#Writing Announcement
rainintheevening · 8 months
Coming next Saturday to ao3...
take my hand (together we walk out of hell)
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He's ten years old when he's first called 'Vader', round cheeks crusted with salt, and small hands coated with dried blood; the blood of the men who killed his mother. He looks up at the black cloaked shadow with the gentle voice, and he wonders if maybe he died too.
He's seventeen when the bearded Jedi with the gentle hands, who gleams like gold in the Force, repeats the name he let slip: 'Anakin'. He looks over at the man called Kenobi, and doesn't think that maybe, maybe the dead can live again. He thinks that later.
The Sith got to Anakin first, but the Jedi will save him.
(Rated T, Gen, lots of Violence, Hurt/Comfort by the truck load, Angst with a Hopeful (maybe even Happy) Ending)
Next weekend I will be debuting my raised-as-a-Sith Anakin au fic!!! I know I've talked about this A LOT with some of you. Thanks for all the input, feedback, and just letting me rant sometimes. That's not gonna stop anytime soon.😅
Plan is to update every other Saturday. We'll see how well I can keep to that, since I'm posting as I write.
I hope you all will like it!!!!
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 9 months
I'm done with my finals now! And I can go back into the groove of writing! It may take a while for me to actually post something, I still need to get into the groove of writing again (and I'm getting into said groove as we speak!) but GAAH! I'm so grateful that the Christmas break is here!
I have OFFICIALLY survived finals week!
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jackiewepps · 7 months
Writing Announcement - The Changes of TLYFI
I will make this quick as I really should be in bed by now. I just need to post this before I can go to bed.
In case you have been following The Love You Fall Into on AO3, you will know that it was originally a series consisting of several one-shot (12 so far). I have made the decision to change that. It will now be a multi-chapter story under the name The Love You Fall Into.
Why did I make that choice?
There are a few reasons, but the main reason is that with the number of AC one-shots I have published over the past 2 years, it has run up the count to the point that it is probably the fandom I have posted the most for, or at least close to. My issue with this is that it doesn't reflect my feelings for Assassination Classroom.
Don't get me wrong, I love Assassination Classroom. It has a deeply moving story with many interesting characters and villains that I hate because I'm supposed to hate them. But it's not my favorite series. It's up there, yes, but it's not the one. Free used to be the top ranking fandom for me, and I feel like that was way more accurate, a better representation of who I am as a person and as a writer.
That's why I have decided to make TLYFI into just one story.
I will keep the one-shots that have already been published. The comments and kudos people have left on those works mean a lot to me, so I can't bring myself to even consider deleting them.
That's where we are.
The chapters will be in chronological order, so while the series starts with Kind Gestures, the multi-chapter story starts with Under The Surface. It is not a mistake.
This also means that for those who are fully caught up with the series, you will probably want to start from chapter 12. The title is Real Date. It will (hopefully) be up tomorrow, only a day late.
Thank you for reading my works so far. I look forward to you reading more of them.
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So, on account of the recent issues with AO3, just in case I am also planning to start posting A Different Kind Of Pit on Wattpad. Chapters will be posted first to AO3 if it's up, and will be primarily posted there, but Wattpad will be our backup (and, if anyone prefers reading on there, here you go).
That being said, I need ideas for the digital cover. If anyone has any ideas, please free to let me know! What imagery do you associate with the story?
Taglist: @perasperaadastrawriting, @profoundlyhauntedclaws @sliceoflifeshepard (you might be interested in this, Shepard, so I shall tag you as well).
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aquaburst3 · 2 months
Sunday Fic Update: August 4, 2024
I completed chapters 15 and 16 of my Pomefiore fic. However, I still need to work on chapters 13 and 14. My beta and I are planning to work on them next time we voice chat, so that way I have a large buffer again and can post the next chapter.
My beta and I didn't work on any of our fics. Instead we just watched the 2000s Spiderwick Chronicles movie, which holds up pretty well.
My beta and I just posted the next chapter of the Vil/Rapunzel story. Link for that story is in the pinned post. @twistedwonderlandsevenmemories @jayce-macy-chan @jessaryss
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novella-november · 20 days
Novella November 2024 Announcement Post
Hate AI, but love writing challenges?
