#Thank you for sending Mairin!! This was so fun to think about
saitseeing · 2 years
hey!! im not sure if you're still taking questions for the ask game, but how about 1, 9, 10, 20, and 32?
Hi!! Yeah I totally am. (Honestly you could send me asks from a game I posted like a month ago and I'd still answer haha) 1) create a 7 member girl or boy group with existing idols -- Okay so I decided to do both because I had too many ideas in my head. -- For girl group: Sunmi, Chungha, Swan from Purple Kiss, Bibi, Dia from Pixy, Mia from Everglow, and Sori from Cocosori. They would be such a powerhouse of interesting vocals and good dancers, plus Bibi has such a unique image and take that I think would make for such a killer influence on Sunmi, Swan, and Dia's already slightly darker concepts. -- For boy group: Hongjoong from Ateez, Yeonjun from TXT, Donghun from ACE, Hanse from Victon, Cho Seungyoun, Lee Changyoon from ONF, and Woosung from The Rose. Sure, they've got a great balance of vocals, rap, and dance, but more importantly, they are all fashion hoes. Just imagine the styling that would come out of this mix it would be absolutely terrible or absolutely incredible and the two are not mutually exclusive.
9) a group that deserved better </3 -- Ugh there are so many to choose from. B1A4, Pristin, Pentagon, E'last, Rainz, Lightsum, Bugaboo, I could go on, but I think right now, for very obvious reasons, Omega X. No one deserves to go through the abuse they endured, and even now they're going to be fighting a legal battle for who knows how long. They've all been through so much and I'm just really wishing the best for them.
10) song to most likely make you crash your car while driving or get pulled over for speeding -- Good lord Beep Beep from BTOB. I literally had to remove it from one of my playlists because every time it came on while driving the car horns made me Panic.
20) favorite group with a color in the title -- Golden Child! I love their music and I feel like they're so underrated.
32) if you could magically bring back a disbanded group but had to disband another, who would you bring back and who would you disband? -- Oof this is so hard. I think if I could bring a group back, I'd pick Rainz. They really never got any attention at all but their discography was legitimately so good. I really enjoy all the stuff coming from the boys now in their respective groups (specifically WEI, TAN, and Eunki's solo stuff) but I loved their sound when they were together and I'd love to get it back for just a little while. For a group I'd disband, honestly I'd say Blackpink. Their music has felt so flat and repetitive since DduDduDdu, and I Pink Venom in particular felt like such a waste of their performance skills, Jennie especially. Plus, Rose's solo song Hard To Love is so much stronger than the rest of that album, I just really feel like it's time for them to hone their individual colors instead of being churned through Teddy's leftovers.
Send me some numbers!
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Hi so I've not been in a true writing mood lately thanks to this fun thing called depression so have some random ass thoughts from foggy morning brain!
Okay but if Wallace had shown up in the XY anime series?
Chespie probably would have been fine. Unlike Steven who's awkward and tries to keep his nose out of things, and is easily distracted, Wallace would have straight up noticed the missing child while they were watching Alain battle.
He's more blunt and has a neice he seems close with so probably would know how to comfort Mairin and stop Chespie from running off...... then promptly give Alain an earful on how to treat others.
Also him being skeptical of Lysandre since meeting him? "He looks like a damn Pyroar." "Wallace please, he's right there. This isn't the time." "Fine, but I don't trust this guy. His sense of fashion is terrible, not to menttion he's acting quite creepy."
Helping Steven manage his two newly found.... siblings? Smol™️ friends I guess? You can't tell me Alain and Mairin wouldn't have their journey in Hoenn too. Mr. Champion finds and excuse to slip off with them leaving Wallace in charge of his spot.... again. He swears this is why the other asked him out, assured free coverage.
Also why wouldn't Wallace want to see Kalos? Is the pokemon world of France; a place most cartoons depict to be elegant, beautiful, and literally everything Wallace loves and is. "Yeah so I helped this kid out of a dead bush and her friend forced me into a battle. His boss showed up and asked for my help with Mega Evolution stuff so I'll be away to Kalos a while. " Wallace, opening his eyes as they were about to go to sleep, only to find out his boyfriend is leaving in the morning and is just NOW telling him. "Kalos? And you didn't invite me? Your best friend, your boyfriend?!" Bad Steven! Milotic does a gentle, sleepy tail slap.
