#THE THING IS. hes one of those types . where im genuinely worried he’ll off himself if i say im not interested in him
bugflies00 · 8 months
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Just wanted to make like a proper way bio thing for peri (irep coming soon probably if i bother)
I would write fanfiction but uh idk if i could so these are more like characters notes
real long post below
Peri is a highly independent adult, he doesn’t like being coddled or touched without any warning and isnt the type to ask for help at all even if he really needs it. He’s an extremely closed off person using the suave act as a way to personally seperate himself to others which he developed due to his celebrity status, the suave personality also acts as a way to keep face as he never knows where could be camera. He pretends this cool collected guy, that can worm his way to getting anything (which is true) that has everything under control but in reality he’s this kinda dorky dude, that always anxious on how people perceive him and his grades. He’s an overachiever, after the initial first baby born hype died down he’s mostly known as the really smart youngest fairy in existence, he’s was an academic weapon throughout spellementary school and hs (im basing his education system off mine which is only two schools no middle 4-12 and 12-18) and came to uni with overconfidence in his educational abilities. Theres one thing thats consistent between his suave act and his actual self which is he’s petty as hell and very snarky, you can try talking him down but he’ll roast you back or give you a vaguely threatening threat. As well as being a bit prideful and vain, like he knows he’s pretty and smart and cares a lot about his appearance.
In this uni au he’ll be a bit of a static character he doesnt grow much, and struggles with demonstrating his affection or his struggles. (Which is why dev and peri dont exactly work much cause peri is overcompensating on how much coddling he got, and show affection in a more subtle way that dev doesn’t need as he need a more direct way (and heres a thought i dont think peri wouldve ever said he cared for dev unless delirious) ) . But he’s more openly affectionate with his parents cause he loves them. What he mainly goes through is humbling, he starts fairly prideful and overconfident but starts to slowly crumble from the pressure and anxiety. As in he doesnt say no to anything, hes somehow always busy or doing something, he also studies not enough and too much (crams shit in) and he also got his celebrity things to do. Another arc will be opening up to Goldie and Irep (but they'll be his only friends) cause he doesnt learn shit about how to socialise without depending on the act. He’s also easily frustrated, if things dont go in the way he wants he gets frustrated at himself, like he really put his self worth on his abilities to do things and less on who he is as a person. Like everyone praised him for his intelligence, charm, talent, magic and appearance, like he hates being coddled but he likes being praised, while irep doesnt get praised and seeks getting praised. But that doesnt change the fact he is a genuinely nice-ish person he just doesn’t like disappointing people, especially those close to him but he’s got a bit of an ego but not in a narcissistic way but in a young adult way where he doesnt exactly think for others first but for himself because he doesnt want to disappoint people. (Which is seen in battle of dimmsonian where hes more worried about being seen by his parents and his career choices then dev). Which is also why he’s a stickler to the rules, like he doesnt want people to think he’s bad person but also jorgen literally drilled it into him that breaking the rules is bad. Like he’s the type to do it right by the books, that comes from him being a bit of a people pleaser, and genuine concern of him messing up his perfect facade.
Speaking of Goldie, i would describe their relationship as fairly close. It takes a while for the either of them to open up to anything personal but they start off as friends of mutual benefits. They use eachother as study buddies, people to hang out with and to talk about their slightly weird interests. And the more they go through uni the more they will confide with each other. Like i imagine a tipping off point for their friendship is when peri finally breaks and gets like a panic attack, Goldie will be there to boost him up. Irep is also their friend but he’s in it more to best Peri or to piss him off. Irep is one of few to see through his act and knows how to break it.
Like genuinely i do think hazel and peri may be counterparts to each other like they both lost their sibling figure, both overthinks scenarios and both want to be appear more mature then they actually are. Like i want anw to be where he grows the most because he’s more challenged to question his behaviours and habits, especially with how these traits affect his and dev’s relationship for the worse.
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akakeiiji · 4 years
HI!~ (THIS IS MY FIRST TINE REQUESTING AND IM REALLY EXCITED) Can I request a scenario where their smol s/o (I'm like 155 or 5'1 for reference) gets easily lost? Like they just wonder off on their own cause they think that he's still with them and she tends to leave her phone with him so calling to find her is out of the question??? (Me honestly IM SORRY FRIENDS AND FAMILY) She likes a lot of things so sometimes its hard to find her cause they never know where she is? Ushi, Tsuki and Bokuto-🌼
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-`,✎ Ushijima, Tsukishima and Bokuto losing their short S/O in a crowd
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THIS REQUEST IS JUST TOO ADORABLE AND IT HITS SO CLOSE TO HOME!! We’re the same height nonnie 🤧🤧✋ Short gang, where ya’ll at? 
Also I apparently don’t know how to read because I thought you requested for headcanons at first despite you clearly asking for scenarios so I decided to keep the hcs since I was already halfway done with them~ hope you don’t mind, nonnie! 
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The man is literally built like the empire state building, he just towers over everyone, it’s insane
And then there you are behind him, all tiny and stuff, it’s so friggin adorable
He doesn’t really notice your height difference at all
Whenever people point it out, he just cocks his head with his eyebrows furrowed and is like “Yeah, I’m tall?? And they’re short?? Why are you reacting like that?”
He’s genuinely confused and doesn’t see why it’s a big deal at all
When he looks at you he doesn’t really pick up on itty bitty details like your height and stature; he just sees you for the whole you and sees you simply as this perfect deity that he loves
But he does appreciate the perks that come with it such as the way you feel when he hugs you after a match or the way you look up at him so adorably when you’re trying to get a kiss
He also didn’t realize the cons that came with having a tiny s/o
There are many but we’re focusing on the fact that it’s so easy to lose you in a crowd
He’ll literally look away for 0.5 seconds and when he looks back at you, you’re suddenly gone
He probably won’t notice for a bit but after a while, he’ll wonder why you aren’t holding onto his sleeve or hand anymore
Whenever this happens he usually goes about it in two ways; he’d either stay still where he is and let you find him (which isn’t hard, he sticks out like a sore thumb) or if enough time passes, he’ll retrace his steps and look for you himself
He’ll have a tiny little frown on his face since he gets so worried about you, like you’re so tiny what if you get trampled??
When he does find you though, the wide smile on your face when you catch sight of him honestly makes the search worth it
can you tell that I miss ushi so friggin much
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The streets in downtown Tokyo are always so packed at this time of day. There were hundreds of people rushing to and from work, tourists taking in the sights, and busy shoppers such as yourself and Ushijima; you two had just finished shopping together and were heading to your favorite restaurant in the area as you always do to end your date night.
Your hand remained tightly wrapped around the hem of your boyfriend’s coat as you two made your way down the busy streets, struggling to not get pulled away as people continued to mercilessly push past you. You would have much rather held Ushijima’s hand but he insisted on carrying all your shopping bags and was rather preoccupied with them at that moment.
He marched on, oblivious to your struggles behind him. It was during times like this when you hated how short your legs were, you were practically jogging to keep up with your boyfriend who, to him, was only going at a leisurely pace.
Before you knew it, your hand had loosened and you suddenly lost hold of his coat. You looked up, hoping to find him just a few feet away, but he had disappeared into the sea of people all around you.
Ushijima hadn’t noticed anything at first, he was too focused on where he was going to realize that the little tugs on the hem of his coat throughout the journey were suddenly gone. He looked down at both his hands and placed the shopping bags on one of them to the other so that he could use it to hold your own.
He held out his free hand behind him, calling out your name, and motioned for you to grab it. A few seconds went by of him gesturing like this only to be met with no response.
He looked back, eyebrows furrowed, only to find no sign of you.
Ushijima immediately stops in his tracks, eyes widening ever so slightly as he did a little 360 turn in his spot, raking over the crowds rushing past him in hopes he’d find your familiar head of hair bouncing about.
He stood motionless where he was, forcing people to walk around him—most wanted to tell him off for standing in the middle of the street but no one had the balls to.
A few minutes went by and he began walking down the direction he came from looking everywhere for you. Worry began to bubble in him when you were still nowhere to be found but suddenly he saw a figure waving at him from afar.
You were standing on top of those small cement blocks on the bottom street lights, waving your free hand that wasn’t wrapped around the lamp towards your boyfriend, grinning ear to ear when you met eyes with him.
Ushijima smiled in relief, shoulders relaxing as he made his way over to you. You met him halfway, immediately wrapping your arms around him in a hug, burying your face into his chest.
“I’m never letting go of your hand next time.” He said, pressing a chaste kiss on the top of your head before interlocking your fingers together. You laughed, nodding in agreement. “Definitely not.”
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We all already know this: Kei is fucking ruthless
It doesn’t matter that you’re dating. It doesn’t matter that you’re literally his favorite person in the world tho he’ll never admit this to you you will not be free from his savageness
No one is more hyper-aware of your height difference than he is and no one teases you more than him
Tsukishima is literally the type to steal your things and hold them over your head or he’ll purposefully stand at full height whenever you want to kiss him just so that he can watch you struggle
“Oh, babe, I didn’t see you from down there.”
Is the type to purposefully put things you use all the time up on the top shelves in cupboards and cabinets
He says that he does this to annoy but really he does this so that you can call him to help you since he banned you from climbing the counters 🤧✋
He really loves your height though as much as he likes to tease you for it
He loves how easy it is to wrap his arms around you and how you burrow into his chest whenever you hug
His favorite thing about your height is probably the fact that it’s so comfortable being the big spoon with you since you fit so snuggly against him 🥺
again he’ll never tell you this, my man is tight-lipped
However he can get very protective over you, it’s like he developed this idea in this head that small = fragile
So whenever he loses track of you in a crowd (which happens a lot, it's honestly embarrassing) he immediately drops everything and searches for you
He’ll have this permanent pout on his face as he retraces his steps, going back to wherever you two were and keeping an eye out for either you or places that would catch your eye
Once he finally catches you, he’d sigh in relief and immediately put up his “i’m annoyed right now, give me attention” face and head over to you, knocking your head with his knuckles lightly
He’d lecture you a bit about staying close to him and he’d spend the rest of your time out with his eye on you and with his hand tightly wrapped around your own
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The mall was always so crowded during the weekend especially now that Christmas was just around the corner. Tsukishima told you that you two should visit the mall later during the week but you were just so excited to see this new movie, he simply couldn’t say no; he cursed himself for being so tightly wrapped around your finger.
The building was already pretty full when you two entered the cinema but when you two emerged, it was as if the number of people there seemed to double in just a span of a few hours.
As you two made your way through the tight-knit crowds of people, the frown on Tsukishima’s face never left as people kept pushing and rushing past him. He called out your name behind him and said, “See, I told you we should have come after the weekend, it’s like half the city is here right now.”
He waited for your usual giggle or scoff, maybe a light smack on his arm as you tell him to brighten up but there wasn’t any of that.
“(Y/N)? Did you hear me? I—(Y/N?),” He turned around, worried that you may have been upset at him but instead was surprised to find that you weren’t trailing along behind him like he expected you to be.
He turned around fully, hands coming out of his pocket as he raked his eyes over the crowds of people around him. It would be nearly impossible to find you here, there were probably hundreds of people in the mall now.
Tsukishima groaned slightly as he ran a hand through his locks, his other hand going into his pant pocket to ring your phone only to realize that it was with him as well, right next to his. This elicited a second groan from the blonde.
Knowing you, you probably got distracted by something and wandered away from him.
He retraced his steps, keeping a close eye on his surroundings. He had no idea when you wandered away from him so you could have been anywhere. He stood at full height, towering over the majority of the crowd, and scanned the entirety of the floor and the shops on it.
He entered a few stores he knew you’d most likely visit; the bookstore, the pet store, and a shop that was having a 50% sale but he found no traces of you.
Tsukishima was about to give up and head to the information desk and ask them to announce something on the loudspeaker to grab your attention—probably something along the lines of “To the small gremlin wandering around floor three right now, please meet Tsukishima Kei at the main exit.”—when he spotted a bright store on the other side of the floor.
You were there. He just knew it.
He rolled his eyes as he made his way to the anime store and low and behold, there you were, crouching as you stared at the shelves of anime merchandise, a wide ear to ear grin on your face.
Tsukishima sighed and lightly smacked you, tearing you away from your thoughts and making you look up at him in shock.
“You are such an idiot, (Y/N).” You only laughed in response and wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your face onto his chest. “Aww, Kei! Were you worried about me?”
“Of course, I was. How do you expect me to feel?” He said with another roll of his eyes. He brought his hand up and placed it on top of your head. “I was worried someone thought you were a child and kidnapped you.”
You let out an indignant gasp and started to smack him but he only laughed and took your hand in his, dragging you out of the store behind him ignoring your protests.
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Nobody in the whole entire world thinks you’re more adorable than Bokuto
He adores the fact that you’re so tiny, he likes you call you his pocket-sized s/o  
He never really teases you, instead he always coos and coddles you
He especially loves lifting you up in his arms and twirling you around, he always does this after winning a game and it always leaves you feeling dizzy
But you never complain bc who would complain about being hugged by Kou like that 🤧✋
However, as much as Bokuto loves how smol you are, he always kinda forgets that you’re short??
It’s because he’s always surrounded by tall people; his friends, the volleyball team, etc.
So he always forgets to adjust when he’s with you
And you know how some people just naturally walk really really fast, like they can’t help it, it’s just how they walk normally??
