astrobei, @wiseatom, @byeler, @willow-lark, @parkitaco and anyone else who wants to play!
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annabtg · 8 days
hi!! 💯🍖🍩🖋❌️ from here!
Hi, Diana!! Thank you for the distraction!! ❤
💯 [100] How many words does your WIP currently have? How many words do you hope it'll have when it's done?
Right now it's at 9452, and that's significantly shorter than I was hoping it would be at this point of the story. I had visualized it around 50k, very roughly, but right now I'm not sure I can make it. One of the main reasons I'm feeling unsure about it!
🍖 [Meat] How many fictional people were harmed in the making of this WIP?
They haven't been harmed yet, but at least two. So far it's only Snape but we don't care about him.
🍩 [Donut] What's the weirdest thing someone eats in your WIP? What's the best thing?
There haven't been mentions of food so far! They've only had tea. I'm not sure anything particularly weird is going to come up, that said.
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
A story where Lily gets married to James to get back at Snape.
(Yes, it's exactly what happens, but I think it's terrible nevertheless.)
❌ [Cross] What would your WIP get cancelled on Twitter for?
Mwahahaha, this story would get SO cancelled! Lily taking advantage of James's love for her? Leading him on and accepting to marry him without loving him, just to get her revenge on another man? They'd burn her at the stake!
WIP ask game here!
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poet-to-none · 23 days
My tag is from @nothing-but-paisley and it's very well timed because I'm making an outline for a new WIP today
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs. 1) ALSO WIP
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kitweewoos · 1 month
🖋🖋🖋 single dad
“Well, it seems to me like he’s very lucky to have you in his life, looking after him,” Tommy replied, leaning against the counter while Buck pulled out ingredients from the fridge.   “Hey Tommy!” Chimney said, wandering into the kitchen with them, stealing Tommy’s attention away. “What are you doing here, man?”  “Looking for you if you’ll believe it. I was wondering if you’re still doing that Thursday first responder pick-up game,” Tommy replied, and Buck looked up.   “Yeah, you got this Thursday off?”  “I work a twenty-four into Thursday morning, so I’ll be there if you’ll still have me,” Tommy replied. “It’s been a while, so I’m a little rusty, but I figured it’d be good to shake off the rust and do something with the guys for once.”  “Yeah, you’re always welcome, man!”  “Evan, are you going to be there?” Tommy asked. 
Send me a ✒️ and a wip title/code name and I’ll write three sentences on that wip and you get the sentences
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foxywrites · 9 months
yuna's bungou stray dogs masterlist
works with [♥] are angsty, [🗡] involve straight-out whump, [☁︎] are fluffy and/or have healing, [🖋] are canon rewrite, [⚠] contain topics such as mature content in them. (as a side note some of these might come up in the future chapters and also, i don't write nsfw) almost all of the fics revolve around triggering things that are canon compliant and showed up in the series.
- au's
(the moodboards can be found in the masterlist's)
soulbond au || written in the stars [♥ ☁︎ 🖋⚠ ] masterlist
dazai osamu has seventeen soul-marks, most of which are platonic, and in the short-run of things they do nothing but make his goals to keeping the promise he had made for odasaku impossible- in the long run, however, they are probably the reason he has yet to close his eyes to this world that they are living in. they are probably the only reason that he is still alive...
fem soukoku au || peach blossoms and red camellias [♥🗡☁︎ 🖋⚠ ] masterlist
osamu is eleven when she runs away from home after being betrothed to a man twice her age and is found by mori who takes her in for his own gains.
figure skaters au || to land a quadruple axel [♥🗡☁︎ 🖋⚠] masterlist
after a staged accident on ice that cost dazai his carrier rather than his life, he starts to lose himself and his will to keep going on- the two kids that he meets on the ice, kyouka and atsushi, however, end up giving him something akin to hope.
role reversal/time travel au || to set things right [♥ ☁︎] masterlist
chuuya leaves after the flags dies and dazai is left behind to watch as he becomes one with the light- till he no longer has to anymore. the first time chuuya leaves, he does it alone- the second time, however, he finds himself dragging dazai along for the journey.
amnesiac dazai/dazai gets shot instead au || something worth remembering [♥ ☁︎ 🖋 ] masterlist
dazai is shot instead of odasaku, loses his memories and ends up being taken in by natsume who fakes osamu's death to protect him.
