alaluea · 2 years
Speedran a short PMV based off an idea I had in my head with my Hologram OCs!
There’s no context I’ll give for this other than there’s a gathering happening and Sadie (pink haired gal) is the main attraction :>
Song: Running Out of Time (Vivo)
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Kaye M. Teall - Witches Get Everything - Scholastic Book Services - 1973 (photographs Dan Nelken; design Gene Krackehl)
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ratasum · 1 year
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mariaangels · 1 year
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Ryan Teall
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voices-of-hyrule · 1 year
arstaóth (lands)
⦁ earst ♀ ("land"; "country"; "region"), pl. arstaóth ⦁ uilead ♀ ("province"; "prefecture") ⦁ searann ♂ ("heartland"; "interior [of a country]") ⦁ mealcuid ♀ ("kingdom"; "monarchy") ⦁ meilc ♂ ("king") ⦁ meilce ♀ ("queen") ⦁ naoischead ♀ ("principality") ⦁ noisich ♂ ("prince") ⦁ naoische ♀ ("princess") ⦁ íomrad ♀ ("duchy") ⦁ íomar ♂ ("duke") ⦁ íomra ♀ ("duchess") ⦁ rodhnad ♀ ("county"; "earldom") ⦁ rodhn ♂ ("count"; "earl") ⦁ rodhna ♀ ("countess") ⦁ barúinead ♀ ("barony") ⦁ barúinn ♂ ("baron") ⦁ barúine ♀ ("baroness") ⦁ damhaill ♂ ("state [sovereign polity]"; "government") ⦁ damhlainn ⚥ ("governor") ⦁ gamthúir ♂ ("republic"; "democracy") ⦁ rás ⚥ ("president"; "mayor") ⦁ moighlís ♀ ("council"; "committee"; "[of parliament/congress] chamber") ⦁ sáinidinn ♂ ("parliament") ⦁ seansailéir ⚥ ("chancellor"; "prime minister") ⦁ maoir ⚥ ("steward"; "exchequer") ⦁ acaidhd ⚥ ("marshal"; "minister of war") ⦁ rás-aoir ♂ ("capital city"), pl. rás-aoireóth
⦁ iabhaill ♂ ("[large] river") ⦁ nothaill ♂ ("[small] river"; "creek"; "stream") ⦁ iám ♂ ("ocean"; "sea") ⦁ oghaim ♂ ("lake") ⦁ breiche ♀ ("pond") ⦁ maisteanca ♀ ("swamp"; "fen"; "wetland") ⦁ eoghar ♂ ("forest") ⦁ chúirse ♀ ("woodland") ⦁ saoide ♀ ("field [both cultivated and wild]"; "grassland"); pl. saoid ⦁ óchu ♂ ("meadow"; "pasture") ⦁ teill ♂ ("hill"), cns: teall ⦁ gíbhea ♂ ("ridge"), pl: gíbheóth ⦁ oimhc ♂ ("valley") ⦁ gabhua ♂ ("highlands"; "uplands"), pl: gabhuóth ⦁ stúc ♂ ("cliff") ⦁ thárr ♂ ("mountain"), pl: tharairimh or [less commonly] thárraimh ⦁ caoiread ♀ ("village"; "hamlet") ⦁ beild ♂ ("town"), cns: beald ⦁ caile ♀ ("fortified town"; "burgh") ⦁ aoir ♂ ("city"), pl. aoireóth ⦁ cáire ♀ ("continent"; "landmass") ⦁ aoidh ♂ ("island") ⦁ innis ♂ ("peninsula") ⦁ spúir ♂ ("beach"; "shoreline"; "coast") ⦁ áraibhe ♀ ("desert") ⦁ seolchainn ♂ ("mesa"; "flat-topped mountain") ⦁ uach ♂ ("oasis") ⦁ taile ♀ ("canyon")
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coffeeballadeer · 11 months
i was tealling to my mom about how much i hate yukio and its like
"he almost kill is brother 2 times and pointed a gun at him so much times! And you know why? cause he was jealous! And his brother forgave him."
"like Cain and Abel."
At that moment my eyes were opened.
Yukio and Rin are really like Cain and Abel.
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cosmicanger · 5 months
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Kaye M. Teall - Witches Get Everything - Scholastic Book Services - 1973 (photographs Dan Nelken; design Gene Krackehl)
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vallikesgivinghugs · 1 year
Trigun but make it Steven Universe (kinda?)
