#Thank you for the ask 🥰
soulofamy · 3 months
For the OTP meme and the ship...AngelScales!
8- Write about one member of your ship giving the other a compliment. 
Soft OTP prompt
The streets of Sun Do were as busy and bustling as ever as Outworlders prepared for the new season to arrive. While many found it to be a hassle, navigating around such a crowded marketplace, Ashrah found that this was her favorite time to be there. It gave her a more diverse opportunity to people-watch. The more she observed, the easier it would be to adapt to becoming human when she eventually shed the remainder of her demonic vestiges. She was lucky that Syzoth had time to himself that afternoon. There is no one she would rather people-watch with. The two paced the streets together, and Ashrah watched with curiosity as people entered and exited stores.
Her attention turned to Syzoth. "So...what exactly does it take to prepare for the windy season?" Ashrah inquired.
Syzoth glanced at her before looking back at the path. "First and foremost, people look for tools to prepare their farms. During the windy season, the wind blows in seeds from the mountain which could become good crops if they land in soil that has been prepared correctly," he explained. "The wind also causes the temperature to drop, so people want to buy clothing and fabrics to keep themselves warm. And then of course, there are many foods and traditions that people partake in during the windy season that they want to prepare for."
Ashrah listened with fascination. Such a serene concept would have been unfathomable to her when she lived in the Netherrealm. "What sorts of food and traditions?" she asked further.
"I can't say that I am entirely sure about what they are for Edenians," he responded. "However, in Zikandur, during the windy season we moved to the lower levels of our underground province to escape the cold. There were certain animals that only lived that far down. I suppose you could consider eating those as one of our traditions."
Ashrah nodded understandingly and opened her mouth to ask further questions. The sound of a child's voice silenced her.
"Please, Mother?" a young girl in old clothes that appeared to be too big for her asked her mother. She was clutching what appeared to be a plush doll to her chest.
Her mother gave her an apologetic look and lowered herself down to her daughter's level. "Sweetheart, you know we don't have the money. Just wait until after the windy season, Father's crops will be ready to sell," she tried to reason. "We can come back for it."
Ashrah frowned at the sight before turning to look at Syzoth. To her surprise, he was no longer standing beside her. Her gaze wandered around to locate him, then landed on him as he spoke to the street vendor. Ashrah watched curiously as she saw Syzoth hand the man a few coins, then walk over to the impovershed mother and child. They both looked at him without a word. Syzoth smiled down at the girl.
"The doll is yours, little one. Consider it a gift from Empress Mileena."
Ashrah's heart warmed as she saw a grin blossom on the girl's face. After the girl's mother thanked him, he paced back over to rejoin Ashrah.
"What were you about to say?" Syzoth asked, trying to resume their prior conversation.
"You are the kindest man in all the realms," Ashrah said with a smile as she reached to hold his hand. "Very few would do for that child what you just did."
Syzoth's eyes drifted to the side. He pressed his lips together to supress a smile as his cheeks grew emerald. "It was my pleasure."
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technitango · 1 month
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
i have two middle names
my go to coffee order is an oat milk latte with white coffee and no flavor
my hair has been every color of the rainbow
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soosoosoup · 5 months
Bonding between Branch and his brothers is a good thing but you know what will be even better? Bonding between Poppy and Branch's brothers and bonding between Branch and Viva😊
Yeeeessss!!! What a big brained idea!
Poppy and brozone would get along like a house on fire! I mean poppy and John Dory already hit it off in the movie lol. Each bro would love poppy and get along. They could tell each other their combined stories about branch.
Viva and branch, I feel like could also get along great! They probs would already have a head start on how to handle each other. Branch, thanks to his ‘poppy experience’ knows how to keep up with hyperactive Viva. And maybe Viva would have a good idea from clay! But more importantly, I think they have some pretty important similarities and could relate with each other. He’d also get to tell viva all about poppy and how she was growing up.
Thanks for the ask and the ideas ☺️ <3
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rescue-ram · 5 months
Trapper: 2, 6, 7
Hawkeye: 2, 22
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Okay, cheating slightly because he is MY BOY and my answer varies a little by source material...
Book: I love what a COMPLETE FREAK he is. If you only read the parts of MASH and MASH Goes to Maine with Trapper I think it's worth it because he is such a hysterical lunatic, and he also gets exactly one (1) genuinely touching scene per book. The bit where Trapper and Hawkeye reunite after the war is low-key canon to me.
Movie: I love Elliot Gould's physicality. I also really like how he plays Trapper as shut off and withdrawn at first, then comes out of his shell (literally) for Hawkeye, then at the end it's like his sunshine is gone away as he learns Hawkeye is leaving, he's just physically folding in on himself.