Wallace has to keep Mr. Stone loving shiny distracted Steven from being dumb.... which obviously doesn't work as the world nearly ends but that's fine.
Mairin being so entranced by Wallace's beauty? She thinks he's a girl at first because he's so pretty?
"And this is my um.... partner, Wallace," Steven awkwardly states to the fifteen and ten-year-old. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Alain replies. Mairin is just quiet, staring with wide eyes at this beautiful man. "Mairin," older brother mode engaged as he gently elbows her for manners. "Ah, sorry," she jumps a bit looking from Alain to Wallace again. "Just, your really pretty! I honestly thought you were a girl at first." Wallace blushes a bit with a small snort as Alain is like, shocked. "Mairin!" She huffs and turns to him. "Oh like you didn't question it at first!" Wallace doesn't take any offense, Steven is blushing though.
Wallace helping Mairin learn to properly groom and care for her pokemon. She's eager to show off Chespie and her Flabebe.
Alain wants to practice against him as his monotyping would be good to strengthen Charizard for his next battle with Siebold.
Steven isn't as stressed and worried about saying the right things to Alain when he starts his pushing people away ordeal. Wallace can correct or straight up do it for him becuase he will not be having any of that. "That girl admires you. Would be a shame to just up and drop her like that," he says after Steven states he knows Alain cares for her. Alain is a bit stunned as this walking embodiment of elegance just struts passed him and Steven.
Triple champion fight? Triple champion fight.
Lysandre not only doing his creepy beauty speech with Diantha but with Wallace? The kids and Steven ran off to their next mission and Lysandre wanted a word with Wallace.
He's just sitting in the villain's office, petting his Milotic when Lysandre finally stops watching out the window. "I understand your the water specialist gym leader of Hoenn, correct? You've also held the title of champion once before." He slowly turns to face Wallace who feels a wave of "oh shit" washing over him. The way Lysandre sounds reminds him of when Juan was mentoring him and was rather displeased with his behavior. The "you strive for, so be. Your actions don't align." tone.
"That's correct." Lysandre smiles a bit. "You also hold quite a few titles in the coordinator feild, correct?" Not wanting to correct him that it's one title, Wallace gives a nod. "Miltoic and I both. After all, it was her that did the work to get us there." Lysandre gives a nod and starts in on his wierd speal about beauty like in the generations short.
"It's your duty to stay forever beautiful then, yes?" Wallace just kind of gives him a look, feeling a bit uneased about where this could be going. "Well, that depends. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Those blinded by the inside may not notice when the outside starts to wither away." Lysandre gives a nod before Wallace changes the subject. "So tell me, what kind of job did you send Steven and those kids on?" Which gets things back on track.
Unless before that Lysandre brings up Juan? "I hear you were mentored by a man who holds similar titles, is that correct?" Wallace sitting up a bit more snorky. "What, is this some kind of interveiw?" Lysandre chuckles. "Just trying to get to know you a bit better is all." They talk about Juan's beauty fading over time and Wallace goes back to "in the eye of the beholder. To his lovers, he's the most beautiful man they've ever met. To children, he's a handsome old guy with a charming accent that keeps their attention when he talks. Theres more to beauty theb what meets the eye."
Also him straight up lashing into Lysandre later on before he dies about how humans are the filth of the earth not pokemon? That he's after the wrong target. Steven just standing there like, "Wallace, please stop talkong." Don't give him ideas babe!
Kidnapping Wallace? Maybe. He's one of the chosen to survive and make it into the new world. Ooo, maybe that's why he wanted to talk to him earlier on. He's with Mairin and protects her from being taken by Flare grunts before nearly being taken from behind; but like in Masters(?), Steven is like fwoosh! I AM HERE! SHALL NOT TAKE MY MAN SO DIRTILY YOU COWARDS! But like.... in a Steven way.
