beneaththetangles · 3 years
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Instagram Live Stream with Xanthe Nyugen
Check out the second stream of our brand new interview series! If you missed it live on Instagram, enjoy listening to the lovely and talented Xanthe Huynh as she chats with Twwk about about voice acting, including her roles in anime and games like Maquia, Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Marianne), and Persona 5 (Haru), and all manner of other things, like cooking, cosplay, and Captain America!
Watch the entire video on YouTube, and be sure to check Xanthe out on Instagram and Twitter.
Please follow us on your platform of choice, including Spotify, SoundCloud, and others.
Featuring music by Celetron (all rights reserved).
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animepopheart · 4 years
Charles do you or holly have any famous Koreans or Korean-Americans you'd like to meet? :)
Well, I’ve tried to arrange an interview with John Cho through is publicist, particularly since he’s playing Spike in the Netflix Cowboy Bebop series. No luck so far, but maybe it’ll work out when they finish filming and get neared to the premiere. That would be very cool!
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
Help Us Say Goodbye to Our TangleCast Crew
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For more than two years, David, Peter, and Holly have graced your mobile devices and car speakers with their discussions about anime, faith, and life, but as 2020 ends, so, too, will this iteration of the TangleCast. On December 29th, the final episode featuring the group—originally recording as Team FtK (and along with a fourth critical member, editor Celotron, and additional volunteer help from our friend, Chris)—will air.
While we’re sad to bid these folks goodbye (David is heading in new directions, which I’m sure he’ll mention on the podcast, while Peter and Holly will remain part of the ministry), we’re mostly just thankful for all their service—countless hours of planning, including sometimes watching many episodes of series that they might not even enjoy (!), drafting scripts and meeting to prepare, and all the many hours of editing to make the final product as smooth as possible. The first episode of their version of the TangleCast was episode 38, covering My Hero Academia and airing on November 6th, 2018. Their final episode will be #84, and, subtracting a number of episodes contributed by others during that span, means that the group recorded 33 episodes of the podcast.
I’m stunned, and again, so thankful.
And in that spirit, I want to invite any of you who listened to the podcast and would like to also say thank you to go ahead and leave a comment below. I’ll make sure they’ll see them.
Let’s bid the group goodbye in a spirit of thankfulness for their service!
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
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The 2018 film, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, combines the techniques and style of recent Shikai films with all the sadness of romantic fare like Your Lie in April—and with fans of both types on our TangleCast team, you can bet they were impacted by this gem of a movie! Come listen to Peter, David, and Holly as they look at highlights from the film, analyze what makes it work, and just catch up with each other and with you on episode 83 of the TangleCast!
0:00 - Introduction and announcements 1:04 - Ketchup 5:59 - I Want to Eat Your Pancreas—Introduction 11:45 - Discussion—Impactful moments 40:50 - Closing
Podcast Links:
Interested in watching the film? It’s available exclusively through Right Stuf.
Check out our recent article on the depth of relationship as expressed through the main characters of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas.
The interesting characters designs were noted by the staff—we’ve interviewed the character designer, Loundraw, for his work on Tsuki ga Kirei.
If you ever have any questions, need prayer or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to any of us: David / Peter / Holly.
Featured illustration by Cheese慷 (reprinted w/permission).
You can check us out on a variety of formats, including iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and other platforms! Please subscribe and leave us a review!
Featuring music and mixed by Celotron (all rights reserved).
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
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October is a month of ghoulish celebration, and David, Peter, and Holly are participating in their own unique way by watching Death Parade, the critically-acclaimed anime series about death, judgment, and the afterlife. Come join the team as they discuss this modern classic that alternates between high energy episodes filled with a macabre sense of humor to those more philosophical and charged with sorrow. So please subscribed, hit play, and everybodyyy put your hands up!
0:00 - Introduction and announcements 1:26 - Ketchup 8:10 - Death Parade—Introduction 9:41 - Discussion—Impactful moments and episodes (And “Best OP” sidetrack) 24:50 - Discussion—Decim and judgement 26:42 - Discussion—Decim and expressing emotion 44:30 - Discussion—How music helps 49:02 - Discussion—Appearances 54:57 - Closing
Podcast Links:
Death Parade is a favorite series of the blog’s—we visited it no less than four times in our now-retired Anime Today column alone, focusing on depression and suicide, a love relationship with the world, the human tendency to judge others, and particularly applicable to this podcast episode, judgement in the series vs. God’s judgement.
Check out the series’ electrifying OP!
Join our Discord to be part of the community and join in on Light Novel Club discussion!
Take a listen to “Through the Night” by IU, a song that helps David through difficult times. Holly said that she’s moved by “Wildflower” by Park Hyo Jin and that Shane and Shane’s “The Answer” brings her joy. To relax, Peter listens for Korean R&B and songs by John Legend, like “Under the Stars.”
