#Thank you for these!!!
5 and 23 for the fic writer ask!
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP.
Stepping directly behind Louis, he leans into the little Facetime frame, waggles his fingers in a friendly hello to the good doctor, and just as Louis snaps something horrid and vulgar at him and scrambles to hang up the phone, Lestat snatches the device from his hand.
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing. asfdfscvfdjhb OH GOD this is hard. uhhhhh maybe: Evocative, Poetic, and Character-Driven? At least, that's what I aim for...
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johnnycakesswitch · 2 months
When soda was a kid he would chase butterflies around the yard for HOURS and nobody could get him to come inside until they went away when the sun set. But once the sun set the fireflies came out and he would decide to chase those instead.
Soda is a FANTASTIC singer. He’s got such a soft and soothing singing voice and sings to himself quietly and it’s soooo calming.
Backing off another ask I saw, this boy has absolutely no concept of personal space AT. ALL.
He will crawl over people, sit on people, hug anybody, he doesn’t care. More often than not when Darry is home at night watching tv on the couch or something, soda will just be laying across his legs.
And with Steve, he’s always holding onto him somehow. His arm, his shirt, when they’re alone his belt loops.
And even MORE to that. Boy can sleep ANYWHERE at ANYTIME. He’s always bouncing all over the walls but if he sits still for more than 10 minutes he’s out like a light. They’re like power naps before he’s up and off like a rocket again.
I also think even though he works with cars, he doesn’t as much as Steve does; and I think Soda has very pretty hands. Like he’s just a pretty boy.
He is the prettiest boy 🗣️ I’m gonna focus on these one by one bc I love them all
• him chasing butterflies and fireflies is just precious to think about, imagine him with one of those little butterfly nets? His parents hardly even mind if he’s out there for hours because it’s very endearing and it’s helping him burn energy. By the time he’s done he’s completely ready for bed because he’s tuckered himself out 😭
• i definitely think Soda has such a nice singing voice it’s nice and soft and gentle and it must be so soothing to listen to 🥺
• I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, personal space does not exist to Soda 😭 like at all. He’s just so tactile. He loves laying with his brothers like you said it’s so normal for him to just be sprawled out on top of them and with Steve it’s so much worse he’s like a leech 😭 hands, arms, shirt, waist, belt loops, hips, he has to be holding on to some part of Steve at any given time 😭 Steve loves it tho <3
• aw yes him being a sleepy boy is so cute. I think as a kid his parents tried not to let him nap too much during the day bc then he would NOT go to sleep at night. Now that he’s older he’ll have short little naps then have such big bursts of energy 😭 if Darry sees him nodding off he’s like bruh wake UP bc he knows Soda is about to be bouncing off the walls when he wakes up
• definitely has pretty hands. They’re so dainty ❤️
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falloutcoys · 2 months
How do you approach plot twists or surprises in your fics?
I don't often use them but when I do I try to make sure they're well telegraphed even if you don't notice. Because I just don't think it's fun if its super out of left field! Much more fun to make people go like OHHHHHHH wow I should have seen that but I didn't!
questions for fic writers
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bloodsalted · 24 days
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@strxngetimes || canon questionnaire || accepting!
11. Are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? If so, what?
there's a few. some might be a little to controversial atm but one thing i hated was the whole standing there during the cas confession. i understand dean was overwhelmed and jensen did a perfect job portraying that with expression alone (the man can really say a shit ton with just his face and i adore him for it) but i feel like dean would've done more. and never accepted that cas would be gone. forever. without going in there to get his ass. especially after jack became god. it felt way too ooc for them both tbh. which is why sarah and i fixed that whole mess. :D
12. What would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
his character growth throughout the series. so often men that are portrayed as he was in season one (the toxic masculinity, the brashness, etc) stay that way for no particular reason other than the writers being too lazy to let them grow. or justify it for a cheesy reason like..girl hurt man, man become closed off tool. but dean truly grew as the events of the show changed his perceptions and how he reacts to people. and i adore that.
also.. his ability to see way more about people at first glance than is really given credit. the man is very perceptive. passes it off as not so much very often. but i do love when he's totally off and looks so baffled, confused, bewildered, schooled when he realizes it depending on who/why.
20. If you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be?
one that i make up? the fear of losing those you love is the soul's most powerful motivator.
21. Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
bartholomew - silent comedy. it just suits his whole aesthetic. and not to mention those lyrics? they just suit the shit that's been done to him. how he sees himself, how he feels about the world and his experiences. hell even his soul. close runner ups (without naming the obvious ones from canon and more to my portrayal, feelings etc like the first one..) bottom of the river by delta rae and brother by jensen ackles. <- this fan video will ruin your soul btw.
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aceghosts · 5 months
This is the self insert/OC fairy. 🌼🧚‍♀️When you get this in your ask box, please tell us 3 facts about your S/I or OC and pass it around. Let's learn about each other's S/Is/OCs! 🌈🌷
Thank you for this! I think I'll talk about Jack.
Jack is extremely sweet. Unfortunately, this leads people to try to take advantage of him. When he was younger, it was easy for people to do so, but he's learned how to sense when people are trying to take advantage of him as he got older.
Being a bad driver is a genetic trait in the Shepard family. After seeing Rooney drive, the Nomads assumed that they could teach Jack to be a better driver. It did not end well.
Jack has gunshot scars from the attack that he and Rooney survived on their hometown. The scars are on his torso.
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empressofthewind · 2 months
8, 11, and 14 for Unholy? 👀❣️
EXCELLENT CHOICES!!!! Thank you very much <3
8. Did you cut something out of the outline or an early draft? What was it and why did you decide to cut it?
I was SO sure that this one was fairly straightforward but looking back through my google docs, I found 6 different drafts of it lmfao. The earlier drafts were mostly just alternate versions of the dialogue exchange leading up to the smut. I won't share every single iteration, but here is one deleted scene (I tend to write dialogue first and fill in the action later, so this is just a skeleton):
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11. What was the most challenging aspect of writing it?
Writing the smut is usually the hardest part by FAR but - although I might just be misremembering - I really don't recall struggling with the smut in this one as much as I usually do. On the other hand, the aforementioned dialogue exchange gave me absolute hell. I decided very early on that the kiss would happen immediately after that conversation, so getting from the awkward, contentious dynamic they started with to something charged enough that they might want to go [REDACTED] in a church was a real challenge.
14. Talk about the fic’s opening scene & how you approached it.
To be so real and honest, the first ~800 words or so were written long before the rest of the fic, and it kind of feels like a fever dream??? I wrote it all in one sitting and I was very happy with how it turned out first go, so it didn't need many tweaks before the final draft. I started it in late October last year with the intention of posting it for Kinktober, and all I had planned was that it was an AU where they happened to run into each other at Wammy's House after the Kira case, and that they would hook up in the chapel behind the orphanage. I think I realised pretty quickly that it was going to end up longer than I had anticipated and I wouldn't finish it in time to post it for the event, so I ended up ditching it for a while until I had a hankering to touch it again in March.
ask me things :-)
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tortureandtickles · 6 months
Questions 3, 13 and 18 please
3. What is your greatest fear involving tickling?
honestly? someone not taking consent seriously. i’ve had this happen in the past and the flashbacks still haunt me to this day. it was partly my fault, for not getting to know the person extremely well before we met up for a session.
13. What is the most important thing to know about tickling/being tickled?
i think the most important this, is building that trust with someone, and going over everything before a session. you both need to understand each others limits, boundaries etc before any play should happen. check in regularly and ALWAYS make sure that aftercare is performed afterwards for both the lee AND the ler!!
18. Do you enjoy bondage/restraints/etc.? Why or why not? (And if you do prefer them: Which is your favorite way/position of being restrained or restraining someone else?)
i LOVE restraints!! i love the fact that it makes me feel so helpless, and weak. that’s something i really enjoy whilst being tickled - i suppose that’s the masochist in me!! i’ve yet to try it, but i want full body restraints that means i can’t move AT all. i want that feeling of knowing i can’t escape, knowing i can’t stop the torture.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Dani Dani Dani, I was listening to my playlist and behold desi song recs for lbaf mavid.
Nadaan parindey for Other max (specially the bridge of this song 🥺)
And Chal Ghar chalen for other Max' last visit to David, we all know what takes place in the last visit so yeah :(
Okay tata. Thankyou for hearing me out <3
(I will be being insufferable and bringing more of these)
omg i need a warning before y'all drop Rockstar songs in my askbox.
Thank you.
Other Max songs hit differently bro.
Another desi song i listen to A LOT for Other Max pov: Behne De Mujhe Behne De from Raavan (i listen to the Tamil version!)
