#Terry and/or Claudia found rayla or her stuff
fritoley · 20 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x09 - Stardust
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“I called her my ‘unicorn’”
Okay why the FUCK are we starting with a villain backstory that I already know is gonna end horribly because he’s talking about his daughter in past tense
*mentally preparing*
*dEEp sigh*
*grabs tissues* Okay here we go
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“Her name was Leola”
ALSO leola’s last wish? The starr???
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Woah runaan what happened to you—
It’s like ttm when the other moonshadow elves were in their phantom forms attacking rayla
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Oh wait why aren’t tiadrin and lain like that—
Ooh maybe cuz runaan and the other elves had unfinished business maybe rayla’s parents were at peace when they died
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That is a BIG BOOK what—
I wonder what that book is and where it is now
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“There is proof. A witness… Anak Arao”
Are you telling me that a little child got arrested for breaking the flow of the universe because a fuckass dragon saw her FLOATING R O C K S in front of a human—
wait if leola gave PRIMAL magic to humans (cuz dark magic didn't exist at the time) is that why callum can do magic???
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“If you so choose, you may die alongside your daughter.”
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“It was rescued? By who?”
Bro she waited so long to say that lol—
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“We love you, Rayla.”
I’m glad she decided to let her parents go
That way they can stay together instead of ripping one of them from death and having them spend the rest of their life without the other
And it’s also like does she choose mom or dad yk this way she doesn’t have to make that choice
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“There’s nothing to fear. Close your eyes.”
OMG STOP this shit is wild
I feel so bad for aaravos this is not okay—
he was such a good father he's a completely different person now
istg the dad's in this show L O V E their daughters ugh
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Oh look the star on his chest is black and upside down now
So he became the “fallen star” because of Leola’s death
Nah that line official kicked off his villain arc that’s for sure
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The cheezy romance in this show is top tier ugh—
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“I’m your daughter.”
Yuhhh tiadrin and lain were together but ethari’s all alone he needs his husband back 😭
Runaan isn’t done with xadia he wasn’t supposed to die I bet that’s why he was that angry phantom thingy
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“He isn’t doing anything for love, he’s doing it for revenge.”
YES TERRY talk her down
Even thought aaravos has EVERY RIGHT to get revenge on those fuckers
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What’s up with the coin why’s callum examining it like that
“Is that…Katolis?”
OOP he found out—
welp time for the brothers to spiral together in to self-deprecation and blame—
Aaravos getting his anime-girl transformation
Omg he’s hERE aaahhhhhhhh
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Why’s he so HUGE now wtf—
He wasn’t that huge in the flashback—
Oooooohhhh my gosh—
Oooooomgggggggggggg the shock factor in this season was C R A Z Y. Aaravos is out and he’s ready to wreak havoc that is def gonna be interesting. I get the feeling Terry’s gonna join Team Zym because he’s not so invested in aaravos’s plans and whatnot and i think he’s gonna wanna try save claudia. Callum is gonna FLIP OUT when he finds out that aaravos is out and he took the candy to the starscraper that’s gonna be bad. And EZRAN TOOO we never see ezran so worked up like we did this season and i’m scared and a little curious to see how he’s gonna be now that katolis is pretty much destroyed. But hey only 3 months until s7 :P
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zmichelle1234 · 5 months
Which TDP characters would be the HTTYD gang’s favourites (in a universe where the HTTYD gang can access TDP for some reason) with little to no explanation
Hiccup- Callum and Ezran and Janai. He can relate to Ezran with the whole ruler thing as well as the connection to dragons, ending war and stuff. Like Ezran, he also typically prefers to deal with things without bloodshed. However, like Callum, he’s not opposed to the occasional murderous intent(I am using The Longest Day from RTTE as an example, like, exhaustion literally made Hiccup 10x more murderous). Like Callum, he dealt with being in a life he didn’t fit into and then when he found the thing that clicked with him, he became obsessed. I feel like he’d also like Janai a lot with the way she was handled in arc 2, plus the new ruler thing as well. Hiccup struggles in his role as Chief and it was never something he truly wanted but leading is something he is good at.
