#tc ask challenge
carrotcakecrumble · 1 year
OK, so for the ask game, I really want to know: 2,8,19,22,23,29!! I hand picked them (don't ask me on what criteria though......)
2. Scenes that live in your head rent free?
Only one, it starts where it says ‘Chapter 1’ and ends where it says ‘Chapter 16’
Ok no but fr, I LOOOOOVVVEEEE pillow talk scenes so that one scene where the car lights are coming in through the window and it’s dark and they’re in love and cuddling and Laurie’s telling Ralph to shut up for a minute🥹🥹🥹
8. If you could add one school scene to the book, what would it be?
Technically already answered BUT I have MANY MORE SO, let me say another, and idk if this technically counts but, I would loooooove a little Ralph-in-school backstory. Like his first crush, him coming to terms with himself etcetc. Very literally I would kill for it
19. Secondary character that needs more love?
I’m naming 2 bc I need to. Hazell and Sandy. Unloved, unfairly hated, they need a REDEMPTION it’s not fair🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ tbh I might write a whole post on them bc🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️(and and uhhhh Dave👁️)
22. What was the soldier at the party about to reveal about Alec/Ralph?
Ok so I already answered this BUT I DO WANNA ADD — I feel like he was definitely gonna say something along the hooking up lines, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily true, it’s just goss (but also I truly truly hope it’s true)
23. Reg & Laurie and the way it ended
DONTBRINGTHISUP will one day finish my fic that addresses this because I CANT BELIEVE
but mainly my thoughts boil down to ‘Laurie be fr rn’
I understand it’s the whole thing about the betrayal of him telling Madge (i think), but can I just say, why shouldn’t he? Reg is quite good about it considering (and compared to others) in the context, but it’s obvious he does struggle reconciling the Laurie he knows with the societal idea he has of ‘cissies’ etc,,, as dramatic as it is from our modern viewpoint, he does have to come to terms with the fact that someone he see’s as a dear friend, a good and proper person, is also someone he’s been told are perverts and criminals (and everything that goes along with those titles.) So why shouldn’t he confide in his partner about it? I assume from his embarrassment at the reveal as well that maybe he made it clear that Madge shouldn’t say anything or something like that. Her bringing it up in front of everyone (considering it is illegal and looked down upon) is the wrongdoing in this scene, not really anything that Reg does. In fact, he seems to have accepted Laurie’s sexuality quite well, because up until that point we kind of get the impression that they’ll continue to be friends along the lines of don’t-mention-it-again, so isn’t it actually kinda nice that it isn’t that Reg is just completely ignoring it all, but that he is bringing it out into the open with his partner in private, trying to come to terms with it in order to continue a friendship with Laurie that’s based more on truth??? OK RANT OVER ANYWAY basically, I want them to be friends again pls🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
29. Charioteerism you have adopted into your vocabulary?
I already spoke like a massive toff so I already had a few shsjsj, BUT BUT ‘my, my’ is such a VERSATILE LITTLE PHRASE i love it, say it all the time just naturally now🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ and haven’t had a chance to use ‘aren’t we butch’ but as soon as the opportunity arises👁️👁️
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itsdaddyoclock · 1 year
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I am 100% positive that if I got to be held like this by him, all of my problems would disappear
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1. What music genre fits your tc the most?
Dad rock or 2014 pop, there is no in between with this man.
2. What's your favorite personality trait for your tc?
The way he actually cares about you and making sure you succeed 😌
3. Do you think they fit into a certain aesthetic or two? If so, which ones?
Dark Naturalism, and no I will not be providing context.
4. If you could, how would you comfort your tc? (Like if they seem to be having a rough day)
I would probably just make him take a nap or something because he seems super tired and stressed out lately.
5. What type of winter activity do you think is their favorite?
Staying inside to watch a movie while it snows for sure.
