#Tachihara x Atsushi
starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Bsd except the baby Atsushi saved and left with Tachihara (in chapter 29 of the manga) ends up being raised by them both.
Atsushi going back to help clean up the wreckage caused by the Guild. And finding Tachihara trying to calm the kid.
Feeling bad for just leaving him like that, Atsushi rushes over and successfully calms the kid down.
Tachihara looks at him in awe, because how the fuck?
Atsushi explains that back at the Orphanage the older kids tended to look after the younger ones.
Seeing that everyone else has been paired off, Atsushi asks if Tachihara wants to join him and he agrees.
Doing their jobs for the remainder of the day and keeping the kid company.
They aren't able to find the kid's guardians and so Atsushi decides to take them home for now. Not wanting to leave the lil guy alone.
This routine goes on for a while, Atsushi starts looking forward to spending time with Tachihara.
They talk about anything and everything, except their jobs.
At some point Atsushi tracks down that the kid's parents died in the incident and their families want nothing to do with the kid.
The kid would be given up to an orphanage, and given the nearest one is Atsushi's orphanage.... He ends up taking the kid in.
The kid is a lil baby boy called Kisho (named after the student in irl Atsushi Nakajima's Legend of the Master)
Returns home after the papers are signed and has a freak out because oh fuck I'm a dad?! I can't be a dad!
Kyouka talks to him, having known all about this from day 1 and tells him he'll do great. Given he's already doing a good job.
And determindly says she'll be the best aunt in the world.
Tachihara is completely on board with it when Atsushi tells him. And says he's gonna help out too.
Tachihara: Hey, you ain't alone in this. I've got your back.
Atsushi: You do?
Tachihara: Duh, you ain't getting rid of me that easy, weretiger. Me and you we're gonna be the best damn parents this kid can get.
Atsushi: smiles Yeah, yeah your right!
Kyouka, looking at them both like "I know what you are."
Atsushi falls first.
But Tachihara falls harder.
Both are in denial.
The Agency found out after a week.
Ranpo deduced it when he noticed Atsushi falling asleep at his desk and got concerned.
Telling Kunikida to let Atsushi rest before the other can try and wake him.
Ranpo does leave a packet of sweets he liked as a kid on Atsushi's desk.
Atsushi was afraid what the others would think of him but Kyouka encourages him to tell them.
It went well. Everyone is surprised (minus Ranpo) and teases him over being a dad. "Oh our Atsushi's all grown up!"
But they make sure he knows that they had his back.
Fukuzawa: emotional I have a Grandchild?
Atsushi: You...You see me as a son?
Fukuzawa: Hugs him close Of course I do.
Atsushi: Sobs into his arms.
Yosano appoints herself as Kisho's personal doctor, saying she'll give him a check up and make sure he's healthy.
The next day Atsushi brings Kisho to the office and everyone gushes over him. Fukuzawa cries, again after being able to hold him.
Naomi took several photos.
Dazai is a bit taken aback when Atsushi let's him hold Kisho. He was afraid he'd accidentally hurt the lil guy.
They have some staring contest before Kisho starts laughing and Dazai just internally melts.
Dazai: I've had Kisho for 5 minutes but if anything were to happen to him. I would kill all of you and than myself.
Kunikida makes a schedule so that Atsushi isn't overworking himself and that when he has a mission there's someone to look after Kisho.
He questions how Atsushi's been managing so far. Atsushi's just like "Oh Tachihara's really been helping me out.
Everyone seeing Atsushi visibly light up and talk about how he and Tachihara found Kisho.
And how he's been visiting and watching over for Kisho when Atsushi's at work because he mainly operates at night.
Everyone: thinking These bitches gay.
And scheme to set them up.
Meanwhile the Port Mafia finds out in like 5 minutes.
Because Tachihara was texting Atsushi during game night and Gin asked what was making him smile so much.
So he told em all.
Tachihara: Is he, okay?
Gin: Give him a sec.
Akutagawa: I'm an uncle?! How could you not tell me I was an uncle?!
Tachihara: emotional cos Akutugawa also sees him as his brother.
They tease him a whole bunch because they can tell he's got a crush on Atsushi but Tachihara's like pfft nah.
He totally does.
Chuuya: Soo when do we get to meet the lil guy?
Tachihara: texts Atsushi They're both coming over tomorrow, he said you can come meet Kisho.
Akutagawa: Very well, I will... Tolerate the Jinko for now.
Everyone looks at him in shock.
Atsushi is hesitant but he warms up to everyone.
Akutugawa and Gin fight over who gets to hold Kisho while Chuuya and Kouyou are already planning on spoiling him.
Atsushi: Akutugawa! Stop coming in through the window!
Akutagawa: It's not that big a deal okay, now where is my nephew?
Atsushi: It's a huge-... Why do I even bother? Here hands him Kisho.
Gin: appears at the door You!
Akutagawa: smug Me!
Atsushi and Tachihara: catch each other's eye and laugh.
The entire alliance between the Port Mafia and the Agency lays on the foundation that no better hurt Kisho.
Or else.
The Cannabalism arc in this just goes straight to everyone working together.
Atsushi realises he likes Tachihara and with his friends help, plans a day out and confesses.
Only to get rejected.
Tachihara:... Listen, now that the Guilds been taken care off and the virus is taken care off we don't need to keep pretending.
Atsushi: Pretending? What are you saying?
Tachihara: Do I have to spell it out for you? All of this, was just me following orders so the Port Mafia didn't mess up the alliance with the Agency.
Atsushi:... Oh... Tears in his eyes Right, yeah... Of course. I'm sorry for wasting your time than, I'll be out. Come on Kisho, say goodbye to your da-... Tachihara.
Tachihara: cries
Because Tachihara realised he'd fallen for Atsushi too. But knew the mission was more important.
His orders made him who he was, he can't throw all that away.
... No matter how much it hurts to watch the smile fade from Atsushi's face. The tears to well up in his eyes as he leaves.
Tachihara doesn't go after him, even if every part of him wants too.
Everyone notices a change.
Atsushi shows up late. Kunikida stops mid lecture the moment he sees Atsushi's tear stained face. Kisho is in his arms and he's lead to the sofa by a concerned Junichiro.
Junichiro: Atsushi sits beside him what's wrong?
Atsushi: It wasn't real... It wasn't, not to him. He was just following orders and... I'm so stupid.
Kyouka: murderous intent.
Tachihara is silent. He doesn't banter with the other Black Lizards not even Gin. He's brutal in his fights in a way he's never been and it's concerning.
Gin: Hey, talk to us what's gotten into you.
Tachihara: Nothing, I'm fine.
Akutagawa: Did some happen with Kisho?
Tachihara: No, no he's fine. Can we not do this right now...
Gin: Alright... but, we're here for you.
Tachihara: sad smile thanks.
They don't learn what happened until Akutugawa and Atsushi end up on a joint mission.
Akutagawa is so confused because he saw how happy Atsushi made Tachihara.
Akutagawa: Somethings up with him, this isn't right.
Atsushi: Akutugawa, it's okay.
Akutagawa: Jinko, I care for Kisho and I have grown to care about you. And I know Tachihara, he would never do that to someone he loved pauses... I mean.. Cares about.
Atsushi: shakes his head No... The Headmaster was right, I wasn't made to be loved. Who could love a monster like me?
Akutagawa: Do you want the list alphabetically? Chronologically? I will get hand written letters from all of your friends, I'll do it.
Atsushi: sad smile What did I do to deserve you as a friend?
Akutagawa: rolls his eyes, affectionate You didn't need to be anything but yourself. But your adorable child and cooking skills definitely helped.
But things stay as they are, with Atsushi and Tachihara both feeling the others absence in their lives.
As does Kisho who looks around for Tachihara and lights up only to look sad when it's not him at the door.
