#Take advantage of him being vulnerable. It won't last long
Open to anyone: friends, current girlfriend, brother/sister like relationship. Any close relationship. Oh look! Austin is being vulnerable for once.
"Why dismiss your mother so? You should be grateful you have such a caring soul. No, don't ever disrespect your mother. Be fuckin' grateful you have one." Austin started to lecture, his blue eyes staring at the other.
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wolverineluvr · 1 year
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(This is in response to an ask but I accidentally deleted it, so, whoever that was, here it is!<3)
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You won't leave me.
Content Warning ⛈️: Suicide, attempted suicide, mentions of making reader limbless, kidnapping, nonconsensual nonsexual touching and kissing, suggestive thoughts and thoughts of r4pe! Reader uses she/her pronouns. Ft. Yandere Xiao, Scaramouche, Venti and Kazuha x reader!
So, just dark content! If you don't like it or can't handle it, please, just leave. If that sounds rude I apologize but don't read something you might not be able to handle! ♡
Summary🔎: They're finally leaving you alone for a little while, maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to escape?
Part 1
I don't condone these actions. If you are having thoughts about taking advantage of someone, do not do it and get help.
If you have thoughts about hurting yourself or commiting suicide, know that you aren't alone and please try to reach out for help.
Words: 1k!
Estimated read time: 5 minutes!
You hate it here. You can't even cry, when you do, you get coddled or yelled at. You haven't been left alone for a year. Showers, going to the bathroom, sleeping, eating, everything! You don't want to feel anymore. Everything hurts. You're so tired of it all. But, finally, you have some alone time. "I will miss you, Dove, but I don't have a choice! Xiao will be back quickly, alright? So you won't be alone!" Venti coos as he holds your cheek. When they leave, and come back, they always hold onto you so much. It's so horrible. You miss your friends.. You know not all of them are still alive. Some of them have even been killed right in front of you as a punishment for acting out! Just a little protest!
You nod in response to Venti, forcing back the tears that threaten to spill except, for the first time in a long time, they're tears of joy. You quickly snap out of it, though. "Oh, poor Dove! Don't cry my love," Venti says, reaching to cup your cheek. You didn't even realize you were crying. But you play along with Venti, you have to, or there's a chance he won't leave. "I'll just miss you so much!" You say, internally cringing as you force yourself to hug Venti. You make yourself cry harder, thinking of everyone you've ever cared about dead. It works. "Don't worry, my love, I'll be back soon enough!" Venti coos, as a grin breaks out on his youthful face. You know he doesn't really believe you. Venti pats and rubs your back, kissing your forehead before lifting your face up to his, pressing his lips to yours. Kissing you.
You want to scream, to tell him to stop, to leave you alone! But you just comply, kissing Venti back as you cry a little more. The kiss is vulnerable, soft, in Venti's mind at least. To you, it's invasive, predatory, disgusting. You hate it. You hate him. Venti breaks the kiss. "Buh bye my love! Don't do anything stupid, alright?" Venti smiles, petting your hair. You nod, looking at him as he kisses your cheek and walks out of the door, unlocking the many locks before leaving the house and relocking all of them. You're sure there are more locks outside. You breathe out a sigh of relief and joy, a grin breaking out on your face, one that you were holding back before.
You laugh to yourself, you probably look so stupid, don't you? You wipe your tears. They've proofed the house so you can't hurt yourself without it being painful, and they know knew that you couldn't do that, you're you were scared of pain. So it's picture frames after picture frames of them and you, no knives or sharp objects, no weapons, plastic baby utensils, baby cups, etc. It's so dehumanizing. But, not anymore.
You break everything you can in the house. One last picture frame stares at you. It's a picture of you, Xiao, Kazuha, Venti and Scaramouche. Although Scaramouche and Xiao didn't really want to be in the picturenot rlly w Xiao. You rip it off of the wall, throwing it against the ground like you've done all the others. Yeah, maybe that's wasted time. But you wanna get back at them. At least a little.
Route 1
(I have never attempted to hurt myself in such extreme, so forgive me if I don't write it correctly)
You pick up a shard of broken glass, you tightly grip the glass, causing yourself to bleed as the glass cuts into your palm. You wince. You press the glass to your wrist. But, you hesitate. You don't want it to hurt. But this is the only way to escape. But you don't want to die. You press the glass against your wrist, cutting into it. You wince, tears start to stream down your face again. It hurts. You take the glass from your wrist and wince as the cold air reaches the wound on your wrist. You move the glass down, cutting into it again, this time, lower. You continue to cut, until you feel dizzy from blood loss. You pass out.
☆ bled out! ☆
Route 2
You pick up a shard of broken glass, you tightly grip the glass, causing yourself to bleed as the glass cuts into your palm. You wince. You press the glass to your wrist. But, you hesitate. You don't want it to hurt. But this is the only way to escape. But you don't want to die. You press the glass against your wrist, cutting into it. You wince, tears start to stream down your face again. It hurts.
Suddenly, the door is broken open. It's Xiao. "What is it you think you're doing!?" Xiao yells, quickly at your side and puting pressure on your wrist wound. He flings the shard of glass out of your hand, it shatters on impact against the wall. You struggle to get away from Xiao, trying to move back as you sob. "No! Stop! Let go of me!" You yell, but Xiao grabs you by the back of your neck, stepping over the shattered glass and various other objects, and he brings you to the bathroom.
Xiao starts to bandage and patch up your wrist. You didn't cut too deep, you were scared after all. Xiao softens. "Come on." Xiao grunts, lifting you up and bringing you to the bedroom as you sob and plead. Normally, the ones with the worst punishments are Venti or Scaramouche, and sometimes Xiao. So that's what you assume is going to happen. "Shut up. I'm not going to hurt you." Xiao says, laying you down on the bed and laying beside you. He hugs you close to him. He's glad he got here before you did anything more. But he's angry. Angry that you tried to leave him.
Maybe he'll cut off your arms or legs so you can't run or do anything without him. Just a compliant little bird. He would feed you, bathe you, have you drink things, have you be absolutely unable to do anything as he slots himself in between your thighs(that's where your legs would end, just above your knees), sinking himself inside of you inch by inch-
"Xiao..?" You tiredly whisper, snapping himself out of his thoughts. "Yes?" Xiao says, sharply. "I-I'm sorry..." You murmur, barely awake. Xiao curtly nods in response. Xiao feels you cry as you start to fall asleep. It's been a few minutes, probably around ten or twenty. Huh. Guess he just lost track of time.
You fall asleep. When you wake, Scaramouche is yelling at Venti. "Why did you leave her alone!? You stupid archon!" Scaramouche yells, glaring at Venti. "Says the puppet." Venti snaps, glaring back. Kazuha is cooing to you, realizing you've woken. You're laying in-between his legs, your back against his stomach.
☆ Survived without a punishment! ☆
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jmdbjk · 10 months
. . .
Just like Jimin rubbing his own head and being shook instantly, we will have many instances where we will be reminded of them... see a photo or a video, hear their voices or a song and instantly be shook that we won't be seeing Jimin and Jungkook much in the next 18 months.
Not gonna lie, it is rough for me to watch Jimin’s live. The level of vulnerability is just too much for me to handle. His uncertainty, his dismay, his level of discomfort and self-consciousness... humiliation(?) over the loss of his beautiful hair, I can't watch it yet. His own disbelief at looking at his own shaved head...
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He is facing something unknown and unfamiliar. He's learned a lot over the past year diving into the appearances he had to do alone for his ambassadorships for Dior and Tiffany. I say "alone" but he wasn't alone, he had his manager and staff by his side.
He won't have them when he enters the military base.
I already said in a previous post that Jimin is disappointed that he must, once again, stop doing what he loves and do this instead. He’s just hitting his stride and he has a lot he wants to accomplish. All that, in addition to his habit of self-criticism and his anxiety issues, it is HUGE that he will have someone there who knows this about him and can help him redirect and calm down. He will beat himself up, put himself down and not allow himself to give himself credit for doing as well as he thinks he should. Jungkook will remind him that he's amazing and help him overcome all that noise in his head.
And keep in mind that Jungkook is a level of introvert that requires some amount of "alone time". This "alone time" is when this type of introvert “recharges” or “decompresses” in order to settle or center one’s self. We all see how different he is during group lives versus when he is alone. His introvert thrives by himself. The situation of being with strangers for such long periods is CHALLENGING! Without his fidget spinner lip rings, and again, staff and manager beside him facing something new by himself, he'll be ADHDing all over the place. Knowing that Jungkook has someone he is comfortable with, who understands this about him, is HUGE. He has a habit of tuning out, zoning out and withdrawing and Jimin can help him stay put in the moment.
Besides genuinely missing performing and his fans, it is no wonder that his frame of mind during his last live with us was downhearted.
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This is not a situation where one needs the other more... it is a situation where they will both mutually benefit from having the other present.
These guys are not like us. These two have lived the past ten years in a world that is NOTHING like ours. They've grown up and matured living a life that we can't possibly know and understand. Jungkook has several $1000 bottles of whiskey chilling in his refrigerator that he mixes with Cloop soda water and drinks like its kool-aid through a straw. THEY ARE NOT LIKE US.
They've succeeded beyond all expectations, even their own, and had to deal with all the extreme ups and downs of all of that... and now they must put everything they know aside to step into a completely different world with the eyes of the world focused on them. The pressure to not fuck up has to be enormous. Everything they do is amplified. Its not fair, really.
Physically, they will have advantages over their younger fellow soldiers in that strenuous work is not unfamiliar to them, they are accustomed to pushing themselves and they know what it takes to master something that requires a lot of physicality. They are strong and athletic.
And now, emotionally and mentally, they will be fine because they will have each other.
I will miss all of them and be so very excited to count down the days to Jin's discharge... but I will be the most bereft waiting for Jimin and Jungkook.
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kasagia · 5 months
In the last chapter of Right Hand, Feyd said he could just leave her behind and take other women without any problems if that's what she wanted; forced her into a confession; never confessed his own feelings; wants to kill people she was intimate with in the past, when he still has his harpies; his bullshit with Irulan; injected her with truth serum.... He basically treated her like a glorified concubine (the woman he supposedly loves) and her reaction is to act like a retarded school girl??? But my main question is: how does she not react about him saying that he could just leave her behind and have other women without any problems? He acts like he does not give a shit about her, only that he's mad that her attention is on others.
Dear Anonymous, thank you very much for your thoughts!
I'm going to play a bit of devil's advocate here and explain the actions of our boy and reader, so let's get started.
First of all, it is worth pointing out that the relationship between the reader and Feyd is not normal. They both have attraction towards each other, sexual desire, and so on. Of course, that's not all, because they feel something for each other: attachment (to some extent), admiration, respect, possessiveness (on both sides), and they like being close to each other. Nevertheless everything that happens between them is not healthy, sugary, or an example of how a relationship should be.
But back to the answer to the main question (how does she not react about him saying that he could just leave her behind and have other women without any problems? He acts like he does not give a shit about her, only that he's mad that her attention is on others.):
"(...) Is this what you want? For me to take another woman? For me to treat her the way I treat you? For me to leave you on this damn desert? Because I can, Y/N. I can fuck the other women, become emperor the easy way, and give you damn Arrakis, but you have to look me in the eyes and tell me that's what you really want."
Feyd doesn't say he wants to do that. He says he can if the reader wants to reject him or if she is sure she doesn't want him. (So technically, it is: I love you; you are important to me; I won't force you to do anything if you don't want to; but I won't be alone forever waiting for you to decide whether you want me or not.) And he asks such questions when she is under the influence of truth serum, because he knows that she will never admit to him what she really feels by herself and willingly.
Feyd has never loved anyone before; he has never had a normal relationship. That's why he resorts to what he knows: plotting, planning, and extracting the truth by force (poor Fevas). These are his ways. The boy here is just desperate. He must know the truth; he must find out whether the reader loves him or is just taking advantage of him, because temporarily it is convenient for her to be close to him.
And the reader understands that Feyd sees no other way, that he resorts to something like this to get the truth from her. Which doesn't change the fact that she's mad at him for it, but... the reader resists him for so long; everyone must have their moments of weakness, right? And Feyd proved in this chapter that he cares about this reader (not with words, but with actions; I will give examples later).
I think he is too harmed and guarded/self-protective to hover around the reader and shout that he loves her, to allow himself to be completely vulnerable with her, and to express his love and devotion in words. Therefore, Feyd's love language (here) is actions.
"You almost died." "You're exaggerating this. I thought you of all people won't be afraid of the sight of a little blood." You respond dismissively, which only makes his mood worse. (...) "I simply don't enjoy holding your almost lifeless body in my arms. I much prefer it when your heart beats strongly against your chest... like now."
