#Tbh creature gadget:))
notwheatthins · 9 months
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prismmxrose · 11 months
Oh my god!
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S P O T O N !
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orbees · 1 year
🥊💀🍎 vino
gonna chuck this under a read more just cause going into parents a bit alludes to abuse, not in mega deets but still. brief mention of drug use too
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
love to do: read (he's always been a big bookworm), interacting/tending to his 234234 creatures (he's particularly fond of his ratties), Tinkering w/ his Gay Lil Gadgets, Abusing Substances... he also likes... creature sighting??? like herping but not just reptiles. insects. some mammals too. he like Creatures. he also loves opportunities to show off his knowledge. he likes to hear himself talk. LOL
hate to do: exercise is the first thing that comes to mind lmfao like he's better w/. dexy stuff but strenuous strength based activities would absolutely kill his ass lmfaooo he hates it. if you tried to make him go on a run he'd attack kill bite. he and arahana would be like oil and water. they would not get along at all.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
vino's got a weird relationship w/ death cause he fears it deeply but at the same time is interested in it, both as a physical process and the philosophical implications of it. he does a lot of reading on it, but also spends a lot of time worrying about it. sure doesnt change his lifestyle tho lol.
making mistakes / fear of failure / looking stupid is a big fear of his in general. i dont think counts as a phobia but /shrug. his general social anxiety/ fear of abandonment could also go here i suppose
theres ofc. the Apes which i imagine is rly funny out of context. for newcomers: vino was almost killed by one. yeah
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
vino's parents passed when he was still fairly young. long enough to leave an impression but he doesnt know them as well as vespera did
he had a mother & father, his biological parents. ppl who knew his mom always comment how much he's like her, in appearance And temperament. he's pretty sour towards his parents tbh tho he's more fond of his mom. she was very protective of him / looked out for him but didnt rly understand him type vibe
his relationship w/ his dad is definitely more complicated but also more starkly negative. his dad was the studious academic type and vicente craved his approval; u could even say thats part of how he got on that path to begin w/. a mix of his own interest and wanting his dad to notice him
it never rly worked tho, vicente's dad was very much the cold distant type. vicente needed a lot more care + attention than he was ever willing to give and grew to negatively regard him for Needing That if that make sense? he was quite open w/ his disdain and greatly preferred vespera, and was transparent in that. vespera hated him though
thank u for asking!
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mrcookiesir · 2 years
Cookie's really cool about me
🎵: Apple dot com by PinocchioP (eng translation)
☆ hi I'm Cookie. I'm a OC and muti-fandom artist, and semi-roleplayer. I am always tired, and I have a discord server for everyone:D
○ I go by He/they/it/ve/ver pronouns, main persona/mascot who goes by the same name also goes by he/they
♡ Transmasc, ace, demiromantic creature
□ I have a lot of kins: (now in color!)
Tadano Hitohito (Komi can't communicate)
Basil (OMORI)
Sunny (OMORI)
Mari (OMORI)
Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario)
Olivia (Paper Mario: the origami king)
Yellow (Pokèmon Adventures)
Reimu Hakurei (Touhou)
Wall-E (WALL-E)
Kagamine Rin & Len (Vocaloid)
Boushi Ringo (UTAU)
Pumpkin king (UTAU)
Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)
□ comfort characters:
Dr. Bones Cookie (Cookie run)
TBH/autism creature
Literally any Hanna-Barbera characters
The Demon gang (my demonic furries, especially SoulTaker)
Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget)
Mimikyu (Pokèmon)
Boushi Ringo (UTAU)
Grimlock (Transformers)
◇ Persona lore is @chaosflavoredcookies and oc randomness is @the-oc-partytime
♧ I has school and low energy😀, so I won't be that active, but I'll try
♤ if i mess something up or get something wrong, plz tell me!!!
NSFW blogs
Dream stans
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inexplicifics · 3 years
Figured I saw how you liked peeps putting their own flair into your universe so thought id actually sit down and join in, because ive had Thoughts about my own self insert in your universe already so why not share! Anyway heres a bullet list about them, Purnella of the Crane School!
first off gen. trivia—
-Was fifteen and fresh from their trials when Ciri was brought to Kaer Morhen
-Was one of the late comers to join the Warlord, since word is slow coming when you’re at sea without a sorcerer or xenovox
-Has a sketchbook filled with ink sketches of all the various creatures theyve come to know in their experience, and they use these illustrations to narrow down what a victim has seen because You have No Idea how little ‘It looked like a giant snake with pointy teeth and white eyes!’ narrows it down when it comes to sea creatures. They use the ribbon their best friend gave them as a bookmark in it.
-All cranes love gadgets. This is common knowledge. But the amount of different and unique devices Purnella uses is insane even by their standards— harpoon gun, crossbow with a grappling hook shot, pistol rounds that explode into a net when fired to easily take down and entangle targets without wounding them, and their favorite— a little wrist mounted hooking/trolley device that lets them navigate ship rigging like a zipline.
(this is just part one btw;;)
(ok heres part two)
now further plot slash backstory because im incredibly hyper-focused on character plots
-Early childhood was spent in an orphanage after being dropped off there as an infant, matron was never certain but most assumed they were born under a black sun
-Matron was always very strict when it came to chores, telling them if they dont make themselves useful , shell turn them out on the streets alone. Was probably never truly serious, but Purnella assumed she was and internalized the idea that ‘If I make myself useful, I get to stay with my friends/my school/the crew/etc’
-As a result they overworked themselves to the point of exhaustion for years, until they actually got sat down by Triss for it when the sorcerers joined them in the keep.
