#Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
Honestly, the fact that terry Pratchett has experience around nuclear power makes so much sense once you realize what magic is standing as a metaphor for in the discworld. Like, look at this fucking quote from going postal:
"That's why [magic] was left to wizards, who knew how to handle it safely. Not doing any magic at all was the chief task of wizards—not "not doing magic" because they couldn't do magic, but not doing magic when they could do and didn't. Any ignorant fool can fail to turn someone else into a frog. You have to be clever to refrain from doing it when you knew how easy it was. There were places in the world commemorating those times when wizards hadn't been quite as clever as that, and on many of them the grass would never grow again."
Like... It feels incredibly obvious what he's talking about once you know the context.
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crustaceousfaggot · 7 months
Discworld is so delightful because you get lines like "When banks fail, it is seldom bankers who starve" except it's spoken by a 7 foot tall sentient clay statue named Pump 19 and directed to a man whose name is Moist von Lipwig
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brontesauruses · 7 months
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"People as things, that's where it starts."
Carpe Jugulum (Discworld #23) - Terry Pratchett
Going Postal (Discworld #32) - Terry Pratchett
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marciaillust · 3 days
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an Angel
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muppetebbtide · 7 months
discworld dashboard simulator
❓ ankhmorporkpolls
🧙🏻 blackalisstan
This is like that tsortian guy who had to pick between goddesses and started a war and then died. Or like paying the assassin's guild to kill you
🔪 treefroghousealumni follow
🧙🏻 blackalisstan
piss off you posh knob
🍴 priestessofanoia
tbf I don't think the watch is wasting its time on this blue hellsite so ur probably safe there. the POSTMASTER however...
#sometimes I think only bloody stupid johnson could have come up with this fucking site
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🪻watchofficial follow
🍴 priestessofanoia
nvm lmao 😭
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☕ klatchmeifyoucan follow
#ppl on here are actually sooooo ankh morpork centric it's insane #'EVERYONE knows webblethorpe the unconscious' who??? why the fuck should I??? #like HELLO there's other places on the disc? #and klatch is NICER like omg
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unseenuniconfessions reblogged:
🦧 unseenuniversitylibrary
100,034 notes
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Anonymous asked:
Is lord vetinari gay
🪄ramtopswitches answered:
Why would you ask us, a ramtops witches blog, this
50,432 notes
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🔮 uucompetitiveeatingchamp follow
CALLOUT: @ /spanglersal (deactivated)
• started a Kickstarter to crowdfund a click of Captain Vimes & Errol then disappeared with the money and has gone completely ghost on everyone
• apparently stole over 100k
• cringe
Read More
2000 notes
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Anonymous asked:
Blessings be upon this askbox
🌷queen-of-lancre answered:
I don't know if this is nanny pretending to be granny, or if it's actually granny, and I think I'm too scared to find out
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cmot-dibbler-enterprises sponsored
SAUSAGES INNA BUN ‼️‼️‼️‼️🌭🌭🌭🌭
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🏚️ throwingshades
Gonna go skating on the frozen river ankh!!
💀 nojusticejustus
🏚️ throwingshades
Thanks man!
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✉️ ampostofficeofficial follow
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🐸 bursaaaaaaaaar
is. is the post office posting crab rave bc reacher gilt just turned up dead
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🧳 agateantravels follow
The Crumley's Hogswatch grotto is being advertised again but somehow I just don't think they can top last year's... like idk where they got the budget from but the real pigs?? CRAZY. my little sister asked for a pony and there was just one in the house when we got back like?? My mum was PISSED but yes talk abt Hogswatch magic. Still wonder how they pulled it off
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💖 angelofmusic
It's literally SO unfunny to be making jokes about the Opera Ghost when you all KNOW I saw so many of my friends DIE last year??? I literally have so much PTSD from it... like it's so insensitive you're all actually the WORST
#vent #don't rb #some of you will say ANYTHING for a cheap laugh :(
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🐊 genuablogging
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “narrative causality” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw the Duc turn into a frog
My buddy Mrs Pleasant, pacing: Lilith de Tempscire is lying to us
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secondhand-sonder · 7 months
The back of Discworld novels: wowee terry's whipped another wacky and wild adventure for us this time! there's so many silly shenanigans and witty wordplay in this book that you're sure to have a hilarious time!
Discword novels: a cynical alcoholic navigating and overcoming the pointlessness of his job, a transparent metaphor for racism and gun violence in the police system and in general, an intelligent young girl overcoming the ideas she's been taught by her culture and the media she consumes, just an entire novel made of commentary on war and gender, using talking animals as a way to explore what defines personhood and contrasting stories vs reality, an ex-convict coming to terms with the damage he's caused and fighting monopolies that are trying to do the same thing,
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longearedhare · 2 months
It has been said before but it bears repeating: if you are struggling to divest yourself of the Harry Potter franchise, may I suggest getting into Discworld, not as a replacement but as an UPGRADE? Perks of Discworld include, but are not limited to:
-41 books (no, you don’t have to read them in any given order, most work as standalone although there are some that are arguably part of a series)
-specifically British charm
-magic (including different systems of magic and not just one poorly explained type)
-funny af
-author isn’t a transphobic POS
-golems (including an arguably transgender golem named Gladys)
-EXTREMELY expansive world building that takes place over a long time, covering different populations, the Industrial Revolution, magical AND non-magical groups, and even a whole section of “science” books which discuss the physics, biology, and so on
-well-written female characters
-nuanced moral messages
-death is a cat person
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dimity-lawn · 1 year
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tak-angina-jasne · 3 months
because i ve seen a lot of people talking about starting discworld
here they are
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quekerahkerah · 27 days
Me recommending Discworld books: So there's this guy called Moist von Lipwig, and he—yeah. Yeah, that's his real—yeah, no, I'm serious. So anyway, he—yes, L-I-P-W-I-G, that's right—no, shut up, listen, ok, it's actually really clever and thematic—
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leahaart · 6 months
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Moist ‘So Sharp You’ll Cut Yourself’ von Lipwig
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inquissien · 9 months
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Postman time
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ross-hollander · 1 year
Something about Pratchett villains.
There's a lot of Pratchett villains who share one common thread: they're unromantic. They rip the charm and soul out of things.
Reach's service sends messages 'as warm and human as a thrown knife'. He himself 'kills people by numbers'.
Teatime is literally trying to kill Santa.
The Magpyrs turn the Gothic-vampire-novel style of the Old Count into industrial blood-harvesting.
Similarly, Wolfgang exchanges the traditional Game for just straight up killing people, and seeks to implement a werefascist regime to boot.
The Auditors are, by definition, made of unromantic. They are objectively unromantic.
And I think the idea of ripping apart the whimsy of things ties back to the idea of believing the little lies to believe the big ones. If you can't see charm and warmth, the dreams and imagination, you'll fall into what STP says is the biggest sin of all: treating people like objects.
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marciaillust · 10 days
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the post office is open for business!!
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theygotlost · 11 months
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She's fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack! She's touring the facility and picking up slack!
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100-great-books · 11 days
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