Yeah, that’s Bokuto
And this paired with the fact that he is literally 6’1 means he practically travels at light speed
Your tiny legs can barely keep up with your excitable boyfriend and you’re always practically jogging to keep up with him so if you take your eyes off of him for even just a few seconds he’ll probably run off somewhere and disappear 😔✋
This occurs so often when you two are out that you’re never shocked whenever it happens
It takes a few minutes before Bokuto realizes that he’s suddenly alone in a crowd and that you aren’t beside him like he thought you would be
Everyone around him would give him looks but he wouldn’t care, he just needs to find you fast or he’ll start panicking tho he lowkey already is
Some people would think that he’s looking for his kid but nah, he’s just looking for his smol s/o who would show up beside him after a while with a disgruntled look on their face
It never takes long for you two to reunite when you get separated, you just have to wait for the distinctive voice of your boyfriend yelling for you somewhere
When you two find each other, the first thing he’ll do is pull you into a tight hug, usually lifting you up from the ground as he presses a few kisses on your cheeks in relief
He’ll remember to walk slowly for the rest of the time you’re out, usually with his arm over your shoulder or with his hand tightly wrapped around your own
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It made absolutely no sense to you that Bokuto literally grew up in the city yet has never visited the amusement park in the area before. You’ve visited the park countless times before but for your boyfriend, it was a first.
Bokuto was practically bouncing with excitement ever since you proposed the idea of visiting the amusement park together and it only got more intense as the day of your visit grew closer and closer.
You somewhat regretted not pushing your date to a later day in the week so that it didn’t fall on the weekend since the park was so packed but that feeling quickly dissipated when you glanced at your beaming boyfriend beside you.
What you did regret however was the fact that you didn’t wear more comfortable shoes, ones that were more fitting for exercise rather than leisurely walks since you were practically running around the park just to keep up with Bokuto.
His hand remained tightly clasped on your own as he sprinted all around the park, looking at all the rides, food stands, and gift shops around the place. He wasn’t really running, he was simply walking at a quick pace but this coupled with his long legs made it so difficult to match his pace with your significantly shorter ones.
You two had just gotten off a rather intense roller coaster and you felt your head spin from how dizzy it made you, you halted in your steps as Bokuto was about to begin running towards another ride making Bokuto stop as well as he was pulled back by your hand which was still holding onto his.
“Koutarou, let me rest for a bit,” You said as you sat on a bench in the shade, Bokuto immediately nodded and took a seat beside you, he handed you a bottle of water from his bag. “Sure babe, here drink this.”
After a few minutes of talking and resting under the shade, you stood up, reinvigorated, and filled with more energy. “Okay, let’s go, I’m feeling much better now,”
Bokuto immediately jumped onto his feet and beamed at you, more than ready for another round of rollercoasters and thrilling rides. He held out his hand for you to take and you two headed farther into the park.
“Let’s go on the Viking ride next—wait, hold on, let me fix this.” You let go of your boyfriend’s hand and began adjusting the overpriced headband on your head; Bokuto insisted on buying matching ones at the gift shop despite their ridiculous price (“Look, it’s just so adorable!”)
When you looked up, ready to grab ahold of his hand again, Bokuto was suddenly nowhere to be seen.
You whipped your head all around you but you couldn’t see the familiar head of hair of your boyfriend in the horde of people around you. You stood on your tiptoes, craning your head to get a better view but that didn’t do anything to help. You feel back on your feet and huffed; curse you and your short stature.
You walked down the direction you two were originally headed at, raking your eyes over the crowds of people you walked past when you suddenly heard a familiar voice yelling out your name from a distance. You whipped your head towards the direction of the voice and began to jog towards it.
Bokuto was standing on his tiptoes, his hands cupping his mouth as he called out for you over and over again, oblivious to the looks of shock from the people around him.
As he was about to scream out your name for the dozenth time, you suddenly pushed your way through the people around him and grabbed ahold of his arm, an exasperated yet also relieved look on your face.
Bokuto’s face immediately lit up, the small frown on his lips turning into a large smile as he wrapped his arms around you. He pressed you into his chest and lifted you off the ground as he usually does when he hugs you.
You giggled and flailed around as he did this, when he placed you back safely on the ground, he placed a small kiss on your forehead.
“Sorry for leaving you behind,” Bokuto said as he laced his fingers onto your own, “It won’t happen again,”
You scoffed playfully and let yourself be dragged along by him, “That’s what you said last time, Kou.”
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kaebedom-me · 4 years
Knock knock. If it's okay, I'd like to request a bit of body worship for chaeya. Can be nsfw or fluffy. I have a need 🥺🥺🥺
dffdbgbdbfs thank you for requesting!!! i hope these were worthyyyy!! <3 also i hope these will cheer you up even a little and that you feel better soon!! ilyy <33 
also also im not sure what i wrote counts as body worshipping but-- anyway i hope you like it!!
as cocky as Kaeya is, i feel, as soon as Childe showers him with any sort of like genuinely awe and affection, he gets very flustered
tries to push and swat Childe away because his face is heating up sm and he’s not too sure what to do or say
Childe!!! loves giving affection to Kaeya, especially when Kaeya’s a little down, or when he isn’t doing anything at all, or when Kaeya’s being like genuine 
(Childe just loves giving Kaeya the most affection uwu)
apart from words of affirmation, reassurance and the like, Childe likes to give Kaeya as much physical affection as he can
body worship for them is not just done in bed? like i feel like they’re really young, and they went/are going thru a lot so, so sometimes they can’t quite express themselves with words, so they do it through physical touches
a lot of kisses for Kaeya, whenever he’s down or whatever, whenever Childe has something to say to Kaeya he goes up to him and pulls him into a loving kiss, followed by a lot of pecks to his face and anywhere else
Childe might not be the best at expressing himself with words but he makes up for it with very loving touches that Kaeya can read as easily as his favourite childhood fairy tale
sometimes it’s not even kisses? Childe likes to just run his hands on Kaeya’s skin and just really feel him, sometimes he massages Kaeya a little as he traces his hands on his body, other times he likes to just touch him lightly and tap on his skin occasionally
Kaeya getting a little flustered by this because he knows what Childe is trying to say, he feels comforted but also kind of shy? because no one’s really like touched him like this before without other intentions
so Kaeya whenever he can’t take the affections anymore, he just moves to either hold Childe’s hand tightly in his, or snuggle up into Childe so he’s forced to hold him and stop!! being!! so affectionate!!
bonus, Kaeya’s holding Childe’s hand and squeezing it to tell Childe that he’s received Childe unsaid love
it’s usually like random strokes? it’s just Childe wanting to express something he can’t say
but sometimes whenever he sees like Kaeya being worried about things he shouldn’t be, his touches have more purpose
like he’ll soothingly rub Kaeya’s back, gently comb through his hair, play with his fingers
it’s like he’s trying to tell Kaeya that he’s here with Childe, that he’s real and that he loves him very much
haaaaa Kaeya trying to reciprocate Childe’s like gentle touches, to let him know that he loves Childe too?
sometimes he can’t smooth talk Childe like his affections, or like his love? because he’s afraid he’ll say something stupid or out of character or that his masks would crumble and he isn’t sure who he is like underneath all those layers
so he tries to do what Childe does, because he knows he’d understand and that just these would be enough
it’s enough for Childe because he’ll pull Kaeya in for a hug and tell him he loves him
pleeeasee TT Childe pushing Kaeya’s hair back and tilting it a little so he can kiss Kaeya’s eyepatch or his eyelids when he has it off
he usually kisses that spot a little bit longer then it’s followed by quicker lighter pecks on Kaeya’s entire face, then they just,,, touch foreheads and look at each other because that’s all they need
haaaaa please pls pls older chaeya when they’re better at communicating their feelings, they’re able to express themselves more with words? and by then they’ve learnt how to really appreciate each other’s words
pls pls pls pls even though Childe better at giving loving touches, he makes an effort to voice out his love for Kaeya-
him after like getting more comfortable with Kaeya, maybe he picks up a thing or two from Kaeya’s praises and assurances, so whenever he’s gently touching Kaeya, he tells him how much he loves him
he tells him about how much he loves him and how happy he is that Kaeya chose to stay by his side, then he tells him why he loves him and why he’s so happy please i want sappy Childe with no filter
please just imagine Childe kissing Kaeya anywhere and mumbling softly about what he loves about Kaeya and Kaeya getting all flustered like trying to hide his face and lighting pushing Childe away hh-
Kaeya’s the opposite, he’s usually able to pull off sappy things like that and he means it all the time!! but whenever he’s quiet, it just feels a little bit more special, as if he’s speaking with his heart
and Childe absolutely melts for it, returns his affections as best as he can with words that will make Kaeya’s heart flutter
i’ll do more nsfw body worship next time!! you’re free to request again for more owo!! (so i can go into more detail asdha i love they sm)
body worship sex is a lot like them body worshipping out of bed
a lot of loving touches and a lot of praise
them just needing each other? so they have to be in a position where they’re embracing each other, and ideally they can look at each other of just close enough to give kisses to each other at the turn of their heads
more kisses along with those gentle touches, and it’s the type of kisses that’s straight to the point, there’s no playful nips or teasing licks, it’s just a kiss that drives the other crazy for each other, placed just right just the way they like it
and aftercare is a must, i mean, it’s not exactly aftercare but it’s them just taking care of each other and basking in the feeling of their love for each other
them,,,, learning how to love the other first before they can truly learn how to love themselves? like after being together they’re able to be more forgiving to themselves h- 
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blxetsi · 4 years
Hi! Can I please request modern au hcs for Armin?
tysm for requesting !!
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modern armin arlert dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!armin arlert x gn!reader
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- okay so
- i think in a college setting you and armin hit it off really well
- i think you guys wouldve just accidentally kept bumping into each other, whether it be around campus, at some coffee shop, in the library
- it gets so frequent you dont even know if its a coincidence at this point, yet you cant help but hope that you seem him whenever you go out
- after ALWAYS bumping into each other and apologizing before making small talk, armin makes the first move
- mf just says "are you following me ?" to which you reply "are YOU following me ?"
- that night ends in you two exchanging numbers 🤩
- you find out that hes a humanities major, and wants to be a psychologist some day
- you also find out he has a paid internship at a research facility near the university you attend
- hes super sweet but also super humble, so he tries not to keep the subject on himself for very long, just wanting to know more about you
- as you two get closer he gets more touchy (not in a weird way)
- he starts greeting you with hugs now, and likes to have a light grip on your wrist when hes leading you through crowded hallways of the school
- he introduced you to his bestfriends and roommates, mikasa and eren, and they were really accepting !! (they already could tell armin liked you even if he didnt know himself)
- you start developing feelings for him about two months after you exchanged numbers, and you honestly felt really weird
- because this beautiful boy whos so sweet and kind and intelligent is like,, wayyyy out of your league
- armin thinks the exact same thing
- he thinks youre so cool and fun to be around, you always have the best stories to tell and are so welcoming,, its HARD not to fall for someone like you !!
- finally he gets up the courage to ask if you can come to his apartment
- and there he confesses 😳💥‼️
- you sit there shocked for a couple seconds too long because now hes freaking out like "im so sorry i didnt wanna seem creepy i just wanted to tell you how i felt you can leave or i can walk you home- wait you probably wouldnt want that but-"
- you just kind of grab his shoulders and start shaking him. before you tell him you like him too.
- the apples of his cheeks turn pink before he smiles and gives you such a tight hug !!
- hes immediately planning a date with you for when youre both free
- takes you to the local aquarium 🤩 and kisses you in front of the moon jellies (u know those big tanks with the jellyfish that are like glow in the dark ?? and the whole hallway is pitch black except for the lights from the tank ?? yeah ❤️ he kissed you THERE and it was beautiful)
- has chapped lips 😐 sorry i dont make the rules
- has a habit of picking them when hes working or lost in thought
- doesnt mean you stop kissing him tho
- is the kind of guy that will genuinely get worried if you send an "sos" type message. gets out of his own class just to speedwalk (he isnt gonna break the rules and run in the halls 🙄) and come to your class just to see if youre okay
- looks at you like 😐 when you explain you just need him to get you an iced coffee from that shitty coffee place in the cafeteria
- does it anyway even though hes annoyed 😌✨
- will grumble about paying him back for the five dollars he just spent on you while you kiss him over and over again in thanks
- doesnt let you pay him back though smh 🙄
- loves to give back hugs
- will do it while youre working, or while youre doing the dishes
- if youre shorter than him he'll rest his head on your and just smell your hair
- if youre taller than him hes shoving his face inbetween your shoulder blades
- is such a lightweight drunk its not even funny
- none of his friends are tbh 🙄
- the first time you saw him drunk was when eren dragged you guys out to a party their friend was hosting (literally interrupted your cuddle time in armins bed to THROW OFF THE BLANKETS and say "you guys are coming with me 😁👍" and when you two said no he TURNED ON THE LIGHTS and ruined the vibe 😐 fucking asshole)
- anyways you two had to change back into your clothes at 9pm just to go to a shitty party that was gonna get busted by the cops anyways 😔💔
- you couldnt find him through the sea of people, and u got really worried until armin called you
- it was not armin on the other line 😁👍
- he said his name was reiner ?? and he said he was with armin bc he puked while playing beer pong
- the guy tells you where they are and you go to find them. theyre sitting on this couch in a backroom and theres only like,, five people in total there ??