Atsushi misses the way Tachihara could brighten up a room without even trying. How Tachihara told the worst jokes just to get Atsushi to laugh.
That Tachihara would watch horror movies and than hide his head in Atsushi's shoulder whenever a jumpscare appeared, and than deny it.
Tachihara misses the way Atsushi was a calm presence in the chaos of his life. How Atsushi looked at him like he was his whole world.
That Atsushi would fall asleep beside him because he knew he was safe with him.
And than... Jouno arrests Dazai in broad daylight and the Agency are on the run.
Tachihara assuming his role as the 5th Hunting Dog.
He's under the influence of the page and yet his heart hurts seeing his friends get hurt by his hands.
Everytime Fukuchi talks about the Agency falling, all Tachihara can think, 'is Atsushi okay?'
It eats at him... until one day he walks into the Port Mafia and is told Akutugawa is gone.
He's lost another big brother.
The weight of it all hits him like a truck and he can't breathe. Someone's talking to him, someone's at his side and it's Atsushi.
And Tachihara knows he doesn't deserve this, knows he doesn't deserve Atsushi's kindness and yet he caves.
He's fallen, he fell so long ago and here is his tiger holding him like he's his whole world.
His tiger that he hurt.
Tachihara: I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry.
Atsushi: It's okay.
Tachihara: No, no it's not. I lied, it was real. I was just too much of a coward to admit it and I hurt you... But it will be, I'm gonna make this right.... If you'll let me.
Atsushi: I won't lie it hurt, a lot. But what hurt the most was being alone, was feeling like I'd lost you.
Tachihara: I'm not going anywhere. And I'm never leaving you again.
Atsushi: tears up hugs him
Tachihara: hugs him back soo does this mean you wanna be my boyfriend?
Atsushi: snorts Obviously.
Kisho crawls to him and Tachihara holds him close "hey lil guy, you miss me?"
He had everything and he threw it away... Not anymore.
Tachihara reveals everything that he knows and is shocked to learn that wasn't all. As the news of the Decay of angels hits.
That Fukuchi hurt Atsushi and took Akutugawa as a pawn because suprise, vampires exist now.
Tachihara: fussing over Atsushi He didn't hurt you did he?
Atsushi: Well he cut off my leg but-
Tachihara: I'm gonna kill him... I'll fucking kill him.
Just seething rage.
Atsushi is also angry about everything Fukuchi's done but the look he gives Tachihara is nothing but fond.
He missed him.
Tachihara notices said look and just blushes bright red.
Gin: Ay lovebirds as cute as this, we've got a world to save.
Tachihara manages to get amengozen away from Fukuchi and hands it to Fukuzawa.
He won't kill him, he won't lose anything else to this man ever again.
He ends up getting injured in the process but not nearly as much as he would have.
Because he's not alone.
Atsushi is right there with him, never left his side even for a moment.
Even managed to swipe Fukuchi's eye.
Atsushi: That's for Akutugawa you bitch!
Tachihara: proud boyfriend smile.
Fukuchi is taken care off and the world is saved.
Both of them hold each other, barely able to stand but their smiles are nothing but relieved.
And they kiss.
Akutagawa, now mortal looks down at them both like it's about fucking time.
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oikasugayama · 6 months
Bsd chart for how loud the guys are in bed? Please? Maybe?
you requested this on jan. 6 and i really took my time.........thank you for your patience (: i'm not necessarily back, but i've been wanting to post something for a while~
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They're louder than they realize...
Atsushi, Poe, and Ranpo. (All three get completely lost in the throes of passion and don't realize to the slightest extent how loud they're being.)
They're loud and they're absolutely unapologetic.
Mori, Chuuya, Nikolai, Tachihara. (Three of them (M, N, T) are cocky and essentially putting on a show for you of how good they feel, whereas Chuuya is just naturally vocal and isn't going to hide it.)
You honestly expected them to be louder...
Akutagawa (is naturally quiet and does not change in bed), Dazai (is so stunned by the touch of someone he's finally let in that his whimpers and moans are all breathy and soft), Fukuzawa (is too calm to be loud-- he can control himself very well).
They try to keep themselves from being too obnoxious.
Ango, Fyodor, Kunikida. (While Fyodor may be embarrassed to be loud lest you realize the control you have over him, the other two are quiet out of some misconception that you wouldn't think it's attractive for them to be loud.)
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osamucide · 8 months
bungou stray dogs - nsfw links . . . .ᐟ
cw: twt p°rn, afab!reader
. . . .ᐟ
he loves filming you both like this
lazy mornings with him
he hits it so right
ride him until you’re both breathless
the sweet way he handles you while you bounce on his cock
takes his time with you
desperate for you to cum on his cock
waking each other up in the morning
he’s lazy but he takes care of you
he’ll use it as lube for the next round
she likes using toys on you
ruining you with her strap
her favorite position
how he’s tryna be with you
dom him like this
punishments for flustering him in public
he can’t get enough of you
let him pump you full
can’t help being rough; he’s stressed and you feel so good
helping him relax
he’s so impatient to have you
he loves how your pussy drools for him
riding him in the car before your dinner reservation
how incredibly soft he is with you
so pretty and breathy when you get him off with your hand
teasing him until he can’t take it
his favorite position
morning shower with him before a long day
when he can’t sleep
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baizhoobies · 1 year
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BSD Men and their Favourite Positions
A/N: OMG my first ever post on here ~ What better way to start off this blog than a little bit of smut with our favourite men? Cooked some of this up with a friend, I hope you enjoy! I ofc couldn’t fit every BSD character in here, depending if its what people want, I may do a part 2 dedicated to the Hunting Dogs, Mushitarō etc and maybe even a part 3 for various BSD women! So let me know if that’s something I should do next!
Warnings:, graphic descriptions of sex, mentions of kinks, 18+, minors dni
Reader is gender neutral with any genitalia !!
Including: Dazai, Atshushi, Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa, Chūya, Akutagawa, Tachihara, Francis Fitzgerald, Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lovecraft, Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma, Ango
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𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲
I am not entirely sure what this position is called, but picture this: You are laying on your back, Dazai using his strong hands lifts you up by the waist, your legs are over his shoulders and he pulls you into him with a rough thrust. I feel like Dazai is stronger than he looks, so he uses his strength to his advantage, and he most certainly is rough with it. Expect him to man-handle you a lot, he has to have complete control over you - expect to ache the next day, along with some very pretty bruises where his fingers dug in. I’m sure this position has a name but my friend called it the ‘cervix/g spot destroyer 9000’ so we will go with that.
Our sweet Atsushi… oh yeah you are bent over doggy style, gnawing at your neck and shoulders as he pounds into you. He would probably cry a little, but only because he feels so good. Unlike Dazai, its not necessarily about control, but instincts for him. Being with you, he would absolutely go feral and his tiger senses just go crazy. He will have nothing on his mind except the thought of him pinning you down with his weight, cock buried deep inside and his mouth biting anywhere he can sink his teeth into.
I am absolutely biased and I will take liberty in saying that he would be quite partial to pinning you down into a mating press. It makes him feel in control, and of course that being in his ideals, will absolutely follow it to a tee. Its a position where you are able to get the best grunts out of him, as someone who isn’t super vocal (more huffing and panting), having him balls deep in you like this is sure to make him let out some involuntary moans. Also…it doesn’t matter what gender you are, he is getting you pregnant fr. Have you ever seen a man so fuck drunk? WELL YOU ARE ABOUT TO; he can only stay in control for so long until his senses overwrite everything. Not exactly his ideal, is it?
2 words…pillow princess. If you have a dick or a strap, he enjoys being pressed down into the bed, hips up and back arched whilst being hit from the back. He comes across as someone who would enjoy being with someone who could ‘outwit him’, and if that is you, he would willingly relinquish the control he feels that he has over people …to you. I personally believe he is a switch, but his favourite position? Any position where you fuck his brains out completely. Bonus points if you reach around and jerk him off at the same time, you will turn him into a moaning and whining mess.
