Top five TMA episodes? (I've been trying to do mine and it's So hard lol)
OUGH THANK YOU OMG BUT YEAH THIS IS HARD AF omg okokok I’m going to cheat and split this into favorite statements and then favorite plot/otherwise character driven episodes
Top 5 Statements
MAG 22 Hive (absolutely awakens every primal evil bone in my body. i LOVE how this ep portrays being an avatar)
MAG 152 A Gravedigger’s Envy (likewise makes me feral for avatars. a really excellent mix of desire that twists dark at the end. slurping this up like soup)
MAG 42 Grifter’s Bone (forever obsessed with the concept of music so achingly good you have to kill people about it. Jonny was so inspired for this)
MAG 172 Strung Out (scared me deeper and more personally than any other episode, I think. I love how much it fucks with me lmao, I did a whole cosplay for this ep)
MAG 15 Lost John’s Cave (just so rawly fucked up. that found audio???? what the FUCK was happening in s1. unparalleled fear)
Top 5 Episodes for other reasons!
MAG 81 A Guest for Mr. Spider (just the tastiest jon lore reveal episode ever. it’s so good i am kissing him for real)
MAG 187 Checking Out (WELCOME TO THE HOTEL CALIFORNIA MOTHERFUCKER— no fr this was such a delightful catharsis to Helen’s antics and Jon was SO sexy in it. my god. this is so close for the top spot)
MAG 79 Hide and Seek (the first ep that really made me like category 10 Unwell about this podcast. the buildup of the not!sasha and everything finally culminating in a high stakes chase??? MWAH)
MAG 111 Family Business (GERRY AND JON!!!! also just an excellent rundown of all the lore; super cathartic)
165 Revolutions (THE HOT JON MOMENT OF ALL HOT JON MOMENTS 👁👄👁 plus an absolutely awesome poem statement, just a super fun and creative ep all around)
Honorary mention from both categories:
MAG 168 Roots (Oliver Banks being the love of my fucking life for 24 minutes straight. he wrote a report. i love him)
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
Can i request a Rhea x fem imagine, where the R’s personality is like original alexa bliss NXT debut, like girly/fairy all that. She’s also part of the bloodline and has a secret relationship with Rhea, cause the judgement day and bloodline are in a feud. Then hints about their relationship drops to both groups, then after a huge win Rhea congratulates her exposing their relationship. It causes both groups to majorly buttheads about it, making like slick remarks. It just ends in fluff, and has angst and all that. Lol thank you so much!💛💛
blood is thicker than water
a/n: pls i hope i did this idea justice
tags: fem!reader, poc!reader, wlw, little cousin!reader w/ the uso's/roman reigns, brief mention of the judgement day, SFW
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There was something so fun about sneaking around behind your cousins' backs. None of them needed to know about your relationship with Rhea because it was truly none of their business, but they also wanted nothing more than to keep you away from them. The Judgement Day was the same way with Rhea, but she was more assertive when it came to standing up for herself in comparison to you.
You and Rhea apparently weren't as sneaky as you originally thought though, as someone had begun to drop hints to not only your cousins and Paul and to The Judgement Day as well. You didn't even know until your older cousins sat with you looking incredibly pissed.
"You better be honest with us, Y/N." Jey said. Jimmy was pacing around the room, and Paul was watching you very closely to see what your answer would be. But you just rolled your eyes and pretended like nothing happened. "You guys just really have zero faith in me, don't you?" You asked them; that alone unleashed a whole argument. Of course you loved your family, but they couldn't just let you be yourself and it was incredibly frustrating.
The Judgement Day had been pestering Rhea about it just as much. "So now you're sneaking around with The Bloodline?" Damian would ask. Finn would chime in and provide his two sense, Dominik being too confused and upset to even say anything. But Rhea just shook her head and ignored them as well. "If you're gonna believe some sneak who has no clue what they're talking about then you're no better than them." She would say.
After having those conversations though, you and Rhea had your usual secret meet-up in a tech closet backstage. You sat in her lap, Rhea's fingers drawing gentle patterns on your arms as you talked about the conversations each group was having. "I don't get it's even an issue." You mumbled to her, and Rhea sighed in frustration along with you.
"It doesn't," she assured you. "They're all too controlling for their own good." Rhea titled your face up to look at you sadly. "This doesn't change anything for me though, okay?" She assured you. "I'm not going anywhere."
You nodded at her words, your foreheads leaning together as you sat in comfortable silence. After some time though, Rhea giggled at you and you stared at her in confusion. "I'm glad our pain is funny." You mumbled, making her laugh again.
Rhea lifted your face and held your cheeks as she smirked. "I have an idea." She told you.
--- ---
Originally you thought Rhea was insane; was she truly going to just...expose your relationship? After The Bloodline and The Judgement Day were already butting heads? The thought made you just slightly nauseous but you had to trust her. Rhea already had a plan, and you just needed to sit back and let it happen.
You had a huge match that night against Bayley, and it was going to determine whether you were going to get the championship match you'd been dying for. Not only were you itching for that opportunity but your cousins had been down your throat about it.
Nothing about that match was easy; not only were you fighting Bayley, but Io and Dakota were trying to make everything that much difficult. They kept interfering, distracting you, doing anything they could to give Bayley the upper hand. It didn't work though, and you came out on top in arguably one of the biggest matches of your career so far. Not only that, but you did it without your cousin. You proved that you don't need them, and you hoped they could finally realize that.
As you stood in the ring celebrating your big win, Rhea's music hit and she was slowly making her way down the ramp. With both of you still in character, she stared at you with the same shit-eating grin she always had on her face and you watched at her with the intense stare you'd mastered from watching your cousins. Rhea took her time getting up into the ring and she stood across from you. She slowly inched closer and you tried to hide the smirk tugging at the corner of your lips but it was nearly impossible.
Before you knew it, her hands were on your hips and she was pulling you into a passionate kiss. The audience went wild, and you know both your cousins and Rhea's partners were backstage going absolutely mad. But you didn't care; all you needed in this moment was Rhea, and for the first time in a long time things felt...okay. All because you didn't need to hide anymore.
--- ---
"Y/N, what the hell do you think this is? A game?" Jimmy asked you. As soon as you got backstage with Rhea, your cousins led you into your locker room while The Judgement Day began pestering Rhea. You sat on the couch as your cousins and Paul stood in front of you; your family watched you in anger, while the Wise Man was in disbelief.
You crossed your arms before answering Jimmy. "I never said this was a game." You said. "I don't get why this is such a big deal! We wouldn't have this issue if you guys would just let us do what we wanted to do!"
Paul moved to sit across from you. He was someone who always tried to butter you up and appeal to your senses, but he wasn't going to win this. "It's not that we don't want you to." He said softly. "Your cousins want you to be happy. The Tribal Chief wants you to be happy." You rolled her eyes and looked away from Paul. "But being happy is not always what's best for your tribe."
Paul's words made your blood boil. "Well sometimes the tribe doesn't always need to come first." You said, standing up and grabbing your bag. "We'll talk about this later. But just so you guys know, I'm not giving up on Rhea just because you guys can't get along with The Judgement Day." Before anyone else could say anything, you left the room and walked to the parking lot where Rhea was waiting for you at her rental.
She looked up from where she leaned against the side of the car, and she immediately wrapped her arms around you in a hug. "The boys finished your tongue lashing?" Rhea teased softly.
You chuckled against her neck and breathed in her scent. "More like I cut it short." You mumbled, pulling back to give her a kiss. "I take it your boys weren't thrilled either?"
Rhea hummed and gave you another kiss. "They'll survive." She chuckled. "I'm done talking about them though. Tonight's about us." She opened the car door for you, and for the first time since being with Rhea you felt like things were normal...even if your respective factions were anything but thrilled.
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south-of-heaven · 10 months
Bayley x reader
Shotzi starts threatening reader so Bayley thinks it’s best to cut off reader and pretend to not like her so shotzi leave reader alone but it doesn’t work,instead reader is really upset
Then in the ring shotzi is about to cut readers hair to get back at Bayley and Bayley comes out and saves reader and Bayley and ready make up (and make out 😉)
Missed you || Bayley x Reader
Summary: Bayley distances herself from you thinking it might get Shotzi to leave you alone. It doesn't work and now instead of having your girlfriend by your side, you're scared and alone.
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You stood in the ring, your heart pounding with fear as Shotzi relentlessly attacked you. Bayley had made the difficult decision to distance herself from you in hopes of getting Shotzi to stop targeting you, but it seemed to have only made things worse. Now, you were left feeling scared and alone, wishing that your girlfriend was by your side to protect you.
As Shotzi pulled out a pair of scissors, you could see the crowd becoming more and more restless, your eyes widen and you start to beg for her to leave your hair alone. You felt helpless, not knowing how to defend yourself against the aggressive competitor.
Just as you were starting to lose hope, you heard a familiar sound that brought tears of relief to your eyes – Bayley's theme music. The arena erupted with cheers as Bayley stormed down the ramp, her eyes blazing with determination.
Without a second thought, Bayley slid into the ring, charging straight at Shotzi. The two competitors exchanged fierce blows, and you couldn't help but marvel at Bayley's strength and courage. She was standing up for you, no matter the consequences, and you knew then that she truly loved you.
Bayley's fiery spirit proved to be too much for Shotzi, and soon, Bayley had her opponent on the mat. With a final, powerful kick, Bayley sent Shotzi tumbling out of the ring, the crowd roaring in approval.
As the dust settled, Bayley turned her attention to you, her expression softening as she approached. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice laced with regret. "I thought distancing myself would protect you, but I can't stay away from you. I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."
You couldn't hold back your emotions any longer, and tears streamed down your face as you reached out for Bayley. "I missed you so much," you whispered, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"I missed you too," Bayley murmured, holding you close. "I promise I won't leave you again."
From that moment on, Bayley never left your side. She stood by you during every match, protecting you from any threats that came your way. And in return, you supported her with unwavering love and admiration.
As the feud with Shotzi continued, Bayley proved to be an unstoppable force, and with you by her side, she became even stronger. Together, you faced every challenge head-on, knowing that you had each other's backs.
Your love for Bayley grew deeper every day, and you thanked your lucky stars that she had stormed into that ring to save you. You knew then, without a doubt, that you were meant to be together, and nothing could ever tear you apart. With Bayley's love, you felt invincible, and you couldn't wait to face the world together, hand in hand.
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smartycvnt · 1 year
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Pairing: Tegan Nox x Reader
WC: 707
Your sudden move from the main roster to NXT had rubbed quite a few people the wrong way. In some ways, you had been one of the people upset by the decision. However, you knew that with Tegan coming back to be on Smackdown, you couldn't risk staying. The breakup had been difficult, and unlike every other one you had ever been through, this one wasn't getting any easier. You had gone to a very dark place immediately after being broken up with and never gotten out of it. Many of your friends had stopped hanging around you because they didn't know how to help you. You couldn't blame anyone except for yourself. Tegan had just wanted to know what you wanted, but you couldn't do that. She had always been very open with you and just wanted you to be open with her.
"We did it!" Liv shouted in celebration as she wrapped her arms around Tegan. You forced yourself to look away from them. Everybody was coming up to the new tag team champions and congratulating them. You wished that your night had been as great as theirs, but you had entered the Royal Rumble thinking that you'd win it, and been eliminated whenever number 30 came out. Honestly, you had been happy to see Bayley win because she had been a good friend to you, but it still stung to be staring up at her pointing at the WrestleMania sign from the floor.
"She wanted to see you when she came to Raw last week," Candace said as she sat down next to you. Candace had always been one of Tegan's friends, so you hadn't really tried keeping up with her after the breakup. You felt bad about that, but you had been terrified that she'd report back to Tegan how poorly you were doing. "Everybody backstage already misses you."
"It's not like I was any fun these past few months," you said. Candace brushed off that comment and placed her hand on your shoulder. "I'm gonna have to talk to her one day, won't I?"
"Seeing as how she's been looking over here every fifteen seconds, yeah, you will." Candace laughed a little. You looked over towards Tegan and just barely managed to catch her eye. Candace gave Tegan a little nod and left so that the two of you could talk to each other. There were a few other superstars looking over at the two of you, but nobody was going to get in the way of this talk. They had either been around you or Tegan enough to know that this absolutely had to happen. Both of you needed a little bit of closure.
"Hey, Y/n, you were great in the Rumble," Tegan complimented. It was a pretty good start for the two of you.
"Thanks, congratulations on winning the tag titles," you told her. The two of you fell into a sort of awkward stretch of silence before Tegan finally worked up the courage to talk to you again.
"How have you been?" Tegan asked. She knew that a lot of people would have been upset about being moved down to NXT, but you were happy there. You hadn't gotten to spend much time there before, but now you got to really sink your teeth in and even mentor a few of the girls there. "Do you like NXT?"
"I've been good," you lied. Tegan could see right through you, but she didn't call you out for it. Maybe that had been part of your problem, never searching for people who would keep you honest even when it wasn't pretty. You had a lot more to work on than just that, but it would have been a good place to start. "I think I fit in pretty well down there actually. It's kind of cool being seen as a bit of a vet."
"I'm glad that you like it, I really am," Tegan said. You could tell that she was being honest with you. She had always been so honest whenever it came to her feelings, you had envied her a little. "Well, I should get back to Liv. She's probably worried about me."
"Yeah, you should probably go."
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Girl that scenario of riding Damian Priest + the risk of getting caught on phone is hot. ���🔥 So I was wondering if I could request a HC smut of the reader and Damian Priest having risky public sex? If you don’t mind, thank you!!
I was waiting patiently for this ask and I’m glad someone heard my sinful thoughts 😈🤣
@ziasaph , @theworldofotps , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @aerynscrichton , @cazxcx , @writtingrose , @bayley-no-friends , @alyhull
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Damian loves risky sex
Especially the thrill of getting caught
The mere thought of it is enough to make his cock twitch
So whatever chance he has to fuck you outdoors
He will
“Gotcha” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulled you inside one of the empty locker rooms
“Damian, Jesus fuck!” You slapped his hands “You scared the shit out of me!”
“You should be careful, you know?” His hands caressed your ass through the black leggings “Walking around, looking like this” Slapped your ass “Teasing me with the thought of ripping these” Pulling your pants down your legs “Apart and fucking you on the hallway for everyone else to see”
“Babe, we’ve got work to do” You tried not to moan
“But you’re making it so difficult for me to work when you walk around looking like this” He teased
“It’s just a quickie, c’mon” He kissed all over your neck “You love our dirty, sneaky quickies” He chuckled in your ear
“Fuck” You panted
“Yeah, that’s what I want, baby. To fuck” He opened up his jeans and freed his erection
That’s when someone walked by the hallway talking on the phone
And that exact moment the bastard chose to slid inside you
“You fucker” You moaned
“Shhhh, mi amor” He cooed, while covering your mouth with his hand
“It supposed to be sneaky, remember?” He cackled
And started to move in and out of you
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i rly like how in the comic i first had a bit of sympathy for Bayley, being in a simular situation. Bayley getting antagonized by Octavia has us sympathetic to him, but (at least i) remembered how Bayley isnt entirely innocent himself. He still has a lot of the same traits his sister and mother have, and i think its really interesting to show not only where he gets it from, but that if he had a kid it would still continue generational abuse (unsure if itd be the right word, but it doesnt seem that their mother was a great person or treated her kids very well besides doing the bare minimum. then again, wasteland.) hope this isnt too much akdjjmdkkv
thank you i really appreciate this! i hope it wasnt too much for you. i do like being able to show off why bayley acts like he does, he unfortunately did get how he acts from his mother. i think bayley would easily repeat his mothers mistakes if he was to raise a child as well, but i would like to imagine maybe at some point he could break the cycle. you can see this Kind Of when it comes to how careful he treats j, but even then, hes still playing favorites and neglecting someone that depends on him.
for the comic idk if i did so well or not, but i wanted to show even in the short amount of time, even tho oct dominates the aggression of the conversation, that bayley also knowingly presses oct's buttons several times unprompted by making fun of her loyalty and dedication to the family company, altho we dont see much of her reaction other than her retaliatory jabs at his morality that make him blow up.
i want to do a small segment on oct's reaction to all of this since the comic mostly focuses on bayley and iggy, but shes always difficult to write since her coping mechanism is to bottle that shit up and pretend everything is fine. me holding octavia's shoulders like "you Will Talk about your Feelings Maam"
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downbythe-bay · 3 years
One day at a time
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"I did this for YOU. So this... this is all YOUR fault! And I don't give a damn who they put in my place, because they're not as good as me!"
