ellend1234 · 1 year
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fandomfucker · 2 months
She got me fucked UP
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the-hanged-lover · 23 days
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the greatest sequel of all time
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antifainternational · 9 months
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Mami and her baby<3 Preparing for WrestleMania..
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Want to see more 👀.. My masterlist
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420jimmyuso · 3 months
gay ppl r so … wow
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kyleoreillylover · 9 months
Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Reader headcanons
A/N: I am obsessed with Dom, can you blame me? Here's some small headcanons while I am working on a smut fanfic for him.
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Always needs to be touching you in some way. His hand never leaves yours when you walk to the ring, his arm around your waist when the both of you are standing together just because he wants to feel you, slinging an an arm over your shoulder and hooking your legs together when the both of you are sitting on the couch.
This man is the perfect gentleman. Never let’s you get in the ring without holding the ropes open for you. Will always try to take any hits for you, he doesn’t want you getting hurt at all. Doesn’t let’s you drive anywhere, you’re his passenger princess and that’s never gonna change. Takes you on romantic dates whenever your schedules are free, and buys you a new outfit for each date even though you tell him it’s not necessary because he wants his baby to be happy. The man just loves you a lot and loves to spoil you a lot and doesn’t let a day goes by without letting you know.
Brags about you a lot. Whether it’s on social media and having his Instagram flooded with pictures of you, in the ring during a promo when he absolutely trashes your opponents and reminds them how much better you are, or to his friends in a conversation, this man will not stop bragging about you and your accomplishments. He’s just so incredibly proud of you and everything you do. You are his world and he wants everyone to know that.
Is dependent on you. You’re the more dominant one in the relationship, so he will stand behind you and relies on you a lot to take the lead and defend him, but if anyone disrespects you that’s when he will push you behind him and give them absolutely hell to defend your name. You find it adorable when he protects you and get's all protective, but you still want him to stay behind you and let you handle it yourself.
Teases you and jokes around with you a lot. You have a very playful relationship with each other, always messing around, having inside jokes, having prank wars with each other and the other wrestlers in the roster, and constantly play fighting with each other (which ends in you chasing Dominik around and him running away and using other members of TJD as a shield). Whenever Dom's with you, he can't stop smiling and laughing like a little kid with his crush.
Loves your body. The way your outfits and gear hugs your body deliciously, encinuatiyng your curves and boobs. Can barely focus during promos or backstage segments because he's too busy looking at you and can't take his eyes off of you. Loves your soft supple skin and how addicting it is to nuzzle his head into your neck and feel your skin against his. Loves your perfume and feels like he is always on a high whenever you're in his arms and he inhales it. He just can't get enough of you.
This man just loves you a lot, and would do anything and everything you ask of him, even if that meant putting his career on hold or leaving wrestling altogether. You mean more to him than his dream career, you are his dream world and having you in his arms makes him happier than any title around his waist.
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solo-uno · 4 months
Damian Priest dressed as Rocky 🪨
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for The Rock's 25th Anniversary. Nov 2021.
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babybatlover · 5 months
Tjd hcs!
warnings: nfsw, mdni!!!, minor alcohol, im pretty sure thats all
below the cut 💋💋
Rhea has 1 of the boys fuck you (could be mouth or cunt depending on preference) while she fingers your ass
She love watching you get fucked in both holes while you lay in her lap
Damian is the most dominant, then rhea, then finn (he’s a full switch be fr), dom dom, then you(you are most submissive)
neck kissing and soft kisses 
Omg rhea and damian love biting
Biting you, you biting, they font care just teeth and tongue and skin and they will be happy
Finn like shibari, and hes GREAT at it. A fuckin master at doing shibari
Dom like being able to hold and touch his doms so handcuffs/bondage is only used as a punishment
One time rhea and dame make you wear one of the remote phone controlled vibrators to a movie and sat in the back row of the movie theater so they could tease you the entire time
You slip in subspace easy so if you slip in public damian holds you hand and rhea will talk for you so you dont get too overwhelmed
I feel like the some of the other superstars have picked up on it like becky and seth so if they have to go out when ur in subspace they make sure you dont drop
Also when your drinking you drop easily so if you drink they are always very careful with you 
Rhea has a breeding kink (im sorry but bffr its the only time shes submissive is when shes being fucked and filled)
Mommy and Daddy kink!!! 
This is all i have but i will have more
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sydsaint · 1 month
Make fun of my big forehead man ONE MORE TIME!!!
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Summary: With Rhea gone, TJD start to fall apart at the seams. Tired of taking Damian's abuse, JD decides that it's time for the Irish Ace to make his return to singles action. But JD isn't about to leave without his favorite girl.
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"Crap." You grumble to yourself in the hotel room as you sift through your suitcase for your Judgement Day shirt. "Come on!" You grit your teeth. "It's got to be in here somewhere."