Show: SO MUCH. It's hard to pick one thing. I love the Delight around Hawkeye, I love the times we cut over to Trapper kind of doing his own thing with random people at camp (my favorite was when he was playing pick up sticks with bar pretzels with the helicopter pilot in The General Flipped at Dawn), and I love the subtle but consistent strain of Righteousness that comes out across the series...
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
🤔 Genuinely unsure. I think one slightly silly but true thing is I am an enthusiastic but poor to mediocre player of multiple instruments, much like my boy...
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I feel like I've been seeing a lot of sweet Trappers recently. And while I think it's easy to go too far into sweetness, he's a character where people have played to his bombastic, sexualized, and rough edged side for so long it's fun to see the sweeter sillier side of his character come out to play, especially in relationship to Hawkeye...
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Easy answer but his sense of humor. Specifically the gallows humor, laughing in the face of death, quality he has. So many good Hawkeye moments, but the tragic and the comedic, come from his talent at identifying and playing off the absurd of his situation. (Also Marley I am still obsessssssed with your Not Dead Yet vid.... Totally captures that side of Hawkeye. I love that indomitable spirit struggling as a trope in characters, and Hawkeye is so so “look at the skill and spirit with which I rise from that which resembles the grave but isn’t!” coded...)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I am a well established hater of "poor widdle Hawkeye" syndrome. Love me some angst, but I really can't stand gratuitous woobification. I like spunky, confident, a tiny bit mean but with a big squishy heart of gold Hawkeye- and I do like angst, but very picky about the context...
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
Talkback Friday Questions:
What are three defining features of a Denial-Verse fic?
Also St. Cloud-Ortiz, is he going to be relevant again? Coz I saw that, he's Councilwoman Ortiz's younger son. You plan on writing something there? Or just a passing tie-in?
Sorry it took a few days to get to this! Oooh good questions 🤔
Now, as I've described the Denial-Verse Series before, it is a character study in loneliness, belonging, what it means to be and feel loved, and what steps it takes to finally believe one can have happiness. I would say the most defining features of Denial-Verse are:
1) The Camusian Aburdist frame of thought, as posed in The Myth of Sisyphus, where the beauty in love is in the mundane. It is the small moments that bring you your joy every day. It's Tommy's love of those small moments and what happiness they bring him, no matter how minute.
2) A sense of optimism despite the intense pessimism that is ingrained in Tommy; despite the intrusive thoughts that come to him. Because despite thinking there's no way, despite having trouble grappling with the idea that there could be happiness or a better future, Tommy still chooses to pursue that. Almost as a rebellion against his own instincts and what feels like his destiny, Tommy chases happiness even when everything in him tells him there's no way this could end well. And then begins to believe in that optimism.
3) While not exactly the format you would assume to find it, Denial-Verse is Hopepunk. It's a constant strive toward betterment. No end goal in sight, no way to know if that positive change will stick or will continue, but the want to pursue it nonetheless. The want to push away the denial that anything good could happen and choose that better life.
I don't know. I might be getting a little too nerdy describing my fic, but I always keep a lot of this stuff in mind when I write anything, really.
As for St. Cloud-Ortiz, I don't know if he'll pop up again. Possibly. I liked writing all the Evans, St. Cloud-Ortiz included. If I can squeeze him into something, I might, but like the handful of OCs that pop up, it really just depends.
Thank you again for the ask! 🥰
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ghoulishfreak · 15 days
Oh you poor thing, how could I ignore such a desperate plea. My cock and I are on the way!
thank fucking goddddd i need cock so bad 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 thank you for offering yourself and your cock 💕💕💕
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sillyunicorn · 11 months
🎃 Trick or treat? 🎃
Your treat is a snippet of a fic that probably won't see the light of day 😅
In which vaguely medieval Prince Wilhelm is imprisoned in a tower and hears someone singing in the distance...
Wille sat by the window sharpening his sword in the dying light of the setting sun. He ran the stone down the blade over and over, the repetitive sound comforting to his ears despite his aching muscles. Eventually it became too dark to see, even up here above the treetops where the sunlight lasted longer than it would down below. He paused his work to light a candle in the window, admiring the way the flame flickered on the polished steel of his blade.
In the quiet, he heard a voice from far away. He stood very still, and listened as the voice got louder. It sounded like a man singing. He sang as if all the world were listening, his voice carrying over the evening birds and the insects chirping in the trees. He sang as if he had something to say, Wilhelm thought.
