#Tasya t
puthyflapps · 2 years
man go look at tasya’s stories. full of her and lindsey looking like full ass meals 🥵
Lindsey reposted them all to her story and so I saw it this morning. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to, I’ll say that 🥵🥵🥵🥵💦💦💦
It also gave me such ranya on vacation vibes and now all I can think about is the two of them at the beach, riding around on a golf cart. Raven is behind the wheel and she’s tearing up the road like a mad woman. Anya doesn’t mind though. She’s content to just throw her arm around Raven’s shoulders and admire the view 😌🫶🏻
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Hello friend! Tonight I accidentally clicked the wrong video and suddenly I was introduced to The Oh Hellos's song "Notos".
It's giving me REALLY heavy Reversed!Julian, Reversed!Portia endings, as well as Tasya.
"But the water's rising (quicker than light and sound) From the seas within me (coming up from the ground) And I try to fight it (cumulonimbus clouds) But I drain completely (cover the sun and drown it out) "Every inhale I take, swallows the ocean whole, and I am one With the hurricane, tall as the tide that laps with a rabid tongue With every exhale, I break you down with a fury, I lay the hills undone Like a dog gone untamed, bellowing out a river from my lungs"
I got a lot of feels for the Devoraks tonight, LOL
@sounddrive OH that is painful UGH those poor siblings T~T
I'm getting all the angsty recs today, huh? XD
Thank you for the suggestion, friend, I've put it on the playlist and I'll add it to the tag!
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dailybhakthimessages · 3 months
🌹 11, JUNE 2024 TUESDAY ALL MESSAGES మంగళవారం, భౌమ వాసర సందేశాలు🌹
🍀🌹 11, JUNE 2024 TUESDAY ALL MESSAGES మంగళవారం, భౌమ వాసర సందేశాలు🌹🍀 1) 🌹 కపిల గీత - 346 / Kapila Gita - 346 🌹 🌴 8. ధూమ - అర్చిరాది మార్గముల ద్వారా వెళ్ళు వారి గతి - భక్తియోగ విశిష్టత - 29 / 8. Entanglement in Fruitive Activities - 29 🌴 2) 🌹. విష్ణు సహస్ర నామ తత్వ విచారణ - 939 / Vishnu Sahasranama Contemplation - 939 🌹 🌻 939. వ్యాదిశః, व्यादिशः, Vyādiśaḥ 🌻 3) 🌹 సిద్దేశ్వరయానం - 77🌹 🏵 రత్నప్రభ - 3 🏵 4) 🌹. శివ సూత్రములు - 253 / Siva Sutras - 253 🌹 🌻 3-39. చిత్తస్థితివత్ శరీర కరణ బాహ్యేషు - 3 / 3-39. cittasthitivat śarīra karana bāhyesu - 3 🌻
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🌹. కపిల గీత - 346 / Kapila Gita - 346 🌹 🍀. కపిల దేవహూతి సంవాదం 🍀 ✍️. ప్రసాద్‌ భరధ్వాజ
🌴 8. ధూమ - అర్చిరాది మార్గములద్వారా వెళ్ళువారి గతి - భక్తియోగ విశిష్టత - 29 🌴
29. యథా మహానహంరూపస్త్రివృత్పంచవిధః స్వరాట్| ఏకాదశవిధస్తస్య వపురందం జగద్యతః॥
తాత్���ర్యము : మహత్తత్త్వము, త్రిగుణాత్మకమైన అహంకారము, పంచభూతములు, పదకొండు ఇంద్రియములు అనునవి చైతన్యస్వరూపుడైన పరమాత్మ సంయోగమువలన 'జీవుడు' అని పిలువబడు చున్నవి. ఇది పరమాత్మ యొక్క వ్యష్టిరూపమే. అట్లే మహత్తు మొదలగు ఇరువది నాలుగు తత్త్వములతో గూడిన జగత్తు ఆ పరమాత్మ యొక్క సమిష్టిరూపము. పశుపక్ష్యాదుల దేహములలో విలసిల్లు జీవుడు పరమాత్మయొక్క వ్యష్టిరూపము. అట్లే చరాచరాత్మకమైన జగత్తుతో నిండిన చైతన్య స్వరూపము పరమాత్మ యొక్క సమిష్టిరూపము ఈ రెండును విరాట్పురుషుని నుండియే ఉత్పన్నమైనవి. నిజమునకు ఉన్నది బ్రహ్మయే.
*వ్యాఖ్య : పరమేశ్వరుడు మహత్-పాద అని వర్ణించబడ్డాడు, అంటే మహత్-తత్త్వం అని పిలువబడే మొత్తం భౌతిక శక్తి అతని పాద కమలాల వద్ద ఉంది. విశ్వ అభివ్యక్తి యొక్క మూలం లేదా మొత్తం శక్తి మహత్-తత్త్వం. మహత్-తత్త్వం నుండి మిగిలిన ఇరవై నాలుగు విభాగాలు, అవి పదకొండు ఇంద్రియాలు (మనస్సుతో సహా), ఐదు ఇంద్రియ వస్తువులు, ఐదు భౌతిక అంశాలు, ఆపై స్పృహ, తెలివి మరియు తప్పుడు అహంకారాలు పుట్టుకొచ్చాయి. భగవంతుని యొక్క సర్వోన్నత వ్యక్తి మహత్-తత్త్వానికి కారణం, అందువలన, ఒక కోణంలో, ప్రతిదీ పరమాత్మ నుండి ఉద్భవించినందున, భగవంతుడు మరియు విశ్వరూపం మధ్య తేడా లేదు. కానీ అదే సమయంలో విశ్వరూపం భగవంతుని కంటే భిన్నంగా ఉంటుంది. స్వరం అనే పదం ఇక్కడ చాలా ముఖ్యమైనది. స్వరం అంటే 'స్వతంత్రం.' పరమేశ్వరుడు స్వతంత్రుడు, మరియు వ్యక్తి ఆత్మ కూడా స్వతంత్రం. స్వాతంత్ర్యం యొక్క రెండు గుణాల మధ్య పోలిక లేనప్పటికీ, జీవుడు సూక్ష్మంగా స్వతంత్రంగా ఉంటాడు మరియు పరమేశ్వరుడు పూర్తిగా స్వతంత్రుడు.