-Had a best friend named Shiloh, a elven girl who also lived in the orphanage (this is literally just my oc from dragon age inquisition, ive put a version of her and cole(a canon character from da:i) into quite a few diff medias because im unhealthily attached to them both. purnella is already my self insert im being self indulgent already so why not) who gifted her a little lilac ribbon the day they left after being ‘adopted’. Shiloh calls them Purnie. Shiloh also once taught them how to fold paper into shapes that look like various animals. no this isnt a joke about paper cranes what are you saying—
-Was ‘adopted’ by a noble who fancied himself a scientist and wanted to discover what makes the children of the black sun dangerous, as well as figure out if theres any distinct sign that someone was born under the black sun in general
-As a result, even before becoming a witcher they were covered in scars from multiple experiments. the main one being scars from a procedure more similar to a vivisection or autopsy than an actual surgery(they were ‘lucky’ enough that the bastard was rich enough to have proper medicine because he damn well wasnt properly trained)
-His manse laid on a seaside cliff, and when he had a Specially Important Visitor interested in his ‘findings’, Purnella was able to free themselves from their cell and launch themselves through a window, over the cliff, and into the sea
- cough cough it was stregobor the visitor was stregobor
-Purnella woke up on a ship, where theyd been pulled aboard after the crew had noticed something floating in the sea water
-This boat had a crane witcher on it, resulting in Purnella eventually being taken ‘under his wing’ as a trainee.
-Shiloh eventually shows up at Kaer Morhen to entreaty the White Wolf to help her avenge her friend, who never ended up visiting her again after being adopted by a man who has gone on to experiment and murder Several More children of the black sun since then
-Tbh Purnellas mostly just happy to see Shiloh and learn that she remembered them, and should probably be worried about the situation but is mostly just! rlly happy!!
—also side note shiloh had No Idea their friend purnie was actually Alive! and There!! so shes extremely happy. also she grew up to become someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of veterinarian medicine and animal trivia, so she ends up staying at the keep as their trusty vet along with her boyfriend cole who isnt actually human, hes a garkain, but hes shy and kind and helpful and doesnt hurt anyone and im Refusing to separate Shiloh and Cole in Any Universe i put them in, and so there
is this all an excuse to have them hunt down and go to war with/murder stregobor? yes because fuck him— and i cannot stress this enough— in the face with a chainsaw covered in pissed off hornets.
anyway im a big fan and keep coming back to this series for more so i hope you liked this slash wasnt annoyed by the ramblings;; have a good day!
Purnella sounds like a delight! I am extremely pleased to know you're having such fun in my sandbox.
(I couldn't figure in how to copy over the picrew but Purnella looks great!)
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chaoxfix · 2 years
classic sonic in forces is actually smthn i can’t wait to finish writing bc
1) it was such a weird choice to include him and it wasn’t done super well — which means there’s so much to fix, which is really my bread and butter for character interactions
2) it’s fun to see classic sonic with an older tails (like 8 to classic tails’s 4/5). especially when tails, known inventor whose gadgets contribute to saving the world on the regular… feels like a gigantic failure. meanwhile classic sonic thought tails was good enough and worthy of love even when he was just a lil guy with very little going for him except following sonic around and trying to help save little forest creatures
adding it to battery au but could fit into lang. may add to both tbh
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thistangledbrain · 3 years
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And here’s Day 23, a day late of course LOL
“Can’t live without”....
Firstly, my little family. My husband and sons are the most intriguing, brilliant, captivating, fascinating, funny, caring and kind, (insert other wonderful adjectives here) human beings I’ve ever met in my LIFE. Of course I’m biased...but...*flaps hands excitedly*....I seriously cannot even adequately describe how much I love my family. 😍 This one probably doesn’t have to be explained that much. ☺️ My friends, too - I’ve made some incredible friends through the years - and kept them. This was almost an alien concept when I was younger, so I am actively appreciative of my peeps who know my “weirdness” and absolutely love me for it.
I can’t live without dogs. Dogs are really the most excellent creatures. To know dogs - in my opinion - is quite similar to knowing most humans at their most fundamental levels. They help me understand people, as odd as that may sound. No other animal has adapted to our nature & understands us more than dogs, either, because we’ve co-evolved for thousands of years. (Similar arguments could be said for cats I guess, and I have both - but I’ve noticed only certain breeds of cat tend to be predictably loyal/affectionate to their people. MY favorite is the Siamese. ☺️)
Any time in my life where I’ve had to go without a dog has been a quite miserable time...any time I’ve had to be 100% animal free (like in the barracks), is positively horrid. (I’ll usually spend time helping train a friend’s dog or volunteering at a shelter in my free time, then. In apartments where it was “no pets”, I quietly kept a tank of fancy mice or a reptile & would hide them whenever I knew maintenance was coming LOL.) Dogs are the bridge between me and neurotypicals...and I have extreme difficulty being comfortable with someone who just doesn’t like them. It’s one thing to not want one of your own, but love your friend’s dogs or gladly pet the pooch at the park...it’s another to genuinely not like them. That is truly alien to me & gives me the heebs about what kind of person you might be - if you’re NT/not Autie. I do understand how dogs can come on too strong to some auties.
