jackiewepps · 7 months
Writing Announcement - The Changes of TLYFI
I will make this quick as I really should be in bed by now. I just need to post this before I can go to bed.
In case you have been following The Love You Fall Into on AO3, you will know that it was originally a series consisting of several one-shot (12 so far). I have made the decision to change that. It will now be a multi-chapter story under the name The Love You Fall Into.
Why did I make that choice?
There are a few reasons, but the main reason is that with the number of AC one-shots I have published over the past 2 years, it has run up the count to the point that it is probably the fandom I have posted the most for, or at least close to. My issue with this is that it doesn't reflect my feelings for Assassination Classroom.
Don't get me wrong, I love Assassination Classroom. It has a deeply moving story with many interesting characters and villains that I hate because I'm supposed to hate them. But it's not my favorite series. It's up there, yes, but it's not the one. Free used to be the top ranking fandom for me, and I feel like that was way more accurate, a better representation of who I am as a person and as a writer.
That's why I have decided to make TLYFI into just one story.
I will keep the one-shots that have already been published. The comments and kudos people have left on those works mean a lot to me, so I can't bring myself to even consider deleting them.
That's where we are.
The chapters will be in chronological order, so while the series starts with Kind Gestures, the multi-chapter story starts with Under The Surface. It is not a mistake.
This also means that for those who are fully caught up with the series, you will probably want to start from chapter 12. The title is Real Date. It will (hopefully) be up tomorrow, only a day late.
Thank you for reading my works so far. I look forward to you reading more of them.
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jackiewepps · 8 months
Writing Announcement - TLYFI 2024
So, I have been neglecting the announcements a little bit. If someone has missed anything, I'm sorry.
In case I forgot (my memories of November and December last year are a bit hazy) a total of 3 new stories came out for TLYFI in 2023. For the People came out in October. Eyes and Ears came out in November. Keeping Secrets came out in December.
I plan on continuing 2024 by publishing one story for TLYFI once a month. So far though... it's not going so well.
Don't get me wrong. I published Training Session earlier today and it's still January, so it's not like I'm off schedule. Even the story for next month is written and only needs editing.
However, I'm starting school in two weeks. I had hoped to at least have a few more stories done by this time. The one after the February story is going to be a... two or three-short, depending on what I decide to do with the last part.
I am considering to post the remaining stories in one. We will see what I end up doing. The rest will remain as it is. I would rather avoid deleting all the comments that people have written.
If all goes according to plan, I will be posting once a month through July this year. However, I am not going to make any promises.
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jackiewepps · 2 years
Writing Announcement - Plans for December
I have a few plans for things that are getting published this month, and I'm here to give you an overview of what's to come from me. Not like it's much.
As I announced at the end of October, I'm doing a series called "The Love You Fall Into" (TLYFI for short) which you can view here. I have been posting it every other weekend since around then. Another part is coming up this weekend, possibly Sunday and another is coming up on the 17th or 18th. I should be able to finish one more part that will be up around New Year's, but as you can probably tell, unlike the other two, this is not completed yet, so please don't expect it.
Do I have any plans for Christmas?
For people who read other posts on my blog, I primarily plan on making my way home from Japan around that time, but actually I do have something ready for publishing. I'll be experimenting a bit with scheduling the posting time on stories on AO3 in preparation for this, as I will not be able to post it on the 24th or 25th.
I'll tell you a bit about this story.
It's a story for Assassination Classroom centering around Maehara and Isogai and their Christmas plans. It's set while the anime/manga is taking place, so in their 3rd year of middle school.
It's actually inspired by one of my many original works that will never see the light of day. The story contains a friendship duo where both like looking at girls and one is going around trying to land dates like some certain AC character I know. HOwever, this guy is far less successful. At one point, however, he does land 3 dates on Christmas.
Unlike in western countries, Christmas in Japan is not so much a holiday you spend with your family as it is a holiday you spend with someone you love. If you don't have a romantic partner, you usually spend it with your family, but it's a very good day to have a date. One manga/anime talks about how it is a bad thing for couples to start dating right before Christmas as it means the relationship won't survive long.
So, what's the title of this work?
Maehara's Christmas Trilogy
Please note that this story is not meant to be MaeIso, as there seems to be a market for friendship fics between them. However, it shouldn't be impossible to read into it, and you're welcome to do so if you like.
All my stories are posted on AO3 where I use the same username as here so feel free to check out what I've written if you haven't already and I hope you'll enjoy what I have in store for this month.
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jackiewepps · 2 years
Writing Announcement - The Love You Fall Into
I haven't done one of these in a while. Well, I'll do one now about this story, since I have one work for it that is ready to be published and I'm writing another work for the series.
This is a series for Assassination Classroom in which Karma is the king of Hell and Nagisa is the human he has chosen to marry him. However, as their relationship starts out with Karma mistaking Nagisa for being a girl, marriage is very far away. They need to learn to love each other and this is that story.
So far there are 3 works out for this series.
Kind Gestures - takes place a year after Nagisa's arrival in Hell.
Under the Surface - the story of how Nagisa arrived in Hell
Hell on Record - a bunch of lore as told by Hazama.
I have another eight works planned. As mentioned, one of these are fully written, edited and ready to be published. I'm writing a second one, took a break to write this post. Another five are planned fully but not written out and the last one only has a general idea.
I do have other WIPs, but I will talk about them later, when they are a little closer to being ready to see the light of day. With 3 Halloween parties coming up next week, I will probably not have much time to work on anything, but for now, please keep an eye out for the newest addition to TLYFI. as it will hopefully be out within a few days.
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jackiewepps · 11 months
Writing Announcement - TLYFI Continues!
Yeah, remember that I made a post about a year ago, announcing this series? Remember how I posted 8 stories while I was in Japan and then suddenly stopped, even if I had talked about posting a 9th work?
Well, the 9th work is not a myth. I did write it. It only needed editing. I recently went back to the document where I keep TLYFI and edited it. Then I got some more ideas for other stories.
So, now with a monthly publishing schedule in stead of a by-weekly one, TLYFI will be back, starting October 31.
Why that day?
I know I mention it nowhere in the story, but the majority of the plot of that story is supposed to take place on that day. It's not a big spoiler. It's a festival. Someone tell me a better day to hold a festival in hell. I dare you. It's not really Halloween themed though, sorry to disappoint you if you were hoping for that.
I will also tell you that the story is in Maehara's POV, and it's called For The People.
Another story is going to come out sometime in November. It only needs editing. The publishing date is scheduled for... whenever the editing is done.
The last story that I have written does have a publishing date decided though. It's December 25. Anyone reading is free to guess a theme and a POV. Considering the publishing date, the themes should be easy at least. The POV might be a bit harder, but I'd still clasify it as easy.
A Valentine's story has also been planned, but knowing me, seeing as I haven't written it yet, I will not make any promises on whether it's going to come out or not.
But there is a little bit for everyone in the line-up of stories. At least so long as you understand that this is a Karmagisa series and I do ship MaeIso, even if I try to make it seem platonic, sometimes I'm more successful than others.
I need to stop thinking on this series. More ideas are creeping up, and I'm not sure I need them.
I hope to see you in a week.
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