fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Pirate junk No.13846
honestly i dont know what to say im just here putting my brain worms on the table. while my computer backs up.
Plum defo works her way up to being close with this woman, and one day she pulls into port and asks the crew to go enjoy, pays them all a chunk of gold to just go onto the land and have fun for like, two nights. Peach is told nothing, comes back from aquiring specific things plum wanted from town to an empty ship. Well. Nearly empty. Plums spent a while with Peach, couple years now, just travelling, being close with her, realising shes just sad and not scary at all unless you threaten what she holds dear. Theres a billion candles lit on the deck, you can see the ship from three streets away, youd think it had caught ablaze with the light. Peach shows up and Its a close recreation of that one memory plum had of her and her wife, give or take some details. They have a very sweet date night, get to dance and be together uninterupted by work or ship problems. It rings very true with Peach, she's been quietly growing fond of this one. Theres a weird irony to have her own play be used against her.
She's not mad at it, its oddly sweet actually. Gets the idea of how her wife felt once, feels good about that. Plum makes the joke that the only thing missing is a proposal, seeing as that's how it went down all those years ago.
It plants the seed unintentionally.
Its not until a while later, someone instead of hunting peach, comes for plum, and the whole crew see the true monster creep out of this woman. Peach goes full hostile to stop the death of another Levithian. She puts maximum effort in, hardly touched by damage, and those hits she is struck by are on purpose, to pull someone closer, or pin them in thinking theyve got the advantage on her. They do not.
Mid battle things get messy, Plum is freed from the holding cell they had her in, the girls are back together, Grey getting their ship across the way to fire on their foe, wood splintering, fires catching as lanterns smash and tumble with each strike. Both women fighting in such a way that feels like a dance, Peach constantly taking hits for the Captain she came across the waters to save, it doesnt bother her, pain is temporary, and it gives Plum an opening, lets them tag team a rival crew despite being heavily outnumbered, targeting the nasty hunter captain finally. Peach uses one, THE ONLY single battle trick she's got to take them down. Closes one eye, the remaining one blinks and suddenly in a flash looks like Boa's, pure white with the sliver of an iris, painfuly bright. She locks eyes with asshole who threatened the woman she's ready to murder an entire ships worth of people for, and you see the massive serpant leap from the sea and swipe past. The hunter is consumed, the back of the ship shattered, everyones getting knocked around, Peach grabs plum and a rope from the mast stopping them falling in as the ship tips almost back on itself. That little skill is essentially like tagging an enemy so Boa can take out vital targets, reserved for emergency. Theyre trying to get off the crumbling ship, still kicking and fighting the odd crew member, dodging loose barrels, heavy ropes trying to sweep their feet as they run, and in that chaos, in the canon balls shredding the ship they stand on, they get to the edge of the deck staring down into the ocean below and plum grabs her second mates hand to stop her jumping in.
The noise is consuming, the creak and crack of this sinking ship frightening, a sailors worst nightmare, but both just look at eachother, wind whipping hair around, bloodied and battered, but alive, together.
"Marry me-" falls out of Plum's mouth without thought, the bravery gained from seeing how streamline they worked together and seeing what they were capable of was incomporable. Peach doesn't flinch when a shot shatters the mast, feeling the heavy metal ball zip past her, unable to look away from her captain. She grabs her by the chin and kisses her hard, throwing them both into the water as the enemy vessel keeps falling apart.
Boa picks them up, bringing them to the surface before heading back to their ship. In that moment of travel it feels like the question didnt get answered. Plum sgot her arms around Peachs waist as she sits behind her, head on her back, stewing in her own head.
Later when Plums in her cabin alone, regretting her dumbass words, she was too forward, too bold, the old pirate wasnt ready, she just got caught up in it all, caught up on her. Peach knocks, snaps the woman out of her own head before coming into the space. There's nothing either can say for a moment, Peach sees her anxiety spike, sitting with a slouch in an armchair before placing something small and metal on the table. A ring. "Been carrying it around for a couple of months, never really knew why." a calm expression as she leans back. "Until now. It should fit." Plum just looks at her, picks it up, words failing her, glancing at this woman with one burning question.
"Thats a yes, if you're wondering."
