#Tarzan Triumphant
rjalker · 1 month
Here you go. A compilation of the first 17 Tarzan books, which are public domain in the united states.
If you live in Australia and idk where else, more books after these are public domain for you already, so you can download the editable document and add them in and share it for others in your country lofl.
you can read online, download the editable document and do literally anything you want with it, or download as a PDF or epub.
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Tarzan Triumphant cover by Neal Adams.
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craigfernandez · 1 year
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pandaimitator · 3 days
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I don't know if there's all that much to be said about Tarzan Triumphant. It's part of Burroughs' formulaic era and contains all the elements of said era: lost civilizations, rapist slavetraders, fish out of water white men trying to save some Princess/High Priestess/Slave Girl/Aviatrix and falling in love with them as they do. Apart from the sarcastic and highly competent Lady Barbara Collins, everyone is a bumbling fool and the dialogue boarders Abbot and Costello comedy.
Maybe if one hasn't ingested 7 other similar books in the last few months they might enjoy it, but personally it wasn't a favorite. I particularly didn't like that Burroughs took Tarzan's character development back a few steps and had him become a malicious murderer causing panic in the jungle again. Since none of the other characters were very enticing, the whole story just sort of became a snooze fest.
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ahedderick · 2 years
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   I have been doing small amounts of cleanup in this room, just a bit at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed. Over a year ago I donated a whole shelf of lovely, hardbound, outdated encyclopedias to the high school art department for use in deconstructed-kinda art projects . I pulled two large storage boxes full of books out of this shelf that were outdated science/political/diet stuff - things nobody could use as a reference anymore but not old enough to be historically valuable. There’s a whole shelf of vinyl records, and an old friend of my brother’s has volunteered to help us sort out what might be valuable and sell it (downstate in the urban area). I need a step ladder and - much more work on the left side of the fireplace.
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   Discard pile:
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   Not pictured, but there’s a big totebag to go to the nearest book exchange.
   I also had to locate the cable box so I could return it to the company. Somewhere in this mess.
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Each - THING - here has multiple cords; some attaching them to each other, some going to two different power cables, and some - mysterious?  All dusty or grimy. The helpful cable lady gave me a serial # to look for so I’d know when I found the cable box. I felt absurdly triumphant when I’d identified it and unplugged all three cables/cords. *Loud Tarzan Yell*!!
   I get to take the rest of the day off, right? RIGHT?!
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theoriginalsapphic · 2 years
Why I Believe That Byler Is Endgame (based only on what we have seen on the show). part 3
And by that, i mean: no color-coding analysis, no set props analysis, no actor interviews interpretation, no script analysis, no movies parallels analysis; nada. Only what we’ve seen on the show and nothing else.
This will use a lot of comparisons with m/leven because, despite the fact that some of you refuse to admit it, this is a love triangle.
the importance of music
Stranger Things has been praised multiple times for their fantastic use of music, two of the biggest examples being the use of 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' by The Clash, and most recently, the use of 'Running Up That Hill' by Kate Bush. The point is, music it's extremely important in this show and very thought-out.
You Spin me Round (Like a Record) by Dead Or Alive
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This song plays when Mike, El, and Will are dropped off at Rink O Mania by Jonathan and Argyle.
The producers worked for 36 hours straight, and the result was a radio hit that not only climbed the Hi-NRG charts but cracked the british mainstream. Pete Burns, Dead or Alive frontman, said:
“It was the sound of the underground. It was a sound that was fundamentally only accessible at gay clubs, and he’d taken it out of gay clubs and put it onto mainstream radio, which was a triumph”.
The singer, especially in the video, is noted for being ambiguously gay.
Tarzan Boy by Baltimora
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The show goes back to Rink O Mania and this song starts playing in the background. Mike, El, and Will are drinking milkshakes,when Angela and her friends appear. They take El away from them and to the skating rink; Will stands up, worried, while Mike remains clueless and drinking his milkshake. Finally, Will tells Mike that El has been lying him this whole time. The song plays until it’s replaced by  ‘Wipeout’ by The Surfaris and El becomes the victim of a vicious and humiliating bullying attack.
In the song, the singer comes off as a person who is relishing a carefree lifestyle therein. And apparently he is trying to relay this sentiment to someone in his hometown who has yet to make the leap. Indeed he assures the addressee that if he or she actually leaves “everything behind” and joins him, they “won’t be sorry”.
Baltimora’s frontman, Jimmy McShane, was a gay man born in Northern Ireland that decided to escape his homophobic small town and unsupportive family by moving to London.
In the closet (at Rink o Mania) by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein
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After El is bullied, she runs away from Mike and Will, and hides in the room for employees. Mike and Will are searching for El when they begin discussing their crumbling friendship in a heated argument.
Note: as soon as the track begins playing, Mike is the only one to speak; Will doesn’t have one single piece of dialogue after the tracks begins playing.
The First I love You by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein
This song plays twice during the entirety of season 3.
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Before El leaves Hawkins, she asks Mike what he and Max were talking about back at the cabin. After Mike fails to confess his love for her, El reveals that she loves him, and they share a kiss.
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During that scene with Steve and Robin. With the drugs wearing off, robin asks steve if he has ever been in love, and he admits he was in love with Nancy, but states he is no longer in love with her and moved on, and has, in fact, developed feelings for someone else. It doesn’t take long for Robin to realize he is speaking about her, at which she reacts with a distressed look. When Steve asks her what she thinks, Robin comes out to him as a lesbian.
Note: the word ‘love’ is the only word that isn’t capitalized in the title, probably to symbolize that the confessor’s feelings are unrequited because the person they confessed to is queer.
Heroes by David Bowie (Peter Gabriel's version)
Although 'Heroes' is known for its triumphant tone, the series decided to utilize gabriel's more somber and haunting version of the song in the scene in which "Will's body" is found at the quarry.
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As the chords of the song begins playing, the scene focuses on the different reactions of the characters. It starts with Hopper, who is devastated that he failed at the task of finding Will alive and safe, and has to now break the news to his mother, carrying the knowledge of what it's like to lose a child. The focus changes to Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and El, who are hiding behind an ambulance as they watch their friend's body being lifted off the water. There is heartbreak, anger, and disbelief expressions on their faces, and the scene cuts with Mike biking off to his house, away from the party. Then it cuts to Joyce, who is running away from the demogorgon and accidentally stumbles on Jonathan driving his car. Then it cuts back to Mike, who arrives at his house in a state of shock, and is comforted by his mom. The scene cuts back once again to Joyce and Jonathan, embracing each other in the middle of the dirt road as sirens approach them from the distance.
The titular “heroes” of this David Bowie song are lovers (the singer and his partner). And both the singer and his woman are hell-bent on enjoying each other’s company despite the odds being against their romance. Indeed it can even be deemed from the lyrics of the song that their relationship is actually forbidden. As such, the idea of them having a normal union is totally out of the question. So instead they opt to spend “just… one day” together despite this decision, as alluded to earlier, putting their very wellbeing at risk. 
And it is this action which has earned them the distinction of being classified as “heroes”. And what action are we talking about? Their willingness to love each other regardless of the fact that they are doing so under dangerous circumstances. And although it is never mentioned forthrightly in the song, this is based on the two of them being from opposing sides of the now-defunct Berlin Wall.
