himbotanicals · 2 years
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Haritaki (Terminlaia Chebula) fruit is the king of medicines which has numerous health benefits like to remove acne & ulcer, fight with skin allergy, prevent diabetes, immunity boosting, to preventing cough and cold, to fulfill oxygen in the body, reduce the constipation issue and many more… How to USE: Put several fruit in a wide-top bottle. Fill with water (10 fruit per gallon). Carry this as your personal water bottle. Drink and refill water all day. Repeat for many days until the water is clear. Once the fruit expands and becomes soft (as soon as 3 days), eat at least one fruit a day with the water. Heat water and drink as you would green tea. Crush fruit to mix in juice or smoothie. . . For wholesale/Retail order: [email protected] Telephone/WhatsApp: +977 980 180 4974 . . #terminalia #chebula #phyllanthus #india #health #emblica #terminaliachebula #herbsnepal #haritaki #haritakipowder #haritakifruits #ayurvedic #harrad #himalayanbotanicals #herbs #spices (at Kathmandu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjFvUEokxg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ready to experience the benefits of natural medicine? 🍃 Kadukkai (Terminalia Chebula) has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments, from digestive issues to skin problems. Make Kadukkai Powder (Terminalia Chebula) a part of your daily wellness routine! Make the Organic Switch and Boost your Health! Think Organic - Think Uyir! Shop at your nearest Stores in Erode, Coimbatore, Chennai, Madurai, Avinashi, Tiruppur, Salem, Gobi, Karur & Namakkal.
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aliamehra · 2 years
Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule Maintains healthy body weight
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Also known as
weight manager weight loss capsule obesity medicine weight reducing medicine
250 (gms)
6 (cm) x 6 (cm) x 8 (cm)
Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
About Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule is an ayurvedic medicine for weight management and doesn’t require any introduction in the market. The medicine is already an established name for providing the most soothing and safe option for helping with effective weight management. It assists in maintaining healthy body weight and living happily and actively with the help of this medicine that is purely made with natural herbs.
Ingredients of Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
Acacia Catechu
Matricaria chamomilla
Acacia Arabica Wild
Coleus Aromaticus
Piper longum
Uses/Benefits of Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
Aids in weight management
Made of beneficial, natural herbs
Doesn't have any side effects.
Possible Side-Effects of Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
No side effects as such have been reported but in case you notice any, discontinue the use immediately and consult your physician.
How to use/Dosage of Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
As mentioned on the product or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Precautions to be taken while using Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
Read the directions carefully while using the product
Store in a cool, dry, and dark place away from moisture and direct sunlight
Keep it somewhere out of the reach of children and pets.
Additional Information regarding Hashmi Slim Xl Capsule
Results may vary with the lifestyle and diet adopted
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Pregnant & lactating women should consult their doctor before taking any medication or health supplement
Depending upon the lighting and screen resolution, the colour of the product may slightly vary.
Terms and Conditions
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.
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Kara Halile
Kara Halile
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#Ayurveda, #Diyabet, #Diyet, #KaraHalile, #TerminaliaChebula, #Zayıflama https://is.gd/FMEMJZ https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/bitkiler/kara-halile/
Kara halile her dem yeşil bir ağaçtır, 30 m.ye kadar uzayabilir. Gövde kalınlığı 1 m.yi bulabilir. Meyvesi 2-4.5cm uzunluğunda, 1.2-2.5 cm genişliğinde siyahımsı renkli ve üzeri boylamasına çizgiler şeklinde girintilidir. Ayuverda tıbbında en sık kullanılan bitkilerdendir.
Meyvesi hafif laksatif, midevi, tonik, adaptojen, karaciğer koruyucu, ateş düşürücü, spazm çözücü, ekspektoran, anti-astım, virüs öldürücü ve hipoglisemiktir.
Göz rahatsızlıklarında, hemoroit, diş çürükleri ve diş eti kanamaları, ağız içindeki yaralarda kullanılmaktadır. Yüzeysel kullanımının anti inflamatuvar, ağrı kesici, ve yara iyileştirici olduğu bilinmektedir. Demlenmesiyle elde edilen sıvı cerrahi sonrası yaraların daha kısa sürede kapanması amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Bu sıvı aynı zamanda basur tedavisinde lokal olarak, diş eti hastalıklarında ve ağız içi yaralarda gargara şeklinde kullanılmaktadır.