వ్యక్తిగత ఆత్మ నుండి వ్యక్తిగత శరీరం అభివృద్ధి చెందుతున్నప్పుడు, విశ్వం యొక్క భారీ శరీరం పరమాత్మ నుండి అభివృద్ధి చెందుతుంది. వ్యక్తి ఆత్మకు చైతన్యం ఉన్నట్లే, పరమాత్మ కూడా చైతన్యంతో ఉంటాడు. పరమాత్మ యొక్క స్పృహ మరియు వ్యక్తిగత ఆత్మ యొక్క స్పృహ మధ్య సారూప్యత ఉన్నప్పటికీ, వ్యక్తిగత ఆత్మ యొక్క స్పృహ పరిమితమైనది, అయితే పరమాత్మ యొక్క స్పృహ అపరిమితంగా ఉంటుంది. ఇది భగవద్గీత (BG 13.3)లో వివరించబడింది. క్షేత్రజ్ఞం కాపి మాం విద్ధి: వ్యక్తిగత శరీరంలో వ్యక్తిగత ఆత్మ ఉన్నట్లే, ప్రతి కార్యకలాపంలోనూ పరమాత్మ ఉంటాడు. ఇద్దరూ స్పృహలో ఉన్నారు. వ్యత్యాసం ఏమిటంటే, వ్యక్తిగత ఆత్మ వ్యక్తిగత శరీరం గురించి మాత్రమే స్పృహ కలిగి ఉంటుంది, అయితే పరమాత్మ మొత్తం వ్యక్తిగత శరీరాల సంఖ్య గురించి స్పృహలో ఉంటుంది.*
సశేషం.. 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
🌹 Kapila Gita - 346 🌹 🍀 Conversation of Kapila and Devahuti 🍀 📚 Prasad Bharadwaj
🌴 8. Entanglement in Fruitive Activities - 29 🌴
29. yathā mahān ahaṁ-rūpas tri-vṛt pañca-vidhaḥ svarāṭ ekādaśa-vidhas tasya vapur aṇḍaṁ jagad yataḥ
MEANING : From the total energy, the mahat-tattva, I have manifested the false ego, the three modes of material nature, the five material elements, the individual consciousness, the eleven senses and the material body. Similarly, the entire universe has come from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
PURPORT : The Supreme Lord is described as mahat-pada, which means that the total material energy, known as the mahat-tattva, is lying at His lotus feet. The origin or the total energy of the cosmic manifestation is the mahat-tattva. From the mahat-tattva all the other twenty-four divisions have sprung, namely the eleven senses (including the mind), the five sense objects, the five material elements, and then consciousness, intelligence and false ego.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of the mahat-tattva, and therefore, in one sense, because everything is an emanation from the Supreme Lord, there is no difference between the Lord and the cosmic manifestation. But at the same time the cosmic manifestation is different from the Lord. The word svarāṭ is very significant here. Svarāṭ means "independent." The Supreme Lord is independent, and the individual soul is also independent. Although there is no comparison between the two qualities of independence, the living entity is minutely independent, and the Supreme Lord is fully independent.
Continues… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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🌹. విష్ణు సహస్ర నామ తత్వ విచారణ - 939 / Vishnu Sahasranama Contemplation - 939 🌹
🌻 939. వ్యాదిశః, व्यादिशः, Vyādiśaḥ 🌻
ఓం వ్యాదిశాయ నమః | ॐ व्यादिशाय नमः | OM Vyādiśāya namaḥ
వివిధామాజ్ఞాం శక్రాదీనాం కుర్వన్ వ్యాదిశః
ఇంద్రాదులకును వివిధములైన ఆజ్ఞలను ఆదేశించును కనుక వ్యాదిశః.
సశేషం… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
🌻 939. Vyādiśaḥ 🌻
OM Vyādiśāya namaḥ
विविधामाज्ञां शक्रादीनां कुर्वन् व्यादिशः / Vividhāmājñāṃ śakrādīnāṃ kurvan vyādiśaḥ
Since He gives various commands (to maintain the worlds) to Indra and others, He is called Vyādiśaḥ.
🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 Source Sloka अनन्तरूपोऽनन्तश्रीर्जितमन्युर्भयापहः ।चतुरश्रो गभीरात्मा विदिशो व्यादिशो दिशः ॥ १०० ॥ అనన్తరూపోఽనన్తశ్రీర్జితమన్యుర్భయాపహః ।చతురశ్రో గభీరాత్మా విదిశో వ్యాదిశో దిశః ॥ 100 ॥ Anantarūpo’nantaśrīrjitamanyurbhayāpahaḥ,Caturaśro gabhīrātmā vidiśo vyādiśo diśaḥ ॥ 100 ॥
Continues…. 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹🌹
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🌹 సిద్దేశ్వరయానం - 77 🌹
💐 శ్రీ సిద్దేశ్వరానంద భారతీ స్వామి విరచిత 💐
🏵 రత్న ప్రభ - 4 🏵
లలితాదేవి పరివారంలో డాకినీగణం ఉంది. ఆ గణంలో ఉంటూ ఒకరోజు త్రివిష్టప (టిబెట్) సమీప ప్రదేశంలోని ఒక గుహలో తపస్సు చేస్తున్న ఒక ఋషిదగ్గర ఆడిపాడి కుతూహలం కొద్దీ ఆతనిని కదిలించింది. ధ్యానభంగమై అతడు కోపం తెచ్చుకొని కోతివలె ప్రవర్తించి నాకు ఇబ్బంది కలిగించావు కనుక కోతి వగుదువుగాక! అని శపించాడు. ఆ శాపాన్ని అనుభవిస్తూ ఉండగా సిద్ధేశ్వరయోగి ఎవరి శరీరంలో ప్రవేశించి యున్నాడో ఆ పద్మ సంభవుడనే భైరవయోగి వజ్ర వైరోచనీమంత్ర సిద్ధుడక్కడికి వచ్చాడు. ఆ గుహలో ఉన్న వజ్రేశ్వరీ, భైరవులను సేవించి ప్రక్కన ఉన్న జలపాతం దగ్గర నిలుచున్నాడు. తానుశాపగ్రస్త బాలికగా అక్కడ తిరుగుతూ అతనిని చూచింది. తనవలె ఉన్న ఒక జీవిని చూడటం అదే మొదటిసారి. ఆ తరువాత అద్భుతమైన సన్నివేశాలు తన జీవితంలో వచ్చిన అనూహ్యమైన మార్పులు కనిపిస్తున్నవి. ఒక సాక్షివలె రత్నప్రభ ఆ దృశ్యాలను చూస్తున్నది.