Want to take part in a global, fun project to write a Novella in one month?
Grab some friends, and take part in Novella November, by writing 1,000 words a day for the month of November, ending with a 30,000 word Novella to test and stretch your novel-writing skills!
Your goal is not perfection, but merely getting into the habit of writing a litte bit every single day :D
No website, no sign-ups -- Just a community initiative to write using only your own word!
What are the rules? Just Three so far!
#1 - No AI
#2 - No Plagiarizing
#3 - Wordcount for the month should only come from what you write during the month.
What does that mean?
Only words written during November should go towards your Wordcount for the month... but! Feel free to use your 30k words as a continuation of previous writing, or just make it the first 30k words in a longer novel!
Don't think you can write a whole entire 30k word story? Write a series of short stories that total up to 30k!
Not ready to write original works yet? Write a 30k word fanfiction that you can post after the month is over!
Share your writing experience, tips, encouragement, and questions in the #Novella November tag!
EDIT, from the tags: Want a progress tracker? Track your progress with TrackBear!
Don't have a word processor? Use LibreOffice , the free and open-source alternative to Microsoft Word!
Want to organize/storyboard your Novel and don't want to pay a subscription? Try 7writer by Simon Haynes!
Want to be able to listen to your story aloud for proofreading using TTS (text to speech)? Try Balabolka!
Or, create some custom progress / Goal Cards in advance you can fill out as you reach word goals! For ideas and templates, search this blog for "goal cards" :D
Want to do a writing challenge in more than just November? Check out my ideas here for year round challenges to keep you writing consistently! Got feedback? Send it in, I'd love to see everyone's ideas!
EDIT 2: I almost forgot to mention, if you are unable to write/type your story, you can also narrate/dictate your story to your preferred recording device!
If you're doing a Recording only and it doesn't automatically generate a transcript, it would obviously be hard to judge the word count -- but you're also working with a lot of obstacles, so I'd say if you're able to complete your story via voice recording from start to finish, you've definitely achieved the goal!
Edit #3: added the title "Novella November 2024 announcement post" to the top to make it more standard with my Ominous October and Drabble December posts (will be updating Outline October shortly) , added "Official Announcement Post 2024" to the tags so people can easily find the monthly events for 2024, and added a bit of bold to the third bullet point in the original post from September 2nd 2024 for emphasis.
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20 chapters in! Just need to do the final proofreading and editing and the fanfic will be ready to be published next month
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inkskinned · 2 years
but they don't care about the burnout. everyone is burnt out, they tell me. who isn't burnt out!
the good news is they don't say depression is a choice as much anymore, but the symptoms for burn out and depression are so hand-in-hand that they are mirror images of each other. but depression is serious. you're not depressed, you're just whiny. they barely change the script - don't be lazy! burn out is for people with real problems. burn out can be resolved with some fun candles and a day off work. burn out only happens in adults - no kid can be burnt out, after all; they've barely even had a life to live!
do you have a roof over your head and a steady job? you're not burnt out. so what if every night you wake up with a panic attack frothing inside your chest. you're lucky your problems are small. get back into plants or into yoga. shut up about it.
rich people get burnt out and go to fancy places. they get burnt out in their fancy offices with their real-people problems. they get burnt out and hire an assistant to help them never burn out again. you don't have the money to burn out. you don't have the two weeks to recover in a local spa. the job you come back to will still be stressful and hard.
you find yourself often wondering - does nobody remember about the pandemic? it seems almost like a joke or a punchline. being burnt-out was okay "during" the pandemic. now that people are back to ignoring covid, burnout is just-an-excuse again.
you google how to know if it's seasonal affective disorder or burnout. you google how to know if it's anxiety or it's burnout from working. you google how to know if my depression is back or i'm burning out badly.
coming back from burnout just leaves you covered in ashes, not new growth. you struggle to get back basics, and then - you're just supposed to get back up and keep going. every day the amount of tasks you are able to do seems to dwindle even further - where does the time go? why is everything moving so-fast-and-yet-so-slow?
my therapist and i were talking about how many people had latent mental illnesses that were triggered by the pandemic. how depression can be environmental and situational. i am annoyingly logic-driven about my own recovery - i like to be sure i'm working on the "right" thing. i tell her i feel like i'm lying. that it just might be burnout, and i need to stop complaining. she asks me what words come to mind when i think of burning.
oh, i guess i see.
we casually ignore the violence of being left empty.