İştah açar, sindirimi kolaylaştırır, karaciğeri uyarır, sindirim sistemini hızlandırır, mideyi korur ve hafif laksatiftir. Geçmeyen ishallerde kara halile tozu veya haşlanmış hali kullanılabilir. Dışkıda kan görülmesi durumunda da kullanılmaktadır. Sinamekiden daha hafif etkilere sahip bir barsak temizleyicidir.
Gaz şikayeti olanlar tarafından günlük olarak kullanılabilir. Sinir sistemin ve sinirleri destekleyicidir. Beş duyunun algılama düzeyini geliştirir. Kanama önleyici etkisi damar büzme özelliğinden gelir. Ödem çözücü olarak kullanılır. Kronik öksürük, boğaz yanması ve astımda kullanılmaktadır. Bu amaçlar için genelde diğer bitkilerle karışımları kullanılır.
Uterusun (rahim) atonisinde kullanılır.
Vajinal akıntılarda kullanılır.
Böbrek taşı, ağrılı idrar yapma ve idrar yapma zorluğunda faydalıdır.
Ürtiker ve eritamatöz deri hastalıklarında kullanılmaktadır.
Kilo alma probleminde ve zayıflamada fayda sağladığı bilinmektedir.
Uzun süreli ateşte destekleyicidir.
Vücuttan toksinlerin atılmasına destek verdiği için adaptojen bir bitki olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Özellikle yağlı ve ağır yemeklerden sonra alınması kişiyi ve sindirimi rahatlatır. Sürekli çok yiyenler için yardımcı bir bitkidir.Antibakteriyel, antifungal ve antiviral etkinliklerini gösteren bilimsel çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Yerli tarihi kaynaklar uzun süreli kullanım için kara halilenin balla birlikte alınmasını önermektedirler.
Kara Halile bitkisinin uzun süreli kullanımının güvenliği hakkında yeterli bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bununla birlikte karahalilenin kan şekeri değerlerini düşürücü etkisi bulunmaktadır. Kan şekeri düşürücü ilaçlarla birlikte kullanıldığında kan şekerinin aşırı düşmesine neden olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Diyabet hastaları kara halileyi kan şekerini düşürücü ilaçlarla birlikte kullanmadan önce doktora danışmaları gerekmektedir.
Kara halile, hamile ve emziren kadınlar, çocuklar, kronik sağlık sorunları olan kişiler ve düzenli ilaç kullananlar tarafından bir uzmana danışılmadan kullanılmamalıdır.
”Buradaki bilgiler sadece bilgi amaçlıdır. Kullanmadan önce doktorunuza danışınız.”
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aajkaakhbaar · 2 years
Terminalia Chebula benefits
Terminalia Chebula, commonly known as chebulic myrobalan, is a tropical and sub-tropical plant that belongs to the family of Combretaceae. The plant has been used in traditional medicine for ages. The bark contains phytoconstituents such as gallic acid derivatives, tannins, flavonoids, quercetin and ellagic acid derivatives which are believed to be responsible for its therapeutic properties. Some Terminalia Chebula benefits include its ability to improve digestion by reducing excess gas production in the stomach and intestines.
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newswave-kota · 4 years
कोरोना वायरस के उपचार में संभावित विकल्प हैं चाय और हरड़
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IIT दिल्ली के शोधकर्ताओं ने चाय और हरितकी में ऐसे तत्व का पता लगाया है जिससे वायरस को बढ़ने से रोका जा सकता है उमाशंकर मिश्र न्यूजवेव @ नई दिल्ली दुनिया भर के वैज्ञानिक कोविड-19 से लड़ने के लिए वैक्सीन और दवाओं के विकास पर काम कर रहे हैं। इस दिशा में IIT दिल्ली के शोधकर्ताओं ने चाय (Camellia sinensis) और हरितकी (Terminalia chebula) में ऐसे तत्व का पता लगाया है, जिसके बारे में दावा है कि यह कोविड-19 के उपचार में संभावित विकल्प हो सकता है।
