riddles-n-games · 2 months
So, I wanted to make this as an appreciation post for the fandom. Looking at all the reveals we've gotten in the last few days and seeing how much the world of TIG has expanded so quickly, I've been getting a bit nostalgic.
When I joined this fandom, it was August of 2022, barely a month out from the release date of The Final Gambit, the finale of The Inheritance Games. I found out about TIG at a random bookstore on a road trip and I had immediate interest (the hot tub scene sold me so quick). I was also still somewhat new to Tumblr back then but I wanted to see what the hype was here.
Back then, we were still in the Averyjameson vs Averygrayson era even though I'd say things were cooling down a bit. But, that's not my point. The community was getting ready for this; there were chapter reveals, theories, and oh, it was awesome. I was so happy to be part of it. And some of the people who made it a lively place back then are still here, but unfortunately, some have gone quiet. @averysjameson, @guppyclato, @lesbianator3000, @margolovescoffeeandbooks, and @cherryschaos, thank you for making my days back then. I know you may have moved on, but I thank you for the contribution you made at the time.
The only thing I will not miss is the toxicity that Averyjameson and Averygrayson fans plagued this fandom with and divided us so much. We had a lot back then to still savor, why did we have to do that to sour the tag when this series had so much more to offer than just the romantic subplot? There was a mystery at large and so many other characters to love. We only seemed to agree on hating Emily and the old man. Moving on, let's never do that again and if there is another love triangle, let's try being more mature about it. I know we can. If Gray, Avery, and Jamie moved on, so can we.
When we were told of The Brothers Hawthorne back in October 2022 and given those first chapters for the new book, I was over the moon. We were going to finally see the POVs of two favorites; Grayson and Jameson. I was so excited to see from Jamie's perspective, to get a mystery set in London and for him to solve it with Avery; it was an Averyjameson dream. However, come the actual release of the book and I was honestly so disappointed. I'm not sure why it didn't hit the levels it should have but I already said my piece on that and while I still have some disdain for that story, I look fondly at the parts I did love. And funny enough, I told myself Grayson's story will just have to do only because I was feeling sour over Jameson's plot. But low and behold, I loved it! It was deep, funny, interesting, and held my attention as if I was in TIG all over again and it hit more high notes than Jameson's. I may attribute that to the familial connections we see displayed there but it felt more rewarding and even if JLB still had more for Grayson's development, that didn't mean Jameson had to suffer for it. However, I'm hoping that this story here was a fluke and I'm putting my best foot forward in believing that maybe reading Averyjameson through Avery's POV again in Games Untold will give back that familiar feeling I've been missing for two years. I never said I wouldn't try again.
Now, we've entered a new era and this is a third for me; The Grandest Game and Games Untold. During this period, I met @hathorneheiress, my fanfic bestie, and a lot of my current supporters have been with me since TBH. I thank you very much for sticking with me by liking, reblogging, and commenting on my posts. You make my day in the same way I assume my content makes yours. I haven't said that enough and I don't think it will ever be. I'm happy that we're all still here now and going into this new unknown with our theories, headcanons, new characters, and plots. I'm sure it will be a blast. Thank you for giving me that feeling again these last few days; it felt like being with Avery and the gang, running through the House, finding another clue, waiting in anticipation what it reveals.
I hope that this next series is everything we hope for it to be, a new start for Gray, a chance to bond with the new characters we met in The Brothers Hawthorne, and an opportunity to make it feel like the hay days of the first book. I hope that Games Untold lets us relish that feeling with the original cast, to relive the good old days, to meet up with some old friends we haven't seen in a while, and to have that final hurrah that leaves us on the highest of highs in the best way possible. Maybe it'll make it easier to say goodbye to the ways it used to be and embrace the new storytellers but of course, with the way JLB leaves us hanging with every story she gives, who is to say that'll be it?
Thank you to everyone who makes theories, headcanons, fanfics, fanart, and so many other things that leave us wanting more. Thank you to everyone who showers that content with support in the form of likes, comments, and reblogs. Thank you to everyone who has been here from the beginning, in the middle, and now. You all made this a special place. Thank you to everyone who made this community that way and continue to do so every day. I'm happy to be a small part of that. See you in the next post.
-Mystery Girl's Red String
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floripire · 5 months
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
thematic headcanons // @viikingwitch
it's not so much a secret she keeps but she does know that the world is so much larger than people know. emma tig knows it. dorian williams knows it. doctor saltzman knows it too.
floribeth pieced it all together with wade by her side. she'll divulge the information, but you have to ask for it. and you have to know what you're asking for.
once you know this, you can't unknow this. you'll carry the knowledge forever that there is more out there than mystic falls and new orleans and the salvatore school and malivore.
malivore is a part of the dark dimension, which in itself houses a bunch of supernatural creatures. most - if not all - of those creatures have some link or connection to the night world, an underground society consisting of night people: vampires, werewolves, witches and shapeshifters.
the night world has it's own laws and is governed by a joint council: the inner circle governs the witches and the elders govern the vampires.
(it even had it's own wars.)
it is decreed by the joint council, for instance, that blood-feasts are illegal and forbidden. none of this stops the night people from hosting such events or attending them. blood-feasts are held in black iris clubs - nightclubs and bars for any and all supernaturals - all across america. prominent black iris clubs are the ones in pennsylvania and san francisco. humans aren't allowed (except if they are the ones that will be taken to bed or exsanguinated) and one must be over eighteen - or at least look to be over eighteen - to enter.
there are several other groups active in the night world right now: - the lancers; elite vampire hunters that are stationed on the east coast. their hq is found in boston, massachusetts and they work together with triad industries. - jez redfern's gang; a gang of teenage vampires consisting of morgead blackthorn, thistle galena, raven mandril and valerian stillman. they are all stationed in san francisco. morgead blackthorn might have founded the gang but jez is leading it now. - circle midnight; one of the two official nationwide witch circles which is open to all witches. those who hold with circle midnight lean towards malevolent magic and are not the biggest fans of humans. - circle twilight; one of the two official nationwide witch circles which is open to all witches. those who hold with circle twilight lean towards benevolent magic, hold respect for life but merely tolerate humans. they will attack if provoked. - circle daybreak; a special kind of witch circle, in the sense that it welcomes everyone with open arms from fellow witches to vampires to werewolves to shapeshifters to humans. their goal is to make sure the night world and the human world live in harmony. or as close to it as they can manage. members of this circle are known as 'daybreakers' and floribeth is currently working on officially joining this circle (as she's already been working with them for quite some time now). - keller's team; an elite fighting team consisting of raksha keller, a shapeshifter; winfrith arlin, a witch and nyssa johnson, a vampire. they are considered to be circle daybreak's top operatives and are often out in the field.
due to being related to the harman family through her mother, floribeth has always been drawn to harmony, a town in virginia, coincidentally near mystic falls and grove hill which is filled to the brim with supernatural creatures and it is there that floribeth settles down eventually.
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petrosolgas · 1 year
Grupo Imetame está com mais de 50 vagas onshore e offshore para Soldador, Caldeireiro, Fiscal dragagem, Eletricista e mais
O Grupo Imetame, atuante no setor de engenharia e construção, está oferecendo diversas oportunidades de emprego por meio de um amplo processo seletivo. As vagas são destinadas a profissionais de todos os níveis de ensino e estão disponíveis tanto para trabalho em terra (onshore) quanto para trabalho em mar (offshore), nas cidades de Aracruz, no Espírito Santo, e Macaé, no Rio de Janeiro.
Ao todo, são oferecidas 50 vagas offshore e onshore para cargos como caldeireiro, soldador, eletricista, fiscal de dragagem, entre outros. Visando promover a inclusão no mercado de trabalho, a empresa também está em busca de candidatos com deficiência (PcD).
Cargos ofertados pelo Grupo Imetame
Confira algumas vagas offshore e onshore disponíveis no Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro:
Porto Aracruz
Mecânico Diesel;
Técnico de segurança do trabalho;
Assistente de produção;
Encarregado de terraplanagem;
Operador de escavadeira;
Supervisor de manutenção;
Fiscal de dragagem.
Vagas offshore na Imetame
Soldador TIG/MIG/ER;
Caldeireiro escalador;
Técnico de acompanhamento e controle;
Supervisor escalador;
Delineador de pintura;
Mecânico operador de hidrojato;
Supervisor escalador;
Delineador de caldeiraria.
Outras oportunidades na Imetame
Veja abaixo os pré-requisitos das vagas offshore e onshore oferecidas:
Supervisor de manutenção
Necessário ter experiência em máquinas ou guindastes linha amarela, disponibilidade para trabalhar no turno da noite, CNH Classe B, disponibilidade para ficar em Aracruz HQ ou Aracruz Orla.
Técnico de segurança do trabalho
Necessário possuir formação em técnica em segurança do trabalho, experiência na função, CREA ativo, CNH categoria B, disponibilidade para trabalhar no turno noturno, residir em Aracruz Sede ou Aracruz Orla.
Necessário possuir experiência profissional, morar em Aracruz Sede ou Aracruz Orla, possibilidade de trabalhar no turno da noite.
Operador de escavadeira
Necessário possuir experiência na função, CNH categoria D, certificado atualizado, residir em Aracruz Sede ou Aracruz Orla, ter disponibilidade para trabalhar no turno noturno.
