#Teru is elbows
kanene-yaaay · 1 year
The v cool @carrie-tate ​asked about my tickle headcanons of Teruki (EVERYONE HERE SUSH IT’S <3 <3 h i m <3) in This Asky because of This Post and I shall answer because Teru is one of the most interesting and fun charaters to me so! Let’s gooo!!
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🦁 Teru’s Headcanons 🦁
(Teru's new hair reminds me of a lion cub so that is the emoji of today VWHGWYWGW)
He is just so *incoherente noises*. This guy has just so much Vibes I can’t take it
Tickling someone? YES. Being tickled? Absolutely yes. He is perfect for everything and that is a fact.
First of all, Teruki is a hell of a ler. Not only because he knows how to look for sweet weak tickle spots and has teases dripping freely from his lips before the person can even realize what is happening, his attentive eyes actively searching for everything that makes the bean that is being tickled flustered and giggly and just latching on those things until the person is lost admist laughter and tickly tingles.
(Mob lost the count of the amount of times Teru would manage to make him squeal tickling spots that he isn’t even aware he was ticklish in the first place)
But, anyway, he is one of the biggest lers ever because he. is. so. smug.
He is very good at making people a mess of giggles and he knows that. And he knows that you know that he knows that. So, the entire time attacking someone with clawing fingers and distracting pokes he will just have That Smile. The Smile. The Smug, Teasy, Playful smile that automatically makes shivers run across the your spine and makes giggles bounce on your throat.
He doesn’t have a very good poker face because of that, btw. Mah boy can’t pretend that he didn’t realzie he was tickling someone by accident or feigning innocence for his LIFE
Teru doesn’t do a lot of antecipation too. He is more of a:
            “Hmm. I think I am going to tickle you.”
And then give the person no time to process his words or run away sdfghgfdsdfg
EXCEPT when it comes to Shigeo. Because he is extremely cute trying to not titter and yelp every time Teru decides to tease him w anttecipation by lightly - very, very lightly - skittering his fingers on his torso and wondering out loud about “What tickle spot should he gave his especial attention today?~’
Talking about cute and soft things, Teru is an absolute SOFTIE. Yes, he is an evil, teasy, smug, playful and meanie ler who can and will use all his tickly power (both metaphorically and literally because no, he is not above using his powers to help him tickle someone sdfghjhgf) but he is WEAK for cute things. He will forever deny it but making someone just... laugh is very nice. It’s fun. It feels like he is able to make something important, to impact someone’s live positively even without his powers.
Now, now, talking about adorable things, don’t even get me started on Teruki as a Lee. Because ohhh gosh.
Oooohhh gosh
Before everything I 100% agree with your Teru’s in a Lee Mood headcanons and they are *chef kiss* fabulous, perfection, incredible absolutely amazing.
Now picture with me: Mob in a Ler Mood and being too shy to do something about it and Teru realizing. And he wants Mob to loosen up a bit more! He wants him to just feel free to be playful and silly with no worries
So he decides to be a gremlin.
Teru will act a bit like the way he is when in a Lee Mood, but with less embarassement. He will be stretching all the time, wearing crop tops and asking for Mob’s opinion, tapping his own fingers on his stomach or sides, laying on Shigeo’s lap and putting his hands behind his head, sometimes even giving Shigeo a poke or two to show he would be okay w a tickle fight in that moment.
And then Mob (and here I am heavily LOOKING at Otomiya’s idea of Mob tickly “”power”” building up until 100%) will finally attack and Teru IMMEDIATELY will go from a grinning come-on-tickle-me-I-dare-you to NONONONOWAITWAITPLEASEPLEASEWAIT in like half of a second.
That man can’t take what he dishes out AT ALL. If someone gives him a single one (1) jab on his side and he is falling on the floor he is smiling like crazy he is pleading for mercy he is ded.
Maybe it’s because he was so used to being feared and looked upon during his entire life before his fight with Shiego but the idea of someone being silly? Tickling him and being teasy and having fun and paying attention to him and not his powers his reactions and smiling and caring makes him very, very, veeeery flustered. And extremely giddy. And at least 100% more ticklish because holy gosh-
99,9% of the times he is tickled he was almost sure he was melting and honestly by the awed way Shigeo looks at him when he is tickling the blonde maybe that is still a possibilty SDFGHJKMJNHB
He has ticklish elbows. Mob can tap-tap his way from his wrist to his elbows and he will giggle and snort his head out. Sorry that is the true I don’t make the rules.
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mikeyelistsukasa · 1 year
Hanako,Sakura,Teru,Tsukasa & Kou seeing Darling‘s SH scars for the first time
Tw: self harm ofc,scars mentioning,basically dark topic
An:yeah it wasnt requested,i wrote that because…why not?Enjoy NOT PROOF READ
please do not self harm yourself. And im sorry to those who already done it or ho though it. Stay strong and don’t give up. Ily all
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You were cleaning the bathroom today because yashiro was sick today and kou had to leave early
Not that you minded. You still have company and that is hanako and those little adorable mokke‘s.
This is a lot better than going home and just lying in bed doing nothing or homework.
„say s/o-chan/kun, how come you agreed to clean the bathroom? Most people would decline it you know, GASP don’t tell me you enjoy my company~“
„Oh sush will ya? Im doing this cause i feel bad for yashiro…but i suppose you are correct about me enjoying your company“
Hanako smirked, happy at the response you gave him
„Now tell me where is the sponge and gloves so that i can start cleaning the toilet“
„Oh!- its over there“
Hanako pointed to the left corner
„I’ll bring them to you :D“
Hanako decided to spare you these 5 steps and decided to bring them to you
But just as he turned around he saw you pulling your sleeves up so that you wont get your sweater dirty
You reached out your hand to take it but before hanako gave it to you he
He noticed scars?
This boy stared in shock at your wrist
„Uhm…hanako? Can you give me the gloves already?“
Suddenly you are being grabbed against dour wrist
It took you a second to understand that he is talking about you scars
„O-oh! I totally forgot i had them“
You laughed a little seeing hanako‘s worried expression
Just before he could go to grab some bandages you gently grabbed his hand
„Pft Hanako…im okay.“
You sat down with the ghost
„Im sorry for laughing i guess heh, your worried expression was pretty cute tho~“
Hanako flushed at that but you could still he his concerned look
„To answer your questions. I self harmed. I did that to myself. And no they do not hurt anymore because i quitted“
You smiled gently hoping it will relax the poor boy for a bit
But i think you only did worse
„Yourself??? Why??? Dont tell me someone forced you to do it to yourself. When did you quit???“
„Geez give me a break dude haha….i had a very hard time back then where i thought doing this is the only way to release stress.i had big family issues at that time but now everything is doing well.and to answer your last question i did about 2 years ago. So again do.not.worry“
Hanako blinked processing every word you just said
„I see“
Suddenly he stands up reaching out a pair of gloves
„Well ready to continue cleaning?~“
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You and Sakura were sitting in the broadcasting room enjoying some cup of tea while reading books
„Is there something wrong?“
Sakura asked without taking her eyes from her book
„No not at all. I just got really invested in the book you gave me its very interesting i like it! Thank you by the way“
Sakura smiled to herself hearing that and went back to reading her book
Suddenly instead of reaching her cup, Sakura accidentally spilled her cup of tea with her elbow all over your pretty white gloves
„Ow ow ow ow ow hot hot hot!“
„Oh no dear- im sorry i didnt mean to do that, it was an accident“
You slowly take off the glove
„It’s alright don’t worry hah! Everyone doesn’t mistakes“
Sakura couldn’t help but let a slight sigh of relief hearing that
Thought that relaxed aura she just had disappeared right this instant after seeing your wrist
You stared at her in confusion
Sakura stared at your wrist realising those are old scars and coming to a conclusion that you stopped this awful habit
…but just in case-
„You don’t do this anymore. Right?“
„Eh? Oh! Nono don’t worry i quitted. Im okay now :D“
Sakura grabbed gently both of your hands
„I’ll go get you new gloves“
„Oh don’t worry it’s okaaaaaaand she is already on her way„
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“Hey s/o.”
You saw Teru sitting next to you
“How come you always wear a sweater under your uniform? I mean its summer. Aren’t you like sweating under there?”
“Ah hello Minamoto-kun. No im not sweating under it. And i wear it because its my favourite sweater! Ofc i wouldn’t wear it if it was that hot for me, i dont like it that much to the point i would sweat under it”
“Well nothing i can do. Also i told you, you can use my first name”
“Yeah yeah okay prince minamoto (¬_¬) “
“Whaaa what was that for T-T“
“you know exactly why :)“
“say... Wanna go out tomorrow like i dunno swimming? I heard it is going to be very hot tomorrow”
“Hmmm…yeah sure! Im free tomorrow so i don’t mind”
“Great! I’ll meet you there”
And just like that the bell rang and you went your ways
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢 | (• ◡•)|
You were waiting for teru at the beach for about 10 minutes already
“Phew, he sure didn’t lie about it being hot today”
You took off your favourite sweater and wrapped it around your torso(or hips idk)
“Speak of the devil”
You turn around to see none other than Teru Minamoto
“Hey Min- Teru… well where do you wanna go first?”
“Hm how abouuutttt…some ice cream?”
“Sounds great to me!”
And just like that you guys went to get something to refresh youself
And while you two eat you remembered that you need to apply some sunscreen
After teru saw s/o holding the sunscreen he without any hesitation sat down allowing s/o to put suncream on him
“In return I get to put sunscreen on you correct?”
“Hmmmmmm alright alright”
After some minutes s/o finished and took off her clothes revealing herself only in a bikini
Teru slightly blushed after seeing s/o in such clothes but stayed respectful non then less
That is until he saw s/o do a ponytail revealing scars on their shoulders
S/o sat down signalling teru to put the sunscreen on their back
“Teru? Is something wrong?”
“What…happened to your shoulders?”
“O-oh… well you see back when i was *insert younger self* i had fallen into pretty deep rabbit hole after loosing something/someone important to me….”
Teru couldn’t tell if you finished talking or want to add something more
S/o shows their left/right arm to show more scars
Woah!How did he not notice them before?
“I was only getting more and more let down with each day. To the point i started to let out my anger on myself”
Teru looked at your expression seeing that you were uncomfortable with the topic so he put the cold sunscream without saying anything on your spine
„C-COLD you jerk!!!!“
„Haha. Im sorry we don’t want you get burned right?…Also promise to quit what you are d-„
„I already have don’t worry, these scars are like from 2-4 years ago“
„Oh! Well if you feel like doing it again let me know and I’ll be there gor you“
„pft You sure are cheesy today“
„Well what can i say? Im spending time with the most beautiful person right now“
„Oh my~“
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„Sigh what is it tsukasa.“
„Let’s go find some supernaturals to smash!“
„Heh yeah-no not today im very tired right now“
„Awh :(„
„Don’t give me that look“
„Fine just not for too long…“
‚i don’t think we will find a supernatural anyway‘ i thought
When out of nowhere i heard some noise
But that was probably just my imagination
„W-wait tsukasa don’t run away!….great now im alone“
Suddenly i heart the same noise again but this time it sounded like someone was…growling?
Just as i turned around i saw a big supernatural right behind me
I barely managed to dodge his attack but in the process it ripped off my sleeve
You closed your eyes ready to take the supernaturals attack
….but nothing came
In fact you heard some…unpleasant noises
You opened your eyes just to see tsukasa smashing the supernaturals face against the floor
You stood up glad that you didn’t get hurt and went up to tsukasa
„Hey…tsukasa thats enough“
„It hurted you…“
„Hm? No it didn’t don’t worry so lets just g-„
„Your arm“
You looked at your arm confused since you don’t feel any pain on it
„Oh! Tsukasa those scars are old its okay it wasn’t the supernatural that did it!“
„There are others that hurt you?…“
Tsukasa stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders
„Tell me who“
His dark aura made you kinda nervous
„Well how do i explain this to you…the one that caused these scars was me“
„S/o is hurting themselves???!!! (」°ロ°)」 „
„No! I mean- it was a long time ago…so do not worry i am not being hurt and im not hurting myself“
Tsukasa didnt quite fully understand why you did that in the first place but hearing you being safe is all that matterd to him.