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Research Team member इस अध्ययन का नेतृत्व कर रहे IIT दिल्ली के कुसुमा स्कूल ऑफ बायोलॉजिकल साइंसेज  के शोधकर्ता प्रो.अशोक कुमार पटेल ने बताया कि “हमने प्रयोगशाला में वायरस के एक मुख्य प्रोटीन 3 सीएल-प्रो प्रोटीएज को क्लोन किया है और उसकी गतिविधियों का परीक्षण किया है। इस अध्ययन के दौरान वायरस प्रोटीन पर कुल 51 औषधी पौधों का परीक्षण किया गया है। इन विट्रो परीक्षण में हमने पाया कि ब्लैक-टी, ग्रीन-टी और हरितकी इस वायरस के मुख्य प्रोटीन की गतिविधि को बाधित कर सकते हैं।” चाय (Camellia sinensis) महत्‍वपूर्ण बागान फसल है। इसके एक ही पौधे से ग्रीन-टी और ब्लैक-टी मिलती है। इसी तरह, हरितकी, जिसे हरड़ भी कहते हैं, को एक प्रमुख आयुर्वेदिक औषधि के रूप में जाना जाता है। क्लिनिकल ट्रायल की जरूरत
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प्रो.पटेल ने बताया कि “विस्तृत आणविक तंत्र की पड़ताल के लिए टीम ने चाय और हरितकी के सक्रिय तत्वों की जाँच शुरू की तो पाया कि गैलोटेनिन (Gallotannin) नामक अणु वायरस के मुख्य प्रोटीन की गतिविधि को नियंत्रित करने में प्रभावी हो सकता है। ब्लैक-टी, ग्रीन-टी या फिर हरितकी भविष्य में कोरोना वायरस के लिए संभावित उपचार विकसित करने में प्रभावी हो सकते हैं। परंतु, इसके लिए क्लिनिकल ट्रायल की जरूरत होगी।” शोधकर्ताओं का कहना है कि वायरस का 3 सीएल-प्रो प्रोटीएज वायरल पॉली प्रोटीन के प्रसंस्करण के लिए आवश्यक है। इसलिए, यह वायरस को लक्षित करने वाली दवाओं के विकास के लिए एक दिलचस्प आधार के रूप में उभरा है। उनका मानना है कि इस प्रोटीन को लक्ष्य बनाकर वायरस को बढ़ने से रोका जा सकता है। प्रयोगशाला में किए गए इस शोध के बाद चाय और हरितकी को कोविड-19 संक्रमण रोकने में संभावित उपचार के रूप में देखा जा रहा है। हालाँकि, अध्ययनकर्ताओं का कहना यह भी है कि इस शोध के नतीजों की वैधता का परीक्षण जैविक रूप से किया जा सकता है। इस अध्ययन के नतीजे शोध पत्रिका फाइटोथेरैपी रिसर्च में प्रकाशित किए गए हैं। शोधकर्ता टीम में प्रो. पटेल के अलावा आईआईटी दिल्ली के सौरभ उपाध्याय, प्रवीण कुमार त्रिपाठी, डॉ शिव राघवेंद्र, मोहित भारद्वाज और मोरारजी देसाई राष्ट्रीय योग संस्थान, नई दिल्ली की शोधकर्ता डॉ मंजू सिंह शामिल हैं। (इंडिया साइंस वायर) Read the full article
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my-amid · 4 years
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Terminalia Chebula (Hareer Sabz) is a famous herb which is used in many medicines for treatment of several diseases. It is found in south Asia regions. Terminalia Chebula is the best cure for skin infections,ulcers and pyorrhea.
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diatbot · 4 years
Ayurveda for Weight Loss: The Traditional Medicine
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Ayurveda for weight reduction is a convention in the Indian subcontinent, each family knows and uses a few ayurvedic solutions for losing abundance fat. In the ongoing years the western world additionally has gotten mindful of how viable ayurveda for weight reduction. Ayurveda isn't only an arrangement of medication, it's a lifestyle in the Indian subcontinent. It simply doesn't recommend meds for rewarding different illnesses, it likewise advises how to lead a sound way of life, what to eat and what not to eat and so forth.
Family ayurvedic cures
Individuals utilize a few family unit remedies,passed on by one age to the following, to dispose of abundance fat that have been discovered viable and cause no wellbeing dangers. These cures are modest and can be arranged and utilized helpfully as the fixings are articles of regular utilize and promptly accessible.
A portion of these cures are:
Lemon squeeze and nectar:
Blend of four tablespoon lemon juice and one tablespoon nectar, with or without a little amount of dark pepper, taken consistently on void stomach with warm water encourages you get in shape. It has no symptoms.
Pepper and Ginger:
Blend of powdered long pepper, dark pepper and dried ginger root in equivalent amounts taken with tepid water two times per day is compelling in weight reduction.
Mint and nectar:
Blend of nectar and dark pepper taken with cooled bubbled mint water is likewise considered to assist you with losing fat.
