bugflies00 · 8 months
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goodnightkisseu · 6 years
Kang Daniel - Nowhere
Requested By: @playfuldisaster (“ I wanna request an angsty but also quite fluffy fic in which one of the characters there had one-sided love to the other person. You decide if it's danik or y/n who will have the 1-sided crush... ”)
Genre: Angst with some Fluff
Note: So I’ve been mulling over this particular idea for a while and I just couldn’t figure out the type of story that I wanted to tell. The idea hit me during my Christmas break from work and I was able to come up with this! Seongwu does get a brief mention, but the story is very much about Daniel. I hope that everyone can enjoy this one. I worked hard to try and elicit certain emotions this time. As always, please feel free to let me know what you think!
Because of the situation with tumblr links, please check my bio for links to my masterlist~
- goodnightkisseu’s admin / ashley <3
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Being in love with someone was an incredible feeling. The absolute joy that overcomes you when you see him. When he smiles, you unknowingly smile too, his happiness contagious. When he has a hard time, your heart hurts for him. You want to be strong for him, give him advice and be a shoulder he can cry on if he needs it. When he finds his passion, your heart swells with pride, ready to support him in any way he needs. When he hugs you, holds you close, your heart flutters at the warmth and contact, never wanting to let him go. You wished that love could last an eternity.
But, there was a small issue. Even though you were in love, and even though your eyes couldn’t see anyone else… he didn’t love you back. You were nothing more than his friend.
This was the most painful thing about being near Kang Daniel. You had been friends since you met in your Intro to Figure Drawing course a year ago. You recalled him showing up on the first day of class and all the girls instantly whispering to each other as he caught their eye. What you remembered the most about him wasn’t his looks, but that he showed up with no supplies, having only registered for the class about half an hour before it started. At first, you found this ridiculous. You would never have the gall to show up to an art course that underprepared. Yet, even though you felt that way, when he sat down next to you with that sheepish look on his features, you still offered to share your supplies with him, much to the bitterness of the surrounding girls.  
And the moment that Daniel became a part of your life, it was as if you had found something that had been missing. Your daily stress didn’t hold a candle to his happy demeanor. One small smile, one dumb joke and your day instantly got better. Your life became more exciting by listening to the ridiculous things that Daniel and his friends got into. He made you more sociable by bringing you along when he went to hang out with the guys. You felt confronted whenever he would offer to walk you home after one of your late night art classes. Everything was just better with Daniel around. He improved your quality of life, and it didn’t take you long to realize that you wanted more. You wanted to be more to him than just his friend. You wanted his hugs, his gestures to mean more.
You had no one to blame but yourself though. You were too much of a coward to act on your own feelings. You cherished Daniel, and you feared losing him if he knew you harbored feelings for him. You were scared of rejection, scared that the happiest thing that had ever entered your life, would as soon as you said those words. So you couldn’t risk it. You couldn’t risk telling him how you felt. You had to hold on to that sliver of happiness he brought you. You went on pretending you didn’t dream of him as your boyfriend. That you never thought of his strong arms holding you close as he gingerly kissed your neck. You pretended that you didn’t think of his kissable lips leaving a peck on your own each time you got shy. No, you pretended that those thoughts had never crossed your mind. At least, as much as you could.
“Yo, what are you thinking about?” Daniel whispered into your ear. You were jostled from your thoughts and almost fell out of your chair, only making the male beside you giggle uncontrollably. You pouted and with a grin he took a next to you, pulling out his materials for the day. Yes, he finally remembered to bring them. It only took him a whole course and a half to figure it out, but it was endearing. Or maybe, to you, everything Daniel did was endearing. Ah, this was trouble.
“N-nothing, just daydreaming,” you replied, trying to play off that you had been thinking of Daniel kissing you again. Instead, you reached into your bag, pulling out your own supplies and getting ready for your painting course.
Yet, it seemed like your answer wasn't enough for Daniel. If anything, it seemed to pique his interest, and he continued to ask questions. "Oh? What were you daydreaming about?" he asked. He watched as you fumbled with your words, and an idea seemed to strike him. It had to be that. Ah, he was such an idiot. "Oh! Were you daydreaming about the new EXO video? I got a notification they released it! I overslept this morning and had to rush here, so I haven't seen it yet. I was planning to watch it after class. But let me guess, you were daydreaming about your future husband," he teased, raising his brows at you playfully. 
“I-I was not! It was something else entirely!” you blurted, trying to defend yourself. You and Daniel had, at one point, bonded over EXO, so it didn’t surprise you when he thought he was onto something. Maybe you should have just let him believe he had caught you. At least it would have stopped his line of questioning. Instead, he kept going. 
“Oh, come on, I’m practically your best friend. Tell me, tell me which one is your type?” he pleaded, scooting himself closer to you. He was fully invested now. In all the time that the two of you had talked about your favorite groups, not once did you talk about who your favorite was, and Daniel was dying to know.
“Kang Daniel, we are not having this conversation,” you retorted, feeling your cheeks heat up as some of your classmates had taken an interest in the conversation that the two of you were having. You felt Daniel gently grasp your hand, and you had to stop yourself from freezing up at the gesture. He was just trying to get your attention.
“Tell meeeeee,” he whined. “I want to know what your type is so I can find you someone that would be a good fit for you. I can’t do that if you don’t tell me who you like,” he reasoned, a pout forming on his own lips.
‘You’ was the first thought which crossed your mind, but you didn’t utter the simple word into the world. It would have made things awkward. Plus, you also knew there was a girl that Daniel was interested in, one he had been trying to woo, who was in your next class. Saying that would mean instant rejection and just trouble, so much trouble. “There are things about me you aren’t privy to yet, Daniel. Build up your friendship points and maybe I’ll tell you when you have enough,” you joked.
You could see it in his eyes, see that he was about to guilt-trip you into telling him everything, by saying something like he was already an amazing friend. Yet before he could, your professor arrived and class started immediately. Crisis averted… for now.
It had been a while since you had that conversation with Daniel. He stopped pestering you about it almost immediately because the next day he finally got the courage to ask Soojin out on a date. Things had started out slow. Daniel asked you for a lot of advice, which you thought was adorable, considering he always seemed like he had it together when it came to the opposite sex. But apparently, some things in the entire dating sphere were new to him. As things progressed with Soojin, he spent less and less time with you, and his other friends. Seongwu, being his roommate, was the only one that ever saw him anymore and he told you all that Daniel seemed really happy.
You were glad, just a little hurt. Now that Daniel was in an official relationship, it meant that you no longer stood a chance. You knew it would end up like this, but it still hurt. You thought you would have to wallow in this pain, but Daniel’s friends sought to fix that. The guys pulled you into their friend group, saying you all could have a great time without Daniel and you appreciated it. Being with the guys… it helped to fill the void that Daniel left. It wasn’t the same of course, but it was close, and you were feeling better the more time you spent with them.
Given that Seongwu’s reports had been about how happy Daniel was, it was no doubt a surprise when he showed up at your doorstep one evening. He had been knocking non-stop for about five minutes and when you opened the door to see him leaning against the doorframe, rather zoned out, you knew Daniel had more than enough drinks.
“D-daniel? What are you doing here?” you asked. You saw him wince, your voice hitting a volume and a frequency that his intoxicated brain couldn’t handle at the moment. You quickly apologized before bringing him inside, his weight shifting from your doorframe to you. It was a bit awkward walking with him leaning against you for support, with his height making the whole thing more of an ordeal than it should have been. Once you got him settled on the couch, you ran into your kitchen, pouring him a cup of water before you were at his side again. You gingerly placed it on the table in front of him, not expecting your inebriated friend to hold the cup for long before you settled on the couch next to him, hands in your lap. “So, want to tell me what’s wrong? Why are you so drunk that you can’t even walk straight?”
Daniel, who had been resting his head in his hands, trying to take in his surroundings to figure out where he was, finally looked up at you. Daniel was always such a happy person, so you never expected to see this look on his features. Pain. It was true pain and sadness. Your heart broke. “Soojin… she broke up with me,” he told you, his words slow as he tried to keep himself from getting too emotional over it.
Your eyes widened at Daniel’s confession. No, it couldn’t be. That couldn’t have – “But, Seongwu said you were so happy…”
Daniel's lips curled into a bitter smile, a dry chuckle leaving his lips. "I was happy, very happy. But, I guess Soojin wasn't. I went to pick her up for our date tonight. She took one look at me and told me that she was done with me. She had already found someone else, and he would be there in ten minutes so she needed me to leave. Apparently, he's some new accountant at one of the nearby firms…" he explained. You could hear it in his voice. You could hear he was trying not to break down, to still remain strong. But this had obviously been weighing heavily on him. If he had gotten as drunk as you had suspected, he was definitely in pain.
And honestly, you were upset. Upset that Daniel had gotten hurt. If you weren't in your right mind, you probably would have marched over to Soojin and yelled at her for how terribly she treated him. You never wanted to see Daniel this beaten down. His happiness always made you happy, so to see that gone… it angered you. Yet, you remained level-headed. This was not the situation to be running off and causing a scene. Daniel came here for a reason. 
"So you came here?" you asked softly.
Daniel gave you a small nod. "At first I thought drinks would solve my problems. I thought that if I just got wasted, I would forget all of it. But the more I drank, the worse my heart felt. I wasn't forgetting anything. I just got worse. And then… I thought of you. You were always there for me. You were the one that always fixed me… and I thought… maybe tonight, you could put me back together again…"
As the words left his lips, Daniel’s eyes locked with yours. You searched them, looking for what he wanted you to do to make him feel better. You could see that immense pain that filled those chocolate orbs you often got lost in. Those eyes you would sometimes find looking at you and your work when Daniel was trying to figure out why his painting didn’t quite look right. Those beautiful eyes that would make contact with you from across the table whenever you were out at a bar with him. You looked into those gorgeous eyes and before you knew it, Daniel’s lips were on yours knocking the air right out of you as he kissed you. You were completely taken by surprise and found him leaning over you, his lips never leaving yours. That night, you slept with Daniel. It was the one thing you never thought you would do. It was the one thing that would likely break your friendship but you couldn’t stop yourself.
You had yearned for him for months, wanted to feel his lips and body against yours and now it was happening. And though you knew it may end horribly, you gave in to your desires. It was fulfilling the things that happened that night. Daniel made you feel something you had never felt with anyone else. The two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms after your act, the pair of you sleeping soundly that night…
When you woke up to a very sober Daniel the next morning, the two of you weren’t sure what to do with yourselves. You were the first to ask Daniel if he thought it was a mistake. He told you it wasn’t. It was something that felt right at the moment, and you agreed. It had felt right. Nothing about it was wrong. Yet, something about the whole situation had made things awkward for you and Daniel. You didn’t know what it was, but things that had been simple before in your friendship were just… odd. Whenever you gave Daniel a hug, you’d feel him stiffen up, no longer giving you those bear hugs he had been prone to before. Whenever you’d look at him, you could see him looking way. Though his actions were small, and you weren’t even sure if he was aware he was doing it, they hurt you. Daniel had told you that everything was fine, but obviously, they weren’t.
Over time, he started to avoid you, and you too distanced yourself from him. You had tried to message him a couple of times to meet up, but he told you he was busy. After a handful of attempts, you stopped. Daniel went back to spending time with his friends, and though it was hard for you, you eventually made a group of friends of your own. Whenever you’d see the guys, you would greet them from afar, but never went to mingle with them. If Daniel was in their presence, you would just avoid them overall. You hated it. Sometimes you just wanted to chat with them. But seeing Daniel made your heart hurt so much. You’d think back to how close the two of you were to how he iced you out and you just-… it was painful. 
You would have gone the rest of your college career avoiding Daniel if it weren’t for one person, Seongwu. He was the first to reach out to you once he noticed how your relationship with Daniel had changed. It wasn’t like it was a secret; it was pretty obvious to all the boys that something had happened between the two of you, though what it was, no one knew. He had apologized to you on Daniel’s behalf, saying he didn’t know what the younger male was thinking by icing you out like this. You told him it wasn’t a big deal, that it hurt you, but he must have had his reasons. Seongwu didn’t try to argue and left it at that… initially.
Over time, he started to contact you more. At first, Seongwu only messaged you to see how you were doing. These conversations eventually started to change. No longer were you just asking about your days. Instead, you told Seongwu more about yourself. The more you talked, the more you disclosed to him about things that were happening in your life. Seongwu became an amazing sounding board for you, always trying to give you advice when he knew you were looking for it. You would often help him through his problems as well. Your conversations became deeper, more meaningful, and soon you realized, it was hard to go a day without talking to Seongwu.
And that was when you knew. There was more to this than just friendship. You felt something for the dark-haired male, something you had only felt for a couple of people in the past. And, truth be told, you were worried at first. Knowing how you felt about Daniel, and how that relationship ultimately turned out, it concerned you that the same thing would happen with Seongwu. Yet, somehow, very clumsily, you asked him if he was looking for something more. At first, he tried to avoid the topic but eventually confessed that it was indeed true, that he had feelings for you. He had for a while now. It was the reason he had originally invited you to hang out with the guys. He wanted to ask you out, but he knew you liked Daniel, even if he was taken. Seongwu had reached out to you now as a way to try to reconnect. He wasn’t thinking it would actually turn into anything, but here the two of you were, at a coffee shop, talking about your feelings for each other.
The thing was, Seongwu was hesitant to act on his feelings even now. Though both of you felt the same way, he worried about starting a relationship with how things ended with Daniel. So instead, he suggested that you and Daniel try to work out the weirdness. Initially, you had been opposed to the idea, and it seemed like Daniel was too. Getting the same feedback from the both of you, Seongwu didn’t push it any further at first. Yet, even if he said nothing, if he didn’t ask for anything else, you could see, over the next couple of days, he was struggling. He had to schedule his time with Daniel, and his time with you, just so that the two of you wouldn‘t meet up, wouldn‘t have to be in the same room as each other. 
You could see how hard he was trying, the effort that Seongwu was putting in, and you felt terrible. He liked you a lot, but Daniel was also one of his closest friends. He didn’t want to have to choose between the two of you and you would not make him choose either. So, instead of letting Seongwu spend every waking moment of his life trying to plan out his free time with you and with Daniel, you took the first step and contacted Daniel. The message didn’t say much. All you sent to him was, ‘we need to talk this out for Seongwu’s sake.’ Within minutes, you got a reply from Daniel, letting you know he would be free around lunch tomorrow. 
Waiting for Daniel in that familiar restaurant made you uneasy. You could feel the anxiousness building up in your core, as on two occasions, within the span of a few minutes, you almost got up and left. But you stay and waited, because you knew this was important, and to your luck, you didn't have to wait long. Daniel showed up on time, a few minutes early even. The two of you greeted each other, and after that, very unsurprisingly, an awkwardness filled the air. It was that same awkwardness that had consumed the two of you over the last few months. It just wasn't as noticeable when the two of you were far apart. Now the air was so thick, someone probably could have cut it with a butter knife.
Seeing Daniel again caused a weird rush of emotions to overcome you. You still felt nervous, but you could also feel that pain creeping up from the depths of your heart, gripping at it tightly. You also felt a longing for him though those feelings were unlike the ones you had for Seongwu. Everything about being around Daniel confused you, and rather than prolonging that weird feeling, you decided that it was time to move on. That it was time for the both of you to have the lives you deserved. 
"Daniel, I know this is awkward, but we really should clear it up," you breathed. Under any other circumstance, you would have been too apprehensive to speak. Yet today you made the first move. Maybe it was because you finally found someone that was worth that effort. 
 As soon as you spoke, Daniel seemed visibly to relax. You knew him well enough to know he was anxious about this meeting. His body language, how stiff his movements were, and how unsure his voice was, they were all telltale signs. He wanted you to make the first move, and now it seemed like he could speak again. "You’re right. We need to move on," he replied, and you were glad he was willing to handle this like adults. 
“So that night, and what happened after…”
“It was my fault,” Daniel admitted, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. He had always wanted to come clean with you, but he was just too scared to. Now he was finally getting the chance to, and he felt… relief. “Look, I was honest with you after it happened. I don’t think what we did was wrong. I thought it was what we both needed at the moment. Thing was, I didn’t know where that would put our friendship. I thought being around you in an ambiguous relationship was a bad idea. I didn’t want you to think we would be friends with benefits, but I wasn’t ready to commit to another relationship yet.”
“So I ran away,” he confessed, the relief instantly replaced by guilt. “I thought creating distance would fix us, but I know that I hurt you. I could see how you looked at me afterward, and I know I made the wrong choice…”
“We could have talked it out Daniel,” you told him. “I liked you. And it is true. I probably would have thought you wanted to be a couple immediately. But if we talked through it, I would have understood…”
That sad and bitter smile appeared on Daniel’s features again. “I was too much of a coward, and I honestly don’t deserve someone like you…”
“Maybe not as a girlfriend,” you teased, getting him to chuckle for the first time since he got there. “But I’d love to be your friend again. I miss hanging out with you, doing stupid things together…”
“I missed you too. It’s been hard not having you to confide in. The guys aren’t as receptive to that type of thing. Plus, who else will go to fan-events and concerts with me,” he joked, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his reply. “So we’re good?”
You nodded. “We’re on the way to being good, again,” you corrected him, and he couldn’t help but smile. It was that smile you had missed that radiant smile that warmed your heart.
“And Seongwu-hyung… you’re happy with him? I know he really likes you. He won’t stop talking about you,” Daniel said through another chuckle.
“I am. He makes me really, really happy,” you confessed, Daniel’s smile growing to the point where his eyes turned into little crescent moons.
Gently, Daniel grabbed both of your hands in his, giving them a light squeeze. “I mean this. I’m so glad you found someone that makes you happy…” he replied earnestly. He was glad you had found that person that made you happy that person that could care for you. It was all he had ever wanted for you. He wasn’t that person, but in that restaurant where the two of you used to go to vent about your problems, you knew it was okay. Because you were rebuilding your friendship with each other, and that bond meant so much more to you both…
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sarahboseman · 6 years
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
@greenswishbish @wakandanmoonchild @tchallaswife@sisterwifeudaku @captiansaveasmut @heyauntieeee @royallyprincesslilly @wakandanblogger @wakandawinning @wakandankings @kumkaniudaku @airis-paris14 @ashanti-notthesinger @zforzathura @90sinspiredgirl @imgabbyrae @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @skysynclair19 @ljstraightnochaser @zxddy-panther @stressedgyal @bubbleboss17 @ovohanna24 @starsshines-blog @leahnicole1219 @texasbama @maverickabull @blue-ishx @yaachtynoboat711 
I HOPE THE TAGS WORK!!! LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Reblog if you like it ❤❤❤
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“Well done Y/N, it's time to look ahead, it's time to stop thinking about the past, it's time to try starting a new life and not think about him anymore"
You say to yourself taking a last look in the mirror of your bedroom to check if your outfit is ok.
"Five months, almost five fucking months and he didn’t bother to unblock my phone"
Yes, because he had blocked you on all fronts, not just as a whatsapp contact, but as a phone contact. So you couldn’t call him or even send a normal message.
You know all this not because YOU tried, but because Aisha and Jason have tried, many times, seizing your phone without your knowledge.
"It really sounds like a revenge to me too. But you can’t blame Y/N ... even if I'm a man and I wouldn't have behaved like that. "
"Or … that bitch of his girlfriend found your conversation and blocked you. Maybe he doesn’t even know you’re blocked!! Y/N have you thought about that? Give him the benefit of the doubt. Boseman is really cool, I would give it to him ... "
"Aishaaaaaaa !!!!!!"
“A CHANCE Y/N!!! I would give him a chance! The benefit of the doubt!"
Yes, Aisha was able to put this idea into your mind, but ... You don’t know, you just didn’t want to think about him anymore.
You agreed to go out for dinner with Kevin, a Jason’s friend. He introduced him to you a few days ago and he's not so bad. Smart, witty, sense of humor, and a very good looking guy, nice body, broad shoulders, mysterious eyes, full lips as you like and a nice ... smile.
You put yourself on fire tonight, short tight dress, stiletto heel, but low neckline, perfectly shaved smooth legs. Your natural curls loose, a little bit of make-up on the eyes and betting everything on the lipstick, waterproof without trace, let's hope for the best … You turn around again to check if everything is ok, take your bag and get out. He's already down there waiting for you ... He also has a nice car, you don’t really know what you want more.
He takes you to an Italian restaurant near St. James Park, where food is really good, you went there some time ago when your parents came to see you. Dinner is very pleasant, as is the conversation and the mild flirting between you. Winking looks, sweet smiles, your foot that accidentally touches his ankle and calf ...
Kevin caresses your hand and at the end of the dinner he asks you if you want to go for a walk and have a drink, but you (impudent and impatient) ask him if he wants to come back to your place and have a drink there.
“Of course, with great pleasure …"
"Ok then ... let's go then"
At that moment you try to remember if you have paired your underwear ... "Set with black lace, yes it can fit" you say to yourself while you open the front door.
The last man who came into your house was ... No, you don’t have to think about it! No Chadwick tonight, no thoughts and no guilt.
"Anything to drink?" You ask him as you approach him getting rid of your heels that are driving you crazy. He shakes his head and, as an expert, he takes your hips and approaches you, kissing you deeply without warning. His hands flow on your back and your caresses first his neck and then his shoulders, while the kiss intensifies more and more you let yourself go.
"Where is the bedroom?" He asks you after making sure that what is happening is good for both. "On your left ..." you nod your head while using the weight of your body to guide him in the right direction.
You unbutton his shirt while he pulls down the zip of your dress letting it fall down on the floor. Throwing yourself on the bed, he tries to get rid of your pants while you try not to think about anything and enjoy this moment of transgression. You’re not the type of person who sleep with someone on the first date, but right now you don’t care, because you would do anything to try to forget Boseman and distract yourself and this seems like a good distraction. It's perfidious, petty and very selfish, but you've decided to follow Aisha's advice and also your sister’s "You know, the most beautiful love stories came from a night of sex" So why not ...
Kevin is doing a great job, his lips are on your breast, over the lace of your bra, his big hands caressing your legs making you arch your back for the good feeling. You close your eyes and inhale. His mouth on your stomach and on your belly button teases you on the edge of your panties and when you feel his tongue over the lace of your panties, you exhale and moan "Chad ..."
