inefekt69 · 1 month
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Tomonoura - Fukuyama, Japan
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k2net · 4 months
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toujiya · 2 years
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vaporofvapor · 2 years
More Tomonoura Fukuyama
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hirorin2013products · 1 month
Tomonoura by hirorin 2013
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manonpreti · 4 months
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Tomonoura, April 2024.
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naradaily · 11 months
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pax-former · 2 years
Megatron from tfp is in love with the big lady from ponyo. (A.k.a, Granmamare)
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Like, I imagine him first watching this shit while looking through the internet, and found a clip of the big woman from ponyo and he just instantly falls in love.
Like, because of the war going on, and because he didn’t care, Megatron doesn’t know about Earth. Which means Megatron actually believes she exists. 
And she is everything he wanted.
She’s understanding.
She’s kind.
And best of all?
she’s BIG.
We all know Megatron stims (kicking the air, chuckling whole heartedly and talking to himself / ranting about her) because of Granmamare.
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There were many cybertronians who fell in love with the gladiator, but he didn’t feel the same way. Even as a warlord, he sometimes got letters to show their love to him, which he easily declined because, alas he doesn’t feel the same way.
But Granmamare?
She’s got his spark wrapped around her pinky.
Megatron’s HOOKED.
Whenever he has time, he actually goes to the city where the movie took inspiration from ( Fukuoka, Tomonoura ) and flew around the ocean for HOURS. He gets sad that she didn’t show up, but he won’t stop trying to look for his crush.
Megatron usually leave gifts for the lady, for example, a heart shaped energon he carved himself. He is just absolutely in love he doesn’t even know what to do, he hasn’t been this happy and excited since he met Orion Pax.
He will keep searching for his lover. To the ends of this world.
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cooking256 · 9 months
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もみじ饅頭 広島のお菓子
もみじ饅頭は、日本の広島県の鞆の浦地域で有名な銘菓の一つです。もみじの形をした饅頭(まんじゅう)で、ほのかな甘みともっちりした食感が特徴です。 1. 形状 もみじの葉の形を模した饅頭であり、その形状が特徴的です。普通の饅頭よりも小ぶりで、もみじの模様が刻まれています。 2. 餡子の種類 通常はあんこ(餡子)が詰まっていますが、白あんやクリーム、果物など、さまざまな種類の餡子を詰めたものもあります。 3. 観光土産 広島県の観光地、特に鞆の浦周辺でよく見かける土産物です。地元のお土産として人気があります。 もみじ饅頭は、その可愛らしい形状と風味の良さから、広島を訪れた観光客に人気があります。地元の鞆の浦周辺の土産物屋や和菓子屋、観光スポットのお土産コーナーなどで購入することができます。
Momiji Manju Hiroshima sweets
Momiji Manju is one of the famous sweets from the Tomonoura region of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. It is a manju in the shape of a maple leaf, and is characterized by its subtle sweetness and chewy texture. 1. Shape This manju is shaped like a maple leaf, and its shape is distinctive. It is smaller than a regular manju and has a maple leaf pattern engraved on it. 2. Types of bean paste They are usually filled with anko (red bean paste), but they can also be filled with various types of bean paste, such as white bean paste, cream, or fruit. 3. Tourist souvenirs This souvenir is often seen in tourist spots in Hiroshima Prefecture, especially around Tomonoura. It is popular as a local souvenir. Momiji Manju is popular among tourists visiting Hiroshima due to its cute shape and delicious flavor. You can purchase them at local souvenir shops and Japanese confectionery shops around Tomonoura, as well as souvenir corners at tourist spots.
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killdeercheer · 1 year
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Studio Ghibli Reviews: Ponyo (2008)
Ponyo was another creation of the mind of Hayao Miyazaki, who derived inspiration from a number of sources, including The Little Mermaid (the original Hans Christian Andersen story), Millais' 1852 painting Ophelia, the coastal town of Tomonoura, and the young daughter of Studio Ghibli animation director Katsuya Kondō. Needless to say, the end-result is a stunningly animated and heartfelt story with a simple premise: a magical girl meets a human boy and the two fall in love.