Cabbage is successful in consuming muscle versus fat. It very well may be taken in any structure, crude, bubbled or cooked. Utilization of one bowl of cabbage ordinary lessens weight.
Herbs for rewarding corpulence:
In any case, ayurveda for weight reduction isn't just about home cures, old ayurvedic sacred writings like Charaksamhita and Shushrutasamhita have portrayed a few herbs for rewarding stoutness, which have been utilized with extraordinary impact by the experts of this arrangement of medication best green tea for detox and weight loss.
Nagarmotha (CyperusRotundus):
Nagarmotha is an extremely well known and powerful herb found and known by various names everywhere throughout the Indian subcontinent. It's viewed as the best common ama-pachak, or the restorative and remover of endo-poisons. It has a Lipolytic activity to activate fats from the Adipose tissues, therefore diminishing weight.
Kali Mirchi (Piper Nigrum):
Kali Mirchi, or dark pepper, is so viable and normal, it's found in kitchens the world over. It's carminative, energizer, stomach related, diuretic, fragrant, tonic, and against coagulating agent.It is a decent resolvent and helps estranging fat from the body.
Triphala, actually meaning blend of three unique organic products in Sanskrit, is respected exceptionally. It's a blend of TerminaliaChebula, TerminaliaBellirica, and PhyllanthusEmbelica. It's unmistakably consumed by the body to search out and obliterate the unsafe free radicals and poisons that cause various issues. It's considered the gentlest, yet best purgative. It is wealthy in cell reinforcements that help digestion and accelerate fat consuming.
A few different herbs like Baibidang and Tagaretc have likewise been portrayed by the antiquated sacred writings as compelling in rewarding stoutness.
Corpulence may cause a few hazardous and crippling ailments, yet the current demanding way of life doesn't frequently permit sufficient opportunity to go through hours practicing in a rec center or running on forlorn streets. Experience has demonstrated that weight reduction pills accomplish more damage than anything else, so it's ideal on the off chance that one can discover characteristic approaches to lose fat and remain fit as a fiddle.
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yuvikaherbs · 4 years
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Gudbach Powder | Gurbach - Acorus Calamus -
Gudbach Powder, Vacha, Acorus CalamusThe Sanskrit meaning of vacha is to make speech clear. It needs moist soil and grow by water margins. Vacha (Acorus Calamus) has been recognized in the Pharmacopoeia of Austria, Germany, Holland, Hungry, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland. The medical recognition of this plant in these developed countries itself shows the medicinal significance of vacha.Skin care: Take the equal amount of powder of acorus calamus, symplocos racemosa and rice powder. Now pounded it with cow’s milk and apply on the pimples and acne. The regular application helps disappear in three days, if applied properly and religiously.Impotency: To enhance your sex life, take the equal proportions of Vacha, Withania Somnifera, Piper longum, Saussurea Lappa and Datura Seeds. Make a fine powder and sieve it. Now take 1 gm of it and mix with 10 gm of cow’s ghee and rub gently on the male genital organ daily. Continue for 21 to 41 days.Strengthens male organ: Take the equal portion of Acorus calam us, Sida cordifolia, Sida spinosa, Saussurea Auriculata, Scindapsus officinalis, Physalis Flexuosa and Neriumodorum. Make a fine powder of all these herbs and mix with butter. If a male organ is besmeared with this daily, a very thin one will attain the normal size.Improve mental performance: Take the 10 gram powder each of Vacha, Brahmi and Shankhapushpi. Mix and take 1 teaspoonful twice a day with water or honey. This is very effective formulation used in the management of mental disorders.Memory tonic: Take Vacha powder (1/2 teaspoon) and Brahmi powder (1/4 teaspoon). Mix and take it with butter and mishri and take it early in the morning. It sharpens memory, intellect and refreshes the mind.Piles: Take 10 gram each of Vacha root, Indian Hemp and ajwain. Make a fine powder of these and use as fumigation in painful condition of Piles.Loss of appetite: Take 10 gram each of Calamus root, Asafoetida, Aconitum Heterophyllum, Long pepper, Black pepper, Ginger, TerminaliaChebula and Saunchal Salt. Make a fine powder and mix them well all together. It can be used in case of loss of appetite, indigestion, etc.Urinary Stones: Take       Calamus rhizome (two ounce), Coriander(one ounce), piper nigrum (1 piece) and Water (1 pint). Boil it and reduce to 12 ounce of water. This is a decoction used for theailments of urinary stones. One ounce of this decoction is given to adults thrice a day and add one teaspoon full of sugar in case of children, twice or thrice a day. It should be continue till the symptoms subsidies.Calamus tea: Calamus rhizome (Small piece) and Water (2 cup ). Cut calamus rhizome into small pieces and allow to boil on mild heattill the water is reduced to half. Now, add milk and sugar. Now, the calamus tea is prepared.For abscess: To cure abscess, one should take mustard seed, terminaliachebula, asafetida, Vacha, moringaoleifera and calotropisprocera. After pounded with amla juice, besmear the affected part and bandagewith the silky cloth for some time. It will subside the swelling.