Bayley stared angrily at the camera for a while after her words ended, before the screen faded to black.
The knee brace. The dark outfit. The expression on her face: pride mixed with disappointment. Maybe an inkling of defeat. The fade to black.
I had to check the news sources repeatedly, double-checked and triple-checked because it didn't feel real to me. 4 days later, still doesn't feel real to me.
Bayley and Bianca's story likely would've ended at the "I Quit" match at the MITB PPV. This feud has been so interesting, it originally began as a non-title feud between an impressive up-and-coming star and a disgruntled veteran last year, and culminated into the violence of Hell In A Cell. This is arguably my favorite wrestling feud ever because of the character work, story elements and excellent matches. Mirrors (taking over the digital screens of the ThunderDome), reflections, the fight of the past and present. Bayley and Bianca told a brilliant story that we will remember for years.
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Speaking of remembering, Bayley gave us so many great memories in the Pandemic Era: from the rise of Bayley Dos Straps in the Performance Center to her gleeful face taking over all the ThunderDome screens to intimidate a new champion. Her historic reign, the awards she won, her evolving character (leading to the 3 identities she left us with), her work in the ring... There are so many things to be proud of in the past 15 months.
The world stood still, but Bayley kept moving. She traveled weekly to entertain us, to bring smiles to faces during a difficult, unprecedented time. Years from now, whenever there is a documentary about the Pandemic Era, her contributions must be highlighted.
And now, WWE is back on the road, but Bayley will be absent. I won't forget who made the Smackdown women's championship title what it is today, the blue belt is a main event attraction because of the woman who held it for 380 consecutive days. I won't forget the double champion who became the top Heel in the women's division over the summer. I won't forget the Captain of the Smackdown Survivor Series Team.
I'll be thinking of the woman who showed us that Role Model is more than just her gimmick.
Bayley will be back. I'll wait for her, and I know you will too.
Thank you, Bayley. You're the hero.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 3 years
Savior (Sasha Banks x Reader)
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Jagged Little Pill
A big part of trying to get your life back to normal with Sasha was routine. Growing up, you had always sort of had issues with structure and that was why it was so easy for you to fall into your ex’s trap. You and Sasha had sat down and talked about this before and the two of you had discussed daily routines so that you could go about your day comfortably. 
Today was a bit difficult thought because Sasha had left early and told you that she probably wouldn’t be seeing you until late. That wasn’t necessarily uncommon, especially when the two of you were on different brands, but she had told you that her phone was turned off and that Bayley was supposed to come over to check on you later. 
About halfway through the day, Bayley came to pick you up. She waited downstairs while you got ready to go pick out some new workout clothes and maybe get some equipment for the home gym that you and Sasha were putting in the basement. There was already some stuff down there, but you wanted to get a few more weights and maybe mats for the ground. 
“These are cool. I think I’ll get them for Sasha,” you said, showing Bayley a pair of leggings. 
“She’ll like those,” Bayley said with a small nod. You picked out a couple more things for your girlfriend and then went back to your house for awhile. When you got home, Sasha was waiting for you on the couch. 
“How was your day with Bayley?” Sasha asked you once you’d gotten settled on the couch with her. She had her arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding you comfortably. 
“It was nice. I missed you this morning,” you told Sasha. 
“I missed you too, but I had to get something really important.” Sasha pressed a kiss to your forehead and you smiled. “Can you come outside with me for a moment?”
“Sure, it’s getting kinda dark though,” you said and Sasha led you outside. It was a good thing that it was dark or else the effect of the fairy lights strung along your back porch would have been sort of lost. “Wow, when did you do this?” 
“While Bayley took you out,” Sasha answered. You looked around and smiled at all the effort Sasha had put in for you. Sometimes, it was hard for you to accept that Sasha cared for you and did nice things out of a place of kindness, not so that you’d owe her something. Slowly though, the two of you were making progress towards that. 
“What is all of this for?” you asked and Sasha cleared her throat. You turned around to face her and saw her kneeling in front of you. “Sasha, what are you doing?” 
“Y/n, I love you and I realize this may seem like I’m pushing, but I think we’re ready to take this next step. There is nobody else that I could think to spend my life with other than you and I hope that you feel the same way. I already know that you love me and so I am hoping that you trust in our love enough to let me have the privilege of marrying you,” Sasha proposed. 
“You want to marry me?” you asked and Sasha nodded. 
“Of course I want to marry you Y/n,” Sasha told you. You could see the honesty in her eyes and it deterred any negative thoughts from nagging on you. “So, will you marry me?” 
“Yes,” you said and Sasha hopped up onto her feet. She put the ring on your finger and the two of you shared a very soft kiss. Sasha pulled back to take a look at the ring on your finger before she took you back inside. The two of you started on dinner together and then ate outside so that all of Sasha’s effort wasn’t wasted on a couple minutes, even if it was a magical moment. 
“Thank you,” Sasha said as she poured you a glass of wine. 
“You’re welcome?” You were confused. As far as you were aware, you hadn’t done anything particularly special for Sasha that day. 
“I can see that it doesn’t make sense to you, but thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me a chance to love you. Thank you for waking up with me every morning and going to sleep with me every night. Thank you for trusting me,” Sasha said and you set your glass down and sort of launched yourself into her arms. “I don’t think I could be this happy with anybody else. As much as you think that I’m your savior, I really think that you’re mine.”
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years
From the Ground Up (Elias imagine)
Truthfully this has been in the works since April, so uh, here we go! Reader owns a ranch and Elias gets hired on a farmhand. This is definitely a slow burn so, uh, good luck! 
WC: 8467 words 
Warnings: this has so much angst, if you’re an AJ Styles stan, you might just wanna leave, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of abuse, Reader gets called sugar and dove, panic attack (kinda, sorta?) 
Tagging: @hardcorewwetrash​ @sporadic-fics​ @renegademustelid​ @neversatisfiedgirl​ @wrestlingfae​
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“Hey, kiddo, you ready to do this!?” Braun called out to me as I locked the barn door for the night, giving my horse, Nutmeg a final pat on the back before letting her rest. I turned and grinned, letting out a whoop of excitement then raced towards my friends. Drew snagged me by my waist and twirled me before I crowed, ”Stop, we’re gonna be late and you know that Hunter hates when we’re late!” 
Laughter peeled around me as we hurried to get situated in the two trucks for tonight’s event. I was a bull rider but couldn’t travel due to the fact that I was keeping my family’s legacy alive. We began pulling away when Bayley waved a hand at me, shouting, ”Hat?” I reached a hand out my window and Kevin threw it to me, my fingers barely snagging it. 
With a tight grip on the black material, I swung it into the cab of the truck, slipping it onto my head. I turned to Drew who shook his head and muttered, ”Ye and dat damn hat.” I grinned in response then cranked up the radio, singing along with the current song playing. Sarah laughed at my ridiculousness then joined in on my antics, thoroughly driving Drew to his demise. 
When we arrived at the rodeo, he stumbled out of the truck and cried out,”Freedom!” Kevin, Bayley, and Braun laughed at his exclamation then we walked towards the arena where my “agent”, Hunter Helmsley, was pacing a hole into the dirt. I snickered and jogged over to join him. 
“Oh thank god you’re here! You’re up in twenty minutes and you’re riding Hydro.” I stared at him for a moment then took a deep breath. Hydro was a Hereford bull that weighed about a thousand and three hundred pounds with horns about two feet long. He was the biggest bull in the league and only two people had been able to stay on for the eight seconds needed to succeed. 
I nodded in understanding and met Kevin and Braun near the pin. Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman had been family friends since I was knee high to a grasshopper and when my grandparents passed, they stuck around to keep the farm thriving. They were the crazy bastards who encouraged me to chase my dreams of being a bull rider. 
“Hey killer, who you riding tonight?” Kevin asked, swinging his arm around my shoulders. I glanced up and murmured,”Hydro.” He sucked in a breath then slid away, stating,”And just like that, you’ve been demoted from murderer to murderee.” 
I climbed up on the gate and hung my head, muttering,”I’m going to die. He’s going to tap dance all over my ribs.” Braun rubbed my back and assured me,”No, no, you’ve got this, kiddo.” 
“Nah, he’s going to break dance on your ass. You’ll be feeling it for a while.” Kevin cut in, patting me on the back. I groaned, rubbing at my eyes, then Bayley and Sarah raced to meet us, the two of them rushing out,”Watch this new guy ride!” 
“New guy? Who is he?” I asked, turning to face the arena as my favorite rodeo clown, Karl Anderson, braced himself to yank open the door to let loose the beast and his new rider for eight seconds. 
“Name’s Elias Samson. Guess he just moved here from Philly.” Bayley informed us and almost in unison, our noses crinkled up. We hated having new people in general but when they were city slickers? It made it a thousand times worse. 
The only reason why we accepted Drew was because he had experience in roping and riding horses, something that we desperately needed. After AJ left, it was a bit difficult to handle the horses, so Drew was a perfect fit for the job. That and he had a cool accent but we never told him that part. 
But when we watched the young buck ride, it was a different story. He rocked with the bucks of the bull, almost gliding with the force. It was something that I wasn’t expecting out of a Philly man. 
“Hey, buttercup, you need to go ahead and get ready.” Sarah stated, patting me on my thigh. I leapt off the fence and braced for the impact, my spurs letting out a small chime as they dug into the dirt. I walked into my small, written off area then pulled my hat off before tugging my vest over my head. 
“Hi sugar.” I paused in pulling my glove on then turned to see the new rider leaning against my doorway. I raised an eyebrow then fit my hat back onto my head as I stated,”New guy. How’s it goin’?” He sucked in his bottom lip then informed me,”Took away seventy five points on my first night so…” I hummed in acknowledgement then fixed my chaps as I said,”Well congrats, young buck, but that’s nothing.” He laughed and a shiver raced through my body as he did so, then I heard, ”(Y/N) (Y/L/N) to the arena, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to the arena.” 
I tipped my hat at him then stated,”See ya around, young buck.” 
I rushed to meet my team waiting for my arrival then Kevin and Braun grabbed my arms, yanking me up onto the gate before Bayley appeared, stating,”Alright, you are the only person riding Hydro tonight so you just need to last the eight seconds and get out of there before you get stomped on.” 
“Bays, that’s not a very good pep talk.” Sarah informed her girlfriend, patting her on the back. Karl peeked his head up then stated,”You’re gonna do great, kid.” I gave him a small smile then thanked him before winding my hand tightly in place. Braun looked down at me then said, ”When you get bucked off, you scramble like eggs in a hot skillet, you got me?” I nodded in agreement then braced against the bull, giving him a small pat on the back. 
Karl yanked open the door and out Hydro flew, bucking wildly. I gasped then tightened my grip, tensing my arm as my free hand hooked to my belt loop, forcing it to my side as he twisted and bucked around. In… Out… Repeat… Just need to last eight seconds. I leaned with his bucks, waiting for his next spin then watched as his legs flailed momentarily then he twisted once again, trying his damnedest to knock me away. 
As Hydro spun again, I dug my right spur into his side and he slowed his speed, only for him to pick up again. I tightened my thighs around him, listening to my chaps squeak quietly then a whistle blew over my head, alerting me that I survived my eight seconds. Now I just needed to clear the danger zone. 
I glanced over my shoulder then swung my leg over his head as he spun again, releasing my rope before I landed on my hands and knees, racing towards where my team was waiting. They pulled me upwards, freeing me from the angry bull. Drew pulled my hat off and ruffled my hair, chirping, ”Helluva ride dere, lil dove! Proud of ye!” I grinned at him then I waited for the announcer to inform the crowd and I of my score. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N) on Hydro has scored a ninety three.” The crowd roared with its approval and I let out a screech, ecstatic with my results. We exited the pen area and joined Hunter on the ground who congratulated me on the good work. I grinned at him then we walked back towards the trucks, ready to call it a night. I knew that Sarah and Bayley had found us a new farm hand who would be willing to help around the place and he was supposed to be at the farm bright and early.
“Hey, sugar, leavin’ so soon?” I turned on my heel then stated,”Hey, young buck, good to see ya again. Didja happen to see me?” 
“Yep. You did good.” I blinked a few times at him then he grinned, stating,”Kidding, I’m kidding. You did great. Never seen anyone take on such a big bull and get such a good score.” 
“Well you are a city slicker so that might explain a few things.” His eyes widened at my statement then Drew jogged up to me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he asked,”Ye ready ta go, luvey?” I raised my head and smiled at him, stating,”Yeah, just gimme a bit.” He kissed me on the temple then went back to the truck, the engine roaring to life. Elias gave me a small smile then said,”Well, I'll see you around, sugar.”
I nodded in agreement then joined Sarah and Drew in the truck, following Braun,Kevin, and Bayley out of the arena’s makeshift parking lot. I still needed to take a shower to wash away the dirt and sweat that the night had gifted me with, not to mention I still had horses and cattle to check on before I went to bed. 
I pulled my comforter over my head then groaned when I realized that the sun was up which meant that the new farmhand would be here anytime soon if he was punctual. I crawled out of bed reluctantly then joined Braun and Sarah downstairs who was drinking coffee while Bayley made French toast for what looked like an army. 
“Has anyone heard from this new guy?” Kevin asked, claiming the second to last cup of coffee that had been poured for everyone as he passed the island. I shook my head then Bayley chirped,”Yeah he’ll be here soon. He got lost.” 
Everyone but Sarah looked up at our favorite brunette then Braun asked,”He got lost? What, he’s not from around here or somethin’?” She shook her head and informed us,”No, he moved from a big city, said he always wanted to move south.” Scoffs sounded then we passed the large platter of French toast around, our group choosing however many pieces they pleased when the doorbell rang. 
Bayley’s head snapped up then she called out, ”Coming, hang on!” She twisted her apron around and it flapped behind her in protest as she ran towards the door to let the new guy in. But the rest of us were so focused on becoming lively for the day, we didn’t even register who was standing in the kitchen doorway leading in from the front door. 
“Well do I get breakfast too?” Forks clattered to the plates and Kevin choked on his current bite, Sarah pounding on his back while the rest of us turned to face our new farm hand. 
“Young buck. When you said that you’d see me around, I wasn’t thinkin’ you’d see me this soon.” I admitted, wiping my hands off. He grinned, shaking my outstretched hand, and stated,”Ehh, I figured I’d surprise you today instead of telling you yesterday.” 
“Well color us surprised then.” Braun rumbled, returning to eating. My lifelong friend hated new people and understandably so. In this day and age, there’s no telling who you can trust. Elias gave a tight smile then shot a nervous glance to Bayley who offered,”Go ahead and sit down, have some breakfast. There’s plenty to go around.” 
Elias began pulling the chair out from beside me and we all shared a knowing look then Drew rumbled from the hallway entrance,”Dat's ma seat.” The new guy turned to face the Scotsman as he grabbed his cup of coffee, ruffling Bayley’s hair affectionately then kissed me on the crown of my head, claiming his seat. Elias ended up between Kevin and Braun then I grimaced as the two began talking around him. 
Oh Lord, here we go with the hazing. 
“Boys, quit your talkin’ and eat your breakfast.” Bayley snipped, sliding a plate full of bacon and sausage beside the French toast platter. I glanced around at my comrades then cried out,”Bull rider of ninety three gets first pick!” 
“You lil heathen.” Drew rumbled as Braun exclaimed,”Like hell you do!” And just like that, the three of us were engaged in a battle of forks for the best looking bacon and sausage. Laughter roared around us then I stabbed two pieces of sausage links, giving a shout of victory. 
“So young buck, whatdya think about our little town round here?” I asked before taking a bite of my prize, passing the plate of breakfast meats around. 
“It’s cute, I think I’m gonna like it here.” We all nodded in agreement and as we were cleaning up, Baron Corbin, my next door neighbor rushed into the house and shouted,” Cows are loose!” 
“Fuck!” we cried out, scrambling to slide our boots on then I darted out the door with Elias hot on my heels. I leaped off the porch and snagged my rope hanging off the railing then whistled at Nutmeg, who was thankfully in the mood to listen to me. She trotted towards me then I swung onto her back as Baron’s dog, Xavier came racing around the cows that had escaped the half broken gate. 
Elias opened the pen door for me to lead Nutmeg out after I fitted the rope into the loops of her halter then rode out to round up the miscellaneous cows. Braun kept a watchful eye on the rest of the cattle while Bayley helped me herd the loose ones back in their pen. 
I let Nutmeg back in her pen then turned to Elias, stating,”Your first order of business here? Fix the gate.” He nodded in agreement then I turned to Kevin, asking,”Can you show him where to find the field fence and tools? I’ve got to go work with Order.”