Sycamore takes Mairin as Steven and Wallace battle along side Diantha? Wallace and Milotic set on protecting the smalls as his man and Sycamore handle the science junk behind mega evolution. Though stone Zygarde wouldn't have obsorbed Chespie becuase Wallace stopped him from running off. It would find something else.
And finally, when Alain and Mairin decide to further on an adventure, Wallace suggests since Alain has basically bested every gym in Kalos they try Hoenn. "They have different pokemon you know. Some capable of mega evolving too." Mairin gets a damn Mudkip or something, beats Alain, runs in big brother's face. Fight me.
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jwoongz · 2 years
hiii <3 thank you for your nice comments on my golcha set + also ill answer your ask tmrw ^^ as for this, how about 🎵, 🤳 and since i was talking about it all night,💭 and goosebumps by onf
Hi Mairin! Thanks for asking and no problem! I really love your sets. They are very pretty and even if I don't follow the group it's always a joy to see your work on my dash.
🎵 recommend a song based on your vibe/blog - I always get such a sweet, positive vibe from your blog so I'm going to say Pentagon's Thumbs Up! It's such a fun chilling with friends kind of song. :)
🤳 show you one of my favorite photocards or non-pc album inclusions - I am going to be... super predictable here. We have a super cute one of TNX's Kyungjun (left), WEi's Yohan (middle), and I have more of Rocky than any other idol but this one in my current fave. I loved the messy look from him and JinJin's debut this year (right)
Tumblr media
💭send w/ a song, and I’ll give you my thoughts on it ONF's Goosebumps - I enjoy the varying textures in this song. I think it has a catchy beat and has a nice mix of more modern sounds but also feels little like late 90s music to me?? Anyways. I think it's a lot of fun. I had never really checked that song before and that video was FIRE. Thanks!
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mizugucci · 3 years
Hi Mairin! I hope you're well. I'm curious to see what you have for me. 🎵 I hope you make it until 3! 💞
hey ailea!!! im pretty good, hope you're doing okay too! i think ill make it, there's only an hour left and doing these asks help me focus hehe so thank you! hope you like it
position: rapper!! also you're probably the eldest member as well as the "mom" of the group. probably a co-leader since there are so many members in your group. also you're the lyricist for the group
group name: acathetic (pronounced ack-uh-thet-ick) its literally a combo of academia and aesthetic LOL i cant believe im saying this but there are 14 (!!) members of the group requiring 2 leaders. luckily theyre all relatively older (compared to those debuting now) so you dont have to wrangle a bunch of teenagers
concept: dark academia!! so like your debut stage outfits are those prep uniforms from ivy league schools, you know the ones im talking about. but each comeback is a new concept relating to a book from classic literature. so like a vampire concept for dracula, the historical romance from pride and prejudice, becoming knights/heros from don quixote. etc!
debut song: dark but not like horror or anything, more like it's something you wouldve heard a woman singing in a smoky 1920s tavern/pub/club. and despite 14 members, line distribution was pretty good! no one was upset although the main vocalists couldve had more lines...
fun fact: each of your members has a different work/study background besides being an idol. so like you have one who majored in marketing, or another who studied engineering, history, film, art, etc. a few of them are multilingual
send me a 🎵 and ill create a kpop group with you in it based on your blog!!
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kalosstarters · 7 years
Hello. :) Marisson for the Christmas ask-meme! :D
Hello hello! :D This is gonna be a lot of fun
Who starts putting up decorations in October?
Mairin. I mean, she would definitely be the Christmas enthusiastic extraordinaire (if Christianity existed in the pokeworld). Alain again... He puts up with it.
Who buys the advent calendars?
Mairin is very excited about the advent calendars and she always wants a lot, but Alain buys them so he can make sure she won’t go overboard. (As in, buy like 20 different chocolate ones and then get sick)
Who places mistletoe all around the house?
Oh no is this a question? Alain, of course :’)
.... I’m just kidding, this is so very much a Mairin thing to do. I don’t think I need to explain it. The more, the better. (Alain might complain when she does it, but he’s faking. And I’m of course talking about the time when they are already living together)
Who wraps the presents for other people?
Mairin! We were just discussing this in our group chat (as you know) and I agree that Mairin loves crafting of all kinds and what’s nicer than making pretty presents? It’s relatively safe too, the most she could do are paper cuts. 
