#Teaching whiteboard
digitalwhiteboard · 1 year
Advantages of Digital Whiteboards and Why Should You Invest in Them
Technology has boosted the education sector, and various technical tools and techniques have influenced it. Since everyone is talking about the technical infusion in this educational sector, digital whiteboard plays a crucial role in making teaching and learning easier.
One can find several advantages when used during the teaching process. Some of the best advantages of the digital whiteboard have been mentioned here.
Flawless communication
Digital whiteboards come with several technical features, and they can store the latest updated, marked-up presentation or lesson on the cloud. It has the ability for the presenters to share it at the conclusion of the meeting quickly. There are plenty of such cases where not everyone can be in attendance for a vital brainstorming session, or perhaps an impromptu teaching moment arises without the ability for many to jot down their own notes. With the internet whiteboard, one can easily continue flawless communication without any additional fuss.
Allow everyone to communicate.
When it comes to the traditional lecture setup calls for the presenter to a market in the front of the room, the audience has to follow them attentively. The smart whiteboards are the best option to get everyone on the team involved, particularly in cases where coworkers are tuning in from home.
It will completely revolutionize your thoughts that are known through the real-time notes and annotations on the existing canvas, which is completely simple. It provides the students pursuing online learning with hands-on experiences throughout the curriculum. It also allows the team members to quickly amend marketing or any other messages, design plans and other key initiatives without any disruption.
Better interaction and engagement
Since whiteboards have the ability to engage the audience much better than others, it makes them valuable compared to others. Most of them use PowerPoint Presentations to make the audience understand the topic, and this is what makes it a much more interactive way of resolution with the higher value of the current teaching and learning method.
Smart whiteboards change the game entirely, and it allows the presenters to integrate videos, provide interactive games while highlighting the key information and, importantly, allow the students and workers to markup and engage with the presentation from their own screen.
No more worry about losing the steam of hard work.
A presentation is made with sheer hard work, which probably takes several hours and even days. This is why no one would like to waste hard work without reaching their audience, and in such a condition, it would be great to invest in digital white boards. They allow the presenters to present what they have prepared thoroughly, and in such a regard, it would be great to come up with the right kind of things that can perfectly meet the requirement.
Whiteboards have the option to export essential data to an external drive for added peace of mind, and that data can be used for teaching purposes later. In this way, no additional issues will be created when it comes to using the online whiteboard. These are some of the outstanding devices that would rightly meet your needs.
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night-fa1r · 2 months
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No clue what I’m doing on white board I attempted portrix
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grub-s · 9 days
my coworker tried to say it was her “hard boundary” that we cover up the (very useful) whiteboard in the room that allows staff to communicate over different days in an easy to use format and i had to say well, three of us want it, it doesn’t really matter if you don’t like it :) that’s democracy babe
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wolfnlamb · 1 year
If Aki was a teacher what would he be teaching?
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animaucan · 10 months
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languageboutique · 3 months
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ticenchantedtoc · 9 months
What, will these hands ne'er be clean? Here's the smell of the whiteboard markers still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.
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sparklingpax · 1 year
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hi, all! sorry it's a bit messy, but anyway, have a smol touma doodle 🥰✨
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missjamesscience · 11 months
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Titration Titration
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elis-corner · 1 year
Totally didn’t only just now learn how to spin my pen after trying since I was 11-
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aidenwaites · 1 year
It took me several years but the only way I've personally ever been able to Manage My ADHD or whatever was 1. Get medicated and 2. Just stop worrying about strict schedules/routines. Literally had to just forget about them. I have a whiteboard. When I notice a task that I need to do, I write it on the whiteboard. If I feel like doing it right then, I do it and erase it. If I don't I simply wait until I have energy or I'm restless and I need to do something with my hands, and then I check my whiteboard. Sometimes tasks stay on there for an hour. Sometimes it's two weeks. It's whatever and it gets done eventually which is quite literally all that matters
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herri-writes · 1 year
Yozora no hoshi ni sasageta negai no
Kakera atsumete bakutan suru kiseki
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cat-dragron · 1 year
"#my paleobiology professor studied rocks with sponge fossils in them so uh#she went on a full on RANT about sponges when we got to learn about them"
sorry i've been thinking about your tags and could we get the full rant lol? or a resume hehe
Haha yeah sure! I'll have to kinda paraphrase here since I took the class like... 3.5 years ago but this is the gist of it.
So normally, when things fossilize you get something that's preserved. Most things have something that can clue you into what the creature was, even if it's small like the test of a foraminifera or a tooth of a shark. Up until this point in the class I think we had learned about microfossils, corals, bryozoans and perhaps a few others, we just gradually working our way up to more complex animals.
Sponges sit in this... weird in between. Whereas corals and bryozoans are a colony of small creatures, sponges are just a loose group of 6 cells that decided to make an animal together. That's it, sponges are just made up of about 6 different cells that do different things! Some cells digest, some cells do something else, and some cells make little skeletal fragments called spicuels. These spicuels are the only thing to really fossilize from a sponge. And they don't really hold a shape or anything, once the sponge is dead and the 'muscle' cells die off releasing the small skeletal fragments they just kinda... drift off.
Now my professor was working on a specific bit of a rock outcrop, no could figure out what the hell it was. There were these small bits in it but they didn't really match any other animal. Turns out, they were sponge spicules! Well that doesn't tell you much other than 'sponges were here'. It's like when a highschooler takes a pen and writes down 'matt was here' under their desk or something.
So yeah, combine the fact that my professor worked way too closely with spicule filled rock and the fact that sponges are just 6 different kinds of cells under a trench coat pretending to be an animal you get the sponge rant. It's become a little bit of an inside joke with everyone who's taken that class, you can ask someone taking it after you and go "hey, have you gotten to the sponge rank yet?" and know exactly how far along they are in the class content.
TLDR: Sponges are weird, sponge fossils are weird, don't work with rock made out of sponge fossils if you want to keep your sanity.
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mikeyisaac · 2 years
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{You can start by wiping that fucking dumb-ass smile off your rosy fucking cheeks! Then you can give me a fucking automobile! A fucking Datsun, a fucking Toyota, a fucking Mustang, a fucking Buick! Four fucking wheels and a seat!}
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ourbastardofsorrows · 2 years
i genuinely have never had so many kids eager to help out around the classroom
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Interactive Whiteboard & Digital Whiteboard, Integrated Touch Panel, Interactive Touch Screen. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/008618578623258.
Interactive Flat Panel is a cutting-edge digital smart board designed for classrooms and Conference Rooms. Boasting a 4K resolution and multi-touch capabilities, it offers an immersive learning experience. The integrated interactive whiteboard enhances collaboration, allowing students and teachers to engage dynamically. What sets it apart is the pre-loaded content, aligning with curriculum standards, fostering a comprehensive and interactive learning environment.
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