Feyd, as we know him, does not hesitate to take someone's life; he likes to hurt people. But seeing the reader's blood? Having her bloos on his hands? Hold her as she fights death? It doesn't make him happy; hurting her isn't pleasant for him if... it's not intended to increase pleasure and sensations. (I think I wrote somewhere that the boy ordered to burn his clothes and hers from that day so that he wouldn't be reminded of it.)
"Don't kill him." You ask him, knowing full well that he will refuse. But despite everything, you cling to this stupid hope, not knowing why you care so much about keeping Fevas alive. "Why?" "Because I ask you. Please." For the first time, you look at him desperately, knowing full well that all you can do is beg him to change his mind. Because if Feyd Rautha Harkonnen decides that someone is going to die, then even the Grim Reaper won't be able to save the poor man from him.
Here. Fevas was… quite tortured by Feyd, but he kept him alive. He wouldn't listen to just anyone once he had decided something, but he made an exception for the reader.
"I am a Bene Gesserit. I don't love anyone." You answer coldly and without emotion. He stares at you for a moment before pushing you away from him. He no longer looks you in the eyes, though his eyes are still glued to your half-naked form. He stays in silent reverie for a moment, then breaks it with a bitter, hoarse laugh, shaking his head. "And I am a Harkonnen. We don't obey anyone." He growls impassively and pushes you away to get to the door. He returns to the party, closing the metal door behind him with a loud bang.
Our boy's black, rotten heart was slightly hurt here. Because how can his little witch say that? So, in an act of rebellion, he went to Irulan, knowing full well that it would hurt the reader as much as she hurt him. Yes, it's not healthy, but that's Feyd: If you hurt me and show me that you don't want me, I will go and show you that I am not a pathetic guy who is head over heels in love and that you have no control over me. (He failed miserably because, immediately after her leaving, he caught up with Fevas to find out the truth about his relationship with the reader.)
"The little witch shouldn't listen to this old man. The master likes the little witch very much. He threatened to kill us if we did anything to her." You frown at her sudden confession, but you don't question why she's doing it. You decide to brush it off. "I think we both know that he... likes to break his favourite toys only by himself." "But not a little witch. When the little witch was bleeding, the master became furious. The master almost killed his uncle when he ordered him to kill the little witch. The master watched over the little witch until the doctors said that the little witch would survive. And he told us to guard her door while he went away to kill the people who hurt her."
And the last one (because it's very late and I should go to sleep xD).
Would Feyd go against his uncle for anyone? NO. He wouldn't give a damn if his uncle told him to kill one of his harpies. He would just do it. But the reader? Fuck no.
Feyd still keeps the harpies close; it's true, but it's more out of sentiment. Because they were a little close to him, but now he spends nights and days with the reader, and since... he became a little close to her (*cough* trying to fuck her *cough*), he doesn't go to them and doesn't spend time with them. He treats them rather as... useful pets. Guard dogs.
To sum up, it may seem that Feyd doesn't give a damn about her, but to me, he must be so... conservative in showing his emotions. He will do it through small actions rather than words (which the reader notices; after all, she knows him best; they communicate without words).
He is extremely jealous of the reader, possessive and paranoid, because he is afraid that she will eventually run away from him, that she will get scared and leave him when he falls in love with her. He is afraid that he will give her everything he has; he will give her his heart on a platter only for her to trample on it, chew it up, and throw it away. So, he won't do it until he's 10000% sure that the reader really loves him and isn't going anywhere.
I hope you understand what I mean and what I wanted to show. 😅🙈
Thank you very much, anonymous, for your question and I'm sorry I wrote so much! Have a nice day/night! 😊🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤
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l-in-the-light · 1 month
Thanks for your long answer 🥰🙏. I do agree with your thoughts. How about a drunk Law? Would he get more touchy after some glasses? 🤔
Ah, the classic "drunk character" question. Sure, I will accept the challenge!
I think it's implied he kinda likes to drink. It's also pretty clear it's not that difficult to provoke him into reckless behaviour like a drinking competition and as a result of it he could get drunk. I think normally he wouldn't try to actually get drunk, he would stop drinking before that happens, because despite being reckless he's also rather responsible. But he's also stubborn and doesn't back out of the challenge, as long as someone drags him into it. Which means he would drink only with people who know him well enough to know how to provoke him. Which creates a very fun scenario, actually.
What type of a drunk would he be? Sad one? Oversharing one? Or him getting drunk means his brakes are off? Personally I would love the last option. Finally, after we get Law drunk, he's honest like a newborn baby, teasing people openly, even trolling around more than he normally does (and we do know he likes to troll). Let's say he's drinking with the Strawhats, some of them would have sooo much fun with his drunken state (for example, Franky cheering him on with "Tell us more bro!"), Zoro probably filling up his glass over and over again because he won't admit it but finds it as amusing. Usopp would have fun at first but the more Law's boundaries just dissolve he realizes he didn't want to know some stuff and now he can't unhear it anymore and it stops being so funny to him. Luffy probably is the first one to pass out tho lol. The last people standing would be Nami as we know her alcohol tolerance is unusually high and those that actually didn't drink that much.
I wonder if drunk Law would be more brave to initiate the touch by himself. Traumas usually are so annoying exactly because there's no easy fix to them, they will haunt us wherever we go and whatever we do, and alcohol can help "get your mind out of it" but it might as well just backfire. Alcohol still wouldn't change the reality: his fear responses will still work, but people around wouldn't understand why Law is shivering or having troubles breathing and would probably assume he's just too drunk. I doubt he would admit about this to anyone, in his mind that's his weakness, a vulnerability so easy to take advantage of, he doesn't want to tell anyone about it unless he has literally no choice (and even then I suspect he would try to avoid it).
If someone wraps an arm around him, like Zoro did in post-Dressrosa feast, I guess he would react very visibly annoyed or straightforwardly angry, but if the touch prolongs he might actually want it to happen again. He would perhaps show it with his lingering stares. Alcohol might also make his reactions slower and his trauma response to kick in with slower reflex too, I could imagine that being a very disorienting feeling. I also think he could have a stupid amount of silly thoughts about wanting to touch Luffy, more so than when he's not drunk, which means he would resent it in hindsight and avoid getting drunk again lol. It would be so embarassing for everyone to see Law reaching out to touch Luffy only to barely brush his skin and giving up quickly. And then a longer while after he slams his hand on Luffy's arm, just to prove to everyone he's not so pathetic, but then he can't calm down for an hour afterwards so he regrets it insanely fast. Oh boy, he would be so much fun, wouldn't he.
The next day he wouldn't admit he remembers all the embarrassing things from the night before, blaming it on the alcohol ofc. Why not take the easiest way out when it presents itself, after all. But he remembers everything or almost everything.
But the day he opens up and talks about his fears would be a big deal and personally I think it would be disappointing if it happened because Law just got himself drunk. He deserves full acceptance without the alcohol involved in the equation. Also I hope with enough trust and time he can actually at least get a bit better at touching people, but traumas that run so deep are probably not gonna ever leave completely. Even if at some point in the future he gets alright with some chosen few people touching him (if it's not too much or not on the head), he would still get triggered when strangers would try to touch him or in certain type of scenarios.
I guess life is hard and complicated for Law. I would love to see him get some progress on healing.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
I have so much I want to say about Emotion. I want to analyse Marinette/Ladybug and Felix here, because this episode showed so much character progression, especially for her. In my opinion, we had a kind of Cat Blanc 2.0.
So - when Felix makes the red moon, he makes it out of anger. The moon symbolises feelings, the unconscious illuminated, while red represents his rage. He's allowed his negative emotions to take over - he is literally seeing red.
When Ladybug first battles him in the street, she sees red, too - and her costume is conveniently red. That confrontation with Argos is her facing up to her fears - her regrets - her mistakes. She really lets him have it, and I don't think it's just about him taking away the miraculous. I think she was letting out old pain related to Cat Blanc, too - emphasised by the parallel imagery between the two episodes.
Example 1 - same pose as Cat Noir when he got akumatised:
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Example 2 - Ladybug on the ground, scrambling away backwards while her attacker comes for her...just like Cat did, to get away from Hawk Moth:
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Example 3 - Very similar hand gestures and posturing between Argos and Cat Blanc:
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There's also the fact that a moon plays such a part in the story (because the moon is emotions)...and some things I'll touch on later.
With that in mind, this was a crucial scene for Ladybug. What we can see is:
After so long being a quivering mess, in the episode just before, she finally told Adrien she loved him, without caring (too much) how he responded
At the start of 'Emotion', she lost track of Adrien's schedule and stated that she 'doesn't control Adrien' and 'he's free to do what he wants' (which is darkly ironic after we just saw the way Gabriel controlled Adrien in 'Adoration', and sets things up perfectly for Felix to try to free him)
She gatecrashes the Diamonds Dance without caring what anyone thinks (we've seen her do this in disguise before, but never as brazen as this)
Then she lets Felix have it, in the street
After this, she will tell Gabriel where he can shove his pancakes
She's come so far. Go, Marinette!
And then....
Argos threatens to wipe out the whole population if she doesn't hand over her earrings. She's been here before. Cat Blanc parallels, remember? It's her worst nightmare come true, in a form she didn't expect - and she doesn't cave.
What I love is that her Ladybug vision shows us him - not a zoomed in part of him to use, but his whole figure, like he himself is the key to solving the puzzle. She sees that anger isn't going to win this. Fear won't win this. Felix isn't 'evil' - he's hurting. She hears it in his words and his voice. Cat Blanc was hurting, too.
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When he sees that she's not going to give in to his ultimatum, Argos looks thrown - panicked, even - and gives her one last chance, letting her know what's coming. 'All of Paris will be gone...are you willing to pay that price?' He screams it and looks tortured, like he really doesn't want to go through with his threat. He thought she'd give in and he could avoid this scenario, but she calls his bluff.
'You're the only one who can answer that question,' she says - then she smiles and closes her eyes. It's such an act of trust, not even looking at him as she puts her fate in his hands - like she has faith that even if he vanishes her, he'll somehow do the right thing, in the end.
Maribug pulled an Adrichat. How many times have we seen him sacrifice himself, trusting that she would bring him back? Not just as Cat Noir but even as vulnerable human Adrien. And now, she's done the same. But she put that trust in Felix, of all people - in her 'enemy'. And she does this even believing he's vanished people she loves. It's a huge act of forgiveness.
The old Ladybug would have never had such faith that things would turn out okay. She would never have trusted in the moment like that. Cat Blanc accused her of not listening to a word he was saying. She saved him by taking advantage of his feelings for her and pretending she would kiss him. In Emotion, facing off with Felix, all of Paris gone...she listens.
What she gives him is a choice, after all those years of feeling controlled. And this was key because earlier in the episode, we saw Amelie telling Nathalie, 'There's always a choice.' Throughout the season, we've also seen Chloe and Gabriel have choices between paths. It's a crucial theme to the story, and the message is clear: whatever happened in your past, it's in your hands to decide what to do about it. You're accountable for your future.
When Felix realises he screwed up and lost Marinette, all of it becomes too much for him and he makes his choice - to snap away the red moon, against his ideology, and bring everyone else back. He's conflicted but acknowledges that his mistake was letting his anger control him. We've never seen Felix akumatised. He's already in that state, even without the magic.
When we move onto Pretension, he hasn't given up his goals, but he's decided to try a different tactic, which forces our heroes to reconsider his role in the story - who's the real villain here?
What we're seeing in both Marinette and Felix is evolution as people...and it's interesting that the first episode of the season was called Evolution, like it was setting the theme.
I was so excited to see all this because we watched Marinette grow loads in the first few seasons, while Adrien was stuck. Then she got stuck after Cat Blanc, pushing him out, which forced him to find himself without leaning on her. We saw his growth, then in season 5 he's been helping her meet him on a similar page. They're now perfectly positioned to find out their secret identities. And because we have this more mature Ladybug, I think if she faced off with Cat Blanc again, she'd know the fastest solution is to listen - and to trust that he can break the akumatisation though sheer will, knowing how much she loves him.
Please no post-Revelation spoilers in the comments :)
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sonicasura · 3 months
Round 3 Slicing and Dicing
Hoshina was primed to succed this time, luck seened to have layed out a clean win. The Rider had split up with there Kaiju companion to each hunt down the Youju who had split up. The kid had followed the 3 spider like Youju to a enclosed market street and Hoshina would admit the kid had good skills for someone so young, and those skills are what allowed them to wield a specialized Long Sword that had a row of deadly teeth that followed the blade until it's curve outwards, the hilt made tough and sharp with a tough razor tooth acting as a guard on blades sharp side ( which now that Hoshina thought about it, it looked sort of like a gaping maw ready to enclose on it's prey) the other side of the blade decorated with a tough orange guard the had blue stripes on it. The odd weapon fit it's odd wielder, who was just finishing up the last of the Youju.