Order was a Belgian Draft stallion who was given to the farm by AJ as a parting gift. He was a skittish, not so little thing who stood at eighteen hands. I had his sister, Law, in a stall across from Nutmeg in the barn and because Order was such a large horse, we had to knock down the wall to his neighboring stall, letting him have the reign of the two. 
Kevin nodded in understanding then I grabbed the strawberries from the fridge that I had picked yesterday from the garden before walking into the barn where Order watched me with unsure eyes. I shook the bowl of fruit then slid into the pen with an outstretched strawberry to him. He took it from me gently then I smiled, grabbing the brush. 
About three hours passed and I was finally able to put the saddle on, but he refused to let me buckle it. 
I rubbed at his nose then Elias stated,”He’s beautiful.” I smiled up at him then replied,”Yeah, he is. He’s also a stubborn one.” Order nickered in protest and I could have sworn that he had rolled his eyes at me then I said,”You’re welcome to give him a strawberry. I’m about to let him out with Nutmeg and Law for a bit, get him to relax some.” 
He snagged one of the red fruits then offered it up to the stallion, who gladly took it, nearly chomping down on Elias’ fingers. I laughed at the surprise on my new farm hand’s face then said,”Alright, come on, let’s get this guy out in the pasture.” 
A full month had passed since Elias had rolled into town and proved his worth to the farm. Order had finally allowed me to buckle the saddle and take him on the trail around the river as long as someone else was riding Law with us. 
“Hey, dove, I have to go into town, I forgot the stuff to finish dinner.” Bayley informed me with a remorseful expression. 
“But.. but you’re supposed to go on the trail with me today.” I said, my tone becoming sadder with each word. She gave my hand a squeeze then stated,”I know! But I forgot that I needed to go to the store.” 
“Hey, is everything okay?” Elias asked, entering from the outside where he had been cleaning stalls. I sighed and hung my head, informing,”I can’t take Order on the trail today cause Bayley has to go into town.” He paused where he was finishing washing his hands then he offered,”Well, I could go with you.” Bayley and I turned to stare at him at the mention of his idea then he finished, ”Sarah’s been giving me lessons on my free days. I’m pretty good with Law.” 
My brunette friend shot me a knowing look then I agreed,”Alright, but if you’re not ready to go in the next ten minutes, I’m leavin’ your sorry ass.” He grinned, drying off his hands, then stated, ”Let’s get going then.” We saddled up the horses and led them out of the pen, mounting up outside to prevent Nutmeg from panicking. 
The first half of the trail was silent, with just the clicks of the horses’ hooves hitting the ground, then Elias asked,”So what’s the deal between you and Drew?” My head snapped over to him as we came to a stop at the river to give the horses a drink of water and rest for a bit. 
“I’m not sure whatcha mean.” I muttered, settling on a large rock after I tied Order to the big oak tree beside the bank. He raised an eyebrow at me and questioned,”Is that so? I mean are you guys together, dating, fucking?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes, then I replied,”None of the above. Drew and I are just friends.” He laughed and settled beside me as he stated,”With the way that man looks at you, I’m surprised you haven’t noticed it.” I raised an eyebrow as I settled beside him then questioned, “Oh yeah? And how does he look at me?” 
“Like you’re a five course meal that he’s ready to devour.” Elias informed, cupping his hands together to get some water to drink. I laughed at his statement then muttered,”Yeah, alright, pal.” My phone began ringing in my saddle bag and I reached inside, checking the screen, raising an eyebrow when I realized that it was Sarah calling me. 
“Hey, girlie, what’s up?” 
“AJ and Luke is here.” I ended the call quickly then rushed out,”We have to go, we have to go now.” He gave a questioning glance but mounted Law without a protest nonetheless. We quickly picked up our speed riding on the trail then when we arrived at the ranch, I immediately noticed the big truck sitting in my driveway. I led Order back into his stall and he neighed in protest, so I gave him a sugar cube so he would keep quiet. 
I exited the barn and brushed my jeans off, approaching the front of the house where Kevin, Sarah, and Braun stood with hatred burning in their eyes. I approached them and settling on the porch swing, asking,”Styles, to what do we owe this not so pleasurable visit?” He turned to face me, his familiar arrogance crossing his expression as he smiled at me. 
“My my, little dove, you are lookin’ prettier as you age. But comin’ to sweep ya back off ya feet isn’t why I’m here. I’ve got a fine offer for ya, if you’re willin’ to take it.” I gritted my teeth then forced back my well thought out murder scenario with AJ as the star victim before I replied,”I’ve already told you and your head honcho right there; I’m not looking to sell the ranch.” He sighed, in faux disappointment, and stated, ”Three years and you’re still not giving up on this damn place? What gives?” 
“I’m not a sellout.” I snapped, stepping toe-to-toe with the smug Georgia man. He let out a fully belly laugh then replied,”Oh trust me, sweetheart, I’m well aware of that. But just be cautious of the company you keep. There’s no tellin’ where a snake might be lyin’.” His blue eyes danced across the faces of my friends then turned back to me.
“Too fucking bad you didn’t give her that advice sooner. Could’ve avoided you like the plague you are.” Kevin bit out, cracking his knuckles in warning. Luke gave a sarcastic laugh then rumbled,”I’ll crush you like a pancake, Owens.” 
“Then step to it, Gallows.” Braun growled in response, raising an eyebrow as a challenge or even a warning perhaps. I slid between the men then shoved AJ backwards, spitting,”Get the hell off my property, Styles, before I call in the Sheriff and you know damn good and well that Shawn is still pissed at you.” 
His lips twitched to fight back the anger that was beginning to seep through his exterior then he stepped backwards, taking Gallows with him, calling over his shoulder,”You have a nice night now, dove.” 
“You lost the privilege to call me that three years ago, you son of a bitch!” I snapped, beginning to charge at him when Elias appeared and scooped me up by the waist, yanking me backwards as he crowed, ”Hang on there, sugar, no need to go for the soccer mom’s head.” Styles’ blue eyes flickered with annoyance at the side comment that my farm hand made then hopped into his truck, driving off like a bat out of hell. 
“Sonuvabitch is just lucky that Bayley wasn’t here. She’s been itchin’ to claw his eyes out for the betta part of three years now.” Braun mumbled as he, Sarah, and Kevin made their way back up to the house, the taller man tucking his leather gloves into his back pocket. Noncommittal mumbles answered the North Carolina man’s statement then I glanced down, realizing that Elias still had me by the waist, my feet dangling a good six inches from the ground. I glanced up at the hazel eyed man then murmured, “You plan on lettin’ me down anytime soon?” He looked down at me and gave a sheepish grin, settling me back on the ground as he apologized, “Oh, I’m sorry, my bad. Um… so who was that dick anyway?” 
I stared at where AJ’s truck had left minute ruts in my grass then replied, “No one important.” I stepped away from him and asked, “Would you mind putting away the horses? I forgot that I have a few things that I had to sort out for Hunter and if I don’t get it down by Wednesday for my meeting, I think he might just grow his hair long again, just so he can rip it right back out.” 
We laughed briefly then separated. As soon as Elias was out of sight, I raced up to the house and snagged a bottle of water from the fridge, chugging nearly the entire thing as Sarah asked, “You’re not going to tell him who he is, are you?” I settled the fourth of water back on the counter and stared at the marbling of the island as I answered, “I really don’t know.” 
Braun sighed, pulling out the rum and pineapple juice, stating, “Well, that’s your prerogative but I’m gonna go ahead and say this: that boy’s eyes get bigger than the moon when you’re around and I do believe that you’d be a good match for that boy out there.” I watched out the kitchen window as Elias rushed to help a freshly returned Bayley with groceries. It was obvious that my old friend had seen AJ and Luke leaving the property as she pulled into the driveway. 
“Yeah… I know. That’s what I’m afraid of.” 
We ended up settling in for the night with a couple decks of cards and alcohol to ease the tension that the two snakes had drug into the ranch house. 
“This was a terrible decision.” Bayley hiccupped after our third game of Kings. We played with two decks of cards, since there were so many of us, and the young brunette had unfortunately been paired with Elias as a mate when he drew the eight of diamonds. He had somehow managed to draw the majority of the eights and the man was not shy about drinking on the beer that Sarah had poured him. 
“You’re just a lightweight, doll face.” Elias slurred in return, flipping over his freshly chosen card. She went to flip him the bird, only to end up tilting into a sober Sarah’s lap, who just sighed, shaking her head. 
“Okay, I think it’s time to call it a night.” I admitted, finishing off my second glass of water. The first time that I was drunk, I had the worst hangover the next morning and from that day on, I swore that anytime I had any alcohol, I would drink at least two glasses before deciding to go to bed. Sarah helped her girlfriend to their shared room then Kevin and Drew bid us good night, the pair obviously remembering that they had some work to finish early in the morning. 
Braun and I began collecting the miscellaneous cards that had been flung across the room as Elias put away the liquor that had been brought out for our night of fun. Braun flickered his gaze over to me then muttered, “You should tell him now.” My eyebrows furrowed at his statement and I started to ask him what he meant, only for it to dawn me just seconds later. 
“What, no, that’s stupid! Why would I tell him now? He won’t remember it!” I hissed, flicking his bicep as I passed him. My tall friend raised an eyebrow and waited for a few seconds then it dawned on me- that’s what I wanted. I wanted to confide in Elias what kind of bastard AJ Styles really was but I didn’t want him to remember it because I wasn’t prepared for the questions to follow. If I told him while he was drunk, the questions would likely be put on hold at least until morning or I could get lucky and he wouldn’t remember the conversation at all the next day. Either way, it was time to come clean. 
“Elias, you asked me about the son of a bitch who came to the house today, right? Well, that’s AJ Styles, the bastard who wants my family’s farm.” I informed the curly haired man, claiming one of the stools that Sarah had brought in from outside. 
“Okay, but why does he want it so bad?” Questions were expected, especially since no one had given the poor man any insight on the past AJ and I shared, but I was aiming to give vague answers that would satisfy his curiosity. Judging by how drunk he was, I was hoping that my half assed answers would be good enough for him. I sighed and settled down at the table before I replied, “AJ and I were engaged when my grandparents died and they had it in their will that I would get the ranch no matter what. AJ thinks that even though we broke up, he deserved at least half of the place. But as long as I’m here, that’s not going to happen.” 
“Why’d you break off the engagement?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. Braun glanced up from where he was putting away the clean dishes then he stated, “Shoulda seen that one comin’, dove. Might as well tell him it all.” I kicked the chair beside me out from underneath the table then nodded at it, offering, “You’re gonna wanna sit for this one, it’s kinda a mind fuck.” He did as I suggested then Braun claimed the seat behind me, prepared to help me through the story that I often avoided telling people. 
“AJ and I were childhood friends. Him and his family had moved here from Georgia when we were both youngins and we got along great all through school and college. Even though he was older than me by years, he was my first love… he was a lot of my firsts. First kiss, he took me on my first date, and yeah, he took my virginity. I was 22 when I finally figured out that I wanted to take over the ranch. I had always had a passion for this place and all of the animals and responsibilities that it came with. But I also wanted to ride. Bull riding was my first love over it all and everyone who knew me well enough could acknowledge that fact. But AJ wanted me to quit and I wasn’t willing to.” 
I paused in my storytelling, taking a drink of the water that Braun slid me, then took a deep breath, preparing myself for the rest of the tale. Elias leaned forward and murmured, “Hey, you don’t have to tell me. Eventually you’ll be fully ready to talk to me about it and if tonight isn’t it-”
“No… no, it’s okay, really. I need to get this out of the way. Um, so when my grandparents died, AJ tried to convince me to give it all up so we could take care of the ranch. But when I told him no, he uh… He didn’t take it very well. He popped me right in the mouth with a slap. Told me that no wasn’t an option anymore and it was time to walk away from the riding. After that night, I agreed: no more bull riding.” 
“But it wasn’t just the thing that I loved most that he took from me: he secluded me from Kevin and Braun, told Bayley and Sarah that I was always busy with the farm. And it only got worse from there. Anytime I would refuse him on anything, he’d beat me bloody, until I was laying on the floor begging for his mercy, apologizing until that was the only thing that would come out of my mouth. One night, I finally had enough. He wanted to talk about who’s name should go on the mortgage of the ranch.”
“I told him that my name was already on it, thanks to the will. Guess that’s what happens when you have one of the best damn lawyers in the town as an old family friend. AJ wasn’t willing to take that as an answer. He decided that he needed another approach, so he tried… he tried to uh..” 
I blew out a slow breath and ducked my head between my knees, determined to get my breathing back under control before I flew into a panic attack that would decommission me for the week. Braun let a soft hand on my back then began to rub slow circles, grounding me back to the present, before he murmured, “You don’t gotta tell him the rest. I think he gets it.” I hiccuped softly as tears began to stream down my face then sat back up slowly, insisting, “No. No, I need to get this off my chest. I can do this. Just give me a minute.” 
The two men just watched me, waiting for me to say something, then I let out a sob, prepared to reveal the rest of the nightmare that my life had become years ago. I pushed my hair out of my face and said, “He tried to rape me. But he wasn’t expecting me to have my family waiting outside with Shawn for the bastard to make a move. I screamed faster and louder than anyone was expecting and before the sonuvabitch knew what the hell was going on, everyone was inside and Braun and Bayley was ready to commit murder.” 
“Shawn was gonna help us hide the fucker’s body while we were at it too.” the taller man rumbled, cracking his knuckles at the memory that flashed through our minds. 
“You’re damn right we were gonna kill that bastard.” Bayley hissed and we turned towards the hallway where my family stood. I sniffled at the statement then walked towards the group of people, Drew pulling me into a tight hug when I got in arms length. I wrapped my arms around his waist and began to cry into his shirt as my friends joined our hug. 
“Shh, it’s okay, that son of a bitch won’t ever touch you again.” Kevin assured me, cupping my face to kiss me on the forehead. It was an old technique that he and Braun often used to calm me down and admittedly, it made me feel more human. Sarah and Bayley squeezed me into one of the tightest hugs that I had received from them in a while but it was almost like they were pressuring all of the pieces that AJ had broken away from me back together once again. I was their Humpty Dumpty but this time, the King’s Knights had super glue on hand. 
I heard the chair screech behind me and I turned to face Elias, prepared for his reaction. When I had told Drew the truth behind AJ and I, the Scot tried to hunt the fucker down in the middle of the night, prepared for actual murder. But what I wasn’t expecting to see, was the curly haired man crying. 
“Elias! Don’t cry, it’s okay! It was three years ago… Really, I’m okay. I’ve got the best support system a girl could ask for and with you along for the ride, I couldn’t ask for anything more.” He sniffled and pulled me into a hug, murmuring into my hair, “I’m sorry. A person like you should never have to deal with something like this. I- I’m here for you.” I gave a small laugh and returned the hug. He had taken it significantly better than I was expecting but it made me feel so much better. He didn’t reject me because of my past. 
“Alright, I think it’s about time for us to head to bed. We’ve had a hell of a day and someone just had to reveal her tragic backstory to our young buck, so now we’re all teary eyed and blubbering.” Kevin joked, shaking his head. I poked him in the side and we all separated to our respective bedrooms. I settled underneath my blankets then turned on the lamp that sat on my desk after turning off the lights. After everything that AJ ever did, I refused to sleep in complete darkness, in fear that he would sneak in and try to do something while I was asleep. 
The next week was a bit uncomfortable because it seemed like Elias was now walking on  eggshells when dealing with me. We didn’t speak much, due to me dealing with the harvest that we needed to finish. October has always been the busiest month for the ranch but even still, I figured that he would at least attempt to make conversation with me in passing. But that’s when Bayley came into play. 
“What do you mean he doesn’t want to intrude on me?” I asked, crossing my arms. Sarah and Bayley exchanged glances, uncertain on how to explain, then the longer haired woman sighed, answering, “He doesn’t want to push you to do anything. Dove, I think this guy really cares for you and he doesn’t want to fuck it up. Can’t say I blame him. Maybe you can just talk with him, tell him how you feel about the whole distancing thing.” Bayley nodded in agreement and chirped, “I know that you feel the same about him and I’m not saying that you should go out with the guy but you should at least tell him what’s going through your head.” 
“Hmm… yeah, I guess that makes sense. Hey, Bays, don’t you have to go into town today?” I asked, glancing over at my close friend. She glanced up from where she was writing something down then answered, “Yeah, why?” Pointing down at the list she had made earlier, I questioned, “That the list of things that we need?” She nodded and handed it over to me without a second thought, clearly catching onto my plan that I formulated in seconds. 
