#Taehoon Seong x reader
wannaeatramyeon · 28 days
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Yoo Hobin Company
G/N. Taehoon is enlisting. Soft and sweet.
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Taehoon was the one who tried to break it off. Tried.
Considered it a kindness, whatever measly amount his cold cold heart could muster up.
He wanted to play it cool, like it wouldn't work out. Had run its course and naturally reached an amicable end.
(None of that was true.
However, there was nothing more heartbreaking than thinking of you waiting day after day for him as he serves in the military. Waiting for messages and calls and letters until he finally has some time off and can spend it with you.
It's a waste of your time.
Nevermind that it's completely hypocritical because he would absolutely wait until the end of the earth for you.)
You arched an incredulous eyebrow listening to his nonsense. Then, in one fell swoop, rejected the breakup. 
Taehoon eyes widened at your refusal. He never thought breakups needed to be mutual or that you could decline it. But he knew that you saw through his motives. In hindsight, he didn't know why he bothered; you could always read him like an open book.
A smirk spreads, replaces the shock on his face.
"Dumbass," he says.
"You're the dumb one," you snipe back without heat, pulling him down by the collar and capturing his lips with yours.
In all honesty, you expected an adjustment period after Taehoon enlisted. A bit of loneliness. Some hours spent twiddling your thumbs until you found your feet again.
After all, you two were joined at the hip. He's your best friend.
What you didn't expect was that you were busier than ever. Not that you were particularly close to the Yoo Hobin company before, but there now seems to be a revolving door of members constantly by your side.
(And you really hate to admit this because Hobin is so sweet, but Taehoon is right. Something about Hobin’s face is sometimes, occasionally… really punchable.)
What you didn't know was, during the last company meeting before Taehoon had to leave-
He glared at them all, one by one. Growled and ordered them to take care of you or else.
Issue is - any sort of intimidation was offset by the pink flush on his cheeks as everyone saw through his prickliness and physically melted at him being such an attentive boyfriend.
First, the breakup didn't work and now neither do his threats. Taehoon is losing his touch.
"Stop that," he snaps when they all stare at him with soppy expressions.
Gyeoul tuts, rolls her eyes and tells him, "You're embarrassing."
Taehoon's leg twitches and he wonders if he stretched out now for a roundhouse kick, if it would hit them all in the face. Men, women, children alike.
His ire is eventually appeased when Yeonwoo, like butter wouldn't melt and earnest as ever, offers- promises that the company will take care of you.
The others agree, although there was never any doubt they wouldn't. Eager and already planning to involve you in all manner of things.
Finally reassured, a weight is lifted from Taehoon's shoulders.
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honeyhotteok · 7 months
Hi hi hi!! How are you?!?!?
Hope you're all well
Sorry even I was busy with high school😔
Just a Lil suggestion thingy for your writing ~
I was wondering how 'bout~
Reaction of Lookism & HTF characters to reader forgetting to kiss them in established relationship - like reader is an independent working person even before they met each other, and in all the hectic schedule of their work, they just forget?
It's alright if you don't want to, don't feel pressured❣️
It's just a random thought ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
hi!! sorry this is soo late lol work beating my ass as usual🥹 i hope school's been more chill for you lately/that you get a break soon!! i included your fave then ended up picking some more non j high boys for this since my last hcs were for the j high boys😌 and i don't write for htf on here at the moment and wasn't planning to but..maybe i'll add a lil bonus at the end lol. ty for the suggestion!🫶
Lookism boys reacting to S/O forgetting their goodbye kiss before work
(Johan, Jake, Samuel)
Johan Seong
would lowkey SULK like there's no tomorrow. would not bring it up first though
but he tries to tough out it out, like the babygirl turned malewife-in-training he is
when you get home, tries to get a kiss by holding Miru up to you next to his face, pouting
but the both of them just get a head pat from you
ends up grumbling about how that's not what he wanted but whatever
leaving you confused but you quickly pick up on what he wants, having become perceptive after all these years of being with him that your boyfriend is not forthcoming with wanting affection
a blushing mess and pretends to hate it when you finally shower him with kisses
Jake Kim
notices pretty soon after you leave the house that you hadn't kissed him this morning, or yesterday either now that he thinks about it
barely pays attention during his Big Deal meetings, just sitting there furrowing his brow, trying to figure out whether he’s done something to make you mad at him
was the omelette he cooked for breakfast that bad?? he was just trying to expand his cooking repertoire beyond just instant ramen...
texts you that he'll get dinner for the both of you tonight, then buys takeaway from your favorite restaurant and also stops to get your favorite snacks before coming home
it's when you get home and trudge your tired body to him to give him a hug that he realizes it wasn't because you were mad at him after all
grins when you finally plant a big kiss on him while enjoying your fave meal after a long day of work
Samuel Seo
is unbothered, mostly. He has his own work to attend to anyway.
but as his day goes on, starts to feel unsettled but has no idea why??
this mf ends up being even more prickly than usual at work
gets home even later than you do tonight, and you nonchalantly give him a kiss before getting ready for bed
feels his ears turning red as his mood immediately improves and he finally realizes why he's felt off all day
well since you're here anyway, he'll steal another kiss from you now for tomorrow. or five
+ bonus: HTF - Taehoon Seong
this little shit would nip it in the bud real quick
catches up to you fast with his long ass legs after you rush out the door without kissing him goodbye, yelling "HEY!"
"you forgot something, dumbass" "???"
after planting a kiss on you, smirks and shoves you "hurry up now, you're gonna be late"
and you of course smack him with your bag as revenge for shoving you and smile at your boyfriend while running off as he curses at you
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mintpurrfect · 1 year
⩇:⩇⩇ — Menace
⤿synopsys﹕seong taehoon is an absolute menace, always annoying the hell out of you. it's his way of showing his love, but he'd rather jump off a building than admit it though.
⤿character﹕ seong taehoon x gn!reader
⤿warning﹕cursing, bad grammar and typos
⤿note﹕It's been awhile! Here's some Taehoon stuff which had been sitting in my drafts for some time that I just finished a few minutes ago. 890 words | not proofread.
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Taehoon was walking around the YHC's office, trying to find anything that would get rid of his boredom. He didn't have anything else to do as he had just finished his training.
His eyes wandered around before stopping at a wooden door across the room. He mindlessly walked towards the door and opened it.
There, he saw you sitting on a chair in front of a desk, seemingly writing something.
Walking towards you, Taehoon had decided that you're the one to ease his boredom. He took out an unoccupied chair from beside you and placed it really closely to where you are before sitting on it, body facing towards you.
You stayed quiet even after noticing his presence, too busy with jotting down ideas flowing through your head.
Taehoon watched you for a while, observing you. How your eyebrows knit together in deep thought, how your eyes seem to light up whenever a new idea comes to mind or even how your lips form into a small pout when you aren't satisfied with what you wrote.
You were getting uncomfortable with the way his eyes were watching you intently.
With a sigh, you dropped your pencil and glanced at him, "What do you want?"
"I'm bored."
You rolled your eyes before continuing to your previous task, "Go train or something."
From your peripheral vision, you could see how he inched closer to you but you didn't make any move to scoot away, "I'm already done training."
"Why'd you come here of all places?"
"I wanted to annoy you."
How very blunt of him. You rolled your eyes again, making up your mind to just ignore him and pretend that he's not there. After all, ignorance is bliss.
Well, that was your plan until he decided to be a total menace.