Nature. Seriously. I do not do well in the concrete jungle of a city. It’s fun to visit sometimes (but exhausting), but I need more than some little trees in planters along the sidewalk. The city was kinda fun to live in for a little while in my early 20s, but I quickly started to look for suburbs when my first kidlet was born, because parks just weren’t enough - and tbh, babies are loud and noisy on their own, so the additional city noise was....no thanks. When I see these subdivisions though, where it’s just row after row of similar houses and yards, hardly any shrubs or trees or anything at all, I cringe - that’s just as bad as the city. People right on top of each other, no real place to.... well, hide I guess. I’m a private person IRL, and don’t like feeling “exposed” to people all around my home.
My tablet (or phone), because that’s where I write, read e books, and watch stuff. (I think everyone in this day and age is very attached to their electronics too, though.) I escape into David Attenborough, animated movies, or music videos when I’m stressed. We have a nice big TV, but it’s more personal and private when it’s just me, my headphones, and a small screen. Sorta makes me feel like I have a little bubble around me.
Space to create/art. This one I can go slightly longer periods without, if I’m sufficiently busy, but I start to get restless & short tempered without somewhere to create stuff. I’m not one of those solely sketchbook-and-pens types (I was when I was young & didn’t have space/money for more art stuff though)... but now, if you can make something out of it, I’m interested in it. That doesn’t mean just paints & sequins and other typical art/craft stuff, either. It means rocks, lots of wood, bones, random bits of metal or glass or junk I found along the railroad tracks, junky old metal gadgets like cheese graters and spoons, and things like that. And then of course the workspaces and tools to do said projects...so like, I have studio space now, but also a whole ass workshop with things like bandsaws and belt sanders. (I’m relocating it all right now and quite disgruntled that it’s not operational yet.)
Edit: Google. I’m old enough to remember having to write all my questions down to wait until our weekly trip to the library. Now, even at 3 am, I can Google things like “mandrill skeleton”, “Tempest Storm”, “how long do hedgehogs live”, “Fermilab recent experiments”, and “what do baby possums eat”, and help identifying a bird, plant, or flower....and it’s instant gratification. BOOM. I think this is a big one, because I can’t tell you how often my brain is positively eaten alive with questions....and a set of Encyclopedias only gets you so far.
So those are my main ones, I guess. There are a few little ones...mainly my big blue stuffed tardigrade, Dempsey - I sleep poorly without him, and he’s the first thing I grab when I’m stressed...certain blankets or clothing, time to meditate, coffee...things like that, but they’re mostly things that just cause mild(er) discomfort or anxiousness if I have to go without (I haven’t had to go without Dempsey yet though...so maybe he IS a main one 🤔). I get very interested in reading about what others simply can’t do without, so feel free to tell me what yours are! ☺️
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softlyfiercely · 3 years
What is a good name for an animal?
I love this question, because naming animals is one of my all time FAVORITE things...when I am having a bad day, my partners often send me pictures of random animals from the internet for me to give names to. During NaNoWriMo, I’ve been known to just hang out in the “Appellation Station” forum handing out lists of name ideas based on people’s requests.
But it’s hard to say, in general, what a good name for an animal would be! I take naming animals (and everything else tbh) very seriously, and I would try to consider what the animal looks like, its personality, the interests of the person the animal lives with, all that sort of thing.
Regular English nouns can make super cute names for some creatures. I once knew a pair of corgis named Pocket and Cardigan, which was hella adorable. A third one could be called Button. I also once knew a funky little Boston terrier pair named Gizmo and Gadget. Very cute. 
I like naming animals after stuff that’s meaningful to me. Both my lizards are named after saints (Avila and Blaise), and I’ve always wanted a pair of rats to name Wyeth and Gluck after my favorite painter and poet, respectively. 
And pretty nature names are always something I appreciate. Precious stones, astronomy terms, plants, stuff like that. Wisteria, Aspen, Gardenia, Ember, Agate, Opal, Coral, Jupiter, Orion, Nova, Galaxy, Stella, things like that. 
Food words, for some reason, are incredibly fun for animals. Garbanzo Bean, Tater, Taco, Blini, Banana, French Fry, Turnip, Mochi, etc. I know some orange kitties named Clementine and Kimchi, which are excellent names. And I know a collie dog named Latte. 
For a while, I was naming all my special Pokemon in Pokemon Go after words with double consonants, like Squiggle, Nibble, Jabber, Rattle, Bubble, Muddy, Stubby, Wiggle, Wobble, etc. 
Finally, very fancy/old-fashioned sounding human names work great for animals, in my humble opinion. Names like Cornelius, Bartholomew, Walter, Theodora, Wilhelmina, Georgette. I know a cat named Norbert and another one named Diana and I love them. 
If you have a specific animal, or theme, or set of interests, that you want names for, or want to request a name for anything or anyone, please hmu. 
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djarinova · 4 years
dig a lil deeper
tagged by @padmeamiala thank you my looove <3
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen?
black!! im not a maniac
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
probably the city, but not a really big city. ive had enough of countryside living tbh
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
if we're talking being able to just immediately know how to do this skill then probably the ability to play an instrument, like the drums
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?
5. what was your favorite book as a child?
idk if this counts but I was obsessed with those yearly annuals you could get
6. do you prefer baths or showers?
probably showers
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?
a witch??? a sorcerer??? idk
8. paper or electronic books?
paper definitely
9. what is your favorite item of clothing?
dUde what a question,,, probably my blue knitted-like jumper that I stole from my cousin
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it?
it's fine ig???? I still go insane when people actually use my name like holy shit??? that me??!!