When the scene focuses specifically on Mike, these lyrics in particular play:
"And the guns
Shot above our heads
And we kissed
As though nothing could fall
And the shame"
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These specific lyrics, in my opinion, encapsulates what the song is about. Two lovers stand in the shadow of the Berlin Wall, surrounded by an atmosphere of hatred, and yet, despite of the possible consequences, they kiss in an act of defiance.
All i'm saying it's that it's interesting how these specific lyrics plays when the scene is focusing on Mike only.
Peter Gabriel explained it better himself:
"[Heroes] It is heroism in the face of oppression and desperation; it’s something triumphant despite the desperate situation" 
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xtruss · 1 year
The Secrets of Indiana Jones
“Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” is his last adventure. It wasn’t all just fortune and glory, kid
— Culture | Back Story | 29th June, 2023
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Image: Jonathan Olley/Lucasfilm Ltd.
We saw the whip—and saw him use it—before we saw his face, Harrison Ford’s rugged features perspiring beneath that battered fedora. The first blast of the triumphant music sounded early in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (released in 1981), as, dodging poison darts, Indiana Jones Tarzan-swung to a moving seaplane. The pilot’s pet python slithered onto his lap. Snakes! He hated them.
The whip, the hat, John Williams’s theme and the phobia of snakes have punctuated all Indy’s adventures. He cracked the whip as part of his combative seduction technique in “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”; while being whacked in the kidneys in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”, he used it to secure his father to a runaway tank. He grabbed the hat from beneath a deadly descending door and had it blown back to him after falling off a cliff. He was entombed with snakes and fed them.
These accoutrements have two origin stories. “Crusade” traced the whip, hat and snake issues to a teenage tussle on a circus train in Utah. They also came from the magical pairing of Steven Spielberg (director of the first four Indy films) and George Lucas (who dreamed up the idea). So many bits of old Westerns and war movies, James Bond and Bogart, went into Indy that he was almost a walking homage. Yet he was his own man: an archaeology professor but a fighter, whose punches made a special kerpow! snap; a guy who took his own whisky to face down the Nazis in a Cairo bar.
Just when Indy thought he was out, he has been pulled back in for a fifth and last caper in “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny”, directed by James Mangold (Mr Lucas and Mr Spielberg are executive producers). It is 1969 and Indy is set to retire; female students no longer swoon at him. Mr Ford is 80, but he and Indy are put through the usual stunt-a-minute frenzy, taking breaths only for wisecracks and just enough exposition for the plot to make sense, more or less. The quarry is the dial of Archimedes, an ancient calculator. Indy teams up with his louche goddaughter Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge), who comes with her own sidekick, a Moroccan urchin named Teddy (Ethann Isidore).
The greatest-hits motifs return for the finale, including a rickety rope-bridge, creepy-crawlies and giant eels in lieu of snakes. The dial is kicked around a mêlée like the vial of antidote in “Doom”. The red lines on the map that track Indy’s odysseys streak from Tangier to the Aegean. Where he’s going, though, he won’t need maps, for the wondrous dial can predict “fissures in time”. To reverse an old line of Indy’s: it’s not the mileage, honey, it’s the years.
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So, after five films, four decades and all those booby traps, cobwebby cadavers and cryptic clues; all the chases through souks, palisaded walls, fisticuffs on the bonnets of trucks and messy encounters with propellers; all the planes, trains, automobiles, zeppelins and horses (in “Dial” Indy rides one into the New York subway): what was it all about? The main meaning of Indiana Jones lies in the joy he has given generations of viewers. But it wasn’t just fortune and glory, kid.
First, those Nazis. Bumbling American Feds got in the way, but the Nazis were Indy’s main foe. (The fourth film, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, roped in both the Soviets and aliens, a classic case of more equalling less.) With its ineffable Sieg-Heiling monkey, “Raiders”, like “Crusade”, was specifically a fantasy of besting the Nazis in the 1930s, before the horrors of war. Indy is still beating them in “Dial”, in the form of a renegade physicist enlisted in the Moon-landing programme.
Next, the dreadful allure of knowledge. In Indy’s world, knowledge is noble and sexy—“the search for fact” is his calling—but too much, or the wrong sort, is hubristic and malign. The Ark of the Covenant in “Raiders”, the Holy Grail in “Crusade”, the urge to “know everything” in “Crystal”, that time-scrambling dial: pursuing these mysteries can make a baddy’s face melt amid a sandy whirlwind. Stay in school, runs the moral of Indy’s story, but stay in your lane.
Another, everyday tension courses through his quests. In each he must balance his mission against his personal feelings—for a hard-drinking ex-lover, a young apprentice, an absentee dad (it was complicated), a long-lost son and finally his godchild. The future of the world is at stake, too, but Indy’s basic dilemma—work or family?—is shared by every office schlub who yearns to head home from a desk, or vice versa. His darkest secret is that he was always one of us. As a villain says in “Raiders”, then prematurely: “Indiana Jones, adieu!” ■
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balu8 · 3 years
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Tarzan by Frank Frazetta
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little-spicy · 2 years
| Something Sweet |
!Tarzan Stucky x reader
Summary: When Y/N helps Bruce and Tony with the long lost super soldiers. It is clear to see that they are infatuated and utterly in love with Y/N. And when they are all alone with her, they decide that they would make their move.
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IT WAS ANOTHER DAY AT TONY'S LAB, Y/N was sitting at one of the desks and was working on some documents as AC/DC rang through the lab. Tony was working on a few things, and Bruce was on his computer.
Y/N finished the last of her documents and with a triumphant smile she took a sip of her warm coffee.
"Did it, now we finally have all our information so far to Steve and James- or sorry Bucky." Y/N said and Tony came over and patted Y/N shoulder.
"Nice, now that we've got that in the system we can update it more and more." Tony said and Y/N nodded.
It had been a few months since Tony came to Y/N and asked her for help. She was a neurobiologist and when Tony introduced her to the men lost in time, she was shocked.
Two men that were national heroes were stuck on an island and had totally turned to feral. They had survived all those years because of both being super soldiers, which caused them to still be in their current age.
Steve Rogers; aka Captain America was very different from the last picture taken of him. His once blonde hair turned darker and had more hair on him now. He looked as if he was a different person.
Even his best friend James Buchanan Barnes, who had apparently lost his arms during staying on the island. His hair was long and had scruff as well.
Tony had explained to Y/N that he wanted her to help with introducing these men back to society. It was easier said than done since they had no human interaction in almost 70 years.
When Y/N first met them it was as if meeting another species, they were so clueless, so curious when they saw her.
Apparently they had never seen another woman until Y/N and when they saw her, they immediately went over to her. There was no such thing as personal boundaries with them and explored her from head to toe.
She thought it quite cute but also weird, and when they both held her tight it was then on that she was the only person to be near them.
Tony and Bruce had tried but it only caused for them to say Y/N's name and they would sigh and have to bring her to them.
It was clear to see that the men had grown fond of her and there was no way they were letting her go. But Y/N didn't mind since they were good company, and would never mind them tagging along with her. Though it was tiring.