"What's that supposed to be? Duck?"
"It's "crack", Taehoon." You replied, trying hard not to break the pencil you're holding in half but he's just making it hard for you not to do so.
"Mallow?" He mumbled,
You let out a deep sigh, "It's "mirror", those are "R's" not "L's", gosh... "
You're trying your best to contain your annoyance and focus on writing but the man, either oblivious to your frustration or just doesn't care, most likely the latter, spoke once more, "Your handwriting sucks,"
"You suck." You retort earning an amused look on Taehoon's face.
"Your insults are just as bad as your penmanship."
'I swear to god, if you don't shut up, I'm going to stab you with this pencil-'
Curses after curses flood your mind but you refrain yourself from snapping and held back. Nothing good comes out with arguing with the guy.
Realising that you won't respond, he let his eyes wander once again. Taehoon then fixated his brown eyes towards your hair.
After contemplating for a few minutes, he decided to raise his hand and brush his fingers through your hair.
Feeling the gentle touch, you momentarily stop writing to register what was happening.
Taehoon was playing with your hair, watching closely how it moves as he twirled it around his fingers.
You just decided to ignore him and continue on with what you were doing. You started scribbling on your notebook, your messy handwriting filling up the page.
A few minutes have passed and you're finally done. Taehoon was still somehow playing with your hair, he didn't even speak once after he had started.
You slightly tilt your head towards his direction, raising an eyebrow when you noticed how he was zoning out while absentmindedly twisting a few strands of your hair into his index finger.
Taehoon felt your stare and finally snapped out of his thoughts. His auburn (?) eyes turned towards yours. He didn't speak and just continued to stare into your eyes. Without warning, he leaned in closer to your face without breaking eye contact.
You felt your heart skip a bit but managed to put on an unbothered facade. You're sure that if you gave any ounce of flustered reaction, he won't stop teasing you about it.
But gosh, did his lips look so tempting right now.
Your eyes subconsciously trailed down towards his lips for a few seconds before you noticed what you were doing and looked away. He was leaning towards you in a painfully slow pace and it was obvious that he's teasing you on purpose.
'Damn it..' you thought to yourself. A soft sigh escaped your lips before you finally decided to take the matter into your own hands —quite literally if I may add— you brought your hand up and grabbed the back of his head before pulling him closer and closing the distance between the two of you.
Taehoon froze in surprise as he felt your lips against his. He would never admit it but he felt his heart flutter. Slowly but surely, his lips started to move against yours and his eyes closed shut as he savoured the feeling of your kiss.
You pulled away after what felt like hours, and you could see a small smile on Taehoon's lips,
"Didn't know that you wanted me that much." He said, giving you a cocky smirk but the pink tint on his cheeks and ears betrayed how he truly felt.
"Oh, shut up." You rolled your eyes playfully before pulling him in for another kiss.
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lozchi · 2 months
I saw your last one shot with Taehoon and it's really cool, i like it a lot. could you write something with seong taehoon x fem reader, something soft where he is in middle school and he is in love with reader but they are not dating maybe before he met Do Woon or during their friendship(
A/N: saw the word "soft", couldn't reject Pairing: Taehoon Seong x F!Reader Themes: A lot more dialogue than usual, a little less language as well. :)
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Sunny skies, chirping birds, the fresh air, the indistinct chattering of the students fill the hallways - You happily skid your way past classrooms, feeling like everything is aligning perfectly.
That is until, Taehoon steps in front of you with a scowl. You might be wondering what’s exactly got him so riled up. Though you know he's unlikely to spill if you ask, it doesn't hurt to try, especially when it's you.
”What’s gotten you in such a pissy mood?” You inquire, noting the tension in his expression on his oh-so-handsome face.
Gosh, how long you could stare at his kissable lips, ruffle with his hair and—
”I’m not in a pissy mood.” He retorts, followed by a faint “hmph”.
Yup. He’s definitely pissed.
Without warning, he grabs your arm and drags you to the library.
”Ugh! What’s with you today?”
You try to shove him away, but Taehoon is immovable as ever.
It’s definitely not nothing, particularly when he's unusually clingy, like a child seeking protection from his mother. Sure, he’s probably got mommy issues, but it isn’t this bad to the point he’s looking for a substitute.
Anyway, you aren’t a mind reader. So you’re not gonna stop being an inquisitive bitch until you get an answer. But before you can even voice your thoughts, Taehoon starts muttering.
”Remember the guy you helped when some twerps were bothering him?” He asks, avoiding your gaze.
You take a moment to recall the incident he's referring to, realizing soon enough who he means.
”Uh-huh. That guy from class E, I think? What about him?”
A heavy silence fills the air. Taehoon struggles to find the right words to express what's bothering him. You raise a brow, awaiting an explanation while he still struggles to speak. For about 15 seconds, he keeps his grip on your arm, though it gradually loosens when he finally speaks up again.
”He wants to ask you out.”
He finally mutters, seeming to realize that his own feelings aren't really relevant to the situation.
You take a moment to absorb his words before playfully smacking him on the cheek, causing him to flinch at your unexpected action.
Are you… teasing him?
"Is that why you looked so pissed today?” You ask with a chuckle.
“Are you jeal-”
He bluntly replies, but his flushed face says so otherwise.
”Ugh, then why are you so troubled with the fact that he wants to ask me out?”
”I’m just, well…”
It's not like Taehoon has any right to be angry. After all, he spends most of his time with you, whether it's training in the dojang, playing Tekken at the arcade, or even the occasional sleepovers you both have. There's hardly a moment when you're apart, which might just stem from his internalized fear of being separated from you.
He's worried.
So worried, in fact, that the thought of having to let go of you terrifies him, consuming his thoughts entirely, that it’s probably inevitable that detatching himself from you is his only option.
”Forget it, just let me know when you’re going.” He finally concedes, his tone resigned.
Knowing Taehoon, it's either A.) he'll "casually" follow you during your date to "ensure your safety," or B.) the date won't happen at all. He won't fucking allow it. He won’t let it. No, not ever.
He releases your arm with a weary sigh, about to turn and leave, when you burst into laughter uncontrollably.
”Pfffft!\~ You’re so pathetic sometimes, y’know? How hard is it to admit that you’re jealous?”
”I am not!”
”You are\~”
You tease, a grin spreading across your face.
”Tch, whatever.”
He grumbles, unable to hide the slight flush creeping up his neck.
When you return to your classroom, a note sits on your desk, undoubtedly from the guy Taehoon mentioned. It reads, "Please meet me at the school gym after break.” the penmanship even better than yours and Taehoon’s combined.
”You’re not planning on going out with him, are ya?”
Taehoon asks, slyly slinging his arm around your shoulder.
”What do you think my answer will be?”
You reply smugly, pulling him closer.
”Das for you to tell me. What will it be?”
”Hmm, I dunno—”
”Oh, come on.”
Taehoon rolls his eyes in half-disbelief.
Soon enough, you make your way to the gym with Taehoon by your side. There's a bit of bickering and some comments from him about how it's a waste of time to go out with a schoolmate you barely speak to, suggesting it would be better to train with him instead.
As you spot the guy, Taehoon follows closely behind. You turn to face him, silently mouthing a "what" as he stays glued to your side.
”Dude, we need a moment.”
You whisper-shout, but he only rolls his eyes.