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You and kou had teamed up at school to be partners in cooking class
‚They probably teamed up with me cuz they struggle with cooking‘
‚i teamed up with him to spend more time with him‘
Yeaaaaahhhh cooking sure was something
Honestly he didn’t even notice your scars right away after you rolled up your sleeves
He noticed it when he told you to cut the cucumber
„Ow! Stupid knife(╥_╥)“
„S-s/o are you okay?“
„Yeah just a tiny scar on my finger heh“
„Wait let me see- S/O YOUR AR-„
You quickly put your hand against his mouth
„is everything okay here you two?“
„Y-yes mr. (Teachers name)“
That was close
You shouted with a whispering voice
„What was that you idiot???we almost got in trouble“
„your arm its full of scars!!!!“
„Yeah??? So what“
„What do you mean so what???? I got concerned and-“
„You two! Out.now“
„.:…Promise to not tell nii-chan that i got into trouble“
„I promise-„
„OH RIGHT your ar-„
„Sighhhh you still on about that?“
„Ofc! What happened??? Who did this???How did it happen???Does it still hurt??? Should i bring anything????“
You let out a small laugh. You hate to admit it but kou being so worried is so cute to you
„Its alright kou. Those are my old selfharm scars“
„huh- but-but why would you hurt yourself?“
„Sometimes people do harm themselves. Some stay up late. Some stop eating and well…“
You looked at your wrist
„Some people harm themselves physically“
Kou grabbed both of your hands
„I might not have a right to say anything about this but please don’t ever do this again! You matter so much to me…the last thing i want is to see my friend/bf/gf/partner suffer while i dont do anything!!! I will do everything and anything you want just please…“
Hearing that made your eyes form up some tears
„D-don’t cry!!! Did i say something wrong??!!!?“
„Oh kou… i promise. Those are old ones so dont worry I’ve stopped…it’s just…hearing this i-„
You hugged Kou tightly which startled the exorcist
„Thank you“
Kou hugged you back tightly
„You’re welcome“
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Hope i left you satisfied. Stay safe you all and don’t do stupid stuff
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ygodmyy20 · 2 months
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Day 5: Hair/Truama. A future snippet from my Ageswap au fic, Black Sweatshirt.
Blue eyes widen, and Teru takes in a deep breath….
Before flinging his hand forward, covering Reigen in a triple reinforced barrier. Right as the yellow wraps around the middle schooler, the energy in front of them shivers, black hair wild as it explodes, shattering the windows behind him. Teru throws his arms up in front of his face, hissing in pain as glass shards slice his arms, his legs, his torso, his hair. His skin burns as tiny cuts scrape across his scalp.
Suddenly the energy freezes in midair, shards shimmering in the light from the now gaping hole at the front of the building. Then, like the start of rain, glass starts to fall to the floor, large and small pieces scattering around them. Time hangs like a clock unable to hit the next hour and Teru slowly lowers his arms, bits of his brightly colored button-down drifting from his elbows to the floor. Blood trickles down from his forearms and a gash from his temple blurs his vision red. Teru opens his mouth to speak but instead stumbles backwards as air breaks out of his lungs. He reaches up, his hand shaking as it runs along jagged cuts of hair.
A gasp in front of him and Teru’s eyes dart up, meeting horrified deeper reds.
You can read the first few chapters here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50688223/chapters/128046583
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the years
post-canon tome headcanon-that-turned-into-flash-fic in honor of tomeweek and mobtober
even tho everything else about the ritual was made up, the aliens really do only visit every seven years. so everyone is excited abt seeing the aliens again in the epilogue but they never arrive. the telepathy club just sits at the top of mudboat mountain all night. mezato is piiiiiissed. and like its still nice but. disappointing. tome will never forget that night but she was hoping to create a tradition, like, something to celebrate the strange but friendly. she finishes a bag of takis at 3am and tilts her head back to pour all the crumbs into her mouth.
she thinks, Was that the only chance I'll ever get? kijibayashi gets mad at her for finishing the takis. the air is silent and cloudy.
tome and inukawa are both insistent the aliens will come back the next year. the club tries again and the aliens dont come back, again. tsubomi wasnt expecting much but at least its interesting to go camping with mob and some weirdos.
so thats what it becomes, a yearly camping trip to mudboat mountain. on year three takenaka cant make it, so the shiratori brothers do the transmission instead. tome rolls the alien stone around on her palm. no response.
then tome graduates and moves away for university. and mob, inukawa, and takenaka have to worry about exams. and it all just doesn't line up. so they skip year four. tome sits in a corner of her dorm room and hates the feeling of obligation and fatigue washing up around her. she doesnt have the wisdom to accept it yet. maybe she never will. she cant tell if that would be good or bad.
It's year five. Saruta puts down his marshmallow stick, gets up, and walks away from the fire. "Okay, I'm gonna go look for aliens." Mob smiles but warns, "It's slippery." "Does--does he mean--?" Tome responds, laughing, to Teru's confusion. "He means he's gonna find somewhere to take a dump."
the next new years she tries something new and it doesnt go well. sitting in an alley and trying not to cry she gets a text. its a shitty picture of some mountains and the distant horizon at night. you cant see any stars, just the dim glow of city in the distance. in the corner of the photo is a green smudge with little red cheeks giving her the finger. the message is from mob.
she pretends like she doesnt remember the seven years number but she starts thinking about it in like june. it takes her until september to finally say something. tome: okay mfers this is the year this is THE year inukawa: What year tome: let me finish this is t he YEAR WE SEE ALIENS AGAIN all thet sources say seven years! the aliens dont visit every year, only ever seven well were all old now and its been sseven years! so lets get out there and DO THIS!!! whatever or whoever else youre doing plz bring it all up the mountain with you inukawa: Oh my god this is the year mob: Seven years, jesus. kijibayashi: THIS IS THE YEAR kijibayashi: THIS IS THE YEAR kijibayashi: THIS IS THE YEAR takenaka: THIS IS THE YEAR mob: THIS IS THE YEAR! kijibayashi: THIS IS THE YEAR
in the end no one can get hold of saruta. he would respond to a hello but wouldnt engage for more than a few messages. tome is mad but everyone hopes hes okay. mob dredges up mezato from her journalism internship. he even convinces jun (shaved head guy from the body improvement club) to come with. the team comes equipped with two switches, a laptop for anime, ultimate werewolf, a portable speaker, comics, snacks, and as much booze as they can carry.
tome can feel the transmission vibrating her teeth, but only the ones without fillings. she leans backwards as the tractor beam pulls her up so she does a slow flip before landing on her back in that warm, round space. shes 15 again. these are her friends, the same aliens she met last time. takenaka confirms this but she knew it as soon as she shook one of their hands.
shes not 15, though, shes 22. she has to elbow in on mezatos interviews. Are there alien ghosts? How old are you? Are there like alien teenagers or is it more of a chrysalis situation? Why are you here? Are there alien videogames? What advice would you give to someone who's struggling to find respect for her work? Have you ever tried fireball?
Inukawa is annoyingly good at telling when the aliens are lying so he keeps winning at werewolf (Takenaka is only allowed to play if he's cool about it). Tome wonders, internally, what it would be like to kiss an alien. Probably reserved at first, like of course, you'd want to start slow. But then after that… She watches an alien laugh at a visual gag in Crayon Shin-chan. Mob slams smirnoff and engages in an intense series of arm wrestling matches. "Hey noodle arms! Square up!" He gets beaten by every single alien. Jun wins against one. Takenaka looks shiftily over at them and says, "That was out of pity." Everyone raises a shot glass to Saruta.
tomes 15, shes 22. and then she realizes she's 29, too, and 36, and 43, 50, 57… she has maybe eight or nine more chances at this, ever. would the aliens accept her as an old lady? how long would she be able to make the hike? I should talk to mob about that. How to become dash granny.
everyone has gifts ready this time, except for mezato, who decides that her offering to these strange beings from another world should be a half-empty bottle of jagermeister. tome gives the aliens one of those compact cb radios, thinking maybe if they were nearby they could gibber on a particular channel and tome, who had her own radio at home, would know they were here. according to takenaka their response is very coy and mysterious and annoying.
Tome shows the aliens the stone they gave her last time. She'd kept it on her person basically since she got it. She receives a hug from one of the aliens with their soft many-segmented limbs and starts crying. More of the aliens move in for a group hug around her and she cries and laughs and cries some more as she reaches out to wrap her arms around as many as she can. Gross rivers drip from her nose. She sniffs and wipes her face with the backs of her hands as they disentangle. She looks at the group of weird big-eyed friends. She opens her arms wide, hands covered with tears and slime, and announces, "Thank you! Thank you all! This has been so much fucking fun. Pretend you all have glasses in your hands, I'm gonna do a toast. A toast to strange friends!" Two species say "Clink! Clink!" as their empty hands knock together.
the suns been up for an hour or two. the ship shimmers in daylight, translucent, floating away.
29, Tome thinks. "I want you all here, next time."
"So I'm free? I can party for the next six New Yearses as long as I go camping with you on the seventh?"
"Whatever, Kijibayashi, fuck you, like that wasn't the best party you ever been to. Yes. Next time."
the memory has multiplied, into past and future. Who? How? Is it stupid to make such a big deal of this thing? tome watches the stone in her palm.
No. No it's not. she puts the stone in her pocket.
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mari-lair · 10 months
I'll post the rest of my tbhk wips later in a single post, but since this one is the only "new fic" in my docs, I'll post it separated
title: Again and Again
summary: AU where you can die in boundaries. The plan to rescue Aoi keeps failing and Akane is stuck in a time loop. (Set on chap 84-88)
Warning: Temporary character death and mild gore. Not beta read. Some parts are incompleted.
Pairing: aoikane, (and it is vague enough to be one-sided terukane or teruaoi or both, read it as whichever you want.)
Word count: 6k
Half of his world was dark red.
Akane felt cold, vaguely aware he was laying in bloody waters, but barely feeling it. It was hard to keep his eyes open. To keep breathing.
Is this his blood…? 
…The demon attack must have opened his chest wound again.
Why was he attacked…? Something to do with Aoi-
Aoi rescue.
His eyes widened, lucid once more. His breath hitched, making him cough on the water.
Akane ignored the pain, forcing himself to move. He got on his elbows and looked around, spotting Kou with his head limp, the train wreckage giving enough support for the kid to stay sat while unconscious, blood dripping down his chin. 
He wasn’t moving.
Teru was closer to Akane, the water darker near him than anyone else, face unnaturally pale. It was so different from the confident and untouchable president he knows…
And Aoi…
Where is Aoi?
“I…I won’t forgive you!” Someone yelled, the voice sounded muffled, hard to process. Akane frowned at it, his senses jumbled but able to recognize it as Aoi’s voice. He tried to find her, getting on his elbow much to his body’s protests and coughing harshly, hurting his throat. He held his bleeding chest and sought her, freezing at the sight of her dangling in the air, a claw on her face, impeaching her from speaking, from breathing.
The tears in her empty eyes as she uselessly tried to punch No.6 hand made Akane push himself back up, needing to do something.
He felt every single part of his body protest but managed to get on his feet, stumbling after one step, but ignoring how his body burned: He needs to keep going. Keep walking. 
She will not be sacrificed.
Not on his watch.
His body disagreed with his conviction, legs shaking after every step “Stop…” He coughed, having difficulty talking “Stop…” He wheezed,  reaching for her, but stumbling to his knees.
He coughed more blood, feeling lightheaded but refusing to lose her. 
She can’t die.
She can’t.
Akane vaguely registered the world tilting as he fell, the bloody boundary waiting for him with open arms.
Akane woke up in total darkness, devoid of any pain.
“Aoi!” He yelled loud enough to hurt his throat, adrenalin making him jump into action, caught off guard by the overly soft surface under his feet and losing balance the second something got tangled on his leg.
Akane fell down, slamming his chest on wood floorboards. The fall hurt his ribs, but he ignored the pain.
“Fuck, where am I…?” He groaned, unable to get the image of Aoi falling unconscious off his head, anxious to be taken who knows where while she was in danger.
Was he still on the far shore? This place is completely dry and overly quiet. He is alone.
Akane sweated, trying to think more rationally to find clues, realizing he was in his human body, wearing pajamas. What got tangled in his feet was his blanket, and the place he fell from is a bed: This is his bedroom.
Akane froze, feeling strange at the realization.
Was everything just a nightmare?
(But it felt so real…)
He grabbed his phone, ignoring the harsh light and checking the time: It was 11:33 pm, a day before their rescue mission. 
(So it really was just a nightmare…? It can’t be. He never had such a lucid dream before, much less one that he could remember in detail…)
He tried to switch to his supernatural body to confirm there weren’t any new injuries, and it was all a dream, but he couldn’t use his power.
Right. The severance. He has no way to know.
But he can’t deny he is in his room, and the phone says it’s too early to rescue Aoi. 
Akane sighed in relief, getting back to bed and running a hand through his hair: What rotten timing to get nightmares, he needs to be well rested for tomorrow, working at full capacity.