Across the room, JD finishes throwing his ring gear into his gym bag. He notices the distressed look on your face, so he walks over to you to ask what's got you looking so upset for.
"YN, love. What's got you all worked up?" JD asks you.
"I can't find my damned shirt!" You curse the air and shove your suitcase away from you.
You let out a frustrated sigh and run a hand through your hair.
"Alright, no need to take it out on the suitcase." JD chuckles to lighten the mood. "What's so special about this shirt you're looking for, anyway?" He asks you. "You know that you look good in pretty much anything, YN."
"Ugh, that's not the point!" You whine. "Damian has been up my ass about wearing Judgment Day merch to Raw." You explain. "I swear I packed the damn thing! But now I can't find it." Your voice cracks slightly due to your frustration.
Jordan rolls his eyes at the mention of Damian giving out more ridiculous orders to the team. Priest has been getting more and more authoritarian ever since he won his championship and Rhea had to leave due to her shoulder injury.
"Alright, just relax, love." JD walks back over to his suitcase laying open on the other side of the room. "Your suitcase might not survive another outburst." He jokes and pulls his Judgement Day shirt over his head.
JD tosses the shirt over to you and step forward to catch it. You watch him reach into his suitcase and pull out a different shirt to put on.
"Let Damian bitch at me for not wearing any merch today." JD offers as he pulls a plain purple shirt over his head.
"Thanks, Jordan." You crack a soft, thankful, smile.
You step into the bathroom with Jordan's shirt and the rest of your outfit for the night and get changed. You pull the shirt over your head in the bathroom and notice that it smells like Jordan. Which makes you smile to yourself.
When you come back out of the bathroom, JD is on his phone texting with Finn about the show. He looks up from his phone when he hears you come out of the bathroom and smiles at you.
"Like I said earlier." Jordan pockets his phone and gets to his feet. "You look great in just about anything, YN." He compliments you. "Damian and Dominick are already at the arena, and Finn is waiting for us in the lobby if you're ready to go." He adds.
"Yeah, just let me grab my bag." You nod and retrieve your bag from its spot on your bed. "And hey, thanks again for the shirt, Jordan. I don't know why I was freaking out so much about it." You thank him.
JD shrugs and gets the door for you. "Don't worry about it, YN." He assures you. "Happy to help."
You and JD meet Finn in the hotel lobby and the three of you head out to the arena for Raw. Once you make it to the arena, JD is quick to fall into a conversation with Dominick. You decide to take a minute to catch up with Finn while everyone waits for Damian to arrive back from wherever he's at.
"You ready for Raw, tonight? Finn?" You ask Balor casually. "You've got a match against Jey Uso, right?" You ask him.
"Yep." Finn nods. "I've gone up against Jey, before. It shouldn't be too much of an issue." He assures you. "How about you, YN. How's traveling with JD been?" He asks you. "The two of you getting along? It seems like you are. Especially since, and I mean no offense, but your shirt reeks of him, YN." Finn alludes to something or other involving you and JD.
You laugh at the way Finn maneuvers the conversation around the obvious accusation that he could be making. "Damian's been nagging me about wearing merch for Raw." You explain. "I forgot to pack my shirt, so Jordan lent me his. That's all."
"Oh." Finn replies. "Right, sorry, YN. I didn't mean to accuse you and JD of anything, you know?" He apologizes.
"It's okay, Finn." You laugh. "And to answer your other question, Jordan and I are getting along fine as travel partners." You assure him.
Finn nods and changes the subject to something else. Damian finally makes it back to the locker room right before Raw is set to start, and the mood in the locker room instantly changes when he arrives.
"Good, you're all here." Damian barges into the room, his voice booming as he slams the door behind him. "YN, I see you got the memo about your wardrobe." He comments on your shirt when his gaze happens to flit over to you. "And I see that JD did the opposite." He adds when he glances over at JD who's talking to Dominick.
JD rolls his eyes, but doesn't try and argue with Priest. Damian glosses over the schedule for Raw. He mentions Finn's match against Jey as well as his plans for a promo in the ring before the match.
"Alright, that's everything for tonight." Damian addresses everyone after he's done going over plans. "Y'all can do whatever you want until it's time to head out to the ring."
"How generous of you." You mumble to yourself, which earns some side-eye from Damian.
Damian turns his full attention on you, still siting next to Finn still. "You got something to say, YN?" He asks you.
"Nope. Nothing, boss." You reply dryly and rise from your seat.
Damian's gaze follows you as you walk past him and take a seat next to JD and Dominick. Damian stares at you for a moment, but eventually scoffs and walks off. Dominick heads out to go do something before it gets too late into the night, which leaves you with just JD to talk to.