Plot: Set in modern-day Japan, the human boy in question, Sōsuke, lives with his mother Lisa on a cliff by the sea. Deep in the ocean, the magical girl (whose original form is a small red fish with a human face) lives with her menagerie of sisters, and are the children of a human-turned-sea wizard named Fujimoto and the Mother of the Ocean herself (or Granmamare). Ponyo's father resents the human world for its incessant pollution and disrespect for marine life, but Ponyo's curiosity and frustration lead her to escape one day, coming to the surface and meeting Sōsuke. The two immediately hit it off but are unfortunately separated. After Ponyo gets into her father's elixirs, she gains a burst of magical energy and dramatically overturns the balance of nature to reunite with the boy she adores. Only then does the real test of love begin: can the children navigate their new-found relationship and truly love one another as they are, magic or no?
- this review will be mainly spoiler-free -
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Ponyo is my second favorite of the Ghibli films. I adore this movie. It's probably the one Ghibli film (next to My Neighbor Totoro) that is mainly geared to very young audiences. As a general rule, the minimum target audience for any one Ghibli film is the age of the youngest main character. Ponyo and Sōsuke are 5-years-old, so 5-year-olds would (and seemingly do) enjoy this. But, here's the thing, these movies are so timeless and universal that just about anyone at any age can enjoy it. I took my Madre to see the Ghibli Fest theatrical re-release recently and she considered it one of her favorite movies she's seen. She was in tears. Sometimes a simple movie mainly geared for children brings out those feelings in you. That's how I feel about this movie.
One thing that really stands out about Ponyo is the animation and art direction. The entire film was traditionally animated, absolutely no CGI for even the boats, and the backgrounds are mainly watercolors and pastels. The character designs, in contrast, are relatively simple with defined outlines and not a lot of intricate patterning on clothing. In a sense, I find the vibes of this movie somewhere in the ballpark of WDAS films like Dumbo or Lilo & Stitch, though unlike the former this was certainly not because of costs (Ponyo had a budget of ¥3.4 billion compared to Howl's Moving Castle's ¥2.4 billion) but instead to showcase what traditional animation methods were capable of. And it shows. The scenes of Ponyo riding the stormy, fishy waves or those shots that are just covered in marine organisms are absolutely mesmerizing. And the style also works to bring a "story book feel" to the film, which, considering the type of story being told, absolutely works.
The story itself and how it plays out is very sweet and charming. Much of the time is spent with the two leads who, remember, are 5-year-olds just... enjoying life! Ponyo is an excitable and mischievous kid and Sōsuke is definitely more simmered-down (the result of navigating life as "the man of the house", as his father, Kōichi, is a captain and away very often). But Sōsuke is no less adventurous and playful, so when the two interact you can just feel their mutual affection and joy for each other. This is a love story, but it's not treated as romantic (thankfully, these are children afterall).
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The rest of the main cast consist of the different adult guardians to our young leads. Ponyo's father Fujimoto is a curious mix of flamboyant and awkward with a hardened and stern interior that perfectly fits a magical sea-wizard with desires to return the oceans to their glory days (this also means ending "the age of humans", and considering the historical details I've been reading in Callum Roberts' book The Unnatural History of the Sea, he should really focus on ending the medieval-age institutions that actually got us to this point). However, Fujimoto is not a traditional villain and (in Ghibli fashion) is at least sympathetic when it comes to his role as father and protector of his children. Granmamare, in contrast, is an almost polar opposite based on the few scenes we have of her: she carries herself with such grace and elegance and holds no ill-will towards humans - she is also the Goddess of Mercy - openly challenging her husband's ideals in an attempt to bring happiness to her daughter. She is also stunningly animated and I never fail to glue my eyes to the screen whenever she shows up (what does this say about me? None of your business). Speaking of mothers, Lisa (Sōsuke's mom) is also a ton of fun and steals every scene she's in, whether it's her perilous driving skills or her patience with Ponyo's antics.
All of this is supported by a great voice cast (as per all my reviews, this is based on the English dub). Props to the Walt Disney Studios for getting actual children to voice these child characters (and not 30-year-old women doing kid voices...). Noah Cyrus (Ponyo) and Frankie Jonas (Sōsuke) do a phenomenal job and bring a lot of energy fitting to the characters on screen. Liam "I have a particular set of skills" Neeson is Fujimoto and if you think that his voice doesn't match his character than you are sorely mistaken. I find the contrast so hilarious and perfect. Cate Blanchett is Granmamare and I mean come on that just makes me love this character even more. We also have Tina Fey as Lisa who adds a lot of motherly-charm, Matt Damon as Kōichi who, for the few scenes he's in does very well. I have failed to mention a whole gaggle of elderly ladies also features in the film (residents of the retirement home Lisa works at) who are just great. One of them (Yoshie) is voiced by the late Betty White and if that doesn't just eat me up every time I watch this movie.