He needs a good night’s rest. He can’t waste time thinking about Aoi’s empty eyes and the blood on his body. Not now, when he’ll have to face reality so soon.
Akane dragged the covers over himself, falling on his small pillow and staring at the ceiling. Once his adrenaline crashed, he felt exhausted, so he closed his eyes, determined to make their real rescue mission not turn out like that.
He couldn’t sleep, thinking of his nightmare, growing far too restless about what would await them.
He got out to make himself tea at two in the morning, forcing himself to get sleep. If he failed Aoi because he was too tired to work properly he would never forgive himself.
Akane made sure to pack everything, lanterns, coats, water, keeping it all neatly tucked in his camping backpack. He hesitated for a second but gritted his teeth and packed supplies unrelated to their mission, a few clothes, water, sweets, a blanket, games: Little things to cheer up Aoi.
If she turns out to be beyond saving, Akane will stay with her. She will disapprove, sweet as she is, but Akane has known her since they were kids, he knows she hates being alone, so he won't leave her alone. (Not again).
There was a sense of deja vu as he packed, but it was mostly exasperating. His nightmare just had to start in a mundane and realistic way, didn’t it? Now it feels like he had packed everything before.
Akane wanted to reach the red house at 10 am on the dot, as planned, but the road, which he had never taken before, felt oddly familiar.
Too familiar.
It’s unsettling.
Akane ended up running, hating how everything was like it had been in his dreams, and accidentally reaching the burned-down house before their agreed time. 
The red house remains were identical to his nightmares (memories?) too. 
…If his dreams really reflect reality the well connecting to the Far Shore would be on the left, and it would be too dark to see the bottom even with dad’s camping lantern.
Akane sweated when he truly found a cursed well to his left, turning on his lantern and seeing only darkness.
He held on tighter to his backpack strap, not liking whatever was happening. Did he see the future? But that felt so real, so lucid, if he focus he can still feel the phantom pain in his body, just like he had when his chest was pierced.
Maybe he went back in time? But that’s impossible, even Kako, the supernatural in charge of the past can’t rewind the entire world.
But there is coincidence and then there is… whatever is happening.
Will he find that same train if he jumps now? 
(He doesn’t know if he wants to.)
“Aoi?” A familiar voice  startled Akane out of it.
Akane turned towards Teru, half expecting the president to be soaked in blood, his face sickly pale, but he was as healthy as always, slightly amused “Impatient, aren’t we?”
“President,” Akane said instead of answering, feeling a lump in his throat, noticing Kou and Nene were also here, burning with determination, unaware of what awaited them.
Akane is pretty sure his nightmare wasn’t a nightmare at all, but to erase any remaining doubts, he asked Teru “We are already here, can you tell me what is inside the shrine box?”
“Ah, the box! Of course.” Teru smiled innocently, not sensing Akane’s unease as he messed with his bag “I brought it with me, take a look!”
Teru showed everyone a familiar demon hand with a finger missing.
Kou and Nene yelped in shock and disgust, Akane eyes widened, shaken for a completely different reason.
Teru's explanation about Demons turned into a buzz. 
(He heard it before)
“I put it on the pizza last night!” Teru finished with a proud aura.
Akane laughed harshly, feeling overwhelmed.
Does that means everything will happen again? Aoi almost being eaten in her wagon. Nene escape with No.7. The brothers fight. No.6 attack…
It had all been real.
He got back in time.
“What the fuck.” He cursed, thankful he got another chance but he feels so unprepared, what can he do now?
“Don’t make such a sullen face” Teru’s eyes crinkled, “The pizza was delicious wasn’t it?”
Ah yes, the pizza “A treat.”
Akane was so distracted, he got tripped by Teru when he went to check the well again, falling down.
“You asshole!” Akane yelled as he fell, hitting the water with a huff, the impact, and the familiar landscape clearing his mind.
He was given a second chance to save Aoi.
He got up, shaking the water off his hair and activated his supernatural form, determined to make the most of it.
Everything worked fine before, he just have to destroy No.6
He had stopped his time before. He can stop his time now too, make Teru slash him in two.
Akane paused, remembering Teru got taken out because of some sibling squabble with Kou.
Ugh, they have no time for this.
"President," Akane said after punching a supernatural in the face "this mission is important."
Teru seemed confused by his declaration, tying a monster’s snout shut with his beads "I am aware."
"So you better take it seriously." Akane kicked the top of another supernatural, slamming their face on the ground "Don't fight with Minamoto kouhai until we are back in the Near Shore with Aoi-chan"
]Teru slashed a supernatural’s chest, looking at him weirdly “I wasn’t planning to.”
“Not even if he tries to protect No.7?”
Teru paused, though thankfully, he wasn’t distracted enough to slow down his attacks. “He won’t, he promised to take responsibility if No.7 put a student in harm's way.” Teru said with the confidence of someone that lives with Kou, and has known the boy his whole life. “Kou doesn’t break his promises.”
“But if he does? We both know how he gets with No.7,” Akane insisted, sure he is smarter than that “There is a chance. A big one.”
Teru's face darkened, “He wouldn’t.” but he lost most of his confidence, quickly growing exasperated. He usually listens to Akane, and he is smart enough to see Kou is too loose with Hanako.
“...If he does I’ll lecture him later. After we are back on the far shore.”
Good, wonderful.
When No.7 showed up, Akane did not fall for his taunts, snarling when he said Aoi was already gobbled up, and going ahead, telling Teru to take care of him.
He did not slow down when the school wonder tried to attack him, aware Teru would stop him.
Akane rushed through the wagons, already knowing where Aoi will be. He run without mercy for anyone that got in his way, barging in while Aoi was under a blanket, sneaking around as best she could. She looked like a fairy, freezing once she stepped on a supernatural’s tail.
Akane felt his heart beat faster, stopping the time of everyone beside Aoi.
The one-eyed cheetah supernatural froze in time before it could pull the blanket off her head and Akane immediately crouched to her level.
Aoi blinked, confused.
He held her shoulder, her beautiful eyes were wide with disbelief, tangible. When he cupped her cheeks, he could reach her, she blushed a bit, her hands cracking from staying here too long, but not gone yet. “Akane-kun…?”
He just stared at her, trying not to overlap her image with the fresh memory of her limp body, her beautiful eyes empty, full of despair tears, and no oxygen.
“Aoi-chan” His eye stung, holding her close, and feeling her cracking hand hold onto his clock keeper cloak “I’m glad you’re okay.”
This time he’ll protect her.
He’ll keep her safe.
Aoi didn’t say anything, resting her forehead on his chest.
“Come on” He sniffed, holding her hand and giving her a reassuring smile, the ticking clock of his power limit not as important as Aoi’s fear “Let’s go home.”
Aoi nodded, following him as if in a trance.
“Akane-kun…” She said.
He turned to her, hyperaware they are on a tight schedule but willing to slow down for a bit for her.
Aoi kept staring at him, shaking her head with a small blush.
Akane softened, squeezing her hand.
“Not like that! You never let me do anything-” Kou’s voice, angry and hurt, made Akane’s mood drop, getting out of the train to see the two idiot fighting.
For fucks sake.
“Break it up!!” Akane yelled, running at them with Aoi following behind “What’s wrong with you two?!”
The bros tensed up, letting go of each other, the atmosphere between them rancid.
Akane glared at Teru “You said you wouldn’t start a fight!”
Teru just clenched his fists and looked away, clearly hiding something. 
“You better have a good reason to start this nonsense” He sighed in exasperation, grabbing Teru’s wrist when he went to sheath his sword “Don’t.”
Teru tensed up, his pulse fast, still angry about whatever happened with Kou, and being harsher than usual when slapping Akane’s hand away.
Thankfully he didn’t guard his sword, trusting Akane to give him an explanation.
“We’ll still need to fight, No.6 will show up”
Teru seemed confused, but after some thought he got on guard, agreeing “He is the guardian of the Kanagis”
“And a dangerous piece of- SHIT!”
Akane noticed the shadow on the water right away, well aware if their best fighter goes down so soon they won’t survive, and acting before he could think. He grabbed the back of Kou’s shirt and threw him as far away as he could. He may have panicked a bit, making Kou fly and slam his back on the train.
Attacking would be foolish, and there was no time to protect himself or stop time, so running it was. No matter how much he dislikes the alternative.
His arm still got hit, ripping a good chunk of his sleeves and drawing blood, but thankfully it wasn’t deep.
Still sting like a bitch though.
Kou groaned at the impact, sounding distressed for him “Aoi-senpai!”
“I’m fine!” Akane lied, not taking his eyes away from the towering demon reaching for him. 
He is scared, but he can’t let him win. For Aoi’s life, and the Minamotos’ as well, and awkwardly stumbled backyard, needing to get.
Teru got in front of him, barely positioning his sword in time to protect himself when No.6 attacked.
With Teru here, he has some time.
He grabbed his pocket watch, fumbling with it and keeping a close eye on the demon.
He can’t waste this second chance.
“I’ll take care of Kouhai, focus on the demon president!” Akane ordered, glancing at his watch arrow which moved far too slowly. Always taking a few tics to freeze time “I need you to buy me time.”
tic tock
Come on!
“I won’t let you stop time, boy.” The demon said, zooming on him with inhuman speed. He remembers very well when Akane had kicked his face. 
tic tok
Almost there!
“Don’t be so hasty.” Teru intercepted the demon's strike, and blocked his way with a strained smile. The blow made him stumble back but he didn’t take his eyes off No.6, black lightning surrounding his sword. 
Akane smirked at the solid defense, kicking a centipede and hissed in pain when another one bit his arm, seemingly coming from nowhere.
tic tok
Another centipede bit his wrist.
His clock fell.
After three more bites, Akane too, fell.
Teru wasn’t moving, blood raining down from his shoulder, painting the water red at an alarming speed
That’s a lot of blood.
The cut was far too close to his neck. Akane tried to check it, uneasy enough by how vulnerable the usually high and mighty exorcist looked, to seek a pulse, hoping he was better than he looked.
Akane touched something that wasn’t skin. Teru’s head tilting at an unnatural angle at his touch, nearly coming off.
Akane stared without fully processing the sight of thorn muscles and bloody bone. 
He felt bile in his throat, the way his stomach twisted aggravating his injuries.
He never witnessed death before. 
(Not like this-)
“Presi-” He vomited blood, turning away so it didn’t get on Teru’s (corpse) face. His vision was shaky, his ears ringing from the drum of his heart.
There was a shadow over him, and when he looked up, No.6 claws sunk in his face.
Akane woke up with a gasp, back to being uninjured in the dark.
Back to his bedroom.
(back in time)
He took a deep breath, looking for his phone and frowning at the 12:01 pm in it. Great, so the time he gets back to isn’t stable.
He looked at the ceiling unable to sleep now that he know it’s real. 
Akane didn’t pack anything. He already knows what he is dealing with, and he doesn’t need weight.
“Before we go, I need to make something clear” Akane looked at Kou and Teru, making sure to not stare at Teru for long, at risk of tainting his face with the bloody and cracked neck of his memory, when ordering “Don’t fight.”
the brothers looked at him weirdly. “We won’t.”
“I am serious, I don’t care what happens, fight later.”
“We won’t fight Aoi,” Teru said, half confused, half amused.
“We don’t really fight” Kou agreed.
‘Then what the fuck did I have to break twice?’ Akane thought with some annoyance. “Not even if he helps No.7 out”
“I won’t-”
“You will” He narrowed his eyes at the bad liar.
“Aoi. Stop. I know you're restless but this is paranoia.”
Akane narrowed his eyes, annoyed.
“Is not paranoia bastard, I am from the future. You two will get in a sibling fight that will get us all killed” Akane admitted, “So just don’t, I don’t care how important the argument turn out to be, it isn’t worth dying for”
Teru blinked slowly.
Kou and Nene, who knew he was right about them aiming to safe Hanako, and already witnessed some time nonsense at the red house, seemed wary.
Teru frowned “What do you mean everyone will die”
“No.6 will come.”
“Yes!” He snapped, “and we are wasting time!”
His yelling at everyone about the future way took too long.
When he reached Aoi’s compartment she was already eaten: The blood on a tall supernatural fangs and the abandoned flowers that used to adorn her hair the only signs she had been here at all.
“No…” Akane fell to his knee, holding to the destroyed flower on the ground, something inside breaking.
When the supernaturals attacked him, he didn’t defend himself.
Akane woke up with tears in his eyes.
His dread increased at the neon 12:31 pm on his phone.