As someone who comes across as traditional, I feel like missionary would be his most preferred position. Its comfortable, can be as slow or as fast as he (and you) feels - but what he likes the most is being able to see your face, the way it looks as you take him in and when you cum. If he isn’t looking at your eyes as he thrusts, he is most certainly resting his face in the nook of your neck, kissing your sensitive skin - you don’t complain, as someone who probably isn’t so vocal during sex, this is the best position to hear his low moans and praises on his lips as he comes undone. It’s also a very versatile position because he can be slow and romantic, full of love and praise, or after a stressful day, he can harshly rut into you with rough fingers digging into your hips.
𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚
Never tell him that you’re a throat goat because he will go absolutely crazy. I mean CRAZY. He will have you laying on a table or a bed/couch if they are tall enough, your head hanging off the edge and your mouth open, taking him in completely. In this position he is able to fuck your throat mercilessly, noticing the bulge in your neck where his cock is buried; seeing it just inflates his ego and will jerk himself off using your throat for extra pressure/friction. If his hand isn’t around your neck, he will absolutely have one hand on your cock/cunt, playing with it for your own pleasure as he feels himself cumming down your throat.
Also a missionary king, now it may seem ooc of him, but I feel like he would let his guard down with his significant other; like its a side only you get the privilege in seeing. Like he may have this tough exterior, but secretly he just wants to be held. So as much as he can be rough, he relishes in your warmth, your arms around him and pulling him into a hug; it makes him feel safe and secure. If your arms aren’t enveloping him, he will hold your hand, squeezing it as he enters you and when he cums. - Oh he definitely has a thing for holding your hand. Big meanie who is actually a softie!
The man relishes the thought and the feeling of having you sit on his face. You may feel like you are the one in control, but thats far from the truth. His grip is hard on your hips, pulling you further down onto his face, almost worryingly so; but don’t worry, the man knows what he’s doing. If he’s going to die by giving oral then that is a good way to die 🫡 Master tongue for real, like he prides himself. I BET he is the type of guy who gives his tongue a ‘work out’ just so he builds his durability for this very thing!! He won’t even think about cumming first without you cumming from his tongue; on second thought, he might even cum from eating you out alone, he just gets so in the moment…I better stop.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝
Francis Fitzgerald
Whew, okay this man wants you pinned against something, no matter the position; on his desk, against a wall, if its a hard surface, he wants you there. But in terms of favourite I would say against the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist, strong hands gripping and supporting your ass as he plunges deep and hard into you. It would definitely be an ego thing for him, being able to support you and also wreck your shit at the same time. Please do praise him, as his already mentioned ego will inflate and I just know he would fuck you better with each compliment. Expect a very bruised back and aching legs after, he doesn’t intend on taking it easy with you.
Edgar Allen Poe
As hopeless romantic like myself, I feel like he would want to be as close to you as possible with also being able to see your face. As strange as it may sound, but Poe enjoys having you in the lotus position - this way, he is able to feel your entire body grind into him so lovingly. The both of you would sit on his bed, your legs crossed around each other and his cock buried warmly inside of you, here he feels safe and content (you just know he is whimpering into your ear). Its also a good position for you to take more control, I just know ya man is a sub at heart, so do please tell him that he’s a good boy and how much you love his voice, because it will only egg him on to be louder.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
As a man of god, you will probably (definitely) be married to him to get anywhere near him sexually. But when you are married, rest assured that he will want to ravish you. He comes across as someone who has a lot of repressed sexual feelings, therefore he’d want a position that can demonstrate his absolute DESIRE. Because I am feeling generous, I would say either the mating press or cow girl. The mating press for…obvious reasons… his big strong body holding you down with a distinct goal in mind? Oh yes. I would also say the cowgirl, mainly because he would enjoy seeing you come undone on his cock, pulling you down either by your hips or your arms, balls bouncing against your ass…that man has seen god and its you.
This is a tricky one, I don’t think he would necessarily have a favourite position for his own pleasure, but he would probably take gratification in your pleasure. YOU KNOW he would put those tentacles to good use if you ask him. With this in mind, I picture you asking him to “fill your holes”, which he does, and makes sure to do it where he has full view of the show. If you want his cock specifically, he will have several tentacles wrap themselves around your torso, one forcing your head down, the others keeping your thighs apart and hips up for him to enter you from behind - so in short I suppose his favourite position with you would be doggy !
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝
Thigh fucking, 100%. Something that doesn’t actually involve penetrative sex because of the whole,,,religion thing. Unless you were married, there will be no sex; aside from the loop holes. You are on your back, wearing the fanciest of underwear as Fyodor lifts up and presses your legs together, poking his hard cock through your soft flesh and thrusts. He will curse you out, call you a little temptress or seducer…when he cums it’ll never be inside, not that he hasn’t thought about it, he has. Each time you would do it he would get closer and closer to giving in. “You tempt me…” he’d whisper, there are very few people who could get him to question his faith, his morals…but you…you really are a little charmer, aren’t you?
I had a hard time deciding with Nikolai, but I honestly believe that he would be super into 69-ing. He would probably enjoy the fact that its the ‘sex’ number and make numerous jokes about it outside the bedroom. But INSIDE the bedroom is another matter. He would most likely prefer to be on top, it means that he has more power over you (and that you can’t escape him, not that you’d want to). He would be kind of sadistic too, pressing his cock further and further into your mouth, enjoying hearing the little gags and chokes as he essentially keeps you prisoner under his weight; he would never endanger you but…there is always an element of danger with him.
Spooning, its something so intimate and personal to him, both fucking you and hugging you. He gives me the vibe that he just wants to be close to you, he’s clingy and a little possessive, so holding you in this position is heaven to him. You are laying on your side, one leg hooked over his arm, lifting it up so that he has the perfect angle to plunge deep into you. He is so loving when he does this, to him you might as well be made of glass. Expect a thousand kisses along your back and shoulder blades, a few little bites but not too rough, but enough to mark you. Sigma is also a whimperer and whiner, very vocal with it too (possibly even a crier if over-stimulated)
Another very subby kinda guy, though definitely a switch in my mind, but I can elaborate in another post tee hee. I want to say his favourite is having you suck his cock. LIKE ofc he enjoys sex, but his favourite thing is seeing you servicing him on your knees, between his legs and swallowing every inch. He’s veryyyy sensitive on his tip, so even delicately kissing it before sucking him in will put him immediately on edge. He may try to establish dominance at first, but rest assured that will not last long. He will find it hard to compose himself, especially if you take every bit of him in your throat. His glasses will fog up, his face red and his fingers fumbling with your hair; awh look at him, you got him all flustered. Another man who whimpers, maybe even cry, but boy he sounds angelic whilst doing so.
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A/N: ahhhh okay done!! I hope you enjoyed, I know I did. I fear that there are a few headcanons I’ve made and will have to elaborate on in the future. Like I am so going to dive into the Fyodor thigh fucking headcanon….lord have mercy I’m bout to bust. Alroighhtttt, till next time 🌸
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invidiia · 1 year
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ "you're obsessed.." 𖤐 various bsd yanderes // reader.
bsd yanderes ada, pm, doa, hd + the jealousy scale.