Pinned this cause I kept freakin' losing it lmao this is for me X3
Right so I've been thinking about Trigun too damn much, honestly new obsession (thanks AuDHD). But anywhoosies, I was thinking about Trigun and saw a picture of Steven Universe and my brain went place so here's a gaggle of thoughts about what if Trigun was set in the Steven universe setting but also not really because it's still trigun somehow.
Also I have watched Stampede and the 98 version of the anime (+badlans rumble). I have not read the manga, yet. So like don't come for me, I like the new looks in Trigun Stampede.
all the thoughts under read more. It's a lot and it's mostly rambly so please be warned.
Okay so plants are gems. Established in my brain that they are gems. But the plants themselves, since they don't have a 'soul' persay like independents, don't have a corporeal form/humanoid body like the independents. Living in big clusters of living thought that are linked to each other through a telepathic connection through the 'earth'. The independents aren't 'rooted' so they have to be very close by or touch the clusters to actually communicate with the plants. Also only diamonds are considered plants/independents. Independents have this ethereal look to them that distinguish them from ragular gems despite looking much more humanoid than the plants. Every other gem person is simply called a gem. They are a lot less powerful and a lot more humanoid in looks and nature, some even have normal 'human' skin tones.
In this au, the serum people like Livio and Wolfwood are either half-gems who's mothers were forced to birth them or they were created in a lab using shattered/dead gems and attaching them to human children/babies. Even less childhood for them in that second option, maybe i'll decide by the time I get to explaining the character concepts.
Also i'm going be be free as fuck with the rules of off-colour gems and fusions and stuff because i do what I want. Headcannon that all independents are off-colours.
(I wish my art skills were better I'd be drawing a bunch of refs for this, maybe later)
Okay so onto the character ideas. The character appearances are based of Trigun Stamped in my brain but feel free to imagine them however yeah? Not much about the characters themselves more about what i imagine them to look like y'know?
Vash: An off-colour yellow diamond (blue eyes, also when he comes in contact with the plants his marking glow blue too instead of yellow), his diamond form has the spiky broom hair. His gem is on his belly (a la rose quartz/pink diamond). After getting hurt by Nai, his gem cracked making on of his arms unusable, he disguises himself as a yellow topaz which has the floppy spiky hair, compared to a regular yellow topaz however his skin colour is still a tad too yellow to look normal. He wears his shades to hide his eye colour specifically. Also the coat was a gift from Luida and Brad who in this Au, are humans took in the runaway gem after he crash landed on earth.
Nai/Millions Knives: An off colour white diamond (teal/green eyes, also when he comes in contact with the plants his marking glow teall/green too instead of white). Similarly to Vash, his skin is slightly to pale and just white to look natural compared to regular white gem people. He rarely interacts/interacted with people other than Vash, Rem and the plants so it doesn't come up often but when he does interact with other gems like Legato he makes his eyes/hair/head glow (a la white diamond) so you can't really tell he's an off-colour. His gem is situated on his chest, and before you say but Nai should have his gem on his head, when was this man ever logical. Mans is an emotional wreck obsessed with his brother (blue/yellow diamond coded if you ask me). Goes after Vash to earth with Legato, his most loyal subject, and meets Conrad a human scientist who is the reason why Tesla is dead and gone (still) and to make ammends with Nai offers his sciency services to help find Vash.
Tesla: A yellow off-colour diamond (same as Vash, cause y'know they look basically the same), was sent to earth to observe and report information to the plants, long before Vash and Nai were even born. She was either lured or captured by scientist who experiemented on her until she was shattered. The reports stopped and neither Nai or Vash were told about her until they both landed on earth and came to learn of it in their own time. Her gem placement is unknown but I'd like to think it was on her forehead because diamond trifecta having the big three gem placements my beloved.
Rem: A black pearl assigned to care for Vash and Nai, by the plants, after what had happened to Tesla. Her gem was either situated on her nape, the back of her neck, or on her throat. Can't decide. I just know that Nai was the one who shattered her and Vash tried to intervene and that's how he got hurt. Two in one trauma for poor Vash.
Legato: Legato, I just knew I had to make this man a full gem. A lapis that was treated as a no good thing because he looked off-colour until he was saved by a brilliant and 'perfect' white diamond (oh honey). Mans is a Lapis Lazuli that had a gold deposit crossing where he was incubating that not only granted his stronger telekinectic powers but also made him look off-colour because he retained some of that gold in his eyes and on his body. I dunno if I want him to be an off-colour or just a really rare variant of Lapis Lazuli. His gem is situated in the palm of his magic hand he has in the animes. Legato is humanoid looking, moreso than Nai but because he is a blue gem his skin looks like he constantly has a bad case of frostbite and his hair is slightly too blue and perfect to look like it's a dye job.