As Y/N looked at a picture she took of Bucky and Steve, Tony's phone rang and he cursed.
"Shit, Y/N, Bruce and I are gonna ask for a huge favor." He said and Y/N sighed.
"What is it Stark? And from hearing your tone it doesn't sound good." She said and looked at him with an annoyed look.
"We need you to keep an eye on Steve and Bucky while Bruce and I are away for the weekend." Tony said and Y/N looked at him.
"What the hell Tony, why can't they be by themselves? They're- well um- they're mature enough." Y/N tried to reason and Tony sighed.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y show video recording of Rogers and Barnes alone." Tony said and F.R.I.D.A.Y did so and when Y/N saw the video, it showed Steve and Bucky had set a fire and somehow flipped the couch over and the tv fell from the wall.
"So- okay yeah, fine, but I can't stay at the Tower, I have stuff at home that I need to get done." Y/N said and Tony nodded.
"Take them to the zoo for all I care, but Pepper has been planning this trip for months and Bruce is taking Natasha with him." Tony explained. "I can't cancel on Pepper mostly because she scares me and because Happy won't do it for me."
Y/N nodded and understood, she picked up her belongings at her desk.
"Alright I'll take them to my place now, but Stark next time give me a heads up." She said and Tony waved her off.
"Yeah, yeah, thank you so much." Tony said and Y/N left the lab before she could hear him say anything else.
She didn't hate the idea of looking after the two super soldiers but she more frustrated that it was last minute and that she would babysit. And babysitting two grown men took its toll.
But it was also hard as she was flustered and nervous around the men. It wasn't hard to tell that them having been attached to her had caused her to get feelings. But she believed that they only liked her as a friend, nothing more, just someone to help them.
Y/N walked through the Avengers tower and headed towards the elevator. When it dinged, she got in and pressed the floor where the super soldiers stayed.
She tapped her foot on the floor anxious as she was going to be engulfed into a pair of strong arms. She knew that once she entered, she definitely wouldn't be walking long.
It was something the boys liked to do, they would carry her everywhere. She didn't know why but she didn't have the heart to tell them to stop.
The elevator doors opened to the boys' floor and when she stepped into their room she could see that it wasn't a complete mess.
"Steve? Bucky?" She called out and suddenly heard a door open.
"Y/N." Steve called out and immediately came over and just as she suspected Steve lifted her up and held her into his chest.
She squeaked as she was held tight, Steve didn't notice and only focused on inhaling her sweet scent.
"Y/N." Bucky said and came forward and lifted her out of Steve's arms and into his, mimicking Steve's actions and taking a deep sniff in the crook of her neck.
"Boys-" Y/N was cut off by a Steve and Bucky growling.
Y/N was able to get out of their grips and placed herself on the floor, feet first.
"So you two are going on a field trip." Y/N said to them and they looked at her confused. "Moving."
They nodded their heads understanding.
"With Y/N?" Steve asked and Y/N nodded.
"Yes with Y/N, you are gonna stay with me for the weekend." Y/N told them. "I would say pack your things but-"
Y/N looked at some of the clothes on the floor and knew they didn't know how to pack. She knew that she would have to do it.
"I'll just do it." Y/N said and she smiled to them sheepishly, feeling their gaze burning into her. "Now let's grab your stuff and then we'll go to my place."
"With Y/N." Bucky said happily and squished her into his body.
"Y-yes with me." She said, a little out of breath.
As she was able to get out of their grip one last time, she walked into their room as both Steve and Bucky looked at one another.
"Alright this is it!" Y/N said as she opened the door to her apartment.
The boys peaked their head in to see the very cozy and warm apartment. Y/N was proud of how her apartment was, it was warm and inviting and whenever she came home she felt content.
"Now remember the rules, no touching and behave." Y/N said and placed her key on the wall. "If you need help you can ask me."
They both nodded and placed their bags down as they insisted they took care of them as they went into her apartment building.
"Now, I'm gonna make dinner and you two can read your books that I got you." Y/N said and in her bag took out the two books that she had given the boys to help with their vocabulary.
"Thank you." Steve said and Bucky nodded, both of them taking the books.
Y/N grabbed her bag and went into the kitchen, she grabbed her notebook from her bag and opened it. She had a list of things for the boys to try and it was categorized by movies, literature, activities, and food.
They hadn't hated anything she had given them and she was excited to make shrimp pasta for them. Of course she was gonna make it for herself but knowing that the boys were going to eat it made it even better.
Y/N threw on an apron and played music as she began her work in the kitchen. She would glance every so often at the boys as they say silently on the couch and read their book.
It was very calming for her and was feeling a bit better about letting them spend the weekend at her place. Thinking that she wouldn't be too flustered around the two super soldiers.
Y/N would take little tastes of the pasta and every so often Steve and Bucky would hear her groan and see as she tried the pasta.
Steve and Bucky liked the sounds she made and it was difficult for them to restrain themselves.
Y/N to them was a goddess, a ray of beauty and it didn't matter what she wore or what she did, it was always a sight for them to watch.
Of course Y/N could tell they were attached to her but what she didn't know was how far they were. Steve and Bucky dreamed about her, wouldn't stop til they grunt her name from their lips as they touched their cocks, trying their hardest to please her.
They were infatuated and they wouldn't stop til she was theirs completely. They wanted Y/N to be theirs and only theirs.
As they continued to read on the couch, Y/N began setting the table and making sure they both had a big helping, knowing they ate a lot.
She set forks down and filled up glasses with lemonade for them, and brought the music into the dining room.
"Alright boys, time to eat." She said and sat down. "Now be careful it's still a little hot."
The men nodded and placed their books down and came over to the table. As they looked at the food in front of them, they drooled.
They were about to grab the food with their hands until Y/N grabbed Steve's wrist and looked at Bucky.
"Use forks." She said and grabbed the fork that was beside Steve and placed it in his hands.
Steve gripped the fork and Bucky did the same and when they both dug into the pasta, once it hit their mouth it was an explosion of flavor.
"So good." Bucky groaned and ate the food happily, both of the men were feasting on the pasta as if it was their last meal.
Y/N smiled happily at them, glad that they enjoyed the meal. She ate with them in silence, enjoying the light sound of music that was in the room.
As they continued to eat, Y/N decided to get up and Steve and Bucky stared at her.
"I'm just gonna change and then I'll put something on the TV." Y/N said and the men nodded to her and continued to eat their food.
When Y/N came back out, Steve and Bucky couldn't help but stop eating as she wore her pajamas. It was big t-shirt and shorts that definitely were covered by the shirts.
Y/N came back as she had her hair up in a bun and went over to the tv and turned it on. Bucky couldn't stop staring at her ass and Steve couldn't help but look as her nipples pierced through her shirt since the air had caused her nipples to harden.
"Alright after you've finished, brush your teeth and we can watch a good classic movie, Gremlins!" Y/N told them and they finished the last of their food quickly and listening to her orders.
As Y/N sat on the couch, the two boys came back shirtless and in their sweatpants. Y/N couldn't help but gulp at the sight of them, she knew she shouldn't feel turned on but these men were gods.
