#TPOM Manfredi
adeliasecretfiles · 3 months
saw this on Twitter and it's like. Manfredi and Johnson but opposite
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their ONLY defining trait in the show is to be dead but everyone who creates fanworks has their own little version of them running around and I think that's beautiful
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I imagine the reason Private is treated as a rookie in the movies and show despite having been part of the team from birth is because he left at some point and missed out on all the important training. He probably went through a rebellious phase at some point which caused him to leave on his own and travel the world in order to discover himself. This would've resulted in him coming to be aware of his Uncle Nigel, as well him developing extraordinary skill in mini-golf and taking on the persona of Mr. Tux. By the time he returns to Penguins HQ, the rest of the team will have had their own adventures, as well as recruited Manfredi and Johnson in Private's absence. Private probably tried to catch up on training, though he might've been overshadowed by Manfredi and Johnson. After whatever happened to those two happened, Private finally would've gotten the chance to truly focus on his commando training. However, it was a lot harder than it looked, and thus he is still a rookie/in-training by the time the movies and series come about.
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gwens-projects · 4 years
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Day 1/2 - Penguins
I decided for my celebration I'd draw the whole squad, meaning I also included Manfredi and Johnson, because with as much as the team talks about them, I felt they deserved a bit of celebration themselves, too ❤️
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tgoru · 4 years
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Comparatively, few penguins get left behind.
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ask-the-agencies · 7 years
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Meet the members of each of the three agencies;
The Tux brothers who fight for what’s right, the Bells siblings who serve to learn to bring peace and joy to the world, and the most elite operatives who protect those in need. Now put in the world where super villains have escaped to, they must work under cover in normal civilian personas to do what they must to keep the world and its people safe. However, can they set aside their rivalries to work together and balance each other?
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agent-shenanigans · 7 years
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I haven't posted on the ask blog in a while cause I've been stressing about these hoes' designs lmao 😅😂
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kainmadafan · 6 years
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Penguins of Denmark!
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oursklpper · 3 years
Things to take away from this SKETCH the actors from TPOM are reading:
Private, Rico and Kowalski are full on nerding out. 
Julien is dressed as Jajarbinks
Skipper is Kowalski’s wing man because they think they see Doris the Dolphin but it turns out to be a sweaty nerd dressed as her and Kowalski is still fixing to get some. It’s awkward. “CLOSE ENOUGH”
Chuck Charles gets chased by an Alien back at the zoo Julien can see it via his smartphone
Hans stowed away in Burts trunk and is very upset about not being able to get morning tickets as he has missed the GLEE panel.
He pulls out a fish, he is literally just there to fish fight with Skipper and be sad about missing the Glee panel Rico opera sings “FIIIISH” And eats it.
Hans smells, apparently, this has been mentioned twice now. 
Hoboken isn’t for the losers.
Bada is going to watch Planet of The Apes show case. He’s into documentaries. 
.... Then the video continues here
Private quoting the lunacorns 
and a Manfredi and Johnson joke.
Julien steals Skipper’s “you didn’t see anything”
The END.
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thepom-eranian · 4 years
My Madagascar “Timeline”
Until “Madagascar 4″ and “Madagascar: A Little Wild” comes out, this is my take on the events that take place. I included every Madagascar movie, the holiday shorts, All Hail King Julien, TPOM Movie and TPOM series.
I tried my best to keep it as canon as possible, but tbh there’s no way to do that when there are so many time skips in the movies where the characters grew up. 
This is a VERY long post btw
Baby Penguins save Private and are on the iceberg, ready to take on the world. On their way, they get captured and taken to Central Park Zoo, unintentionally sending Dave on his way to becoming a villain.
Baby Alex gets captured by poachers from Africa, but his crate falls off the truck and into the ocean. He eventually gets rescued and taken to the zoo.
