#TW: Drinking mention
lxvenderhxzehv · 7 months
Where: The bar
Who: Amber and Noah (@thirtecnth)
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Noah had drank a bit too much and Amber could tell. She giggled a little and wrapped her arms around his waist "Baby, I think you might have hit your limit....why don't we get you some water..." She said with a concerned smile. She never wanted to overstep, but of course she was going to look after.
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asmodeus-682 · 8 months
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Zestial got drunk and is now mad bc hangovers suck ass
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bayoubaby-ray · 2 years
Ray couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such a good time at a community function. For once he didn’t have something planned or didn’t have a booth to run. He could just run around and spend time with his family and with Jane. Frankly now that he looked back on it, he couldn’t quite tell you when everything went wrong. He’d probably blame it on the drink if he’d been a younger man, but he stopped drinking to excess when he turned about twenty-five. 
But this. This was different. The last thing he remembers seeing was Jane’s slightly panicked face as he hit the ground. Then nothing. But between the inky darkness that sat behind his eyes ever so often, he’d see swirls of color. It started with swirls of dark and light green. That had to be his mother and father. The lighter pink, that had to be Abie. He’d recognize her favorite color anywhere. Then there was that warm honey gold. The color of his love. His love. Jane. She was there with him he could tell.
It had been two weeks since everything happened, and he couldn’t have been more excited to see her sitting there when he was finally able to open his eyes. “Am I going really crazy, or are you knitting?” He questioned, his voice thick and his throat feeling heavy from disuse. 
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i say this a lot, but after the weekend i had i might actually never be drunk again
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as newspapers today dont tend to hire children, a modern day Tintin would run a clickbait YouTube channel, except the clickbait is 100% real every single time
he starts off as an irritating conservative pundit at 14, meets Chang then leaves the think tank paying him and launches his own independent channel and blows up shortly after. Chang helps with video editing and managing his socials and they often chat on video calls between adventures. Haddock, his foster dad, has absolutely no knowledge of his earlier videos.
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[ drinks ] sender brings receiver a drink from a bar/their kitchen ( smokey! )
❣ | Memes :: This One | Prompts for Ordinary things that feel Intimate
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Though he'd been cleared to leave the infirmary, he had not been cleared to stay by himself - too many stitches, too many still healing wounds, still too slow to move and work effectively. This was a familiar order that he had defied many times, would have defied again this time as well had Smoker not stopped by whilst they were in the process of discharging him. The doctor had taken one look at this conveniently timed visitor and worked under the assumption that this was his emergency contact, here to collect him and look after him now that he was free to go, and Rocinante himself had been too flustered and sleepy to make much of an articulate argument against it. Instructions and medications were quickly pressed into the other marine's hands and the two of them were turned loose before either could say much more. A snicker from the blond broke up the quiet as they regained their bearings.
" So I've got time off, obviously. Wanna go for a drink ? "
Smoker gave him a stern look, eyes drifting between his face and the arm currently in a sling, before electing to walk the two of them elsewhere - some place more restful. They walked in companionable silence for the most part, occasionally bumping shoulders and talking idly until Rocinante was too tired to do so. The painkillers they'd given him at the hospital were definitely starting to wear off and it made the already quiet man even quieter, less inclined to talk as he resented the way these injuries slowed his pace, made the familiar walk to Smoker's place leave him more winded than usual. He was keenly thankful though for (and aware of) the gentle but steadying hand at his back, the ever so slight strengthening of its grip tangible whenever he wobbled or had to put an unsteady foot on a set of stairs. By the time they made it to their destination and the other's sturdy hand braced his shoulder to help him with his shoes, he caught his breath enough to speak.
" 'M sorry, I didn' - didn't know they'd rope you into this extra shit. Would've told you to wait until they let me out. "
The other man answered with an unbothered grumble and a wave of a hand, pausing their walk - ah right, they were still walking together - to coax him into a chair to rest. " Still want a drink ? " Rocinante hummed and nodded in agreement, his attempt to stand back up to look for one halted by a hand on his shoulder that might have made his face burn without his permission, just a little; it was . . . as much as he wasn't keen on being fussed over, this wasn't exactly that. Difficult to define and equally difficult to put away. Smoker paced to the kitchen once he was sure the other would stay, collecting a glass of water. " Any pain ? " Pain? The question was so practical and distant from what he was thinking about that he wasn't quick enough to lie. The hesitation wasn't lost on the other man either, and medication was brought along with the water. He took the glass pressed into his free hand with a bright but weary, apologetic grin - careful, extra careful not to drop someone else's glassware.
" You're brave, handing me the glass right away - my steadier arm's broken. "
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felsicveins · 9 months
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The road to forgiveness is paved with miles of bullying
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sinfvlwishs · 1 year
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@kissespink whispered: 💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? 👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit? ❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value? 💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon 💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing? 💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love? // ALL FOR RYAN !!! INFO ON THE LAD !!!