ఇంతలో పన్నెండేళ్ళ అమ్మాయిగా తాను వచ్చింది. దిగంబర. చెట్ల ఆకులు కొన్ని నడుముకు చుట్టుకొన్నది.పద్మసంభవుని దగ్గరకు వచ్చింది. వింతగా చూస్తున్నది. కోతివలె కిచకిచమని ధ్వని చేసింది. చుట్టూ తిరిగింది. వస్త్రాలు పీకింది. మళ్ళీ నిల్చుని అదేపనిగా వీక్షిస్తున్నది. అతడామెను నిశితంగా పరిశీలించాడు. కోతి లక్షణాలు తప్ప మనిషి లక్షణాలు కనపడటం లేదు. మనుష్య భాష వచ్చినట్లు లేదు. ఈమె వివరాలు తెలుసుకోవాలి. తానీమె కోసం వచ్చినట్లుంది. ఈ మనిషికి భాష ఎందుకు రాలేదు ? ఒక్కసారి సమ్మోహినీ దేవతను స్మరించాడు. ఆ అమ్మాయి చెయ్యి పట్టుకొని ఒక పెద్ద రాతి బండ మీద కూర్చోబెట్టాడు. ఆ బాలిక కాదనలేదు. ఆ కన్య నొసలు బొటనవేలితో తాకి సమ్మోహన నిద్రలోకి పంపాడు. ఆరాతి మీద ఆమె వెల్లికల పడుకొన్నది. కన్నులు మూతలు పడినవి. ఆ స్థితిలో అతడామెను ప్రశ్నిస్తున్నాడు.
పద్మ : బాలికా ! ఎవరువు నీవు ? కన్య : సమాధానం లేదు ఏదో మాట్లాడాలని ప్రయత్నం. కాని మాటలు రావటం లేదు. పద్మ : నిద్రలోనికి వెళ్తున్నావు. గాఢనిద్రలో ప్రవేశించావు. నీకు మాట్లాడే శక్తినిస్తున్నాను. పలుకు ! నీవు పలుకగలవు.
కన్య : నెమ్మదిగా పెదవులు కదలుతున్నవి. "నేను డాకినిని. మధురగాయకిని. నర్తకిని. సౌందర్యవతిని. ఒకరోజిక్కడ తపస్సు చేసుకొంటున్న ఒక యోగికి నా పాటలతో, అరుపులతో ధ్యానభంగం కలిగించాను. అతనికి కష్టం వేసింది. కోతివలె ప్రవర్తించి నాకు ఇబ్బంది కలిగించావు. కోతివై పుట్టుదువు గాక ! అని శపించాడు. నా దివ్యశక్తులన్నీ పోయినవి. నా కంఠం మూగపోయింది. ఆయన కాళ్ళమీద పడి ఏడ్చాను. క్షమించమని ప్రార్థించాను. చాలా సేపటికి ఆయనకు దయ కలిగింది. శాపాన్ని కొంతమార్పు చేసి మనిషిగాపుడతావు గాని కోతుల మధ్య పెరుగుతావు. మనుషుల మధ్య ఉండవు. పన్నెండు సంవత్సరాల తర్వాత ఒక యోగి వల్ల శాపవిమోచనం కలుగుతుంది అని అనుగ్రహించాడు. నాశరీరం పతనమైంది. నేపాల్లోని ఒక శాక్య రాజవంశస్త్రీ గర్భంలో ప్రవేశించాను.
నెలలు నిండుతుండగా ఆమె పుట్టింటికి భర్త అనుమతితో బయలుదేరింది. భటులు, పరివారం అంతా ఉన్నారు. ఒక పల్లకిలో ఆమె. ఆమె గర్భంలో నేను. ఈ ప్రాంతానికి వచ్చిన సమయంలో భయంకరమైన పులి వచ్చి దాడి చేసింది. ఒకరిద్దరు పరివారంలోని వారిని చంపి తిన్నంత మాంసం తిని వెళ్ళిపోయింది. హతశేషులు పరుగెత్తి పారిపోయినారు. ఆ స్త్రీ అక్కడే ప్రసవించి దిక్కులేని స్థితిలో మరణించింది. నన్నిక్కడి కోతులు పెంచినవి. ఈప్రదేశానికి తరువాత ఎవరైనా వచ్చారో లేదో నాకు తెలియదు. నాకు కొంచెం ఊహ వచ్చేసరికి ఈ కోతుల పెంపకంలో ఉన్నాను. ఇక్కడి పండ్లు ఆహారం, జలపాతం నీరు తాగటానికి, ఇన్నేండ్లు ఎలా గడిచినవో తెలియదు. ఇప్పుడు మీరు వచ్చారు. నన్ను రక్షించండి" ( సశేషం ) 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
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🌹. శివ సూత్రములు - 253 / Siva Sutras - 253 🌹 🍀. శివ ఆగమ తత్వశాస్త్రం యొక్క సూత్రములు 🍀 3వ భాగం - ఆణవోపాయ ✍️. ప్రసాద్‌ భరధ్వాజ
🌻 3-39. చిత్తస్థితివత్ శరీర కరణ బాహ్యేషు - 3 🌻
🌴. అతను తన చైతన్యాన్ని (చిత్త) తుర్య యొక్క నాల్గవ స్థితితో నింపినట్లే, అతని మనస్సు తన శరీరం, ఇంద్రియాలు మరియు బాహ్య వస్తువులతో బాహ్యంగా నిమగ్నమై ఉన్నప్పుడు కూడా అదే సాధన చేయాలి. 🌴
సంపూర్ణ పరిపూర్ణతను పొందాలంటే అంతర్ముఖత్వం మాత్రమే సరిపోదని ఈ సూత్రం సూచిస్తుంది. తుర్య స్థితిలో పొందే పరమానందాన్ని బహిర్ముఖంగా కూడా ప్రసారం చేయగలగాలి. అయితే, అలా చేస్తున్నప్పుడు, యోగి తుర్య స్థితిలో కొనసాగుతూనే ఉంటాడు, ఇది అతని ఇంద్రియ అవయవాల ద్వారా లక్ష్య ప్రపంచానికి జరిగే బహిర్ముఖతకు మూలం. ఇదే ఆనంద రూపంలో ఉన్న వ్యక్తి చైతన్యం, విశ్వవ్యాప్త చైతన్యంతో కలిసిపోయి పరిపూర్ణ యోగిగా మారే స్థితి.
కొనసాగుతుంది… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
🌹 Siva Sutras  - 253 🌹 🍀Aphorisms of philosophy of Shiva āgama 🍀 Part 3 - āṇavopāya ✍️. Acharya Ravi Sarma, 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj
🌻 3 - 39. cittasthitivat śarīra karana bāhyesu - 3 🌻
🌴. Just as he fills his consciousness (chitta) with the fourth state of turya, so should he practice the same when his mind is externally engaged with his body, senses and external objects. 🌴
This sūtra points out that introversion alone is not enough to attain complete perfection. The blissfulness attained in the state of turya is to be transmitted in an extroverted manner as well. However, while doing so, the yogi continues to remain in the state of turya, which is the source for extraversion that happens through his sensory organs to the objective world. This is the point where individual consciousness, which is in the form of bliss, merges with the universal consciousness and a perfect yogi is made.
Continues… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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belltasya-blog · 7 years
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                        “You have two settings:                         no decision and bad decision.                         I wouldn’t let you run a bath                         without having the coast guard                         and fire department standing by.”
