#TKT answers
luckydragon10 · 2 years
It wasn't an Ask in my Ask box, but a reliable commenter on The King's Tree came back for a reread and brought up a fun topic, so I thought I'd copy the content here in case anybody (cough @domsaysstuff cough) is still interested in this kind of content.
From OurLadyoftheRain on AO3:
Re read kudos! ♡ Also i wanted to tell you that i always enjoyed the little tidbits about soulmates at the beginning of every chapter, but now i can't help but imagine the experts in soulmarks and academics of this world just absolutely dying for a chance of studying their case after hearing rumours of their double mark (cus let's be honest, there's no way Kinn wouldn't have bragged about it lol) Also, i was wondering if Tawan was alive here too and if maybe Vegas ire back at that party was in part from the time he wasted with him, useless now that Kinn had his real soulmate. Mmnn, maybe in that case he wasn't alive for long anyways lol
And my reply:
I GET REREAD KUDOS?! 🥺🙏😌 Let me just soak these up, as they are especially delicious kudos and I want to savor them.
Hallo, welcome back to the fic for another round!
OMG I wrote a little something somewhere about the academics, lemme see if I can dig that up. For a little while after I finished TKT, I was entertaining a LOT of great Asks on Tumblr. SHOOOOT I can't find it. Maybe I actually wrote it in a reply to a comment somewhere. Gosh. Okay, I'll give you a fresh writeup with even more details, in fact:
Basically, YES, 100%, scientists want IN on this case study. It doesn't take all that long after Porsche develops the second mark for academics (and television producers AND documentary filmmakers) to reach out requesting the opportunity to interview them and learn the specifics about their bondmark case. However, I take a different approach than you do: IMO, Kinn turns them all down. A part of this is for privacy and security concerns -- it's not exactly a good idea to have people digging into his life for MANY REASONS. Another reason, though, is because he will always, always regret having removed his mark. As amazing and miraculous as it is that he has two bondmarks growing on him, it's also a constant reminder that things could have and should have been different if not for his own actions.
HOWEVER, later in life, he relents, and he and Porsche give a single interview to a pair of highly regarded scientists in the field. It is, of course, very carefully edited here and there, and they don't answer all of the scientists' questions in fact, but they both want their story recorded. Kinn, in particular, wants it to be a cautionary tale for those who might consider removing their seeds.
WHEW, okay, that was a chunk of a reply. 🤣
Re: Tawan, I think if I were to explore more of this universe, I'd lean toward just leaving him dead to begin with, none of this sudden reappearance storyline from canon, haha.
Thanks for bringing up a fun topic! AND thanks for rereading!
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The Sinner’s assigned Abnormalities in L. Corp are very intriguing to me, as not being a general “resonance,” that Limbus uses with its current day Ego. But! They were assigned that for a given reason, even if only on a meta level, so I’d like to put my two cents into it as I love the Lobcorp Abnos so much. These are simplified summaries of the Abnormalities and speculation on how they fit said Sinner.
Faust - Forsaken Murderer
I do not believe she has an Ego Gift adored to her except the one for this Abno, so we can focus in on this purely; all being of Forsaken Murderer. (On this note, although I am not talking about the realization Ruina Egos, Meursault has Ego for this Abno as well) Forsaken Murderer in his original logs was said to have been a murderer in federal prison to have been sentenced to death. Before that could take place, a bunch of researchers decided to experiment on him. They wanted to prove an innate “evil,” existed and on a further level, they wanted to “cure,” him, although unclear what it really was they wanted to cure. Their experiments twisted out all of his penitence for violence, turning him docile, until he came to this belief of ringing in his head, that his head itself had became metal, leading to self harm against himself. Eventually a fatal accident happens, the researchers jump the ship and decide to simply dissect his brain, until the end he muttered, “ends, begins, ends, begins, end.”
NOW, this is hard to shape into Faust’s story, given how little we know about her on a deeper level, but, I think there’s already (shallow-ish) connections we can make. Faust has a lot of implications of science experiment (Child in a Flask, Telepole) whether we take this ‘literally,’ it’s safe to say either way Faustcord keeps her on a tight leash as being an “experiment” of a Faust who is willing to take a gamble. A lot of Forsaken Murderer focuses on the fact he is chained and tied up but “free as any other man,” we could take this as Faust’s expectation of being a skilled scientist and genius who is bound by those around her, to fulfill that role, yet “free,” at the sake of being all knowing. Faust is “omnipresent,” yet she is just another in a chain of command. In TKT she mentions to Vergilius that both of them “know their place,” despite how great she is, how “free,” of knowing she is, she is just another chain, in both the City and Dante’s contract to the sinners. We can also go deeper with this concept of “inevitably,” of the city, given to her by a predestined plan of fates, in every mirror world, how it all will end has already been put into motion. To know of how tied you are to fate surely must be a token of freedom as well, can’t it? He also seems to have a bit of an ego, a Ruina line of his being, “Don’t look at me with those eyes. You’re the most pitiful one here.” Which, fits Faust’s need to be above others, such as “Faust is brilliant, smart, Yi Sang is a genius.” An implication that Yi Sang had a cap on how brilliant he can be, something he must’ve lucked into, Faust was born to be great. Even if she is regrettably pitiful in every other aspect. An inability to connect to others or form meaningful attachments, this especially rears its head in events were her intelligence creates gaps between her and others, all of MotWE or Dante’s brush off of her in Canto 6 when she cannot given them an answer, or, even earlier, Sinclair accusing Faust and Limbus using the Sinners as compasses to boughs. In all situations it leaves her isolated and awkward, unable to answer, creating a larger, pitiful wedge between her and others, despite how great she is. She is still a thing to be “studied,” whether from an actual scientist or to other versions of her, or those around her, she is a spectacle.
Outis - Der Freishütz / Bloodbath
The story of Der Freischütz in Lobcorp was of a marksman making a deal with the devil, the devil proposed that the gun could shoot anyone, on the last bullet it would pierce the person the marksman loved, in return, the devil would gain the marksman soul in hell. The marksman thus went through all his bullets, killing off all his loved ones. The marksman traveled, simply doing good and bad deeds in impulse, no sign of an actual moral code. Eventually, he realized that the devil had long since stopped following him. He realizes that the contract had long been fulfilled, since the very beginning of him giving up his loved ones, did he fall to hell. And so, now a devil as well, the marksman continued to shoot anyone he wanted, forever.