6. If you could (or have) what book or movie would you recommend to you tc?
Australia with Hugh Jackman
7. What's their sense of humor like? Is yours similar?
It's somewhat similar, for sure. I hardly ever made jokes with J last year because I was so shy, but light banter with him is always fun.
8. What's the nicest thing your tc has ever said to you?
Well, it's not necessarily a compliment but I really like it when he calls me darling and you can hear a slight accent to it. (I can't mention any actual compliment because my friends might find this...)
9. What wintery activity would you love to do with them?
I think it's be fun to go skiing if I wasn't so bad at it
10. What do you think your tc's love language is?
Words of Affirmation, he really strives toward trying to gain acceptance with people.
11. Do you have a quote or poem that you associate with them?
Poem: Age Difference by Lang Leav (please for the love of goodness's sake, check it out, you'll see why)
12. Do you prefer emailing them or talking in person?
Talking, because for whatever reason it may be, I hate sending emails.
13. Do they have a signature cologne or perfume?
I don't know what he wears but it smells like a mix of mint, coffee, mahogany and new leather.
14. Is your tc someone you can go to for support?
Yes, he really helped me out a lot last year and I'm very thankful for that
15. Have you ever pictured yourself with their last name or vice versa?
No, I actually haven't.
16. Is there anything you don't like about your tc?
He's a lot less personal than he used to be and he's not so talkative when other people around me are also trying to talk to him as well.
17. Have you ever seen them in a really bad mood?
Yes, he's been angry more times this year than I've seen him be like. And he's not a moody person at all-usually.
18. Does your tc ever laugh differently when they're with you?
He does! It's deeper, and he always looks me in the eyes when he's laughing at something I said.
19. What's your tc's staple drink? (If they have one)
Dark coffee
20. Is there anything that the two of you have in common? Is there a lot?
We both have a few things in common, and I remember one time when he mentioned how he noticed a few specks of blue in my eyes just like him (well his are blue and mine are dark green) and it was a really cute moment.
21. Have they ever targeted you directly in class or in the halls?
Definitely, especially because I'm easy to tease.
22. Have you ever said anything that might have given away your feelings?
He asked me if I thought he was funny and I said yes (except my voice had a very flirtatious tone that I did NOT mean to use.)
23. Do you dream about them often?
Not really
24. Is your tc more physically or verbally affectionate? Or not at all?
Verbally, for sure.
25. If you could, (or have) what would you get your tc for Christmas?
I saw this one really nice mug awhile back that I really regret not buying.
26. Do you like them in a romantic sense or in a more platonic way?
Definitely romantic now, but it did start platonically.
27. Are they a cozy sweater person?
No, he's a polo person.
28. What color looks best on them?
Grey and navy blue. Although he does occasionally look absolutely sinful when he wears a black shirt and jeans, I don't know why.
29. If you could see yourself the way they see you, would you take the chance?
Ummm, yes. Partially because of the amount of embarrassing things he's caught me doing.
30. What little habit they have is your absolute favorite?
I love it when he immediately waves and smiles at me the moment he sees me in the halls.
31. If it was legal, would you share a midnight kiss with them?
...yes. At the same time, only if he is was single. I do not support cheating nor do I support pedophilia.
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staypoetical · 2 years
TCC Emoji Challenge
(made by @kissofpoisontcc - ty that was fun!!)
1. Their nickname 🐰
2. The subject they teach 📚⚽️
3. What their classroom is like 🤹🏼‍♀️
4. What their lessons are usually like 🎬
5. Their appearance 🙈
6. Their personality 😌😎
7. Their style 👟
8. Any hobbies they may have 🗺️🏋🏼‍♀️🏄🏼‍♂️
9. How you feel about them 🫤🥰🤩
10. What the relationship is like between you and them 🤝
11. Your happiest memory so far with them ☀️🎙️🫂
12. Your least favourite memory with them 👋🏼
13. Your favourite thing about them 🧘🏼‍♂️🌿🗣️
14. Your least favourite thing about them 🙄
15. How you’d react if they found out you liked them 🤷🏼‍♂️
16. Your ideal date with them 🌅🥞
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May TC Challenge
I couldn't really find one for May and I'm super bored so here we go
How did your relationship start? Was it you who did most of the initiating?