She cursed herself, and cursed Tony for putting her in this situation.
"Too hot." Steve said and Bucky agreed.
"Okay?" Bucky asked her and she realized she was staring for too long.
"I'm- fine- fine." Y/N said awkwardly laughing. "Alright let's watch!"
Steve and Bucky then sat down on the couch with her, Bucky on Y/N's right and Steve on her left. It was comfortable and Y/N couldn't help but blush as she felt their warmth on her skin.
It was as if they were human heaters and she loved it. She felt comfortable as Bucky placed her legs on his lap and Y/N's head was on Steve's chest. She had her head turned to the Tv and tried to pay attention to the movie and not focus on their touches.
But as the movie progressed Y/N could feel their touches even more. She should stop it, but she couldn't help but feel the butterflies and the warmth pooling down in her panties as they continued to touch.
Suddenly she jumped as she felt Bucky's hand slip through her panties and touched her. She gasped and tried to move but Bucky grabbed her hips and Steve held her tight in his chest.
"Bucky-" Y/N said but was cut off by moaning loudly when Bucky entered his fingers in her. "Wait-"
Bucky stopped and took his fingers out and licked it, sucking any juice that was in his fingers and letting go with a pop.
"Want this?" Steve asked and Y/N could feel Steve's hardening cock on her back. She looked at Bucky's pleading eyes and when she looked at Steve it held the same gaze.
She shouldn't, she shouldn't trust these feelings but from all the dreams she had, and the nights where she had thought of the things they would do, lust was beginning to cloud her mind and all she wanted was to finish what they started.
"Yes, god yes." Y/N said with a cry and that was all Bucky needed to hear and ripped her shorts right off of her.
He stared down at her pussy and could see it wet, her lips were puffy, just waiting to be fucked.
Bucky placed his head in between her thighs and began to eat. He was very excited to have his desert and so he sucked and licked.
Y/N cried out as she moved her hips, feeling Steve holding her still as she cried out in ecstasy.
"B-Bucky I'm gonna- fuck- I'm gonna cum." She said and Bucky didn't know what that meant but he kept going.
He kept going until he felt the gush of something sweet come from Y/N, he lapped at her juices. Sucking and slurping until Y/N was heaving on Steve's chest.
Steve bent down and kissed her, Y/N's eyes widen, and melted into the kiss. It was going down sweet and slow to suddenly hard and sloppy.
She felt his cock and she couldn't help but feel even wetter.
Bucky came up and wiped his lips, smirking at Y/N as he looked at her messy state.
"Very sweet." Bucky said and Y/N and Steve broke their kiss, only for Bucky to lean forward and kiss her as well.
As soon as Bucky and Y/N finished kissing, Steve moved Y/N so that she was sitting on his lap facing him. Steve pulled off Y/N shirt and began to attack her breasts, kissing and sucking, leaving dark marks all over her.
Bucky did the same all over Y/N's neck, feeling his hard cock rub up against her ass.
"More." Steve urged, as he cupped her pussy and saw slick on his hand and licked. She shuddered as she watched this and suddenly was lifted up only for Steve to quickly get his pants down and his cock sprung free.
Y/N had never seen anything this big, only on pornsites and read in books. She stared at the tip, red and leaking, looking as if it was going to split her in half.
She suddenly felt Bucky do the same as he pulled his pants and felt his dick on her back.
"Mine." Bucky growled, and was about to push his cock in but Steve came over quickly and grabbed Y/N.
"First." Steve said gruffly, and was going to put it in. Bucky didn't like that and was about to go but Y/N stopped them both as she placed both hands on both of their chests.
They both stopped and she kissed both of them softly. Y/N turned to Bucky.
"Bucky let Steve be first, you touched me first, it's fair." Y/N said and Bucky pouted. Y/N touched his cheek and smiled.
"Here." Y/N said and took Bucky's hand and led him off the couch, finally seeing his cock as well. It wasn't as big as Steve's but it was a little bit thicker. "Let me suck you baby."
Y/N leaned her head down and Bucky looked at her curiously and suddenly felt pleasure as she stuck her tongue out and licked the tip. He formed goosebumps as she did kitten licks, until finally she began to take him in her mouth.
Steve watched as she began to suck on Bucky and felt more turned on. Steve grabbed Y/N's hip and began to line his cock up to her entrance.
Y/N could feel his cock, as if he was teasing, she could feel it faintly touching her folds and as she sucked Bucky off, she couldn't help but feel even wetter as she was so close to getting stuffed by Steve.
Steve decided to push her hips down and she moaned around Bucky's cock, making him feel vibrations and making him feel as if he was gonna cum.
Y/N felt a little bit of pain but the pleasure overtook it and she felt even wetter as she was being stretched by Steve.
"Ahh." Steve grunted, feeling her walls grip onto his cock. "Feels so good."
Y/N sat still on Steve's lap as they enjoyed the feeling, Y/N felt full, and could even believe that she could see a bulge in her stomach.
Y/N took Bucky's cock out of her mouth for a second and turned to Steve.
"Fuck me Steve." Y/N pleaded and that's all Steve needed to hear and with a sharp thrust, Y/N cried out in pleasure, as Steve began to pound into her mercilessly.
Bucky grabbed Y/N by the throat with his metal hand and kissed her, his other hand touching her breasts.
Y/N moaned in Bucky's mouth as she began to rub her clit in circles. Chasing her high as she was being their whore.
She loved it, she had never been in a threesome and now she had a taste for it and now would rather have two men fuck her at once.
"Pretty." Bucky said as Y/N went back down on Bucky, sucking his cock and going at it full speed. Bucky hissed as he felt his high coming closer.
"Gonna- mmm." Steve said as he was about to cum and Y/N felt her walls tighten around his hard cock.
"Cum, cum." Bucky panted and Y/N felt more motivated and began to go further down. Bucky felt his balls tighten and began to cum down her throat.
She milked him for everything he had, and swallowed every drop.
Steve grabbed Y/N's hair and gently pulled her off Bucky's cock and kissed her. Tasting Bucky's cum and began to go deeper. Y/N cried out as she touched her clit even faster, rubbing it in circles and getting that familiar feeling.
"Steve I'm gonna cum." Y/N said and Bucky kissed her and began to kiss and suck on her neck.
"Cum." Bucky said and Y/N let out a sob as she felt her orgasm hit hard. Steve felt her grip and as she gripped him hard, that pushed him over the edge.
Y/N rocked her hips as she felt her orgasm hit her hard, she gripped Steve's body as she jolted a few times. Feeling Steve's cum coax her walls. Bucky caught her as she almost passed out.
"Good?" Bucky asked and Y/N looked at him lazily.
"Amazing." Y/N said as Bucky helped her off Steve's cock and laid her back on the couch.
"Pretty Flower." Steve said as he kissed your thigh, and saw his cum leaking out of her.
She jolted when she felt Steve play with her cum filled pussy and was glad she was on birth control.
"Again?" Bucky asked, coming over next to Steve and using his finger to touch her as well.
She grabbed Bucky's face with her hands and came forward kissing him softly.