Hoshina: Heh I have to say I'm impressed with your skills kid.
This caught the Rider's attention as they turned to face the Speed demon himself.
Rider: Wha- you- are you kidding me?! Why do I keep running into you?!?!?
Hoshina: It's a small world what can I say? Now kid I really appearciate if you came back with me to the Defense Force base and you brought your little Kaiju friend with you.
Rider: * Setting up a defensive stance* Real sorry but the answer remains the same.
Hoshina couldn't help but slightly frown, he was really aganist fighting the kid. But he matter was to important to just ignore it.
Hoshina: Then I'm sorry too I'll make sure that you won't be in too much pain after the fight.
A clash of bladed duelistes each with skill and experience on their side. Though unfortunetly a gap started to show for the Rider, due to this being a fight that Rider couldn't go all out with probably hurting the Vice- Captain lef them to play a defensive tatic. This gave Hoshina a huge advantage, his speed and percesion were extrodinary among Defense Officers when it came to close quarters combat. Using the handle of the blade to bash more vulnerable areas to slow Rider down until they couldn't move.
Rider was still a kid after all, so they weren't as strong as they could be. Though there armor did save them from the majority of damage the push back from the blows were starting to take there toll.
Exhaustion something the no Hunter or Rider could negate. And without stamina items they were pushing themselves to move.
Hoshina: Kid give up, I can tell that your exhaustion is getting the better of you.
Even through the helmet Hoshina could tell Rider was glaring at them.
Rider: Give up...? How can I give up, when there's so much at stake? Giving up isn't an option not when.... not when * Kafka, Reno, Kikoru and their Monstie run through there mind* it means putting those I care about in danger. I can't... No.... I...I * Deftly slides backwards readying the blunt side of the blade* I WON'T LOSE ANYMORE FAMILY!!!!
This gave Hoshina pause, the usual fast thinking and cunning Kaiju Rider was now replaced with a teary eyed and scarred kid in the eyes of Hoshina. A kid who weaped over the loss of there last remaining family, a kid who now had to face the unknown alone without help from the person they loved and trusted all there life.
A look of fear Hoshina was all too familiar with.
Bring his blades up he blocked the hit from the blunt Long Sword swing. However the force had sent his back quite aways. Hoshina was about to speak again when he noticed something, there right arm began glowing, before he could even think about what it ment a roar echoed out.
Concerned that it was a Kaiju that appeared only to be half right as a barrage of scales rained down, they were aimed a bit infront of him causing him to move back for more distance. The loud rythmic beat of wings drew his attention to see a Kaiju that heavily reseamble a wyvern class dive done towards the Rider. Hoshina would have panicked over the kid's safety if he didn't recognize it at one of those strange Kaiju thay accompanied Rider.
Rider reacting quickly grabbed on to Seregios's sadle a hoisted themselves on to there back at they flew off.
Doing what was quickly becoming a routine he called in for some Defense Force Troops and a research team.
However Hoshina's thought still were on the Rider as there esolve grew a bit to make sure they were safe with the Defense Force.
Hoshina's even more determined now after this particular clash. Rider has definitely been doing fine on their own but whose to say how long that would last? Kaiju are attacking more often and their power is growing.
They would be much safer in the Defense Force, even moreso under his Division's watch. Hoshina already had preparations in order to make sure of that. Plus he's curious about how much Rider's skills would blossom under his training.
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 17- Defending Love
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Chapter Summary: Y/N will do anything for her new family, even if it means cutting off those who won't support them.
Warnings: Angst, panic attack, sadness, super sad.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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"They're not your family." "The only reason Jensen is here is for his flavour of the month." "It won't last. You two won't last."
Every time someone doubted Jensen and I, those thoughts echoed in my head. I hated feeling this anxious and overwhelmed. Normally, I could handle my tough days, but now everything felt fragile.
My anxiety only amplified when I had something real to lose. Jensen and I had something strong and deep. Just the idea of messing it all up made me nervous and scared.
I had mixed feelings about ow Jensen affected me. I hated how much I loved him and how I felt like I was never good enough. Instead of being happy he chose me over everyone else, I kept feeling like I wasn't worth it.
I don't know how long I walked, but it was late. The city was lit up, but the sky was dark. I ended up at the park by the water, where I used to go to find some peace and quiet, surrounding myself with alone time. But now, I didn't want to be alone. I wanted Jensen with me. I really did, but the words that tortured my mind were still there constantly. It wasn't fair for him to do this, to be with somebody like me.
My phone buzzed over and over. I pulled it out, and sighed when I saw many missed messages-some from friends, some from family, and most from Jensen.
I knew I couldn't ignore him. He was probably at my parents house, worried sick, just like when I cut my foot and he wouldn't leave-he's always dramatic, but caring.
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It didn't take long before I heard him rushing toward me. He came running, out of breath and hugged me tightly to his chest.
I tried to keep it together. It was hard enough to have his conversation with him, and only became more difficult the more he comforted me. But I couldn't hold back anymore. Jensen's comforting smell and touch made me break down in tears. The sobs wracked through my body, it was painful and earth shattering, I felt like this feeling was going to kill me.
He held me close, kissing my head over and over, trying to pull me back to him. Eventually, my tears slowed and he lifted my chin to look at him, worried and loving.
"Jensen, we can't keep doing this." I asked, shaking my head.
He flinched, hurt by my words. "What? Move to Texas? I told you we can take it slow."
I pulled away and walked towards the river. "No, this. Us."
He looked heartbroken as he came closer, touching my arm gently. "Please.. Don't say that. I love you."
I turned to face him, feeling guilty and ashamed. "You think you love me, but maybe I just took advantage when you were vulnerable, I entered at a really tough time in your life."
He reached out to hold me again. "Please, honey, That's not true. You know how much I love you, I wanted this, I want you. Your mind is just beating you up, please you have to trust me."
I held back a sob and winced at the look on his face, so hurt and vulnerable. I wanted to hold him, to hug him tight but I knew it wasn't right-I wasn't right.
I put on a fake smile and gently pushed him back. "It's okay Jensen, we got caught up in the feeling of having somebody there, but I'm not right for you. This isn't right."
He stood there quietly as I walked away, my heart shattering as I felt like it might be really over. This was for the best... Right?
Jensen's arm wrapped around mine as he spun me to face him, his eyes filled with hurt and anger. "No. NO! You're wrong. I love you so much, but come on. You know us! Just for one moment, forget everything that's been said. Forget about my stupid titles or how our relationship started. When it's just us, you know how I feel about you. You know it's real. Please..."
I listened carefully as his words swirled in my mind. Closing my eyes, I visualized exactly what he meant. The moments in bed, the kisses, the tight embraces. The way he looked at me, as if I were a priceless work of art. His deep care, his unwavering fight for us. He was right. This was real. My doubts were tearing us apart, and I couldn't let that happen anymore.
Taking a step closer, I noticed him swallow hard, struggling to contain his emotions. Tears filled my eyes as I smiled, reaching for his hand. "Jensen, when I met you, I expected the stars and maybe some planets. I never imagined you'd give me the whole galaxy. You've given me everything. You are everything. I'm just scared you'll regret this or realize i'm too much, that I'm falling apart."
He pulled me close, his voice cracking, body trembling. "You are everything and more. You're too good for me, but here you are-mine. I could never regret this or walk away from you. You saved me."
I nodded, resting my head against his chest, finding comfort in his warmth. Wrapping my arms around him, I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Jensen."
He kissed my head deeply. "Don't apologize. I love you baby, forever."
"I love you too, Jensen."
He stood upright, wiping his tears with a smile. "Should we go back? You're family's probably worried."
I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, we should. I'm not ready, but we should."
"I've got your back, honey. You're not alone."
Not alone. Never again.
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Returning to the house filled me with dread. After talking with Jensen and calming down, I realized how wrong they really were. They didn't know me anymore, know us. I had changed, Jensen had changed me, and this family had changed me. If they couldn't support that, I was ready to say goodbye right then and there.
I held Jensen's hand tightly as we entered the home, instantly my family rushed towards me, one by one. Christina was first, tears streaking her cheeks. She had always been a sweetheart, craving love and acceptance. So when Stephanie and our parents yelled at one of us, she sided with them out of fear of rejection or being different. I could tell she was genuinely sorry as she hugged me tightly.
"I'm so so sorry."
Returning her hug, I sighed. "I know. But what you all said was harsh and untrue. Do you understand that?"
She nodded firmly, tears still flowing. "I do. We were out of line, completely."
My mom and dad approached Jensen and I, "We support whatever you two decide. We'll be there for you, okay?"
I nodded, wiping away a tear from my face. I glanced at Stephanie, scoffing internally. The thing I learned about Stephanie was that sometimes she could be a very bitter, opinionated and stubborn person. She always believed she was right, needing to be taught why her words or actions hurt others.
Turning away, I began to climb the stairs. "I forgive you guys, of course. You're my family. But Jensen is my family too. His kids are my family. I won't choose which family to be with."
Stephanie finally spoke up, anger in her voice. "Because you'll chose them?"
Glaring at her, I smirked. "Yes, I'll chose them. And unlike you, Stephanie, choosing them doesn't mean excluding those who want to be included. But those who don't support us or aren't a good influence on MY family? I won't hesitate to cut them out. Don't test me."
With that, I walked upstairs, heading to the children's room upstairs. Leaning against the doorway, I watched them play, engaged in their silly games and conversations, and I couldn't help but smile.
They might not be mine, but I was going to treat them like they were. I'd do anything for them, that's what family did.
And they were mine.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 18  coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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corpium · 11 months
Of Madness & Reason (Of Dragons & Chickens) muddled plot ideas that may or may not happen
Maybe I will finish this fic one day. Maybe I won't. Last time I took a one-year hiatus from a long fic I actually did come back to it. Buuut I know as a reader myself how frustrating and unresolved WIPs can be, so here's some semi-resolution for you in the form of a very loose timeline of events.
I will use the pronoun 'he' for this because of reasons I've previously expressed in the comments on the fic.
Full disclosure, SI and I as the writer Have a Plan, but I write the other characters off the cuff, and they often come in and fuck up my plans for the plot because I try to write them with as much agency as possible. This is how Snape became such a pivotal character despite me disliking him.
But I digress. Here are my rambling plans for this story.
Harry goes back to Hogwarts for Year 2 and Voldemort comes off REALLY strong in the first dream, so Harry manages somehow to get in and obliviate him. I'm guessing this happens by persuading Snape to let Harry see Quirrelmort to make sure he's still knocked out via Draught of Living Death, but Idk yet how difficult Snape makes it for HP.
Deciding that Voldemort far outmatches our SI, right after obliviating LV, Harry kills the diary Horcrux, which merges with our obliviated LV. In the next dream, Harry meets the now very confused 16y.o. TRJ and takes advantage of TRJ's vulnerability to legilimize him and learn all his secrets, mainly that of Horcrux creation.
Tom is very Not Thrilled about this and goes on the offensive. I'm not totally sure what this entails yet; perhaps he does the same and breaks into Harry's mind and learns all his secrets, including his SI history, which Riddle finds intriguing and very exploitable.
Harry inevitably tries to obliviate Quirrelmort again, but Snape makes it much more difficult. He might even bring Dumbledore into the picture. That, or Harry does because LV is getting too dangerous. Or maybe even Sirius does it. Either way, somehow Dumbledore gets involved, and lo and behold, despite all the Dumbledore bashing vibes, it turns out he is not evil, though he is very ambivalent towards Harry, who he has concerns about. Not sure if Harry tells Dumbledore just the 'I'm-a-seer' narrative or the whole SI deal. Might depend on how nosey/pushy Dumbledore is and if he tries his own legilimency.
One of the things that might turn Snape more towards Dumbledore is a beat I really want to happen - you know how Harry is starting to sorta kinda like SNape? Yeah that doesn't last. He finds Neville crying because Snape fed his toad one of his (Neville's) crappy potions and Neville panics because he thinks Trevor's dying. Harry LOSES HIS SHIT and confronts Snape about it. Snape silencios Harry, which Harry can't silently finite, so Harry sets some of Snape's papers on fire. End the scene with HArry being like, oh, yeah, this is why I hated you.
Either way, Harry ends up telling Dumbledore about the Ring Horcrux, and probably tells him not to put the ring on lest he wish to die a painful death. Not sure yet if Dumbledore caves to temptation or not.