…He can’t be sure if this is a pattern yet, going back exactly half an hour two times in a row can be a coincidence, but it does mean for sure that he is getting less time back with each attempt.
He clenched his fists.
He jumped over Teru's leg when the asshole tried to trip him down the well. Landing on the boundary with no problem.
Akane punched the supernatural that had been on the edge of eating Aoi with no mercy, the memory of bloody fangs making his heart beat way too fast, and held Aoi tight, carrying her like a princess.
The weight strained his pierced chest, but he does not care.
He needs to get out of here, and he need to be quick.
He started running, faster and faster, slamming through the closed door.
Aoi held on tight to his shirt, flinching when he kicked a door off its hinges “...Akane-kun?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” Akane felt genuine remorse, not wanting to make things worse, but he can’t waste time “Everything will be fine.” it has to, this time please  “we need to find Minamoto senpai quickly, this place is dangerous.”
Aoi nodded slowly.
Akane kept running, spotting Kou and Teru.
“...Her side.” Teru said, putting a hand to cover his face, his voice far too controlled to not be angry “On her side.”
He could sense an explosion forming, Teru's voice growing cold “Quit being a hero-”
“I got Aoi-chan!” Akane cut him off, having not seen this part of their fight, and frankly? He doesn’t care. He hope his presence will be enough to make the idiots remember their situation “I got Aoi-chan!”
Teru froze at his voice, he seemed to be going through a crisis, his hand still hiding his face. 
“Minamoto-kouhai, president. I have” knowledge of the future “a really bad feeling, we need to get out!” He glared, no time for explanations, no time for anything “Now.”
“...Right.” Teru said, taking his hand off his face, assuming the usual leader position, but noticeably a bit off  “Right.” He repeated, as if reminding himself of the situation “...Yashiro-san run off with No.7. We need to get her back before leaving, where did she go?”
Kou frowned.
Akane felt dread “...You did mark a meeting place, didn’t you Minamoto-Kouhai?”
“No… She just asked me to distract Teru-nii.” Kou admitted, oblivious to the way his words made Teru agitated, holding on tighter to his sword “She never told me where she would go.”
“So you just let her run away, with the boy she like, in the far shore,” Akane frowned, feeling a familiar disconnect with Nene. He can give her the benefit of doubt, remember that she is not the brightest girl around, and assume she just forgot to plan that.
But he saw how big her backpack is, how much she planned. And how much she trusts that slimy ghost.
He have no doubts, that boy crazy idiot wanted to throw her life away to stay with him, she didn’t plan on returning.
Damn it, he can’t let that happen.
“It seems she is not on your side.” Teru told Kou, his tone cold, uncharacteristically petty.
Kou flinched, confused but clearly hurt.
Akane looked at the president, realizing with some shock that Teru was trying to hurt Kou. What the fuck, why would he do this? He values Kou, he heard way too much worrying and gushing about his ‘dear siblings’ to not know Teru wants him to be happy, so this was completely out of line, nonsensical. “What is wrong with you?”
Teru snarled at him, glancing at Aoi and holding back what he wanted to say, looking away from them.
“...You’re acting weird.” Kou said
Aoi tugged his collar, making Akane look down at her, softening his voice “What’s wrong?”
She still looked in a state of shock, hardly believing she was rescued for real and this is not a dream, but she managed to ask “...Nene-chan is here too?”
Akane softened his features, feeling a pang in his chest.
Aoi wants to see Nene again, and have her friend with her. Aoi wants to apologize. She would never accept Nene dying in her place.
“Yes,” Kou smiled, his eyes looked too tired for to fool anyone “She should be back soon!”
‘Soon’ isn’t good enough, they can’t stay here like sitting ducks for No.6.
Akane isn’t so sure she’ll come back at all.
 It made him angry.
…Does love blind her that much? How can she be so ready to die, and make Aoi lose one of her very few friends, without telling her about it? Did she just assume this is what Aoi would have preferred? Did she learn nothing from Hanako's actions? 
(Or did she trust Akane? Does she believe he and the president could handle this?)
Akane sweated. He can’t leave Nene here.
But he doesn’t know if they have enough time to lose searching for her.
At any moment No.6 will-
Akane's eyes widened at the shadow in the water “Kouhai!” the shadows quickly started gaining form, a black claw aiming for Kou’s face “Watch out-”
Teru pushed Kou away, able to land a blow since his sword was unsheathed, but not able to dodge.
His shoulder started bleeding heavily.
No.6 didn’t bat an eye at the slash on his own chest, picking Minamoto with a single hand and absently touching his bleeding chest, unimpressed “This blade used to be worth of fear” He threw Teru to the side, painting the boundary water red “Your clan have grown weak.”
Akane eyes widened at the familiar situation.
Something in his chest tightened, not sure if it was the pain of another failure, this sickening deja vu, or Aoi's terrified grasp on his vest-
No.6 will-
(kill everyone again)
When he approached Akane already expected the worst, he can’t win he can’t win he can’t win
Not like this.
Not with Aoi-
The claw came his way and Akane turned his back towards the danger, shielding Aoi.
Aoi eyes widened.
“Is okay-” He coughed, feeling his heart squeeze at the way he dirtied her face with blood. At the fearful tears on her pale face “I-” He held her arm, as gently as he could, hating that he couldn’t stop the shaking “I’ll save… you. I love you.”
It was selfish.
Aoi told him she doesn’t like when he praises her too much. He know she doesn’t want to hear it.
But he watched her be taken so many times now and he can’t… He can’t let her go again. He doesn’t want her to get hurt, he doesn’t want to see her scared like and be unable to comfort her.
He want to be able to say it again. 
Aoi trembled, holding his cloak with all her strength, voice shaky, so quiet  “D-Don’t…”
Akane’s attempt to reassure her this is fine, it looks worse than it feels, turned into a wheeze, feeling the blood in the back of his throat, and wanting to use his arm as a tissue, to make sure Aoi didn’t get dirtier, but it made him lose balance. Thankfully able to fall on his side instead of fully crushing Aoi.
‘Sorry, I got you dirty’ He thought, but couldn’t find his voice, his vision getting blurry. ‘Sorry for doing this my way Aoi-chan’
“So you love her.” No.6 said with something strange in his tone, his mostly neutral face gaining a slight frown. When he picked Akane up, his brain bouncing at the abrupt movement, the demon said something Akane couldn’t fully register, he think it’s something about being wise…? or a wife? but he didn’t care, he used his dying focus on Aoi.
Aoi, who was glaring at No.6 despite her clear fear. Aoi, got up in wobbly legs but didn’t run.
She want to run, he knows Aoi is always running away, carrying herself with the pride of someone that is sure she will win any conflict but never acting.
(is so cute)
“Let..” She gulped “Let him go!”
He could see the way she raised her bell, hating the despair on her face, the way she felt cornered, but feeling pride when she managed to create a lightning. Something about them made No.6 angry throwing Akane on the train debris with too much strength.
It was far more brutal than the usual ways No.6 killed him. 
(It hurt way less to die quickly, 
Aoi really is amazing, being the one to help him again)
Another loop, another brother's argument.
“This isn’t about No.7 escaping is it?” Akane sighed, having witness this again and again and again. Tired of it.
They didn’t reply.
Kou looked confused so whatever happened is probably Teru’s misunderstanding a situation? Akane can’t imagine the kid wanting to hurt someone he loves and then acting like it wasn’t his problem.
“President,” Akane said, already coming to terms that this loop is ruined so he might as well get info out of it. “What bothered you? If it’s important say it.” He thought about Aoi, adding a sad “Before is too late”
Only after Kou was a bit away, did Teru told him “...He said he is on Nene’s side.”
Akane waited for more but more did not come.
He crossed his arms, like an impatient parent “That's it?? Why do you care, we knew he would go after her, he is soft on supernaturals is not like he hates you”
Teru clenched his fists.
“...Do you really think he hates you?” Akane raised his brows “Or are you mad someone is more important than you to him now?"
“Aoi.” He said coldly, far too angry for the accusation to not have hit.
He can't believe it.
He died for this?
"You're pathetic " He scoffed, "Oi Kouhai, come tell the president you still like him so he stop being an idio-"
Another failure.
Again and again and again and again.
Akane stared at his bedroom ceiling. Somewhat detached from experiencing immense pain and switching to numbness.
4:32 am
He is running out of time.
Teru smirked with controlled hatred at No.7  “It seems like we found you before her. You-”
“No.7” Akana cut Teru off, getting in front of the president and extending a hand to the wagon exit “Go help Aoi-chan. I’ll take care of him”
Hanako and Teru looked at him weirdly.
“...You want me to save Akane-san?” Teru frowned.
‘No. I want to be the one by her side. But No.7 is the one I need to destroy to stop this loop. If everyone dies one more time, I’ll lose it.’
“I trust you.” Akane said, which he never wanted to say out loud cause the boy is aggravating and conceived enough as it is, but it is true and he doesn’t have time “Go get her, I’ll catch up to you soon.”
“I am afraid it doesn’t matter who goes, is too late,” Hanako said, lying through his teeth without a care “She got gobbled up-”
Akane jumped on him, missing the punch “Shut up, ” he turned to teru “and you, get out of here!”
“You’re not an exorcist,” Teru protested “You can’t destroy his sou-”
“I can do plenty of damage” Aka snapped, not in the mood to have a staring contest “Didn’t you say you were going to save Aoi-chan? Go!”
Teru seemed like he really wanted to argue, but he reluctantly rushed to Aoi. Finally.
Akane knew the idiot would get the job done, so he focused on stopping Hanako, grabbing the back of his shirt when he jumped towards Teru and slamming him on the ground.
Hanako groaned at the impact, getting back on his feet.
“I thought you would go after your dear Aoi”
“You don’t know shit” Akane snaps with venom, all his anger boiling, having no qualms about using this slimy bastard as a target.
If he didn’t try to get Nene lifespan back, Aoi wouldn’t be (dead) here.
Akane snarled and used his full strenght, getting a clean hit on his face and ignoring how Hanako aimed for his pierced chest, used to pain after all his deaths.
If he didn’t exist none of this would be happening.
He hit harder, the sting in his knuckles growing numb after a while.
“Senpai!” Kou yelled, grabbing his elbow with fear in his eyes “Stop-”
Akane immediately used his powers to stop his time, his anger disappearing when he realized how bloody his fists look, caking his watch glass with blood.
He stared at every frozen person in the wagon, only two of which had their time stoped.
Maybe Teru had been wrong about him not being able to destroy someone’s soul.
he feels sick
(he felt relief, finally, finally, the culprit is dead.)
Teru got back holding Aoi on his back, talking about who knows what with a small blush on his cheeks when she rested her chin on his shoulder.
there was tiny dropped of supernatural blood on her kimono and his jacket.
(Akane supposes it would be hard to get a clean rescue when Aoi was surrounded.)
Akane smiled a little, wanting to hold Aoi again, but resisting the urge, feeling a twist in his heart at the wide look in her eyes. The way it turned into horror when she saw No.7 breaking body.
Teru narrowed eyes, his silence making Akane want to scream.
"You would do the same," Akane said coldly.
Teru was holding Aoi when No.6 attacked. Akane protected him by taking the hit. Any worry he may feel numb now.
Akane woke up
His dread increased at the neon 5am on his phone.
“I’ll need your help.,” Akane said
Nene was startled “My help…?”
“Yes, remember our team up Yashiro-san.” Akane said, hoping he didn’t sound as agitated as he felt “I just realized how you can help.”
Akane didn’t say that he trust her this time, he doesn’t like to lie.
He understands they are not on the same mentality, and that no matter how much Nene values Aoi, she will always prioritize Hanako. Even when the ghost ignores her own wishes, even when her dear friend is in danger.
…He forgives her.
Loves make you blind, he can understand that. 
Akane hasn’t thought about Nene when Aoi dropped her in No.6’s trash with No.7 because he knows that sleazy ghost would do everything to protect her. Nene likely knew he would do everything to protect Aoi, so while it may leave a bad taste in his mouth, he can understand Nene abandoning her friend for her crush.
She had no idea everyone will die when she runs away.
(That Akane would fail to protect anyone. Again, and again, and again.)
He could accept it.
Had accepted many times.
But he won’t do it again, he needs Teru’s and Kou’s fight to not happen, they can discuss whatever issue they have later, when it doesn’t cost their lives. For that, he needs to make Nene change her plans with Kou and Hanako.
“I want you to look for Aoi-chan with Me.”
“Aoi-chan…” Nene frowned “I… I can’t.”
“The severance will be broken after we rescue her.” He pause, looking at teru for confirmation, who nodded “You can go see No.7 after,”
“Do you have more bells?”