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adunatem · 4 years
🌿Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki)🌿
🌿Terminalia Chebula is widely used in the
traditional medicine to treat diseases like
⭕Diabetes etc.
#adunatem #terminaliachebula #haritaki #dementia #constipation #diabetes #herbs #ayurvedalifestyle
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NF Cure and Shilajit Capsules, Herbal Cure for Semen Leakage Treatment
Wet dreams are considered as one of the most common problems among men. Wet dreams lead to semen leakage which can be quite embarrassing for men and it can land you in quite strange circumstances. But men don’t need to worry. As wet dreams and semen leakage is 100% curable. There are many natural treatment for wet dreams available. Other than this herbal cure for semen leakage treatment are also available. You can also find some natural remedy for semen in urine. These are considered to be extremely helpful for men when they want to get rid of semen leakage and wet dreams. And rather than trusting on artificial available treatments herbal cure for semen leakage treatment are extremely trustworthy and safe to be used. Introduction There are many herbal cure for semen leakage treatment available. But one of the most natural treatment for wet dreams in exercise. Other than this you can also try meditation as natural remedy for semen in urine. Both exercises and meditations are used by men to get rid of wet dreams and semen leakage. But other than that you must try to find out the root cause of these wet dreams and semen leakage. Wet dreams can semen leakage can be attributed to a number of causes. Constant hand practice, too much of sexual thoughts, minor injury or accident during childhood which might have injured your lower reproductive organs can cause wet dreams or semen leakage among men. And thus men must find out some of the best natural treatment for wet dreams available in the market. One of the best and most popular natural remedy for semen in urine is NF Cure and Shilajit capsules. NF Cure and Shilajit Capsules – Introduction NF Cure and Shilajit Capsules are known to work in a scientific way and improve the performance of your lower reproductive organs. These capsules are known to strengthen and increase the power of tissues and muscles at your lower reproductive organ. NF Cure and Shilajit capsules are one of the most popular and trusted names among men and is considered as one of the safest herbal cure for semen leakage treatment. NF Cure and Shilajit Capsules – Key Ingredients Some of the major and key ingredients of NF cure and Shilajit capsules are - KavachBeej (MucunaPruriens), Ashwagandha (WithaniaSomnifera), SafedMusli (Asparagus Adscendens), ShudhShilajit(AsphaltumPunjabinum), Shatavari Asparagus (Racemosus), Kesar (Saffron), Atimukyak (DiospyrosEmbryopteris), Jaiphal (MyristicaFragrans), Swaran Bang, LauhBhasma (Ferrum), Pipal Piper (Longum), Long (CaryophyllusAromaticus), Purushratan (IonidiumSuffruticosum), Haritaki (TerminaliaChebula), Bhedani (CorchorusAcutagularis), KankajPhysalis (Alkekengi), Brahmdandi (TricholepsisClaberrima), Dridranga (ArgillaVitriolutum), Kshreerika (BambusaArundinacea). These ingredients are ayurvedic and 100% natural. The capsule is made up of rare blend of such potent ingredients. This is what makes the capsules one of the best male herbal pills available to treat impotency in the market.    
Read about Herbal Treatment for Too Much Precum. Also know Natural Wet Dream Remedies. Read about Natural Treatment to Stop Semen Discharge after Urination. 
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nolangirard-blog · 6 years
What is the Best Natural Dietary Supplement for Energy in Women?
