#fun TOTC facts
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fun fact im currently 1.5mins into an animatic for totc.
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RT @totc: Happy #TikiTuesday! Check out this spooktacular creation from @deathandconyc! Fun Fact: Celtic… https://t.co/IkA6UqErbV
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dark-imagine-robots · 2 years
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"This body is a clenching bear trap, my real body is in ruins... But I must cope with this forced body...."
Death's True form was deformed by a, now nonexistent, Being. That same Being also forced Death to be in a physical form that is more comprehensible and "safe" to Makings (Humans and etc. that aren't Beings).
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dark-imagine-robots · 2 years
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"The Home"
A place that goes by it's own name. No color can be perceived, it is monochromic. Much like the Inbetween, it's no realm, world, nor dimension. It is simply The Home. A place that holds as a home for the being, Creator. Also the home for Chad.
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dark-imagine-robots · 3 years
Chad’s Scars and Job
  Chad has a very important role, that role being an au guardian of Welkintale, his home au. 
  It is his job and sworn duty as he protects the doorway that leads in and out of the Welkintale au. The job itself comes with both perks and cons, one of them being that he can encounter anyone at the door. Encounters can be from inside the door or outside, the majority of encounters happen outside the door. 
  All encounters outside the door are with other au characters of the Undertale multiverse. So, on very busy days, Chad sees and meets a lot of people while at his post outside the door. 
  With this many encounters, Chad has them categorized on what the reason is for said characters to appear near the door. There are three reasons a character would be near the door; the character is curious of the door, the character is confused of the door, or the character has malicious intent of the door. A majority of the encounters are mostly leaned towards the first two reasons. Unless Chad was granted permission from a higher power, or he has temporary higher hand, to let someone in the door, no one is allowed through the door whatsoever. So those with malicious intent would not know what is behind the door, however will still want to go through the door... either to exploit it, destroy it, or alter/taint it in some way. 
  Those of curious or confused reasoning are in the friendly category in Chad’s book, they do not require force of any nature to make these character step away from the door. Then for those with malicious intent are, of course, under the malicious category. These malicious characters do require some kind of force for them to step away from the door, the type of force depends on the character themselves.
  Friendly encounters are usual au characters that are either lost, or simply au hopping when it comes to outside the door. Most acquaintances of Chad were friendly encounters, only curious and/or confused of the door or Chad himself. The Malicious encounters however, are mostly consistent of the more “renown” characters of the Undertale multiverse which are: Gaster variants, Player variants, even variants of “gaurdian(s)” or “destroyer(s)”, and etc. 
  Fresh falls under the Malicious category.
   When Chad isn’t at his post or in a space where he is simply taking time to himself, he has no ill will towards Fresh of any nature and acts as Fresh is just a fellow mutual of his. 
  In the case of THE DOOR, Chad’s behavior towards Fresh is hatred and bloodlust. Fresh would be considered an blacklisted character to be anywhere near the door. 
  The reason? 
  It would be a reason that came from their very first encounter at the door.
  The first encounter with Fresh started out as innocent curiosity, he was both curious of Chad and the door. Chad wasn’t a regular fresh variant, as he was not a parasite and his body is not of Undertale monster origin... so that would be why Fresh is curious of Chad. The door, the essence of the door itself can be very enticing towards parasites since it is a untouched space of parasites such as Fresh. 
  Curious, Fresh would ask about the door, Chad would answer with a simple answer, “The door goes into my au.” 
  With the added summary that it was just his job to guard the door. 
  Fresh wanted to see Chad’s au, but Chad would naturally decline him in a friendly matter. However, this is where the encounter starts drifting into a malicious category...
   As Fresh persists more, he was thinking of ways to somehow get through the door...in a “freshly” matter. By that, attempt something like looney tunes logic of getting into somewhere, try to trick Chad in a FRIENDLY matter into getting Fresh through the door. Fresh tries many ways, taking one of Chad’s buttons or even taking his hat. Chad took all of this in as friendly behavior, but the attempts fail as Chad takes these belongings back with ease. 
