#TILL death do us part
clock-onyx · 3 days
Chester ref sheet remake!!! Yeah!
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Finally finished his ref sheet, ik its not as detailed as Odin's but im more used to doing more simple stuff now bcs ref sheets are boring, Im pretty sure almost everyone that actively looks through my tumblr recognizes Chester so Im not gonna go over his info and lore
I did want to do a ref sheet of his former self aswell but Ive been doing really poorly lately so im sorry with the constant delays/lower quality drawings <|:( Ill try to do it asap though
I hope this is alright though, hope you guys have a lovely day!!!
No bg version V
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pimsri · 4 months
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Till Death Do Us Part ❤️
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forgottenflickr · 6 months
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zegalba · 1 year
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
Oooo part 2 of Aka Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader) was interesting
Loved it a lot 😭
Just imagining how reader would meet Lucifer (yes I'mma add some short king love) for the first time, whether this the ep where everyone meets him for the first time or he's just visiting is undecided.
Anyways she's a smart gal, she creates viruses, diseases, etc.. in order to destroy the human race (now demon and angel race), so she tries to befriend Lucifer
He's powerful, he could be her ticket out of the deal she was tricked into. Plus Alastor hates him so even better.
Whether the wife collector is befriending her from his hatred for Alastor (aka trying to steal his ex wife) or because he actually likes her or not is also undecided
But they become buddies, keeping her little secret while playing Alastor as this horrid creature that coerced her into a deal
She might not understand how deals function, but just like Alastor she'll find a way out of it. She won't let him interrupt her work for years again.
Another bonus of befriending Lucifer is she can try and coerce him into giving her some samples (blood, hair, skin, etc..) It'll help with the virus she's creating, along with seeing if there's any cell differences between fallen angels and normal ones.
A/N I literally love this idea. It is so on brand for her if she was tuned in with the world around her enough to realize her hanging with Lucifer even made Alastor mad. Also, not you calling Lucifer 'the wife collector,' that made me cackle.
Till Death Do Us Part pt. 3 (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader x maybe also Lucifer a little bit if you squint
Previous Parts:
Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
Till Death Do Us Part pt. 2
Warnings: I am not a woman nor am I in stem (but an enby in history) so pls be kind about the fact that I don't understand science. Angst, abusive/unhealthy relationship, possessive Alastor. It's not love but its certainly something.
Word Count: 2,176
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List 
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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Idle hands are the devil's playthings, wasn't that how the expression went?
It had been a month since that fateful day Y/n had struck a deal with Alastor, tying her to his side once again. She railed against it, fought valiantly, but there was no escaping the constraints of the contract. Never allowed a moment to herself, Y/n's life became a series of involvement in group activities she hated and chastisements from Alastor. She sat at his feet, the collar hanging heavy around her neck as a sort of twisted crown in his eyes. The Radio Demon and his wife, his queen, his prisoner.
She was never allowed out of his sight, Alastor even forcing her to stay in the same room as him, to sleep in the same bed. It was nothing Y/n had any sort of frame of reference for. He had never been like this in life, she had never experienced this sort of metaphorical suffocation. Y/n was adrift, the world a confusing blur around her. Every time she tried to make sense of it, thought she had figured out some small aspect, he changed it all again and left her in a lurch that sent her mind spiraling into unformed chaos.
Even when she managed somehow to stole a spare moment, was able to sneak away to her lab of a room, Alastor found her and dragged her out again. Y/n's continual protests and pleas to be allowed to continue her work, for him to hold up his end of the bargain and deliver her an angel, fell on deaf ears or were merely met with a solitary, fragile 'soon.' For all this time, Y/n had thought Hell to be misrepresented. She had found a true Heaven in Pentagram City, a safe haven, a salve. Now, she knew the true meaning of suffering.
It was different than she had expected. To suffer had always been something physical in her eyes. It had been her victims writhing in pain, it had been the sharp oppression of a world filled with human life. Never had she thought being trapped in her own mind like this could be a curse, rather than a blessed moment of reprieve.
Idle hands are the devil's playthings, wasn't that how the expression went? Y/n's hands were most certainly idle, all she needed was the devil to play with them.