"Some attitude he's got tonight." You whisper to Jordan with a sour expression.
"Got that right." JD agrees. "Who dies and made him boss anyway?" He adds.
Later into the night, it's almost time for Finn's match against Jey, so Damian rallies the troops and orders everyone out to the ring with him. You bring up the rear of the group with Jordan. Damian leads the pack and talks with Finn about making sure that he doesn't lose to Jey tonight.
"Is he really giving Finn the, 'you better not lose this.' talk, right now?" JD asks you quietly, so Dominick can't hear the two of you whispering.
"It sounds like it, yeah." You nod. "What the fuck is his problem tonight?" You wonder aloud. "I mean, Finn's been a champion way more times and in way more promotions than he ever has." You scoff.
JD nods in agreement, and you both glare over Dominick's shoulder at Damian. "And people like to say I've got a big head." He jokes with you.
You giggle and knock shoulders with JD playfully. "It's not that big." You laugh with him. "Just...larger than average. And it could be worse. You could have a big forehead and be ugly, right?" You add playfully.
"Well, we can't all be as effortlessly pretty as you, YN." Jordan chuckles. "But, I try."
You and Jordan laugh with one another, and for a moment you forget about Damian and his little ego trip.
Everyone files out to the ring and Damian gets a microphone from someone in the timekeepers area. With his microphone in hand, Damian makes his way to the middle of the ring and begins his speech.
You hang out in the corner of the ring with JD and Finn, and Dom is posted up in the other corner while Damian talks. Priest's speech eventually catches the attention of Jey, who was bound to head out to the ring sooner or later. But Jey doesn't come out to the ring alone. With him is Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, who's visiting from Smackdown since you're in Canada for the week.
"Oh, great." You comment as Sami, Jey, and Kevin all file out to the ring. "He just had to run his mouth, didn't he?" You sigh.
Jey confronts Damian in the middle of the ring, still pissed off about JD and Dom helping Damian cheat to win at Backlash a couple of weeks ago. Sami and Kevin offer Jey support by keep an eye on you, JD, Dom, and Finn, on the other side of the ring.
Eventually, a fight does end up breaking out between the two groups in the ring. You do your best to stay out of the carnage, But it's a little difficult to stay out of the way when bodies are flying around everywhere with reckless abandon.
"Shit! Move, Damian!" You accidentally smack right into Damian on your journey to make it out of the ring.
Your hit knocks Priest off balance and allows Jey an opening to hit him with a pretty nasty super kick. You feel bad for causing it, but slip down to the floor anyway. JD pops up at your side a few seconds later after barreling through Kevin over near the corner of the ring.
"You alright, YN?" JD checks up on you as the chaos of the fight begins to dissipate.
"Yeah, I'm good, Jordan." You nod and head over to Finn as he rolls out of the ring as well.
Dominick joins your trio a few seconds later and everyone gets clear of the ring. Everyone except Damian. Priest remains in the ring and furiously tries another attempt at attacking Jey.
Jey backs off with regroups with Sami and Kevin, leaving Priest alone in the ring. Damian realizes he's alone and frantically starts looking around for his team. He turns around to find everyone waiting for him at the top of the ramp. You gesture for him to join you in a friendly manner, but Damian takes it as anything but a friendly gesture.
You and the group wait at the top of the ramp as Damian makes his way out of the ring. And Dominick is the first one to notice that he looks like he's fuming mad.
"What the hell was all that?!" Damian stomps up the ring and confronts everyone. "So you guys just leave me in the ring alone?" He glares at the group. "And you!" He directs his attention to you. "What the fuck happened in the ring? You tripped me right into Jey!"
"I was trying to get out of the way, Damian." You reply calmly. "It's not like I meant to trip you." You try and assure him that you meant no harm.
Damian rolls his eyes, anger rolling off him like heatwaves. "Right. I swear, Rhea leaves for a week and it's like the four of you turn into a bunch of idiots!" He huffs. "Did you all forget how to listen to simple directions?" He goes back to confronting everyone.
"And who died made you boss?" You reply sharply, not about to take this verbal abuse.
"Rhea did." Damian turns his angry eyes back on you.
You scoff and tsk at him. "The fuck she did." You protest. "Rhea didn't say shit about putting you in charge of anything, Priest! And I'm getting real tired of you bossing me around." You add.
"I'm the champion!" Damian points to the belt hanging off his shoulder. "So what I say goes. You don't like it? Then you can take your bad attitude and get lost." He glares down at you. "Rhea is plenty enough women for this group. We don't need another one."
Before your brain can register what you're doing, you raise a hand and smack Damian across the face. The sound echo's off the barricades either side of the ramp and you suddenly remember that everyone is still standing on the stage and not in the secluded backstage area. Meaning the whole WWE universe just saw you smack Priest across the face.