Who puts the final star/angel on the top of the Christmas tree?
Alain! Just to make sure Mairin wouldn’t fall from the ladder. He can be very protective. 
Who’s the one that hates eggnog?
Alain, probably. I don’t just... see him as someone who likes drinks like that, I don’t really have an explanation for it. But no. Mairin isn’t that strict about it. 
Who’s the one that bakes Christmas cookies for guests?
Mairin would want to do that but she would be under Alain’s supervising eyes the entire time bc you can’t trust her to bake anything safely. 
Who sends out the Christmas cards?
Mairin, but Alain gets more invested when they get their own kids and he gets to take photos of them for the cards instead of having to be in the photos himself. 
Who knows all the words to twelve days of Christmas?
Mairin, naturally. She has a lovely voice too so she would often sing it absentmindedly while doing something else at the same time. (If Alain is on a really good mood she might get him to do a duet. Emphasis on the word might)
Who’s the better snowman builder
Mairin’s snowmen would look neat (and relatively normal) while Alain would decorate his with floofy scars and other things he finds “cool”.
Who starts snowball fights?
The Pokémon! Mairin and Alain bicker about something while they are coming back home from a grocery store or something and so Chespie and Charizard do what they need to do... And a snowball “battle” between the trainers and the pokemon ensues.
Who’s the one that wakes the other on Christmas morning by playing Christmas songs really loudly?
Another one that shouldn’t be hard to guess :D Mairin again. “All I Want for Christmas Is You” would be her favorite during the time they already live together but don’t have kids yet. And she would play it right next to Alain so there would be no doubt what she’s meaning. 
Who has the ugliest Christmas sweater?
Ahhh I love this question. Alain, no doubt. I mean, have you seen his clothes? His floof and his pants? His Christmas sweater would be just as ugly. Mairin’s would be neat, green, probably, with chespins on it. 
Who still writes from Santa on the gifts?
Alain would do it first because he doesn’t want Mairin to know the present is from him, but she knows it anyways (Alain has his own style when it comes to his presents so it’s easy to guess)
Thanks so much :)
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kalosstarters · 7 years
One-shot: Much Ado about a Leather Jacket
When I posted my drawing of Mairin with Alain’s jacket, @modeststroke said: “I'm currently thinking about Manon stealing Alain's jacket and taking a bunch of selfies with it in different locations and sending them to him teasing him because he wants it back and can't freaking find her”, and that sounded so much fun that I decided to write a small fic about it. Not to be taken too seriously, I know that the characters probably sound a bit OOC because I exaggerated some things on purpose. (Sap warning, probably. Lemme decide that Mairin is 17 and Alain 20 here so it doesn’t quite follow my headcanons, but who cares)
words: 1406
Alain felt his phone buzzing in his pocket when he was about to leave his classroom. “What now?” he sighed in his mind, thinking that something that required his attention might have happened at the lab, and picked the phone to check his messages. At first he smiled a tiny bit, seeing a picture of his smiling best friend on his phone screen. But then, something in the photo caught his attention, and his smile faded. 
A quiet “what the mew” came out of his mouth when he realized what was so weird about the photo. Mairin was wearing a black jacket - his jacket - in it, but from the background Alain couldn’t figure out where she was. The most annoying part was that she had never asked a permission to use it. He had told her dozens of times that she could borrow his fluffy scarf if she so wanted, but his leather jacket was a different story. He had gotten it as a birthday present from Professor Sycamore years ago, and because of that the jacket was particularly dear to him. With Mairin, there was a great risk that she would rip it or damage it in other ways.
The black haired boy pressed the “call” button on the bottom of the screen and didn’t have to wait long for the red head to answer. 
“What?” the girl asked all too innocently, without even bothering to greet him. 
“Oh, you know exactly what ‘what’, you have taken my jacket.” Alain growled to her in return.
“Excuse you, I’m only borrowing it because the only coat I had with me got dirty the other day when I fell.” Mairin couldn’t believe Alain got this riled up over a jacket and rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see.
“Not an acceptable excuse, you could have at least asked my permission to use it first.” 