You widen your eyes as soon as you realize you said that name "Fuck!", Kevin doesn’t seem to have noticed it, fortunately, but your mood suddenly changes.
You try to enjoy his love effusions, his attentions, he’s fantastic, but as soon as you close your eyes, it’s not his face you see in front of you.
"What the fuck!" You suddenly say, banging your hand on the bed.
"What? Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no absolutely ... It’s not your fault. I'm the problem” you confess, exhaling loudly and looking at the ceiling.
Kevin looks at you from the middle of your legs, waiting for your sign to go on or to stop.
"Ok, I get it ... Jason explained me a couple of things. No problem"
"Kevin I ... I'm terribly sorry, forgive me"
“No worries. There’s nothing to forgive. But let me say something. You’re beautiful, you’re wonderful inside and out, he’s a jerk to behave like that, so the right thing you can do for yourself is to start a new life. Give it up, forget him quickly ... you don’t know what you're missing. Maybe we'll meet again soon"
He gives you a wink, ends up getting dressed, kisses you on the lips and goes away, leaving you half naked on your bed.
You don't know whether to be desperate or furious.
You throw your head on the pillow, look at the ceiling and write a message to Jason.
- "I'm sorry Jason, I messed up. Kevin was really nice “
- “FORGET THAT DAMN BOSEMAN! But I love you anyway, try to get some sleep. Good night”
"No! Absolutely not! I can’t afford TWO months of vacation. It’s not going to happen"
"Of course you can Miss Y/L/N. You have about ... 4 MONTHS of unused vacation time and you start making it 2 NOW. It's an obligation, otherwise I'll fire you. Go, rest. See you in September”
Your lost eyes looks at your boss who is forcing you not going to work for 2 months straight. Actually you’ve worked so much in the last few years that you haven’t stopped for a moment, accumulating days of unused vacations and permits that they don’t intend to pay you in excess.
"Ok ... so regarding my work, documents to prepare, those to be sent, phone calls to the clients ..."
"Miss Y/L/N! Your colleagues will take care of your work, get out of this office before you have to do 3 months straight!” His tone is obviously not despotic, you know he says it for your own good. You've known for a long time.
"Ok ..."
"Y/N ... listen, don’t take it as a punishment. You and I have known each other for a long time, we started working here together. I see that lately you’ve got some problem"
“I always try to keep my personal problems out of work”
"And you do it great. I'm not insinuating your failings at work. But what you think? I can see your lost and sad look some time. As I told you before, we've known each other for a while and I've never seen you like this before"
You nod and smile, you know he's right, maybe these two months of forced holidays can help you.
"Go home, go home to your family, it's so long that you miss. Search for distraction. Or do a beautiful trip. Two months are a lot of time, do you know how many places you could see? Go and relax, relax for me too. Spend all those damn money you earn!” He jokingly tells you.
Even the idea of ​​doing a long trip is not bad, you've always enjoyed traveling and you like to see new places  …. Once again the picture of you lying in front of the ocean in a beautiful resort, teases your mind.
You greet your boss, go to Aisha's office and tell her the situation … Obviously she goes crazy
"Two months without you at work ????? How can I do??"
“Don't shout Aisha, we'll talk about it this evening. I couldn’t argue, the boss forced me. And then maybe it's not bad ... maybe I’ll take a trip or I'm going on vacation “
Aisha is very upset, her looks tells everything. "Ok ... we'll talk about it tonight, but woe to you if you go on holiday without me” She says pointing out at you
You meant to do her no personal injury, but ...
You have decided, in 3 days you leave and go on vacation. You have just left the travel agency, where you spent a fortune on a breath-taking itinerary to envy everyone, but now you want to enjoy these two months of vacation until the end.
After several chats with Aisha, your mother, your sister and your father, you convinced yourself to leave alone.
“Dear baby, travel opens the mind and enriches the soul. Do it. You’ve always been afraid to be alone, inner thoughts are scary, but if you learn to be alone and tame your thoughts, there will be nothing that can harm you. You know that dad loves you "
You've never been so close to your father, he was always around for work, he made huge sacrifices to support the whole family, especially after mom lost her job and you and your sister were still little girls. You spent just little time together and as a result your relationship also became a little bit cold. But although you didn’t tell him your secrets, he always knew everything and when you needed him, he was there, always. It was also thanks to his enormous sacrifices that you could afford the best schools and the University.
Even in this moment, you would never have expected his phone call, but these are the words he told you so sweetly on the phone. Surely he also did it secretly from your mother. And very probably you really convinced yourself after his words.
"Did you get everything?" "Yes Aisha, everything I need" "Call me when you land" "Of course I'll call you" "Please, be careful and do not talk to strangers ... no, talk to them, maybe you know someone interesting"
You laugh at that joke typically hers. You can see she’s sad because you leave without her, but you have to do it, you need it.
"Aisha, I keep you updated on the itinerary, which you have by the way. Then …" "I know, I know, I can reach you when I want and spend a few days with you. Maybe I think about it for Bora Bora"
"Last call for gate 32” 
"It's mine, thank you for taking me to the airport and for waiting with me, I'll call you as soon as I land" "I love you, have fun" "I love you too, don’t work too much" you say sticking your tongue out "Bitch" she says smiling 
You hug your friend and reach the gate, first destination Greece, Santorini.
Before you queue up, you take a selfie pointing to the destination and place the picture on your whatsapp story with caption “My two well-deserved months of vacation start here".
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The moment you place your picture, you realize that Chadwick's profile pic has returned to its place.
"Everything is breathtaking here, you should see the view from my room and ... even my room. Do you know what's in the room?"
"A beautiful naked man?"
"No Aisha ... but .. why????"
"Because that's what I'd like to find!"
"No, I have a pool in the room”
"Are you kidding?!!??"
"No, I swear, do you want to see? I wouldn’t be bitchy sending you a picture"
"Send me those damn pictures, come on!”
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"Fuck, I hate you, I hate you so much. It's not true, I love you. I’m so jealous Y/N!!! what do you do now? "
"Now I unpack my bag, take a shower and then go down to eat something and look around"
“You’re fantastic you know that? I could never do it "
"What Aisha?”
"This ... leave alone, try to fix your thoughts, distract yourself …”
"I'm not doing anything special and it wasn’t really planned … I just thought it was a good idea. But it’s not the first time I leave or I go on vacation alone. The first few days are bad, then you always know someone"
"Well, but I would never have left alone"
"Aisha you don’t even go to the toilette alone!"
"it's true! damn”
You both burst out laughing on the phone, then you say goodbye and start thinking a bit about yourself. You unpack your bags … you have underwear, swimwear, shorts, tank top, some cute dress, shoes with heels, flat shoes. Your agenda, your notebook and your professional SLR couldn’t miss ... your make up, cosmetics, sunscreens, and the usual women's thing.
You didn’t tell Aisha about Chadwick's profile picture, you honestly didn’t even think about it during the trip.
You try not to think about it even during dinner; the resort is very nice, since you’re alone you have spared no expense. The restaurant is quite crowded, almost all the tables are full, people of all ages, couples, families, singles, groups ... you feel a little uncomfortable, but you know very well this feeling, it happens often when you travel alone even for work, then this feeling disappears after the first day. You just need some time to settle in.
You take a walk outside, where there’s a large illuminated pool and a little further on there’s the small road that goes down and leads to the beach through the village.
Air is different, it smells new and smells of freedom. It smells good, clean, serenity and tranquility. Peace. The noises, the sounds, the lights, the sunset, the sea, the sound of a different language spoken by the people who walk beside you, the light music you can hear coming from the center of the town.
"I hope it was a great idea, because right now I just feel so lonely" you think to yourself because watching the sunset now dripping on the sea makes your eyes fill with tears.
You check again your phone, reopening whatsapp because your thoughts go to him once again, you can’t do without it. His profile picture is still there, not gone. You don’t understand.
You take a picture of the amazing sight in front of you and add it to your story, writing “Wherever you are, goodnight”
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- "I'm an idiot, you'll be hating me and you're absolutely right. But I had no idea SHE had blocked you everywhere. I was so pissed off with you until yesterday because I thought you had disappeared another time. I’ll have sent you dozens of messages I think never arrived, the unanswered calls even, because you were blocked on my phone. I apologize, I ruined everything this time, I lost you again and it’s my fault now… Always yours - Chad”
I HOPE THE TAGS WORK!!! LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Reblog if you like it ❤❤❤
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larissaloki · 6 years
Abusive relationships,
Yes another one of these, ths my own personal experiences with a relationship that ended nearly two years ago. I’ve only just gotten the confidence too share as to this day, my son is still negatively affected by the aftermath.
Thankfully my relationship only lasted 2 months before i wised up and kicked his ass to the curb. These kinds of relationships can happen to anyone, not just women, so this post will hopefully serve as a warning for everyone on what to look out for.
Before i continue i will warn that content can be sensitive for some (obviously) but also mentions of a bdsm esk lifestyle. Not overly explitic but it’s still there. Also I am just writng out as it pops into my head so bare with my ramblings as this hard to get out.
To start off with, I am a single mum living in a flat and at the time i was working part time (18 hours a week a the time) with a 2 year old toddler and 22 years old. Despite having a son I was lonely a lot as a lot of friends stopped contacting me and my weekly dnd group was disbanded so my human interactions where limited and lets just say retail doesn’t equate to good human contact.
Fast forward because you don’t want to hear about my struggles wth dating as humourous it is. I met (lets call him D) D and as always, things see well- D was sweet and charmng and was seemingly ok with me having a toddler. Brillant! i thought i had hit gold with this guy.
This how abusers are, they make themselves seem to sweet and amazing that you become blind any faults. You know that saying “I’m not like those guys, not all guys are like that” D used these words when describng himself and in conversations. in my experience with him and a few other people, people that have used these sentences are often exactly like the ones they say they aren’t.
So far everything he’s done is present a pleasent package that sound and looks trustworthy and a nice guy. Making the bad traits come across as just mere off days. I was so blinded by the fact that he seemed to sweet and nice that i didn’t realise exactly what he was doin for a mere two months. thankfully talks at schools and thing’s I’ve read online and family members helped me clock onto his games.
ALWAYS LISTEN TO FAMILY! i say this because they noticed within weeks what he was doing and were trying to find ways to warn me. He seemed hesitant to meet my family after a month of dating which for my family is odd, as we are a pretty tight family more or less at the times. My mum met everyones partners quickly as we all visited each other a lot at the time.
when she did meet him a month into dating and was talking to him, D admitted that he would read my phone over my shoulder ALL.THE.TIME. This is not good, nothing i thought was private actually was. But his own phone was protected like it was the holy grail of all holy grails. I never actually asked to see his phone but it’s somethin i noticed after we broke up that he would always hide the screen from anyone in the room. He would try and create arguments over anything with my mu and sister when they were at my home while i was working, watching over my son. At this pont i wasn’t still comfortable enough for D to be along with my son.
When i then got home, my mum and sister would leave quickly unable to stand being in D’s presence. this made me think they simply just didn’t like him, so when it annoyed me, D would jump onto my rants and feed them. Make my anger at my mum and sister worse by telling white lies, basically fanning the flames. People, if your partner does this- take a step back and wonder why.
D was purposefully driving wedges between me and my family and later my best friend by complaining about each and trying to get me to join his point of view. Tryng to get me to view them as hinderences rather than support. Driving me to focus on him completely and not them. Do not let anyone destroy your family ties, especially ones with your closest family.
then theres the other little things, like comlaining how i wash my hair and which products i use saying i was damaging myself. everything i used was of good value and methods professional hairdressers adviced me to use. But apparently a guy who doesn’t even condition and had short balding hair had better knowledge then me. this is another form of control, trying to tell me how to do things. same with cooking, I’m not a bad cook i can make somegood meals but he insisted on cooking saying he’s amazing at cooking. He would often put in way to much garlic and onion making the meals he made full of to much flavour and would get upset when my poor 2 year old wouldn’t eat or I wouldnt. Even when i told him not to put so much he would snap saying he knew what he was doing.
Then theres the guilt tripping and telling me how to raise my child. A person who has no children was apparently more knowledgable than me who read articles and books and have a mother who’s had 4 kids herself. When out and about he would get annoyed when my 2 year old had a tantrum and play up.
saying that my son was being a disrespectful shit to me and would publically shame me for ignoring or trying to appease my son depending on what the tantrum was over. RED FLAG! A 2 year old cannot be disrespectful, my son struggles with speech to this day due to D demanding my son uses his words and not cries to display hs wants. D’s view was that kids should be perfectly articulate at 2 year old and understand all these adult social cue’s.
Then at bed times, D hated that i cuddled my son till he slept and that my son came intomy bed halfwa through the night for comfort reasons. So he demanded i changed the night routine to involve maths for my 2 year old and a story while my son was in bed then just walkout of the bedroom. leave my son alone regardle if he was upset, my heart broke at my sons cries as D scared my son back into bed and kept leaving him. Ignoring my concerns with this method saying it wht he read online and eventually my son will sleep. worst two weeks of my life until i broke the cycle as I just couldn’t allow it to continue.
i was fas growing afraid of D at this point. One night he flipped his shit as i turned over in bed declaring it was to hot to share the bed due to my memory foam topper and that he runs hot anyway. he threw his phone at the wall over it. Another time he yelled at me for not trying a certain stores jellybabies when i said. didn’t like jellybabies, saying that i was being stubborn as this stores jelly babies were delicious. i promised to try them later- when he was out i threw them away and just told him that yes they were ok.
He mocked the games i played and liked, i love final fantasy and rpg games a lot. i find them entertaining but he mocked them saying i should play more fighter interactve games. he made me play one that i just found dull and did not like at all.
After this he was also scaring me with his bsm ettiquette, anyone in bdsm know that you respected your partners limits and repected their safe word and what they tell you the are ok with and what they aren’t ok with. A few times he violated this. He liked to give pain and i liked mostly pleasure and rope play. A hard limit for me was belts- i was not ok with them at all, he used one one session and i had to safe word out quickly which he found fuckng funny. This is not ok. Another time we wanted to try a new pose with ropes and the position i was in was making me feel ill half way through beng tied, so i safe worded and asked me to get me out as i felt sick.
If your partner is in rope and feels unwell or safe words out- get them out fast! Cut the ropes if you need to you can always buy more ffs. But D didn’t, he sighed and slowly untied me. No matter how much i begged him to hurry up he went at his own slow ass pace. Do not do this as something someone once found enjoyable suddenly no longer is.
And lastly, do not snap at your sub if your rope plans dont go to plan. Do not make them feel bad if something doent work. I was snapped at when ties he was tryng for the first time weren’t working, nothing i could help.
towards the end he told my mum when they again where at mine alone that he would be moving in in 6 months time so she had best get usedto him being here. we had only been dating at this point for less than 2 months. I have a rule that i don’t move in with someone unles i’ve been with them for more than 2-3 years at the minimum.
the event that pretty much spelled the end for this? was my sons bday and D turned up after eveyone had gone which fair enough, lots of kids wasn’t his thing. I had some alcohol and energy drinks as well, he offere weed which i had had before unaware of him slipping me ectasy as well.
All of these things did not respond well to me, hours later in the next morning as i had this 9 pm the night before, by 10 am D left to go home and i was dealing with what i think was the come down. Badly. Ikept having panic attack and was not right for two days after. My heart kept going dangerous speeds that i had to call my mum and sister for help as D said he woudlnt come over as i wa just beng silly and that it would pass. I was worried for my son if something was to happen to me over it.
After this i talked to my mum and the truth was coming out in small bits. I stupidly was on the fence about what my mum was telling me as i was reliant on D’s affection and we i went to get a coil (birth control device) and D hated that i was going with my mum and that i had been talking to her.
He got defensive and was telling me i didnt need my mum in my life. His mum wa dead and he was doing well, so i didn’t need mine in hs eyes. This is maniplative as fuck and he was an asshole trying to use this. By thi point. Was wising up to his tactics and games with teh help of my mum exposing what he hadsaid to her and i dumped him.
He tried to then play around with getting his things back and tried to arrange it when i would be alone. Never meet an ex like this alone people i beg you, i got my mums bf to wait for him instead,and i prepacked his stuff so he couldnt possibly steal anything. When he saw my mums bf his aggressive pose he had at the door dropped away. He was suddenly polite and cordial and left with little fuss once received his things. Never meet an abusive ex alone.
After he left my life i found out he had gotten onto my computer that was a christmas gift and had wrecked it beyond usable it quickly broke and i lost everything on it. All my musc and pictures and works. My computer wa my escap and coping mechanism for depression and anxiety. Same as my music. Im still struggling in life around men due to this and my son is strugling to learn to speak still.
Please be careful and never cut out people from your life because a partner says so. Friends and family mean more than someone you just met.