How often do you think about them?
What kind of weather matches their vibes? What about yours?
May the fourth be with you! Do they have a favorite movie franchise? Do you?
Do you have a playlist dedicated to them? What are your favorite songs on it?
What's your go to fantasy/day dream about them?
If you had the opportunity, would you go on a date with them? (If they're married/taken, imagine their partner is out of the picture) If so, what would you want to do?
Do you dress up on the days you see them? How so?
What's your favorite memory with them?
Have you ever thought about a future with them?
Does your tc give you physical affection?
Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate! Have they ever told you anything about their family? Have you told them about yours?
Do any of your classmates have a crush on your tc?
What’s something you wished they knew about you without you having to tell them?
If your tc was invited to a wedding and asked you to be their plus one, what would you wear, and what would you want to see them in? (Theme of the wedding is up to you, so you can choose your outfits)
Do you have any photos of them? Either those that you've found on their social media or ones you've taken yourself?
Have you ever listened to break up songs/love songs and thought of them?
What style/haircut/tattoos/facial hair/etc do you think would suit them best?
Which color would you assign the feelings they give you? (Ex: happy -> yellow or something bright)
Which decade would they be best in? How about you? (Based on fashion, technology, art, music, the fun stuff.)
Have you ever run into them in public? (Or tried to?) How did it go?
What pushed you to create your blog?
If you could know anything about your tc, what would it be?
How do you think you’d react if they confessed their feelings to you?
Have you ever done/read/watched/listened to something you may not have been interested in because they like it?
If your tc was your age, would you date them? Do they have any red flags?
If your life was a book series/tv series/movie and you had a fan base, would your fans realistically ship you and your tc? (Got this one from TikTok lol because I love the thought)
What’s something that always makes you think of them?
Let’s chat for a sec! What’s something you’ve been dying to talk about regarding your tc?
Do you flirt with them? If so, how?? 👀
What’s something you’re manifesting happening between you two? (If you don’t manifest, what’s something you hope happens?)
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teamnick · 11 months
Pierre in the Beyond The Grid podcast talking about his relationship with Esteban (and Yuki)
transcript under the cut
Tom Clarkson: Now, so much is made in the media about your relationship with your teammate, with Esteban. Have you rubbed along better as teammates than you were expecting?
Pierre: You know, I knew that it will not be easy…but at the same time I knew that we have grown up a lot. I was a little worried on how he’ll welcome me and how he’ll, let’s say, work with me…I was not too tense, I knew how would I approach it, and I know Esteban since a long time, so I sort of know how we work and we have different personalities, we are just two different type of people. But ultimately I think we’ve been working really well. You know, I think we understood the responsibility…my main concern was to work well with him, to make sure that we extract the maximum of the car, the maximum out of the team, that we’re both pushing in the same direction, and ultimately there’ll always gonna be a sort of healthy rivalry - one wanting to beat the other and this happens in every team. But what I cared the most is just make sure that, you know, this doesn’t impact the sort of evolution of the team and the evolution of the car, you need to...okay, its fine to have a rivalry, but we both need to walk towards the same direction, we all gotta be pushing the team forward and push the development and I must say its been exactly what we’ve been doing. I will not say we’re friends, we dont spend really much time together, but when we get to the track, this is work, and when we’re at work, we are mature and responsible and we are delivering. We have quite similar feedback, been pushing the team and requesting pretty much the same thing out of that car and how we’d like the team to develop, so I must say in terms of working relationship – it’s very formal, let’s say, between us, but thats, you know, thats all I can ask, because, yeah…at the end of the day I just want to be competitive.