Wolfwood: A half-gem, half-human. I think what I want to happen here is that his mother, a gem, fled to earth, fell in love with a human, became pregnant, gave her life force to her child and dad decided to put Nico up to a local orphanage where Conrad found him later one when Nai/Vash came/crashed into earth and experimented on Nico (similar to what happened in Trigun Stampede and all that). Nico's mother was an black opal, her gem became his gem, it's situated right above his heart.* He looks overall human but his hair is unaturally glossy/shiny with that opaline shine.
Livio: Similar shtick to Nico but I like to imagine that he did exactly have a dad, his mother fell for a human the human left and she ended up leaving Livio (giving up her life force in the process) at the same orphanage where Nico was. His mother was a yellow topaz (oh shit look at that, Vash being a constant reminder of Livio to Nico in his disguise, you love to see it.) and His gem is located over his eye (you know the one with the mask, the fancy one)* He looks mostly human but his remaining eye matches his gem eye in colour.
Also, humans don't really know what gems are, most humans aren't even aware gems are a thing. Most gems look like strange humans but some of them are luckier than other when it comes to looking human. Their gem colour determines the general base colour of their whole self, Nico's mother looked like a very dark skinned woman with dark glossy hair being a black gem. While Livio's mother looked a little more golden than the average person but still fairly normal being a yellow gem person. Gem people like Legato who have blue, purple or green, colours are usually not as seen in the human skin except for the veins have a harder time blending in with humans. However, even if a gem manages to blend in, it's the gems that give them away. Livio's mother wore her hair in a way that hid her eyes from humans while Nico's always wore clothes that hid her gem.
Miss Melanie didn't quite understand what the boy's were but she made it work. She dressed nico in clothes that would keep his gem hidden and when Livio arrived at her doorstep she fashioned him a small eyepatch to hide his eye. She decided to protect them as best she could despite knowing their were different from the regular child.
*So I put his gem over his heart because yeah it fits but man I was tempted to put it on his nose because it's funny (still might honestly X3) or heck even put in on top of his hand, the one that holds the punisher for the trauma of it all and have Livio also have his gem on top of his hand but on the opposite one. But then I decided against that because Legato has his gem on his hand and even though it'd be a fun 'all gungho guns have their gems on their hands/near their hands' thing I didn't vibe with it as hard.
If Nai and Vash were to fuse it would be a disaster of limbs despite being both diamonds. They're core values and ideals different too much (see malachite from SU). So many eyes, arms and legs a real monster. They'd make like a pale yellow diamond together though.
Nico and Livio fusing would make like a miriam jasper. I think they'd kinda become a almost erfect fusion. Like maybe gain a singular eye or something.
Nico and Vash would probably make a good fusion too, maybe have an extra pair of arms or eyes because they view/react to the world differently but over time they'd kinda lose that extra pair of something because they understand each other too damn well. They'd me like a chocolate diamond or like amber.
And finally if Legato and Nai were to fuse they'd make a moonstone or like an aquamarine. Legato is so damn devoted I think they wouldn't even have an extra anything tbh Xc
Milly, Meryl and Roberto are humans in this Au!
All the gungho guns are half-gems except for Legato cause he's special. I didn't think too much about them yet so like most of them I don't have ideas for but uh, here's some.
Elendira (we're giving her, her trimax form because of course we are, what a queen), would probably be some type of red gem because crimson nail. A garnet or perhaps a ruby maybe?
EG the mine, probably like a green gem (98 anime him had green hair but also green just fits). Maybe not an emerald but like a peridot? or maybe malachite.
Midvalley is definitly a purple gem, it's just his vibe, that suit of his is the 98 anime with the pink and the purplish brown is just *chef's kiss*. Amethyst or Sugilite possibly.
Zazie the beast, dolomite with cinnabar. White gem with red desposits. The stampede white/red hair look has me in it's goddamn clutches okay.
And then finally Dominique the cyclops, i like her she's nifty. A red garnet, a dark one. It looks black like her eyes and hair in the shadow but then in the light it's a bright blood red like her demon eye.
Maybe i'll figure a gem for the others later, we'll see.
