#headcanon : urianger
the-random-tyler · 4 months
general ffxiv hcs
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vantaray · 7 months
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It's hard to repress the lizard instinct of horn bonk "kisses", to the detriment of non-Au Ra partners. Quick doodle during a DnD game, follow up to this
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punklilyyy · 7 months
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i finally redid that body headcanon thing… its been occasionally blowing up and i figured i should probably give it a polish!!!
i also plan to make more for different characters :3
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headcanons-n-shit · 10 months
How about the first kiss the ffxiv boys initiate - bonus Magnai and Artoirel please? 🥺
We're being cute today u_u
First kisses (ff14boissss)
Thancred is quite used to trusting his instincts and acting before he fully finishes a thought. His hands and body move faster than his brain, grabbing at your shoulders, spinning you around, pressing you against the rough stonework. His lips slot against yours like theyre meant to fit together, that nearly-chapped texture, the slight indent beneath your tongue, as though there is a scar across his mouth you never noticed until this very moment. The slight intake of breath as a takes a half step towards you, brings your bodies flush together, one hand curled around your neck, his other arm braced against the stonework beside your head.
The sounds of clanking greaves passes. Thancred lingers, your noses brushing, his half-lidded gaze taking in the blush high on your cheeks. Just to be sure the danger has passed, he tells himself as he forces himself to pull away.
Certainly not because he never wants this moment to end.
Urianger is as meticulous in this as he is in all things. He made reservations at the Last Stand. He memorized the route he was going to take you through the Noumenon. He had an tall, gnarled, private oak tree all picked out.
What he didn't account for was the way a storm predicted to pass just south of the island would be suddenly, violently caught by a high wind and blown over the city. The two of you rush for the cover of a nearby pavilion, your coats thrown up over your heads to protect yourselves from the worst of the sudden downpour. Or, at least, to try to-- Urianger ends up looking like a wet rat, and you not much better. But the sight has you doubled-over laughing, and, not soon after, him as well.
Your first kiss is there, under that random pavilion in the Sharlyan harbor, tasting of rainwater and serendipitous joy.
G'raha wakes slowly in the unyielding cradle of the throne in the Crystal Tower. His body feels... odd. Logically, he knows that he has been asleep for a very long time. His muscles should feel stiff, his eyes crusty. But the preservation of the Crystal Tower is complete-- his neck doesn't even crack as his head rolls.
And then the memories hit him.
He flings himself from his throne, colliding with your at-speed and taking you both down onto the unforgiving crystal floor. The soul vessel cracks with a clear tone. His arms cradle your head, but his knees crack against the floor, but he doesn't care. He's alive. You're alive. You're both alive.
His first kiss misses your mouth by a malm, but on his second you grab him by his braid to guide him better. You're both crying, gasping against each others mouths, but you're alive.
You're alive.
Estinien tries not to feel nervous as you invite him into your room. The two of you. Havent really gotten to talk. After ghimlyt dark, and then you were swept away to The First, and now the world is falling apart again, and. It really does feel like now or never. If he is going to fall at the end of the universe, he wants to do so with no regrets.
Your back hits the door as it closes, and estinien looms over you, his hair tickling your cheek where it comes to rest feather-light against your skin. His eyes are blown wide, and his thumb brushes oh-so-softly against your lower lip.
"If you dont want this," Estinien growls, "then just say the word, and I will cease at once."
But your arms come up around his neck, and you never do.
Aymeric is getting sick and tired of being interrupted during his carefully-planned dates with you. Dragons, primals, assassination attempts, cats. He's trying to be a proper Ishgardian gentleman about this, but there is only so much a man can take.
Today you're wandering the Jeweled Crozier together, ohhing and ahhing at the new leatherwork on display and the new selection of fabrics for the season and even the new selection of lances from the Skysteel. It's a rare sunny day, and it can almost be called warm, and, just as Aymeric is about to slide his hand into yours, your linkpearl rings.