TC: I’m thinking of MotoGP when Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo were at Yamaha, they literally had two different teams within the team, but its not like that at Alpine…
Pierre: No, no, honestly, it’s not like this…I mean, I know, I know Esteban won’t invite me for dinner, but I’m fine with that. You know, it’s very, let’s say, it’s very different to what I had with Yuki, you know, Yuki was very unique…and you know, in Austin I had a chat with Sir Jackie Stewart, and it was just very inspiring to hear his relationship with Francois Cevert. And as he was talking, it’s almost like I could relate to my relationship with Yuki, in the way that he came to F1, I was supporting and trying to help and it was a very genuine and healthy relationship. Now with Esteban you know we are both fighting for our career, we both wanna make it to the top, we both wanna be the leaders of the team, and you know, its fine, I accept that and I actually embrace the challenge, I embrace the competition, because at the end of the day Esteban is a very fast and very talented driver, and thats what you need also as a teammate, you need someone that’s gonna be pushing you, someone that’s gonna be pushing the team, you want someone that is competitive. And I really respect that it’s…I know how much he wants to beat me. At the same time he knows exactly how much I wanna beat him every single time, and it’s not something which is personal, because at the end of the day I care about all 19 drivers and as I say, I dont wanna beat Esteban, I wanna beat everyone. To beat everyone, I need Esteban to be pushing me and to be pushing the team to improve the car, and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing. So I think probably not as exciting for the media, they have all the sparks and stories and drama people would have expected, but it’s been…yeah it’s been great.
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psiroller · 6 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
thanks @unkat! here's a bit from a commission i'm working on for @nochilforthechuck:
Whenever it rained—which was often, across the pond and up in the wet, cold North—Thompson wondered why he ever came to England. Whenever Detective Gold pulled up in the constabulary’s least grungy MG TC to pick him up from the bar, he remembered why. The detective hailed him with an unnecessary honk; the sheriff was already loping down the stairs, slowly as not to slip on the god-damned cobblestones, trying to catch his face through the tinted glass with his good eye. “Ridge!” called Det. Gold with a radiant smile, cranking the window down. He caught the dark wet spots soaked into the shoulders of Thompson’s trenchcoat. “Oh, dear, were you waiting out in the rain long?” Thompson scowled. “Don’t call me that, Ed. We’re on the clock.” “Oh, but Ed is fine?” Gold scoffed, his nose wrinkling. “Get in the bloody car!” Sheriff Thompson chuckled and vaulted over the river of sludgy gutter water to walk around to the passenger side; he still hadn’t gotten used to it being on the left. “What’s got you all riled up, sunshine?” he said, cramming himself into the cab next to Edward. “We’re meeting with the suspect, are you not?” Edward asked, manicured eyebrow raised.
Tagging: @nochilforthechuck, @losersroom, @avoidcrow but no pressure ofc
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dangerously-human · 2 months
I’ve seen your premise for the coparenting across the bridge fic but I don’t think I’ve seen a snippet, so if you’re willing to share👀💜. also skull office au and Lockwood in peacock mode. ^-^
Coparenting across the bridge: Ooh, yes, let me see if I can find any snippets of that one I haven't shared before! Little challenging just because I haven't actually worked on very much of it yet, but I do like what I have so far.
She throws herself onto the couch. It could be hours or days later when she pulls herself up and goes to the kitchen, but instead of grabbing something from the cupboard to tide her over till dinner like she intended - it takes so little to trigger the nausea still, and she’s been snacking more than ever before in her life - muscle memory forces a tumbler into her hands, brings her feet to the liquor cabinet before she catches herself and stands stock-still but for the glass twirling from side to side, catching the light when she holds it just so. She stares longingly at a bottle of whiskey, enough to start asking herself some questions she really doesn’t want to answer. She’s more surprised than satisfied at the sound of the glass shattering, having missed the impulse to fling it on the floor. Even her own body is out of her control these days. In decidedly un-Olivia-like fashion, she collapses back onto the couch and cries. That’s where Peter finds her once he’s finally able to leave and make his way home. [...] “Olivia,” Peter says, arm gently encircling her shoulders. The way he says her name alone could break her today. She thinks of the glass fragments on the kitchen floor and flinches. “Hey,” he says softly. “Olivia, talk to me.”