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( this got a lil long so i threw it under a cut!! c: )
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💥 → he has a lot of issues with dealing with his grief over his father, who he's very much not over losing, particularly because of the situation he was thrown in after he died. to hide the pain, he tends to engage in risky behaviors, like parkour, drag racing, and drug and alcohol usage. when he's in better head spaces, though, he'll gravitate towards songwriting and playing his guitar. his anger is pretty tough to quell too, he rarely turns into his demon form but he can get aggressive with some newcomers, especially if they give him bad vibes and/or if they threaten someone he cares about.
👖 → he tends to wear ripped black jeans, a light-colored t-shirt that have white, blues, and grays, a black leather or thick black jacket or even a denim jacket, and black leather hi-tops with white soles. he'll also throw on some dark and silvery bracelets and necklaces and he'll sometimes wear a chain on his jeans if he feels like it. he definitely has more of a grunge aesthetic when it comes to fashion choices.
❇️ → he considers the locket with a picture of his father to be his most prized possession. it used to belong to his mother, but he found it in his father's sidetable after he died. he carries it around with him everywhere he goes in an attempt to remind himself that his father is still with him in his heart.
💧 → dunno if this qualifies as angst per se, but after his father died he was essentially evicted from his house and was homeless for a couple weeks until his demon grandmother came to find him in the human world. he was very malnourished and clearly dealing with addictive behaviors and severe mental health symptoms, so he was immediately brought to the devildom for treatment.
💓 → anything that he does with friends, particularly if it's a bit on the riskier side, really gets his heart racing. any kind of competition is also good to get his heart rate up a bit, especially since he's not extremely active (he enjoys skateboarding from time to time, but when it comes to raw exercise, he kinda falls short on that). getting any kind of physical affection from people he's starting to like or grow close to also gets his heart beating and flusters him quite a bit.
💗 → oh yes, it definitely is, even though he'll try and deny it. lil tsundere baby uwu. he's very easy to read generally so if he expresses a lot of interest in someone and what they like and appears flustered or slips out a compliment to them, just know that those are the signs that he's developing feelings for someone.
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snowflake-sage · 2 months
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They are good friends!
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lxvenderhxzehv · 9 months
Where: The Sasquatch Who: Teddy and Rue (@thiingswelostx)
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Teddy sat in the bar with a glass in his hand, it was his third. His judgement was already in bad shape. The liquid courage didn't make it any better. if anything he was more angry, more upset, more willing to say something that could hurt someone he didn't mean to hurt. It was particularly when he saw Rue that he groaned not hiding his distaste for having someone sit next to him in that moment "Rue, I don't think it's the best idea that you sit next to me right now" he warned.
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maxlarens · 3 months
lando + 18 😛
18) squishing the other’s cheek
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You can feel the beat of the music in your veins like another heartbeat as Lando drags you through the packed crowd. He's got a grip on your hand like someone's about to tear you away from him, or the crowd is going to swallow you whole. Which doesn't seem likely to happen, given the force with which you're also holding his hand.
He looks back at you, teeth worrying away at his lip, like you might have been replaced by someone else without letting go of him.
"What's wrong?", you shout, getting closer to him so he can hear you over the ditz ditz of the music and the cacophony of voices in the club.
He shakes his head, keeps dragging you, heading in the direction of the bar. He's moving fast and you're stumbling along a bit, spilling the drink you've got in your other hand. You're four or so drinks deep so your balance and coordination isn't as good as you'd like it to be.
"Lando," you shout again, "Slow down. I'm spilling my drink everywhere."
He stops, so suddenly and with so little warning that you thump right into the back of him. Your face hits his spine, you feel cartilage crunching as your nose goes numb and tears involuntarily spring to your eyes.
Fucking ow.
"What the fuck," you're saying as he blurts out,
"You still have that drink?", frantic, panicked in a way you don't hear from him often, "Have you drank any? Tell me if you've had any?"
You've got your hand on the bridge of your nose, trying to quell the tingling feeling spreading through it and hoping it doesn't start bleeding. You frown, meeting your friend's concerned, almost angry expression with an equally as confused one.
"Lando. What are you talking about?"
"Have you had any?"
You shake your head adamantly, something a little sick, a little worried starting to creep into the pit of your stomach, "No. No, I haven't. Why?"
He releases a ragged breath that has his shoulders sagging in relief, but sets your heart rate spiking. You shake your head less in frustration, more because you're not quite sure what he's trying to tell you. You put your drink down on a nearby table, throw a napkin in it for good measure.
"Lando," you press, grabbing his bicep to keep his attention on you as it keeps drifting off into the crowd while he searches for something, "What's going on?'