If you ever have any questions, need prayer or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to any of us: David / Peter / Holly.
You can check us out on a variety of formats, including iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and other platforms! Please subscribe and leave us a review!
Featuring music by Celotron (all rights reserved) and mixed by Chris.
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
The TangleCast Returns on September 22nd with a Coffee Shop Feel
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We announced previously that while on summer break, the Tanglecast team, including our amazing editors, are actually hard at work revamping the podcast. Today, David has an announcement describing the changes the group is instituting for their return, now set for September 22nd.
We think these changes are going to positively impact your listening, and we’re really excited about them! Be sure to keep following our social media sites, especially Twitter and Instagram, as we engage you leading up to episodes. And don’t forget to subscribe to the TangleCast on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, or wherever you listen to podcasts and music.
By the way, this video went up early on YouTube and also on our Patreon account, where we post unique content and some pieces, lfirst before they go up on our other platforms. Starting soon, we’ll be doing that with occasional Beneath the Tangles articles. We highly encourage you to follow us there, and if you want to support the work of our ministry, to consider contributing as well!
Beneath the Tangles // Patreon
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
The TangleCast Returns in September!
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Here in the U.S., summer is a time to rest and recharge, an idea built into us from youth and which remains throughout adulthood. And so it is with the TangleCast, which is on a short break during this summer. But there’s a difference this year, as our podcast team is hard at work behind the scenes, and when the return in September, you’ll see a number of changes to the TangleCast!
Monthly episodes and video: If you noticed in our last episode, we posted a video a couple weeks later to go with it. It was a fun piece, and I hope you enjoyed it! This is going to be our format moving forward, with just one episode a month (instead of the two we’ve been doing as of late) and one video piece highlighting a portion of that episode (or airing unused footage, as was the case last time). I think you’ll enjoy the video component! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel now so that you’ll be ready when the video pieces land!
Revamped content: There’s going to be more focus on what our group does best, and also on making sure you get to know all three members better. I think you’ll enjoy the pivot we’ll be making.
More engagement: We’ve been hard at work thinking about how you get can more involved in the podcast, and we a great idea. We’ll be rolling out this new strategy next month, while taking out some of the pieces of our current iteration that just didn’t work.
More fun stuff coming, like the video above!
In the meantime, we hope you’ll subscribe to us on whatever platform you use, like iTunes, Spotify, or SoundCloud, maybe listen to a past episode, and GET EXCITED for September!
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animepopheart · 5 years
I’m starting to drift off in my office after a late night of partying. By late night I mean 11:45 pm. And by partying I mean recording a podcast episode. #geeklife
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
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animepopheart · 5 years
Please give my congratulations to David Lee for graduating Charles. He seems like a compassionate guy and deserves it :)
I will, thanks! And yeah he’s super nice—besides the podcast with Holly, you can find him on Twitter, though he’s most active on Instagram, always posting about his workout routines.
Oh and I’ll share this—his university posted a couple photos of him on their account:
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Edit: David message me back: Wahoo! So many people have helped me on my journey to finish school and I am grateful to them. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. It really does mean a lot. I’ll keep on working hard! 💪🏼💪🏼
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
TangleCast 59: Fruits Basket and a Place to Belong
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Even before this season’s remake, Fruits Basket was firmly set as a special series in anime / manga history, but the 2019 series has been so good that an entirely new generation of fans are now finding the show, including Team FtK. In episode 59 of the TangleCast, David, Peter, and Holly discuss episodes one through nine of the series. Plus, Peter quizzes David and Holly on popular anime of the last couple of seasons, the group talks about how the merits of Pikachu and Happy as pets, and TWWK and Holly go head-to-head in a summer-long competition. Come join us! 
0:00 - Introduction 0:48 - Holly v. Charles 3:00 - Last week’s Cast Question 6:15 - New Cast Question 9:11 - Quiz Show 17:21 - Fruits Basket—Intro 19:31 - Discussion—Episode by episode 53:09 - Discussion—Conclusion 54:42 - Closing
And we want your feedback as well! Each week we’ll ask a question on the podcast and feature your answers the next time that team rolls around. Here’s this week’s CQ (Cast Question): What is one anime pet you would want to keep?
Podcast Links:
Here’s the music video for “What is Love” by Twice. Someone’s gonna have to do this dance…
If you’d like to read about our perspective of each Fruits Basket episode, check out our posts on the show.
A recipe for umeboshi onigiri!
You can check us out on a variety of formats, including iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or through our RSS Feed! Please subscribe and leave us a review!
Mixed and produced, and featuring music by Celotron (all rights reserved).