With the ring Horcrux destroyed, somehow Harry gets ahold of it from Dumbledore (maybe Dumbledore knows the whole SI story and suggests this) and they use the ring for a little Deus Ex Machina to find out how SI became Harry. SI!Harry ends up summoning MOD!Harry from another universe who says he tried to go back in time to stop Voldemort, but he, being MOD, could not "fit" in baby Harry's mortal body, essentially shattering poor baby!Harry's soul, thus screwing with Fate itself. The universe, in an attempt to right itself, pulled the most compatible soul nearby into HArry's body. SI, having a shattered soul herself, and having died at the exact same moment, was the most convenient option. Basically, MOD!Harry fucked up and SI being SI!HArry was just a silly fluke of the universe.
MOD!Harry doesn't know if he approves of SI!Harry's methods, but basically says to go for it and do whatever you wanna do. This is just one universe of many and SI!Harry's life is his to do as he likes. This makes SI!Harry live a bit more guilt-free.
Scamander owls HArry to tell him he and Tina have successfully begun the creation of a sanctuary for the sea serpent and its young out in international waters, and Harry's like "Hey so now that you've done that, want to expand it for another crazy deadly serpent?"
Scamander ends up coming to Hogwarts and meets the basilisk. Dumbledore probably inserts himself into this meeting because he's the Headmaster and Newt's his friend. The Parseltongue translator he and Tina made for HArry partially works, enabling the Scamanders and Dumbledore to kinda talk to the basilisk. Dumbledore would have killed it otherwise, so thank god for that.
There's a moment when Harry convinces the basilisk to join Scamander where Harry's like "omg my plans are actually coming into fruition, i can't believe it but i actually i can believe it. fuck you voldemort i'm better than you" and remember Slytherin's sword hanging on the wall in the Chamber? It falls down with a clang and SCamander and Dumbledore (if he's there) are like "um? I guess this is yours?" and Dumbledore's all suspicious because oooo only a true Slytherin can pick up the sword and MC's just like "Lol Slytherin just really loved snakes :)"
Scamander takes the basilisk away to the sanctuary. Maybe this sanctuary gets more public recognition? Maybe it doesn't? Maybe people find out about the basilisk's existence and are like wtf? But Lucius and his crew are like "Oh it's a relic from the founders' era, let's give Scamander money and support to build that sanctuary" Idk. would have to get further into the weeds.
The Parseltongue translator becomes more functional over time and the SCamanders and their friends figure out how to duplicate it/make more. Suddenly PArseltongue has become a lot more accessible and Mundane. Voldemort probably finds out about this and is pissed because it was his Special Talent, which SI thinks is funny.
LV & HP's relationships is ever-evolving and threatening. LV is always trying to figure himself out and why this random Muggle chick is in "his" mind - or is he in her mind? It's like they're circling each other and for now, Harry just barely has the upper hand.
So far the Horcruxes that have been destroyed are: 1) the diadem, 2) the locket, 3) the diary, and 4) the ring. Nagini doesn't exist yet. The cup is still up in the air. Sirius may destroy it during second year while Harry's at Hogwarts, or I may decide to draw it out. I'm thinking I want to draw it out, but who knows.
The time before Hogwarts, Harry beefed up his Potions skill. The summer after first year, he beefed up his legilimency skill. The summer after second year, he focuses on learning the Animagus transfiguration and working with the Scamanders on their creature reserve.
Turns out, the basilisk and the sea serpent make up great "natural" defenses for the reservation. We got land and sea covered. Now all that's left is the sky. Enter the dragons. With Muggle drones and air travel becoming more prominent (I think, not sure when drones became such a big deal) the dragons are more at risk of being discovered. But guesssss what?
Newt's been talking to one species using the Parseltongue translator, which has opened the door to speaking with other dragon species. He, Tina, maybe some of their friends - maybe even Dumbledore??? - and now Harry work on expanding the unzoned/international Creature Reserve. SI!Harry may start to show some of the real Isekai OP tropes. He might be planning to create his own islands so he can finally live in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of chickens -- and also dragons. Depends. idk how over-powered I wanna get.
End the summer with Harry finally achieving his Animagus form: a coyote. American like SI - some nostalgia for their past self and their life experience, and an adaptable, clever creature with excellent survival skills. Also I love them and this fic is largely written out of self-indulgence.
Y3-? ----
Some plotlines:
Sirius Black and Harry recruit a leadership board to run their nonprofit, The Potter Black Foundation for Orphans and Troubled Children. The leadership board probably includes Molly Weasley for her experience with parenting and frugality and Narcissa Malfoy because money. Also probably a half-blood and/or Muggleborn adult OC (or named character with no background) to balance out the pureblood perspective.
Harry continues working on the Creature Reserve and makes it his own thing. Ends up going all Minecraft and building the skeleton of a city in his spare time "just in case". The place just keeps growing and growing. Multiple different islands with their own unique ecosystems and environments and every natural resource. Might decide the Fae mythology doesn't exist in this world, so Harry nicknames the place Underhill to be funny. But also maybe foreshadowing.
I'm not sure how long I want to draw out the LV & HP dance, but given the breakneck speed of the plot in this fic, it will probably happen sooner rather than later. LV legilimizes Harry back and finds out EVERYTHING. He's pissed. So pissed. But he also realizes he's trapped and at Harry's mercy -- and he knows HArry's a Horcrux. He tries coaxing, tempting, growing close, and using Harry's past as Kenzie to his advantage. It probably sorta kinda works. I love my villains, man, ok? Eventually, probably galvanized by the destruction of Hufflepuff's cup, aka the final Horcrux except for Harry, he ends up possessing Harry and releasing Quirrelmort/himself.
Realizing how badly he's fucked up, Harry races to remove the Horcrux in his head before Voldemort gets his body back, and, even after three+ years of research, and probably a couple failed attempts, the scar Horcrux is still firmly attached.
But remember how Harry legilimized TMR to learn how he created a Horcrux? Harry knows one surefire way to split off a piece of soul, and that's a Horcrux ritual, and Harry, as we have come to find out, is no stranger to death. He visits the Dursleys. They've outlived their use. (He makes sure Dudley's not there first.)
I'm not sure if I reveal the Horcrux ritual or not. Might be something super horrific I leave to the imagination. Or it's one of the theories I've read: the Horcrux creator legilimizes their victim as the victim dies and essentially commits ritual suicide. Harry uses this ritual on Vernon to split off the LV Horcrux into some relic or other, maybe a Black one or something cool from the Room of Lost Things, idk. In my headcanon, the object has to have sentimental and/or cultural value. Then Harry destroys that Horcrux - ha, take that, LV. Then, maybe on a whim, maybe now that creating a Horcrux has just made Harry a bit colder, Harry kills Petunia to make his own Horcrux with Slytherin's sword, because spite.
There are repercussions that Harry might realize right away or later. STill not sure what those are, maybe the loss of smell, or the loss of his emotional reaction to music. Maybe animals/nature/creatures don't bring him joy anymore. It depends on what I've planted/emphasized in the writing before.
Voldemort gets a body and confronts Harry to secure Harry and therefore the scar!Horcrux only to be horrified and enraged by its destruction. Harry's even more like "fuck you, asshole," which makes LV try to kill him. LV probably almost succeeds and disarms Harry, but psych, Harry's got not one, not two, but three wands. And maybe a gun as a callback to SI's prior Life Event with her ex. Not sure how crazy I wanna get. LV getting shot with a gun is a bit of a crack!trope. But this fic is constantly teetering on the line of crack so maybe I could make it work.
Anyway, LV dies, hurray! (Right? He didn't have enough time to make another Horcrux before killing Harry, right? Right?!?? Where did Dudley go? ;)
As an epilogue, maybe, or an end to this "book", LV comes back and kills Harry. But psych! HArry has the sword!Horcrux so is a floating spirit. Maybe he turns to Kreacher for help. Or Sirius, depending on how close the two got. Because Sirius would be hella pissed. But he might do it, idk. ANyway, whoever helps HArry come back to life, they're like "omg how are we gonna do this?" and Harry's like "Look in the xyz compartment of my satchel for a shiny red stone. That's the Philosopher's stone. Yeah, I stole it just in case. And look, just in case happened! Good job, past self."
The end.
OR maybe not.
HP graduates Hogwarts and retreats to the Creature Reserve. Goes ham with building it out. As tensions rise between wizards and "dark" creatures, as they might have done even without LV's involvement, Harry invites the more isolated werewolves to come live on one of the islands. This scene may happen before or after he and LV have their first showdown: Greyback tries to smooze and reveals some creepy shit with the kids, so Harry casts the killing curse for the first time, and it's successful. Harry's like "huh, I didn't know if that would work. Anyone else want to try it? No? Don't hurt kids if you want to live :)"
At the same time as this is happening, LV's back in action in the UK - but he can't go as himself or TMR because someone revealed his identity and tragic backstory to the entire wizarding world. (Fuck you, Harry Potter.) Also a lot of people have Parseltongue translators so he can't even use his --his-- language for secrecy and intimidation. (again, fuck you, Harry Potter.) He probably tries the more subtle politician route, maybe. Or a new terrorist identity, idk.
I'm very vague on the details now. Just how long do I wanna keep this going? Idk. But years, decades down the line, the Muggles begin to suspect. LV's rising to power and maybe Harry tries to stay out of it because he has Underhill, but characters like Sirius try (probably successfully) to pull him in because Britain is their home. Maybe there's a bit of a cold war between Underhill and magical Britain as both LV and HP build their forces. HP's pulled dark-ish creatures away from LV by offering each species their island - maybe he gets Hermione and other smarties to research the best, most sustainable government types in history. Point is, Underhill is growing.
(Harry reflects on Slytherin's sword and LV not getting it and, like the egotist he's becoming, he looks down on LV. Why put so much effort into forcefully reshaping the world when you can simply create your own?)
LV probably pisses off the Muggles or they find out on their own thanks to technology, and he goes to war with them. Underhill becomes a sort of magical asylum. Maybe they figure out how to use water as a shield to hide it from satellites like Atlantis. OR they declare it as a sovereign nation to Muggles and are like "we have magical weapons of mass destruction in the form of sea serpents, basilisks, and armies of dragons, don't fuck with us" and the Muggles are like "aight" grudgingly. Maybe SI encouraged Arthur Weasley & the twins to learn about and experiment with Muggle technology and we get a bit magical cyberpunky. Maybe Underhill's a bit isololationisty like Wakanda. Idk. Maybe they snatch Muggleborns and replace them with with Squibs to mirror Fae changling mythology. Maybe not. Idk. But they certainly try to incorporate muggleborns more than wizarding Britain does.
Maybe LV & HP grudgingly come to respectfully ignore each other. Maybe LV dies to Muggle warfare like he feared he would as a child. Who knows? Not me.
Honestly I don't think the fic will ever get this far because all of this would be like a million+ words and I want to put my writing efforts into other things. But you never know? :)
Also, sidenote: In an AU of this fic, Harry tries to feed Quirrelmort to a dementor and due to crazy soul magic, LV and the dementor fuse into an Eldritch abomination. Decided that simplified my villain too much and also was too dark.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I request J, K, R and X for the Heiwajima brothers and Izaya please ?
Sure, sweetheart.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, bribery, blackmail, violence, manipulation
Yandere Alphabet
Orihara Izaya
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Jealousy-Do they get jealous fast? How do they act?
📱Izaya acts like a cocky and arrogant jerk most of the time, treats people around him like toys whenever he feels like it. Surely someone like that wouldn't feel jealous and insecure about your closeness with others, right? You see, sweetheart, that's where you're wrong. After years of closing his heart off to anyone else, Izaya has started embracing the, albeit twisted, affection and love he holds for you. It's a rare thing for him to do but he can't prevent it from happening and harboring such emotions for you manages to make him more vulnerable. He starts becoming prone to jealousy as the sight of his darling trusting someone so easily and being so carefree around others has his blood boiling. He wants that too, thosw warm gazes and the affection you so willingly give others.
📱There's something scary about it all though. Izaya has rarely been someone to feel vulnerable and lonely and occasionally the sheer intensity of his emotions and his longing frighten him. There's a certain paranoia that someone will take advantage if they'd ever know so Izaya never exposes any weaknesses, not even to you most of the time. He won't let you gain the impression that he actually is insecure and jealous nor anyone else. A mischievous grin is instead on his face when he approaches you and your companion, his tone mocking as he starts verbally bullying them. He relishes in the way they start to feel uneasy around him as he continues with the mean assault of insults. When you aren't listening, he might even whisper to them a secret no one else is supposed to know. Izaya does of course, he needs to know about the people around you after all.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
📱Izaya isn't too excited about the idea of locking his s/o away permanently. That could stun you and limit all those adorable reactions you give in different scenarios and Izaya is someone who happily observes you in your daily life. That doesn't mean by a long shot that you're free as Izaya monitors every step you take and every acquaintance you make. He influences your life, wants to receive your trust by messing with your social contacts a bit. He keeps a firm grip on you, just not quite enough for you to suspect anything or to destroy you too much. He's a certified troublemaker though, stirs things up in the city and sometimes he even drags you a bit inside the chaos. He removes you from the field the moment it gets too dangerous though since he doesn't want you to get hurt because of him. That's only temporary isolation though. A more permanent stay is in the moment you think you can just leave him and don't believe that you need him. After invading his heart, he won't ever let you go.