                                    Tasya & Peter
                                                [ @belltasya​ ; @wxrmtxl ]
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yelena-bellova · 2 years
Why the hell would Tasya not take the chance to say Amber was violent if AH had actually been violent? This would be the PERFECT time to get back at her. Also, how do you know the officer is actually LGBTQ+, not lying, and not with internalized prejudice? A lot of cops are bastards. I would rather believe Tasya herself. I am saying JD abused VP with the same evidence you have in saying that AH abused Tasya. I am merely going by YOUR logic.
How presumptuous of you. Doubting someone is gay? Invalidating their sexuality just because it pokes holes in your theories in an attempt to defend an abuser?
Sweetheart, that shit doesn’t fly in 2022
AH = arrested for violence.
JD = never been accused of violence against a woman in his life.
Hmm…..I think I know who I’m going to believe.
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consul-valerius · 3 years
Part Four of the Science Gossip series This series is darker than my a lot of my other writing, so if any of these topics are upsetting to your, please avoid it!
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Rating: T+ Pairing: Valdemar/Valerius WC: 6424 broken into two chapters
Content warnings: discussions of familial death, death of a partner (Lucio lol), descriptions of plague/illnesses, frank discussion of medieval biology, references to gore/anatomy, and overall pretty heavy existential discussion on mortality.   Summary: Valdemar is very eager to speak with Valerius again; they find that they are growing more and more interested in him since their last "failed" meeting. Valerius is finding it harder and harder to keep away from them, despite his hurt pride. After a lengthy discussion of fears and mortality, Valdemar offers to teach Valerius all they know of the plague in an attempt to ease his anxiety. Truly, it is more for their own amusement than his wellbeing. A/N: IM BACK ON MY BULL BABYYYY I missed writing these disasters, and I’m back on my Valdemar simp kick lmao During my hiatus, I further outlined exactly where I want this series to go, and between OC + Tasya/Val content, I plan on working and finishing this series heheh Undercut is a preview, but the entire fic is up through the AO3 link in the title!
I also feel like I should make note of this because a lot of ✨discourse✨ has come up between me updating chapters: this isn’t a romantic relationship and Valdemar’s motivations are not sexual in nature. I state this pretty explicitly in other chapters. That being said, the devs have clearly shown Valdemar is an option for some form of partnership, and that is what this series is meant to be exploring! If you are uncomfortable with Valdemar in any pairing scenario, please avoid and maybe just block me/ my tag in general (with peace and love, of course💖) OK everyone else, enjoy lmao
Valdemar could not have predicted how… good things were slowly becoming. A part of them ached at the idea of Valerius skittering away from them entirely after the nightmare incident; he was so ready to flee from them right then and there, his emotions too raw, too genuine. The idea of letting him leave only for him to revert back to “normal”, back to how he was before Lucio’s death, nagged at them. Things were just getting so interesting— Valerius was just getting so interesting. They were unsure if they would find an adequate replacement for some time should he choose to end whatever partnership was beginning to blossom.
But if there was one thing Valdemar was beginning to count on, it was that Valerius hardly disappointed them. Not anymore. He had written a lengthy letter to them fairly quickly, all things considered. Valdemar noted each jittery letter, each subtle smudged ink place in haste. Normally, Valerius’s letters were pristine, his penmanship impeccable. They were sure it was drilled into his hands to the tune of a ruler or cane. Absently, they wondered if he thought back to the sting with every small error he made. Did it excite him or fill him with dread? Either way, it only made his words all the more endearing, all the more sincere.
He had both thanked them profusely and apologized frantically. Still so ashamed at his many outbursts, he had assured them that he would never put them through a display such as that again. He emphasized that they had nothing to worry about, that he would have it all settled from here on out. They severely doubted that— no, they severely hoped that would not be the case. Of course, Valdemar would never say such things, not out loud to him.
“ Please, you needn’t worry about me behaving in such poor taste at your estate from here on out. I hope I have not tainted whatever companionship we have only started to sow.”
The “C” in companionship had a large splatter of black ink as if Valerius hesitated too long to write the word out. They pictured him, trembling, holding the tip of his quill to the paper. Fretting over if he was overstepping, if this would anger them, if he would only hypothetically annoy them more. Never had they pictured the man to worry so much; he carried himself with the air of haughty nonchalance that all noblemen did, always sipping from his wine glass, always leering down at whoever he spoke to. Valdemar had assumed he thought everything he did was perfect because it was him doing it. Clearly, though, Valerius had to try very hard to perfect such an act, tried very hard to sell it to those around him. How lucky they were to be allowed to see through it all, to rip the mask off with their teeth.
Valdemar had to meditate before writing back to him. It needed to be perfect; they could not scare him again. Clearly, they needed to be more careful with their wording. They had not considered that Valerius was only used to the mind games of lustful nobles; he had no idea who he was dealing with anymore. It was enough to make Valdemar tremble with an itchy glee. Images of the man twisted in their sheets, screeching, sobbing, burned brightly in their mind. Running from them and running to them all in the same night— it was too much to dwell on too long. It made them ravenous.
Rising from their seat on their balcony, they quickly rushed to dress in proper day clothes. There was no time for any more letters or games; they craved action. They craved directness. They craved him .
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furiouslywriting · 3 years
Unusual fantasy names: T
Taavi (Hebrew, meaning 'beloved')
Terren (Latin)
Tiras (Hebrew)
Toran (Irish, 'chief')
Tahani (arabic, meaning 'best wishes')
Tasya (greek, meaning 'resurrection')
Thailah (Thai, meaning 'Queen'. Pronounced 'tie-lah')
Tirza (Hebrew, meaning 'delightful')
Tommi (English)
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puthyflapps · 3 years
I wish Tasya would let the choppas sing and put them both on blast
I just want to know why that man has so much beef with her. Like remember when he was lurking and liked that tweet about her copying E’s haircut? That would’ve been the last straw for me
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willexxmercer · 4 years
Hi, I’m Kit!
I’m  30+ years old and from Canada.  My pronouns are they/she.
I write fics and make moodboards occasionally, and sometimes I also make shitposts like incorrect quotes!  This is a multifandom blog with a strong focus on JatP :)
Important Links:
My AO3 (kitastrophes94)
Currently working on:
Fascinating New Thing: Another JatP SMAU
Willex Young Royals AU
JatP Moodboard Series
Important Information:
You will never find me writing or recommending sm*t fics for Julie and the Phantoms.  However, I might occasionally write and/or recommend fics featuring sm*t from other fandoms such as Once Upon a Time or The 100.  I will make sure in the future to tag such posts appropriately.
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lastsonlost · 5 years
Seriously, what does this bitch have to do before people Stop defending her.