I walked out the door and scanned the yard in search of my farm hand, zeroing in on where he was chatting with Braun and Kevin beside the cattle pen. Cupping my hands around my mouth, I took a deep breath and shouted for him, snickering when he jerked his head to look at me so fast that he nearly tripped. He rushed over to me then flashed a smile as he stopped, glancing up at me. I stared at him for a moment then tipped his hat upwards, fixing it to where I could see his eyes. 
“Uh, what’s up?” he asked, clearing his throat. I gave a small cough and fidgeted with my own hat as I answered, “You and me are on errand duty. Bayley and Sarah are working on the tractors so you get a day in the town with me.” He grinned at me then chirped, “Sounds like a plan to me.” We piled into my truck and off we drove into town with our first stop being the grocery store. I glanced up at him as he grabbed a car then asked, “Do you just want to shop together or split the list and get our respective items?” 
“I think if we split up, we can get this part of the trip done with faster.” he suggested, holding his hand out for his list of items. I nodded in understanding then grabbed my own basket, prepared to zoom through the store for my objects. And it was going so well until I began heading towards our agreed meeting spot. I was walking towards the check out when I bumped into someone, my hat fluttering to the ground. 
“Hey, watch it-” Immediately I paused in my statement, freezing when those blue eyes met my steely gaze. Styles grinned at the sight of me and chirped, “Oh ho, well if it isn’t my lil dove. Where’s your guard dog, darlin’? Leave him at home to watch over the cattle?” I snatched my hat off the floor and snapped, “Not that it’s any of your business, but Elias is here with me. Now if you’ll excuse me, you slimy bastard, I have to get back home.” 
I began to walk away, only for him to grip my wrist, yanking me back to face him. I froze in his grasp then he murmured, “Good to see that ya still react like this. Now, I think it’s about time that we sit down and have a nice lil chat between the two of us, dontcha think?” I started to tremble in his hold, mind and body both failing to do anything to protect me, then someone snapped, “No, that’s not gonna happen.” AJ turned to face Elias, blue eyes now har, then he chirped, “Well, I’ll be. She didn’t even have to whistle but the dog still came a-running to her side. She’s got you well trained, huh, young pup.” 
“That’s Elias to you, bastard. Now, let her go. I won’t ask again.” The two stared at each other then AJ lifted my arm before releasing my wrist, a small chuckle filling my ears as he backed away and he said, “I’ll see ya around, darlin’. We still need to have that chat.” And with that, Styles disappeared into the crowd of people that had surrounded us, clearly eager to see what the young buck had in him. 
Elias cupped my face then touched his forehead to my own, murmuring, “You okay there, sugar? Hey, talk to me.” I buried my face into his chest as I shook my head, eager to just disappear from sight, then muttered, “I just wanna go home. I-I just need to get out of here.” He nodded in understanding and replied, “Alright, it’s okay, just breathe with me. Let’s pay for these groceries then we can go home, okay? Come on, here, take my flannel.”
He pulled off the checkered material then draped it over my shoulders before scooping the basket out of my arms, leading me into an empty check out. He placed all of our items onto the conveyor belt then I reached for his hand, giving a quick squeeze. Elias glanced down at me and returned the squeeze, pushing the cart towards the bagging area. 
“I’m sorry about that, darlin’. I’ve been there before.” the cashier admitted in a soft tone, giving me an apologetic nod. I inched closer to Elias and mumbled, “I’m sorry that you had someone do that to you. I hope you’re out of that relationship.” He nodded and finishing bagging our items as he answered, “I am. Now I’m happily married and my husband is the best man I could ever ask for. I think you’ve got yourself a good one, if I do say so myself.” 
I glanced up at Elias and attempted to lean away from him, only for him to tug me back into his side as he chirped, “She’s my sugar, wouldn’t trade her for anyone else in this crazy world. My eyebrows furrowed then he kissed my forehead, only to turn back to the cashier 
to pay for our items when I gaped up at him. Elias flashed a smile to the man working the counter then chirped, “Thanks man, have a great one.” He finished putting our groceries into our cart and tugged on my hand, pulling me out of the store. 
“Hey, keys, sugar. You’re not driving, not when you’re like this. C’mon, hand ‘em over.” he encouraged, reaching his hand out for the key ring that was looped on my pants. I unhooked the clip and dropped them into the palm of his hand, climbing into the passenger seat of my truck. Seeing AJ so soon after the conversation that I had with Elias had me shook to my core and I couldn’t help the fact that I was still trembling. He quickly put the groceries in the bed of the truck and joined me in the cab, turning the engine over. 
“Elias,” I murmured, causing him to turn to me, “I asked you to come with me so we could talk about why you weren’t talking to me. I know that you don’t wanna push me. But to be honest, not talking with you is kinda killing me.” He stared at me for a while then tangled his fingers with my own before bringing it to his lips and he murmured, “Okay. Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t stop talking with you again. Promise you, sugar.” I slid closer to him and he wrapped his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side as he backed out of the parking lot. 
“Put your seat belt, you heathen.” Elias joked, but I did as he requested, knowing that I did need the safety mechanism on anyway. We drove down the road like that, his arm around my shoulders and my head on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat echoing around my head. We pulled into the drive and I took notice of Kevin and Braun watching us like hawks from the porch, the men clearly hiding their thoughts from their expressions. Part of me was desperate to find out what they were thinking but another part was begging me not to ask my closest friends how they felt. 
We slid out of the truck from the driver’s side then Elias nudged me towards the house, encouraging, “You go ahead, I’ve got these. Go relax, you deserve it.” I dragged my feet as I walked to the house and my oldest friends came to a stand when I approached the porch. The two knew me so damn well, I didn’t even have to say anything about what happened at the store. 
“AJ, wasn’t it?” I scratched at the back of my head and gave a timid nod, ducking my head. Braun gave a sigh and pulled me into a hug, muttering, “Bastard’s gonna catch you on the wrong day and we’re gonna be with you for it. You need a nap, kid?” I nodded and Kevin patted me on the back before he stated, “Go on in, we’ll wake you up for dinner.” 
“Those sonsabitches didn’t wake me up for dinner.” I growled when I reached the kitchen. The light was now off and a note was attached to the fridge: ‘Dove, I know we said that we were gonna wake you up for dinner, but when dinner got done, we all just kinda agreed to let you sleep. You definitely needed it. Food is in the fridge for your three am meal. See you in the morning, don’t stay up too late.’ There was miscellaneous signatures at the bottom of the note and I could faintly made each name. All of my friends had orchestrated what was supposed to be a measly fifteen minutes into a nine hour nap, something that I both loved and resented them for. I did need the sleep but now my sleep schedule was going to be seven ways of fucked for the next week. Fantastic.
I shrugged and opened the fridge, ready to eat whatever the group had wrangled together for dinner. I scanned the labels of the containers and paused when I read, ‘Dove’s Dinner for After Her Nap’. Rolling my eyes, I pulled the dinner out and removed the lid before sliding it into the microwave to reheat the mashed potatoes, barbeque chicken, and carrots that was made. I stirred them a few times every minute then pulled the container out, glancing at the clock: 2:28 in the morning. October was the perfect time for stargazing and since I was the only one awake, I could take advantage and watch as the stars glisten above my head. 
I grabbed a pop and walked out of the house, prepared to settle on the stairs of the porch, only to pause. Elias was sitting on the steps, head tilted up to the stairs as he hummed a tune that I didn’t recognize. The screen door swung shut behind me and he jerked to face me, surprise written across his face, then he smiled at my appearance. 
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty, how you feelin’?” I narrowed my eyes him then replied, “I told you guys to wake me up for dinner and instead, you let me sleep for the rest of the day. I’m annoyed.” He slid over and patted the space beside him, saying, “Yeah, but now you look better, so you’ll be okay. Come on, sit, eat, watch the stars with me.” 
I pursed my lips at him but sat down nonetheless. They did it for my own good and as annoying as my altered sleep schedule was, I couldn’t be mad at them. I settled on the step and began to eat my dinner as Elias returned to stargazing, that tune quickly returned but it wasn’t loud enough for me to try and figure out who the artist was. 
“What’s that song?” I inquired, swallowing the last of my carrots. He glanced over me and smiled then answered, “Sweet as Sugar. It’s my song, why?” I paused at the song title then set my half eaten dinner on the floor of the porch  before turning to face him all the way and asked, “Sweet as Sugar? Like sugar as me?” He leaned closer and raised an eyebrow at me, murmuring, “Maybe. And if it is?” I slid even closer then mumbled, “Maybe I like that you wrote a song about me. What’s the lyrics?” 
“No lyrics yet. At least, not ones that I’m willing to give you. It’s still a work in progress but I dunno… you just make my heart sing.” he admitted, hazel eyes fluttering to meet my gaze. I smiled softly at his statement then cupped his face as I replied quietly, “Oh good, I was wondering if you felt the same. I kinda feel like our friends have been making bets on how long it would take for us to get together.” 
“They definitely have been making bets. I caught Bayley and Kevin arguing the other day over how long it would be until we held hands with each other.” Elias informed me and I snickered, shaking my head, then paused as I whispered, “I wonder if they’ve made bets over when we would kiss.” He cupped my jaw and tilted my head up to him, answering, “Oh, for sure. The sons of bitches are shameless after all.” 
“Who do you think is the closest?” Elias paused at my question then replied, “I don’t know. We won’t know until we kiss, ‘member?” I blinked up at him and tangled my hand in his shirt, pulling him closer until our noses brushed, then asked, “Are you going to kiss me then, young buck?” 
“As soon as you tell me to, sugar. I’m not doing anything without your permission.” My chest ached at his statement and I murmured, “In that case, Elias, would you please kiss me?” He cupped the other side of my face and pulled me to him, kissing me softly. My lips parted and I sighed into his mouth, delighted in the tenderness that he offered, then he backed away. 
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked as he stood up. Elias glanced over his shoulder and replied, “I’m going to bed. You’re going to finish eating your food then you’re going to bed. And in the morning, I’m taking you out for breakfast as our first date. Sound good?” I stared after him wordlessly, stunned that he could be so suave after kissing me, then began to finish eating my dinner, only to pause when I heard a quiet whoop. I squinted through the crack of the front door and snickered when I saw the man I just kissed doing a ridiculous dance, pumping his fist into the air. Ahh, so he wasn’t as unaffected as I thought he was. 
Elias was someone who I wasn’t expecting to come along and simultaneously fix and shake up my world, but I couldn’t have been happier to find someone who fit the missing piece of my life puzzle so well. For years, I was unsure on whether I would ever find someone who could fix the damage that AJ Styles had caused me, but now that I had this young buck? I was more than certain that life was looking up.
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gifsbysimplysonia · 5 years
Show Me - Steve Rogers drabble
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female 
Word Count: 1845
Warning(s): bad writing, fluff
Summary: asking for help is sometimes the most difficult task in the world, but the benefits can be surprising and wonderful
Author’s Notes: written for @sovietghoststories’s 3K Writing Challenge. The prompt was “Show Me” and I put THESE GIFS of Elias & Bayley (WWE Wrestlers) on my “fic prompt” list ages ago. For some reason, I’m in a very Steve mood lately and I saw the prompt and the GIFs came to mind and here’s this tiny piece of whatever it is. It was just nice to start and finish something. Special thanks to my editor @jillybean1217 & @earthaboveskybelow for also taking a look at the story for me!
And obvs, CONGRATS TO @sovietghoststories for 3K! She’s amazing, her writing is fire, and I am just a huge fan. Thank you for allowing me to participate in your writing challenge.
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“Show me,” he insisted. His tone made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and her mouth go bone dry. She licked her lips and thought she heard him inhale sharply, but with her heart pounding in her ears, she scolded herself. Of course that’s not what you heard, dummy. She tried to focus on the task at hand, but with his eyes boring into her so intensely, her mind struggled. All she could do was shiver under his gaze and shake her head. 
“Steve, I really don’t think … “ she began, but a sharp and high pitched whistle cut through her attempt at dodging his demand. Her hands flew up to her ears as she scrunched her nose up and looked at him angrily. She hated when he did that. 
“Don’t THINK,” he told her. “Just…show me.” She huffed, she puffed and she rolled her eyes at him. She knew that Steve Rogers had the capacity to be relentless so if she didn’t do this now, he would absolutely wear her patience down until she screamed. And there were much more fun ways he could do that…
Steve cleared his throat, startled her out of her thoughts and she felt the heat in her face. There was no way he did not notice, which accounted for the smirk on his lips. His smugness just served to further irritate her. She wiped her sweaty palms on her thighs and grinded her teeth.
“FINE!” she shouted, wrapping her hand around the slender neck of the guitar and yanking it back into her lap. Steve sat forward on the chair across the way from her, sitting on its edge and resting his elbows on his knees. She did what she was supposed to do, at least according to that YouTube lesson. It wasn’t easy but she wrapped her hand around the neck of the guitar, watched her fingertips struggle to get to their positions. She took two quick breaths and with her other hand, she strummed … and then she immediately cringed because the sound the guitar made was NOT the sound it was supposed to make. Her forehead hit the edge of the guitar with a soft thud. 
“Why? Can’t? I? Get? This?” she whined. Steve’s smile was much softer now as he looked at her. She was headstrong and a perfectionist, so setting her mind to learning the guitar and then not being great at it instantly was driving her to such a pouty mood. Truth be told, he found that incredibly captivating, most likely because there were so few things she could not master right away. Seeing her finally be vulnerable and struggle a little bit was reassuring to him. She had intimidated him from the moment they met because she always presented so calm and cool and put together. This side of her was much less intimidating, and much more attractive. Steve chewed at his bottom lip as he caught his thoughts. He whistled through his teeth again to catch her attention, laughing inwardly at how her features no doubt twisted in disgust. It probably shouldn’t be so fun to antagonize someone, but Steve couldn’t seem to help himself around her now that he found he could do so. 
“UGH!” she groaned at him, raising her head. 
“Do you want my help?” he asked. Steve was known for helping out, even if nobody asked him to. If he saw a need, he wanted to fill it, that was just his way. For some reason, though, he needed to know she wanted his help. Otherwise, he felt that just jumping in to “fix” this problem she was having would do more harm than good. 
He watched her bottom lip disappear in between her teeth as she took several long seconds to ponder his offer. He could literally hear the time ticking away on the only clock in the room. Finally, after so many heart beats that he stopped counting, Steve watched her shoulders rise and fall on the biggest sigh he had ever heard. 
“Yes, Steve. I would appreciate your help,” she said quietly. Even though her eyes were closed, Steve had glimpsed a mixture of embarrassment and sadness in her expression. That twisted his gut. Asking for help should not be something anyone felt embarrassed about. A voice in his head that sounded suspiciously like an amalgamation of his best friends screamed, “THAT’S A LAUGH FROM YOU, ROGERS!” and he realized his thought might be slightly hypocritical. Asking for help never came easy for him either, so … now … he needed to be incredibly careful in his navigation of the situation. 
“I know asking for help isn’t easy,” he began, pushing himself to his feet. “And believe it or not, it’s not something I find myself very good at.” She lifted her head up and tilted it back so she was looking up at him, and she feigned a gasp. 
“What?!? Captain Steve Rogers … stubborn?!?” The hand from around the guitar neck went to her sternum so she could really play up her non-surprise surprise, as if she would faint from this knowledge that wasn’t exactly new to anyone who was acquainted with Steve Rogers. “Well, I never!” Steve could feel the stretch in his cheeks as he smiled down at her, shaking his head as her shoulders lightly shook. 
“Very funny,” he said dryly, situating himself on the couch next to her. When she turned to him, he almost had to double take because she just … looked … different. She wore a wide smile and her eyes were bright; somehow her expression was open and she just … Steve had to swallow a sudden lump in his throat. What had happened? 
“You are, Steve. Very funny,” she retorted, her nose scrunching as she stuck her tongue out at him. She suddenly stood up, unfolding her leg from underneath her and perching herself on the edge of the sofa. Steve realized that she was mimicking him, perhaps wanting to show him she was serious. “Ok. Now, please Steve … show me.” He pressed his lips together to try and suppress another huge smile that wanted to spread on his face; he did not want her to think he was laughing at her. 
Steve’s hand moved towards the hand now wrapped around the neck of the guitar. His long strong fingers gently curled around the back of her hand and slowly moved her hand just an inch or so higher on the guitar neck. She opened her mouth to argue that this is not what she saw on the YouTube lesson, but he tilted his head and looked at her out of the tops of his eyes. She paused and he asked, “Trust me?” 