📱Izaya is always scheming and planning something so kidnapping his s/o won't be any different from that. At tha point he basically has already all information about you, knows your background, your workplace and the way you function in your life. Your absence can be easily excused in some way too, the possibilities for Izaya with all of his connections are almost limitless. He most likely invites you over to his office, prepares some special tea for you and then just waits for you to arrive. You have not even a single clue up until you're about to lose consciousness and Izaya admits that he'll have to keep you for a while. You don't have to worry. He already took care of al trivial matters like your job. An abduction is never going to last forever, only long enough until whatever he stirred up has ended or until he thinks that you've learned that you will always need him in some way. When you walk out of the place he's kept you though, you've come to realize that you'll never be free from him again.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
📱Izaya is always interested in the things happening around him and the people in the city. When something catches his interest, he tends to focus very intently on whatever has grabbed his curiosity. His darling is no exclusion from all of that as Izaya finds them just interesting in the beginning, wants to find out a bit more about them and observe. Only long enough until he turns his attention somewhere else. He's not a man who trusts someone easily just as much as no one really trusts him. It takes time until his feelings change from a mere slightly obsessed curiosity into an obsessed attraction. His love to observe and try to predict your reactions never fades of course but you become something more than the average entertaining person to him.
📱The first signs for Izaya would be the concerned and worried thoughts he tends to have when there's some sort of uproar in the city. Not because you're a pawn he needs for later but because he's genuinely worried about your wellbeing. Izaya starts realizing that he can't control and sometimes even predict his own behavior when he's around you, takes notice how his heart speeds up and how he blurs everything out at times and just stares at you. That has never happened to him before and this sudden change unnerves him. What have you done with him? He knows the answer deep down already but rejects the inner confession because he's a bit afraid. He hurts others but doesn't want to get hurt himself, fears that love might hurt him. It's going to be his either possessive and jealous side that leads him to accepting his feelings or a scenario where you do something for him despite knowing that he's an asshole. No one has ever done something kind for him and he'd be quite shocked about it.
Xoanon-How much do they worship their darling?
📱The acceptance of his feelings means at the same time his tenacity to become an integral part of your life. He's never minded the lack of trust others have in him or how he doesn't have even one genuine bond with someone. Your existence turns his whole philosophy around though and suddenly he starts to feel lonely without you. Izaya wants his darling, wants their love and affection but it's all done because of his own selfish desires. He takes what has always been lacking in his life and what you made him aware of. Be aware that he'll establish himself as the dominant part in the relationship too, establish his control over you. Izaya probably does see himself as superior too or at least wants you to know that he's above you, especially with consideration of his power and skills. He's not afraid to bribe and blackmail you either, after all he knows you best.
Heiwajima Shizuo
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Jealousy-Do they get jealous fast? How do they act?
🚬Shizuo is prone to a bad case of raging jealousy even though he knows he shouldn't. His temper is short as it is already and when he's angry, his body automatically responds almost all the time with violence. He tries so hard to regulate his jealousy and temper somehow but he fails about 90% of the time. No matter how hard he tries, he just can't help it. His obsession only worsens his already very fierce temper as it is. His darling is just so precious and he loves them so much, he's scared to lose them too because of his strength and known reputation for being violent and dangerous. His possessive and his protective side make him more sensitive. Funnily enough a lot of people avoid you simply because he's right next to you, surprisingly silent as long as no one irks him.
🚬At first there is this scowl on his face as he watches how that person is talking with you. Considering his height, his overall very intimidating demeanor and his reputation, that's already enough to scare someone. The way he glares down at someone only worsens their fear. The scariest experience one can have is if they dare to throw as much as one suggestive look or one flirty comment your way in which case Shizuo loses it. He starts to angrily shout at the person what they think they're doing with his s/o, grabs them most of the time by their collar and lifts them up with ease. His darling has to always stop him from his outbursts before he hurts someone or damages things around him. It has most likely already happened that he sent someone flying though. After his fit of jealousy he's probably too ashamed to let you see him though as guilt for not being able to control himself consume him.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
🚬Shizuo is of his own actions probably more aware than some others, he was alienated thanks to his strength after all. He hates violence and by extent sometimes himself for his inability to suppress his emotions. Despite his violent side, he also has a very strong sense of honor. He never considers and abduction and if he would, he would probably think of it as a very low thing to do. That aside though, I see him as someone who would tip over into a more delusional area if you would ever be endangered and he wouldn't be able to help you. A relationship with him would be even semi-normal, his terrible outbursts put aside that is. He'd kidnap his s/o based on emotions such as paranoia, fear and probably even possessiveness, in short when something triggers him. That could be you being in severe danger and you seeing him as the monster he is always afraid you'll see him as.
🚬It's known that this man acts on his emotions which can be very intense and strong, especially since he doesn't know how to hold back or control his own feelings. So there would be at best some rash thinking done in a few minutes. Planning ahead isn't something that Shizuo would do and that is especially true since the thought of kidnapping you will only really cross his mind when he's triggered and starts to feel paranoid. An abduction with him is spontanous, clumsy and you as well as him would be very much unprepared for it. Despite his best attempts to be gentle, chances are still that he knocks you out a bit too harsh which results in a throbbing bump for the next few days, something he'd be more than guilty about since you're the last person he'd want to hurt.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
🚬Shizuo is used to being more isolated and he completely understands why so many people don't want to be near him. A part of him thinks that this is best since he's worried that he will even end up someone he cherishes due to his lack of control. In reality the loneliness gets to him and he wishes that he could have someone who would love him and vice versa, looks at this all as a mere dream though since he doesn't know if it'll be possible. He has a wall around himself to protect others from himself and also to keep himself from hurting someone who doesn't deserve it. He hesitates when he does as much as realize that you seem to like him as he's worried that he'll only scare you away in the end. He and his darling need to build a mutual relationship of trust first before he can even start to become obsessed since it takes a bit to break through his walls.
🚬The delusional side that kicks in when his protective instincts go on overdrive aside, Shizuo is probably quite conscious about his own feelings. The problem is that he doesn't develop a crush on you after having forged a trusting and platonic relationship with you as even then his obsession seems to already start slightly. This increase of possessive and protective desires worsens his violent temper though, something he notes to his own fright. He is fuming when he sees someone giving you pretty eyes and feels like crushing something if he ever realizes that you like someone. He's in a much worse position than way back when both of you got to know each other now and even if he tries to pull back again, worried about the worsening of his spiritedness. Only that it's now far too back now for him to pull back.
Xoanon-How much do they worship their darling?
🚬Shizuo is often in a position where he considers himself to not be what you truly deserve. Insecure about his lack of composure and the constant fear that one day he might end up harming you, he thinks a lot that you deserve someone who just isn't him. Yet you've made it so painful for him to truly leave you. He thought he could never be viewed as a normal human and never have a strong bond with someone, deep down hoped to be loved by someone though. That person truly came in form of you. You graced him with something he thought he would never be able to have and each affectionat and thoughtful gesture from your side fuels his obsession more. The biggest shame is just that his emotions are so strong, especially when it involves you. He acts on impulse and lets his emotions influence his behavior which in some cases might end up in something unpleasant for you.
Heiwajima Kasuka
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Jealousy-Do they get jealous fast? How do they act?
▪️Kasuka is pretty much the counterpart of his brother in almost every aspect which also includes his temper and his jealousy. He’s really quiet and reserved and unlike his brother definitely not prone to boiling jealousy. He’s practiced in the art of patience after all. He grew up with a very spirited brother after all and his position in the showbiz with his full schedule and his fans requires a level of calmness and mettle at times too. That’s why it isn’t too tricky for him to let his darling have their time with others. At times he might tend to feel a bit annoyed though. He’s often very busy and for that doesn’t get to spend as much time with you as others. Especially when he has been gone for a while and returns, he just silently wants you to pay more attention to him. If you’re busy interacting with someone else, he does feel bothered.
▪️Kasuka isn’t much of a talker outside of the times he acts. Considering that his face is generally most of the time devoid of emotions, he’s hard to understand. He wouldn’t want to draw wrong conclusions and make the situation awkward for him and you so he stands back for a while and just watches them and you. When he starts to stand next to you, you can consider that as his silent request that he thinks that it’s time that you pay some attention to him too. He’s still not speaking much but his eyes stare somewhat expectantly at you before turning to the other person, a frown starting to deepen on his face. You know that he’s had enough when he finally speaks up though, in a somewhat blunt manner that catches you off-guard. You’re his s/o, he just wanted to remind them and you about it since you’ve been ignoring him for a while now for them.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
▪️Kasuka is lucid and, despite his stoic expression most of the times, a person who still cares for you a lot. He’s too famous for his own good though as well as yours. He has to be very discreet and tight-lipped about his relationship with you in the beginning too. He doubts that he can keep it away from public for eternities, eventually he’ll have to announce everything. Je at least wants to give you time to get comfortable and used to the thought. That fame itself might already be something that indirectly traps you since your privacy is endangered the moment the internet and the fans find out. You suddenly have paparazzi and jealous fans following you around which concerns Kasuka and forces him to let you move in with him to have more peace. Just imagine how bad the backlash might be if you would leave him…
▪️Similar to his older brother, Kasuka never considers abducting his darling as something he’d ever do. Even if dating someone as public as him isn’t easy and you tend to get negative comments from jealous fans, your lover is fairly normal and so is the relationship. Kasuka considers you two to be something that is forever though. It’s ride or die together after all, isn’t he right? That sounds romantic on paper but you fail to notice how serious he is about that statement. The thought of using slightly more forceful ways to keep you start crossing his mind the moment there’s a threat that might drift you two apart, something he doesn’t want. Whilst it sounds sinister, Kasuka knows that the internet, the paparazzi and his enraged fans will do most work for him if worst comes to worst.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
▪️Kasuka with his reserved personality definitely needs someone he sees often. I think of a childhood friend or someone who works closely with him as great possibilities to get to know the almost apathetic man better. People often have a hard time reading and understanding him since his face rarely gives something away. Even he himself doesn’t understand himself at times. So someone who makes a genuine effort to get to know him better or has already known him long enough to understand at least a bit how he works would most likely flatter him. You’ll need patience though to get through him due to his quiet personality. He really needs to get to know you before he can start succumbing to his obsession gradually and by the time this happens, both of you are already very close.
▪️People around you will notice the change in behavior from his side since they’re used to Kasuka being someone who is often just standing alone and rarely talks unless he’s asked something. With you he suddenly makes an effort to go out of his usual routine. He’s standing often near you when he has nothing to do, listens intently when you rant about something that either annoys you or excites you and, even if only slightly, talks more to you than to most others. On his own free will too. Both of you have known each other for so long already though that initially he has troubles to differ between his more romantic interest and his platonic love. It’s only when his obsession has already grown too much that he finally realizes that his feelings for you have changed and he wants something more. It’s his first time he thinks, being in love.
Xoanon-How much do they worship their darling?
▪️You might think that someone as handsome and popular as him would be a tad bit arrogant. Kasuka doesn’t see himself as anything special though and this humbleness is what you like on him. It’s quite obvious for people who know him even a bit that he fancies his darling since he always wants their opinion on things and spends as much time with them as he can. I feel like his darling would also be the main reason for Kasuka to step out of his more devoid and emotionless state. He surely will never be someone who is very open with his feelings but you manage to open the doors to his heart at least a bit. You complete him in a way, help him to understand himself better. He puts both of you on equal footing, beware that in the worst situations he will stay true to his philosophy of you two staying together forever. You taught him so much after all, he doesn’t think he can love anyone quite the same way he loves you.
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oh-soo-diabolik · 1 year
Emotionally Sensitive S/O Headcanons
ADMIN: I had issues with my last account and had to create a new one, anyway someone requested this. So hopefully they see this!
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SHU: He's known for being very apathic, so with a s/o that's emotionally sensitive, he becomes very maniplutive.
More than likely, at first he's going to be annoyed that you're so sensitive, to the point it turns him off.
However, the more he observes you the more he grows to the idea of you being sensitive seeing he could his it to his advantage.