"Again." She said and both Steve and Bucky growled, Bucky picking her up and making her laugh. Steve smacked her ass, and Bucky took her into her bedroom with Steve behind. 
Their night just beginning and not ending until the sun was rising.
Y/N woke up in the afternoon, her eyes fluttered open as she felt arms wrapped around her and the sound of soft snores filled the room.
She opened her arms to see Bucky's arm around her stomach and Steve's arm around her breasts.
She felt secure and warmth as she felt the two men hold her. Of course this changed everything, Y/N could only imagine what Tony would say but she didn't care.
All that mattered to her was the men sleeping beside her. She turned to Bucky and moved the hair out of his face and he stirred a bit.
Y/N looked at Steve and he was snoring and she kissed his forehead softly, causing him to shake his head a bit.
She laughed quietly and closed her eyes once more, feeling the peacefulness of silence and the feeling of warmth in the bed.
Forgive me, for I have sinned! 🔥🔥Hope you liked this! If you want to give me prompts or suggestions for another preference or one shot let me know! I do Marvel, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter. ✨✨
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rjalker · 1 month
Public Domain for sure everywhere
Book 1: Tarzan of the Apes (published 1912) Book 2: The Return of Tarzan (published 1913) Book 3: The Beasts of Tarzan (published 1914) Book 4: The Son of Tarzan (published 1916) Book 5: Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (published 1916) Book 6: Jungle Tales of Tarzan (published 1919) Book 7: Tarzan the Untamed (published 1920) Book 8: Tarzan the Terrible (published 1921) Book 9: Tarzan and the Golden Lion (published 1922) Book 10: Tarzan and the Ant Men (published 1924) Book ???: The Tarzan Twins (published 1927) Book 11: Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (published 1927) Book 12: Tarzan and the Lost Empire (published 1928) Book 13: Tarzan at the Earth's Core (published 1930) Book 14: Tarzan the Invincible (published 1930) Book 15: Tarzan Triumphant (published 1931) Book 16: Tarzan and the City of Gold (published 1932) Book 17: Tarzan and the Lion-Man (published 1933)
"not public domain in the united states in 2024"
Book 18: Tarzan and the Leopard-Men (published 1935) Book 19: Tarzan's Quest (published 1936) Book 20: Tarzan and the Forbidden City (published 1938) Book 21: Tarzan the Magnificent (published 1939) Book 22:Tarzan and the Champion (published 1940) Book 23: Tarzan and the Jungle Murders (published 1940) Book 24: Tarzan and the Foreign Legion (published 1947) Book 25: Tarzan and the Madman (published 1964, written 1940)
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lyssismagical · 3 years
For the prompt thing, I chose 3 and 5 form the random plots for Irondad. “Please stop being so cheesy.” “Stop pretending you don’t love me!” Please and thank you!!!
The first few visits to the Stark cabin was more uncomfortable and nervous than anything. Peter found himself sticking to himself, trying not to intrude on the family. He didn’t want to take Tony away from his time with Morgan and Pepper, not when they’d gotten so close to losing him.
Tony and Pepper tried to pull him out of his shell, convince him that he’s really wanted there, but it didn’t really help.
It was Morgan, in the end, who got him to feel most at home.
Peter had been trying to opt out of staying another night at the cabin, but Morgan had said, “It’s family game night! You’re family, you can’t miss it!”
And Peter had nearly cried, overcome by emotion. He hadn’t really had a family in a long time. He had May, and that was wonderfully, but they couldn’t have a family game night. Not when she worked such long hours and Peter went out Spider-Manning, not when it was always just the two of them, Monopoly wouldn’t feel the same with just a pair. It was always just a little too obvious the empty seats at the table.
“Okay, okay, alright,” Peter says, letting her take his hand and drag him back into the kitchen where Pepper’s pouring herself a glass of wine. “Mo really wants me to stay for family games, if that’s alright?”
“Of course, kiddo,” Tony says, already reaching for a juicebox for him too to match Morgan’s.
But Pepper steps in with logic before they can really get settled. “Are you planning on driving all the way home in the dark? I don’t know if that’s a good idea, especially with how little you’ve been sleeping lately. There’s always a spare bedroom for you.”
He hesitates, just barely, before nodding. “I only have to be back in the city for noon tomorrow to pick up Ned and MJ. If you don’t mind having me for the night and breakfast, I’d love to stay.”
And Tony grins, pressing a kiss to Peter’s forehead, because it’s never had to be a question.
“Sorry!” Morgan shouts, boardgame already in her hands as she hurries to the table.
They have a Disney version of the boardgame which absolutely melts Peter’s heart. The idea of Tony fucking Stark walking through Toys R Us, picking out boardgames for his baby and wife to play at home in their quaint little cabin, it almost seems like a dream.
Morgan picks to be the ‘Animals’ team which includes Dumbo, Bambi, Simba, and Pooh. Pepper picks the Villains team of Hades, Captain hook, Cruella De Ville, and Maleficent. Tony goes with the Boy Team of Buzz Lightning, Hercules, Peter Pan, and Tarzan. And that leaves Peter with the Princess Team of Snow White, Ariel, Cinderella, and Jessie.
Morgan plays with her animals, making them walk around the board like a real animal would, childish innocence pouring out through her little giggles.
“Sorry,” Pepper says, knocking one of Tony’s character’s off the board and back into his home. She doesn’t sound apologetic, grinning at her husband and elbowing him in the ribs.
“You’re cheating.” Tony pouts, losing miserably in comparison.
Peter’s in last place, never picking good cards and constantly getting knocked off the board by Morgan, who’s too good at the game. Though, she’s probably played it a few hundred times before. He’s never played it.
When he was little, he didn’t really have friends to play games with. Him and Ned played the nerdy games like DND or Magic the Gathering, but otherwise, they mostly stuck to watching movies or tv shows.
He never had siblings. He spent most of middle school through high school home alone, May and Ben always working.
He didn’t realize what he was missing until now.
“Eat up, kid, before all the popcorn’s gone,” Tony says, pushing the bowl in his direction. “Morguna, your turn. Pick a card.”
For a moment, Peter just watches. Feels like he’s on the outside of the conversation and the situation, watching Morgan play her turn, knocking another one of Peter’s characters off the board, leaving him with none until he can get them out of the home again. Watching Pepper laugh and throw a piece of popcorn at Tony, who catches it in his mouth with a triumphant grin.
It’s so homely, domestic, sweet.
“What’s got you thinking so hard?” Tony teases, throwing popcorn at him.
Peter can’t help it, warmth rushing through his body, as he says, “I just really love you guys.”
For a moment, Tony absolutely softens, smiling like Peter is the light of his life, expression so gentle and open and earnest. And then he fake gags. “Please stop being so cheesy.”
Peter rolls his eyes, throwing the popcorn back at Tony. “Stop pretending you don’t love me!”
“Admit it!” Peter shouts, throwing a game piece this time. “Admit that you love me!”
And Tony, grinning and expression so warm, lifts an eyebrow. “Alright, kiddo, you win. I really do love you.”