Damian's nostrils flare and he stares down at you with murder in his eyes. But you don't budge from your spot.
"She's right, Priest." JD speaks up from your side. "You're not our boss. And we're tired of you acting like you can order us around." He comes to your defense.
Damian's rage switches from being directed at you to JD. He towers over Mcdonagh with a locked jaw and glares at him. "Yeah? Well you can join her then." He growls at JD.
"Gladly." JD replies. "Finn, Dominick, don't let this bloke order you around like his lackies, mates." He gives a friendly warning to the remaining Judgment Day members. "Come on, YN. Let's get out of here."
You glance between Finn and Dominick, offering them each a sympathetic smile before you join JD. The two of you walk toward the curtain while the WWE crowd roars throughout the arena.
"You know that we're going to catch hell from Priest for this, right?" You laugh to yourself as you and JD step through the curtain. "And we aren't exactly popular in this locker room." You add.
"Eh." JD shrugs and grabs your hand hanging at your side. "I've got you, love. Nothing else I need." He grins at you.
You giggle and clutch at his hand in yours. "It might not be so bad then." You joke.
You know that being against Priest won't be an easy battle. But you're willing to take the fight head-on as long as JD has your back.
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ellend1234 · 1 year
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fandomfucker · 1 month
Can I request poly! Judgement Day x virgin fem! Reader?
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Mixed with this request: TJD X female reader story where they're all just chilling at home (rest and relaxation day) and the day ends with the devils tango?
WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT!! (Condoms used, oral f&m receiving and giving, spit, fingering, vaginal penetration, choking, pet names, anal mentioned, praise, slight degradation, hair pulling)
A/N: Sorry its taken so long 😅
Word Count: 4,816
Reader's POV
As a pro-wrestler in a polyamorous faction, we took our days off very seriously. We didn't get many and even when we did get one, despite all being on the same show, the five of us were rarely all together.
Now, for the first time in almost two months, we all had the day off together. And we were going to make the best of it.
The first thing we all did together was sleep in. We had pushed two king beds together for one massive bed to fit all five of us when we moved in and we loved it. Not only could we all cuddle together at night, but it gave us more room for sex.
Having never been in a relationship before this at all, much less a poly one, I had been waiting to have sex with any of them. Just until I felt completely ready for it.
My other partners however, relished in the new amounts of space with each other. They would always reassure me that it didn't matter to them if I never wanted to have sex, so I've always felt very secure in my choices.
I woke up tangled in a mass amount of limbs. Being in the middle of four other people was usually wonderful but could also be suffocating at times.
Damian clung onto my back, his face pushed into the back of my neck while Finn clung to his. Dominik laid in front of me with his forehead resting against my chest while Rhea laid in a similar position as she spooned him from behind.
Taking a second to just breathe them all in, I snuggled back into my cocoon between Damian and Dominik and just enjoyed the moment. For once, there wasn't an alarm clock forcing us all to get up and leave, and all five of us were finally together.
"Mornin' sweetheart."
I lifted my head as best I could at the voice, still wrapped up tight in the boys' arms.
"Mornin' Mami," I grinned back.
"You want some breakfast? It's already almost 10:30." Rhea asked me, sitting up and beginning to stretch as her eyes roamed over the situation I was in and huffed a small laugh in pure amusement as I just stared up at her.
She began trying to gently pry Damian's hands from my waist where they were locking me in as she rolled Dominik over so he was also away from me.
"Come on! Get up!" Rhea playfully huffed as she grabbed my arm and began to pull me up.
Groaning, I made myself dead weight which only made her try harder to get me up.
"Can't we just stay here all day?" I pleaded, using my best persuasive voice.
"We can, but got to get some food in you first, my love."
Rolling my eyes I finally conceded with an "okay, okay, jeez" and let her pick me up to carry me out of bed so as not to disturb Dominik.
As soon as I was removed from his grasp, I heard him grumble his half-asleep annoyances before moving into the spot I'd just vacated and cuddling up to Damian who immediately wrapped his arms around him.
Rhea and I awed at them as she carried me out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. Sitting me down at the kitchen counter, she kissed the top of my head before walking over to the fridge and examining the contents inside.
"What do ya' feel like?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me.
I hummed to myself in thought as I looked past her into the fridge. "Can I just have some yogurt and coffee?"
She raised a brow at me. "That's gonna hurt your stomach."
I just waved her off and gave her a big toothy grin as she rolled her eyes but gave me my yogurt and began making a pot of coffee.
Heavy footsteps padded down the hallway and before I even had the chance to turn around to see who it was, a large hand landed on the top of my head, pulling me into them.
A kiss was planted on the top of my head, with a mumbled "good morning" before I was released and the chair next to me was pulled out and filled in by Dominik.