Something or another pulling you away from him again, you try to explain apologetically, though Aymeric doesn't let you get more than a few words out before he is leaning forward and kissing you, gently and soft.
"Come home soon," he says with a smile, and it's a good thing it's nothing urgent because you definitely spend five whole minutes just composing yourself.
Haurchefant tries not to appear impatient as he works through the last bits of paperwork for the day. It's so late it's nearly early again, and you're still not back from patrol. You're competent. More than competent. He doesn't need to worry about you, but. he does anyways.
And he breathes a sigh of relief when you try to slip soundlessly through the door, the crunching of snow caked to your cloak and armor giving you away. He doesn't bother trying not to look eager as he jumps from his seat. The two of you argue, as you shrug your armor in front of the fire and he fixes you a cup of steaming hot cocoa. Youre beautiful and passionate and infuriatingly stubborn when you choose to dig you heels in, and he nearly spills your drink all over your front as he shuts you up with his mouth.
"Dont worry me like that again," he pleads, and you can make no promises for the way he kisses you again.
Sidurgu stares at the empty space where Fray once been and just. Breathes. He expected. Something. Some kind of feeling to twist his chest. Guilt, maybe, or grief, or. something. But Fray and Myste had stood together and smiled as they were swallowed again by the Abyss, tucked again into your soul, and he feels...
relief that you are alive. Happy, to have seen them again, but also to have this whole situation behind him. And when you turn to him, blood spattered on your face and your hair all flyaway and he loves you.
It's easy to drop his blade. To step away from the violence and cradle your face gently in his hands. Less easy to pause there, staring into your eyes, waiting, because he wants this, but, more than that, he wants you to want this. And he feels joy, when your lips meet his. He feels whole.
"Ewwwwwwww," Rielle whines and makes a fake gagging noise, and you and Sidurgu both feel nothing but fond irritation.
Magnai can't get the image of you out of his mind-- standing in the light of the ovoo, resplendent and beautiful, Khagan of the Steppe. It haunts him as he celebrates with the rest of the Oronir, drinking far too much fermented mare's milk to try to chase it away.
It doesn't work. Especially not when you're right there, laughing as Hien shakes your shoulder and retells the events of the day, how you turned from the ovoo immediately into scything down Imperials like you hadn't already been fighting all day, and you're impossible, you're--
looking up at Magnai with big, startled eyes as he leans down and plants a kiss on your lips. It's sloppy, and he tastes of fermented mare's milk, and the whole of the Oronir and the Buduga and your friends are jeering and cheering, but neither of you pull away until you're out of breath.
Artoirel is only partially drunk when it happens. It's late, just the two of you and the last two glasses of a full bottle of wine, the fireplace long burned low into smouldering embers, the barely-there orange glow casting your laughing face in beautiful, dramatic shadows. The way your nose scrunches up and you half-hide your mouth behind you hand and it strikes him, then, just how close you two are sitting, your thighs brushing beneath the table, your head knocking against his shoulder as you collapse into helpless giggles.
It's the most natural thing in the world for him to cup your cheek in his palm and tilt your face up towards his. To take in the way your eyes go half-lidded and your mouth parts around the whisper of his name. Your whole body strains towards him as he leans down the last few ilms and lets his mouth meet yours.
Forget whatever preconceptions you even held about this man: there is nothing gentlemanly about the way he kisses.
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cryoriku · 1 year
hc how i think the scions + some others are religiously
• minfilia - very much religious and loyal about it. it is just a personal thing for her and something that has been a comfort over the years, she would never be preachy but it's not something she hides either.
• y'shtola - y'shtola is very spiritual and believes in a lot of things, but it wouldn't be accurate to call her religious as she would never really care to worship any of them.
• lyse - canonically athiest. she thinks theyre probably real but considers them more a figurehead for people, yet doesnt think they deserve it, as people should live for themselves and their neighbors
• thancred - pays his respects and is passively religious (ie he'll get out of a situation by the skin of his teeth and thank thaliak but that's it).