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loyalborn · 7 months
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more?
↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch?
🛏️what’s their favorite position?
🕒what’s the longest time they went without engaging in sexual activity with a partner? [masturbation doesn’t count]
🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual?
for haarlep
👄 when it comes to receiving, penetrative. haarlep has had their dick sucked, but no one has ever eaten them out, so they can't say for certain.
↕️ switch. with raphael as their master, they were always topping or bottoming from the top. after all this time, they want to enjoy being taken care of during sex.
🛏️ generally, it's doggy with them on bottom. if they were to actually fall in love with someone and have a deep connection with them, it would be anything that allows them to be face to face.
🕒 about a week. it almost killed them. haarlep feeds off orgasms, needs to experience one with a partner or give one to a partner to stay alive.
🤪 in the middle of a dance hall at a party. the politics of devils is... different.
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tennessoui · 1 year
💞🎉 for the ask game?
(ask game meme)
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
what a good question!!! i think for a lot of my stories, building the characters into the world/premise i want is the most important thing for me. i have some wild aus, and i really try to make the characters recognizable as themselves, even as i change the setting or even their relationships with each other. finding bits of their characterizations to keep no matter the crazy au is super important for my stories, because i think it saves them from reading as obscenely out of character.
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
ahhhh!!! i almost never finally complete a wip, but after posting any sort of chapter, i usually take a day or two '""""off"""" from writing to relax and focus on other things as a lil celebration!!!
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moonchild-in-blue · 9 months
Hello!!!! 3, 4, and 10 for the asks 💙🌕
Hellooo hehe 🐞🐛🦋🐌🐝🐜 (bug friends!)
3 - What playlists do you have on your phone?
Another interesting playlist I have - Soft Bangtan. It's a playlist with the softest/peaceful BTS (and solos) songs to fall asleep to 💜 I don't use it much these days, but it's there when I need it.
4 - Do you like cooking or baking more?
Just answered this, so instead let me tell you the things I like to do more. For cooking - pasta. Specifically, fusilli pasta with a tomato sauce base, and whatever I find on the fridge. Preferably chicken or mushrooms! For baking, brownies. I love them, and I've perfected my recipe over the years hehe.
10 - What's your favorite book?
I think I've answered this question before, but I can never give a straight answer. Chronicles of Narnia and The Picture of Dorian Gray are pretty up there. Poetry books - Bukowski and E A Poe are my all time favourite authors. I think I don't have a favourite book per se, simply a few that are close to my heart, and whatever I feel like given my current state of mind.
A book that has stayed with me for a very long time and that I often revisit is "It's Kind Of A Funny Story" by Ned Vizzini. It's about a teenage boy who spends a few days in the adult mental ward after a suicide attempt. It's a very nice and pleasant read, given the subject, and I see myself in a loot of scenes. The movie is also amazing - I can never get through it without crying 🥲
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12. a trope you’re really into right now and 27. your favorite part of the writing process!
Fic Writer Asks
12. idk if I'm much of a trope gal, tbh! I mean, I'm kinda writing a sex pollen fic rn so that's the first thing that comes to mind :) overall, I'm just always interested in tropes that can be used to subvert certain aspects of characterization so like even when I write sappy valentine's day fics or First Time fics, it's always because I want to push Louis out of his comfort zone lmao
27. I actually very much prefer editing over the actual writing LOL like typically getting the first draft done is like pulling teeth for me, but once it's done, I have a lot more fun taking everything that's written and molding it into something I actually like! The editing/second draft phase is when I really get to feel like a proper artist/writer because I get to focus on things like prose instead of just getting from point A to point B. Honest to god, 90% of the time when I'm writing something I think it's shit the entire time that I'm writing, but once I'm able to step away and come back to edit with fresh eyes, I usually do a complete 180 and feel like goddamn Picasso LMAO
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half-life-citizen · 6 months
For the ask game: Guilt and desire please! Thank you for answering!
Answered before
He could do so much with the resources he has. Hundreds of lives made better, but he's afraid. What if someone finds out who he really is? Nothing he's done will be worth it then.