Taglist:   @littlemissagrafina  @spideyspeaches @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @misskirkstark @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay @parknerandirondad @lilacsandlilies4 @loveliestdisappointment @joyful-soul-collector @genderfluid-and-confuzled @fallenstar07 @gyurolls @sdottkrames @you-did-it-sir @not-today-thx @fandomstuffff {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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skarsgard-daydreams · 4 years
Creature Fear
Description: Seeking to escape their past, Mickey and his girlfriend spend some quality time in the wilderness.
Warnings: sexual content (18+)
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The daylight had thinned into dusk as the two of you puzzled over the instructions for the tent that Mickey had dug out of the garage before you floored it into the wilderness, eager to escape the confines of the city that threatened to smother you both. You were used to modern marvels of engineering that easily sprung into shape, but this thing looked like it was older than either one of you, and Mickey was muttering his favorite expletive at least once a minute while you scrambled to assemble it before nightfall.
You knew you should have set up camp earlier, but Mickey had given you those puppy dog eyes and said that the lake would be too cold to go for a swim if you waited. So you had knocked him on his ass and started running before you even declared a race, sprinting down the familiar trail to the dock and leaping straight into the water with your clothes still on.
The cool water knocked the breath from your lungs and made you feel alive again for the first time since you had decided to try to make a clean break and leave your past behind you. Mickey came flying into the water after you, bellowing like Tarzan and sending birds scattering into the trees before he crashed through the surface in his boxer briefs. A spray of water splashed you in the face when he came back up for air, filling his lungs and sputtering.
“Fuck, that’s cold, babe!” he said, but his face was alight with the same new life you were feeling. He swam over to you, and you thought he was going to shove you under, but he gathered you to him instead and kissed you as you let your body float, buoyed up by the love that you shared and the freedom you both felt away from the concrete and cappuccinos and car alarms on the edge of civilization. Your fingertips brushed the scar from the gunshot wound on his shoulder as you wound your arms around him, enjoying how warm he was, how he tasted like menthol cigarettes, how his mustache tickled your face as you kissed.
“I love you,” you mumbled against his lips.
“I know.”
Now the temperature was dropping as the sun dipped below the horizon, and Mickey was wrestling the tent with the kind of determination that made you decide to back off. You pulled on one of his favorite threadbare hoodies and sat down by the crackling fire pit, flipping through the instructions and wondering if you had missed a step. Suddenly, Mickey made a triumphant whooping noise, and when you looked back again, the tent had finally taken shape, lopsided, but passable.
Soon you had cracked open a beer and sat in Mickey’s lap, scorching hot dogs over the fire while he swore he had the perfect plan to survive out in the wilderness when the zombie apocalypse finally happens. “Don’t you mean if it ever happens?” you asked, rotating your hot dog over the fire.
Mickey scoffed. “Oh, it’s gonna happen, babe,” he said. “But don’t you worry. I’ll be ready.”
You leaned your head on his shoulder and wondered how he found the confidence to believe in himself so thoroughly sometimes, while at other times it seemed like he could be spooked by something as simple as a shadow on the wall. The shadows in the wilderness never seemed to bother him, however. Out here, it was just the two of you again.
The fire gradually burned to embers, and you found yourself pulling the sleeves of Mickey’s hoodie over your hands to keep warm. He crushed his beer can in his hand and kissed your temple, ushering you up onto your feet. “Come on,” he said, reaching for your hand and grabbing onto the edge of the sleeve instead. “It’s getting late.”
The tent looked even more lopsided than it had to begin with, and you fought the urge to laugh at his handiwork. Mickey practically had to fold himself in half to duck inside the flap. He flicked on a lantern and you started to unroll the sleeping bags, but your movements faltered when you looked at the label of the red sack you had grabbed without much thought earlier in the day. “Uh oh,” you said.
“What?” he asked.
“I grabbed my summer sleeping bag.” You gave him a sheepish look. You had bought this one when you two had driven to Southern Oregon to watch the Solar Eclipse a few years ago in the middle of August. It was much later in the season, now, and you were up in the mountains, where snow had started to gather on some of the trails. Mickey shook out his sleeping bag.
“I’ll take that one.”
“Babe, it’s a women’s sleeping bag,” you said with a laugh.
“So?” he said. “I don’t care.”
“No, I mean... it’s small.” You held up the sleeping bag to his chest to demonstrate your point. Against his body, it looked like it would work better as a high-waisted skirt than as a sleeping bag. Mickey seemed like he was still considering it for a moment and then shrugged.
“We’ll just share mine then,” he said, shrugging off his jean jacket and tossing it aside. “I’ll keep you warm, babe.”
The way he said it was so casual, but as you stood there still clutching the sleeping bag in your hands, you thought your chest might burst with the affection you felt for that wild, wonderful man. You dropped the sleeping bag on the ground and stepped over it, grabbing the collar of Mickey’s shirt and pulling him down to meet your lips, kissing him so hard he had to grab onto you to keep his balance. “I fucking love you,” you finally said when you came up for air. You weren’t sure if you were holding him or if he was holding you.
“I love you, too,” he said, staring at you in wonder. You kissed him again and slipped your hands under his shirt, your fingers tickling his happy trail before you pulled the shirt off, and soon your clothes were scattered on the floor of the tent and you were peppering his chest with kisses as you rode him on the half-open sleeping bag, his large hands sending shivers down your spine and gripping your hips to drive himself deeper within you, until you no longer knew where you ended and he began. You kissed each of his scars as the pressure built inside you, moaning his name because it was the only word you could remember—he was the only thing you wanted, more of him, more of Mickey.
You let your hair brush over his face and he captured your mouth with his own, kissing you tenderly as he slid one hand between your bodies and teased your center with the same finger on which he’d had your name tattooed. A cry escaped your lips as the pressure within you became too much to bear and you buried your face against the warmth of his neck, coming harder than you had in months. You rode out the aftershocks while he finished, moaning your name and digging his hands into the flesh of your hips to still your movements. You lay there panting with his cock still inside you, and you thought you never wanted to move again. You wanted to be like this forever, each of you lost in your lover and no longer afraid of being found.
You pressed a kiss against his shoulder and murmured, “Zip up the sleeping bag.” You made no move to get off him, no attempt to give him room to pull out. Mickey gave you a surprised look, but he pulled the heavy polyester fabric around you both and groped around for the zipper. After a long moment, he found it, and slowly tugged it until the sleeping bag tightened around you like a cocoon binding your bodies together in the dark. Mickey threaded his fingers in your hair and cradled your head in his hand. He was searching for something to say, some combination of words that could convey how he felt in that moment, but all he could do was whisper your name.
“I know,” you replied.
@scxrsgxrd​ @jj-lynn21​ @stevesharrlngtons​ @grandpa-sweaters​ @goldengoocci​ @flowers-in-your-hayr​
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pandaimitator · 5 days
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Tarzan Triumphant, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Look at that, it only took Burroughs 15 Tarzan novels before he realized that lions don't actually live in the Jungle. *SMH* really.
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arysafics · 5 years
Don’t Call Me Angel
Summary:  Bellamy punishes Clarke for her slutty Halloween costume.
Prompts: bells in charge and theres like ‘punishment’ + punishment kink
Rated E, ~2.9k 
Bellamy couldn’t make it to the party tonight. Clarke had been disappointed at first, when he told her he would have to work, because she had been desperate to do a couples costume this year, for the first time in her life. Plus, parties are just not as fun when he’s not there.