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If youre reading this im hoping its because youre also a lonely man.Ive been alone my entire life, no friends, no family. But this subreddit isnt where you want to go to learn anything about dating advice, or.... sex. This sub is full of the worst most hostile people, and if youre one of those people, maybe this may get you to take a long hard look at yourself. Today 2 girls told me my life doesnt matter, that im ugly, annoying. Im sure the women of this sub will say I deserve it and so on. But these are women who I thought were my friends, but... as an ugly male, this is always a stretch. No woman wants to be friends with an ugly male. So im hideous and deformed, im so ugly that people give me second looks because im so strange to look at. I can be so kind and generous "THATS YOUR FAULT!" says the women of this sub. "YOU FELL FOR THE TRICKS AND LIES, THAT IS YOUR FAULT!"I took some notes and wrote them down and I am going to list them here, they are valid points and im sure ill be shamed and gas lit for having these thoughts, but here we go.One big issue ive noticed is these days if it doesnt generate profit, if it doesnt bring in money, it is seen as useless. They scream and scream you need to have hobbies and skills, but mention youre learning this, or maybe reading this, or you do that; "and.... what does that do? HUH!? HUH!?!?!?!? whats that do for you!?" they are saying its useless, that it has no value, because its not wage-labor or bringing in a lucrative income.In the United States we live in a thing called a guilt based culture. A hyper individualistic and guilt based culture, its no secret that social systems exist to keep people in line; the guilt based system works well with the individualistic culture of the U.S. because you can be encouraged to feel guilty and thats your business. Women do this to men on here constantly, enforcing the "guilt" you should feel from being.... attracted to them. "uhm, its wrong to ask women out...." they are attempting to make you feel guilt and get satisfaction from it. Women hold the most power in this culture, and you have nothing you can do to them. They can treat you how they want such as telling me I am worthless, and dont matter.... you can say "well fine, never speak to me again." and they will giggle and laugh, "HAHAAA!!!!! GOOD! WE GOT ALPHAS ON OUR SIDE!"The second big thing ive noticed is the whole "its your personality" bullshit thats regurgitated on here. Its actually really inconsiderate, cruel, and dishonest to tell someone who is ugly that they are being treated like trash by women because... "their personality". Its part of this guilt based thing, they want you to look at yourself, wonder what exactly is wrong, and to sit in guilty silence.On some dating sites you can actually see who visits your profile AND what pics they look at. I had an account on one of these sites and never ever got matches, so id message random girls if I liked their profile (this will get guilt tripped im sure, as if I should feel guilty for messaging women on dating sites) id notice once they read my message, theyd go to my profile and look at a few of my pics, then.... blocked.Obviously what happened was they read my message, decided to see what I look like, saw im deformed and hideous, and blocked me. If you actually see that and say, "nah it was your personality." you are fucking delusional.On a side note as a kid one time, and this goes into social influences on our lives... I was young and riding the bus, and there was no seats open. Only 2 people to a seat they said. I saw only one seat with one person in it, and people obviously didnt want me with my deformed hideousness to sit next to them, so I sat in this open seat next to this girl, I said to her... "hey im sorry, but no other seats are open." she looked at me and started yelling "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO?" I told her... "uhhh you..." she goes, "youre a fucking weirdo!" and climbed over me to sit with 2 other girls... 3 to a seat which you arent allowed to do. I said "hey... i didnt do anything..." and one of the other girls (notice they are all female) turns around to say "SHUT UP! nobody likes you!"I started to cry...People on this sub, when I bring up situations like that, tell me im "playing victim" that I deserved it. Fuck... im so tired of being so alone.They claim women are cruel for their "own protection" which is the most sexist fucking thing to say on earth. As if all men are fucking animals who cant control themselves and need to be treated like shit. its an excuse to treat men bad, and is sexist.Lets move on, the third thing.... uhmm wanting dates or sex is not a fucking mental problem. If a man is struggling with dates or sex, to tell him he needs therapy and fucking mental evaluations for being curious on dating or sex, is fucking dehumanizing. Just because someone wants dates or sex does not mean they need to be doped up on psych drugs ffs.If you are seeking advice on this sub, be prepared for that. They will fucking try to diagnose you on here.I think the "youre playing victim" trope is overused as fuck... it just invalidates (i hope im using this word right) a mans emotions, its saying "get over it" in so many words.And finally, those one guys will hound you and have the women join them as symbols of how you should be...yeahhh im talking about those guys who are like "im a 45 year old virgin! and you dont hear me complaining! im fine with being alone forever right girls!" and they go "YEAH! SEE BE LIKE HIM!" while they have hook up sex with other guys and shame you for being curious about it.they are virtue signaling and trying to guilt you into thinking being alone is acceptable.Honestly, just move on to a different sub. Watch the hostility of the comments I get for evidence, they will be incoherent angry rants how "women dont make mistakes" and wont even address the issues.Evidence enough. via /r/dating_advice
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, February 1
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Conspiracy Exposed! White Supremacists Caused Capitol Riot 
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Page 2: Friends of scandal-scarred Shia LaBeouf fear he is sliding off the rails now that galpal Margaret Qualley has suddenly dumped him and Shia feels deserted and completely alone since Margaret walked out on him and he was blindsided when the actress took off in the wake of abuse accusations by his past girlfriends and colleagues labeled him difficult -- Shia thought he could count on Margaret to be at his side while he defended himself but she’s been warned by friends and family he’s toxic in Hollywood and that staying with him could ruin her career 
Page 3: Siegfried Fischbacher’s sad last days have been full of tears and regret as the ailing entertainer prepares to be reunited in the afterlife with cherished partner Roy Horn -- the German-born illusionist has been fighting pancreatic cancer but after having a malignant tumor removed during a 12-hour surgery last month, Siegfried left the facility to die at Little Bavaria which is the Las Vegas home he long shared with Roy
Page 4: Angelina Jolie has been digging up dirt on ex-husband Brad Pitt’s pals in a desperate bid to get the upper hand in their toxic divorce war -- Angie and her team are still looking for whatever they can get on Brad but he’s so squeaky clean these days they’re turning their attention to the rockers and grungy types that he hangs with in L.A. and it’s all very twisted but Angie is willing to try anything at this point -- Angie and Brad’s custody battle is at a standstill with Angie refusing to budge with her demand for full custody of the kids while Brad wants more visitation rights -- Angie is likely to be barking up the wrong tree because Brad’s friends are sober clean-living types who have been a huge influence in helping him turn his life around but she’s leaving no stone unturned in this divorce fight 
* Consciously unconventional Gwyneth Paltrow and husband Brad Falchuk are taking mini-breaks to prove that absence makes the heart grow fonder -- the love is there but Gwyneth is suggesting they try mini-me breaks to keep the embers burning in their relationship and she believes separating from time to time will stir up the passion ad anticipation between them -- Gwyneth often slips off for short trips without Brad and feels no guilt or remorse for it and she encourages Brad to do the same and says it makes her miss him when he’s away
Page 5: Sandra Bullock has become buddies with Will Smith and wife Jada Pinkett Smith and is reaping the benefits of the longtime couple’s hard-earned advice and Sandra’s five-year romance with photographer Bryan Randall has never been better -- the new friendship blossomed after Sandra appeared on Jada’s Red Table Talk show to celebrate frontline workers during the pandemic and Sandra and Jada have gotten really close since then and Jada’s been giving Sandra tips about how to handle the highs and lows of a relationship and learning to appreciate her man 
Page 6: Newbie twosome Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles are already shopping for a love shack and they want to be with each other all the time and they both need permanent places to live because Olivia’s been staying at a temporary place and Harry’s been staying with friends and they both want someplace where they can be together in private -- Olivia wants two places which is one where she can be a mother to her kids with ex Jason Sudeikis but she also wants a love nest to share with Harry and they’ve been looking in the Pacific Palisades and Malibu areas because they’re in love but they don’t want to flaunt their relationship in front of her kids; Olivia has too much fondness and respect for Jason to do that
Page 7: Carrie Underwood and husband Mike Fisher have been gushing all over each other but they’ve worked 24/7 for months to avoid a divorce -- they had very real problems that stretched back years because Carrie was either working too hard in the recording studio or on the road or in their home gym and their issues never really got addressed head-on and they were even talking divorce but lockdown has done them both a world of good by forcing them to get to know each other all over again 
* Covidiot of the Week -- Bruce Willis got booted from a Los Angeles Rite Aid rather than put on a mask to protect his freaked-out fellow shoppers -- Bruce was wearing a bandana around his neck as he strolled the aisles of the pharmacy but he apparently lacked the strength to pull it up and over his nose and mouth because he refused to wear a mask and he walked out of the store leaving his intended purchases behind rather than respond to a manager’s plea to have some respect for other people 
Page 8: Love-starved Kelly Clarkson is having a little “Office” romance with one of the beloved sitcom’s former stars Craig Robinson -- a recent flirt-fest on Kelly’s chat show has left the newly single mother of two singing the comic actor’s praises to pals and he totally swept her off her feet and she thinks he’s cute and one of the funniest guys she’s ever met -- the mutual attraction between the two was immediate and obvious and she’s been reaching out to him on the phone and they’ve been continuing their funny and flirty repartee -- Kelly thinks he’s the perfect catch and wants to start 2021 off on the right foot after all the hell she’s going through in her divorce from Brandon Blackstock 
* Embattled Ellen DeGeneres has cooked up a new plan to save her troubled career and marriage: a baby -- last year was the toughest year of her life let alone her career and she’s hoping a baby may be the answer to all her problems -- it was hell at home for wife Portia de Rossi because Ellen was blasting her about anything and everything and Portia declared she had no intention of being Ellen’s personal punching bag and Ellen has now realized how harsh she had been on her spouse of 12 years and that’s when Ellen cooked up the concept of having a baby to bond over and Ellen is convinced that sharing a child will bring them closer together again and is willing to go the surrogate route to make it happen -- she also believes bringing a baby into her life will improve her image and it’s a can’t-lose scenario in her mind 
Page 9: Kelly Ripa is pushing pal Ryan Seacrest to find new romance online -- Ryan spent the holidays alone after being dumped by his on-off galpal Shayna Taylor but Kelly believes he can find lasting love with an age-appropriate partner -- Ryan is 46 and he’s dated some of the most beautiful women in the world but Kelly thinks he’d do a lot better if he looked for women closer to his age and Kelly has been pushing him to try a dating app like Raya which caters to a star-studded clientele -- Kelly has been happily married for 21 years and wants the same happiness for Ryan and she thinks he can find that by using an app where he can find a woman in his age bracket with similar interests and attitudes 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Malin Akerman hit the road on her bike in L.A., shirtless Justin Bieber hitting the shore in Hawaii, Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts smoothed back her hairdo on the morning show set, Larsa Pippen posed on her Porsche outside her Miami mansion, dapper dresser Chris Pine shot scenes from the upcoming thriller All the Old Knives in London 
Page 11: Dustin Diamond has been hospitalized with searing pain and is undergoing tests to pin down the cause of the mystery ailment but he feared prognosis is cancer which is said to have a history of the disease in his family
* Carol Burnett is overjoyed her temporary guardianship of grandson Dylan Hamilton-West has been extended but remains heartbroken her troubled daughter Erin is not yet prepared to resume her role as a parent -- Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Deborah L. Christian extended the guardianship until November 30 and praised Carol and her husband Brian Miller saying that everything seems to be going along swimmingly -- the judge also ruled Erin will be allowed supervised weekly visits with Dylan 
* The house that tragic Glee star Naya Rivera shared with her son Josey in Los Feliz, California is up for sale for $2,695,000 -- Naya purchased the four-bedroom, three-bath home in May 2018 for $1,660,000 just a month before her divorce from Ryan Dorsey with whom she she shared custody of Josey 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Katie Couric desperately hopes her guest host stint on Jeopardy! will turn into a full-time job replacing the late Alex Trebek -- it will be positioned that Katie is guest-hosting for a week but it’s actually an audition; all the upcoming Jeopardy! guest hosts are being tested out and depending on how they do and how the audience responds one of them will get the gig full-time -- the show is moving very carefully to replace Alex because they get one shot at this and if they hire the wrong person the show is over 
* Kathy Griffin won’t ever be able to mend fences with former BFF Anderson Cooper after she posted a gruesome image of Donald Trump’s decapitated head -- Anderson holds a grudge like no other and once you upset him it’s for life -- he isn’t rude and he’s not vindictive but he has zero interest in ever being friends with Kathy ever again 
* Image-obsessed Tom Cruise has boosted security since audiotapes were leaked of his meltdown on the Mission: Impossible set -- all phones and non-official recording devices have been banned from the set and Tom has become increasingly annoyed at anything being leaked from his closed set and he’s very controlling when it comes to his image and he’s upped his security to make sure a breach in protocol like that never happens again 
* Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn glams it up for a photo shoot in Bel-Air (picture)
Page 13: Sylvester Stallone is ready to relinquish his title as Tinseltown’s reigning action champ to enjoy the final rounds of his heavyweight career at his new Florida mansion surrounded by his family -- he isn’t hanging up his gloves in the movie business just yet but is content to coast to the final bell at the $35 million West Palm Beach estate with Jennifer Flavin his wife of 23 years -- Sly’s been working his butt off for decades and he’s finally got the perfect place where they can settle down and host their children whenever they want a proper family gathering 
* Jennifer Garner hasn’t even moved into her $7.5 million home yet but she’s already installed a state-of-the-art security system to keep it safe -- the safety-conscious mom of three is building her Los Angeles dream home from scratch right around the corner from where she lived with ex-husband Ben Affleck and while the finishing touches aren’t complete she has made serious security arrangements like motion detectors and lights and safes and up to 20 surveillance cameras around the posh pad to keep intruders away from her and the children she shares with Ben: Violet, Seraphina and Samuel -- it’s costing her a fortune but she’ll spend whatever she needs to keep her family safe 
Page 14: Crime 
Page 15: Accused rapist Danny Masterson could be dumped by the Church of Scientology to protect its leader David Miscavige -- the Church of Scientology is not loyal to anyone but itself and it has no interest in its parishioners even Danny Masterson and if their leader is going to be exposed they will take out Danny in a heartbeat; he’d be excommunicated -- Masterson faces criminal charges he raped three women and he’s also battling a civil suit filed by four women who accuse him of rape and Scientology of intimidating them into silence and not reporting the crimes to police -- attorneys for the fourth woman Marie Bobette Riales are trying to serve a subpoena on Miscavige in a bid to expose the ruthless tactics used by Scientology to hide the twisted secrets of its celebrity members -- the controversial church will do anything including dumping Danny to prevent Miscavige from being dragged into court but if Scientology turns on Danny he could spill all their secrets on the stand 
Page 16: Hollywood kid Rumer Willis has rewarded herself for four years of sobriety with a plastic surgery tune-up -- in a photo she recently posted to Instagram her face appeared more streamlined and her new look is likely due to cosmetic enhancements 
* Nagging allegations that Kanye West is gay and had affairs with two male beauty gurus could not have come at a worse time for the troubled rapper -- Kanye is furious at the salacious accusations just as his marriage to Kim Kardashian is hanging by a thread and although Kanye is far from homophobic but the last thing he needs right now is to try and fight off rumors about his sexuality just when he’s desperate to save his marriage and he thinks the accusers are just trying to capitalize on his current problems and trying to crush any hope he has of staying together with Kim -- TikTok influencer Ava Louise dropped the first bomb in early January when she claimed Kanye slept with male YouTuber Jeffree Star and that it played a role in the current fractured state of his marriage and less than 24 hours after Ava shared her shocking claims she received a cease-and-desist letter from Kim’s mom Kris Jenner’s communications company -- Jeffree Star took to YouTube to deny the affair -- another male beauty influencer Cole Carrigan then jumped on the bandwagon and claimed to have had a sexual encounter with Kanye at Hollywood’s W hotel and said he had receipts and texts between him and one of the rapper’s bodyguards adding he didn’t want to say too much because he didn’t want a lawsuit from Kim Kardashian West but two days later Cole posted a video of himself with a cease-and-desist letter from the bodyguard’s attorney 
Page 17: Only a week after Larry King was hospitalized with a life-threatening COVID-19 diagnosis his estranged wife Shawn splurged on a three-hour shopping spree -- Shawn didn’t seem to have a care in the world when she was snapped browsing for beauty supplies and home furnishings in L.A. while at the same time her soon-to-be ex-husband remained hospitalized in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after being transferred from the intensive care unit 
Page 18: American Life 
Page 19: Kim Cattrall’s feud with Sex and the City co-star Sarah Jessica Parker just won’t die -- Kim who played Samantha Jones recently liked a tweet from a fan praising her for not joining her former castmates in an upcoming SATC reboot -- Kim and Sarah reportedly clashed behind the scenes for years 
* Amber Heard splashed out more than $1 million in donations toward fulfilling her pledge to give away her $7 million divorce settlement from Johnny Depp -- one of Amber’s attorneys challenged charges from Depp’s legal team who claimed Amber had pocketed the princely sum -- Amber has been delayed in that goal because Johnny filed a lawsuit against her and consequently she has been forced to spend millions of dollars defending his claims against her 
Page 20: Daring Duchess Sarah Ferguson has written a racy romance novel and she’s taken inspiration from her very own love life -- the ex-wife of Britain’s Prince Andrew who was scandalously snapped having her tootsies sucked by a suitor in 1992 penned Her Heart for a Compass which is set to be released this summer -- Sarah said the page-turner was inspired by the life of her great-aunt Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott and the work incorporates research into the duchess’ heritage and draws upon her own unique life journey and experiences -- the historical saga is set in the late 1800s 
* Hollywood Hookups -- Luke Evans and boyfriend Rafa Olarra split, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly move into together, LeToya Luckett and husband Tommicus Walker split 
Page 21: Prince Harry’s sporting a new crowning glory which is a ponytail -- that’s the dish from Rob Lowe who spotted Harry’s new ‘do while driving in their California neighborhood -- Rob said it looked that his hair had grown very long and was pulled back very tightly in a ponytail and he even followed the car to Harry and wife Meghan Markle’s mansion to make sure it was him -- Rob said Harry lives about a mile from him and he’s been very reclusive and seeing him is like seeing the Loch Ness Monster 
* George Clooney’s face has blown up like a balloon -- he looked painfully gaunt for months after rapidly dropping 28 pounds to play an ailing scientist in his latest movie The Midnight Sky but once the sickly star has bounced back and judging from his mug he’s apparently been pigging out in a bid to regain the weight he lost 
* Brendan Fraser is gearing up for a big career comeback as a 600-pound recluse in Darren Aronofsky’s The Whale -- the choice of the role is ironic as the once-chiseled star seemed to fall out favor with Tinseltown bigwigs when his own weight ballooned -- Brendan is poised to make a whopper of a return to leading man status with meaty character Charlie who is a grief-stricken compulsive eater who seeks to reconnect with his estranged daughter 
Page 22: Explosive evidence reveals Earth is in great danger from attacking space aliens but despite a 3000-document cache released by the CIA, the government is still finding ways to classify extraterrestrial information -- the CIA dossier was obtained by John Greenewald Jr. and published on his Black Vault website -- the documents were likely released because of a new law that is part of the recent $2.3 billion COVID-19 relief package passed by Congress requiring government agencies to spill the beans on the UFO data they’ve amassed over 70 years 
* Agonizing health woes threaten to push long-suffering Lisa Marie Presley over the edge -- Lisa Marie has been in a lot of pain and years of drug and alcohol abuse have devastated her body -- she’s recently battled liver ailments and an abdominal muscle tear and suffered a hernia and had to have two teeth removed -- in addition to being in physical torment Lisa Marie had to move out of her Los Angeles home while workers addressed a problem with toxic mold -- Lisa Marie was already close to rock bottom after her son Ben Keough killed himself in July and amid her grief she’s still embroiled in a lawsuit with her former manager  and locked in an ugly divorce and custody battle with fourth husband Michael Lockwood the father of her twins Harper and Finley 
Page 23: As more shocking details emerged from Armie Hammer’s former girlfriends about what they claim are his sick and twisted fetishes for rape, bondage and cannibalism his career is crumbling before his eyes -- although many had trouble believing the depths of depravity allegedly revealed in private messages an anonymous woman claimed the actor sent her, even his estranged wife is shocked and sickened by Armie’s tawdry reported sexual tastes -- this is not the kind of scandal any actor would want to be linked to -- his pals are urging him to get counseling as the scandal could kill the trust-fund actor’s career 
Page 25: Cover Story -- It’s just the beginning! Capitol riot conspiracy exposed -- Proud Boys led blood-soaked siege -- 5-page investigative special 
Page 29: Outspoken Arnold Schwarzenegger likened the recent attack on the U.S. Capitol which left 5 dead to Nazi violence -- the former California governor and staunch Republican compared the January 6 riots by protestors, who refused to accept the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, to German’s Kristallnacht in 1938 -- in a video address Austrian-born Schwarzenegger who’s held U.S. citizenship since 1983 said Wednesday was the Day of Broken Glass right here in the United States 
Page 32: Health 
Page 38: Tormented actor Gabriel Byrne confessed he finally confronted the priest who abused him when he was 11 years old and it didn’t go well -- Byrne phoned the pedophilic priest in 2002 but the sicko said he has no recollection and even thanked Gabriel for reaching out -- Gabriel wanted in those last seconds to say that even though he doesn’t believe in Hell he hopes the priest did because he wanted him to be terrified and burn forever but he said nothing because some part of him did not want to hurt an old man with a kindly voice stuck in a retirement home 
* Miley Cyrus decorates her home with X-rated doodads -- she said in an interview that she likes sex toys and she buys them for herself but ends up using them for interior design
Page 40: Sleazy sex creep Jeffrey Epstein was nearly snared in a To Catch a Predator-style sting almost five years before the pedophile’s suspicious death in a Manhattan prison dished journalist Chris Hansen -- the former NBC host recently claimed in 2014 or 2015 after Epstein’s first jail stint for soliciting a minor he met with lawyers for some of the sex offenders alleged victims who claimed the financier was abusing underage girls -- they had a big file on it according to Hansen and he was trying to fashion a Predator-like sting operation in which they could catch him but he gave up on his quest because security at Epstein’s NYC and Florida homes made it very difficult to come up with something -- Hansen admitted not nailing Epstein was his biggest career regret 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Taylor Swift at the Grammys 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Mayim Bialik on the premiere episode of her sitcom Call Me Kat 
Page 47: The Odd List 
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darthsuki · 7 years
Hey dad, I've got a problem. I've known this friend of mine for years and we dated for a while but it didn't work out. I dated one other guy in the time where he and I didn't talk (I'm the anon that also talked about the admin whom we could call Daddy, if you remember) and now we're friends again. Our conversations usually end up with a lot of sexual tension and while I've decided that I don't love him anymore I still take advantage of the tension, if I can call it that. (1/?)
I still live with my parents and they’re on vacation this week so I told him I’d be cool with voice/video calls. Again this ended with sexual tension and we ended up doing some mutual masturbation (we were both reading doujinshi) and it was okay. We both weren’t noisy (but I did let out a lot of sighs especially during the end) so it almost felt like I was just masturbating alone. Now he knows I don’t love him and the chance of us getting together is p much zero but he still likes me. (2/?)
He doesn’t care what I want to do, he trusts me enough to do basically whatever. I know he’d never use anything against me if that makes sense. Now the worrying part. While we were chatting I had fun but I keep wondering if maybe I do like him, but I always come to the conclusion that I don’t. The other guy I dated (I’ll call him W) I know for sure that I loved him. I felt comfortable doing whatever with him and that we were a good couple (even tho I ended up being wrong in the end) (3/?)
With this friend (I’ll call him P) I know I can tell him anything but I don’t want to date him. He told me after last night that we don’t have to speak of it again if I didn’t want to, or could try again. Thing is, we were looking for a time where we could meet up again (since we’re long distance) but after overthinking a lot again last night I don’t wanna see him for a while. When I thought about dating him I just couldn’t see it. P’s romantic, but I don’t want to be part of it. (4/?)
With W, I could imagine us doing everything, to just normal couple stuff and anything on a sexual level (we had almost exactly the same kinks) but I just don’t even like imagining myself with P. With W I felt beautiful and happy and such, with P I guess it just feels more platonic than anything? I feel really bad “using” him to feel less lonely. W has a new gf and I’m happy for him because I still lowkey love him, but I feel that it’s unfair because I’m a great gal as well.(5/?)
My relationship with W was ldr so I never saw him outside of my phone’s screen. That’s why I tell people I haven’t ever been in a relationship. I see people around me dating and being happy and I love tumblr imagines but I get scared when thinking of dating. Like I’m not worth being loved, but I have a lot of love to give. I’m a little clingy, love romance (and my kinks) (6/?)
I’m a senior in high school this year and I’ve accepted I won’t get a good relationship until I go to college. I’m trying to lose weight to feel better about myself but I also know relationships aren’t everything. What I’m trying to ask is, what should I tell P? I don’t wanna hurt his feelings but I feel uncomfortable doing “couple things” with him. And should I be worried about a relationship? Tysm (7/7)
Long answer short: you should absolutely tell P that you do not feel the same way that he seems to feel for you. I have a very personal story about a similar relationship that I myself had in high school, which I look back on with some regret because I was too passive and didn’t communicate or work for what made me happy.
Longer answer under the cut bc it’s a bit long
I started dating someone in high school that I had a mutual friend with–for the most part, he was part of my friend group that sat together at lunch, hung out during in-school free time, ect. I was at a time in my life where I wanted to be in a relationship and utterly romanticized the idea without being very knowledgeable or experienced in myself or what I wanted (I was questioning my sexuality, gender, and a billion other things at the time). Though my ex at the time (lets call him R) was more or less a sweet guy, he was obviously very inexperienced and had way more romantic (or perhaps only sexual) feelings towards me. I wanted to be in a relationship and so I stayed with him, even though I eventually decided that my feelings for him were purely platonic. This became an increasing issue for me; it made me stressed and anxious, constantly second-guessing my own wants simply so that I didn’t upset anyone. 
I was with R for a total of years, and while he was a good friend, he was definitely not someone I should have been dating, and not nearly for that long. Among problems that made it a bad romantic relationship, I simply didn’t share any romantic or sexual attraction to him, and almost got to the point where I told myself I was straight-up broken and that fictional relationships had ruined my ability to feel love for other people (a total cop-out excuse, but I nevertheless believed it). It wasn’t until shortly I graduated that I finally stood up for how I felt and told him that I didn’t share his romantic feelings and we broke up, but not without a shit-ton of guilt-tripping where he tried to convince me otherwise (keep in mind this was the SECOND break-up attempt, because the first time a year prior, he guilt-tripped me and won, furthering my self-doubt).
Because I didn’t prioritize my feelings over others, I was in a relationship for 3 years that I was absolutely unhappy with and, to some degree, felt extremely uncomfortable with. I like to blame that for my inexperience and lack of self-confidence at the time, along with the turmoil that came with trying to figure out my sexuality and gender in a very cisheteronormative home.
Always prioritize how you feel when it comes to any relationship–the moment you start to make excuses, that’s when its worth really flies out the window. You will definitely hurt yourself when you don’t remember to keep your wants and needs in the forefront of your mind, and I absolutely say that you need to tell P how you feel, regardless of how he’ll feel or take it. He is not entitled to your love, your feelings, your anything. A relationship is based on mutual respect, adoration, and a desire to encourage and help the other people involved in it. It is ALWAYS mutual.
If he can’t respect that you don’t share romantic or sexual feelings for him, if he can act like an adult and understand that no attraction is obligated to become something more, then you shouldn’t affiliate with him at all in all honesty.