Astrid- Amaya. I feel like she can relate to her whole “doing things alone” thing she mentioned in The Great Bookery and she’d also admire her strength and intelligence.
Fishlegs- I feel like he’d have a hard time deciding but he’d adore a lot of the side characters like Kazi and Terry, Kazi for their love of books and Terry for his kindness.
Snotlout- Soren. They both want to make their fathers proud.
Ruffnut- Nyx. She’d find her witty humour entertaining.
Tuffnut- Villads. He’s funny and he has a pet bird. He also gives like the best advice.
Heather- Claudia. Vibes ig. Dark haired morally-grey girlies rise I suppose. She’d find her fascinating. They also both have that dedication to their fathers that often puts them into precarious situations.
Dagur- Rayla. I’m just thinking about what Dagur said about obsession and vengeance consuming you and then I’m thinking about Rayla leaving to hunt Viren. Plus he’d just be her biggest cheerleader.
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
ok here are my thoughts on the dragon prince season 4 episode 1:
So Claudia knew/talked to aaravos for 2 years?? oh no…
i LOVE the new intro
not the step mage
high mage callum! my baby…look at my baby using magic and being a good boy
sorvus??? i know what you are
also the animation when they were walking felt a bit off, like unfinished/unpolished? no?
ok. not just when they’re walking. it gives me r.w.b.y vibes…pls no
huh, the jokes really don’t land, like not a single one…
well maybe the “eating 3 people a day joke” i liked that one
zym is coming!!!!
“when i found your body…” Claudia, my sweetheart. GET AWAY FROM HER YOU MANIPULATIVE FUCK!
wow. the viren and claudia scenes are hitting so hard. (low-key they’re the only good scenes in the episode so far..)
not amaya beating up the dancers…girl
umm anyone else saw that callum was standing like vieren used to?? when he was talking to soren?
also, protective big brother callum. we love to see it
but that scene just showed how frustrated he fust feel, rayla left and he has no idea where she is, he still has to worry about claudia, and now his baby brother is king and in constant danger.
“for now”....oh, oh no.
I don’t like how obsessive Calum is getting with magic…
Callum defenestrating himself, see now that was funny.
“happy birthday big brother” 🥺
Viren looks so done…let this man die. i think he’d prefer it at this point
“trees to meet you” does that mean callum wasn’t talking out of his ass? OR that it was so funny that the earthblood elfs decided to use it as a joke but it caught on? 
“because of rayla”... I can’t do this anymore
“I don't even know if she’s alive” see this last scene is what i love about the dragon prince! please let the season be like that!
again, the comedy is eh, but sorvus in the background are really giving “boyfriends” 
this episode feels so disjointed, like, I like the claudia and vieren stuff, A LOT. but then we have “Callum's secret birthday party” and it feels like I’m watching two different shows.
I feel like this is why they released this episode a week before, so that people could watch this reintroduction to the world and the new status quo and then on the 3rd, jump straight into the actual plot. 
I’m sure this episode was fun for the people who didn’t read the extra content and had no idea rayla left, and why she left, and ep.1 had this air of mystery to it (it was destroyed by the bad jokes, but whatever)
and again the animation, it was weird. bc some scenes looked really pretty and exactly like the old style. but some…well, early rwby would be an insult, but it was off-putting. 
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raayllum · 2 years
Detective Rayla Theory
Otherwise known as: Why I think Rayla is Real in the Reunion Scene and Where I Think the Plot is Going, Subsequently. Discussion both for and against the Fake Rayla Theory here. Without further do, let’s get into it:
So I was having a good think on the bus today, turning it over and over in my head as to why Rayla would come back when she clearly hadn’t completed her mission - and trying to think up alternatives to 1) self worth development with Ethari in a flashback since that’d moot some of her natural S4 arc or 2) Aaravos somehow whipping up an illusion Viren for her to murder, as both seemed a bit more complicated than necessary. 
Which is to say: I think I’ve got it, and I think it explains more of the season this way, too. Basically: 
I think Rayla has come back to Katolis because the Dragon Queen, Zubeia, is there, and Rayla has information (based upon Claudia’s evil doings the past two years) that can’t wait to be shared, and she believes that the boys won’t get involved (because in her mind, why would they?)