The upside of not having Bellamy at the party is it means she can dress as slutty as she wants. He hates it when she shows off her body to other people. He’ll begrudgingly let her wear a bikini to the beach, as long as he’s with her, and it’s obvious to everyone that they’re together. But even then, she notices him glowering at anyone who dares to glance in her direction. Her body belongs to him, and she likes it that way. She finds the possessiveness and jealousy hot. Loves the way he fucks her hard to remind her she’s his.
Still, she also likes to show off a little bit. And she also likes to see what she can get away with.
She waits until he’s gone before she gets dressed—or, rather, undressed. Bellamy knows her Halloween costume is an angel. He’s seen the wings and halo she’s got sitting on the bed. What he doesn’t know, is that the rest of the costume is just a white negligee, the cups holding in her breasts the only part of it that isn’t sheer. Underneath, just a pair of white lacy panties.
Bellamy would die if he saw her in this. And if he caught her going out in it, there’s no telling what he might do. Clarke half hopes to find out.
She puts on the wings and the halo and studies her reflection in the mirror. She’s dressed as an angel, but she doesn’t look anything like one. She wishes Bellamy didn’t have to work. She wants him to come home right now, pull off her panties, then fuck her from behind.
Alas, the next person to show up at her door is not Bellamy, but Josephine, come to pick her up for the party. Josie is dressed as the devil, in a crop top that almost shows her nipples, and a pair of tight red shorts. The only way to actually tell she’s the devil are the flashing plastic horns on her head, and the plastic pitchfork in her hand.
“Damn,” Josie says, looking Clarke up and down. “Does Bellamy know you’re going out like that?”
“Nope, and you aren’t going to tell him.”
“Maybe you and I should go home together tonight,” Josie grins. “I’m sure Gabriel won’t mind. I think he has a thing for Bellamy anyway, maybe we can do a swapsies.”
“No offence, Jose, but you really aren’t my type.”
“Get over it.”
Josie rolls her eyes. “Come on, Gabriel’s waiting in the car.”
Gabriel, dressed as a priest, barely spares a second glance at Clarke’s outfit as she gets into the car. Evidently, boobs are not his thing.  Plus, he’s probably just thinking about how the devil is going to coax him to break his vows later, in whatever kinky roleplay he and Josie have planned. It does no harm to Clarke’s ego either way, since she knows she’ll have plenty of attention on her once they get to the party.
She’s not wrong. There’s not a single straight man in the room whose eyes don’t drop to her cleavage as she walks by, host of the party, Roan, included. His eyes trail further down, then flit across to Josie. He makes eye contact with Gabriel and smirks.
“Don’t you three look cute?” he says. He’s dressed as Tarzan. Anything to get shirtless. “Did you and Bellamy break up?” he asks Clarke. He knows as well as anyone how possessive Bellamy is of his girl, having looked at Clarke the wrong way once, and ended up with a broken nose, courtesy of Bellamy.
Clarke shakes her head. “He had to work.”
“That’s a shame,” Roan smiles lecherously. “For him.”
Clarke rolls her eyes. “You talk a big game, but I know you’re too terrified of him to ever touch me.”
Roan shrugs. “I might risk it if I thought you’d be into it. Too bad you’re too in love with him to see how good I could make you feel.”
“Okay, can you two stop flirting and tell me where the alcohol is?” Josie interrupts.
“Pool room,” Roan grunts, pointing to the left.
Josie grabs Gabriel’s hand, and Clarke follows them towards the pool room, looking back to see Roan watching her ass as she walks away.
“Enjoy the view!” she calls back. That’s all he’s ever going to get.
Clarke enjoys herself at the party. She gets hit on more than a few times, and ogled by anyone with eyes. She gets a little tipsy, grinds herself against Josie on the dancefloor, and takes way too many bad selfies. But’s only a couple of hours before she starts to miss Bellamy, wishing he were here to sneak off to one of Roan’s many bedrooms with her.
Then, as she’s dancing by herself, she feels a large body press up against her back, flattening her wings, and a strong forearm slide around her waist, gripping her tightly. She knows instantly it’s him, and she wonders for a moment if she somehow conjured him up with her mind.
She grinds back against him, smiling, hoping he’ll dance with her.
“I thought you had to work,” she says, and then, when he doesn’t give in to her attempts to get him to dance, she spins around.
“Got off early,” Bellamy says. He’s even got a costume on. A sexy cop outfit. Clarke recognises the handcuffs dangling from his belt as one of the many toys from their collection at home.
He eyes her up and down, and Clarke flushes under his appraisal. His jaw ticks as he meets her eye, and she knows she’s in trouble. Her cunt throbs.
“Lucky I did,” he growls. “Seems I can’t leave you alone for a few hours without you showing yourself off to anyone who’ll look at you.”
“I’m sorry,” Clarke says, blinking up at him innocently.
Bellamy raises an eyebrow. He knows she’s far from innocent. “You will be,” he promises. He grabs her wrist then, his huge fingers gripping her tightly. He turns her around forcefully, and a moment later, Clarke feels him replace his hand with a cuff. He grabs her other wrist and the circles the other cuff around it, clicking it into place so her hands are restrained behind her back. Clarke can feel her pulse start to race.
People around them have started to notice now, and Clarke feels her face turn crimson as Bellamy grabs her arm and drags her from the room. He ignores the onlookers, keeping his grip firm on her bicep and pushing her outside and towards his car. He opens the back door and bundles her inside roughly, then rounds the car and slides into the driver’s seat. He glances over his shoulder at her.
“What’s going to happen to me, Officer?” Clarke asks sweetly. He doesn’t answer, just turns back to face the front and turns the key in the ignition. Okay, so it’s not that kind of game.
He’s silent on the drive back to their house, and Clarke hates it. He doesn’t look at her, doesn’t tell her what a naughty girl she’s been. Her mind whirls with the possibilities that await when they get home, her cunt throbbing, and she leaks into her panties, soaking them right through.
He pulls the car into the driveway, then pulls her out of the backseat, still treating her a little roughly. Clarke doesn’t dare speak until he does, but she’s bursting to know what he’s thinking. How mad is he? What’s he going to do to her?
He takes her to their bedroom, still silent, then lets her go. She turns to him, biting her lip, pleading with him with her eyes to forgive her.
“Don’t give me that look,” he growls. “You know exactly what you’ve done, and you’re going to be punished for it.”
“Please, sir,” Clarke begs him. “I didn’t mean it.”
“You didn’t mean to dress up like a slut and parade yourself around for the entertainment of others? Or you didn’t mean to get caught?”
Clarke’s lower lips trembles. He gives her a triumphant look. He knows she can’t pretend like she didn’t know he wouldn’t approve of her outfit. He steps towards her.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Your body belongs to me. Nobody else gets to look at you.” He pulls the cups of her negligee down easily, revealing her nipples, hard and straining for him. He takes a nipple between his right finger and thumb, rolling it gently, then twisting, harder and harder, until Clarke whimpers.