  That is, until Fresh ends up taking the shark tooth from Chad. 
  The shark tooth belonged to Chad’s mother and was given to Chad the last time he saw her, so taking this tooth was the breaking point of friendly batter. With that, Chad had grabbed Fresh by the neck and demanded the tooth back. Even though Chad’s tone and behavior changed, Fresh kept his cool tried to take this as a opportunity to get through the door.
  Chad was not playing games at this point as he declined once more, the grip on Fresh’s neck tightened.
  Fresh promptly uses a furby bomb to get out of the grip and keep persisting. The door for the tooth. Chad did not tolerate this, so he walks up to Fresh with long strides and punches Fresh in the face, breaking his glasses, before gripping his collar with both claws. Then and there, Chad opens his jaws and was about ready to chomp down on Fresh’s face. Additionally revealing to Fresh that Chad’s soul wasn’t normal, and it was going to devour him if he does chomp on his skull. Out of survival instinct, Fresh slashed the tooth twice to Chad’s right lip, then stab the tooth into Chad’s skull and drag it down to his left lip. This makes Chad’s glasses fall off and the wounds bleed black roses and dark purple pinstripe petunias. 
(As a TOTC Skeleton Demon, other Skeleton demons and/or living bone of another Skeleton Demon can hurt and/or kill another skeleton demon. In this case, Chad as a Skeleton Demon has been wounded by his mother’s tooth.)
Chad drops Fresh out the pain from the tooth and recoils to tend to the damage, Fresh tosses the tooth aside so he could go for the door. 
  Fresh almost makes it to the door.... until Chad finishes recoiling and whacks him like a baseball with his skate/surfboard, to which it knocks Fresh out. Chad takes back the tooth, goes to the knocked out Fresh before he uses his claws to grab and pull out Fresh from his body. It was a very painful, abrupt, and frightening awakening for the knocked out Fresh. 
  Chad threateningly warns the parasite “Never come near MY DOOR or touch MY TOOTH ever fucking again.” 
  Then Chad tosses the parasite far and kicked the body away with it. ---   First encounter with the original Fresh was the encounter when Chad had gotten his scars and listed Fresh as malicious. 
  Although Fresh made the a bad encounter, Chad doesn’t behave the same way towards him when not near the door. Nor does Chad list any parasites/fresh variants to malicious right off the bat when he encounters any at the door, as every character reacts differently to Chad.... Chad doesn’t assume that all parasites/fresh variants are going to make the same encounter as what Fresh did. 
  Chad’s job isn’t always easy, but it is a important job he lives up to. No matter what, he will protect the door. Even when he isn’t around the door he will promptly appear there asap if someone comes near it. That is Chad’s job, and that is how he got his scars. 
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dark-imagine-robots · 3 years
peter do you get enough vitamin d your skin seems quite pale
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Peter's skin was always unusually pale, but him being dead kinda made it worse.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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I N H U M A N 
Fun fact, skeleton Demons have a spell that can give them temporary human from. However the spell doesn't completely conceal their bones, which they're hands are still bare bones. So the must wear gloves if they are in human form.
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dark-imagine-robots · 3 years
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Progress on my art class final.
To be honest this made me come up with another head canon about Skeleton Demons.
I mean, my boy Bob always sparks the best ideas.
I'm thinking that it's tradition and common knowledge for Skeleton Demons to wear black and white attire without headwear and jewelry when they are taking pictures with and/or by humans.
The black attire itself would seem like a funeral like attire, which black and white will always symbolize death for both humans and Skeleton Demons.
But to Skeleton Demons, the attire itself is the the highest form of formal wear for them rather than a outfit made for one's passing. 
Not to mention that the special material reacts differently when around humans, which the humans can't see any different with the outfit. But if they try to take a picture of a skeleton demon in their usual attire, the colors give the camera a very bright and eye burning lens glare. Or if the human is trying to draw them, the colors of the clothing would make the human persecution of those colors hard to manipulate or read when the human is trying to color the attire. 