"Mornin', Mami," He greeted Rhea sleepily.
She threw a small smile over her shoulder, bidding him a good morning in return before going back to what she was doing.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dom scrutinizing me from where he sat not even a foot away.
"What?" I asked him.
Instead of responding to me, he just frowned and leaned down, grabbing the leg of the stool I was sitting on and pulling it towards him so that the seats of our chairs touched.
"That's better," He mumbled to himself as he slumped against me, holding me tight as he closed his eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.
My cheeks quickly heated as I looked over to Rhea in confusion, who was now watching us in amusement. She just shrugged at me before moving to the cabinet to grab some mugs.
I wrapped my arms around Dominik and began to lightly stroke his arm, tracing his tattoos.
Goosebumps began to spread out across his body underneath my fingers and he shivered, making me giggle. I cradled his head against my chest and gave the top of his head a kiss in apology.
His grip tightened on me and he snuggled his head further into my collarbone.
Rhea came over and placed two steaming hot mugs of fresh coffee in front of us, making Dom's head shoot up but his grip on me never faltered.
He stuck one of his knees in-between mine to keep me close as he reached out only one hand and grabbed my mug, beginning to cool it off by blowing on it.
Watching him do this simple little gesture of affection and care made me fall even harder for him. Once he had cooled it to what he deemed to be an acceptable temperature, he handed it to me, accompanied by a forehead kiss, before grabbing his own coffee and doing the same thing.
Sipping my perfect temperature coffee I just stared at him in wonder and love. In all the other relationships I'd been in since I was a teenager, no one had ever cooled off my coffee for me simply because.
He caught me staring at me and looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes mid-blow.
My cheeks flushed again and a ducked my head down, staring at my coffee to avoid eye contact.
I could hear both Dom and Rhea laughing at me but before either of them could say anything, Finn walked into the room, followed closely by Damian.
"Mornin' loves," Finn went around the kitchen giving all three of us a kiss on the head before seating himself at the head of the kitchen table.
I myself gave him a small grunt in greeting as I began to shovel my yogurt into my mouth so we could all go back to bed sooner.
"Woah, woah, woah. Take it easy, mi amor." Damian took the spoon out of my hand, forcing me to swallow what I already had in my mouth before taking another bite. "What's got you in such a rush?"
I stole my spoon back, receiving a quick frown in response as Rhea answered him for me.
"She just wants to spend the whole day in bed with everyone. But everyone else still needs to eat first too so slow down, babe." She reprimanded me.
Dominik stole my attention away from our girlfriend by resting his hand on my knee.
"I'm not hungry so once you finish we can go back to bed until everyone else is done, okay?"
Nodding happily, I took my time and slowly finished the rest of my yogurt, taking sips of my now lukewarm coffee in between bites.
Rhea made Finn and Damian some more coffee while Finn made the three of them a proper breakfast. Watching them just interact with each other as I ate my own breakfast made me happier than anything.
I sat and watched Rhea, swatting Damian's hands away from trying to take her vegemite away from her. And then Damian complaining that her kisses would just take like vegemite now, and her putting even more onto her toast.
She pulled off a bit of the crust with a much smaller amount of the vegemite on it, and handed it to me. I happily grabbed it and popped it in my mouth, thanking her as I enjoyed the Australian treat.
Of the four of us non-Australians I liked vegemite the most. Not anywhere near the degree that Rhea did, but I did like a small bit on occasion.
Once I had finished my yogurt, Dominik took my hand and helped me off the stool. I went and gave Finn, Damian, and Rhea, who had now joined them at the kitchen table, a kiss on the cheek before taking Dom's hand again and letting him lead me back to our bedroom.
Immediately I catapulted into the bed, scrambling to get under the covers and comfy as I possibly could be. I heard Dominik laugh at my antics before also jumping into the bed, landing right next to me as he also scrambled under the covers.
Fully enveloped in the blankets, we stared at each other in the dark, giggling like we were little kids hiding from our parents after doing something we weren't supposed to.
Dominik kissed me on the nose before rolling over to lay on his stomach, and I quickly followed suite.
Our whispers filled the bedroom as we huddled close together under the blankets, as if we actually had any secrets from the others. The others who would soon walk into the room and stop dead in the tracks at the sight of us underneath the blankets, our whispers having ceased the moment we heard them cross the threshold.
"Gee, I wonder where Dom and Y/n are!" Damian playfully exclaimed before immediately divebombing on top of us. Dominik and I both let out a grunt as the air left our lungs and the blankets were pulled back to revel Damian's grinning face.
"Whatcha' doing in there?" He waggled his brows at us, resulting in me slapping his chest lightly as a light blush coated my cheeks while Dominik giggled beside me.