”Okay, fine. But if he does something wrong, just signal me and I won’t hesitate to jump him, kick his ass, ruin his life, fuck him up so bad- no, I don’t mean fuck fuck, but like ruin his life to the—”
And with that, you leave Taehoon behind, sighing hopelessly as he wonders if he'll ever muster the same courage as the boy confessing to you now. But for now, it seems like an impossible feat.
He watches from a distance, his expression stoic as he observes the bashful interaction between you and the boy.
”Fuck, maybe I am jealous.”
Taehoon grumbles, his lips pressing together tightly as his thoughts consume him.
What if he isn’t enough for you? What if his personality is a bit too much to handle? What if you really went out with someone else who isn’t- Taehoon? What if deep down, you know his feelings for you but you only decide to ignore because you’re not exactly sure how to reject him?
”What if—?”
"Taehoon, let's go."
You interject with a smile, breaking his train of thought. He stares back blankly as you inquire;
"You alright?”
A part of him—no, every fiber of his being wishes you had rejected the boy. He doesn't want you with anyone else. It's selfish, he knows, but he's unwilling to let you slip away, unwilling to waste a moment he can't spend with you. Fucking cringy as it may sound, it's the truth.
”What did you tell him?” Taehoon asks nonchalantly, trying to mask his inner turmoil.
"I told him if you couldn't come, I wasn't interested. Then he mentioned it was supposed to be a date, and you could come as the third wheel.” ”And then?” "I couldn't picture you agreeing to just being a third wheel, so I said no.”
You reply with a shrug.
Taehoon cartwheels internally, trying his hardest not to smile with the information you just gave him. He silently celebrates the fact that you prioritized HIM over a potential date. Deep down, he wants to shout with joy, scream “FUCK YEAH, TAKE THAT, PUSSY!” But of course, he suppresses all his emotions.
”Then, are you free after school tomorrow?” ”Uh-huh.” ”What about the day after tomorrow?” ”Yup!” ”And the day after that?” ”I have cram school but I’ll make some time for you.” ”What about the day after…”
As the two of you stroll outside the campus, engaged in a lighthearted, nonsensical conversation, Taehoon discreetly pulls out pieces of paper out of his pockets.
"What are those?" You inquire, your curiosity piqued by his secretive actions.
He replies casually, though there's a mischievous glint in his eye as he swiftly empties his pockets, throwing a collection of love letters from other students (that have been sent your way, perhaps out of protectiveness or simply to spare you the hassle of dealing with them yourself)into a nearby bin.
He clings onto your arm once more; ”Nothing important at all.”
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phsmloves · 1 year
Taehoon: Go fuck yourself. Y/N: Fuck me yourself, coward.
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inzsanewrites · 1 year
I Do/Don’t Like You
Seong Taehoon/Taehun X Reader
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He didn’t like you.
He didn’t think about you all day.
And he sure as hell wasn’t hoping for you to approach him.
Or at least that’s what Taehoon told himself as he fixated his gaze on you talking to Yeonwoo across the room.
You two didn’t know each other well at all. He could count the number of times you two had actually communicated on his fingers, the very first being when you had patched Yeonwoo up after they had fought. An incident that you thankfully didn’t hold against him.
At that time, it had only been a brief eye contact, but now it seemed that it was much more him.
Due to his poor school attendance and the fact that your classes never overlapped, he didn’t see you much. But when he did…
It would be engraved in his memory.
Even if you didn’t see him, he saw you and that was enough to keep him up at night, thinking about how he could approach you next time.
And for all those reasons and more he was disgusted with himself, and…
He didn’t like you.
He didn’t like the way the sunlight reflected off of you perfectly.
He didn’t like the way your smile gave him heart palpitations.
Taehoon shook his head crazily.
No. No. NO.
He didn’t like-
A soft tap on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts, and when he turned there was you in all your glowing beauty.
“Hi, Taehoon.”
Fuck, he liked you.
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narcissistshandler · 8 months
hello! Can I request a Taehun Seong x Top Male Reader x Yeonu Ji? Where the two compete on who can make the reader cum first? Like they are blowing the reader off in Yeonu bedroom, and the reader is desperately trying to cum but the two makes it hard since they keep unintentionally edging him because they keep arguing.
And then the reader has enough then just force his dick into their mouth and cums (you can pick on who's mouth the reader cums into), and basically ends with the reader fucking them until they can't think anymore, if it's alright with you
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✧ 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 male reader x ji yeonwoo x seong taehoon
✧ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 amab!reader, blowjob (reader receiving), top!reader, bottom!yeonwoo, bottom&top!taehoon, light sub/dom dynamic, unintentional edging
✧ 𝖠/𝖭 I think this was lighter than you wanted, but I hope you like it anyway. Just three more requests, hang in there with me.
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Your eyes fell closed, pure darkness filling your vision and a deep moan rising in the throat as you felt soft lips closing around the tip of your cock just above where the calloused fingers gripped the length. Your head was thrown back in pleasure, the sucking gentle and enthusiastic as Yeonwoo did his best to take you all the way into his mouth. His every movement was careful and experimental, as if he had studied up on how to give someone a blowjob and knowing your boyfriend well, you knew this could very well be the case.
As much as you wanted to thrust yourself deep into his soft mouth, to have more of that heat and wetness and those fingers tentatively pulling your cock while licking and sucking you, you didn't. You let him explore, watch your reactions and learn little by little even if the heat growing under your skin demanded otherwise.
After a long twenty minutes of being graced with Yeonwoo's enthusiastic touches and licks, you could no longer contain the urgency bubbling in your stomach. Your breathing quickened and your mouth opened, about to give warning as you felt the tremor start your his legs.
But apparently there was a person there more impatient with Yeonwoo's study than you.
"You're doing this wrong. Breathe through your nose." Came Taehoon's voice, his tone full of amusement despite the twinge of judgment. "Hold it tighter," he said, despite the instructions he seemed to mock your boyfriend. "Open your mouth wider."
And you could tell that even though Yeonwoo might be giving Taehoon an annoyed look, he still promptly followed the instructions, believing the tips given. His fingers tightened around you and your hips threatened to move when just the tip of your cock slid too close to his throat, the need building in your stomach, ready to snap...
Yeonwoo immediately backed away, coughing.
You opened your eyes, ready to make sure he was okay even though that construction had been brutally interrupted and all you wanted was to pull Yeonwoo back to you and push your dick back into his mouth, until you came deep down his throat.
“You don’t need to follow everything Taehoon says,” you reassured him, your voice deep and your breathing slowly slowing down from its labored pace. Your dick twitching in Yeonwoo's hand when you saw his flushed face, the glasses crooked on his nose and the saliva running down the lips.
Yeonwoo and Taehoon were kneeling at your feet. Yeonwoo naked, his own red and hard dick dangling between his legs, Taehoon on the other hand was just shirtless, his firm, well-worked muscles exposed and his tight black pants low on his hips, an obvious erection pressing against the fabric.
"You can do whatever you prefer, don't be in a rush."
Yeonwoo wiped the saliva running down his chin and a sweet smile curved his full lips. "Right."
“And it’s okay to choke,” Taehoon continued as if you hadn’t said anything. "[name] likes it when we choke on his dick."
Yeonwoo looked at you as if he was waiting for confirmation or denial, but Taehoon wasn't wrong, so you diverted the subject so that Yeonwoo wouldn't feel obligated to give you a deep throat. “I like whatever you two do,” you said and looked at your cock twitching between Yeonwoo’s fingers. "Do you want to continue?"