On the same topic of relationships, I learned a bit of a hard way that you’re honestly better off looking for them once you’re out of high school. I know this can seem weird, but the romanticism of being in a relationship–especially when you’re younger/still in high school–can lead to a lot of inexperienced people hurting themselves and others because they don’t yet understand what they want out of a relationship. 
It wasn’t until I got my feelings and self together that I was emotionally prepared to be in a relationship I would consider deep and fufilling in all honesty, and that’s the one that I’m currently in with my two partners. I’m gonna be 23 next month, if that’s any sense of an anchor-point for where you’re at. It’s nice to be in a relationship, I won’t deny that! It’s helped me learn even more things about myself in a healthy environment, such as me being trans and asexual, but it’s also because the people I’m with understand that we have to put our needs first and worth them out together. 
As long as you stay safe, focus on your needs and desires, and work hard on being confident to stick to your guns to make sure that whatever relationship you may find yourself in is healthy and mutual, then you don’t have anything to worry about. Just enjoy life one day at a time as best as you can, and I’m always here if you ever need any other advice or help with something.
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syrolecep-blog · 5 years
Dating a guy my parents dont like
When You Love Someone Your Parents Don't Approve Of Are you willing to settle for someone who might be harmful to you in the long run, just because they appear to show interest in you in the short term? Bridging the divide is important.  I love him with all my heart and he is my best friend.  Thus I made it my mission to get out of there as quickly as possible, which thankful, I achieved by age 24.  Age is nothing but a number at the end of the day.  I was out on grocery shopping and when they called, we took a break from shopping and I decided to video chat with them.
What To Do If Your Parents Don't Like Your Boyfriend (And If It Even Matters) His parents know, and I met them last weekend different story, but it didn't go well.  In the last game, the guy I like happens to be the last person on his team.  My father 70 is not talking to me right now because he befriended a 28 year old when my mother passed in 2012.  I told my boyfriend I can learn language, I love Indian culture, I love the food, I can take care of his parents as Indian bahu, my mom as the only member of my family agreed to move with me to India, I said also about the job that I will find.  I in fact told my mum first as she always said that she wanted our relationship to be one of friends as well as mother and daughter.  She can and should decide who she wants to be with.  Before you cut off your relationship, consider the following common mistakes that some guys make which only cause these types of situations to worsen.
3 Ways to Get Your Parents to Let You Date Someone I did get married around 6 years after she disowned me.  But it is even trickier if one or both of the parents put the kids before their partner.  If you're not in a committed relationship, it is very easy to make your kids the prominent one in your life.  I'm not sure exactly how my dad would react if I brought someone home, but he wants grandchildren someday lol no cause I don't want to do that to my body and I hate kids , but I get the sense he wants me to find someone already.  She says I tried to force people on her.
11 Things Not to Say to Someone in an Interracial Relationship I was listening to that song is made for defiant teenage girls and B was the bird who was ready to fly on to the next step, I was the bird holding on to the wire on loop for years just to prep myself for the conversation that I knew had to happen.  Mind you, this is only 5 min walk.  No counseling or psychotherapy advice: The Site does not provide psychotherapy advice.  Individuals under the age of 13 may not create an account with us.  Whatever anybody else says is irrelevant.  My parents are really skittish about dating, and they're pretty racist about it, frankly.
How do I tell my parents that I'm dating someone? How did you guys introduce your romantic partner without weirdness or awkwardness? : asktransgender Like my ex she was blonde intelligent hot and about 10 years younger than me.  I keep wondering about what this means for us.  Tuxedo or red neck style ,at the hunting camp like my niece did Yea we know who is serious real quick if I tell her not to date them ,,they dig right in and hang on Today my Granddaughter moved in with her man He just spent several thousand for an impressive week on the beach together But she now has spent the money she had put up for her car So now she is counting on him getting her to work she was able to transfer her job to his state she put her college on hold Why did we allow this? When she was nine I was going to get married when I told her she flipped out hitting me sreaming.  She has access to all of his stuff, and I think she is taking advantage and I don't think he is even getting much out of it, other than a roomate.  If she does fall more deeply in love with this new man than she was with my father how is that…possible? Noone can tell you how to feel and who to love.  Remember how you felt when you first met his family: awkward, scared out of your wits, and more conscious of your skin color than you ever were before? He or she is not replacing your other parent.
How You Shouldn't Tell Your Indian Parents You Have a White Boyfriend (More than 150) With time, I hope they come around and you can celebrate your wedding day with them smiling too! If you're out on a date every night they're going to get antsy about why you're not settling down.  I feel bad for the new spouses who are financially strained in some way, who are seeking finanical security in the new relationship as it puts them at odds with the children from the previous marriage.  Your parents can help you answer that question without all the emotional fog you are experiencing.  Waldman's work includes many of the points I've made here on this blog: Many of you lapped up my essay about the fact that Putting kids before all else makes them neurotic and robs me of my potential to live the biggest, fullest life that I can — and model for my children that such a life is possible.  What I can tell you is, think it out all the way.  Brian Dan I want to do the same as you have done and reach my potential with relationships.  After my mother died quite young, my father, who lived into his 90s, married two other women.
The 7 sad truths of dating someone who lives with his parents I got the best of both worlds, enabling me to earn my J.  We are now just days away from our 9 month anniversary and he has been the best guy ever.  He takes my mother on trips and cruses.  I used to be really quiet when I was on the phone.  My name is Eunice ,am 23 years of age and my boyfriend is 24 years of age.  Margy said on December 1, 2014 at 7:32 pm.
11 Things Not to Say to Someone in an Interracial Relationship It is your job to be loving and supportive of their independence.  His parents were more accepting, but they still bear a distnict animosity towards me.  It's not cool to pay lip service to intentions of growing a serious, long-term relationship and from the onset demote your lover to second-rank — even before you message her on.  She really helps tie us together.  As the oldest in my generation, I was always told that my actions would affect the fates of those who came after me.  Of course a loving respectful relationship can be the most solid of foundations for a family but, if there is divorce, there is no loving solid foundation, perhaps there never was.  Parents remember their own good and bad choices while dating.
My Parents Don’t Approve of the Person I’m Dating! What Do I Do? To add to your perception of Indians and marriage, let me add this shocker: not all Indian marriages are arranged.  What do you think is off-limits? My parents have been separated for about 6 years now.  I worried about that stuff too, but that's nobody's business.  I fall In love with a person's heart, not their wallet! About a year and a half into our relationship, after being overcome with guilt about hiding the relationship, I told my parents about it and they freaked out.  A strong relationship provides security for your children and demonstrates how a loving, respectful partnership should be.  I still say you need to live life for you, not your parents who cares if they really are racist.
Parents Don't Like Boyfriend Then, after close to two years of long distance which was so hard, but we made it work and, in my opinion, are stronger than ever , my boyfriend moved back to the city where I still lived because he wanted us to make a decision about our future and whether we were going to take the next step.  It's not easy hiding you're love but it's easier then telling everyone and having to give it up.  For the next 5 months if I passed her she avoided eye contact and I was like whatever.  Cheers Dan Comments are closed.  Waiting for the right time and the right guy is much better in the long run.  Growing up, I knew when it was Passover, as well as Easter.
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oovitus · 7 years
Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes!
Chelsea and Derek spent the past 12 months transforming their eating habits, health, bodies, and lives with personal help from a PN coach. And now? They’re our latest Grand Prize winners. See how we surprised them with $25,000 each, and meet the rest of our January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching winners.
Every six months, in our Precision Nutrition Coaching program, we give away $125,000 to the men and women who have the most incredible, inspiring body transformations.
Yep, that’s $250,000 a year.
What’s different about this round?
Our most recent transformations were so inspiring — and the response from voters was so huge — that we decided to give out even MORE money.
And, today, you’ll meet our amazing winners.
These folks started working with us in January 2017 and, over the course of the last year, completely transformed how they eat, move, look, and feel.
They lost weight, gained strength, boosted their health, and inspired their friends and families.
Even better, they did it without diets, fads, or crazy workout routines.
Each person simply committed to making a change, stayed consistent, and used the accountability and support of one of our dedicated coaches.
Meet Chelsea, our Women’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
Meet Derek, our Men’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
See photos of all January 2018 Women’s winners
See photos of all January 2018 Men’s winners
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Chelsea
Lost 41 lbs and 43 total inches!
Age: 34 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 183 lbs to 142 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 43 inches (from 247 inches to 204 inches)
Chelsea wanted her old self back.
The person who could run without pain, who could compete in triathlons, and who felt… attractive.
In the past, Chelsea was fit and active. She was the captain of her high school tennis and basketball teams, and regularly competed in races and triathlons during University.
But approaching her mid-30s, Chelsea took stock. Somewhere along the way, things had changed. Injuries (and subsequent surgeries) had stopped her from doing the sports she loved.
With reduced physical activity — her go-to way to de-stress — food had become her source of comfort. Weight gain had followed.
With the added weight, even once her injuries had healed, Chelsea had a hard time running. “At best, I could only run-walk, and my back spasmed,” she explains.
It was clear to Chelsea that she needed to make changes, but as a busy lawyer working two jobs, it wasn’t easy to prioritize things like nutrition, stress management, or sleep.
“I felt a bit ‘lost at sea’ with myself, and I had no clear plan for where to go.”
She knew she needed some guidance. But she also knew it needed to be sane and sensible.
Chelsea has zero interest in “woo-woo” weight-loss secrets, diet crazes, or counting calories.
When it comes to health and fitness, Chelsea is, in her words, “skeptical”.
In fact, it’s her lawyer-like skepticism (paired some well-honed research skills) that led Chelsea to Precision Nutrition Coaching.
“I chose PN because it’s well-researched and science-based,” Chelsea explains. “As a lawyer, that’s important to me.”
When Chelsea signed up, she was excited. She appreciated the program’s structure and accountability. And the simplicity of some of the practices, like “eat to 80% full” helped her start improving her nutrition right off the bat.
In fact, very early in the program, Chelsea realized something important.
“Perfection” was not an option.
With her busy schedule, Chelsea couldn’t keep up with every lesson. In fact, at one point she was thrown right off course.
“About halfway through the program, I missed about 2-3 weeks of the daily lessons. I thought, ‘I’ve blown it, I can’t do this anymore, I’ve got so much on my plate with work’.”
Luckily, Coach Toni helped Chelsea keep moving forward. “With her encouragement, my focus became this: just continue to show up.”
Chelsea adds, “I learned that you don’t have to do absolutely everything in order to succeed. It doesn’t matter if you miss a habit. You just have to keep coming back.”
So that’s what she did.
As the months went by, things started to change.
Pounds fell off. Her mobility got better. And Chelsea started to run again — now, without pain or injury.
“During the summer, I completed two triathlons and two races, after not being able to do any for about three years. I was so proud of myself.”
Her relationship with food improved, and she now enjoys cooking dinner as a way to unwind at the end of the day.
“I’m just really happy,” she says. “My mental outlook is really good.”
Chelsea had once imagined running along a beautiful beach, feeling fit and confident.
In Precision Nutrition Coaching, there’s a lesson that asks you to imagine a ‘destination postcard’ — a picture in your mind of where you want to be at the end of the program.
Chelsea envisioned herself running on a beach.
She decided to schedule a trip to Hawaii for the end of the program. She booked it months in advance, and thinking about it became a daily source of motivation.
When the vacation came, it was every bit as good as she had imagined. There she was, on the beach, running, feeling awesome and attractive. The trip also included a last-minute travel companion — her new boyfriend, whom she started dating during the past year.
Her destination had arrived.
Her advice for others who have their own “destination” they want to get to?
“Don’t do be concerned with doing things perfectly. Just keep showing up.”
Want to get results like Chelsea? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Women.
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Derek
Lost 41 lbs and 18 total inches!
Age: 37 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 188 lbs to 147 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 18 inches (from 229 inches to 211 inches)
Derek already “knew what to do”.
A former athlete who’s competed in wrestling, boxing, and MMA, Derek had plenty of experience staying fit: Count calories, pay attention to macros, work out enough, and his weight would get to where he wanted it to be.
But at 38, Derek’s daily life had started to make his fit-and-healthy athlete days feel like a distant memory. The father of three leaves for his demanding job as a pipeline inspector at 3:30 in the morning, not to return until 5:30pm. In addition, he’s dealt with six knee surgeries, arthritis, and chronic pain.
For years, Derek let these challenges be “a good excuse to just eat food and watch TV.”
“On the drive home, I’d tell myself I’d workout when I got home. But the moment I stepped through the front door, I would have already given up,” Derek recalls.
If he really wanted to lose weight for a special occasion or holiday, Derek could do it… temporarily.
“I’d cut calories and work out more, but then I’d just gain the weight right back. It was embarrassing.”
One day, Derek looked at a health app he’d been using to log his weight for years. In one chart, he saw his whole weight loss history. It looked like a rollercoaster.
“I knew I needed accountability, consistency, and sustainability.”
Derek had been following Precision Nutrition for a while, and got a lot out of the free information and resources.
Still, Derek couldn’t help feeling like he already knew everything that Precision Nutrition Coaching could possibly teach him. Could he put his own preconceived notions on the shelf and trust the PN approach?
He decided to go for it. “I thought, who knows, I just might learn something.”
Derek didn’t expect what happened next.
“I learned, and re-learned, the fundamentals of health and fitness, in a way that really changed me,” says Derek.
For example, he once would have considered basics like ‘eating slowly until satisfied, not stuffed’ too rudimentary, but now they became guiding principles that helped him stay consistent.
Another simple but powerful concept: doing things ‘just a little bit better’.
“I am typically that ‘all or nothing’ guy, but PN taught me how to make things just a little bit better,” explains Derek. “And the guilt was off me; If I screwed up, I just kept going.”
It wasn’t always easy to stay the course.
For a while, he hit a plateau, and frustration started to creep in.
That’s when Derek reached out to Coach Zach, who helped him make a few small tweaks, and reminded him to stay the course.
Once again, Derek stayed steady. “It seemed like every time I was wavering, the daily lesson would speak to me and give me exactly what I needed.”  So he kept going.
That steadiness and consistency added up to amazing results.
Derek is thrilled at the changes.
“I’m a happier person. I look good, I feel good, I don’t ache all day anymore. And the pain in my knees is getting better all the time.”
He adds, “I’ve been to an elite level of athletics, and this is the best I’ve ever felt or looked.”
For Derek, the best part is beyond the finish line.
“I would usually rush from the start to the finish line. But now, there is no finish line. I look forward to my workouts and continuing to live the habits I’ve learned.
I feel like a new me. It’s exciting.”
Want to get results like Derek? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Men.
Meet our other Women’s winners:
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 28 lbs (185 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 26" (235" to 209")
This program forever changed my relationship with food. It’s hard to name all the ways in which my life has been improved because of Precision Nutrition. It’s been a year of true growth and enlightenment.
- Heather
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 42 lbs (183 lbs to 141 lbs)
Total inches lost: 33" (241" to 208")
I have always loved to eat, and my body used to be proof of that. Over the past year, the PN program changed the *way* I eat, changed my brain, changed my body, changed my whole approach to food and exercise. I still love to eat, but now I'm in the best shape of my life!
- Bernie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 33 years
Weight Lost: 22 lbs (159 lbs to 137 lbs)
Total inches lost: 19" (221" to 202")
Health, as it has been said over the years, is a journey, not a destination. PN has helped me hone the tools necessary to navigate it: consistency, resilience, and a strong support network.
- Annie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 54 years
Weight Lost: 41 lbs (225 lbs to 184 lbs)
Total inches lost: 30" (267" to 237")
My PN year has influenced every aspect of my life. I weigh less, I move more, I eat more consciously, I plan ahead, I use my time more efficiently, I forgive myself more, I get things done, I take better care of myself, I know more about myself, I think more positively, I say 'no' more. I have also influenced my family and friends, and I stand taller. Through small, focused, consistent daily actions, I did the work to make this happen! I am so grateful to have discovered this program.
- Germaine
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (162 lbs to 130 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (226" to 198")
A year ago, I found an undernourished and overindulgent self, looking bewilderedly at a personal life that I had paused while dealing with a traumatic experience. PN taught me how to nourish my whole self with small, daily choices that build a life rooted in my values, and – no matter what comes my way – I am never going back.
- Julie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 53 years
Weight Lost: 84 lbs (280 lbs to 196 lbs)
Total inches lost: 55" (293" to 238")
I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I expected to lose weight and get healthier and I have done just that. I didn't expect to gain back some confidence, because I didn't even realize I had lost it. I didn't expect to be taking pride in my appearance either. When I look at my starting pictures and my last set of progress pictures you can see the change on my face. Now it's radiating joy.
- Karin
$1,000 Women’s Winner:
Age: 47 years
Weight Gained: 14 lbs (102 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches gained: 17″ (167″ to 184″)
PN Coaching gave me the tools to transform my life. It taught me the importance of consistency and how taking small daily actions would bring me closer to reaching my goals. Over time, those steps ultimately changed my life. It went far beyond helping me with my health and fitness goals. It has made a positive impact on all aspects of my life.
– Sherry
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 48 lbs (222 lbs to 174 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (267" to 232")
Through PN, I've learned to take small, seemingly insignificant decisions and actions much more seriously, and use them to empower myself. Before I might have thoughtlessly consumed a cookie at work or a beer after – “it’s just one, one won’t hurt!” Now I look through a long-term lens of living with the physical and emotional impact of thousands of those small actions, added up over time (which is, in fact, what brought me to PN). Rarely will those little things be worth any guilt, short-term physical symptoms, or longer-term loss of fitness or willpower. Better not to engage the enemy at all. It's about mental and emotional survival skills – not just self-control but, more importantly, self-compassion.
- Erin
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 57 years
Weight Lost: 23 lbs (139 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (207" to 189")
PN coaching has helped me exceed the expectations I had. I truly have become a better version of myself, and will continue growing as a result of everything I've learned this year.
- Judith
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 41 years
Weight Lost: 7 lbs (164 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 12" (229" to 217")
PN goes beyond teaching you nutrition and better eating habits. Through this year, I've learned to listen to my body and make the choices that are right for me.
- Emily
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 33 lbs (157 lbs to 124 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (222" to 187")
The Precision Nutrition program provides so many surprises and the approach sneaks up on you somehow. Using tiny incremental changes, and emphasizing the positive, I was provided the opportunity to conquer some important challenges: lose weight, get lean and strong, and dig deeply into longstanding struggles with emotional eating. It has been an amazing journey.
- Deborah
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 39 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (190 lbs to 158 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (228" to 189")
This year, Precision Nutrition has been much more than a nutrition coaching program for me. It has helped me begin to undo over thirty years of extreme diet and exercise, learn to relax, build healthy, lifelong habits, and learn to ACTUALLY love my body for the strong and powerful thing that it is!
- Kayla
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 49 years
Weight Lost: 35 lbs (196 lbs to 161 lbs)
Total inches lost: 36" (243" to 207")
PN took me from a hopeless state, broke my challenges down into bite-sized pieces, uncluttered my mind, and simply helped in the healing process that has allowed me to lose weight and gain a life full of active living.
- Darlene
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (184 lbs to 150 lbs)
Total inches lost: 22" (232" to 210")
I went into PN wanting a new body. I now have a new brain, a new outlook, a new life!
- Tawny
Meet our other Men’s winners:
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 49 lbs (217 lbs to 168 lbs)
Total inches lost: 32" (240" to 208")
Before Precision Nutrition I was putting my career ahead of my health, and it was taking a huge toll on my mind and body. After several attempts with poor diet plans and bizarre exercise strategies, I decided to commit to a year with PN. Right from the start the PN coaches understood where I was coming from, and with their lessons and habits, taught me that by making a few small changes every day, I could reap huge rewards. Both the physical and mental transformation has been overwhelming. I am happier and healthier than I have ever been in my adult life, and it feels like I am finally in control.
- Rob
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 31 years
Weight Lost: 56 lbs (232 lbs to 176 lbs)
Total inches lost: 43" (254" to 211")
PN has done more for me than just change my nutritional habits. It has altered my perception of life and how I want to live it. PN freed me from a lot of the things that have held me back both physically and mentally.
- Will
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 32 years
Weight Lost: 78 lbs (251 lbs to 173 lbs)
Total inches lost: 49" (269" to 220")
PN Coaching this year has been an amazing and life-changing experience. PN has taught me to shift from 'all or nothing', 'on the bus/off the bus' thinking to a 'small but consistent' mentality with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean at any time. Friends and family have asked what the 'secret' has been in my transformation... the PN secret for me has been 'a little more, a little better', one day at a time, today better than yesterday.
- Randy
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (246 lbs to 195 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (262" to 234")
As I recovered from surgery and reached my goals this year, Coach Calvin and PN taught me more than nutrition. I attained a level of confidence I never thought possible in other areas of my life that will go on to benefit me, my family and friends for years to come. Thank you.
- Donald
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 21 lbs (181 lbs to 160 lbs)
Total inches lost: 11" (220" to 209")
Precision Nutrition has, hands down, been the most important decision that I have made this year. It has tremendously impacted my overall health and wellness, skyrocketed my energy level and even helped me become more adventurous in the kitchen!!! Highly recommend!!!
- Kenneth
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 46 years
Weight Lost: 65 lbs (255 lbs to 190 lbs)
Total inches lost: 37" (264" to 227")
Precision Nutrition has shown me that getting healthy doesn't have to be a painful experience. My concern was that it was going to be a long, difficult challenge, but this was not the case. I've had to make some difficult choices to remove some bad habits out of my life so that I can be healthier dad and husband. This past year has truly been an eye-opening experience.
- Kelly
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 28 years
Weight Lost: 40 lbs (218 lbs to 178 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (251" to 224")
Working with PN this year has been one of the best experiences of my life. PN has helped me make some huge changes in my habits and lifestyle without ever making me feel overwhelmed by what was asked of me. I've been able to create a new normal for myself that's healthier than before.
- Trevor
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 59 years
Weight Lost: 62 lbs (307 lbs to 245 lbs)
Total inches lost: 40" (294" to 254")
This year was beginning of a journey that will last until my body leaves this planet. Over the past year PN has been my constant companion, and a very good one: there to help when needed, not overbearing or forceful. PN has been my mentor, preparing me to continue my journey after we part ways. Thanks to PN, I have gained the wisdom and confidence to carry me forward. And as an added reward, I lost some excess baggage that I no longer have to carry on my journey.