“Please, for Aoi!”
Teru tried to trip him down the well.
As he does every. Fucking. Time.
Akane was still angry about his stupid fight with his brother, still angry at the entire situation, so he sidestepped Teru’s leg, pushing him down the well. Teru was caught off guard, tripping and instinctively grabbing the back of Akane’s shirt for support, forcing him to fall down too.
He vaguely saw Nene and Kou peek into the well with wary looks before darkness surrounded him and he was teleported to the train.
Akane fell on top of Teru, glaring at him.
“You pushed me” Teru frowned, offended.
“You” already tripped me again and again, shut up “tried first”
“S-senpai.” Kou eyes widened, not expecting him to take the hit.
Akane ignored him, snarling at No.6 like a wild animal and holding his pocket watch with both hands, clinging to it until his fingers grew numb. He will make his time stop even if it kill him.
No.6 tried to cut his hands off, to punch a hole through his stomach, but Akane held through the pain, intending to laugh at No.6 startled face, feeling a hint of smug satisfaction to once, just once, catch the demon off guard, but only coughing instead.
Still, the taste of blood didn’t spoil his mood.
It was too late for the demon, he got what he wanted.
His clock ticked: No.6 time stopped.
His plan worked.
“Aoi!” Teru paled, the way he stared at the rain of blood by Akane’s feet was bitterly familiar, but he had no sympathies to spare. Why was Teru just standing there? No.6 time was stopped, he can finally take him down.
‘We only have five minutes, hurry up’ He tried to warn but it come of as “Fiv…” He coughed “Min..urry up…!”
Teru cut No.6 down in a snap, taking Akane off his claw.
“Akane-kun!” Aoi yelled. She never yells “Don…”
He blacked out.
He comes back to it vaguely, watching Aoi lean over him with wet eyes.
A part of him felt bad.
Most of him was relieved to see her alive. To see her so expressive.
He tried to brush her hair, reassure her Teru will look after her, nene will be by her side, she still have a lot to live for, but it was hard to talk. His touch left a blood stain on her beautiful hair. He could barely register her holding his hand before briefly blacking out again.
“Switch to…” Teru was yelling something at him. He tried to pay attention to it, vaguely registering words, aware the tone he was using was reserved for important situations, but taking a while to process the message: “Switch to your human form or you’ll die!”
He did as told, coughing at the sudden ease in which he could breath, still feeling extremely weak but no longer too weak to control his own body.
The far shore felt weird in his human form, but he had the strength to hug Aoi now, so he didn’t care.
“Senpai” Kou said, unshed tears in his eyes “...Are you okay?”
“Yes.” He feels a bit itchy, it’s strange, but he feels good.
“Aoi isn’t a Kannagi, his family has no ties with the supernatural.” Teru said, staring too hard at his watch, which seem to have gotten cracked  “Without his contract, he is a normal human.”
“ I do feel… strange, but my hands aren’t being damaged. I am not hurt or anything…” He frowned, turning to Aoi, more relaxed now that the threat was eliminated “Does it hurt?”
Aoi shook her head.
As they walked, Akane felt strange. He looked at the train, feeling something from it. “There may be something on the train, there is this pull-”
Teru grabbed his wrist, his face rigid and cold. Almost… Pained? 
Akane frowned, confused.
“Do not follow this feeling.” Teru ordered, looking around “You are too far away from the near shore, even with the severance stopped, your body will be undone without outside forces” He held tighter “Kou, where is Yashiro-san? We need to get out of here now.”
“I don’t know.”
They never do, maybe he’ll waste a loop just to follow her and drag her back to everyone.
They talked but Akane felt detached from it all, feeling like the phrasing was different but their words were still the same as always. He tunned them out, looking at the train. The weird pull was so strong, but it didn’t feel dangerous. Still, he doesn’t want to die. 
He have so much to leave. He can never leave Aoi alone either, so he sucked up and ignored this overwhelming feeling.
“Akane-kun?” Aoi pushed his hand, “Come on…” She was so openly worried “L-let’s go.”
He broke through the strange feeling, holding Aoi’s hand. “Sorry, let’s go.”
As they walked farther away from the train, Akane started to feel nauseous and a bit detached from his body, not feeling Aoi’s delicate hand in his anymore.
He made sure to check it was still there, not wanting to experience leaving her behind again, and seeing her holding on tight.
“Where is Minamoto senpai?”
Aoi and Kou exchanged looks “...He went to get Nene-chan he said…” Aoi bit her lips.
“He said you’re too close to death.” Kou informed “You need to get back to the near shore quickly or your human body will come undone,” He sounded tense “Teru nii said your supernatural body is dead since your clock broke. You’re just a normal human now.” 
“Keep walking.” Aoi said, looking at his hand. “We’ll… Talk later.”
‘I am scared you’ll die, I don’t want you to die!’
She really is such a sweet girl.
“I’m not going to die” Akane smiled, resisting the urge to stop to kiss her forehead, no amount of cloudiness able to change his mind “I’ll stay by your side no matter what” He smiled gently, keeping up their rushed pace even if it has grown harder to do so “We still need to play games and go to the zoo.”
Instead of smiling Aoi's eyes widened, openly horrified.
Did she change her mind? That’s okay, they don’t have to go to the zoo, they can go whatever she wants, she can change her mind as many times as she wants.
Akane went to brush her hair, clean up some of the lingering blood on it, and realizing his hand was a bit transparent but feeling strangely detached from the observation.
Akane woke up in his bedroom.
Akane stared at the dark ceiling, the dreamy detachment of his situation completely gone, lucidity feeling like a slap in the face.
…Why is he here?
Aoi was saved. 
She is safe, the rescue was a success! He won!!
His clock broke, he shouldn’t be back!
But he is
Maybe he always will.
Akane laughed. He laughed loudly, the sound sounding choked, more of a creeping sob.
He grabbed his stupid phone with the bright 5:00 am in it and threw on the ground, breaking it to pieces.
Does dying reset? 
Fine. He won’t die.
“...Aoi?” Teru’s voice sounded a bit sleepy “It’s 5am…? Did some-” He yawned “...Did something happ-”
“I’m going to rescue Aoi now,” Akane cut him off, grabbing his house keys “Come with me.”
There was a pause, "… Aoi what are you talking about?” He sounded confused, a bit of wariness creeping into his sleepy voice “We have plans-”
“Your plans won’t work, president.” He slammed his front door close with more force than needed, clenching his phone until his fingers ached “The kids will ruin this mission. Either come with me or I’ll go alone.”
“You won’t be able to get out if you go alone, Aoi listen to yourself. I know you want to get Akane-san soon, but this is foolish.” Teru said, suddenly sounding completely awake. “What has brought this sudden change in-”
“I don’t have time to lose” Akane groaned "I will only wait for you for twenty minutes. Come alone.”
He turned the phone off.
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phoenix-of-jade · 6 months
Continued from here [X]
Xuan wasn't the type to be easily intimidated or frightened by anyone. In fact, seeing how people tried their very best at inducing fear into those they thought as weak and submissive, kind of amused him. It just showed how weak the human character could actually be at times, since more often than not the very same people who sought to impose their strength and power over others through sheer brute force were, in fact, just some scarred little souls hidden underneath shallow husks.
That's why when Teru attacked him, pinning him to the wall, Xuan didn't sketch the slightest of reactions. He could see right through this feisty man's front and he could tell from the very first glance he threw at him that night that Teru was the submissive type, someone who will appear as stubborn and tough, but will kneel and crumble easily under his boot. Their positions of power were soon going to switch drastically, it was just a matter of time and Xuan didn't feel like rushing this little 'game' of cat and mouse he'd set for himself, at least for a while.
With a slight snort, the raven haired gave the younger another defiant look, before speaking in the calmest of tones, sure of the fact this will piss him off even further. "I think the only wasted one here is you, since you're literally chasing after someone who made a fool out of you in front of your entire group. Shouldn't you be trying to save face and find some drunken idiot to smash on the pool table instead? Or could it be that you actually have a degradation kink and all that humiliation actually turned you on?" Another jeering grin. "Sorry, but I don't mingle with pathetic little hoes. You'll have to do much better than this to impress me."
As an emphasis on how 'unimpressed' he was, Xuan then feigned a yawn and leant back against the wall, feeling the pressure applied by the other's arm onto his chest tighten. "Bold of you to assume I wouldn't be able to handle you, princess! Also, I am curious as to what do you mean by my kind? Do you, perhaps, dare compare me to those lousy fucks inside the bar, who spend their days pimping bitches and ordering idiots around to do their biddings, while they sip on cheap wine and sit all day with a cane stuck up their asses?" Raising an eyebrow, Xuan then tilted his head to the side. "I'm sorry, but in this case, your assumption is wrong. I might be of the refined kind, but trust me, unlike those idiots who try pretending they are something they are not, I actually live up to my status as leader of my organization."
In just a split second, without much of a struggle, the man then used his foot to kick the succubu's legs in one swift motion before he'd even be able to react, just enough that he could make the man lose his balance, before freeing himself and applying three more sturdy hits with his hand and elbow to Teru's side, back and neck, only to finish by grabbing the younger's hand and painfully twisting it to his back, pushing him face first into the wall. The green eyed bastard was soo quick that there was barely even time for an outsider to register when and what happened. "Who's all lame now, hmm?" Back to his conceited cocky tone, Xuan then leant against him to whisper in the younger's ear. "Here's a pro tip: never judge a book by its cover. Your little show of bravery was fun to watch, but unfortunately, you still have room for lots of improvement."
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hyraeths · 3 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓  ,    vertebrae by vertebrae  .    it is particularly cruel  ,    for the tendons to tear with deliberate lethargy and the bones to snap in clean - cut fragments  .    teru would choose it        (        over and over  ,    again        )        ,    could he have forfeited this hollowness in the wake of betrayal  .    the heir to the minamoto clan  ,    he was raised to be entirely self - reliant  ;    unforgivingly so  ,    the principles innate to humanity were stripped from him  .    how the vice - president elbowed his way into the crevices of his discipline  ,    remains a mystery he had never dared to shed light upon  . he has learned that trust is always misplaced ; even roses can be thorned .     ❛❛        𝐢 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮  ,        ❜❜        teru relays  ,    and his voice echos with a nonchalance in jarring contrast to the thin - skinned morphemes  .    the hurt , hidden behind a perfected mask , and the eyes are cold    ━━        the aquamarine of the irises void of their boyish ebullience  .    this is the man who has been forced to forsaken boyhood for clout  .    
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❛❛        now  ,    you must know i am here as an exorcist—    to appraise whether you pose a threat to the living  .    whether to treat you as supernatural or human  .        ❜❜        his digits fold into the blouse  ,    white - knuckled  ,    a storm of ire writhing beneath skin  .     for a split second the inkling to sheath his sword in - between his ribcage passes the revue—    one heartbeat  ,    𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 .    there is an attachment  ,    the vile  ,    heart - breaking sort he does not wear well  .    and perhaps glimpses of it showed  ,     in the way the teru topples aoi over  , leaning in for convenience before locking their lips into a kiss and possibly ruining it all  .
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[  ☾  ]     angsty stuff for @gemkun
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isa-ah · 4 months
For the toxic au... how does the separation arc go there? Do teru and mob reconcile before the claw arc? Would their experiences change how the brocoli fight goes down? Aaaah I have so many questions I'm so obsessed I was literally thinking of this all day...
HMMM that's a fantastic question. I think the separation arc would be the best place to reconcile bc mob has so much free time for friends, but not seeing each other again until the claw arc would be dramatic.. the first time they see each other being after the house fire?? and then there's no time to talk one on one and it all goes to shit immediately after..
I think in that instance, after they take down Suzuki, it could almost lay like a rug over a hole, right? like oh thank god were normal. so glad that's over with. and then they hang out one on one for the first time thereafter and are immediately struck with the wait what are normal boundaries again? can I touch your arm, back, elbow, waist? can I lean in, can I say that? were we close like this before, does he feel that way too? and it's AWKWARD lololol
I figure it would probably be like; teruki does something impulsive and affectionate that snaps mob out of his own head and he says something candid that snaps terus anxiety in half like a wafer, and all of the moddled unsure feelings dissipate. what's left over is that deep seated affection & they're a lot more comfortable, like suddenly they remember how to just Be Friends. doesn't resolve the other 👀🏳️‍🌈 feelings but it's probably where the needle stays until post confession arc.
