#TTMS au
cactikiki · 4 months
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What if he hadn't turned around?
I'll talk about the lore side of him sometime I swear I swear
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twistedmashupdraws · 5 months
AngelSwap AU Part 3 [pgs. 9-12]
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blutopaz15 · 15 days
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yazthebansheek · 1 month
what do you
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raayllum · 2 years
What do you think would have happened if Callum and Rayla had gone together post TTM, but Callum eventually left?
I think him leaving would've been the wakeup call she needed. He is very devoted and she doesn't want to lose him, so the fact he'd be able to 'call it quits' on something (re: the mission and taking a break in their relationship) would probably really rattle her. Hopefully would be enough to get her to come back to the castle and start getting some of the (professional) help she needs but it still would've been a very painful path for both of them
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kradogsrats · 1 year
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kura-arts · 2 years
That one HBP scene but with them
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cactikiki · 4 months
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You are challenged by Pokémon champion Kieran!
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vanillaxoshi · 10 months
Welcome to xoshi's potato farm :D
What you'd currently find in this blog is:
Maybe some anime
Some fandoms
BBB elements separated au
First information of the au (read reblogs)
The idea and explanation 1
The idea and explanation 2
The idea and explanation 3
Info summary+designs
BBBes Comics
Eyes (Gamma)
Crash landing (Nova/Blaze)
Designs and art
Elements design
Beliung(Kuputeri ver)
Broken past, fixed future(Gamma)
Wallace! (Gov agent OC)
Additional 3rd tier designs
Take a look at the future hero!!
Just world ideas/concepts
Windara ideas
#bbb elements separated au
By @nerizys
First meeting treat
The Feeling in your hand
Father's day
Forte and Neira
Yaya's cookies and how it affects spirits
BBB septuplet au
(Its a suggested name, and also to differ itself from other septuplet aus)
#bbb injuries matter au
#bbb septuplet au
A start (Cahaya and Fang)
Emoti bot episode sketch
Angst fest ideas of the brothers
Movie ||
TTM characterizations
Cahaya characterization
Petir and Tanah characterizations + Angin
Birthday 1
Birthday 2
You called for help....
Mini comics
Please wake up....
Interruptions mini comic
Left-hand learning
Cookie Incident
Movie 2 idea
Wattpad fanfic
BBB age bracket au
#bbb age bracket au
The siblings
Api and sai
Some sktches
Sibs colored version with heights
BBB brother ordeal au
#bbb brother ordeal au
First making
Daun and cahaya
Experiment profiles
Experiment 1403
Experiment 1407
Experiment 1410
Experiment 1414
Experiment 1417
Experiment 1421
Experiment 1425
BBB royalty au
#bbb royalty au
The idea
Catalyst boboiboy
Kokotiam and how they met boi
Best friend activities (Sam and jake)
Bees (Child tina)
Lets say i made this for organization or fun
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blutopaz15 · 16 days
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after a weekend of rest and recovery, full time fanfic writing summer starts in earnest tomorrow 🥰
got organizational tool of choice alllllll set up 🤩🤩🤩
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nyaagolor · 9 months
Ok, so here's what I thought:
Since Ogerpon came to Kitakami from somewhere else, there is the possibility that, like other Legendaries/Mythicals (for example Mew or Shaymin), there might be more than one... and some of them might be closer to humans than others expect.
Introducing... Penny is an Ogerpon AU! In this AU, Penny was never human to begin with, but a Legendary that's really good at being human (not in the sense of WereOgerpon or Transformed Ogerpon, a straight up Pokemon). She was found by Peony many years ago when she was very young (as in "came out of an Egg a few hours ago" young) and adopted into the family like a human. Instead of a Grass-type, she can possibly be Psychic or Fairy type, and the color scheme is substantially different from the Kitakami one (grey, blue and red).
How did she manages to pass as a human? Well, people most of the times see what they expect to see. In a similar manner to Sir Bearington (a Dungeons and Dragons story where a player played a bear and put all of his stat points into Disguise and Bluff to pass as a human and bluff speaking English, successfully), she is very good at "faking" humanity: she is so convincing that everyone who sees her not only is convinced that she looks human (as canon design then), but also "misundertand" her words into a language they understand (so instead of hearing Poke-Speech, they hear a human voice with a galarian accent). So yeah, unless someone knows in advance or has an almost unnatural perception, they *will* be fooled. (Unless she decides so, of course)
The rest goes as canon, probably the reveal happens either at the end of the Starfall Street storyline or at the start of The Way Home storyline...