11. who is a mentor to you?
I don't really think I have one :)
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for?
yuh I'd love to be famous but only for the money though
13. are you a restless sleeper?
idk if restless is the right word but im kind of a light sleeper
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
i really could not tell you. do i sometimes long to be kissed tenderly??? yes. do I think about falling in love with my favourite characters every night before I go to sleep??? also yes. but irl??? idk man
15. which element best represents you?
i think water honestly
16. who do you want to be closer to?
physically??? nic 🥺 but if you mean like, mentally then no one bc I don't want anymore friends
17. do you miss someone at the moment?
yuh duh (NIC)
18. tell us about an early childhood memory.
i don't know if it's a memory or just a story that ive been told so much that I just think it's a memory, but on my first birthday party I accidentally called the police and they came to our house :))
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten?
uuuuuggh idk honestly im not that adventurous when it comes to food
20. what are you most thankful for?
being alive
21. do you like spicy food?
yuhh but not /too/ spicy
22. have you ever met someone famous?
i met one of the supporting bands from my the vamps concert in 2018.also the guy from the gadget show with the glasses walked past me once
23. do you keep a diary or journal?
I keep a note of my dreams in a journal but not really anything else
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
hhhmmm pen
25. what is your star sign?
aries :))
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
27. what would you want your legacy to be?
I'd be happy knowing I did the best with what I was given and that I was always kind when I could be
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read?
hell yeah!! and doctor sleep by stephen king
29. how do you show someone you love them?
i used to be very bad at this, and over the past few months ive been forcing myself to be more open and actually tell my friends I care about them
30. do you like ice in your drinks?
sometimes, with abit of lemon
31. what are you afraid of?
im not sure really, ig wasting my life pursuing something that in the end I wasn't happy with
32. what is your favorite scent?
freshly washed clothes, lavender is nice too
33. do you address older people by their name or surname?
their name??? im not a fictional character mate
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
oh boi right, id probably pursue a different uni course to start with. move away from home as soon as I could. visit my online and irl friends more often. buy gifts for them too. send them letters. go to more places. dye my hair.
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
ocean, pools are too boring, you need those waves and the feeling like you will never breathe through your nose again when the sea water gets up in there
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground?
if there was no one around I would take it and probably just keep it in my wallet and save it
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish?
probably??? idk
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children?
i could not tell ya
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
I'd quite like a little star, not sure where
40. what can you hear now?
im watching harry potter, I can also hear cars outside and a door in the house keeps drifting open and shut due to the wind
41. where do you feel the safest?
in my room, with the door shut, watching something on my laptop, in almost darkness
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
i want to be more open to physical touch with people, hugs and stuff
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
i really do not know
44. what is your most used emoji?
✨ or 🤩
45. describe yourself using one word.
46. what do you regret the most?
I regret not speaking out when my older relatives were being racist at Christmas. I regret being so shy in secondary school. I regret not thinking more about my future when it wasn't so imminent
47. last movie you saw?
before the one im watching now I think it was ocean's 8
tagging: @happy-rascal @losersclub3000 @panstutteringbill
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simonxriley · 5 years
tachanka for the character thing 🥺
I somewhat had a feeling you were going to send me him 😅 which I am all for because he is my fave!
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
Everything. Just kidding, sorta. I’m gonna say his personality. I love that he’s blunt but not in an offensive way, he gives clarity without being rude and I like that. I also love how he makes sure he enjoys life because he grew up in a strict household without much and how boisterous and affectionate he is. 
least favorite thing about them 
That he feels like he doesn’t belong. I’m not sure if it’s because of his age and that he’s now surrounded by people younger than him and that technology is kinda taking over (I HC him being kinda old fashioned in a sense) or if it was something he dealt with his whole life. And the fact that he has canon kids but that’s a story for another time. 
favorite line
“Soviet, very old. Oh wait, I’m Russian, so I’m supposed to know something about it?” and “Save the doctor, save the world. I like it when the things are simple.” Tbh he had a lot of good lines during the Outbreak event it was hard to choose. 
Kapkan, Glaz, Fuze, and sledge. 
Tachanka x Skylar forever and always. I’ll try not and go on a tangent because I can with these two. These two are the good opposites attract. He’s boisterous, she’s a bit more reserved.  But they have a lot of chemistry, they both have a love for old weaponry, both don’t use any fancy gadgets and their personalities just work so well together. And they just love each other. Their relationship is what any healthy relationship should look like. 
Honorable mention Tachanka x Kapkan. 
Tachanka x Finka. Just no, keep that ship away from me. 
random headcanon
He didn’t want to join the military when he was younger but when he was drafted things changed. 
unpopular opinion
He’s actually quite affectionate and doesn’t hold back from showing it. He knows life is short and to make the most of it and he’s not going to shy away from showing the people he loves that he cares. 
song i associate with them
This is hard because all the song I associate with him are ship songs so I might just do one of those instead. Nobody But You - Blake Shelton Ft: Gwen Stefani. 
favorite picture of them
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He’s getting debriefed on the situation, he knows there’s creatures he has to fight and he just doesn’t care. He has his feet up looking at LMGs like it’s nothing. ‘Chanka please. 
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TRC Translation Notes Volume 14 (Chapters 100 - 108)
The continuation of @giniroangou making all of our lives better and saving us from mistranslations, now for Volume 14.
Highlights include: distant crying in New Zealand over Kurogane, Mokona being a better liar than me, Fai being Fai the best he can, and what about the books??