• urianger - prays from time to time. he believes, but is more spiritual than religious; pays deep consideration to the gods' roles in everything, with a larger emphasis on nature/mysticism
• alphinaud - logical about it; believes more in science, but that science must have came from a god. although not overtly religious, he makes efforts to pay his respects to any and all deities, even if they are not ones he believes are most likely to be real
• alisaie - very similar to alphinaud in that she has a logical/practical approach to religion. though, she wants to believe that every god is real, and prays from time to time when a bit of lingering childishness has her doubtful and she needs a hand
• aymeric - church boy who go to church and read his enchiridion. aware of the dangers misuse of religion can cause (obviously) and aims to eliminate that, but still devout in his worship to halone
• estinien - performs religion more than he actually practices it, as it's just so engrained in ishgardian culture that he's caught some habits secondhand. he believes they exist(/ed), it's just not his thing really.
• haurchefant - tell me haurchefant doesnt seem like the guy you went to youth group with your whole life and your parents want to set you up w him because he seems like a good holy young man but when you hook up he's actually insanely horny
anyway thats all i got 4 now
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cinnabun-faerie · 10 months
Could I request how the Scions would react if they had been able to watch the fight between Zenos and WoL in Endwalker?
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A/N: I just imagine them just standing there and at some point, they realize that you both are fighting to the death. And I just can't see them just watching this unfold.
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She would be screaming to be let help you. It would tear her apart to see what you are doing. She would fight her way out of her brother's grip and sprint over to you. You don't have to do this alone, and you won't.
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If he can't join in your fight he will keep you alive by heals. He has watched friends die and get hurt and he couldn't stop it. But you, he isn't going to let you die. He's going to make sure that is avoided at all cost.
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He wouldn't care if this was your fight alone with Zenos, he's going to jump into the fight with you. You have done so much for him and he's not going to let you throw everything away for one fight. Hells, he wanted you to just let him die when he was possessed by Nidhogg but you didn't. So he's not going to let you die. To hell with seeing who is stronger between the two of you, he's not going to let you hurt yourself for pride.
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He'd be absolutely devastated when he realizes what you and Zenos are doing. And he knows that if he leaves you alone to do this, you might not survive this. You are a mighty fighter, but you are not invulnerable. If you don't want him to fight, he will find other means to help you.
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He knows that this is your battle, but damn it, he's not going to just stand there and watch you fight until you die of exhaustion. He can't do it. There were too many people that you all had lost, and he wasn't about to add you to that list. So if you're upset at him for this, he can deal with it. But not your death.
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If this is what you want to do, then he will not interfere. Would he try to sneakily heal you? Yes. But for the most part, he will try to prevent anyone from joining your fight. But if worst comes to worst, he will step in 'alongside your other comrades. He cannot accept your death this day.
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While she knows what you want to do, she can't let you die. At some point, she would intervene. Sorry, but you need not fight this battle alone. But perhaps for your sake, she'd wait and watch until she believed it was too much to do on your own.
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On this 420 I entrust you with the forbidden Fragments lore: Exarch and Urianger have tea parties and ~special~ tea parties that Feo Ul is excluded from bc they're born from a soul of a child after all and honestly would you wanna encounter a high pixie
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rogueonions · 1 year
Randomly thinking about Urianger and Thancred spicy times, and Thancred playfully saying things like "my turn" and "you're mine" without realizing... Only for Urianger to fluster a little when he hears the Hyur say one such line in combat, and trying not to drop his globe and cards because he's busy trying to keep his husband alive.
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morgana96 · 10 months
My Oddly Specific FFXIV Cooking Headcanons
Morgana (my WoL): A master culinarian and hardcore gourmet. Her father is also an accomplished chef from whom she gained most of her experience. People have literally had "Ratatouille moments" while eating her food.
Haurchefant: A decent cook who's been improving recently thanks to tips he got from Morgana. But honestly, his real specialty is beverages — he makes the best hot cocoa in Coerthas, as well as several other drinks and cocktails.
