#TOTC A Wonder You Are
queenie-avenue · 9 months
I was wondering can we get more Jesper? I don’t have an idea for anything specifically, sorry ToTc
I would like it if he gets jealous though (either his teammates, Katie, or anyone else really, I’m just a sucker for jealously stories XD)
Innocent eyes, deadly hands.
—> please don't touch anyone else but him.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, jealousy, established relationship, possessiveness, jesper kind of hurts you, just a small drabble.
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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Jesper slammed you against the lockers of the guys' bathroom, his eyes wide, tears visible in them as he held you in place. Everyone had left the university field. All his teammates had left, and both you and him were the only ones remaining. You trembled in his arms, Jesper had his moments of anger — throwing tantrums like a baby, never letting you leave his side — but this was the first time you had ever felt unsafe near him.
"What's so good about him?" Jesper asked, his crystal blue eyes begging for your attention. "Why did you hug him like that, please don't do that. I'm your boyfriend, you know. You should only do that with me. I won't allow it, okay?" He cooed, yet the wrinkle of his eyebrows clued you in to his real mood. Upon seeing your discomfort, he gripped your arms tighter. "Unless, that guy really is better than me?" He asked.
You opened your mouth to reply but Jesper suddenly crashed his lips into yours. Jesoer was normally sweet, coy and shy with his affections, like a puppy not yet used to its owner, but this time, it was desperate.
His tongue travelled into yours, he bit down on your lip and just as he parted from your lips, he licked away the specks of blood he had drawn.
"I'll change if you'd like." Jesper promised, his brown hair framing his face in a way you couldn't help but find him attractive even though you couldn't feel blood flowing into your arms. "Is he more assertive? Would you like me to be like that more?" He asked softly, nuzzling his head into your neck. "I can be like that," he whimpered, "just don't leave me."
"Jesper, you know I love you." You whispered. "You're perfect." You repeated the words for the millionth time in your blooming relationship.
"Then don't touch anyone else but me again, okay?" He purred, loosening his grip on you as he looked up at you.
You nodded your head in an attempt to appease your boyfriend.
He looked down at your arms and pouted, "I'm sorry I hurt you." He apologised as he leaned down and pressed kisses onto your arms and honestly, you just wonder what willed you into dating such a volatile man.
Just what had you gotten yourself into?
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"First bone conclave"
Man I am so PROUD OF THIS, OH MY GODDD. The colors, the fx, the drawings. Aaaa, it came out too goood, hhHhh
Bob is not an Undertale oc, but this is reference to a TOTC informational post.
Reblogs would be THE BEST, thaniee.
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ask-ufpapyrus · 4 years
So me and Dark do a talk and it now Official Totc music!!!!
I’m so happy!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
imagine there being an argument or smth, and y/n gets hit with ''okay CAPTAIN/DA, if thats even your REAL name'' and then pausing because. the title became their name. *noone knows y/n as anything other than cap/da* and i think thats wonderful.
if possible, i'd love to only be called by a title. being called captain 24/7 would be SO badass
but then again i am so painfully trans that it fully explains it.
ppl forgetting y/ns name and just calling them cap/da >>> anything else
I see this and I raise you: Gunther being more snarky in the TotC/rebellion route like "so whatdya say, Captain...if that's even your real name."
But then Cap counters with an "okay if you want my position that badly, you gotta guess my actual name. If you get it right I'll hand my authority over to you"
Physically, him and his crew are there but mentally they become buffering Youtube videos as none of them can figure out what Cap's name is. They all frantically go through a shit ton of data on their devices, looking for all info on Cap, yet the only names that pop up are "Captain", "Boss", "Cap", etc.
