#Tatsumaki x male reader
gatitties · 1 year
So how about this.... some king, saitama, genos and tatsumaki (Separate) headcanons with a reader who's an A class hero and their power involves video games physics. An example of that would be where reader had the power to interact with the world as if it is in a video game which as you may know has these:
The System
Video Game/Game Mimicry
Video Game Imitation/Mechanics
Virtual Reality Mimicry
The user can alter the laws of physics to mimic any and all video games. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities like he can use a cheat code from a real game to trick his foes and avatar manipulation that creates modulate personality character identities (Think of it as a character customization except irl). Reader also has an instant learning ability so anything reader sees or wants new information they acquire, they can immediately learn and master any form of knowledge that can comprehend with ease. There's also a dimensional storage ability that reader can store anything inside their item box and can summon them back with relative ease. Actually just to make this quick I'm just gonna have to send this link so it would better explain everything: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Video_Game_Physics anyways for personality I imagined reader to have a more laid-back attitude and relatively has a lot of patience when it comes to dealing people that can anger others quickly yet he's also confident and outgoing that likes to hang out with people no matter what you are as long as you don't try to harm him. Reader works a bartender and tends to meet other heroes (or villains who happens to visit that place) they always put on a polite behavior despite the mistreatment they'd often receive from other customers. also they never lose to a single game match like ever! No matter how professional you are at a video game or how much you do speedruns. reader is always one step ahead of you and even if you cheat they would immediately spot it. and speaking of speedruns, they also have a streaming channel on youtube in which they do all sorts of challenges. Other than that reader is pretty much the person you'll love to hangout with.
─King, Saitama, Genos & Tatsumaki x hero!reader
─Summary: just a few headcannons of your relationship with these heroes
─Warnings: none
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─ He probably met you from one of your streams early on, then you saved him from a monster he was completely terrified of, only taking a quick look at his 'character' stats to detect the terror behind that straight face.
─ You found it so amusing that you indirectly encouraged him with a drink at the bar where you worked, after which he became a regular customer.
─ Although you had to change the meeting place because there were many King fans who came to ask for autographs, there were only a couple of people who wanted your autograph, and it was not even because you were a hero, but because of your streams.
─ Anyway, you found yourself at his house every time you had free time, when you found out that he played video games and watched your streams he desperately tried to deny it, you didn't give it any importance and now he's one of your most competitive rivals.
─ Luckily you can give more life to the games you play, King is used to playing against npc or Saitama and it's always very easy to win, so his mission right now is to beat you.
─ He will definitely run towards you if there are monsters nearby, you have incredible power and despite being A-class, he thinks you can eradicate any kind of threat or at least aspire to more than A-class.
─ Your relationship is based on a constant fight to break records in any game, whether it is the best streak in Valorant, speedruns in Mario 64 or winning in Mortal Kombat, although the rivalry increases much more in Mario Kart, peace was never an option.
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─ He met you in the middle of a battle, completely fascinated by being able to change your 'character' and appearance, he asked you if you could change his appearance too, although you could 'program' reality in a certain way, his change would not last forever.
─ After that silly situation, he found you at work and stayed for a while chatting, which made him visit the bar more when he needed to get away from Genos for a bit.
─ He takes care of all the people who have a bad treatment towards you when you work, although you simply don't care, he insists that you should not let disrespect pass.
─ He encourages you to change some parameters of reality to play some jokes on bad customers, you only get carried away sometimes changing the appearance of those people to something ugly.
─ Smoke comes out of his head whenever you play games because you are unbeatable, more than once you let him win to see his happy face, although if he rubs it too much in your face you will not let him win again.
─ You feel a little envious of his great power, it's not that you complain about yours, but sometimes it's tedious to have to think of a video game mechanic to transfer it to reality and fight, it's not so easy to change weapons from a shooter to sorcery from a fantasy rpg and he just has to throw a punch.
─ You are somewhat similar so when you both need calm or are saturated you get together to have a tea or coffee without the need to start a conversation, you just enjoy the program that is on television.
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─ You became a Saitama 2.0 for this boy when he saw you fight, you will have him as a puppy in your work until you agree to train him once and for all.
─ However, no matter how much you explained to him that you only had powers by copie stats from video game characters to use them to your advantage, you couldn't help him much for that, so you simply supported him in the silly ideas that Saitama invented.
─ He didn't care that you were a class lower than his, after all Saitama was C-class and was his trainer, he thought that having two would only make him stronger.
─ He's not that big a fan of videogames, so unfortunately you spend more time having small battles against him in your free time, you weren't as good in combat as you were in videogames but luckily Genos was easy to read and distract with reality bending.
─ He won't tolerate a single disrespect towards you when you work, even though you don't care about the bad comments, you don't even have time to blink and those people are kicked out.
─ He'll put on your streams in the background while he cleans house, he's probably subscribed and donates from time to time to ask when you're free for a rematch.
─ Probably you will lend him some robotic parts or weapons from some games like Metroid, Megaman, Metal Gear Solid or Call of Duty, although they will not last infinitely in the real world.
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─ She started a rivalry with you because you started to get the attention of some of the administrators of the hero association, you were just an A-class, you weren't that great.
─ You decided to ignore her silent threats during meetings, although when it was your turn to battle together she always did something to stand out from you, you really didn't care, it's not like you put in that much effort in battle.
─ After a while she left the childish attitude and found herself frequenting your bar, at first it was to follow you closely, then for chat with you.
─ She will begin to admire your fighting method because it's never the same and you learn quickly about your opponents, coming to imitate their attacks, you always change the game mechanics to your liking, although she will not admit it out loud.
─ At a certain point she offered you a class upgrade because you really were much better than a simple A-class, but you turned it down, you had enough work already and being a hero was only an occasional thing, she got mad at you for saying no.
─ She doesn't like to lose so she won't waste her time playing games with you, nor will she admit that she watches your streams and that's why she knows that she won't be able to beat you in any video game.