Taehoon smiled, half mocking your response and pressed Yeonwoo to the side with his shoulder. "Move on, my turn."
Yeonwoo rolled his eyes, but moved to the side and let Taehoon take his previous position. The hand that held you was gone, the heat and tightness denying you the pleasure, but Taehoon's larger, more experienced hand soon covered you, thumb pressing against the sensitive head as he pulled you in familiar slow thrusts, so firm, it almost became painful. Oh.
You moaned, Taehoon's warm, amused eyes watching your reactions as he leaned in and licked at the leaking slit.
“Fuck,” you cursed, one hand shooting out to grab a fistful of his brown hair.
Taehoon's pride-filled laugh sent a beam of heat through your stomach, his hot breath hitting your length wet with the mixture of his and Yeonwoo's saliva. Without breaking eye contact, he opened his mouth and took more of your length into his mouth, his outstretched tongue trailing along the bottom in a damn erotic display.
Taehoon was good at this, so good at everything he did, it was almost unfair.
Yeonwoo watched Taehoon's movements, seeming to make mental notes as he was unable to stop doing even at a time like these.
He leaned against your hips, kissing wherever he could reach while focusing his attention on how Taehoon swallowed your cock without much difficulty. Your other hand ran through his dark hair, a gentler reflection contrary to your fingers gripping Taehoon's hair.
"Let me try again," Yeonwoo said, there was a tone in his voice that indicated it wasn't a request at all, his hand shooting out to grab the part of his dick that was exposed when Taehoon pulled away. You inhaled deeply as you tried to push Taehoon back down. You needed this, badly.
Taehoon however, pulled away easily, despite the painful tug on his hair. The muscle in your leg twitched at the lost heat of Taehoon's mouth and you sighed deeply, leaving your boyfriends to argue and negotiate amongst themselves about sucking your cock, even though the urgency and need grew by the second, now having release denied for the second time.
"Wait your turn." Taehoon licked his lower lip, collecting the drop of saliva there, trying to displace Yeonwoo's grip with his free hand.
Yeonwoo didn't pull back, fingers closing tighter around you in response to Taehoon's movement, his short nails dug into your skin and you grunted in response, feeling like you could cum like this, with the pain and the pleasure and Taehoon and Yeonwoo arguing on your feet. They fought for power over your cock like a tug of war, neither of them backing down.
“You’re going to rip my dick off like this,” you growled, pulling both of their hair as a small form of punishment. What you really wanted was to bend them over the bed and spank their asses until they couldn't walk straight.
"Rock, paper and scissors?" Yeonwoo tried.
"Taehoon. Yeonwoo."
"Don't be stupid," was Taehoon's response, both of them ignoring the bite of scolding in your voice.
"So how do you want to do this?" asked Yeonwoo, as he took his hand away with a roll of his eyes. Taehoon also let go of you and seemed to consider a response. "Do you want to take tunes and whoever makes him cum first wins?"
Fuck this, you thought as you grabbed your dick and began to masturbate in quick, urgent jerks. You moaned loudly and their attention immediately turned to you, seeming irritated by your initiative to touch yourself. The displeasure on both their faces dissolved within seconds though, and they both leaned forward with their mouths open, tongues lolling out, and eyes shining expectantly. There was a little personal dispute there, you could say.
The muscle in your thigh pulled, shock traveling down your spine. Your free hand tugged at Yeonwoo's hair, bringing his face closer to Taehoon's, just seconds before your balls tightened and your dick pulsed, shooting thick ropes of cum that landed on Taehoon and Yeonwoo's touching tongues in an erotic scene, on the lenses of Yeonwoo's glasses and on one of Taehoon's sharp cheeks.
Curses left your mouth, feeling beads of sweat roll down your stomach as you continued to masturbate through the orgasm.
"Precocious," Taehoon teased as he swallowed, fingers catching what splashed on his face and bringing it into his mouth.
Yeonwoo just moaned, leaning down to lick the tip of your dick, and then suck, wanting to extract every drop from you. You continued to pull your cock through the hot sensitivity, feeling yourself spill even more into Yeonwoo's soft mouth.
"You two are a tease, you know that?" You grunted between your teeth and pulled Yeonwoo back to take him off your dick, then leaned down and kissed him, tasting yourself on his lips. "Get into bed, boy, my turn to play."
Yeonwoo was eager, getting on all fours in the middle of the bed and shaking his butt in the air. You stood up and gently slapped one of his small ass cheeks, which earned you a moan. Despite the sensitivity, you wanted nothing more than to fuck them into the mattress until your dick could no longer get hard.
“You too, Taehoon,” you ordered then, your voice breathless.
"What should I do?" he questioned, unbuttoning and pushing his pants and underwear down his legs, leaving him completely naked in the middle of the room. His dick was dripping wet, the tip an angry red. And he walked slowly to the bed, letting you drink in his nakedness.
Taehoon climbed onto the bed on his knees, the smile never falling from his lips. It was a little funny how Taehoon always seemed in control, even when asking for instructions and you knew he loved taking orders.
“I want you to enter Yeonwoo.” The reaction to the words were instantaneous, both of your boyfriends groaning at the mere thought of it.
Taehoon was more eager than usual, sticking his slender fingers into Yeonwoo's already stretched and lubricated hole to make sure he was stretched enough, before lining up his cock and pushing inside. The sounds they both made filled the room, overlapping. Taehoon grunted with his fingers squeezing Yeonwoo's slim hips, who promptly rocked back, taking Taehoon as deep as possible.
You had to squeeze your own cock to keep yourself from cumming once again as you watched the sight your boyfriends made together. Taehoon stopped moving once he sank completely into Yeonwoo's heat, panting as he waited for your permission.
Reaching for the bottle of lube, you moved even closer to the bed, standing behind Taehoon's tall, muscular figure. After wetting your fingers, you pulled one of his skinny ass cheeks away and touched his tight, dry hole. A sigh fell from Taehoon's mouth.
Unlike Yeonwoo who used to prepare alone, Taehoon was a little shy when it came to playing with that place and so he always let you or Yeonwoo stretch him.
“Fuck him,” you said, as you slid the first finger inside Taehoon, who clenched tightly around the intrusion. His hips shot out in one thrust, firm and urgent. Yeonwoo shouted. “Slowly,” you scolded him, using your free hand to pull his hips back and against you, letting your finger sink deeper. "Don't be in a rush, we still have plenty of time." And if Yeonwoo's father decided to arrive early from work, then well, he would have a not-so-fun surprise when he entered his son's room.
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likeaparkj · 5 months
Taehoon was confused. He didn't know if he should worry for his dad's mental health or be offended.
He had just commented to the old man that the father of his girlfriend would like to have dinner with them.
Since then, the man was walking around their house worried about everything.
First he told Taehoon to put on his suit and then he went to clean every visible place in the house.
His father wasn't doing this without a reason.
Hansoo remembers all the times that his friends, who have daughters, freaked out at the mention of their daughters hanging out with boys.
He really liked the girl that Taehoon miraculously managed to date and he was scared that her father wouldn't approve of his son.
He managed to prepare everything the way he imagined, he was satisfied. He cooked and cleaned the entire day. When Taehoon told him that his girlfriend and her dad were on the way he almost freaked out again.
When the guests arrived his mind went blank.
For the first time his son wasn't the problem.
He was.
The girl's dad was an old friend of his.