Chapter 100
p.1 - “That one” referred to in the line here is definitively Fei Wang - the kanji for his name are written below the reading of “that person.” This connects directly to his dialogue on the next page.
p.9 - The line that’s been translated as, “There will be no second time!” is a bit literal IMO. It’s more like, “Never again…”/“You can never again…” There’s no ellipsis in the original text (no exclamation point either though) and it’s written in such a way that it looks final, but Yuuko doesn’t really complete her sentence here. It’s also intended as a direct mirror to Fei Wang’s “Once more” at the end of his monologue, which also wasn’t a complete thought. (In Japanese, Fei Wang ends with “Mou ichido,” and Yuuko ends with “Mou nido to.”)
p.10 - Kurogane’s question about Clow Kingdom here is less of a question and more of a confirmation - in the Japanese version I wouldn’t say it gives the impression that he needs to ask, just that he’s reaffirming information he already knows.
p.12 - There are some subtle differences in nuance during this conversation. In the Japanese version, Kurogane tells Syaoran that now there’s even less reason to feel bad about seeing his memories (making it clear he had no reason to feel bad in the first place.) Then he says it’s precisely because Syaoran saw his past that he was able to notice the markings on the sword. Not that this isn’t obvious, but it has a slightly different tone than the translated version.
The word Syaoran uses when he calls Kurogane a nice guy is the same one Kurogane’s mother used in the flashback - “yasashii.”
Syaoran’s final line on this page is actually in direct response to Kurogane’s WTF reaction to being called nice - “My father said that truly nice people will try to dodge the subject if you say that to them.” So basically he’s saying Kurogane just proved how nice he is by reacting that way, lol.
Chapter 101
Cover page - The fan translated title is more accurate than the official title. “The Book in Which Magic Dwells” is the gist of it. Also, re: the splash text - keep in mind that Japanese doesn’t have a capital/lowercase distinction and often doesn’t distinguish between singular and plural, so if you see “God” or something similar that’s purely the translator’s choice. Sadly I can’t see the original text for these pages, but generally in cases like this I prefer more general translations like “divine light” rather than “God’s light.”
p.26 - Fai’s comment on the flying train is less wondering than it appears in the translation - he’s just like, “So these are flying by magic too, huh.”
p.28 - I suppose the wording is ambiguous, but I’m pretty sure the actual meaning of Mokona’s line here is that Kurogane did something unspeakable to her, lol.
p.32 - I’m assuming this city’s name should be rendered as “Biblio” rather than “Viburio,” for obvious reasons.
p.38 - Because Mokona is THE WORST LIAR IN THE WORLD (or just a gigantic troll) the thing she’s singing as they walk in is, “We’re just borrowing, we’re just borrowing~” Subtle.
p.42 - While “funt” is a possible transliteration for the name for the guard creatures (exact katakana being “funto”), the Japanese “f” is very close to an “h,” and “hund”/“hunde” (ie “dog”/“dogs” in German) makes much more sense. In the original explanation, these are included among the “soldarts” protecting the library, hence why they’re referred to that way later.
Chapter 102
p.46 - Fai’s totally fake line about the books is more along the lines of, “I wonder if we can find any interesting-looking books here?” as if they’re just regular folks casually browsing the library who don’t already know exactly what book they’ve come there for. Sakura’s agreement is a weak attempt to keep up the pretense.
p.47 - Fai’s “That looks fake” uses the exact same wording as Kurogane’s on the previous page. THIS IS REVENGE.
p.54 - Fai’s original line about his magical experience is, “Anyone who’s studied even a little bit of magic would know that.” Of course, this is untrue and it does make implications about his knowledge being less than it really is, but it feels a lot smoother than the English version, like a natural answer to brush off Sakura’s compliment. (All of which just makes me love Kurogane’s suspicion even more.)
Chapter 103
Cover page - The “ruins” referred to in the chapter title are physical ruins based on the kanji (referring to the Clow ruins that show up a little later), and I don’t think this word would have other meanings unless you got very poetic about it, but I love all the layers in the English translation.
p.65 - After Fai says that running will be faster than fighting, he adds that there seems to be no end to the things coming after them (implying there’s no point in fighting anyway.)
p.71 - Fai’s deflection about studying a little magic is in the same vein as the one from the previous chapter.
p.72 - Kurogane isn’t talking about Fai protecting himself here - he’s reasoning that it wouldn’t make sense for the library to use basic magic for its protective spells.
p.76-77 - The time-measuring gadget on these pages might not actually be a sundial. In the Japanese version they just call it a “tokei” (時計) meaning “clock” or more generally “timepiece.” It’s still keeping time when Sakura turns it away, the kids just literally can’t see it anymore so they don’t know what time it is.
Chapter 104
p.89 - Syaoran’s “Princess, please…” in the translation was much less infuriating than his original line, which was, “Please take care of the Princess” (presumably spoken to Fai.)
Chapter 106
Cover page - The official translation for this chapter title of “The Escape with no Tomorrow” is correct. I feel like “Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire” could be an alternative, tbh. It’s certainly not a literal translation, but it feels like that’s the idea.
p.123 - In the Japanese version, after Syaoran says he’s fine his line is, “More importantly, the books…!” Bless this child and his priorities.
p.132 - Kurogane is not suggesting jumping over the water here, but jumping into it.