Her lips snapped shut and suddenly, her face was flooded with fear. Steve had not done anything amiss, but the impact that those two words had on her was immense. She had no idea if she was even capable of trusting anyone anymore, even for something this small. Sweat broke out on her upper lip and her eyelids started fluttering as she could feel her chest tighten up. 
“Hey hey hey,” Steve’s soft voice broke through the panic closing in on her, and she felt his tender touch on her shoulder. To her surprise, it grounded her. “I’m sorry, whatever I did…” She shook her head fiercely. 
“NO, Steve, don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything,” she assured him. She licked at the salty perspiration coating her upper lip and took a deep breath. It isn’t that serious, she told herself. He wants to help you and you like him anyways so if you want it to go anywhere you’re going to have to trust him eventu - she shook her head one last time to try and stop that torturous train of thought. 
“Alright, Steve. Ok. Show me,” she repeated, her eyes meeting his. Steve was shocked at how much bigger and more fearful her gaze was now. He suddenly felt as though so much more than a guitar lesson was unfolding. He licked his lips and nodded. Once more, he gently maneuvered her hand so it was resting higher on the guitar neck than where she had originally held it. 
“Give that a strum,” he told her. His low tone was so soothing, her eyes drifted shut of their own accord. She took a deep breath and did just as he told her, and to her amazement, the right note rang out around them. 
“OH MY GOD!” she exclaimed, shooting to her feet. She turned towards Steve and did it again, and again, it was a pleasant sound. “I can’t believe it! You did it! You fixed it!” she told him, and he laughed. 
Steve threw his head back and his arms crossed over his chest and his whole heart was in the sound; Steve’s laugh was pure joy and it was one of the things she adored about him the most. The heat in her face from earlier returned as he stood up and pushed his hands into his pockets, looking down at her with what her mind wanted to believe was affection. 
“I didn’t fix anything. And YOU did it, I just … helped,” he told her, raising his eyebrows. 
“Point taken, Cap,” she responded. As she gazed up at Steve, the way he was looking at her struck something into her heart. Before she lost the nerve, she brought her guitar down to her side, placed her unoccupied hand on his shoulder and drew herself up to press her lips to his cheek. She felt his heavy arm slide around her waist and secure her in place before she felt his lips on her cheek too. When they separated, each recognized the wistful surprise on each others’ face. 
“I’m afraid I’ve been underestimating asking for help,” she whispered through a giggle. "Now I'm just thinking about everything else I've probably been missing out on." Her hand drifted from where it gripped his shoulder to settle over his heart. She was pleased the noticeable quickened thump-thump-thump seemed to match her own. 
"So...you've...thought about this?" Steve asked, his smile somehow matching the proud arch of his eyebrow. She hesitated, but finally nodded. 
"You've had thoughts...about you...and me, together?" He spoke slowly, as if he was processing the real meaning behind the words. Steve had been so sure she had not even given him a second thought. 
"Yes, I have," she whispered. "Quite a few actually. One of my favorites is...." Steve laid his index finger over her lips, effectively stopping her from revealing anymore favorite details.
His hand then enveloped hers that rested over his heart. A shiver ran down her spine when he leaned forward and she felt his warm breath on the shell of her ear. The words were familiar and sent a shiver down her spine. She was surprised at the eagerness that arose in her to comply with his demand.
"Don't tell me...show me."
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theaerofanfics · 5 years
Here it is! Chapter 2 of the Baysha band AU that was inspired by @iceicesheamy​ . Should start being more on top of my fanfics and I’m sorry I’m slow! Been writing a lot of things with Baysha and Charlynch. Maybe will write more? Who knows! <3
Feel free to check out the new chapter and also read below if you wish! Comments, likes, reblogs are lovely as usual! Thank you!
               Bayley let out a breath as the interviewer had finished asking her about their first day of tour. Running a hand through her hair and popping her snapback back on her head, she got up and took a break. She walked down the hallway once leaving her interviewing room and she could hear Sasha laughing. It made her grin and she poked her head in. She slowly snuck in and was behind the cameraman. Once she made eye contact with her wife, she smiled and gave a little wave. Just hearing the side Sasha knew of them falling in love and getting to know each other made her smile and nod in agreement. They were everything to each other in high school. Sasha was everything to her in high school. It was only then she was acknowledged by the interviewer and she smiled at the woman as Sasha had continued speaking. The she heard the question from the interviewer.
“You were saying that one thing you loved was how great a lover Bayley is?”
A cheeky smirk was on her face and caused her to laugh very quietly. Just hearing the words from Sasha just made her grin. Her wife was someone she loved so much and man, was she in love.
               Bayley groaned softly and she opened one eye to realize the time of what her phone said.
Bayley let out a breath and she moved her body slowly from Sasha’s grasp, which was clinging a lot on her. She pressed a kiss on the purple haired woman’s forehead before she managed to get out of the bed. The tour bus was still going, her ears picking up to the sound of some passing cars before she moved to check the windows. Seeing the cars and the sun up, she grinned softly. She moved to the bathroom to use it and wash her face.
Once she walked out, she could see Sasha up and the blanket wrapped around her body. “Hey.”
Sasha looked over and smiled warmly. “Hey beautiful. Did you sleep okay?”
“Perfect.” Bayley sat next to her wife. “Did you sleep okay? You surprisingly didn’t move so there was no weird stress dreams.”
Sasha rolled her eyes a little. “it was fine. No stress dreams and only dreams of you and us playing in front of a crowd like every other time we actually do tours.” She heard Bayley chuckle and she pecked Bayley’s lips softly. “I love you, Bay.”
“I love me too.” Bayley gave a cheeky smile and Sasha nudged her. “I’m kidding, I love you too babe.”
“You better. You said yes to me and the “‘Til Death Do Us Part” and all that.” Sasha moved to lay back on the bed, Bayley following afterwards. Sasha rested her head on Bayley’s shoulder and she shut her eyes. “I was thinking of altering our new song last night after I kicked your ass.”
Bayley rolled her eyes. “Stop rubbing it in.” She whined and then she grinned a little. “How did you think of altering it?”
“The tune. We scale the sound lower and play it at a different key.”
“So we’re giving it a better tone.” Bayley smiled warmly. “I do like that idea. Can give a different change with the song. Maybe we’ll stop buy a studio after talking to our producer about changing up the tune. I’ll just have to work on the notes for the guitar, huh?”
Sasha hummed in approval and let out a breath. “Yeah, you do. Shouldn’t be that difficult, right?”
Bayley eventually got up and moved to check their little closet full of some of their casual clothes and she shrugged. “Shouldn’t be. I just drop the chords maybe to see how it sounds and if it doesn’t sound great with that, raise them above the original.”
“How about we keep the main and use this one as an alternative version?”
“Whatever you want, babe.”
“Whatever we want, Bay.” Sasha sighed and watched as Bayley was getting dressed. “Am I being too commanding again?”
               Sasha was known as “The Boss” for a reason. She was commanding at times, bossing people around to make sure things were perfect, making sure the music was just right, and even making sure the song list was top quality for the fans. So, anything Bayley had to say? It was overpowered by Sasha sometimes. Well, most of the time. Bayley knew how to handle it though after being with Sasha for so long.
“No, you’re not.” Bayley slipped on her red shirt and looked at her wife. “You usually are the one that makes the song list on our albums and they always turn out amazing, so who am I to ruin that?”
“My wife and player two for this band.” Sasha crossed her arms. “You never challenge against me on anything I do like this.”
“Most times you’re spot on with what we need.”
“I feel like you’re avoiding the confrontation if you disagree and we both get upset, especially me.”
Bayley shook her head. “Nope. I actually like the ideas you hand out. The alternative version to Next Year’s Up would be really great because then we can do an extended album like we’re always wanted with our own songs.” Bayley saw the look Sasha was giving her and she sighed. “Babe, I’m serious. I’m not avoiding confrontation. You and I practically fight all the time.”
“That’s play fighting. There’s a difference.” Bayley sighed and moved in the tour bus to the mini fridge and Sasha got up, grabbing shorts and a tank top to quickly cover herself as she spoke. “You’re making me feel like I push you around and you just bend to whatever I say.”
“You mean outside of pillow talk?”
“Bayley Rose Martinez.”
“I’m joking!” Bayley sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “What do you expect me to say, babe? No, I don’t like fighting with you. Yes, I think your ideas are amazing because you have such a commanding force I wish I had. You’re the one that had to talk to the company to even sign us because I had no words leaving my lips! They were pushing me around and you told them to back off and explained why we are great. You have been creating our albums since day one while I made the titles and the instrumental parts of it.” She walked closer to Sasha and put a hand on her cheek, almost falling when the tour bus had hit a little pothole but Sasha had her other arm around her waist. “You aren’t pushing me around. My Boss wife is the leader and driving force that keeps this band together. If there is any problem, I promise to tell you but we’re good now. Okay?” Sasha lowered her gaze and nodded and Bayley nudged her. “Okay?”
“Yeah… Yeah, okay.”
“Good. Now to the subject at hand: I’m good with the idea of having an alternative version of the song. It could work and with the new tune sound to it, we could play it for certain places when we tour once that song releases.” Bayley grinned softly.
               The two women walked down out of the bus and into the hotel, hearing fans screaming and yelling their name and they waved at them all. It really was so surreal to Bayley, how their life changed from being a high school band to a hit sensation their sophomore year of college. Things were so different except their relationship. It only got deeper and closer, but they were still the two girls who fell in love with their music and then each other.
As they walked into their big suite, Bayley first jumped onto the bed and groaned and smiled softly.
“Comfy?” She heard Sasha say with a laugh.
“Mhm. Very.” She felt a hand run up her back and she groaned softly and then she moved to sit up. “So, what is on the agenda today?”
Sasha opened her calendar on her phone and looked at today’s date. “We have an interview in a few hours to talk about the tour, lunch with our openers here in town… Oh and then we gotta talk to Becky and Charlotte.” She heard the little squeal of excitement and smiled as she looked up at her wife. “I see you’re happy to talk to them.”
“Of course!” Bayley grinned happily. “I miss them! They’re off acting and we’re off doing music and they’re taking the acting world by storm.”
“You remember how they met?”
Bayley chuckled. “Yeah, they did the tv show together when we were in college and they both were acting majors at the school and they got on a big tv show that they ended up being on screen lovers and ended up being real lovers.”
Sasha grinned. “Yeah, that was pretty great, huh? Remember how heart eyes Charlotte was about Becky?”
“Yeah it was like how you were with me.”
“Oh shut up.” Sasha hit Bayley with a pillow and she heard a little laugh. “I was not!”
“Oh no? “Oh my God. You are just so cute”. You don’t remember that?”
“Shut it.”
“You are such a fangirl of your wife.” Bayley grinned a little and Sasha hit her with the pillow again and she whined. “Stop hitting me. It hurts me.”
“It hurts your soul?” Bayley pouted and nodded. “You are ridiculous and I never said that.”
“You said it in our backstage interview for Download Fest, babe. It’s there. You said it.” Bayley saw Sasha roll her eyes and she grinned cheekily.
“Alright, you know what… Come here!” Bayley laughed as Sasha tackled her into the bed and they did their usual of play fighting. The sound of laughter, hands moving to tickle someone, and all the moments of them being playful coming from the two filled the room. This how they always were:
They were serious when they needed to be.
They were playful any other time.
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ohmaific · 5 years
A Gentle(wo)man’s Bet (Charlotte Flair/Becky Lynch)
Note: This is on AO3. I’m was thinking of putting some of my works from there on here. My AO3 is ohmaigay. Enjoy this random Charlynch High School AU I decided I like.
Becky sat in the bleachers as she patiently waited for the teams to exit the locker room. Tonight was the first game of the girl’s basketball season. Charlotte had been at every single one of Becky’s football games, so Becky was going to sit in the stands and support her friend during basketball season. Technically, Charlotte had to be at all of Becky’s football games since she was one of the captains of the cheer squad, but there were times when Becky felt like Charlotte was her personal cheerleader. Especially whenever Charlotte would lead them in a cheer or chant she’d created specifically for Becky.
“You’re such a good girlfriend Becky,” Nikki Bella said as she sat next to Becky. “And you’re not even dating Charlotte.”
“Shut up Nikki,” Becky said and Nikki snickered at her. “Is Paige nervous to start tonight?”
“Yeah, I was down there calming her down,” Nikki said and Becky gagged, knowing what Nikki had really been doing. “Wanna make a gentleman’s bet?”
“I didn’t realize you were a gentleman Nik,” Becky said and Nikki rolled her eyes. “Well, get on with the terms.”
“We’re playing one of the best teams in the state right now, they’ve got scouts at all of their games, even more than we do right now. Well, I say that if we win tonight, you ask Charlotte out on a date in the locker room. If we lose, I’ll buy you those stupid energy drinks you guzzle down during your offseason for a month,” Nikki said and Becky shook her hand to seal the deal. Nikki smirked to herself, knowing for a fact that their team was winning tonight.
“Alright, let’s see how this goes down,” Becky said, unsure of what she wanted to happen. She wanted the energy drinks, those had taken quite a bit out of her paychecks and she wasn’t too fond of the fact that Charlotte insisted on buying them for her if she didn’t have enough money that day. At the same time, she wanted a date with Charlotte, and this came with an excuse in case she was rejected: it was all for a bet. Becky managed to get Nikki to gush about Paige, which wasn’t exactly difficult, but it was somehow harder than getting Paige to geek out over Nikki. That seemed to surprise everybody, nobody ever really expected Paige to be a total dork when it came to her girlfriend.
“Drink,” Charlotte said, leaning towards Becky to get a drink from the Gatorade that Nikki had bought her when they got to the gym. Charlotte looked at Becky and smiled at the sight of her best friend (and not-super-secret crush) wearing her jersey from freshman year, the only one that wasn’t baggy at all on her. “Nice shirt, but that’s not even my number anymore.”
“Yeah, but I’m pretty sure Flair is still your last name and that’s what’s important,” Becky said, giving Charlotte a little smile. Charlotte rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around Becky’s neck as the other team came in. “Good luck Char.”
“Thanks Becks,” Charlotte said. The smile that Becky received from Charlotte made her heart skip a beat and her stomach do flips. Nikki smirked at her, but that look was off of her face as Paige made her way towards them. Without a word, Nikki pulled Paige up to her lips for an intense kiss. Becky glanced across the gym at Charlotte pumping up the younger players in an attempt to ignore Nikki and Paige’s very public display of affection.
“Score out there and I’ll let you score when it’s over,” Nikki said and Becky made a sound of disgust. “Hey, they win and you can have your own fun with Charlotte.”
“Whatever, there are children coming in,” Becky said and Nikki rolled her eyes as Paige made her way over to her team. The junior varsity game was first and Becky paid more attention to Charlotte watching the game than she did to actually watching it herself. When that game was over, Nikki felt a little nervous about the bet, the first game had not gone in their school’s favor and Becky had seen the receipts for the drinks that Charlotte had left in her car before, Becky would definitely make a dent in her wallet.
“Kisses for luck?” Paige asked, pouting a bit in front of Nikki before she had to get ready for introductions. Nikki gave her several quick kisses before ending on one that had managed to catch the attention of everybody around them. “Can I have a kiss for good luck Becky?”
“Absolutely not,” Becky said, but Paige pouted, tapping her cheek. After a couple of minutes of Paige standing there, Becky rolled her eyes and pecked her friend’s cheek. Charlotte pulled Paige into the locker room and they went through a pep talk with the varsity team.
“Remember what you get if you win,” Paige said and Charlotte nodded. “Becky’s gonna have a heart attack when you kiss her. Maybe an orgasm too, depending on how much flair you put in it.”
“I’m going to punch you,” Charlotte said and Paige cackled. The starting five lined up to be called out and Charlotte looked at the girls in front of her. The announcer called out the competitors first and then got the crowd hyped up a bit before they started.
“Sasha Banks.” Sasha ran out to cheers and Charlotte felt excitement run through her. “Alexa Bliss.” Alexa ran out there and Charlotte could hear the loud cheers of the football players at their “little buddy.” “Liv Morgan.” Liv was hesitant to go out there, but she did anyways after she spit out her Jolly Rancher. Charlotte understood, she was a freshman on the varsity team, which was a bit position that a lot of girls could crack under the pressure from. “Paige!” Paige ran out there and Charlotte could pick out Nikki and Becky’s cheers apart from everybody else’s. “And their captain, Charlotte Flair!” Charlotte ran out and met her team on the line. Everybody was cheering and she felt her skin heat up when she met Becky’s stare.