─ She makes a competition for everything she can think of in what she can beat you, you don't give a shit about her tsundere attitude and you just flow with it, if she wants to compete, it's never a bad thing to have a healthy rivalry with someone.
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apexqueenie · 4 years
For One-Punch man : S-Class psychic (with the power of telepathy) male superhero reader x Tatsumaki
Ooooooooh yes, sorry for taking so long! Work and School are REALLY taking a toll on me ugh. Welp, here’s bby Tatsu❤️
Warnings: Foul language, dead monsters
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“Ehhhhhhhhh? Some nobody made it to S-class right off the bat?” Tatsumaki crossed her arms. She hovered over the tech guys in the Hero Association headquarters impatiently and just happened to see a new document come up on screen. The name was cut off at the top of the monitor, but the large S above the nearly perfect score was clearly visible.
The nervous tech man jumped at the S-class heroine’s voice, “uhm, yes ma’am, he was just registered today”
“Tch, first King, then Demon Cyborg, and now this guy? So I guess anyone can just waltz into the S-class instead of earning it like the rest of us? Ugh, weaklings” she scoffed. “Also, I don’t know if any of you morons remember but I came here because you guys said you needed help so get on with it!”
She looked around the room at the various operators all furiously typing away at their keyboards, some taking distressed phone calls from powerless civilians encountering lower level monsters. Sighing, she floated around looking for the staff member that called for her aid. Tch, if there were copies of her around, there won’t be so many monsters wandering the streets. Waiting around here was so goddamn booooooooooooooooring.
“Who called me here anyways?!” She yelled, “It’s taking so long for them to show up that I might as well just go look for the monster myself!” She raised herself far above everyone else, hoping that someone would notice and give her some coordinates. ANY coordinates.
Her hopes were answered when an association worker, Scruff man she calls him, entered the room, laptop in one hand as he adjusted his headset in the other. She growls with impatience and hovers over to him, fixing his headset for him so he could pay attention to her quicker.
“Where’s the monster I need to clean up?” she said, poking the man’s head.
He sighed, still heading over to his desk to set his laptop down. “Actually, we already have a hero there, but we have reports of the commotion attracting a huge energy signature from the-”
“Yeah yeah, give me the location already! I have to do ALL the work here” she interrupts.
He typed at his keyboard seemingly unbothered by the heroine’s rude mannerisms. “City J, watch out along the border in city K though,” he says. He was about to say more, but the green haired woman already vanished. He shook his head, getting back to other important matters at hand. “She’ll be fine” he mutters.
City J wasn’t that far by any means, not if you could fly there like the Terrible Tornado. She could hear the screams of frightened people before she even got to the scene...at least...she thought they were screams. Listening closer, Tatsumaki realized they were...cheers?
Oddly enough, she saw people smiling, taking videos and selfies of an abnormally big bear monster that laid sprawled across the floor, a massive dent in its head as well as a destroyed cafe in front of it. The hero of the day stood next to the corpse, smiling at the crowd as they swooned over him. She didn’t recognize him however...was it some lower class trying to get a rank boost? She flew over, hovering above him for intimidation.
He turned to look at her, unfazed by her presence. “Oh, hi partner! You must be the Terrible Tornado! I heard they were sending you as backup-”
“BACKUP?!” she yelled, “I am NOBODY’S BACKUP! If it weren’t for those STUPID HQ workers, I would’ve been here faster and without all this damn mess!” She waved her hand to the remains of the destroyed building to prove her point.
The hero blinked at her and smiled again, “so, this must be the award winning personality that coined your name huh? Well, you’re not the only one with a powerful mind you know. Mine takes over weak ones- anyways, we need to evacuate these people. They came back once the alarm stopped, but HQ warned us that there’s another beast hiding somewhere…” he trailed off, concentrating at the crowd of people that still cheered for him. He was sensing an approaching danger…a BIG danger. Suddenly, he turned to Tatsumaki and called her name, pointing to a cluster of people urgently.
She barely got the message as the ground began to crack underneath them. In between the cracks, she spotted a blue and disfigured monster, its drill like teeth boring its way to the surface until it suddenly froze, its eyes turning milky white. Subconsciously, she had already picked up everything in that area: people, cars, street signs, rubble and all, placing them gently out of harm’s way. Next to her, the unnamed hero holds both his hands out towards the monster, his eyes reflecting the same white as the monster he controlled.
“Tornado!” he yelled with a bit of difficulty. Quickly, she pulls everyone she sees far away from the battle scene, clearing the debri from the streets simultaneously so they can make their escape. The alarm sounds again, warning everyone of a threat level demon terrorizing the city. Tatsumaki rises above the buildings, scanning the area for more threats, but to her surprise, she sees none. Before she could start worrying about the monster at hand, the hero below lets out a triumphant yell at the area being cleared of civilians.
“Hah! This is where the real fun begins!” He says.
Tatsumaki looked down to see the male jump right above the monster before it unfroze and launched itself far above the ground. She moved out of the way to let the blue salamander-like monster pass her, its impossibly long body covering her view of the sun. She stared in awe at the hero riding the nearly 200 foot long beast to the sky. He felt no fear as he dropped with the giant, yelling with glee like a child playing with a new toy. It fell to the ground, crushing uneven buildings with its soft underside, the sudden takeover messing with its head and making it uncoordinated and confused. This gave the hero the perfect opportunity to control it with ease. The Salamander’s eyes turned milky white in its confusion, ceasing his movements and almost robotically repositioning its body. A split second later, it began bashing its head against the ground, quickly losing the strength to stand up as the hero rode on top of it like he was at a rodeo. Tatsumaki could only stare in shock as it took one last hit and stumbled on its side, dying next to the previous monster who met the same fate.
She was speechless. Never had she seen someone use an enemy’s own power against them, not like that. What did he say again..? ‘Well, you’re not the only one with a powerful mind you know. Mine takes over weak ones.’. Huh, so someone on the opposite side of the Esper Spectrum.