A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes, hormonally, as well as, physically. Hence, she needs the best natural dietary supplement for energy. There are several over-the-counter pills available in the market, but a healthy diet can work wonders to re-energize a woman’s body. Vitamins are the main source of energy for the human body. Following are the list of vitamins required for proper functioning of the body: • Vitamin A- essential for vision, skeletal tissues and skin • Vitamin B1- essential for metabolism and energy production • Vitamin B2- essential for protection of body’s cells • Vitamin B3- lowers risk of heart problems • Vitamin B5- strengthens immunity and helps in production of hormones and energy • Vitamin B6- helps in production of myelin • Vitamin B7- essential for metabolism and healthy nails, skin and hair • Vitamin B9- essential for proper working of nervous system • Vitamin B12- produces healthy red blood cells and nerve cells • Vitamin C- essential for healthy growth and repair of tissues • Vitamin D- helps in calcium absorption and maintaining healthy bones • Vitamin E- boosts immunity by providing protection against free radicals • Vitamin K- helps in clotting of blood, and keeps the heart and bones strong • Choline- required for proper functioning of liver, muscles and nerves Deficiency of any of these vitamins can affect a woman’s health adversely. She may experience the following symptoms: • Fatigue • Numbness or tingling of the hands or feet • Headaches • Mouth ulcers • Greying of hair • Dandruff • Bumps at the back of the arms • Muscle aches and cramps • Night vision impairment • Memory loss If a woman faces these problems, she should immediately get medical advice. Although, the best option would be to go for natural energy supplements for women, which do not have side effects and are free from chemicals. Together with herbal remedies, the best natural dietary supplement for energy also should be followed. Following is a list of the best natural dietary supplement for energy: • Caffeine • Guarana • Asian ginseng • Vitamin B12 • Iodine • Melatonin • Gingko biloba • Magnesium • Coenzyme Q10 Apart from following the best dietary supplement for energy, one can also use natural energy supplements for women, such as Vital-G 30. These are herbal female vitality pills. The powerful herbs it contains, like zingiber, onosmabracteatum, asphaltumpuniabiunum, Ferrum, saffron, asparagus racemosus, asparagus adscendens, cryophallusaromaticus, aril myristicafragrans, balsamonderdronMukul, cinnamon cassia, strychnosnux-vomica, asphaltumpuniabiunum and terminaliachebula help in the following ways • Curbing free radicals • Increasing RBC count • Increasing stamina and vitality • Lowering toxic content in the body • Purifying blood • Improving mental health • Improving liver and kidney health • Improving immunity • Curing fatigue and weakness • Removing deficiencies • Regulating healthy metabolism and blood circulation • Ensuring proper excretion of body waste These herbal energy booster pills for women improve overall health and increase energy.    
Read about Herbal Female Vitality Supplements. Also know Natural Nutritional Dietary Supplements for Women. Read about Natural Energy Enhancer Booster Pills for Women.
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itsdralikawalworld · 7 years
Drinks for weight loss–Can honey and lemon water help. Ayurveda for weight reduction is a custom in the Indian subcontinent, each family knows and uses a few ayurvedic solutions for losing abundance fat. In the current years the western world additionally has turned out to be mindful of how successful ayurveda for weight reduction. Ayurveda is not only an arrangement of medication, it's a lifestyle in the Indian subcontinent. It simply doesn't endorse drugs for treating different maladies, it additionally advises how to lead a sound way of life, what to eat and what not to eat and so on. Image source: https://pixabay.com/ Music source: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music Family unit ayurvedic cures Individuals utilize a few family unit remedies,passed on by one era to the following, to dispose of abundance fat that have been discovered compelling and cause no wellbeing dangers. These cures are shabby and can be arranged and utilized advantageously as the fixings are articles of ordinary utilize and promptly accessible. Some of these cures are: Lemon squeeze and nectar: Blend of four tablespoon lemon juice and one tablespoon nectar, with or without a little amount of dark pepper, taken consistently on exhaust stomach with warm water encourages you get thinner. It has no symptoms. Pepper and Ginger: #Drinks for weight loss–Can honey and lemon water help #benefits of honey #benefits of honey and cinnamon #benefits of honey and lemon #benefits of