Hell, not even the drones or Computer know
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twobrokenwyngs · 2 years
(Desculpe, será mais fácil traduzir pelo Google do que eu tentar fazer sentido com o meu inglês ruim). Você não tem noção da qualidade de 'TOTC’, mesmo inacabada, está entre as 3 harringrove-fics para ler antes de morrer hahaha, não fique surpresa se você receber nossas mensagens suplicando pela parte 2 daqui alguns meses ou anos, ela é memorável T_T. Então, vi aquele seu outro post de recomendações e bem, aqui estão as outras duas fics para te viciar ->
-> leia a série "I Don’t Like People (But I Think I Like You)', da hexlibris e a minha favorita porque aqui está o desenvolvimento de personagens secundários mais bem escrito (beijo do chefe) e a queima lenta que quebrará seu coração a cada capítulo: "Maybe there is a beast", da harringroveheart.
which translates to:
(Excuse me, it will be easier to translate by Google than trying to make sense [in] English). You don't have the notion of the quality of 'TOTC', even unfinished, it's among the 3 harringrove-fics to read before you die hahaha, don't be surprised if you receive our messages begging for part 2 some months or years, it's memorable T_T . So, I saw that other post of recommendations and bem, here are the other two fics to spoil you. read the series "I Don't Like People (But I Think I Like You)', da hexlibris and my favorite because here is the development of secondary characters more well written (beijo do chefe) and a slow burn that will break your heart to each chapter: "Maybe there is a beast", gives harringroveheart.
to which I can only say... wow. that is incredibly flattering. especially to be in any way compared to anything by hexlibris, who is a friend of mine and one of the most talented writers I've ever known, and to "maybe there is a beast," which has been on my list to read for years because I'm always hearing how great it is. I do know the first chapter sort of stands on its own but I did have a grand plan for it, a story I badly wanted to tell, and deep down still do.
thank you SO much for this highly complimentary message, it really surprised me and made me feel wonderful. I might re-read chapter 1 before bed tonight, lol. <333
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Sort of related to that, but the newest Tales of the City on Netflix is just so hilariously earnest and po-faced I can’t handle it.
I’m a huge fan of the books, but I only tuned in because I thought a narrative about a trans man possibly coming out as a gay post-transition was an interesting one to see.
And it’s dreadful, it sort of functions like a tumblr educational post. The way that the cis gay men around him are supportively neutral about his exploration process and positive about him coming out, the way that his cis girlfriend who has just agreed to an open relationship earnestly talks about how she misses being seen as a lesbian, it’s...you know, there is a fantastic movie to be made about this story, but you have to treat your characters as people rather than ideological widgets in which everyone is behaving correctly.
It’s queer-utopian to the degree of being actively unrealistic. Now, realistic doesn’t have to mean horrible. But the show just has everything just working out for the characters the way it’s supposed to, and it just doesn’t read as sincere. I didn’t see a story I could relate to.
A really good comparison point is actually Jake’s introduction in Michael Tolliver Lives, the book in which the character is introduced. Michael Tolliver is the author’s stand-in-self-insert who he’s been writing since 1970-something in a series of like, 7 books; he’s a HIV+ gay man and widower. Unique for the TOTC series, this story is written in the first person from Michael’s perspective.
Michael picks Jake up at a bar, they hook up, and afterwards stay friends and Jake becomes a series regular.
You’ve got Michael’s inner monologue of like, being worried that he’s going to mess up somehow and hurt Jake’s feelings, which reads as legit to me - he knows this isn’t as simple as a tumblr post about inclusion. And you’ve also got Michael making this strong connection between Jake’s transness and his own HIV+ status. Another guy at the gay bar outs Jake nastily to Michael when they’re in the loo; and it reminds Michael of the era in which people did that about him, when being HIV+ meant being a pariah. Michael thinks about how attracted he is to Jake, not only physically but also to his confidence, wondering how often he does this and knowing he is probably scared.
Maupin wrote the first trans character in american literature as far as we’re aware; he doesn’t always get it spot on, but his heavily autobiographical books always come from a place of inner truth and personal experience.