Motorista de caminhão
Necessário ter experiência profissional, CNH classe D, idealmente morar em Aracruz Sede ou Aracruz Orla, possibilidade de trabalhar no turno da noite.
Operador de guindaste
Necessário ter experiência profissional, CNH classe D, curso de operador de guindaste, curso de direção defensiva atualizado, idealmente morar em Aracruz Sede ou Aracruz Orla, possibilidade de trabalhar no turno da noite.
Encarregado de transporte
Necessário possuir experiência comprovada na função, CNH categoria D, disponibilidade para trabalhar no turno noturno.
Necessário possuir disponibilidade para trabalhar no turno noturno, experiência na função, residir em Aracruz Sede ou Aracruz Orla.
Assistente de produção
Necessário ter disponibilidade para trabalhar no turno noturno, residir em Aracruz Sede ou Aracruz Orla.
Encarregado de terraplanagem (transporte)
Necessário experiência comprovada na função, CNH categoria B, residir em Aracruz – ES.
Saiba como participar do processo seletivo da Imetame
Para se candidatar às vagas onshore e offshore disponíveis na imetame, os interessados devem acessar a plataforma de recrutamento da empresa e verificar todas as informações referentes ao cargo desejado. É essencial que os candidatos leiam atentamente os requisitos exigidos pela empresa antes de finalizar a candidatura.
Após confirmar que atende a todos os critérios exigidos, é necessário cadastrar o currículo no site da empresa, formalizando a participação no processo seletivo.
Benefícios oferecidos pelo Grupo Imetame
Visando proporcionar um ambiente de trabalho saudável e recompensador a Imetame oferece diversos benefícios, dentre os principais disponíveis destacam-se:
Plano de saúde e odontológico;
Seguro de vida;
Programa de treinamentos e desenvolvimento profissional;
Ambiente de trabalho seguro e moderno;
Oportunidades de crescimento na carreira.
A Imetame valoriza a qualidade de vida de seus colaboradores, promovendo ações e programas de bem-estar e saúde, como ginástica laboral, campanhas de vacinação e palestras sobre saúde mental.
O post Grupo Imetame está com mais de 50 vagas onshore e offshore para Soldador, Caldeireiro, Fiscal dragagem, Eletricista e mais apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
0 notes
robotnik-mun · 3 years
More Robotropolis Notes
Predictably I decided to take another crack at a ‘Free-For-All’ Sonic setting. Even more predictably, I focused on Robotnik crap. 
Enjoy some rambling, incoherent worldbuilding that’ll never go anywhere, folks!
Justice in Robotropolis begins and ends with the VEG’s- the Vassalization Engineering Gulags. The VEGs are the prison-fortresses of Robotropolis- massive installations where prisoners of war and criminals are sent to in order to be processed and either subjected to Roboticization or a slow, lingering death as a bio-battery. VEGs are enormous, multilayered complexes bristling with external weaponry and housing near endless numbers of robotic troops, and are dispersed all over the territories of Robotropolis. VEGs are strategically placed across the internal borders of Robotropolis, with a single VEG taking processing the prisoners of several surrounding territories and often acting as a nexus point between Zones.  The reason for this is due to Robotnik’s paranoia about the potential capture and reverse engineering of Roboticization technology- as such there are relatively few VEGs in proportion to Robotropolis’ organic population and geographic size, but each one is responsible for the Roboticization of thousands each year.
While Roboticization is the primary fate of anyone unfortunate enough to be shipped off to the VEG, there is another, arguably even more horrific fate- namely that of being converted into a bio-battery powering the very machinery that enslaves Mobius’ peoples. A refinement of the technologies designed for Badniks, to become a Bio-Battery is to be slowly killed over a course of many months or even two years, depending on the health of the subject. Subjects are placed within the life draining ‘pods’ of the batteries, wherein they are gradually drained of their life force until nothing remains but a decayed husk. The pod clusters are located in reinforced sub-basements, and due to their resemblance to grapes on a vine, some individuals with knowledge of their existence have morbidly compared them to vineyards.
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Some VEGs, besides serving as Roboticization and Bio-Battery processing plants, also fulfill a secondary role of carrying out scientific research and development. One such ‘Science’ VEG is located within Robotropolis-occupied Trailius, where it serves as the HQ for the local Legion chapter and is administrated by Legion Prefect Maw the Thylacine. It is the only VEG to be entrusted to one of Robotnik’s organic agents, as the rest are exclusively staffed by robots.  
VEGs are not individually named, but are instead referred to by number, in order of construction- VEG-1, VEG-2, etc. The largest and most infamous of the VEG’s is the prototype facility first created by Robotnik, and designated as VEG-0.
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VEG-0 was created by converting a massive volcano springing from the ocean, using its magma core as a thermal power plant for the entire facility. VEG-0 upon completion was set to immediate work, and by the present has been responsible for Roboticizing millions. It serves as the face of Roboticization, even as the task of creating Robian slaves was delegated to other VEGs. The subsequent VEG models were created smaller than the original and incorporated Bio-Battery technology to make them independent from Robotropolis’ main power grid, but even so, VEG-0 remains an ominous and terrible symbol of Robotropolis’ might in the eyes of its citizens and the world itself.
Prisoners at VEGs are not kept in cells, but rather in suspended animation within special capsules before being unloaded for Roboticization or Bio-Battery integration.
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These capsules are essentially miniaturized, self-contained Bio-Batteries unto themselves, using the life force of the individuals imprisoned in order to be powered. While nowhere near as lethal as the Bio-Batteries proper, the capsules none the less are painful to be trapped in… which suits Robotnik just fine.
The Robotropolis Legion
The Robotropolis Legion (disparaged by many as ‘The Dark Legion’) wears many hats- it is at once the civilian government, law enforcement, and civil defense corp of Robotropolis, at least on paper. The easiest way to advance in Robotropolis’ society without being a scientist is to join the Legion, and the Legion eagerly takes all comers- collaborators seeking to be spared Roboticization, lunatics eager for someone heart, the destitute and desperate seeking ANYTHING in life… and rarely, even a few true believers of Robotnik’s foul vision join the Legion. All who join the Legion are granted cybernetic enhancements and military grade training before being deployed, either to the streets of Robotropolis’ Habitation Zones or to further Robotnik’s influence overseas. Many have come to know the image of the Legion Trooper- clad in red armor and in face concealing helmets abstractly resembling skulls, the troopers serve as constant reminders of Robotnik’s control over the denizens of Robotropolis and the promise of power to those who would willingly submit to his rule.
The Legion is surprisingly loose in its organization, compared to other military organizations and in contrast to Robotnik’s own demands for absolute order. The Legion is divided up into Chapters based around the location in which they operate, which depending on circumstance can be individual communities or general areas. Each chapter is headed over by a Prefect, who is in turn served by a commander, and oversees the various units of Troopers under their command. Beyond that though, each Chapter is essentially run as the Prefect in charge sees fit. So long as order is kept and Robotnik’s quotas are filled, Robotnik doesn’t care what his subordinates do as long as it doesn’t interfere with the efficiency of his empire.
In the early days of Robotropolis, this wasn’t the case- the Legion’s authority was more centralized, and there existed greater co-operation and synergy between the Legion chapters, with all Legions being under the direct command of The Grand Marshal of the Legion, whom also was an active participant in Robotropolis’ government. The first and only such Grand Marshall was one Conrad Targo, an Overlander general who betrayed his government to serve Robotnik. Targo was instrumental in the Legion’s formation and implementation within Robotropolis’ territories, particularly with Robotropolis main robotic armies occupied elsewhere, allowing the Legion to pick up the policing that would otherwise distract the machine armies from their primary function of conquest. This, in effect, made Targo the head of domestic defense and Robotnik’s effective third in command.
After an accident seemingly killed Robotnik and his second-in-command Snively, Targo briefly assumed control over Robotropolis. During this brief time, Targo instituted a draft for service into the Legion, intending to expand the cybernetic army. His reign however proved brief- sensing the weakness brought on by his transition of power, the Kingdom of Acocrn hoped to take advantage of the brief instability to decapitate Robotropolis’ leadership and thus weaken the foul city enough so that they might reclaim their homeland. A special, covert strike force was assembled and deployed into Robotropolis to assassinate Targo and to cause general mayhem within the Inner Empire in the hopes of causing widespread chaos across Robotropolis. Led by Colonel Tig Stripe, the squadron came close to its goals… only for Robotnik and Snively to re-emerge, unharmed and ready to reassume command of Robotropolis.
The assassins where subsequently destroyed, and a near-dead Targo was kept alive by artificial means. Julian had long been suspicious of Targo’s loyalties and ambitions, as well as his control over the Legion. His ‘death’ had been a ploy from the start to set Targo up so that he could fall, and to make his enemies on the global stage reveal their hands in this supposed moment of weakness for Robotnik’s Empire. In the aftermath of this incident, Robotnik eliminated the position of Grand Marshall and re-structured the Legion to grant each chapter greater independence from the other and more decentralized leadership in order to make them less able to organize against him. Finally, Robotnik roboticized Targo and then further modified him into a new breed of command class robot to oversee his SWATBot armies. Thus was Conrad Targo, Grand Marhsall of Robotropolis, reborn as Supreme Commander Brutus.