CH 107 fix-it au || it starts up in out bedroom after the war [♥ ☁︎ ⚠ ] masterlist
in meursault dazai closes his eyes in his ex partners arms. chuuya is dead-set on keeping him alive though, he isn't letting him runaway again.
boarding school/rebirth au || written in the stars [♥🗡☁︎ ⚠] masterlist
dazai saves atsushi once more, giving him a place to call home, and atsushi is determined to do the same for him too.
fem skk + drunk dazai || all my agony fades away [♥ ☁︎ ⚠] moodboards 1 & 2
It was three am, when dazai called chuuya in the morning, clearly drunk and far too gone at that point.
- other stuff
appreciation post's/ character studies
manga thoughts
screaming about CH 107 CH 107 analysis theories about the book
other shenanigans
what the hell is going on with dazai ships? were there empty spaces and people just said 'get in' to anyone that showed up at screen once and was older than 18?! ships surrounding the best girl, gin akutagawa WIP game's dazai!niece au
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kay-elle-cee · 3 months
Oooh Kelsey!! Good find!!
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
Hiya Anna! Thanks for this <3
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Ahhh it's funny because by day I'm a video editor and so I obviously LOVE that kind of editing, but writing editing? It's not my favorite. I get really picky and sometimes start spiraling over if the work as a whole is good or not. I typically do a 3-pass edit to kind of lock me into a process so I don't just sit in the editing phase forever. I'll give it a 6.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
Ask game
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auroralightsthesky · 9 months
For the WIP ask game 💯🖋 please
VEE MY FRIEND!!!!!😍😍😍😍 Currently I'm at 5591 words but that'll definitely change as soon as I can get back into the swing of writing. If I could describe it in a single terrible sentence it'd be this: "Magic book chooses characters and sucks them in like a whirlpool" (lol).
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starscribes · 6 months
💖[heart] and 🖋[pen] for the ask game?
Thank you so much for the ask, Cat! I would love to answer these questions about Crescent Unbound!
💖 [Heart] What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
That's a very good question, as this is still a very new WIP for me there are a lot of ideas still floating around that I'm not sure will truly make it, but one of the daydreaming scenes I've been working on is after a pretty major event that hurts both Astrid and Elias emotionally, the two of them are able to bond in a way they hadn't before and finally begin their transition from reluctant allies to friends <3
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
Ah yes, I love this question! Let's see here...
A girl with a fancy necklace discovers she's got powers that she needs to get rid of but to do so, she must navigate haunted ruins, a lovesick sidekick, and a suspiciously high number of mystical encounters.
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pinespittinink · 2 years
Tumblr media
<insert obligatory blog intro here>
Goooood evening folks, i figured i would Get With the Times and make a legit blog intro to steal the throne of pinned post. i may add to and prune this post as time goes on, but i will be constantly updating it with wip pages and masterposts as they go up. have you seen me on your dash before? perhaps! i’m the weirdo behind the oc tea piccrew game and the deify yourself piccrew game, as well as the reblog your own stuff post and the read books if you want to write books post.
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💫 the necessities, fast and loose edition 💫 
catherine/cat ~ she/her (indifferent they/them) ~ capricorn ~ pansexual ~ 28 ~ 18+ only ➡  about page ⬅ follows from main blog @shireduchess​ ​
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🌿 the necessities, slowcooker edition 🌿
what to expect from me: a bit of everything in the writeblr kitchen sink. refs, prompts, wip and general inspo, memes, ask/tag games (i am friendly to both, but put priority on asks as i get a lot of tags nowadays!). i dig good aesthetics and vivid, sensory writing with emphasis on description and emotional content. i unabashedly write nsfw content, and do not follow anyone under 18. 