The hero turned to smile at her from below and Tatsumaki couldn’t help but turn a bit red from embarrassment. She was the number 2 hero, yet, she barely did anything to aid in stopping the attack. She didn’t know why, but for the first time in a long while, she felt ok with someone else handling the monster. She floated down a good distance to meet him, hoping her green aura would cover up some of the redness.
“Thanks for the help back there, I don’t really like taking over human minds all that much, so it was a big help for you to move them yourself.” he says as he begins to make his way down from the monster’s neck.
Tatsumaki only responded with a ‘hmph’ as she hovered in pace with him. She wasn’t used to being the backup, but what’s done is done. Even if she was impressed, she couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit salty.
Sounds of sirens, helicopters, and news reporters became audible soon after the hero’s feet touched the ground. Few people came back to the aftermath to take pictures and film the dead beasts.
“Well,” the hero says, fixing his outfit, “looks like people are coming to interview us already. S-classes really are a big deal huh? I don’t think I’m ready to spend the next hour or two being asked boring questions, so I'm gonna dip. I’ll see you around?”
“...Sure.” She says.
“Great!” He smiles, before turning around to head off away from the paparazzi.
Tatsumaki eyes him for a second, trying to figure out again if she recognizes him before the curiosity gets the better of her. “Wait!” She calls out.
He turns around, giving her his full attention.
“What’s your name anyways?” She huffs.
He gives her a playful smirk, “I thought you knew already. I’m your new S-class companion, and I’m comin for Blast’s number 1 spot.” He says, pointing a thumb to himself as he turned back around and continued walking.
“LIKE HELL I’D LET YOU TAKE THAT SPOT” he heard Tatsumaki yell before she let out a frustrated growl and began heading off to her next task.
The hero chuckled to himself. The Terrible Tornado could be cute sometimes if she wasn’t trying to kill you.
As Tatsumaki flew off, she couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy. Finally, there was someone who could pull their weight... someone she could share the load with and who wasn’t quite normal like her and Fubuki. It was an odd feeling of..relief? Comfort? She didn’t quite know just yet, so she shook that feeling away. The number two hero doesn’t catch feelings that easily, at least, that’s what she told herself. Aside from her sister, relationships were hard for Tatsumaki...but deep down, she secretly hoped she would work with him again soon.
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peachesncreampies · 4 years
Tatsumaki x Reader: Gush Kinktober day 2: eating out
Gender neutral reader, no parts on reader were mentioned except fingers, mouth and hair. If you have no hair I’m sorry you can’t read this. Tatsumaki is, obviously, female so vagina parts are mentioned. Obligatory tags include: @sneck-lemonade​ and @spo0kynekozzz​ and @blubglub​ . I was orginally gonna a do a pig god with this so I could get blub-chan to make the him stripping piece, but I decided to go with this.
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Her well manicured nails dragged across your scalp, pulling your head in closer to her cunt. The feeling of her slick against your nose made heat pull in your gut. You open your mouth, and drag your tongue along her slit, along her lips before pressing inside.
The moan she makes is as loud as it is obscene, before her fingers dig into your hair and pull you closer. "Come on, quit teasing me." Her face is flushed, bare chest rising up and down quickly. You can't help looking up at her while the tip of your tongue leaves quick, tight circles around her clit.
She bites her lip to hold it in this time, but her legs quake and clamp around your head. You're able to sneak a hand up to glide up and down her slit when you take her clit in your mouth and suck hard. Her moan get's caught in her throat, a choked off sound that cuts off completely into a gargled whimper. One of her hands had left your head to hold onto her mouth, her fingers dipping in to attempt to hold the sound back.
Your press in slowly, feeling her walls flutter around your finger before curving the digit up, quickly locating the soft sponge spot that had her see stars. You suck harshly on her clit again, before finger fucking her in earnest and returning to kitten licks.
It's so hard to control yourself, with the way she holds you so close to her cunt, with they way she clamps her legs around your head, with they way she mindlessly humped your face. But you had to see this to completion.
"I'm so close." She whimpers. The hand she was using to muffle herself weaves itself into your hair, trying to pull you closer. "A little more." Her back arches off the bed when you slide in a second finger. Her walls flutter around your fingers and her grip on your hair tightens, pushing you forward as warmth floods out onto your tongue.
After a moment of laying there, you pull away from between her legs, and wipe you're mouth on the sheet of the bed. "I assume you want me to brush my teeth before I kiss you, right?"
"Just get over here, stupid."
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Garou x Esper!Male!Reader [Fluff]
One Punch Man
Requested by Anon on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own)
A small, (h/c) haired kid was walking by the park on his way home from school, his backpack held by the straps in his small hands, looking straight ahead with the same empty look on his face.
"That's dangerous!" He heard another kid's voice making his head turn, completely stopping and staring at the group of kids his age playing together. One of them looked at the white-haired kid who spoke, and smirked at him, malicious intent in his eyes.
"If you care so much about this kid, you're the monster next!" He exclaimed before placing both of his arms in an 'x' in front of his chest and running towards the white-haired kid. "Justice Man, cross choooop!" He yelled out loud, making (M/n) tsk and turn to continue on his way home.
"Stupid kids are just playing heroes..." He muttered to himself. (M/n) sighed once and spared a glance towards the park, where now the annoying kid was on the ground.
"Why you gotta ruin it for everyone?! You're supposed to be the monster!" He said annoyed, before slowly standing up again. "Guys, grab him for a bit."
(M/n) frowned at the words he heard and the action he was currently witnessing, two more kids from the group had grabbed the white-haired kid and were currently restraining his movements, obviously preventing him from escaping.
"Justice Man Kick! Monster Garetard Des-!" His words were cut off by (M/n), who had lifted his arm towards him, his hand opened as a (f/c) mist surrounded his body. The kid who was currently in the air, panicking as he noticed what was happening, started screaming at his friends to help him, only for him to get thrown across the park by (M/n).