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Since that time, the Legion has maintained its role as the effective state police of Robotropolis and the closest thing it has to a ‘civilian’ government. Members are afforded greater freedoms than non-members as well as better access to things like food, water and high end medical technology, for both themselves and their families. Robotnik maintains the relative inefficiency of the Legion because it keeps them divided and thus unable to organize towards overthrowing him, while providing additional targets for local resistance groups as well as a means of recruiting people into his service. Given that the robot armies of Robotropolis vastly outnumbers the so-called ‘Legion’, Robotnik is more than willing to put up the Legion’s presence… for the moment, anyway.
Technically, there are two Legions- the Home Legion, which policies the habitation zones of Robotropolis, and the Away Legion. The Away Legion is effectively a secretive terrorist army for Robotropolis, a series of subversive cells that seek to chip away at nations until they are vulnerable to invasion by Robotnik’s machine armies. The Away Legions are even more individualized than the Home Legions, and this creates a degree of friction between the two branches.
All of which proceeds as intended by Robotnik.
With the absolute loyalty of his robots to pick up the slack, he can afford distractions from his more flawed subordinates. Sooner or later, EVERYTHING will be machinery anyway.  
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vagmen · 4 years
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When @volks.ash lands in the TIG it’s only rite he gets the best parking spot 🛬 #vagmen #vagmengroup #vw #golf #gti #vwlove  #vwcaddy #vwtiguan #stance #static #slammed #bmw #audi #mk4 #caddy #mk6 #mk5  #vwlife #mk3 #mk2 #volks #vwporn #vwbus #mk7 #mk1 #passat #vwgolf #polo #vr6 #vwtransporter www.vagmen.co.uk www.performancevw.co.uk Www.vagmen.com www.alldubs.co.uk (at Vagmen hq) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8jKotH_GQ/?igshid=12887i6b3s4sn
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sassydefendorflower · 5 years
Whumptober Day 17: “Stay With Me”
Hiya! ^^ This is Part 2 of yesterdays’ prompt!  I wanted to thank you guys for all the love you send my way!  Disclaimer: This is not medical accurate at all and my Girlfriend wants you to know that!
Fandom: DC, Batman
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Bat-Family
Warnings: Major Character Injury, Medical Inaccuracies
Part 1
(Read On AO3)
It was the middle of a normal Saturday night patrol when Batman’s comm unit clicked with an incoming message from Penny-One:
“Batman, there is an emergency at the HQ. Nightwing is down. Status: Critical. The Doctor has already been called but your assistance is needed”
The tone that signaled the end of the message left Batman breathless. Nightwing wasn’t out with them tonight due to joint pain that had grated him the entire day. How had his son gone from hurting joints to almost dying?
Alfred’s voice might have sounded level and calm but Bruce had spend his life with the man and knew when Alfred was only moments away from panic. 
After the first second he took to comprehend the message, Batman put everything into motion. He grappled back to his car on the fastest route possible and informed the rest of the kids that he was heading back in.
He didn’t tell them the reason why, only alluding to Alfred requesting his presence. Someone needed to watch over Gotham while he watched over his son. And all of his kids worked better if they weren’t worrying over one of their own. 
Even though he knew it was the right choice, it still hurt to hide the truth form them. But he was Batman and Batman would always do what was necessary. 
He made it back to the Batcave in record time, only shedding the most impractical parts of his costume. And still, he was Bruce Wayne when he left the Cave only to meet Dr. Leslie on the stairs to the upper floor. She send a curt nod in his direction before hurrying along. Two paramedics were close behind her with a stretcher between them.  
Bruce was quick to follow her. 
The scene that greeted him when they reached Dick’s room would haunt him forever: Alfred kneeling over a convulsing Dick, making sure the boy didn’t hurt himself any worse, the roaming, unseeing eyes of his son, stopping on Bruce’s face only to wander again without recognition, the pained whine that escaped Dick’s clenched yaw, the stench of functions lost.
His son was dying in front of his eyes and Bruce could do nothing about it.
That was until Leslie motioned for him to come closer, to take over from Alfred in restraining Dick. It was a smart move on her part, making sure someone who could handle the uncontrolled power of a Bat was the one keeping Nightwing in place. But that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Up close Bruce could see the tear marks on Dick’s cheeks, the blood in the corner of his mouth, where he bit his lip, the sweat plastering his hair across his forehead. It was harder than anticipated, keeping him down. His muscles didn’t care about the limits of the human body. His muscles only cared about creating pain.
When Leslie started to take his vitals, Bruce eased up, if only a little. They were bad, but they weren’t hopeless. 
The paramedics readied the stretcher and when they got closer, Bruce backed off to let them do their job. Some part hoped that they wouldn’t look too closely, that they wouldn’t see Bruce Wayne wearing half of the Batsuit, but the larger part of him was focused on his son’s eyes slowly fluttering closed.
Even without the medical training he possessed, he would have known that that was probably a bad sign.
But before anything else could happen, they started moving down the hallway towards the elevator Alfred had insisted on installing (”I am not as young as I once was, Master Bruce, and you aren’t getting any younger either”). He was more than grateful for it now. Still, he used the stairs to get to the ground floor, fully aware that there wasn’t enough room for him in the tight space with his son.
Alfred was only steps behind Bruce when they heard “We’re losing him! Ready the defibrillator!” and saw one of the paramedics rush past them out of the foyer to the ambulance.
It took only a few strides to come next to his son, to hold the still hand, while running with Dr. Leslie and the other EMT.
His voice shook only slightly, when he uttered words of encouragement:
“Dick, you gotta fight, okay? You gotta stay strong. For me. For Damian. For us.”
They reached the ambulance. With one swift motion the stretcher was behind the doors of the emergency vehicle. The second paramedic went in after his son. When Bruce motioned to do the same, a hand stopped him. A hand belonging to Dr. Leslie:
“No, Bruce. If you go in there, you will only be in the way of the professionals. Let us do our work. As soon as we stabilize him, you’re allowed back inside. Okay?”
He could only nod. And who would blame him? Even while everything inside him screamed to tear that door open, to hold his son’s hand, to plead with him to stay alive, he knew that staying outside was the only logical option.
So he did. He stood next to Alfred whose eyes shone bright with unshed tears and waited for a verdict on his son’s life. 
“Yes, Alfred”
“Have you informed the others?”
“I was hoping you would do that once I was on the way to the hospital with… Dick”
“Yes, of course, sir”
They fell silent again. A stifling silence that made it harder and harder to breath with each second the door in front of them wouldn’t move. Each time they heard muffled yelling inside the ambulance and couldn’t do anything. With each time…
The door finally opened and out came Dr. Leslie. She looked worse for wear but a relieved glint shone in her eyes. 
“Bruce? Alfred? We could stabilize him for now, but we need to do some intensive testing on his blood work as soon as we reach the hospital. He isn’t out of the woods yet. We have no clue why or what is happening.”
Her words hurt and healed at the same time. His son hadn’t died while Bruce was uselessly standing outside but he hadn’t survived just yet either. 
This time when Bruce neared the ambulance doors Leslie moved out of the way. It was tiny inside and in the center of the back portion of the vehicle was his son with an IV connected to his arm, a oxygen mask on his face, and burn marks on his chest. The paramedic pushed him onto a seat in a corner next to the stretcher and already they were moving.
Bruce was pretty sure Leslie and the paramedics were talking but he couldn’t understand a word. His whole focus was directed on the still form of his son. On murmuring “Stay with me! Stay with me! Stay with me!” over and over again. 
The arrival and what came after was a blur.  
But suddenly he was sitting in the waiting room of the ICU still in half a Batman costume. It was then that Alfred appeared by his side with a duffel bag in his hands.
“You might need this, Sir. A more appropriate set of clothes for the confines of a hospital”
“I can’t-”
His eyes strayed to the door that held his son’s future. For the second time this night, his sons life was in the hands of others. 
“I will wait here, Master Bruce. And I shall inform you as soon as any news reaches me”
“The kids?”
“Are informed as well. Master Tim and Miss Cass are changing at home before driving here. Master Jason and Master Damian decided to take the car directly and should arrive shortly. I will make sure that they won’t disturb any fellow residents.”
With that Bruce vanished into one of the bathroom stalls only to return minuted later in slacks and a sweatshirt. The Batsuit was folded neatly in the duffel bag Alfred had provided. 
Two of his sons had made their way to the waiting room in front of the ICU. Both Damian and Jason looked disgruntled, their cloths wrinkled and out of fashion as they wore the emergency clothing stored in most of their cars. 
Bruce was too tired to deal with his sons, too tired to explain them his reasoning, too tired to avert one crisis while another hang over their heads. But both Jason and Damian surprised him. Their eyes were angry but they didn’t say anything. 
Alfred must have had a word with them. Or they suddenly developed common sense. Probably Alfred.
With a sigh Bruce sat between them, taking up his earlier position of staring at the door. It was Damian’s tiny voice that broke through to him:
“Is Richard going to be alright?”
“I don’t know, kiddo, I don’t know”
And suddenly Bruce was reminded that Damian was only twelve, that Dick had basically raised the kid long before Bruce started to, and Bruce did something he did far too rarely: He pulled his son into a hug.
