#THREADS: Shxdim;;
a-infusedwithamber · 7 years
Leaning against the wall, drink in hand, the heir of Sabertooth frowned, green eyes focused on the princess' erstwhile suitor. "You know, your highness, I could kill him. Make it look like an accident. No one would have to know."
Much as he might have tried to long-out his conversation with the eldest Reynolds brother, it was only natural that he would run out of things to say to keep the rancid man away from his sister. So it was a different, far less vexing individual that he would turn to for some form of solace.
Thankfully, it seemed their trains of thought had been running on the same tracks.
   “ I don't doubt that in the slightest. ”  The heir of Sabertooth wasn't likely to be incompetent, after all. That's why Jas kept Mordred, along with the rest of his guild, close to hand.  “ But I don't think the old man would be best pleased. ”
No, for whatever reason, His Majesty found some kind of value in the Reynolds family name. Well, besides the fact that they were Arcadios' sons...that played a big factor, as well as their abundant wealth, but the family's matriarch and her eldest boy had always left a bitter aftertaste in Jasper’s mouth.
    “ I just wish she'd let her head reign over her heart, for once. She’s an intelligent girl, surely she must know that she can do so much better than him..? ”
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a-crocusblooms · 7 years
💝 from the brother figure yes~
MEME - accepting!!
It had been a few days since she’d heard the news, and she’d finally been able to excuse herself of her duties and visit the friend she held so dear to her heart.
And, of course, his delightful new arrival.
As she held baby June in her arms, she recalled how she had felt when her own little bundles of joy had entered the world, and wondered if the man stood beside her felt the same. He wasn’t nearly as sentimental as her, of course, but she doubted that even Mordred Orland could look upon his own beautiful daughter without warmth in his heart.
He was a father now.
And the thought of her being an aunt was enough to tug the Queen’s lips into a smile even deeper than the one she already wore.
    “ She is absolutely gorgeous, Mordred. ” She paused a moment, watching the infant stir in her ever-so-tender hold. “ It must be Yukino-san’s influence. I can’t see where else she’d get it~. ”
After a few more seconds of being admired by the country’s ruler, Sabertooth’s latest heir was placed carefully into her crib, and the young woman made sure that she was comfy and settled for a good night’s sleep. Her playful dig at his expense aside, Hisui turned to face the man himself, before hauling him into the best bear-hug someone of her stature could muster.
    “ I’m so happy for you, my dear … I can’t wait to see the woman she becomes. ” After a few seconds, she allowed the Saber mage the personal space that he had probably wanted back since their beginning of their embrace, but not before leaving a gentle kiss upon his cheek.  “ The two of you are going to be such wonderful parents. I just know it. ”
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hikitsugu · 7 years
shxdim replied to your post: WHAT IN GODS NAME DOES MORD THINK HES DOING ?!
she invited me~
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a-crocusblooms · 7 years
non-sexual acts of intimacy - accepting!!
She had forgotten how long this had continued, now; she remembered only that this excruciating period of time was now measured in months instead of weeks. Every day, she would wake and attend the court - without her husband, her King, and the support he had always given her - and would then return to ready herself for the day ahead.
It was only after this that she would finally make her way to his room, to wake him in the late morning if he had not already risen from his alcohol-induced slumber.
(He was not a morning person no matter what state he was in, after all.)
She would open the curtains, attempt to clean away the mess he had made throughout the night with whatever limited maidenly skills she had due to his refusal to see anyone else. The reigning Monarch was trying...trying with every ounce of her being to make the passing days just a little easier on him.
She was tired, stressed and burdened with the emotional weight of having to rule the country without him at her side. But...she knew he was suffering when he couldn't even pretend to be okay, when he couldn't even bare to leave his room - or let anyone besides her in. So for now, her own discomforts were put aside in an attempt to rid him of his.
 “ Oh, Mordred... ”
Just as she had on so many days previous to this, the Queen slowly allowed herself to sink down to his level where she found him slumped against the side of his bed, dark eyes looking up at her with a misery she hadn't known to exist before she’d seen him lose so much of himself.
Her voice was gentle as ever as a dainty hand cupped his cheek, and her soft lips brushed affectionately against his forehead. If she harboured even a hint of impatience over his condition, it didn't emerge in her tone or behaviour, not once. Hisui's only interest was weaning him back onto being a functional human being, and the Queen would do anything to ensure her success, even if it meant sacrificing a great deal of her own time and energy in order to do so.
Mordred had chosen to trust her with this uncharacteristically vulnerable state of his, after all. The last thing she wanted was to let him down.
    “ It will all start feeling a little better soon, my dear. I promise. ”
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hikitsugu · 7 years
shxdim replied to your post: ❛  TOMORROW is valentines daaayyy ~ !  ❜
“no one cares.”
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❛ Uh-ooooh SOUNDS like someones BITTER ~  ! ❜ 
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a-crocusblooms · 7 years
❣ in painverse for your husband there~~~
KISS ME(ME) - accepting! @shxdim​. (a sad kiss).
                           “ You may now kiss the bride. ”
Much as the two of them resented this arrangement, they had - in the very least - set out plans to minimise the discomfort of this truly dreaded occasion. Most perceived her to be a woman of a shy, innocent disposition, so it wasn’t as if any of the hundreds of guests would bat an eyelid as her decorative fan moved to conceal the newlyweds’ faces as they drew in close, lips brushing against one another’s. Many would even find it charming, endearing perhaps, that the bashful Princess couldn’t bear to be seen partaking in what was - to her - a truly daring act of intimacy!
It wasn’t entirely untrue, she supposed. But let them believe it, regardless.
For a moment or two they lingered, in part to maintain their act, and in part to delay the inevitability that they would soon have to make face; pretend that they truly were happily and madly in love with one another. She would have to entertain the quips and teases of ladies and maids alike, and Hisui was certain that he, too, would have to cope with the comments from the men attending this truly WONDERFUL occasion. 
Soft green eyes looked up into his, their usual quiet optimism replaced with the woes and worries of their situation. She did love him, really. Just not as a husband. Not like this. 
And it was all her fault, wasn’t it? It had been a decision made to protect her welfare. But what about his?
                       “ I’m sorry. So, so sorry. ”
That quiet whisper was all she could muster before she parted from his personal space, her free hand reaching for his and clutching it tightly - it was emotional support for both their sakes, and looked good for the crowd as they rose from their seats and applauded. 
The Princess, their future Queen, was married! What a joyous occasion!
For everyone but the two parties involved, at least.
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