Alphinaud: A reformed rich kid™ who can't cook to save his life. He's quite embarrassed to have gone this long without knowing how to even make simple meals. But recently, he's started taking occasional lessons from Morgana in an attempt to improve.
Alisaie: Another reformed rich kid™ who can't cook to save her life. She's also very embarrassed about it and is now taking lessons with Morgana, but she's managed to turn it into a race with Alphinaud to see who's first to make something edible.
Thancred: Technically a better cook than Alphinaud and Alisaie. He mainly knows bare minimum recipes from growing up on Limsa's streets, and he's not very good at seasoning food. He actually got motivated to improve a little while taking care of Ryne.
Urianger: Actually alright at cooking, but his tastes can be EXTREMELY weird. He'll make a perfectly normal meal one day, but then the next day he'll make one of those unhinged recipes you'd find in a vintage 70's cookbook.
Moenbryda: Not the best chef in the realm, but way better than Thancred and the twins. If she practices a recipe enough, she'll eventually get the hang of it — much like when she taught herself how to make cockatrice meatballs for Urianger.
Y'shtola: Got banned from Matoya's kitchen as a child and hasn't been seen cooking since. She also refuses to elaborate on what exactly she did to get herself banned.
G'raha: Has specific dishes he's good at making, but is well aware that he can't bake for shit. Ask him for a sandwich and he'll make you one with just the right amount of each ingredient. Ask him for a cake or a batch of cookies and the kitchen's at risk of going up in flames.
Tataru: A very talented culinarian. She and Morgana love to make food together — especially baked goods and sweets to share with their friends and Scion colleagues.
Krile: Doesn't cook much, but she's not too bad at it. She's memorized a handful of good recipes that she used to enjoy with her grandfather and other Students of Baldesion.
Estinien: People who don't know him well jump to the conclusion that he can't cook at all. But he's actually quite competent, especially compared to several other Scions. He learned from childhood how to build a fire and cook over an open flame, and while his skills in the kitchen aren't perfect, he can follow a recipe and make something at least decent.
Ysayle: Thinks she's not a very good cook, but actually isn't that bad. She was genuinely surprised when her soup was complimented during the journey to speak with Hraesvelgr, and once she gets a new start with the Scions, she asks Morgana to help her recreate some recipes her family used to make before the Calamity.
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Overwhelmed thinking about Urianger and Alisaie... I've always seen her as the trans twin (based on recognising trans autistic lesbian friends in her :P I know it's more popular to see Alphy as the trans twin but this is my personal feeling for me where I know it in my deepest heart of hearts, I'm not looking to invalidate anyone :D).
And like. She clearly figured that out IMMEDIATELY. Toddler gender euphoria moment, kinda thing. Urianger was the next person to know, and who knows how he recognised that and that she was Not The Same As Alphy... but he KNEW. And was her biggest supporter when she was baby, he's been calling her "my Lady" with utmost sincerity and mutual delight since she was knee high to him. (He had no idea why it felt so good being the No.1 Ally or why Louisoix being so immediately cool with it was a personal relief)
I think she deferred that half year before entering the Studium behind Alphinaud while she got herself sorted out coming out and transitioning, she always sounds so down about being behind him by a few months but this headcanon means she had a lot more going on internally to deal with! Paperwork to sort out! Not thinking about magical theory and politics ALL DAY like certain twins.
(Améliance was DELIGHTED btw and was like "I always wanted a daughter! I have so many wonderful ideas for outfits for you!!" and then instead of giving her entirely identical outfits to Alphy, gave her nearly identical ones with pink details instead of blue ones.)
meanwhile Urianger has not figured out a single thing about himself while wandering around in his dysphoria robes and cowl, hanging out with the overtly sapphic Moenbryda who also won't stop hitting on him once they're older and never wondering why she has a soft spot for him as well as her little squad of girlfriends. Oblivious to being collected into that group even when he is kissing Moen all the time.