He could feel Jason staring and once again he wished their story had gone differently, once again he wished he could pull Jason into this hug as well. But before he could do anything he might regret, a doctor left the ICU and came towards them:
“Family of Richard Grayson?”
“Hn… Yes. I am his father, these are his siblings and the… their grandfather”
Introducing Alfred as the family butler felt wrong, so he didn’t. But he did refrain from looking at Alfred’s face to see the reaction. Whatever it was, it was not Bruce’s place to know.
“Can you follow me somewhere more private or…?”
The doctor was young, not from Gotham, and certainly not familiar with Bruce Wayne. It was refreshing.
“No, my family can hear everything as well”
He could see her hesitating before straightening up. Bruce needed her to tell all of them. Whatever news were to leave her mouth, Bruce couldn’t bear them alone.
“If you say so. We had to revive Richard once more since his arrival in the ER, but after his vitals stabilized, we were able to get some blood work done. The information we’d gotten from Dr. Thompkins told us that Richard had taken a low dosage of paracetamol half an hour before being found seizing and going into cardiac arrest. The blood work told us that he had been ingested a slow acting but strong paralytic earlier that day that - in combination with the paracetamol - created a severe allergic reaction.”
That was a lot to take in. Bruce tried to swallow but his throat had gone dry. Where had the paralytic come from? The doctor was looking at him and with a slight nod he motioned for her to continue:
“We have since then done everything to stabilize him further, but the special composition of the paralytic and it’s reaction to the pain medicament makes it impossible to safely ingest further medicine. We started an IV with a saline solution to flush his body and we try to counteract the effects of the drugs, but it is up to him if he survives the night and the following day.”
So, Richard wasn’t out of the woods yet. Wouldn’t be it for another 24 hours. This was what hell felt like. 
“Can we see him now?”
“One at a time”
Bruce looked at his sons and they looked at him. It was Jason who spoke first. And his words surprised Bruce:
“You can go in first, old man. We wait out here for the others. Make sure you tell him that the rest of us are here too.”
Damian, still pressed against him, nodded. 
“Yes, Father. You can see Richard first. I have to make myself presentable before I can step in front of him.”
Bruce knew he didn’t have to tell his son that Dick wouldn’t be awake when he visited him. He knew that Damian was asking for some time to compose himself. He could give him that. He could do that much when he had failed him so often.
When his eyes wandered to Alfred, the old man had already started to stand up and head to the coffee machine in the corner of the room:
“Don’t keep Master Dick waiting any longer.”
And Bruce didn’t. He went with the doctor, who looked at him for a long time before saying:
“You’re that billionaire, aren’t you?”
“Hm… I didn’t want to say it in front of the kids, but the paracetamol is probably the only reason your son is still alive. The paralytic would have killed him in his sleep without anyone noticing. Now, he has at least a chance”
When he didn’t answer, she opened the door in front of him to the secluded room his boy was lying in. 
There were so many machines. One to measure his blood pressure and pulse, one for the oxygen levels in his blood, one to... Everything was somehow connected to something else. It was a truly scary sight. Especially with Dick pale and drawn between them. His eyes were sunken in their sockets, bruising underneath them that spoke of restless sleep and pain. 
His son looked sick. Unbelievably sick. 
He had a chance now. That was what she had said. A chance. Looking at his son lying still in the ICU reminded him more of her other words, of those spoken in the waiting room area. When she told them that Dick could die anytime in the next 24 hours. Bruce hadn’t wanted to believe her but now he could see it. His son was hanging on only by the barest of threats. 
Bruce tried to swallow back his dread. It wasn't really working. No father should ever be in this situation and he had way too often. But no matter which of his children suffered, it hurt every time. And it never got any easier. But suffering wasn't supposed to get easier. And sitting by the bedside of a dying child was prone to be one of the highest forms of suffering.
It costed him all his might to take Dick’s limp hand into his own. It was cold and clammy. Nothing at all like the warm hand of the acrobat Dick was when he was awake. Nothing at all full of life. It scared him.
Their family sat outside, Tim and Cass had probably arrived at this point. Bruce wouldn’t be surprised to see Steph and Barbara out there too. All of them were gathered in a hospital waiting room by their love and concern for Dick. The Justice League had probably been called by now. All over the world heroes would be notified that one of their own, that Nightwing, had fallen. All over the world heroes would include Nightwing in their prayers and thoughts. 
But Bruce was the only one holding Dick’s hand in this moment. Bruce was the only one in this tiny hospital room with his son.
Bruce was the one whispering, pleading in a coarse voice with the still form of his child:
“Stay with me! Please, stay with me. I need you. They need you.
Stay with me.”
Bruce was the one holding on to hope. Bruce was the one crying tears of desperation, having these tears fall onto the pale skin of Dick's hand.
Bruce was the one caressing his son's cheeks, telling him that everything would be alright. Because what else had be left?
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charmingoutlaws · 5 years
Burn It Down: Pt. 2
Summary:  The Other Guy sequel.  The reader is struggling with the circumstances of Opie’s death, but the Sons tiptoeing around her and treating her like she’s constantly on the verge of breaking down isn’t helping.  When her anger threatens to overwhelm her, she turns to Tig Trager in the hope that he’ll be able to give her the release that she needs.
Pairing: Tig Trager x Reader
Warnings: Language, violence
Check out my bio for a link to my Masterlist!
‘Alright, you sure you wanna do this?’  You could see the concern in Tig’s eyes under the glow of the streetlights, but you nodded all the same.
‘I have to.’
Fear had formed an iron cage around your chest, tightening with each passing second so that it felt like you had to fight for every breath, but beyond that was the deep-seated satisfaction that you were finally doing something, taking action against Opie’s killers.
Before you loomed a big, brick building, with dark blinds blacking out the windows and just a couple of nondescript saloon cars parked out front.  It didn’t look like much, but Tig had assured you that this was The Collective’s HQ, the same place that Opie and Jax had launched the attack that Aaron had escaped unscathed, before they’d tracked him to the safe house where he finally met his end.  From your understanding that meant that most of the decisions regarding the organisation's activity on the west coast was made within those walls, if not on an even larger scale.  You weren’t stupid enough to think that taking this place down would take down The Collective - they operated on far too large a scale for that - but it would undoubtedly hurt them, and that’s what you wanted.  You needed them to feel even a fraction of your pain.
‘Alright then.’  Tig’s kutte was covered by an oversized, black hoody, and he pulled the hood up now so that his face was cast into shadow.  This couldn’t come back on the club and you both knew it.  ‘You know what you’re doing?’
‘Just like you told me.  Set the charges, get the hell out, right?’  Explosives had been Opie’s thing, but Tig knew enough to get by, and he’d sourced what you needed from a supplier outside of town using a false name.  It should have scared you, how proficient he was at subterfuge but, after so long running with the MC, you barely blinked an eye at his underhanded methods.  
‘And I tell you to run, you run, you hear me?  You don’t stop, no matter what happens.  If shit goes south, I want you to get yourself as far away from here as possible.’
‘I promise.’
You didn’t think that anybody else in the world would take this kind of risk for you.  You didn’t think that anybody else would understand why this was so important to you, but Tig did.  In fact, you would put money on the other Sons berating him for letting you be so reckless if they knew.  But they didn’t.  This was between the two of you and it was time.
Calloused fingers brushed over the back of your neck as Tig pulled you close, pressing an urgent kiss to your forehead, murmuring, ‘Let’s go!’ against your skin before pushing you away.  And then you were moving, crouching low as you darted along the alley that bordered one side of the building.  When you spotted the fire exit up above you, Tig dropped to his knees, cupping his hands to give you a leg up and you sprung into the air, hands groping for the top of the fence, grip nearly slipping as you clutched at the wire.  Hauling your body up and over, Tig followed close behind, not needing a boost with the extra height he had on you, and, when his feet hit the ground with a muffled thud on the other side, you were off again.
Footsteps sounded, hurried and heavy, approaching from behind, and Tig span, pulling you out of the way as he raised his gun.  The silencer was already in place and the guard dropped before he’d even picked out your position.  The rubber soles of your boots were quiet against the metal stairs as you climbed, and, as Tig had thought, the fire door was propped open, just a couple of centimetres.  It’s how Jax and Ope had gained access before, and it seemed that they hadn’t learned their lesson.  Guard likes to slip out for a smoke, Tig had told you, and that same guard was taken down with swift efficiency.
‘You good?’ Tig’s whisper cut through the silence.
‘I’m good.’
You split off, turning left at the end of the corridor, while he turned right, the backpack on your shoulders weighing heavier with every step.
Finally you reached your location, a long bank of offices that stretched the width of the building, and you entered the first one, staring wildly round as the shadows played tricks on you.  You were alone.  Your hands shook as you prepared the charge, following Tig’s instructions to the letter, afraid that a mistake would mean that your revenge would cost you far more than you wanted to pay.  But then it was done, and you inspected your work with a critical eye, before backing quietly out of the room and moving on to the next.
You’d lost all sense of time when you retraced your steps, finding the main stairwell that you’d passed by and taking the stairs two at a time, rushing now that your job was done.  The floor below was marked by two more bodies slumped against each other, blood seeping from the bullet wounds in their chests and staining the carpet red.