Everyone grows up. Everything that happens during this time frame is pure speculation and headcanons/theories. Manfredi and Johnson are transferred to the Penguins' habitat. They quickly become friends with the Penguins. Manfredi and Johnson are older than them, but by just a few years.
Manfredi and Johnson heavily influence the younger Penguins' by supporting their "commando" ways and introducing the famous Buck Rotgut (who trained them). Skipper INSISTS on being the leader until Johnson finally convinces him that since they (M&J) were the ones who knew more about it, they should be in charge. But just until Skipper learns everything from them, because after all, he doesn't want to make a mistake and accidentally cause harm to his brothers, right?
During their training, Manfredi and Johnson tell the boys tales of their past adventures. Most of these are exaggerated to make them seem cool and to entertain the young boys. Some aren't even real events, just told as a bedtime story or as a warning. (These stories are mostly where Skipper gets his paranoia from. See the explanations below) Also during this time, they have some of their own adventures together.
At some point, when they're all slightly older (perhaps in their "teens"?), Private gets separated from the rest. I'm presuming that he gets transferred to Texas (or somewhere in the South) where he learns he's amazing at minigolf and takes on the persona as "Mr. Tux." However, after the ice cream incident, Private hangs up his putter. How he gets back to NYC, he could have been transferred back (either by his doing or the humans' doing), he could have ran away and back to NYC, or his brothers finally rescued him.
---"AHKJ" events begin to happen around here and continue until the movie "Madagascar" is mentioned----
Eventually, after much begging and not so subtle hinting from Skipper, Manfredi and Johnson allow him to go on a mission by himself. (When Manfredi expresses concern, Skipper says, "Trust me, Manfredi, what could go wrong?" a line Skipper said in "The Return Of The Revenge of Dr, Blowhole) They send him to Denmark where he is to partner up with Hans the puffin to conduct some research on the Danes. They thought having a partner would be safer for Skipper, but Hans turned on him and made him Denmark's public enemy #1.
Now banned from Denmark, Skipper comes back to discover that Rico has gone crazy without him. (so crazy that Rico even bit and ate a chunk of Manfredi's leg) Manfredi and Johnson, afraid that Rico will act like that again, decide to limit Skipper's solo missions. (This is something Skipper continues to keep doing, even after being named the leader.)
After having to endure Rico's insane rampage, Manfredi and Johnson decide to have a vacation. They leave Skipper in charge and head off to a spa. Once their vacation time was up, they didn't want to go back yet, so they decided to say they were dead. They sent word to the Penguins, informing them of their "death", but Johnson made sure to add that their demise was not terrible and in fact very relaxing so the Penguins wouldn't be so upset. (Which somehow worked, because the Penguins don't seem to get too sad when talking about them)
Without Manfredi and Johnson, Skipper became the new leader. He made Kowalski his second in command, and Rico the demolitions expert. Private was still training since he had missed so much during his "Mr. Tux" time, and as such not given a role. They begin to plan their escape to Antarctica.
Around here is when "The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper" takes place.
It's in November when Alex, Gloria, Marty, and Melman (who will be referred to as the "Hippies" from now on) are shipped out and thanks to the Penguins, wind up on Madagascar.
At the end of "AHKH", the final episode has the lemurs are celebrating Cover and Sage's wedding, Alex washes up on shore. This is where "Madagascar" events start.
Meanwhile, back in NYC. Manfredi and Johnson hear about the zoo animals escaping and being shipped to Africa, only to have the boat go off radar and unable to be contacted. Manfredi and Johnson assume this was the work of the Penguins and decide to investigate. They discover the Penguins' plans to dig to Antarctica and head there. Of course, they don't find them and wind up being captured and sent BACK to NYC, but this time, they're sent to Seaville instead of the zoo.
Now stuck on Madagascar, the Penguins try to rebuild the plane (with Timo's help), Kowalski meets Doris the dolphin. He falls in love with her and confesses, but she's not interested. Eventually, his constant confessions of love and numerous gifts begin to annoy her and she decides to leave. A depressed and distraught Kowalski gets a tattoo of her from Pancho.