“Remember our bet,” Paige said as Charlotte went up to the face off. They got into position and Charlotte won the ball, immediately passing to Paige. The ball was passed around before Charlotte found her sweet spot on the three point line. She shot from immediately after a pass from Liv and put them on the board after about 40 seconds. This was going to be a fast paced game, Charlotte was going to make sure of it. Liv proved that she deserved her spot by stealing the ball away and making perfect passes to Charlotte and Alexa. Sasha and Paige kept the defense up, not minding the fact that they weren’t really getting any points at this time. At the half it was 40-26 and Charlotte was practically buzzing. “Man, you really want to kiss her.”
“It’s more Liv’s feeding me great passes in the perfect spot and I never was one to waste a good opportunity,” Charlotte said and Paige gave her a look. “We’ve got a comfortable lead, so you and Sasha can lay off defense a bit. I don’t mind switching things around, I mean, you were a great forward last season.”
“Hey, can’t take away from those 3 pointers,” Paige said and Charlotte rolled her eyes. When they resumed, Sasha and Paige worked more offense than in the first half. Their lead closed up a bit, but they kept a couple of points on the opposing team. As the final seconds ticked down, Paige was about to make a shot, but passed back to Charlotte to make a 3 point shot to get their lead up 5. When the game ended, they celebrated, Sasha running to her girlfriend Bayley, Nikki running down to Paige, Alexa going over to one of the defensive players on the other team and hugging her, Liv going to her friends, and Charlotte strutting right up to Becky and carrying her onto the court.
“This is gonna be good,” Nikki said, having caught Charlotte’s strut out of the corner of her eye. Becky looked like she was about to say something, but Charlotte just kissed her. She didn’t push too much, but Becky kissed back after a moment and the two of them didn’t stop until Nikki and Paige cleared their throats. “Guys, there are children around.”
“Nikki stop it,” Paige chastised and Charlotte put Becky down.
“Wanna go on a date or something Friday?” Becky asked and Charlotte nodded, leaning into her a bit. “I’ll pick you up?”
“Yeah, but let’s get out of here and get something to eat,” Charlotte said and Becky nodded, slinging her arm around Charlotte’s torso. Charlotte got her basketball bag from the locker room and then went to her car, where Becky was patiently sitting in the passenger’s seat, singing along to a song on the radio. “Where to?”
“Anywhere,” Becky said and Charlotte drove them to McDonald’s where people were waiting for them. “Hey Alexa, who’s your friend?”
“Nia,” Alexa said, not caring to tear her eyes away from the woman who’s lap she was sitting in. “That was quite some kiss in the gym. You’re gonna have to work hard to top that on senior night.”
“I’ll just take a page of Nikki’s book and see how far my tongue can go down Becky’s throat,” Charlotte said and Nikki threw a shred of lettuce at her. The group sat in the restaurant for an hour and a half just joking around and talking about the games, Charlotte and Becky having no idea that their friends had set them up beforehand.
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deepdisireslonging · 5 years
Family Found Part 39: Misplaced Second Chances
Hunter and Stephanie show up to watch the Reader’s every move. They are witnesses to some of the hardest choices she’s had to make in weeks.
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence, angst 
Word Count: 3930
Note: Everything is coming together perfectly. Longer chapter, but it reads quick. I’ve gotten most of the fights down to tiny paragraphs, yay! Please let me know your thoughts on this series with reblogs and comments. I appreciate every single one. Enjoy!
Part 1: Welcome to the Team
Part 38: Squirrels in a Row (Royal Rumble)
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For once, it looked like the show was going to run smoothly. You were in the garage clearing up some last-minute details when a long, black limo pulled up. It pulled to a stop in front of you and the driver rushed around to open the door. You swallowed dryly. Triple H got out first. He held out his hand, and Stephanie took the assistance. Plastering on a smile, you welcomed them.
“Hunter. Stephanie. What a surprise. It’s good to see you-“
Hunter grinned back. “Thank you. We tried to call ahead, but your line was busy.”
You shivered. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to miss you. All the general manager stuff, you know how it is. I’ve got quite the show for everyone tonight. Are you going to be watching from your box?”
Sharing a look, Stephanie stepped forward and wrapped her arm around your shoulders. “Actually, no. We’ve been impressed with how things are going, and we wanted to watch from backstage. See how you’ve had such good control over everything. Be your shadows for tonight. We hope that’s not a problem.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a test. “No. Not at all. Right this way. The first match will be starting in just a minute.” You led them out of the garage. They followed at your shoulders like crows’ wings.
The placements of the NXT move-ups were still finalizing, but Heavy Machinery wanted to prove that they belonged on Raw. They had challenged the well-established team of Heath Slater and Rhyno.
“If they win this match,” Cole mused, “do you think they’ll challenge AOP?”
Renee thought for a second, then said, “it’s a possibility. Depending on how tonight goes, I think they’ll do great. I’m more worried what will happen to them if they lose this match.”
“Don’t jinx them, Renee,” Corey sputtered. They digressed into a disagreement as the bell rang.
Hunter beamed as he watched from a backstage tv. Occasionally you glanced up from your clipboard to catch Slater dropping Knight. Or Dozovic triumphantly grinning as Rhyno bounced off of him.
The referee had a surprisingly difficult time keeping up with both teams. The tags were frequent but displaced enough to show off each wrestler and their skills. Rhyno engaged Knight on the floor, keeping him from entering the ring to help his partner. His back was turned as the upper hand switched to Dozovic, who did the worm before dropping on Slater. Knight escaped and doubled teamed just long enough to help his partner set up a pin, then kept Rhyno from saving him. Heavy Machinery won the match, already cheering with the fans like Raw was home.
Later in the show, there were going to be three matches for the women’s elimination chamber match. Bayley and Natalya were backstage talking about their matches when Alexa walked up. “Well look at you two being all buddy-buddy.”
“Keep walking Alexa,” Natalya shot. Bayley wrapped her arm across her shoulders, holding her from stepping to Alexa.
Miss Bliss gasped and fluttered hand to her chest. “I was just making an observation.”
Bayley stepped between them. “I doubt that. But I’m willing to give you the benefit of a doubt. Any other observations before you… go away?” Bayley stared at her pointedly. Patiently.
Just into Alexa’s plans. She smiled sweetly. “Well, I’m more confused than anything. Sasha and Bayley being in the chamber match sorta makes sense. But, Natty, if you and Rhonda are such good friends, why are you fighting each other tonight? Only one of you can have the spot.” When all Natalya did was growl, she turned her attention back to Bayley and hopped to sit on a crate. “Come on, help a girl out. You know better than anyone how delicate friendship is. It’s the reason you’re holding on so tight to Sasha, right?”
In a split second of pause, Natalya was the one ready to hold back her friend. “Sure, like you’ve never turned on anyone, Alexa. Turn before you get dropped, right? Fine. As the one on the other side of that exchange, yes, Sasha hurt me. But I am still my own woman. My own power. Hell in a Cell proved that. Still, we’ve got something working here. It’s not perfect, but it’s what I’ve got. So, yeah. I’m going to stick to Sasha. Partially to watch my back, and partially to watch hers. Because that’s what friends do. You have to do what you have to do. You can’t wait for your opportunities, you have to make them.”
Natalya guided Bayley away as her voice weakened towards the end. But Alexa kept going, pushing for all she could.
“Speaking of opportunities, Bayley,” Alexa shifted in her seat, “can you explain why both you and Sasha are going after the women’s championship? I mean, aren’t you guys already number one contenders for the tag titles? Sounds like you’re spread yourselves a little thin. Especially for such a delicate friendship.”
Bayley smirked. “Well, as far as either of us can tell, there hasn’t been a woman holding double titles. Sasha and I would like to try for it. The Riott Squad can wait.”
Alexa tilted her head. “Do you think that’s a good idea? Making them wait so you two can go after different titles? I don’t know, Bayley. Sounds greedy and poorly planned if you ask me.”
“Well then it’s a good thing we didn’t ask you, isn’t it?”
Natalya stepping into Alexa’s face inspired the small blonde to retreat from her seat. “And when did this turn into a Moment of Bliss?”
Alexa put up her hands in defense. “I was just curious. Geeze.” She walked away, leaving the other women to process what Bayley had said.
Braun already had his spot in the Universal elimination chamber, but he wanted a match anyway. So you gave him one with Bobby Lashley. He was running on a high. Lio Rush was flipped several times outside of the ring, no matter how fast he ran. As for in the ring, Lashley was putting the monster among men through his paces. He had a goal to gain himself.
“We’ve just been told that if Bobby Lashley wins this match, then Y/N will give him another chance to get into a chamber match. Well, how about that?” Cole said.
“Sounds nice of her.” Renee mused. “Except for the part where giving him another opportunity takes it away from someone else.” Corey cut off her next words by telling her to hush and to watch the almighty Lashley perform.
Either way, the second chance was not to be. Braun had enough. He caught a second wind, using it to break Lashley down. And with Lio already out of the picture, there was no one to cause a shift with a distraction. As Braun’s arm was lifted in victory, Dr. M’s laugh sounded over the speakers. He did not appear. But his presence and approval were clear.
Behind you, Stephanie and Hunter had nodded their heads in approval of the match, though Hunter did question the double chance even with someone as talented as Lashley. “Agreed, both powerhouses here on Raw. But why such favoritism, Y/N? I thought you were better than that?”
You sputtered. “It’s not supposed to be. Braun is a great wrestler, but he needs something to do every week or things can get a little… destructive. And I knew I could convince Lashley to fight if I promised another chance for the chamber, either of them. Maybe the promise was a little underhanded, but both wrestlers got what they wanted. Braun his match. Lashley his chance, which motivated him during the fight. And the crowd got what they wanted.”
“All around a successful addition to the show,” Stephanie finished. “A great job, Y/N.”
“Thanks.” The word stuck like glue in your throat. You let out a sigh of strangled relief as Seth and Dean walked into the space. “Hey, Seth. Dean. What can I help you guys with? Can’t promise much, but I’ll see what I can do.”
Seth shifted the Universal title on his shoulder. “What do you mean you can’t offer much? You’re the general manager.”
Stephanie spoke up before you could. “And as such, she deserves respect-“
You flinched. “Don’t fire me for saying so, but didn’t you guys say you were going to be my shadows? I didn’t think shadows gave their opinions.” Inside your chest, your heart froze in place. Stephanie’s expression froze too, then slithered into a smile that she shared with her husband.
Hunter’s cheek twitched a smirk. “We did say that. Our apologies. Please continue.”
With a nod and a shuddering breath, you did. “Yeah, I’m GM, but the show is pretty set. There’s not room for another match. So if that’s what you’re here to ask about-“ Their disappointment was immediate. “Um, but there’s some chamber tournament matches soon. Seth, why don’t you join commentary. Get a front row seat for your possible future opponent?”
“Opponent? You mean opponents? I’m the champion. I’m in the elimination chamber match, right?”
The fire in his eyes frightened you, especially with your shadows watching. “Rollins, can we discuss details later? I don’t have room for a match for you tonight. Commentary or nothing?” you shrugged. He looked past you to Hunter and Stephanie, then gave you a nod. You focused on Dean. “I’m sorry, there’s nothing I’ve got for you this week, Dean. But maybe next week? I’m still working on it.”
Dean did the same thing as Seth, glancing over your shoulder. With a grumble, he said, “fine.”
“I’m doing the best I can, Dean.”
“I know.” He rotated his shoulders and looked at Seth. “You heading to commentary?” When he nodded, Dean tapped his forearm. “I’ll walk with you.”
You watched them leave as Hunter complimented you on how you handled it. “You did good. It was a simple no, and they took it well. Who’s been helping you stand up for yourself?”
Over your shoulder your tossed, “Sheamus and Cesaro. They’ve been training me how to deal with guys bigger than myself.” With a huff, you finished, “though I never thought I’d have to use it with either of them.”
They talked amongst themselves like nothing had happened. “I need some coffee. Catering?” Stephanie asked. Hunter agreed. “You need anything, Y/N?”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you turned to face them. “No, I’m good. Thank you.” Hunter gave you a heavy pat on your shoulder on their way out. This whole thing was starting to make you nervous.
The Riott Squad fought a local team, easily squashing them. Charly caught up with Sasha and Rhonda at a backstage tv for an interview. “The Riott Squad is proving themselves to be very dominant. How do both of you think your chances of becoming tag champions are going to go tonight? Especially you, Rhonda, since you’re fighting Natalya tonight?”
Sasha snickered as Rhonda stumbled looking for something to say. “We’re going to be fine. We’ve fought in the past for the Raw women’s title before. Beaten each other for it. Working together is just obvious. We’re two of the best in the business. Why have dozens of matches against one another when we could work together. I mean, Sasha and Bayley are doing the same thing.”
The other woman shrugged. “You could see it like that, I guess.”
“Yeah. I mean, I’m teaming with Bayley because it means she’s not fighting me for a title. I get to compete for a title, she gets one too as part of the set, and we stay out of each other’s hair.”
Charly grimaced. “So, teaming with Bayley… is a means to an end.”
Again, Sasha shrugged. “You said it, not me. But if I win the elimination chamber, maybe I can go my own way again.” Rhonda looked at her with a grimace, not liking that stance at all.
In the background, Alexa walked by having heard everything. She looked between the women, unnoticed, and then carried on her way.
Also backstage, Dolph flipped his vest over his shoulder and rounded a corner. He bumped off a tall torso, smiling when he saw it was Drew McIntyre. The Scotsman growled, “I told you to stay out of my way.”
Dolph shouldered past him. “I don’t know why you’re so irritated. You’re still champion, aren’t you? For now. Don’t get your kilt in a twist.”
Drew roughly grabbed his upper arm. “If you think I’m going to let you hold your actions last week over my head for more than this moment, you’ve got another thing coming.” He glared at him until Dolph raised his hands in surrender. Adding a bit of a shove, he released him. “Where are you going so happily?”
“To challenge an old friend for a spot in a well-deserved opportunity. For your title, come to think of it. See you in the Elimination Chamber.” He chuckled and left for Gorilla as his music started.
A few minutes later, Tyler Breeze entered the arena with Dana Brook at his side. She stayed ringside for the match, giving Breeze notes and helping him watch his back. This addition to the match was not in Dolph’s plan. Her attention for detail was making the match more difficult for him. And his attention to her was making it easier for Breeze to land punches and kicks. Dolph shook his head, refocusing. He flipped the match around, sending Breeze into defense-mode. A zig-zag finished the match.
All according to plan.
Two weeks ago, Zack Ryder had failed to place in the Universal elimination chamber. This week he was fighting his former partner, Mojo Rawley, for a place in the Intercontinental elimination chamber. For all of Mojo’s effort, Ryder made good use of his second chance. He won this match. Wrist in the referee’s hand, he missed the way Mojo stared daggers into his back from his huddle in a corner.
A pair of Universal placements happened next. Chad Gable and Bobby Roode, while tag partners, both wanted to try to win a spot. Seth sat on commentary. He was talkative, but he dodged any mention of the earlier argument with you. Gable faced Jinder Mahal, accompanied by the Singh brothers. Although he had Roode in his corner, cheering him on, Jinder won the match and the spot. Seth wasn’t bothered. He’d fought and beaten Jinder before. No matter what was going to happen in a few Sundays, Seth said he could handle him.
Gable rolled out of the ring and gave his teammate an ego boosting pat on the back as No Way Jose entered. The second match was more friendly than the first. And as such, when Roode turned on the heat, Jose wasn’t ready. Roode gave his defeated opponent a handshake, then accepted the bear hug from Gable as Jojo announced his spot in the elimination chamber. Seth welcomed this possible opponent too. He hadn’t faced Roode in a while.
“This could be interesting,” he said.
Baron stormed into your office, ignoring your groan as your moment of isolation was broken. “I know what you promised Elias,” he said, low and threatening. “Has he picked his WrestleMania match yet, or do you have to tell him which one he can pick?”
It took a moment to breathe down your bristling. “Mr. Corbin, Elias had the same chance as anyone. Including yourself.”
“No, he didn’t. You gave him a better spot because he beat me before the Rumble.”
“And why are you just now getting angry about that match? It was two weeks ago.” You licked your lips, stalling. “I have a feeling that’s not why you’re here.” You crossed your arms and waited for his answer.  
He snickered. “I want a spot in the Intercontinental elimination match. And if you don’t give me at least a match to ‘earn my way in’, well, Stephanie and Hunter are here. I’m sure they’d love to hear how you’ve been abusing power around here.”
