#Teresa de Jesus
cruger2984 · 11 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT TERESA OF ÁVILA The First Female Doctor of the Church Feast Day: October 15
"Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, though all things pass, God does not change. Patience wins all things. But he lacks nothing who possesses God; for God alone suffices."
A Carmelite nun, the prominent mystic, religious reformer, author, theologian of the comtemplative life and of mental prayer, and the founder of the Discalced Carmelites, was born Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada, on March 28, 1515 in Ávila (modern-day Spain). Her paternal grandfather, Juan Sánchez de Toledo, was a marrano or converso, a Jew forced to convert to Christianity or emigrate.
When Teresa's father was a child, Juan was condemned by the Spanish Inquisition for allegedly returning to the Jewish faith, but he was later able to assume a Catholic identity. Alonso Sánchez de Cepeda, Teresa's father, was a successful wool merchant and one of the wealthiest men in Ávila. He bought a knighthood and assimilated successfully into Christian society. Alonso previously married to Catalina, with whom he had three children, and in 1509 in Gotarrendura, he married in to a woman named Beatriz de Ahumada y Cuevas.
She brought her up as a dedicated Christian. Fascinated by accounts of the lives of the saints, she ran away from home at age seven, with her brother Rodrigo, to seek martyrdom in the fight against the Moors. Her uncle brought them home, when he spotted them just outside the town walls. From an early age, she was much impressed by the thought of eternity, and developed a strong desire to consecrate her life to the Lord.
When her mother died, Teresa (now 11 years old) went before the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and implored with tears: 'From now on, you shall be my mother.'
At 20, much to the disappointment of her pious and austere father, she decided to enter the local easy-going Carmelite convent of the Incarnation, significantly built on top of land that had been used previously as a burial ground for Jews, but was scandalized by the relaxation of religious life. Visitors of all kinds were freely received, personal prayer, and meditation were neglected, and many members were idle and carefree. Nevertheless, she preserved in her vocation.
Notwithstanding the resistance of many ecclesiastics, in 1562, she founded at Ávila the Discalced Carmelites, whose members were committed to strict discipline and almost perpetual silence. They wore sandals instead of shoes as a sign of austerity and poverty. Six years later, together with John of the Cross, Teresa founded the Discalced Carmelite Friars in Duruelo. Intelligence was considered an essential requisite for the reformed nuns.
As Teresa said: 'A person can train herself to piety, but more hardly to intelligence. An Intelligent mind is simple and submissive.'
Teresa enjoyed mystical revelations, and wrote many books filled with sublime doctrine. Teresa died in Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, on October 4, 1582, just as Catholic Europe was making the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. She was 67.
Her last words were: 'My Lord, it is time to move on. Well then, may your will be done. O my Lord and my Spouse, the hour that I have longed for has come. It is time to meet one another.'
Beatified by Pope Paul V on April 24, 1614 and canonized a saint by Pope Gregory XV on March 12, 1622, her major shrine can be found at the Convent of the Annunciation in Alba de Tormes.
The Cortes Generales exalted her to patroness of Spain in 1627. The University of Salamanca had granted her the title 'Doctor ecclesiae' (Doctor of the Church) with a diploma in her lifetime, but that title is distinct from the papal honour of Doctor of the Church, which is always conferred posthumously. The latter was finally bestowed upon her by Pope Paul VI on September 27, 1970, along with Catherine of Siena, making them the first women to be awarded the distinction.
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monitafumona · 3 months
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mostlybrunettes · 1 month
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todademariablog · 2 months
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Pt: Neste dia 12 de julho, a Igreja celebra São Luís Martin e Santa Zélia Guérin, pais de Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus. Eles foram o primeiro casal a ser canonizado em uma mesma cerimônia na história da Igreja.
En: On this July 12th, the Church celebrates Saints Louis Martin and Zélie Guérin, parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. They were the first couple to be canonized in the same ceremony in the history of the Church.
Es: En este 12 de julio, la Iglesia celebra a San Luis Martin y Santa Celia Guérin, padres de Santa Teresa de Lisieux. Ellos fueron la primera pareja en ser canonizada en una misma ceremonia en la historia de la Iglesia.