Like, I don’t want trauma porn or to see a character like Jake - my fave trans man in literature! not that there are many to choose from - harmed on screen, but I also don’t want this bland pollyanna-ish utopianism, especially when the original source handles this scene so well. I want complexity - I want conflict. Conflict doesn’t need to mean anger or violence, but it does need characters with fully-realised inner lives like...Jake and this random guy going home together, and the experience not being a simple one for either of them. It doesn’t need to show shame or abuse to be realistic, but it does need to be surprising or a moment of discovery, perhaps discovering something unexpected, or something that changes a person or is mixed, rather than just - and it was all OK. How often do trans people have sex with a stranger and the experience is one where “...but they supported and validated my gender identity, and that’s all I really needed, so I had a great time!” is the total reality of the experience.
And ditto with things like, the girlfriend’s response being so even-handely “I want to support him, but I miss being seen as a lesbian and I’m not sure how I feel about this being an open relationship” like, get angry, girl! Or, repress it. Or throw yourself into supportiveness as a cover for how you’re feeling. Or get a new girlfriend and have some proper poly drama. Or throw something at him, or throw him out, or endure it politely, or say no. Don’t just behave the way you’re supposed to in a single tell-not-show dialogue scene. Humans are messy! The conflict between what a person says they want and what they actually want is a ripe source for storytelling! What if the girlfriend has the worst possible response in the world, while knowing that it’s unethical and unkind, and her story is about trying to reconcile those two parts of her experience? I’d watch that.
(Case in point, I really love the protagonist’s wife in Victim (1961) - she’s a fantastic character, really nailing this middle ground where she doesn’t want to cause harm to her closeted husband, and she isn’t depicted as some kind of cludgel to beat the gay character for being destructively gay; but she’s still strong, about her own need to be in a real, mutual relationship, about feeling deceived. Perhaps the best line of dialogue in the film is hers, something like “I’m a woman, not a life raft, and I want to be loved for myself”. It’s fantastic writing, maintaining empathy for its closeted character in a way that’s radical for the period but also holding empathy for this wife as well, who quite rightly wants more from her life than to be a life-raft or a savior figure or a beard for this messy guy. idk how a 1961 movie arguing for gay rights has more compassion and understanding of the “ally spouse having a hard time with new information” character than a full 2010s series focused on queer people of all kinds)
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realmckitten · 6 years
2 for 1 tag
I was tagged by the person on here that has to put up with me in real life - @notsosubtlekpop . Thanks for tagging me G!
As you can read from the title, this is 2 tags in 1 post.
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes. Beth from Little Women
2. When was the last time you cried? Tuesday. We had to put one of our kitties to sleep.
3. Do you have kids? Yes - fur babies
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?  me??????? don’t even know what that is...
5. What’s the first thing you notice about a person?  their eyes
6. What’s your eye colour? Blue
7. Scary movie or Happy ending? Happy ending (OMG I read this wrong the first time and thought wtf kinda question is this??)
8. Any special talents? I’m hyper flexible. I can bend all the tips of my fingers over and i can roll my tongue over.
9. Where were you born? NY
10. What are your hobbies? is bigbang a hobby? cause i spend way too much time on it. let’s say bb and nyongtory. oh i guess making b&w edits.
11. Have you any pets? Yes!!!! All the kitties!
12. What sports do you play? none. I ran track briefly but my knees are all messed up from years of ballet
13. How tall are you? 5′2″
14. Favourite subject in school? 3d design
15. Dream job? bottle feed kittens
1. How did you meet your newest friend? on here (i’ve met some of the most wonderful people on here.)
2. Xbox or Playstation? i don’t play video games. i’m terrible at them. i realized i should not bother when i was getting beat by a 5 year old and he turned to me and said in the most earnest voice - don’t worry, you’ll get better some day. It was soul crushing.
3. What K-Pop group do you bias the most? bigbang (ot5 forever!)
4. Who is your ultimate K-Pop bias? This is hard because i love Tabi. And I love Jiyong. But I love them in very, very, VERY different ways. It’s complicated.