It was just her luck when Lucifer showed up at the hotel, intent on visiting his daughter. Y/n was never the most observant but, since being tricked into selling her soul to Alastor, had become quite wary and watchful of him. It did not escape her notice the way his stance tightened and his eye twitched the minute the King of Hell threw himself through the hotel's double doors and into Charlie's arms.
Y/n watched the interaction carefully from where she sat lazily on the table beside Angel Dust and Sir Pentious. There were exactly three thoughts in her mind. The first was that it was useful to know Alastor hated the man. The second was that Lucifer was standing right before her eyes. He was powerful, maybe powerful enough to get her out of the sticky situation she currently found herself to be in. Not only that, but he was once an angel. This was the most important of the three thoughts, completely eclipsing the other two as soon as they reared their heads. Not quite the real deal but, potentially useful none the less. Getting close to him could mean getting one step closer to her goals. Silently, she slipped down from the table and began to approach the grouping of demons.
With a carful step, she sidled up behind them. Softly, she raised a hand to the back of Lucifer's head, to where his hair peaked out from beneath the edges of his hat. The excitement that rose in her chest was quickly stifled as Lucifer spun around.
"Charlie!" he exclaimed, "Why don't you introduce me to some of your other fr- oh!"
Y/n froze, her hand still raised. She opened her mouth to speak but the words caught in her throat once she caught the glare Alastor was sending her way. Letting out a nervous chuckle, Y/n's hands fell to her sides, clasping behind her back.
"Uh..." Lucifer turned to his daughter, his eyebrows raised.
"Oh, don't mind Y/n," Charlie awkwardly tittered, stepping forward, "she is always a bit... odd but, she is actually our newest guest!"
"Uh-huh." Lucifer nodded, his eyes moving back to Y/n and examining her features carefully, "Well, it is nice to be meeting you."
Lucifer stuck out his hand for Y/n to shake but the demon just eyed it warily. The furtive glance she shot Alastor behind his back, and the subtle nod he gave in return, did not escape Lucifer's notice. With another distasteful glance towards his hand, Y/n raised part of her hair up and took it, shaking it firmly.
Lucifer's confusion only seemed to grow as he looked down towards the point of connection.
"Um... okay, then." he hummed in thought as she released his hand.
It was when Alastor went out to solve the problem Mimzy had caused that Lucifer took his chance. All the while, as Mimzy had blathered on to Y/n about the 'good old days' and the shared aspects of their pasts, as soon as the tour of the hotel had ended, she had watched him. Observance was not, however, in her nature. It completely had escaped her notice that, all the while, Lucifer had been watching her as well.
The demon herself was nothing of import. She was strange and unrefined and, to be honest, deeply disconcerting to him in a number of ways. It was the thing lurking beneath it all that caught his attention. There was something going on between that girl and the Radio Demon and Lucifer didn't trust either of them. He may have thought Charlie's dreams to be in vain, known from his own experience how fruitless her project would turn out to be, but that didn't stop him from doing what it took to keep his little girl safe.
Lucifer sidled up beside the girl where she stood, watching the carnage Alastor wreaked with a vague sense of disinterest.
"So, you have a deal with the Radio Demon."
It was a statement, not a question. It was an accusation. Y/n shot into the air in surprise, not having noticed his presence beside her. With wide, analytical eyes, she turned to face him.
"With Alastor?"
"How could you tell?" she asked, leaning forward in curiosity.
"What are you two planning."
Another subtle command that went right over Y/n's head. She sighed, crossing her arms.
"I'm planning world destruction. He wants me to be his wife again and tricked me into this whole..." she waved her hands wildly through the air, "situation."
Lucifer didn't know whether to laugh or to take her out right there. Instead, he shook his head, opting to state in mild shock:
"Married? Again?"
"Yeah. I forced him to when we were alive so people would leave me alone and I'd have some human test subjects for my work. Let me tell you: not my favorite experiment I have ever conducted."
"I..." Lucifer was flabbergasted, struck into silence.
"So he tricked me into a deal. I was hiding from him for decades down here. One little slip up was all it took." she playfully used her hair to hit the side of her head, "Stupid Y/n."
"Where does the again part fit in?"
Y/n raised her eyebrows.
"Really? Why is that the part I have to explain to everyone. I mean, logically, it just doesn't make sense. That should be the question on the bottom of someones list. It shouldn't even be a question."
"Did you get a divorce?"