"Tacchan!" The kids yelled, soon turning towards the (h/c) haired kid heading towards them with a menacing aura. "What did you do to Tacchan?!" They ran towards him, a small group of five kids yelling and screaming at him, but they stopped moving the moment (M/n) started using his powers, raising them in the air too.
"He deserved that, y'all just talking trash, now get lost." He spoke out loud, the kids meeting the same fate as the so-called 'Tacchan'. (M/n) sighed and looked at the white-haired kid, who was on the ground trembling, tears gathering in his yellow eyes. He knelt next to him and tried to show him a small smile, successfully accomplishing it. "Are you okay?"
The kid nodded a few times after processing the words and he gulped, sitting properly, "I'm o-okay, th-thank you... uh, w-what's your no-name...?"
(M/n) had a wider, more genuine smile, "My name's (M/n), and yours?"
"I uh... I'm Garou..."
"It's been like ten years since then..." (M/n) mumbled to himself as he walked the peaceful streets of Z City, heading towards his and Garou's home in the Ghost Town. It was true that a huge amount of monsters lived there, but he always saw their corpses laying around, but never got to witness who did it. Well, whoever it was, it couldn't be as strong as he was.
(M/n) knew a lot of people were scared of him, while others envied him or admired him. There were two females who envied and despised him the most, Jigoku no Fubuki and Senritsu no Tatsumaki.
They were pretty strong espers, but him? He was way more powerful than both of them combined, despite that, he wasn't really interested in becoming a hero, even when the Hero Association was as pestering as they were about it, he just didn't want to be tied by the government and being told what to do, instead, he lived like a normal citizen.
He sighed as he walked past the dozens of monsters' corpses, heading towards the pretty much collapsing building where he lived. He was about to walk in when his telepathy detected something.
His (e/c) eyes looked down at the broken pavement and he concentrated.
"Fuck... it hurts..." he heard a groan shortly after along with some heavy breathing. "Stupid heroes... and that fucking... monster showing up out of... nowhere, it messed me up..."
"Garou?" He whispered, unintentionally making the male flinch where he was sitting.
"I told you... a fucking hundred... times, don't... do that stupid (M/n)..." the male frowned as he realized that Garou was quite far away from him, so it was hard to hear his voice properly.
"Where are you?" Garou groaned annoyed, shifting on the couch he sat on and laying down.
"Why the fuck should I tell you?" (M/n) sighed already tired of his best friend's behavior and he levitated up to his apartment floor, getting in through the open window. Without needing to ask, he knew that Garou was injured, and it seemed to be quite a lot since he was sensing symptoms of a fever, so he grabbed a backpack and placed inside all the things he knew he'll need.
Bandages, gazes, dioxin peroxide, some cotton, medicine, water bottles, packed food, and clothes, he hung the backpack on his shoulder and flew out the window, going up to the rooftop.
"Your wounded, now tell me where you are, Garou." The white-haired teen growled before sighing with exhaustion.
"I'm in a... cabin of the sorts in the outskirts of S City, I'm... in the middle of the woods..." responding with a small 'I'm coming' (M/n) stared heading towards Garou's location while maintaining their mental connection.
He heard all the groans of pain and soft whimpers he left out, trying to sense where and how deep those wounds were. Some seemed pretty bad, while others were superficial injuries, so he tried to hurry.
As soon as he reached the woods, he started slowing down, looking everywhere until he found a pretty old-looking structure made out of wood and metal, he descended to the ground and opened the door, walking in as silently as he could.
(M/n) looked around, noticing the metallic stairs and going up as soon as he didn't find Garou on the first floor, and there he was.
Laying down on a black couch, his loud breathing reaching his ears and his eyes catching sight of the wounds he had, poorly wrapped with bandages.
He walked up to him and got out everything he needed, keeping them floating near him to avoid any bacteria from getting on the gazes and cotton. (M/n) treated Garou's wounds and wrapped him up in new bandages, covering his body with the jacket he had on,
(M/n) stared at him, feeling his heart pounding and his body shaking, fear circling his veins. He hated seeing Garou getting hurt so badly, but it wasn't like he'll convince him to stop, he didn't want the eighteen-year-old male to hate him too. He lifted a hand and placed it on his forehead, soon showing a (f/c) glow on it and Garou's body.
He got to see how bad those wounds were and how the fever he had wasn't helping him heal, so he had to take the medicine he brought, but first, he had to wake him up.
(M/n) knew that just calling him wouldn't work, he was too weak already, so he leaned closer to his face, using his free hand to hold his patched-up cheek, pulling down his bottom lip gently and turning his head towards him. Activating his healing power, (M/n) closed the space between them and placed his lips on Garou's, moving his lips slowly as he tried to get his saliva mixed with the white haired's.
Since the only way to heal someone was by taking the user's bodily fluids, and Garou was passed out, this was the only way to heal him, and soon enough, his bandaged wounds started glowing with that same (f/c) color.
A few minutes went past as (M/n) waited for Garou to wake up, and soon his tired yellow eyes stared right into his (e/c) ones.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" Garou blinked a few times before showing a small smile.
"A bit better..." he mumbled, letting out a deep sigh.
"Here, take your medicine." Garou frowned before sitting up with (M/n)'s help, despite complaining that he didn't need to, and he took the medicine and water bottle that (M/n) handed him.
He swallowed the pill with some water and soon a tupperwear filled with food was placed on his lap.
"You need to eat, Garou."
The white-haired male made eye contact with (M/n), his heart pounding and his face flushing, feeling quite embarrassed about the way his best friend was taking care of him.
If only...
"Feed me." What...?! Why did I just-?!
"Okay," was all (M/n) said, leaving him speechless, the (h/c) haired male sat next to him and opened the tupper, using his telekinesis to make pieces of food float up to Garou's lips, who opened his mouth and allowed the food to go inside.