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animepopheart · 5 years
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Want to keep up with the articles, podcasts, light novel club, and other events for Beneath the Tangles, but don’t visit our website too often (or follow our Tumblr account)? We got you covered. We know have a cool weekly newsletter I call TanglesWeek that sends a digest-style email to your inbox each week with summaries of and links to all the cool stuff we’re doing. Subscribe today and try it out!
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
TangleCast 58: Made in Abyss
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One of the most acclaimed anime of recent years is Made in Abyss—what starts as a childhood adventure turns into something more meaningful and far darker than perhaps many viewers had expected. Today, Team FtK jumps into this new classic episode by episode—we encourage you to check it out even if you haven’t seen the series for the many interesting themes the trio discuss, but to also perhaps come back to this episode after watching it and see if your thoughts match theirs, and to comment below if you wish to discuss.
0:00 - Introduction 0:58 - Last week’s Cast Question 3:37 - New Cast Question 9:43 - Anime or Ani-Made Up 15:26 - Made in Abyss—Intro 16:49 - Discussion—Abyss’ dark tone 21:48 - Discussion—Episode by episode 65:47 - Discussion—Conclusion 66:24 - Closing
And we want your feedback as well! Each week we’ll ask a question on the podcast and feature your answers the next time that team rolls around. Here’s this week’s CQ (Cast Question): If you’re able to keep a loved one alive by whatever means necessary (mechanical / ventilator dependency)—even if he or she is suffering—would you do it? And also, what would you want for yourself?
Podcast Links:
The group mentioned Alita: Battle Angel, and indeed, we did review the film
We also reviewed the Made in Abyss film
Featured illustration by Irene*C (reprinted w/permission)
You can check us out on a variety of formats, including iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or through our RSS Feed! Please subscribe and leave us a review!
Mixed and produced, and featuring music by Celotron (all rights reserved).
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
TangleCast 50: Separation and Protection
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This week on the TangleCast, Matthew of Team Anchester takes a different route than usual. You’re invited to listen in on how God spoke to Matthew recently with an unexpected anime reference, proving that the God of the universe does in fact love nerds. We hope that you might be encouraged by this unique testimony.
0:00 Introduction 1:11 Last week’s Cast Question 3:32 Anime Testimony Discussion—Intro 7:45 Discussion—Berserk and the Mark of Sacrifice 11:33 Discussion—Faith, Forgiveness, and Guts 13:53 Discussion—Runes, kanji, and the Mark of Sacrifice 19:10 Discussion—God speaks to Matthew (and loves nerds) 21:25 New Cast Questions 23:01 Closing
And we want your feedback as well! Each week we’ll ask a question on the podcast and feature your answers the next time that team rolls around. This week’s CQ (Cast Question) is actually a two-parter: How engaged with anime meme culture are you? and What is your opinion of the often overtly sexual nature of many anime series and the culture produced in the community surrounding them?
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
3…2…1…Team Trinity Takes Off!
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Tomorrow is our usual day for the Beneath the Tangles podcast, and it’s the scheduled day for Team Trinity, that energetic, clever, and sometimes even controversial (as controversial as a group of Christians talking anime can be!) group to post. But no episode tomorrow, and in fact, we’re bidding a sad (and happy!) adieu to the team. Sad, because they’re so very talented and have challenged me (and I’m assuming our listeners as well) in all sorts of ways. But happy because we expect them to go out on their own and revamp the podcast in ways that fit their group better than the structure at Beneath the Tangles does.
We’ll be promoting their podcast as it moves forward so you’ll be able to subscribe and listen when they’re ready. In the meantime, you can still catch articles from @vintageinmyveins here (she’s not going anywhere!) and listen to new episodes of our podcast as they continue to post on Tuesdays (but not every Tuesday) moving forward. Follow Teams Anchester and FtK on iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify, or through our RSS Feed, and of course, here on the blog.
Featured art by Arden (reproduction permitted)
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
TangleCast 47: Rage and Grace of the Shield Hero
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Like Goblin Slayer the season before it, The Rising of the Shield Hero arrived this season accompanied by controversy. But three episodes in, Shield Hero seems to be about more than shocking or upsetting its audience. In fact, it’s not the false accusation of rape that’s most interesting about the show—it’s how our hero reacts to it. Join Team FtK (David, Peter, and Holly) as they dive into the show and ask, WWSHD? Also, the team debuts a new segment, “Anime or Anime-Made Up?” with David and Peter trying to guess if anime synopses given by Holly are real or just imagined!
And we want your feedback as well! Each week we’ll ask a question on the podcast and feature your answers the next time that team rolls around. Here’s this week’s CQ (Cast Question): What was one anime that was surprisingly better than you expected?
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