#Tamago the Gengar
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Hi! My name is Tama. And this is my life. :)
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strange-corners · 5 years
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The Good,The Bad and The Innocent.
Abigail is having a lot of fun and some drinks with her friends.
@ask-the-therapy-gengar @badgengar
Hope you guys like it.
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artcelerate · 7 years
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doodled a kyute soft boy todayyy @ask-the-therapy-gengar-new 💜💜💜 im wuv him
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solar-yatagarasu · 3 years
Yoru HCs by a Japanese American Pt. 2 (these get extremely specific, and disorganized)
Yoru’s favorite late night snack is tamago kake gohan. it reminds him of home. cracking a raw egg and dashing some soysauce over rice is ingrained in his routine. it’s nothing too heavy, which is perfect.
though if he’s in a country where the eggs aren’t always safe to consume raw, someone’s going to have to hold him back. Yoru likes it too much and will be all dramatic if he can’t eat it.
Yoru doesn’t actually really like going to the gym. he used to go purely so he didn’t lose breath while running, but unfortunately, he has to go more now because he’s an agent, which he’s not exactly happy about.
he reminds himself that he looks hot with abs, which finally gets him to the gym.
but honestly, Yoru would much rather spend his free time researching his lost ancestor, playing games, shopping, or reading books.
Yoru is a history nerd, specifically for Japanese history. ask him anything about the Edo period and he’ll light up like a Christmas tree, scrambling to explain things in the most coherent way possible. it’s one of the few subjects that you can really engage him in.
he’s also super knowledgeable about traditional Japanese forms of art and culture, and will listen raptly in turn if anyone explains their own. his own culture means a lot to him, so he’ll show the same respect he gives his own background to others.
in contrast, he pretty much shuts down in front of STEM related topics. computer science, mathematics and chemistry bore him to death. you can see his eyes glazing over, as well as his body language becoming restless. even if (on a rare occasion) he is trying to be polite, he somehow always communicates that he’s disinterested.
he’s the first one that leaves the room when the attention is on killjoy and she starts to talk about her tech shenanigans. he doesn’t understand, nor does he care to.
Yoru likes to blow off steam by heading to arcades in Tokyo, and he knows all the best spots. which ones are more for tourists, the ones that are more local, the ones that are the most updated, and the ones that have more old school games. he is incredibly good at driving games and (of course) shooters. he sucks at rhythm games, though.
he doesn’t enjoy PC games (ironically) and sticks more to consoles, because of all his time spent in arcades. and he’s more of a lone wolf, so he takes to singleplayer games pretty well, like Pokémon. he’s a huge fan of Gengar, by the way. if you ask him, he’ll say “we have a spiritual connection because we’re both cool and do cool shit.”
Phoenix agrees that Yoru and Gengar are similar but for a different reason, his being “both of them are mischievous little fuckers.”
he’s just bitter that Yoru’s better than him at smash. Yoru utterly decimates the Valorant agents when using Isabelle and Pichu, and it pisses them off because they know he’s doing it on purpose.
I mean, if a tiny dog and mouse beat the crap out of me every game, I’d be pretty mad too.
Yoru also likes reading, and will pick up books related to history and mythology. he’s bad at finishing them though, because he leaves a book halfway finished to start another one.
he’s watched some anime growing up, like Pokémon and Detective Conan, and doesn’t really care all that much for anime now that he’s older. he’s slightly confused and weirded out that people overseas are so into it in general, and that they keep asking him about what he’s watched since he’s Japanese.
he’s picked up death note recently though because everyone kept recommending it to him, and got hooked. his hatred for Light compels him to finish the series.
he casually reads manga, one of his favorites being Slam Dunk for the art.
Yoru is pretty interested in art in general. he enjoys calligraphy and graffiti, and he likes to go to museums and art galleries to check out both historical pieces and the newest upcoming artists.
his jacket and gloves are custom-made, and he designed the big logo on his back by himself.
Yoru HCs by a Japanese American Pt. 1
Yoru HCs by a Japanese American Pt. 3
Yoru HCs by a Japanese American Pt. 4
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ask-a-genectric · 7 years
This is quite a nice place to relax for Pokémon! You have the whole area set up like a cozy little party. That's amazing, to be honest with you. Do you happen to have any Chamomile? It's my favorite.. my name is Tamago, Tama for short. Pleasure to meet you!
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“Well it certainly is a pleasure Tama. It has been a while since a Gengar came through these parts. Most of the Ghastly here often leave once evolving to Haunters.. But I am going on a tangent!” Lex chuckles, looking through their boxes and boxes of teas. “Please excuse me one second, I’m sure I have chamomile but these boxes are awfully faded. Hard to read.” They pull out some reading glasses from behind themselves, and squint at the box in their paws.
“As for this area, it was none of my doing. Just nature taking it’s course. But it is rather homely no?” They pause, again looking at the boxes. “Aha, here. Let me get you a cup. Oh and please call me Lex.”
Waiting for the tea to brew, Lex eyes the bands on the Gengar curiously. “I do hope you don’t mind me asking, but you wouldn’t happen to have a human would you? It just often Pokemon with... Shall we say accessories, have owners or trainers.”
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Here’s a colored reference of Tama for everyone! I’ll add some more things as I please, later on, college drains. but here is the spooky egg man!
Nick-Name: “Tamago” 
Species name: Gengar
Gender: Male
Personality: Trickster, annoying, easily made to laugh. When threatened is a very large threat. Is very loving and close to its’ trainer. 
Trainer: Ariadne Maple
Job: Therapy Pokemon for its trainer. Does simple tasks such as walking to the store with trainer, helping ease anxiety and depression, alerts trainer when about to have meltdown. Also is an excellent cuddle buddy.
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WIP to something a bit serious. 
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I think the more important question Phantom should ask is if he’s gonna survive this hug. @shiny-doppelganger
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strange-corners · 5 years
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@ask-the-therapy-gengar @its-real-sylveon-hours @badgengar(nsfw)
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strange-corners · 5 years
Hey Abigail! How are you? You and I should get our humans together while we watch them have a play date. Who knows.. maybe she’ll like your human? Tama
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Tama waves at Abigail as he and his trainer get near to Abigail and her trainer, Ariadne was the first to start the conversation. "Why hello,you must be Abigail trainer correct? She's a real sweetheart it is nice to meet you, my name is Ariadne and this my best friend Tama. I'm making a emphasis about ghost types, can you tell me about your relation with your Gengar or tell me what is like to have a ghost as a partner?. It will hep me a lot"
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“Look Silver that is my friend Tama and that’s my godmother!” Abigail exclaims with happiness as she pulls Silver shirt so he can look at their direction. Meanwhile Silver stares at them both and is a little puzzled to awnser Ariadne question.
“A emphasis of Ghost? that sounds interesting.....Well she’s has always stayed at my side for a very long time, most people are scare of her but i don’t think she’s scary at all she only misunderstood besides that she helps me a lot with my life issues we both care about each other,we’re really good friends. Hope i help you with that........”
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Tama happily accepts the cookie! It’s been a while since he’s had Oran berries, so he’s super excited!
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I’ve gained a few level ups while you were away, Jet! let’s go!
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happy pride everyone!
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Happy Pride! Tama has a demisexual band on to support himself and his human!
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