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snurgle07 · 1 year
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something about Progress
[ID: A digital drawing depicting several iterations of Teru Hanazawa from the Mob Psycho 100 series. From right to left- Teru with his debut design scowling as he looks over at the other Terus, his hand is raised with a psychic aura threateningly. Teru in his appearance during the Sixth Division arc is resting his elbow on the former and has a casual expression as he looks over at the next Teru. The Teru with his hair cut and blue shirt is smiling open-mouthed and looking back at the former Terus. Last is the Teru design depicted in the finale who is smiling with his eyes closed and hands in his pockets as if at peace.]
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
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scene w/ teruki and shigeo from nge au :) teru bro pls calm down
bonus and ID under cut:
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First Image (above cut): Teru pins Mob down to a kitchen counter, the room around them is trashed from their struggle. Teru's face is hidden as he towers over a wide-eyed Mob. Teru is holding a knife. There is a subtitle that reads "I'm not... letting you... take this away from me!..."
Second Image (above cut): POV shot from Mob's POV. Teru is crying, face flushed and tears dripping down. The knife is still raised. A subtitle reads "Pilotings all I have! So..."
Third Image (above cut): POV shot from Teru's POV. Mob is leaned back on his elbows on the counter, looking up at Teru in fear. His eyes are wide with a shadow cast around them and he is sweating. Teru's shadow is cast on him. A subtitle reads "so you can't be better at it than ME!!!"
Fourth Image (below cut): Mob and Teru are stood next to eachother, wearing matching shirts that say "Get along shirt". Mob is pulling at the bottom of it, looking down and examining it. Teru is glaring at the viewer, gripping the shirt. He looks angry.
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braemjeorn · 8 months
Okay, Despa's girl just AWESOMENESS ( i would like to read MOORE of your Despa/his lady headcannons, really!!!! I love both of them on your writing), but..what about Ouken/Desha partner? Like " some JuSt SmarTTy, prrretty and nUTs wOoman"? Or the tiny murmuring girl, or cold-metallic godness???? What do yu think?)
anonie, have you any idea what dam ur cracking open😀
if i have to describe the pairs in a phrase it'd be:
desha and honi are the steady parents:
i have this fic and these two posts abt them but i don't think this fic is a presentable work to offer the fandom - it lacks so much, methinks. the fic is the story of how they met maybe sometime in the future after desha's curse is lifted and all. but in essence honi almost doesn't care abt the fact desha's a king of like this great kingdom — her subconscious went, he could use a friendly, normal laugh and she just went with a mild quip and after he didn't zap her into ashes, went to befriend him with snarks and teasing.
desha thought she's one disastrous woman - considering she fell down meifu. but she holds good conversations despite that - she's a comfortable company to joke around and talk about nonsensical things like normal friends - if we ignore the increasing pitter-pat of the hearts over time. ["WHY are you proposing to me, i thought you didn't like me back that much!? ...YOU DO!?" "i do love you, you lively spirited thing."] they have some self-esteem issues and mutual acknowledgement to work out on but it was despa who persuaded desha to just make an offer: its not like there's going to be any other woman approaching you and its not like you want any other. surprisingly despa hot away without being zapped for those words and stood as best man for the wedding.
i say they're the parents because i like to imagine they settle quite well in their marriage, with desha's reservations and honi's domestic investment (considering how dramatic despa and teru got around theirs and how giddy and rosy ouken's love story is). they'd nag(desha) and croon(honi) over the younger brothers, and when the heirs were born they'd sit there on the couch in the evenings, his arms behind her back and her head leaning back on him as they watch their kids play while despa teased ouken. they'd have soft murmured conversations - she'd hold his huge hands, and play with the singular ring there, quite content with the momentary wrap on adventures in exchange for domestic bliss.
despa and teru is water and oil:
well, that's what my aunt, the queen says, their only daughter said. they don't necessarily blend but they make good broth, dont you think?
i haven't more to say about their story beyond that moodboard post, yet. honi caught them snogging among despa's shelves like a year before they asked the king permission to wed - who had his reservations (may have taunted despa) but the two were quite adamant (furiosly blushing as they are advancing their pragmatic basis for marriage - the crown's increased income for married royals and maintaining friendship, duh). it was a relationship where they temper each other but the sparks remained to fuel the marriage for decades. occasionally, they have these ten second moments as a pause in between arguments where they look at each other, either contemplating whether to claw the other like cats or kiss furiously—their daughter noticed these stares the older she gets so she'd slip between them and hook each of their elbows to prevent chaos errupting.
ouken and his lady is the vanilla sweet couple:
@potato-imouto made this perfect oc for ouken named paige and i just really like her. she's bookish and artistic, sweet and gentle and ouken is this, warlord, bloody fighter who'd find a slip to kill a god but has a big heart - the uwuness these two hold.
my headcanon is that he came up to the overworld for some diplomatic mission before his 25th year and they saw each other and mutually thought oh he/she's cute... they got along during the visit and exchanged a few letters until the curse fully overtook ouken. despa sent paige a letter explaining the predicament and she gave no reply in shock - it was rather descriptive.
it took him a few more years to see her again obviously, and he was like its fine if she's already married, i just want to wish her well evenifmyheartisgoingtorotandwither but then he heard from her brother that she's not married yet (adding with narrowed eyes: and i think its your fault.)
he found paige in her parlour and she's in a bit of a daze because oh dear gods, i thought i'd never see you again and she slowly smiled with a pretty blush and ouken's red to the tips of his ears. its so nice to see you again, prince ouken, she said and he gave out a weak likewise and that's how they ended up married a year latter. they're like kit and ella in a way, just kindred, kind souls in love with one another and makes such a sweet couple no one can really be against them. desha and honi were rather surprised and skeptical since the two look like they'd melt at any little kiss or touch from each other but then they got two niece and a nephew from the two and desha like they're fine, surprisingly. i can live out my life well now.
anyway, i like to think honi, teru and paige hollers, shrieks, bends-over-backwards over this shorts because of how plainly true it is.
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kittytheartist · 2 years
i’m going insane over the terukane height difference
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teru totally leans his hands and elbows on aoi’s head it’s canon i’m aidairo okay
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(also I love Teru in that panel)
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and pocket sized
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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© - No credits for images, Baiu is just loosely based off these images.
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( Befriended ) - Name ::
⮚ Baiuzensen [ 梅雨前線 ] [ seasonal rain / the seasonal rain front ] ⮚ Kido-type Zanpakutou ⮚ Reiatsu - #b5d4f5 A pale blue with a white simmer around his form, moves with the ripples of an ocean surface.
He/They stand upon the mirror like water's surface, clouds around geto-ends, that stretch around two foot to their actual feet. Clothing is minimal, mostly because he almost has no-body to hide. Dainty, feminine, shapeless or shapely but unlimited by humane constraints. Baiuzensen is a creature of transparent flesh, black skeletal form with a fully opaque face. Mouth is muzzled, black bone pushing through and over the skin, but still fused to his/their skull in the same method as a jaw would. White teeth overlay nose and cheeks in a symmetrical upward arrow shape.
Crown is settled with a hat that matches his muzzle, but domed over, more Jellyfish like in terms of soft, shapelessness but still firm in movement. Long tendrils curtain his back from view and his sides but still show the curved black-bone spine that protrudes from Baiu’s back connecting to his helm. Arms are longer than most humans, elbows rest easy at his hips, and fingertips bush the back of his carve muscles, black bones shimmer blue in different hues of light but overall, dark and strong looking.
Pale blue yet vivid eyes, white hair and white opaque facial shield. Baiuzensen is a beautiful, yet haunting ghost of the rain filled Inner World. Clothing ranging from blinding white with black outlines and hints of watery-blue in rain drops that cover the ends of the fabric that hangs from his beltline.
⮚ Hirohito enjoys talking to Baiuzensen and states his Zanpakutou can not speak with his jaw being fixed. ⮚ Telepathy is his method of communication with Uekawa.
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Sealed form ::
⮚ past form 1 :: Asauchi Katana, Black Hilt, White Pommel, Square Hand guard ⮚ past form 2 :: White, semi translucent bamboo shaft Wagasa with a crudely made Teru Teru Bozu doll on its pommel held on by a blue string. ⮚ current form :: A modern day translucent white plastic umbrella with a curved handle. Steel shaft and ribs - that has a comically blackened sword piercing straight through the top. His sword seems to be wrapped in the umbrella at first glance.
The first kengen took him seven and half years from learning his Zanpakutou’s name and another three to release himself from its sealed form. ( Ten years in total to learn his Shikai. )
Baiuzensen’s talent is being blindly curious, and this obsessive need to know, like Uekawa’s is what allows them to battle for long hours, instead of minutes, to gather information. It was one of his many flaws in the training academy! However, he was the first in his unit to know of his Zanpakutou’s name during a seven-year-long period of Jinzen ( sword meditation ) and then unlocked the first Kengen ( manifestation )
⮚ No one knows what Baiuzensen and Uekawa spoke or had conflicts about but it was reported that he sustained zero injuries during that Seven Year meditation. ⮚ He was also exempt from any training routines / schedules, due to the deep trance he fell into. ⮚ When he woke up, his Zanpakutou had awakened and took on a form of a white wagasa. ( Oil-paper Umbrella. ) ⮚ It was several hundred years later, when permitted to a trip to the human world with his Taichou, Uekawa and Baiuzensen took in the happenings of the human world. When they returned with research and results and numbers on hollow activates, the two of them had a conversation upon what they saw, and once again awoken from a week long jinzen. It was after this that Baiuzensen took up a new updated form of a white, translucent plastic umbrella with a curved white handle.
Whenever asked about his all-too-long meditations conversations, Uekawa always replies the same; ’we talked about everything and anything.’ For some, it was too vague for them to understand, but to his fellow curious Shinigami and current Taichou, they understood.
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somevirtualnolife · 1 year
Three Things
1539 words
Also on Ao3
Rating: G
Series: Tokimeki Memorial: Girls Side 2nd Kiss
Pairing: Daisy (OC) x Saeki Teru
Summary: Saeki Teru goes to a baseball game to support Mizuki's cheerleading, but it looks like he isn't the only one who notices her.
Author’s Note: I'm somewhat back! It took me a while to figure out what I originally wanted to do with the part since I wanted it to be from Saeki's point of view. The ending of course, is a bit of a cliffhanger, but that just means I have to write more, eh?
While I do joke that I like to bully him, it was more that I wanted to show off the feeling of when in the game where Daisy's stats are getting really high and all the boys start to notice you and want to take you out on dates. And of course, the moments when Daisy is walking home from a date with one boy, but then another boy spots them.
I hope you all enjoy it!
“I don’t see why you had to drag us along,” Harry huffed as he crossed his arms, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. “Just because you want to see your girlfriend shaking her pompoms in a miniski-OW,”
“Sorry, my elbow slipped,” Saeki Teru flashed an apologetic smile on his face. “Also, we’re just friends,”
It was true, Mizuki and Saeki had already established they weren’t in a relationship. Not… technically. Obviously, he liked her, and they hung out a bunch, but to be a couple, that would complicate things. There were just… a lot of other things going on in his personal life, about his parents and Sangosho. He’s still been having difficulties having them see just how important it was to keep working at the café. They were just…
“Seems like couple behavior to me,” Harry mumbled, rubbing his stomach.
“I have to side with Saeki-kun actually,” a bi-speckled Itaru spoke up.  “I am assuming that neither Saeki-san nor Shirogawa-san have formally agreed that they are going steady, then they are technically not a couple, even if you have gone on a few dates. There’s something freeing about that, don’t you think?”
“Going steady? Are you from the 1950s or somethin’?” the musician continued to complain.
“But doesn’t that work in your favor, Hariya?” Itaru pushed his glasses up slightly, a slight smirk on his face. “Considering Nishimoto-san and Meiko-san…”
“WHOA-HEY! That’s different!!”
“Can we please move on from this topic? I just want to watch the game,” Saeki tried not to lose his cool with the two. There were way too many other students around for him to be too snarky.
He had to admit, Harry was right about one thing. Yes, he was here to see Mizuki and support her. He had noticed that she was coming to work more tired because of the extra practices they had been doing in preparation for both their cheerleading tournaments and to cheer for Hanegasaki’s other sports teams. So, he dragged Harry and Itaru to make it seem like they were just a bunch of boys ready to support their school’s baseball team during the semi-finals (albeit maybe he should have found people that were more inclined to enjoy sports). Being the Prince of Hanegasaki, if girls from his ‘fan club’ saw him treating Mizuki with favoritism, it could cause a lot of problems for her.  
“Hey guys!” a chipper voice called out to the three boys. Sure enough, there was Mizuki, waving her yellow pompoms as she walked up toward them.