Anyway it took Urianger all the way until he lived in Il Mheg to finally trans his gender to whatever arcane and wonderful thing it is now. Nonbinary? Agender? transfemme? he/him but it's on thin ice? :P He's on a journey.
So he's the baby trans and Alisaie gets to support him and answer all his stupid questions because she now is his elder in queer stuff :') And thinking about her being his mentor absolutely obliterated me, okay.
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paintedscales · 1 year
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AuRaugust 2023 - Day 30 - Dawn & Dusk
"I was raised for ten summers without a name. Such is the way of the Tumet."
"In my tenth summer, I was tied to a sacred tree and made to free myself from it. In your tongue, you call them dawn pines. In essence, freeing yourself from these 'dawn pines' is like starting the dawn of a new day. A dawn of having proved yourself worthy of the tribe -- of a name."
"I was always worthy. Even without that trial."
"My name is Nomin tal Kheeriin. In your tongue: Lapis of the Steppe. I gave myself that name, and decided I would not be part of a tribe. For I am of the Steppe -- all the experiences and lessons of the people of the land having shaped me."
"Never did I think I would see myself here, though. Never did I think I would see this kind of dusk; the end of a long chapter in my life. A chapter fraught with so much strife, but also so much growth."
"But here I am despite it all. And I'm surrounded by so much more than I imagined I would be. For that, I am grateful and look forward to a new dawn together."
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klopford · 1 year
I just realized something...
Urianger and Moenbryda are the same age and have been friends since childhood. Elezen are late bloomers and Urianger didn’t reach his adult height until he was 20. So in his teens he would have been just as small as the Twins, while Moenbryda would have been near adult Roegadyn height.
Now I’m picturing her carrying him around like Dulia-Chai and her husband lmao
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minarcana · 9 months
i got my headcanons about urianger's childhood confirmed which means i should write about them properly!
essentially, his biological parents are more or less non-entities to him. he holds little to no attachment to them because he just. wasn't able to as a child since they did not give a fuck about him. he was an accidental child, and his parents were too busy to pay him mind, and he just assumed that's what parents are like. their only obligation is to make sure he doesn't die, and he didn't, so it's fine, right? real wire monkey mother situation.
he has no siblings that he's aware of, and no extended family. or he might, he's just never cared to look into it because it never seemed relevant.
urianger's parents spoke a dialect of Coerthan (French) at home, which is generally not particularly coherent to modern Ishgardians, and also why Urianger's spoken Eorzean is so weird, because he learned the language from reading rather than speaking initially.
due to the fact his parents didn't give a shit about him because they were too busy researching, he fell into Moenbryda's home before they were actually proper friends, because Moen's mother thought that perhaps the "bare minimum" isn't great for a child in the single-digits of age to be essentially living alone. moen's protectiveness came next, then her actually befriending him properly, because he was still very much a child who didn't know how to interact with others.
he treats Moen's parents as his own, and while he'd recognize his biological parents if he ran into them, he has no knowledge whatsoever if they're even still alive or in Sharlayan because they're essentially just "people i knew as a kid" to him.
he also latched on fairly hard to the Levellieur family, Louisoux and Alisaie in particular. fourchenault he never got too well along with, but he allows ammeliance to be herself (read: dote) on him when he's around her. ammeliance was the one who had him start babysitting the twins, since he was often around in Louisoux's shadow anyways.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Bear Hugging WoL - Scions
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I very much approve of this @melodymeddler​. Thank you for asking :3
Scions with a WoL who Gives Bear Hugs
Alisaie will gripe, groan, and maybe even resist when she sees you’ve returned. She’d rather die than admit she enjoys your hugs. But when she’s there, there’s no fighting; she just leans in as she grumbles.
“For Twelve’s sake! No! Noooooo! Get away from me! N-Stop! Ugh! Fine!”
Little Alphy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He gets all blushy and tries circumventing them with a handshake or “welcome back.” Never works. But even he knows that once you’ve got your arms around him, there’s no use resisting.