Heaven forbid you end up choosing him to be with, [dont worry i would too], he'll make sure to make you feel bad for trying to distant yourself from him.
There's no doubt, the closer you guys become the more clingy and manipulative he becomes.
Oh? You need to go to your next class? The one with Reiji, right? Why, don't you care about Shu's well being? You know he'll never last long without you. He'll die of thirst,
This man will make sure you come when called, you're sad? Come here so he can suck you dry, he knows you'll feel better if he does. I mean you are a masochist after all.
He knows how to hurt you and make you crawl right back to him, besides he's all you need anyway.
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REIJI: Being the Mister Perfect he thinks he is, he's composed and he expects you to be the same way.
I promise you, this man knew from the jump how sensitive you are, though he was rather displeased, but then he connected the dots. Just like Shu, Reiji will use your sensitive nature for his own benefit.
He remembers every emotionally draining and upsetting events he 'saved' you from, not he expects you to show him how grateful you are.
I know what your thinking, 'it's giving Ayato', and you're exactly right. However, Reiji would never openly admit, but he likes to be praised as much as Ayato does.
He will take advantage of your nature, like Shu, it would be push and pull with this man. He will be cold and harsh, most of the time, and 'warm and welcoming' another.
His actions will grow accustom to you, growing dependent on Reiji. he's treated you better than the others so how could you not want to be around him and be vulnerable?
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LAITO: The final boss of them all, he knows exactly how to get what he wants, of your emotionally sensitive? You're just his type.
This man is curling his toes as we speak, he's delighted you're 'easy to break', he'll become quick to 'defend' you against his bullying brothers.
Oh, you saw a baby bunny being abandoned by its mother? Here let Laito make you feel better.
He knows what to say to make you trust him, he'll compliment you and make you feel nice, but remember it's all for show.
Besides if you're always around him, he'll never go hungry! You practically fell into his arms.
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AYATO: The one brother who probably will lose his mind, second from Kanato. But for many different reasons.
For some reason, I feel like Ayato would prefer someone who's sensitive, at least sooner than his brothers. At first you will be made fun of by him, he'll still call you names and so on.
BUT, I don't think he'll really mind. Shockingly enough, I like to believe he would want someone who can express emotions for the both of them, frfr.
Although he won't admit, but he enjoys when his brothers manage to make you cry. Because he knows you'll come running to him for comfort.
You may think for just blood, but no, it would be for possession. I have a headcanon where I believe Ayato needs his lover to be around him at all costs and depend on him entirely, similar to Reiji.
It makes him feel superior to you, he likes to believe your life is in his hands, but is he wrong though?
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KANATO: Oh Lord, you've done it now, gg's.
If you think this pairing would be toxic, I like to think you're right and wrong? Why? With being sensitive himself, your sensitivity comes from a more sincere place. So there would be no doubt in hell, he would cling to you from the jump.
Remember, Kanato likes sweet things, and dolls. You're cute and sensitive? What else does he need?
I promise you, Kanato would never let you leave his sight. There isn't an hour or minute in the day you're alone.
He becomes almost dependent on your kind nature, 9/10 you're probably shy and soft spoken or rarely talkative.
Knowing he's bipolar, you're more than likely watching how you speak around him to avoid his violent ways.
13/10, he loves knowing he can make you cry easier than ever. So with that being said, you better not be showing his brothers your cute crying face. Puffy eyes and red nose from the sniffles, even cuter when you're wearing whatever he has you wear.
Will probably make you dress up and then make you cry just to see your crying face, is probably aroused by it. But we all know he isn't the only one.
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SUBARU: Oh this man may be cruel but he isn't a monster.
This man will not know how to act, 9/10, you remind him of his mom. So the feeling to controlling you wouldn't stray away.
Yes he is a Tsundere, but he isn't a monster, [though technically he is] He gives me 'tough love' vibes.
He believes you need to grow a backbone, especially with his brothers roaming about. He always seem to be the one following you around, always the one stepping in.
At first, he seems to not care how his brothers treat you, probably minding his business.
But then again, you remind him of his mom, sensitive and dependent. Although he doesn't like to admit, he feels like he should be the one 'caring' for you, because its apparent you cannot save yourself or stand up for yourself, so he'll do it...yandere??
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
Sand and Mew are not the problem. Ray is the problem. If we all loved who was best for us then that would be great, but we don't, and it doesn't matter how well Sand takes care of him. It wouldn't matter if Mew was as awful as half the fandom thinks he is. Ray would still want Mew.
A lot has been said about the line from Mew about how sometimes you don't know what you have until it's too late, but he also said that sometimes you just don't feel it. I think the show is showing that in the Sand and Ray relationship too. He's shown it in subtle ways all throughout, but both Sand and us have been only seeing the obvious.
I'm sorry for this rant, but this show succeeded in killing any wish for Sand and Ray to end up together for me. And now that I feel that way it's hard not to go back and see how Ray treats Sand in a new light.
As a human, Sand deserves better than what Ray is doing to him. Someone should take care of him for a change.
I agree that Ray is the problem because he's the one who is ultimately so lost in his own feelings that he ends up stringing Sand along. It doesn't matter if they aren't technically in a relationship; what Ray is doing to Sand is cruel. I will say though that even though Ray was ready to pursue a relationship with Mew the moment he asked, I do think Ray was genuinely trying to move on from his crush. He put Mew above Sand, but I do think he was trying to see past it and accept that they are just friends. It was Mew who opened up the possibility of a romantic relationship, which is quite messy morally because on the one hand, we have Mew who is not in a good mental state finally agreeing to a relationship with someone he has rejected for years. He is playing to Ray's weaknesses by agreeing to a relationship that I am almost certain he is not committed to long-term/knows won't go anywhere. Ray is also taking advantage of Mew's own weakness in agreeing to be with him in his vulnerable state. So as far as Ray and Mew are concerned, I think there are morally dubious decisions being made from both directions.
Sand does deserve better. Ultimately, Sand's happiness comes first. If Ray isn't willing to change his wishy-washy behaviors and fully commit to Sand, then Sand deserves to move on. But I think this is where we'll see Ray realize the error of his ways too late. It's sad to think that only once he's been with Mew will Ray (potentially) realize that Sand is the one for him. Then all the power will be in Sand's hands: if Sand chooses to forgive him (again!), great. If Sand doesn't want Ray in his life anymore, that's also valid.
Last point, but I was coming into this show thinking that Ray's crush on Mew would be a big point of conflict, but I never really expected Ray to be with Mew. Which, shame on me honestly for being so blindsided by it. But I think this is the first time we're seeing Ray being outright cruel to Sand. There's no excuse for it, but that doesn't mean they can't eventually move past it in the same way they have before. None of this to say that Ray's behavior is in any way acceptable, but I think there is still room to grow.
It's sad, but despite all of this, I still have hope.
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Had to read back through, but I now have a rough timeline. The flashback scenes won't be in chronological order and also I forgot they went from Overlord to Tyrest in like five days.
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eyes # 17
Rewind dies and provides his final message.
Chromedome can’t stand it though and does the surgery. But he messes up, damaging himself. His mind starts melding with “leftover” from the last mind he was inside of, Overlord.
He is sent to the Medbay and truly damaged himself. The first person he attacks is Ambulon because he’s desperate and clumsy, targeting the closest he can find to feelings, scrapping over his admiration for Pharma before coming to his senses horrified. He alters Ambulon’s memories and then he rushes out. He thinks its injuries from being inside Overlord too long and tries to resist, but talks himself into it.
He is desperate for a cure for his depression (boredom) and searching out happiness/love (entertainment). This leads him to starting with the Decepticons in the brig. It’s familiar. Like the Institute (Garrus-9) all over again.
He hunts them at night to cover for himself (stir up and play on their fears). When he has sucked them dry, he can’t get anymore out of them and can’t get caught, stabilizing after clumsily touching them. He needs to be more careful (discerning of superior prey).
He also takes advantage of Red Alert’s vulnerability first to raid his mind since he’s an easy target and gets the codes, something Chromedome assures himself is just so he can be more careful. He won’t touch anymore of the crew.
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eyes # 18-21
Ambulon doesn’t recognize Pharma, which they think must be trauma from the head injuries, but Pharma looks and laughs realizing Ratchet doesn’t know. He preens over it. Pharma had known Trepan and Sunder. He knew mnemosurgery. Even cases where it wasn’t through the brain module. This soothes him, because it is clear Ratchet has no idea.
Ambulon doesn’t call him Dr. DJD and lives.
Pharma is taken prisoner and subject to the same victimhood as the Cons, though Chromedome is more careful initially and devours Pharma’s obsessive regard about Ratchet and how deeply he clung to him, slowly unraveling every bit of him can and soothing over the dark memories with Tarn (relishing them unconsciously). He makes it look more likely a natural corruption and ties the memories together, letting the processor blend things together after only slightly nudged in semblance that covers evidence of mnemosurgery. Not the hack job that was his desperate feeding on Ambulon and patchwork over Cons.
He comforts himself that Pharma isn’t a real Autobot but a traitor after all.
Memory 2b occurs. Sunstreaker and Nautilator.
People are having nightmares, but with the increased scrutiny of the brig Chromedome can’t hunt freely leading him to target others. Sunstreaker is obvious because he is almost always alone except for Bob and doesn’t have a roommate. Once Sunstreaker ups his own defenses, Chromedome starts targeting other bots who are more likely to be alone or isolated, such as Rodimus (who burns him).
This careful delicate hunting (just tasting Chromedome assures himself as he can’t hunt the Decepticons with the guards now there) is carefully maintaining him but only making him hunger for more.
Vote to keep Rodimus as Captain
Memory 1b occurs. Ultra Magnus and Rodimus.
Things have to break though and Brainstorm, who is suspicious, catches him hunting Tailgate and realizes what is going on. He confronts him and Chromedome attacks, “drinking his fill” when he doesn't just “taste” Brainstorm’s memories but devours them, slowly stitching on the way out to prevent damage. This removes Quark and a whole lot more.
Perceptor finds Brainstorm and takes him to the Medbay. Everyone becomes convinced it was an experiment especially since they find Brainstorm with research on the information creep. Brainstorm and Perceptor start investigating the briefcase.
Sunstreaker is on the hunt for other victims and ends up meeting Amblon while looking into it and finds out he also suspects something because of Pharma, who he has taken to mentoring. Ratchet and the others confirmed his own memories simply had their storage damaged on Luna-1 and will return on their own time, but Ambulon is suspicious. Sunstreaker reads him in on it and thinks he’d get mocked for his concept of it being a monster, but Ambulon accepts it nonchalant, claiming it would fit in with the rest of this ridiculous journey which makes Sunstreaker snort.
Things are getting worse with people acting oddly.
Ratchet’s personality change which only Rodimus, who has been stuck in depression mode for weeks, notices.
Tailgate’s memory issues which they assign to age and his recovering Spark.
Brainstorm personality change fallout.
People are getting tenser and angstier as emotions become unstable.
Getaway is also target but manages to rip out needles that look like mnemosurgery needles. They compare them to Chromedome and confirm they are different, not in any database. That's because Overlord was trained by Trepan to make mnemosurgery needles unlike Chromedome so he fabricated a different set.
Chromedome and the leftover from Overlord and others he's injected into start to meld together more making him more unstable and frantic. Everyone assumes that Chromedome is being similarly affected by the emotional instability plaguing the entire ship.
Rung is attacked and is left shaken by the whole events and temporarily forgets his name is Rung. He has odd older dreams. And without thinking it automatically corrects First Aid that his manufacturing number is 1 not 1 million and then when the both pause is perplexed by this. But feels it is correct. He is feeling much, much older and remembering things like speaking dead languages, having brothers, a war, and when Ratchet examines him he's surprised by more processor activity and older files that had long been archived and degraded (information creep) clearing up and being re-established.
The Sunstreaker Investigation Bureau gets Nightbeat involved and he is very inappropriately excited. They realize that Sunstreaker is right and he looks deeper into it, getting people like Mirage and Skids involved. Skids taught himself in depth coding once and finds that hidden within the date there have been alterations and entrances into multiple people's rooms not just Sunstreaker's and all of them use Red Alert’s ID and authority.
They contact Red Alert and he confirms that sometimes during his time in "stasis" at the very end he'd feel awake enough to have nightmares of something inside him.
They bring their findings to Rodimus and the other command officers and show the example and a pattern of the "health issues" being related to the same cause. This is then investigated because Rodimus brings up he thinks people have lost memories and cites Ratchet leading to the Drift recollection. And Rodimus speedrunning the Ratchet was in love with Drift realization which he announces to the room at large.