5. Do you like to draw? No, i’m a sculptor (or was. i haven’t in awhile)
6. Do you like your name? no. my parents were going to name me after one of the daughters in Little Women, but who the hell names their kid after the one that dies young????? I would have preferred Jo or Meg.
7. What’s your age? TOTC (too old to care)
8. What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? she/her
9. What’s your sexuality? straight
10. What is your current mood? it has been a looooong day at work. how is it only 4pm???????????????
I tag: @jiandtabi @vipelf814 @lady-une @cluke817 @costard66 @cantmakeupagoodusername @putmyluvontop @red-love-jiyong
anyone else who got this far ....if you’re into these tag games let me know so i can tag you in the future. and join in the game if you want to play along. i’ve tagged you too.
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o-doodles · 7 years
I was wondering can you make more sketches /doddle for TOTC
Tales Of The C.L.O.U.D? More like Tales of the C.A.N.C.E.L - yaspeecious.[distant air horn]
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cielospeaks · 7 years
some headcanons bc gosh dangit i need self indulgence
-when im frustrated at being treated like a kid- he totally understands. this gremlin hecker grown ass five year old understands. he lets me rant to him and cry into his chest when im all worn out and then just holds me tight. and i feel like shit bc i know he must know- and i treat him like the irresponsible idiot he is and worry im being hypocritical but he just smiles and laughs. i feel like hed say something like “is it childish? is it not? what does it matter, its what you’re doing and thats all that matters” and eventually we both laugh through tears and just cuddle
-we go on a disney date- my personal favorite or one of them. that and ballroom dancing. but anyways, im reminded unintentionally of all the questionable school memories i have there and for a second its awkward but then im like “its ok! im here to make new memories w you! right?” and then eventually he suggests we do the same stuff i have bad memories of and im shook. but he explains it “you liked doing those things until people ruined it for you? what if i give you new memories of those things and maybe we can make it together something you can enjoy!” im even more shook but we totally do it. he lies on my lap in potc and im shook. “arent you gonna hit me w your purse” -awkward silence and blushing- “its..... a different feeling than before” im flustered af my gremlin boyfriend is too cute. we go yell spoilers on btm but im like “itd be rude to talk about guillotines around someone whos first love was marie antionette- besides idk if hes read totc” but he comes up w the idea instead of spoiler spoilers we do spoilers as in “spoil yourself” so its stuff like “treat yourself” and “remember youre important and deserve happiness” and its the most wholesome shit. we both try out the fiddles its wild. lets be honest if this is existing irl that would mean everyone realizes i have a boyfriend and hes a musically talented pissgoblin named after a famous classical composer id be even more of a flustered mess and he would love it. “oh! let me play a love song for you!” random kids would insist i was a disney princess and id be even more rip in ripperoni. hed give me a look like “im sorry youre not enjoying this, ill be good” and then i manage to squeak out “no! i love you! aaaaa i mean i love thi- well you know what i mean!” shitgremlin literally melting me. i feel like at some point hed meet a pretty girl whos sad/crying in the park and start borderline flirting to try and cheer her up, and like i get back or something and also try to help out, like maybe her friend had to cancel and she doesnt want to spend the day alone, so we keep her company until her friend arrives, and motes is kinda surprised im not upset or jealous but im just like “you were helping out a stranger, i couldnt be more proud of my wonderful bf” im like the least jealous person around my pissgremlin boy bc i know hes the sweetest person ever and itd be rude to hog all of his sunshine and positivity to myself. this got really rambly wow. anyways tldr motes is a good boy and an amazing boyfriend and i finally have a disney date au that isnt an angstfest looks at hans (not that i mind im 110 percent down w helping my redhead pointy nose boys actually love themselves but sometimes ya gotta get a pink nightmare pissgremlin to help you love yourself)
-also other ppl bc this weird “im not a kid stop treating me like a child” complex is out of hand. cascu (well anycu but cascu is my main boi) treats everyone like hes their uncle but somehow it doesnt feel mocking when he does it? i feel silly bc hes old af and im probably still a kid to him but he just talks it out like a regular hecking person. he just kinda gives an empathetic sigh and gives me a pat, letting me cry into his tiddy until i feel better. then when im all good we just go back to work or whatever and he kinda teases me about it, but in a joking way. then says something like “hehe, of course im joking, anyone can see youre responsible and hardworking” and im shook. def gonna give that boyo a kiss and a thank you
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
So Bob, what exactly is your backstory?