- Smitty
$1,000 Men’s Winner:
Age: 27 years
Weight Gained: 16 lbs (183 lbs to 199 lbs)
Total inches gained: 15″ (225″ to 240″)
Precision Nutrition has had a massive impact on the way I approach health and fitness in my life, and the results have exceeded all of my expectations. The PN difference is that they understand what it takes to make lasting changes to your lifestyle that’ll keep you confident and motivated through all of life’s ups and downs. They were there every step of the way, they understand that life is busy and we’re all human, and they always knew exactly how to get me back on track when the going got tough. I finally feel confident that the healthy changes I’ve made to my lifestyle are here to stay, and so is this kick-ass body that came with it. Thanks for everything PN!
– Daniel
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 31 lbs (206 lbs to 175 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (244" to 226")
I have had so many ups and downs this year with business and my progress, but PN was a rock for me, every day...a new lesson, another workout. I loved the accountability and the consistency. PN showed me that you don't have to be perfect to get results. You can accomplish anything with hard work and consistent effort. I haven't been at this weight since I was 17. Many aches and pains have gone away. I have had so many people comment on how much weight I lost and how I look younger. I am proud that I have accomplished this and even more proud that I wasn't perfect along the way. I now know this is truly a 'lifestyle' that I can lead.
- John
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 51 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (264 lbs to 213 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (277" to 250")
All of my life I have struggled with my weight and overall fitness. I was very discouraged, having done many diet programs with initial success but always putting the weight back on. With Precision Nutrition I believe I finally have the toolset I need to maintain a healthy weight and to be more physically fit. I simply learned and adopted new habits that give me control my health.
- David
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 26 years
Weight Lost: 66 lbs (294 lbs to 228 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (288" to 249")
It all clicked for me after uploading progress pics seven months in and comparing them to my pics on day one. I fought back tears as I realized, the man who began as a faint vision in my head was no longer a figment of my imagination. He is real. PN helped my finally see myself for who I REALLY am!
- Kendall
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 30 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (191 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 23" (231" to 208")
I've gone through hell the past two years, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. I've needed support now more than ever, and the help from PN has been amazing. If you go all-in, PN will deliver a life-changing experience!
- Kjetil
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 50 lbs (259 lbs to 209 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (265" to 237")
PN coaching improved not just my physical health, but my mental health too. This year I dealt with some of the hardest challenges at home and work, but PN coaching gave me the tools and the strength to survive and thrive.
- Scott
Meet a few hundred more Precision Nutrition clients.
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from the January 2018 Coaching Program, click the links below.
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for WOMEN finalists
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for MEN finalists
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from all of our Precision Nutrition Coaching programs, click one of the links below.
Precision Nutrition WOMEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Precision Nutrition MEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Of course, if you’re interested in working toward a body or health transformation of your own, consider joining our next Precision Nutrition Coaching group. We’re opening up a few spots in the coming weeks.
Want to transform your body too?
As you probably know, you won’t overhaul your body this dramatically by counting calories, logging time on a treadmill, or reading health tips on Twitter. 
Awesome, lasting, wow-what-happened-to-you transformations usually require personal attention from an expert coach.
And here’s the good news: Precision Nutrition Coaching will be accepting new clients very soon, at our lowest, most accessible price ever.
If you’re interested and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our presale list.
Being on the presale list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition we like to reward the most interested and motivated people because they always make the best clients. Join the presale list and you’ll save up to 54% off the general public price, which is the lowest price we’ve ever offered.
You’re more likely to get a spot. To give clients the personal care and attention they deserve, we only open up the program twice a year. Last time we opened registration, we sold out within minutes. By joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].
If you’re ready to change your body, and your life, with help from the world’s best coaches, this is your chance.
The post Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes! appeared first on Precision Nutrition.
Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes! published first on
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adambstingus · 7 years
6 Guys Youll End Up Dating When Youve Been Single For Too Long
I’m writing this post from my bed.
I’m un-showered, even though I came home from CrossFit three hours ago.
I’m slugging back red wine and crushing a party size-serving of chips and salsa.
I turned my phone on silent an hour ago, just so I would stop checking to see if the guy I like has responded to the text I sent earlier.
Needless to say, I dont think you get much more single than this.
There are nights when I rejoice in it, and there are nights when I sulk in it.
Tonight, its the latter.
But as I sit here, elbow-deep in a bag of Tostitos and knuckles clenched around a topped-off glass of wine, I cant help but be grateful for this single life Ive been living for almost a year now.
Its an unexpected and for me unwanted learning experience.
I say its “unwanted” because Im the relationship type.
Ive never had a one-night stand (nor will I ever).
I like commitment.
Dating gives me anxiety because I never know what to say or do.
Should I text him first? Will he text me?
Whats the right emoji to use? Should I even use an emoji?
Let me screenshot this and send it to all my friends to see if its okay.
What should I wear?
Unwanted or not, Im on one hell of a self-learning curve.
I think its so important for every woman to have this bittersweet journey, especially in her20s.
Im learning when to keep my guard up and when to let it come crashing down.
Im learning how to be patient.
I’m learning what I like and what I dont.
Im learning so much about myself because Im finding time for myself.
Im trying new things.
I’ve joined CrossFit and hot yoga, and I quit some unhealthy habits that were crippling my self-esteem.
Ive tried tons of new restaurants completely free, thanks to first dates.
But besides learning about myself, Im learning a lot about the dating pool.
Let me tell you this: When they say there are plenty of fish in the sea, it’s true.
But the ones you want to catch are really, really hard to find. They’re borderline nonexistent.
Ive met tons of guys ranging in age, profession, personality, height, hobbies, etc.
However, after dozens and dozens of dates and hundreds of right swipes that have amounted to nothing, Ive been able to put a label on just about every single one.
Ive boiled them down to six main categories:
1. The Ex
When one relationship ends, its so easy to look back at a previous ex and question why that relationship didnt work out either.
Call it delusion or curiosity, but it always seems like a logical first step when youre single.
So, if youre both single, why not give it another whirl?
Its comfortable. Its fun.
Its your opportunity to double-check hes really not the one who got away.
When my high school sweetheart found out that my recent ex and I had ended things, he came back into my life the same way he left it: like a tornado, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.
Without getting into details for his sake (and his girlfriends, whoops), the verdict was we broke up for a reason.
Thats always a validating feeling.
In the words of my inner spirit animal, Taylor Swift, we are never, ever getting back together. Like, ever.
But hey, like I said, it cant hurt to double check.
2. The Non-Committal Charmer
Hell tell you youre exclusive, but he won’t ever make you his girlfriend.
He’ll monopolize your free time to ensure you dont spend time with anyone else, but he wont commit.
Youll never meet his friends or family, so dont even try.
He is in complete control of the relationship because you let him be.
His charm, wit and personality compel you to stay.
His goal is to perpetually keep your relationship in a hostage situation.
You want to see other people, but you dont want to put what you have at risk because its comfortable and fun.
Youre convinced that at some point, hell come to his senses.
He wont.
So, youre going to want to quit while you’re ahead. Dont waste any time.
3. The Egotistical PrickWho Plays On Your Heartstrings
Is it rough to call these people sociopaths?
Theyll do everything they can to make you like them in a short period of time.
Theyll cook you your favorite dinner, buy you nice wine and compliment you on the weird things you wish people would notice.
They make it so easy to let your guard down.
Then, one day, theyll just stop talking to you.
Theyll give you some bullsh*t excuse like theyre just “not ready for a relationship right now, or they really like you, and “it scares” them.
No, you just needed an ego trip. Or, you needed to get laid.
Or both.Whatever.
These types of guys are the reason all women are a little hesitant, confused, broken and yes crazy.
There are plenty of them out there.
4. The Former Frat Guy Who Just Cant Let Go Of College
In my opinion, these guys are the absolute worst.
This is mainly because they dont even realize theyre being the absolute worst. The naivety isnt at all charming.
He doesnt have to be a frat guy. Hes just the guy who loves college.
He cant grow up.
He loves his boys and beer pong more than he loves his job. He knows more about chugging beers than investing in a 401(k).
He has no idea how to start or maintain a conversation. His career path is questionable.
He most likely has the life goal of being a stay-at-home dad.
Thats what she said jokes are far too common, and he finds them far too funny.
While I personally havent gone on a single date with one of these guys, they exist in the masses.
So good luck, female young professionalsof America who thought men matured after college.
AsI say to my dad, “Im looking for the smartest idiot over 25.”
5. The One Youre Just Not That Into
These, for me, are the most common.
Then again, I think they’re common for everyone.
If we were into every person we met, there wouldnt be anyone special, right?
But sometimes, you really want to like someone.
He hasa great job. You love hisfriends and family. He’s funny.
You have everything in common. You can text all day and never run out of things to talk about.
Your Snapchat exchanges keep you laughing all day long.
He’s proud of you. He cares about you.
Youre even a perfect match (according to the stars).
But, you just arent into this person, no matter how hard you try to be.
While relationships take effort, you should never force yourself to fall for someone because you think you’d be great together.
It’s a recipe for disaster and heartbreak, and that’s one sad situationI won’t ever willingly walk into.
So when you find yourself in this kind of mess, you have to break the ice.
It’s unfair to string the other person along when he’s clearly feeling all the emotions you wish you could.
When you’re dating someone youre not into, but whom you love as a human being, breaking the ice is a double-edged sword.
You both end up hurt and bummed.
6.The One
Every person I talk to tells me the one will walk into my life when I least expect it.
It wont be because I spent my entire lunch break swiping left and right (mostly left).
It wont be because I asked my co-workers, friends, family and acquaintances if they know someone else whos completely exhausted by the routine dating scene.
It certainly wont be because I got drunk enough to get the nerve to walk up to a guy and strike up a random conversation.
No way, not me.
Im told Ill meet someone in a sweet form of serendipity.
Ill accidentally spill my coffee on him at Starbucks.
Well bond over the fresh produce at Trader Joes.
Well be at the same bar for happy hour.
Something will happen.
When that something does, in fact, happen, all those heartbreaks, mistakes, moments of weakness and feelings of guilt will wash away.
You won’t question whether your guard should be up or down. What or when to text won’t be a thought.
Everything will slip into place.
Because as everyone always says, “When you know, you know.”
So until then, my advice to every single woman out there is this: Be a lady.
Be fearless, but not careless.
Be willing to love and unafraid to get hurt.
Put yourself out there. Learn to love yourself.
Discover hobbies that fill your time.
But this is the most important piece of advice of all: Never ever settle for any of the five who come before “the one.”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/27/6-guys-youll-end-up-dating-when-youve-been-single-for-too-long/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/165810005762
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
6 Guys Youll End Up Dating When Youve Been Single For Too Long
I’m writing this post from my bed.
I’m un-showered, even though I came home from CrossFit three hours ago.
I’m slugging back red wine and crushing a party size-serving of chips and salsa.
I turned my phone on silent an hour ago, just so I would stop checking to see if the guy I like has responded to the text I sent earlier.
Needless to say, I dont think you get much more single than this.
There are nights when I rejoice in it, and there are nights when I sulk in it.
Tonight, its the latter.
But as I sit here, elbow-deep in a bag of Tostitos and knuckles clenched around a topped-off glass of wine, I cant help but be grateful for this single life Ive been living for almost a year now.
Its an unexpected and for me unwanted learning experience.
I say its “unwanted” because Im the relationship type.
Ive never had a one-night stand (nor will I ever).
I like commitment.
Dating gives me anxiety because I never know what to say or do.
Should I text him first? Will he text me?
Whats the right emoji to use? Should I even use an emoji?
Let me screenshot this and send it to all my friends to see if its okay.
What should I wear?
Unwanted or not, Im on one hell of a self-learning curve.
I think its so important for every woman to have this bittersweet journey, especially in her20s.
Im learning when to keep my guard up and when to let it come crashing down.
Im learning how to be patient.
I’m learning what I like and what I dont.
Im learning so much about myself because Im finding time for myself.
Im trying new things.
I’ve joined CrossFit and hot yoga, and I quit some unhealthy habits that were crippling my self-esteem.
Ive tried tons of new restaurants completely free, thanks to first dates.
But besides learning about myself, Im learning a lot about the dating pool.
Let me tell you this: When they say there are plenty of fish in the sea, it’s true.
But the ones you want to catch are really, really hard to find. They’re borderline nonexistent.
Ive met tons of guys ranging in age, profession, personality, height, hobbies, etc.
However, after dozens and dozens of dates and hundreds of right swipes that have amounted to nothing, Ive been able to put a label on just about every single one.
Ive boiled them down to six main categories:
1. The Ex
When one relationship ends, its so easy to look back at a previous ex and question why that relationship didnt work out either.
Call it delusion or curiosity, but it always seems like a logical first step when youre single.
So, if youre both single, why not give it another whirl?
Its comfortable. Its fun.
Its your opportunity to double-check hes really not the one who got away.
When my high school sweetheart found out that my recent ex and I had ended things, he came back into my life the same way he left it: like a tornado, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.
Without getting into details for his sake (and his girlfriends, whoops), the verdict was we broke up for a reason.
Thats always a validating feeling.
In the words of my inner spirit animal, Taylor Swift, we are never, ever getting back together. Like, ever.
But hey, like I said, it cant hurt to double check.
2. The Non-Committal Charmer
Hell tell you youre exclusive, but he won’t ever make you his girlfriend.
He’ll monopolize your free time to ensure you dont spend time with anyone else, but he wont commit.
Youll never meet his friends or family, so dont even try.
He is in complete control of the relationship because you let him be.
His charm, wit and personality compel you to stay.
His goal is to perpetually keep your relationship in a hostage situation.
You want to see other people, but you dont want to put what you have at risk because its comfortable and fun.
Youre convinced that at some point, hell come to his senses.
He wont.
So, youre going to want to quit while you’re ahead. Dont waste any time.
3. The Egotistical PrickWho Plays On Your Heartstrings
Is it rough to call these people sociopaths?
Theyll do everything they can to make you like them in a short period of time.
Theyll cook you your favorite dinner, buy you nice wine and compliment you on the weird things you wish people would notice.
They make it so easy to let your guard down.
Then, one day, theyll just stop talking to you.
Theyll give you some bullsh*t excuse like theyre just “not ready for a relationship right now, or they really like you, and “it scares” them.
No, you just needed an ego trip. Or, you needed to get laid.
Or both.Whatever.
These types of guys are the reason all women are a little hesitant, confused, broken and yes crazy.
There are plenty of them out there.
4. The Former Frat Guy Who Just Cant Let Go Of College
In my opinion, these guys are the absolute worst.
This is mainly because they dont even realize theyre being the absolute worst. The naivety isnt at all charming.
He doesnt have to be a frat guy. Hes just the guy who loves college.
He cant grow up.
He loves his boys and beer pong more than he loves his job. He knows more about chugging beers than investing in a 401(k).
He has no idea how to start or maintain a conversation. His career path is questionable.
He most likely has the life goal of being a stay-at-home dad.
Thats what she said jokes are far too common, and he finds them far too funny.
While I personally havent gone on a single date with one of these guys, they exist in the masses.
So good luck, female young professionalsof America who thought men matured after college.
AsI say to my dad, “Im looking for the smartest idiot over 25.”
5. The One Youre Just Not That Into
These, for me, are the most common.
Then again, I think they’re common for everyone.
If we were into every person we met, there wouldnt be anyone special, right?
But sometimes, you really want to like someone.
He hasa great job. You love hisfriends and family. He’s funny.
You have everything in common. You can text all day and never run out of things to talk about.
Your Snapchat exchanges keep you laughing all day long.
He’s proud of you. He cares about you.
Youre even a perfect match (according to the stars).
But, you just arent into this person, no matter how hard you try to be.
While relationships take effort, you should never force yourself to fall for someone because you think you’d be great together.
It’s a recipe for disaster and heartbreak, and that’s one sad situationI won’t ever willingly walk into.
So when you find yourself in this kind of mess, you have to break the ice.
It’s unfair to string the other person along when he’s clearly feeling all the emotions you wish you could.
When you’re dating someone youre not into, but whom you love as a human being, breaking the ice is a double-edged sword.
You both end up hurt and bummed.
6.The One
Every person I talk to tells me the one will walk into my life when I least expect it.
It wont be because I spent my entire lunch break swiping left and right (mostly left).
It wont be because I asked my co-workers, friends, family and acquaintances if they know someone else whos completely exhausted by the routine dating scene.
It certainly wont be because I got drunk enough to get the nerve to walk up to a guy and strike up a random conversation.
No way, not me.
Im told Ill meet someone in a sweet form of serendipity.
Ill accidentally spill my coffee on him at Starbucks.
Well bond over the fresh produce at Trader Joes.
Well be at the same bar for happy hour.
Something will happen.
When that something does, in fact, happen, all those heartbreaks, mistakes, moments of weakness and feelings of guilt will wash away.
You won’t question whether your guard should be up or down. What or when to text won’t be a thought.
Everything will slip into place.
Because as everyone always says, “When you know, you know.”
So until then, my advice to every single woman out there is this: Be a lady.
Be fearless, but not careless.
Be willing to love and unafraid to get hurt.
Put yourself out there. Learn to love yourself.
Discover hobbies that fill your time.
But this is the most important piece of advice of all: Never ever settle for any of the five who come before “the one.”
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/27/6-guys-youll-end-up-dating-when-youve-been-single-for-too-long/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/09/27/6-guys-youll-end-up-dating-when-youve-been-single-for-too-long/
0 notes
jimdsmith34 · 7 years
6 Guys Youll End Up Dating When Youve Been Single For Too Long
I’m writing this post from my bed.
I’m un-showered, even though I came home from CrossFit three hours ago.
I’m slugging back red wine and crushing a party size-serving of chips and salsa.
I turned my phone on silent an hour ago, just so I would stop checking to see if the guy I like has responded to the text I sent earlier.
Needless to say, I dont think you get much more single than this.
There are nights when I rejoice in it, and there are nights when I sulk in it.
Tonight, its the latter.
But as I sit here, elbow-deep in a bag of Tostitos and knuckles clenched around a topped-off glass of wine, I cant help but be grateful for this single life Ive been living for almost a year now.
Its an unexpected and for me unwanted learning experience.
I say its “unwanted” because Im the relationship type.
Ive never had a one-night stand (nor will I ever).
I like commitment.
Dating gives me anxiety because I never know what to say or do.
Should I text him first? Will he text me?
Whats the right emoji to use? Should I even use an emoji?
Let me screenshot this and send it to all my friends to see if its okay.
What should I wear?
Unwanted or not, Im on one hell of a self-learning curve.
I think its so important for every woman to have this bittersweet journey, especially in her20s.
Im learning when to keep my guard up and when to let it come crashing down.
Im learning how to be patient.
I’m learning what I like and what I dont.
Im learning so much about myself because Im finding time for myself.
Im trying new things.
I’ve joined CrossFit and hot yoga, and I quit some unhealthy habits that were crippling my self-esteem.
Ive tried tons of new restaurants completely free, thanks to first dates.
But besides learning about myself, Im learning a lot about the dating pool.
Let me tell you this: When they say there are plenty of fish in the sea, it’s true.
But the ones you want to catch are really, really hard to find. They’re borderline nonexistent.
Ive met tons of guys ranging in age, profession, personality, height, hobbies, etc.
However, after dozens and dozens of dates and hundreds of right swipes that have amounted to nothing, Ive been able to put a label on just about every single one.
Ive boiled them down to six main categories:
1. The Ex
When one relationship ends, its so easy to look back at a previous ex and question why that relationship didnt work out either.
Call it delusion or curiosity, but it always seems like a logical first step when youre single.
So, if youre both single, why not give it another whirl?
Its comfortable. Its fun.
Its your opportunity to double-check hes really not the one who got away.
When my high school sweetheart found out that my recent ex and I had ended things, he came back into my life the same way he left it: like a tornado, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.
Without getting into details for his sake (and his girlfriends, whoops), the verdict was we broke up for a reason.
Thats always a validating feeling.
In the words of my inner spirit animal, Taylor Swift, we are never, ever getting back together. Like, ever.
But hey, like I said, it cant hurt to double check.
2. The Non-Committal Charmer
Hell tell you youre exclusive, but he won’t ever make you his girlfriend.
He’ll monopolize your free time to ensure you dont spend time with anyone else, but he wont commit.
Youll never meet his friends or family, so dont even try.
He is in complete control of the relationship because you let him be.
His charm, wit and personality compel you to stay.
His goal is to perpetually keep your relationship in a hostage situation.
You want to see other people, but you dont want to put what you have at risk because its comfortable and fun.
Youre convinced that at some point, hell come to his senses.
He wont.
So, youre going to want to quit while you’re ahead. Dont waste any time.
3. The Egotistical PrickWho Plays On Your Heartstrings
Is it rough to call these people sociopaths?
Theyll do everything they can to make you like them in a short period of time.
Theyll cook you your favorite dinner, buy you nice wine and compliment you on the weird things you wish people would notice.
They make it so easy to let your guard down.
Then, one day, theyll just stop talking to you.
Theyll give you some bullsh*t excuse like theyre just “not ready for a relationship right now, or they really like you, and “it scares” them.
No, you just needed an ego trip. Or, you needed to get laid.
Or both.Whatever.
These types of guys are the reason all women are a little hesitant, confused, broken and yes crazy.
There are plenty of them out there.
4. The Former Frat Guy Who Just Cant Let Go Of College
In my opinion, these guys are the absolute worst.
This is mainly because they dont even realize theyre being the absolute worst. The naivety isnt at all charming.
He doesnt have to be a frat guy. Hes just the guy who loves college.
He cant grow up.
He loves his boys and beer pong more than he loves his job. He knows more about chugging beers than investing in a 401(k).
He has no idea how to start or maintain a conversation. His career path is questionable.
He most likely has the life goal of being a stay-at-home dad.
Thats what she said jokes are far too common, and he finds them far too funny.
While I personally havent gone on a single date with one of these guys, they exist in the masses.
So good luck, female young professionalsof America who thought men matured after college.
AsI say to my dad, “Im looking for the smartest idiot over 25.”
5. The One Youre Just Not That Into
These, for me, are the most common.
Then again, I think they’re common for everyone.
If we were into every person we met, there wouldnt be anyone special, right?
But sometimes, you really want to like someone.