The man’s voice tugged at something in his chest. He realized, for the first time, that he hadn’t heard any music since he arrived in this godforsaken prison. He had learned the pianoforte when he was a child at the palace, but there was no such instrument here, and even if there was, he doubted he would have the motivation to play it.
It had been a very quiet year.
And yet here was music again, quieter now and more distant, but music all the same. Wilhelm sat and listened until it faded away entirely.
He stayed in the window for a long time, staring out at the darkening sky, his sword forgotten in his lap, playing the melody over and over in his head...
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gin-draws · 1 year
Tumblr media
I couldn’t choose between my fire&flower girls, so here they both are with poppies and sunflowers✨
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rebelrainfall · 2 months
top 5 comfort foods
Ooh good one. Ok no particular order:
Hamburger soup
Cinnamon biscuits
Blueberry cobbler
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soulofamy · 3 months
“i’m taking you home. we’re going home.” for patroklos and pyrrha?
you're safe now prompts
Patroklos's eyes passed over each man in front of him with contempt. His arms were down by his sides, his fists clenching and unclenching. "You think it appropriate to bully an innocent woman on account of her appearance, knowing nothing of her affliction?" he scolded. "And you call yourselves men?"
Pyrrha stood behind Patroklos with her eyes plastered to the ground. Her human hand reached over to cover her monsterous claw, and her cheeks warmed. She willed herself to look up at the men who dared to jeer at her, and incur her brother's wrath. Her heart stopped for a moment as she caught one of them accusatorily glance in her direction, as though the barrage of insults being slung their way was her fault, before he looked back at Patroklos with defiance.
"You shame yourselves," he concluded before walking away. "Come, Pyrrha. I'm taking you home."
The men did not move from where they stood. Pyrrha opened her mouth to apologize to them for her brother's harshness but she could not find her voice.
"We're going home," Patroklos said as he stopped and turned back to her.
Pyrrha forced herself to look away from them and followed after Patroklos. For a long moment, they walked in silence.
"Don't listen to idiots like them," Patroklos said. "They only mock because they don't understand."
Pyrrha said nothing. Her eyes drifted down to watch his boots as she trailed after him. Being met with silence, Patroklos slowed down to allow her to walk by his side.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
Tears began to pour down her face at the question and she stood still. Her eyes were still trained on the ground, not daring to look up at her brother's face as she sniffled. What must a brave man like Patroklos think of his meek sister? Was it normal for women to need their younger brother to defend them so constantly?
"I'm sorry," Pyrrha sobbed.
"Don't apologize," Patroklos ordered. "You did nothing wrong. It's them who should be apologizing."
She shook her head then looked up at him. "I'm sorry I'm a burden on you!" she mustered up the courage to say. Patroklos frowned and looked down at her with concern but said nothing.
"No one in Athens is ever going to accept me," she continued. Her heart and mind raced and her breathing quickened as she allowed herself a rare moment to speak her mind. The tears flowing down her face quickened. "They all think I'm a monster." She held up her clawed hand to emphasize her point. "And now everyone associates you with me. I cause you nothing but trouble because I don't know how to speak up for myself."
She looked to the side on shame, her breathing now staccato. "It's not fair to you..."
Patroklos's arms encircled her and pulled her close and he held her protectively. "You're not a burden. Don't say that."
Pyrrha sniffled but said nothing.
"You are my sister. I am honored to be your first line of defense, no matter who it is that opposes you or why it is they are."
He loosened his hold on her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Family are meant to stick together. Never apologize for leaning on your family."
Family. It was a concept she was still getting used to. Pyrrha took a deep shakey breath to steady herself before nodding.
"We should get home soon," Patroklos said, once again facing the path. "You know how Uncle Lucius can be when we are late for supper."
A small smile cracked on Pyrrha's lips and she nodded. She reached her human hand up to wipe her tears away before once again following after her brother.
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ndcgalitzine · 4 months
Top 3 lazy Sunday things to do 💖
Top 3 lazy things I did today were;
watched the office, eating snacks and drinking soda, while lounging on the sofa
played solitaire on my computer while lounging on the sofa
took a nap while lounging on the sofa
basically everything I do while lounging on the sofa is my favorite lazy sunday thing to do 🤣🤣🤣
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sparfloxacin · 1 year
oof, a spicy Olli/Allu thought I just had: Aleksi straming on twitch with Olli under the table 😏
(just saw this post and immediately thought of this hehe)
I hope today will be better for you than yesterday <3
Thank you! I think it will be 🥰
And uhhhh that sure is a thought 😳 a bit different Olli/Allu stream we expected huh 👀 just imagine Allu trying to hold in the whimpers and moans but he just can’t keep the sighs from escaping and the chat is wondering is everything ok with him 🤭
I also had a thought yesterday about Allu forgetting to mute the stream/accidentally leaving it on when they start making out on the couch 👀
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rescue-ram · 8 months
And ❤️ for "making the most of it" specifically
Uwah thank you that's one of my favorites too :'3c
So I've been kicking around a Starsky & Hutch fic covering their early partnership from Dobey's POV... Leetol bit of him navigating his career as an African American police officer in the civil rights era, leetol bit of him being like "🤔 I think two of my rookies are queer..." And working through his own homophobia while Starsky and Hutch are doing Their Thang in the background.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 11 months
Hi Mexi!