Down another floor and your heart faltered when you heard movement behind you, but, when you span, it was only Tig standing there, his eyes ablaze with adrenaline as he reached for your hand.  ‘Done?’
‘Yeah,’ you nodded, suddenly breathless at the realisation of what you’d achieved.  
‘Let’s get the hell out of here then, baby.  C’mon, after you.’
You led the way down the stairs, glad you’d memorised the plan that Tig had showed you of the building’s layout as you navigated your way through the maze of corridors.  Main reception was at the front on the ground floor, but that would be swarming with security, and so you turned towards the back, where another fire exit was positioned in the far right corner.  
You’d made it so far without incident, none of the guards you’d come across firing a single shot before the outlaw on your heels had taken them down, and confidence made you complacent so that, when you turned the final corner, the blow landed before you’d even registered the bulk of the man that confronted you.  You hit the ground hard, your ears ringing from the impact.  Tig had raised his sidearm to let loose a bullet but it was slapped away before he could pull the trigger, and the weapon clattered to the floor as he fell, the guard crashing down on top of him.  You watched in horror as they wrestled, your eyes flicking from the fight to the gun laying just feet away and, as you heard Tig’s grunt of pain as a fist collided with his ribs, you threw yourself towards the pistol, rolling onto your back and bringing it up in front of you.
The guard paused in his assault on the biker, looking up just in time to see your finger flinch on the mechanism.  The bullet tore through his stomach and he slumped to the floor.
‘Hey, you alright?’  Tig was struggling to get out from beneath his attacker and, when he made it, he rushed to your side.  ‘Look at me, sweetheart.  You good?’
‘Uh huh.’  You nodded dumbly as he peeled your fingers from the gun.  
‘Alright, c’mon, we gotta move.’
He tugged you to your feet, one arm around your waist, propelling you forwards as you made for the exit.  As you thrust the door open, a shrill alarm split the air, but Tig ignored your look of horror, dragging you back into the shadows and around to where you’d cleared the fence before.  Instead of giving you a leg up, this time he hoisted you up and over, waiting until you hit the ground, before following, and then he was yanking you into the cover of the bushes that bordered the parking lot, reaching into his pocket to pull out an ominous-looking device.  
‘Do it,’ you urged, but he shook his head, pressing it into your hand.
‘This one’s all yours, baby.’  Your eyes locked on his as your heart began to race and he nodded in encouragement.  ‘You can do this, for Ope.’
The world ground to a standstill as your thumb twitched on the button.  It was a flicker of a movement, but it was enough, and the scene in front of you ignited.  Flames shot towards the sky as the crack of the blast shook the ground, and moments later the brick began to crumble as the walls collapsed in on themselves.  Clouds of dust mixed with billowing smoke, making it hard to breathe, and, as you began to cough violently, Tig’s hand found yours and you were running again, this time back towards the bike he’d left on the street.
As the engine rumbled to life beneath you and he pulled away, you craned your neck, glancing back at the destruction that you’d left behind.  You’d taken a life, probably more as the explosion ripped through the building, and in a twisted way, it felt good.  It felt fair.  As the cold wind whipped your face, the baseball cap flying from your head and disappearing into the darkness, you smiled.
Tig rode for what seemed like hours.  You knew he was travelling in widening circles, checking that you weren’t being tailed, but you were enjoying the trip.  The air smelt fresh in the early hours, clearing your lungs of the smoke from the fire, and the outlaw’s body was warm against yours as you held on tight.  His hoody was soft against your cheek as you leant into him, his familiar scent grounding you though your pulse continued to pound in your ears.
Finally, the bike veered off from the figure-of-eight pattern that Tig had been following, and began to travel foreign streets, each sight new, each place different.  Or so you thought.  And then your stomach tightened and a poisonous nausea threatened to overwhelm you.
‘Stop!’  Your hands slid to Tig’s sides, nails penetrating the fabric of his sweater and finding the leather beneath.  ‘Stop, Tig!  Now!’
The road was empty, deserted, and he rolled to a halt, twisting round to face you with a frown.  ‘What?  What is it?’
‘That place.’  The building you’d just passed had triggered an onslaught of memories and they flicked through your mind like a slideshow, one traumatic second after another.  You’d been tied up in there, blindfolded, paraded like an animal in front of a crowd of onlookers in a dress that rode up your thighs and heels that pinched your toes.  ‘That’s their auction house.’
‘Shit.’  Tig’s eyes raked over your face, noting the pain that had contorted your expression as you blinked back tears.  ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart.  I wasn’t thinking-’
But neither were you anymore.  Your arms wrapped around him again, but this time one slipped beneath the layers of his clothing, seeking out the harness that you knew he wore at all times and tugging his sidearm free from its holster.
‘Y/N, no, what are you-’
His protests fell on deaf ears as you slid from the bike and marched towards the place that had haunted your worst nightmares, holding the gun aloft.  The windows were large and set high up in the walls and they were your target as you took aim.  The smash of shattering glass could have woken the dead as you worked your way around the perimeter, firing over and over.  You were in a trance, set on doing as much damage as possible, though you knew it was barely a scratch to an organisation like The Collective.  Tig was beside you, trying to wrench the weapon from your grasp, but you pushed him away.  
‘Baby, please.’
In the back of your mind, you supposed you’d been expecting security to come running, a handful of guards in their neatly-pressed suits, guns drawn, but no one came.  Not worth the manpower to protect an empty building.  Not worth making people curious as to what went on inside.  
When the task was done, a thin coil of smoke curling up into the air as you let the gun fall to your side, your anger was still simmering deep in your gut.  
‘Hey, Y/N, look at me, doll.  You okay?’  Tig’s finger slipped beneath your chin, tilting your face up to his.  ‘This was fucking stupid, sweetheart.  Cops are probably already on their way.  I gotta get you out of here.’
‘I don’t wanna go home,’ you murmured as he guided you back towards the road.  ‘I can’t.  Not yet.’
‘Then we won’t go home.  But we gotta move.’
It was like a red mist had descended.  The rage that you’d kept bottled up for three long months had been unleashed and it wound itself around you, driving every decision you made.  The sun was coming up but all you could see was darkness, and you gave yourself over to it with abandon.
Sometime during the night, you’d come into the possession of a bottle of vodka, and you swigged from it now, oblivious to the look of concern that Tig was shooting you in his mirror as he slowed the bike, afraid for you as you swayed unsteadily.  He could still picture the look on the young shop attendant’s face as you’d climbed over the counter, helping yourself to the alcohol.  They’d challenged you with a shaky voice but you’d simply thrown the bottle down at their feet, an explosion of glass and toxic liquor showering down around them, before selecting another and sauntering out of the store.  He’d chucked a couple of notes down on the counter before he’d followed, muttering an apology.
‘What the hell was that?’ he’d asked as you waved your prize in his face.
‘I was thirsty.’
You were beyond thirsty now, wrecked and still insistent on staying out.  He was reluctant to indulge you, but equal to that was a belief that you needed to get this shit out of your system, and so he rode on.
As the sun came up, you found yourselves on the coast, and Tig pulled up outside a small parade of stores, just opening up for the day.  Miles of golden sand stretched out before you, and you broke into a run as you charged towards the sea, wading in up to your waist fully-clothed with a maniacal laugh.  Tig watched from the shore as you span in circles, the half-empty bottle swinging from your fingers, a genuine smile splitting your face.
You were lost in a memory.  You weren’t in the sea.  You were in a secluded lake in the middle of the forest, wrapped around the man that you loved.  He moved you lazily through the water as he stole warm, summer kisses, and your fingers laced into his hair, pulling him closer, begging for more.  The vodka turned into the taste of Opie on your tongue, and you moaned in spite of yourself, longing for the feel of him, your gentle giant.  But he was gone.  It was all gone.
When you finally dragged your tired, shivering body from the waves, Tig was waiting for you, pulling off his hoody and wrapping it around you, fending off the chill.  Your hair dripped icy droplets down onto your chest but you were numb to the sensation.  
‘You hungry, sweetheart?’  Tig’s voice was tentative, as though he was unsure whether you might kiss him or try to kill him, and you shot him a tight smile as you leant into his side.
‘I could eat.’
You strolled along the pier, your arm tucked through his, following the aroma of coffee and bacon until you reached a tiny diner right at the end.  You opted to sit at an outside table as Tig went to place your order, staring off into the distance, the vastness of the ocean seeming to match the vastness of your future as it stretched out before you.  Without Opie it seemed empty and bleak, and anger swelled in your stomach once again.
‘It’ll be right out,’ Tig told you as he took his seat opposite you and, true to his word, minutes later a waitress appeared, carrying two steaming plates of breakfast.
‘Here you go, honey.  Can I get you anything else?’
Tig shook his head but you were transfixed by the ring on her finger.  The diamond was small really, unimpressive, but she sported it on the ring finger of her left hand and the wave of jealousy that broke over you made your heart clench.  How was it that this woman deserved happiness when you’d had yours so cruelly ripped away?
‘Y/N, what’re you doing?’  You hadn’t even realised that you’d grasped her hand until Tig’s warning broke through your thoughts.  ‘Doll, let her go.’
‘You’re getting married?’  You spat the words as though getting married was the equivalent of getting executed, and she cast a wary glance at Tig before she replied.
‘Uh huh, in June.  Been with my Kenny nearly four years.’