Again, another sinner we’re left out in the cold for. But, to tap into Outis’ source, The Odyssey, the story follows Odysseus’ desperation to finally reach home, to his family. As the stories play out the more Odysseus gives up his morals. To sacrificing his men to no mercy, a king who was once gentle and kind, gives up all people around him to succeed in arriving home. Of course, from the start, Odysseus had given up his family, a mother who died alone, a wife left waiting for over a decade, a son who had never known him. Odysseus also makes many deals with Gods around him, something he pays greatly later for. Of course, none of this is a one for one, but I think it is to mimic Odysseus, or here, Outis’ slower decent into someone who hurts those who she loves (or should’ve) by her cruelty, once Odysseus had set off to war was the moment he was bound to lose everything. Which, is very similar to how Der Freishütz is, he had lost his humanity the moment he made the deal.
Bloodbath is a Abno based overtly on Carmen, but, to ease it into a more general baseless story, the Abnormality represents: “the pain of all those who couldn’t take their sorrow in stride.” A huge focus on Bloodbath is the guilt of love, of unable to achieve success, using “scars” as marks of failure. The bath mocks the person peering in with hands reaching out desperately, as if begging to be saved, or joined, in this misery. It’s a sign of endless despair, unable to ever reach the climax of this, the only outcome is to accept this wave of despair and let yourself accept it.
So, arguably this fits Outis really well just on the bases of the line: “Many hands float in the bath. They are the hands of the people I once loved.” This once again, is more of a line of thinking born from her source, but a lot of Odysseus’ guilt is haunting to him, specifically that of Penelope, but overall, he gives up many men, including people very close to him, to never truly “succeed,” I feel like this one is easier to connect to, given what I said of the previous Abno to Outis, so.
Don Quixote - Meat Lantern / Void Dream / Fragment of the Universe
Meat Lantern is quite.. obtuse, in its logs, both in Lobcorp and LoR most is left obscure. Which is terribly fitting. Meat Lantern, by your guess, is obviously not a tiny little flower. The logs say that it is gigantic, underneath the entire facility, always waiting, it lures people in, in L. Corp’s lens, it lures in employees by being a lantern, something shiny, full of hope, they haven’t seen stuck underground for so long. Any nature, any lights, something that wasn’t horrific or artificial has long since been lost to everyone there. It’s easy to feel it calling to them, to reach out, to touch, but it’s all a ploy to devour and eat whoever trusts it.
So, Donqui’s Abnos are actually what made me originally want to write about them. I had written out my analysis of hers a few months before, but it was too hinged on my own reading of her that it felt easy to write off as me sounding insane. But! With the reveal of MotWE.. this seems, pretty obvious. (Glad to know I’m not too crazy) Don Quixote wears a mask, one of “hope” something born from really just being .. silly, of something rare in the City. Someone who genuinely believes in good? In hope? Here? As “Don Quixote” stands as an ideal, a concept, “too good to be true.” and beneath that is a “reality,” no one’s has “really ever seen.” (as the log says about the “real body” of Meat Lantern) and then “devours” people. Yeah. I bet.
Void Dream’s logs follow someone who has Void Dream eat all their nightmares, giving them the best dream they could have imagined, the person they love had returned, even working in such a horrible company that is L. Corp was good. Everything was so, so amazing, a perfect ideal world for the dreamer. When waking up, the person was crushed by reality, when forced to confront the truth they became despaired. They tried to find those dreams again, in an obsession, but, they never did come back. The employee comes to the realization that Void Dream’s deal was too good to be true, that from the start, the Abno had set them up. And they had lost, unable to enjoy either sides of reality or dreams, they find their way back to Void Dream and beg them to eat all their dreams. Stealing away all their dreams, nightmares, hopes and despairs, virtually leaving them empty. When Void Dream is accused of leading people on, it brushes off the person, insisting it just wishes the best for others. The line, “a demon must change its shape to deceive others.”
Originally, I had read this purely as Don Quixote being put into the victim’s prospective, someone who “wakes up” from a perfect dream to be crushed by reality. And, I don’t actually disagree, I think this still 100% fits. But I think her fitting “as” the Abnormality makes perfect sense, too. Obviously, the whole “deceiving others,” line fits. To change one’s shape, a “demon” a Bloodfiend, to deceive others into seeing it as innocent, pure, true to the ideals it preaches. But, and this is a bit speculation on what we know very little of, “Don Quixote,” was given, or is a dream herself that a Bloodfiend wishes to dream, that Bloodfiend must’ve spun this tale, this “perfect” dream is an “act of kindness,” despite not being kind at all. Despite giving out this dream, not only to herself, but to others around her, does it lead to destruction and a harsher fall to reality itself.
Fragment of the Universe.. actually isn’t an Abnormality. At least, not traditionally, if the logs are true. The log mentions how it let itself be caught and studied, and through studying they declared it “intelligent enough” to communicate via language, thus, it learned more and more of humans and humanity. It became endeared and loved people. It reflected what it saw, leading to it looking like a kid’s drawings of hearts. When asked why it had came to interact with humans, it said it wanted to spread messages. One being its song, a song of the universe that drove people crazy, but also let them “finally see the stars,” and also to inform everyone that “there are no coincidences in the universe.”
FotU is really intertwined to its love of humanity, even its design is rooted in this love for the species. Its aim to spread its song is to “relieve” people, as well, even if misguided or unable to be understood. I think Don Quixote, as a concept, is so terribly human. She’s overly emotional, she’s quick to action, strong morals, she’s clumsy and brave and fearful and determined. She is so very human that it backfires. Given Cassetti’s lines, “we are so, so hideous behind the mask.” and his dedication as well as other Bloodfiends to “run” from being monsters and Elena’s lines of her wondering if she was desperate enough to “chase after being an ordinary human again.” I think the Bloodfiend behind Don Quixote genuinely loves humans, and, most likely, wants to “be” one. And “reflects” what she sees, which is a habit Donqui has, mirroring Merusault in TKT, or wishing to “copy” other sinners from Outis’ wristwatch. Donqui also has a huge tie to stars, so, so many of her IDs have her mentioning them, not to mention her tagline. I think an Abno who knows far more than it lets on, powerful, letting itself into humanity, coming to love them, but never being one, is dreadfully fitting.