“Welcome back. How was your adventure? Oh, no. I’m fine, really. Wait. Hold on—nope. We’re doing this. Aha. Welcome back. I’m glad you’re safe.”
Actually, this guy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He will straight up curse when he sees you walk in. Might even draw his lance to keep you at bay. But if you catch him and manage to hold on for a few seconds, he’ll give. He won’t hug back, but his will to escape will die partially because he actually loves it but take that secret to his grave.
“Oh hells. No! Stay back! I’m warning you! I won’t—No! Get off! Uuuuuuugh!”
G’raha is wholeheartedly excited when you return. He wastes no time in setting his work aside to greet you. He revels in the tight embrace, happily rubbing a cheek against you and his tail swaying happily you know, like a cat. He’d probably purr if he could.
“You’re here! Welcome back! Ahaha! Aye, it’s good to see you again.”
Sweet Krile enjoys your returns. She’s simply accepted that you’re a hugger and will return the gesture happily. No muss no fuss here.
“Welcome back. How was your trip? Did you enjoy it? I’d love to hear about it.”
Lyse gets herself all riled up when she notices you return. The girl will actively stand and run at you, unless inappropriate in which case she will power walk to greet you. She absolutely loves your hugs.
“There you are! Our grand Warrior of Light! Bring it in! There we go!”
Another casual enjoyer of hugs. She’ll excuse herself from her conversation and head towards you with a little pep in her step. Once she reaches you, she’ll hold out her arms, expecting her hug.
“Excuse me just a moment. There you are. Did you enjoy your trip? You’ll have to tell me all about it. But first, my hug!”
Thancred enjoys a hearty hug. He’ll try not to show his eagerness and patiently wait for you to come to him, but once that happens, it’s arms out and hug time. Will still mock you over it though.
“You’re back? Oh very well. What a needy person you are. Ah, wait, no. Come back here. Give me my hug, dammit.”
This man is probably the most difficult to get a hug on. The instant he has an inkling that a hug is coming, he mysteriously slips away. However, poor Urianger is only graceful enough to pull this off about 15% of the time. The rest the time, he actually manages to draw more attention to himself. And once caught, he suffers the consequences of his ineptitude.
“Ah, w-well met, friend. Aye, ‘tis good to see you as well. Your travels were well then? Please unhand me.”
The prickly mage heaves a great sigh whenever you return. While she may long to continue her studies or the tasks at hand, she knows if she doesn’t put them down willingly to embrace you, you will get in her way and may even disturb her work. Would also purr if she could.
*Sigh* “Very well. Come. Let us get this over with. Excuse me? Get over here. I will not have you sulking over a simple hug. There. Welcome back, Warrior.”
Overall, your hugs really aren’t a bad thing to the Scions. They all enjoy them in varying amounts, whether or not they admit it. In fact, it’s become such a staple in their lives that at least once or twice, they’ve thought back to your embrace in times they’ve struggled. It’s a motivator—to keep pressing on until they see you again and suffer your hug once more.
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headcanons-n-shit · 10 months
Your newest post reminded me i had an idea. The bois comforting wol who is having a nervous brakedown from all the stress. Bonus Ardbert.
I really like your stories. Especially the angsty ones.
(TAZ The Breakdown plays in the background)
(Mild shadowbringers spoilers)
Thancred literally (accidentally but still) disassociated so hard from the stress that he gave up his body to the bad guy for a bit. If anyone gets what youre going through, its probably going to be him. Hes not going to waste his time on empty platitudes: hes going to get you a glass of water, a warm blanket, and a hot meal, and let you cry it out on his shoulder for as long as you need to.
(And if that still doesnt help, well. Sex is still on the table. Its rarely a good idea, but hes all out of those.)