- armin is SOBBING while reiner is trying to get him to drink water
- "reiner you dont get it,,, theyre so beautiful. i cant compete. i dont even think theyd wanna be with me. and you have to see them talk about their major. theyre so smart you dont understand." "okay buddy lets just finish this water okay ?"
- armin is leaning his shoulder on this GIANT of a man just going on about how much he loves you and how amazing he finds you. until you tap his shoulder. and then he realizes youve been listening this entire time. and then he starts crying because he doesnt want you to find him weird. and then you have to explain to him that you two are dating. where he doesnt believe you still.
- eren ends up giving you the keys to his car and saying "ill just call you when i need a ride back" and reiner CARRIES armin to the car 😭😭😭
- hes a real gentleman 😁👍
- that morning armin remembers EVERYTHING and is MORTIFIED
- calls reiner immediately like "did people see me puke ? oh god am i gonna be talked about ?"
- has very vivid dreams and remembers all of them ?? will literally tell you about a dream he had when he was five and WILL NOT forget a detail. its weird
- his family actually doesnt seem like they like you 😳 not because they dont theyre just very,, quiet people...... except for his grandfather
- doesnt even care who you are to armin, will pull you down on the couch with him to tell you about all his research and findings as an archeologist (before he retired)
- if youre ever feeling sad about anything, whether that be stress, family problems, or body image issues, armins taking you to his place 😁👍
- he'll cuddle you and whisper how much he loves you while you two are watching something on his laptop
- has acne scars on his shoulders. dont make fun of him for it pls
- loves getting back scratches though, the tingles make him feel really calm
- if you have like,, makeup brushes and stuff he likes it when you brush his face with them, no product or anything but the tingles he gets from it 🤤
- over time his parents warm up to you quiet a bit, and when his mom shows you baby photos and from him as a kid youre SHOCKED.
- he had this little bob cut from when he was ten to his teens 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- when you two are walking back home or wherever you cant help but go on about how cute he was and how healthy and pretty his hair looked (not that its not healthy or pretty now) and he just giggles before pulling you into his side and kissing your cheek while saying "okay baby, ill grow it out just for you then"
- also loves the petnames baby, angel, and love
- will gladly let you steal his sweaters. has a really nice knit one that his grandma made him before she died. that ones off limits.
- doesnt like to fight, but when he feels like hes in the right he wont hesitate to yell back when youre yelling at him
- just dont yell at him pls, it makes him sad
- it takes him a while (and by a while i mean like 30 minutes at most) before his texting you asking if you guys can talk about it
- its really easy for you two to make up, and immediately hes hugging you and just asking if you wanna do something with him
- also, cuts his own hair ?? and would cut yours if you asked. mikasa vouches for him "yeah he trims my hair all the time. why ?"
- every year on your anniversary hes taking you to the aquarium. and he always kisses you as softly as he did the very first time, in the dark hallway of the moon jellyfish tank ✨
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THATS ITTT !!! thanks again for requesting !! i hope you all enjoyed. remember asks are open !! u dont have to request headcanons either !!! go crazy friends !!
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
Reactions to our boi finding out that not only were you a fan before meeting but you were fan who wrote smut about them? A secret you've kept hidden but now... Aizawa, Mic, Nighteye
I’m still sick but i need to do something before i go nuts lol, but I’m sorry if it’s a little questionable, I’m like, half awake oof
Warnings: some mentions of smut but nothing super explicit
-So he’s not necessarily a well known hero, or at least he isn’t usually in the running with the media. So he probably doesn’t have that much merch, or it’s really hard to find.
-So he notices the first time you let him into your room that you have an adorable tsumtsum of him. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even let on that he saw it, but he knows that it was probably hard for you to get. He figures out right then that you’re some kind of fan.
-But he thinks it’s pretty casual, and he’s actually (secretly) a little bit pleased that you admire him so much, especially if you don’t have any other hero merch.
-He doesn’t catch on until much later that you write smut about him.
-Like, he knows that such things exist. It’s just how people are, we all love our fanfic. 
-He doesn’t think much of your writing habits at first, always assumes you’re working on papers or other things for your job. He only starts to get suspicious when he walks in on you one night and you get flustered and slap your laptop closed.
-He’s not gonna pry into your business, but he’s definitely curious. 
-After that incident, you start writing less around him, and he starts to to worry. Like, all he did was walk into the room, but he didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. He’s also a little perturbed that you feel like you have to hide things from him.
-He’ll probably ask you about it within a couple weeks, or rather he’ll tell you that you don’t have to be ashamed of the things you’re working on, no matter what it is.
-And you appreciate the sentiment, but you seriously don’t know what you’d do if your boyfriend realized you write porn about him. Most of it’s fantasies you’ve had about him, but written to cater to all his fans.
-You’re not super possessive of him, so like, you don’t mind that people thirst over him. You know that at the end of the day, you’re the only one who’s got his attention.
-But then you fall asleep on the couch one night. You had intended to just shut your eyes for a moment to give them a break, so you’d left your laptop open and leaned back on the sofa. Shouta wasn’t supposed to be home for another couple hours, so you figured you’d be safe.
-But you end up falling asleep, and he ends up coming home early.
-He thinks you’re cute when he sees you cozied up on the cushions, but he sees that your laptop is about to die. He has no idea where you usually keep the cord, so he...well, his intention is to save whatever documents you were so hard on, so you didn’t lose your progress. But his eyes scan a few lines without thinking, and before long he’s reading through the whole thing.
-Ngl he’s flustered as hell. He’ll never admit it, but the things you’ve written are absolutely filthy. It’s nothing like anything you’ve ever done in the bedroom, which he’s actually grateful for (he doesn’t want his sex life being broadcasted on the internet, even if you do work under an alias), but reading your work is giving him ideas.
-Do you actually want to do things like this with him? Or is it really just a fantasy, a story written to appease other people.
-Of course, he’s also a teacher so he finds himself critiquing your writing style and use of language. It’s actually pretty good writing, however sinful the subject matter.
-He quickly goes to save the document, but right as he does, you stir awake.
-He looks at you, you look at him. You’re sleepy as hell, and he’s pink in the cheeks, and you just know right off the bat that he’s figured you out.
-You immediately hide your face in your hands and mumble out an ‘oh god im sorry you were never supposed to find out’ and he’s like ‘how the hell do i approach this’ because it’s such an embarrassing situation when it’s happening.
-He tells you that it’s okay, he really doesn’t mind that you write stuff like that. And truthfully he doesn’t. Lots of people write works directed at adults, and there’s nothing wrong with it. He’s just....it’s the fact that you’re writing about him. Of all the heroes you could have chosen from, you chose him. To write about, to appreciate, to pursue romantically.
-It’s turns into a mushy moment, because of course you chose him?? He’s kind and smart and loving and he cares a lot about you and other people. Plus he’s handsome as heck.
-You’re both still a little shy about it when you head to bed a few minutes later, but you still cuddle up to him in the dark and rest your head on his chest.
-But right when you think all is said and done, he asks ‘Is any of that stuff something you’d ever want to try?’ and a whole new wave of embarrassment washes over you. Like jesus christ have some tact Shouta.
-Whether or not you guys end up experimenting a little more is up to you, but it definitely feels nice to not have to hide it so much. You’re still a little iffy about actually showing him what you write, but that’s mostly because you’re worried your skills won’t be up to his standards.
-Definitely didn’t know you were a fan of his the first few times you met. You acted so normal around him, like he was just another guy, so he figured he wasn’t on your radar. Which is fine by him, he tries not to pursue fans simply because that attraction might not be genuine, y’know?
-Like, ‘is this person with me because they like the idea of me, or because they actually like me’ sort of thing.
-And you’re not an overzealous fan by any means, but the first time he visits your house he realizes he was mistaken. You have a couple of his collectibles; the nice ones that are tasteful, not the corny ones that are a quick cash grab for companies.
-He’s like ??? you didn’t tell me???
-And you’re like ???no???
-Honest to god you didn’t recognize him at first. You’d been in a dimly lit, high-end club, he’d had his hair down, you’d both had a couple of drinks. He just happened to be a guy that you had some things in common with, who was nice to talk to and who made you laugh.
-It relaxes him a little, knowing that you would have been into him even if he wasn’t a hero and a super popular DJ with a radio show. And by the time he’s coming over to your house, you guys probably know each other pretty well anyways. He’s let you into his life, but you’ve also let him into yours.
-He teasingly asks you if you’ve got any more little secrets (even though this was hardly a secret), and he doesn’t expect when you get flustered af and squeak out a ‘nope, not a single one, no secrets’. But he doesn’t think more of it until much later.
-Like, several months later. After you guys move in together.
-He knows that smut about heroes exists, he knows that there is smut about him, and if I’m being honest he probably reads it for shits and giggles. Never to make fun of anyone, but he’s honestly just curious about what people are writing.
-He notices that you write a lot, too. You never show him anything, and whenever he asks about it you tell him it’s ‘just work’. He wonders what kinds of projects you’re taking on that involve so much typing and concentration, and ngl he’s a little sad that you don’t tell him about it.
-Like, sure maybe it’s just work and you’re not particularly invested in it, but he always talks about his students, and his shows, and the ongoings at his job, he just wants to know more about what you do.
-He is a smart man, but sometimes he has stupid ideas.
-He concocts the wise plan to sneak onto your laptop while you’re in the shower and read your most recent document. Not being wholly nosey, just enough so he can do a little research on the subject and learn more about it. He just wants to know.
-Throws him for one bigass loop when he sees what you are actually working on. He’s no stranger to kinky shit, but his entire face goes beet red, redder than any fanfiction has ever made him.
-Something about that fact that it’s you who wrote this, and you who’re thinking those things about him, entertaining ideas like that. Like yeah, y’all have slept together but he had absolutely no clue you’d even be into stuff like that.
-And sure, you could just be writing things for your fans, but you also seem pretty knowledgeable on the subject so like. You had to have some interest in it, right?
-And now he’s thinking about trying those things out with you, and his pants are just a tad bit tighter than could be considered comfortable.
-He’s so distracted he doesn’t notice the shower turn off, nor does he hear you walk into the room. He does, however, catch your hideously embarrassed squawk.
-Which then makes him flustered, because he got caught, and you’d better pat yourself on the back for that one because you’re one of the only people that can make him embarrassed like that.
-But then he’s trying to explain himself, and you’re trying to explain yourself, and it’s a whole mess of words and burning cheeks and somehow you end up both admitting that the things you write about would be real fun to try.
-Lol you guys probably just end up in bed together after that,
-But despite the initial awkwardness, he’s pretty cool with it. He likes your writing, and how involved you are with the community. It’s also handy for him because it lets him keep an ear to his fans without digging too deep, you always let him know what kind of stuff everyone is up to.
-best use it to your advantage, tell him all kinds of filthy things that you’ve come across, especially if it something you know he’ll like. It’s a sure way to get him in the mood >u>
-He’s nonplussed about whether or not you’re a fan at first. He doesn’t pay you much mind until he scopes out your sense of humour, or until you say something offhandedly and it makes him laugh.
-Fan or not, if you’re funny and you vibe with each other, then he’ll show some kind of interest in you. It’ll take a little while to progress to something romantic, but in the meantime you’ve got a nice friend.
-He’s kinda busy, so you probably don’t invite him over to your place until a couple months in. Your schedules are conflicting, and you’ve both got important jobs to do, so it’s probably been pushed back a couple times. But he finally makes it over one evening for a night of relaxing socialization.
-You know him well enough to know that it wouldn’t bug him that you were a fan of him before you met him. He’s not the kind of person to make a big deal about it, not really. He sees a couple pieces of merch around your apartment, just small things -some of which he’s surprised to managed to get a hold of- and he’s like ‘okay’
-Like, he really doesn’t care. As long as you treat him like a person and you’re not using him for anything, then hes just.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-It’s only afteryou start dating and getting close that he teases you a little bit for it. Not in a rude way, just in an ‘aw you sleep with a plushie of me’ way. He does it so he can fluster you and ruffle your feathers in a loving manner.
-After you move in with him, he notes that you’re on your computer a lot. He figures it’s just an overbearing workload that requires a lot of time, so he reminds you whenever he can to take a break and stretch and give your eyes a rest.
-He’d leave it alone mostly, so in order for him to find out that you’re actually writing smut, he’d have to catch you in the act. He comes home early one evening to get a little extra time with you, and he follows the tapping of the keyboard into your office. You haven’t noticed that he’s even there, that’s how focused you are.
-So he sneaks up behind you with the intent to startle you and wrap you up in a hug, but looking over your shoulder he gets a good view of your screen...and the words on the screen...and his name on the screen...
-It takes you a couple seconds to figure out he’s there, which is dumb because he’s literally just frozen over your shoulder going over the sentences you’ve written as his face gets redder and redder.
-Anyways, he still manages to scare you, and you leap out of your seat and fall onto the floor, but instead of hugging you and saying hello like he originally intended, he’s just kind of frozen on the spot with the pinkest cheeks you’ve seen him have.
-He’s a pretty stoic guy most of the time, at least on the outside. It’s really hard to fluster him, because most of your attempts either make him laugh because you’re cute, or result in some really nice romantic time. He’s just. Not really shy about stuff?
-But this is a whole different thing.
-You’re on the floor dying of embarrassment and telling him not to read, but he is Looking and Not Listening. You just seem so innocent and chill about things, he never would have expect something like this from you. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just really surprising.