Yi Sang - Funeral of the Dead Butterflies
FotDB is an Abnormality born from the pain and suffering of.. Lobotomy Corporation, actually! It’s a mourner who is rumored to wandering the halls of the facility with a coffin for those who are bound to be lost, an early mourning for those who are destined to die, and an incomplete sorrow for those already gone, the coffin too small to fit them all, unable to fall asleep or escape. The ending of the log decides that there is no escape, these butterflies are damned to wait, because there “must be an end to every world.”
I think, just like with Gregor’s case, although the original Abnormality is directly tied to L. Corp, in a more general definition, it is about the pain and sorrow of those inevitable deaths born from things such as K corp, or the Smoke War. Cases of people’s lives being thrown away and devalued, not given proper burials, no home to escape to, a fate to dying here, leaving the mourning to the others in the same situation who simply “lucked out.” In Yi Sang’s case, an “ending for every world,” feels very deliberate to the “world,” in which he was locked up in a cage, passively awaiting the days for it to end, one way or another, only to realize he was able to walk out, that the door was never locked. Yi Sang’s grief and attachment to the League of Nine, the only person who seems to grieve over those loses, alone, carrying that pain wherever he goes. In that sense, “an ending to every world,” could also be turned into a guaranteed ending of things he loved as well. There is more to be said, but this one seems very obvious.
Ryōshū - Spider Bud / One sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds / Scorched Girl / Bloodbath / Big and Will be Bad Wolf
(Oh my God girl. Do you need that many???)
Spider Bud is an Abno that is deeply protective of her babies, quite literally her alternative name being “brood mother,” she reacts negatively and violent if an Agent hurts or steps on her children
Ryōshū has gotten this Abno thrice now. It’s gotta be important, and yeah, it is! This is born purely from her Source, but Yoshihide’s tragedy is losing his daughter, Spider Bud’s entire gimmick is being peaceful (as an Abno can be) unless someone hurts her children, she stalks and watches and exacts revenge against those people. I didn’t want to bring in Uptie stories, but Ryōshū’s uncharacteristic gentleness to the spiderlings who nip at her is really.. striking. Once again, this one feels kind of.. duh, so I won’t go much deeper into it.
One Sin is an Abnormality with the purpose of being confessed to, to relieve one of their sins, it’s tied to religion to Hell’s screen gimmick of.. Hell.. feels, yes, but I feel as though this is more general and disingenuous from One Sin’s connection to Christianity while Hell’s screen is about Buddhism’s hell. Instead this felt more interlined to Parallel Gebura. A lot of people have jumped on this for power scaling fun, but! I think it’s important to realize why Carmen would’ve said “At least similar in this regard,” my take is that a huge aspect of Gebura’s woes in Lobcorp was her unable to protect those she loved. Given Yoshihide’s tragedy here, unable to protect his daughter. I think that is the aim that makes the most sense right now with how very little we have about Ryōshū.
Scorched Girl is another Abnormality she’s already gotten, all in all, SG lives on a sense of angered revenge and self destruction. Her logs depict her to be torn in two from her desire of affection to one of wishing harm on others.
Her attempt at hurting others involves hurting herself, which lines up with Yoshihide’s ending, of his natural self destructiveness, how he makes his art and his death. Her rage also lines up with Ryōshū’s, a want to have back warmth, love she’s lost, but only able to be a match of destruction.
Bloodbath, we already covered this in Outis’ section! I think Outis and Ryōshū naturally align similarly, (Hong Lu, Mr. “Horrific family” isn’t ever the one getting cold or aloof to mentions of family or parents or children, it’s only ever these two!) A guilt of unable to succeed despite how much you gave up and sacrificed, including others And to lose those you love, the hands in the water being everyone you’ve ever loved, by your own faults.
Finally, Big and Will be Bad Wolf! The Abnormality is about being set up from birth being one way. From the way society sees you, you will always be what they depict you as. The Abnormality doesn’t feel remorse over the violence it causes, because it was “inevitable” he’d turn out this way. Who is he to blame nature? Regardless of nurture.
This one is the most hard to really fit without going “well, just a hunch.” I think this could be in regards to Yoshihide’s further and further acts of violence and pain to others around him, but unable to feel that remorse (until it is too late) because he was born with this way. He was “born” an “artist.” Who is he to defy things sacrificed for art? He is unable to be anything but cruel and vindictive, and he doesn’t try to be.
Well, that’s everything I could remember off the top of my head! Apologies if it starts to get a little weaker by the end, I’ve been typing for hours. In general, there’s more I could say or conclude, but, because of how loose Abnos are in concept, as well as how most of these Sinners (everyone but Yi Sang…) haven’t had their cantos yet, it leaves a lot of assumptions built upon their sources and short behavior ticks we’ve seen them display. I won’t say these are confirmed or sure fire takes but more so a jumping off point in fathoming these choices.
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
I have a prompt for you! Steve or Eddie finding out that the other one collects something. Maybe it's weird or silly or just surprising. I feel like one or both of them secretly collect stuff.
Eddie collects things, lots of things, he's a collector. He collects rocks he likes, every trinket, key chain, necklace, or ring he finds with a shape of a lizard. He collects dice and zines, cassettes, you name it, he collects.
When Steve realizes this, he starts saving weird rocks he sees to give to him later. They don't really talk about it, Steve never says anything and he actually kind of doesn't notice he's doing it. But sometimes Eddie will get in his car and Steve will tap the headboard and say, "There's something for you there," and Eddie will open the compartment and find a metal pin with the shape of a lizard and grab it a hold it and look at Steve and Steve will shrug, like its nothing and Eddie will continue to stare at Steve for a few minutes while he drives, and he'll pin and long and love him in silence.
He asks him once if he collects anything, but Steve shakes his head no. No trophies, no love letters, no polaroids.