Chapter 107
p.145 - It seems like the meaning got across just fine, but when I first saw the English translation Kurogane’s, “Isn’t all magic the same?” felt a bit obtuse, as if he’s just questioning that different types of magic exist. His original line is, “Magic is magic, right?” which I think makes it clearer that he’s seeing through Fai’s nonchalant facade - whatever Fai might say, he still used magic when he swore he wouldn’t, and that’s a big deal.
p.154 - Fai is actually saying that if Kurogane carries Sakura over his shoulder all the time the blood will rush to her head. Cute aside: in Japan they refer to carrying a person in your arms as a “princess carry” so that would be the literal translation of Mokona’s line.
p.155 - In the translation it seems like Fai has already given up on finding anything else in this world, but in his original line he’s just hoping they can find a place where they can treat Syaoran’s wounds.
Chapter 108
p.168 - Syaoran’s last line on this page is, “But I wonder what could have happened to destroy them like this.” I think the translator was trying to show the connection between that and his previous thought about the age of the buildings by adding in “What other than time” but it comes off sounding a little too naive.
p.169 - Syaoran notes that there was a little bit of the hard road left, not the entire thing.
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inquisitorsnappy · 5 years
okay so for being reincarnated as an animal, my brain immediately jumps to one of my favourite animals so cat, wolf, eagle or owl. out of those four?? i have no idea. just one of those four; i’d need to think about it a bit more probably-
stands i’m not sure tbh. like in terms of fictional creatures, unicorns and phoenixes are cool as hell but then in terms of technology, space travel is cool, robotic prosthetic would be good too and also actual robots could be good. but then again this an anything question so i don’t need to limit myself to animals and technology. i could go with magic or something. THIS HAS TOO MANY POSSIBILITIES AND I’M ONLY ALLOWED ONE AAAHHH. uuuuhhh. fuck it i’m going back to my immediate thought; we’re going with stands since there’s like no limits on those. and having healing stands like crazy diamond or pearl jam would be a Good thing.
and for this one i’m gonna stop myself from picking all jjba characters and give other franchises a chance:jolyne kujo, jean pierre polnareff, jotaro kujo, ryuji sakamoto and hamuko arisato
send me three random things you wanna know about me!! (askbox)
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crumplelush · 5 years
Hello! For the send me a character meme: Crowley, Tommy Shepherd and Neil. Choose one or if you want, maybe all three? Thank you and have a great day.
Sorry for the super late response. I actually filled this out the other day and then tumblr deleted it and I couldn’t face typing it out again.
A morning or a night person: A night person. It’s so much better for skulking.
A waffle or pancake person: Pancakes. It starts with Aziraphale’s obsession with crepes (as do most things to be honest) and Crowley eventually finds American pancakes which he prefers.
Coffee or tea person: The biggest argument he’s ever had with the angel was over this exact question. Aziraphale is a consummate tea drinker. Crowley is definitively a coffee man shaped being.
Cake or ice cream person: He likes both, but cake is slightly higher on the list.
Paper or e-book person: Don’t tell the angel but e-books. He likes sleek gadgets and buys the newest thing when they’re released. A bunch of books cluttering up his home doesn’t go with with his aesthetic.
Beach or mountain person: He’s a snake, he likes the heat. And it’s much easier to prod people into temptation at the beach.
Pen or pencil person: Pen. He has one of those super expensive fancy NASA designed pens.
Video games or board games: Board games. Video games bore him, they’re too easy to beat. But he can spend hours in the bookshop playing games with his angel.
Type or handwrite: Handwrite. No one he contacts knows how to text or email so it’s his only choice tbh, but even if he did there’s something about handwriting that just feels right to him.
Rather be too cold or too hot: Too hot. Snake remember?
Sing or dance: Dance. Demons don’t sing. That’s an angel habit. Demons do dance (albeit badly, as we have seen).
An OTP I have including them: Obviously his husband Aziraphale.
A NOTP I have including them: Him with anyone else tbh.
A hidden talent they have: Cooking. He learns how to make crepes after the whole revolutionary France fiasco, but he continues learning as he finds it soothing. He doesn’t eat unless with the angel, but making food calms him down.
A morning or a night person: The advantage to being a speedster is that he can go from one to the other with little time inbetween, but he prefers the night because there’s fewer people.
A waffle or pancake person: Pancakes. It’s a Young Avengers thing.
Coffee or tea person: Tea, it’s nice and calming.
Cake or ice cream person: Ice cream
Paper or e-book person: Paper. He can turn the pages at his speed, whereas e-books he has to wait for the page to load.
Beach or mountain person: Beach. It’s everything he loves. Swimming, volleyball, ice cream, very attractive half naked people...
Pen or pencil person: Pen
Video games or board games: Video games. Board games are boring.
Type or handwrite: Type. He loves texting.
Rather be too cold or too hot: Too cold. It’s easy enough for him to warm up by vibrating by he can’t cool down easily.
Sing or dance: Dancing, he loves it.
An OTP I have including them: Tommy with Noh Varr, Tommy with Kate.
A NOTP I have including them: Tommy with David. I shipped them at first when they were friends, but then David kissed Teddy and I can’t ship David with anyone now
A hidden talent they have: Knitting. He takes it up to have something productive to keep his hands occupied, and is very good at it.
A morning or a night person: Morning. He’s an early riser and he loves his early morning runs.
A waffle or pancake person: Waffles. It’s one of the few things that he and Andrew both eat. His with blueberries and Andrew with multiple syrups and creams.