Pharma, who has been semi-mentored by Ambulon and a reluctant First Aid (Ratchet doesn’t interact with him) at this point, helps with the investigation, eager to prove himself even if it means doing something dangerous. He argues passionately that the symptoms do not actually match those of isolation and other degrading and he'd looked at his own good and while it is masterfully done doesn’t actually resemble trauma induced info dumping and deletion 100%. There's some back and forth between Ratchet and him but he takes a breathe and listens when Ambulon backs Pharma up. Though Pharma does get scolded for looking at his own coding and messing with it without back up available in case anything went wrong and no Bob is not adequate backup.
Bob makes an offended chirp at this. While Pharma huffs slightly and First Aid feels weird about being the responsible adult scolding his former boss who is pouting about dangerous experimental treatments. Pharma insists that fine they may have a point but that the results mirror mnemosurgery and shadowplay. A very good mnemosurgeon truthfully. Each one has their own signature and part of the reason it isn't looking like it traditionally is they aren't going through the usual points. Pharma is getting excited about his explanation on sheer joynof solving the mystery, Nightbeat at least is rapt, and flashes his Spark showing minute scars that are nigh undeniable in between plating and then gets Ambulon to help remove lower back plating showing other similar scaring in his spinal cord.
They examine the others and find similar, more sloppy damage hidden between scarring left from Luna-1 on Ambulon, some on Ratchet and Sunstreaker, none on First Aid and wuickly run through others finding evidence now that they know where to look. Pharma had been focusing on remembering and finally does running into a staff meeting excitedly saying he found it out. He remembers Trepan and Trepan's exceptional apprentice. That's why it looks familiar. Trepan was very proud of his successor and showed Pharma his signature, which is different from the needle imprints. Trepan's apprentice thought like a cop so his patterns resembled Iaconian Enforcer Grid Search Patterns. Pharma, beaming says the apprentice's name was Tumbler.
Meanwhile, Chromedome is alone with Ultra Magnus investigating something and the alert goes out with Rodimus frantically calling him. Chromedome lunges and due to the Magnus armor can’t reach Minimus but does manage to trap him inside unable to react or escape but able to watch.
Then Chromedome uses Red Alert’s codes to shutdown the ship. Then when he starts talking he refers to himself as "we" and talks and references things that genuinely don't make sense to Ultra Magnus because it is Overlord’s shade and others that Chromedome was asked to look into: the dead and the killers who are clambering together in his brain.
Eventually Ultra Magnus is found and Rung identifies it as mind blending which is another danger to mnemosurgeons. They normally have lingering data portioned off in their processor as temporary files until it can be deleted. Whatever Chromedome did to delete his memories of Rewind instead broke that barrier so now Chromedome isn't strictly Chromedome.
Cue horror move sequence of Chromedome hunting the crew and activating various triggers left in them to make them helpless.
Eventually he is captured by someone broadcasting Rewind's last message and voice through the ship which makes Chromedome freeze up and go unsteady, starting to glitch out because he has been degrading this whole time. He says Rewind looks around him clear headed for the first time in a while and injects in himself to "turn himself off".
They ask if it is curable and Rung admits he knows only a minimal amount and another mnemosurgeon would genuinely be their best bet. The crew votes and decides to keep Chromedome and find the Knights and hopefully a cure or another mnemosurgeon.
Ratchet makes the decision to go find Drift runs off without everyone and the Lost Light goes after him because wtf Ratchet, plus Rodimus has been lingering on regrets and thinking of reaching out himself. Ratchet finds Drift and Drift upon realizing what happens drags him back.
Ratchet is the one pursuing and showing up to Drift every time now to figure out what happened, or rather didn't, between them and they fall in love. Drift decides to stay Neutral and Rodimus introduces him to the Con and now Neutral or Autobots from the brig.
Dark Cybertron
Megatron joins the ship.
They find Rewind.
Elegant Chaos doesn’t quite occur the same because Brainstorm doesn't remember why he needed it or what he wanted to pursue. Instead it is Rewind who is much worse because he won't hesitate to shoot a newborn. Rewind did go to the Alyon Fields because he was going to shoot baby Tarn as well because he remembers who tortured his Chromedome too.
Brainstorm reluctantly gives up his "secret brainchild" he has been constructing a frame for in secret to make his own mentee once he find a Spark hidden in his chest. Megayron is still born while Brianstorm sulks at him until he is gifted with another Spark by Cyclonus. He accidentally purrloin one of the Sparks from the fields when they did an emergency jump after saving Damus, who references the events during the Confrontation, which delights Brainstorm and they stick it in the Protoform resulting in the abandoned Lost Light Baby storyline.
Confrontation with DJD is different: Skids doesn't die because Chromedome triggered his memories earlier, the Pet is just with them because once he saw Rewind and Minimus he clung to them and they were able to identify him as Dominus, Pharma nearly has a lot of panic over Tarn.
The Mutiny doesn't occur so the DJD Confrontation doesn't go like Canon.
Once they get to the "end of the map" there's a huge argument about mayne euthanizing Megatron after all. Once they reunite and save the universe and are sort of hovering above the planet. Going through a reunion.
Chromedome is able to be "fixed" though as is Dominus somewhat. He has memory issues though and has to deal with leftover pieces of others. He doesn't remember-remember Rewind but he knows him and they start courting again. Slowly.
More emotional relations have other scenes not mentioned and having a different idea for handling the Funtionalist Universe, basically how Ravage and others get yeeted into it, resulting in alternate timeline there as well and, ironically, a DJD redemption arc off screen because the timecase explodes with Ravage and the DJD caught in it resulting in them being there. And Cat Dad dont track with nonsense.
So they are saved by the DJD arriving instead of Megatron, having helped with a somewhat peaceful revolution in another timestream. That, however, will be a different story since this one focuses on Chromedome's Antagonist Arc and recovery.
Fr the Overlord Incident and Tyrest incident were back to back like that
Interesting bit on the Overlord bits still being in Chromedome's processor because that sort of tracks with what we know of mnemosurgery. No matter what, no matter how safe and orderly they try to make it, the very process of connecting with someone's mind like that is inherently dangerous for both parties. I imagine for mnemosurgeons, it's a lot like how radiologists have to step out of the room because otherwise they'd be getting an x-ray EVERY time their patient gets one and that's bad for them— except the mnemosurgeons can't "step out of the room". CD mentions more than once that mnemosurgeons die young, it's addictive, and it's a whole thing that there will be a last injection.
So, yeah. Makes sense Chromedome lost his shit. Also because he was in Overlord's mind pretty deep for pretty long.
He won't touch any more of the crew
We know where that leads
OOOO ON PHARMA HAVING KNOWN TREPAN ABD SUNDER. I think it makes sense that mecha have experimented with mnemosurgery away from the average mold. After all, Sunder does it primarily remotely, and we see with Megatron Trepan prefers to do it directly through the brain module. Chromedome also says rather early on he prefers to go through the eye sockets with corpses. There are probably so many New Institute experiments with the mnemosurgeons being both the experimenter and the experiment. Pharma can see the signs.
damnnn so he's getting more methodical and falling into a rhythm
fucker is a joy (among other emotions) vampire, but in the same way a mosquito does with all the metaphorical anticoagulant skeeter spit: messy and with unforseen consequences
ooooo interesting that Chromedome has a separate set of needles for "hunting"
It must be so fascinating to see this epidemic of memory loss and Rung pull up with the opposite
Sunny is absolutely on the money for involving Nightbeat, and dammnn involving Skids and Mirage into this is such more a good idea.
Rodimus yes
ohh pharma oh no. Yes.
Sdfhjko ah yes casually flashing his spark. I'm fairly sure even in canon that's got meaning.
Mmhm they're getting closer and closer, and this is when I remember mnemosurgery scars are awful. Just... In general.
Yep yep, it's Tumbler all right. Now known as Chromedome😁
oh Chromedome
Yep yep, something got fucked up and caused Chromedome to flip absolute shit.
OWO on the horror movie scene idea
yep yep, oh Domey.
OOOO ON IT BEING REWIND 2.0 GOING THROUGH TIME WITH HIS OWN DAMN LIST. Dude's got his own trauma that's just. Yeah. Jesus fuck Rewind 2.0 must have opinions about finding out what happened with Chromedome 1.0.
Ooo interesting interesting
Interesting that it's the DJD stuff that's different, for several reasons.
Okay fr this is cool as all fuck, so many interesting changes and interesting parallels
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erisluna35ocblog · 8 months
Characterization Across AUs: Blair Crawford
THE jerk with a heart of gold.
She's pragmatic. She won't hesitate to use anyone around her to reach her goals... except Blake.
It takes a long time for her to open up.
Much later, Shizuke and Natalia make it to her "people I give a shit about" list. But those two always start off in the "people I could use" list.
She's kind of an introvert, but with a stupid amount of self confidence to socialize.
While she's an all around flirt, she doesn't care or feel in anyway attracted to anyone she's ever hit on. Shizuke's the one exception, but only in stories that give them enough focus to get to that point.
She's a demisexual-demiromantic. If she doesn't have a slowburn going on with Shizuke, then she's not getting any romance at all.
Heck, she'd hit on a guy if it gives her an advantage. But she stays cautiously out of reach, giving suggestions but never letting them close the last inch.
Scheming, cunning, opportunistic and potentially ruthless depending on the setting... But deep down, she's more moral than she'd like to admit. She usually has a noble goal, her methods just aren't always clean. Yet, as she always thinks of the easy way, she doesn't compromise when it comes to the people she gives a shit about. She thinks it holds her back.
The sort of emotionally constipated dum dum who thinks vulnerability is a weakness.
Always the colder, more goal-oriented twin. Some might even call her heartless compared to the quiet Blake. Ironically, she's actually the more moral twin as Blake is secretly more ruthless than her despite his shy demeanor.
In charge of the fanservice. She's a beautiful redhead with a nice figure and ain't afraid to use it. She tends to dress well, unlike her twin.
Strong witch association. Whether it be as a witch's literal familiar via contract or as a black cat... There's a reason I named her Blair.
She tends to owe one of Keagan's evil auntie. Whichever one of them is available in the story.
There's an arc where she clashes with Blake cause one of them switched sides. By the end of it, both twins are on team good.
Fiona will disagree with Blair taking the leader position at first, even though Blair is the most qualified for it. Something about clashing priorities.
Whenever she's tagteaming with Shizuke, her role is often to lure the enemies into the right position for Shizuke to finish them off. Sometimes, they switch things up by having Blair as the tactician making sure nothing gets in the way of Shizuke the close combat specialist.
She prefers wielding long weapons, like staves or spears... or scythes.
Shizuke's first step to her heart always involves him breaking down over whatever tragedy happening to his friends. It's the first time Blair felt sympathy towards him, makes him more than just someone to use. She appreciates his loyalty to his friends. Kaji and Fuyu's sacrifices for Shizuke to score this redhead are never appreciated.
Losing her parents at an early age builds her independent nature.
The beginning of her arch focuses on her death or near-death.
She'll feel disillusioned and used by her other blood relatives once she meets them. They all want something from her, as foretold. Family of oracles and all that. This is why she is so attached to Blake.
She's all about family loyalty. Her fixation on her dead parents made her blind to her found family. She'll see them someday.
She's a cheapskate who'll take free stuff any chance she gets.
She'll somehow bond with Zephyr over the many things they have in common (mischief, love of free stuff, death hanging over their heads, naggy older brothers, idiot family who they're preventing from sacrificing their lives for them...).
She just can't seem to get on the good side of Shizuke's paternal grandparents. But the maternal grandmother is rather fond of her. Heh, she's the most important one anyway, being the one closest to Shizuke.
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worldunbent · 6 months
well my volunteer shift for tonight got cancelled so i'm starting my natsuyuu reread with volume 1... it's been years since i read the early volumes (and it's my first time reading the official translations) so this is basically a brand new experience.
getting used to the rather plot-heavy past 40 or so chapters and then just jumping back to the beginning is a bit of a trip. the pacing of the series has evolved so smoothly and slowly that you don't notice it in process, but the difference becomes way more obvious once you travel back 120+ chapters. that's not a knock on the early chapters at all, because i think they're all fantastic standalone stories. they're just so different from the current series!
but despite all that, the themes are extremely consistent and i kept getting surprised at how many moments in these first four chapters can be connected with a straight line all the way to the present.
chapter 1
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i'm going to restrain myself and not laugh at every early nyanko. his design had charm! it's just so different from his current look!
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Sensei: I've spent such a long time in that ceramic cat that my body's gotten used to it. My true form is very graceful and elegant, you know. Natsume: Oh yeah?
it’s soooo cute that it takes approximately 2 minutes for natsume to start treating nyanko like an actual cat.