Urianger is probably breaking down with you lets be real. Every future my mans has ever read has included world-ending catastrophe, and, sure, youve thwarted it every time (usually with his help) but. What if this time you dont? What if this time you fail???? Its an unreasonable amount of stress for one man to be carrying. He probably does a fantastic amount of fantasy weed to cope and still all it takes is seeing you break down for him to also start blubber-crying.
Graha seems kind of detached and distant at first. "Shower water food" he commands you, in the voice of Lynas grandfather the Crystal Exarch, firm and uncompromising and impossible to disobey, and you might miss the way his voice and smile are strained. The way his hands clench and unclench at his sides. Hes never regretted turning back time to help you save two worlds, but. Its times like this that he wonders if he shouldnt try again to give you a happier ending.
Estinien is a firm hand on your shoulder, a steady shoulder to lean on, because he gets it. The feeling of being trapped in your own body, puppetted by powers so much greater than you can imagine, almost greater than you can comprehend... Youre breaking down for the both of you, honestly, because hes spent so long training the iron discipline to resist nidhoggs influence that he doesnt know how to anymore. This is. Cathartic. For the both of you tbh.
Aymeric wishes in this moment, more than anything, that he could just. Just be with you. Out on your journeys, giving you support by your side instead of from a distance. And he knows, he knows, that the support he gives you is important, that his ability to move nations in your favor has helped far more than any single sword at your side ever would. But he bears the weight of a nation while you bear the weight of a star, and that just. Doesnt seem fair to him.
Haurchefant knows that theres some things that hot chocolate cant fix but. Its a good starting place if nothing else. Something warm and sweet right now couldnt hurt, neither would a soft blanket and a roaring fire. He'll sit with you, bundled up together, and just listen if thats what you need. Or he can talk-- he has plenty of embarrassing stories about Artoirel that he hasnt shared yet. Either way, he'll happily help you wipe your tears away when youre done, and then drop a delicate kiss on your forehead.
Stand tall, he says. A smile better suits a hero.
Sidurgu is surprisingly good at this. Or, maybe not so surprising? Rielle is very mature for her age, but shes still a child. He probably does this whole song and dance every other week. And you feel a little bit like a child, the way he bullies you into the shower and then bundles you up in blankets and pushes food at you, but. Beneath the gruff words and scowl you can tell hes worried. Frustrated. This is exactly the kind of injustice that as a dark knight he swore he would fight, but hes just one man, there isnt much he can do about the desolation of the star. But he also needs you to know that he'll always be in your corner. Whether in this little way or if you need him to help you kill a god, he'll always come when you call.
Ardbert has never felt so helpless in his life. He cant touch you, cant be a shoulder you can cry on. He cant even fetch you a glass of water. All he can do is stand there and watch as you break apart in your bed in the Pendants, and its. Its torture, worse than anything any ascian could ever conceive.
Still. He does what he can. And if all he can do is sit at your bedside, his hand hovering half-through yours in a mockery of touch while he tells you stories of his adventures, or friendship and triumph and happier times, well. Its the least he can do.
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cryoriku · 9 days
the scions respond to finding out you self-harm
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estinien would not hide his staring as he tries to figure out if the marks on your wrist were made intentionally or not.
The thought of the azure dragoon figuring out you self-harm would be enough to make anyone's limbs turn to gelatin, expecting him to be critical and not understanding. however, when he sees the marks on your wrist, it is quite the opposite.
He tells you you your scars are no reason for shame
After all, he cannot pretend as though his own scars - caused by his conflict with dragons - were not borne out of the selfsame desire for vindication, or penance. is that not a form of self-harm in and of itself?
estinien is not going to tell you to stop. he knows that decision will have to be your own. but he will remind you of a principle in dragoonhood he learned the hard way: vengeance and justice cannot coexist.
in the meantime, he will support you, as your comrade.
if you are partners - he will find your scars attractive. of course he doesn't WANT you to cut, but the indication of your struggle and survival despite it... he will be a sucker for it.