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t3-art · 1 year
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the sparkly girls' rival: Tealle
5 yrs improvement since I last drew her! Old art under the cut 🫢
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December 2018
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aita-alternia · 1 year
aita for trying to cull 2omeone who called me "un2tablle" and a "danger to my friend2."
i (8 1/2 2weep2, ru2t) attempted to kill 2omeone (7 2weep2, bronze), becau2e he wa2 bein a totall a22holle!! for context, this person i2 rellativelly new to our friendgroup. from what i gathered, he had a rough time with hi2 hatchmate2, to the point of them putting him through some really har2h 2tuff!!
my blloodpu2her goe2 out to him, it really doe2. nobody de2erve2 that kind of treatment. when i met him in per2on though, he immediatelly rubbed me the wrong way. he never did anything BAD per 2ay, but every time i 2aw him my Stomach twi2ted in knot2 and my bllood ju2t BOILLED!! and before you a2k, no it wa2 not in a pitch way, even typing that out make2 me nau2eu2 to think abt.
but de2pite all that, i tried my be2t to treat him with kindne22 llike i do all my other friend2, and ju2t hope it woulld go away.
i wa2 ablle to keep it up for a whille too, allmo2t a 2weep!! but during a party at a mutuall friend2 (8 2weep2, purpllebllood) hive, i maybe mi2under2tood a conver2ation i overheard? i thought he wa2 tallkin 2hit about my moiraill (8 1/2 2weep2, teall), and obviou2lly i wa2nt going to llet that 2llide!!
i cllocked him once acro22 the jaw, and llaid him out pretty ea2y with ju2t that punch. i 2tarted yellin at him to keep my moirail2 name out hi2 mouth and a bunch of other 2tuff i maybe 2houlldnt have 2aid. but once he got back up, he really tore me a new one. it wa2 a llot, probablly too much to type here, but the part that really got me wa2 that he 2aid i wa2 a vollatille and un2tablle per2on and i wa2 a danger to everyone around me!!
that really made me 2ee red, becau2e it2 very untrue!! 2ure, i can have a bit of a temper, but i woulld never hurt the peoplle i care about, and i never have. 2o i tried to attack him with one of my knive2, and ba2ically got dragged out of the party by my moiraill...
he got me to callm down enough to go back to my hive, but if im hone2t i wa2 2till 2eething. all my friend2 are really mad at me, and im 2uper bumbed out about it!! it2 not llike i did any reall damage, and he2 being 2uch a baby about it!!
my moiraill i2 2tarting to get worried about me i think, but im having a really hard time moving pa2t it. ive even been contempllating ju2t... taking him out? 2o i dont have to deall with all thi2 2hit, but i know everyone woulld 2u2pect me if he went mi22ing, 2o i doubt i will.
2houlld i ju2t apollogize and minimize contact with him 2o i dont 2llip up and hit him again, even if i dont actually feell all that 2orry about what i did? idk what to do.
but the bigge22t que2tion i have i2... aita?
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daysre · 2 years
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all of the design work i’ve done for my new dnd character, Tealle. With her “final” design being the first photo
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howw doo youu attachh roboticc prostheticss too nervee endingss correctlyy? myy kismesiss (teall) recentlyy lostt hiss armm inn aa duell againstt mee. ii amm superr bummedd aboutt itt becausee noww itt iss goingg too feell likee cheatingg whenn ii beatt himm inn thee futuree, andd hee willl tryy too usee itt ass ann excusee. ii alreadyy amm sickk off himm whiningg aboutt itt. soo i engagedd myy friendd whoo dabbless inn roboticss too makee anotherr armm forr himm. ii havee receivedd thee armm andd amm preparedd too breakk intoo myy kismesis'ss hivee, removee thee armm stumpp, andd replacee itt withh thee prostheticc. ii supposee bloodd losss iss alsoo aa concernn onn topp off thee nervee endingss butt ii amm nott tooo worriedd aboutt thatt ass ii thinkk hee willl bee finee, ii justt needd too ensuree hee regainss fulll controll off hiss fingerss soo ii cann fairlyy kickk hiss asss againn. thankss
... you're a blueblood you can definitely afford to have your local mediculler do it with you.🫤
they can help you make sure you do it right. it's extremely complicated and impossible to explain here. 😬
you'd need extensive training to do it properly and not damage his entire nervous system. 🧠
I'm not saying this to be mean. 😖
it's just genuinely very very difficult. 😬
sorry about that! i mean. if you're close by the northeast cavern entrance, I'd be happy to help you! 😉
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queersrus · 2 years