[ a/n; hi i was bored and gotta feed the people bc my next big post is takin a bit 🏃‍♂️]
[ warning; jealous yanderes lolol ]
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atsushi is a 6 of 10. definitely hides any jealous thoughts, at least until you're both home, but is absolutely bitter about it after
dazai is a fair 7 of 10. i don't have a lot to say about him, but he most definitely gets jealous easily
kunikida is a 5 of 10. when he's with you and you get hit spoken to by someone else, he just takes control of the situation and leaves with you. obviously against your choices, but he doesn't trust you.
ranpo is a 6 of 10. doesn't get too worried about other guys because he knows you wouldn't go for anyone else other than the greatest detective ever, but when another guy flirts with you, he just feels the need to.. step in.
yosano is a 7 of 10. she doesn't mind when others speak to you, as long as they aren't flirting with you, and that's a loose term with her. asking for directions in a large mall could get someone's fingers chopped off if she was in a particularly annoyed mood.
fukuzawa is a 4 of 10. he doesn't care if people talk to you either, but flirting is off the table with him. even so, he'll just leave the area and take you with him, he can't just let some other guy talk to you, are you crazy?
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akutagawa is a 8 of 10. if someone's making small talk or something he doesn't care, but even speaking to you or looking at you for too long is just like asking for him to beat them senselessly.
chuuya is a 8 of 10. like akutagawa, small talk doesn't matter to him. you're socializing, who cares? but he's absolutely jealous of your friends, especially your close ones. strangers, he can beat the shit out of those, but your friends? he can't do anything there, so he just sits in silence.
higuchi is an 9 of 10. she hates when anyone else talks to you, she just can't stand it. she'll openly tell you how much she hates it when other people beside her 'flirt' with you, and makes you promise not to hurt her like that again.
gin is a 3 of 10. she does get jealous of other people like your closer friends, but doesn't act on anything, just sits in silence. maybe she'll express to you she was jealous, but she won't hurt anyone unless they make advances on you
tachihara is a 6 of 10. he does get jealous of your friends, but doesn't hate them. he just wants to be in their place. who says you should spend all your time with them? leave some room for him, won't you?
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sigma is a 7 of 10. he won't make direct moves if he's jealous, he'll only tell you he's jealous afterward, or work behind scenes to get rid of the certain person he thinks talks to you a little too much for his liking.
fyodor is a 9 of 10. he doesn't think you'll talk to anyone else, it's about others talking to you. he just can't have you talking to anyone but him. why would you need to anyway?
nikolai is a 8 of 10. i don't have a whole lot to say about him either, but he's not afraid to be... himself,, if someone talks to you a little too much.
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jouno is a 9 of 10. he knows you won't actually speak to other guys.. but still. he isn't chill when other guys talk to you, and gets worse when they eye you the wrong way,
tecchou is a 4 of 10. this man sees no reason to be jealous of your friends, or anyone who says they don't want you. why would they lie to him anyway? look at him, he's strong as hell. would you lie to him? didn't think so
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[ a/n; sobs im so tired can you telllll ?? i only wrote doa trio bc.. fukuchi is strange, bram is just.. bram, plus i kinda only see him as platonic yandere loll, didnt do teruko cuz idk her actual age.. sorry this is so rushed lol its 2am i gotta go to beddd, but next post is dazai fr!!!!! ]
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chuuyaxsupremacy9 · 4 months
Chuuya: rejects Dazai's indirect proposals for the 100th time
Dazai: I'm single by choice
Tachihara: yeah, but not by yours
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miyakuya · 1 year
— who fell in love first and who fell harder (part 1)
featuring: the bungou stray dogs cast
a/n: i got this idea because one of my favorite tiktok accounts said that dazai fell in love first and harder for chuuya and it’s been on my mind for days
part two | part three
© miyakuya 2023– plagiarism, reposts, or anything related or copying isn’t allowed.
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first; while it may not have been love at first sight, they couldn’t help but fall head over heels for you faster than anyone, even themselves, could expect. even if they didn’t admit it, you could tell as soon as it happened
— Gin Akutagawa, Kōyō Ozaki, Sigma, Edgar Allan Poe
harder; they weren’t necessarily meaning to fall in love, the idea was something that didn’t seem like they really deserved it or that it wasn’t something they could really do anyways. the moment they realized they were in love though, however, it hit them hard and they were definitely not losing you now
— Akiko Yosano, Doppo Kunikida, Osamu Dazai, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Saigiku Jōno
both; they fell in love fast and hard. they didn’t mean for it to happen but they weren’t going to complain. the way they fell in love was like riding in the front seat of a roller coaster going down the first drop. they didn’t want to lose that feeling and they certainly didn’t want to lose you
— Atsushi Nakajima, Ranpo Edogawa, Chuuya Nakahara, Michizō Tachihara, Nikolai Gogol, Tecchō Suehiro
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taglist: @astro-pioneer
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rae-writes · 2 years
the floor is lava!
bsd boys + reader
*all of these are optional romantic/platonic, except for Kenji, who is strictly platonic*
wc : 0.7k
a/n : quick little fun post while I work on my other shit- was missin the bsd content <3
obey me ver. |
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It was a quiet rainy day, and everyone was minding their own business (for once). Nothing could’ve possibly ruined the relaxing silence…
Armed Detective Agency 
Before you even have a chance to move, Dazai is jumping straight up, entire body weight and all four spangly limbs, right into your arms. Whether you can actually hold him up- or you both end up eating the floor - he’ll insist that you’re his knight in shining armor and you simply must hold him
Atsushi, on the other hand, will waste no time before swooping you off your feet, even if it means he has to stand in the ‘lava’ himself. He’d absolutely fucking sprint to you and grab you if he needed to because he is a gentleman 
And of course, to no one’s surprise, Ranpo was the one who shouted it. He already had his ass parked on top of his desk, snacks surrounding him- though he’ll make room for you to hop up if you hurry (and will share his snacks if you trip someone on their way to safety) 
In typical Kunikida fashion, he’s there to wave around his notebook and demand everyone quit playing games and get back to work. Even so, he’ll easily catch you when you jump at him, cause I mean..he wasn’t just gonna let you fall [in lava]
Fukuzawa doesn’t exactly understand, so he’ll stand and watch everyone else scramble around. He’ll also help you climb on top of a desk (with eyes crinkled at the corners in amusement)
Having never played before, Kenji will also just stand around until you grab his hand and pull him towards the couch. A quick ‘hurry!’ from you and he’s laughing and jumping on the cushions with you, listening intently when you explain the game 
Junichiro tries to climb on your chair with you, whining when you place your foot on his chest to stop him. Surprisingly, he’ll just pick you up quickly before sitting down in your spot, curling his arms around you with a huff while you guys try to keep balance on one another, keeping your feet off the ground 
Port Mafia 
Chuuya would like to say he’s all cool and suave about it, but the second he processes those words, he’s activating his ability and floating over to grab you up off the floor too. He’ll hold you over his shoulder so the two of you can throw shit at everyone else scrambling around (while hovering mockingly above their heads) 
As usual, Akutagawa is stoned face while he remains unmoving from his seat. He’ll only blink when you hop on his lap, begrudgingly choosing to entertain your antics when you insist he pull his feet off the floor. And while he isn’t necessarily playing, he will knock others off their high spots with Rashomon 
Amusing as it is, Mori has no desire to participate himself. Elise is absolutely playing (as she’s the one who shouted it), so she’ll quickly shove him off his seat and beckon you over to come sit with her. He’ll pout as you laugh, not necessarily liking that he’s the only one remaining on the floor 
Tachihara is shoving you out of the way, no fucks given, because damnit- the floor is lava! Though if you stay where he pushed you, arms crossed and fake upset expression, he’ll reach out and drag you on the crate with him
Decay of Angels 
Fyodor will simply raise an eyebrow, looking up from his book to watch everyone fumble over themselves. When you attach yourself to the back of his chair, though, he chuckles in amusement and invests his entire attention to watching you bat away Nikolai from pushing you into the ‘lava’. He’ll offer up his seat after a while if you’re still playing 
[After being told what the game is beforehand] Sigma, still a bit hesitant, will tug on your hand and ask if you wanna share the table with him. He’ll gladly watch everyone else as they play, but if you ask, he’s happy to help you sabotage them too 
Without question, Nikolai is the one who shouted it. He’ll eagerly shove a chair your way, placing his own a few feet beside it. Entirely ignoring the chaos he’s created, Nik now busies himself with going back and forth with you, trying to knock each other off your chairs- and he will use his ability to try and cheat
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l0velynalani · 1 month
Can we normalize NOT romaticizing noncon?