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mireoceu · 1 year
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cyborgghost · 6 months
DEP Santa Teresa de Jesus, te hubiera encantando Utena
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cristinabcn · 7 months
"La lengua en pedazos" de Teresa de Jesús
“The tongue in pieces” by Teresa de Jesús TERESA FERNANDEZ H. Periodista Escritora, PRENSA ESPECIALIZADA El Teatro del Barrio, centro cultural ubicado en el de Lavapies de Madrid, es conocido y reconocido por su compromiso con los temas sociales.  Considerado como un espacio de reflexión y transformación social, sus producciones teatrales están orientadas a crear una experiencia cultural…
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lord-here-i-am · 2 years
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Hl. Teresa Margareta vom Heiligsten Herzen
Nonne, Mystikerin * 15. Juli 1747 in Arezzo in Italien † 7. März 1770 in Florenz in Italien
Die Novizinnen wurden gewöhnlich mit Hausarbeiten beschäftigt, doch Teresa Margareta, so ihr Ordensname, widmete sich in ihrer freien Zeit zudem der Krankenpflege. Von den 13 Professen waren neun schon im fortgeschrittenen Alter, entsprechend häufig krank und zum Teil auch pflegebedürftig, und Teresa Margareta setzte ihre ganze Kraft für diese Aufgabe ein, die sie voll übernahm, nachdem sie 1766 ihre feierliche Profess abgelegt hatte. Als einzige war sie fähig, mit einer tauben Mitschwester zu kommunizieren, oft wusste sie auf wunderbare Weise, wenn nachts jemand sie brauchte, und war zur Stelle, und manche Schwester fand sich durch Teresa Margaretas liebende Pflege rasch geheilt. Dabei schonte sie sich nicht, schlief auf dem Boden und praktizierte vielerlei Bußübungen, um sich mit dem Leiden Christi zu vereinen. Ihr Motiv war, wie schon von Kindheit an, auf die überwältigende Liebe Gottes mit Liebe in allem Tun zu antworten; in allem fragte sie sich, ob sie darin Gott liebte. Daraus entsprang auch ihre hingebende Liebe zu den Menschen, besonders zu den Kranken. Manchmal war sie so überwältigt von einer mystischen Erfahrung der Liebe Gottes, dass ihre Mitschwestern eine innere "Abwesenheit" bemerkten. Doch auch spirituelle Prüfungen bleiben ihr nicht erspart. Immer mehr beunruhigte sie sich darüber, Gott nicht adäquat lieben zu können, ja, sie fand, sie liebe überhaupt nicht, sei innerlich kalt, obwohl sie doch vor Liebe zu brennen wünschte. "Je mehr sie liebte, desto mehr war diese Liebe ihrer eigenen Seele verborgen, sie liebte und glaubte, sie liebte nicht," schrieb ihr Beichtvater später. Sie war eine Frau von außerordentlicher Stärke, die das, was sie einmal erkannt hatte, kompromisslos und konsequent verfolgte, ohne menschliche Anerkennung und irdischen Lohn zu suchen. Sie lebte in Vollkommenheit das Doppelgebot der Liebe.
Am 4. März 1770 bat Teresa Margareta ihren Beichtvater, eine Generalbeichte ablegen und die hl. Kommunion empfangen zu dürfen, als sei sie die letzte ihres Lebens. Sie war zu diesem Zeitpunkt außerordentlich gesund und kräftig, und doch scheint sie eine Vorahnung ihres Todes gehabt zu haben. Am 6. März brach sie mit Bauchkrämpfen zusammen, aber man nahm anfangs die Symptome nicht ernst und schickte erst nach einem Priester, als es schon zu spät war. Teresa Margareta starb still, ohne Klage, das Kruzifix an ihre Lippen gepresst, die Augen dem Allerheiligsten zugewandt. Sie war 22 Jahre alt. Kurz nach ihrem Tod waren Gesicht und Körper schrecklich verändert, die Verwesung schien rasch eingesetzt zu haben, sodass man die Beerdigung so schnell wie möglich vornehmen wollte. Doch schon am übernächsten Tag schwanden die Todeszeichen, der Körper gewann seine natürliche Farbe wieder, schließlich lag Teresa Margareta da wie schlafend, ganz so, wie man sie gekannt hatte. Auch ging ein feiner Duft von ihr aus. So ließ Gott die Heiligkeit diesere jungen Frau, die doch im Verborgenen heilig sein wollte, öffentlich aufscheinen. Bald wurde von Wundern durch ihre Anrufung berichtet. Seit 1805 ruht ihr unverwester Leib im Chorraum des Karmel von Florenz.    
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larissagaleno · 2 years
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El Defensor del Pueblo expresa su preocupación sobre la sustración de menores, demoras en los juzgados, situación de equipos psicosociales y la falta de especialización de juzgados en temas de familia
El Defensor del Pueblo expresa su preocupación sobre la sustración de menores, demoras en los juzgados, situación de equipos psicosociales y la falta de especialización de juzgados en temas de familia
En la ultima carta recibida por nuestro presidente Jesus Ayala Carcedo el defensor de el pueblo expresa su preocupación por: las demoras en los juzgados la situación de los equipos psicosociales la falta de especialización de la Justicia en asuntos tan delicados para los ciudadanos como las custodias de niños la sustracción de menores E incluso en año en el año 2020, se encargó a la…
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eternal-echoes · 9 months
Thoughts on how misogynistic catholicism is?