They are hanging out at Steve's one lazy sunday afternoon when he finds it. He was looking for a lighter, Steve had refused to move from where he's lying limbs stretched like a star on the floor of his bedroom and pointed somewhere over his desk when Eddie had asked for it.
He's rummaging through the desk and opens the second drawer, starts moving things around when suddenly Steve is right behind him,
"It's not there! There's nothing there." he yelps, trying to close the drawer, and Eddie laughs and looks closer at the contents, thinking he'll find Steve's porn stash and make him blush a little, but instead he finds a movie tkt, a receipt, a napkin, and other things that don't make a lot of sense until it does.
Because the ticket is from a movie they saw together, and the receipt is from when they went to Indianapolis and ate greasy burgers at a diner in the middle of nowhere, and the napkin is from The Hideout and there's a leaf carefully pressed with duck tape that he's sure is the one he once gave Steve, when they were walking through the forest, sharing a smoke. A leaf, just a silly little leaf, he had grabbed it off the floor because it was brown and speckled with yellows and greens and it reminded him of the color of Steve's eyes when the light hit them just right. He'd given it to Steve without a word and Steve had smiled and twirled it in front of his face and then he had completely forgotten about it and here it was, in a drawer in Steve's room, along with a whole lot of things, mementos, of them.
Eddie looks at Steve, who is standing just to the side of him, completely red in the face and with his hands suspended in the air, either to push Eddie away and close the drawer or hold them up as surrender, he doesn't know.
They look at each other, both searching for something, asking questions, seeking answers. They look at their eyes, roam their faces, and end up on each other's lips, and Eddie smiles, big, happy, and enamored, he slowly moves to face Steve properly, closing the drawer with his hip and holds Steve's face between his palms and Steve leans into the touch closing his eyes for second before going back to stare at Eddie, and shily, he smiles back.
And Eddie dives in and kisses the boy who gifts him weird rocks, lizard trinkets, and dice. The boy who collects mementos. The boy he loves.
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seventfics · 2 years
This is always kinda of a jerk thing to ask, I know, but are you still working on The Kamski Test? It’s one of my favorite all time fics.
It’s not a jerk thing at all! A fan expressing their wishes while also giving kind praise in the same breath is one of the sweeter receptions for my brain. 💖
To answer: yes, I do plan on continuing TKT. I have the whole next chapter drafted and sections of the next arc written, but due to unforeseen workload (it was totally foreseen, I made this hell myself), I haven’t been able to sit down and actually re-set a schedule.🧍🫡 I may-or-may-not be delayed while other wips are in the process, but maybe I can make that work in tandem, too.
I’ll also probably need to re-read the fic from the start when I have the time to sit down and bulk write again; not just for any minor corrections or typo-checking, but to get back in the mental space for the au. I want to keep it all consistent, despite the hiatus.
Tentatively, my 3-simultaneous-part-time-nightmare will end in May. That’s not when I can get back to posting, however, just when I can sit down and Read, lol.
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chelseafcwmemes · 2 years
hii 👋
sabs sent me your way...I'm looking for your tricks in buying west end tickets cheaper. any advice ?
She sent you a great way haha. Are there any shows you are specially interested in, I would love to know?
I’m so sorry for the length of this! But feel free to sent an anon more or a dm, i’m more than happy to help :)
First an overall tip: always recommend going to seatplan.com and search for the show, they have reviews with pictures from almost every seat at any show and there’ll be a good description of the view - it’s the best tool!
There’s a few tricks for cheap tickets:
The first one is a little obvious and boring but that’s booking a little in advance. There’s always cheap(er) tickets around £15-35 though they say restricted view, that usually isn’t the restricted. I almost always buy the cheapest ones and they’re fine only with a little less legroom - i’ve seen almost every show or been to almost every theatre and have not experienced anything completely awful yet. I’d say 3-4 weeks prior should give you a good variety of seats (unless it’s Heathers then 6 weeks). Seatplan.com is your best friend while booking these tickets
Other than that the better ways are a little risky, there’s something called TKTS, which is the official Theatre of London company and they have on-the-day sales where you can buy discounted remaining seats for shows. You can either do that online or at their official booth at Leicester Square (I prefer this.) There’s usually seats for every show but they are discounted from their original price, so fx £40 might seems like a lot but you’re getting a seat worth £80+ for it. It’s of course a little more tricky as nothing is guaranteed. I usually don’t experience anything below £20 but you can get insanely good seats for 50% to big shows like Les Mis. I would NOT use the unofficial sellers around the West End but that’s just a personal thing.
The other way is by lottery. A few shows like Matilda, Moulin Rouge, Cabaret and Hamilton does weekly lotteries, where you enter a chance to buy cheap tickets. The first three are for £25 and for Hamilton it’s £10! I just entered the Hamilton one and for that you need to enter Wednesday the latest the week prior to your trip and you’ll get an answer Thursday and a chance to purchase tickets, should you be selected. Of course a lot of locals also do these lotteries so the guarantee is quite slim - specially for Hamilton. There’s more information about these on their websites - however this is probably the most uncertain of ways.
I know Matilda have student discount tickets for £15 but you have to show up at the theatre on the day of the show to purchase tickets (first come, first serve)
Hope this helps a little, unfortunately after COVID it has gotten a lot more expensive, prior Wicked had £17.5 tickets and now their cheapest are around £30
Here’s the link to TKTS:
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zine-e · 2 years
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#or like you’re asking what i think should happen to ‘criminals’ and i don’t even think criminalization should exist so how do i answer
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Wow ça existe encore Tumblr en 2022 ! j'ai cliqué son ton profil discord - curiosity no stalk - et oh étonnement, ce lien est toujours actif. J'arrive pas à classer si c'est une bonne découverte ou pas, mais INFP comme moi (et 2,5% de la population) c'est potentiellement pas trop horrible. Bon, Serpentard-Poufsouffle, tu dois aimer vivre dans les profondeurs... je comprends :) Juste un petit coucou à l'entrée de ta grotte, donc ! Reste #soyeuse ! Moa
Je crois savoir d'où tu sors grâce à ta signature. Tu veux trade ? #zunivers
Tkt, je regarde presque sans arrêt les bios des gens sur discord 💚
0 note - publié le 6 septembre 2022
Magalie!!!!!!! You're back!!!!!! I always get so happy to see you in my notifs 💜💜💜💜💜💜
💜💜💜 so happy to be back to Tumblr. I miss a lot of trends, no?