I keep seeing character x reader fics where character is LITERALLY HARASSING the reader and its automatically okay ebcause the character just so happens to be attractive?? How does that make it okay?
When I was growing up my elementary school was near my house so I was allowed to walk home and out of the blue this random middle aged man start following me as a kid I always gave him the benefit of the doubt since he left before I reached my house (becauses of police cars)until it happen three days in a row and I was getting scared and one day there was no police car and he kept following so I start running and he was CHASING AFTER ME and I was like 10 so I was crying home to my grandpa and the man was standing outside my house with his phone taking pictures of my address so my grandpa called the cops and the man had multiple restraining orders against him for stalking people.
That shit wasn't funny in anyway shape or form so when you romanticize it with different characters its fucking weird. "Oh I dont support this in real life!" clearly you do because your writing a fic about it?I was originally gonna ignore these posts but when I saw one of bsd x minor!reader it genuinly triggered me cause don't you have better shit to do in your freetime?
Stop romantizing traumatic events.It's weird,unbenefical and overall disgusting.
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𝙱𝚂𝙳 𝙼𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢’𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚃𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙰𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘 𝙿𝚎𝚐 ‘𝙴𝚖…
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Summary:- how the bsd fellas would react to you asking to peg em
Pairings :- Dazai, Atsushi,Kunikida,Ranpo, Chuuya,Akutagawa,Tachihara, Poe, Jouno,Tecchou x Fem!Reader (seperately)
Tw:- pegging, anal (m receiving), handjobs, mentions of dirty talk (and a single line in poe’s part)
W/C :- 1.2k-ish
A/N :- Thank You to @chuuyassluttychoker and @falloutjuli for givin me their feedback on this before i posted it. And Now Thanks To Yall pegging Kunikida in just floating in my head 😭 Thank U To My Bestie @sapphic-serenade too!
This Could Pass as a Gn! Reader except for one line in jouno’s part and mentions of calling the reader, princess and queen in Tachihara’s part
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝘿𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝘼𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮
doesn’t mind it tbh. He’d honestly love to have you do all the work while he sits back and takes it.isnt opposed to it and he’s so normal abt it it feels like he’s done it before🤨.takes it all in like a champ! And the way he moans your name just makes you wanna stay buried in him.he’s such a wet cat of a man it’s impossible to not enjoy his squirming~ especially when he looks so pretty and pathetic around your cock.face down ass up ofc~
Definitely caught off guard when you ask!would be very iffy about it but when he sees your excited face and sparkling eyes,he just cant seem to say no!please be gentle with him,lube it up real good and slowly insert it. He’ll be a squirming and mewling mess for just the first inch,but dw he can take it.unless he says otherwise,in which case please pull out and tell him how good he was for you🥺 it’ll motivate him to take more later.what can i say this man is a slut for praise,and in cases like this it really tends to work in your favor~
Honestly i dont see him bein pegged…he just doesn’t seem like the type to be down to try it.best case scenario you could ask him to do it on maybe a special occasion like your birthday! That’s when the chances of him saying yes are the highest.so if you somehow dooo get him to agree,know he will nott be still.Kunikida is more sensitive than he looks (in more ways than one iykwim ;} ) so you will definitely need to ease him into it,maybe use your fingers as a little precursor ,and if he gives you the go-ahead,be.gentle. He wont be able to do too much on your first try.Thank Him and tell him it’s alright please 🥲. (Dw he’ll more than make up for it later in the night.)
This man doesn’t give a single solitary fuck.doesnt care if you wanna fuck him in the ass as long as he gets to be your pillow princess~ he can surprisingly take a good amount in and oh Godd the little noises he makes💞 If you thought dazai would sound pathetic nah uh,ranpo takes the cake.he lets out the cutest little mewls as his head hits the pillow.he’s folded in half, your ploughing into him and he’s taking you so Goddam gooddd. He’ll act bratty fs,so maybe plug him up a little to teach him a lesson. Maybe even add a vibrator to the mix~ (he will DEMAND snacks afterwards😭 give em to him pls🥺)
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖
very VERY skeptical.doesnt like the feeling of being penetrated from the rear,but the thought of being at your mercy and under your influence,just…makes him a little more likely to relent.what can i say,he finds you taking the lead hot as Fuck! And while he’s definitely more of a top,i kinda feel like he has moments where he wouldn’t mind being pampered a little~Takes it quite well(surprisingly) and his little whines are the bestt ,if you dirty talk him while you’re pushing in,he’ll break his sentences with little gasps and moans in the middle and they just make you want to keep going.If u jerk him off while you rut into him he’ll definitely be caught off guard but it turns him on tbh.But you’d best believe that once youre done with him,he’s gonna flip you over and RUIN you.You had your fun,now it’s time for him to remind you who’s actually in charge~
Nope.nah uh. No matter how much you beg,he’s not lettin you do it. Akutagawa doesn’t get intimate much,(idk i see him like sheldon from The Big BangTheory in this regard) and when he does he is in charge.he obvs wants u to feel good too but he does have a line he doesn’t wanna cross.also he feels like that puts him in a vulnerable position and doesn’t like it…its not that other positions don’t also put him in a vulnerable position,it’s just that this one makes him more uncomfortable…please dont pressure him into it🥹
I honestly believe this bitch would be the most down to try it😭.He’ll be visibly chill when you suggest it,but inside he’s both anxious and excited, Goes with you to pick out a dildo.(if you dont already hv one that is) and gets flabbergasted when he finds out there are ones that actually cum!😭 (you have to convince him to leave it for next time🥲) when actually doing it,hes so verbal. Cussing,moaning,and praising you.wouldnt mind if you were a little rough. If you have him sit on your strap while you jerk him off he will physically fall apart; putty in your hands,if you will. Moves around and when you grip his hips to keep him still, he moans. While he likes to think of himself as a top,he’s a total bottom,but cam def top if you want him to.you’re his queen,princess and he’ll gladly be your good little boy☺️
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙
Blushes immediately but agrees. Reads up on pegging so he knows what to do,he really wants to do good by you smh🥲.would prefer if you guys did it in missionary so he can see you go at him but wouldnt mind you coming in from the rear either .just a little idea,when youre hittin it from the back,grip his hair and lift his head a little before leaning in and asking him, “who’s my whiny little baby~” watch as he whimpers before answering with a strained “me.” Oh also this man is definitely the most sensitive of the ones on this list. He makes the cutest noises too~ poe’s little whimpers and whines are honestly music to your ears and when you’re done,kiss him and tell him how good he was for you,he’ll physically deflate and give you the cutest fucked out smile🥺
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙤𝙜𝙨
Aint no way in hellll youre pegging this man! The mere suggestion has him bending you over to remind you who’s in charge.just because he can,he might just put the tip of the dildo you’d planned on using on him,into your folds while he takes you from behind. will not stop until he has you moaning out how stupid it was for you to even suggest that.fucks you so good youre nothing but a mess of cum and moans.So if you wanna get fucked up harder than usual,just casually suggest pegging him and in no time you’ll be “regretting” your decision.what can i say,he likes being in charge and likes it when you remember☺️
When you suggest it to him,he thinks for a bit before nodding. He’d love to help you try new things while also trying something new for himself! He’s perfect like that☺️.isn’t particularly vocal but his breaths are heavy. If he says anything its, “y/n~ hnghhh~youre so~hnuhhh” if you use a vibrating strap, the moment you turn it on,he groans before it turns into a lowly moaned “fuck~” definitely gasps every few seconds when you rub his g-spot. Oh also doesnt mind you pulling his hair a little.Tecchou is a badass in the streets,but your little princess in the sheets and neither of you would change it for the world.