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citnamora · 11 months
Do you think Maya kept Mia's magatama? That she convinced Gumshoe to let her have it back after the trial, because it's the only thing left of her that hasn't changed since Mia left her in left Kurain? Do you think she ever fastened it around her neck, just once, and wept upon looking at her own reflection? Because the reality hit her that she'll never be able to connect with her sister in a tangible form again, being the only one at the time who channeled her? Do you think for the first few years, on the day that Mia died, she runs her hands over that same magatama and wonders how things would be different if her sister was still around?
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amourcherie606 · 11 months
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TRANSFEM CHAT NOIR RAHAHHHH!!! oml transfem chat noir makes me so insane like she'd be so silly and adrien would be like, not questioning the fact she turns extremely feminine as chat noir. it doesn't hit her shes trans till like, months later. ITS JUST SO SILLY!!
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jtownraindancer · 3 months
climbing that firefighter like a ladder
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http-byler · 2 years
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judge-y boyfriends are judging you :/
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allthegothihopgirls · 28 days
does it tell u anything new or interesting about me if i said this set was my most played with toy as a child
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magichats-fr · 8 months
Speaking of all of the neopets drama
I can't believe the main neopets tag forgot about the snowball that Jungle_Boo caused which ultimately led to where we are today with Conversion 2.0 and bringing back unconverted pets
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I think it should be normalized and socially acceptable to blast someone with a giant laser cannon if a stranger makes fun of you or harasses you in public for literally no reason
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primatechnosynthpop · 8 months
Was seized by the supernatural urge to redraw some of my old nkotr art (mostly based on my own fics/aus because that's uhh pretty much the only time I drew them in an interesting way heheh)
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[ID: two versions of an alternate cover image for Your Computer has a Virus, and it's Killing Your Online Friends. The new kids are in their jumpsuits from Computer Fighters. Neil is holding a floppy disk labeled "virus" and looking over his shoulder with a scared expression as multicoloured glitch effects surround and overtake him. Below this, Kevin grits his teeth and makes a fist while Ryan sadly puts a hand on his shoulder.
The colours in the new piece are more saturated and the glitch effects are done differently, and there's shading. Neil has his helmet, which was missing from the original, Kevin is visibly sweating and his fist is on the other side, and Ryan looks more resigned whereas in the original he has his mouth open. End ID]
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[ID: two versions of a piece featuring fantasy versions of the new kids standing in front of a colourful roulette wheel marked with ominous symbols. Kevin is a human fighter, Neil is an elf bard, and Ryan is a tiefling warlock. The dark purple background is lit up with hot pink at the top and bright orange, purple, and green behind each of the guys to contrast their respective colour coding.
The old piece was done in an attempt at a realistic style, while the new version is in the artist's usual more cartoony style. The new kids' poses, expressions, and outfits are all changed to varying degrees; most notably, Neil's elf ears are bigger and Ryan's skin is red rather than a human skin tone. Ryan also has a cape instead of a jacket this time. In the original, they all look rather apprehensive, while in the new version they look more excited. Text has been added above them reading "The Only Lich Lair... With A Wheel!!" End ID]
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[ID: two versions of a piece where Neil and Ryan are catboys and Kevin is a dogboy. Neil is in a cutesy pose with his hands raised like paws, Ryan is sitting or crouching with a dead mouse in his mouth, and Kevin is holding a football with scuff marks on it. In addition to the regular clothes they're wearing, Neil and Kevin have collars; Neil's has a bell in the shape of the lemon demon logo.
The colours in the original are washed out and there's a little dog logo on Kevin's football which is missing in the newer version. The colours of Neil's outfit are different and his leg is bent more, Ryan now has a box to sit on and has cat pupils while the others still have human eyes, and Kevin is now wearing a baseball cap. A gradiented blue background has been added along with yellow text at the top reading "Guar-NYAN-teed Video", with a paw print in place of the G*V logo's asterisk. End ID]
+ a couple bonuses:
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[ID: a follow-up to the "Only Lich Lair" piece. The new kids are now injured and look miserable. Kevin has grown a beard and lost his hair, and is wearing a blindfold over where his eyes would be. He's also lost his armour. Neil's hair is frazzled and he's covered in singe marks, and he's lost a hand and got a chunk taken out of one ear. His instrument is also missing. Ryan has an eyepatch, has the tip of one horn taken off, and is frozen. He's also lost his wizard hat and the clasp for his cape. The bright lights in the background are gone save for the pink at the top, which drips down like blood; the text is also removed. End ID]
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[ID: a sketch of Kevin wearing a sweater and scarf, holding half a broken sword shouting angrily, based on a scene from I'm Gonna be the Anti-Hero. An old version of this doodle is shrunken down in the upper left corner. Colour has been added to the new version, as well as blood spatter on Kevin and tears in his eyes. End ID]
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hauntedpotat · 3 months
I'm going to a DCI show tomorrow for marching band bc we do an annual field trip for it, and there was this shirt i wanted from last year's performance that I never managed to get ahold of and now that it's been a year since the tour it's been marked down to $10 :3
I am very happy
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sylcries · 4 months
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Unforeseen Consequences
Do not repost my art without permission or credit!