“Well, I can’t just call you in the middle of your class and ask if it’s OK to use it. Dork.”
“That’s not the... Ugh. Where are you anyway? I’m gonna come and take that jacket back.” Alain sounded calm, but Mairin knew he was losing his patience.
“Alain! It’s not that big a deal! But if you really want it back, you are gonna have to find me first because I’m not telling you.” Alain couldn’t see Mairin’s face, but he guessed she was showing her tongue on the other side of the line. 
“Oh really?” Alain sassed in response. 
“Really,” Mairin laughed, and hanged up. Alain stared at his phone in frustration for a moment, but then decided to go to the lab to ask if Professor Sycamore knew where Mairin was. 
Less than a minute later, he received a new photo message from Mairin, this time with a teasing pose. Alain could see some trees and rocks behind her, but that didn’t tell much about her whereabouts. It was not in the city, that much was clear. When Alain arrived in the lab, he immediately stormed to Professor Sycamore’s room, and the older man looked up from his papers in surprise hearing his almost-son make so much noise. 
“What’s wrong? Has something happened?”
“Mairin took my jacket,” he admitted after considering how to bring that up without sounding ridiculous. He soon realized he had failed. 
“Huh? Oh yeah, I saw it on her when she went out earlier today...” the Professor stated, not understanding why Alain looked like someone had stolen his keystone or something equally rare and valuable. He knew Mairin would definitely return that jacket later that day, and it was not like that piece of clothing was something irreplaceable.
“Do you know where she went? She sent me this pic...” 
Alain showed the Professor the photos Mairin had shared with him, but he didn’t get any new information from the older man. Right when he was about to put his phone away, it alerted him about another new photo message. This time Mairin was playing a Tauros fighter with Chespie (Chespie naturally being the ‘tauros’), and the spiny armor Pokémon was pushing his spines against his leather jacket, as if trying to attack Mairin. This time the background was also visible (on purpose, Alain realized), and the two men recognized the place as the skate park right outside Lumiose City, on route 5. The photo was ridiculous, and in some other case Alain might have laughed at it, but to his annoyance Professor Sycamore chose exactly that moment to make fun of him:
“Aren’t you guys adorable! She clearly wants you to go get her... I mean, the jacket, because otherwise she wouldn’t have shown where she is.”
Alain blushed fiercely at the comment, and pulled his phone back from his father figure. 
“Oh come on... as if something like that would happen!” he mumbled, but grabbed his beloved scarf, and left the lab. He refused to acknowledge the fact that Augustine had a point; Mairin had teased him about not revealing her whereabouts only a little while ago, but now she had already done it. Professor Sycamore just shook his head and smiled widely as the front door banged loudly below him. 
Only 15 minutes later, Alain arrived at the skate park, and it didn’t take him long to spot a certain red head and her starter Pokémon resting under a tree nearby. Mairin used his black jacket as her pillow, and her eyes were closed when Alain stopped next to her. 
“Hey! Wake up!”
“Huh? Oh hi Alain, you found us!” Mairin greeted him cheerfully, but didn’t rise from the ground. 
“Can I finally get my jacket back?” Alain asked, combing his messy hair in annoyance. 
“Yes, if you come and get it!” She didn’t make any move to get off of the piece of clothing Alain wanted back so badly, just looked at him expectantly, ready to fight back. 
Alain quickly looked around, and since no one was watching them, he surprised both himself and her, and threw himself on the ground (nearly on Mairin) and started a tickle fight. That kept going for a while until Mairin finally rolled off the jacket, tears on her cheeks from laughing so hard, and Alain snatched it to himself. But before he could stand up, Mairin took a firm hold of his shoulders and pulled him back next to her. Their faces were really close, only a few inches away... And Mairin decided to close that space. Her lips pressed against his only for a moment, but it made both of them blush, and Mairin decided she should finally explain why she had dragged Alain to the park:
“Happy birthday, Alain.”
“What?” Alain had completely forgotten what day it was. “Is that why you took this?”
“Yes. I knew that I wouldn’t get you out otherwise, because you would have simply said ‘I have to finish this thing’, so I had to make a plan... And it worked pretty well!” 