I ducked my head down to hid my face but was immediately brought back up by Rheas fingers underneath my chin, only increasing the heat on my face as our eyes locked.
She grinned at me, leaning in to give me a kiss on the top of my nose before settling under the covers next to me.
Still blushing, I settled back fully under the covers, situating myself to now lay on top of her. My arms rested together on Rhea's plush tatted thighs, my head laid atop them as she massaged my head with her nails.
The feeling of her nails on my scalp soothed me and pretty quickly I was falling asleep. Not that I minded, as Rhea's legs are always the best place to fall asleep. However, I was rudely awakened not long after by Dominik calling for my attention.
I peeled an eye open, seeing Rhea glaring at him from above me and slowly pushing myself to sit up.
"What?" I asked grumpily. I heard Rhea chuckle above me before she started scratching my back with her nails, something I often did to the four of them as well.
"There was an update on your game!" He excitedly showed me, shoving my Nintendo Switch in my face. Disney Dreamlight Valley was a game I had started playing by myself a little while back as it was a very relaxing, peaceful, game. Dom and Rhea both wound up getting into it a bit as well and would play on my world just to get me more materials and money. If we weren't all playing together then sometimes they'd take my phone to help me level up as well as was the case currently.
"What? No way! It's not supposed to be 'til tomorrow!" I excitedly grabbed my phone back from Dominik and began looking around in the game and checking for updates. I heard Rhea make an "ooh" noise behind me and soon both of them had joined my world and were running around with me.
Finn and Damian posted themselves at the ends of the bed, Finn cuddling into Rhea with Damian into Dominik and me in the middle of them all. The TV turned on and the two eldest of the group began channel surfing, Rhea imputing her opinion every so often of what she didn't want to watch. In the end they settled on Tattoo Wars again.
For the next few hours, I just played my  on my switch, while the TV played in the background, my partners surrounding me on both sides. 
Eventually, my legs started cramping and my eyes burned from the bright glare of my screen. I put my switch to the side and slide down the bed, under the covers, and rolled onto my stomach. I laid my arms back across Rhea's thighs and began idly tracing her tattoos.
Her leg twitched, nearly kicking my own leg, as she let out an involuntary giggle from above.
The covers lifted above my head and I looked up, meeting her eyes. "What are you doing, bug?" I grinned up at her innocently, dragging my finger up her thigh again making her shiver.
Like a panther, quick as lightning she lunged for me and had me on my back with my hands pinned above my head as she straddled my hips. She gave me a grin of her own now as I was completely in her control. Or as she and the others liked to say, under her spell.
My eyes widened slightly and I could feel my core grow hot with lust as I stared up at her above me, her necklaces dangling in my face. All three of the boys had now stopped what they were doing and watched us from where they each sat around the bed.
Breathing became harder as each of us refused to break eye contact, her looks quite literally taking my breath away. She leaned down and grazed my cheek with a kiss, making me shiver now.
Pining my wrists together in only one hand as the other one trailed down to my exposed thigh. She trailed her finger up and down the center before inching her way towards the inside of my thigh.
On pure instinct, my legs parted, making way for her hand to do whatever it pleased. "Good girl." She whispered in my ear, pulling away to grin wickedly at me as the ends of her hair now tickled my face.
The small pool of wetness between my legs only grew with her words. Her hand began to tease the brim of my shorts as she lowered her mouth to mine.
I moaned into her, the taste of her vegemite toast still on her tongue as she used it to explore my mouth. My hips lifted up into her hand, chasing friction as she slipped under my shorts, tracing circles on my clothed core.
A gasp left my mouth at the sensation of her cool fingers on my hot skin. "Be a good girl for Mami and I'll give you what you want, hm?" She murmured on my lips.
I nodded as another gasp escaped me, putty in her hands as she rubbed circles around my clothed clit.
She sat back a little and looked around at the boys who were now watching us raptly. "Can the boys join in too or do you want them to leave?" Rhea leaned back down to ask me quietly, just in case it would hurt the boys' feelings.
"They can join." I replied, albeit shakily.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure." I smiled nervously at her.
She kissed my lips again, leaving me chasing after her as she pulled away from me, slinging her right leg back over my hips to sit on my my right side.
She moved the both of us so that she was on her knees, back against the headboard while I sat in front of her with my legs extended. She kept me there with a tight grip on my shoulders as Damian moved to be in front of me.
Rhea massaged my shoulders, her hands traveling up and down my arms sensually as I tried to focus on Damian in front of me.
He laid a hand on my thigh, the other hand coming up to cup my face. Leaning in, he placed his lips against mine. His hand on my thigh traveled up to the bottom of my shorts while one of Rhea's hands traveled down to cup one of my breasts through my shirt.
"Wait, wait, wait," I stopped, pulling away from Damian's lips.