Like that, in complete silence, (M/n) fed Garou while the younger male was slowly, but surely, getting more and more sleepy by the second, thanks to the medicine. Once Garou ate all the food, (M/n) placed the empty tupperwear back in the backpack. He was about to get up to let Garou sleep on the couch comfortably, when he felt a weight on his shoulder.
Looking to his side, he realized that said weight was Garou, who had fallen asleep on him, thanks to the medicine. His breath wasn't as quick as before, he was now relaxed and calm. (M/n) gulped as he could almost hear his own heartbeat in his ears as they were surrounded by a deafening silence. He tried to get away, but Garou had another plan, his bandaged arms wrapped around his waist and he cuddled against his chest.
(M/n) felt his body trembling, his own thoughts all over the place and somehow, completely blank at the same time, he had no idea what to do.
On the other hand, Garou was internally panicking too, as he was trying not to shake as he hid his red face on (M/n)'s chest, he thought the nineteen-year-old male was going to get him off of him, but instead, his arms were now wrapped around him.
Garou sighed and tightened his grip on (M/n)'s waist, the (h/c) haired male reached to grab the jacket next to Garou and covered his bandaged body, leaning on the white-haired male's hair, leaving a small kiss on the crown of his head.
"Why do I like you so much, Garou?" He whispered to himself, completely unaware that said male was still awake, with a racing heart and dumb smile stretched across his face.
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g4rous · 3 years
Masterlist <3
One Punch Man:
headcanons and one-shots
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader fanfic series)
Pride and buffoonery (Garou x Reader)
Garou general (fluff) headcanons
Garou shared apartment headcanons 
Garou x Psychic! Reader (headcanons)
Garou at the beginning of the relationship
Garou having a crush (headcanons)
Morning after (Garou x Reader)
Garou x confident s/o (headcanons)
Garou with a humorous s/o (headcanons)
Genos x Strong!Reader (one-shot)
Comforting s/o (Genos x Reader)
How to make Genos blush
Amai Mask x Male!Reader (one-shot)
Under the cherry blossoms (Garou x Reader one-shot)
Garou x Reader (fluffy moments!)
Kabedon! (Garou x Reader)
Anticipation (Garou x Reader)
More fluff (Garou x Reader)
Garou x chubby s/o aftercare hcs
Locking eyes (Zombieman x Reader)
“You’re the breathtaking one” (Amai Mask x Male!Reader)
Just Garou things ✨ (random hcs)
Garou with s/o who wants kids
A matter of trust (Garou x Reader one-shot)
Cooking for Garou (hcs)
Garou x Artist!Reader (headcanons)
Garou x Reader who likes music (headcanons)
Self-care day with Garou (headcanons)
Garou taking care of sick reader (and vice versa)
In a quarrel with the reader (Garou x Reader)
Saitama with s/o who likes to wear his hero outfit (hcs)
Under the sakura (Lightning Max x Reader)
Insomnia (Garou x Reader)
“A nightmare too realistic” (Garou x Reader)
Dr.Genus x scientist s/o
randomness ( no x reader inserts)
Garou and Tareo appreciation post
The esper sisters taking in a child
OPM zodiac headcanons
Garou’s music taste (hc)
Tatsumaki random hcs
Just Garou things ✨(again but no x Reader insert)
Garou high school headcanons
If Garou had a diary 
Garou’s dojo days
Garou’s cooking skills
Garou and daydreaming
Martial arts movies Garou would like?
Dr. Kuseno (and Genos) random hcs
Drive Knight random hcs
Demon Slayer:
headcanons and one-shots
Kyojuro Rengoku under the stars ( Rengoku x Reader one-shot)
Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader shared apartment headcanons 
Kyojuro Rengoku with grieving s/o
Kyojuro Rengoku general (fluff) headcanons 
Tired! Kyojuro Rengoku x reader hcs
“Like a lullaby to me” (Rengoku x Reader)
Dad Kyojuro Rengoku headcanons
Kyojuro Rengoku x self-conscious Reader
Kyojuro Rengoku x Artist!Reader
Kyojuro Rengoku x sleepy!s/o (hcs)
Kyojuro Rengoku x Tsundere!Reader
Kanae Kocho x Reader modern au headcanons 
Tomioka Giyuu x outgoing!Reader headcanons
Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader (Valentine’s day hcs)
Pillow fight! (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader one-shot)
“I think your cooking is pretty nice” (Genya x Reader one-shot) 
Genya with s/o who wants children
“You caught our attention” (Tengen and his wives x Reader)
Kibutsuji Muzan x Reader Valentines day (headcanons)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni getting comforted by Reader (hcs)
‘‘About time you two idiots said something.’‘ (Genya x reader)
randomness (no x reader insert)
Q: Why is Genya your fave character from kny?
Jujutsu Kaisen:
headcanons and one-shots
Jealous Kento Nanami x Reader (one-shot)
Yuuji, Megumi & Nobara comforting s/o on a bad day (hcs)
Yuuji x Reader (fluff) headcanons
Nanami Kento x Reader (fluff headcanons)
Yoshino Junpei x Reader (fluff headcanons)
Nobara Kugisaki x Reader (fluff) headcanons
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader (fluff) headcanons
“His name was Yoshino Junpei” (Itadori x Reader one-shot)
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure:
headcanons and one-shots
“Nightmares again?” (Noriaki Kakyoin x reader one-shot)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader (general fluff headcanons)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader (after school headcanons)
Noriaki Kakyoin x Artist!Reader (headcanons)
Kakyoin and Giorno taking care of sick s/o (headcanons)
“Care for a dance?” (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
To rewind time (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
Hope delicate as a feather (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
A ray of light which I held on to (Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader one-shot)
Giorno x Reader general (fluff) headcanons
Bucciarati Squad x Reader (fluff) headcanons
‘‘Welcome newbie’‘ (Giorno x Reader)
Comfort after a nightmare (Josuke x Reader)
Comforting Narancia (Narancia Ghirga x Reader)
“Strange people” (Josuke x Reader)
randomness (no x reader insert)
Movies & Kakyoin
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 7)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Speed of Sound
Next Chapter: Red Strings of Fate
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty <3
Double Update today, because these two chapters go hand in hand. It didn't feel right to upload one without the other.