"In 1930? No. Even I knew that wasn't really an option. I married him to stop people talking, not start it. Besides, he wasn't this much of a bother when we were alive."
"So..." Lucifer prompted after a moment.
"Till death do us part?"
He really did laugh now. Just a light chuckle. Y/n smiled in appreciation.
"There you go. Now, how did you know? About the deal, I mean. Also, why do you guys hate each other so much? I thought you had never met before? And oh! Ohohoh! Also, can I have some of your hair."
Lucifer scoffed, his arms falling loosely from where he had crossed them over his chest to his sides. Charlie had been right, Y/n certainly was odd.
"My hair?"
Y/n nodded her head eagerly. When he gave no response, a concentrated and slightly confused expression flitted across her face. As if struck by a sudden inspiration, she regained her composure once again.
"Oh, yeah. I'm supposed to say 'please' when I ask for stuff. Al always said it was proper manners but I think its just a waste of time to be perfectly honest. It's still the same request, the same outcome. Doesn't really change anything. Why would one word make someone give a totally different answer? I mean, it's just foolish really. Anyway," she cleared her throat, "can I please have some of your hair?"
"I..." Lucifer raised a hand to his forehead, rubbing his temples, "why?"
"Because you're a fallen angel?" Y/n replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "And I want to see what that means?"
Before Lucifer could reply, Alastor stepped back into the lobby, straightening his jacket.
"What a show!" Angel exclaimed, applauding dramatically.
Alastor tipped his head to the side in recognition, his eyes surveying the room. When they fell on Lucifer and Y/n in the corner, his gaze hardened. Y/n payed the commotion no mind. Lucifer, on the other hand, grinned.
"I have a proposal." he hummed, turning back to Y/n.
She narrowed her eyes in sudden doubt.
"You don't like Alastor very much, do you?"
"No...? Of course I don't!" Y/n replied in exasperation, "All he does is keep me from doing my work and drag me around by that stupid chain like a dog. It hurts my neck and..." her voice grew softer and she looked away, fixing her eyes on her interlaced fingers, "and I feel like he's trying to force me into the shape of something I'm not. It's... it's like wearing shoes that are four sizes two small on a twenty mile hike."
Lucifer laughed.
"Well, that certainly is... descriptive. How about we make a deal?"
Her head shot up, her narrowed eyes meeting his once again.
"You're not going to just take my soul like he did, are you?"
"No, of course not my dear. Only lesser demons like him need to do that in order to feel strong, to maintain some sort of power, to get what they want." Lucfier enunciated the last four words sharply, the syllables like needles, "I'm simply offering an exchange."
"That's what he said too."
Lucifer raised his hands to show he meant no harm.
"Look, we don't even have to shake on it. I will give you some of... some of my hair or... whatever... and you will help me get on his nerves, take him down a notch. Who the Hell knows, that might even help you too."
Y/n was silent in thought for a moment. She did want the hair and messing with Alastor seemed all too appealing. Still, there was something eating away at her.
"Would you..." she lifted herself up to Lucifer's eye level with her hair.
Y/n wasn't that much shorter than the king of Hell, just a couple inches. Those couple inches certainly made a difference. Lucifer could have sworn there was a literally electrical spark in the darkness of her eyes.
"You're powerful, yes? King of Hell and all?"
Lucifer nodded.
"Would you be able to help me figure out a way out of this mess?"
It was Lucifer's turn to think now as he mulled the idea over in his mind. Sure, theoretically he probably could but, he had never tried to break another demon's deal and even past that, he didn't know if he wanted to. Y/n was disarming, strange, had mentioned wanting to destroy the world. Lucifer didn't know her well enough to gage if there was any real risk and Alastor seemed to have her on more than a metaphorical leash.
"Maybe." he admitted, deciding on the path of least resistance, the one where he could try and succeed or pretend it was an unknown impossibility all along, "I don't know."
In some strange way, there was something stable about the man before her. Alastor was unpredictable, had sent her life spinning. Lucifer felt safe.
"Good enough for me!" Y/n smiled brightly, "I look forward to working with you."
Writing this made me really want to do a Lucifer fic with the idle hands thing.