How are you doing lately, Jazzy? 💜
1 note - publié le 7 mai 2022
Zevent us at +1M while we are at 3h30 of the start of the event
3 notes - publié le 9 septembre 2022
hello??? will be posting some skam france stuff on here since there's the new season came out like nearly an hour ago !!
also, MAYA??
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13 notes - publié le 5 janvier 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Zevent is a caritative event on twitch that will happened this weekend and starts with a concert Thursday evening.
Come see us, also on place.zevent.fr we had a r/place but with donations included and on the channel Zevent Plays, there will be Twitch Plays Pokemon
It's a small post but it speak from my heart 🤗
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16 notes - publié le 6 septembre 2022
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meyhew · 3 years
any chance you know where i could find the original version of tkt?? like a pdf or something??
posting this just bc i know i'll get more people asking for it lol but i have a pdf for it here. enjoy!
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icarusbuck · 3 years
Buck in the 4x12 pics is the only way I will see him in tkt now. It's a god tier look in general but especially for a pirate 👀👀
SCREAM yeah i picture him a little bit scruffier and not like... polished, if that makes sense, but YES
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croutoncat · 5 years
if this amazing multinational company that i would love to work for particularly considering the boss is a friendly canadian doesnt get back to me by today i can and will cry
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cinnaminsvga · 5 years
when will you continue/finish the t.k.t series :
oh worm… big rip… i’m so sorry anon but i just don’t know!! tkt was a series that i started as a joke, back when i was half sleep-deprived and horny as hell, and now i’m just… sleep-deprived and less horny HJASDHJASHd and plus a lot of people lowkey bullied me about tkt a long time ago and i don’t really plan on going through that again, so i’m not all that eager to get started on tkt… but maybe someday!! like our lord jaden smith once said… never say never…
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
I now live back in my grandmother's neighbourhood and it was also my childhood house, so I kinda know this area well. But ever since I read The King's Tree, I noticed the flowering plants over one of our distant neighbour's gate roof was actually rangoon creepers. In my excitement I told my father about how pretty I thought it was and all the things I found out on internet (which I searched right after reading TKT, but without telling him of KP). Early this week I found out he had talked to the house owner and got several seeds from him! He has plan to grow for our house's roof gate. Now, when he gets his plan moving, I'll buy him ratchapruek. They have different names here btw, but I only tell my father of "rangoon creeper".
Welp. I am officially The Worst™. This came in eons ago, and I saw in in my inbox but was too tired to answer, and then I forgot. 😭 Only found it again when I got another ask.
So, @almondandaldebaran, MY APOLOGIES! This Ask deserved royal treatment.
This is such a wonderful personal story, and thank you for sharing it with me! And oh my gosh, I saw such amazing pictures of rangoon creeper being trained to grow over fences and gates, I just know your gate is going to look amazing! And a ratchaphruek as a gift for your father? Oh, my soft mushy heart is going wild. I love every bit of that!
I'm not surprised to hear that rangoon creeper has more names -- it's so pretty, it deserves lots of cute names. I would love to hear some of the other names (if you've forgiven me for my tardy reply 😅).
For reference, the fic: The King's Tree
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rudystopit · 4 years
Study Date
[iida Tenya x f!reader] 
summary: you and the other girls started making bets on who the class rep. has a crush on. you decided you’d find out yourself. 
*all characters are third years* 
warning: nsfw but wholesome, stripping, squirting, overstimulation, praising, and fingering. 
wc: 3.4k
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You sat with mina and momo at lunch. they sat quietly. You look around. You see the class rep. You two make eye contact and he shyly waves. You flash a bright smile and wave back. You turn back to the other two.
“Let’s make a bet,” you say. You catch their attention. “Who does Mr Iida Tenya have a crush on?” You smile.
“$5, no one,” momo says, “he seems like he’d be the type to say ‘he doesn’t have time’” she laughs.
“$10 Uraraka,” mina says. You write down their bets as the rest of the girls show up.
“Whatcha writing?” Uraraka asks, looking at the paper.
“Bets, want in?” You tell her. you move the notebook so she can see it.
“What are we betting on?” Tsuyu asks, sitting next to mina.  
“Who Iida likes,” mina laughs,  “I said Uraraka,” Uraraka’s face goes red.
“$5 y/n,” Jirou says, sitting down next to momo.  
“Why me?” you ask.
“he stares at you all the time,” Jirou says.
“yeah,” all the girls say.
“i change my bet,” mina says. “$10 on y/n.”
“how about i ask him on a date and you guys pay me the bets, since you guys all think he likes me,” you sneer.
“ok,” mina says.
“fine. $5 each,” you say, getting up. you walk over to where iida is sitting. he’s reading and he looks up to see you. he smiles.
“hello, y/n,” he says sweetly.
“hey, i need help studying for that test. can you help me out?” you ask.
he smiles and says he wouldn’t mind and to come by his dorm this afternoon and he’ll help you. you thank him and walk back to the table. they all act natural when you turn around.
“so?” tooru asks.
“i’m going to his dorm tonight to study,” you sit down and they talk about what think is gonna happen. they start another bet if you’re gonna sleep with him or not.
that afternoon, you walk to his dorm. you wore a simple hoodie and some shorts. you held your books in hand. you didn’t need help on study but it was the only thing you could think of on the spot that didn’t sound to “datey.”
you knocked on his door. you heard some shuffling and the door opens. he stood in the doorway with a white shirt and some sweats. you smile. “hey, y/n, come in,” he opens the door wider.
his dorm was super clean. like show room clean. you doubt there’s even a speck of dust. damn he must clean everyday. you sit at the coffee table and he sits on the side next to you. he opens the textbook and starts reading what the test is going to be about. you zone out to his calming voice. you start to drift off to sleep.
“y/n!” he yells. you snap awake. “really? you asked for help,” he’s voice is rough.
“sorry, it just so boring,” you huff. you put your head on the table. he looks at you. a small smile creeps onto his face. you shoot up with an idea. “let’s make it a game!”
“like what?” he asks. you smile.