Rayla has always been loyal to the Draconic royal family and would have been keeping an eye out for any dark magic-y stuff in Xadia because. I forget where it was said (an interview or AMA I believe) but Terry is more in tune with the minerals/earth side of Earthblood magic than flora or fauna, with possibly the ability to help make tunnels. We know he and Claudia have been running around Xadia collecting ingredients and doing dubious things to revive Viren. This means Rayla could’ve been somewhat tracking them, but ultimately foiled for obvious reasons, even if she could still find something clearly disturbing and worrying happening in the meantime. A trail of sorts.
There’s also the fact that with Zubeia is the only character we know of who’s 1) around prominently and 2) knows a shit ton about Aaravos. Avizandum is the one who imprisoned Aaravos in the first place (—3x06) and Zubeia would’ve seen the mirror in her lair every day for 300 years. Callum has no reason to think it was in the Dragon King and Queen’s chambers, but there’s a wealth of information at his finger tips if they can just make the connection.
But I’m getting ahead of myself: how and why does this relate to Rayla?
Well, mostly because of these three things: Rayla shows up in Katolis conveniently when the Dragon Queen and Zym are already there. While she wouldn’t want to drag the boys into everything, that’s also her queen and she wouldn’t keep information from Zubeia. And we know that the kids all end up in Xadia together, with Zubeia, later on in the season, and that the kids at are the Storm Spire before this too (since Callum already has Ibis’ staff).
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— so whatever is going on is big enough and involves Zubeia enough, somehow, to have her travel with the kids and at least partially come on their adventure with them. And I don’t think Zubeia can know ahead of time that as much trouble is brewing in Xadia as it is, since I don’t think she’d be popping over to Katolis if she knew shit was about go down back home (she’d already been absent for one traumatic event at the Spire of her husband’s death, she’s not going to take any chances of something like that happening again)
We also get these lines from Zubeia (which given she only has one line in the whole show, no wonder I couldn’t place at first) and from Rayla, which have to factor into the season somehow:
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which is all to say, I think Rayla, off sleuthing and doing detective work back in Xadia the past two years, has found something worrisome enough she has to tell the Dragon Queen right away, and has heard through the grapevine that Zubeia is in Katolis. Cue Rayla letting herself be indulgent (justify it to herself) to see the boys (and Callum) even though her mission isn’t over. To make sure he’s okay. Now that she’s reached what may be the final leg of her journey, she won’t be deterred by his presence — and she knows that the boys have been happy, busy, and safe in Katolis. Why would they get involved and leave now?
Only, the boys insist (or perhaps Zubeia asks), leaving Rayla to be upset and worried. This means she can go into full “protector” mode when they and Soren do accompany her and Zubeia back to Xadia / the Storm Spire, not realizing she’s just exacerbating her and Callum’s issues (i,e. “I don’t need to be protected” on his end and “Who’s protecting you?”). It also gives the group a reason to leave, a plot reason for her to come back so soon (just like Viren, her return is the plot catalyst) and to start hashing out the emotional consequences of her previous choices neither she nor Callum have fully dealt with.
Zubeia’s knowledge of Aaravos also gives Callum an opportunity to have room to mess with the mirror on his own before he fully knows what he’s dealing with. He (and the audience) can learn some of the reasons why and know enough that it would be a terrible awful thing for Aaravos to get out of his prison... because he’s getting out this season, and Callum likely has the Key.
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However if Rayla comes back to kick off the Plot with Big Important Things and she’s right about Viren being alive (even if it’s not the way she thought), that means all her TTM decisions have been validated... and we can’t have that. Her first fuckup, perhaps, may be thinking she can see the boys without dragging them into her business, bringing back those good ol’ “I failed” feelings. The second fuck up will probably have to be far greater and given that we know aged up, scarfed Callum finds her blade later on this season, it is probably that she has been captured and then will be used against / to bait her loved ones.