Honestly, that didn’t really scare you. Part of you knew they’d probably chew him out more than you’d be in trouble. Still. You sighed and rolled your shoulders back. “Mr. Corbin, tonight I was approached by a local wrestler looking for an opportunity. He just got one. Congratulations, you’ve got a chance.” Baron smirked and started to leave. “Oh, and by the way, if he beats you tonight, he takes your place on the roster and in the Intercontinental elimination chamber… and you’re out of a job.”
He spun around to face you. “You can’t do that.”
You smiled sweetly at him, a face you had picked up from Alexa. “Yes, I can. The McMahons trust me as general manager more than they ever did with you, and as such, I have been given special liberties. Unless you would like to be fired now for attempted blackmail?” Baron balanced on the balls of his feet, seconds away from attacking. Rolling his eyes, he stepped back. “Fantastic. Head to the ring. I’ll send for your opponent.”
With a growl, he left your office. As soon as he was gone, you let out a shuddering breath. You sent a text to Gorrilla, letting them know who needed to be where. When you looked up, Dean was standing there. “Dean! Please don’t scare me like that.”
“How is it Baron gets a match tonight, but I don’t? Or Seth?”
“What are you doing, Y/N? This isn’t like you.” Before you could answer, he spun on his heel and left. You struggled to regain some composure, despite the pain in your stomach.
The match was about to start when Dean’s music hit. He waved at the ring, sniggering as the local wrestler waved back, then walked over to join the commentary table. “Hey, Renee. Cole. Corey.” Like Seth, he avoided any discussion about your earlier conversations. But he was more than happy to make snarky comments about Baron’s style and lack of control. “It’s like he’s lost his marbles out there.”
To his defense, everyone watching the match agreed with him. Baron was unfocused. The local wrestler was gleefully using this to his advantage. It was a close match. The pin falls reached critical mass with Baron struggling to kick out before anything earlier than two-and-a-half. Thinking he was joining the roster, the wrestler tossed Baron out of the ring and began to celebrate.
“That’s not going to be good,” Dean noted.
Baron swung back in and caught him in a Deep Six. He made sure the other man wouldn’t be able to kick out by picking him up and dropping him in an End of Days. Growling in a mixture of irritation and relief, he got to his feet and let his hand be raised.
Grinning, he waved at Dean. He was going to Elimination Chamber. And so far, Dean was not.
The last three matches of the night were for three spots in the elimination chamber for the Raw women’s championship. Well, to become the number one contender for the title, since Ember wasn’t going to be in the match. Bayley entered the ring, pumped and ready. She groaned as Nia Jax’s music played next. The Irresistible Force entered the arena with Tamina at her side. Bayley gave a small sigh of relief as Nia sent her backstage. Their match was going to be between just them.
Or, it should have been.
Bayley was winning the upper hand. She had been able to keep Nia on her knees or at least unstable on her feet. Then Liv Morgan swung into the ring when the referee was checking on Nia and attacked the hugger. By the time he turned around, Liv was again out of sight and Nia was more than happy to take the win. She left the arena triumphantly, laughing as Liv rolled back in a went in to attack Bayley again.
Liv was forced to retreat as Sasha rushed out. Apparently, the only woman who was allowed to beat up Bayley was her, and heaven help any woman who tried otherwise. Sasha made sure Bayley made it safely out of the arena and waited for her opponent.
Several minutes later, Alicia Fox won a similar victory against Sasha. She had to fight harder before Sarah Logan got involved because Sasha was determined to not waste her opportunity. But there was no one to save her like she’d saved Bayley. So just after Alicia’s hand was raised, Sarah and Liv swarmed the ring and launched an attack. They didn’t leave until Sasha was unable to fight back. Then they left cackling, promising that they would give her another dose of damage in their next tag match.
Natalya entered the arena. She was all smiles, but it was strained. It quickly turned into a frown as Alexa’s music struck. Miss Bliss was followed by a techie crew who quickly set up for a Moment of Bliss.
“I hope you don’t mind Natty, but I’ve got some questions. For you too, Rhonda!” she called over her shoulder. “And hey, you should be thanking me for postponing your match a bit.” As Rhonda walked out and took a seat she added, “I can’t imagine either of you are eager to fight one another.” When neither woman answered, she continued. “This is a talk-show, ladies. It means you have to talk. What happens if one of you wins the Raw women’s championship after the Elimination Chamber? What happens to the-” she gestured between them, “the friendship?”
“Nothing.” Rhonda squirmed in her seat. “I’ve been here for almost a year. Natalya is my closest friend here.” She faced Natalya. “Why can’t we try one of those things where we help one of us get the title, then we’re the first challenge? Between the two of us, we could either rack of title reigns or help one another ensure long, successful ones.”
Not it was Natalya’s turn to squirm in her seat. “Rhonda, I’ve been in this business my whole life. I’ve seen-“ She sighed. “You know those don’t actually work, right? Someone always wants to be the best. They can’t be that if they’re always in their friend’s shadow.”
Alexa’s eyes glowed in triumph, even as she kept her mouth shut. Well, mostly. “That’s very interesting stances from both of you. I think it’s time we saw that match then. May the best woman win.”
As Alexa’s music played for her exit, the competitors walked down the ring together. There was hesitation from both of them at the start. Rhonda continued to hesitate. What Natalya had said was nothing she’d expected. Natalya sprung forward, beginning her attack. They could work this out later. Right now, she had to make her own opportunity. “Take what you can get,” she muttered. Rhonda heard and faltered in her steps. She caught a kick to the face that put her in the perfect position for a Sharpshooter. Natalya released her as soon as the referee told her Rhonda had tapped.
After all the mixtures of emotions, the women’s elimination chamber was set. Ruby Riott, Nikki Cross, Lacey Evans, Nia Jax, Alicia Fox, and now Natalya would have their chance for gold.
Hunter shook your head after he helped Stephanie back into the limo. “Well done, Y/N. I have no doubts now that this is going to work out perfectly.”
You flexed your hand like it burned as the limo pulled away.
Part 40: Sorta Forgiven 
Series Masterlist 
Forever Tags: @blondekel77 @hallemichelles @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker @savmontreal @southsidebucky @tinyelfperson @zuni21798 
WWE/Series Tags: @a-home-for-stray-stories @kingslayers-queen @top-1-percent @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirl @racheo91 @roman-reigns-princess @secretagentfangirl @thetherianthropydaily @scuzmunkie @likeisaidwhatever @cait-kae @ramsaypants @sony-undead18 @brianaraydean @st4yingstrong @dopeybubbles @crystallizeme @jessica91073 @denise8691 @stalelight @kenyadakblalock @1dluver13xx @lauren-novak @lunatic-desert-child @littledeadrottinghood @livelifewondering 
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smartycvnt · 2 years
in character
pairing: charlotte flair x reader
prompt: "if i ask you to kiss me in front of all these people will you do it?"
If there was one thing you had learned, it was that nobody put in the effort that Charlotte did. She wanted to be the face of the women's division for as long as she could, and she did that she could to stay on top. You had watched most of it from the sidelines, but then your own career started to move forward and you were right there next to her. You learned firsthand the kinds of sacrifices that Charlotte made to be the best, and you hated it.
Image was everything to Charlotte, even more than your relationship at times. Sneaking around was a hassle, one that you were put through more often than not. Charlotte had you constantly jumping through hoops to keep your relationship a secret. Charlotte Flair didn't have friends, so it didn't make sense for the two of you to be seen hanging around each other.
"Y/n?" Charlotte called out as she neared the little hideaway spot that she had told you to meet her at. You hopped down from the crate you'd been sitting on and pulled Charlotte towards you. "Hi."
"Hey." You pressed a kiss to her cheek. Charlotte shook her head a little and pressed a kiss to your lips. You relaxed into it, opening your mouth just enough for her tongue to slip past your lips. Kissing Charlotte was literally your favorite thing in the world. If you had to pick between wrestling and kissing Charlotte, you'd pick Charlotte.
"Char, are you back here?" Bayley asked as she walked towards the two of you. Charlotte jumped away from you as quickly as she could. You clenched your jaw as you turned your back to the two of them. Tonight they'd be debuting as a team of sorts, out to make Liv's run as a champion a little difficult. You'd be the one who would come to Liv's aid when they went out to attack her, pitting you directly against Charlotte in the storyline.
"Hey Bay," Charlotte greeted. Bayley didn't seem to notice you, so you snuck away from Charlotte. They talked out whatever storyline thing they needed to while you went to find Liv. About 20 minutes later, you were waiting for your music to hit so that you could come to Liv's rescue.
Charlotte focused her fury on Liv while Bayley turned to take care of you. You tossed the Role Model out of the ring and pulled Charlotte off of Liv. The two of you had a lot of chemistry in the ring, which the WWE Universe knew already. Getting Charlotte out of there took more effort than Bayley had. The two of you put on a little show, but eventually you came out victorious. Charlotte had done a number on you though.
"You okay?" Liv asked as she came to stand next to you. Charlotte and Bayley were retreating backstage while you and Liv watched. You turned to look at your new ally and nodded.
"I'm fine." Your tone was a little short, but Liv knew it wasn't about her. In the ring, you couldn't let onto Charlotte having hurt your feelings with Bayley. Instead, you just wiped the blood from your mouth on the back of your hand. "Charlotte got me pretty good."
"Let's go," Liv said as she walked you out of the ring. Backstage, there was someone already waiting with a little rag for you to wipe your mouth. Charlotte and Bayley were talking to each other, but Charlotte's attention was immediately drawn to you once you were through the curtains. "Good luck."
"Thanks," you muttered as Charlotte approached you. You took a deep breath and pulled the rag away from your face so that Charlotte could see the damage.
"Shit," Bayley said as she looked at the bloodied cloth. Charlotte sent her a glare, which caused the other woman to shrink back a bit. "Are you okay Y/n?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle," you told her. Charlotte tilted your head down a little and winced as she saw the severity of your busted lip. "Don't bother, I'm fine."
"I really think you should get that checked out," Charlotte said. You brushed her off and moved past her. She let you get a few feet away before chasing after you. "Hey, did I do something wrong? Other than in the ring, which I am sorry about."
"Don't get too close, we can't have anyone thinking you like me," you said harshly. Charlotte sighed, knowing exactly what this was about. "Seriously, we can't ruin the story Flair."
"Don't be like this," Charlotte told you. She stepped into your personal space and looked down at you. "You know damn well that I love you."
"If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?" you asked her. Charlotte clammed up a bit and stepped back. "I didn't think so. You know, I think I'm gonna try to room with Lacey tonight."
"Hey, no!" Charlotte yelled as you started to walk away from her again. You stopped, but only in surprise from the outburst. There were eyes on both of you now, but Charlotte still leaned forward and kissed you. It was exactly what you had wanted, but both of you realized quickly after your hiss of pain that it was a mistake.
"Ouch, shit," you swore as you held your hand up to cover your lip.
"Get your ass to medical so I can kiss you later," Charlotte told you. This time, you listened to her instead of going to the locker room to sulk. A few people were watching you as you walked off, but you didn't pay them any mind. Especially since you got to room with Charlotte like you planned and didn't have to seek out Lacey.
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Girl I live for your Damian Priest hcs. Low key was wondering if you could do a hc or imagine where Damian is the dom/daddy (bc that’s what he is) and him being in control of his littles life and knowing everything about her (needs, wants,when she can’t handle it). Basically ddlg but more. Sorry if it’s too much. I live for dom!Damian priest cause papí can get it.
Aww, thank you 🥺🥰 Oh cool! That’s interesting 😏😘
Just want to point it out (to those who may not be familiar with it) that a Dom/Sub relationship doesn’t have to be only sexual and can extend further to daily life stuff as well (which is the case of this headcannon) I truly admire those who can be submissive in and out of sexual plays, because Lord knows I can’t 😂
@ziasaph , @theworldofotps , @bayley-no-friends , @aerynscrichton , @cazxcx , @alyhull , @sophiewolfheart-blog
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Daddy is so good to you
In fact
He’s so good
That submitting to him never felt like an obligation
Instead, it felt completely natural
He’s so good to you that your body, heart and mind wants to please him instantly
He takes such good care of you and his rules aren’t difficult to follow
Whenever daddy’s home
You’re only allowed to get dressed in his clothes
You must only sit down on his lap
Or in one of the big fluffy cushions, on the floor, by his feet
With your head on his knee so he can play with your hair
You’re allowed to one cheat meal day per month (with him of course)
And one romantic dinner, that can be either at home or at a restaurant
For which, if you choose the ladder, he will pick your outfit and hairstyle
If it’s the first option he will send you out on a spa day while he cooks a full meal for the both of you
You’re not allowed to touch yourself without his permission
Although sometimes he’ll ask you to touch yourself so he can watch
You’re not allowed to go partying without his knowledge
Or over drinking while out (since it could put you on a dangerous situation and he wouldn’t be there to protect you)
And you must be back home before 2 am
If he’s home and you wanna party, then the night is young and you two won’t be back before dawn
He’s the one who cooks you breakfast
You’ll always shower together
He’s always remembering you to take your vitamin pills
Or he’ll give them to you if he’s home
He helps you out with anything regarding your work
Knows everything about your work/family and friends
Has an amazing relationship with your mom
Made you grow as a person in a way
No one ever made you grow and blossom before 🥰
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Just a Friend.
Summary: You and Finn Balor are best friends. What happens when you admit your feelings to him?
Pairing: Finn Balor/ OC. 
Warnings: Some swear words, smut implied.  
A/N: An anon requested for a fic based on the song “Just a Friend To You” by Meghan Trainor. You can listen to the song HERE to get a feel for this story and kind of where the storyline came from. 4390 words. Also, this is my first time writing a fic based on a song. PLEASE let me know what you think!
Tagging: @kaitlynwwefan, @panic-angel3314, @shieldgirl95, @earl-01, @nickie-amore, @blondekel77, @reigns420, @littleprincess1621, @m-a-t-91, @luckygillblog, @finnbalorsbabygirl, @unabashedwwesmut, @blackwidow2721, @wrestlingimaginesposts, @wweburnitdown, @thirstiswet, @princesstoniii, @birthday-prinxess, @princess3733, @princesses-reign-daily, @lip-sync,  @laziestgirlintheworld, @devitts-girl
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People think that being a wrestler is easy. They think that all you do is travel, do shows, eat well, workout, sleep, and that’s it. Either that, or it isn’t even real. A real sport.  But they don’t have a damn clue what it takes to even get here. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears. You could go on and on about some of the scars that you have obtained from being in this field.
Working your ass off lead to where you are today. A WWE wrestler for the longest running TV show in history. Monday Night RAW was the greatest opportunity you have ever been given. But you didn’t get here by yourself.
Previously to WWE, you wrestled in Japan. That is where you trained and became the wrestler you were today. That was also where you met your best friend, Finn Balor.
You’d known Finn before he was the famous Prince Devitt. You watched him grow and he did the same with you. You trained together and pushed each other to the limit. That is where you think you got you ‘badass’ attitude and didn’t really care what people thought. Most of the time.
The two of you traveled together and spent a lot of time together. Time of the road, time in hotel rooms, restaurants, working out, and shows. You could easily say that without Finn Balor, you wouldn’t be the wrestler you are today.
Then the two of you were hired by WWE around the same time and joined NXT and things just improved with you two. Not even thinking it was possible, you spent even more time together. Finn even came up with the idea of you guys getting an apartment together. You spent the time together, why not just live together?
There was just one problem. You were helplessly in love with the man. Living with him only made it worse. The both of you weren’t exactly “relationship” kind of people. Sure, you both had brought people home before, but it never lasted. So what did you do? Make bad decisions. That’s what.
You and Finn had moved on from being best friends to now friends with benefits. The sex was mind blowing. Like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Only thing you hated was though, Finn always went right back to his room or he kicked you out almost immediately. You didn’t particularly like that because you were a cuddler. But, your relationship with Finn wasn’t like that.
It was the weirdest thing. You had feelings for Finn and he had no idea. He went on with his day like any other, like you weren’t sleeping together. Good for him, but part of you wanted to let him know how you felt, but that could jeopardize everything.
So, you kept your mouth shut.
“Why you gotta hug me
Like that every time you see me?
Why you always making me laugh
Swear you're catching feelings”
This week you were traveling on the east coast for live shows, having RAW take place in Philadelphia.  While in catering, you were sitting with the girls and they were all talking about their love lives. Being very open about it. You didn’t realize how dirty these girls were, wow.  
“What about you, Y/N? What’s happening with you?” Sasha asked you.
You just shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t mean to disappoint, but there isn't anything happening with me.”