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Tag-List : @diagonal-queen , @sapphic-serenade
All rights reserved © 2023 pillow-princess-diaries. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!The BSD Cast With A Reader Who Has A Stalker!
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Scenario:- what the bsd characters would do if their s/o had a stalker
Characters included:- dazai,chuuya,kunikida,atsushi,yosano,ranpo,akutagawa (romantic pairings) kenji,kyouka and the tanizakis(platonic pairings)
Tw:- mentions of bein stalked and well,a stalker,Teeny bit of cussing
A/N:-yes this is inspired by my real life no i will not elaborate~
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↪️Osamu Dazai
If you tell dazai that you have a stalker,he’d probably joke about it at first.
But when you tell him how serious it had gotten and how stressed and scared it makes you,
He takes it way more seriously.
He obviously has a plan,our little manipulator.
And soon enough he’s threatened the stalker with an entire stack of private and compromising information.
They stop after that.and youre finally at peace.
When you thank dazai he first brushes it off as it havin been nothing at all,but ends it with a serious statement of how no one messes with the people he cares about.
As we know,the worst decision dazai’s enemies could make is making themselves his enemies.
And That stalker realized that the hard way.
↪️Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya,unlike dazai is a little less calculated.
He has absolutely no issue with using force to make his point clear when he’s pissed(or not.) and you having to live in a constant state of fear because of this asshole is WAY more than enough to piss him off.
He finds the bastard(being a port mafia exec. Really did have its fair share of perks) and pays them a visit himself~
He comes home later that day looking rather pleased with himself and when you ask what he did,
He just says that he took care of it.
You know chuuya like the back of your hand,so you also know that he definitely has no problem with defending what matters to him,no matter what the cost.
So to protect your subconscious,you don’t question him further.
But he sees that youre a little uneasy so,he clarifies that the person isn’t dead.
Theyre just… permanently out of commission and chuuya’s slight look of annoyance tells you that he really didn’t kill the stalker.
You run into his arms and thank him and he hugs you back while pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
You unwind with wine and dinner and enjoy your first carefree night in quite a while.
↪️Doppo Kunikida
Kunikida is outraged!
How dare these delinquents disrupt your daily life schedule like this!
He MUST do something about it.
Kunikida obviously doesn’t want it to turn into anything too confrontational(not because he wouldn’t fight for you,but because the clean up would require more energy and time than this bastard deserves)
So he calls up katai and has him dig up anything about this stalker of yours.
Soon kunikida has more than enough information to come up with the perfect plan of action.
Blackmail really isn’t his style so he goes for a little something different.
He calls up the stalker and while the bitch is scared shitless,he drops little bits of the info he’s gathered in conversation.(okay yh I lied.blackmail it is.we stan petty kunikida in this house~)
At this point he’s having a conversation with himself so he knows the stalker is definitely shaking with fear.
So he ends the call with a final statement,
“I suggest you leave y/n alone  if you know whats good for you.you wouldn’t want to ruin your entire life now would you?not that you haven’t already by sinking to the level you are already at, of course.”
And he’s met with a shakey “yes,sir…” before the line goes silent permanently.
He let you know you can stop living in fear and you two go over your next days routine.(mans had only allocated a certain amount of time to solve that entire thing okay :’))
↪️Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi is a gentle soul,bless him,really.
But he was worried af when you told him about your stalker.
He’s determined to keep his s/o safe!
He asks ranpo for help,and is turned away(‘not botheredddd’ ßRanpo’s reply)
So he goes to dazai next.
Dazai obviously suggests blackmail.
Atsushi doesn’t wanna pull a dazai on this one.
So he just calls the number(dazai has it tapped and is using ranpo{he was bribed with candy} to track it) you’d blocked and when he gets a rude response tauting him;daring him to ‘actually do something about it’ he loses it!
Who does this asshole think he is?!
Atsushi fires back saying that he really will and when the stalker cuts the line laughing and repeating that atsushi wouldn’t do shit, he really is ready to go deal some damage.
He walks out into the main area of the ADA to see dazai sitting at his desk with a shit eating grin oh his face,a piece of paper with an address scrawled across it between his middle and pointer fingers.
“here you gooo atsuuushiiiii~~~” he says
Atsushi thanks him and takes off to take care of it.
He comes back in about 2 hours and when you ask him what he did,he simply says that he taught the asshat a lesson on respect!
You get a letter the next day from your stalker and to your surprise,it’s an apology letter which specifies that they’ll never bother you again.
You thank atsushi with a little peck to the lips and hes a complete blushing mess.
We love this fluffy puddy tat(that���s tweety for pussy cat {wan atsushi in the background :- IM A TIGER!})
↪️Ranpo Edogawa
Absolutely obliterates the stalker.
He was bored anyway and you bein in distress was definitely enough to get him to try something.
He too calls up the stalker,but instead of airing out current or recent dirty laundry , he goes straight for their most sensitive and embarrassing childhood and adolescent memories.
How he knows all of this baffles you
But such is the wonder that is ranpo edogawa.
And finally he ends his call with.
“oh and say hi to all the people I put in jail! You’ll be goin there in 3….2….1” and sure enough the police were at the stalker’s door.and they were taken away.
Your praise and thanks have ranpo beaming because as we know,he lives for the applause :”)
Serves em right for not knowing who they were messing with tbh.
↪️Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa is peeved to say the least.
Why were such vermin even allowed to live on the same earth as him??
he definitely takes care of it.
Swiftly and elegantly might I add~
Rashoumon leaves the stalker permanently disabled once aku pays them a little visit.
What a waste of space.
He totally roasts the stalker on how useless and pathetic they are.
And finally leaves them with a last threat for initiative “leave y/n alone,or else ill come back and finish what I started.i cannot guarantee that you will survive.but it will certainly be painful.am I making myself clear?”
He’s met with a very petrified piece of shit and he finally kicks said piece of shit away from himself before leaving  swaggering away with his hands in his pockets and a bored look in his eyes.
When he arrives back at your apartment he tells you that you’ll be fine. And if they dare inconvenience you again,to let him know.
You really are grateful for your Mafioso boyfriend
↪️Akiko Yosano
Yosano is pissed
But also delighted!
She’s not delighted cos you have a stalker btw!
Shes delighted cos now she can use her ability on someone….or not ;3
Whatever it is,she gets to play mad scientist with someone she has absolutely no remorse for
Comes back home covered in blood and reassures you that she took care of it,with a shit eating(and slightly concerning ) grin on her face.
You know akiko wouldn’t have killed the stalker…but um youre not totally sure.
When you ask her she sadly says that theyre alive,but when she turns to walk away she whispers a muffles “barely” under her breath.
Either way,shes satisfied with herself~
Very slay of her tbh ;3
↪️Michizou Tachihara
Goes after em.
Buddy grabs his pistols and goes to take care of business himself!
He doesnt care abt protocol in that moment,but he also knows that mori wont give a shit cos its a personal matter
So he’s technically in the clear.
Once at the stalkers door,he knocks twice to get their attention and when her hears the sound of a hand landing on the handle,he shoots and gets em right in the hand!
And in the process of doing so,hes shot through the lock,so he kicks the door open{effortlessly} and confronts the stalker who recognises him immediately (i mean obvs)
Tachihara is a part of the port mafias elite kill squad so he’s no stranger to a messy job,but for the sake of your subconscious, he keeps it comparatively clean,shooting through the stalker’s limbs and beating the shit outta them too!