Said friend who after a big fight wasn't a friend anymore.
Said fight that started because Hansoo tried to steal the other guy's girlfriend.
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minxyjae · 8 months
Imagining Taehoon Seong with an overly flexible reader.
Like, imagine him pounding into you, over and over again, just splitting you open. But when he notices how much your back is arched because of him? He absolutely loses it
❝𝘛-𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘯 𝘴'𝘵𝘰𝘰─ 𝙝𝙖𝙝 ─𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩-❞ he grunted into your neck feeling your walls clench around him tightly. You felt his speed slow down as he lifted himself off your body to look at your face again.
Your breaths became heavy when Taehoon stopped to catch his breath. During that his eyes travelled down to your stomach until his hips twitched when he saw how much your back was arched.
He felt the tiredness wash away as he instantly returned back to thrusting into you without a warning ❝𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘬𝘬- 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺-❞ he grunted. One of his hands roamed to your back as he encouraged you to arch it more, the other hand was still firm on your hips.
You moaned and whined at the sheer feeling of him inside you. You gripped the sheets harder as your eyes rolled back.
You're in for a long night
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lheslie · 3 months
Taehoon Falling in love
Taehoon doesn't get the Idea of dating someone.
He's the typical person who likes to do his daily life normally.
Taehoon doesn't lack love from parents. If anything he's full of love and care from his parents.
So Taehoon wasn't in a rush into falling in love, in his head love is love and it'll come when it'll come.
He spends his time doing Taekwondo everyday for him that's love and passion for something.
He loves Taekwondo. For him love isn't just about relationship like getting a significant other.
It's family, friends and much more.
He doesn't show it but he does care.
He didn't have any thoughts of love.
Whenever he looks at people who are together he has a weird sensation as it lools cringey.
Especially whenever he sees his parents show affection.
"Get a fucking room-"
"Who taught you to speak like that?!" Taehoon's mother raised.
He mostly observes his surroundings when he doesn't do shit.
One thing he discovered that people like you either for appearance, money, status, or power.
Whenever he sleeps in class or go to random places he can hear people chitchatting about dating or getting heart broken.
Whenever someone confesses to him he blantantly says no.
He won't indulge himself in something he doesn't want to.
When he met you something different happened.
He was feeling sensations that he had never felt, He was weird to it.
He didn't know how to respond to this so he kept quiet and thought about it.
He kept on his day and normally acted how he always acted.
But he has the urge to see you whenever he remembers you, he has the want to hear your voice or just be in your presence.
Something he had never felt. He was an alien to this feeling which can result to him getting irritated and poured it out on you.
He would always harass you.
"Hey, You got 500 Won?"
"Hey, Come with me." and he would drag you to the arcade and you just sit next to him while he plays tekken.
You try to ask why he's doing this but he just ignores you.
He just doesn't do anything and he does it more often.
And it was all a silent ride. He liked it.
It was weird.
Of course in the end he had to ask someone about it. Who else would have wisdom and knowledge but his father?
"Ah that's love." His father said.
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wannaeatramyeon · 4 months
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Military Service
Final chapter spoiler! G/N. Fluff.
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Your presence slips into stories with other troops. Places you visited together, things you both experienced, time spent side by side.
"Did you used to hang out at the arcade on your own?" A fellow soldier asks Taehoon.
Taehoon thinks of your face lit up in the artificial glow, his battle victories and KO reflected in your eyes. He responds to the question with a shrug.
It used to be true, after Do Woon, then it wasn't true at all once he met you.
"Are you stupid? Of course Haeundae beach is the best!" A voice pipes up amidst the mess hall chatter.
"Boring." Someone else dismisses, "Everyone always goes there. Overcrowded."
That's one way to put Taehoon's time with you and the Yoo Hobin Company at Daecheon beach, another well known tourist spot.
He spent most of the time annoyed on the train journey, irritated on the sand, shoulder barging people on the pier, and growling at men ogling you for too long.
But then you two ended up drinking on the pier alone that night; you swaying from drinking too much and Taehoon stone cold sober-
"You're really bad tempered you know," you narrow your eyes at Taehoon, who whips his head round at your slurred speech and scowls, "and your personality is definitely something. You're abrasive and mean and hotheaded." 
Taehoon’s eyebrows shoot into his hairline at this unprovoked attack.
"How you have any friends I don't even know. It's like people are attracted to you being an asshole. I suppose I can't talk." You tap your chin, deep in thought and oblivious to how much he looks on the brink of storming off, "Though... I guess you're sweet in your own way. You're cute too. Especially when you pout. I don't pout!" You taunt, in a tone eerily similar to his and you cackle at your own hilarious impression.
Taehoon subtly stops his bottom lip jutting out.
"And you look after me. Even if you also deny that." You direct a drunken grin his way, and don't notice that he doesn't look mad anymore. You didn't even realise he was mad in the first place. "Your disrespect for my personal space is sometimes infuriating too but often hot." You take a swig of your beer muttering, "I don't know why I'm telling you this." 
Taehoon smirks, leaning into your space, holding your chin between his thumb and forefinger, and tilting you up to face him.
"Hot, huh?"
"Asshole," you breathe. You don't know whether the rush of blood to your cheeks is a result of the alcohol or something else.
Taehoon arches an eyebrow, incredulous at your audacity. "I'm the asshole? After everything you just said? You want me to beat you up?"
You huff, looking anywhere but him. "I don't really think you're an asshole. Most of the time. I think I just... I really like you."
You had your first kiss that night. 
You always tell everyone you don't know who kissed who, and Taehoon is surprisingly gentlemanly enough not to say. 
But you remember leaning in first, feeling his gasp-turned-chuckle-turned-sigh on your lips.
His lungs are on fire, heart thumping in his ears, sweat dripping down his face 
Put through his paces with an 80lb pack on his back, paying for his cocky attitude in the first month to his superiors.
He feels their eyes, impressed though lips curled, as he finishes the 6am drills first yet again. 
"Shit!" Taehoon turns to see a private finishing behind him, a good minute slower, before dropping to all fours and dry heaving.
"H-How the fuck are you so fast? Who did you train with?"
Technically his dad. Taehoon gives his answer, clipped and curt.
What he doesn't mention is you sitting in the dojo all those evenings and nights and early mornings too. In the corner on your laptop, surrounded by books, half falling asleep. Or simply - watching.
What he also doesn't mention, nor has he ever confessed, is that your presence spurs him on to work harder, kick harder, punch harder.
If just for the way your face lights up, mouth forming an 'o', the occasional applause when he's been particularly impressive.
He calls you cringe every time.
Yet he has never mentioned how his chest puffs with pride at your praise, but he thinks it may have been obvious anyway.
Taehoon spots you, back to him, gently swaying to the music on your own. No doubt eyes on Rumi and Wangguk’s first dance as husband and wife, like everyone else.
Your hair looks longer, though of course it is. It's been months.
Self consciousness creeps in. Taehoon wonders if you mind that he hasn't had time to change, his bomber jackets untouched for so long. He wonders if you will like his hair, short and natural, military standard.
Most of all-
If you will still feel the same. After all, young love is fickle, flighty, fleeting.
He swallows down his nervousness and ignores the fluttering in his stomach.
You feel an arm curling round your waist. The weight of the hand and the heat of the embrace you've dreamt about for nights on end.
"I've been waiting for you," you whisper.
Taehoon kisses you. It feels like the first time, on the sun bleached pier, all those years ago.