Oh boi, here I go.
Okay, so every oc of mine has deep backstories. Some more in depth than others, but they are all generally SUPER long, even for support characters.
Bob would be considered a support character for the 3 main TOTC stories, but he objectively becomes an important character in the last main story, and then a main character for the TOTC story "A Wonder You Are" and the epilogue story ((still deciding if the epilogue story is officially canon of not though.)) 
Bob's backstory will be one of those long character backstories because I have to also explain some Skeleton Demon culture and stuff in the process.
Bob was born October 13, 1792 in the city of Divera that is in at a slightly close elevation to the surface. Due to his birthplace being close to the surface, he was born a Overworld Skeleton, rather than a Underworld Skeleton. 
His full name is Bilhelm Viperanova Boney, Bob has two mothers and had one brother. His blue mother's is named Zitramai, Mia/Mai for short, his red mother's is Gladfiphines, Glad, and his brother's name was Sinxpara, Spar. 
Bob's mothers are a part of the Skeleton Demon magic Knights that protect both the Overworld and Underworld Skeleton Demons from other world and/or other dimensional/universal harm. As a lot of things tend to come to the Underground rather than the surface more often than not. Glad was part of the offensive military of the magic Knights, so she had her duties outside the city. Mia is part of defense of the magic Knights, so she stayed more inside the city and she owns a bakery because of her stay at the city. They would soon cross paths during a "Dream Night of Death's Lullaby" celebration, which Glad meets Mia when Mia was shooting stars for the celebration. Soon after, they are now soul mates.
Mia gave birth to Spar first! Spar was Bob's older brother whom he looked up to for many years. More so since Spar is 5 years older than Bob. Spar was born as a Overworld Skeleton as well, but he did not have high levels of magic. In turn, he instead became more eye appealing than magical. Overworld Skeletons can attach item to their bones, as Underworld Skeletons attach other bones to their own. However, Overworld Skeletons have more soul selectivity than Underworld Skeleton Demon souls due to more relativity in genes and magic. So Spar attached items to his bones, but the items his soul was very compatible with were sewing and knitting related items. In that, Spar mostly put pins and needles to his bones, along with a pin cushion at the end of his tail. 
Since Bob's mother, Mia, is the one who carried out the Boney Family name to her family of four, they followed tradition!
The Boney Family is the Underground's renown family that owns top business that helps the Underground run smoothly, along it being one of the Overworld Skeleton Demon family's to have the highest levels of magic. Now, the Boney Family, and its business, have a tradition. This tradition is that every first born of a generation of Boneys are selected to become a salesman, but not just any normal salesman, but a salesman that would operate under the Boney Family Business in the surface!! 
In this case, Spar would have been selected to become a salesman, however he did not. The tradition itself is not a "destiny" or "set fate" tradition, as the selected family member can either reject or give this opportunity to another Boney family member that were sibling related. Spar did not want to become a salesman for his own reasons, he wanted to be a free Explorer of the surface world and his brother wanted to become a salesman with all his passion. So Spar gave the opportunity to Bon instead! If it weren't for Spar, and the fact that Bob was born with an extreme level of magic, Bob would have become a magic knight and not a salesman.
Bob had to word twice as hard due to now being destined to be a salesman and his high magic level. Overworld Skeletons have rigorous training for those with high magic levels, the reason why is because they have to understand more about themselves and learn how to control the radiating magic from their souls more so than any other Overworld Skeletons. With the addition of being a Boney, every selected Boney salesman has to also go through a extraordinary rooted learning course, not only to learn about business, but to learn about the universe in depth and precisely. All they learn isn't just standard things, but these things can also go as far as learning emotions of customers to the laws of instinctual Making behavior and how Black Matter works. As Skeleton Demons have the truth and books that tell the truth, unlike human books and philosophies. 