-Secretly he’s a little bit pleased that you’re writing this kind of stuff about him, and not some other heroes, but he probably won’t say it out loud. Not to mention your writing is actually really good? Like, it flows perfectly and the descriptions are easy to imagine but not super complicated or convoluted.
-He’s a smart guy, and he knows that fans of heroes are into all kind of things, fanfiction included. He’s not offended by it, by any means. He just never supposed that he’d be popular enough to warrant fanfic about him, let alone written by his own partner.
-He tries to be chill about it, asking you if you’re into that kind of stuff and if you should switch it up in the bedroom a bit. It’s pretty obvious he’s flustered tho. 
-It would probably lead to a good long talk about what sort of stuff you’re both into, after the initial embarrassment dies down. And honestly, he’s home early to spend time with you, so why not just try some stuff out right now?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-He would definitely read your fics if you want him to, hell, even if you don’t outright ask him he might seek them out out of curiosity. He’s usually busy in the day, but he’ll find time to read through things and give you honest feedback.
-Lol tho if you’re still shy about it, he might make an account with an alias just so he can give you nice comments. It doesn’t take very long for you to figure him out though. He’s got a very specific typing style and his personality shines through, but only people who know him would recognize it.
-I headcanon this guy as a kinky mf ngl, but also as someone who can go without hardcore stuff, y’know? So whether or not you actually want to try out some of your fantasies is up to you, but he’s 100% down for it.
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kaonite · 4 years
Can we hear about your Misraaks headcanons pls?
hahahaaha ahah okay so this turned more into picking him apart rather than headcanons but i mixed them in there ::3 (im so sorry, i cannot be coherent at all and gushed profusely. i promise my writing is way different than the way i type this out.)
for some reason it wont let me add tags??? so i hope no one is upset by that!
-misraaks doesnt know how to be 'normal' per say, barring the fact he IS an alien(this goes with my super personal headcanon that the wolves just breed some ODD eliksni. 110% there’s something SUPER up with the wolves (or gentle weavers) as a whole. there's something in the ether turning the wolves into human simps) and is just a weird guy? Who 'turns their back' on their own without being a little fucking odd? i mean if i saw a almost 7ft tall lady and she dragged me away from my attempted suicide (thats some baggage already) and offered peace in a my cultures way id rethink my ideals too (theres more to it i know but humor me!) Also unlearning ALL you've been taught was rough and trying but he was a young mind and to be honest... that's probably for the best (no doubt sjur did use him against the wolves but i really feel their friendship was genuine, full of a lot of love and respect after he stopped being an angsty vandal with unresolved mommy issues)
-he puts on this show of being strong and unyielding but if he trusts you he just crumbles and is bare to the bone about everything. misraaks isn't afraid of being honest per say, he may come off brash but he's just telling it like it is... no sense in beating around the bush. he's not an asshole but being raised the way he was uh... some tact had be learned. 
-no no no it's not bc his mother may have been strict and terrifying to some degree so he has to be the strongest  or he feels he'll fail everyone he knows. so when someone breaks down his walls he's just a soft, sappy individual who just wants everyone to have a peaceful life together while trying to be strong for everyone else at his own mental expense. hes so passionate, charismatic and driven even with all the odds stacked against him, the fucking STRENGTH in that. (DREG STRENGTH GO! even tho he's not a dreg u get my meaning, everyone so far has deemed him as such) what a king! ❤ (praksis u call him foolish again i'll break every one of the generators in your lab)
-brings me to my next headcanon that the nightmare in the moon, horkis? Is his mother and all the teachings that she and others brought upon him as a child up until meeting sjur concentrated into one being. that if he doesn't bleed for the cause, die for the cause, then he has failed his people.  OOPS! IT'S ALL DEEP SEATED TRAUMA! 
-also headcanon she was the one to dock him? to make it extra good when he thinks back on her in the misraaks lore tab 
(I normally don't slander moms bc damn if anyone slandered my mom id throw hands but bungie gave me the scraps and im working with them and misraaks seemed like he had a pretty standard, though super strict, upbringing ::) )
-he appears haughty, self-assured and a bit cold though that's just how he projects himself... he's not actually that way? I mean, hes pretty calm and collected. he expresses a deep  loyalty and love for Sjur and cares for his fireteam immensely. He trusted his fireteam enough to take them to her resting place, how is that not vulnerability we otherwise don't really see? 
He'd throw down for his friends and loved ones because that's just how Eliksni ARE. kin is everything, even friends. he just has a different way of showing it. 
-misraaks... okay i have to say he's into poetry, or talking poetically. the way he speaks is almost... romantic (not in a bad or spicy way!) i just know that boy really SPEAKS in such an eloquent, thoughtful sense. there's a lot of meaning and love in his words. he doesn't just SAY things to fill the silence. every word has a meaning, a purpose. i love that about him. 
-okay maybe i headcanon his fireteam being all around goofballs with him at times of respite, softening out his sharp edges. making him loosen up and enjoy the little things in life rather than worrying about the bigger picture. (bungie where's that getting drunk with his fireteam lore tab? i would like to see it. you have it with the yw and crow... it's the least you could do for the misraaks stans...) i just feel its hard for him to sit and do nothing, just to fool around, be a "normal person" due to the fact his whole life up to his moment of wanting to create house light has been death and war. He was MADE for war. it'd be hard for him to adjust to a 'happier' existence without a little prodding
-he doesn't care about glory, or is doing what he does for selfish gain. he genuinely just wants to help, to create peace. so if anyone approached him with the kell of kells title he'd promptly tell them to shove it (sorry misraaks... you're in the same boat with the young wolf... you can't escape your destiny)
-can we talk about how much misraaks unlearned from sjur then YEARS later is with dusk, meets the young wolf (that annoying bastard of a guardian! :) ), they spare him then it seems like something unlocks in him. like we were the final catalyst to his dreams being real. no longer did he want to be canon fodder, or use his crew as such, he wanted to lead... to be better, to do better for his people along the guardians. maybe he could be better than just another solider dying for a cause they didn't even know at that point. he could be everything his kind rallied against and be GREATER than he was taught to be , not stepping on those deemed less than him. his MIND 
-can i just shoehorn something in real quick. I don't believe he'd practice docking after everything. I just can't see it and i always see him having trauma around docking so why would he wish that on others as a treatment under his kellship? It took him A LONG ASS TIME to unlearn how fucked up it is and how their society as whole is (ie. he literally fantasized about his mother docking him. how is that not absolutely insane to hear?)  also it'd be useless at this point, he'd need people at their prime, not missing two arms for an old, unnecessary dark practice. he doesn’t want people to fear him, if your people fear you are you truly a leader?
*cuts this ask open with a knife and lets loose a character interpretation more than headcanons* OOPS
am i projecting? maybe but bungie gave me crumbs and i am going to use them
im holding back a bunch of thoughts bc most of them center around much more personal headcanons bc this is my emotional support eliksni :') plus ive written so much already im pretty sure you all think im insane.
If anyone has anything to add feel free! Id love to hear it, you may have some ideas/headcanons/interpretations i didn't list or i never though of! of course... most of this is projecting, who doesn't do that to their fave?
and honestly, i am so open to talking about him in depth, if you want to, shoot me a message! I'll get to it! :3
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herakosmos · 4 years
matchup exchange w/ @todorokis-yn! 𐐪𐑂
im so grateful for her to accept this exhange! she’s very kind and sweet🥺 pls do check out her blog!!
if you want to do a matchup exchange with me pls dm me! <3
i match you up with . . .
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daichi sawamura!! 𐐪𐑂
✰ when first meeting daichi, he wouldn’t be the type to be scared or intimidated by your looks, but instead intrigued? he’ll definitely be very interested in your sense of fashion (edgy) completing that aura you give off to strangers like daichi himself. his face would slowly start to heat up after realizing he’s been staring too much. this doesn’t change the fact that this man will have the confidence to ask you to get coffee together though
✰ what can i say he’s very intrigued 🌚
✰ when actually getting to learn more about you, he’s not that surprised you were the complete opposite of what everyone percieved you to be. daichi never judges someone solely on looks and really looks for what’s on the inside
✰ that soft and gentle soul of yours really makes him melt into your arms and feels the need to hug you 24/7 🥺
✰ both of you guys are very caring and great listeners on each other’s problems. you being fairly expressive on how you’re feeling, the communication in the relationship would be phenomenal. you guys would help bring out the best in each other and know your way of saying encouranging words of advice! :)
✰ daichi thinks you’re absolutely adorable once your goofy side starts showing. the fact that you’ll do anything to make him laugh makes him grateful to have you. it really shows how much you want him to smile and be happy
✰ i don’t know why, but i feel like daichi just loves dad jokes so much. he’ll be so excited to tell you one and it always ends up looking this:
“i like dad jokes…sometimes he laughs!”
“…yeah VERY funny i’m laughing my ass off right now”
✰ he immediately starts tickling you mercilessly for that and eventually it turns into a tickling war! even the neighbors could hear the sounds of your guy’s laughter 😭
✰ even though daichi comes off as a mature person, his childish side really starts to show whenever you’re around (awwhhhh)
✰ this boy is a very busy man knowing how much is on his plate and he loves you for being understanding about it. it doesn’t mean he doesn’t make time for you though! he’s open to anything as long as it’s with you. sometimes maybe going to a cafe and drinking your favorite beverages while having a conversation, holding hands on the table. 🥺THIS MAN IS WHIPPED WHSJDJ
✰ there are those days where you guys wanna relax and unwind though and binge an anime yall are already invested in. he’ll get so into it, like if there’s a part where a character is acting dumb he’ll literally say it to the tv like the character could hear him LMAO
✰ 100% trusts you in everything. daichi isn’t the type to be jealous or controlling on anything. he thinks you have the right to wear anything you want and doesn’t want to take your freedom away. he knows you love him and he loves you :(( loyalty is very important to the both of you, so there is no need to worry about anything!
✰ he loves your honesty. he’s a pretty straight forward person himself, so it doesn’t really bother him. this means you won’t have to stress about anything being hidden in the relationship. the fact that you overthink about that trait you have makes him really sad :// he reassures you every single time and always says the right things to make sure you won’t worry
✰ caresses you with his giant hand and grazes your cheek with his thumb while looking at you with his loving eyes🥺🥺
✰ hearing about your biggest fear, he doesn’t think it’s silly and tells you how much you ARE worthy of it. instantly pulls you in for one of his bear hugs while stroking your hair. he doesn’t EVER want you to feel like your are less than what you really are🥺
✰ although your drive is inspiring to him, it’s also another thing to overwork yourself. in times like this he’ll give you a massage to ease up any tension and would buy all the junk food you desire. daichi can be pretty hard headed sometimes, so convincing him by saying “you’re fine” won’t work on him. he can read you like a book and knows when it’s time to take a break
✰ probably would prepare you one of those rose petal baths and candles with your favorite scent. you guys would both talk about anything while relaxing. his hands would suddenly go to your scalp and start to massage the shampoo onto your hair to give you a head message (a busted a fat awhhh while writing this ahjdfjfjj)
✰ basically ANYTHING to help you unwind and have no worries about your work 🥺
✰ he would happily be open to you teaching him how to play the piano. he finds it soothing whenever you play it and wants to try it out himself, so he can impress you. probably would be very invested in it once you start showing him the basics. tries to look up basic songs to play on his own, so he could surprise you one day :D
✰ i feel like he would find out about your amazing singing skills whenever you casually sing or hum around the house. he’d be like where’s that angel like sound coming from? then he would realize its HIS angel singing so beautifully🥺🥺🥺
✰ when you aren’t looking he’ll quietly back hug you
“you sound so beautiful baby”
✰ his pet names for you would be the traditional “baby” or “babe” :))
✰ daichi loves exercising and since you find dancing as your only form of exercise, he would take this opportunity to do it with you! i can just see him always wanting to try new things for you and opening his hobbies, so you guys can bond more over your guy’s likes and interests🥺
✰ you being a taurus and him being a capricorn this is definitely a match made in heaven! 
✰ both signs are very ambitious individuals with a tremendous work ethic and drive to succeed professionally. capricorn and taurus are both earth signs and since this sign is very grounded, they can build a solid and responsible relationship. they’re very genuine signs that like to keep it real and want to understand each other on many levels.
✰ daichi is an ENFJ and you’re an INFP (again very compatible with each other!)
✰ both are very compatible with each other because they both share a lot in common :))
✰ they prioritize their deeply held values, seek emotional connection, very real, don’t like to be toyed with and have excellent communication skills. INFPs are attracted to ENFJ’s energy, optimism and positive attitude while ENFJs are attracted to INFP’s deep and thoughtful nature.
heres an anime relationship type gif that i just think you two would do 🥺
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Try Again
(just to be sure)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count: 2, 413
A/N: since im officially adding HP to the fandoms im now writing for, here's my first draco drabble!
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The astronomy tower was a good place for you to be alone with your thoughts, although today wasn't a great time to be alone with such thoughts. You don't know if it's just 'one of those days', or if it's the accumulation of awful things that have been getting to you, or simply your self-loathing and bad self-esteem catching up to you, but you sit by one of the wide windows looking out as terrible thoughts cloud your mind.
"What's the matter, Y/L/N? Are you thinking about how your mere existence is a scar on this world?" Turning around to see the face that matches with the dreadfully familiar voice, sure enough, Draco Malfoy is there, invading your alone time— today of all days. You shift your focus back to the window so that your back is to him once more— you don't want him to see how terrible you look. Definitely not because you'd ever want to impress him, but you don't need another thing to add to the list of things you hate about yourself.