Bayley glared at you, “You’re lying. C’mon. We’re all being open here. No judgment.”
Just then, Finn walked into the room talking with Gallows and Anderson. He had a huge smile on his face. It was contagious.
“Well, I have been seeing this guy that lives in my building, but it’s nothing more than a few nights together, ya know? I am far too focused on my career to get tangled in a mess like that right now.” You said.
That was a good answer, right?
“Aahhh, get it girl. What about Finn? Does he bring girls home?” Sasha asked, wanting the dirty details.
“Sorry, ladies. You’ll have to ask him that. I don’t have a clue what he does on his free time.” You said, gathering you things and getting up.
“Seriously?! You can’t give us anything? You live with the guy!” Bayley said.
“My lips are sealed.” You said with a smile on your face.
You threw your trash away and made your way to Finn. Give him the warning that people were on to him to see if he’s seeing anyone.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you surprised him. He jumped so high, he just about fell out of his chair. Gallows and  Anderson were laughing pretty hard.
“Geeeez, love. Next time ya try to sneak up on someone, how about a bit of a warnin’?” He asked, repositioning himself.
You took the seat next to him, “Well that just takes the fun out of it.”
Gallows chipped in, “Yeah, can you do that more often? I think Anderson here just about pissed himself laughing so hard.”
Anderson then hit Gallows arm, “I did not. But I do need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.”
The whole table laughed.
“So what’s up?” Finn turned to you and asked.
“Not much. The girls were trying to get some juicy info about you. Luckily for you, I didn’t have anything to tell them. But I just figured you should know, people are asking around.” You said, bumping his arm, laughing.
“Nothing to tell them?! Fergal. Are you not gettin’ any?!” Gallows asked, fairly loudly.
Finn’s eyes got wide and face got beet red, “Keep yer voice down, would ya?! I am, ya don’t need to be worryin’ about that.”
You didn’t say anything, just kept your head down.
Gallows got up and walked over to Finn, “Atta boy. Can’t be getting out of practice now.”
He gave him a ‘Too Sweet’ then walked off.
It was silent at the table for a moment, you were about to speak up when Finn beat you to it, “Well, I’ll see ya around.”
He then got up and got the hell out of there.
See you around? That wasn’t like Finn at all.
You just tried to shake it off and got ready for the show.
It was very difficult, but you managed to drop what Finn said. You were focused on the show for tonight.
Waiting for your entrance music, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your naked stomach. You quickly turned around.
“Finn. What are you doing?” You asked, smiling.
He didn’t say anything and hugged you. It wasn’t just a normal hug though. He held you tight. Your face was in the crease of his neck and you got a good whiff of his cologne and that made you feel weak in the knees. He then let you go, and you struggled to keep your balance at first.  
“Sorry ‘bout earlier. That was kinda weird. Good luck out there.” He whispered in your ear and kissing your cheek.
“Thanks. You too, you know, for your match later.” You said.
“Thanks. Facin’ Braun. Gonna get my arse handed to me, but it’ll be okay.” He said, rubbing his ass, as if it was already hurting.
That made you laugh.
You grabbed his shoulders and laughed, “At least try to get a few good punches and kicks in before then.”
“I’ll try. Just for you. See ya after?” He asked.
Then your music hit. You just nodded and went and did your entrance.
Your match went smoothly and the crowd loved it. That was what you liked about house shows. They were smaller and you could interact with the fans more. A little girl even handed you a picture she drew of the two of you. It was so sweet. Camilla was her name. She was an angel.
Getting ready backstage to go home, you went to find Finn to head to the next town.
Right before you were about to turn the corner, you could hear Finn talking to someone. He was talking to Enzo Amore. You waited a minute, you didn’t want to interrupt their conversation.
“C’mon. Gimme the details. Have ya seen her...all exposed? Slept with her? Living with her must be fun.” Enzo laughed, nudging Finn.
What a pig.
“Uh, no Enzo. None of the above. We’re just friends. And even if there were anythin’ goin’ on, which there isn't, why the hell would I tell ya, of all people, about it? Geez man.” Finn said.
Well. That was new to your ears. Just friends.
You walked away and found another way to get to the rental and just texted Finn that you were there already. You needed to get your emotions out of the way before he got there.
“I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you
'Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it 'cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you”
Finn made his way into the rental and you threw a fake smile at him. He started driving and was acting like that conversation was nothing back there. So it must have not been? You were just some fuck to Finn when he needs it? You really didn’t know if he slept with other girls. You knew that you weren’t. You liked Finn to much to sleep with anyone else. But he, or anyone else for that matter, doesn’t know how you feel.
“How’d yer match go” He asked.
“Uh, it was fine. I won.” You said.
“That’s good! I didn’t. I got my arse handed to me like I knew I would.” He laughed, then he looked at you, hoping you would laugh too.
“How bad are you hurting?” You asked, looking ahead at the road.
“Not too bad, thankfully.” He said.
You sensed that he could feel the tension in the air. It was fairly quiet the rest of the way to the hotel.
Once you made it to the next town, you got out of the car and grabbed your bag and went straight to your room.
You had to share it, so you couldn’t properly let out your emotions. You decided to just take a shower and try to do it then. It was all so overwhelming. You weren’t sure how you were supposed to feel. Being in love with your best friend and have him tell your coworkers that you’re just friends? You had no idea what Finn thought about all of this, but if you brought it up, he would be all weird about it.
Right when you were about to lie down, you had got a text. From Finn. He wanted you to come to his room. Part of you knew what he wanted, but you didn’t want to give in anymore. It was hurting you more than it was helping. So, you texted him back.
-What for?
-Just come over, please.
You sighed and got up. He texted you his room number and you put leggings and a sweatshirt on. Your hair was still wet, but oh well.
Knocking on his door lightly, he opened it to let you in. Luckily there was no one in the hallway to see you.
“Hey.” He said.
You peeked your head into the room to see if anyone else was in there.
“Have it all to myself, no worries. Come in?” He gestured to the room. You walked in.
As soon as the door closed you asked,  “So what did you need?”
“Uh, okay. I just wanted to make sure yer okay. Ya acted kinda weird on the car ride here. I know when somethin’ is upsettin’ ya. So, are ya alright?” He asked.
You weren’t quite sure how to answer him. Do you be honest and put your friendship in danger or make up some excuse? You’d feel pretty shitty if you lied, so you decided to be honest.
“I overheard you talking with Enzo earlier…” You said.
Finn sighed and nodded, “Okay, didn’t know ya were standin’ there.”
“I was trying to find you after the show. Didn’t mean to overhear, but…” You said.
“He was just bein’ a pig, okay. Ignore him. If it upset ya that much, I can talk-”
“It wasn’t what he said that upset me. That is to be expected from Enzo Amore.” You said, cutting him off.
“Alright, so what did upset ya?” He asked, looking confused.
You sighed, “The fact that you said we were just friends.”
“But...we are?” He asked.
“Are we? Don’t take this the wrong way, but normal ‘friends’ don’t sleep together. Normal friends don’t have the unique relationship that we do.” You said.
“Y/N, what are ya tryin’ to say?” Finn asked, still looking very, very confused.  
“I don’t know Finn. This is hard to admit…” You said, sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the ground.
Finn got right in front of you and stood you up. He grabbed your chin, that way you were looking up at him, “You can tell me anytin. You know that.”
You took a deep breath, “Okay, how would you suggest telling your best friend of almost 10 years that you’re in love with them without ruining the relationship you have with them?”
Finn was quiet for a minute thinking, then it looked as if a lightbulb had turned on and he looked at you, “Wait, are ya tellin’ me-”
“Yes.” You said quietly.
Finn didn’t say anything. He just looked at you with his ocean blue eyes. His next move surprised you. He kissed you.
It was a passionate, needy kiss. You opened up your lips and Finn slipped his tongue in. He then pushed you back onto the bed.
It didn’t take long before your clothes were off and you assisted taking his off. Whenever you were with Finn, you could never seem to wait. You knew what you wanted, and he knew you wanted it, so he never hesitated to give it to you.
Tonight was different than most nights, it was...quick. You both seemed to get off pretty easily. But you still felt pretty good about it. He didn’t turn you away.
But Finn made love to you, right there, in his hotel room.
Once you caught your breath, you moved to get up and put your clothes back on and go back to your hotel room.
“Wait.” Finn said, grabbing your arm.
You turned around to look at him.
“Stay.” He said. Opening the spot next to him up for you.
“Really? You never want to do that.” You said, giving him a funny look.
“Tonight is different.” Finn said.
You took him up on his offer though. You stayed the night and cuddled him. That in itself wasn’t what you expected. You didn’t expect him to be so comfortable, since he is all muscle, but damn. You’re not complaining.
You got up earlier than usual so you could be in your hotel room before anyone knew you were missing. You decided not to go to sleep though.  You took a shower and hit the gym and then got some breakfast. You had texted Finn to see if he wanted to join you, but didn’t get a response. He must be asleep.
“When there's other people around
You never wanna kiss me
You tell me it's too late to hang out
Then you say you miss me
And I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart”
Later in the day you had received a text from Finn that he went to the arena early and that you would need to get a ride with someone else.
No big deal, you rode with one of the girls.
The day went by kind of quickly because before you knew it, it was show time. It was Sunday, so the night before RAW. Only one more travel day before you could go home and relax for a few days.
You were standing by the gorilla waiting patiently for your entrance. You were feeling good tonight. There was just one thing missing. Finn hadn’t come over to wish you luck. He did that before every match. Where was he?
Now that you thought about it, you haven’t seen him all day.
You went out and did your match anyway. It didn’t go quite as planned, but that’s okay. The crowd loved it.
Waiting for the show to get over, you got all your things packed and ready to go to the last town of the week. You left the locker room. You had also sent Finn a text asking where he was. No answer.
You found Finn talking with Gallows and Anderson backstage. You got up in their circle, “Hey guys! Finn, I texted you. You ready to go?”
“Actually, the guys and I are goin’ to ride together tonight. Is there someone else ya could ride with?” He asked.
Nia was walking past and heard, “I have an extra seat. You can ride with me if you want. I’m heading to the car now.”  She said with a smile on her face.
“Uh, sure. Thanks, Nia. I am ready.” You said, walking away with her, looking back confused at Finn, who wouldn’t even look at you.
What was his problem?
The car ride with Nia, Alexa, and Mike Rome was fine. You got along with all of them. You just didn’t understand why Finn all of a sudden was riding with the boys? And didn’t bother telling you about it beforehand. And why didn’t he look at you? He was being super weird.
You went to the next hotel and just slept on it. Maybe things will be better tomorrow.
When you woke up the next morning, you had a text that came in way after you fell asleep. It was Finn.
-Missin ya tonite. Xx
What the hell? He couldn’t even look at you when he was around his friends, but can send you this shit in the middle of the night?
You walked down to the hotel lobby area and went to have some breakfast. You saw Finn sitting there with some of his friends, but you decided to ignore him.
“Can I join you guys?” You asked Alexa and Nia with a smile.
They were very welcoming and the conversation never died. It was nice.
Every so often, you glanced over at Finn and caught him staring at you. But at soon as you met eyes, he looked away. You weren’t sure what was going on, but you were going to get to the bottom of it.
You had to get ready and head to some radio and news stations this morning to do some interviews then go straight to the arena for RAW. You were so busy you didn’t even have time to think about your wacky love life.
While you were back in hair and makeup, the last person you wanted to see showed up and sat down next to you.
You sighed, “What do you want, Enzo?”
“How do ya know I want something? Maybe I just came in here to talk to a pretty lady.” He said, eyeing you up and down.
“Get out of my face, Enzo.” You said, starting to get bothered by him. You suddenly remembered the things he said to Finn about you.
“I want to know if you’ll go out with me sometime. I think we’d be great together. You have a great body, by the way.” He said.
“I’m going to give you 5 seconds to get out of my face before I kick your ass.” You said, staring at him. You could not deal with him right now.
He put his hands up in defense, “Okay, fine. Didn’t know you were such a snooty bitch.” He mumbled while walking away.
“Pig!” You yelled after him while he walked away.
Your blood was boiling. Luckily, you were done getting touched up. You thanked them then apologized for what they had to see.
You went to find your locker room so you could get ready. Luckily, you could take your frustration out on whoever you were facing tonight.
As fate would have it though, while you were walking quickly to the locker room, you collided with someone.
“Oops, sorry.” You said, before realizing it was Finn.
You looked at him for a second and felt tears start to swell in your eyes. The other person you didn’t want to see.
He didn’t say anything.
“Pffft.” You managed to get out then continuing on your way.
Once you got to the locker room, you couldn’t help but let out a couple tears. But you made sure to look over the sink so it didn’t mess up the makeup you just got done.
Why was all of this happening right now? It was the worst possible time. Why did you have to open your big mouth and tell Finn you loved him? Just why. You weren’t sure how to deal with all of it.
So, you didn’t.  You got changed, cleaned up your face and went out and did your thing.
Poor Bayley though. She got to feel how frustrated you were tonight.
Once the match was over, Bayley caught up with you, “Damn, Y/N. Those were some hard hits tonight. You okay?”
“Yep. Totally fine. Sorry if I hurt you.” You said, looking at her to see if there were any bruises.
“I’m good, I can take a punch. Just making sure that you’re good.” She said.
You could see Finn in the corner of your eye, “Yeah, I have a lot on my plate, but I’m good. Good match tonight.” Then you walked away.
As you were walking down the hallway, Renee caught you for an interview. You could feel a hole burning in your face the whole time. Finn was staring.
Once the interview was over, you practically ran to the locker room. You couldn’t wait to take all the makeup off so you could let out the emotions running through your body.
Once you were changed out of your ring gear, you just sat on the bench and held your head in your hands.
You decided to ride alone to the hotel and thankfully you had a room to yourself. You flew home in the morning, but you weren’t sure if you could stand being there with Finn.
So, you texted your parents to see if they were doing anything the next couple of days. They said they weren’t, so maybe you could go surprise them.
It probably wasn’t the best idea, to avoid all of this, but you weren’t sure what else to do.
As soon as you woke up in the morning, you went straight to the airport. The sun wasn’t even up yet.
You made it home and thankfully, you beat Finn. You went to your room and began to pack a bag.
About an hour later, you heard the door. You were packed and ready to go, you were just going to wait to see if he went to his room before leaving.
You went into the living room and put your bags down and sat down on there while Finn was in the kitchen making himself some coffee.
“Goin’ somewhere?” He asked you.
“To my parent’s for a couple days.” You said, refusing to look at him.
It stayed quiet for a minute or two.
“Y/N. Will ya just bloody look at me!” Finn said, almost slamming his cup down.
Your eyes got wide and you looked at him. He was now cleaning up the mess he made. You went into the kitchen to help him.
Once everything was cleaned up, you both sat down at the island. You grabbed a cup of coffee.  
“Sorry. What is happenin’ here?” Finn asked.
You were looking down at your cup, “I-I don’t know.”
“Why haven’t ya talked to me the last couple days?” He asked.
“Why haven’t you?” You asked, finally looking up at him.
Finn changed the subject, “So I’ve been doin’ a lot of thinkin’, about what ya said…”
“So you can ignore me in front of our friends some more? Then text me in the middle of the night that you miss me?” You began, you couldn’t help but get frustrated thinking about it.
“Will ya let me finish?”
“Anyway, I was thinkin’ and I think I feel the same way…” He said, very quietly.
Did you hear him correctly?
“About what?” You asked.
“Ya know, ‘bout what ya told me the other night.” Finn said.
You raised your eyebrows, you wanted to hear him say it.
“Y/N. I am in love with ya. I tink I have been for a long time, I just didn’t realize it. It isn’t easy for me to admit my feelings like this. Wrestling has always been my focused then you came along.” He said.
“Then why were you a jerk to me the last couple days?” You asked.
“I don’t know. My head wasn’t on straight. My best friend just told me that they love me and I needed time to process.” Finn said.
“So you process by being an asshole?” You asked, laughing.
“I get defensive, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell Enzo that we were sleepin’ togetha because then everyone would know. So I just said those things to get him off my back.”
You laughed some more, “He tried coming after me the other day. I threatened to kick his ass.”
Finn laughed.
It was silent again, before you decided to speak up.
“So, what is this?” You asked.
“What do ya want it to be?” Finn asked.
You shrugged your shoulders, it was beginning to get awkward.
“How ‘bout this. How ‘bout I take ya on a date. See how that goes? And ya unpack that bag. Yer not goin’ anywhere.” Finn said.
He got up and walked over to you. He picked you up, started kissing you,  and carried you bridal style over to his bedroom and shut the door.
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