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The musical score is once again courtesy of Joe Hisaishi and it's definitely one of those Ghibli soundtracks that just sucks me into the film. It's just so majestic and otherworldly and this totally fits with the ocean setting. The opening number Mother of the Sea is a lovely operatic piece that (and I just now realized this) translates into a recollection of Granmamare's past with Fujimoto under the waves. Oof. My heart. But the highlight of the film is the end-credits song Gake no Ue no Ponyo sung by the main leads, which is just adorable and ear-wormy in the best way. No, I don't care for the remix version. No one does.
Overall, Ponyo is one of those movies that never fails to put a smile on my face. I can't be upset watching it. It's so cathartic. This is a movie to watch after you've had a bad day or you just need a pick-me-up. The charming characters, gorgeous scenery, and simple plot (in which several parts of the film are just the characters having a chance to breathe) are like medicine in a world of films that are nothing but rapid-fire scenes, big complicated plots, and cynical humor. It is that fact that makes me return to this movie over and over again. Having these two adorable kids as main leads also helps.
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dummy-kanji · 2 years
Kimono: Tomonoura Western Honshu Japan
Kimono: Tomonoura Western Honshu Japan por Kangaroobie... Por Flickr: Exif_JPEG_PICTURE
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inefekt69 · 7 months
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Nunakuma Shrine - Tomonoura, Japan
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k2net · 4 months
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toujiya · 2 years
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dzthenerd490 · 27 days
File: Ponyo
Code Name: The Daughter of the Sea
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIO agreed to become human and abandon all magic as well as her inheritance as a demi-god. As such no containment procedures will be made. 
Description: Originally SCP-AIO was thought to be the sudden surge of tsunamis and disability of the natural order within the world. This was believed to be a CK Class Reality Reconstruction Scenario similar to what happened regarding SCP-6800. This ended up being correct though not for the reasons the Foundation originally believed.
It turned out SCP-AIO a little girl with magical power was behind it all, the Foundation learned this as a majority of the anomalous events kept happening around her and some even seemed to be targeting her. SCP-AIO is a daughter of a mage and a water goddess who left her home within the ocean and went to the surface while turning herself into a human. Because she was a descendant of a goddess, she had a purpose to follow for if she did not the world would fall to chaos. The reason she did this was because she fell in love with a human named [data expunged].
SCP-AIO was discovered in 2008 at Tomonoura, Tomokōen in Japan. There is the main events of destruction and chaos seemingly originated from such as waves growing into violent tsunami’s, giant water spirits revealing themselves to the surface, Satellites falling from orbit, and the moon getting closer to the planet. This led to the 
Notice Under the Order of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance.
O5 Council of the SCP Foundation, you have been requested to participate in the upcoming ACPA meeting due to reports of an overwhelming threat located in Japan on 8/14/2008. Reasoning for Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance action was called due to a subject concerning the following: Concerning rise of Descendant of the Fae Activity, Unstable Tsunamis occurring everywhere, the Moon Falling out of Orbit, and a High Risk of the Anomalous Veil being Destroyed. All organizations of Anomalous Fate Alliance are required to participate in an emergency meeting concerning the subject.
The threat level has been confirmed to be 7 of 10, therefore participation is mandatory.
All organizations are present, begin mission program.
Assessment: The source of all the destruction and chaos seems to be the result of a little girl who is quite possibly a sea spirit or related to a powerful anomaly. Agents of the SCP Foundation and Global Occult Coalition are keeping tabs on the subject but will either contain or terminate if deemed necessary. Please insert proposals now.
Solution from the Church of Maxwellism: Have the girl contained by the SCP Foundation and studies to see if she really is connected and if so, how it can be reversed. Allow the Church to participate in any experiments. 
Begin Voting Now…
Counting Votes… 
Solution Denied! Reason: Solution too risky, could lead to more problems especially if it turns out the reason really is that she left the ocean. 
Solution from the Horizon Initiative: Force the girl back into the Ocean, if her leaving started this then she must return, simple through and through. 