"Seems that way," you answer quietly, head hanging low instead of firing back with your chin up like you normally would. Swiping furiously at your cheeks, you try to get rid of the evidence that you had been crying before his steps reach you.
"Or are you- wait, what?"
"I'm utterly useless; a talentless fool, and a worthless idiot," you ramble on, allowing your feelings of self-loathing to take the wheel as you wallow in your self-pity. "You're right okay, now you can skip away happily knowing every insult you've ever told me is true."
"No, no, no," he sounds like a broken machine. "No! This isn't how our dynamic works!" He looks at you with wide eyes, examining you to see if you've been hexed or jinxed, but all he sees is are your red, puffy eyes that have had the life drained from them. "N-No- this is the part where you call me a twat- o-or a foul git—"
"Listen, Malfoy, I'm really not in the mood for this now, so will you please just tell me how much I sicken you, and continue on your way?" Your voice cracks and the way the sound resonates in his chest makes Draco unbelievably uncomfortable.
The boy is already uncomfortable with his own emotions, the mere thought of dealing with someone else's makes him want to run in the opposite direction.
But he doesn't. Instead, he angles his body as an attempt to initiate eye contact as he speaks, "Mind if I sit?" You shrug in response without looking at him.
Things are worse than he thought if he's taking a seat next to you and you haven't Stupified him to the other end of the room yet.
There's a silence that settles over the two of you as you sit side-by-side. Your attention is on the landscape before you, but at some point Draco's eyes are drawn to you. He finds himself taking in details he he's always overlooked during your regularly scheduled bickering. Not minding the bloodshot eyes and the dark circles that frame them, your irises are still bright, your eyelashes seemed to curl with the perfect curvature, and your lips look so soft— he's trying to imagine if they feel that way too. His focus then shifts downwards to where his hand could very well touch yours if he moved it just a little.
"Hey, can I ask you a favour?" You say, breaking the silence, and snapping him out of his trance. He tries to control the blush that appears as he feels like he's been caught. It takes him a moment to remember where he is and to get back into character.
"Are you sure that you're in a position to be asking me any favours?" He tries to maintain his usual snarky tone, but his voice has already gone softer than he would normally allow.
"Please, I'll owe you one in return," He reluctantly nods his head, wondering what you could possibly ask of him. "Would you tell me something about myself- what y-you think- something true- please?"
You know that you shouldn't be looking for any kind of validation or confirmation from anyone— especially not the likes of Draco Malfoy, but you're head has been spinning with every horrible thing that's ever been said to you, as well as all the awful things you already think about yourself. You've lost a certain level of perspective and you need something concrete to hold onto— whether it's good, or bad.
He's grown so quiet, if he weren't sitting right next you, you might've thought that he left. But he's there, looking at you hesitantly. Judging by how much time he's taking to speak, you know you probably won't like what he tells you, but you did ask him and should expect anything.
What he actually says surprises you.
"You're genuine," he says simply. You blink a few times, slightly shocked by his answer. "You're fully, and consistently yourself—"
"Draco..." He perks up at the sound of you calling him by his first name.
"It's something I wish I could be, and I admire you for that—"
"Careful there, Malfoy, you wouldn't want me to think you might actually care about me, do you?"
"O-Of course not!" he scoffs, though he's stumbling through his words. "Don't flatter yourself, Y/L/N. Like I could ever care about an underling like you—"
"Oh, sod off, you insufferable git," you retort, and you both let out a chuckle as you get back into the groove of what your interactions normally consist of.
"This favour you owe me now..." You quirk up an eyebrow, waiting to see where he's going with this. "I can use it at any time I please, correct?"
"Sure, Malfoy," An uneasiness hits your stomach at the sight of a smirk that starts to form on his features.
"I want to use it now." You roll your eyes, so not in the mood for whatever labour or humiliating task he'll tell you to do.
"Does it have to be now?"
"Absolutely. No take-backs."
"Oh, all right! What is it?" His smirk suddenly disappears as he hesitates. He was playing it so cool just now, but his eyes leave yours in favour of his lap. Despite not being prepared for whatever it was just seconds ago, now you want to get it over with. "Come on then, what is it?"
"O-On second thought, never mind—"
"No, just tell me now. Let's get it over with!"
"I-It's okay- le-let's just pretend that everything here never happened- you won't owe me anything—" There's no way you were going to let yourself carry the burden of being indebted to Draco Malfoy, so you grab his shoulder and turn him to face you.
Seeing that he might actually be a little freaked out, you let go of him and ease up, "Tell me what it is you want me to do, I'll do it, and then we can part ways and everything will go back to normal."
His widened silver eyes lock with your Y/E/C ones as he swallows down his nerves. He takes it upon himself to edge his hands forward so that his fingers brush against yours, and he finally discloses what he's been thinking, "Kiss me."
"W-What?" Now it's your turn to be taken aback as you replay the last five seconds in your head to made sure you heard correctly.
"N-Not if you absolutely don't want to- I wouldn't make you do that- tha-that would be messed up, but—"
"Draco," He stops rambling after you use his first name for the second time. Taking it upon yourself, you slide your hand under his and squeeze his palm. "Stop talking."
Following your instruction, he doesn't say another word, and he worries that his request might be so outrageous that you'll hex him, but then you lean forward until your lips have barely brushed his. The combination of your Y/E/C hues and the sweet breath that fans over his lips is enough to put him under a spell— not literally, although it feels that way.
He's shocked by the action. That much is an obvious tell, judging by his expression, but he lets his eyelids flutter closed anyways as you press your lips to his. The first thing he registers is how your lips are indeed softer than they look, and the second is that they are a perfect fit for his. He doesn't kiss you back, instead sitting in the feeling of your lips, as well as wanting to make sure that it's truly what you would want before he made any moves.
His eyes remain closed for a moment after you pull away while he processes the sensation, as well as trying to control the fireworks exploding in his heart. When he finally opens his eyes, he feels at peace for the first time all year. There's something about your firey gaze that calms him, like a home fire. There's also something about it that makes him nervous, but not the same type of fear that he's used to— it's as though you can see right through him.
"Well..." is all you can say, hoping that your voice can mask the sound of your erratically-beating heart.
"Did you... by any chance... feel anything?" The rational part of your brain deduces that he wouldn't have asked to you to kiss him if he didn't want you to, but the irrational part of your brain is already racing and overanalyzing the sparks you felt when your lips touched his. Now you want to know of he felt it too.
"I-I, uh, I'm not sure," he lies, knowing exactly how it made him feel. He's simply uncomfortable with his own emotions, as we've established.
"You're not sure?" You ask incredulously. Seriously, what kind of response was that? "What, should we try again for you to be sure? Geez, maybe this time, you could actually kiss me back—"
Draco lurches forward to capture your lips to make you shut up. But mostly because he does want to kiss you again. It's an intense, albeit short kiss that ends before you can respond, but comes with a certain rush of adrenaline that causes your heart rate to spike. He doesn't pull away far— his lips would still touch yours again if he leaned forward even the slightest bit.
You're momentarily stunned by the sudden action and freeze, letting the storms that reside in his irises to bore through you as his uneven breaths fan over your lips. His hand moves from where it held yours, trailing up your arm, over your shoulder, and passing over your neck, his fingertips leaving shivers in their wake until he reaches your jaw. He grasps the side of your face, lacing his fingers into your hair, and holds you in place as he brings his lips back to yours again. This time, you push back against him instantly as though on instinct.
Your lips fall in synch with his and he holds you tighter, deepening the kiss. Your hand moves to grab onto just about any part of him so you can steady yourself, and you end up latching onto the crisp fabric of his perfectly ironed shirt. His hand that had been planted on the ground then moves to push your body closer to his as his palm lays flat on your back.
There's a powerful sort of feeling that surges through you like electricity, and the traces of whatever disheartening feelings ruled over you earlier are wiped clean off as Draco kisses the remains of salty tears away.
You and him break apart naturally, slowing the pace and placing soft pecks onto each other's lips that gradually become shorter in length. Leaning against the other's forehead, you both stay like that with your eyes closed. Eventually, your grip on his shirt loosens, leaving the once neatly pressed fabric all wrinkled, but he couldn't care less.
Finally opening you eyes, you begin to speak, without actually knowing what you're going to say, "Well this is..."
"...unusual?" he finishes, awkwardly sliding his hands through his scalp to slick back any stray hairs before placing them firmly on the ground.
There is yet another moment of silence where you look anywhere but at each other. Swallowing your nerves, you decide to look at him, scanning his features for any kind of indication as to what might be going through his mind. He appears to be somewhere between deep in thought and trying to process everything that has just happened.
You take it upon yourself to break the building tension, "So did you, uh..."
"...feel anything?" He finishes your sentence yet again, letting out a light chuckle. You're pretty sure that's the first time you hear him laugh for real. No matter how small it is, it's still a genuine, non-ill-mannered laugh, and it sounds wonderful.
You don't know what he feels at the moment, but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't feel a certain warmth spreading from your chest through to the tips of your fingers.
"I don't know exactly what I feel yet," you tell him honestly. "A-And I don't know what we're supposed to do now—"
"Me either- I mean, I-I don't know what to feel," he admits as his hand slides over to yours. What he really means is that he's conflicted by what he feels, and what he thinks he ought to feel— a constant struggle of his. "So, what now?"
His eyes meet yours, his grey orbs locking you in place. You take notice of one strand of hair he missed. It hangs over his forehead and it takes all of your remaining will power not to reach forward and put back in its place.
"I could push you off the Astronomy Tower," you chuckle in a lighthearted tone, returning to the type of thing you would normally say to each other. His lips pinch into a small fake scowl before he graces you with another genuine laugh that makes your heart flutter.
"Or... we could give it another try..." he suggests, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Just to be sure..."
"Yeah, just to be sure," you repeat, and the words have barely just left your mouth before Draco crashes his lips onto yours again.
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storybookstalker · 5 years
Hello! I just found your blog and Im loving it!!! Could I please get some headcannons of yandere tamaki from mha? Thanks and have a wonderful day!!1!
Thank you! I hope you’re having an amazing week! Sorry this took so long doll, here we go!
After writing this, I think Tamaki might be one of my favorite character now like my heart is going doki doki as I clicky clicky on the keyboard🧡
Amaijki Tamaki Headcanons
Another yandere boy who most likely didn’t know you existed until a certain point in time, 
Let’s say for this set, that this point in time was when dearest reader went out of their way to defend him from the mocking of other students 
It’s bound to happen, Amaijki is quite shy and anxiety-ridden, so of course other students and maybe even one or two teachers would mock such a meek person being one of the top 3 students in the entire school
You, on the other hand, couldn’t just stand by and watch this!
These people were disgusting, calling themselves future pro-heros whilst thinking its okay to put another person down so harshly! 
You hate people like this and make the decision that would put the support beams down for your road to becoming Amaijki Tamaki’s first and only click (If this were a yandere AU I’m imagining most would have assumed him a beloved or obsession honestly)
You approached the situation, calling out the idiotic behaviors these kids were expressing
You talked to him afterwards, questions of if he was okay
“It’s uh, Its fine, It’s. I’m used to the- I’m used to it…”
He asks why you’d do such a random thing for someone you didn’t know
And well! You hated people like that, you wanted to help him and make sure he was okay, no one deserved to be tormented!
He didn’t realize until after his interaction with you, but he had been completely comfortable with you
He hadn’t been anxious (not nearly as much as he would have been at least) when you were talking to him
That itself wasn’t enough for him to click with you, but it did make him think about you more and more and more..
Soon he found himself slowly trying to figure out where you were during the day, he was more attentive of who was around him, less because of his anxiety and more because he wanted to find you again, even if just for  a moment
If he even mentioned it to his fellow Big 3, well of course they would help! 
Little Tamaki had a crush!! 
This was a big thing for them, so of course they’d do everything in their power to find you and at least try to push you in Tamaki’s direction 
To their surprise, it was you who found him again
Tamaki’s thoughts of you were beginning to reach fever heights
He was so consumed by wanted to see you again, he failed to notice the stairs he was about to fail down
It wasn’t until the pull of gravity began tearing at him he noticed, but then it’d be too late to catch himself without getting hurt
Again, you saw this happening (you’re probably in student council with this must coincidence) and quickly dashed to grab him
You yanked his arm back, both pulling him back to stable flooring and turning him to face you
And just like that, his first click was formed
The sight of the falling sunbeams curving into the gentleness of your face, the warmth and genuine fear of him getting hurt, the way the sunlight made your eyes gleam like crystallized orbs of affection, the way your lips seemed to be calling to him like water calls to fish
He’s so flustered and shaken by his sudden, intensified emotions, that he almost falls down the stairs again
Seeing his blood red face, wide darting eyes and shaky, large steps backward was amusing until he took an unbalanced step back into the fall you had just saved him from
You lightly teased him for it before jumping into conversation 
It had been a while since you’d seen each other! What’s the tea and how have you been doing kinda thing
Amaijki is the stalker type
Sure, he’d comfortable around you but there’s always so many other people around him that he can’t ever just focus on the slightest of dents and curves of your face and body
stalking means he gets to see you without worrying about other people, though he normally won’t go out of his way to do it outside of school, since it’s something he’s never really done before and it cranks up his anxiety to maxi-drive
He wants to see you in all your glory
bare flesh all for him
He has his perverted moments but most of the time he’s just too awestruck by you he doesn’t have time to think about that kinda stuff
More perverted the longer he goes without you, be normally he loses all those thoughts the second he sees you
Probably becomes a bit of an exhibitionist after the staircase scene
It’s not always dirty
It just wants to see your full potential, see if all of you is magnified by sunbeams 
Show him how striking you can be in moonlight and he might change his mind but fuck does it do something for him
Desperately wants you to want him, please god hold him and smooth your hands over his skin
If you ever reached up and cupped his face, and just rubbed your thumbs under his eyes or on his eyelids, I have no doubt he’d lean his entire body into it and possibly fall asleep if you did that long enough, even if he was standing
Will go wait for you wherever you normally first head to after class, if not do his best to tell ask you to wait for him at your classroom so you guys can walk together
He’s so shy and cute about it so of course you’d agree to it!