All four partners immediately stopped in their tracks, whether they were touching me or not, and the ones that were pulled away.
"Are you okay?" Finn asked me in concern from the other end of the bed.
I nodded, "Yeah, um but...c-can we..."
Damian gripped my chin, gently tilting my head up to look at him. "Anything you need, Princesa. Just tell us what you want."
Blushing at the nickname, I wet my lips nervously before taking a deep breath.
"Can we use condoms? I know y'all usually don't and Rhea and I are both on birth control but I feel better with the extra protection."
"Of course carino, whatever makes you more comfortable." Dom piped up from where he now laid under Finn.
"Do you just want pregnancy protection or do you want me to use some too? 'Cause I have some in the drawer." Rhea questioned me. She still sat behind me on her knees massaging my shoulders and has now started up again.
I smiled at the genuine worry in her voice, truly willing to do whatever I wanted to make me comfortable. "No that's okay, babe. Just for the vaginal stuff with the boys. Everyone's been tested and hasn't been with anyone outside the group right?" I received four nods in confirmation. "Then I'm all good. Just nervous." I grinned up at her.
She grabbed my throat, forcing my head back even further, "Perfect. Just lay back and we'll do the rest."
She leaned over me and kissed my lips, still keeping a tight grip on my throat. Damian grumbled in front of me at the loss of his position and moved himself between my thighs. He hoisted up my hips, pulling my sleep shorts down and off my legs, my underwear entangled with them.
Reaching over to the bedside table, Damian withdrew three condoms from the drawer. He took one for himself and passed the other two to Finn and Dominik who were off to the other side of the bed but just close enough for me to reach them.
Rhea slid her lips down my chin, all the way to my throat, just under my ear and began her assault there, biting my skin only to lick away the hurt a second later. Breathy gasps left my mouth as she left her mark on me.
My shirt was ripped off my body for better access, my nipples hard and aching under her sensual touches.
A hand on my upper thigh made me turn my attention back towards the man in front of me. I'm met with the sight of his now covered cock standing stiff as he strokes himself, watching me and Rhea together.
A particularly hard bite makes me yelp at the same time Damian grips my thighs, harshly pushing them apart to bare myself to him. Sliding his hand up my thigh, he dragged his thumb up the center of my folds before leaning down and spitting right where his hand just was.
Upon seeing this, Finn and Dom both scooted their way over, moving around so each of them was sitting on either side of me. They each gripped a thigh and leaned down, adding their own spits to the mix.
And Rhea had no problem leaving my neck to move down and spread around the mixed spits of our partners with her tongue through my already soaked folds.
Without Rhea behind me now I was able to lay back on the pillows like she had told me to, as my partners all had their way with me.
I could tell they were still holding back a little and taking it slow though.
Finn and Dom were both naked now as well and I stroked each of their cocks just as Finn had instructed me to as Rhea fucked me with her tongue, using our partners' spit as lube. Damian watched over us all and positioned himself behind Rhea, pushing down on her upper back as she laid bent over on her knees before me.
He pushed her head further into me, making me moan aloud and squeeze the boys' dicks as well, causing them both to moan too. Dominik moved closer to my face and motioned for me to put his dick in my mouth. I did as I was told but wound up having a bit of difficulty still stroking Finn at the same time.
Dominik gripped my face in her hands, cupping right where my jaw met my throat. "Just focus on Finn, cariño."
I followed instructions and just focused on Finn as Dominik gather my hair in one hand, keeping the other hand cupping my jaw as he began to fuck my throat. "Tap my thigh if you need me to stop." He huffed out, continuously slamming his hips into me over and over again.
Not having to focus on two things at once now, I was able to stroke Finn faster, stretching my fingers down to knead his balls, making him throw his head back in ecstasy.
Rhea kept eating me out, fucking and sucking with her tongue until I was practically vibrating with the pleasure. She hummed onto my clit in amusement as my thighs squeezed around her head, only adding to the pit of fire brewing in my stomach.
I watched as Damian kneeled behind Rhea and, without a word, slammed himself into her, making her moan as she was thrusted into my pussy. When he had even taken her shorts off was a mystery to me.
Being the most unexperienced one there, I came first. My thighs clenched and shaking around Rhea's head as her metal tongue piercing swirled around my clit, being pushed and pulled into me as I watched from my vantage point Damian fuck her hard and quick.
"Fuck!" Dominik exclaimed right as he came hard into my mouth. Pulling out, he gave me the option to spit or swallow it.
I maintained eye contact with him as I swallowed it, the grip he had on my hair getting tighter as he watched it go down.
"Good girl, you beautiful little slut." He praised, kissing me on the mouth before pulling away and turning my head towards Finn.