Begin Voting Now…
Counting Votes…
Solution Denied! Reason: Bringing her harm by forcing her into the ocean could lead to a war with an unknown Species of Interest and the atlanteans could turn against us as well. Too little information, too much risk. 
Solution from the Autobots: Contact the girl and ask her how she is related to this situation and if she knows how to stop it. We will continue to know nothing if we watch from a distance. We must disregard our attempts to stay in the shadows for now and face this issue head on. 
Begin Voting Now… 
Counting Votes…
Solution Granted! Reason: Even this idea is considered too reckless, but the Autobots are right we just have far too little information and must ask directly if need be. 
Instructions: SCP Foundation is to have a single agent confront the girl in what she is currently doing and ask her what her connection is. The other agents as well as those of the Global Occult Coalition are to remain on standby. If the situation becomes dire, order them to do what is necessary. 
Contingency #1: If this fails the Foundation is to be prepared to activate SCP-2000
Contingency #2: If the activation of SCP-2000 achieves nothing, the ACPA is to abandon earth and start over on a new colonized planet. 
After the orders from the ACPA were received Agent Freewell volunteered to intercept SCP-AIO. Unfortunately, at the same time SCP-AIO’s mother, an ocean goddess known as [data expunged] revealed herself to a little boy and his mother. From what Agent Freewell gathered SCP-AIO just wanted to live on the surface to be with the boy. The mother agreed but to do so she must give up her magic forever. She agreed and the boy agreed to love her no matter what, as such a girl turned into a human with no more anomalous properties. 
After this it was reported that the tsunami’s around the world finally ended, and the moon was returning to its orbit. Foundation satellites were back under control and Foundation Space Drones were used to fix the other satellites of the world. Originally it was concluded that this was the end of it. As such the Global Occult Coalition, the Horizon Initiative, and the Church of Maxwellism worked together to explain all the phenomena and subconsciously have the public forget about the incident with [data expunged] tactics.
However, the O5 Council were not satisfied and thus arranged a meeting with [data expunged]. Please see Addendum X-64 for details. 
Addendum X-64
The following is a recorded interview between O5-[data expunged] and Entity of Interest [data expunged] with Dr. [data expunged], Dr. Zeek, and Dr. Egao all present. 
Begin Recording
O5-[data expunged]: … sigh this better fucking work. [data expunged]! Did I say that right?
Dr. [data expunged]: more or less.
O5-[data expunged]: Shut up [data expunged]!
Dr. [data expunged] chuckled, but suddenly the waves started getting restless as [data expunged] manifested and rose up from the sea. 
[data expunged]: You have called for me mortal, though the way you did so was… not preferred to say the least. 
O5-[data expunged]: If you have a better way you should make it more public but then again if you did, we would have you contained like the others so probably best not. Doesn’t matter, we just want to confirm something.
[data expunged]: And what would that be?
O5-[data expunged]: What happened last week, will it happen again?
[data expunged]: Not so long as my other daughters remain by my side.
O5-[data expunged]: How many do you have?
[data expunged]: … Many.
O5-[data expunged]: … What’s stopping us from just rounding them up and making sure they never leave the ocean.
[data expunged]: That would upset the great balance of the ocean. Which is no different to what Ponyo did in her attempt to become human. A blind pursuit of love but one that did end happily. 
O5-[data expunged]: Happily? She nearly ended the world. 
[data expunged]: But it remains, there is no need to dredge up the past.
O5-[data expunged]: … Listen bitch, my patience is wearing thin, give me one good reason to not drive you and your worthless daughters to the BRINK OF FUCKING EXTINCTION! 
[data expunged]: … I-
O5-[data expunged]: And before you comment about how rude I am, please kindly remember that I don’t give a fuck. 
[data expunged]: … This will never happen again; you have my word.
O5-[data expunged]: Then you have mine when I say that we have ways of making you all disappear without disturbing the great balance of the ocean.
[data expunged]: … You hold great power, and with it your horizons have expanded but if you carry too much you will be crushed by its weight. 
O5-[data expunged]: ...[data expunged].
Entity of Interest [data expunged] says nothing in response she merely sighs in disappointment and disappears into the ocean.  
O5-[data expunged]: … I really fucking hate goddesses. And all the gods as well. Fuck every last one. 
Recording Ends
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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hirorin2013products · 1 month
Tomonoura by hirorin 2013
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