Amber Heard ridicules Johnny Depp for claiming he is a victim of domestic violence in an explosive tape recording, exclusively obtained by DailyMail.com
She says: 'Tell the world Johnny, tell them... I Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence... and see how many people believe or side with you'
Heard adds: 'You're bigger and you're stronger... I was a 115lb woman... You're going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say, ''she started it''? Really?' 
'I have never been able to overpower you... there's a jury and there's a judge will see that there's a very big difference between me and you' 
The divorcing couple spoke over the phone in June and July of 2016, with Heard ultimately yielding to Depp's plea to settle out of court for $7m 
Their truce crumbled in December 2018 when Heard wrote an op-ed saying she was a domestic violence victim, although not naming anyone 
Depp hit her with a $50m defamation suit, saying she implied he was the abuser, which caused him to lose his prized role of Captain Jack Sparrow
In their legal battle, both accused the other of domestic violence and  DailyMail.com published a recording in which Heard confessed to 'hitting' Depp
Amber Heard ridicules Johnny Depp for claiming he is a victim of domestic violence in an explosive tape recording obtained by DailyMail.com - telling the Pirates of the Caribbean actor: 'See how many people believe you.'
The estranged couple were barred from talking to one another in May 2016 when Heard filed for divorce and sought a restraining order to escape her 'abusive' A-lister husband.
But the pair continued to clash over the phone, arguing bitterly about who was responsible for the blood-curdling violence that marred their toxic 15-month marriage and accusing one another of leaking to the press, DailyMail.com can reveal.
It's unclear if Heard realizes she is being taped during the expletive-flecked, 30-minute recording, the second bombshell audio released exclusively by DailyMail.com in the space of a week.
You are f**king killing me. Your f**king people are trying to kill me,' complains father-of-two Depp, as he begs Heard to go through private mediation rather than thrashing things out in open court.
'You've turned me into a... my boy goes to school and has kids go, so your f**king dad's a wife beater?'
Tearful Heard denies pushing Depp, 56, 'under a bus' and accuses the actor's associates of circulating details to the press of her arrest record and lurid rumors she was a stripper.
The 33-year-old actress also rejects accusations that she instigated the wild, physical violence that she pinned on Depp in divorce papers,
suggesting a court would be unlikely to take the side of a man over a slender female.
The full list of audio clips can be found in the Daily Mail article.....
Part 2
Do you know I'm a 115, well not anymore, but I was a 115lb, almost 115lb woman,' Heard protests. Adopting a jeering tone, she says: 'You're going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say, she started it? Really?'
The former lovebirds spoke several times on the phone throughout June and July of 2016, skirting the restraining order by having a family member initiate the calls, according to a well-placed source. 
Heard would ultimately yield to Depp's plea to settle out of court, retracting her allegations the following month as the pair announced a $7 million divorce settlement. 
Their marriage was 'intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love,' according to a joint statement issued on August 16, 2016. 
'There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm.' 
The truce crumbled in December 2018, however, when Heard penned an op-ed for the Washington Post lamenting her experiences as an alleged domestic violence victim, though never naming anyone. 
Heard is currently dating her new girlfriend Bianca Butti and was seen arriving at the 4th Annual Women's March in Downtown Los Angeles last month.
The actress has said she is bisexual and previously dated women, including photographer Tasya van Ree from 2008 to 2011.
Depp responded to Heard's op-ed last year with a $50 million defamation suit, saying the 'hoax' account implied he was the unnamed abuser and caused him to lose his prized role of Captain Jack Sparrow. 
'Ms. Heard is not a victim of domestic abuse; she is a perpetrator,' his suit alleges, accusing his ex-wife of manufacturing evidence and faking injury photos. 
Heard doubled down with a 300-page filing of her own, cataloging the years of abuse she suffered at the hands of 'the monster', whom she met on the set of The Rum Diary in 2011 and married in February 2015. 
The actress stood by those claims last week when DailyMail.com published a separate recording from October 2015 in which she confessed to 'hitting' Depp as well as throwing pots, pans and vases at him.
"I'm sorry that I didn't, uh, uh, hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you, it was not punching you. Babe, you're not punched,' Heard says on the tape, recalling an incident the previous night.
It's understood that she and Depp routinely recorded conversations consensually during the breakdown of their marriage, paving the way for yet more bombshell recordings to emerge. 
The latest audio clip published by DailyMail.com begins with Depp imploring Heard to reach an out of court settlement rather than waging war in public.
It appears to have been taped at Depp's end of things and the conversation has already begun when the audio supplied to DailyMail.com begins.
'I've been through the f**king hurt. You've been through the f**king hurt. I love you more than anything in life,' he tells his soon-to-be ex-wife.
'I do not want to go into a f**king court with you. I do not want to f**king tarnish your name... I want this to be done peacefully, between us. 
'And if you don't like the way that mediation is going, take me back to court kid. Cause I can't. 'This is the last f**king chance Amber. This is it. Once I file those papers we don't turn around man.' 
Heard insists, however, that it's Depp's team who are refusing to mediate, refusing to sign a gag order and leaking damaging stories about her to the gossip site TMZ. 
'Everything has been a defensive move because I'm being called a liar and a gold-digger,' she says.
'And I am not lying about any of this s**t, and I am not after a dime of your money.'
Depp suggests the pair should write a 'mutual letter' declaring that the divorce will be settled privately.
'Listen to me,' he warns the Hollywood beauty. 'Defending yourself by throwing someone under the bus is not going to look good.'
Heard fires back: 'It's not about that. It would not be about me throwing you under the bus. 
'You know what it would be? It would be released through documented people, coming on the record, and, having the protection to do so, that haven't had yet. 
'It would be eyewitness statements. It would be evidence. Tons of it. And it would be through years.' 
Heard goes on to ridicule Depp's doubts over the facial injuries she turned up with at court when she applied for the restraining order on May 27, 2016.
She also claims to have a trove of incriminating texts, paraphrasing a message to her publicist Jodi Gottlieb ahead of an appearance on The Late Late Show with James Cordon: 'I think, I've had accident, um, I think I may have, I busted my nose and two black eyes tomorrow'.
She tells Depp: 'No one is going to believe that one of the two alternatives, that I'm in a fight club or I've been getting, going through hair and makeup. . .through all these years where I have corroborating text messages between people that match those dates of those time stamped validated photos.' 
Heard warns Depp that her lawyers are urging her to make a formal police statement, saying that a criminal prosecutor told her it was 'most solid evidence, case of domestic violence case we've ever seen'.
She declined to do so, however, because she did not want to hurt Depp further, 
Heard says, complaining that their public spat has already led to her receiving death threats. 
The blonde actress also denies that it was her who rang the cops during the May 21, 2016 dust-up that took place the day before she filed for divorce. 