He cleans up into new clothes at gin and ryunosuke’s before comin back home to you(he knows that if you see him all bloodied up the questions will start)
And let me clarify that mans did this without your knowledge so while you’re watchin a movie that night,you do not know what he did but you find out the next day and immediately know it was him
His thank you was a little kiss on the lips that somehow managed to convey your total appreciation for him in only 3 seconds~
↪️Higuchi Ichiyou
With the way she is when it comes to akutagawa,we know that higuchi would be protective of the ones she loves
So when her s/o is bein terrorised by a stalker,you bet your ass shes gonna take action
Step one: identify the stalker
She covertly follows you around and when she sees the person you’d described to her,she begins to tail them.
When they get home she calmly and quietly walks upto their door and knocks
She then winds back her arm and waits until-
BAM the stalker is met with a face full of fist!
She then takes advantage of their confused state and tackles them to the ground
She bends one arm behind their back and when they try harder to resist,a sickening crunch and a howl of pain is let out
And now that she has their attention,she makes her threat: “leave y/n alone or else you’ll have to deal with the entirety of the port mafia next!”
Ofc this threat doesnt mean anything~
like I mentioned earlier,mori doesn’t give a shit about personal matters so theres no way anyone (else) from the pm would be knocking on ur stalkers door.
But they didnt know that~
So they beg and promise not to bother you anymore.they promise to leave you alone forever.
Higuchi knows that they’re being honest,the fear in their voice is a dead giveaway
So she gets up but then shoots two bullets On either side of the stalkers face,barely missing.
“I hope ive made myself clear” are the last words she mutters before disappearing into the night
And just like that,you were never bothered again.
↪️Yukichi Fukuzawa
President fukuzawa isnt really confrontational unless he has to be
So when you tell him that you have a stalker terrorising you,
He knows what to do
He asks ranpo to deduce the location of said stalker and withink seconds,he does
Then,fukuzawa writes a letter.
A very threatening letter
Your stalker knows all about him
Ofc they would he’s your significant other !
So when they see the letter addressed to them from fukuzawa,they are immediately intrigued
And after reading the letter,theyre fuckin FILLED with fear
They know how powerful and skilled the president of the GODDAM armed detective agency is
So they immediately decide to leave you alone
Death by katana wasnt something they wanted to experience.
So when you tell him how the stalker wasn’t bothering you anymore and how you knew he had to have done something about it,he just replied with
“All i did,
Was write a letter.”
↪️Kenji and kyouka(platonic.i aint writin romantic stuff for them yall.)
↪️Kyouka Izumi
Demon snow to the rescue.
One visit from kyouka’s ability and you’re sure to be okay for the remainder of your life.
The threat of being cut up by a katana wielding demon really does deter people from being creeps~
↪️Kenji Miyazawa
Finds them by using his many connections around town and beats em shitless.
They cant even tell which way’s up when he’s done with em.
Remember, his family motto is "If a cow defies you, strike it with something handy."
Suffice to say you were NEVER bothered by that stalker ,or any other stalker, after that!
↪️Tanizaki Naomi and Tanizaki Junichirou
You were best friends with naomi and thereby junichirou,and while their relationship weired out a lot of new people at the agency,you’d really never cared much abt it
So when you told them abt your stalker issue they were both worried.
This wasnt good for you or your mental health
So junichirou took it upon himself to take care of the situation
Naomi had you distracted the entire day with a whole day out of shopping and just FUN
Meanwhile junichirou had found the stalkers address and confronted them himself
As we all know,a pissed off junichirou is a SCARY junichirou
So you can bet the stalker tried to run
But as usual,
After the stalker thinks they’ve gotten away he appears behind them,with a gun pointed straight at their temple.
He threatens to pull the trigger (he wouldn’t)
And when the stalkers begs him not to,promising to leave you alone.
He scoffs and fires a bullet that just manages to graze their cheek.
He then lets the illusion break away as he disappears himself
After that,youre happy and you feel so FREE
You’re back to your old self again and the tanizakis fist bump to their success!
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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oikasugayama · 10 months
what if: alignment chart of when you trip in front of them
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Atsushi, Sigma, Oda, Junichiro, Poe are genuinely worried about you but Mori is pretending to care.
Fukuzawa and Chuuya chuckle a little, Chuuya might help you up if you're pals. Tachihara laughs a little but isn't rushing to help.
Dazai and Ranpo are laughing their asses off. Nikolai is manically cackling. They all probably made you fall.
Mushitaro and Fyodor are chuckling and judging you. Bram scoffs and makes fun of your coordination. Akutagawa side-eyes you and turns away.
Kunikida and Ango could honestly swap places depending on the day. They're not laughing but they're also likely keeping their hands to themselves, as is professional.
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nxathyx · 1 year
Pet names I think bungo stray dogs characters would use for their s/o
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Armed Detective Agency
Atsushi Nakajima
°I feel like he'd usually just call you by your name or a nickname
°like if your name is Natalie or Nathaniel definitely would call you Nat or Nath (this is just an example)
°also something simple like "Angel"
°he says you're like a guardian angel and keep him stable
Dazai Osamu
°probably belladona or shorter versions of that like Bella or Dona
°would definitely call you cringe pet names just to laugh about it with you like "hey pookie bear😍😍" (I hate myself)
°maybe an occasional darl or baby
°I feel like he'd call you doll as well (he stole it from Chuuya)
°pretty girl/boy I don't know why
°I don't know I feel like he uses pet names as satire and prefers using your actual name or your nickname
Kunikida Doppo
°this man does not use pet names, like I can't imagine him saying anything
°maybe dear, I don't know what else though
Ranpo Edogawa
°I also don't think he's into pet names
°I don't know like he'd be too lazy to make something up for you
°also just sticks to your name/nickname/Diminutive
°the same as Atsushi except he'd also use "Nathy" (just a random name example)
Tanizaki Junichirou
° "hey kitten😻😻, get on bed wars you're making Daddy angy👿👿
°also uses your name the most probably
°an occasional "lovely"
Yosano Akiko
°probably "love" or a simple "hun"
°either that or your name/nickname
°probably randomly comes up and is like "hey gorgeous/handsome"
Edgar Allan Poe
(putting him here cause I don't know over half of the guild and won't write for them he's also basically an agency member at this point)
°probably darling, dear, sweetheart
°idk he just gives of the vibe
°but I think he'd also prefer just your regular name
Port Mafia
Chuuya Nakahara
°I don't know why but he'd use Spanish nicknames, like mi amor, mi vida, cariño, mi cielo, mi corazón
°maybe princess/prince
°pretty boy/pretty girl (especially if you're trans and have really bad dysphoria)
°also really like using your name, just plain and simple
°my love
°maybe dove
°definetly called you a bitch before
Akutagawa Ryuunoske
°he thinks it's cringe
°once he called you dear and amor (he learnt it from Chuuya)
°just sticks to your full name
Tachihara Michizo
°he gives me "babe" or "bae" vibes and I don't like it 😭
°definetly a "sweetheart" guy
°probably princess/prince as well
Gin Akutagawa
°probably "sweetie"
°other than that I doubt they'd use anything
Higuchi Ichigo
°your name
Koyou Ozaki
Decay of Angels
Fyodor Dostoyevski
°my only one
°he uses those very rarely though and prefers to use your name
Nikolai Gogol
°he calls you something silly
°"hey my gorgeous tampon wrapper"
°like huh😧😧
°uses dove as well
°my free space in bingo 😻😻
°I don't fucking know Bro😭😭
°he probably called you his discord kitten once as a joke In front of Fyodor and Sigma (they're scarred now)
°also the same as ranpo just your name/nickname/Diminutive (prefers nicknames and diminutives)
°my love
°just your full name as well
°definetly called you a saint before
Bram Stoker
°I don't think he'd use nicknames
°I don't know Bro is a vampire
°my little vamp vamp🤭🤭
Hunting Dogs
Tetchou Suehiro
°he'd definitely call you hubby/wifey
Jouno Saigiku
°(how romantic)
°I think he'd rather just use your name honestly aquífy
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bsd, various x reader
what heartbreak feels like with each of them
angst, uses bridges from the tortured poets department
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chuuya knows he’s fucked up. he knows he can’t get back what he let go, that he’s already made his bed. but fuck, it hurts. but he refuses to let you know that because thats who he is. and your left seeing him everywhere- the dresses in the store windows, the puddles of rain on concrete, remnants of him in your shower and on your bed- memories of him embedded in your head and under your skin. marks from his passion left on your collarbone, his fingerprints still all over your heart. he claimed what was his forever and then left. and he knows that.