“Uh. What about that kiss, though? What did that mean?”
“Arceus, you can be so oblivious sometimes... It means I like you. And I wanted to wish you a happy birthday.”
Alain didn’t know how to respond so Mairin took advantage of the silence and added: “By the way, there’s a present in the pocket.”
Alain reached for the pocket of his jacket, and found a small box in there. In it, there was thin silver chain, but there wasn’t anything hanging from it. 
“You still hadn’t figured out where to keep your keystone so I thought it would be nice if... we had matching ones? Of course, only if you want it.”
“Oh. That’s very nice of you.”
He took his keystone from his pant pocket and pulled the chain through the little hook the stone had. Then he let Mairin attach it around his neck, and looked at it for a while thoughtfully. 
“It looks good.”
“It does!” Mairin exclaimed happily, pleased at her good gift choice. 
“Thanks,” Alain said quietly after a while.
“For what?”
“For this all. It cheered me up.”
“Oh. I’m glad to hear that. Did you hear that, Chespie, we did i...”
Mairin couldn’t finish her sentence because she was interrupted Alain’s lips on hers. He admitted in his mind, while tasting the hot chocolate she had drunk a little while ago from her lips, that maybe Professor Sycamore hadn’t been that wrong after all.
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kalosstarters · 7 years
Marissonshipping Week day 4: Sunset (well. sorta)
Also Known as Phonecalls from the other side of the world, pt. 3 
(part 1 and part 2)
After helping Professor Sycamore with finding mega stones for a while, Mairin starts her own journey through Hoenn, Kanto and Johto. This fic follows the events of that time by showing phone calls between Mairin and Alain (sometimes also other characters are involved).
Heh, I lied, I started writing anyway. I decided to take advantage of this possibility and combine the day’s topic with a fic I had already started earlier. Just a very short update, but it’s better than nothing, right?
From Rustboro City to Lumiose City
Mairin: Hi Alain!
Alain: Hi! Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?
Mairin: This is what you look like when you are excited, you dork. I suppose you wouldn’t know about that. 
Alain: Nice to see Hoenn hasn’t changed you a bit. But why are you excited this time?
Mairin: BECAUSE I JUST WON MY FIRST EVER BADGE!! Look, here it is, a brand new, shiny Stone Badge!
Alain: I’m sure everyone in Hoenn heard that now. But still, that’s great! Congrats!
Mairin: Thank you. Want to hear the details?
Alain: I have a feeling you would tell me no matter what I answered.
Mairin: Why are you always like that? Anyway, I started with Bébé who took Roxanne’s Geodude down with a few vine whips, but then she decided to use her Nosepass, and it turned out its Rock Tomb was really strong...  Bébé was hit by it and couldn’t continue battling. But then I used Chespie and guess what! He learned a new move! Seed bomb! After that he only had to hit Nosepass once and it fainted. 
Alain: Good for Chespie. Though you probably would have won the badge easier if you had used him from the start.
Mairin: But that’s not what battles are all about, Alain! Bébé needs experience too! Anyway, Chespie would have wanted to say hi, but I had to take him to Nurse Joy to be checked, just in case. 
Alain: Charizard sends her best to him, I’m sure. Well, what’s next, now that you won your badge?
Mairin: Ehh... I’m not quite sure... I have to ask May where the next gym is. She traveled here with me; she and Drew are organizing some kind of contest event here next week, I heard. 
Alain: Well, as long as you figure out where you need to go... 
Mairin: Hmmmph, Always so suspicious. I think I’m gonna stay in this town until the contest event is over though. It would be fun to participate. But Nurse Joy seems to want to talk to me now, I’ll call you later!
- about an hour later -
Mairin: Hey, guess where I am now.
Alain: Not in the Pokémon Center?
Mairin: Nah. Chespie was just fine and we didn’t have anything to do there. But look, does this place look familiar? I’m gonna turn the camera so you’ll see better...
Alain: Is that... is it where we were when...?
Mairin: ... After we saw the weather trio? Yeah. That day is kinda hard to forget... But the sunset is just as pretty as it was then. I remember it...
Alain: I... remember it too. 
Mairin: Alain?