Depp was accused of hurling a cellphone in Heard's face at their downtown Los Angeles loft but two LAPD officers later said in a deposition that they found nothing to suggest a crime took place.
The  actor-musician reminds Heard about an incident in which his building manager, Travis, had 'to come up and f**king pull me away from you' though it's not clear which incident Depp is referring to.
Heard also refers to Depp's security guards, 'who by the way,' she says 'have said to me multiple times that I am going to get killed.'
She adds: 'I'm sorry because the last time it got crazy between us I really did think I was gonna lose my life. And I thought you would do it on accident.
'And I told you that. I said oh my god, I thought the first time.' 
Depp replies: 'Amber, I lost a f**king finger man, c'mon. I had a f**king, I had a f**king mineral can, a jar, a can of mineral spirits thrown at my nose. ' 
Their exchange seems to refer to a violent incident that took place in Australia one month into their marriage in which Depp suffered a severed finger. 
He claimed his then-wife 'went berserk' when he asked her to sign a 'postnup' agreement, hurling a Vodka bottle at him which shattered on a marble counter-top and ripped off the tip of his finger. 
Heard maintains in court filings, however, that Depp cut the digit off himself during an argument while he was 'drunk and high on ecstasy.' 
'You can please tell people that it was a fair fight, and see what the jury and judge thinks. Tell the world Johnny, tell them Johnny Depp, I Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence,' she says on the tape. 
'And I, you know, it's a fair fight. And see how many people believe or side with you.' Depp cuts in: 'It doesn't matter; fair fight my a**.' 
Heard replies: 'Because you're big, you're bigger and you're stronger. And so when I say that I thought that you could kill me, that doesn't mean you counter with you also lost your own finger. 
'I, I'm not trying to attack you here, I'm just trying to point out the fact of why I said call 911. Because I was, you had your hands on me after you threw a phone at my face. 
'And it's got crazy in the past, and I truly thought I need to stop this madness before I get hurt.' 
Seemingly stunned by his former flame's version of events, Depp can simply reply: 'Oh my god.'
He reminds his ex-wife that she will have to repeat her allegations under oath in court.
'Do you believe all this Amber? Do you believe all this,' Depp asks. 
'Yes, the f**k, yes, yes,' Heard replies.
'Do you believe you're an abuser? he asks. 'Do you believe you abused me physically?' 
Heard replies: 'Do you know I'm a 115, well not anymore, but I was a 115lb almost 115lb woman. . .have I ever been able to knock you off of your feet? Or knock you off balance?
'You're going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say, ''she started it''? Really? I have never been able to overpower you that's the difference between me and you. . .and that's a difference, that's a whole world, and there's a jury and there's a judge will see that there's a very big difference between me and you.' 
Depp finally seems to lose his cool when his ex-wife accuses him of spreading rumors she was a stripper, snapping: 'I will f**king see you in court.' 
He adds: 'You don't want to make f**king nice nice? I'm trying. I'm trying. 
'But you know what? I loved you for so many f**king years but you know what? You didn't exist. You don't exist. You're not there. You're not there. 
'You are a f**king made up thing in my head. And I can't believe you are doing this to me.' 
The 31-minute recording ends with Depp saying he needs a moment to himself before a door can be heard slamming in the background. 
Heard has thus far failed to have her ex-husband's defamation case thrown out or moved from Virginia, where the Washington Post is based, to California. However she did succeed in having it pushed back from last December to August of this year.
Depp's attorney Adam Waldman confirmed the recorded conversation took place while Depp was subject to a restraining order but said Heard initiated the call.
'Ms Heard delivers a chilling message to Johnny Depp any real abuse survivor will instantly recognize: Nobody will believe you. So you better do what I want,' Waldman told DailyMail.com.
'Ms Heard may continue to masquerade as a 'survivor' but the audio tape speaks for itself.'
Heard legal team offered a radically different perspective when provided with a transcript of the tape recording by DailyMail.com, complaining the recording was taken without Heard's consent and was also 'doctored'.
DailyMail.com has decided to publish the audio in its entirety so readers can form their own opinions.
'The latest recording provided to the Daily Mail continues Mr. Depp's ongoing efforts to abuse Ms. Heard,' her spokeswoman said.
'On the transcript of this recording (which notes that it is only a portion of a longer conversation), Ms. Heard repeatedly makes it clear to Mr. Depp that he was physically violent and abusive, that she feared for her life, and that even Mr. Depp's own security guards told her that if she stayed in the relationship, 'she was going to get killed'.
'What is most important on the tape, however, is not what Mr. Depp says, but what he does not say - not once on the tape does he deny Ms. Heard's statements about his violent attacks and the damage they caused, including her broken nose and black eyes.
'In fact, Ms. Heard specifically recalls that during a portion of the conversation not provided to the Daily Mail, Mr. Depp asked Ms. Heard whether she was recording the call and when she answered that she was not, admitted that she was not lying about the fact that he had abused her. As a result, Mr. Depp's use of this doctored recording at this time is not only a fraud and a crime, but an act of desperation.'
Amber Heard's spokeswoman provided the following statement from Dr. Laura Brown, a trauma expert and former president of Society for the Psychology of Women:
'Abuse is attempting to control a victim by any means necessary, including pushing this kind of news story. It is not unusual for victims of physical and emotional abuse to respond by acting to defend themselves. 
'But because intimate partner violence is about coercion and control every bit as much as it is about acts of violence, abusers often respond to these acts of self-defense with attempts to reassert control. 
'They do so through attempts at coercion, which often include projecting accusations of abuse at their victims for having had the audacity to attempt to defend themselves. 
'It is not unusual for the perpetrator of intimate partner violence to try to use the self-defense responses of their targets to claim the mantle of victimhood for themselves. 
'This is classic DARVO- Defend, Avoid, Reverse Victim and Offender – the construct developed by Dr. Jennifer Freyd. 
'When society and the media buy into these false abuser narratives, they are enabling the perpetrator to re-abuse the victim. We should not be fooled by a DARVO narrative.'
From the audio conversation..
'You're going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say, ''she started it''?' Amber Heard and Johnny Depp clash over the phone during divorce
JOHNNY DEPP: But I'm telling you now, if I file, if they file the f**king papers tomorrow, which means the s**t I've got to file before we go to court on Friday, if they file those papers, first of all, it's very bad for both of us. 
AMBER HEARD: Well, your people are not going to file anything that's bad for you, trust me. 
JD: No, no what you're saying, you've got to do something to protect yourself which means throwing me under the bus for the, some video about me beating you? 
AH: Not me. I have to respond. I mean I'll have to go and pursue, no I'll pursue the whole course of action, because here's what you don't understand. If, if we do this, and basically will know. I called my lawyers and I said why aren't we negotiating now, what's going on, where are we, and they're like everything's under court. 