some nights you think of calling him, but sculpted a brick wall between you and the phone, cementing each brick together with your hurt. little do you know, chuuya thinks of calling you too, but he knows you won’t pick up.
atsushi simply couldn’t bare the thought of not being good enough for you. so he let things go before his heart could sink with the wreckage. he couldn’t handle anymore hurt after all thats happened- but he doesn’t know that he left that hurt with you instead. the anger, the confusion, the turmoil etches itself in your chest and tears through your ribs when you cry out alone. it wasn’t fair for him to leave the job of detective to you, to pick up the clues of your lost love and attempt to etch together a messy explanation. he said he didn’t want to hurt you. funny.
the biggest thing you’re left wondering is why? why did sweetest, most loving guy leave without a word? why did he do it so fast, so quickly, at the stroke of grace? why did the same hands that once handled your heart so delicately set it on fire and leave it to implode?
there was no doubt in your mind that odasaku loved you. he loved you with every fibre of his being. he held you to his chest as close as possible. he laughed with you because only you could pull out the genuine joy and smiles from his soul. he danced with you in the living room to your favourite songs, swaying back in fourth with you barefoot on the ground. he kissed you like his lips were especially crafted to be pressed against you, your lips, your skin and your hands.
it’s all past-tense.
tachihara burned down every foundation of trust and security in your being. he was the most loyal and loving person you had ever met, one that promised his whole life and soul to be with you. you knew each other like no other, or so you thought. you learned about his betrayal, not just to you but to everyone. and all of a sudden, everything you knew came crashing down. the memories, the love, the loyalty- you had no idea what it was now. you scrubbed your body in the shower and washed the sheets over and over again- trying to get him off of you. you laid in the bed he once shared with you and wondered if you were just another step in his scheme.
was this planned? did he plan to break your heart? was crushing every single thing you’ve ever loved just another ruse? the only thing you knew was that you loved him.
kunikida wanted everything to stick to his ideals. he wanted to break your heart as softly and as kindly as he possibly could. he wanted to cushion your fall, to let you down assured. and he did just that. he left you safe, he left with you with a full explanation. he told you that he wanted you to move on without him, to live a bright beautiful life and be as happy as you possibly could. because kunikida knows that thats what you deserve.
but he was supposed to be there. thats all you can think as your stranded on your safe sanctuary that he left you on. he stranded you on an island with all you needed to survive- yet all you could think was the fact that he had actually left. it wasn’t supposed to end this way. you knew why. he explained everything to you. but the tears that rolled down your cheeks explained otherwise.
the worst heartbreak of your entire life belonged to osamu dazai. you can still hear the screams, the cries that went down with the ship from that night. you can still feel his hands on your body, holding you to him while for the first time you saw him cry. you can still hear the shattering of the things you threw at him, telling him to get out but also not wanting him to leave. you remember the smell of him all over you, on your bed, your clothes, but also in your hair and even on your own skin. he haunted this place. his heart was still beating, lungs still breathing but osamu dazai died in your house. he died and his soul now haunts the place day and night, leaving no trace of your space untouched. it was a cruel goodbye.
osamu dazai died screaming. and now you wanted to as well.
you held on to the idea that akutagawa would one day be ready for you. that he would set aside his grievances, his turmoil, the hurt in his lungs and the pain in his coat. you waited, and waited, and waited. waited for him to show up at your doorstep and embrace you, love you like you knew he could. you watched as the lamp flickered, as your skin wrinkled, as your hair turned grey and as the night sky watched over you for years. you should gave closed the window, turned out the light and slept. but you waited. you waited and hope that akutagawa would return. that he would one day love you like you loved him.
as you looked out to the stars, you prayed that he’d forgive you as you blew out the candle.
chuuya n. - fortnight
atsushi n. - the tortured poets department (tt)
sakunosuke o. - loml
michizou t. - the smallest man who ever lived
doppo k. - down bad
osamu d. - the black dog
ryunosuke a. - peter
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Kunikida: Do you Akutugawa Ryuunosuke take Atsushi Nakajima to be your lawfully wedded husband.
Akutagawa: What?! No?!
Gasps echo across the room.
Tachihara faints.
Everyone: looks suspiciously at Higuichi who shakes her head wide eyed.
Atsushi: heartbroken, in tears What...?
Akutagawa: oblivious to all of this, glares at Kunikida I'm marrying the Jinko! Why are you blabbering on about this Atsushi person?
Atsushi:... Sadness turns to anger WHAT?!
One explanation and a revived Tachihara later
Akutagawa:... Oh...
Atsushi: That's all you have to say?! Oh?!
Akutagawa: Jinko... Erm, Atsushi I can explai-
Atsushi: This whole time... This WHOLE TIME?!
Akutagawa: Ji-
Atsushi: 10 YEARS!
Dazai: See I told you not to marry him, he's no good for you.
Atsushi: eyes blazing You're the one who told me to propose!
Dazai:... Oh yeah. Well who told you to listen to me. My ideas are terrible, right Chuuya?
Chuuya: already getting drunk with Yosano because this event can no longer be done sober Fuck you, asshole!
Yosano: no idea what they're talking about Yeah fuck you!
Akutagawa: He's not gonna let this go is he?
Tachihara: Nope.
Hirotsu: I mean at least you guys still got married.... Somehow.
Akutagawa: True, who knew he had a different name this whole time.
Everyone: sweat drops
Gin: You're making it very hard to defend you right now.
Atsushi: drunk talking about Akutugawa I hate him!
Chuuya: drunk talking about Dazai I hate him too!
Atsushi: Why did I marry him?!
Chuuya: It felt like a good idea at the time!
Atsushi: Right!
Chuuya: Than he blew up my car!
Atsushi: He didn't even know my name!
Chuuya: Why are men so stupid!
Atsushi: I don't know!
Akutagawa: Should we do something?
Dazai: Only if you want your marriage and death certificate issued today.
Dazai: Thought so.
Akutugawa: Wait, you blew up his car?!
Dazai: uh uh, you are not giving me shit for that after this.
Akutagawa:... Touché
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ninasmovingcastle · 1 year
bungou stray dogs boys' love languages !!
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words of affirmation
he always knows the right thing to say. be it to soothe you, compliment you, or just to break the silence, he hopes you can find comfort in his words <3
↳ tanizaki, tetchou, odasaku, gogol, fyodor
acts of service
he knows that actions speak louder than words for you. so, at any chance he gets, he'll try to make your life a little easier <3
↳ kunikida, tachihara, atsushi
he loves to spoil you with little things that he thinks you'd enjoy. everything reminds him of you, so it's never a challenge for him to find the perfect gift <3
↳ poe, fitzgerald, hirotsu
quality time
he loves to simply spend time with you, regardless of what you're doing. he'll prioritize you completely, always giving you his undivided attention <3
↳ ranpo, kenji, akutagawa, sigma
physical touch
he can't keep his hands off you, no matter where you are. through touching you, he expresses all the words he can't say <3
↳ chuuya, dazai, jouno
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