Maybe even you ask him to wait at his classroom if his is closer to whatever class
Or you switch between class waiting depending on what class you guys have and where you’re going next
If you ever hugged him, there’s a chance he won’t let go unless you pry his arms off of you, literally 
He’d melt if his obsession ever wore any of his, well, anything
He’ll try to feed you when you guys get on first name basis/ you get close enough to him to be comfortable with him feeding you
Soon he’ll start getting paranoid about the cafeteria food and start making you food, refusing to let you eat anything he hasnt handled first, even if he’s kinda struggling to get the words out
Interested in your scent, and anything that smells like you
He’d probably go out and get the shampoo, body wash etc you use for when he’s feeling really intense 
He’ll try to convince you to hold his hand almost 24/7, afterall he’s so meek and anxious and you make him feel so so so much better 
Wants to kiss, lick, scrap his teeth along every inch of your flesh
Adores everything that reminds him of you
Will try to pick up any and every one of your habits and hobbies 
If you mention you think he’d look better/good with/at (insert) he’s going to try and do it in hopes you’ll like him more
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scenarihoes · 6 years
Hiya! First thing’s first: I love your blog. I just found it and it’s awesome. Second: could I get some fluffy sfw (and maybe nsfw if it becomes relevant as you write?) for cuddles with Todoroki? Like does he play with hair, big cuddles or nah, big spoon/little spoon, etc? Thank you, have a lovely day 💖
THANKS SO MUCH! the compliment melts my little heart :}
i couldnt worm nsfw into this but dont worry im sure there will be more nsfw of him in the future >:3
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cuddles with todoroki shouto!
Alright so to start off strong, we all know Todoroki clearly was not shown much affection growing up. He had his mother for a short time and even then all-around affection was scarce. To make matters worse, post ‘indicent’ it was non-existant. Maybe from his sister he got the occasional pat on the back or her hand pressed over the tops of his knuckles while she worried, but other than that, he was pretty much surrounded in barbed wire. Metaphircally and literally cold to the touch. That being said, physical affection is even further out of his zone. It’s so foreign that he’s likely convinced himself he’d be satisfied going without for the rest of his life. Can’t miss what you never had, right?
It’s quite the sad case.
The source of this is simple. He’s comfortable with the lack of intimacy much for the same reason that for the longest time he was comfortable with, no, preferred, to not have any friends at his side: he was never them presented the right kind. He wasn’t presented many at all, actually. Yes, the U.A. students that were able to succesffuly deter his wires, toss ladders up his iron walls. Izuku, namely, found himself wedged between his heart and a hard place. But, as did you. He was learning to be kind along with something else other than spiteful and everystep was a baby one at that.
Cuddling isn’t something he’s accustomed to literally what so ever. Hugs are a huge deal for him. Real, genuine, non-obligatory hugs, anyways. The first time you wrap yourself around him to cuddle I won’t even lie it’s awkward as hell. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and while I wish I could say ‘oh, I’m sure he’s seen some movies!’ I can’t, because, well... He hasn’t. Movies aren’t entirely his thing so the only time he really watches them are when he’s with his friends and romance aren’t exactly the type of movies a bunch of rowdy teenagers want to watch with popcorn and sodas.
Todoroki is stiff as a plank and pretty much acts like a doll in your hands. He let’s you control absolutely everything and allows you to situate him how you see fit. He’s like a mannenquin: malable and unmoving. It sounds like a good plan in his mind, to let you position him so that you’re able to be comfortable, but it backfires. In his attempts to make sure that he doesn’t change positions, when you set him up he literally does not move. He’s a statue and an anxious one at that because what if somehow you aren’t comfortable? Some of him feels like him breathing too hard will ruin what you’ve created.
Don’t worry. With time he get’s much better. Once he starts to pick up that cuddling is for both people, not just one, he realizes that he’s allowed to relax against you. Of course it takes quite a few small talks to get him to understand this, but eventually he get’s the hang of it. He’s never considered himself a cuddler so when you had brought the idea up, he agreed to cuddle strictly for your pleasure rather this own. That was his mistake, and luckily, it was an easy fix.
Once his nerves start to settle you both find that he’s a natural at cuddling. Very soft, perfect holds no matter the scenario. He molds against you with ease and comfort. However he’s still nervous about the timing and reading moods, as he doesn’t want to bombard you with physical touches all time. He’s still a work in progress but you know those baby steps have evolved into leaps when he begins to wrap an arm around you without being prompted to do so.
You having introduced him to the notion of cuddling blows his eyes wide open and honey, you’ve got a big storm comin. As he comes more and more around to physical love and cuddles, he realizes just how touch starved he’s been his whole entire life. For the longest time he thought he wasn’t a fan of being wrapped around people but he learns. He get’s it now- the closeness, the intimancy. To protect, to feel protected. Your fingers in his hair make him fall asleep like a lulled baby.
It’s strange to him when he discovers that he craves you. At the start, everything was only for you. Cuddling, kisses, hand holding, it was all for you as well as the notion that these are just things couples do. Expectations, really, but also love. Oddly enough he felt obligated sometimes, but then something changes. He starts to crave you when you’re gone, imagine you at his side instead of what feels like a gaping absense. At night when he’s laying down to rest he wishes he could feel your fingers through his hair, or the soft sounds of your breathing, or the way you tangle yourself with him. If you get a text at him around 2 in the morning, it’s because he’s thinking about that, of you.
This is what jumpstarts him to eventually initiate the cuddles himself. Something about having an epiphany at 3 am changes his life in such a minor yet drastic way that he’s craving affection and intimacy whenever he’s either alone or with you. So basically, all the time. Usually the way he initiates it is wordless, wrapping an arm around you or burying his head in your shoulder should you sit close enough, but sometimes if he’s feeling extra needy he’ll make his way to where you are and just wrap his arms around your waist, tugging you to him, pressing kisses to wherever his lips can reach. It’s cute most of the time but other times you’re cooking dinner and damn it the pans are hot Todoroki take a few steps back before someone get’s burnt.
Todoroki’s cuddles are, just like everything else in his life, very thorough. The only time he keeps himself at boy is if you’re in public since, to be honest, he isn’t a huge fan of over the top PDA. While with friends he’ll keep the cuddles to wrapping an arm around you but it’s never just that. It’s an arm wrapped around your shoulder with his free hand holding yours in your lap, ocassionally brought to his lips. However, while at home.. It’s a different ballgame. A homerun, really. He will hold you like you are the single most precious thing in the entire world. His hands will run over your skin in such a way you’re sure he’s admiring you like you’re the treasure, the answer he’s been searching for his entire life. During times like this, don’t expect to be getting up any time soon. Plans are cancelled, calls are ignored. He’s got you in his arms and he has no intention of letting you go.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
How would the new dateables (+Lucifer, Mammon, and Beel if that's allowed since it's 7 characters) react if Luke had a breakdown after getting teased too much.
Okay hold on this is actually a really cute idea bro 😩💕 also im assuming you didn't want lukes reaction since you wanted those 7
THE UNDATEABLES, LUCIFER, MAMMON, and BEELZEBUB reacting to LUKE having a breakdown 
As much as he likes to say he honestly doesn’t care about that fledgling of an angel, he does hold a soft spot for Luke, from a distance. The angel has heart, is super ambitious, and genuinely a good kid, something Lucifer can at least attempt… to respect. Of course, he’s very much a tough lover, both romantically and platonically, so comforting Luke is limited. He wants the angel to get advice, get up, and learn from this, not dwell on it for all eternity so he’s sure to set Luke down, privately and where no one can find them, and give him a reality check… has cookies and hot chocolate prepared because he wants to at least attempt to comfort Luke. 
The amounts of times Mammon teases Luke, it wouldn’t surprise him if he was actually the cause of that breakdown. On the off chance that he wasn’t, he honestly wouldn’t do much. What is he supposed to do? Might pat Luke on the back and hope he gets better but honestly he’s the worst at this. Probably calls Simeon to take care of his son and maybe, MAYBE, he’ll like… teach Luke how to look good in pictures or a card game, or something, ya know? Something lowkey that wouldn’t get Luke attached, if he even accepted in the first place that is. 
Even though he’s not an angel anymore, he tries to make sure to have Luke safely under his wing. Much like Lucifer, Beel admires Luke and of course Luke also makes good pastries so… Beel feels like he needs to repay the little angel for all the times he has given him food. Big brother Beel is sure to sit down with Luke and listen to his worries, of course with some food by his side in case Luke wants to find comfort in that; Beel sure does. 7/10 advice but only because he can’t fully focus on giving advice when there’s food right there lol all jokes aside Beel is the demon who’s most likely to comfort Luke in a way that he needs. 
So here’s the thing, of course he’s there! Luke is an exchange student, and as the one in charge of the exchange program, along with being the future king, he’s obligated to take care of Luke, but he also just has a soft spot for the angel. However, he absolutely does not know how to help Luke. He himself is very much a ‘suck it up and bottle everything inside’ type of person but he knows that that wouldn’t help Luke, so he tries to distract him instead. Did you know that the castle has a small waterpark? It doesn’t, but now it does, specifically for Luke. For one day only. It only ever appears when Luke is sad. Crazy, right? 
Barbatos grew very fond of the kid. He sees him as a little baking apprentice and even a friend… well more a son of some sorts. Daddy Barb is sure to rush to Luke’s side and give sound advice. Definitely gives out a hug and then suggest baking some things because although Luke can try screaming out into the void, why not turn all of that emotional turmoil into creativity by doing something that you love? If it’s really bad, he’s sure to just let Luke cling to him for a while, or at least keep him company. 
He’s kind of a tough superior. Seeing Luke like that… of course he rushes to comfort the younger one, that’s what the angelic part inside of him tells him to do! On the other hand, he really wants Luke to get through this on his own. You know, scrape his knee and get back up without putting a bandaid on the wound, type of deal. He knows Luke can get through it and if he really needs help, he will have a stern talk with either Lucifer or Diavolo to make things better. Probably takes Luke out for a fun day. 
Oh god how is he supposed to deal? Honestly, much like Mammon, he was probably one of the people who teased him a little too much in the first place. Luke seemed so tough though so he didn’t think the angel would actually have a meltdown. Feels guilty, but probably won’t stop making fun of Luke. Instead, takes him out for ice cream and if Luke starts talking on his own, then he will listen, but he won’t push any kind of reaction or explanation out of him because he knows that if he were in Luke’s shoes, he wouldn’t want to be forced to talk either. 
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dotbammie · 6 years
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Author’s Note: hello my little babies! It’s truly been forever since i have posted, so hello!! It’s nice to post again, i really did miss it. i’m not sure how often I will be posting, whether it will be a week or a month or a year from now, but I wanted to get this post out there because it’s been plaguing my mind! Xuxi/yukhei/lucas is my age and i often think of how he would be like in a relationship, so enjoy~
xoxo Sara
hooooo god
where do i even start with this boy
okay so we all know
nctzens know
nct knows
Obama knows
the whole world knows
Yukhei is a natural flirt. 100%. without an inkling in my mind
and he always talks biiiiiiig talk when he goes on VLIVE with members
but some part of me feels like he would  be sort of... shy when he likes someone?
i mean, not like so shy as in to stay away from them
he’s not about that
but shy as in maybe toning himself down a bit?
so he won't scare you off ya feel
but like he’ll start to like you and basically everyone picks up on it
but you
yes the classic every-love-story-ever cliche. next.
but yES everyone realized it quickly and were like OOOOO SHIT
so they'd always invite you over
you'd prolly be friends with mark because hello
hes the same age as yukhei
judging on age id say y'all were in college and you probably met yukhei through mark but tHATS BESIDES THE POINT STAY ON TRACK SARA GOD
a n y w a y s
but yeah like everyone would constantly be like hEY Y/N Y DONT U COME OVER
and yukhei would b like AAAAAAAAAA on the inside
but :^) on the outside
(that face translates to ‘im low-key dying but highkey cannot express it at this moment)
and i feel like at some point he'd be like. shits gotta stop
i gotta either cut these feelings OFF or HARNESS THE POTENTIAL
and he'd be SOOO nervous but like
laughing type nervous
when he confesses to you
and hes like “yEAh i liKe you but likE so what man like its cool its fine its whatever”
cue literally all of the older members face-palming because yukhei slipped “man” in his confession
but of course u like the big goof anyway so you accept the confession! yay!
and now onto the good stuff uwu
once he got past the whole “lets tone it down so i dont scare them away” thing you KNOW hes gonna be like all over you
probably showing you off
“have you guys met my s/o?”