at the end of the day, i love writing about love. every story i write has some variant of a love story in it somewhere. that said, i am not a romance genre writer. i have made my bed with fantasy, and to fantasy i will always return, yada yada. my dad read The Hobbit to me when i was four and set me up for life. 
secondary world high fantasy is my specialty, but i also love space fantasy, fairytale and myth retellings, and cosmic horror. my wip Star White, about a man who spends a billion years searching for his lost lover when he is abducted by sentient dark matter, is a blend of all three. 
what a nice segway into MY WIPS <insert Will Smith showing off his wife meme>
you may know me from my 1920s-inspired theater with an interdimensional portal in the belly of the stage wip, The Great Glavenisean Theater, or my very strange giant tree wip, In The Deep of the Trees featuring Titus and Sabine. if you’re an oldie (circa 2018-2020), you might recall Bloodlines, a romantic high fantasy featuring original species, the Gelkins and the skin-changers. my other wips include the aforementioned space fairytale, Star White, a queer fucked up found family epic with trans wizards and missing gods called Solene’s Verse, and a very experimental novella about the worst walking roadtrip known to mankind (i accidentally blow up your village and kill your girlfriend, you get an existential crisis about the nature of reality), aka The Wasteland. 
i will continue to spruce up this space with wip intros as i refurbish everything, but my main focus right now is finishing the first draft of The Great Glavenisean Theater. i do aspire toward traditional publishing, and have had an eye on this industry for twelve years (i was actively querying at fourteen, we’re in this writing shit for life)
[ Romantic and indulgent prose full of filigree, worlds full of whimsy, mystery and a hint of danger, a core of tenderness rooted at the heart of every story. Your writing is always penned in the manner of a love letter not just to the craft or even as an ode to romance but to the subject of love in itself. ] -- @aninkwellofnectar​ 🌹
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🖋 a pinespittinink vintage 🖋
the great glavenisean theater 🎭 {wip intro} {general tag} in the deep of the trees 🍃 {wip intro} {general tag} star white 🌟 {wip intro} {general tag} my writing 📚 my edits  📚 my poetry 📚
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🎐 a quick guide to strange tags🎐
sap spill 🌸 {your one-stop shopping destination for all my thoughts and og text posts} uwu romance 🌸 {catch all tag for everything love and romance related} trope talk🌸 {umbrella tag for all things tropey. overlaps often with uwu romance} character work🌸 {what it says on the tin: non-specific character-related posts} compilations🌸 {don’t we all have a term for these? web weaving and such} i live here🌸 {stuff i jive with on a molecular level}
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🍋 your average writeblr food & fare 🍋
writing references 🌊  writing memes 🌊 worldbuilding 🌊 quotes 🌊 poetry 🌊 prompts 🌊
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“for whom / and to whom all this love, / all this light falling.” 
--@ragewrites, Film Still, for pinespittinink. 
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maple-writes · 5 months
For the random WIP ask game: 🌈 (rainbow), 🖋 (pen), ❌️ (cross)
🌈 [Rainbow] If at the beginning of your WIP the characters knew about the end, would they kill you to stop you from writing it?
Viper would want to kill me, but since she’s somewhat passive about her own life at the beginning of the story she wouldn’t. She’d just accept it and not realize that she can actually do something about it (killing me)
Honey/Rantha would not be happy but wouldn’t kill me either but may not save me if he saw someone else killing me.
Winter would probably thank me tbh.
Stark would kill me and he wouldn’t leave until he knew I was 100% dead. He’d probably shoot my corpse a few times for good measure.
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
A kidnapping turned murder investigation gets interrupted with a lying 16-year-old’s family drama when a grown-up horse girl with learned helplessness about her future ends up bound to him in return for forgiving her lying murdering girlfriend who does not deserve the second chance she gets.
Slightly cheating since it’s a long sentence lmao.
❌ [Cross] What would your WIP get cancelled on Twitter for?