“ok, hear me out, every question i get right, i get to ask you a question wrong, one piece of clothing off,” his face gets red, “your choice of clothes, if you want,”
“no,” he almost yells. his face is super red.
“come on tenya~” you beg. “studying is so boring so let’s make it fun!”
“n-no y/n,” he stumbles. you give up and put you’re head on the table. you play with your hands, embarrassed. he probably hates you now, you thought. “well, maybe we could,” you turn your head to him. “w-we could try it. i just don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he played with his hands.
“ok,” you answered.
“ok, umm,” he asks a question about the cell structure. you messed up the er and golgi body. his face goes beat red when he had to pick something for you to take off. “s-shorts, i guess, you don’t want to it’s fin-“ you stand up and pull them down and toss them to the side. you plop back down.
he asks about aerobic respiration. you answer correctly. “shirt,” he pulls it over his head. he looks away as you look at his toned abs.
he asked about the main parts of the cell. “easy, membrane, nucleus, and ctyoplsm,” you answer. “left sock” he gives you a weird look and pulls off his left sock.
“ok describe a lysosome,” he asks. he leans his elbows on the table as you described something and is totally not even close to a lysosome. “wrong,” he smiles. “give me your left sock,” he smiles. you take it off and throw it at him.
“here’s an easy one,” he says
“hey i’ve gotten two correct so far!” you yell.
“ok, do you want a hard one?” he leans over to you. “you really want me to take your clothes?”
your face goes red. “just ask the question.”
“where are organelles found?” he asks.
“in the cytoplasm,” he smiles.
“let me guess, my right sock,” he laughs. you hold out your hand. he pulls it off and hands it to you. “described cell theory,” you ramble on about cell theory but you miss a small part. “ooh so close but you missed apart, hand over the sock,” you glare at him and give him your right sock.
he asked about the parts of a nucleus. you answer. you almost didn’t get it right up, but you caught yourself. “well, gimme the pants,” his face is bright red the whole time he takes off his pants. he sits back down and won’t look you in the eyes. you’ve never seen his legs up close or with out the mufflers. you let your hand crease his calf. he tenses up. he crosses his arms and closes his eyes as you feel his leg.
“does it ever hurt?” you ask mindlessly.
“sometimes,” he answers. “not my legs but the rest.” you’ve heard about his quirk but you never could fully understand it. “let’s get back to studying,” his tone felt serious. he asks about the mitochondria and you say some dumb shit.
“come on. it’s literally the easiest thing to remember,” he yells.
“damn i’m sorry,” without thinking you take off your hoodie and hand it to him. he freezes and his face goes instant tomato red. you completely forgot what bra you were wearing. the lacy black one that you only wear when it’s a special occasions or laundry day. your cheeks get hot as he stares. “next question!” you yell.
“uh... ummm... oh, here, which organelle’s function is likely to be impaired because of an mutation?” he asks trying not to look at you.
“i don’t know ribosomes,” he looks at you with wide eyes. ha you got it right.
“c-correct,” he stumbles. he straights get up.
“the glasses! four eyes!” you’re beyond red. you hold out your hand. he takes them off. you stare at him. he only got hotter. he looks at you squinting.
“what?” he asks.
“n-nothing, next question!” you say looking away.
“Which of the following observations tells her that the organism is eukaryotic?” he asks with the book inches away from his face.
“ughh ribosomes again?” you say. he squints at you.
“no,” he quickly looks away and holds out his hand. you take off your bra and hand it to him. he looks at it and squints. face, red. he drops it. “bad time to ask for my glasses back?”
“iida tenya did you just flirt with me!” you joke.
“n-no i meant to read the questions!” he gets all fluster. you put the glasses across to him. he puts them on and blinks a few times. then he looks at you. his mistake because he instantly looks away with a mad blush.
you laugh and crawl over to him. he refuses to look at you. you grab his chin. he looks at your face only. “it’s okay, tenya. i don’t mind,” you drop his chin and grab his hand. you bring it up to your chest. he doesn’t know what to do at first but he looks down and starts squeezing it softly. his cheeks are super red. you smile at how cute he is. his hand drops and he turns tkt be book.
“well we should get back to work,” you decided not to fight it and sat down and waited for the question. “are you single?”
“yes,” you answer. “hey that correct!” you joke. he looked at you like deer in headlights. “i’m joking. also why would i ask to play this game if i dating someone?”
“i don’t know,” he says shyly. “What type of microscope would be most effective for studying a living cell?” he asks.
you thought a little bit then answered magnifying glass. he looks at you. “wrong” you got up and then turned around. you slowly pulled down your panties. you tossed them at him which he dodged. you laugh and sit back down.
“umm, Which of the following choices correctly describes the composition of a ribosome?” he asked.
“contains RNA, proteins, and... lipids?” you ask. he pinched the bridge of his nose, he sighs.
“no,” he looks at you. “what now?”
“hmm. you seem like you’ve never touched a girl so i guess everyone i get wrong you can explore?”
he’s overwhelmed. he’s way over his head. you broke him. “n-no,”
“fine ask me a question about myself,” you say leans back on your elbows. your whole body on display. he couldn’t help but stare.
“Based on the diagrams, which organism(s) are eukaryotic and why?” he slides the book to you. you sit up and stare. he soaked in every inch of your body.
“2 and 3? cause? they both have the tails?” you questions.
“come on y/n,” he huffed. “are you doing this on purpose?”
“yes,” you answer bluntly. he’s jerks back stunned.
“what do you mean?” he asks.
“nope, one question per lost,” you wave your figure in his face.
“Which of the following junctions form a watertight seal between neighboring cells?” then he lists four things. you think about it and try remembering that lesson. you remember hearing tight junction.
you get close to tenya and you put your index finger on the band of his boxers. you whisper in his ear “tight junction,” you snap his waistband. you sit back down facing away as he takes them off. you look over your shoulder. he’s scowling at you.
he flips through the book, “What is the primary function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?” he asks and looks at you. you stare off thinking of the answer.
“modifying proteins!” you shout. he smiles.
“okay, hit me, what something your dying to know?” he laughs leaning on the table to hide his lap.
“virgin?” you ask.
“...yeah,” he says shyly.
“awww,” you yell and put your hand on his arm.