(Sorry for the unclear parts of this AU and the absence of story plots, i'm still developing them as I write... got the idea from when I finished TTM and noticed a few similarities with Penny and Ogerpon...)
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OH THIS IS REALLY CUTE. I was def thinking about team star during the entire Loyal Three plotline— the whole thing about treasures, false accusations, and the true heroes being chased away felt like a parallel to me. This is an adorable way to tie them together :)
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travis-enthusiast · 7 months
muhehehe hello all this is my side account for aphblr :D my main is @fantareigen !! go follow me on @scoundrelzarr if u are a denis, flamingo, polar cub enjoyer (i call them the pals 2.0 hehehe) mlp, soul eater, more anime stuff (im a nerd) and also art i post :3 i'm not really active on there but i hope to become more social on that acc ^^ im will soon be adding commisons too so look for those :D
u can call me zar, jordin, wtv u want tbh and my pronouns are she/her :)
DONT BE AFRAID TO TTM!!!!!!! also send aphmau hcs, aphmau art ideas and anything aphmau related on this acc :33 (I ALSO OFTEN ADD MY OCS TO MY ART SO IF U DONT LIKE DW JUST CLICK OFF)
DNI INFO!!!!!!!
proshippers, rude anons and accounts, passive agression, racists, dni info is pretty bleak tbh just don't be problematic pls, everyone else is welcome :) (green is like super dni pretty pls)
feel so very open to send asks if u:
HAVE RAREPAIRS/ CRACKSHIPS I DONT JUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!, fan kids, au ideas, aphmau art, slanderous katelyn beings
my timezone is EST and im 16 so dont be weird if ur 18 or older i will tell on u/j
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raayllum · 2 years
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A short post show casing (some of) the biggest moments in Rayllum’s journey as a reminder that Rayllum Appreciation Rewatch Week starts this Sunday on October 23rd! Each day has a different guidance prompt to promote discussion and appreciation of our favourite pair of star-crossed lovebirds as we go into S4 just a few days after the closing of the week on October 29th!
Sunday October 23rd: Enemies to Friends to Best Friends and Lovers
Monday October 24th: Favourite S1 scenes / Moments
Tuesday October 25th: Favourite Parallel between seasons or episodes
Wednesday October 26th: Favourite S2 scenes / Moments
Thursday October 27th: Your Journey with Rayllum (reflection and appreciation)
Friday October 28th: Favourite S3 scenes / Moments
Saturday October 29th: Favourite Theories and Hopes for S4 / TTM Appreciation Day
Feel free to make playlists, fanart, canon complaint or divergent fic, meta, edits/graphics, etc., and so much more! Contributing your thoughts, what you like about them and why, what you like about the fandom and why, is all very welcome and readily encouraged! Any and all appreciation to bolster the community and our two favourite star-crossed love birds! 
If there any follow up questions please don’t hesitate to drop them in my inbox, and as always, these prompts are just a guideline! If you want to post Modern AU Rayllum fic, go for it - if you want to talk about just one season the whole time, please do! This is just an extra boost for us all to bask in the love and hype for S4, and to appreciate how far we’ve come as a fandom in the past 3-4 years!
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hii pointing the same ask back at you; do have any bonkers AUs & crossovers between interests rn 😼
See the thing about The Magnus Archives is that SPOILERS
At the end of the show Jon and Martin are taken thought a portal that leads to another universe or possibly multiple universes. Which means I’m constantly putting these two guys in my current interest.
One of my favs is TMA/Carry On bc both Simon and Jon have wonderful parallels and I even thought of an amazing plot on which all Cosmic Fear Entity’s are destroyed and all Magic Holes get restored that makes a lot of sense. Jmart being weird uncles my beloved. (I have a couple sketches)
There is a sillier Warrior Cats crossover which I made that also has a lot less serious sketches.