Except, he leans in first. 
The softness of your lips just as he remembers, and tonight, he feels your pleased sigh ghosting his skin.
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gojocp · 4 months
Hi, I read that you write for HTF and if possible, could you write nsfw one shot (or headcanons) about seong taehoon x reader, about their first time, how he will behave and how everything will go, if you can't do it, thats okay
first time w/ taehoon
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wc: 495 featuring: taehoon seong
a/n: hey hey!! sorry this took so long.. i was debating whether or not to write this req cuz i haven't written smut/nsfw before but i decided i'll do it anyway (writing this made me kinda shy). pls bear with me, if this is trash im really sorry. hope you enjoy!
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when i think of first time sex with taehoon, i think he’d be pretty sweet, taking it slow and all
honestly, he’s really attractive, so everything about him is (including that)
he’s prob pretty big
here is how i think it’d play out:
The room is dark as you feel your back hit the mattress of your shared bed, Taehoon hovering on top of you. He leans closer and presses his lips against yours hungrily, his tongue molding against yours. He pulls away as you begin to tug at his sweatpants,
“Are you sure?”
You nod eagerly, stripping out of your own clothes. You pull him in for another kiss and he crawls on top of you again. He removes his clothing and starts placing open-mouthed kisses along your neck, finding a spot and sucking on it. You let out a gasp as his thumb rubs along your nipples, stiff from the cold.
He trails kisses down to your collarbone, moving further to your breasts. He lets out a breath of air right above your other breast, his lips mere centimeters away from your nipples.
“(y/n)… are you really sure?” he asks again, his eyes meeting yours.
That’s all it takes for Taehoon to trap your nipple in his mouth, he sucks on it as one hand slides lower and lower, resting on the inside of your thigh. You let out a soft moan, calling out his name. He switches to the other side, sucking.
After a bit, he pulls away and instructs you to lift your hips, sliding a pillow underneath. He slides on a condom and pushes your legs apart, aligning himself with you. Slowly, he pushes past your folds and buries himself in you. He lets out a groan as he feels you clench around him. He hovers over you, kissing you as he gives you time to adjust to the added stretch of his cock.
Your arms wrap around him as you give him the okay to move. He slides out and slams back in, his tip hitting the sensitive spot deep inside of you. You let out a gasp at the sudden movement and scratch his back, causing him to pause his movements.
“shit.. Sorry.” He lets out a breath and starts moving again.
He moves slower this time, slowly moving in and out of you.
“F-faster…” you moan out, running your fingers through the hairs at his nape.
“Greedy, aren’t you?” Nonetheless, he complies and moves faster pulling out and slamming back in again. His thrusts are more aggressive as he ruts into you.
Your thighs tremble as you reach your high, “Taehoon… I’m gonna-..”
He pulls you into another kiss. You moan against his lips and cum, clenching around him. He continues to thrust into you, reaching his own high.
Panting, he slowly pulls out and removes his condom, tossing it out. He cleans you both up and you fall asleep cuddled close to him.
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mintpurrfect · 4 months
Hi, I really like your work, If possible could you please write a one shot with Taehoon from biral hit and his s/o where his father caught them kissing and what his reaction would be, how he will behave, if not then everything is fine
⩇:⩇⩇ — kiss it better
⤿synopsys﹕ seong taehoon is the type of person who most people classify as "cool". so it was rather unexpected yet somewhat hilarious to find out from his father that he used to be such a clumsy and dumb kid. which he still is.
⤿character﹕ seong taehoon x gn!reader
⤿genre﹕ fluff
⤿warnings﹕ it's mostly just cursing and probably my bad grammar and spellings, but other than that, there's none. not proofread.
⤿note﹕ it's been awhile! I recently just saw this (cuz tumblr didn't give me a notification once again) so I rushed through this since I've got a small burst of inspiration lmao. There's also another anon who asked for a Taehoon fic so, here you go! I hope you guys enjoy this<3
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Taehoon was an asshole.
That is what you're currently thinking as you sit down crossed-legged on the floor of the dojang as you stare up at Taehoon who was standing before you.
“You're such an ass!” you exclaimed loudly, glaring at him as you gently rub your forehead.
He grabbed a water bottle and took a sip, completely ignoring your whole existence. This, of course, made you even more annoyed.
How dare he flick you on the forehead really hard and act as if nothing happened? He's absolutely heartless!
“That hurt, you jerk!” once again, you expressed how you were currently feeling, grumbling under your breath about how much of an annoying and mean bastard he was.
As you continued to sulk while still sitting on the floor with a frown on your face, Taehoon's gaze wandered over you, lingering for a few seconds before a soft sigh left his lips.
“Damn it... Let me see.” he mumbled before crouching in front of you, reaching forward and carefully lifting your chin up.
He checked your forehead and saw that it was slightly red, making him realise that he might have used too much strength than intended.
You watch him while remaining silent, noticing how his lips were formed into a thin line and how his eyes narrowed as he observed the red mark on your forehead.
He honestly looks like he's ready to murder someone with how scary and tense his face was. You wonder what other people would think if they saw the two of you in this position. Maybe they would assume that he was threatening you to give him your money or something similar.
As your mind wanders away in your own little world, you failed to register that Taehoon had inched closer, his face nearing yours before his lips made contact with your skin.
It took you a moment to process what was happening, still trying to make sense that Taehoon's lips are on your forehead, softly kissing it.
You blinked a few times in utter confusion and surprise when he pulled away and made eye contact with you. He brought his hand up from your chin towards the side of your face, cupping your cheek as he stared into your eyes.
“There, do you feel better now?” He asks in a casual tone, his face stoic yet the tinge of pink on his cheeks and ears didn't go unnoticed by you, but you decided not to comment on it.
You smiled teasingly, shaking your head, “Nope, it still hurts. Maybe you should kiss me here instead.” you said, pointing towards your lips and puckering it up for extra effect.
Taehoon grumbled, rolling his eyes and averting his gaze for a moment before letting out a deep breath and looking at you with an annoyed expression.
“You little sh... Ugh, fine, but you better stop whining after this and get back to practise, okay?”
And with that, he closed the gap between the two of you, his lips meeting yours in a soft, tender kiss.
You smiled and closed your eyes before kissing him back, enjoying the sweet kiss the two of you shared. His lips were soft against yours and the way he was caressing your skin, drawing small circles on your cheek with his thumb while he kisses you in the most gentle way made your heart flutter.
Lost in the moment, the both of you failed to notice someone opening the door, “Taehoon, could you help me with moving these boxes inside–”
A thud can be heard along with a rather loud gasp, making the two of you pull away from each other and turn towards the source of the noise.
There stood, a wide-eyed Seong Hanseo, who was dramatically covering his mouth with a hand and the box he had was dropped by his feet.
There was an awkward silence that enveloped the dojang for what felt like an eternity, when suddenly, the middle-aged man's face became serious.
You and Taehoon tensed up, preparing yourselves for a scolding to come from the old man. Although, a few moments ticked by and it didn't come. Instead, what greeted the two of you was a father who looked like he was about to cry.
“Ah... You're really grown now... I can still remember the days when I was still changing your diapers like it was yesterday.” Hanseo said, looking towards the large glass window with a reminiscent expression on his face.
“I remember when you were very little, you cried when you accidentally stepped on a dog's poo–”
“Dad, shut up!” Taehoon shouted standing up from his crouched position, glaring daggers at his old man with his face completely red as a riped strawberry.