“Which of the following proteins attach desmosomes to one another?” he asks.
“a what?”
“desmosomes are junctions that attach themselves to its neighbors,” he explains. you move closer. you warm your arms around his. he tenses up and tries to push you off.
“like this?” you laugh.
“y-yes y/n g-get off,” he gets you off.
“hmmm, connexins?” you ask.
“nope, why are you doing this?” he asks in a hella scary tone.
“because,” you answer laying down, looking at the ceiling. you turn to him. he’s rubbing his temples.
“no seriously y/n!” he yells.
“damn fine, because i wanted to know if you liked me,” you answer sitting up. you tweedle with your hand. “mina and the other girls said they catch you staring at me and we wanted to know if you liked me,” you mumble. “it’s fine you don’t and i can leave if you want,” you reach over to grab your hoodie.
he grabs your wrist, “we’re not done studying,” what the fuck is up with him and study...
you sit back down and he looks through the book. “ah, Which of the following is a function of the extracellular matrix?” and he lists stuff out.
“i don’t know, storing genetic info?” you say shrugging. you weren’t feeling this anymore. you feel exposed and kinda tired.
“wrong, do you like me?” he asks.
“i guess,” you look at your feet. “after today yeah,”
“ok, Which of the following statements is true regarding gap junctions?” he asks.
“tenya, i don’t know, can we just stop,” you ask.
“nope,” he sighs, “fine, here’s a different question, Which of the following statements regarding chloroplasts is false?”
“thylakoids are pigments found in the chloroplast that’s what give plants the green color,” you sigh.
“correct,” he says. “what’s your question?”
“can i leave?”
“no, ask a better one,” he rolls his eyes.
“fine, who do you like?” you huff looking at the book. he moves next to you and grabs your chin. he lightly kisses you. it takes a second for you to process what is going on. he pulls away. he puts his hand on the back of his neck and laughs.
“i’ve liked you for awhile now. i just thought you had i think with someone mina is friends with,” he smiles. you just blank stare at him. you brain is somehow empty but also having a million consecutive thoughts at the same time. “sorry, you can leave if you want,” he moves back to his spot on the floor.
you practically lunge at him. your arms around his neck. you sit on his lap. you smash your lips against his. he’s taken by surprise but he closes his eyes and his hands make their way to your hips. you smile into the kiss. you part your lips and swipe your tongue across his lips. he pulls away.
“sorry, i’m not tha-“ you cut him off but kissing him and shoving your tongue into his mouth. you explore ever inch and your fingers tangle in his hair. his hands explore your body. he feels every inch of your back, ass and shoulder.
you pull away with a string of silva connecting you two. “i want to,” you pause. he thinks for a second. his eyes widen and he blushes.
“are you sure?” he asks. “we don’t have to it you don’t want to,”
“do you want too?” you ask.
he looks you on his lap, “yes, a lot,” he smiles. you get off of him and stand up. you hold out your hands for him. he grabs them and stand up. he pulls you to him and you rest your head on his chest. he kisses your head. you look up at him and he kisses your forehead. he starts to walk and you stumble back. he keeps giving you small pecks around your face. you giggle as he plays with your hands while walking. the cold back hit the wall.
he leans over you. he looks down at you and smiles. you smile back.
“you’re so beautiful,” he whispers. he dips his head to your neck and kisses till he find the spot that makes you melt. he leaves it purple and he drops your hands. his hands travel down your sides and onto your thighs. he grabs them and pushes you up. you hop in his arms. he grips right under your ass
“little hands there, lover boy,” you laugh.
“i’ve been wait so long for this, let me,” he winks and carries you to his bed. he lays you down gently. he kisses your neck and leaves a trail of small kisses down your chest and to you stomach. he rubs your hips. you tangle you fingers in his blue hair.
he smiles and moves away from you. you sit up, watching him. he squats down to his dresser and shuffles the clothes around. you hear a box get ripped open. you start laughing. of course he’s prepared. he looks over his shoulder.
“you’re cute,” you say. he blushes even more and you hear the ripping of plastic. he puts the condom on and walks back to you. he leans down and cups your face. he smiles down at you.
“are you sure?” he asks. you nod. “use your words, darling,” his thumb rubs your cheek.
“yes, tenya, i’m 100% sure i want you,” you whisper. he kisses your forehead and he pushes his tip in. you moan into his chest. he’s grateful you can’t see his face. you grab his hips and pull him closer.
he stretches you out. everything about him is huge so why wouldn’t his dick be just as big. you squeeze your eyes shut and moan louder into his chest. he bottoms out.
“are you ok?” he asks.
“yes ten,” you smile. he leans down and kisses your cheeks and travels down to your neck. he kisses your collarbone. you roll your hips slightly and tenya’s breathing hitches. you move him hips and he takes control. he slowly thrusts in and out. you wrap your legs around his hips. your arms snake around his back. he hugs you and picks up the pace.
“damn, y/n you feel so good,” he whispers. he starts slamming into you. you claw into his back and moan into his neck. “god you sound amazing,” he loves how your pussy clenches around him. he starts groaning in your ear and he comes. he lays on your and pants on your neck. he pulls out and walks to the bathroom.
you hear the water running from the sink. you lay there. he comes back and crawls in bed behind you. his huge arms wrapping around you. he kisses the back of your neck. he picks you up and sides underneath you. he’s sitting up against the headboard and you’re snuggled into his chest. one of his hands slides down your stomach. he slips two fingers in between your folds. he rubs a small circle around your clit. you bite your lip and move your legs wider. he keeps one of his arms across your chest.
“come on, darling, i want to hear you,” he says and moves his fingers faster. you let out a breathy moan. he kisses your shoulder. he moves his two fingers to your entrance. he slips them in. you out his name. he pumps his fingers for a little bit then curls them. you try to arc your back but his arm holds you against his chest.
his fingers rub against the rough part of your pussy. he moves his fingers at an inhuman speed. you moan out, “come on princess, come on my fingers,” with that you come undone on his fingers. he keeps his pace and you ride out your high until you feel like you have to pee. he keeps going.
“tenya, too much,” you moan out gripping onto his arm and wrist. he keeps going. yelled out and you felt a liquid flow out of you. you pant and you bury your face into his arm.