“look at how cute my s/o is”
“this is my s/o no one elses”
low-key possessive but not in a bad way where he doesnt want you around anyone else
can 100% share you with anyone but likes the fact that you hold his hand and hug him and stuff and you dont do it with anyone else
big uwu baby
the bigger they are the harder they uwu in my opinion
always wanting to hold your hand. always
always worrying about your wellbeing
“have you eaten today?” “are you cold?” “are you stressed? “youre happy right?”
is the literal definition of Big Baby™ and will just melt when you guys cuddle
likes to play with your hair
“you smell nice”
teaching you one of the FIVE DAMN LANGUAGES HE KNOWS
but also stoopid boi
flirts with you every five seconds to the point where youre like xuxi.stop.
idk what you like to call him (like if you call him lucas or yukhei or xuxi) but he'd probably d i e if you gave him a nickname
whats a good nickname for him idk dshidjshkas just give him one he loves those
really playful so i feel like you'd constantly be tossed over his shoulder
like youre play fighting with him or like
he just wants to snuggle so he’ll pick you up and whisk u away
wow a prince
also super strong and likes to work out
the type of flirtatious little shit where he’d like tell u to help him do sit ups and kiss you every time her comes up
ugh i hate that i imagined that so perfectly WHY is he like that
hearing that giggle all the time
you know what giggle im talking about
ohmyGOD seeing his cute little smile all the time because you genuinely make him the happiest boy alive and he constantly wonders how an angel like you likes him
okay i gotta stop im gonna get soft for him now this is NOT the PLAN i am LOYAL TO ******
okay bYE
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oh ok so fun fact! u totally have multiple fe anons now! XD theres def at least 2 of us, maybe more tho. im NOT the anon from the last ask, but dragons gate idea! holy shit. this is the Dream Scenario, tell me more. like i think the trio would be way more comfy staying knowing they could visit home whenever they wanted. how do encounters with the other future kids go? i imagine that tho they bicker they actually care about one another quite a bit? do the royal sibs get shovel talked?
Multiple!!! Anons!! I guess I’ve been suspecting that for a bit now but it’s finally been #confirmed and I’m still as surprised as if it were day one, lol. I’ve been addressing some asks as though they’re all from the same anon when they’re probably not. Whoops! At least I can be more careful from here on out ;)
Dragon’s Gate Scenario (where the timelines between Nohr and Ylisse actually match up) is best scenario because allowing the Trio to visit their family and and friends without leaving Nohr behind makes my heart warm and happy. I agree that they’d be wayyyy more comfy with this ability.  (Also buckle up bc we’re about to talk about some timeline stuff right here)
I’m pretty convinced most the fe13 crew thinks the Awakening Trio is dead by now, tbh. Which makes me so sad!!! And I don’t want it to be true!! But from what it seems, Anankos showed up right when all the future kids were gonna split ways and was like “please save my kingdom” and threw a paper with where to meet (probably wraped around a brick or something and it nearly hits Inigo, lmao) and then he left. So Owain, Inigo, and Severa go off to check it out, but?? They probably didn’t except to be gone for literal years? Because it’s definitely been years. 
I think Selena makes some comment that implies she remembers Corrin as a young child but that feels a little too long for me/they still look pretty young in-game, so to me, the Trio has probably been in Nohr for like five (5) years or so? That’s just personal opinion. That number can change, but it’s for sure been years.
When they meet, Anankos is pretty explicit about the fact if they’re going to help him, they have to leave Right Now. No time to send a letter or say goodbye or anything. Instant decision. And the Trio makes the mythical heroic one, the sacrificial one, but at what cost?
It takes a month to travel from Yllise to the meeting place, so all the parents were probably expecting to hear back from their future kids after like a month. And then they… didn’t. 
Some of them probably keep hope. Lissa insists that she’d know if her son were gone, she’d feel it, and most believe that she thinks so but Maribelle knows she worries. And with how close Maribelle and Lissa are, Owain and Brady probably grew up together, practically brothers, and Brady’s doubts eat at him like a black hole and he cries practically every time he thinks about it, about the letters he’s never gotten, about the travels they didn’t get to have together now that the war was over, and Owain’s dead, probably, because of something stupid or heroic or both and Brady wasn’t even there to heal him, couldn’t even do that, so useless and—
Sometimes Cynthia sits with him and doesn’t try to cheer him up when he blubbers and at least once she mentions that they aren’t her kinds of heroes, but Owain always liked the type that showed up at the very last second. She’s kinda hoping he’ll still jump out at some point. Who knew being a lone hero was so lonely? She doesn’t say anything after that, and then Brady’s all out of tears. 
Olivia practices dances that require two people and waits for her grown son to come home, knowing he probably won’t. Her baby isn’t big enough to dance yet, and that’s amazing and she loves this little bundle of joy and the future she’s going to have with him that another version of her didn’t reach, but she still misses Inigo. Gerome wanted to live a life of solitude with Minerva and the other wyverns and he got it. He sees the other kids the least out of anyone and he knows better than to expect anything good out of the world even with the cruelest future averted, but even he sometimes catches himself staring at his open palm, trying to remember how Inigo’s hand felt in his own when the fool was trying to convince Gerome to come back in time, please, and then when Gerome relented, in the new world Inigo was always pawing at him anyway to come visit these women or that event and— 
Gerome has been stuck in the past long enough. He has to look ahead. His hand aches. 
Noire was friends with Inigo and Sevena both, and maybe she had a crush on both of them, maybe. Or at least the potential for a crush. Or something adjacent to one. She loved them both so fiercely, the way only dying things loved (because they were all doomed from the start up until they weren’t), and at some point it didn’t matter if she teetered on the edge of romance or not, she loved them. Inigo always flirted with every girl under the sun but her, but it never mattered because in the end she always worried over him anyway. He never learned. And she misses the way Severa would fuss over her too. Sometimes she still wakes up in the night and wishes Severa were there to guide her, even though she’s long since past any need for hand-holding or fussing. She still wants it. 
(Sometimes she makes a cake and wonders what Owain would have named it. The sugar always tastes sour those days.)
Cordelia knows better than anyone how greedy war can be, what it can take within seconds. The problem with that is that the war is supposed to be over, but she seems to have lost her daughter anyway. She’s broken her promise never to leave her daughter alone again. Maybe it’s fate; maybe Cordelia is always meant to be the lone survivor. She wishes a lot of things. 
Kjelle hasn’t touched makeup since the time Severa tried to teach it to her and she forgot more important things, like how to hold a shield. Sometimes she catches herself staring at the lines of kohl on other girl’s faces and wondering what Severa would have thought, though. Usually that leads to chopping wood and practicing stances for hours on end until she can’t feel her fingers anymore. Kjelle’s never been much for words or contemplation outside the material—what would this move do against that one, is her armor the proper weight still—but she catches herself wondering what Severa would say about trinkets in the store windows more often than she would like. Laurent and Severa have always been opposits, but it worked, somehow, for them, even if it led to bickering more often than not. She forced him out of his comfort zone, and he tempered her, or so he thought. Perhaps Severa would have matured naturally with age. Laurent can come up with a thousand hypotheses now, but he’s never going to know the truth. Not anymore.
And it’s not just them, it’s everyone. It’s Nah missing chasing Inigo around when she got mad at him, though she didn’t really mean it. It’s Yarne missing Severa’s perseverance, her constant push at him to do better. It’s Lucina missing her cousin, who she always admired with the imagination she didn’t quite have and the bravery she shared with him. It’s everyone. They all miss each other in a hundred different ways, and the Trio misses them and home like a drowning man whose adapted to the ocean but can still taste the salt. 
Uhhhh, that got sad, but anyway!! You’d bet everyone would be ECSTATIC  to find Owain/Severa/Inigo alive and well. There would be many a tear. Kjelle would probably punch something. Brady would try to yell at them but he’d be sobbing too hard to actually say anything. Nah would roar with all the power of the dragon she is, and everyone’s parents would hold them hard and not want to let go. Lucina would beam and Gerome would let go of the little string of tension that had been wrapped around his heart for the past few years and Laurent would have to compose himself and Cynthia would be doing flips, and you know there’d be so much yelling. So much. The story would have to come out in bits and pieces because they’d constantly be interrupting one another, on both sides. 
I’ve definitely been focusing on the sadder parts of this idea and not the happier ones, so while this answer is getting long, let me try to fix that real fast. 
There’s guaranteed to be a lot of fussing over the Trio, who are now like 5 years older than when they last left and maybe? possibly? still disguised with Anankos’ magic? Maybe also that vanishes when they step through the Gate. Unknown. What is also guaranteed, however, is how much fussing the Nohrians get when visiting officially as a mixed group of royals and the Trio’s BFs/GFs.
Xander charms the pants of Olivia, hands down. He’s genuine and kind and charming, and when his back is turned, Olivia looks at her son and blushes because hot damn. Inigo picked a catch.  Inigo sees her look and wants to sink into the floor, but she’s not wrong. Also he feels 12 all over again. Olivia offers to dance for him and Inigo wants to join in and he also wants to watch and he’s also too shy to want to dance in front of anybody, even just Xander and his mom, and it makes for an interesting visit for sure. 
Leo passes Aunt/Other Mother Maribelle’s Scrutiny Test, but Niles, for all the effort he’s putting in to make a good impression, probably doesn’t. Owain insists Niles isn’t really that bad, he’s loyal like nothing else, and that’s at least a benefit in Maribelle’s book. She’s still suspicious of his seemingly shady character and all the effort he’s putting into looking good for her (because the fact he has to put in effort at all is suspicious to her, and it would have been suspicious if he were a prince or a farmer or anything other than a thief turned royal retainer. The only reason she can’t pin anything on Leo is because he keeps pulling out obscure knowledge to answer all her probing questions and has only the utmost manners. She’s waiting for him to make a cultural faux pas), but Owain is grown now. He can make his own decisions.  Besides, if Lissa isn’t complaining, she can’t either. Lissa loves Niles and Leo both. Lissa maybe catches them unawares with the old “bucket of frogs over the doorway” trick, though. She hasn’t changed. 
Cordelia’s happy to meet whoever her daughter loves, so long as they give Severa the love she deserves and pretty obviously craves. Not that Cordelia can talk, since she’s been absent from Severa’s life long enough too. She just worries like any normal mother. That Beruka girl is a little stony, but Camilla seems to have enough love for the both of them combined, even if she is a little intimidating too. Cordelia is mostly satisfied. She tries to keep her back straight when they’re looking at her, though. She’s never been one to be intimidated, but she wonders how Severa’s been faring in the seemingly dark land of Nohr. Well, if Severa has people she cares about there, she figures her daughter must be doing pretty well. 
(P.S. I can do more specific reactions if there was something you had in mind! I’m not sure anyone would give a Shovel Talk because I’m not too much a fan of that trope? I feel like it disregards the agency of whoever the Talker is trying to “protect”. I’d say Kjelle might give one, but she might just end up admiring Camilla’s muscles instead. Henry might (for whoever you picture him the father of), albeit unintentionally. I think it’s canon Henry would do Literally Anything asked of him for those he loves, so I can see that fact slipping pretty easily into conversation, even accidentally.
The one most likely to intentionally pull a Shovel Talk move is Noire, probably. Against Xander, even though she likes Xander. Because Inigo never really did learn in the army, and she doesn’t know if Laslow’s learned anything yet. Probably not.)