JD: No, they won't settle. Your agents won't settle. Your lawyers won't settle baby. I'm telling you. 
AH: We want to mediate. We even have a mediator, found a mediator and everything. But that was all worked out. But the thing that Laura [Wasser, Depp's attorney] wouldn't agree to, she did not want to agree to a mutual gag order. That's the problem, she doesn't want the gag order, why Johnny? Why? Why wouldn't she? Why wouldn't she want both parties not to talk about this in the press?
AH: I just want you to know. I'm not doing anything and have not been doing any move. Look it up, the timeline. Nothing was on the offense. Everything has been a defensive move because I'm being called a liar and a gold-digger. And I am not lying about any of this s**t, and I am not after a dime of your money.
JD: It's hurting You. It's hurting You. And it's hurting me. But the worst f**king thing is (unintelligible). Do you want to go to court Amber? Seriously? Do you want to go to court with this? I'm offering you an opportunity for us to make this finish in peace. Peaceful, man. We walk away. You go do what you gotta do, I go do what I gotta do. I, I, I've been through the f**ing hurt. You've been through the f**king hurt. I love you more than anything in life. I do not want to go into a f**king court with you. I do not want to f**king tarnish your name. I do not want to f**king tarnish. I don't want nothing. I want this to be done peacefully, between us. And if you don't like the way that mediation is going, take me back to court kid. Cause I can't. This is the last f**king chance Amber. This is it. Once I file those papers we don't turn around man. I know you hate me, and I know you whatever, I'm telling you now, there's no call, it doesn't need to happen like this. Please, for f**ks sake trust me man.
JD: Continuing through court is going to end up nothing but bad for you, and for me. It's just going to be bad. In any case, no matter whether we ruin each other or not, it's going to be f**king heartbreaking, it's terrible. Let's write a mutual letter that says look, in lieu of what's transpiring out there in the world with all this f**king crazy s**t, we have decided to take this private. We're not going to go to court, right now, over this. We are going to try to work something out, together. And then at least, at the very f**king least. I know you want to respond, and I know you want to defend yourself. Listen to me. Defending yourself by throwing someone under the bus is not going to look good. 
AH: I'm not. It's not about that. It would not be about me throwing you under the bus. You know what it would be? It would be released through documented people, coming on the record, and, having the protection to do so, that haven't had yet. It would be eyewitness statements. It would be evidence. Tons of it. And it would be through years. And it would be unbelievable. Unbelievable, um, to imagine that either I'm (a) in a secret fight club, or (b) I've had um...
JD: A secret what? 
AH: A secret fight club. Or that I have been plotting to do this for three years, and, while taking pictures of it, and documenting it, just saving it up for the right time when I'm not asking for any money and have nothing financial to gain from it. But no one is going to believe that. No one is going to believe that one of the two alternatives, that I'm in a fight club or I've been getting, going through hair and makeup or going through makeup through all these years where I have corroborating text messages between people that match those dates of those time stamped validated photos of either corroboration between people hearing us.
AH: All of that won't be me throwing you under the bus, that will be evidence, in the case. Which I will have to, it will be criminal as well, because I cannot go on Friday and file without filing a police statement first. And the only reason I haven't filed a police statement, which has been used against me by the way, every day, and the only reason I won't do it, haven't done it, is because I don't want to hurt you and that means it goes out of my hands and every, we had a third party guy, a third party prosecutor come and a criminal lawyer come, and they went, the problem is hearing from you like your biggest struggle, this is just, is that it is the most solid evidence, case of domestic violence case we've ever seen. And if you get this over to them or any part of it they will prosecute him. And I felt like, I would never want that. For you. Because I don't even, it's hard for me, I don't even call myself, like, in my head it's hard for me to even accept any sort of victimdom, ever. And I don't want to hurt you.
JD: I understand. I understand. And I don't want to hurt you either. I'm only going to say this. I love you. I love you. I've always loved you. And I know that, look, you do whatever you feel you have to do. I'm telling you now it's a mistake to go to court. If you want to go to court, we'll go to court. I would rather take care of it in a different way, I think it would be very good for you, and it would be very good for me. But you know what? 
AH: I've been called a liar. 
JD: Baby, you know what? 
AH: And I've been called a golddigger. 
JD: Baby. Baby. Amber, I didn't call you those things. I didn't call you those things.
JD: It's been going on too long Amber and we've got to stop this. It's got to stop it. 
AH: I don't know how to get my reputation back. 
JD: We write a letter together. Saying that we are going to take this out of the public eye. Saying that we are going to try and work this out on our own. Saying that the media has created such a f**king hateful storm that it's sickening. That we love each other. And that we want to make sure each other's OK. Have we had fights in the past, have we had this or whatever, f**k it, whatever, they already know all that s**t, it don't matter. Here's the deal. 
AH: Oh, it matters. I have been, I have been, you have no idea, every ounce of my credibility has been taken from. And done so in a dishonest way. You know.
JD: Amber, the abuse, the abuse thing is, is we've got to deal with that, yeah. We've got to deal with that Amber.
AH: We don't have any way of, my credit, It's my credibility. 
JD: Then why did you put that out there? 
AH: I did not. You forced me, your team, forced me to by going on the offense.
AH: Well I'm sorry. I'm sorry because the last time it got crazy between us I really did think I was gonna lose my life. And I thought you would do it on accident. And I told you that. I said oh my god, I thought the first time. 
JD: Amber, I lost a f**king finger man, c'mon. I had a f**king, I had a f**king mineral can, a jar, a can of mineral spirits thrown at my nose. 
AH: You can please tell people that it was a fair fight, and see what the jury and judge thinks.
Tell the world Johnny, tell them Johnny Depp, I JOHNNY DEPP, A MAN, I'M A VICTIM TOO OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. 
JD: Yes.
AH: And I, you know, it's a fair fight. And see how many people believe or side with you. 
JD: It doesn't matter, fair fight my a**. 
AH: That's exactly. Because your big, you're bigger and you're stronger. And so when I say that I thought that you could kill me, that doesn't mean you counter with you also lost your own finger. I, I'm not trying to attack you here, I'm just trying to point out the fact of why I said call 911. Because I was, you had your hands on me after you threw a phone at my face. And it's got crazy in the past, and I truly thought I need to stop this madness before I get hurt. 
JD: Oh my god. 
AH: And I never think about myself that way. I never defend myself that way. I never see myself as a victim.
JD: There's also Travis coming to get me, there's Travis having to come up and f**king pull me away from you.
JD: You're going to have to do this under oath too you know. 
AH: I will because the unfortunate part is I can talk about all of this. 
JD: Do you believe all this Amber? Do you believe all this? 
AH: Yes, the f**k, yes, yes. 
JD: You believe I'm an abuser? 
AH Yes. 