Coffee or tea person: Coffee. Being a college student, and an athlete, and attempting to be a real person with a real relationship all take their toll and he needs a substantial quantity of caffeine to get through the day
Cake or ice cream person: Neither. If pushed he’d prefer to go to an ice cream parlour because he can get sorbet and buy Andrew some ice cream.
Paper or e-book person: Reading isn’t really his thing, but Andrew has Thoughts about books and paper is apparently the way to go
Beach or mountain person: Mountain. He’s not fond of the beach for obvious reasons.
Pen or pencil person: Whatever is closest to hand. 
Video games or board games: Video games. It’s a thing that the underclassmen do on days off and he likes it
Type or handwrite: Handwrite, it’s just easier
Rather be too cold or too hot: Too cold. He can steal borrow Andrew’s hoodie.
Sing or dance: Absolutely not. He has danced on the odd occasion but it’s not fun.
An OTP I have including them: Andrew, obviously. 
A NOTP I have including them: Him with anyone else. I do not like Kandreil.
A hidden talent they have: He’s a Disney princess. Animals flock to him for some reason. He emits some kind of aura that makes him trustworthy and they absolutely love him. Andrew has lost count the amount of times he’s found Neil surrounded by forest creatures on the college green. He swears it’s only a matter of time before Neil convinces them to do his housework.
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kattimariias · 5 years
sonic boom but i insert a bunch of other characters in it. bonus gay
mighty and ray - sonic’s childhood friend, mighty, moves to bygone island alongside his adopted brother ray. the two join team sonic, though it seems like mighty doesn’t just see sonic as a pal
bean - bean helps eggman out with some Crime Shit, but leaves his side towards the end since he thinks the guy’s too bossy
bark - when the colder regions of bygone island starts to become strangely warmer, he sets out to figure out the issue. its eggman’s machine fucking around with nature, which leads to bark angrily destroying the thing. bean is amused by this and think hes “cool and interesting”, so the two become friends. episode is usually pretty silent bc he doesnt talk here
fang and also rouge - both of them discover the chaos crystals and try to steal it from one another, only for team sonic to take them and place them in a safer area
witchcarters - wendy places various curses around bygone island, and with tails going unaffected by it, its up to him to stop her and her cronies
battle kukku - the kukkus attempt to claim bygone island for themselves, but eggman won’t let them have it. meanwhile, tails has a bit of rivalry with the son of their leader and the owl guy with the weird name wants to one up eggy
honey - amy buys a new dress (which resembles modern amy’s dress, but longer), leading to honey growing in popularity among the citizens. she thanks amy and starts to generously gift her...to rather severe degrees. she eventually tones it down and the two become friends
tiara (i know shes cut but idc) - tiara and her dad visit bygone island out of curiosity towards the chaos crystals, though it becomes difficult as the safe haven for them has tight security
gamma and omega - both were built by eggman (and also are technically in the same series in this? idk boom’s an au it doesnt matter) and later betray him after seeing the good in nature. they meet the cubots and adjust to their new lives
vanilla, cream, and cheese - all three try to find ways to defeat eggman and other villains without using much violence and instead peace. but in the end, they learn that sometimes conflicts have to have disagreeable endings
espio and charmy - espio’s clan disbands, so he searches for a new one-only to find himself caring for an orphaned bee
tikal and the whole echidna tribe tbh - team sonic take a trip to angel island after knuckles gets really nostalgic over it, only to be shocked upon seeing echidnas living there
chaos - one of wendy’s spells still prevail, and manages to spread onto angel island. this spell gives water life, and things quickly go off the rails due to chaos’ inconsistent form changes
maria and gerald - eggman’s relatives find him, and are extremely disappointed by his choices in life. since gerald inspired him when he was young, they send him and hope he can knock some sense into the guy. meanwhile, maria (who’s adopted which is why shes still young in this) meets a mysterious black and red hedgehog
emerl - cream befriends one of tails’ new creations. things go haywire, but he’s rebuilt into gmerl afterwards since cream got horribly upset over the gizoid’s betrayal
silver - while testing his time travel skills, he finds himself stuck in the past, leading team sonic to teach him everything
blaze - a faraway kingdom messages team sonic. they request help, as they have been taken over by the battle kukku. when they arrive, the king and queen are missing, so they team up with their daughter (obviously blaze) in order to defeat battle kukku again (note: stories of team sonic have been told by travelers going from one place to another)
marine - while making sure that the kingdom’s at safety, blaze meets a raccoon that immediately attaches to her, as she’s her biggest fan. she isn’t fond of her at first, but when sonic tells blaze the story of how he met tails, she realizes marine isn’t much different from tails back then and decides to take her under her wing
mephiles - shadow comes across a scepter that unleashes a silhouette that copies his appearance. said silhouette turns into an actual hedgehog, and follows him around endlessly
elise - a human mysteriously washes ashore on bygone island, with only the memory of heat and sun. she doesn’t seem to know the existence of mobians either, so team sonic n friends have to help her adjust and discover her memories (also why does she got fire powers) (theres probably an ep featuring both mephiles and elise figuring out theyre both connected somehow)
the babylon rogues - a team of skateboarders challenge sonic to a contest, so their leader can prove that hes better than him. except theres no skating rink at bygone island so they have to struggle through the process of getting one
chip - sonic comes across a fairy, who immediately latches onto him. since chip is the type of fairy that “becomes attached to the person that first sees/rescues them”, sonic can’t really get rid of him and instead just has to go with it. the two are pals by the end
the wisps - honestly colors in itself could be a multipart boom ep, so imagine that game but with team sonic + amy, sticks, mighty, ray, and chip
the deadly six - team sonic discovers a magical conch, and upon blowing it, they gain the attention of some weird creatures. as it turns out, they somehow landed on bygone island and have to return to their home planet; lost hex
infinite and the jackal squad - a new punk squad starts causing a ruckus in bygone island, which eventually leads to a takeover. shadow finally starts taking maria’s advice and helps out with pushing them back down, though they end up joining eggman’s side
gadget - sonic gets a new big fan. hes weary at first, but learns that gadget isn’t as obsessive as the last one and that big fans don’t automatically mean they are creepy. its wholesome
nazo - when tiara experiments with the chaos crystals, she accidentally summons a mysterious hedgehog
sonia and manic - sonic’s siblings hurriedly bust into sonic’s shack, much to his confusion, until they tell him news that all three have been awaiting for years
ashura - a sonic lookalike prides himself as sonic’s biggest rival, even though sonic has NEVER met him
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out with a bang (or two): ep.10 recording highlights
“just a second while i re-duvet myself”
skype had problems. audacity had problems. someone’s actual physical microphone had problems, because why the hell wouldn’t it?