This means that the Plot reason behind Rayla’s absence is because her paranoia about Viren and Claudia is the only character incentive we had for anyone to catch on, of the main cast, to what they were / are doing. The main S4 synopsis makes it sound like they know that Claudia is trying to free Aaravos (or at least something terrible and scary) and that they have to try to stop it. We know that whatever gets the kids out of Katolis with the political unrest Ezran is facing is big enough that Zubeia comes along for the partial ride. Rayla coming back out of a sense of duty also answers 1) why come back here and now specifically when she couldn’t have completed her mission and 2) leaves her emotional issues open and ripe for the picking.
It also means that the Narrative Weight awarded to her absence, at least in the most straightforward way with the information we have now, is to accentuate Callum’s love for her, as he has the other half of their post-TTM arc. Prior to this point, one of his main motivations was that he couldn’t / refused to lose her, such as when he did dark magic in 2x07, much of S3, the main climax of Arc 1 with him jumping off the Pinnacle, and all of TTM.
But post-TTM, he has lost her, and he’s had to live with that every day for two whole years. He hasn’t moved on, it’s still a deep core wound for him, Aaravos will likely be able to witness their reunion through the mirror, and Callum has his Key - and Aaravos will likely have Rayla.
Those who fail Tests of Love are simple animals.
And we also have this line from Rayla’s letter to Callum as well:
They said that, sometimes, we make sacrifices so that the ones we love don’t have to. It’s part of protecting them—part of protecting you. Taking on hard choices and going to dark places is an act of love.
Rayla made that decision back in TTM and then made an active choice to come back to Callum in a way, while he remained more passive. By the end of the season it’ll be his turn to go after her and make a choice — and pass the Test of Love Aaravos has set for him for her life, because re S4, he’s lost her once. He’s not going to go through that again, and that’s the Point of her absence from a Thematic standpoint, too.
Basically me trying to connect the Plot, Theme, and Characterization Dots together desperately with the endgame of Aaravos getting out of the mirror this season (because we already know) and I hope you enjoyed my latest two cents / probably the path I’m leaning the most towards with the info we have right now.
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kinghijinx22 · 1 month
Binged Dragon Prince season 6 yesterday and loved it (Spoiler thoughts)
Peak writing all the way through, I've loved this show up until this point but season 6 is easily the best one. Love the storytelling and what they are doing with the characters, how the relationships are developing.
And speaking of, many beautifully romantic moments as well. AMAYA AND JANAI WEDDING AAAAAH IT IS SO SWEET THAT IT MADE ME CRY! I love the badass sapphic warrior aunts, still my favorite characters and relationship in the show and then getting an on screen wedding means a lot. Couldn't even be stopped by Janai's conservative twerp of a brother, who hates people getting along and is just mad that his cool lesbian sister found true love with a buff knight lady. Something else that was neat about this side of the story was getting to see that young Queen who had the sapphic parents that died and is maybe be set up with the young King Ezran? Yeah it's been a while and she's a little older now, and it was so good to see her again because she's a neat character.
Also finding Claudia's decent into madness and evil very compelling but I'm hoping that her and Terry get a happy ending together because she has lost so much at this point and deserves it. She was led down a dark path by her evil father and has been left behind. Shout out to Terry for being a real one though, the sweetest bean who has stuck by his girl this entire time and will hopefully be able to turn her around before it's too late. Learning more about Viren's backstory and then getting his big sacrifice after all the evil stuff he's done was compelling although he really did leave Claudia at THE WORST POSSIBLE MOMENT. Soren actually getting to be serious for a bit was very cool, very emotional moments with him.
This season also got me to care more about Rayla and Callum's relationship which is nice. As someone who really didn't care about them in previous season, I think season 6 gave them some REALLY sweet moments and now I'm routing for them. Those star elves that they meet were pretty neat characters as well and had cool designs. VERY happy that Rayla FINALLY got one of her gay adopted dads out of that coin so he can be with his hubby again, and I appreciate that she chose him because her biological parents can still be together in the coin dimension. I imagine she'll be back to get them out eventually as well.