Tea Theme
earl, earle boba, bubble, tea, teatte, teaette, teatta, teaetta, tealle, tealla, teaelle, teaella, teanna, tealin, tealine, tealynn, teao, teaza, tealeaf, teacup, tass, tasse, tasseo, tasseom, tasseoma, tasseoman, tasseomancy, tasseomancer, tasser, tascer chamomile, chai dandelion grey, gray, ginger, green herb, herbal, herbaline, habiscus jasmin, jasmine, jade milk, milke, milky, matcha, mint peppermint nettle rose, rosehip, rosemary steep, steeper, spearmint oolong white
1rst p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
te/tea/teas/teaself he/herb/herbs/herbself he/herb/herbs/herbals/herbalself tas/tasse/tasseo/tasself (tasseomancy)
2nd p prns: you/your/yourself
te/tea/teaself he/herb/herbself her/herbal/herbalself tas/tasseo/mancyself(mancerself)
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
herbal/tea te/tea/teas/teaself te/ea/teas, tea/teas tea/cup, tea/pot, tea/leaf earl/grey, earl/gray after/noon/teas/afternoon teaself afternoon/tea black/tea oo/oolong/oolongs/oolongself oo/long, oolong/oolongs boba/tea, bubble tea mint/tea pepper/mint/teas/peppermint teaself peppermint/tea beak/fast/teas/breakfast teaself breakfast/tea cha/chai/chais/chaiself cha/ai, chai/chais chai/tea
plenty more here
the tea, the teapot, the teacup, the tealeaf, the tea drinker, the tea enjoyer, the tea connoisseur, the tea expert, the tea reader, the tea leaf reader, the tea brewer, the tea maker the tasseomancer, the tasseomancy practitioner, the practitioner of tasseomancy, the one who divines through tea, the one who reads the leaves, the one who reads tea leaves, the one who divines by tea leaves, the reader of the tealeaf
(name) of the tea, (name) of the teapot, (name) reader of leaves reader of the tea leaves
(prn) who drinks tea, (prn) who makes tea, (prn) who likes tea, (prn) who brews tea, (prn) who consumes tea (prn) who does tea readings, (prn) who does tealeaf readings, (prn) who reads the leaves, (prn) who reads the tea leaves, (prn) who does tasseomancy, (prn) who practices tasseomancy, (prn) who does tea divination, (prn) who does tea divining, (prn) who divines by tea leaves.
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ratasum · 1 year
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Qirri Tinkerfirst | Keeper Vezz | Overseer Zatte
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Liquidator Korrix | Peacemaker Teall | Explorer Kaill
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Lady Makko | Xeonna the Lost | Naqai
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Ympp | Laxzzi | Pheazza
A compilation of all of my current sharkrats. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one I guess lmao.
I have ideas for more rats but these guys are good for now.
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svorica · 2 years
aradia is just likes shes jsut sh really just outh ere just ahe teall y is lustrh doing hear thing
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concerthopperblog · 2 months
K-Rockathon Reboot 7.27.2024
The 2024 K-Rockathon made a triumphant comeback after a 6-year break to "reboot" the festival. Although the show may not have been sold out, the turnout was fantastic. This year's K-Rockathon featured Puddle Of Mudd, Hoobastank, Nonpoint, Stabbing Westward, Boy Hits Car & Brand New Sin, all of which are alumni of this event. When I arrived at the venue, I was greeted by a huge crowd of fans eager to see what the day had in store for them. Between each set, one of the event sponsors, Sweet Grass, handed out free drink cozies, bracelets, keychains, and T-shirts. There were also various food vendors offering options ranging from ice cream to cheesesteaks and more. Additionally, Monster Energy provided free water and energy drinks to keep the fans hydrated. Towards the end of the show, anyone who purchased a ticket was entered into a raffle to win a Monster Energy-branded bicycle. But enough about the vendors—let's dive into the main part of the show.
Brand New Sin opened the show, hailing from Syracuse, NY. They were the only local band on the bill and alumni of the K-Rock Festival. The band members are Kris Weichmann, Chuck Kahl, Joe Altier, Brian ("Slider") Azzoto, and Mike Rafferty. They have performed alongside well-known acts such as Slash, Godsmack, Dope, Chris Cornell, Deftones, Drowning Pool, Audiovent, and Dillinger Escape Plan. In 2006 Brand New Sin recorded Big Show's theme song "Crank It Up" for WWE Wreckless Intent. Despite having released 6 albums, they have not put out new music since 2011. Hopefully, they are working on some new material. I enjoyed their energy and sound at KRock; I hope that I can catch these guys again at another show.
