#THIS IS A METAPHOR ?????????????????????
t-hal-mothman · 3 months
- They say that swans are Pure Creatures, - the Toad asked, - This is true? - Yes, - the Swan answers, arching they neck, showing they pride to the pathetic creature, - Can't you see that for yourself?
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- I see... - Toad smiled with they wide muzzle, squinting at the graceful bird, - ...blood on your feathers.
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
When you're bringing your girlfriend from another dimension around your normal freind group, and she's like 99% humanoid but instead of a normal human mouth she just has an immovable hole surrounded by fangs like a jawless fish. And because of that she can only communicate through hand signs and writing. And everyone you introduce her to feels really sorry for her and acts like she's something tragic and broken and that's literally just how she is, like everyone has a mouth like that where she's from. And it kind of ruins your day how sympathetic everyone is to her and how sorry they feel about the fact that she literally is just exist in the way she does. And then when you go back to your hotel you start kissing her and rubbed eachother and she starts making cute little noises and...
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jackdaniel69nice · 9 months
Kaminari’s parents are emotionally neglectful. They take care of him and buy him things but don’t pay attention to him or care much about his accomplishments. It’s like living with estranged roommates. They’re not busy just depressed and emotionally vacant. Probably why he’s so energetic (he’s always had to carry on a one sided relationship alone)
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Kicking so many babies
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liquidchaser · 25 days
imagine you go to the grocery store and they won't let you in because a guy you had a falling out with saw you and told everyone you kill grannies and eat their intestines. and when you kind of smack the door and go hey I don't actually do that, he gives you that stupid shit munching grin and goes YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF LOOK WORSE. so you can imagine im not quite happy today.
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Bill is wearing someone else's skin. You do not see it, originally, because why would you? Why question such a genuine smile? His charm and flattery?
But they you notice how it sloghs off his face, how it doesn't match his eyes, how it stretches unnaturally when he performs his little charade for you.
And you want to go back to being blind to it again, now everything he does feels wrong, but you can't. You can't unsee it.
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typingwithmyhandstied · 4 months
I hate when people think just because I'm nice doesn't mean I won't bite if you keep poking me.
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briaryoung · 11 months
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hey tumblr. not chonny jash but sketchy sketch
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sysshitig · 25 days
welcome to the freak community my good sir! the community by freaks for freaks! What? Do we support freaks around here? No of course not! They're freaks!
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deianaracrush · 4 months
Been thinking for months about how I need a good new pair of 501s that don’t have holes in the knees. Looking all over at thrift stores for em because I’m not gonna pay full price for brand new Levis. Then I went to my dad’s house and was digging through a bin of my old stuff, and turns out I already had the perfect pair of jeans just waiting to be found.
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feralthembo · 3 months
im tired of ppl who think they can fix me barging past the red flags i put on the lawn and getting pissy when i open the door buck naked
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marekh00 · 4 months
Normalise sleeping in a bed with pillow (pillow is a metaphor for a gril)
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witchcraftshawty · 2 years
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just because i buy myself flowers and put them in my room, doesn’t mean i consent to the invasion of my home in which the bugs have carried out by  disguising themselves in the luscious foliage-that i brought in and nurtured. i suppose, logically, if i want the bug issue gone, i will have to stop buying flowers. but realistically, no matter what, the bugs will always find a way in, because they arent just attracted to pretty colors and scents, its their natural instinct to  pursue what their anatomy is requesting.
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alesbianlarrystan · 2 years
oh they watered the flower together and took care of it together, that's nice
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iistxrmyskyii · 7 months
girls when they
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nacricissa · 10 months
Invitations for the propertied class
A vampire is the parasitism of wealth. The propertied class, with their decadence and desire, warlords of blood and riches. They are, however, bound by more rules than our true overlords, who allow no law, no god, above themselves.
A vampire may not enter hallowed ground. The sanctity of God, of faith, is above it. A vampire may not enter a home uninvited.
But what is a home?
There is an argument that home is where the heart is. Home is a construct of the mind. This is a bit odd, hard to define, and doesn't work well when we consider people with a less physically attached lifestyle. Do they not have homes? What of people with many homes? Can a vampire enter none of them? Only the ones that have been dwelt in less recently? At what point is a home abandoned, no longer anyone's home?
There are answers to these questions, or facsimiles of them. Property law. A serpentine mess of exceptions and rules that try to build a notion of ownership that mirrors reality. There is a law that states for how long a building must stand abandoned before it is no longer owned by the person that abandoned it. There are specifics, which state what is and is not abandonment. These laws, more often than not, are written by the propertied class. The house of lords.
Vampires write the laws which bind them. Careful, children, that you do not put overmuch faith in those laws to protect you.
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