JD: You believe I'm an abuser? 
AH: In May, In December, in, in April 
JD: Do you believe you're an abuser? 
AH: No. 
JD: Do you believe you abused me physically? 
AH: Do I physically believe, I mean do I believe I physically abused you? 
JD: Yes? 
AH: Do you know I'm a 115, well not anymore, but I was a 115lb almost 115lb woman and you have the capacity...
JD: That's not the question. That's not the question.
AH: Have I ever been able to knock you off of your feet? Or knock you off balance? 
JD: You started. You started these things. 
AH: You're going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say, 'she started it'? Really? I have never been able to overpower you that's the difference between me and you. 
JD: Why did you try? 
AH: And that's a difference, that's a whole world, and there's a jury and there's a judge will see that there's a very big difference between me and you.
JD: You cannot automatically, you cannot think that it's just my side. You are f**king killing me. Your f**king people are trying to kill me. You've turned me into a, my boy has to go to school, my boy goes to school and has kids go 'so your f**king dad's a wifebeater'? You don't think about that Amber. 
AH: You don't think also my family, and all the death threats? Me and every single person in my immediate circle of friends and family is getting also matters? And you don't think I, you don't think I? 
JD: Death threats?!! 
AH: Your people put this out. Why, why, why, why did your security go on the record and lie? Why, that's a proactive measure. Why did your divorce attorney get to file for divorce period? At all? Second, why did she have to go and leak to TMZ? Why if you wanted it private, is TMZ being fed information literally by Laura Wasser and Marty Singer every step of the way? My, my my my arrest records. Who put that in the media? The rumors that I was a stripper? Or, of course I can expect that. I've known every step of the way, every single step of the way everything you give 'em. 
JD: I give 'em? I give 'em? That's it. I give 'em? I'll see you in court. No. I'll f**king see you in court. I will f**king see you in court. I never f**king said that. I never told anyone that. You f**king trusted me with that and I never f**king told anyone that. And you know what, Amber? 
AH: Thank you. 
JD: This is not, no, this is me. This is me saying I tried. And thank you. And I will see you in f**king court. You don't want to make f**king nice nice? I'm trying. I'm trying. But you know what? You, I loved you for so many f**king years but you know what? You didn't exist. You don't exist. You're not there. You're not there. You are a f**king  made up thing in my head. And I can't believe you are doing this to me. 
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the-100-style · 7 years
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WHAT: T by Alexander Wang Sleeveless Satin Slip Dress W/ Threadwork, Pink - $495.00
WHERE: Entertainment Weekly Hosts Its Annual Comic-Con Party At FLOAT At The Hard Rock Hotel In San Diego In Celebration Of Comic-Con 2017
WHEN: July 22, 2017
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chinateacup · 5 years
auntie tasya: does t h a t
me, immediately:
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Ok please do not feel pressuredto answer loads of these
You can do like a few
And if you want to do more you could reblog later
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
Aries - Share a line that you’re proud of!
Cassiopeia - What’s your favorite scene so far?
Draco - Who’s your favorite character to write?
Hydra - Tell us why you love your project.
Libra - Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most?
Pyxis - Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show?
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
Writer Asks:
Canis Major - Do you like writing character-driven stories or plot-driven stories?
Pavo - Where do you get inspiration from?
Phoenix - How do you develop your ideas?
Virgo - Describe your favorite tropes.
I am so sorry I am very indecisive
i did all of them anyway! because i have no chill and i like them
andromeda: doing this one for death and taxes! Nathaniel Ash is a rich man's son who is by day an engineer for the spaceship and by night a mysterious & suave theatre performer for the upper class. Winifred Storm is a politician's daughter who is, on the surface, perfect--and is, underneath the surface, about to absolutely snap.
aries: Sometimes, there is no deus ex machina. Sometimes, there is no last-minute change of heart. Sometimes there is just a boy with a gun, a girl with a bomb, and a single choice to be made. (from DAT.)
cassiopeia: hmmmm ever? I think my favourite scene (that i've written--i have ones in my head i'm super excited for) is, probably... this scene in GFW2 when the magic in the air makes everyone's thoughts audible. aaalllll their thoughts. it shows you what all these characters are feeling, what they're trying and failing to repress. (It's also the first hint that Tasya, a character who wasn't nearly as important in book 1, has some hidden sides to herself.)
draco: Corey :D
hydra: i'll do this for Secret Wip >:) . i love it because it's this epic-scale high-stakes fantasy, and i'm having much fun with the magic system. (Plus, i'm having a good time figuring out the characters.)
libra: it's hard to pick, but i think either Charlie & Eleanor (from rose librarians), Tasya & Rowan (from GFS), or Oliver & Corey. I can't really describe why, I just Like Them and their dynamics.
pyxis: in GFS, i just kinda want to show, like. even if you're struggling. even if everything has gone to shit. you can still find happiness. your world is ending, but the sunset is beautiful. you're alive. In Val Saintly, I want to show that... idk. you're allowed to feel things! it's not healthy to try and not feel things. And in Oddities, I want to show that there is always, always a place for you, whether you know it yet or not. Everyone belongs somewhere.
ursa major: the scene in gfw4 where Tasya gets to break down and cry in the rain and no one judges her. she deserves it.
canis major: it depends on the story, but usually character-driven, i think.
pavo: e v e r y t h i n g . tv, movies, books, family, friends, things people say, things people wear, things people do, songs, the weather, fuckin. everything. i cannot stop being inspired. i have more ideas than i can count and idk what to do with all of them lol
phoenix: it varies, but the general way i develop things is just... get some ideas from that Inspiration that's everywhere, then keep asking myself questions about it. what if, why does, why is, who does, who is, what is, where does, etc.
virgo: i'm a diehard fantasy fan so i LIKE the chosen one. especially the twists on it, such as reluctant chosen one, evil chosen one, and chosen one who chose themself. i also absolutely adore the wise old mentor trope.
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yelena-bellova · 2 years
“By your logic about "Tasya not pressing charges doesn't mean anything didn't happen" JD definitely abused Vanessa Paradis and other exes, he called Vanessa a "manipulative French c**t". Why do you not apply the same standards to AH and JD?”
Maybe because the officer who arrested AH witnessed the assault actually going down herself? Tasya in the same statement also accused the officer of being misogynistic and homophobic since she was in a WLW relationship with AH, but the officer accused is literally an openly gay woman. “JD definitely abused Vanessa Paradis and other exes” - with what proof? Were you there? Who are the witnesses? How did he abuse them? AH supporters argue with the same logical fallacies like her lmao.
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leighschyler · 4 years
hey the 100 twitter stans who hate echo - can you fucking stop with the hate towards tasya? what I’ve been seeing on there is vile. she didn’t write the show and has no control over whatever endgame happens, so  s t o p.
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