Not long after that, "Merry Madagascar" takes place.
Not sure how long it took, but the plane is finally fixed (sort of) and "Madagascar 2" happens. BUT at some point before Skipper and Lola's wedding, (which means BEFORE the ending of "Madagascar 2), "Madly Madagascar" happens.
After Skipper's wedding, "Madagascar 3" happens.  
Sometime after "Madagascar 3", the circus stops in Guatemala where Rico meets a girl. He falls head over heels for her, and tries to show her how much he likes her. But she doesn't understand his gibberish and is freaked out by him.
And after "Madagascar 3" is "The Penguins of Madagascar Movie".
After TPOM Movie, everything seems fine. That is, until Dr. Blowhole shows up. The Penguins once again leave the circus and defeat Blowhole. Realizing that the dolphin is never going to give up trying to defeat the Penguins and make the human race suffer, Skipper and his team decide to stay at the zoo to keep an eye on things. Julien decides to stay as well, because he and Sonya broke up and things between them did not end well. Maurice and Mort go with him.
The PoM series is last. The Hippies are still doing their circus acts, just without the Penguins and lemurs. The Penguins are keeping Central Park Zoo safe and getting annoyed by Julien sometimes. 
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not-pomology · 5 years
Madagascar Ask Meme:
Not sure if there’s one of these around, but I wanted to make one! Feel free to add your reasons why!
All-time favourite character?
Favourite out of the main NYC squad?
Favourite penguin?
Favourite lemur?
Favourite villain?
Favourite side character?
Favourite North Wind agent?
Favourite location in the franchise?
Favourite song from the franchise?
Favourite Madagascar film?
Favourite episode of TPoM?
Favourite episode of AHKJ?
Favourite moment from TPoM?
Favourite moment from AHKJ? 
Favourite moment from the Madagascar films?
The films, TPoM, or AHKJ? Take your pick.
Lunacorns, Shirtless Ninja Action Theatre, or News with Chuck Charles? What would you watch?
Favourite villainous scheme?
What’s your favourite invention from the franchise? (NEEEEERRRDDSSS - )
What are some of your favourite quotes from the franchise?
Are there any characters you feel are underappreciated?
Are there any characters you feel are overrated?
Are there any characters you dislike?
What are some of your favourite relationship dynamics in the franchise?
Have any ships? If so, what are your OTPs?
What are some of your headcanons?
Which character has your favourite singing voice?
Are there any characters you wished had more screentime?
When did you get into the franchise? What first introduced you to it?
If you could change one thing about the franchise, what would you change?
If you could have a movie or tv show on anything, what would it be?
If there was going to be another movie, what do you think it’d be about?
If there was going to be another tv series, what do you think it’d be about?
There’s been rumors Dreamworks is working on another Madagascar project (potentially) called ‘A Little Wild’. What do you think all that’s about?
Do you hoard merch like a dragon? Do you have any merch?
Whaddaya think happened to Manfredi and Johnson?
Do you think Julien should get a Jet Ski?
Is all this a conspiracy so we can steal your secrets?
Would you barge into the writers’ room and yell at them to revive TPoM?
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bml1997 · 7 years
I think eventually I'm going to write some shorts of my platonic Kowalski and Johnson BFF ship. Might then also do some Manfredi and Rico bffs shorts too. Then with Skipper as frustrated "dad" trying to keep them all from killing each other. Ya know, pre-Private on the team era
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dapayeora · 5 years
I can't believe how they went and revealed Doris, Manfredi, and Johnson in the last episode, as if they are announcing 'Hey! This is THE FINAL episode! There will be ABSOLUTELY NO MORE so we are giving away everything that is left!' so there is no hope left for tpom someday coming back
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ask-the-agencies · 7 years
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ask-the-agencies · 7 years
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((Sorry this took so long anon! ;v; ))
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ask-the-agencies · 7 years
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