Also thought of a Neverafter and Witch Hat Atelier crossover (tho witch hat is an insert instead of a post cannon tma)
But what I’m trying to say is - of course I thought about jmart and ttm crew meeting and how esp Neil would be affected by the fears bc he has so much potential for multiple. And all the flavors that the Sigcorp has is just really really perfect!
Sigcorp does such an invasive procedure where all your secrets, your whole life is laid bare and that is so Eye to me. But the doctors are also somehow angels of death which is giving Terminus and Neil specifically is so so Lonely but also needs to Know and is So So So afraid of dying, The End. Do you see Cat do you???
Anyway so the plot would be - Fears (and jm) enter Sigcorp universe (maybe even unbeknownst to them as code in a simulation 👀👀👀👀👀) and the eye has chosen it’s knew stronghold and it’s Sigcorp - specifically Neil as he is somehow the heir to the laggy Lynri build up.
Jmart come investigate this new stronghold and there we have a premise that has no where to go. But wouldn’t that be fun??
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dissectedgrrl · 7 months
ok ur asleep but so i dont forget
is it bad whenever someone calls ricky savannah i kinda wanna pull my hair out (despite the fact i have ttm)? im fine with headcannoning them as transfem but why savannah. anytime someone says savannah potts i think “omg spacedolls married au ♥️ “ or when someone brings up savannah and penny in a fancasting thing or whatever ill be like “oh cool afterlife and duringlife penny thats cool! wheres ricky?”
i hope this doesnt sound transphobic or anything but why cant you just use riley as their name or something instead of the name they gave a jane doe maybe
anon but you know who this is from
i dont get too upset abt it but i agree tbh. ricky WILLINGLY gave that name to jane and if they wanted to use it for themself then i feel like they wouldnt just . . let someone they dont remember have it ?? i get why ppl would think theyd want that name ("special name ive been saving up") but them giving it up doesnt make sense (to me) in that context ?? also ricky can be used for a girl too (its usually spelled like rikki tho) im sorry if this sounds bigoted i tried to be careful with how i said it !! if i said anything offensive let me know
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I think I might finally have enough material to make a writing masterlist, so here it is: all my fics and headcanons! (They’re also now all tagged as #ray writes. Original, I know). Fandoms include The Owl House, The Dragon Prince, Star Wars Rebels, Rick Riordan’s books, Gravity Falls, and Sanders Sides. 
The Owl House
Meeting Papa Titan (Luz’s POV)
Visiting Manny’s Grave
Huntlow Heart-to-Heart
Random Hunter Headcanons
Even More Raine Living in the Owl House Headcanons
More Raine Living in the Owl House Headcanons
Raeda and Nightmares
Raine Living in the Owl House Headcanons
Hexsquad Tradition Headcanons
Amity Headcanons
Stepping Stones Series
Human Realm Headcanons
Lumity Proposal
Eda Discovers Puppet Raine
Hunter and Amity Bond Over Azura
Luz Talks With Camila After Coming Out
Raine and Eda Dance (Written Pre-FTF)
Eda Returns to the Owl House Post-Unity (Written Pre-FTF)
AU Where King’s Tide Had a Satisfying Resolution
Random Hooty Headcanons
The Dragon Prince
Rayllum Headcanons Between Books 4 and 5
Aftermath of Finnegrin’s Wake
Callum Meets Rayla’s Parents
Callum Struggles With Flying Post-TTM
When Rayla Realized She Liked Callum
Claudia First Meets Terry
Claudia Sees Soren During the Timeskip
Rayla Returns to Katolis During the Timeskip
Aaravos Reflects on His Predicament
Rayla Helps Ezran With Nightmares
Ethari Sees Runaan’s Flower
Callum Visits Ethari
Random Headcanons 2
Random Headcanons
Star Wars Rebels
Ezra’s First Night With the Noti
Sabine Begins Wanting Jedi Training
Jacen vs. the Force
Random Headcanons 2
Random Headcanons
Kanera Headcanons
Hera on the One-Year Anniversary of Jedi Night
Solangelo and Star Wars
Random Headcanons
Apollo Cabin Headcanons
Gravity Falls
Wendy’s Friendship With the Twins
Pacifica’s Relationships After Weirdmageddon
Sanders Sides
Cooking Headcanons
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