Four years.  The words hit you like a punch to the gut.  She’d had four years with the man she loved while you’d barely had a matter of months.  How was that fair?  How in the hell could you live in a world where other people could be so blatantly happy when you were being sucked deeper into this pool of resentment and fury?  
‘Give me the ring.’
‘What?’  ‘What?’  The question came from her and Tig at the same time, but your expression didn’t falter.
‘The ring.  You don’t deserve it.  Why in the hell should you get to have it?’
‘Y/N, sweetheart, c’mon now-’
‘My friend over there, he has a gun.’
‘No, no, I don’t-’
Tig was cut off by her choked sob, as you wrenched the gem from her finger.  ‘What the hell are you doing?  Are you out of your freakin’ mind?  You better give that back or, I swear to God, I’ll call the cops!’
You ignored her protests, studying the ring, the diamond glinting in the sunlight, before rising from your seat, drawing your arm back and hurling it into the sea that crashed around the wooden supports beneath you.  For a moment, it floated on the top of the foamy breakers, before sinking beneath the surface.
Behind you, Tig was trying to calm the situation, pulling out his wallet, but the waitress’ voice was becoming increasingly shrill as you turned back to face her.  ‘You’re crazy!  Both of you!  You’re insane!’
Tig’s fingers wrapped around your arm, his grip like iron as he pulled you away, staring down at you as though you were a stranger that he’d found himself lumbered with, and you realised in that moment that he didn’t understand.  He didn’t understand at all.
It was mid-afternoon when he finally drew up outside a rundown-looking building with a row of Harleys outside.  You’d been riding since he’d hauled you away from the diner on the pier, his stony silence doing nothing to calm your temper, and the realisation that he’d brought you to another charter’s clubhouse had you bristling.
‘What are we doing here?’
‘What?’  He forced a smile, nodding towards the front door which was swinging open, welcoming faces ushering you inside.  ‘They’re good guys up here.  I figured cheap booze, a place to crash… Could do worse, right?’
You sighed, but followed him into the bar, wrinkling your nose at the scent of smoke and stale liquor.  SAMCRO’s setup wasn’t exactly a palace but this place was a slum in comparison.
‘What’ll it be?’ the prospect asked, as Tig was drawn off to one side, pulled into warm embraces by the President and ranking officers while you settled yourself on a solitary stool.
‘Vodka.  Keep it coming.’  So, maybe it wasn’t so bad here after all.
The alcohol was warm in your belly, filling your veins with liquid fire as though you’d been injected with energy.  Your arrival seemed to have become an excuse for a party to kick off, and now, hours later, the bar was buzzing with music and laughter as more and more bodies packed themselves in to the cramped space.  You’d lost track of Tig at some point, but you weren’t particularly bothered about that, having grown tired of his pointed looks and the way he ushered away any of the outlaws that got too close.  A good time was just what you needed.
When a couple of sweet butts climbed onto the bar, shaking their hips and twirling to the song that filtered out from the tinny speakers, you saw no reason not to join them, and you heaved yourself up onto the sticky surface, clambering to your feet and raising your arms in the air as a loud cheer went up from those looking on.  You tossed your hair over your shoulder as you began to dance, closing your eyes and letting the beat take over, thrumming through your veins.  A blurry face passed you up a shot and you knocked it back, grimacing at the tequila tang that burned down your throat.  
‘Y/N?’  Tig’s voice was barely audible above the jeers around you and you couldn’t pick him out of the crowd, but you threw your head back.
‘Tiggy!  I feel amazing!’
A strong arm wrapped around the back of your legs, and you fell forward, landing with a groan against a broad shoulder.  When your feet found the floor, you staggered a little, disorientated, but, as you regained focus, Jax loomed over you and you shrunk away from him.
‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’
Over his shoulder, your eyes finally found Tig and you knew your look of betrayal wounded him as he dropped his gaze to the ground.
‘What are you doing here, Teller?’
‘Tig called.  You’re scaring the crap outta him, Y/N!  What is this?’
‘I’m just having fun,’ you screeched back, planting your hands against his chest and shoving him roughly away.  ‘You remember fun, don’t you, Jax?  Letting loose?  Remember how you used to do that?  Remember how you pushed me into Opie’s arms when you were trying to use me to get at your wife, huh?  You remember that?  And remember how Opie died?  Yeah, he died!  That’s right!  To protect me!  And now I’m alone and nothing’s the same and I hate everything!  I hate it!’
Silence had fallen around you, horrified bikers watching the exchange, and you had the sudden desperate urge to punch your best friend in the face that was frowning at you like you’d lost your mind.  Instead, you drove your fist into the wall behind you, letting out a pained shout as the plaster splintered, your knuckles cracking in protest.  
‘You need to calm down.  I’m taking you home.’
This time when you pushed Jax away it was so you could shove past him, barrelling out of the bar and taking off into the darkness.  The parking lot was bordered by trees and you let them swallow you up as you fled, unable to contain your sobs as your emotions took over, drowning you in misery and anger and frustration as the world fell apart.  You didn’t have a clue what you were doing anymore.
Tag List:  @thoughtsofdarc | @miaelle87 | @cole-winchester | @boondockreedus69 | @raegan-hale | @oldlady-of-chibs-and-jax | @ironstank | @childishhoe | @proncessofthestares | @elizabeth--1 | @i-shouldbepainting | @essentialcreativity | @hismissharley13 | @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes | @nat-1-2 | @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 | @lakamaa12 | @spaz8550 | @decaffeinatedeaglefart | @allaboutmysamcroboys | @consultingdoctorwholock | @crashy31 | @halethestilinskis | @spnislyfe | @pandafay94 | @vickittenth | @penny4yourthot
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Tron [TRX] has a hi-bye relationship with top 10 cryptocurrencies club
TRX has repeatedly jumped in and out of the top 10 cryptocurrencies club. On 18th July, TRX overtook Tether [USDT] and came to its # 10 position on CoinMarketCap. However, in a few minutes, TRX left the league of top 10 as it came down to its current position #11.
Justin Sun, the Co-Founder of Tron, tweeted:
“#TRX again in the top 10 on @CoinMarketCap .#TRON $TRX.”
Top 10 Cryptocurrencies | Source: CoinMarketCap | Image Credits: Justin Sun
CryptoBroker, a Twitter user commented:
“It’s back to 11 this scam can’t even last more than 20 minutes in the top 10 anymore lol”
On 17th July, Justin Sun announced the coin burn of the third batch of tokens, which comprised of 404,956,275.175006 tokens. The token burn was scheduled for 17th July 03:53:52 AM [+UTC].
On 21st June, Justin Sun and Tron foundation announced the coin burn of 1 Billion TRX tokens to celebrate the independence from the Ethereum blockchain.
Additionally, Tron Independence Group [TIG] was entrusted with the 33,251,807,424 TRX, while the original amount is 34,251,807,524 TRX. These were held by TRON foundation, considering the safety of its virtual asset.
After this, Tron released its locked TRX tokens and burnt close to 49 billion TRX ERC20 tokens.
Till date, the total number of TRX tokens burnt is 92,424,664,154.355837 out of 100 billion TRX, i.e. 92.42% of the issued total.
It is speculated that the coin burn that Tron held on 17th July was the reason why TRX tokens pumped and entered the top 10 club again.
JK Andreas D, a crypto-enthusiast said:
“your coinburn techniques dont even last for a day sun.”
Tron’s one-day chart | Source: CoinMarketCap
As observed TRX started its day on 17th July with the trading price of $0.036 after which the token pumped. The hike made TRX jump to $0.040 and resulted in a sudden increase in its market cap. TRX tokens had a market cap of $2.410 billion, the sudden increase pushed the coin to $2.634 billion.
The token burn was not the only highlight of Tron’s week. Tron has also inaugurated a new branch in San Fransisco.
Justin Sun tweeted:
“Check out the view from the new #TRON San Francisco office! $TRX”
Along with this, the young Co-Founder also added a video that showed the view of their new office.
Robert Almeida, a Twitter user commented:
“Damn…and in a nice part of SF too. Not too far away from Coinbase HQ.”
In addition to this, the team also spoke about the total number of exchanges who have currently resumed trading of the new TRX20 tokens.
Justin Sun tweeted:
“22 exchanges already resumed #TRX deposit and withdrawal as of July 18 (UTC+8). #TRON $TRX”
Binance, Bitfinex, Bitforex, Bitpie, Bittrex, Bit-Z, Bjex, Cobo, CoinEgg, Coinfalcon, Coinnest, Cryptopia, Gate.io, Hitbtc, Huobi, Koinex, Liqui, Max Exchange, OKEx, Quoine, Tokenomy and Upbit have resumed trading of TRX.
The post Tron [TRX] has a hi-bye relationship with top 10 cryptocurrencies club appeared first on AMBCrypto.
Tron [TRX] has a hi-bye relationship with top 10 cryptocurrencies club published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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tatiltutkusu-blog · 6 years
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riddles-n-games · 2 months
TGG To-Do List Pt. 1
So, a bit of an update on the TGG To-Do List.
#1. Thomas Thomas anagram
I tried finding a way to "unscramble" it but there's currently nothing really coming out of that but here are some things that I did, talked about with my friend @hathorneheiress, and going off from where @elif-in-wonderland started.