This one starts out really, really painful, because part of what I really want to fix is that our triangle of Peter and the Olivias can all be angry with one another, and Peter can also acknowledge how deeply messed up it was, what was done to him. The fluff comes later, and I haven't let myself write that yet.
Skull office menace AU: An office AU, where they're all working generic white collar jobs (different agencies are different teams within the organization), except for some unexplained reason the skull is still a skull in a jar - though in this 'verse, everyone can hear him. He is an incorrigible gossip, sometimes a creep, and an utter menace, and I love him dearly.
Lockwood in peacock mode: A drabble sequence of Lockwood trying to impress Lucy in the "shift era" between TCS and TEG. It opens thus:
One of the best things Lockwood has noticed since Lucy came home is just how much she notices. Lucy watches him, and Lockwood finds he quite likes being watched. He likes knowing she's looking, and what's more, he's increasingly certain she likes what she sees. So he keeps giving her reasons to look.
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What are the ROs MBTI if you dont mind me asking, along with other characters ☺️
that emoji is so menacing, it's like you're pointing a gun to my head fr 💀
ronan bennett: INFP // the healer. cinnamon roll. pure and simple. most of the things that keep him up at night is thinking about how he can find a way to rehome every orphaned animal in the world. he will definitely cry if he comes across an injured baby animal and while they get necessary treatments in the veterinary clinic (which he drove to at 2 in the morning), he will be sniffling outside and overthinking everything. i would go as far as to say ronan is the waymond wang of the TCS universe, honestly.
célia dupont: ENTJ // the commander. she is definitely not the kind of person you'd wanna cross. besides the fact that she has been brought up all her life to fill the role of the CEO for her family's company, she is a natural leader and tolerates no nonsense. one of the only exceptions to her criticality and cool wrath is the MC who rarely ever faces her ire. célia is scary to almost everyone who works under her, which also doesn't help as she loathes those who bow and lick someone's shoes to get up the high charts. think blair waldorf or jude duarte but a lot less bloodthirsty.
s bakkoush: ENTP // the debater. was this even a surprise? cocky. smart. charismatic. they tick all the boxes for the aforementioned personality. they love engaging in banter with almost anyone when it comes to random things that neither of them would even remember the next day. S is also very competitive, never backing down from a challenge and always aiming to win. this attitude of theirs had greatly helped them in their career but hasn't made them too popular among their competition. but honestly? they do not care about that a smidge 💀 their personality is reminiscent of nick wilde and hange zoë.
i tachibana: ISTP // the virtuoso. their personality is largely individualistic and pragmatic. this all stems from the fact that they has spent most, if not all, their life fending for themselves. it was a ‘survival of the fittest’ kind of world for them and it didn't do their reserved and short-tempered nature any favour. tachibana is also very distrusting, and once their hard-earned loyalty is lost, it is lost forever. while the MC just chips away at the walls they have built, you can tell that they've complicated feelings about it along the story. levi ackerman and katniss everdeen would pretty much come close to summing up their personality.
as for the other characters, these might be a bit skewed cause i had to scratch my brain for them a bit:
james whelan: ENFP // the campaigner.
nebetah: INTP // the logician.
phaidros: ISFJ // the defender.
[redacted]: ISFP // the adventurer.
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carrotcakecrumble · 1 year
Hullo, dear. #9 for the TC ask.
Hii!!! Thank you, I love this one👁️👁️
9. Did Laurie recognise Ralph at Dunkirk?
I’ve done a fic about this because I LOOOOVE the idea that subconsciously, yes he did (all that talk about ‘I’d recognise you anywhere, like surely there was a little ‘wait’ moment somewhere in his brain) but consciously I don’t think he’s lying to Ralph when he says he didn’t, bc like, fair enough your knee cap was hanging on by a tendon 🧎🏻‍♀️
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oh-no-another-idea · 9 months
Find the word
Thank you for these words, @indecentpause!