Alain: Yes?
Mairin: I wish you were here too. It’s kinda lonely, even though I have met some nice people...
Alain: Before you know it, you will have gained all eight badges and five ribbons, and are on your way back to Kalos with both league and grand festival cups with you.
Mairin: What? Do you really think so? Can I do it?
Alain: I’m probably not the best person to give you advice, but Professor Sycamore has always taught me that you can do anything if you just believe in yourself. Mairin, you too need to have some faith in yourself. Only that way good things can happen.
Mairin: I guess you are right.
Alain: I am. 
Mairin: Oh, the sky is so orange right now! What does it look like in there?
Alain: The same as usual. It’s still afternoon here. 
Mairin: Ah, right. 
Alain: How is it going with your new friends, by the way? Still bickering?
Mairin: Alain! I didn’t know you had a gossip girl inside you. But if you really want to know, the other day they....
A/N: And that’s it! What really happened between May and Drew stays between Alain and Mairin, because Alain isn’t a gossip girl, after all, and wanted to keep it as a secret ;) But you can only imagine.
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kalosstarters · 8 years
For the send-a-character thing, Misty, Bonnie, and Cilan!
Ah thank you so much! This should be fun!Misty:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang 
(honestly I don’t like those options for pokeani characters)
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Tbh I hate the idea that any person or character should belong to only one of the houses when it’s clear we all have traits from several houses, so I’m gonna say Misty is a gryffinclaw. She’s brave as a gryffindor, but definitely not stupid either.best quality: Oh boy, I feel I should rewatch OS to give a more deep analysis on Misty, but let’s say the way she cares about her friends and Pokémonworst quality: her hot headness. But she gets calmer as the series goes on and I can understand why she’s like thatship them with: Ash, obviously :’) my first ever ship before I knew what shipping was. I could write a lot more about them, but yeah, they are one of the two (main) ships in this anime who show mutual interest in each other and as far as I‘m concerned, they are canon (don’t let me get started on that certain Ash ship...)brotp them with: Hmm, the sad thing is that we don’t really see Misty’s relationships outside the main trio and her sisters, so this is a hard one. Well, I’ll say Brock and Max bc I love the episode in which she bonds with Max over their siblings. Oh and I kinda have this headcanon that she meets my main girl Mairin/Manon one day and they’ll become friends, but that’s obviously never gonna happen in the anime.needs to stay away from: eh I don’t really have a strong opinion on this. misc. thoughts: she needs to appear in the 20th movie or else. ‘nuff said. (This is the only way she can get an appearance and ugh pokemon company don’t take it away from me)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
I’m just gonna skip this bc she isn’t even 10 -.-hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
I’m gonna say she’s everything except hufflepuff. Yes, even slytherin. The girl gave the command that killed Lysandre, she’s not a pure cinnamon roll! I believe she’s gonna achieve big things with Squishy/Puni-chan in the future.best quality: Her bravery. She effing stood in front of a rampaging legendary pokemon and sang to them (and I cried). If that’s not brave, I don’t know what is.worst quality: she’s kinda brutal for 6-8 year-old tbh :P Ok, I’m joking. I can’t really think of anything.ship them with: she’s max. 8 years old.... so no one (but in the future I could see her hitting it off with Max :P)brotp them with: Squishy, Serena, sorta Mairin tooneeds to stay away from: I don’t know whom she needs to stay away from, but I do know that if the remaining TF members want to stay alive, they need to stay away from hermisc. thoughts: I HC that she’s gonna become the Kalos champion at a very young age and well, she’s gonna be good at it.
(ok here’s the thing: I’ve only seen 25ish episodes of BW so far so my opinion can change, but I’m doing this based on my first impression)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (well this might change...)best quality: obviously his cooking skills. I wish I had those too (more seriously speaking: his calmness that kinda balances the BW group dynamics)worst quality: I don’t really have much to say about this.ship them with: based on that one episode with Burgundy I’ve seen so far I’d say I ship him more with her than with Iris... but yeah, no strong opinions herebrotp them with: Ash? Iris? needs to stay away from: -misc. thoughts: I like how he uses cooking terms in casual conversations :D 
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