“bang bang!” “always good to get two bangs.”
[cue giggling]
yes, again
i swear we’re professionals
the starship iris sing-along CD includes such hit tracks as:
the library card and jekyll/hyde songs from arthur
the darkwing duck theme song
the inspector gadget theme song
have you ever wanted to imagine a whole group of robots humming the inspector gadget theme?
then today is your lucky day
also it turns out two members of the crew have a pavlovian response to the opening bars of elmo’s world
no points for guessing who one of them is
casual cannibalism jokes???? nobody knows how we got here and we should probably all be more concerned
if krejjh eats a human, emotionally, it’s cannibalism. semantically, it’s...debatable?
at some point after first contact we’re gonna need to come up with a word for ‘eating that life form is sentient creature consumption, and that’s wrong.’
“yeah but what if krejjh was allergic to humans”
[cue five minute discussion about whether transmission of bodily fluids through ~adult activities~ would be enough to provoke an allergic reaction]
verdict: probably?
when i said we were professionals, i was definitely lying
“it’s in pre-italian.” “....you mean latin?” “yeah, latin!”
there was a director’s note of “i want your soul to be sighing” and tbh if that’s not the biggest of Big Moods
“something something taking an arrow to the knee joke”
an escalating series of miss congeniality references culminating with brittony singing “you think i’m goooorgeous, you wanna daaate me”
someone else, immediately afterwards: “krejjh @ brian”
“do your best me. be gay and don’t want to be in school.”
angry regime officer confirmed for Government Team Mom
but like. angry Team Mom.
she’s mad AND she’s disappointed
and you thought the Mom Voice was scary when it was telling you to clean your room
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chroniclesofcisco · 7 years
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Lights! Cameras! Vibe and Kid Fl…action! We’ve been picking up the superhero slack since Barry sacrificed him to the Speed Force and Caitlin bailed to figure things out. I have to say, in the face of so much loss, we’ve been a pretty dynamic duo.  Hey Hollywood! Feel free to launch an entire Vibe and Kid Flash film franchise and don’t forget the Big Belly Burger Kids Meal toyline tie-in.  Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. We’re still ironing the kinks out of the operation.  While we always get the job done, it’s been taking longer than it did when The Flash was leading the charge.  This means zip, zilch, zero downtime. It’s so bad that I’ve missed every single summer movie blockbuster. Epic fail!
Then finally, after a whole day with no sign of trouble, I rolled the dice and bought ten movie tickets to binge-watch the day away.  As I strolled up to the theater, naturally, Iris sent an alert.  A new criminal mastermind was on the scene.  He wasn’t a meta, but rather a run-of-the-mill-genius-robotics engineer who built these coconut sized metal spheres that seemed harmless at first, until they opened up and released flying mini-bots with razor sharp teeth.  They’re basically pokeballs filled with death instead of cuddly creatures. Iris pinpointed the metal spheres attacking the gala opening of a graffiti-tagger-turned-legit artist’s gallery.  It was filled with the richest hipsters of Central City, along with their fat wallets primed for robbing.    
Cue Vibe and Kid Flash, ready to take on... sigh.  Okay, sidebar. Wally kept begging to name a baddie, and Iris suggested I give him a go.  Wally took one look at all of this guy’s gadgets and named him… Steve Jobs!  Steve Jobs?  I flipped out! Steve Jobs was a brilliant tech-influencer, not the inspiration for a super villain name. After running through a list of alts: Evil Bill Gates, Evil Elon Musk, he finally landed on The Robomanipulator.  Don’t worry. Part of Wally’s superhero training going forward will be a crash course in naming villains 101, taught by yours truly.
At the gallery, Kid Flash sped around and swatted all the flying mini-bots into my breaches. Can’t rob people if all your thieving bots are frozen in Antarctica!  Yes, it was a job well done…  if you ignore the online news articles reporting how the super-speeding and breach action sort of (immensely) frayed all the artist’s one-of-a-kind prints.  But a win’s a win, right?  Besides it allowed CCPD to track down Steve Jobs Robomanipulator and throw him behind bars.  
Still, even after saving the day, it’s clear it’s not just exhaustion weighing us down.  I wish we had Barry and Caitlin back. Not just for the superhero stuff.  TBH, spending the day in a movie theater isn’t as fun if you aren’t there with your best friends.
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