-I got "Sam shot" and the remaining letters were "thoma" which @hathorneheiress said could finish as "Sam shot at home." adding the extra e. @elif-in-wonderland got Matt as a name so I tried going off the word shot since that seemed promising at the time.
Theory 1: First Thomas is disguising the real name of individual "Thomas Thomas" while the second is the surname.
Logic: Toby incorporates Grambs into Avery's name anagram meaning "A Very Risky Gamble".
-After that, I moved on to thinking maybe one of the "Thomas" meant a location by inserting a different letter, like for a simple misdirection while the other still means Thomas as a name or surname. My guess was the Thames River.
Theory 2: One of the Thomas is indicative of a location like the Thames River.
Logic: Avery and Jameson first thought Jackson indicated Jackson, Mississipi until they found out that it was the name of a guy. This could be an Uno reverse on that. Also, there were cases where they had to rearrange or sub in letters to uncover a word or phrase.
-I was looking back at the origin of Lyra's last name and because it's Irish I thought maybe there could be a British significance with Thames because of that. This I brought up to @hathorneheiress and since we were talking about name meanings, I chanced a look at what Thomas as a name means... Thomas means twin. Call me crazy but this one actually made me a bit excited.
Theory 3: Thomas Thomas could indicate two people named the same or Lyra's father was a twin.
Logic: William Blake was both the name of a poet and the name of Toby's real father which served as a double clue.
That's what I have so far for #1. What do you think? Please let me know your theories. Maybe we can solve the clues by the time TGG comes out if we work on the list together.
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
Prince Harry ‘thrilled’ after announcing he is to marry Meghan Markle
Couple appear in public for first time since announcing their engagement and give 20-minute television interview
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are to marry in the spring after announcing their engagement and admitting they were totally unprepared for the media storm that surrounded the first months of their relationship.
The prince said he was thrilled to be marrying the US actor after an 18-month romance, and the couple presented themselves to the world with a photocall and 20-minute television interview at Kensington Palace.
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On Tuesday, Palace aides are expected to announce the venue for the wedding and details of the first royal engagements that Markle will undertake with the prince as she is quickly assimilated into the royal household.
In the TV interview, conducted by Mishal Husain, they revealed how the prince proposed to his future bride at his Nottingham Cottage home in the grounds of Kensington Palace on what was a standard typical night in for us while they were roasting a chicken for dinner.
Markle said it was just an amazing surprise, it was so sweet and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee … I could barely let you finish proposing. I said, can I say yes now?
Markle, whose mother is African American and father is white, also described as disheartening and discriminatory some of the media coverage she received as Prince Harrys girlfriend because it centred on her racial background.
Markle admitted that even though she had starred in TV drama Suits, the media coverage had been a learning curve and said, I did not have any understanding of what it would be like.
Harry declined to give details about the engagement, but joked: Of course it was romantic. Photograph: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images
That coverage forced the prince to take the rare step last year of publicly attacking the British press for introducing racial overtones into the reporting of their relationship.
Among the headlines that were believed to have angered the palace was one on Mailonline.com that read: Harrys girl is (almost) straight outta Compton, referring to the city in Los Angeles that has become known for gang violence.
The announcement of their engagement was made by Clarence House on behalf of Prince Charles earlier on Monday. Later, the Prince of Wales, speaking for himself and the Duchess of Cornwall, said: Were both thrilled. We hope theyll be very happy indeed.
Who is Meghan Markle?
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Who is Meghan Markle?
Meghan Markle is an American actor, best known for her role in the hit series Suits. She has described herself as an actress, a writer, the editor-in-chief of my lifestyle brand the Tig, a pretty good cook, and a firm believer in handwritten notes. She has also campaigned for humanitarian causes.
The 36-year-old grew up in Los Angeles. She studied at a girls Roman Catholic college there before attending Northwestern University. Recently she has lived in Toronto. She is the daughter of a clinical therapist and a TV lighting designer. Markle has written about her mixed heritage, describing herself as a strong, confident mixed-race woman. She was married once before, to film producer Trevor Engelson, but the pair were divorced in 2013.
Since news of her relationship with Prince Harry broke in 2016, she has closed her blog and given an interview in which she described the couple as really happy and in love. She said: Nothing about me changed. Ive never defined myself by my relationship. She will become a duchess or princess when the couple wed.
Photograph: Picture Perfect/REX/Shutterstock/Rex Features
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Prince Harry said he designed her engagement ring himself using a stone sourced from Botswana, where the couple went camping in the first weeks of their relationship, and two smaller gems from Princess Dianas jewellery collection to make sure that shes with us on this crazy journey together.
Markles parents, Thomas Markle and Doria Ragland, said: We are incredibly happy for Meghan and Harry. Our daughter has always been a kind and loving person. To see her union with Harry, who shares the same qualities, is a source of great joy for us as parents. We wish them a lifetime of happiness and are very excited for their future together.
Thomas Markle is an Emmy award-winning former television lighting director who worked on shows including Married With Children and General Hospital. He married Ragland, a yoga instructor, in 1979 and they divorced in 1988.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wave after posing for the media. Photograph: Alastair Grant/AP
The Queen, Prince Philip, prime minister Theresa May, and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn were among others who offered their congratulations.
Downing Street moved quickly to dampen speculation that there would be a bank holiday to celebrate the wedding. The prime ministers spokesman said: There are no plans for a bank holiday. There isnt precedent in this area. There was no bank holiday for Prince Andrews wedding in 1986 or Prince Edwards in 1999.
However, the wedding of Princess Anne, the Queens second-eldest child, and Mark Phillips in 1973 was marked by a bank holiday.
Tourists film Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Kensington Palace on Monday. Photograph: Nick Ansell/PA
The wedding ceremony is likely to be conducted by Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, who said he was delighted by the news and had been impressed by the princes immense love for his family.
A royal source said it would be a happy church wedding, although the date is yet to be fixed. The Duchess of Cambridge is due to give birth to her third child in April.
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Locals in the View Park-Windsor Hills suburb of Los Angeles where Ragland lives were also upbeat. Mike Young, 56, out walking his pitbull Tipper, said: I think theyre a respectable family, he said, referring to the Windsors. Id be excited to meet Prince Harry.
The couple said they were set up by a friend on a blind date and about a month after two dates in London in summer 2016 they went camping in Botswana.
Prince Harry’s relationship with Meghan Markle
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July 2016
The pair meet in London through friends and begin a relationship.
30 October 2016
News breaks that the prince and Markle are dating.
8 November 2016
Kensington Palace confirms in an unprecedented statement that they are dating. The prince attacks the media over its abuse and harassment of his girlfriend.
11 November 2017
Markle is spotted in London amid unconfirmed reports she is enjoying her first stay at Kensington Palace since the relationship was made public.
10 January 2017
Markle reportedly meets the Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte for the first time in London.
5 September 2017
The engagement looks set when Markle graces the cover of US magazine Vanity Fair and speaks openly about Harry for the first time, revealing: Were two people who are really happy and in love.
24 September 2017
Markle makes her first appearance at an official engagement attended by the prince when she attends the Invictus Games opening ceremony in Toronto, Canada although the pair sit about 18 seats apart.
19 October 2017
It emerges that the prince has taken Markle to meet his grandmother, the Queen, whose permission they need to marry. They met over afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace.
22 October 2017
The princes aides are reported to have been told to start planning for a royal wedding, with senior members of the royal family asked to look at their diaries to shortlist a series of suitable weekends in 2018.
21 November 2017
Markle is spotted in London, prompting speculation she is preparing for an engagement announcement.
27 November 2017
Clarence House announces the engagement, and the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh say they are delighted for the couple and wish them every happiness.
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I managed to persuade her to come and join me in Botswana, the prince said. And we camped out with each other under the stars. She came and joined me for five days out there, which was absolutely fantastic.
It was hugely refreshing to be able to get to know someone who isnt necessarily within your circle, doesnt know much about me, I dont know much about her. So to be able to start almost afresh, right from the beginning, getting to know each other, step by step and then taking that huge leap of only two dates and then going effectively on holiday together in the middle of nowhere and you know sharing a tent together and all that kind of stuff. It was fantastic.
The official announcement. Photograph: AP
He added that he thought Markle and Diana would be as thick as thieves, without question, I think she would be over the moon, jumping up and down, you know so excited for me. It is days like today when I really miss having her around and miss being able to share the happy news.