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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Poor Imago, his Skeleton Demon pink pattern mutation makes him less intimidating than he actually is. 
But, don't be fooled, he can still snap your neck!!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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Hehehe, Peter, my fnaf oc, is still in use for my stories. But his use isn't really fnaf related these days, just a tired, grumpy man that makes robots for other dimension and universes both connected and not connected to the TOTC Universe. 
Is role in the TOTC Epilogue story is that of being the "uncle" to one of Dark and Dean's kids, Max. Which Max finds a way to come and sneak into the TOTC Universe to gather more background about his mom, Dark. Since Dark's "past" will always go unsaid by herself and everyone who knows her. So Max wants to know Dark's past, all of it. 
Peter keeps an eye on Max when he does visit since his parents and other family members don't know that he comes to the TOTC Universe on his own. Max knew who Peter was from the mention of him of one of Bob's tales and rambles. In the Canon story, Max somewhat looks up to Peter almost as much as his own mom. In a alternate non-canon ending to story, Max would spend more time with Peter and in the TOTC Universe than with his uncles back in the Undertale multi-verse.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
YOU SEE THIS FACE? This is the face of the Papy that will kill you, your beloved Papyruses, and everyone else you love. Imago will eat your soul out, LITERALLY.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"The Sun and The Moon."
The emotions of a Skeleton Demons corilate with their soul and magic, in which their magic is among one out of the three powerful magics of the TOTC Universe, Death Magic. Anything that may try to absorb/feed of certain emotions, negative and/or positive are susceptible to the harm of Death Magic itself.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
Shapeshiftertale au DUMP!!!
First things first...
   The Shapeshiftertale au's setting in its Mafiafell shift does NOT take place in the 1920s, but instead it takes place further into the future in the 3020s.
   Hence the reason why Edge/Sans has a collar that would be out of place for 1920s fashion. The furniture is a mix in its fashions since everyone has their own tastes in clothing and outfit placement. Along with the fact that Dark re-entering the au doesn't come off as her sticking out like a sore thumb, as this future setting does have similarities to the future settings of the TOTC Universe before the last events that wiped out the humans and human society.
                    Shapeshiftertale au Gaster
   Now, you would think that this Gaster would be spooky, mysterious, and a baddie of this au. ((More so since this is an au about shape-shifting.)) But nah, that isn't the case.
   The more surprising bit about this Gaster is that he actually takes Papyrus' place. Not as another version of Papyrus, no. As himself, a loving father of Edge/sans. 
   Gaster, or Pops for his au name ((Which everyone calls him in the au since he is fatherly to a lot of younger people and impressionabley kind to older people. But also just called Dad by Edge/Sans sometimes too.)), is the co-owner of Grillby's and an ex-royal scientist in all au shifts, but additionally a secret mafia boss for the Mafiafell shift. Pops is, again, a very fatherly, kind, intelligent, and ((at certain times, not all the time)) a professional person. Pops is always tired/tired looking, but still keeps up being the good person that he is. He stopped working as a royal scientist for certain reasons and reasons, that will be mentioned later on, but he created both Edge/sans and Papyrus of the au with how own soul and soul essences from the other souls the king provided at the time. After said events, Pops was offered to help with the Grillby's restaurant and bar to better give Pops a new job to work in once he dropped being a scientist. 
   In story/game for the Undertale/Classic shift, Pops would try to help you through the puzzles that were left behind by his former son, all the while that he knows that the king needed another soul. But as he knew the truth that the king didn't actually need more than one soul to come through, he rather wanted to take the player in to confront the king with the player. However, the player would seem to want to confront the king themselves to open the barrier for everyone. 