Bob was set of be a salesman at age 9, so Bob went through through both training and learning from there moreover the next 101 years of his life. Then for the next 9 years were simply preparations for Bob until he was finally set to go up in the surface in 1902. 
From there, Bob settled his shop, and home, in the deep depths of untouched woods of the Yosemite National park. But the location was more of a home than a shop since Bob needed to get more items than he was given to set his business in stone. Bob had to get out from his comfort zone and actually enter human society to get what he needs. As a Boney salesman, the law of Making separation from human makings did not apply, and Bob became the first supernatural making to go into human society without discourse. They barely noticed he was in the crowd because of how the humans use to surround and drown out the stranger things with how their century was in a boom back then, and the fact Bob's soul radiated calming magic consistently. Very few found Bob to be strange and/or frightening, mostly either didn't care, or they thought he had a very good costume on constantly. Weird and odd, but never too strange and frightening. 
In 1911, Bob meets a man who was part of a Mafia group. A man named Vissel Vice, he was the first human pal Bob had. Vice was the one to get Bob a part of the mafia group, as he thought it would help Bob gather a better verity of  supplies for his shop. Oh, and it did!! And in the fist few years of being a part of the group, Bob was given both his business suit and "Good Fella" suit.  
From there in, Bob's bro also went for his dreams the some 4 years before Bob was sent into the surface. Spar loved to be an explorer very much, as Bob loved to be a salesman. Every so often, Spar would come to Bob's shop/home to visit, exchange items, and even share the new discoveries and experience the two brothers had in hand. That is until 1918, Bob's brother's soul was corrupted by an item that was not compatible with his soul for attachment, turning Spar into a savage/beastly Skeleton Demon. In this catastrophe, Bob and his family tried for so long to fix him, until they stopped after the final attempt and that attempt is how Bob got the scar fractures in the back of his skull. His brother smashed in Bob's skull during the attempt, but Bob lived by luck. ((As Skeleton Demon bones can only be broken usually by other skeleton demons, and their souls can be forced to "pass on" by other skeleton demons as well.)) 
Ever since that, Bob's senses were heightened more than usual. Things were seeming to be out of place for Bob since these senses were making Bob see more into other people's souls. Over time with these senses, he began to see the souls of his fellow members, of the mafia group he was a part of, grow more rotten and foul. It was on 1929 that Vice was shot in cold blood by his fellow members because he was seeing the turn in the group as well, he just was verbal about it. After that day, Bob snapped and killed the entire group in one fell swoop, no one survived. From there, Bob grew to hate anything really relating to mafias, his love for guns stayed and that was the source of why he loves them so much, but he hates the "good fella" outfit that he killed the group in.
There onward, Bob had a steady business, it grew more in its stocks, and he found out how to universe/dimension jump with a project he has been working on for so long. Thus, his store items grew more and more diverse and plentiful. 
In 1990, Bob soon met Dr. Wonder.
Which this kinda explains their bit, and the fact that Bob and Dr. Wonder was the start of the TOTC story A Wonder You Are: 
Unfortunately, their relationship did not last long, but it wasn't all devastation.
As Bob moved on, he grew with the wonder that his dear loved one left behind in Bob's heart. Filled with wonder, Bob is now more passionate with his work than anything. With his wonder, personality, perseverance, kindness, moralities, and passions, Bob is who he is now and why he is still even here today! 
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REBLOGS are accepted for this one, PLEASE!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
First question! What does TOTC stand for? And second question, is Bob ending up in the UT universe canon (I understand he isn't oringally an UT OC). If so what's the lore on how he ended up in the Undertale universe in the first place?
TOTC stands for Trilogy of the Company! The name of my original universe.