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doccywhomst · 10 months
the actual literal meaning of TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension[s] in Space) is so funny cause it’s just…. a very succinct description of what the vehicle travels through? “hello i’m a human and this is my CAR (Concrete and Roads)” uh yeah i sure hope it do
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 10 months
Writing Break
Hey bitches.
I usually don't make these types of posts, whenever I'm busy I kinda just disappear and not post for like 10+ days and then post randomly one day, but I feel like I kinda need to preface this.
With the upcoming finals, the end of my college semester, and another secret thing I wont reveal, I'll be focusing my writing and energy into my schoolwork and the other thing. I probably won't post much until I'm either done with all my work or the semester has ended. I'm still available via discord and tumblr dms tho! So don't be afraid to chat or dm me!
If I do post, it'll probably be pretty short. Maybe like, drabbles and drabble sequences I made while waiting for teachers and stuff. And also maybe updates of longfics that have buffers. That's all, tho.
I'm so sorry! I'll be back in mid to late December, I promise!
Thanks so much for being patient with me!
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scealaiscoite · 8 months
coworkers to lovers prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
¹⁾ “hey - in case no-one else’s said it, you’ve been doing some really great work lately. i really apprec- i mean, all of us really appreciate it.”
²⁾ “if you keep putting in nights this late, i think [boss] is gonna start charging you rent.”
³⁾ “stop jumping in whenever you think i need saving! i don’t need defending, and i don’t need you!”
⁴⁾ “you remember how i take my coffee?”
⁵⁾  “you don’t need to keep pushing yourself so hard, you know. we all know how hard you worked to get here - it’s okay to let yourself breathe now.”
⁶⁾ “if you don’t wanna spend the night in a empty house, you could always come over to mine.”
⁷⁾ “normally when you invite me to lunch, it’s with everyone else too. what’s so different about this time that you needed me alone?”
⁸⁾ “don’t tell anyone else, but i like working with you the best.”
⁹⁾ “hey, why are me and [name] being split up? you know we do our best work when we’re together.”
¹⁰⁾ “i figured you wouldn’t have the time, so i went and picked up lunch for you.”
¹¹⁾ “wow, someone’s looking good. who’re you trying to impress?”
¹²⁾ “[other coworker] told me you nearly lost it when they all tried blaming me for what happened. why did you care so much?”
¹³⁾ “do you make house calls to all of your coworkers when they call in sick, or am i just that special?”
¹⁴⁾ “why are you freezing me out all of a sudden? I thought you were happy I was dating again, and now you act like it pains you to hear about it.”
¹⁵⁾ “until such a time as the two of you can prove that you can work as well on your own as you do together, you’re going to be put on different schedules.”
¹⁶⁾ “why didn’t you tell me you were up for the promotion? did you seriously think i wouldn’t be happy for you?”
¹⁷⁾ “you do know you’ll be seeing me first thing in the morning, right? what’s so important that it couldn’t wait until then?”
¹⁸⁾ “one date, that’s all i’m asking for. one night to let me show you how good we could be together.”
¹⁹⁾ “i think people are starting to notice that you spend more time at my desk than you do at your own.”
²⁰⁾ “no, you don’t get to do this. you don’t get to make me fall in love with you, and then tell me there’s no way for this to work because of the job!”
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monicahar · 1 year
“thanks for the flowers!”
“what flowers?”
in which they find out you receive a gift from someone that isn't them.
characters; wanderer, alhaitham, kaveh
; i keep seeing that damn tiktok 😐 gender neutral reader, fluff, crack,
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WANDERER eyes you skeptically, suspicion being evident on his pale features as he scans your expression up and down. has he already caught on to your little prank?