He opens his mouth, closes it, then guides you into an out of the way corner, tucked behind a booth. Then he says, "I– there was some weird guy before. Like, leering at you, or whatever. I just thought—”
“—you think he spiked my drink?”, you ask, your heart beating a skittering, nervous rhythm in your chest.
Lando nods, lips pursed into a thin line.
“He’s gone now,” he reassures you, “I think. I can’t see him anywhere.”
Your chest feels tight with something— with many somethings. Fear, relief, panic, gratitude. You’ve been introduced to a problem and then had it resolved all in a very quick span of time. Your brain is still playing catch up. There’s music thudding in your ears, Lando’s looking at you like you might turn to dust right in front of him, your nose hurts, your head is spinning from the alcohol, your skin is prickling from the stare of a man who you hope isn’t there anymore.
It’s too much. So you gather it all up in a ball and you throw it away. You take a half step forward and squeeze Lando into the biggest hug you can manage. A little overwhelmed by your affection for him, but unable to throw that away so readily.
You’ve pinned the tops of his arms to his side with the force of the hug and you can feel his hands grappling for you, grabbing at your waist as he tries to hug you back. You press your temple into his cheek, your still tender nose into a groove at his collarbone.
“You’re sweet,” you mutter.
Affection for Lando, unbridled and made worse by alcohol, rises into your throat. You groan into his shoulder, squeeze him even tighter.
“Christ,” he squeaks out a nervous laugh.
You reel back, letting him loose of the crushing hug and sliding your hands to grip his shoulders. You shake your head, biting down on your bottom lip. A strangled noise slips from your mouth, eliciting a raise of Lando’s eyebrows while you reach up to squish his cheeks in between your hands.
“Oh, fuck off,” he groans, but it comes out muffled and incomprehensible as he swats at your hands— not making any real attempt at trying to push them away.
He’s trying not to smile at you, but his toothy little grin punches through chubby cheeks regardless.
“So cute,” you laugh.
His cheeks grow warm under your hands. He wraps his fingers around your wrists, tugging you away.
“I was worried,” he sighs, “And don’t call me cute.”
“I know,” you bite down on a grin, “Thank you Lan, really.”
His tongue moves to worry at his incisor, he’s fighting the grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. Intentionally not looking at you.
“Don’t call me cute,” he says again, tipping his head back and exposing the line of his neck so he doesn’t have to look you in the eye.
You snort indelicately, then coo, reaching out to pinch his face, “Aw, is that too much for little Lando Norris?”
“God,” he groans loudly, trying hard to pretend he’s not enjoying whatever this is, “You’re so annoying.”
“You love it, Lando.”
“Fuck off,” but there’s no heat in it, only affection.
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angel-shaw · 2 years
TW: vent , drinking
Here I though they where better
They started smiling, not as mad anymore
They hugged me, that’s a first in a while
They put down the bottle to come with me, that’s new to
They haven’t yelled, the quite is new and nice
They didn’t go into the alcohol isle as week shopped, they really have changed 
They really have changed…..why am I still mad, why do I feel so angry with them
They got better! Why do I want to yell now, to be the one who screams when something doesn’t go right
They look so happy, I don’t want to ruin it….but why do I feel like this
They apologized
They have done so much to show me they have changed
They have done everything to make it up to me
They give me space
They don’t get upset when I get mad
They help me though my anger
They really have changed……
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walking around this city having an existential crisis while smoking and listening to boygenius, this bitch thinks she’s in a music video or something
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cubbihue · 4 days
Does Mr. Turner like rubbing his “son’s” successful career in Dinkleberg’s face??
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He does! He brags about Timmy's success to every person within the neighborhood's vicinity. Mr. Turner loves how successful his son is! It really secures his reputation at the neighborhood HOA meetings they host at their house.
Timmy's worked very hard to gain more successes than failures. The more successful he is, the greater his family's social standing!! And the less he gets to overhear his dad ranting to the neighborhood about his failures.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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techn0tony · 1 year
I present to you: Donnie's design from my Future AU (that still does not have a name-)
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Okay so a few things I should mention:
It's hard to see these details, but he has a robotic hand and eye (and one of his legs as well)
He is so fucking tall, he is taller than Leo even (but shorter than Raph of course). And yes he does tease Leo about it
He is the second brother to die, but I haven't decided his cause of death yet
There is a lore reason for places on his skin being blue, but it would be spoilers for my Separated AU if I told the reason x.x
This is the same Donnie from my Separated AU, my AU's are connected
Augh okay so actually I updated this recently: He does not die after Raph anymore, now Donnie is the first brother who dies
And the AU has a name now! It's the Genius Built AU
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kyacchan-comics · 6 months
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Hi guys I’ve found a new job
Who wants a Whiskey Sour
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