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“What’s your mother like?” she said instead. Paris didn’t tug his hand away. “Old,” he said, and his eyes shone. “Always moving. I don’t know how she does it, it exhausts me just to watch her. She’s a seamstress, and her eyesight’s going bad after all those years, and she won’t listen to a thing I say about a doctor. Says as long as she can see the difference between corn flour and wheat, she’ll be just fine.” Velia tried to imagine her—Paris’ edges and angles worn down by experience and time, the way his eyes would crinkle and line with age. A smile that arrived more often.
“You think I don’t know what my father would say?” Antonio challenged. “I know, Velia. I know what the whole world would say.” Velia went over to the basin and plugged it up. She poured watcher from a pitcher into it. Trying to keep most of the shirt dry, she dumped the stain into the water. “Well, you never struck me as a person who cared what the world would say.” “Nothing ever felt this big before.”
Antonio’s shoulders loosened. “Aha, there he is. Welcome back, sunshine.” “Don’t call me that or I’ll dump your body over the side where your stupid tie will get caught in the coupling and drag your corpse till that face of yours is rubbed right off.” Velia sighed and stared heavenward. “You love this face, Lewis.” Lewis opened the door and let Antonio go through first, and then kicked him in the ankles. Velia followed them through to the sound of Antonio’s surprised curse.
Velia gave him a wry look. “Our old friend the murderer, Antonio? Yes, you’ll find I remember [them] quite well.” “Mr. Grey knows,” he said quickly. “As soon as we can get him the proof, he’ll have [them] in cuffs.” “What proof?” Velia asked, an apprehensive twist in her stomach. Antonio grinned, wide and reckless. “Why, [them] trying to kill me. Come on!”
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No pressure tags for @sarandipitywrites @lyssentome @kaiusvnoir @aohendo @reneesbooks @eccaiia @blind-the-winds @tc-doherty @chauceryfairytales @liv-is @sleepyowlwrites @vellichor-virgo and anyone else who'd like to look for the words vanish, eyebrow, gossip, bruise, and bent <3
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aajjks · 7 months
once again, jisung has been assigned to do some spying but this time he’s assigned to spy on you and yeonjin. he makes sure to stay quiet and follow the two of you in the royal garden; staying close enough to hear the both of you but not in sight.
“wow” gasps yeonjin “this garden is…it’s huge”
“thought you and jungkook used to play here all of the time?”
“we did but looking at it as an adult, i don’t remember it being this big”
the garden is beautiful. all the changes, arrangements, or whatever you’ve done to the garden has deeply impressed yeonjin as she takes a whiff to the sweet smelling air.
“some of the flowers need to be dug up since they didn’t survive the winter” you pout “but look around! which flowers would you like to sell?”
“i can’t make up my mind. you have primroses, camellias, ooh what are these?”
“these are calendula’s. they’re in the daisy family and jawon’s favorite flower. he loves daisies” you say while smiling. anytime you mention your children they bring a smile to your face even yeonjin’s.
“hmm…snowdrops? who likes this ugly flower?”
“me. i like that ‘ugly’ flower”
“oh, interesting”
deep, DEEP breaths. you know snowdrops aren’t that popular you won’t choke the girl just yet but it does hurt your pride to hear someone call one of your favorite flowers ugly.
“wait, are these tiger lilies?”
“yep. they’re jungkook’s favorite flower”
“jungkook’s favorite flower”
you both pause and look at each other. of course she knows jungkook’s favorite flower, they’re childhood friends but just how close was he to this girl that she even knows his favorite flower?
“you know a lot about jungkook, huh?”
“well i wanna how much do you know about him”
“ask me. i bet i know more than you” yeonjin challenges.