“first of all, who in their right mind would court you? and with some sappy flowers as well?”
you return his unamused gaze, finding him very unfunny.
“you do know that you're dating me, right?”
“unfortunately.” he clicks his tongue, further leaning towards your face, brows still furrowed as if he's trying to decipher something, gazing at you with an unreadable expression that has your resolve crumbling. “is this another one of your antics to get a rise out of me? if so, it's not working.”
his lips break out into a grin upon watching your eyes widen. but your shock doesn't last long—him immediately seeing through your silly scheme isn't an unexpected outcome, funnily enough.
“you're too serious sometimes.” you pout at him whilst he scoffs, “just humor me. what would you actually do if i managed to receive flowers from another?”
“it's simple—you can't.” comes his swift and confident reply, offending you as you stare at him incredulously, weighing the implication of his words.
“you speak of me like i'm the most unattractive person in teyvat—what do you mean i can't?”
“you're an idiot. would i have really chosen you if you were unattractive in any way?” he crosses his arms before facing you completely, indigo hues staring directly into yours.
“i already eliminated all those who dare steal you from me.”
you freeze on the spot, processing what you've just heard.
“...excuse me?”
“—just kidding. i'm no longer that type of person, hah.” he huffs out a derisive laugh, yet his humorous farce does not meet his eyes.
not finding any comfort in his supposed testament of it only being a joke, you opt to stare at him confusingly in return. weirdo.
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ALHAITHAM, much like the wanderer, catches on to the prank immediately. whether it's intuition, scarily precise deduction or just the way you generally act weird when it comes to lying to his face—he still figured you out in the end like it's nothing.
but unlike the wanderer, he decides to humor you and play along. what a good boyfriend.
“...you mean you didn't give me the flowers?” you flutter your lashes at him, a horrible and terribly inefficient way to convince him that the whole thing with the flowers is actually real. alhaitham suddenly has the rare urge to laugh. since when did you act like this?
alhaitham shifts in his seat. “no. who do you think it's from?”
“hm.” you hum thoughtfully, bringing a finger to your chin as if in deep thought. the scribe briefly wonders how far you're willing to take this joke. but he digresses—the chances of him actually getting mad at you are akin to that of kaveh finally shutting up—
“maybe kaveh? he grew an interest in flowers recently, so i've heard. maybe he sent some as like a sign of friendship or something along those lines...there's no way it means something else, riiiiiight?”
alhaitham pauses his train of thought.
speak of the devil.
momentarily doubting his conclusion that you're just pulling a prank, he quietly glowers at you as if silently telling you to take back your words.
“what about him?”
you immediately cower upon the drop in his tone—raising your arms in defense when alhaitham moves to stalk closer to you. “i was joking! i didn't get any flowers from anyone and last time i conversed with kaveh was when i—”
“let's go.” he grabs the back of your collar and drags you along, a newfound heavy weight in his footsteps as an indescribable and uncomfortable feeling creeps up on his neck.
“i really was just joking, 'haitham! i was bored and i wanted to annoy you for a bit! i swear!”
even if it wasn't true, the thought of kaveh gifting you flowers without his knowledge—
alhaitham's expression subconsciously turns sour. quite unlucky that you couldn't witness the extremely scarce sight of jealousy on your boyfriend as you are comically dragged against your will behind him.
“the nearest flower shop is just around the corner. tell me if anything piques your interest.” he says in way that has no room for argument. he is getting you flowers now.
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KAVEH falls for it, obviously. not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed outside his designated profession, you see.
“i don't remember buying any flowers...” he mutters to himself, the gears in his head turning. it's almost laughable when he finally pieces your words together, a look of disbelief painfully present on his faxe but by some miracle, you resisted the urge to burst out in giggles right then and there. “wait...i didn't send any!”
“is that so...then who would send me flowers other than you?” you edge him on, instigating at its finest, much poking a sleeping bear with a stick while you circle it tauntingly.
an actual enraged kaveh is something you've never seen before, just some tantrums and endless ranting about some clients and his roommate. you've always wanted to see it—just not directed at you, hopefully.