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0@kahlan170@wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007 @marukun @nanami1chu @i-like-potatoes12533 @boogiemansbitch @apenasandorinha @almond-t0fu @mygoldtears @ahellborn @winterisholding @misty-melody @themetalbabygirl @trash-shoot @clarakainda @ladyscorpion19 @dasimp777 @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa @gabile18 @slytherin4ever
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fayegonnaslay · 4 months
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Yolanda and Marshall Jacobs, after being married atop a flagpole, Coshocton, Ohio, 1946.
LIFE Magazine; Photo by Allan Grant
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imtryingbuck · 1 month
Till Death Do Us Part
~ series masterlist ~
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Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Series Warnings: warnings will be on each chapter but here's a forewarning. mentions of past child abuse, mentions of past rape. violence. mentions of nudity. mentions of infidelity. death. shootings. angst. fluff.
Word Count: 42,622
Status: ongoing (posted monday and friday)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theodora
A/N: this will mainly be focused on the marriage and the development of Bucky and his wife more than crimey things sorry.
fluff - ❀ angst - ❁ both - ✾
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➳ Prologue - ✾
➳ “Wedding” Day - ✾
➳ Damaged - ✾
➳ The Library - ✾
➳ Painting - ✾
➳ Family Photos - ✾
➳ Nightmares and Shopping - ✾
➳ Donations and Monsters - ✾
➳ One Step Forward A Hundred Back - ✾
➳ Worthy - ✾ 14th June
➳ Tabby - ✾ 17th June
➳ Family Dinner - ✾ 21st June
➳ Birthday Bash - ✾ 24th June
➳ Making Love - ✾ 28th June
➳ Help From The Least Unsuspected - ✾ 1st July
➳ A Mothers Endless Love - ✾ 5th July
➳ Home - ✾ 8th July
➳ The Locket - ✾ 12th July
➳ Wedding Day Round Two - ✾ 15th July
➳ Epilogue - ❀ 19th July
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kaitlynmeh · 11 months
Master List Of Game Guides :)
Just a heads up a lot of the games on this list are for people 18 years old or older. Please proceed with caution.
Seduce Me: The Otome
Seduce Me: The Demon War
The Price Of Flesh: Celia
The Price Of Flesh: Mason
The Price Of Flesh: Derek
The Price Of Flesh: Fox
Boyfriend To Death 1: Rire
Boyfriend To Death 1: Sano/Akira
Boyfriend To Death 1: Strade
Boyfriend To Death 2: Vincent
Boyfriend To Death 2: Cain
Boyfriend To Death 2: Lawrence
Boyfriend To Death 2: Ren
Till Death Do Us Part : Jack
Till Death Do Us Part : Marcus
Till Death Do Us Part : Chris
Till Death Do Us Part : Aria
Till Death Do Us Part : Ellen
Lover's Trophy: Wade
Lover's Trophy: Jak
L.A. Noire
Stardew Valley Upgrades/Buildings
Doki Doki Literature Club Word Guide
Little Inferno Combos
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de3d2me · 2 years
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genderfreak6969 · 5 months
Different types of murder love in horror dating sims, a character can fit into more than one category:
Horny sadist: doesn't love you in the traditional sense, in it for monetary or sexual gratification. If you don't play by their rules/when you're done serving your purpose they'll kill you without remorse.
Death does us part: loves you to the point of murder, kills you or kills for you as a way to show affection/as a way to get closer, often paired with a bit of corpse fucking.
A whole bouquet of oopsie daisies: kills you on accident, they just loved you so much, man! Don't blame them!
You're mine: stereotypical 'no one else can be yours' kills anyone who shows romantic interest in you, or anyone who you show romantic interest in. Won't kill you though, refuses to.
Stalk at first sight: falls in love with you at first sight and stalks you, won't kill you, probably has a room dedicated to you in their house tbh.
What if we both killed 2gether 🥺👉🏻👈🏻: already killed multiple people, but wants you to join them out of love.
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awkward-sultana · 3 months
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"I wake up in the morning just to see your face, Sultanım."