honey for skin Blend of powdered long pepper, dark pepper and dried ginger root in break even with amounts brought with tepid water twice a day is viable in weight reduction. Mint and nectar: Blend of nectar and dark pepper brought with cooled bubbled mint water is likewise considered to enable you to lose fat. Cabbage: Cabbage is exceptionally powerful in consuming muscle to fat ratio ratios. It can be taken in any frame, crude, bubbled or cooked. Utilization of one bowl of cabbage ordinary decreases weight. Herbs for treating weight: Nonetheless, ayurveda for weight reduction is not just about home cures, antiquated ayurvedic sacred writings like Charaksamhita and Shushrutasamhita have depicted a few herbs for treating stoutness, which have been utilized with awesome impact by the professionals of this arrangement of medication. Nagarmotha (CyperusRotundus): Nagarmotha is an exceptionally prominent and successful herb found and known by various names everywhere throughout the Indian subcontinent. It's viewed as the best regular ama-pachak, or the remedial and remover of endo-poisons. It has a Lipolytic activity to prepare fats from the Adipose tissues, accordingly diminishing weight. Kali Mirchi (Piper Nigrum): Kali Mirchi, or dark pepper, is so successful and normal, it's found in kitchens the world over. It's carminative, stimulant, stomach related, diuretic, fragrant, tonic, and hostile to coagulating agent.It is a decent resolvent and helps estranging fat from the body. Triphala: Triphala, truly meaning blend of three unique organic products in Sanskrit, is respected exceptionally. It's a blend of TerminaliaChebula, TerminaliaBellirica, and PhyllanthusEmbelica. It's in a perfect world consumed by the body to search out and wreck the destructive free radicals and poisons that reason various issues. It's viewed as the gentlest, yet best diuretic. It is rich in cell reinforcements that lift digestion and accelerate fat consuming. A few different herbs like Baibidang and Tagaretc have additionally been depicted by the old sacred texts as viable in treating stoutness. Stoutness may cause a few hazardous and weakening illnesses, yet the cutting edge strenuous way of life doesn't regularly sufficiently enable time to invest hours practicing in a rec center or running on desolate streets. Experience has demonstrated that weight reduction pills accomplish more damage than great, so it's ideal on the off chance that one can discover common approaches to lose fat and remain fit as a fiddle. Ayurveda for Weight Loss [http://drtea.com/] is a simply common blend of herbs, the mystery of which lies in old Ayurveda. Dr Tea, a definitive Weight misfortune tea, accelerates the body's digestion and helps consume calories at a speedier rate.
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Kara Halile
Kara Halile
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#Ayurveda, #Diyabet, #Diyet, #KaraHalile, #TerminaliaChebula, #Zayıflama https://is.gd/FMEMJZ https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/bitkiler/kara-halile/
Kara halile her dem yeşil bir ağaçtır, 30 m.ye kadar uzayabilir. Gövde kalınlığı 1 m.yi bulabilir. Meyvesi 2-4.5cm uzunluğunda, 1.2-2.5 cm genişliğinde siyahımsı renkli ve üzeri boylamasına çizgiler şeklinde girintilidir. Ayuverda tıbbında en sık kullanılan bitkilerdendir.
Meyvesi hafif laksatif, midevi, tonik, adaptojen, karaciğer koruyucu, ateş düşürücü, spazm çözücü, ekspektoran, anti-astım, virüs öldürücü ve hipoglisemiktir.
Göz rahatsızlıklarında, hemoroit, diş çürükleri ve diş eti kanamaları, ağız içindeki yaralarda kullanılmaktadır. Yüzeysel kullanımının anti inflamatuvar, ağrı kesici, ve yara iyileştirici olduğu bilinmektedir. Demlenmesiyle elde edilen sıvı cerrahi sonrası yaraların daha kısa sürede kapanması amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Bu sıvı aynı zamanda basur tedavisinde lokal olarak, diş eti hastalıklarında ve ağız içi yaralarda gargara şeklinde kullanılmaktadır.
İştah açar, sindirimi kolaylaştırır, karaciğeri uyarır, sindirim sistemini hızlandırır, mideyi korur ve hafif laksatiftir. Geçmeyen ishallerde kara halile tozu veya haşlanmış hali kullanılabilir. Dışkıda kan görülmesi durumunda da kullanılmaktadır. Sinamekiden daha hafif etkilere sahip bir barsak temizleyicidir.
Gaz şikayeti olanlar tarafından günlük olarak kullanılabilir. Sinir sistemin ve sinirleri destekleyicidir. Beş duyunun algılama düzeyini geliştirir. Kanama önleyici etkisi damar büzme özelliğinden gelir. Ödem çözücü olarak kullanılır. Kronik öksürük, boğaz yanması ve astımda kullanılmaktadır. Bu amaçlar için genelde diğer bitkilerle karışımları kullanılır.
Uterusun (rahim) atonisinde kullanılır.
Vajinal akıntılarda kullanılır.
Böbrek taşı, ağrılı idrar yapma ve idrar yapma zorluğunda faydalıdır.
Ürtiker ve eritamatöz deri hastalıklarında kullanılmaktadır.