Chapter 7: Bird of Flame
You faced Todo off in a clearing. Everyone else was at the far side watching. “Just run away if it gets too much.” You worriedly said to Miwa and Mai pushing them back.
“It’s okay, I’ll hold off any attacks.” Noritoshi assured you. You beamed up at him, “Thanks senpai.”
“Someone’s being awfully friendly today.” Momo half coughed and half murmured out. Noritoshi just gave her the side eye.
As per your style of fighting, you stayed still if you did not know of your opponent’s cursed technique.
“I won’t immobilise you this time since we are sparring.” You called out to Todo. “Fine with me!”
You could hold out your protective space warping around you for several hours. You just had to make sure it was activated in the space around you.
Todo didn’t hesitate to start off with punches and kicks. Nothing moved you of course. 5 minutes passed with him getting nowhere. Is that all he has?
You narrowed your eyes, but lifted a hand to push him back into a tree. You manipulated its branches such that they were all pointing to him. He was about to hit them until he clapped his hands and suddenly, you were there.
Your eyes widened, barely having time to brace yourself as you guarded for impact. You hit the branches hard. “Shit.” Looks like you might have to use your extended techniques against him.
He was in front of you in a split second and you quickly moved to dodge. You tried to maneuver your way around him, but it was hard to pinpoint the exact origin of the hits as he kept swapping your positions before landing a hit.
Sometimes, when you brace for a hit, he doesn’t swap your positions. How annoying!!! Of course your spacial barrier is still active and taking the hits for you, but it does have its limits.
Moving at mach speed in a short distant range won’t help you too much as it’s better for transport rather than combat.
You breathed out low and slow, before channeling your concentration into your 6th sense. Spatial awareness. Faster and faster, you started bracing for his hits and pushing him back.
And when he was unprepared you lashed out with your hidden twin blade only for him to dodge it. You can’t deny that the 2nd year's have more experience than you in battle. And Todo's specialty is obviously close combat.
You had both blades out now quickly slashing at him dangerously. He avoids it and the slashes cut all the way to the trees behind him.
You gave in, sheathing your blades and turning around to recuperate but he was faster as he finally caught you by the arm. “I got you!”
You grinned. Who got who?
With one hand, you straightened 4 fingers out towards Todo and folded your thumb into your palm. “Extension cursed technique, focus range: Niflheim”. Your applied cursed technique slows down the movement of molecules in an enclosed area, forcing items to freeze.
A layer of ice covered Todo’s entire body. The branches that binded around him were also covered with ice, stretching behind him in an ice pillar.
You quickly released your hand from his hold and slowly breathed to the sky, releasing an icy smokey breath. You turned around with a slow smile. “Checkmate”
He struggled against the ice but, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. That is way under 0 degrees celsius. You might lose a limb or 2 Todo senpai.”
He sighed, “I g-g-guh-give!” He could barely utter the words as his teeth chattered. You gently focused on raising the temperature, melting the ice off of Todo first. You couldn’t do it too fast or else he would combust.
As soon as he was free you reached out and applied your reversed cursed technique on him, healing the cold in his body. “Thank you so much for the match! It’s been a while since I felt that much fun in battle!” You excitedly said.
“Good game. As expected of my little sister, you’re very strong.” Todo patted your head. You stared, “Excuse me, whose little sister??”
“You should have buried him y/n!” Momo exclaimed. “Hear hear.” Mai chanted. Mechamaru just said, “I almost got buried by her once. She should have done the same with him.” You just laughed, “It’s okay, I’m satisfied with this.”
You turned to Noritoshi and he walked up to you and Todo went back. At this distance, the others couldn’t hear your conversation. “That was incredible.” He had a very proud smile on his face. “I hope you take our fight seriously as well. That’s all I ask of you.” He whispered.
“Of course I will senpai. But like with Todo senpai, I won’t use immobilisation techniques so we can spar properly okay?”
“Okay” he patted your shoulder and gave it a small squeeze before moving backwards. ‘Kamo clan, blood manipulation. They can manipulate their blood freely.’ you thought to yourself.
Your eyes zeroed in on his bow and arrows. The smell of blood was always on him, but you bet he had blood on those arrows. “Begin!”
He launched arrows at you only for you to stop them. Projectiles were the worst thing he could do. You frowned as you turned the arrows on him and sent them back. He dodged and shot more.
What on earth? This was so ineffective against yo-
He suddenly came from the side and punched you. Diversionary tactics dummy, you didn’t think about it.
You got pushed back from the force but stood your ground. He was insanely fast for a human. He is currently faster than Todo and any of the male cousins whom you’ve fought with.
It was a jarring experience. “Flowing Red Scale” He moved backwards, one eye wide open with a red blood x mark on it.
Your brain went into overdrive in a hurry to connect the dots while you defended against him. Blood. Red blood cells. Oxygen. He’s increasing his physical abilities.
You quickly lashed out with a double kick only for him to bring out a blood bag. “Blood manipulation: Crimson binding”. Blood strands wrapped around you and caged you in.
But you froze them and easily broke it in the process. You hurried to try and bring him down with mixed martial arts, not wanting to hurt him too much.
Sparring with him actually felt like a dance. You dodged and had an instinct as to where the next move would come from, and he was the same. Barely any hits landed on each other for a while.
Ah right, you promised to go hard on him. You put two hands out in a V shape, with palms facing him. Noritoshi’s eyes widened at the familiar hand signs. It’s the very first one you showed him.
“Tatsumaki” A huge horizontal cyclone hit him and forced him back. “Enhanced Gravity: Output level 4%”
“Aarghhh” Noritoshi groaned as he was forced to the ground. You didn’t notice his hands moving.