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its-tortle · 2 years
For the book recs: 8, 13, 16, 23, 52, 66 & 124
hi mags!! i am happy to oblige :)
8. a book you finished in one sitting
not that many? i'm a fast reader but not a very focused one haha. i did read carry on by rainbow rowell in the car on a two day road trip, though
13. your favorite romance novel
ugh this is so hard. there's so many different shades of romance! but i also don't read much romance at all because i tend to rely on fanfiction for that genre. if i want more fanfiction-y vibes, i go red white and royal blue by casey mcquiston and for a more classic one i'll go pride and prejudice
16. a book you’d recommend to your younger self
also i really difficult one. i already answered this here, but now that i can look at my shelf i'll add good omens by neil gaiman (also not a profound answer, but i'm only twenty and i was a rather avid reader as a kid too and i think i read things at the right time? idk)
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
so so many. i want to read jane eyre by charlotte bronte very soon
52. a popular book series that you love
apart from growing up with harry potter, i've come to really love the six of crows duology by leigh bardugo
66. a book that fucked you up
i don't know if this counts because i was fine after the book, but when i watched (half of) normal people the series last spring it triggered a mental breakdown that i'm still in
124. the book you’re currently reading
i'm currently rereading persuasion by jane austen!
send me book rec asks!
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carrotcakecrumble · 1 year
4 and 27 for the TC ask game!
4. What happens right after chapter 16:
The most gut wrenching, powerful, breath-taking, emotional, violent, poignant, drop-everything kiss you’ve ever seen (something like how I imagine the ‘come say goodbye to me’ kiss but 100 x amplified)
27. When did you first read the charioteer? How did you discover it?
16 year old me in 2018 Googling ‘gay ww2 books’ dhdjdh BUT listen when I first read it I thought, eh, s’alright. Bit boring. But then recently I was like going through about 6 exams a week in my final year at uni and needed something to help me procrastinate bc I was about to die and then I saw it on my shelf and thought, go orrrrrrn then, and the rest is history (history meaning has somehow changed parts of my life profusely shsjshks, I wouldn’t have gotten tumblr and met all you guys without etcetc <33)
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aceghosts · 2 years
5 & 20 + Blue
Thank you for these ones as well!
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Guilty pleasures
A guilty pleasure for Blue is any time they spend with Joseph. Considering Joseph is the Resistance's biggest enemy, Blue feels extremely guilty for spending any time with him. They know that any time with him could be used to protect the Resistance or to stop Eden’s Gate from hurting others, but they love the quiet moments with him. So, Blue tries to just enjoy the moment and not think about the implications of what they’re doing.  
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Blue is the one OC that I have a ton of AUs for, but I’ll focus on their DC! AU, which is set after the Batman (2022). I haven't super talked about this one, lol. In some ways, it’s an offshoot of the Five Years Later AU, but instead of Blue staying in Hope County, they end up moving to Gotham roughly four years after the end of the game. (One of those years is spent in the Bunker with Joseph.)
A few headcanons that I have for it are:
Blue’s fellow detectives in Gotham PD know that Blue transferred from Hope County, but they don’t know what went down in Hope County. Bruce also knows this after running a background check on Blue after Blue met him for the first time as Batman. However, the U.S. Marshals redacted a lot of Blue’s files so no one isn’t quite sure what happened. And Blue doesn’t really talk about it. If anyone asks, Blue just makes a joke.
In Gotham, Blue misses their friends from Hope County a lot. During their time in Hope County, they became close with a lot of people, especially Grace, Sharky, and Hurk. Blue wishes they could visit, but Gotham (and Batman) keep them busy. (I really love the idea of writing a fic where Sharky and Hurk visit Gotham because I think it would be funny as all hell. Maybe someday.)
They don’t take Boomer with them to Gotham. Blue thinks he belongs in Hope County, which means he ends up living with Grace. Grace sends Blue plenty of photos and videos of Boomer.
Living in Gotham is Blue’s first time living in a major city. It’s different from Boulder and definitely different from living up in the Rocky Mountains or Hope County. They had a steep learning curve for City Life, but Blue managed well enough.
Weirdly enough, Blue isn’t phased by any of Batman's weirder enemies. After dealing with Joseph, John, Jacob, and Faith, Gotham doesn't seem all that weird to Blue. The Seed Family was pretty weird. Plus, no one in Gotham tried to make Blue think that they ended the world in Nuclear Armageddon.
It takes a while for Bruce as both himself and Batman to trust Blue, which only makes them more determined to become his friend. They eventually do become his friend because Blue is (1) extremely friendly and (2) they prove to be a trusted ally through their actions. 
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