   For the Mafiafell shift, Pops would insist that you join him in his gang to confront the king, but with the player refusing Pops would resort to force. This force would make Pops regretful of what he is doing and decides to let the player have at their own choice to confront the king alone. As risky and painful it seems to him, he rather not force the player to join his gang since he just doesn't like hurting innocent people. 
   If the player picks to go with Genocide, or a neutral route to kill him specifically, Pops will catch on and REALLY fight. As being a father, it will kick in that he will protect everyone at all cost from the player. Killing him will ultimately and traditionally lead to Edge/Sans facing the player later on. But Pop's last words would be...
   "I know what you're doing, either you're doing it for experimental purposes or for sickly fun...just please... don't hurt my son."
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                    Shapeshiftertale au Papyrus
   Papyrus, or Shiv for his au name ((Traditionally use to be called Papyrus by Edge/Sans and Pops.)), took the place as the Gaster of this au. 
   After a few years from being created, where as Both Shiv and Edge/Sans were old enough to do the more drastic things, they became assistance of Pops while he was still a royal scientist. Both bone brothers would assist their father on moving around supplies, prepare certain experimental procedures, and etc. 
   When Shiv wasn't working, he usually studied and made puzzles on his spare time and as a hobby. The king always admired his work, even asking Shiv if he could embed some puzzles into certain places of the kingdom to ensure their home's safety. Both Shiv and Edge/Sans were admired for their parts on keeping the kingdom safe in their own ways while Pops kept looking for ways to open the barrier when they aren't needed. 
   That is, until one day, Pops finally discovered something that he thought was the solution to opening the barrier. Something that didn't require human souls. On that day, he would want to test out if the "solution" would indeed work. 
   Pops asked for his sons to assist him on this experiment of this solution, just in case things were needed for more than one monster to improve the solution's performance. Once the experiment began, it opened a dark portal. No one entered the portal, all three thought the portal itself was extremely suspicious. To no prevail, the portal became a sucking vortex. Taking in everything that came near it.
   Pops was almost sucked into the portal, but Shiv sacrificed himself to save his father. He moved Pops away from the stronger wind forces from the vortex, only to disappear into the portal himself. The portal then closes after Shiv was taken.
   Shiv was/is stuck in the void.
   He stays imprisoned from that day, this leading Shiv to change after such long period of time and reset shifts. The shifts do not change Shiv, as nothing can shift inside the void, but the void itself changed shiv. 
   Upon the void's emptiness and other supernatural attributes, it lead to Shiv to hallucinate. This the hallucinations lead to Shiv scratching at his eyes, and scratching out his right eye. Along with twisting his mind and emotions. The supernatural attributes of the void lead to Shiv's disfigurement on his body and magic. 
   Shiv, still desperate to get out of the void, had in mind that magic was the key to get out of the void. After figuring out the void more, he found out that he can take people from the outside world of his au and into the void. Leading lonely strangers astray, and going for the kill to take them into the void to absorb/suck away their magic in order to get out of the void. 
   Shiv would eventually have enough magic to get out of the void, but due to the void's damaging effects on his mind, it twisted him enough that he developed a thirst and dependency on magic from others. Thus, he sticks with preying upon others to take away their magic. 
   Players facing Shiv, and have LV higher than one, will ultimately drain away the player's health stat back into LV 1 health status since EXP is made up of the magic the player gained from the monsters. Shiv's attacks can leech off of the player more and more the player gets hit by Shiv's attacks.
But, in any case, Shiv is still in the void.
The only thing that keeps Pops and Edge/sans reminded of Shiv's existence, is that Pop's always wears Shiv's scarf he use to always wear before the accident.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
Bob: "Mmm, bone is so DELICIOUS. Bone marrow, bone broth, the femur bOne."
 Someone: "Isn't that cannibalism?" 
 Bob: "If someone of my species is using said bones, it would be! If any bones not being used by my species, I can feast upon!" 
 Skeletons who are not Skelly Demons:
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
Imago be the Papyrus that would literally go for your elbows and kneecaps just to see you suffer the worse sensations.
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