And finally we learn about Aavaros's backstory, and that was very cool in that they were actually able to make him a character that is VERY worthy of sympathy. I started off hating Aavaros and then I flipped to hating the blind dragon guy who totally deserved what he got for killing Aavaros's daughter. Anyway yeah, it was as very enjoyable season with REALLY great writing and I love what they are doing with the characters. Excited for the next one.
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zaratargaryen1 · 2 years
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i have mixed feelings about book 4 of the Dragon Prince 😔 about to go over it here
(no hate to the people working on the show)
i actually like alot of the stuff on the season, and i definitely see how it’s mostly just setup for the whole “Mystery of Aaravos” arc. however, i had a few issues.
Janai / Amaya subplot. i was fully into this subplot… until the ending. it was so anticlimactic?? i feel like it shouldnt have been resolved by the end at all. Janai’s brother (sorry forgot his name) should’ve gotten some kind of big win over her and we shouldve left it there. hell, anything else wouldve sufficed. instead we’re left right back where we started. i just found the ending unsatisfying.
Rayla/Callum subplot… oh brother. i don’t think they should’ve had any animosity/ hurt feelings at all this season. imo it should’ve just been “Rayla and Callum miss each other because Rayla/Soren/Corvus went off to hunt down Claudia” and that could’ve been that. i feel that would’ve improved all 4 characters’ roles in this season.
Claudia x Terry. this has potential to be a very interesting plotline if Claudia is only using him. however, i kinda just found his role in the season annoying… he was just there to make fart jokes. his ethical dilemma felt cool, but it didnt seem to go anywhere (unless it’s build up for a future heelturn on his part). im hoping he gets better in the future because his role in this season wasn’t my favorite.
Viren’s “arc”. Viren goes from “maybe i should just appreciate life as it is” to reclaiming his staff in a way that was completely unsatisfying to me. his return to villainy really needed more attention from the writers - it felt lackluster imo.
Ezran. I feel like his character is.. too one-dimensional at times? He feels like he has no flaws other than his optimism causing him to be naive on occasion. Is this Abbott Elementary?? I think Ezran needs to struggle more as king. He really hasn’t had to face a serious issue that can’t be solved via kindness and love. Id like to see his views be more challenged by the narrative. Ruling is about alot more than inspirational speeches.
Map to Aaravos. I don’t understand why the Earth Dragon (forgot his name) straight up has the map on his tooth. i thought they each had a “clue” to his location? a straight up map feels extreme. now im wondering what each of the others has, cause wow! seems like alot. i figured they’d have to get the clue from each dragon. idk it seemed off to me.
Finale - The Knockout. Why was it so anticlimactic? Especially with the awesome Claudia vs Ibis fight earlier in the season, i thought we might get Callum (and rest of the team) vs Claudia (and rest of her team). the sleeping spell felt lazy, especially with how Rayla has outsmarted it before.
Finale - The Debate. The main group arguing w the Earth Dragon (forgot his name) SUCKED SO BAD. it took them forever to just get to the point. why wouldn’t they say what they said to convince him at the beginning?? i hated that part of it. too many stupid communication issues.
Soren sees Viren. Bruh. So anticlimactic. He screamed and then nothing else? Ugh.
New Looks. Rayla looks great. Ezran looks fine. Callum, Soren, and Corvus………. hm.
There’s probably more but now i’m tired of thinking about it. Did anybody else dislike these parts or was it just me?
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wildflowerbloom · 2 years
Hello people on this app. Since no one cares about my opinons about this show irl you guys will get a nice review. SPOILERS AHEAD
First of all and most importantly: THE AVATAR REFFRENCES. I loved them soooo much. Guys watch out for them. I noticed 2.
Ok and now onto the "real" review. I love this show because it takes its time. In any other show i would have thought: hey 30 days till Viren dies so this means the 30 days will end this season right?
Wrong. The season takes place over what 4 days? If that. And that is great. Of course Callum and Rayla dont get together again. The trust is broken and needs to be rebuilt. So everything in this show takes time. It explains the story, explains the lore so you understand everything. Qnd it does that perfectly.