Boy Hits Car is an American rock band from Los Angeles, formed in 1993. They have released 4 albums to date, with the latest one being Stealing Fire. The band's setup is noteworthy: the singer, Cregg Rondell, had his acoustic guitar set up on a stand so that he wouldn't have to keep picking it up and setting it back down each time he wanted to move around the stage. Cregg was very energetic, jumping around the stage and at one point even had to put his shoes back on due to the high temperature of the stage, which was absorbing the hot sun because of its black color. However, this didn't stop the band. My favorite song from this set was “Man Without Skin” The next day, they performed again at The Jugg on Teall. At the end of their set, Cregg even got on top of the crowd to connect more deeply with the audience.
Stabbing Westward is an American industrial rock/alternative rock band. Christopher Hall and Walter Flakus formed the band in 1985 in Macomb, Illinois. Stabbing Westward has released five albums to date. The band has not released any new music since 2002, apart from their most recent single "Hex." During a recent performance, the band displayed great passion and energy. Despite lead singer Christopher Hall being injured, he still gave his all during the performance. He even apologized to the crowd for not being able to give more but made light of his injury. Nevertheless, the show went on. At the end of their performance, a person climbed into a large bubble ball and crowd-surfed on top of the fans, which was a definite highlight of the day.
Nonpoint is an American nu-metal band from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The band currently consists of vocalist Elias Soriano, drummer Robb Rivera, rhythm guitarist Rasheed Thomas, bassist Adam Woloszyn, and lead guitarist Jaysin Zeilstra. The last time Concerthopper covered Nonpoint was on the Kings & Queens Tour with Butcher Babies. Seeing Nonpoint on this bill was exciting for me. I remember them having a lot of energy and amazing stage performances. Since their debut, they have released 11 albums, with the latest one being To The Pain (Deluxe Edition), and their latest single “Underdog” dropped earlier this year. During their performance, Rasheed Thomas started doing the robot while he was playing his guitar. Before they ended their set, Elias Soriano, their lead singer, said that he wanted to hear everyone sing to the next song, "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins, as he believed everyone should know this song regardless of whether they had listened to Nonpoint before. Everyone sang along in response to his request.
Hoobastank, sometimes stylized as h∞bastank and originally known as Hoobustank, is an American rock band formed in 1994 in Agoura Hills, California. The band consists of lead vocalist Doug Robb, guitarist Dan Estrin, drummer Chris Hesse, and bassist Jesse Charland. I couldn't contain my excitement all day in anticipation of seeing these guys come on stage. When I was younger, I vividly remember hearing the song “The Reason” when it came out and was on MTV during the days when they still played music videos (I was only 5 at the time). The band played for a whole hour, and right before they started playing “The Reason,” they asked the crowd how long they had been listening to the band. They found out that some of the younger fans only knew about the band because of their parents. Once they started playing, I noticed that many couples began singing and dancing together, which filled me with joy. While we were in the pit taking photos of the bands I turned around and saw a ton of green balloons being bounced around on top of the fans. Monster Energy had a bunch of balloons at their stand and threw them onto the crowd. They even had “Rock On” hands and I saw a little boy holding them throwing his hands up inside the balloons showing how much of a good time he was having to each set.
Puddle Of Mudd is an American post-grunge band formed in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1991. The band has sold over seven million albums to date and has been nominated for, and won, several awards for "Song Of The Year," "Best Album," and "Favorite Pop/Rock Album." After numerous lineup changes, the band's current lineup consists of Wes Scantlin, Josh Gilbert, Michael Anthony Grajewski, and Marc Slutsky. During a recent performance, Puddle of Mudd received a warm reception from the fans. Lead singer Wes Scantlin made a grand entrance onto the stage dressed as an old man, creating an element of surprise for the audience. The crowd's energy reached new heights when he revealed his true identity. The band played from 7:30 to 9:00 PM, treating the audience to a mix of older and newer songs, including classics like "She Hates Me" and "Blurry.". Wes also made a lighthearted joke while tuning his guitar, pretending they were about to play a new song called "Pitchin’ a Fit," even though the song was released back in 2009.
Who else is ready for K-Rockathon 2025? I can't wait to see who will be performing next year. Stay updated on the latest music events and concerts by following Concerthopper on Instagram and Facebook. Join our community today to make sure you never miss out on the most popular music experiences. Immerse yourself in the heart of the action and be a part of unforgettable music moments with Concerthopper!
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