From That Show please!!!
WIP Game
Ooh, I love this one. I need to get back to it. Maybe I'll make it my holiday fic of the year 😆 It's basically an AU where Sam and Bucky both used to star in the same sitcom. Bucky retired from acting years before Sam due to an injury that took his arm. Sam recently retired from acting after a long run on the sitcom because he wanted to help his sister run the family business. They meet again when Sam returns home after years apart and rekindle flames that were cut short when Bucky left LA.
Here's an excerpt:
“Hey. Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
Sam blinked. The man looked like he was growing out his hair. His stubble looked new. He was… he was going to be the musician neighbor, right?
“Did I see you during the auditions?” asked Sam as he shook the man’s hand.
There was a roughness to those hands that felt more than just some practice on an acoustic guitar. There was something more to this. Something much more than just the audition.
“Yeah, but – I feel like I’ve seen you around before,” said the man, and Sam was about to shut whatever bullshit this man was going to say down but then the man lit up and blurted, “Wilson Family Seafood! I worked on your boat every summer during high school. You were in my sister’s grade – Becca Barnes.”
Sam gaped.
“Bucky Barnes?” asked Sam, a little stunned.
Sam remembered him vaguely. Bucky had been older by a few years. A little intimidating despite his kind nature and goofy disposition. Maybe it was because he was a little older. Maybe it was because Bucky always seemed to be walking around shirtless on the boat during the hot Delacroix summers.
“Didn’t your sister blow up one of the chemistry classrooms?” added Sam.
Bucky laughed.
“She got a few chemicals mixed up,” said Bucky like he had to tell this to a million people, “Also, it didn’t blow up. She just… gently singed the room.”
Sam couldn’t help but grin, giggled a bit.
“Gently singed, eh?” said Sam.
“Okay, maybe a little more than singed, but nobody got hurt,” said Bucky, “You got the big role, right?”
“Anthony? Yeah. I’m Anthony,” said Sam.
Sam couldn’t help but let some of the giddiness show. Not for this. How could he? This was his first big break. The lead in a sitcom. He had moved out to Los Angeles eight months ago, and now he had landed a gig on a show. As the lead, no less.
“You deserved it. I heard a little bit of your audition and it was…” Bucky said before they both realized they were still holding each other’s hand…
Bucky gently let go.
“You’re probably too good for this show, Sam,” Bucky said.
Was that a bit of blush coloring Bucky's cheeks?
Sam shrugged.
“I’m pretty new to all of this,” said Sam, a little self-conscious, “Maybe I’ll do something else, but I don’t know. I like this show. The pilot’s smarter than it seems. I’m really impressed with some of the more subtle jokes.”
“You’re right. The double talk in the teaser was really what made me excited about the pilot script,” said Bucky, “I love how all of the jokes built up throughout the episode. It makes the button at the end hilarious.”
Bucky smiled at Sam. Big and soft and kind. Bucky stood there for a while, just staring. At Sam. Sam raised an eyebrow.
“What?” asked Sam, feeling his own cheeks heat up.
“Sorry, it’s just – I’ve been out here for over a year, and it’s… it’s a lot different out here,” said Bucky, “It’s nice to have a familiar face around.”
Sam understood the feeling.
“No,” said Sam, “I get it. It’s… It’s nice to see you too.”
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lahellacute · 6 months
Hii 🥰
Does your MC / OC have a guilty pleasure? If so what it is?
Hello ☺️
I'll answer for my Open Heart MC Casey :
She does! Her guilty pleasure is watching magical shoujos lol Animes like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Card Captor Sakura etc. It's smth she's been into since she was young and she really likes them even now.
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
4 and 21 for the writing ask game!
4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?
Ok, I'm not really proud of this but I don't write very consistenly XD and I don't have many rituals, but when I do get writing I usually have the habit of letting a lot of tabs open, either other docs with information about the wolrdbuilding, characters or plotline for me to consult, a research tab or a randkm yt video.
21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?
Probably the fact that I love reading it. I am looking foward to doing more things with it I'm proud of lol
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