“Oh, and there was also this time when you fell and slipped down face first when you tried running down the playground slide–”
The day ended with you learning about a bunch of blackmail materials childhood stories of Taehoon. He, unfortunately for him, also had to sit and listen as his father embarrassed him in front of you.
He just knows that you will tease him endlessly about all the things his father was telling you about.
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lozchi · 4 months
Hello friend! Can I request Taehoon with a reader who loves to dance? (Not professionally but they’ll do it while they’re cooking or cleaning or something like that.) And one day Taehoon hears a song that reminds him of the reader and starts to do some of their moves. No pressure! I hope you have a great one!😁
A/N: Goodness, I love the idea. My self-shipping ass actually thought of this at some point. Sorry that this took so long! I've been pretty busy in life and I only finished reading Viral Hit today. @ryusuisloveinterest  Pairing: Taehoon Seong x GN!Reader Themes: Fluff, petnames, Taehoon being a wuss
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Taehoon finds it cute, really. It wasn't just that he found it cute; it was more like an electrifying sensation that coursed through his veins. Maybe it's just the way he's captivated by your movements, or perhaps it's just the way how your face lights up as you'd dance as if nobody were watching.
But honestly, the music choice could be better. Who in their right fucking mind listens to "phonk"? " It was as though someone had taken a blender to a cacophony of dissonant noises, mixed it with Snapper and Hobin’s yelling and called it music.
"Ughhhh- Make it stop."
Taehoon groans, rolling his eyes in discontentment.
"Nuh-uh. I ain't gonna."
As the pulsating bass throbs through the air, you find yourself swaying to the rhythm, your body moving confidently despite the mediocre music assaulting both of your ears. With each step, you defy the ear-bleeding tunes. Your eyes sparkle with an infectious joy as you twirl and spin, lost in a world where only your happiness matters.
The bass may be shit, but your energy soars above it, overshadowing the limitations of the melody. In your dance, there's a magic that makes Taehoon forget about the shitty song; Turning the ordinary into something extraordinary.
Fuck. You’ve got Taehoon smiling like an idiot. When he notices it, he quickly wipes it off, but it's not too late for you to catch his affectionate gaze.
”The fuck ya want?”
He scowls, only for you to return a smirk.
Dashing around the house, frantically searching through your drawers for something to wear, you disturb a very peaceful Taehoon (a rare sight, wow) engaged in a phone call with his dad. He might have overlooked your antics if he hadn't noticed you making a beeline for the door.
“Babe, I’m off to Rumi’s for a bit. Don’t forget to give Tiger his medication!”
Peppering kisses all over his face, he lets out a resigned sigh.
”At this hour? I don’t think so. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
It's not as if Taehoon is in any position to lecture. His sleeping schedule is even more fucked up than yours. Yeah, he admits to himself that it may be hypocritical to tell you not to go out so late and possibly cause danger to yourself when he does it too. Which is why, without uttering a word, you lock eyes with him, and he relents.
”Just get back safely or call me, alright?”
And the master negotiator (without negotiating) wins again.
”Mhm, I’ll be back”
Before you leave, Taehoon kisses back (followed by a flick on the forehead, because he’s the bitchiest of all bitches). He could’ve sworn he heard Hansu chuckling through the other side of the phone. This old man can only gush about this very moment.
Tranquility, at last. No jarring phonk music assaulting his poor fucking ears, no impromptu silly dances disrupting the peace. But amidst this newfound calm, Taehoon finds himself missing it all. (It’s only been a minute-) Now he actually doesn’t mind the music you play. He could be calling Hobin to come over, play some video games, talk to his dad again but he’s probably too embarrassed to hear his father bring up how soft he was earlier.
”Come here, you lil’ rascal. It’s time for your meds”
He calls out to your cat, who dutifully obeys, padding over to Taehoon's side.
And it wasn’t long before Taehoon finds himself listening to your carefully curated phonk playlist on Spotify. The beats pulse through his earphones, he pictures you leaping around the room, your laughter filling the space as you lose yourself in the music's infectious energy. And suddenly, the absence of your hijinks feels like a void he hadn't realized was there.
”How does Y/N go about it again? Like this?”
Taehoon mutters to himself, attempting to mimic your dance moves.
If only your cat could talk, it would regale you with TEA of Taehoon's comical attempts to imitate your silly movements. Despite his status as a taekwondo prodigy, his body just doesn't seem to move in the same fluid way as yours. It's a sight to behold, watching him stumble and flail around the room, his efforts more resembling a worm sprinkled with salt than a seasoned dancer.
He hisses, now cringing to himself and glad you aren’t around to see how shit-
With a sheepish grin, you approach the door, your keys conspicuously absent from your hand.
”Gah, how could I forget my phone out of all things?! I hope Taehoon’s asleep by now, otherwise I’d have to deal with his bickering, and- Taehoooon?”
As you reach for the handle, you're met with an unexpected sight: Taehoon, in all his clumsy glory, attempting to replicate your dance moves with a level of finesse that could only be described as the equivalent of the Hobin Yoo Company's chaos. Caught off guard by the scene unfolding before you, you can't help but burst into laughter, momentarily forgetting the reason you needed to enter the room in the first place.
”Is this what you do when I’m not around?”
And then, just when you think it couldn't get any cringier, he manages to stub his toe on the corner of the coffee table.
Taehoon clears his throat, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment in your presence, a rare occurrence for someone usually so composed. But his embarrassment is momentarily overshadowed by his curiosity as to why you've returned so quickly.
"Anyway, why are you here already? Not that I don’t mind, but—"
You bashfully avert your gaze to the ground, a nervous chuckle escaping your lips.
"I forgot my phone…"
"Tsk! Do you really have to be this irresponsible sometimes?!? What could’ve happened if you didn’t get in contact with me?"
Taehoon pulls you into a tight hug, his worry palpable in the embrace. But amidst his concerns, you can't help but sense his underlying desire to distract you from the awkwardness of his recent dance attempt.
A part of you acknowledges his genuine concern, but another part recognizes this as one of his subtle ways to divert your attention from the potential blackmail material you just witnessed. Despite his attempt to shift the focus, his affectionate (but tsundere) nature somehow manages to shine through.
”Why were you-”
”We don’t talk about that.”
”Shush, or I won’t let you go back to Rumi’s.”
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k-dokja · 3 months
If it's not bothersome, i missed your taehoon writing :) (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
Two parts ✌️
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It is late afternoon, and you are in a corner of the cafe near your school.
Graduation would be in a few months and by now, the troubles Taehoon's friends had with that crime lord or whatever he was had ended. Taehoon's back to being a normal student again. Normal as he can be with his reputation, anyway.
You, however, never stopped being a normal student. By that, it means you've been worrying about your education while Taehoon was hanging out with his friends, busting crime rings, beating criminals up, and caring about anything except his studying.
"I got an offer last week," you explain, "the scholarship will be good for my tuition, and—"
"Fuck that," Taehoon cuts in, "when did you even apply for a scholarship?"
He leans back in his chair. The golden sunshine casts on his brown hair and turns them almost blonde. His features soften under this lighting, accentuated by an ethereal glow. He almost looks angelic, but the effect is marred by the scowl on his face.
"I've been applying for them since last year," you shrug, "I just... never thought to tell you about it."
"So, that's it?" Taehoon glares at you, "You already made the decision without telling me?"