“Convergence! Piercing blood” a sudden fast stream of blood shot out and grazed your cheek. It would have been worse had you not moved your head aside. Noritoshi’s eyes widened as blood poured from the wound.
You quickly made tree branches hold his hands apart and forced him back onto the ground. You pointed both your twin blades at his head. “I give!”
You released your technique and knelt down. “Are you oka-”
“Are you okay? I hit your face!” He exclaimed in worry, hand hovering just over your cheek. You stared at him in amusement. “It’s a serious matter!!” he insisted.
You covered your face with one hand, then wiped off the blood to reveal a flawless cheek. He gaped, “Reverse cursed technique. I see. Good fight” He wheezed out.
"You actually hit through my defenses in battle. That was amazing Noritoshi senpai." You whispered in amazement. There was something different about the blood he manipulated.
His bond to it was far stronger than your hold over his blood. So if you tried manipulating his blood, it's a low chance that you could get it to attack him.
You can manipulate anything and everything, even at molecular levels to some extent. But you can't produce what's not there. There seems to be a limit to your manipulation over certain items.
"I still lost. Thank you for the match." He said.
You held his hand for the first time as you pulled him up, when suddenly a searing pain hit the inside of your wrist.
"Ouch!" You exclaimed while Noritoshi winced as well. You both pulled back your sleeves to see a large bird surrounded by flames just below the inner wrist on your right hand. Noritoshi had the exact same symbol, but it was in the inner wrist on his left hand.
You quickly pulled over both your sleeves to cover the markings, “Just say we both got wounds, let’s keep this a secret.” You pulled back and acted on purpose, “Good fight. You almost got me there.”
He naturally followed your lead, but there was a brightness to his eyes that told of something else. “.... Yeah you got me. I’ll do my best to catch up to you next time we spar.”
“What happened?” Utahime ran towards the both of you upon seeing you both flinch forward. “No, Utahime sensei we just got some scrapes that stung badly, nothing too bad.”
“I see. I have a first aid kit on hand, feel free to use it if you need to.” She said, and pushed you two back to where everyone else was.
You both stayed at the back watching the other students ask to spar with each other. Noritoshi quietly tugged at your sleeve, hidden from view with his own large and wide sleeves.
You tugged back twice on his sleeve and grabbed his hand to squeeze it. His hands were rough and calloused from fighting, but also had a tenderness and warmth from the way they tried to hold onto yours.
Both your marks flashed with heat when your hands touched. Noritoshi turned to you with all the world's curiosity in his face.
But you pulled back and put some distance between the two of you so it wouldn't look too obvious. "That binding technique that you did earlier was cool. Is it possible for you to manipulate the blood even after I freeze it solid?" You asked to try and divert the attention.
"Actually I haven't tried yet. But I should be able to as the main composition is still my blood." He admitted.
The remaining time left on the field was spent mostly on the others working on their cursed techniques against each other, and with you engaging in tactical discussion with the other students.
You all bid each other goodbye and went your separate ways. Except… Noritoshi mouthed "library" after he waved you off.
You lifted your eyebrows silently in agreement and walked back with the rest of the 1st year's.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 3 years
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@yonkochi​ Hi there, uhm I’m not sure what post that would be, must have been a very long time now. I have no energy to do any digging for sources or old posts in my current condition, but I can mention a few things that might be related to what you expected to find, and maybe someone else who sees the post will have the sources at hand or some clarifications to add and stuff!
Here goes:
- So, I remember that some time ago, ONE said on their twitter that they were ok with people shipping Saitama x Genos, or that they were ok with fanworks of that kind, or something among the lines.
- I can’t talk about Mob Psycho 100 because I’ve only watched the 2 anime seasons, but regarding One Punch Man, it seems very obvious that both ONE and Murata seem more than ok with queer people in general, as there isn’t only a lot of fanservice of all kinds but also a few canon queer characters in OPM (even if a couple of them aren’t precisely the best representation the LGTB+ community could get, but still, there are a couple others that are perfectly fine).
- There is also the fact that on many occasions, when the fans have gotten pushy asking if Saitama x Fubuki or Saitama x Tatsumaki (or Genos x the girls) is going to get confirmed already, Murata’s reply has always been “OPM is not a romance manga”. Hilarious that every single time there seems to be “romance” in OPM or characters crushing after someone, it’s pretty queer instead... to name a few examples:
---- Those male B Class Heroes crushing after Zombieman (during the first attack of the Monster Association, only in the manga, this scene was not in the anime or the webcomic). Ok, this scene doesn’t really confirm that those guys are gay for Zombieman, he’s really cool and there are many reasons to get overwhelmed in his presence, but still, in Murata’s and ONE style we never really see characters making those kinda faces unless they are crushing on someone or drunk XD
---- Lily crushing after Fubuki real bad
---- Mentioning that Okamaitachi and Puri are queer, just for the record. 
---- *WEBCOMIC SPOILERS* Feather thinking Erika is in love with him just for her to be like “Actually I have this giant crush on Tatsumaki you see”. Sorry Feather, you are a good lad, but that’s how things are ha ha.
- I know Amai and Genos and some others have many fangirls and I know Suiryu fucks his fangirls now and then but that’s it, crazy fangirls and hetero men acting like pigs are the only instance of hetero people existing in the world of OPM and it’s kind of refreshing to have the heteros be on the end of the jokes and ridicule and criticism so often instead of the gays (with the exception of Puri, of course).
I hope I worded this all nicely enough but to any readers, a friendly reminder that not only I’m dictating most of this and editing without hands is hell, English is not my first language.
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baku-writes · 3 years
HELLO! Welcome to my blog and I have recently decided to try out writing sum fam fiction WEHEY WEHEY!!