Republic, the anti-monarchy campaign for an elected head of state, issued a one word statement: Congratulations.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2iV5T1L
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2pUHmQh via Viral News HQ
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woodruffmackenzie · 6 years
15 Things That Happen When You Are In metal fabrication.
Trees are split into 2 classes: Softwoods and woods. The woods such as Oak, Poplar, as well as Maple have broad leaves. Generally softwoods, such as Pine and Fir, stem from cone-bearing trees. Woods come from trees that have their seeds consisted of in a seed-case. Wood as well as softwood do not specifically refer to just how difficult the timber is. As an example Balsa is a wood and yet is really soft. Timber can be taken a collection of alcohol consumption straws - where each straw is among the fibers of the wood. Metal construction takes place to be the process whereby steel is adjusted into different shapes to make a preferred item or framework. Fabrication is a need to in hefty industrial jobs. If you want to build a small footbridge or sidewalk or perhaps a stairs you need assistance of steel makers, at house. They function in selection of jobs form developing houses to emergency exit, door structures or tower legs. They remain in usage in car sectors along with for building of substantial bridges and also factories. Sheet metal constructions will be executed inning accordance with specs, if they must work. End of each item has its peculiarities, and also steel producers to meet them: Finding false metal contractor will certainly make certain that you meet your product or service goals, as wanted by your customers. Several sectors are reliant on the metal manufactures sector. The product construction workshops are used everywhere. This procedure usually entails the cutting and also bending steel and setting up incorrect. Steel roofing is the most recommended option for houses that are situated in locations which experience heavy snowfall. Steel roof covering does not allow the snow to gather conveniently and stops roof damage as a result of the concern of snow. Before you start having a steel roof for your brand-new house, you have to take into consideration few vital things such as intricacy od fabrication, setup as well as expense time. Nowadays steel roofing systems are available vast variety of architectural designs, colors and forms. What Do Sheet Metal Fabricators Do? Publisher: Jeffery Nevil Any product you see which is composed of sheet metal parts, from internal brackets to the exterior skin calls for the services of sheet metal makers in its manufacture. Publisher: Jeffery Nevil There are several things that are made from sheet metal construction, a difficult process to comprehend. Publisher: Albert Right Sheet steel manufacture could be utilized as a manufacturing method. There are numerous patterns and styles that could be made an application for manufacture purposes. Publisher: Brendan Gertner Sheet metal roof covering is preferred among homeowners. The durable metal is likewise a reduced maintenance material to use. The majority of people apply sheet metal in an overlapping fashion; giving the impression of the roof having stairs. Our Melbourne based factory centers could quickly suit little, large, easy or complicated custom-made sheet steel part manufacturing tasks depending upon the application. Accuracy automated sheet metal construction machinery and also refined production procedures enable us to push the boundaries of style technology and also to make sheet metal elements not previously readily available in sheet steel manufacturing. Discover More FORM2000 is greater than simply a sheet steel factory. Our technique is to deal with clients in order to help them achieve fantastic arise from sheet steel products with high attention to style, optimising production, utilising innovative sheet steel construction strategies and supplying a premium quality constant final result. M03 means spindle forward. S6000 means established the pin speed to 6000 rpm. With those values got in, the router will now deal with a location 12" in X and 12" in Y as the origin. The supply block would be milled equally as you 'd expect - it's simply sitting at a different position on the table compared to specified in Rhino. Make certain the tool slot is open! You can see the present tool showed on the major display as Active Tool. The instance listed below is 1.1. The number before the decimal area is the device number.
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Farwest Fabricators, Inc., in Moxee, Washington with 80 employees, moves onward with a viewpoint of continuous enhancement, technology, as well as modification. In 2005, it virtually doubled in size. With extensive capabilities in both fabrication as well as machining, Farwest could manufacture components from level to end up. IndustryNet is a one-stop source for all of your commercial supply requirements, offering info on 400,000 U.S. To connect with sheet metal (Click Home) distributors near you, start your totally free search on IndustryNet. Right here, you could ask for a quote, speak to a company directly, connect on social networks, get a list of industrial distributors in your location, as well as much more. The process of welding per se is really an interesting one. For those strange with exactly what welding is, it is the process of bending as well as signing up with metal together with a concentrated heat source. In the vehicle globe, welding can be made use of for any type of number of repair services, consisting of outside body fixing in addition to repair work to engine parts. Automobile welding could really save loan for both the customer as well as the auto repair service store too. You should find for your project some experts working after the highest possible criteria. As the Structural Steelwork Bradford is among one of the most essential elements of a structure, leave its design as well as manufacturing with an expert Metal Fabrication Bradford firm. Allow this structure on the hands of specialists that recognize its importance well as well as the reasons why it ought to have no imperfections. Contact some individuals understand ways to carry out appropriate evaluations as well as measures and also who have adequate expertise regarding the most effective tools as well as products. This sort of individuals could indeed fulfill also the highest demands. How can you locate a Metal Fabrication Bradford business worth employing?
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The cut plate is put in journalism as well as a v-shaped die is pushed an established distance to bend the plate to the preferred angle. Wing brakes as well as hand powered brakes are in some cases made use of. Tube flexing makers have actually specifically formed mandrels and passes away to bend tubular areas without kinking them. Moving equipments are utilized to develop plate steel into a rounded section. English Wheel or Wheeling Machines are used to form intricate double curvature shapes using sheet steel. When their life expectancy is coming to an end, an additional trouble with steel halide lights is that some kinds of them are prone to explosions. It is recommended that these components are switched off for at the extremely the very least 15 minutes each week if they remain in constant usage to ensure that you could reduce the opportunities of an explosion. The life span for metal halide lights is normally around 6000 hrs (2 years) so consequently you ought to always examine them roughly every 6 months or two to just inspect that they remain in good condition. If you have any queries regarding in which and how to use sructural steel fabrication (use this link), you can call us at the webpage.
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riddles-n-games · 2 months
TIG Blog Announcement
Hey, TIG fandom. I have a massive undertaking that's going to span throughout The Grandest Game series. If you noticed today's post called the "TGG To-Do List", that's going to be a new segment on the blog. Also, I'm going to start another called "TGG Mysteries" which will address the major mysteries we know of going into The Grandest Game. I may also start a third called TGG Theories but we'll get to that later. Anyways, TGG To-Do List and TGG Mysteries will be two new additions on my blog headings for you to check out.
I will also be incorporating a series of new hashtags: #tggtodolist, as you likely already saw, #tggmysteries, and #tggtheories.
Now, what is going on with this? Well, under TGG To-Do List and TGG Mysteries, you'll find all entries related to the tags and there will likely be several parts. However, I don't want to just do this myself. I've already been talking to several people about clues on the covers and in the past books. @hathorneheiress and @carmenpowerpuffgirl, you are my inspo for this so kudos to you before I continue.
As a community, there are many minds with different thought processes and ideas. Like in the last few days we've been guessing and spinning theories left, right, and through the roof which is why I believe we can all make contributions to this. So here's what I want you to do. If you have ideas to add to the to-do list or have theories pertaining to the mysteries, send an ask or put one of the hashtags listed on here and tag me so I can put a link to your entry.
I want to see to see this list grow. I know for sure that many of you are hungry for content but the truth is we already have much of it here and who knows how many new things we can put together from the old clues. Remember what Jameson told Avery in The Final Gambit?
"That puts us halfway through, and my grandfather would say that's a good point to step back. Go back to the beginning. Consider the framing and your charge." (The Final Gambit)
I don't know what mark we're at. I don't know how far we have to go. I don't know if we're that much closer. But, what I do know is we have four books in our possession and we have five covers that give us clues and there's also a whole lot of us. Surely, that's enough to start somewhere. Maybe this is our Saturday morning where we get to show we're extraordinary but we know that already so let's do just that. We've been taught how to think like Hawthornes; are you ready to prove that? This is your chance.
Please comment, reblog, and like this to spread the news. If we actually connect and do this, I know that we'll have a lot more fun in the months of waiting and could decode more than ever before. Who's ready to do this?
Remember: Opposites attract. There are clues in the Final Gambit. Only one can win.
(Not gonna lie, I felt like Avery announcing the Grandest Game in the epilogue of The Final Gambit writing this.)
"On your marks, boys," Tobias Hawthorne said on the recording. "Get set. Go." (The Final Gambit)
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riddles-n-games · 9 days
Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I posted anything but life got busy and now it finally slowed down again. I am pleased to say that I have enough time to focus on editing my drafts for headcanons, stories, and theories so once again, I thank you for your patience. I can't wait to share Friends Don't Kiss Like That with all of you Averyjameson fake dating fans. It's going to be a wild but good ride.
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riddles-n-games · 2 months
hello, what is the 'games untold'??
Hi, so JLB dropped a clue regarding the last card which is the surprise for Wednesday. She said some people kind of guessed it and that if we looked online, we might find another clue. People found a book called Duel Amongst with an anagram version of JLB’s name. It was labelled TIG 5. There was also another number code that translated to “Love is power”. Then, I found people putting the summary of the book in the Insta comments which was more than the initial stuff most people found. I saw people looking at Penguin Books UK and so when I went on the website, I found the summary and a little later after that, the new cover. It seems that it will be a collection of short stories with our fave couples and the brothers as well. There are several. Hope that explains it well enough.
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riddles-n-games · 1 month
Fanfic Update
So, I'm sure many of you are very excited for this. It will be out at some point hopefully by the end of March or in April, Idk, all depends on that writer's motivation. That's being a writer, transparency with the audience. I hope this satisfies to some degree until the actual fanfic post. Note that it will also be cross-posted to AO3 under ThePuzzledWriter if you prefer that format.
PS: From now on, every fanfic to come will be announced this way; cover reveal, then cover plus summary and excerpt, then finally the fic itself.
Book Cover:
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Jameson just broke up with Emily after finding out she was also dating his brother at the same time as him. Now he needs to get her off his back and what better than a fake relationship? And who better for the job than his best friend, Avery Grambs? She agrees and they also come up with a kiss-only-in-emergency-situations-clause (read: Emily). However, what happens when the time finally comes for that clause to come into play?
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