Kilo alma probleminde ve zayıflamada fayda sağladığı bilinmektedir.
Uzun süreli ateşte destekleyicidir.
Vücuttan toksinlerin atılmasına destek verdiği için adaptojen bir bitki olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Özellikle yağlı ve ağır yemeklerden sonra alınması kişiyi ve sindirimi rahatlatır. Sürekli çok yiyenler için yardımcı bir bitkidir.Antibakteriyel, antifungal ve antiviral etkinliklerini gösteren bilimsel çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Yerli tarihi kaynaklar uzun süreli kullanım için kara halilenin balla birlikte alınmasını önermektedirler.
Kara Halile bitkisinin uzun süreli kullanımının güvenliği hakkında yeterli bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bununla birlikte karahalilenin kan şekeri değerlerini düşürücü etkisi bulunmaktadır. Kan şekeri düşürücü ilaçlarla birlikte kullanıldığında kan şekerinin aşırı düşmesine neden olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Diyabet hastaları kara halileyi kan şekerini düşürücü ilaçlarla birlikte kullanmadan önce doktora danışmaları gerekmektedir.
Kara halile, hamile ve emziren kadınlar, çocuklar, kronik sağlık sorunları olan kişiler ve düzenli ilaç kullananlar tarafından bir uzmana danışılmadan kullanılmamalıdır.
”Buradaki bilgiler sadece bilgi amaçlıdır. Kullanmadan önce doktorunuza danışınız.”
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Best Natural Cure for Leaking of Semen in Urine Treatment
Semen leakage or sperm discharge is something which men usually suffer through. And men and boys both suffer from this issue and some men are extremely ashamed of the same. In worst cases some men also suffer from confidence issues because of this wet dreams and sperm leakage. But men need not worry. There are many natural treatments for leaking for semen in urine available in the market. Also, you will find many herbal pills for sperm leakage which are considered best natural cure for semen leakage. How to stop sperm discharge during urination is something which most of the men keep looking for. But you must understand that natural cures are one of the best and safest ways to cure semen leakage during urine. Introduction Semen leakage during urination is one of the major issues among men. It not only affects their personality but also contributes somewhat to their confidence also. Sperm discharge is extremely common among men and there are many natural treatment for leaking of semen in urine available in the ayurvedic medical history. Sperm discharge and semen leakage can cause exhaustion which can make you weak in the long run. Thus, you must search on how to stop sperm discharge during urination. Some of the best natural cure for semen leakage is exercises and meditation. There are many herbal pills for sperm leakage available in the market but NF cure and Shilajit capsules are considered to be one of the best natural treatment for leaking of semen in urine. Also, one of the best natural cure for semen leakage are NF cure and Shilajit capsules available in the market presently. NF Cure and Shilajit capsules NF Cure and Shilajit capsules are extremely popular among the audience because they are considered to be one of the best herbal pills for sperm leakage in the market. They are made for 100% natural and ayurvedic ingredients and that is the reason why it is considered as best natural cure for semen leakage. The ingredients of NF cure and Shilajit capsules are made from rare blend of ingredients. These capsules are known as one of the best herbal pills to treat impotency in the market. Also, these capsules are known to improve the blood circulation and tighten the muscles and tissues at the lower penile organs of your body. These capsules are known to overcome masturbation effects and thus help to get over lovemaking exhaustion in the long run. NF Cure and Shilajit capsules – Key Ingredients Some of the major ingredients of NF cure and Shilajit capsules KavachBeej (MucunaPruriens), Ashwagandha (WithaniaSomnifera), SafedMusli (Asparagus Adscendens), Shudh Shilajit (AsphaltumPunjabinum), Shatavari Asparagus (Racemosus), Kesar (Saffron), Atimukyak (DiospyrosEmbryopteris), Jaiphal (MyristicaFragrans), Swaran Bang, LauhBhasma (Ferrum), Pipal Piper (Longum), Long (CaryophyllusAromaticus), Purushratan (IonidiumSuffruticosum), Haritaki (TerminaliaChebula), Bhedani (CorchorusAcutagularis), KankajPhysalis (Alkekengi), Brahmdandi (TricholepsisClaberrima), Dridranga (ArgillaVitriolutum), Kshreerika (BambusaArundinacea).    
Read about Natural Treatment to Stop Semen Discharge with Urine. Also know Natural Treatment to Stop Sperm Discharge after Urination. Read about Natural Remedies for Nightfall Treatment.  
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