“yes, good girl,” he pulls his fingers out of your aching pussy. you watch him rub his fingers together with the slick fluid. he kisses your neck. “don’t worry baby. i just know the female body,” he kisses your shoulder.
he scoops you up bridal style and walks you to the bathroom. he sits you on the toilet while he starts a bath. you head swirl and you felt like passing out. you hang your held and close your eyes. tenya moves to sit in between your legs. his arms wrap around you waist. you put your hand on his head. you pet his soft hair. you two sat like that for a few minutes.
he moves away and feels the water. he takes your hands and pulls you up. he kisses your forehead. he pulls your closer into a hug.
“you’re amazing,” you whisper. he chuckles and pulls away. he climbs into the bath and follow in with him. you lay your head on his chest and the warm water relaxes your muscles. his arms are wrapped tightly around you arms. you played with his fingers. you drift off the sleep.
a warm sun hits your face. your eyes slowly open and your met with a sleeping tenya. you smile and shuffle closer to him. he smiles and grabs your waist and pulls you to his chest. you kiss him. he kisses back and opens his sleepy eyes.
“that’s a great way to wake up,” he mumbles. you giggle and snuggle into his chest.
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protagonist-m · 4 years
TKT Publication FAQ
As promised, here are some answers for questions you may have about The Killing Type as it makes a transition to non-fandom spaces.
So you changed the names? What else? Not much. Some small personal details for characters have been changed, like how many sisters a character has. I did some extensive line edits, mostly trimming the fat. However, the plot is very much the same. And, don’t worry--the sex is still there.
WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN???  Very soon; think early in the year. Formatting is currently the largest hurdle and I will fight valiantly to provide you with something that feels quality. It is possible that the electronic version will be available before the physical edition, but I can guarantee that both will happen.
Does this mean you’ll be taking the story off of AO3? :( Yeah. :( However, I fully encourage you to download a copy of the fic from the Archive, if you’d like. I’ll hold onto one too, so that if you’d ever like your own, I can send it along. I understand that the fic version is very beloved and would not want you to go without, if that’s your preferred form. (Though I hope you’ll try the new version.)
So you suddenly think we should pay you to read something that was free for half a decade? Cringe. I never said that, stop putting words in my mouth. This new incarnation of TKT will be more of a gift than anything else. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me for attempting to sell out, it’s just that I really want to be able to say that I took this all the way, and did it right. And I never would have gotten that idea into my head without your avid support. So thank you. 
Are you publishing or...y’know...self-publishing? [grimace emoji] Self-publishing, and thank you for asking. While I have been approached by indie publishers, it’s my preference that this first foray at least is fully under my control; the landscape of publishing has changed drastically even in the last five years, and the appeal of self-pub has really sunk in for me. This will not translate to lower quality of the final product.
Can I do the cover art?! I have already procured custom art through Sydney Kattine, whose focus is mostly on sci-fi illustration but who did me a solid and produced a piece that I think everyone will really, really like. 
I’ve been hyping this story for five years. Where’s my discount? Yeah, good question. I’m currently looking into options to discount the work for people who have supported me on this blog, or else offer some other variety of perk. After all, this is for you guys!
Are you ever gonna write fanfiction again? Yeah.
Are you gonna write fanfiction for a fandom I personally enjoy? Hard to say; don’t bank on it. But hopefully.
I don’t read non-fic. That’s not a question, but I see what you’re saying. That’s okay, and I love you. This is just an extra for people who want it; no judgement if that’s not you.
Forgive me, but this story isn’t very good. Are you sure you want to do this? Yes.
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elinaline · 3 years
Quels sont les jeux que tu as particulièrement aimé sur la Switch? ( Mes questions vont être en français ce soir, j'suis trop claqué pour faire du sens en anglais but feel free to answer en anglais si tu veux hein!)
Tkt mon coeur ça permettra aux quelques personnes qui apprennent le français de s'entraîner avec autre chose que des infos déprimantes sur mon blog mdr
J'ai adoré Wandersong que j'ai joué d'une traite la semaine dernière. J'ai kiffé Sundered qui est Le Jeu Qui M'a Fait Aimé Les Metroidvania et pourtant il faut le faire, mais il est incroyablement joli, et le sound design est miam mioum et globalement tu peux éteindre ton cerveau pendant que tu défonces les hordes c'est toujours plaisant. Les éditeurs, thunder lotus, ont aussi fait Jotun qui est 😚👌 et spiritfarer auquel je joue en ce moment qui est encore un jeu indé qui parle de deuil. D'ailleurs en parlant de jeu qui parle de deuil, il faut que je rejoue à Gris un de ces jours.
Petit bijou peu connu que j'ai beaucoup aimé, il y a Fé, un jeu low poly où tu es une petite créature des bois dans une forêt aux couleurs halogènes, qui communique exclusivement en chantant.
Sinon après que Forgotton Anne m'ait détruit émotionnellement, y a Jérémie @breadstyx qui m'a fait découvrir Red String Club qui a fini de compacter les miettes de mon coeur.
The Low Road est sympa aussi même si je trouve que la fin laissé un peu sur sa faim, c'est un point and clique en mode espion des années 70. Aer est joli et donne vraiment la sensation de voler si tu joues sur grand écran, même si la fin est un peu décevante aussi je trouve. The gardens between est très sympa, encore un point and click assez contemplatif, sur deux amis qui se séparent car ils déménagent. Panpan est très très court mais super adorable aussi, c'est un feel good game quand tu veux faire un petit truc sympa tranquille.
Voilà sinon je peux te dire les jeux que je regrette d'avoir acheté, avec en tête Xenoblade Chronicles 2, le jeu pas fini à 80 boules ptdr
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meyhew · 3 years
I think I'm so sexy for having convinced you to read tkt last year I'll accept cash as a thank you note.
ur so right i would’ve never touched it on my own
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icarusbuck · 4 years
Wind and/or soft?
oooh... i’ll give u both bc i’m chomping at the bit to post this fic lmao
He circled the mast with one hand outstretched until he determined the wind was blowing in the same direction the ship was pointed.
Most were nothing more than faint white lines etched into his skin, while others were still soft and pink.
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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