Okay so these are going to be the rules. Right now I am taking requests but only for certain characters so far!💞💞
MASTERLIST (post for phones)
What will I write:
. Angst (I will try but I might not be the best)
. Smut
. Character x character
. Mainly female based reader (I can write males but I will need sum practice)
. Somnophilia
. Water sports
. Mainly sub readers and dom characters (but I will write dom readers if it's something quite interesting)
. Straight relationships
. Gay relationships (lesbian included)
. Dub con (depending on how triggering the request is)
. AOB (mainly omega reader and alpha character, it all depends on the character you choose)
. Pedophilia
. Incest
. Food play
. Just character x character (pure ships, it will cause a war)
. Rape (straight up non con is triggering for me, please do not request it)
. Period sex
. Everyone in my hero academia except mineta and the young characters like Eri (you request characters like that and I will block your ass)
. Eren
. Levi
. Mikasa
. Jean
. Annie
. Reiner
. Kaneki
. Touka
. Rize
. Nishio
One punch man
. Tatsumaki
. Saitama
. Genos
I will add more characters later but so far these are who I write for!! Please send in requests lmaooo 💞💞
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Masterlist (NS.FW Edition!)
One Piece
Ace: B D R V W (sfw)  and F M
Bartolomeo: A-Z
Killer: A-Z
Law: A-Z
Lucci: EIJRX (sfw) and BEMFY
With a male s/o: Baby 5, Bonney, Hancock, Perona, Robin, Viola, Vivi
SFW and NSFW:  Kin’emon, Nami , Rayleigh and Shanks, the Vinsmoke brothers, 
Boobjob HC: Shanks, Zoro, Law, Ace, Kid, and Zoro
Ace having a child with his s/o (angsty)
Ace, Sabo, and Law with an inexperienced-yet-talented s/o
Baby 5 being drunk and a bit naughty with her s/o
Bartolomeo eating out his female s/o while she’s on her period
Bartolomeo’s girlfriend surprising him by cosplaying as Robin
Cracker’s female s/o discovering he has a breeding kink
(General NS.FW) Daifuku
Doflamingo w/ a former CD slave s/o
Doffy’s female s/o saying that she wants to be choked during sex
(General/fluffy NS.FW) Izo HC
Kaido with an s/o who can change their size
Physical features Katakuri and Mihawk find attractive in a female s/o
(Random) Katakuri HC
Killer and X-Drake with a female s/o that has a breeding/pregnancy kink
Kyros sleeping with an s/o for the first time after the events of Dressrosa
Law, Sanji, and Ace discovering their female s/o has an impregnation kink
Law, Zoro, and Sanji hearing their girlfriend touching themselves and saying their name
Law masturbating to his crush and feeling guilty afterwards
Law and Zoro being woken up with a morning blowjob
Law dirty talk
Mihawk, Lucci, and Law watching their wife breastfeed their newborn baby
Mihawk with a shy female s/o
Nami giving her boyfriend the best succ of his life
Pudding, Violet, and Perona getting dommed by their male s/o 
Sabo, Killer, and Zoro with a gf that wants to try pegging
Sanji and Zoro confessing to a chubby female s/o, but she doesn’t believe they’re serious
Smoker, Tashigi, and Luffy with a female s/o in a casual/hookup relationship
Tashigi and her male s/o on their first night after moving in together
Tashigi and her boyfriend sharing a romantic bubble bath after moving in together
Zoro and a male s/o almost getting caught during sex
Zoro and his female s/o trying aphrodisiacs together
Crocodile/M!Reader: Vulnerable (2/2)
Enel/F!Reader: A God’s Darling
Katakuri/F!Reader: Out of the Rain
Katakuri/F!Reader: Wedding Night (ficlet)
Katakuri!F!Reader: Appreciation
Kid/Minerva (OC): The Old-Fashioned Way
Kid/Minerva prompt: “You may be attractive, but I’m not sleeping with you”
Law/F!OC: The Soul Reaper
Law/F!Reader: Private Party (leaving a party w/ the Straw Hats to be “intimate”)
Law/F!Reader: Vulnerable
Law/F!Reader: Alone Together
Lucci/Mihawk/Law/F!OC: The Soul Reaper
Robin/F!Reader: Confession
Smoker/Reader: Office Interruption (ficlet)
Yonji/F!Reader: Slap (ficlet)
Zoro/Chubby!F!Reader: Show Me
General NS.FW:  Jirou,  Setsuna and Kinoko, Tomura, Mina
Valentine’s Day HC: Setsuna and Momo
Kirishima and Izuku getting woken up to a morning blowjob
Mandalay and Burnin’ trying to pounce on their s/o after getting super turned on
Miruko/Ryukyu relationship headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
Miruko with a dom s/o
Nejire, Ryukyu, and Mt. Lady with a male s/o that gives them a lingerie version of their Hero costume
Setsuna, Pixie Bob, and Midnight approaching their innocent/shy male s/o about sex
Setsuna and her male s/o cooking together, leading to...shenanigans
Mr. Compress/Reader: Most Magicians (ficlet)
Twice/F!Reader: Breaking Point 
Kinoko/M!Reader: Missed You
A-Z: Rukia, Soi Fon, Yoruichi
With a male s/o: Rangiku, Yoruichi
Flirting, relationship, and NS.FW: Chad, Izuru, Kyoraku
Kukaku w/ an adoring male s/o
Orihime/Ichigo in a BDSM relationship
Orihime/Ichigo/Uryu/Chad in a poly BDSM relationship
Tatsuki, Soi Fon, and Kukaku getting dommed by a male s/o
One Punch Man
(SFW and NSFW) Tatsumaki with a male s/o
Multiple Fandoms
Aizawa and Zoro sleeping with their female s/o for the first time
Nnoitra and Kid SFW and NS.FW HC
Rukia and Baby 5 being tipsy and extra affectionate with their virgin s/o at a Christmas party
Setsuna and Baby 5 relationship HC
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heroes-r-us · 4 years
Well then, a scenario about S-Class Psychic (Superhero with Telepathy) superhero Male reader! x Tatsumaki
sorry hun, i don't really write male readers haha, it's just a personal/ I'm bad at writing pov you're a dude fics sorryyy
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