I'm not going to deny that there are definitely guys within the Catholic Church that hide their misogyny in the guise of "traditionalism." It's the result of the Fall and Original Sin; pride made them that way.
But the teachings of the Catholic Church, especially in banning pornography, elevates the status of women compare to the secular world. She's not just an object to be used for pleasure; she deserves to be respected because she's made in the image and likeness of God.
Men who calls them Catholic but fail to uphold this teaching by watching porn in close doors are not authentic Catholic.
The Catholic Church lists a bunch of female saints that the faithful can ask intercessory prayers from to help them live holy lives:
St. Joan of Arc
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Therese de Lisieux
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Mary of Magdalene
That's all the saints that I can think of on the top of my head.
Also, we Catholics venerate the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary as the mother of God. We don't dismiss her role in salvation history by giving birth to Jesus Christ the Redeemer like other Christian sects do.
So no, the Catholic Church is not misogynistic.
If you have more specific questions, anon, feel free to ask.
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cine-poeme · 1 year
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“Teresa de Jesus”
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bizarreauhavre · 8 months
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José Garcia Hidalgo, levitation of St. Teresa of jesus and St. John of the cross at the convento de la encarnacion, late 17th century.
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wendellcapili · 2 months
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Former UP Professor of English and Comparative Literature Josefina Dionisio (JD) Constantino (28 March 1920-19 July 2024), known to many as Sr. Teresa Joseph Patrick of Jesus & Mary, OCD, passed away at 4:00 am, on 19 July 2024. She was 104. Sister Teresa is a UP College of Education and Columbia University (English and Comparative Literature) alumna. She was a student of pioneering fictionist and creative writing teacher Paz Marquez Benitez at UP and Pulitzer-winning poet and critic Mark Van Doren at Columbia. Later, she held grants and fellowships at Edinburgh, MIT, and Michigan. In UP, she was Secretary of the University and the Board of Regents under President Vidal Arceo Tan (1951-1955). With Leticia Ramos-Shahani, she developed UP's Comparative Literature program, the only one of its kind in Southeast Asia. Her students include National Artists Amelia Lapeña Bonifacio & Gemino H. Abad, poet Virginia Moreno, Social Weather Stations President Mahar Lagmay, market research pioneer Mercy Abad, Inquirer columnist Belinda Olivarez Cunanan, and former Malacañang Press Secretary and Manila Bulletin Editor-in-Chief Crispulo Icban. She is widely remembered for her critiques on National Artist for Literature Nick Joaquin: “The Woman Who Had Two Navels” (review), published in Philippine Studies [vol. 9 no. 4 (1961): 639–650], and “Illusion and Reality in Nick Joaquin,” in Philippine fiction: essays from Philippine studies, 1953-1972 [ ed. Joseph A. Galdón S.J., Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1972: 13-24]. Her other works include The Asian Religious Sensibility and Christian (Carmelite) Spirituality, The Folly is the Glory of the Cross (UP Press, 2010), and Five Letters to St. Teresa (2011). During its formative years, she was a judge for the annual Carlos Palanca Awards for Literature. Before joining the Carmelites, she became an executive of the Development Bank of the Philippines and a Manila Chronicle columnist. Before she passed, she donated her books and archival materials to Ateneo Library of Women's Writings (ALiWW), Old Rizal Library, at the Ateneo de Manila University. 📷 Jesus and Mary of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCD), Carmel of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Gilmore, Quezon City https://lnkd.in/gb2zpGYA
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mireoceu · 4 months
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Meu espelho já de ser Maria. Visto que sou sua filha devo parece-me com ela e assim parecerei com Jesus.
Santa Teresa de Los Andes
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anastpaul · 11 months
The 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Virgen de los Remedios / Virgin of the Remedies, Spain (12th Century), St Teresa of Jesus of Avila and all the Saints for 15 October
The 20th Sunday after Pentecost Virgen de los Remedios / Virgin of the Remedies, Rubite, Granada, Spain (12th Century) – 15 October:HERE:https://anastpaul.com/2021/10/15/virgen-de-los-remedios-virgin-of-the-remedies-rubite-granada-spain-12th-century-and-memorials-of-the-saints-15-october/ St Teresa of Jesus of Avila OCD (1515-1582) Virgin, Doctor of the Church Biography…
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