The  fact that Winter kills an eight year old (and frames Rantha for it), kills one of her oldest and loyalist friends, poison’s a lord and attempts to do so to his wife, and gets to escape and start a new life when Viper convinces Rantha to free her to give her a second chance. I can see Twitter getting a bit riled up that she isn’t sufficiently punished for her crimes.  
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myriath · 1 year
Thanks for @brasideios and @helloliriels for tagging me. This is one of the best tag games so far. Reading what you all wrote motivates to pick up the pen even after working extra hours (again).
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics, post first line of all your fics.
Whispers from 221B
John: This is a sheep. Sherlock: Brilliant observation, John. John: There is a sheep in our flat.
The Whispers are a collection of not connected dialogue snippets I write on my side blog meant to inspire everyone who loves to write. (BBC Sherlock)
Operation: Umbrella for Two (WIP)
Molly Hooper was acting odd. Surely, John was no genius consulting detective, but he was convinced that his observation was right.
What happens when John and Sherlock discover that someone writes fanfiction about them? (BBC Sherlock)
The Jumper (WIP)
Sherlock’s boredom could be roughly divided into seven stages.
When Sherlock gets bored he starts doing things. For example learning how to knit. (BBC Sherlock)
Engagement in Defiance
“Sherlock?” Mummy asked in an innocent tone, turning a page in her magazine. “Why won’t you let me arrange a meeting for you with Christine Morris? You got on so well as children, didn’t you?”
Visiting the family can change a friendship. (BBC Sherlock)
The two Johns
It had been a while since John Hamish Watson had last entered the flat of 221B Baker Street. It had been even longer since he had lived there.
After a long journey, John returns to Baker Street, hoping that there is still a place for him in his old room. But when he arrives he finds that Sherlock is already living with another John. (BBC Sherlock)
Something we do
John woke up with the onset of sunrise. The warm light of dawn would soon fall through the window and bathe the room on the top floor of 221B Baker Street in a warm golden light. John loved mornings like this.
A lazy morning snuggle at 221B Baker Street. (BBC Sherlock)
The Proposal
“Oh come on, Johnny, you can’t throw that thing in the duck pond,” Bill complained, slurring his words, and tried to snatch the ring out of John’s hand. “That was expensive! Maybe you can get your money back?”
The purpose of an engagement ring is to propose to someone. And sometimes this someone is a total stranger. (BBC Sherlock)
Dear Eivor (WIP)
Dear Eivor, I am sorry. I’m going to break my promise. The promise you asked me more than once to give and that I always believed I could keep. But I was wrong, because I’m going to break it.
When Vili learns that he will be leaving Norway, he starts writing letters to Eivor. Letters in which he talks about his thoughts and feelings. (AC Valhalla)
Call me Pater (WIP)
“I think it’s time you introduce him to me.”
After weeks of getting to know her son again, Myrrine decided it was time to meet the man who raised Alexios for her. But if Alexios had known what the seemingly harmless meeting would lead to, he would never have let it happen. (AC Odyssey)
Healing (WIP but works in itself as a finished story)
In front of the fire sat a man. He was alone, staring into the flames like he either tried to keep them burning or to extinguish them, Eivor wasn’t sure about this.
Up close, Broder looked even worse. Once a proud man with a smile on his lips, he was now a shadow of himself. (AC Valhalla)
Well, this was fun. And I definitely have too many WIPs, which I should change, I know. Hopefully soon-ish.
I tag @woodsman2b, @jrow and @chriscalledmesweetie.
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catboyollie · 7 months
hi. ca i do >🌈 🖋 ❌ for the ask game?
🌈 [Rainbow] If at the beginning of your WIP the characters knew about the end, would they kill you to stop you from writing it?
I am not sure, depends. Maybe Bruce and these random army guys would try to kill me.
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
A kind of roadtrip following an escapade from a secret government facility with one ghost, a warder and a immortal old man in a Honda.
❌ [Cross] What would your WIP get cancelled on Twitter for?
Definitely for talking shit about the army by bootlickers, for hitting a character with the 'transing gender' ray or for shading some writers.
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