tl;dr the Kids all Love each other So Much. They grew up together in a destroyed world and at the end of the day, they all know they always have each other, and the Trio being missing is like a hole in their hearts even when the rest of the fe13 kid cast are all on their separate travels
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chaekkung · 7 years
o wormie? u? in a lot of love? perfect i don't think i've asked u yet but (if ur free) could u talk about why/how you started loving changkyun/hyungwon (or both :-D) ?? pls ramble as much as u like!! read more exists 4 a reason and . i love reading ppl b soft and in love it's cute!!!!! i love u have a good night/day ! 💛💛
o holy shit thats a lot ok im gonna write about changkyun since i Havent... :( and ill copy pasta one of my hyungwon essays for u to read!!!! the changkyun will be under it :^) this is gonna be Super Long im sorrie in advance LMAO BUT HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT TOO!!!! :D (also theres prob gonna be a lot of typos bc im Dumb but.. bear w/ me)
mister chae:
honestly i don’t even know where to start?? uhh i guess with his looks first since,, this is describing or smthing,, anyways yeah hyungwon is just… fucking beautiful. he has the most handsome and visually attractive face ive ever seen in my whole life??? and i’ve stanned a lot of groups in my past before but hyungwon is honestly one of the best looking man i know :( im not even being biased,,, anyways yeah there’s that. and he’s like naturally a model, i mean he can legit wear anything and do anything and he’ll look like he’s posing for a high end magazine, not surprised if he’s been modeling since he was like, born. also he has the most beautiful and endearing smile and laugh…. when he smiles he really goes from :o -> :D like!! please!! you are too fucking cute,,, :((( he really lights up the entire room solely w his smile im jusT?? wow?? like when his smile lines by the sides of his nose down to the corner of his mouth come out i just,,,, really… need 2 calm my heart. he has like the closed mouth wide smile, and the straight up whole face smile!! and i.. love both.. so much,,, and yeah anyways his lips are like the first thing people notice about him and big mood?? they’re so plump and … kissable.. and soft.. but my favorite feature on him are his eyes tbh…. idk he has really beautiful eyes? idk how to describe it but like, they’re so…. kind? and bright.. it’s just i want to look into them all day long and im just… so in love with his eyes. like,, they really hold all the stars in my universe wtf!!!  :( OH AND I DONT TALK ABOUT THIS ENOUGH BUT…. HIS EARS ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE WTF I WANT A MOLD OF HIS EARS ON MY DESK,,, idk about others but i personally find his right ear cute as fuck?? like the extra folds in his ears.. i would d*e for them………. godksj why is everything about him so cute i just?? want to kno …
ok now im going to talk about him!!! so his personality, is what i really fell in love with,, (god this all sounds so.. cliche. but it’s.. true, also unrelated but every time someone talked about,, love cliches and shit i was always like ‘sounds fake’ but???? after hyungwon i really?? believe in all of that..) if i had to use one word to describe him it would just be ‘kind’… like he!!! is!!! the king of being considerate and compassionate and wonderful and he’s just a really good person.. :( he’s the one you can always count on and lean on. he’d always be on your side and makes you feel safe and comforted,, like he’s really full of love??? even the members said he’s a really good listener and they chose as him as someone they go to when they’re feeling down because he makes them feel better about the situation (god, i wish they were me,,) and he has the most beautiful heart… like, he’s been wearing the Sewol bracelet since as long as we’ve known and he has never missed a day. you can always see it during fansigns, vlives, whenever he’s out, and he even wore it when he was modeling under his clothes… :(( he went from the charm, to the rope bracelet thing, to the clip on and now he’s wearing the wristband!! :(((((( he says he will always wear it to remember the incident, and he has been for over two years… he’s doing it out of the kindness of his heart and not to show anyone… he said he felt so helpless during the time, and watching every thing unfold before him, and has worn the yellow bracelet which symbolizes ‘hope’ :((((((((( god,, real emo hours,,, i love my angel so much wtf !!! ok next,, (sjdhaj at this point im going to write a whole novel wtf but im gonna,, stop soon i swear .) hyungwon is really fucking hardworking and ?? he’s so dedicated to his career and making sure that we, his fans, are always satisfied and proud to stan him.. like he’s constantly saying he will work hard to show us something better next time, that he’s not going to stop trying to improve himself. every single stage he puts his all into it, but he pushes himself even more to show us a even better one. he’s always worried and thinking about his career as an actor and a singer. he wants to promote the group in any way that he can, whether it’s through modeling or acting :(( what a King… he’s… really always striving to do the Best and he won’t ever settle or be content with it because he’s just naturally an ambitious and super hard working person… like. he’s so dedicated to what he does, no matter what it is. uhh one more thing he’s actually a really sentimental guy!! not like in a bad way, but in the best possible way. he’s really sweet, and gentle.. (he would be the Best Boyfriend,,, im just saying..) he’s the type to give handwritten letters… and surprise gifts.. (he said so!!) he said he cant cook but he want to cook for his gf he will try his best and it will be full of love… god.. i wish that were me. he’s the type to keep quiet… but take silently notes on what someone likes/dislikes, and will reveal it unexpectedly with a gift or when he says something and it will! make the other person! so happy! :((( he doesn’t put his emotions Out There, he’s not rlly good at it,, but he honestly has so much love in him,,, he tries his best to show it ok!! it’s,, good effort it’s so cute when he does… ah.. pls.,,, he’s always like ah, i don’t know if i can properly show my appreciation and sincerity for you guys, but i hope you guys know how thankful i am for you. LASDHFJAK GOFD,S,,,, IM FUCKIGN EMO THINKGIN ABOTU IT AGAIN… HE HAS A HEART OF GOLD AND HE’S SUCH A SWEETHEART I JUST WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD SEE IT.. :(( HE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE IN THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND I REALLY HOPE ALL MY LOVE FOR HIM CAN COUNT AS SOMETHING FOR IT ALL.. UGHFJASHJSAALSJF yeah ok let me,,, stop… sorry to everyone who has to scroll past this LMAo,, :(
ok i was gonna stop but i forgot to mention how he’s so fucking talented!! i mean this boy does it ALL. the whole package or w/e. god,, i love my whole ass talented man wtf! he sings, dances, choreographs, models, acts, DJs, is multilingual, and a world class poet,, cmon. ANYWAYS he excels in all those areas nd,, no argument there.. his voice is angelic as fuck ,, just like his personality.. and his dancing.. god,,, like . his dancing his so on point, his every move,, and it’s so.. fluid.. and natural. and it’s harder for tall people to dance esp ones w like long ass limbs (hyungwon.,,) but he still looks fucking amazing and pulls everything off so perfectly????? gofdj,,, can he like . Stop being so…. perfect.. and lovable… :((( he just puts so much passion into everything he does!!! and his heart is pure Gold ,, i just.. love him,,,,,,, everything about him …. ok lmao let me stop !!! if u actually read all this wtf,, im sorry nd i’d die for u
mister changkyun:
okay wtf icb i havent talked about changkyun that much on my blog.... anyways this is gonna be a mess and unorganized bc im Dumb but here goes,,, ok we can start from the beginning kinda,, so originally wonho was my #2 bias and then mh i think like i love changkyun but i wasnt like IN LOVE you kno?? honestly i started to notice him more firstable bc he and hyungwon are so frigging cute together?? i just couldnt ignore it and next thing u know im IN Love w my lil koala :(((( hes sO CUTE ..... LIKE.. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT I REALLY JUST WANNA BE AROUND HIM ALL THE TIME!! his sense of humor and his personality in general is so?? positive?? and fun??!!! like i would spend every second of the rest of my life w him... and he’s so cheesy as we all know ,, and i find it so cute but also he makes me so stressed bc he’s so mushy aijsdgfhdjs but he rlly Love us wtf.. and hes so funnie... he makes me smile and laugh all the time :( and he genuinely Loves every single one of his fans so much... he’s so sweet with them and he makes them feel so loved and special, and like they’re the only person in the world at that moment :(((( this boy gives so much love and i only want to give him a million times more back... 
OK HES SO LOVABLE IN EVERY DAMN WAY LIKE,, he’s Weird but its a cute Weird he’s so special omg there’s really no one else like him :(((( like...... he’s a treasure fr... he’s So Many things and once its hard to pinpoint his personality but like ??? i love it so much?? he’s a mystery and i dont know what he’s thinking like most of the time but.. i rlly love him omgdsj he’s so special :’( like fr !!! everyone LOVES him!! :(( most people wouldnt see him as the maknae if they dont Know,, but like he really is... and he’s really mx’s babie :-( they spoil him so much and love the heck out of him,,, he’s really the most loved maknae out there wtf... honestly... i love family... they really Adore him so much ugh what a big ass fking MOOD! :((
AND HIS VOICE!!!!! THE VOICE OF THE HEAVENS AND ANGELS AND HAPPINESS AND ALSO NUT!!!! WTF!! HIS VOICE IS SO SEXY AJSDFGDUJIS LIKE... PLEASE... NARRATE THE BIBLE TO ME HOLY FUCKSIFDU, YOU KNOW HIS VOICE ONLY V LIVE... HOLY SHIT MY EARS NUTTED SO HARD omg.... i just wanna listen to his voice All Day.... and dont even get mee started on his rapping .... he starts his bar and sets me on fucking fire w half a syllable . and did i mentioned he fucking amazing at rapping yeah . he Does That. and hes so charismatic, especially on stage... :((( ugh omgfisjd i wanan d*e when hes being so h*t on screen fucksdf,,, and like . his mixtapes he’s working on... king... pleas.e.... End me. just end me with ur talented ass wtf... 
ok let me stop thank u,,, also... if anyone actually made it here hi wow uh ur great ily wtf :--(
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how zach dempsey tells you, he likes you
warnings: a bit of cursing
a/n: this is kinda how the whole blog is gonna be, and its my first imagine here, hope you like it and p.s ft. zach’s lil sis
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- so first things first, zach would like you from a mile away and you wouldn’t notice
- he’s heard rumors abt you and grew interested, even if you aren’t the most popular at liberty high
- even though this sounds creepy, he’ll learn from you by watching bc he doesn’t want you to be scared off
- he’ll learn what you like and dislike
- how you hated communications class as much as he did
- and how much he wanted to help you in bio whenever you did the experiments wrong
- so the only way you guys finally talk is yes vv clique but you guys would be lab partners
- he would grin to himself when he hears the teacher make you partners
- “hey, i’m zach” he introduces himself at the start with his hand out
- well duh, you already know that, who doesn’t its zach freaking dempsey
- “well ofc ik that, who wouldn’t know who you are,” you shake his hand
- he’s surprised by your response, not knowing to be flattered or offended
- “y/n by the way”
- “well i know that too, who wouldn’t” he replies
- you and zach continue to have those little talks here and there
- you guys talk in other classes too,
- you two greet each other briefly
- and sometimes have lil talks about whatever is on your mind
- you also seem to notice the little things he does for you after a while
- he always un-stacks a chair for you before you even get to class
- he always helps you prepare for quizzes even though you don’t ask
- he always cleans up all the experiments, telling you to “just sit down and i can do it”
- he always asks how you’re feelings when you seem down in the dumps
- he does these little things for you - so you’ll hopefully notice he cares abt you
- he likes you a LOT and you don’t know if you like him, well maybe you do a little
- well you don’t know he likes you but you are pretty oblivious
- one day!!! zach sees you have trouble in this one unit
- he invites you to his house
- and you go along with it, kinda scared worried
- it’s your first time being alone w zach
- but you still go with it and end up at his house on a saturday afternoon
- you pull out your phone to text zach but as you do, the door swings open
- “hEY Y/N” he has this huge grin plastered on his face
- slightly startled at how unbelievably happy he is, “hey zach,” you say
- “well come inside,” he opens the door for you
- and holyshit his house is huge
- “my parents are gone for a business trip, so i’m also babysitting my sister too, that’s fine right? she won’t cause any trouble i promise,” he says
- “yeah, it’s totally fine, i had no idea you had a sister,” you reply
- he brings you to his kitchen table and everything is already set up
- textbooks, pencils, papers, his laptop, and a few snacks
- he sits down and you sit beside him like in class
- he begins to start with the lesson but you can’t seem to focus on the material
- ‘has zach always been this close to me in class? his cologne smells really good’ you think to yoursef
- you look up at his face and shit, you really can’t believe you’re in zach dempsey’s house, in zach dempsey’s kitchen, inches away from zach dempsey
- “hey uh, y/n?”
- he snaps you back to reality
- “are you okay, do you want to do some more problems or take a break?” 
- and there he does it again, worrying for you when he shouldn’t have to
- being overly nice when he doesn’t have to
- it drives you insane and you love like it so much
- “uhm, yeah, i just need to clear my mind, where’s your bathroom?” you ask
- he gives you the directions and find yourself lost in his huge house
-and this little girl comes downstairs
- “who are you?” she says
- “oh i’m zach’s friend, we’re studying for our biology class”
- “wait, are you y/n?” she asks another question
- “yeah, how do you know my name?” - “who wouldn’t when zach talks about you literally alllll the time,”
- “wait, what do you mean?” you’re completely shocked at what she’s saying
- “well, he doesn’t talk to me directly about you, but he’s always talking to justin about you whenever they’re on the phone,”
- “i mean, you’re really pretty and i heard you’re really nice and smart so i can see why zach likes you,” she continues
- you couldn’t believe what she was saying, zach dempsey liking you? that seemed too crazy to even think of
- “would you go out with zach if he ever asks you out?” she asks
- well honestly who wouldn’t, it’s zach!!! dempsey!!!
- “i don’t think he likes me, i don’t think i’m his type and i don’t think he would ever ask me out,”
- “then let’s say my brother does ask you out, what would you do,”
- “uhm, say yes? i guess, ”
- “what are you doing?” zach comes from behind, startling you
- “i was just talking to your friend, y/n, she’s very nice and reallly pretty,” zach’s sister says
- “oh, i was worrying you got hurt or something y/n” zach says
- “let’s go back to studying,” you say and walk back
- ’oh god what if zach heard everything me and his sister were talking about’
- you both sit down and he closes the textbook
-“what are you doing?” you ask
- this time he’s sitting right across from you and takes your hands
- “look, i heard what you and my sister were talking about,”
- ’fuckfuckkk, zach is gonna think im a weird omg’
- “and everything she said is true,” he looks directly in your eyes
- “you may just figured it out, but i like you, like i really like you and i just didn’t know what to do and how to ask you an-”
- “why couldn’t you just ask me?” you cut him off
- “i didn’t think you’ll like me back” he says simply
- you are genuinely surprised, out of all the students at liberty high, one of the most popular, star basketball player, had a crush on you, and to top it off, he was scared of getting rejected
- “so, would you wanna go out to eat or watch movie or something?” he asks
- “yeah, actually yeah, i would like that,” as you say that his face instantly brightens
- “oh my god, reallly, i can’t believe you said yes,” he smiles widely
- “finally you asked her out!” his sister yells from another room
- you laugh at his and his sister’s excitement
- “to be honest with you, i sorta planned this out with my sister to ask if you liked me but she didn’t have to mention the part about justin and stuff, so you probably think i’m a creep,” he says
- “no, no, i don’t, i think it’s really cute, honestly,” you reassure him
- “oh, really?”
- you nod back at him,“yes, i also really appreciate how you do little things for me in class,” you confess
- “oh great you noticed that, i thought it would scare you off or something,”
- you laugh and he laughs back, “let’s get back to bio,” he says, squeezing your hand lightly and opens up to the chapter you were previously on
-zach dempsey was really something
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