“Hey, good to see you,” Saeki responded, clearing his throat. He could hear Harry snicker quietly beside him, but he would deal with him later.
“It’s, so awesome you guys could make it. The baseball team has been working hard this year!”
“Shiba is playing today, right?” Harry asked, a big grin on his face. “Man, that guy is so awesome.”
“Yep! Katsumi-kun has probably been working the hardest, in my opinion. With him as our ace, there is no way we can lose.”
As Mizuki continued to chat with Harry and Hikami, she lowered her pompoms and placed them behind her back, Saeki got a proper look at her outfit.
Okay fine. Harry was right about two things; he certainly didn’t dislike the cheerleading uniform, especially on Mizuki. The black knee-high stockings, the cerulean blue V-neck sweater that matched the (surprisingly) short skirt...
Was it him or was it getting warmer out here?
“Kiki-sempai! We’re gonna be starting soon!”
Saeki snapped out of his thoughts, which was probably for the best. Who is Kiki?
A bubbly, pink-haired boy in one of the black oendan uniforms came skipping down across the field and wrapped his arms around Mizuki from behind in a friendly manner.
A bit too friendly.
“Sorry, I was just catching up with my friends before the game,” Mizuki replied. “Shouta, these are Itaru Hikami, Harry Kounoshin, and Teru Saeki,”
Shouta’s purple eyes looked squarely at Saeki when Mizuki mentioned his name, looking him up and down a couple of times.   
“Ehh~? So, you’re the Prince of Hanegasaki huh,” he asked before leaning his chin onto Mizuki’s shoulder. While his voice sounded curious, his facial expression said otherwise. His purple eyes narrowed slightly, a slight sneer that the rest of the boys could see.
“I don’t see what the big deal is,”
Saeki felt something on his left temple twitch as well as a flutter in his chest. “Well, that’s not a nickname I chose, I assure you.”
“Mmm, well, I guess the girls will choose any pretty boy with a tan these days, huh?”
This little punk…
“Shouta-kun! Be nice. Teru works hard, so he does deserve that title” Mizuki playfully tapped one of his arms. “He’s right though, I really should get going, but I will talk to you guys after!”
With that, Shouta let her go and they took their leave, with her waving her pompoms one last time. Saeki could hear Harry snicker, which he felt warranted another elbow to the stomach, but he would leave it for now. Whatever. He didn’t care.
It wasn’t long before the baseball team came out and Mizuki and the rest of the cheerleading squad lead the Hanegasaki students into organized cheer whenever their batters were up. She wasn’t a different person while she was up there, but it was more like, cheerleading highlighted some of her best qualities. No- no, not those qualities. More like how she was just so hardworking and through that, could motivate people as well. While the two of them often bickered, he was also aware that she had a very positive and bubbly personality. It was enough that even he found himself in the spirit of the game. He actually wanted them to win and was following along with all the cheers. You know, to a point. He still needed to keep his composure after all. People were watching.
But he did have to admit this; Mizuki was incredibly cute out there. To top everything else off from earlier, there was certainly a lot of appeal to her shaking those pompoms. He didn’t think that he’d be the type to be into such frivolous, fanservice-y antics, but well. Here he was.
Okay fine, Harry was now right about three things.  
In the 9th inning, the crowd cheered and roared in celebration when the infamous Katsumi Shiba hit a home run, winning their team the game. Hanegasaki would be going to the finals! All that work really did pay off.  
“YOO! Now that was sick. Did you see that!? Just straight out of the park!” Harry said as everyone started to make their way off of the bleachers.
“I have to admit, this was truly a remarkable experience,” Itaru added. “Seeing how they did today, statistically speaking, they most certainly have a chance to win the city-wide tournament tomorrow against Habataki,”
“Ha-ha! YES, let’s bring it to those rich-kid snobs! But first, this calls for celebration. You guys up for karaoke or something?”
“I’ll catch up with you guys later,” Saeki responded, already starting to make his way in the opposite direction of them towards the field and small stadium. “I’m just gonna see if Mizuki needs anything,”
“You hear that Itaru? If she needs anything,” the guitarist started to make kissing sounds.
Oh, how he wanted to deck that musician square in the jaw, but for now, he continued walking, making sure that no one saw the pink rising in his cheeks. He then leaned against the wall of the concrete building, waiting for her to exit from the building where everyone was changing.
He did want to congratulate Mizuki for all her hard work and see if she wanted any company walking home. Celebrations for the actual athletes weren’t until tomorrow since they needed to be fresh for tomorrow’s game, and that included the cheerleaders. You couldn’t be doing dances and being flipped into the air while exhausted after all. Plus, it was just something he had gotten into the habit of lately. Because of her busy schedule, sometimes the only time they saw each other was when he would walk her home. It wasn’t anything weird, no matter what others thought.
Finally, he spotted the curly-haired cheerleader exiting through a door. Chatting with a very tall, muscular, and (admittedly) handsome baseball player.
Laughing and smiling.
“Mou, Katsumi-kun!” Saeki heard her say in playful annoyance, a big smile on her face.
And Katsumi Shiba, known for his serious demeanor, smiled back.
There was a flutter in his chest, just like when Shouta had his arms around Mizuki. That’s when he realized, it wasn’t a flutter, but a pang. Was this… jealousy?
No, he couldn’t be. Jealous? Jealous of what? That there’s a boy in the same club as her who has no problems placing his grubby little hands like it’s nothing? That the ace of the baseball team managed to make her laugh and blush? Why should he care? It’s like Itaru said, they were not officially together. They could hang out with whomever they wanted, and even go on dates. They had agreed. They were not a couple.
And now, he was starting to regret it.
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2n2n · 2 years
Talking about finding Kou unattractive was fun! I want to be a shallow ho and rank the JSHK boys! I'll stop rereading the manga for the 100th time. I'll take the boys to task. This is partially like. Bc my husband wants to read it. When I was giving up on making this list, after the power went out,  I thought of him. In the chair across from mine. In our workroom. And I persevered.
Minamoto Kou
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I looked deep into my own heart for this. I beheld all the images and I sat on it for a while. I placed different characters here for a time. But. Kou really is in fact, the absolute least appealing guy for me personally. The Minamoto look is: bad, it's bad. For me, it's no good. Kou's weediness is akin to an adolescent large-breed dog: a legginess, big-pawed, knobby elbows. An adolescent coyote. ...and I DON'T LIKE CANINES!! Typically, boyishness could add a charm in and of itself, at least to elevate him above the ikemen... but his knobby gangliness is a new kind of gross.
While Teru is your typical ikeman Kou really is your typical shounen hero, complete with loud mouth and frequent 'serious business' scowl! It's an unpleasant and unsexy gaze! The light hair and blue eyes, not doin' it for me! Kou's unique trait is his narrow, tall iris, ovals instead of circles. It's an interesting choice that makes him stand out in the cast, but somehow, it makes him look like Sonic the Headgehog to me?! Combined with that scowl.... It's.... no good! It's bad! What's worse is he's like, built/toned under all of that. Guy's all bumpy like a lobster under his shirt. GROSS lol.
Kou also displeases me with his gestures at times. He straight up throws a rock at Mitsuba’s head, and will just punch him in the head or ‘bonk’ him. I would rather see the guys pointing knives at throats, thank you. Let’s try to be a little more saucy with our domestic abuse, ok? Put a little more romance into it..... ugh....... you’re not even trying, are you..... 
Minamoto Teru
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GROSS. KIMOCHI WARUI! There's not a thing appealing about him, not even a boyish charm! Teru's icey blue eyes and pinprick pupils are effective at conveying his character, and his blond hair is the Minamoto calling card......... and it all makes him sooo unattractive! I'm not into the whole blond-haired-blue-eyed boy thing!
He's your typical ikeman, tall and broad-shouldered, built and toned underneath his schoolclothes. His only charm point is being completely deranged, with an unsettling control over his unwaivering gaze and flat, practiced smile. That's impressive, and I appreciate the bait-and-switch nature of his ikeman front, and his more socially broken and manipulating qualities. Doesn't change that he is freakin' unattractive, though! Such a gargantuan man! I won't have it! 
....he used to be in last place, but I had to face that Teru has that interesting undercurrent of raw trauma and suffering, and a capacity for harm that is respectable. As well, his young self is far more appealing than Kou’s-- the blank-eyed, sad, bandaged boy coming and going to his training sessions, is quite interesting, and I like to see him. Teru will get credit where it is due.
Mitsuba Sousuke
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Mitsuba could not get it, from me. Personality wise he's, so annoying. The idea of being around a guy I am completely neutral on, looks fine sure, but then he's going to like, accuse me of wanting to rape him and scream about how cute and adorable he is-- horrible. Would piss me off so much to be around. Like Kou, I don't like guys who are going to freaking yell. I could hang out with Tsuchigomori, I could not hang out with Mitsuba. Repellent.
But like, this is a shallow list. AESTHETICALLY, Mitsuba is neutral. Perfectly neutral. The cardigan/muffler style is really pretty common, mundane, he doesn't really stand out. He doesn't really take the femme thing far enough to make me care about it or particularly notice it. He clearly doesn't like to be classed as femme either, which extremely loses him points-- like come on, that's your 1 appeal, isn't it? And you're not owning it? Tch.... what is the point of it, then.....
Unnatural hair colors don't typically do it for me, on boys, unfortunately. This pink-eyed pink-haired look is cute to me on a magical girl, but, eh... the only favor it does for me, is make it more distinct that Nene-chan's eyes are red, rather than pink. Which I like better....! She feels like some sort of albino animal ♥
Mitsuba actually isn't all that small/short either, which detracts points. He's actually middle-of-the-road, heightwise. He's not ghoulishly tall like Teru, nor as legs-akimbo as Kou, but he's also not as shrimpy and threadbare as the Yugi twins! Again, he's pretty neutral. Comparable to Akane.
Mystery-look is..... frankly cluttered, got a lot going on. The hood is fine, the scarf is on brand, but it's got a lot of fiddly crud attached to it which doesn't add anything but some noise. The gnarly beast hand is his sexiest trait, and he's NOT OWNING IT. Sad! Maybe if he could wear a skirt and embrace his spookiness, I'd notice him, but as it is, he fades into the background for me. And then he opens his mouth, and I'm actively annoyed by him. Unfortunately I would chase him with horrible bugs to make him scream, like Tsukasa does.
Ryuuji Tsuchigomori
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He's................................... I'll be honest while making this list I forgot Tsuchigomori needed to be on it. Forgot he counts as 'a guy'. I think he is fundamentally sexless to me or something, he's like background noise. But you know what--!? He's more neutral than the Minamoto boys, as he isn't actively repellent in any particular way. He's grossly tall and long and I'm not into this sort of pointed spikey lanky appearance, nor does the pipe and glasses chain do anything for me, but, like........................................ he's a nice guy. His black/white hair is a fine look, and in a fine style. A large purple turtleneck and black gloves is a stylish aesthetic.
I respect that he is uncontrollably submissive to Amane. Like sure guy, I get it... he's a sortof pathetic man, afraid of loud noises, startled by cars and thunder.....that's preferable. Funny.
Aoi Akane
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Little dweeb boy. Akane is interesting! His distinct eye-design is the center of his eye, his pupil, being a highlight, a pinprick of blue. Set in his brown iris, it has a different sort of subtle chilling effect-- less overt than Teru's icey gaze, but effective in scenes and illustrations. Akane's nature is complicated, so it suits him. I can tell Aida-sensei cared in designing that aspect. This concept of 'mostly normal, but something's a little off....' is well-conveyed.
I like natural hair colors, and Akane's is a very pretty red-brown, with matching eyes. It has a good 'boy next-door' quality, like he's meant to have! It kindof lends him an 'unspecial, normal' atmosphere, early on, so you don't think twice or expect the twist with him. Akane really does have that 'ooh, simply a boy' appeal. Like Mitsuba he's average, not tall, not lanky, but not weedy or shrimpy like the Yugi. He's not an extreme, but he's more on the 'boyish' side of things, with a smaller, shorter face. 
That all said he DOES have the Boy Meets World, or Simba, if you will, hair, and, , I can't take it seriously. The middle part bangs is never a Look, for me. It's simply funny. It's good for his little dweeb quality. 
In Clockkeeper form he sortof looks like a nerd boy about to attend a steampunk convention. God bless him but it's not for me. I guess he has no agency in it so I shouldn't judge him. The long ponytail is funny, it reminds me of a Jedi Braid or a rattail. Jim Hawkins here. It would look nicer and perhaps more interesting if he simply completely released it from the ponytail and let himself have long flowing hair. Wouldn't that be interesting? I'd like to at least see that.