Taking Finn's cock into my mouth, I set the pace this time as I felt Rhea dislodge herself from between my thighs.
I sucked Finn off until he abruptly pulled out of my mouth and came on my tits instead of in my mouth.
He grinned at me hungrily as he watched the liquid slide over and down my breasts, mixing with my sweat and making them shiny.
"Ah fuck!"
I turned and saw Rhea on her stomach just to the side of me with Damian still fucking her from behind, his hands holding her hips tight.
Just by the look on her face I could tell that she was coming pretty hard. I bit my lip as I watched the two of them together.
Damian moaned and gave one last large thrust as he also came into the condom he wore, still inside of Rhea. He head was thrown back, his eyes closed but when he turned to look at me it was like there was no one else in the world.
"You wanna get in on this?" He questioned me, moving away from Rhea to take off and throw away the condom. I nodded eagerly and awaited my instructions.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dom and Finn already back on top of each other, kissing each other like their lives depended on it while Finn fucked Dom.
"What do you want then, sweetness?" Rhea breathily asked me as she pushed herself up.
My face grew hot at the nickname. She hadn't called me that one before and it caught me off guard, not to mention, I was too embarrassed to tell them I wanted her to sit on my face while Damian fucked me blind.
Sensing my nervousness, Damian reached out and tucked back the strands of hair stuck to my forehead with sweat.
"Y/n, I promise you, whatever you want is totally okay with us. We've probably done it before anyways," He smiled at me. "Just tell us what you want so we can make you feel good."
I sucked in a deep breath, before just speed-running my words. "I want Mami to sit on my face while you fuck me."
"That, we can do." Rhea grinned cheekily at me. Gripping my shoulders she gently pushed me down to lie flat in my back, throwing some of the extra pillows behind me to the floor for more room.
My hands reflexively gripped her thighs as she swung her left leg over my hip. Smiling down at me, me began making her way up my body until she was directly over my face.
She stroked my hair as I held onto her upper thighs for dear life. "You ready?"
I nodded, the more than perfect sight of her bare pussy over top of me more than enough to steal my breath away.
Rhea leaned on the headboard with one hand while the other stayed entangled in my hair as I felt Damian put my legs up so my knees were in the air. 
I felt him situate himself between them, gripping my own thighs for support as he rubbed his cock up and down my pussy.
Rhea turned back towards him and gave him a nod but before I could ask them about it, Rhea spread her knees out and rested all her weight on top of me, while Damian simultaneously inserted himself into me, straight to the hilt.
My back arched in ecstasy as Damian began to pound into me, the same way he had to Rhea. I kept my tight grip on her thighs to keep myself grounded as I reveled in the sensations from both partners.
Rhea's grip on my hair tightened when I stuck my tongue into her cunt, making me go deeper and faster than I thought I could. Keeping one hand on her leg, I brought the other one down to rub on her clit.
I could feel Damian doing the same thing, thrusting into me as he drew circles on my clit making me moan into Rhea's pussy, only adding to her own pleasure even more as she grinded down on my face. 
Soon, I could feel both of our thighs beginning to shake on the verge of orgasm as well as Damian's thrusts beginning to become erratic.
With a final thrust of both tongue and cock, all three of us came, shaking and panting.
As soon as Rhea was able to move again she removed herself from my face, resulting in a whimper from me as her slick stuck to my chin, strings of it connecting the two of us as she pulled away.
Feeling a weight that wasn't Rhea on my stomach I looked down to see Damian's exhausted head lying on my lower belly. I smiled and ran my shaky fingers through his hair, a smile tugging at his features as sweat shone on his skin.
I didn't even notice Dom and Finn's absences from where they had been next to us until Finn was holding a wet wash cloth and making Damian get off me. He kissed my thigh before spreading them apart again and starting to clean me up.
I smiled at him in thanks, still at a loss for words as my head rolled to the side, watching as Dominik cleaned up Rhea.
"I think I'm ready for actual food now." I announced. "And maybe a shower," I scrunched my nose in fake disgust, watching as my partners all looked at me like I had hung the moon.
"Actually, I'm thinking we have a girls only bath time, hmm?" Rhea responded, holding out her hand for me to grab.
Once my hand was enveloped in hers, she led me off the bed and into the master bathroom, locking the door behind us to the annoyance of the boys.
That night started me and Rhea's tradition of taking a bath together after every group session. Not only because we both despise being sticky, but because it also gives us a little bit of girl time after being with all the guys.
Which 90% of the time just led to more sex between the two of us. The boys don't need to know that.
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samijey · 5 months
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sami giggling at jey in the middle of wargames because why not
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domysterio · 2 months
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420jimmyuso · 3 months
judgment day tweets r BACK ! everyone clap or ill kms
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not my favs tbh but 😴 its still canon so enjoy
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