#Talky talk
zwierzodudle · 8 months
ive seen a couple of "tav meets astarion before the game and almost gets gotten by cazador" headcanons, but i havent seen a reverse of "astarion meets durge-tav before the game and barely avoids being destroyed in bhaal's name then spends years wondering if maybe that would have been a better end" headcanons
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daily-isabeau · 4 months
isabeau eating pasta
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A spools worth of spaghetti on a fork
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sroloc--elbisivni · 10 months
oh that is not what i expected Kenichi to look like
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90% of the time kenichi looks Grouchy because he's had the kind of life that's the equivalent of waking up every morning and immediately stubbing his toe. however, this panel is from one of my favorite pages in the comics and therefore lives in my head as my default image of the man.
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he's so Shape in a very different way from Usagi, who is also so Shape. usagi is wandering around looking 90% of the time like a cheerful kid who thinks life is great. kenichi has been a sour old man since he was seven years old. don't get me wrong you must understand i DO love him for it.
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stars-and-cows · 2 months
I gave up
I'm watching Dungeon meshi
You won Tumblr, are you happy?
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deepseaphantom · 4 months
was playing steam next fest demos and played this one horror gae called mouthwashing and it was so good!!!! I got so scared i had to stop playing
its by the same people as how fish are made and its about a crew of 5 who are stuck on a spaceship and running out of food and air
also one of the characters (anya) looks like shelley duvall (the mom in the shining) and it makes me wonder if the other characters we see were based off of horror movie actors
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draiad · 1 year
You know what I find really weird?
The rivalry people have between different fandoms. Like that absolute need for some people to have their fave thing be praised above all else while tearing down anything that might even try to compete with it.
You see it a lot between different console fans. People fighting about xbox or playstation and ripping each other to shreds for liking one over the other.
You see it a lot in music fandoms where people can't seem to be allowed to enjoy one artist over the other without tearing them down. (very obvious in kpop)
You see it in infighting within the final fantasy fandom. How people need to compare every game with every other game in the series and like insult the fans who have a different fave game to them.
and I'm just like ??? Why can't people enjoy the things they like while allowing others to do the same? My liking one thing doesn't mean the other is bad? Chances are I like that too? And don't even get my started on the ship wars. Like lord give me patience. Let me enjoy fandom in peace without telling me I'm wrong for liking the things I like. It must be so tiring being so negative all the damn time.
Maybe put the same effort into actually enjoying the things you like?
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
1, 5, and 16 for the dca ask game! :D
HAHA HI! Thank you sm for asking :3
1. How did you get here?
     Through fanfiction mostly. Had sb on my tiktok fyp basically the second it came out and the dca content people made just took my attention. Though I have watched people play through the game on live streams and first learned of the dca's existence through that. The early sb fandom was full of theories on the goobers, since they were new and something people have never seen before in fnaf, people went ham with theories and I was happy to be there to join them on that ride. I remember I read a dca fic I really liked before the end of december 2021, unfortunately at the time the author already discontinued it, but it was very well written, I think Moon was distracting Chica by having a cook off with her so Gregory could get the Vanny virus out of her? Don't remember the specifics, I'd have to dig to find it. There may have been more to it, but it was so long ago I can't remember kdnfnfn
5. If you make content, what's your favorite piece you've contributed?
     I guess you could say I make content, yeah. I'm more confident in my writing, so that's what I'll go with. My favorite? Weeeell as of now? Probably the first one-shot I wrote of tsams Ruin Eclipse 'New year new me (or is it really?), I like that one a lot and it was so much fun to write as well as get a grasp on the characters. But if we're talking purely dca? I'm gonna be very specific on this, but currently, it's the 1st chapter of 'Found your house up in flame'.
16. What's something in the fandom you'd like to see more of?
      Something I'd like to see more of huh? Well that's a tough one... mmm I guess that would be more ask blogs maybe? Those are always fun. Getting to know the character through 4th wall break interactions, while also feeling like you yourself have become a part of the story by being an anon who's ask has been answered. Though, I get that ask blogs need proper engagement from their audience's side so not everyone can make and run one. I'm mostly drawing this from Shandzii's ask Sun and Moon series, loved that. Ofc there are more, like no duh there are, au ask blogs are fun as well, like... the dcandyland blog, the sheer amount of content on that blog is astounding to me, but people are engaging and gchocolate is creating a story currently shrouded in mystery.
      What else... well, I'm always a fan of unique takes on the dca while taking something from canon and expanding on it to explain it or make it even more of a part of the story. Such as there literally being other pizzaplexes in the fnaf universe, or the dca originally being an actor/performer in the theater, the handprints on the dca's back, Moon just spawning out of nowhere and causing chaos and so on!
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missaquavelvetica · 1 year
you all have no idea what I'm truly capable of I've made Meow Skulls from the nite of forts and V1 from the indie smash hit U L T R A K I L L eat people on Discord
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theartsharki · 2 years
omg send me IT art requests in my ask box !!! i’d love do do some doodles!
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wbne · 1 month
s19 burnt me out somehow
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zwierzodudle · 3 months
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do you love the color of the boop
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quartzitess · 4 months
The meowie when the meow and meow!
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sroloc--elbisivni · 6 months
I’m sorry, I really am, but I believe Usagi being rivals with Kenichi over Mariko and Jotaro is far better than some twisted threesome that people like to make an obsession over.
i’m very happy for you. live your truth. why are you telling me this???
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stars-and-cows · 7 months
Me trying to explain the plot of a story I've been writing since I was 10:
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expy-ceri · 6 months
kirby oc tournament wrapped up. i was not expecting it to last half the year lololol. i probably could have been a lot more social but anxiety’s a bitch…
and.. like… is aife dead?
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deepseaphantom · 6 months
oooh man do you ever get a brain blast moment and come up with a idea for a plot point!? Cause i did!!
for this mecha series idea i have where each planet in our solar system has its own mech to like protect it and the mechs would benamed after the greek gods while the planets would be their roman counterparts
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