He's a SIMP and a stalker so his personality's very appealing. He's a good, deranged, obsessed, devotional boy, and we love that here. He's not my boy, but I'm glad he exists.
Hyuuga Natsuhiko
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It feels like confronting something to place Natsuhiko so high on the list? I'm surprised, but I accept it. This is where he naturally is inclined to go...
Natsuhiko's hair is a rich, deep brown, as are his eyes. It's pretty! He's on the taller end, more of the ikeman shape as Teru has, but ueh, his personality is really his saving grace. He's such a charming little SIMP, slave to a hot girl, and dedicated caretaker to the little ones. I like Natsuhiko's genuinely caring vibes, and his politeness and chivalry is both funny and cute. He's happy to lavish compliments. He will dive into the ocean after Tsukasa. He does his best to set a good example for the kids. 
His incompetence and yet sublime confidence, the way even someone like Nene can quickly gather "something.... is not right about this hot guy...".... the idiot cell.... it's all great. He's really soooo fun and funny to watch in scenes, I'm always happy when Natsuhiko is involved and in the panel. I'm never not excited to have him about. It must mean something! He deserves credit for his affable personality trumping his aesthetic. It would be nice to receive his toothless flirting-- and it really is toothless, isn't it? He's so dedicated to his lady, but it doesn't stop him from being complimentary and charming to any girl.... what a nice nonthreatening guy to receive some attention from. Most of these guys I would not actually want flirting with me, but Natsuhiko could do it, its fine.
There's not much art to display of him in full-color, but his everyday look is quite nice, honestly! The choker/collar, the little titty window, the relaxed and easygoing eyes, the little kitty mouth..... a good bimbo, Natsuhiko. I hope he can dip it.
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The people can say whatever they want about Hakubo. He is decadent, gorgeous, an utter dreamboat. I understand Sumire-- I would let him consume me, and I would also do everything in my power to be his wife. What a pretty boy..... Hakubo's innocent gaze in his youth is so precious..... ah, he has a delicate quality to him. He's on the thinner side... he can feel so small, when he's young. Passive... an observant eye... quiet. Ever-calm, like still waters.... He has dark, dark deep brown eyes, and hair. His eyes are more defined by sparse highlights than anything, his pupils lost in the shadows. A smokey gaze..... I'm biased, 'cuz my husband has dark hair, eyes, and brown skin..... I'm glad all these choices were made for Hakubo. 
He's always adorned in gorgeous robes, kimono, peppered in accessories of ropes, gold, beads... always goooorgeoussss. The setting around him is so often as lush as his finery-- flowers, rainfall, ferns, foliage.... Hakuboooooo!!! Everything about him is drenched in preciousness, in a sacred energy. Aida-sensei has drawn him so many times in so many detailed, gorgeous illustrations..... and it's paid off!! I really understand the dreamy quality! An otherworldly creature... a pitiable thing without agency, his own desires unknown to him... ohhh, Hakubo!!! So so kissable. His design does everything expertly. I'm glad Aida-sensei and I have compatible tastes in this situation....
His horns downturned shape compliment his personality as well, so charming. As a Shinigami, the blackened furry arms are soooo captivating, sexy, cool!! Just so cool!!! That he’s completely solid black from the jawline down is hoooot... such an awesome look!!!! Black is-- the best color ♥ His mask and the draping fabric hiding his face, are such AWESOME looks, so-so-so cool! Hakubo makes only the coolest aesthetic choices!
 I have not a single bad thing to say about Hakubo. Personality, clothes, hair color, eye color, he's drop-dead.... Such a dramatic leap from “I would let Natsuhiko flirt with me” to “Hakubo could eat me”-- please understand the dramatic gap in attractiveness. Hakubo has blown everyone else in this list thus far out of the water. 
its the
hottest boy. It's the ultimate..... boy.... time.
Yugi Amane
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Our title character for a reason. I feel as if we preserve black hair in our cast purely to make his all the more special, all the more captivating. What a beautiful honor to give to what is typically seen as a hum-drum hair color. And again my husband’s hair color, ohhh what can I saaaay
If Akane is meant to have a kind of 'everyboy charm', Amane has that even moreso, and maybe a little.... something beneath that, scraggly charm. He isn't meant to be in-world conventionally attractive. He is decidedly short, shrimpy, without muscle toning (the Yugi twins were not trained fighters, they were merely unfortunate boys), in Picture Perfect we get to appreciate just how small and weedy the boys are under their finery. Amane has big, round bug-eyes, distinctly huge even in-world, perhaps more of an odd or offputting trait rather than a handsome one, to most. Compared to the slender eyes of the conventionally attractive Teru, the Yugi feel like some bizarre little urchins.
I love an underdog, don't you? The Yugi's look is not for everyone, in-world, but it's devastating for those weak to it. It's an acquired taste. Nothing looks like them.
Amane's eyes are golden. Not as unrealistic as something like purple, yet not very human, either. Like big gold coins. Or perhaps, like the eyes of a wild animal... His pupils stand out hard against the bright glow, and typically adhere to the top of his iris, looking sort of indirect. When Amane's pupils finally leave the outline of his eye and sink to the middle, you pay attention! He's got an incredible knack for looking down the barrel at you only when it counts. His expression otherwise is frivolous, and the pupils floating to the top remind me of some sort of vintage toy. To me, Amane's eyes show off how rarely he is taking something seriously. They suit him so well.
His hair feels thick, choppy, multilayered. The edges are blunt as if cut clean sideways with a pair of scissors in the home. They rest messily like heaps of straw in a pile, they do not lay flat and smooth across his crown. In profile-views, you can tell the length is a bit shorter mid-way down the cranium at the back. Some longer strands overhang....
Messy rough hair, furthering this... bit of a ragamuffin look. Scruffy, like a kitten. Despite his small stature, Amane doesn't have petite hands, at all. You'd expect them to be more understated, for all the other ways he's a shrimpy thing, but they're sizeable, long fingers, distinct knuckles, knobby, a bit. The tips are blunt, but the nails are long, a sssssslight feminine detail. His fingers are almost always posed very deliberately, very distinctly. Aida-sensei clearly loves hands! She puts endless care into depicting them. Hanako's are lovingly illustrated all the time. 
His Gakuran.... ahhh, an elegant all-black silhouette, with peeks of red embellishing here or there. He feels like some sort of sports car, I don't know how else to say it. Sleek, glossy, smooth. Aida-sensei takes great care to often draw his belt-buckle and even his white tucked-in undershirt visible just between the divets of the gakuran's hem. The red-detailing on the edges of the jacket's bottom, weren't even there, in the earliest volume. They add so much, though! The gakuran pinches tightly around and under his chest, shoulders, lower back. It loosens right around his belt, and tends to bunch or crease along its rim, making you perpetually aware of the belt's thickness just below. Lighting tends to strike the peak of his ribs and shoulders, first, and shadow his stomach and lower back. He feels all ribs-- his body sinks immediately beneath them, makes him feel underweight. Hot. HOT. Hot tragic boy hot boy died in sad circumstances hot. Hot. Ghost of tragic miserable boy. Small scrawny underweight. HOT.
The gakuran's buttons are a lurid detail. Big, gold, round-- to compliment his eyes-- metal, shining, and engraved with sakura blossoms. Really really easy and tempting to imagine running fingers over the rounded, bold buttons, feeling the dips of the engravings. So much texture.
When first introduced, his pants were long, and draped over his shiny classy black shoes. Aida-sensei however became addicted to drawing his ankles, and exposing those bright-red knit-texture socks of his, so now, we always have that additional jolt of color, and a peek at his small body under the patterns. They're very nearly capris, lol, his ankles are so exposed, now.... 
The last kisses of red on this design are the ropes on his hat, and the characters on his seal. He's not overrun with color, or embellishments-- predominately black with only splashes of gold and red where it's needed. Simple, not cluttered at all. A very elegant design. He himself feels like a shrine... some sacred thing. Opulent.... clean, nothing out of place, somehow... somehow! It’s miraculous, how he balances this trim feeling with the urchin vibe.... that’s Amane.... 
When the tsueshiro comes into play, he gains a cool vampiric edgy allure! It's without clutter too, just some fanciful detailing at the collar, and a solid red lining. Whether Amane is mischievous and smirking, wide-mouthed and laughing, squinted and glaring, lidded and leering, or tongue-lolling gnasty sleezeball, it's all immaculately alluring.
Amane could do anything to me he wanted, he could call me dummy, he could stab me, I would be lucky to have earned the grace for him to look upon me for a moment. He can be a dangerous leering liar all he wants. He can lie to me aaaalll day, I’ll listen ♥♥♥ I feel like I could go on for 100 years about Amane... I have to stop at some point!!!
whoaaa this list doesn’t include Tsukasa.... WELL, IT’S COMPLICATED....! I think I relate to him too much to be able to rank him externally.... it’s the limits of my psyche, gomenasai.
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anemia-rp · 2 months
Xuan moans again softly at that ass slap, looking back at Teru with a playful scold in his eyes. "Glad you like it so much... I guess we both must have the best asses in this whole world!~" He chuckles and finally rests his head on Teru's chest, taking in his scent and the warmth of his body, as they both relax after that amazing round of sex. "I love you baby. Always and forever." Xuan murmurs and kisses his boyfriend's chest, but in a soft and wholesome way.
"Your wings are really pretty.~" Xuan smiles and reaches out to touch on of the wing wrapped around the both of them like a cocoon of love and warmth. "The colors really suit you." He continues and gently caresses the feathers, almost mesmerized by their look and feel. So soft and yet firm and strong enough to lift his lover into the air if he'd ever wanted to fly. "I must have really fed you well for those to come out like this." The Chinese chuckles and says after another moment of silence and he lifts himself up slightly on his elbows to look at Teru and admire him. "I guess you are right... We'll probably be doing this role reversal thing more in the future. How often, I don't really know, since you know me, I am a bastard who loves to be the one in charge and make you scream like crazy from the greatness of my cock. But I must admit that this kind of experience is fun too." His lips lift up into a crooked smile that indicates he's really enjoying himself. "Actually, you know what? Since I am a generous master and because I love you, we'll do it this way whenever you will want, my love. I think you've earned this right, of claiming me whenever your heart will desire and I will be more than happy to oblige!~" Xuan then tenderly reaches out to touch Teru's face and caress it gently. "Maybe next time we could do it missionary... I guess it could be fun and hot, seeing you from bottom up and having our bodies pressed together as we both lose ourselves to this pleasure." Xuan sighs softly in pleasure and slight arousal just from that thought alone. "I love you more than it could ever be put into words and even if I risk sounding like a broken record, I'll never grow tired of telling you how much I love you! You are my world, my absolute everything!"
"Fuck yeah! Best asses and best dicks! What a fucking coincidence!" His chest raised and lowered underneath the other's cheek while he was still chuckling, and his hand stroked over Xuan's head, feeling the silky hair underneath his fingertips what was a sweet pleasure to the incubus. Just like the whole situation, filled with warmth, comfort and intimacy. "Same, my love. This feelings will never run out, I know it. That's why love is the biggest magic and the strongest force on earth!" He closed his eyes, but although he appeared peaceful the demon was still present, feeding on the lingering sexual hormones the other oozed with his sweat.
"Yeah, huh? They're pretty cool! I'd like to show them more often, but guess people would point at me and yell 'a dragon!' if they saw them…and I dunno what would happen then!" Thus he usually hid them well. That he had shown them to Xuan was a proof of how much he trusted him. So what he wasn't used to at all was to have them caressed. With a deep groan he enjoyed it, shuddering even lightly. "You've been the most delicious meal, Master. Not just a little snack after all." A befuddled, blissful expression decorated his face as he still held his eyes closed, though he opened them when he sensed Xuan shifting, gazing at the other then with a dreamy expression, the corners of his mouth widening to a smirk. "Uuuuh, I'll forever love it to take your cock anyway, that will never change!" The tip of his tongue appeared between his parted lips, his left eyebrow rising while he made a content face. "Woooh, so I've been a really good boy when it comes to topping as well, huh? Daaamn…my dick's gonna be so happy! You make it the happiest dick on earth!" Having the other caress his cheek he snuggled it into Xuan's palm in a confiding way. "We'll do it in every way you wanna have me! I promise I'll fuck you good no matter what position." His fingers glided up and down onto the other's lower arm, caressing it gently. "And I'm gonna love you even if you were a broken record, you know?" He sighed contendly, but then wrapped his arms around Xuan again, rolling around with him so Teru laid on top now. "You're my fave tune after all!"
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