Reblogs allowed & appreciated!
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Hearts on Fire,” Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #2.
Writer: David Pepose; Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira; Inker: Jay Leisten; Colorer: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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smashwolfen · 1 year
Oh it feels good to be brave! Went onto facebook marketplace and built up the nerve to message a seller about their copy of Pokemon Platinum. After scanning and double checking their images they had up beforehand, and then double checking and comparing AGAIN once I had it in hand, I can safely say with 100% certainty that I finally own a legit copy finally! My collection is no longer tainted with counterfeits~!!
Now I fought myself with the pricing (100$ CAN mind you) but it was also the best deal I'd get with the game AND the case (no manuel but no biggie) so Im content with what it was.
The game didnt have much on it, but they don't deserve to get reset, so Im gonna trade them over to my Diamond to give them a home (also the moment I put it in my 3DS, love my modded babeyyyyy)
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For those wondering how to tell the difference I can show you in the read more below!
The fake will always be on the left for easy comparisons and to not confuse!
First off the front,
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-The saturation alone is an indicator if you have a good eye, the left is very faded, almost a tinge lighter than it should be to the right, and the border for the "Nintendo DS" box isnt very defined.
-The font is not as bolded or clearly visible either, if you have a REALLY hard time reading "CONTENT RATED BY" thats above the "ESRB" text, or if "The Pokemon Company" text is hard to see against the red streak in the background. The fakes text is also oddly spaced apart compared to the real copy, like it got stretched a bit becasue the font is so thin.
-This will be the same with the other examples next, but the little insert arrow on the fake is too clear, its more pressed into the cartidge than it should ever be, the real one is perfectly flat all the way across with thr rest of the cartridges face, only difference is that its smooth to the touch as opposed to the texture of the cartidge. You run your nails across the arrow and you shouldn't feel anything stop you or feel a difference!
Next is the back
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-Same as the arrow, it should not be as pressed in to give it a noticable difference in feeling. You rub your fingers across the text you will feel it ever so slightly on a real cartridge, it is more surface area than the arrow, but its nothing that should be of note. The fake will be too pressed in again and you WILL feel it.
-For American, the "NTR 005 PAT. PEND." is on both the fake and real here, most times its not on the fakes but they can be there, just be mindful!
-Some may have been faded overtime, but the black text on the back (for american games, double check your versions region) has a specific code to it. An indicator for being authentic is if the carts have the "CPUE" letters on them on the front and the back, as opposed to the VERY wrong fakes like mine having "CPUE" on the front, but the back has "ADAE" instead XD
Now another indicator may or may not be as viable, but it can be another way to see if its legit or not, it is however NOT a guarentee. Not all carts have these but sometimes at the very top of the cartridge you may see a slight indent (top is fake, bottom is real)
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So far with my copies of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum and HeartGold, they all have this little indent. It may not always be there, but it may be slightly more reassurong that it is there if it is XD
Heres hoping its helped those wondering if there game is a fake or not with my own version of discrepancy. If you want more ways or maybe a better explanation of differences, here is a link to a handy guide for all the pokemon games! Same guide i used to tell the difference!
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bubblegum-blackwood · 10 months
So guess who started watching the Carmilla webseries?
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blackirishweab · 4 days
If there’s one thing I’m gonna do it’s tell you the story of a really good deal I got on something innocuous like it was an interstate black market arms deal gone very good
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springrls · 7 days
I follow this podcast on Instagram, and the two hosts are two straight guys who look at each other with the most unbridled horniness I've EVER seen. And all they talk about is people thinking their gay 😭
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