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Sensei: Reiko couldn't get along with humans. So she started to pick on yokai. She bullied them into duels and crushed them. She was born with substantial mystical powers. She made them promise that the winner would get power over the loser, and then had them write their names down to ensure their obedience. This book is the collection of those names. Natsume: So... why do you want it, Nyanko sensei?
reiko’s methods of defeating youkai are very… prosaic lol. this could be because this is essentially a pilot chapter and midorikawa hadn’t fully developed the worldbuilding rules, but i also wonder if we can justify this with her “substantial mystical powers.” she can accomplish with a baseball bat or her foot what exorcists need elaborate rituals to do. or it could just be the terms of her duels! also, the “kick me” panel cracks me up.
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HMM... i started to write something up on this but i think i need to return to it later.
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Sensei: It's easy to do, but many yokai are vicious. You won't last long. I'd advise against it. Natsume: I'll be fine. I have you, sensei. Sensei: Say what?! Natsume: I didn't want to get involved... but I kind of owe it to [text is cut off]. If I end up dying partway through, the Book of Friends will be yours. Please, sensei. Will you help me out?
natsume is super quick to propose a partnership with nyanko and begin relying on him. again, this about economical pilot writing, but it’s still interesting when you compare it to the pacing of other relationships.
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Sensei: ....Are you sure? I can have the Book when your life ends? Natsume: Yeah, I'm sure...
the shoujo bubbles showing up here are. so
“I bet she was waiting… for the yokai to come find her, to get their names back. As many as she could find. And the yokai felt lonely being no more than one of many…” this reminds me of hinoe in the most recent reiko-centric chapter, but more generally, complicated bonds of loyalty and servitude, reciprocal and nonreciprocal, seem to be some of midorikawa's favorite dynamics to draw on. putting a pin in this.
chapter 2
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this touko is so cute. shigeru is a nonentity in the first volume.
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you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
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Sensei: Bad dream? Natsume: Because you were on me! Sensei: You must've left yourself vulnerable. Weakness lures demons. They take advantage of it. Be strong if you don't want to get eaten.
madara brings up survival of the fittest mentality for the first time, which is another consistent theme - the value of individual strength vs sharing your struggles with others. but the latter hasn’t really been addressed as an option yet! natsume kind of speedran thru part of this by enlisting nyanko as his bodyguard, but it will take him a lot longer to start learning to share burdens with other humans, or to allow the emotional vulnerability aspect to enter into it.
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Natsume: I'll come to worship you. I can't promise to come every day, but I'll bring you offerings. Shrine god: You can't, Natsume. You're my friend.
this chapter hits very hard for me in general, but especially this exchange. the first volume of full of relationships with marked power dynamics, but now we finally get some friends. weh.
no specific screenshot for this, but i get a bit emotional reading midorikawa’s sidebar notes. i don’t know how old she was when she started writing natsuyuu, but it’s 20 years younger than she is now. i wonder if she still has the same editor she’s talking about in these notes!
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chapter 3 natsume’s flashbacks to the various youkai he encountered as a child are way creepier than i remembered. screenshots not included due to image limit, but midorikawa has been good at conveying unease very quickly from the very beginning.
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Natsume: Oh boy...
speaking of unease, panels like these are why i felt the need to use screenshots economically. tanuma bb you have come so far. i love the lighting in the center top panel.
another thing i love is midorikawa's assistants getting feature sidebar panels, which again i didn't screenshot because i was worried about running out of images for this post. but they're great.
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Natsume: I'm sorry, can we do this later? Misuzu: Are you busy? Sensei: Exorcising humans. Natsume: Sensei! Misuzu: Oh? Then allow me, Misuzu, to help. It would be dull to never serve my master. And you saved one of my own servants earlier. Natsume: The frog... Sensei: No good deed goes unpunished. Natsume: You be quiet, Sensei.
misuzu’s introduction brings back the theme of servitude and mutual loyalty. i also completely forgot that misuzu’s introduction was tied to tanuma’s, something that will come back up like... 95 chapters from now. i am frequently surprised by basic narrative consistency.
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natsume and tanuma are able to connect so quickly and again i wonder if midorikawa would have paced things differently if she’d known how long this series would last. but i’m not saying that as a criticism - the way they’re immediately drawn to each other is an important contrast to other dynamics that come up later.
chapter 4
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Natsume (in narration): This might take a while... Natsume (speaking): Kitamoto, have you heard of Futaba village? Kitamoto: Hmm? My dad's from there. Natsume (in narration): What?! Kitamoto: Most of the people relocated around here. I've heard the name Taniozaki, so I'll ask my dad tonight.
another thing i forgot is that kitamoto and nishimura have always been here! for some reason i remembered them joining the cast later on, but they’ve been there from the start, even before they're named. kitamoto’s name does come up for what i think is the first time in this chapter, and i love how willing he is to help natsume, no questions asked.
i like this chapter a lot, but don't have much to say about it because it's such a standalone.
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Youkai: We dance, drink, and gamble. There's a race where the prize is a yukata that allows the winner to take human form for one night. Natsume: What? Youkai: It's a whole night of carousing and frolicking. Natsume: What did you say?
the one thing i do want to point out is that's it's interesting that we have youkai getting agency over when they are seen! it's usually left up to the humans, regardless of whether the youkai would like to be seen or not.
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fangirlshrewt97 · 1 year
RWRB Fic - Living in a Snowglobe
So guess who totally fell for Tumblr going crazy over the upcoming movie of a queer rom com book and decided to check it out, only to read the book in a to day haze and fall head first into the fandom? Real life won't let me watch the movie for a bit, but if the gifs I'm seeing are any indication, it looks like a damn good movie.
Anyways, like I said the characters hooked me enough to write for the first time in months, and for the first time in a different fandom from the one I had been writing in for a year.
Here's the fic. (Read on AO3 if you prefer)
The only sound in the brownstone was the background music of David Bowie drifting from the record player in the second floor. The house's three occupants were piled in the third floor, David (the dog), fast asleep and snoring in his bed in the corner, while his human companions cuddled on the large windowsill at the far end of the room.
Henry sat with his back against window frame, one leg stretched as far as the hollowed out seat allowed, one pillow pressed between him and the chilled panes. His other leg bent to support Alex's back. In his arms, curled up against his chest, was the heavy weight of his beloved.
Alex was dozing, breaths slow and long, with his eyelashes fluttering at each exhale. He had Henry's left hand in his arm, clutching it like a stuffed toy, while his right arm loosely held Henry's waist.
The hand Alex had not captured was lazily caressing him, Henry running his fingers up and down the length of the sweater covered bicep, his own eyelids heavy as the past few weeks worth of activity settled into his bones.
The last 2 months had essentially consisted of Henry and Alex being boats passing each other in the night as they alternated being in the city, with Henry traveling to London at his brother's behest, and Alex went to help his dad with his campaign. And even when they were both in the same city, between Alex's classes and internship, and Henry's shelter's expansion they barely had time for anything beside curling into each other at night. More often than not, one or the other woke up alone.
Now though, with an unexpected blizzard bringing New York to a halt, Henry and Alex used it to catch up on their time spent apart. Henry had worried about these type of conditions being when his shelter would be most useful but also most vulnerable.
Alex assured him that Henry had provided enough back-up generators and other contingencies the shelter would survive through the three days the blizzard was expected to rage. They should take advantage of the time when they literally could not be forced out of the house.
Alex had braved the cold to go raid their nearby supermarket for the necessary provisions and raced home, giddy as a kid at Christmas as he told Henry about how he'd snagged all the ingredients he'd need to prepare Mexican hot chocolate. The perfect drink for this weather. 
Henry had grinned, equally affected by the infectious joy and the fondness that bloomed in his gut at getting to see Alex's happiness in person instead of through FaceTime. It had been exactly as good as Alex suggested, the taste rich and unfamiliar, but the ensuing kisses extra sweet. And now here they were, bellies warm and limbs heavy, just enjoying being next to each other.
Alex stirred,  nuzzling into Henry's collarbone as he tamped down a yawn.
Henry chuckled, rubbing his nose against Alex's curls. "Hello, love."
Alex's lips curved into a smile before he opened his eyes, "Hey."
"Hey." Henry replied softly, nudging Alex's nose with his own before tilting his head to kiss him. One became two became three became uncounted kisses. There was no hurry to it, no fiery passion driving them to go further. It was instead the warm kiss of a deeper love, one that had settled into itself, made its home. The journey and goal all in one.
Alex raised his free hand to cup Henry's jaw, and Henry used his to brush back stray curls from Alex's forehead. When they parted, it was with soft smiles and twinkling eyes.
"Hey." Henry said.
Alex bumped his forehead against Henry's. "You already said that, Wales."
"Didn't realize there was a limit." Henry murmured as he leaned forward to press kisses to Alex's eyelids, his cheeks, his chin, and when they appeared, his dimples.
"There isn't."
Alex turned, melting further into Henry's arms as he moved a bit down and pressed his back to Henry's front, legs tangling with Henry's.
Henry tucked his chin over Alex's shoulder, pressing a kiss to the back of Alex’s ear.
"Did you sleep well, my love?"
"Hmm." Alex pressed a kiss to Henry's forearm before leaning against it as he was enveloped in those arms again.
"I missed you." Alex murmured. The world just consisted of the two of them right now, there was no need to raise their voices.
Henry squeezed his arms. "I missed you so much."
"This is nice."
"If I could stay right here for the rest of my life, I'd die happy." Henry confessed.
"I don't know Henry, I can already feel my leg cramping, forever might be a bit much-" Alex cut off giggling as he grabbed at Henry's hand to stop it from poking him.
"Stop ruining my heartfelt declarations."
Alex laughed, loud and unrestrained. It made Henry's blood sing.
"I can't remember the last time the streets were so empty." Alex said once they'd settled back down.
"Hmm, might have to do with the inclement weather, darling."
Alex elbowed him for the sake of it. "Now who's being pedantic?"
"It kind of feels like we are in a snow globe." Henry said as he saw it had begun snowing again.
"It kind of feels like we are the only people in the world right now."
Henry sighed, curling over Alex more. "I'm just grateful to have you in my arms again."
"Nowhere I'd rather be sweetheart."
"I fear we might both fall asleep in here again."
"That doesn't sound too bad." Alex said, speech already slurring slightly where he was beginning to drift off again.
Henry squeezed him before pulling away, making Alex whine. "Our bodies will disagree. Come on, the bed is 15 feet that way."
Alex grumbled and tried to snuggle back into Henry, trying to pin him.
Henry managed to extricate himself though, and looked at his boyfriend, hands on hips. Alex had curled into a ball, seeking out all the spaces heated by Henry's body as he pouted. Henry fought to keep from smiling at the ridiculously adorable tableau in front of him.
Henry cleared his throat and held out a hand to Alex.
Alex raised an eyebrow.
"Alexander Claremont-Diaz, would you please join me in bed?"
Alex scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Only if you carry me."
Harry laughed. "Is that all?"
And before Alex could ask, Henry had slid an arm beneath Alex's knees, and another behind his shoulders and picked him up in a bridal carry.
Alex yelped, instinctively throwing both arms around Henry's neck. "You dick! Warn a guy next time!"
Henry was not fooled by the protest though, not when they did a poor job of distracting from the two delicious spots of red now gracing his boyfriend's cheeks. "You asked!"
Henry paused five feet from the bed. "Would you like to walk the rest of the way then?"
Alex hid his face in Henry's neck, causing his words to be muffled. "Just take me to bed, your royal cheesiness."
Henry thought his smile would split in his face as he took the last few steps to their bed and gently deposited Alex in the middle.
Alex tightened his grip around Henry's neck when he tried to move away. "Where's my kiss?"
Henry smirked. "You are such a brat."
But he kissed him. Of course he did. He could not imagine what would ever cause him to not fulfill that particular request from Alex. He never, ever, wanted to find out. Alex's hands drifted the length of Henry's torso, landing at the hem of his cardigan to begin to tug it up.
Henry placed his hands over Alex's. "Give me two minutes love."
Alex whined. "Why?"
Henry kissed his cheek. "Let me just turn off the lights and make sure everything is locked."
"Henry." Alex dragged out the last syllable as his boyfriend slipped from his grasp and his reach.
"Two minutes. Time me. Get undressed, I'll be right back."
Alex sighed in defeat as Henry vanished from the room. He turned his head toward the bay windows where they'd been sitting. He could make out the light snow fall coming down. He was fairly confident he would wake up to a city blanketed in white tomorrow.
Oh well. He would get to spend the day in, with the love of his life.
Alex closed his eyes, hearing the sound of Henry moving around the house.
He smiled and moved to take off his sweater.
Thank you for reading! If you liked it, please let me know what you thought!
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