I also love how much i resent (bc hate is too strong a word) Viren and how conflicted i am about Claudia. That shows that both characters are verry well developt. Both have kind sites. And you see them every now and then. Claudias more then Virens. But their actions are unexcusable. Simple as that. And i also love that they now have a moral compass so to say with them. Terry really fits well to Claudia and i hope we will see more of both of them in the future. Also Viren like realy learns to respect him. Idk feels like Terry will break up with Claudia in the future starting her redemption arc.
I loooooooove everyones design. 10/10. No notes.
Nowww i come to a bit of stuff i found... meh.
First of all the excuse why the Dragon Queen wasn't realy present. Idk felt a bit... cheap. Also that Rayla just reappered. These are the main two story points where i think a bit more context would be great.
Bevore i forget the c plot of this season (the whole sun elve thing) was great. I liked it alot. It showed the struugle everybody has and you can see the tension. The trial is one of my favourite scenes just from the perspective of the problems everybody is facing.
And lastly my main "complaint" this season. Rayla. Girl i love you. With all my heart. But it just felt off. She reappred so randomly. And then she axts like everything is fine. I don't think anymore that she is an ilusion or something. The scene with the coins made it obvious but i think they should have showed her with more guilt. Like they showed Calum with hurt.
I think these are the main points for now. So.....
7.5/10 solid season pls get back to the 9 you were before. Seasin 5 when?
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owlbloop · 2 years
My personal tdp episode predictions
To be clear I haven't read the dragon prince books though I know the basics of through the moon
Fallen stars: The initial lore drop on the star people's. Maybe a punny parrelel continuation between both Callum and Viren, our falling off cliff boys, also Callum literally being involved with the sky arcanam
Breathtaking: ...So, Callum and Rayla have almost suffocated or drowned how many times? I feel like we'll get a fairly early raylum reunion here, probably tense and angsty with aNoThEr suffocation/watety danger near death experience to get Callum and Rayla not about to smack each other (Maybe sky magic taking? Callum casts with breath? Potential helplessness angst? Metaphor???)
Through the looking glass: Illusions/weird Alice Wonder and the mirror?? More moon nexus stuff?? Callum telling Rayla about the mirror he found? Tension from the previous episode? Probably rallum and ClaudiaxTerry parrelels. Maybe Claudia starting to question her dad. Illusion magic and the idea of not being able to trust your eyes combined with Alice and wonderland???
The great gates: Return to xaidia? Temple or ruins stuff?? Investigating some palace??? I have no idea. Probably a turning point episode
The drakewood: Dragons. Definitely dragons. Maybe Terry lore? Randomly feeling like some fight with happen this ep in some main character dynamic. It's making me think back to when Soren got paralyzed? Curious about what'll happen when Claudia has all white hair. Maybe will involve trickery or hallucination magic, maybe the idea of rebirth again
(Flashbacks to when Callum misused dark magic)(Funny how as Claudia goes darker her hair has gotten whiter(also as protecting people result), gives me yin yang vibes)
Beneath the surface: Something to do with the life blooms and through the moon. I'm realizing how many of these titles are about borders/falling or possibly about them(Rebirthday, a rebeginning, change to next 'phase' of a person's life. Fallen stars, falling away from something, leaving some place. Breathtaking, if my theory holds. Through the looking glass, through to the other side of the mirror. The great gates, well gates, crossing some border. Beneath the surface, self explanatory. King of fire makes me think volcanoes, cracks in the crust. Escape from Umber tor, leaving the up high and shadows. Scares me for Callum with so much anti sky stuff.)
It's interesting to me that Rayla is so scared of water and the amount of drowning imagery in series when combined with how the life blooms work
Wild semi crack threory, reminds me of book of destiny being followed by breathe. I mean so does breath taking. Claudia??????????