You bite down on your lower lip. A long sigh escapes past your lips before you lean back in your seat. "I didn't tell my friends about applying. I didn't want to create any false hope or expectation."
"But I'm not one of your friends," he grumbles, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "I'm your boyfriend. I'm meant to be the one you can share things you can tell others with."
Belatedly, his eyes widen before he fixates them to yours. "Did you even tell me about this first?"
You sink in your seat under the scrutiny of his gaze. "Well..." It's a little pathetic how you can't even admit this to him, but that doesn't matter when the truth is written on your face.
Taehoon presses his slips together, and you notice the way his fist clenches under the table. He inhales for a long moment, then exhales, slumping back in his seat. "Whatever," he clenches his jaw, "when will you be gone?"
"I have about three months for preparation after graduation," you tell him before continuing, "and then..."
"How long will you be gone?" Taehoon doesn't hesitate to ask. "Will you come back for holidays and the like? Where are you even going anyway?"
You swallow. If you answer more, it would only give him the false hope that you are trying to work this out with him. Because you can see him trying to work it out with you. He's frustrated with you and angry with the situation, but he loves you. He'd probably overcome all of the hassles to stay with you. All the time difference, all the late-night phone calls, all the long days going without seeing each other.
It will take a toll on both of you. Eventually. Inevitably.
That's why you don't want to string him along.
"Taehoon," you say, far calmer than before, "let's put an end to this."
Here in the secluded corner of the cafe, the silence is impossibly loud.
He gazes downwards at the drink in front of you before his shock fades away and leaves behind nothing but scorn. "Fine," his scoff is twisted by a smile, "probably for the best anyway."
"A long-distance—"
"Wouldn't work, yeah, whatever," he crosses his arms before meeting your eyes with his arrogant ones. "I get it, I heard that before when you broke up with that uptight asshole you dated. I just thought..."
Taehoon's gaze eventually turns upwards, before he abruptly stands up. "Actually, fuck this." He leaves before you have the chance to say anything else, rushing past the people and the tables to reach the exit. You know you should chase after him, you should apologize at the very least.
It wouldn't matter anyway, his path and yours are diverging. That's the problem with growing up, you can't stay rooted in the same spot with him. Not when it can drag you down.
This is for the best. This has to be.
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giyuu-is-lonely7 · 7 months
Spice: Taehoon Seong x F!reader
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A/N: I got lazy near the end and I apologise if he's OOC. Haven't edited yet.
Warnings: none, maybe implied sexual content near the end
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“You’re so shit and handing spicy food” You laughed as you watched Taehoon down a glass of milk. His glare did nothing, if anything you cracked up even more. A pale milk moustache was evident on his equally pale skin. This boy really thought he could scare you with a glare after you watched him fail at eating the spicy ramen.
His arm came up to his mouth to wipe the milk mou off his face. You were seated at his families' dining table, a bowl of instant ramen in front of you with a pair of chopsticks sticking out from it. Taehoon had invited you over to watch a movie as it was a shit day with even shittier weather, you’d just finished editing his video when he called you over. This was not what you expected though, to be laughing at the guy who would kill someone for even looking at him funny.
“Shut Up.” 
You just couldn’t, if he couldn’t handle the spice why’d he even bother putting it in his ramen. He made his way back to the table with a glass of milk for himself, none for you, you noted. Taehoon was obviously getting ticked off now, so you did your best to calm down. It was quite the show, his once pale face becoming red suddenly out of nowhere. With a finale chuckle, you let a sigh of air pass through your mouth.
“Sorry, sorry.” The tears on the corner of your eyes begged to be released, but you quickly wiped them away so Taehoon wouldn’t know about them. His brows twitched with slight anger, he didn’t like to be laughed at.
“So is this the real reason why you don’t like spicy food? Cause you can’t handle it.” I wasn’t supposed to come out like that, but it was too late to turn back now. 
He was pissed, the eyebrow that twitched and the jaw that clenched were clear signs of it, though you feigned oblivious and continued to speak. “I always found it odd when you take me out to dinner and never order any spicy food. Theres nothing wrong with not having spicy, but if spicy was the only option you’d lower it down.” 
A hand slammed into the wooden table which made the ramen cup bounce in the air a little. This didn’t phase you in the slightest. Instead, you wanted to tease your boyfriend even more. 
“Awwe, did I make my boyfriend who can’t handle spice very well upset, oh whatever shall I do. How could I ever atone for my sins, I know I’ll buy you some ic-” 
Your sentence was cut off when a callused palm slapped over your mouth to restrain you from speaking. Dark brown eyes met your own as his pale skin had a pinkish hue blooming underneath it.
Holy shit!
You had just made your boyfriend blush. The same guy who didn’t even blush when he asked you out was now blushing up a storm over a small little tease.
“Don’t smile.” His voice was less like his normal tone, this one was flustered even. The corners of your mouth rose up even faster at his voice. Slowly your hands reached upwards to remove his from your mouth though it did little as his grip on your face was strong. 
Once again you tried to pull his hand off your face yet it was hopeless. A cocky smirk made its way up to Taehoon’s face, the blush on his face was long gone. The hand that was not latched onto your face was placed on the chair you were sitting on, his hand just mere centimetres away from your shoulder. He leaned forward and whispered in your ear.
This fucker, so you figured out his secret, and now he’s going to make you embarrass yourself because of it. As it, you had dignity to uphold. No way were you going to lick is hand, you had no doubt your boyfriend was clean, but he was still a boy, so that option was an easy pass.
The next option was to act as cute as possible. Make some cute looking eyes or throw some cute little poses, Hah! As if your cold-hearted boyfriend would bend to your will at that, plus being cute was not you at all.
Option three it was, with little to no force at all, you twisted your body around in the chair. Your back no longer had the support from before but you were completely free from his arm now. But you were now falling backwards. 
With a thud you landed on your back, only to be met with a slam from the front as well. A cough escaped your mouth as you opened your eyes. Only to be meat with light brown hair and a hand to the side of your head. Taehoon had landed right on top of you, his face was squished between your boobs. Well what a sight. He had lot his balance when you fell off the chair resulting in him falling, though how’d it end up like this? 
Taehoon shifted his head to look up at you, his brown bangs covered his eyes slightly, your eyebrow quirked up. 
“Comfy down there?” 
He scoffed before shuffling up a bit, you took this chance to take a hit at him.
“Who would have thought you’d have gotten so defensive over nothing, its cute.” A smile made its way up to your face before being replaced by a shit eating grin. “I feel bad though, do I still have to by my boyfriend thats bad at spice ice–” Once more was your sentence cut off, but this time differently.
His warm lips met yours as he stole the words from your mouth. Your eyes closed on instinct as his hand that was once holding your mouth hostage was now caressing your face, mainly cheek but who cares for the details. Having done this with him before, your mouth opened wide as his tongue slipped inside your mouth. Arms reached up to play with his brown hair, the locks were soft to the touch. One of his best features. 
Parting your mouth once more, your eyes opened and Taehoons tongue slipped out of your mouth as a trail of saliva followed his tongue out. With warmed cheeks you let go of your boyfriends hair and stare at him in the eyes as he did the same.
“Finally shut up.” He spoke as you rolled your eyes.
“Oh shut up jackass.” A reply came from your lips.
“I’m home” A cheerful voice spoke from the front door 
Eyes locked with each others, you communicated telepathically.
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