“Your tits could have easily slipped out of this poor excuse for clothing. I don’t want other men eyeing off my property, got it?”
“Yes, sir.”
He edges her backwards until her thighs hit the foot of the bed, then he spins her around and pushes her down, hand on the back of her neck. Their bed is high off the ground for exactly this purpose—him bending her over the end of it. He yanks her panties down and pushes her flimsy negligee up, exposing her ass and pussy. He kicks her legs open. She looks even less like an angel how. Her pussy clenches in anticipation. He’s going to fuck her, she’s sure of it.
His finger trails along her slit, gathering her arousal on his fingertip.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re all wet,” Bellamy says. “You think you’re going to get fucked, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“No, baby,” he says. “I told you, you’re getting punished.” She hears him walking away, and she turns her head over her shoulder, watching him head to the closet, reach into their box of toys, then walk back with a flogger. A fresh surge leaks out of Clarke’s pussy.
He trails the end of the flogger over her ass, tickling her. “Now,” Bellamy says. “What’s it going to take to get you to stop dressing like a slut?”
“I don’t know, sir.”
“Ten lashings? Fifteen? Twenty? More?”
Clarke shivers. “Surely no more than ten, sir.”
“Fifteen it is. Be a good girl and don’t complain too much, or I’ll make it twenty.”
“Yes, sir.”
The first lash takes her by surprise, and she gasps as it comes down across her ass. He strokes the inflamed area with the flogger, before landing another strike in the same spot. She doesn’t make another sound until the sixth stroke, when she lets out a tiny whimper. Her ass stings like hell, and he’s not even halfway done. Her arousal drips down her thighs.
“You’re not complaining, are you?” Bellamy demands.
“No, sir,” Clarke squeaks. “I deserve it, sir.”
“That’s right.” He strikes her again. “Why do you deserve it?”
“I dressed like a slut in public, sir,” Clarke says. The flogger comes down on her ass again, and another whimper escapes her mouth. She’s forgotten what number they’re up to now. “I let other men see my panties.”
“What do you think they were thinking when they looked at you? They probably thought you were offering yourself up. An easy fuck. A little whore, desperate for cock.” Two more whips of the flogger, and tears start to roll down her cheeks.
“Only for you,” Clarke manages to choke out through her tears. She wants the punishment to be over so he’ll fuck her already, give her the orgasm she’s so desperately craving.
“Are you crying, baby?” Bellamy coos. Even when he’s mad at her, punishing her, he can’t resist being sweet to her. “We’re almost done, I promise. Five more to go.”
The last five come in quick succession, and tears stream down her face freely now. Each whip makes her ass erupt in flames, and she knows she won’t be able to sit down properly for days.
He counts the last whip of the flogger, and Clarke instantly relaxes against the bed. She hadn’t even realised she was holding herself so taut. The soft caress of Bellamy’s hand on her ass makes her whimper.
“Look at that nice red bottom,” Bellamy says. “Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes, sir,” Clarke whispers. She feels him grab her wrists, and then he’s unlocking one of the cuffs, then the other. He pulls off her wings, and her halo, then stands her up and turns her around. He brushes the tears from her face with his thumbs, and kisses her cheeks.
“Are you going to be a good girl from now on?” he asks her. Clarke nods. “Good.” He gives her another kiss, on the lips this time, then drags her negligee down, letting it pool on the floor at her feet. “Now lie down on the bed.”
Clarke obeys eagerly. She took her punishment well, and now he’s going to reward her. She lies down, head on the pillows, legs spread. She ignores the throbbing of her ass and tries to focus on the throbbing of her cunt. Bellamy eyes her as he sets down the flogger and handcuffs. He raises an eyebrow, seemingly amused.
“Did I tell you to spread your legs?”
“No, sir,” Clarke admits, flushing. Is she being too obvious about how much she wants it?
“Why do you think I asked you to lie down?”
“You—you’re going to fuck me, sir? Let me come?”
Bellamy laughs. “No. Have you done anything to deserve it?”
Clarke glances down, ashamed. “No, sir.”
Bellamy unbuttons his shirt and tosses it aside. “Your cunt isn’t getting touched tonight. I’m going to fuck your face. Close your legs, you silly slut.”
“Yes, sir,” Clarke whimpers meekly, bringing her thighs together. Tears prick in her eyes again at the revelation that she won’t get to come tonight. He’s not even going to touch her there, where she so desperately needs to be touched.
Bellamy removes the rest of his clothing and kneels on the bed, his cock big and menacing. He kneels over her, nudging her mouth open with his cock. She opens wide, and he shoves his cock inside. He’s rough with her, uncaring, and Clarke knows this is part of her punishment.
She chokes as his cock hits the back of her throat, and he grabs her hair, pulling it sharply. Clarke moans. He uses her mouth, his thrusts fast and brutal, his balls hitting her chin. Clarke can barely breathe with his huge cock driving into her airway, but all she can think about is how empty her pussy is, how much she wishes he was fucking her cunt instead of her mouth.
It doesn’t take him long to reach his climax, and he doesn’t warn her as he pulls his cock out of her mouth and comes all over her face. She closes her eyes at the last moment, saving her from an eyeful, but it mats in her eyelashes, her hair, drips into her mouth.
She opens her eyes as he gets off her. He says nothing as he leaves the room, and Clarke is left feeling empty, her ass stinging, her face covered in come.
She doesn’t know how long she lies there, waiting for him to come back. He hadn’t said so, but she knows she’s not supposed to move to clean herself up or get dressed. He’ll decide when she’s allowed to do that.
When he finally comes back, he’s dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, and he’s obviously showered. He’s got a bottle of lotion and a wet towel with him. She breathes a sigh of relief at his return, and the anxiety that had built in her stomach dissipates. He pads over to the bed and sits down beside her, putting the lotion down on the side table.
“You okay, baby?” he asks her, helping her sit up.
Clarke nods. Bellamy takes the towel and wipes it across her face, cleaning up his come as best he can.
“We’ll get the rest in the shower later, okay?” he promises.
“Okay,” Clarke agrees. Bellamy reaches for her and pull her into his lap, rubbing his hand across her ass. Clarke winces. “It hurts,” she whispers.
“I know, baby,” Bellamy says. He reaches for the lotion and squirts some into his hand, then rubs it into her ass gently. Clarke tucks her head into Bellamy’s shoulder as he caresses her ass. He slips his fingers between her legs then, and finds her clit. He’d said she wouldn’t touch her there tonight, but it seems he can’t resist.
“You took your punishment so well,” he coos, fingering her clit. “Such a good girl. Most of the time.” Clarke smiles against his shoulder.
His fingers are slow and gentle with her, building her towards orgasm until she’s squirming in his lap, trying to hold off, in case he’s just playing with her, in case it’s a test.
“Can I come, sir?” Clarke asks.
“Yes, baby, you can come.”
She lets herself go, and her orgasm rolls through her, and she tremors in his arms, panting softly.
“Thank you, sir,” Clarke whispers.
“You want to shower now?” he asks.
Clarke shakes her head. “Just hold me for a while.”
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mountmultimuses · 5 years
This gives me goosebumps. There is no call so distinct, so unique, so triumphant as the Roar of Tarzan.
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