He hasa great job. You love hisfriends and family. He’s funny.
You have everything in common. You can text all day and never run out of things to talk about.
Your Snapchat exchanges keep you laughing all day long.
He’s proud of you. He cares about you.
Youre even a perfect match (according to the stars).
But, you just arent into this person, no matter how hard you try to be.
While relationships take effort, you should never force yourself to fall for someone because you think you’d be great together.
It’s a recipe for disaster and heartbreak, and that’s one sad situationI won’t ever willingly walk into.
So when you find yourself in this kind of mess, you have to break the ice.
It’s unfair to string the other person along when he’s clearly feeling all the emotions you wish you could.
When you’re dating someone youre not into, but whom you love as a human being, breaking the ice is a double-edged sword.
You both end up hurt and bummed.
6.The One
Every person I talk to tells me the one will walk into my life when I least expect it.
It wont be because I spent my entire lunch break swiping left and right (mostly left).
It wont be because I asked my co-workers, friends, family and acquaintances if they know someone else whos completely exhausted by the routine dating scene.
It certainly wont be because I got drunk enough to get the nerve to walk up to a guy and strike up a random conversation.
No way, not me.
Im told Ill meet someone in a sweet form of serendipity.
Ill accidentally spill my coffee on him at Starbucks.
Well bond over the fresh produce at Trader Joes.
Well be at the same bar for happy hour.
Something will happen.
When that something does, in fact, happen, all those heartbreaks, mistakes, moments of weakness and feelings of guilt will wash away.
You won’t question whether your guard should be up or down. What or when to text won’t be a thought.
Everything will slip into place.
Because as everyone always says, “When you know, you know.”
So until then, my advice to every single woman out there is this: Be a lady.
Be fearless, but not careless.
Be willing to love and unafraid to get hurt.
Put yourself out there. Learn to love yourself.
Discover hobbies that fill your time.
But this is the most important piece of advice of all: Never ever settle for any of the five who come before “the one.”
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/27/6-guys-youll-end-up-dating-when-youve-been-single-for-too-long/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/09/6-guys-youll-end-up-dating-when-youve.html
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
6 Guys Youll End Up Dating When Youve Been Single For Too Long
I’m writing this post from my bed.
I’m un-showered, even though I came home from CrossFit three hours ago.
I’m slugging back red wine and crushing a party size-serving of chips and salsa.
I turned my phone on silent an hour ago, just so I would stop checking to see if the guy I like has responded to the text I sent earlier.
Needless to say, I dont think you get much more single than this.
There are nights when I rejoice in it, and there are nights when I sulk in it.
Tonight, its the latter.
But as I sit here, elbow-deep in a bag of Tostitos and knuckles clenched around a topped-off glass of wine, I cant help but be grateful for this single life Ive been living for almost a year now.
Its an unexpected and for me unwanted learning experience.
I say its “unwanted” because Im the relationship type.
Ive never had a one-night stand (nor will I ever).
I like commitment.
Dating gives me anxiety because I never know what to say or do.
Should I text him first? Will he text me?
Whats the right emoji to use? Should I even use an emoji?
Let me screenshot this and send it to all my friends to see if its okay.
What should I wear?
Unwanted or not, Im on one hell of a self-learning curve.
I think its so important for every woman to have this bittersweet journey, especially in her20s.
Im learning when to keep my guard up and when to let it come crashing down.
Im learning how to be patient.
I’m learning what I like and what I dont.
Im learning so much about myself because Im finding time for myself.
Im trying new things.
I’ve joined CrossFit and hot yoga, and I quit some unhealthy habits that were crippling my self-esteem.
Ive tried tons of new restaurants completely free, thanks to first dates.
But besides learning about myself, Im learning a lot about the dating pool.
Let me tell you this: When they say there are plenty of fish in the sea, it’s true.
But the ones you want to catch are really, really hard to find. They’re borderline nonexistent.
Ive met tons of guys ranging in age, profession, personality, height, hobbies, etc.
However, after dozens and dozens of dates and hundreds of right swipes that have amounted to nothing, Ive been able to put a label on just about every single one.
Ive boiled them down to six main categories:
1. The Ex
When one relationship ends, its so easy to look back at a previous ex and question why that relationship didnt work out either.
Call it delusion or curiosity, but it always seems like a logical first step when youre single.
So, if youre both single, why not give it another whirl?
Its comfortable. Its fun.
Its your opportunity to double-check hes really not the one who got away.
When my high school sweetheart found out that my recent ex and I had ended things, he came back into my life the same way he left it: like a tornado, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.
Without getting into details for his sake (and his girlfriends, whoops), the verdict was we broke up for a reason.
Thats always a validating feeling.
In the words of my inner spirit animal, Taylor Swift, we are never, ever getting back together. Like, ever.
But hey, like I said, it cant hurt to double check.
2. The Non-Committal Charmer
Hell tell you youre exclusive, but he won’t ever make you his girlfriend.
He’ll monopolize your free time to ensure you dont spend time with anyone else, but he wont commit.
Youll never meet his friends or family, so dont even try.
He is in complete control of the relationship because you let him be.
His charm, wit and personality compel you to stay.
His goal is to perpetually keep your relationship in a hostage situation.
You want to see other people, but you dont want to put what you have at risk because its comfortable and fun.
Youre convinced that at some point, hell come to his senses.
He wont.
So, youre going to want to quit while you’re ahead. Dont waste any time.
3. The Egotistical PrickWho Plays On Your Heartstrings
Is it rough to call these people sociopaths?
Theyll do everything they can to make you like them in a short period of time.
Theyll cook you your favorite dinner, buy you nice wine and compliment you on the weird things you wish people would notice.
They make it so easy to let your guard down.
Then, one day, theyll just stop talking to you.
Theyll give you some bullsh*t excuse like theyre just “not ready for a relationship right now, or they really like you, and “it scares” them.
No, you just needed an ego trip. Or, you needed to get laid.
Or both.Whatever.
These types of guys are the reason all women are a little hesitant, confused, broken and yes crazy.
There are plenty of them out there.
4. The Former Frat Guy Who Just Cant Let Go Of College
In my opinion, these guys are the absolute worst.
This is mainly because they dont even realize theyre being the absolute worst. The naivety isnt at all charming.
He doesnt have to be a frat guy. Hes just the guy who loves college.
He cant grow up.
He loves his boys and beer pong more than he loves his job. He knows more about chugging beers than investing in a 401(k).
He has no idea how to start or maintain a conversation. His career path is questionable.
He most likely has the life goal of being a stay-at-home dad.
Thats what she said jokes are far too common, and he finds them far too funny.
While I personally havent gone on a single date with one of these guys, they exist in the masses.
So good luck, female young professionalsof America who thought men matured after college.
AsI say to my dad, “Im looking for the smartest idiot over 25.”
5. The One Youre Just Not That Into
These, for me, are the most common.
Then again, I think they’re common for everyone.
If we were into every person we met, there wouldnt be anyone special, right?
But sometimes, you really want to like someone.
He hasa great job. You love hisfriends and family. He’s funny.
You have everything in common. You can text all day and never run out of things to talk about.
Your Snapchat exchanges keep you laughing all day long.
He’s proud of you. He cares about you.
Youre even a perfect match (according to the stars).
But, you just arent into this person, no matter how hard you try to be.
While relationships take effort, you should never force yourself to fall for someone because you think you’d be great together.
It’s a recipe for disaster and heartbreak, and that’s one sad situationI won’t ever willingly walk into.
So when you find yourself in this kind of mess, you have to break the ice.
It’s unfair to string the other person along when he’s clearly feeling all the emotions you wish you could.
When you’re dating someone youre not into, but whom you love as a human being, breaking the ice is a double-edged sword.
You both end up hurt and bummed.
6.The One
Every person I talk to tells me the one will walk into my life when I least expect it.
It wont be because I spent my entire lunch break swiping left and right (mostly left).
It wont be because I asked my co-workers, friends, family and acquaintances if they know someone else whos completely exhausted by the routine dating scene.
It certainly wont be because I got drunk enough to get the nerve to walk up to a guy and strike up a random conversation.
No way, not me.
Im told Ill meet someone in a sweet form of serendipity.
Ill accidentally spill my coffee on him at Starbucks.
Well bond over the fresh produce at Trader Joes.
Well be at the same bar for happy hour.
Something will happen.
When that something does, in fact, happen, all those heartbreaks, mistakes, moments of weakness and feelings of guilt will wash away.
You won’t question whether your guard should be up or down. What or when to text won’t be a thought.
Everything will slip into place.
Because as everyone always says, “When you know, you know.”
So until then, my advice to every single woman out there is this: Be a lady.
Be fearless, but not careless.
Be willing to love and unafraid to get hurt.
Put yourself out there. Learn to love yourself.
Discover hobbies that fill your time.
But this is the most important piece of advice of all: Never ever settle for any of the five who come before “the one.”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/27/6-guys-youll-end-up-dating-when-youve-been-single-for-too-long/
0 notes
oovitus · 7 years
Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes!
Chelsea and Derek spent the past 12 months transforming their eating habits, health, bodies, and lives with personal help from a PN coach. And now? They’re our latest Grand Prize winners. See how we surprised them with $25,000 each, and meet the rest of our January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching winners.
Every six months, in our Precision Nutrition Coaching program, we give away $125,000 to the men and women who have the most incredible, inspiring body transformations.
Yep, that’s $250,000 a year.
What’s different about this round?
Our most recent transformations were so inspiring — and the response from voters was so huge — that we decided to give out even MORE money.
And, today, you’ll meet our amazing winners.
These folks started working with us in January 2017 and, over the course of the last year, completely transformed how they eat, move, look, and feel.
They lost weight, gained strength, boosted their health, and inspired their friends and families.
Even better, they did it without diets, fads, or crazy workout routines.
Each person simply committed to making a change, stayed consistent, and used the accountability and support of one of our dedicated coaches.
Meet Chelsea, our Women’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
Meet Derek, our Men’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
See photos of all January 2018 Women’s winners
See photos of all January 2018 Men’s winners
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Chelsea
Lost 41 lbs and 43 total inches!
Age: 34 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 183 lbs to 142 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 43 inches (from 247 inches to 204 inches)
Chelsea wanted her old self back.
The person who could run without pain, who could compete in triathlons, and who felt… attractive.
In the past, Chelsea was fit and active. She was the captain of her high school tennis and basketball teams, and regularly competed in races and triathlons during University.
But approaching her mid-30s, Chelsea took stock. Somewhere along the way, things had changed. Injuries (and subsequent surgeries) had stopped her from doing the sports she loved.
With reduced physical activity — her go-to way to de-stress — food had become her source of comfort. Weight gain had followed.
With the added weight, even once her injuries had healed, Chelsea had a hard time running. “At best, I could only run-walk, and my back spasmed,” she explains.
It was clear to Chelsea that she needed to make changes, but as a busy lawyer working two jobs, it wasn’t easy to prioritize things like nutrition, stress management, or sleep.
“I felt a bit ‘lost at sea’ with myself, and I had no clear plan for where to go.”
She knew she needed some guidance. But she also knew it needed to be sane and sensible.
Chelsea has zero interest in “woo-woo” weight-loss secrets, diet crazes, or counting calories.
When it comes to health and fitness, Chelsea is, in her words, “skeptical”.
In fact, it’s her lawyer-like skepticism (paired some well-honed research skills) that led Chelsea to Precision Nutrition Coaching.
“I chose PN because it’s well-researched and science-based,” Chelsea explains. “As a lawyer, that’s important to me.”
When Chelsea signed up, she was excited. She appreciated the program’s structure and accountability. And the simplicity of some of the practices, like “eat to 80% full” helped her start improving her nutrition right off the bat.
In fact, very early in the program, Chelsea realized something important.
“Perfection” was not an option.
With her busy schedule, Chelsea couldn’t keep up with every lesson. In fact, at one point she was thrown right off course.
“About halfway through the program, I missed about 2-3 weeks of the daily lessons. I thought, ‘I’ve blown it, I can’t do this anymore, I’ve got so much on my plate with work’.”
Luckily, Coach Toni helped Chelsea keep moving forward. “With her encouragement, my focus became this: just continue to show up.”
Chelsea adds, “I learned that you don’t have to do absolutely everything in order to succeed. It doesn’t matter if you miss a habit. You just have to keep coming back.”
So that’s what she did.
As the months went by, things started to change.
Pounds fell off. Her mobility got better. And Chelsea started to run again — now, without pain or injury.
“During the summer, I completed two triathlons and two races, after not being able to do any for about three years. I was so proud of myself.”
Her relationship with food improved, and she now enjoys cooking dinner as a way to unwind at the end of the day.
“I’m just really happy,” she says. “My mental outlook is really good.”
Chelsea had once imagined running along a beautiful beach, feeling fit and confident.
In Precision Nutrition Coaching, there’s a lesson that asks you to imagine a ‘destination postcard’ — a picture in your mind of where you want to be at the end of the program.
Chelsea envisioned herself running on a beach.
She decided to schedule a trip to Hawaii for the end of the program. She booked it months in advance, and thinking about it became a daily source of motivation.
When the vacation came, it was every bit as good as she had imagined. There she was, on the beach, running, feeling awesome and attractive. The trip also included a last-minute travel companion — her new boyfriend, whom she started dating during the past year.
Her destination had arrived.
Her advice for others who have their own “destination” they want to get to?
“Don’t do be concerned with doing things perfectly. Just keep showing up.”
Want to get results like Chelsea? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Women.
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Derek
Lost 41 lbs and 18 total inches!
Age: 37 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 188 lbs to 147 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 18 inches (from 229 inches to 211 inches)
Derek already “knew what to do”.
A former athlete who’s competed in wrestling, boxing, and MMA, Derek had plenty of experience staying fit: Count calories, pay attention to macros, work out enough, and his weight would get to where he wanted it to be.
But at 38, Derek’s daily life had started to make his fit-and-healthy athlete days feel like a distant memory. The father of three leaves for his demanding job as a pipeline inspector at 3:30 in the morning, not to return until 5:30pm. In addition, he’s dealt with six knee surgeries, arthritis, and chronic pain.
For years, Derek let these challenges be “a good excuse to just eat food and watch TV.”
“On the drive home, I’d tell myself I’d workout when I got home. But the moment I stepped through the front door, I would have already given up,” Derek recalls.
If he really wanted to lose weight for a special occasion or holiday, Derek could do it… temporarily.
“I’d cut calories and work out more, but then I’d just gain the weight right back. It was embarrassing.”
One day, Derek looked at a health app he’d been using to log his weight for years. In one chart, he saw his whole weight loss history. It looked like a rollercoaster.
“I knew I needed accountability, consistency, and sustainability.”
Derek had been following Precision Nutrition for a while, and got a lot out of the free information and resources.
Still, Derek couldn’t help feeling like he already knew everything that Precision Nutrition Coaching could possibly teach him. Could he put his own preconceived notions on the shelf and trust the PN approach?
He decided to go for it. “I thought, who knows, I just might learn something.”
Derek didn’t expect what happened next.
“I learned, and re-learned, the fundamentals of health and fitness, in a way that really changed me,” says Derek.
For example, he once would have considered basics like ‘eating slowly until satisfied, not stuffed’ too rudimentary, but now they became guiding principles that helped him stay consistent.
Another simple but powerful concept: doing things ‘just a little bit better’.
“I am typically that ‘all or nothing’ guy, but PN taught me how to make things just a little bit better,” explains Derek. “And the guilt was off me; If I screwed up, I just kept going.”
It wasn’t always easy to stay the course.
For a while, he hit a plateau, and frustration started to creep in.
That’s when Derek reached out to Coach Zach, who helped him make a few small tweaks, and reminded him to stay the course.
Once again, Derek stayed steady. “It seemed like every time I was wavering, the daily lesson would speak to me and give me exactly what I needed.”  So he kept going.
That steadiness and consistency added up to amazing results.
Derek is thrilled at the changes.
“I’m a happier person. I look good, I feel good, I don’t ache all day anymore. And the pain in my knees is getting better all the time.”
He adds, “I’ve been to an elite level of athletics, and this is the best I’ve ever felt or looked.”
For Derek, the best part is beyond the finish line.
“I would usually rush from the start to the finish line. But now, there is no finish line. I look forward to my workouts and continuing to live the habits I’ve learned.
I feel like a new me. It’s exciting.”
Want to get results like Derek? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Men.
Meet our other Women’s winners:
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 28 lbs (185 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 26" (235" to 209")
This program forever changed my relationship with food. It’s hard to name all the ways in which my life has been improved because of Precision Nutrition. It’s been a year of true growth and enlightenment.
- Heather
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 42 lbs (183 lbs to 141 lbs)
Total inches lost: 33" (241" to 208")
I have always loved to eat, and my body used to be proof of that. Over the past year, the PN program changed the *way* I eat, changed my brain, changed my body, changed my whole approach to food and exercise. I still love to eat, but now I'm in the best shape of my life!
- Bernie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 33 years
Weight Lost: 22 lbs (159 lbs to 137 lbs)
Total inches lost: 19" (221" to 202")
Health, as it has been said over the years, is a journey, not a destination. PN has helped me hone the tools necessary to navigate it: consistency, resilience, and a strong support network.
- Annie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 54 years
Weight Lost: 41 lbs (225 lbs to 184 lbs)
Total inches lost: 30" (267" to 237")
My PN year has influenced every aspect of my life. I weigh less, I move more, I eat more consciously, I plan ahead, I use my time more efficiently, I forgive myself more, I get things done, I take better care of myself, I know more about myself, I think more positively, I say 'no' more. I have also influenced my family and friends, and I stand taller. Through small, focused, consistent daily actions, I did the work to make this happen! I am so grateful to have discovered this program.
- Germaine
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (162 lbs to 130 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (226" to 198")
A year ago, I found an undernourished and overindulgent self, looking bewilderedly at a personal life that I had paused while dealing with a traumatic experience. PN taught me how to nourish my whole self with small, daily choices that build a life rooted in my values, and – no matter what comes my way – I am never going back.
- Julie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 53 years
Weight Lost: 84 lbs (280 lbs to 196 lbs)
Total inches lost: 55" (293" to 238")
I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I expected to lose weight and get healthier and I have done just that. I didn't expect to gain back some confidence, because I didn't even realize I had lost it. I didn't expect to be taking pride in my appearance either. When I look at my starting pictures and my last set of progress pictures you can see the change on my face. Now it's radiating joy.
- Karin
$1,000 Women’s Winner:
Age: 47 years
Weight Gained: 14 lbs (102 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches gained: 17″ (167″ to 184″)
PN Coaching gave me the tools to transform my life. It taught me the importance of consistency and how taking small daily actions would bring me closer to reaching my goals. Over time, those steps ultimately changed my life. It went far beyond helping me with my health and fitness goals. It has made a positive impact on all aspects of my life.
– Sherry
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 48 lbs (222 lbs to 174 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (267" to 232")
Through PN, I've learned to take small, seemingly insignificant decisions and actions much more seriously, and use them to empower myself. Before I might have thoughtlessly consumed a cookie at work or a beer after – “it’s just one, one won’t hurt!” Now I look through a long-term lens of living with the physical and emotional impact of thousands of those small actions, added up over time (which is, in fact, what brought me to PN). Rarely will those little things be worth any guilt, short-term physical symptoms, or longer-term loss of fitness or willpower. Better not to engage the enemy at all. It's about mental and emotional survival skills – not just self-control but, more importantly, self-compassion.
- Erin
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 57 years
Weight Lost: 23 lbs (139 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (207" to 189")
PN coaching has helped me exceed the expectations I had. I truly have become a better version of myself, and will continue growing as a result of everything I've learned this year.
- Judith
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 41 years
Weight Lost: 7 lbs (164 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 12" (229" to 217")
PN goes beyond teaching you nutrition and better eating habits. Through this year, I've learned to listen to my body and make the choices that are right for me.
- Emily
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 33 lbs (157 lbs to 124 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (222" to 187")
The Precision Nutrition program provides so many surprises and the approach sneaks up on you somehow. Using tiny incremental changes, and emphasizing the positive, I was provided the opportunity to conquer some important challenges: lose weight, get lean and strong, and dig deeply into longstanding struggles with emotional eating. It has been an amazing journey.
- Deborah
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 39 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (190 lbs to 158 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (228" to 189")
This year, Precision Nutrition has been much more than a nutrition coaching program for me. It has helped me begin to undo over thirty years of extreme diet and exercise, learn to relax, build healthy, lifelong habits, and learn to ACTUALLY love my body for the strong and powerful thing that it is!
- Kayla
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 49 years
Weight Lost: 35 lbs (196 lbs to 161 lbs)
Total inches lost: 36" (243" to 207")
PN took me from a hopeless state, broke my challenges down into bite-sized pieces, uncluttered my mind, and simply helped in the healing process that has allowed me to lose weight and gain a life full of active living.
- Darlene
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (184 lbs to 150 lbs)
Total inches lost: 22" (232" to 210")
I went into PN wanting a new body. I now have a new brain, a new outlook, a new life!
- Tawny
Meet our other Men’s winners:
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 49 lbs (217 lbs to 168 lbs)
Total inches lost: 32" (240" to 208")
Before Precision Nutrition I was putting my career ahead of my health, and it was taking a huge toll on my mind and body. After several attempts with poor diet plans and bizarre exercise strategies, I decided to commit to a year with PN. Right from the start the PN coaches understood where I was coming from, and with their lessons and habits, taught me that by making a few small changes every day, I could reap huge rewards. Both the physical and mental transformation has been overwhelming. I am happier and healthier than I have ever been in my adult life, and it feels like I am finally in control.
- Rob
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 31 years
Weight Lost: 56 lbs (232 lbs to 176 lbs)
Total inches lost: 43" (254" to 211")
PN has done more for me than just change my nutritional habits. It has altered my perception of life and how I want to live it. PN freed me from a lot of the things that have held me back both physically and mentally.
- Will
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 32 years
Weight Lost: 78 lbs (251 lbs to 173 lbs)
Total inches lost: 49" (269" to 220")
PN Coaching this year has been an amazing and life-changing experience. PN has taught me to shift from 'all or nothing', 'on the bus/off the bus' thinking to a 'small but consistent' mentality with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean at any time. Friends and family have asked what the 'secret' has been in my transformation... the PN secret for me has been 'a little more, a little better', one day at a time, today better than yesterday.