I am unsure if Bob will be UT canon just yet, since I am still trying to figure stuff out on like how the UT multi-verse would react under the character intrusion that isn't of the UT universal plain/ multi-verse. Many the reason for that is the fact the TOTC Universe is meant to be the Universe of all universes that was the source of how everything after it and the existence of everything came to be from that universe alone, hence why it is also nicknamed The Mother universe by some of my characters. So things from that universe alone are crazy powerful depending on who or what it is. Which I am totally unsure if the UT fan base and the UT multi-verse to the fans would really like it, or not quite understand/accept it. Keep in mind I made the TOTC Universe to be crazy complex and powerful way before I got into Undertale years back. As much as I want to make it canon that Bob's turmoil and the TOTC Universe be hyperlinked with the UT multi-verse, and I have the link on how it all can connect, I can't exactly make it canon unless people are in it enough to let me know that I should make it canon and go all out on it. Because I am still kinda small, so I don't really have much of a "fanbase" for the TOTC Universe to make it all officially canon. 
But I am easing into the decision that It might become canon. But if it were canon, which again I already have the connections set up so it is all planned and devised with precision with how it all works, Bob ends up in the UT multi-verse because he wanted to finally set foot in it to expand business after years being told not to by another oc that goes by Creator. Which after so long, both Death and Creator granted Bob the authorization to actually set foot in that universe at all. Which comes down to the fact that TOTC Gaster is the one that links the TOTC and the UT universe together.
This explains how, why, and what TOTC Gaster does along with his purpose to the TOTC Universe and UT universe:
From there, Bob meets Gaster for the first time which is what starts Bob's journey into the UT multi-verse and his journey as the TOTC epilogue story and the TOTC A Wonder You Are story continuation
Links to their meeting are in two parts, which the first part is a comic and the second being written dialogue that would have continued and end the first meeting between Bob and Gaster:
First part- https://the-quiet-kid-dark.tumblr.com/post/615979349247672320/first-bone-conclave-man-i-am-so-proud-of-this
Second and last part- https://the-quiet-kid-dark.tumblr.com/post/617309287699611648/first-bone-conclave-continued-story-dialogue
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dark-imagine-robots · 5 years
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A Wonder You Are, part 1.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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“How Does Your Garden Grow?”
Here it is!! Both versions of it! Sad times with Bob and Dark
Please! Reblog are much appreciated!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
I am imagining that Bob has a emergency outfit for when the outfit he usually wears gets totalled to the point where he has to ask his cousin to fix it. But this "emergency" outfit is actually an old get up he used for when he was part of a Mafia group a long time ago. It is a neat outfit, but he doesn't like it for personal reasons. Bob will still wear it if it comes to it, however, overall, he just doesn't like to wear it at all.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
Another brain dump, but Bob monologue
"By godspeed, they will die by my hand!"
"Their souls, foul and rotten. How did it even come to this?"
"I was welcomed in open arms, I saw good in the one who brought me to be a part of their 'family'. I thought I say potential."
"My eyes deceived me, as I finally saw their souls after a horrific sight I have witnessed."
"Disgusting souls, using their superiority and their artillery for their favor of greed and malice."
"Taking advantage of the good willed souls, influencing their younger child soul of such disgrace."
"I had it, I will let Death give me the position to pass Judgment upon these decayed souls."
"The Judgment to then give them their Final Days, at my hand and through my eyes. Let my own soul hold the Judgment of Death."
"As now, I no longer see how this 'family' should stay among the living."
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"Idle by my heart..."
"Sit besides me to watch as the sun sets..."
"Idle by me... my heart..."
"Watch the stars with me... make wishes upon the falling stars..."
"Idle by me... my soul..."
"May our souls bond together..."
"Let our hearts connect..."
"As we are now new fond friends... Fellow friends..."
"Idle by my hear... by me... my soul..."
"You are surely the one for me..."
"We idle by... our dear souls..."
"Idle by me... my shining star...my true friend..."
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