Maybe return of runan
Rex igneous: None of Callum's dragon experiences have gone very well on screen. Maybe the queen of dragons went debatedly okay if traumatizingly. Rex igneous/Sol regum(Now I'm thinking about fallen stars again). The last fire king really didn't go well, mainly because of Callum's previous use of dark magic. The names feel very parrelel. If it's the earth dragon than a king of fire and earth seems very reverse of Callum being an assistant of sky and storm. I doubt Rallum will be left out when sun king/crown has its two years later be fire king/escape castle
Probably going to have ClaudiaxTerry, Ezra and zym, RaylaxCallum be put together after (Rallum and ezra)getting split at some point. Callum does need to work on his anxiety about protecting his brother which would be hard to play with his brother right there
I'm guessing everyone realizes they've been played
Maybe with Rayla and Terry we'll get some not so perfect xaidia?? It's been pretty one sided so far and it's generally a writing rule to switch things up after number three
Escape From Umber Tor: Callum probably will resolve an identity arc involving magic, it can either go with him more fully accepting his role or by rejecting it, up or down, you can escape a tower either way when you have wings. It'd be interesting if Callum got out via the top and Claudia through the bottom, with Callum escaping through magic(Still waiting for that freedom symbolism stuff to get to it's point) and wings, while Claudia escapes by going away from the stars(Viren, avaaros, her father's ambition) and the influence of dark magic(that bleaches her). Either way I think Claudia and Callum's greif with directly contrast and parrelel them both, would bookend Rebirthday's ending well
I can see shadows being bad for celestial associated characters (Claudia, maybe Soren, Rayla, maybe Callum, Viren, avaaros, zym)
Random as frick theory because I don't actually have many genuine theories for the finale besides they ain't defeating avaaros yet(or he serves as a transition figure to the big bad for the rest of the series)
Corvus, raven boy, magic smart dark creatures, he help with the tower situation
Miscellaneous theories:
I wanna see Claudia get an arcanum as I'm sure you can tell. Moon arcanum I could see? Interesting Rayla parrellel? But probably no. Sky arcanum? Not impossible, but boring repetitive choice here. The sky arcanam is powered by intense emotions like greif, can heal/purify/banish decay, would make a good Rayla parrellel, double sided and complicated, associated with truth instead of deception like moon and makes me think back to Rayla and Claudia's interactions with Callum at the Nexus, would be funny to see star guy get bashed by xaidia's star, in trailer uses things like lightning and gets backlit by the sun when with Terry, and would be a good break away from "dark" magic. I don't see earth and Terry also being earth would make it a bit boring, if sun is it then it would make sense to parrelel terry/Claudia with the dragons. Ocean is unlikely. Star is probably not gonna happen but maybe could explain the interest of aravoss. So yeah, if Claudia gets an arcanum I'm putting my bets in sun
I'm projecting therapy for Callum or at least another moon lady talk. I'm guessing this will end up being keep bottling up til you snap or shatter, and have to put yourself back together again. I can see Ezra trying to coax him to open up and it not really working. He's been through a lot of lies, betrayal, and almost dying, lost his father when he still hadn't moved past his mother's death, and spent over two years not knowing if Rayla was alive, it won't be easy for him to open up about all of that
I don't like stella. The design freaks me out. I don't trust the star monkey until ezran gives the okay. Someone needs to explain why Ezran can talk to animals.
Terry is not the world's most stable person if the credit drawings are worth going by
The shadow tower will almost undoubtedly be the prison for storing creatures of light
I'm guessing our star elf will be sympathetic, even if we still hate his actions
Corvus x Soren???????? Maybe???????????
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postsfromthedark · 2 years
Theory for s4
So, we see that rayla left to find viren- she did this two years ago now. We also know she struggles with self doubt, feelings of not being good enough. She's holding out hope that runaan is still alive that she can right what she vies as her wrongs. All thos combined leaves a rather reckless, highly trained teenage assassin
But maybe she found claudia. She didn't do anything for a whole but follow her around a bit, see where she went, what she did. Seeing if viren was with her. Maybe, on this path, she leaves... traces. Slips her name to someone running a stall, leaves a piece of her clothing/gear/weapons on an alley when she ducked in to avoid being spotted. Maybe callum sees someone with it -recognizes it. He asks the earthblood elf, a stranger, where he found it. He tells him and thus starts callums search for rayla (she would never leave something behind unless there were no other options, trained and practical as she is).
Maybe the elf lied.
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