- Randy
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (246 lbs to 195 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (262" to 234")
As I recovered from surgery and reached my goals this year, Coach Calvin and PN taught me more than nutrition. I attained a level of confidence I never thought possible in other areas of my life that will go on to benefit me, my family and friends for years to come. Thank you.
- Donald
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 21 lbs (181 lbs to 160 lbs)
Total inches lost: 11" (220" to 209")
Precision Nutrition has, hands down, been the most important decision that I have made this year. It has tremendously impacted my overall health and wellness, skyrocketed my energy level and even helped me become more adventurous in the kitchen!!! Highly recommend!!!
- Kenneth
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 46 years
Weight Lost: 65 lbs (255 lbs to 190 lbs)
Total inches lost: 37" (264" to 227")
Precision Nutrition has shown me that getting healthy doesn't have to be a painful experience. My concern was that it was going to be a long, difficult challenge, but this was not the case. I've had to make some difficult choices to remove some bad habits out of my life so that I can be healthier dad and husband. This past year has truly been an eye-opening experience.
- Kelly
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 28 years
Weight Lost: 40 lbs (218 lbs to 178 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (251" to 224")
Working with PN this year has been one of the best experiences of my life. PN has helped me make some huge changes in my habits and lifestyle without ever making me feel overwhelmed by what was asked of me. I've been able to create a new normal for myself that's healthier than before.
- Trevor
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 59 years
Weight Lost: 62 lbs (307 lbs to 245 lbs)
Total inches lost: 40" (294" to 254")
This year was beginning of a journey that will last until my body leaves this planet. Over the past year PN has been my constant companion, and a very good one: there to help when needed, not overbearing or forceful. PN has been my mentor, preparing me to continue my journey after we part ways. Thanks to PN, I have gained the wisdom and confidence to carry me forward. And as an added reward, I lost some excess baggage that I no longer have to carry on my journey.
- Smitty
$1,000 Men’s Winner:
Age: 27 years
Weight Gained: 16 lbs (183 lbs to 199 lbs)
Total inches gained: 15″ (225″ to 240″)
Precision Nutrition has had a massive impact on the way I approach health and fitness in my life, and the results have exceeded all of my expectations. The PN difference is that they understand what it takes to make lasting changes to your lifestyle that’ll keep you confident and motivated through all of life’s ups and downs. They were there every step of the way, they understand that life is busy and we’re all human, and they always knew exactly how to get me back on track when the going got tough. I finally feel confident that the healthy changes I’ve made to my lifestyle are here to stay, and so is this kick-ass body that came with it. Thanks for everything PN!
– Daniel
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 31 lbs (206 lbs to 175 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (244" to 226")
I have had so many ups and downs this year with business and my progress, but PN was a rock for me, every day...a new lesson, another workout. I loved the accountability and the consistency. PN showed me that you don't have to be perfect to get results. You can accomplish anything with hard work and consistent effort. I haven't been at this weight since I was 17. Many aches and pains have gone away. I have had so many people comment on how much weight I lost and how I look younger. I am proud that I have accomplished this and even more proud that I wasn't perfect along the way. I now know this is truly a 'lifestyle' that I can lead.
- John
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 51 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (264 lbs to 213 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (277" to 250")
All of my life I have struggled with my weight and overall fitness. I was very discouraged, having done many diet programs with initial success but always putting the weight back on. With Precision Nutrition I believe I finally have the toolset I need to maintain a healthy weight and to be more physically fit. I simply learned and adopted new habits that give me control my health.
- David
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 26 years
Weight Lost: 66 lbs (294 lbs to 228 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (288" to 249")
It all clicked for me after uploading progress pics seven months in and comparing them to my pics on day one. I fought back tears as I realized, the man who began as a faint vision in my head was no longer a figment of my imagination. He is real. PN helped my finally see myself for who I REALLY am!
- Kendall
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 30 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (191 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 23" (231" to 208")
I've gone through hell the past two years, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. I've needed support now more than ever, and the help from PN has been amazing. If you go all-in, PN will deliver a life-changing experience!
- Kjetil
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 50 lbs (259 lbs to 209 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (265" to 237")
PN coaching improved not just my physical health, but my mental health too. This year I dealt with some of the hardest challenges at home and work, but PN coaching gave me the tools and the strength to survive and thrive.
- Scott
Meet a few hundred more Precision Nutrition clients.
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from the January 2018 Coaching Program, click the links below.
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for WOMEN finalists
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for MEN finalists
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from all of our Precision Nutrition Coaching programs, click one of the links below.
Precision Nutrition WOMEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Precision Nutrition MEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Of course, if you’re interested in working toward a body or health transformation of your own, consider joining our next Precision Nutrition Coaching group. We’re opening up a few spots in the coming weeks.
Want to transform your body too?
As you probably know, you won’t overhaul your body this dramatically by counting calories, logging time on a treadmill, or reading health tips on Twitter. 
Awesome, lasting, wow-what-happened-to-you transformations usually require personal attention from an expert coach.
And here’s the good news: Precision Nutrition Coaching will be accepting new clients very soon, at our lowest, most accessible price ever.
If you’re interested and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our presale list.
Being on the presale list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition we like to reward the most interested and motivated people because they always make the best clients. Join the presale list and you’ll save up to 54% off the general public price, which is the lowest price we’ve ever offered.
You’re more likely to get a spot. To give clients the personal care and attention they deserve, we only open up the program twice a year. Last time we opened registration, we sold out within minutes. By joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].
If you’re ready to change your body, and your life, with help from the world’s best coaches, this is your chance.
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Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes! published first on
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oovitus · 7 years
Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes!
Chelsea and Derek spent the past 12 months transforming their eating habits, health, bodies, and lives with personal help from a PN coach. And now? They’re our latest Grand Prize winners. See how we surprised them with $25,000 each, and meet the rest of our January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching winners.
Every six months, in our Precision Nutrition Coaching program, we give away $125,000 to the men and women who have the most incredible, inspiring body transformations.
Yep, that’s $250,000 a year.
What’s different about this round?
Our most recent transformations were so inspiring — and the response from voters was so huge — that we decided to give out even MORE money.
And, today, you’ll meet our amazing winners.
These folks started working with us in January 2017 and, over the course of the last year, completely transformed how they eat, move, look, and feel.
They lost weight, gained strength, boosted their health, and inspired their friends and families.
Even better, they did it without diets, fads, or crazy workout routines.
Each person simply committed to making a change, stayed consistent, and used the accountability and support of one of our dedicated coaches.
Meet Chelsea, our Women’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
Meet Derek, our Men’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
See photos of all January 2018 Women’s winners
See photos of all January 2018 Men’s winners
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Chelsea
Lost 41 lbs and 43 total inches!
Age: 34 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 183 lbs to 142 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 43 inches (from 247 inches to 204 inches)
Chelsea wanted her old self back.
The person who could run without pain, who could compete in triathlons, and who felt… attractive.
In the past, Chelsea was fit and active. She was the captain of her high school tennis and basketball teams, and regularly competed in races and triathlons during University.
But approaching her mid-30s, Chelsea took stock. Somewhere along the way, things had changed. Injuries (and subsequent surgeries) had stopped her from doing the sports she loved.
With reduced physical activity — her go-to way to de-stress — food had become her source of comfort. Weight gain had followed.
With the added weight, even once her injuries had healed, Chelsea had a hard time running. “At best, I could only run-walk, and my back spasmed,” she explains.
It was clear to Chelsea that she needed to make changes, but as a busy lawyer working two jobs, it wasn’t easy to prioritize things like nutrition, stress management, or sleep.
“I felt a bit ‘lost at sea’ with myself, and I had no clear plan for where to go.”
She knew she needed some guidance. But she also knew it needed to be sane and sensible.
Chelsea has zero interest in “woo-woo” weight-loss secrets, diet crazes, or counting calories.
When it comes to health and fitness, Chelsea is, in her words, “skeptical”.
In fact, it’s her lawyer-like skepticism (paired some well-honed research skills) that led Chelsea to Precision Nutrition Coaching.
“I chose PN because it’s well-researched and science-based,” Chelsea explains. “As a lawyer, that’s important to me.”
When Chelsea signed up, she was excited. She appreciated the program’s structure and accountability. And the simplicity of some of the practices, like “eat to 80% full” helped her start improving her nutrition right off the bat.
In fact, very early in the program, Chelsea realized something important.
“Perfection” was not an option.
With her busy schedule, Chelsea couldn’t keep up with every lesson. In fact, at one point she was thrown right off course.
“About halfway through the program, I missed about 2-3 weeks of the daily lessons. I thought, ‘I’ve blown it, I can’t do this anymore, I’ve got so much on my plate with work’.”
Luckily, Coach Toni helped Chelsea keep moving forward. “With her encouragement, my focus became this: just continue to show up.”
Chelsea adds, “I learned that you don’t have to do absolutely everything in order to succeed. It doesn’t matter if you miss a habit. You just have to keep coming back.”
So that’s what she did.
As the months went by, things started to change.
Pounds fell off. Her mobility got better. And Chelsea started to run again — now, without pain or injury.
“During the summer, I completed two triathlons and two races, after not being able to do any for about three years. I was so proud of myself.”
Her relationship with food improved, and she now enjoys cooking dinner as a way to unwind at the end of the day.
“I’m just really happy,” she says. “My mental outlook is really good.”
Chelsea had once imagined running along a beautiful beach, feeling fit and confident.
In Precision Nutrition Coaching, there’s a lesson that asks you to imagine a ‘destination postcard’ — a picture in your mind of where you want to be at the end of the program.
Chelsea envisioned herself running on a beach.
She decided to schedule a trip to Hawaii for the end of the program. She booked it months in advance, and thinking about it became a daily source of motivation.
When the vacation came, it was every bit as good as she had imagined. There she was, on the beach, running, feeling awesome and attractive. The trip also included a last-minute travel companion — her new boyfriend, whom she started dating during the past year.
Her destination had arrived.
Her advice for others who have their own “destination” they want to get to?
“Don’t do be concerned with doing things perfectly. Just keep showing up.”
Want to get results like Chelsea? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Women.
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Derek
Lost 41 lbs and 18 total inches!
Age: 37 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 188 lbs to 147 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 18 inches (from 229 inches to 211 inches)
Derek already “knew what to do”.
A former athlete who’s competed in wrestling, boxing, and MMA, Derek had plenty of experience staying fit: Count calories, pay attention to macros, work out enough, and his weight would get to where he wanted it to be.
But at 38, Derek’s daily life had started to make his fit-and-healthy athlete days feel like a distant memory. The father of three leaves for his demanding job as a pipeline inspector at 3:30 in the morning, not to return until 5:30pm. In addition, he’s dealt with six knee surgeries, arthritis, and chronic pain.
For years, Derek let these challenges be “a good excuse to just eat food and watch TV.”
“On the drive home, I’d tell myself I’d workout when I got home. But the moment I stepped through the front door, I would have already given up,” Derek recalls.
If he really wanted to lose weight for a special occasion or holiday, Derek could do it… temporarily.
“I’d cut calories and work out more, but then I’d just gain the weight right back. It was embarrassing.”
One day, Derek looked at a health app he’d been using to log his weight for years. In one chart, he saw his whole weight loss history. It looked like a rollercoaster.
“I knew I needed accountability, consistency, and sustainability.”
Derek had been following Precision Nutrition for a while, and got a lot out of the free information and resources.
Still, Derek couldn’t help feeling like he already knew everything that Precision Nutrition Coaching could possibly teach him. Could he put his own preconceived notions on the shelf and trust the PN approach?
He decided to go for it. “I thought, who knows, I just might learn something.”
Derek didn’t expect what happened next.
“I learned, and re-learned, the fundamentals of health and fitness, in a way that really changed me,” says Derek.
For example, he once would have considered basics like ‘eating slowly until satisfied, not stuffed’ too rudimentary, but now they became guiding principles that helped him stay consistent.
Another simple but powerful concept: doing things ‘just a little bit better’.
“I am typically that ‘all or nothing’ guy, but PN taught me how to make things just a little bit better,” explains Derek. “And the guilt was off me; If I screwed up, I just kept going.”
It wasn’t always easy to stay the course.
For a while, he hit a plateau, and frustration started to creep in.
That’s when Derek reached out to Coach Zach, who helped him make a few small tweaks, and reminded him to stay the course.
Once again, Derek stayed steady. “It seemed like every time I was wavering, the daily lesson would speak to me and give me exactly what I needed.”  So he kept going.
That steadiness and consistency added up to amazing results.
Derek is thrilled at the changes.
“I’m a happier person. I look good, I feel good, I don’t ache all day anymore. And the pain in my knees is getting better all the time.”
He adds, “I’ve been to an elite level of athletics, and this is the best I’ve ever felt or looked.”
For Derek, the best part is beyond the finish line.
“I would usually rush from the start to the finish line. But now, there is no finish line. I look forward to my workouts and continuing to live the habits I’ve learned.
I feel like a new me. It’s exciting.”
Want to get results like Derek? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Men.
Meet our other Women’s winners:
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 28 lbs (185 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 26" (235" to 209")
This program forever changed my relationship with food. It’s hard to name all the ways in which my life has been improved because of Precision Nutrition. It’s been a year of true growth and enlightenment.
- Heather
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 42 lbs (183 lbs to 141 lbs)
Total inches lost: 33" (241" to 208")
I have always loved to eat, and my body used to be proof of that. Over the past year, the PN program changed the *way* I eat, changed my brain, changed my body, changed my whole approach to food and exercise. I still love to eat, but now I'm in the best shape of my life!
- Bernie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 33 years
Weight Lost: 22 lbs (159 lbs to 137 lbs)
Total inches lost: 19" (221" to 202")
Health, as it has been said over the years, is a journey, not a destination. PN has helped me hone the tools necessary to navigate it: consistency, resilience, and a strong support network.
- Annie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 54 years
Weight Lost: 41 lbs (225 lbs to 184 lbs)
Total inches lost: 30" (267" to 237")
My PN year has influenced every aspect of my life. I weigh less, I move more, I eat more consciously, I plan ahead, I use my time more efficiently, I forgive myself more, I get things done, I take better care of myself, I know more about myself, I think more positively, I say 'no' more. I have also influenced my family and friends, and I stand taller. Through small, focused, consistent daily actions, I did the work to make this happen! I am so grateful to have discovered this program.
- Germaine
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (162 lbs to 130 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (226" to 198")
A year ago, I found an undernourished and overindulgent self, looking bewilderedly at a personal life that I had paused while dealing with a traumatic experience. PN taught me how to nourish my whole self with small, daily choices that build a life rooted in my values, and – no matter what comes my way – I am never going back.
- Julie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 53 years
Weight Lost: 84 lbs (280 lbs to 196 lbs)
Total inches lost: 55" (293" to 238")
I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I expected to lose weight and get healthier and I have done just that. I didn't expect to gain back some confidence, because I didn't even realize I had lost it. I didn't expect to be taking pride in my appearance either. When I look at my starting pictures and my last set of progress pictures you can see the change on my face. Now it's radiating joy.
- Karin
$1,000 Women’s Winner:
Age: 47 years
Weight Gained: 14 lbs (102 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches gained: 17″ (167″ to 184″)
PN Coaching gave me the tools to transform my life. It taught me the importance of consistency and how taking small daily actions would bring me closer to reaching my goals. Over time, those steps ultimately changed my life. It went far beyond helping me with my health and fitness goals. It has made a positive impact on all aspects of my life.
– Sherry
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 48 lbs (222 lbs to 174 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (267" to 232")
Through PN, I've learned to take small, seemingly insignificant decisions and actions much more seriously, and use them to empower myself. Before I might have thoughtlessly consumed a cookie at work or a beer after – “it’s just one, one won’t hurt!” Now I look through a long-term lens of living with the physical and emotional impact of thousands of those small actions, added up over time (which is, in fact, what brought me to PN). Rarely will those little things be worth any guilt, short-term physical symptoms, or longer-term loss of fitness or willpower. Better not to engage the enemy at all. It's about mental and emotional survival skills – not just self-control but, more importantly, self-compassion.
- Erin
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 57 years
Weight Lost: 23 lbs (139 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (207" to 189")
PN coaching has helped me exceed the expectations I had. I truly have become a better version of myself, and will continue growing as a result of everything I've learned this year.
- Judith
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 41 years
Weight Lost: 7 lbs (164 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 12" (229" to 217")
PN goes beyond teaching you nutrition and better eating habits. Through this year, I've learned to listen to my body and make the choices that are right for me.
- Emily
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 33 lbs (157 lbs to 124 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (222" to 187")
The Precision Nutrition program provides so many surprises and the approach sneaks up on you somehow. Using tiny incremental changes, and emphasizing the positive, I was provided the opportunity to conquer some important challenges: lose weight, get lean and strong, and dig deeply into longstanding struggles with emotional eating. It has been an amazing journey.
- Deborah
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 39 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (190 lbs to 158 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (228" to 189")
This year, Precision Nutrition has been much more than a nutrition coaching program for me. It has helped me begin to undo over thirty years of extreme diet and exercise, learn to relax, build healthy, lifelong habits, and learn to ACTUALLY love my body for the strong and powerful thing that it is!
- Kayla
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 49 years
Weight Lost: 35 lbs (196 lbs to 161 lbs)
Total inches lost: 36" (243" to 207")
PN took me from a hopeless state, broke my challenges down into bite-sized pieces, uncluttered my mind, and simply helped in the healing process that has allowed me to lose weight and gain a life full of active living.
- Darlene
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (184 lbs to 150 lbs)
Total inches lost: 22" (232" to 210")
I went into PN wanting a new body. I now have a new brain, a new outlook, a new life!
- Tawny
Meet our other Men’s winners:
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 49 lbs (217 lbs to 168 lbs)
Total inches lost: 32" (240" to 208")
Before Precision Nutrition I was putting my career ahead of my health, and it was taking a huge toll on my mind and body. After several attempts with poor diet plans and bizarre exercise strategies, I decided to commit to a year with PN. Right from the start the PN coaches understood where I was coming from, and with their lessons and habits, taught me that by making a few small changes every day, I could reap huge rewards. Both the physical and mental transformation has been overwhelming. I am happier and healthier than I have ever been in my adult life, and it feels like I am finally in control.
- Rob
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 31 years
Weight Lost: 56 lbs (232 lbs to 176 lbs)
Total inches lost: 43" (254" to 211")
PN has done more for me than just change my nutritional habits. It has altered my perception of life and how I want to live it. PN freed me from a lot of the things that have held me back both physically and mentally.
- Will
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 32 years
Weight Lost: 78 lbs (251 lbs to 173 lbs)
Total inches lost: 49" (269" to 220")
PN Coaching this year has been an amazing and life-changing experience. PN has taught me to shift from 'all or nothing', 'on the bus/off the bus' thinking to a 'small but consistent' mentality with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean at any time. Friends and family have asked what the 'secret' has been in my transformation... the PN secret for me has been 'a little more, a little better', one day at a time, today better than yesterday.
- Randy
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (246 lbs to 195 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (262" to 234")
As I recovered from surgery and reached my goals this year, Coach Calvin and PN taught me more than nutrition. I attained a level of confidence I never thought possible in other areas of my life that will go on to benefit me, my family and friends for years to come. Thank you.
- Donald
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 21 lbs (181 lbs to 160 lbs)
Total inches lost: 11" (220" to 209")
Precision Nutrition has, hands down, been the most important decision that I have made this year. It has tremendously impacted my overall health and wellness, skyrocketed my energy level and even helped me become more adventurous in the kitchen!!! Highly recommend!!!
- Kenneth
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 46 years
Weight Lost: 65 lbs (255 lbs to 190 lbs)
Total inches lost: 37" (264" to 227")
Precision Nutrition has shown me that getting healthy doesn't have to be a painful experience. My concern was that it was going to be a long, difficult challenge, but this was not the case. I've had to make some difficult choices to remove some bad habits out of my life so that I can be healthier dad and husband. This past year has truly been an eye-opening experience.
- Kelly
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 28 years
Weight Lost: 40 lbs (218 lbs to 178 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (251" to 224")
Working with PN this year has been one of the best experiences of my life. PN has helped me make some huge changes in my habits and lifestyle without ever making me feel overwhelmed by what was asked of me. I've been able to create a new normal for myself that's healthier than before.
- Trevor
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 59 years
Weight Lost: 62 lbs (307 lbs to 245 lbs)
Total inches lost: 40" (294" to 254")
This year was beginning of a journey that will last until my body leaves this planet. Over the past year PN has been my constant companion, and a very good one: there to help when needed, not overbearing or forceful. PN has been my mentor, preparing me to continue my journey after we part ways. Thanks to PN, I have gained the wisdom and confidence to carry me forward. And as an added reward, I lost some excess baggage that I no longer have to carry on my journey.
- Smitty
$1,000 Men’s Winner:
Age: 27 years
Weight Gained: 16 lbs (183 lbs to 199 lbs)
Total inches gained: 15″ (225″ to 240″)
Precision Nutrition has had a massive impact on the way I approach health and fitness in my life, and the results have exceeded all of my expectations. The PN difference is that they understand what it takes to make lasting changes to your lifestyle that’ll keep you confident and motivated through all of life’s ups and downs. They were there every step of the way, they understand that life is busy and we’re all human, and they always knew exactly how to get me back on track when the going got tough. I finally feel confident that the healthy changes I’ve made to my lifestyle are here to stay, and so is this kick-ass body that came with it. Thanks for everything PN!
– Daniel
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 31 lbs (206 lbs to 175 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (244" to 226")
I have had so many ups and downs this year with business and my progress, but PN was a rock for me, every day...a new lesson, another workout. I loved the accountability and the consistency. PN showed me that you don't have to be perfect to get results. You can accomplish anything with hard work and consistent effort. I haven't been at this weight since I was 17. Many aches and pains have gone away. I have had so many people comment on how much weight I lost and how I look younger. I am proud that I have accomplished this and even more proud that I wasn't perfect along the way. I now know this is truly a 'lifestyle' that I can lead.
- John
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 51 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (264 lbs to 213 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (277" to 250")
All of my life I have struggled with my weight and overall fitness. I was very discouraged, having done many diet programs with initial success but always putting the weight back on. With Precision Nutrition I believe I finally have the toolset I need to maintain a healthy weight and to be more physically fit. I simply learned and adopted new habits that give me control my health.