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multifandom-gif · 2 months
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Third time's the charm 🥹💍🤍
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jfrost-jen · 5 months
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Him 🛐🛐🛐
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alienkitty259 · 10 months
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Choose your blonde
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hades-in-bloom · 11 months
‘Till Death Do Us Part, Pt. 2 | Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
summary: Leon disappeared on his wedding day—until he was finally found.
contents & warnings: am cursed with fluff, assumed older Leon, assumed age gap (could be none though), mentions of blood and injuries, mentions of death, reader could be any gender, Leon behaving like an ass because he can’t handle feelings, kisses, no mentions of y/n
author’s note: I had no idea how it would end until it ended; proceed at your own risk.
all works in this blog are intended for 18+ audience
comments are appreciated <3
Leon spat blood and attempted to turn his head around, mildly squinting because of the palpable pain in the back of his skull. Shit, he grunted. Shit, shit, shit. The man cursed through the pain in his broken ribs and the soreness of the bruises that seemed to cover every inch of his body.
Who knew a quick work trip from New York to Washington, D.C., the day before your betrothal would be a nasty idea?
“You knew, you overworked dumbass,” Leon muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, cracked and hoarse. Everything that happened to him was precisely what Kennedy should have expected after the mission brief that Hunnigan delivered last night.
While he was getting out from under the wreckage of the D.S.O. helicopter, you must have been worried sick, all glammed up and dressed in your beautiful wedding gown. You didn’t let Leon take a peak at it before the ceremony, and now he regretted it—after all, he has never been too superstitious; will he even make it home tonight? At this moment, the man had no presumption if the ceremony would happen. Right now, he ran thin against the chances of making it out alive from his trouble.
Leon quickly searched for other survivors of the incident, but he found only corpses instead. Again. That seemed to be his thing—to be the last man standing; however, this peculiarity of his character has never brought as much peace to Leon as others would like it to.
It could bring peace to you, though, as by the end of this night, you might still have a fiancé to marry if he gets lucky.
Leon took time to bandage his right leg with pieces of his shirt as it bled heavily, almost dripping onto the ground. If he loses too much blood, he will collapse right there—and then you will haunt him in the afterlife, as you promised some time ago. Not that he didn't want to spend eternity with you, but it was way too soon for his liking.
Leon wasn't sure how long did it take to reach the highway, walking through the woodlands.
He passed out as soon as one of the cars slowed down next to him, answering the man's heavy gesturing from the roadside.
Your phone rang in the middle of the night, but you were wide awake.
“Yes, Ingrid?” you replied, audibly drenched and tired and lacking sleep for the past few days. You—or anyone—haven't heard back from Leon in a week, and you started losing your mind. You didn't want to prepare yourself for the worst; you really didn't.
“He's in a hospital in Delaware,” Hunnigan kept her tone professional, although it wasn't enough to hide her excitement. You covered your mouth with your hand, suddenly feeling dizzy. “He's badly hurt but alive. I'll send a D.S.O. ‘copter to pick you up—you are his emergency contact, after all.” You could hear Ingrid smiling. “Over and out.”
Hunnigan has already hung up—and you still couldn't breathe.
You rushed up the stairs to the second floor, not caring about using the slowest elevator on Earth—at least, that's how you perceived the hospital’s one; for the past week waiting on Leon to get back home, you had no patience left.
He briefly flinched in a hospital bed when you burst into his ward. You were so mad at him before—and suddenly you weren't, looking at how he's devouring a local chocolate pudding, a spoon still in his mouth when his eyes trained on you.
You felt a wave of relief washing over your body, and you finally felt it—he was alive. Despite all the odds, he came back to you.
“You bastard,” you whined anyway, keeping a weird distance. You might have been afraid of squeezing him too hard so the numerous droppers he was connected to would fall off.
Leon finally took a spoon out from between his lips, the lower one visibly split after the accident.
“Do I know you?” he tilted his head, watching you. You blinked in silence; only Kennedy’s heart rate monitor was beeping, its frequency increasing. After what you both went through, did he actually come back to you?
You didn't have time to say a word when one of the nurses walked into the room. She was in her sixties, looking at you like a proud aunt would.
“Oh, isn't it the lovely lady you've been telling me about,” she chirped, looking at Leon.
This was when you noticed a loving smirk growing on his face.
You took a deep breath, taking a step towards your dear fiancé.
“You are so lucky that you were dying a good second ago, Kennedy,” you groaned when he caught your wrist, almost desperately kissing you after you were pulled closer. You had no idea where his strength for this movement was coming from—but you could still feel a taste of a hospital-provided chocolate pudding on his lips.
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captainsavre · 6 months
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Castle || 4.11 - Till Death Do Us Part
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