“that's...ah, people already know you're dating me though, so it can't be someone hitting on you. maybe it's just from a relative or—”
“really?” you tilt your head, feigning a bit of confusion. “then i suppose i should keep these red roses then. i'll ask tighnari how to keep them alive, i guess.”
“w-wait, wait—could you repeat that?”
“hm?” you face him, “i'll ask tighnari?”
“no, the one before that.”
“...i'll keep the red roses?” you had to hold yourself back from grinning ear to ear when his eyes widen.
it's not unexpected that someone versed in the beauty of art would recognize one of the most common flower's meaning. quite the handy trivia.
he immediately stands up, grabbing your hand in tow as you yelp in surprise at his abruptness.
“those flowers mean love! like, actual romantic love! i'll burn it for you right now! where'd you put it!?” the intensity of his ruby gaze sends shudders down your spine.
“it's not like i reciprocate it—”
“still, no one other than me should be sending those...!” kaveh tightens his grip on your hands, “i don't like the idea of someone hitting on you. i can't let anyone attempt to take you away from me...”
you blink. “kaveh...”
“—that's why show it to me now! or i'll bite you!”
“okay, okay! jeez...”
now...how are you going to break the news to him that it was actually yellow roses, and most definitely not from an admirer?
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the biggest hater of my work is myself. wtf am i writing bruh ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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jackiewepps · 8 months
Writing Announcement - TLYFI 2024
So, I have been neglecting the announcements a little bit. If someone has missed anything, I'm sorry.
In case I forgot (my memories of November and December last year are a bit hazy) a total of 3 new stories came out for TLYFI in 2023. For the People came out in October. Eyes and Ears came out in November. Keeping Secrets came out in December.
I plan on continuing 2024 by publishing one story for TLYFI once a month. So far though... it's not going so well.
Don't get me wrong. I published Training Session earlier today and it's still January, so it's not like I'm off schedule. Even the story for next month is written and only needs editing.
However, I'm starting school in two weeks. I had hoped to at least have a few more stories done by this time. The one after the February story is going to be a... two or three-short, depending on what I decide to do with the last part.
I am considering to post the remaining stories in one. We will see what I end up doing. The rest will remain as it is. I would rather avoid deleting all the comments that people have written.
If all goes according to plan, I will be posting once a month through July this year. However, I am not going to make any promises.
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ariaste · 1 month
swear to god if I read another motherfucking fic where these vampires pause to get the lube I am going to have a fucking mental breakdown and chew holes in the walls. i have had it up to here. this is an intervention. this is a come-to-jesus moment. what are you doing. are you thinking about your choices. why are you making them have sex like they're humans instead of weird fucked-up vampire sex. look into my eyes. can you please consider your worldbuilding choices and make ones that are less excruciatingly boring. look at me. you're being the softest beigest pillow if you make them use human lube. i'm serious. i will die on this hill.
fight me in the comments if you disagree or you feel huffy about this, i don't care. come at me, bro, i own the night.
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kestrel2001 · 2 years
I like writing some short stories and never knew who to show them to so, I may post some here :)
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aquaburst3 · 8 months
Fic Update/Personal Announcement: Well…I got a text from my mom, and she told me that my abuela just died from a stroke. Honestly, this was a long time coming. She was in her 90s, and my relatives told me that she was declining mentally ever since the pandemic. I have mixed feelings about her as a person for reasons I'd rather not get into on here. But at the same time, this is rather rough on me, since I still cared about her and I have some fond memories of her.
What is the point of me telling you this? Well, I'm kinda in a weird headspace at the moment. I'll still be working on my fics. Writing, drawing and swimming…along with scrolling through TikTok are ways that I deal with hard times like this. However, it might take me a little while to grieve and fully process these emotions. I still have no idea how this will effect updates, but I'll let you guys know.
In other news…I guess, I'm almost done editing Heartslabyul. I only have a few chapters left. I'm almost done chapters 1 and 2 of Pomefiore. No updates on any of my collab projects yet.
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