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Let's be honest: thancred's first instinct to seeing you self-harm would NOT be pretty. given what's happened to him, he will immediately assume you've been possessed by an ascian and restrain you
"i suppose you'd like to tell me what the hell you're doing? answer quickly."
when it becomes clear you are yourself, big brother mode kicks in. he immediately apologizes and softens.
it's not that he couldn't imagine you or anyone intentionally wanting to hurt themselves. he is no stranger to suicidal thoughts, nor the desire to bury yourself in your own suffering through addictive impulses. he's been around the block. if anyone gets how you feel, thancred does.
comforting someone of these feelings is not his strong suit, though. because he cares about you, he will try. it may feel a bit like tough-love, but you know he is trying to help you in the way he finds most effective.
he'll give you space to breathe, but he'll still be more consciously aware of you and your signs, and check in on you now and again.
he knows what it's like to hit a mental rock bottom. he doesn't want that to happen to you. he won't carry you, you have to work at it too, but he will be there at your side.
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Alisaie would not at all be shocked. she knows the hardships you face and while she admires the strength you show through it all, she also understands why it would cause you to break like this.
she is also well familiar with how this sort of thing goes. maybe she has had a friend from the studium who self-harmed or once considered it herself.
she will let you vent to her about how you are feeling. she is a very good listener and an honest and thoughtful responder.
if would be the type to handle it well, Alisaie may lightheartedly threaten you to never do it again.
in either case, on a more serious note, she will remind you as she gives you a strong hug that she will always be here for you as you have been for her. you can lean on each other. she loves you very much.
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Alphinaud, however, is shocked. he never would have guessed - but he is still incredibly understanding.
he will ensure you he does not think any less of you for needing to do this.
like alisaie, he is familiar with this topic. if you are open to receiving it, he would off ideas for alternatives he has heard worked for others.
otherwise, he will make the both of you hot tea or hot cocoa and talk it out together. you were a team, and he would help you find a way to overcome this challenge, too.
with alphinaud, you will never be without someone to check your rationality and encourage you to push forward.
if you are comfortable with it, he will ask to see your wrist and offer his healing magicks on you.
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this guy would definitely get emotional about it. he can't help but wear his heart on his sleeve, and it hurts to know that you have been struggling so much.
he can relate to your feelings of feeling inferior, or helpless, or the need to take on suffering to spare others. so much.
it would hypocritical of him to ask you to stop, so he doesn't, though he does suggest that you two can be each other's accountability for mental health progress.
learning this side of you causes you both to connect with one another more deeply. the way g'raha sees it, it is a chance for a stone to be turned. both of you are only human, and you are messy, and that's okay. you can be messy together and help each other grow.
you are special to g'raha, and your scars, self-inflicted or not, are beautiful to him. now let's cheer up, okay?
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While Urianger will not exactly understand it, that does not at all mean he lacks in compassion
so long as you are comfortable with it, he would draw you close to him, giving you tender strokes on your hair, your back, maybe even the unmarred parts of your arm.
he would speak softly to you. you can be transparent about your emotions, or, if not, he will comfortably sit with you in silence as you calm down.
regardless, he will offer words of wisdom and encouragement entangled in a story he tells - perhaps of his own personal struggles or a tale he knows.
"remember, thou needst but have faith."
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This is definitely unfamiliar territory for Krile, but she takes it in stride.
if you want to share, she will ask you questions about self-harm, why you do it, and how it helps so that she can understand it and figure out how to best be there for you.
regardless, she feels direct action is the best course. she offers to go on a walk with you, to get a bite to eat or simply enjoy the weather and companionship. maybe tataru will want your help in her latest hobby. or she and alphinaud could help you take up painting if that is more your style. anything to knock you out of your spiraling state and cheer you up in these moments
she would encourage you to quit, expressing privately that she is proud of you when she sees that you are clean, but understand that this sort of thing can be turbulent and takes time. but your little big sister won't stand to have you suffering alone.
whatever you need, she'll be there. she cares for you, even when she teases you, and wants to see you continuing to push on, even if you relapse. she wants to see you smile.
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