- David
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 26 years
Weight Lost: 66 lbs (294 lbs to 228 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (288" to 249")
It all clicked for me after uploading progress pics seven months in and comparing them to my pics on day one. I fought back tears as I realized, the man who began as a faint vision in my head was no longer a figment of my imagination. He is real. PN helped my finally see myself for who I REALLY am!
- Kendall
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 30 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (191 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 23" (231" to 208")
I've gone through hell the past two years, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. I've needed support now more than ever, and the help from PN has been amazing. If you go all-in, PN will deliver a life-changing experience!
- Kjetil
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 50 lbs (259 lbs to 209 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (265" to 237")
PN coaching improved not just my physical health, but my mental health too. This year I dealt with some of the hardest challenges at home and work, but PN coaching gave me the tools and the strength to survive and thrive.
- Scott
Meet a few hundred more Precision Nutrition clients.
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from the January 2018 Coaching Program, click the links below.
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for WOMEN finalists
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for MEN finalists
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from all of our Precision Nutrition Coaching programs, click one of the links below.
Precision Nutrition WOMEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Precision Nutrition MEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Of course, if you’re interested in working toward a body or health transformation of your own, consider joining our next Precision Nutrition Coaching group. We’re opening up a few spots in the coming weeks.
Want to transform your body too?
As you probably know, you won’t overhaul your body this dramatically by counting calories, logging time on a treadmill, or reading health tips on Twitter. 
Awesome, lasting, wow-what-happened-to-you transformations usually require personal attention from an expert coach.
And here’s the good news: Precision Nutrition Coaching will be accepting new clients very soon, at our lowest, most accessible price ever.
If you’re interested and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our presale list.
Being on the presale list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition we like to reward the most interested and motivated people because they always make the best clients. Join the presale list and you’ll save up to 54% off the general public price, which is the lowest price we’ve ever offered.
You’re more likely to get a spot. To give clients the personal care and attention they deserve, we only open up the program twice a year. Last time we opened registration, we sold out within minutes. By joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].
If you’re ready to change your body, and your life, with help from the world’s best coaches, this is your chance.
The post Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes! appeared first on Precision Nutrition.
Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes! published first on http://ift.tt/2iVxKPq
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oovitus · 7 years
Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes!
Chelsea and Derek spent the past 12 months transforming their eating habits, health, bodies, and lives with personal help from a PN coach. And now? They’re our latest Grand Prize winners. See how we surprised them with $25,000 each, and meet the rest of our January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching winners.
Every six months, in our Precision Nutrition Coaching program, we give away $125,000 to the men and women who have the most incredible, inspiring body transformations.
Yep, that’s $250,000 a year.
What’s different about this round?
Our most recent transformations were so inspiring — and the response from voters was so huge — that we decided to give out even MORE money.
And, today, you’ll meet our amazing winners.
These folks started working with us in January 2017 and, over the course of the last year, completely transformed how they eat, move, look, and feel.
They lost weight, gained strength, boosted their health, and inspired their friends and families.
Even better, they did it without diets, fads, or crazy workout routines.
Each person simply committed to making a change, stayed consistent, and used the accountability and support of one of our dedicated coaches.
Meet Chelsea, our Women’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
Meet Derek, our Men’s $25,000 Grand Prize Winner
See photos of all January 2018 Women’s winners
See photos of all January 2018 Men’s winners
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Chelsea
Lost 41 lbs and 43 total inches!
Age: 34 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 183 lbs to 142 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 43 inches (from 247 inches to 204 inches)
Chelsea wanted her old self back.
The person who could run without pain, who could compete in triathlons, and who felt… attractive.
In the past, Chelsea was fit and active. She was the captain of her high school tennis and basketball teams, and regularly competed in races and triathlons during University.
But approaching her mid-30s, Chelsea took stock. Somewhere along the way, things had changed. Injuries (and subsequent surgeries) had stopped her from doing the sports she loved.
With reduced physical activity — her go-to way to de-stress — food had become her source of comfort. Weight gain had followed.
With the added weight, even once her injuries had healed, Chelsea had a hard time running. “At best, I could only run-walk, and my back spasmed,” she explains.
It was clear to Chelsea that she needed to make changes, but as a busy lawyer working two jobs, it wasn’t easy to prioritize things like nutrition, stress management, or sleep.
“I felt a bit ‘lost at sea’ with myself, and I had no clear plan for where to go.”
She knew she needed some guidance. But she also knew it needed to be sane and sensible.
Chelsea has zero interest in “woo-woo” weight-loss secrets, diet crazes, or counting calories.
When it comes to health and fitness, Chelsea is, in her words, “skeptical”.
In fact, it’s her lawyer-like skepticism (paired some well-honed research skills) that led Chelsea to Precision Nutrition Coaching.
“I chose PN because it’s well-researched and science-based,” Chelsea explains. “As a lawyer, that’s important to me.”
When Chelsea signed up, she was excited. She appreciated the program’s structure and accountability. And the simplicity of some of the practices, like “eat to 80% full” helped her start improving her nutrition right off the bat.
In fact, very early in the program, Chelsea realized something important.
“Perfection” was not an option.
With her busy schedule, Chelsea couldn’t keep up with every lesson. In fact, at one point she was thrown right off course.
“About halfway through the program, I missed about 2-3 weeks of the daily lessons. I thought, ‘I’ve blown it, I can’t do this anymore, I’ve got so much on my plate with work’.”
Luckily, Coach Toni helped Chelsea keep moving forward. “With her encouragement, my focus became this: just continue to show up.”
Chelsea adds, “I learned that don’t you don’t have to do absolutely everything in order to succeed. It doesn’t matter if you miss a habit. You just have to keep coming back.”
So that’s what she did.
As the months went by, things started to change.
Pounds fell off. Her mobility got better. And Chelsea started to run again — now, without pain or injury.
“During the summer, I completed two triathlons and two races, after not being able to do any for about three years. I was so proud of myself.”
Her relationship with food improved, and she now enjoys cooking dinner as a way to unwind at the end of the day.
“I’m just really happy,” she says. “My mental outlook is really good.”
Chelsea had once imagined running along a beautiful beach, feeling fit and confident.
In Precision Nutrition Coaching, there’s a lesson that asks you to imagine a ‘destination postcard’ — a picture in your mind of where you want to be at the end of the program.
Chelsea envisioned herself running on a beach.
She decided to schedule a trip to Hawaii for the end of the program. She booked it months in advance, and thinking about it became a daily source of motivation.
When the vacation came, it was every bit as good as she had imagined. There she was, on the beach, running, feeling awesome and attractive. The trip also included a last-minute travel companion — her new boyfriend, whom she started dating during the past year.
Her destination had arrived.
Her advice for others who have their own “destination” they want to get to?
“Don’t do be concerned with doing things perfectly. Just keep showing up.”
Want to get results like Chelsea? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Women.
$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Derek
Lost 41 lbs and 18 total inches!
Age: 37 years Weight Lost: 41 lbs (from 188 lbs to 147 lbs) Total Inches Lost: 18 inches (from 229 inches to 211 inches)
Derek already “knew what to do”.
A former athlete who’s competed in wrestling, boxing, and MMA, Derek had plenty of experience staying fit: Count calories, pay attention to macros, work out enough, and his weight would get to where he wanted it to be.
But at 38, Derek’s daily life had started to make his fit-and-healthy athlete days feel like a distant memory: The father of three leaves for his demanding job as a pipeline inspector at 3:30 in the morning, not to return until 5:30pm. In addition, he’s dealt with six knee surgeries, arthritis, and chronic pain.
For years, Derek let these challenges be “a good excuse to just eat food and watch TV.”
“On the drive home, I’d tell myself I’d workout when I got home. But the moment I stepped through the front door, I would have already given up,” Derek recalls.
If he really wanted to lose weight for a special occasion or holiday, Derek could do it… temporarily.
“I’d cut calories and work out more, but then I’d just gain the weight right back. It was embarrassing.”
One day, Derek looked at a health app he’d been using to log his weight for years. In one chart, he saw his whole weight loss history. It looked like a rollercoaster.
“I knew I needed accountability, consistency, and sustainability.”
Derek had been following Precision Nutrition for a while, and got a lot out of the free information and resources.
Still, Derek couldn’t help feeling like he already knew everything that Precision Nutrition Coaching could possibly teach him. Could he put his own preconceived notions on the shelf and trust the PN approach?
He decided to go for it. “I thought, who knows, I just might learn something.”
Derek didn’t expect what happened next.
“I learned, and re-learned, the fundamentals of health and fitness, in a way that really changed me,” says Derek.
For example, he once would have considered basics like ‘eating slowly until satisfied, not stuffed’ too rudimentary, but now they became guiding principles that helped him stay consistent.
Another simple but powerful concept: doing things ‘just a little bit better’.
“I am typically that ‘all or nothing’ guy, but PN taught me how to make things just a little bit better,” explains Derek. “And the guilt was off me; If I screwed up, I just kept going.”
It wasn’t always easy to stay the course.
For a while, he hit a plateau, and frustration started to creep in.
That’s when Derek reached out to Coach Zach, who helped him make a few small tweaks, and reminded him to stay the course.
Once again, Derek stayed steady. “It seemed like every time I was wavering, the daily lesson would speak to me and give me exactly what I needed.”  So he kept going.
That steadiness and consistency added up to amazing results.
Derek is thrilled at the changes.
“I’m a happier person. I look good, I feel good, I don’t ache all day anymore. And the pain in my knees is getting better all the time.”
He adds, “I’ve been to an elite level of athletics, and this is the best I’ve ever felt or looked.”
For Derek, the best part is beyond the finish line.
“I would usually rush from the start to the finish line. But now, there is no finish line. I look forward to my workouts and continuing to live the habits I’ve learned.
I feel like a new me. It’s exciting.”
Want to get results like Derek? Learn more about the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program for Men.
Meet our other Women’s winners:
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 28 lbs (185 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 26" (235" to 209")
This program forever changed my relationship with food. It’s hard to name all the ways in which my life has been improved because of Precision Nutrition. It’s been a year of true growth and enlightenment.
- Heather
$10,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 42 lbs (183 lbs to 141 lbs)
Total inches lost: 33" (241" to 208")
I have always loved to eat, and my body used to be proof of that. Over the past year, the PN program changed the *way* I eat, changed my brain, changed my body, changed my whole approach to food and exercise. I still love to eat, but now I'm in the best shape of my life!
- Bernie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 33 years
Weight Lost: 22 lbs (159 lbs to 137 lbs)
Total inches lost: 19" (221" to 202")
Health, as it has been said over the years, is a journey, not a destination. PN has helped me hone the tools necessary to navigate it: consistency, resilience, and a strong support network.
- Annie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 54 years
Weight Lost: 41 lbs (225 lbs to 184 lbs)
Total inches lost: 30" (267" to 237")
My PN year has influenced every aspect of my life. I weigh less, I move more, I eat more consciously, I plan ahead, I use my time more efficiently, I forgive myself more, I get things done, I take better care of myself, I know more about myself, I think more positively, I say 'no' more. I have also influenced my family and friends, and I stand taller. Through small, focused, consistent daily actions, I did the work to make this happen! I am so grateful to have discovered this program.
- Germaine
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (162 lbs to 130 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (226" to 198")
A year ago, I found an undernourished and overindulgent self, looking bewilderedly at a personal life that I had paused while dealing with a traumatic experience. PN taught me how to nourish my whole self with small, daily choices that build a life rooted in my values, and – no matter what comes my way – I am never going back.
- Julie
$2,500 Women's Winner:
Age: 53 years
Weight Lost: 84 lbs (280 lbs to 196 lbs)
Total inches lost: 55" (293" to 238")
I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I expected to lose weight and get healthier and I have done just that. I didn't expect to gain back some confidence, because I didn't even realize I had lost it. I didn't expect to be taking pride in my appearance either. When I look at my starting pictures and my last set of progress pictures you can see the change on my face. Now it's radiating joy.
- Karin
$1,000 Women’s Winner:
Age: 47 years
Weight Gained: 14 lbs (102 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches gained: 17″ (167″ to 184″)
PN Coaching gave me the tools to transform my life. It taught me the importance of consistency and how taking small daily actions would bring me closer to reaching my goals. Over time, those steps ultimately changed my life. It went far beyond helping me with my health and fitness goals. It has made a positive impact on all aspects of my life.
– Sherry
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 48 lbs (222 lbs to 174 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (267" to 232")
Through PN, I've learned to take small, seemingly insignificant decisions and actions much more seriously, and use them to empower myself. Before I might have thoughtlessly consumed a cookie at work or a beer after – “it’s just one, one won’t hurt!” Now I look through a long-term lens of living with the physical and emotional impact of thousands of those small actions, added up over time (which is, in fact, what brought me to PN). Rarely will those little things be worth any guilt, short-term physical symptoms, or longer-term loss of fitness or willpower. Better not to engage the enemy at all. It's about mental and emotional survival skills – not just self-control but, more importantly, self-compassion.
- Erin
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 57 years
Weight Lost: 23 lbs (139 lbs to 116 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (207" to 189")
PN coaching has helped me exceed the expectations I had. I truly have become a better version of myself, and will continue growing as a result of everything I've learned this year.
- Judith
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 41 years
Weight Lost: 7 lbs (164 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 12" (229" to 217")
PN goes beyond teaching you nutrition and better eating habits. Through this year, I've learned to listen to my body and make the choices that are right for me.
- Emily
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 67 years
Weight Lost: 33 lbs (157 lbs to 124 lbs)
Total inches lost: 35" (222" to 187")
The Precision Nutrition program provides so many surprises and the approach sneaks up on you somehow. Using tiny incremental changes, and emphasizing the positive, I was provided the opportunity to conquer some important challenges: lose weight, get lean and strong, and dig deeply into longstanding struggles with emotional eating. It has been an amazing journey.
- Deborah
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 39 years
Weight Lost: 32 lbs (190 lbs to 158 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (228" to 189")
This year, Precision Nutrition has been much more than a nutrition coaching program for me. It has helped me begin to undo over thirty years of extreme diet and exercise, learn to relax, build healthy, lifelong habits, and learn to ACTUALLY love my body for the strong and powerful thing that it is!
- Kayla
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 49 years
Weight Lost: 35 lbs (196 lbs to 161 lbs)
Total inches lost: 36" (243" to 207")
PN took me from a hopeless state, broke my challenges down into bite-sized pieces, uncluttered my mind, and simply helped in the healing process that has allowed me to lose weight and gain a life full of active living.
- Darlene
$1,000 Women's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (184 lbs to 150 lbs)
Total inches lost: 22" (232" to 210")
I went into PN wanting a new body. I now have a new brain, a new outlook, a new life!
- Tawny
Meet our other Men’s winners:
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 36 years
Weight Lost: 49 lbs (217 lbs to 168 lbs)
Total inches lost: 32" (240" to 208")
Before Precision Nutrition I was putting my career ahead of my health, and it was taking a huge toll on my mind and body. After several attempts with poor diet plans and bizarre exercise strategies, I decided to commit to a year with PN. Right from the start the PN coaches understood where I was coming from, and with their lessons and habits, taught me that by making a few small changes every day, I could reap huge rewards. Both the physical and mental transformation has been overwhelming. I am happier and healthier than I have ever been in my adult life, and it feels like I am finally in control.
- Rob
$10,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 31 years
Weight Lost: 56 lbs (232 lbs to 176 lbs)
Total inches lost: 43" (254" to 211")
PN has done more for me than just change my nutritional habits. It has altered my perception of life and how I want to live it. PN freed me from a lot of the things that have held me back both physically and mentally.
- Will
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 32 years
Weight Lost: 78 lbs (251 lbs to 173 lbs)
Total inches lost: 49" (269" to 220")
PN Coaching this year has been an amazing and life-changing experience. PN has taught me to shift from 'all or nothing', 'on the bus/off the bus' thinking to a 'small but consistent' mentality with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean at any time. Friends and family have asked what the 'secret' has been in my transformation... the PN secret for me has been 'a little more, a little better', one day at a time, today better than yesterday.
- Randy
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (246 lbs to 195 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (262" to 234")
As I recovered from surgery and reached my goals this year, Coach Calvin and PN taught me more than nutrition. I attained a level of confidence I never thought possible in other areas of my life that will go on to benefit me, my family and friends for years to come. Thank you.
- Donald
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 35 years
Weight Lost: 21 lbs (181 lbs to 160 lbs)
Total inches lost: 11" (220" to 209")
Precision Nutrition has, hands down, been the most important decision that I have made this year. It has tremendously impacted my overall health and wellness, skyrocketed my energy level and even helped me become more adventurous in the kitchen!!! Highly recommend!!!
- Kenneth
$2,500 Men's Winner:
Age: 46 years
Weight Lost: 65 lbs (255 lbs to 190 lbs)
Total inches lost: 37" (264" to 227")
Precision Nutrition has shown me that getting healthy doesn't have to be a painful experience. My concern was that it was going to be a long, difficult challenge, but this was not the case. I've had to make some difficult choices to remove some bad habits out of my life so that I can be healthier dad and husband. This past year has truly been an eye-opening experience.
- Kelly
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 28 years
Weight Lost: 40 lbs (218 lbs to 178 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (251" to 224")
Working with PN this year has been one of the best experiences of my life. PN has helped me make some huge changes in my habits and lifestyle without ever making me feel overwhelmed by what was asked of me. I've been able to create a new normal for myself that's healthier than before.
- Trevor
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 59 years
Weight Lost: 62 lbs (307 lbs to 245 lbs)
Total inches lost: 40" (294" to 254")
This year was beginning of a journey that will last until my body leaves this planet. Over the past year PN has been my constant companion, and a very good one: there to help when needed, not overbearing or forceful. PN has been my mentor, preparing me to continue my journey after we part ways. Thanks to PN, I have gained the wisdom and confidence to carry me forward. And as an added reward, I lost some excess baggage that I no longer have to carry on my journey.
- Smitty
$1,000 Men’s Winner:
Age: 27 years
Weight Gained: 16 lbs (183 lbs to 199 lbs)
Total inches gained: 15″ (225″ to 240″)
Precision Nutrition has had a massive impact on the way I approach health and fitness in my life, and the results have exceeded all of my expectations. The PN difference is that they understand what it takes to make lasting changes to your lifestyle that’ll keep you confident and motivated through all of life’s ups and downs. They were there every step of the way, they understand that life is busy and we’re all human, and they always knew exactly how to get me back on track when the going got tough. I finally feel confident that the healthy changes I’ve made to my lifestyle are here to stay, and so is this kick-ass body that came with it. Thanks for everything PN!
– Daniel
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 44 years
Weight Lost: 31 lbs (206 lbs to 175 lbs)
Total inches lost: 18" (244" to 226")
I have had so many ups and downs this year with business and my progress, but PN was a rock for me, every day...a new lesson, another workout. I loved the accountability and the consistency. PN showed me that you don't have to be perfect to get results. You can accomplish anything with hard work and consistent effort. I haven't been at this weight since I was 17. Many aches and pains have gone away. I have had so many people comment on how much weight I lost and how I look younger. I am proud that I have accomplished this and even more proud that I wasn't perfect along the way. I now know this is truly a 'lifestyle' that I can lead.
- John
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 51 years
Weight Lost: 51 lbs (264 lbs to 213 lbs)
Total inches lost: 27" (277" to 250")
All of my life I have struggled with my weight and overall fitness. I was very discouraged, having done many diet programs with initial success but always putting the weight back on. With Precision Nutrition I believe I finally have the toolset I need to maintain a healthy weight and to be more physically fit. I simply learned and adopted new habits that give me control my health.
- David
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 26 years
Weight Lost: 66 lbs (294 lbs to 228 lbs)
Total inches lost: 39" (288" to 249")
It all clicked for me after uploading progress pics seven months in and comparing them to my pics on day one. I fought back tears as I realized, the man who began as a faint vision in my head was no longer a figment of my imagination. He is real. PN helped my finally see myself for who I REALLY am!
- Kendall
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 30 years
Weight Lost: 34 lbs (191 lbs to 157 lbs)
Total inches lost: 23" (231" to 208")
I've gone through hell the past two years, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. I've needed support now more than ever, and the help from PN has been amazing. If you go all-in, PN will deliver a life-changing experience!
- Kjetil
$1,000 Men's Winner:
Age: 43 years
Weight Lost: 50 lbs (259 lbs to 209 lbs)
Total inches lost: 28" (265" to 237")
PN coaching improved not just my physical health, but my mental health too. This year I dealt with some of the hardest challenges at home and work, but PN coaching gave me the tools and the strength to survive and thrive.
- Scott
Meet a few hundred more Precision Nutrition clients.
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from the January 2018 Coaching Program, click the links below.
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for WOMEN finalists
January 2018 Precision Nutrition Coaching for MEN finalists
To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from all of our Precision Nutrition Coaching programs, click one of the links below.
Precision Nutrition WOMEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Precision Nutrition MEN’S Coaching: The Finalist Hall of Fame
Of course, if you’re interested in working toward a body or health transformation of your own, consider joining our next Precision Nutrition Coaching group. We’re opening up a few spots in the coming weeks.
Want to transform your body too?
As you probably know, you won’t overhaul your body this dramatically by counting calories, logging time on a treadmill, or reading health tips on Twitter. 
Awesome, lasting, wow-what-happened-to-you transformations usually require personal attention from an expert coach.
And here’s the good news: Precision Nutrition Coaching will be accepting new clients very soon, at our lowest, most accessible price ever.
If you’re interested and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our presale list.
Being on the presale list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition we like to reward the most interested and motivated people because they always make the best clients. Join the presale list and you’ll save up to 54% off the general public price, which is the lowest price we’ve ever offered.
You’re more likely to get a spot. To give clients the personal care and attention they deserve, we only open up the program twice a year. Last time we opened registration, we sold out within minutes. By joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].
If you’re ready to change your body, and your life, with help from the world’s best coaches, this is your chance.
The post Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes! appeared first on Precision Nutrition.
Precision Nutrition Coaching Grand Prize Winners: January 2018. We just surprised our latest winners with more than $125,000 in prizes! published first on
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