“doubt it but we’ve all got our fantasies” you say and you definitely got under yeonjin’s skin. she’s not some delusional girl with fantasies, what she and jungkook had was real.
“how tall is he?”
“he looks like he’s 5’10-5’11”
“m-kay. favorite food?”
“anything with meat. he loves protein”
“wrong, it’s anything areum cooks”
“sure, next question”
“‘kay, why are you here? its been 20 years and out of the blue you reach out to jungkook asking for help. why?”
jisung makes sure to listen carefully to what yeonjin has to say because she may reveal something he’ll have to urgently report back to jungkook or maybe she’ll lie. even he’s curious as to why she’s here after so many years despite not having met the woman but there is something off about her.
“why? do i make you nervous, queen y/n?”
“quit playing in my face before i fuck you up. i’m not joking anymore, what are you here for”
“ooh, feisty. i’m here because jungkook wanted me here”
“he wanted you here? pfft, hahahahaha. do you hear yourself? you sound crazy”
“crazy? oh no no no no” yeonjin smirks as she reaches inside her dress and pulls out a stack of papers, letter and thrust them in your face.
“what are these?”
“they’re letters. letters your husband wrote to me saying how much he loves me, how much he misses me. before you even told the country about prince jinseoul he told me”
‘I miss you so much 연진’
‘You should come by. I could sneak you in’
‘I think about you everyday’
‘If Y/n were never here, I’d marry you instead’
‘Promise me you’ll keep this a secret?’
‘You’re the only person who understands me’
‘Do you think 진서울 is a good name? Tell me what you think’
‘This is my last letter to you. Y/n and I are welcoming our third child and I can’t keep writing you anymore’
- 전정국
all these letters are dated and the handwriting looks just like jungkook’s. it’s even got his printed signature at the bottom; HIS. PRINTED. SIGNATURE. your heart is racing and you don’t know whether to beat the shit out of yeonjin or kill jungkook for cheating on you.
“think i’m crazy now?” yeonjin smirks as she laughs out loud at your panicked face that by the second looks angrier and angrier.
jisung immediately rushes back in the palace building to find jungkook with you storming behind him just a few steps behind.
“THE KING! THE KING! WHERE IS THE KING?!” jisung yells at a servant “h-he’s in his office. he just came from a meeting” stutters the maid.
jisung rushes to jungkook’s office, not even bothering to knock which he knows he’ll get in trouble for but he’s trying to warn him before he’s met with your wrath.
“your highness, yeonjin told the queen the two of you wrote letters to each other throughout your marriage. the queen is on her way right now and—“
“JEON JUNGKOOK!!! YOU BETTER EXPLAIN THIS SHIT TO ME RIGHT NOW!! what is this, huh? this is your handwriting, YOURS. you told this bitch i was pregnant with jinseoul? JISUNG GET THE FUCK OUT!!” you shout.
“y-yes ma’am”
“oh, so he warned you i was coming, huh? jungkook please…” you grab his ink pen “please tell me this isn’t real because i swear to god i will shove this pen down your fucking throat if you don’t tell me truth”
You look scary, your face is all frustrated and you’re screaming at the top of your lungs, cursing out and glaring at your husband, like he’s going to die by your hands at any given minute.
He has no idea what you’re talking about but you’re not giving him a chance to say anything because you are angrily ranting at him, and he watches you grab a pan and aim it at him, threatening to shove it down his throat if he doesn’t tell you the truth.
And you’re saying something about him telling someone that when you were pregnant with your first child, which is so weird because he never told anyone before his birth.
“W-What??? What the fuck are you talking about? What letters?! Yn sweetheart calm down.” it is safe to say that he’s never seen you this angry at him, not even on your wedding night or wedding day.
You don’t say anything, but you shove the papers in his face and you’re right there is his signature, but he never wrote these letters to her.
He’s so fucking confused right now, because the writing is like identical, there is his stamp, and his name is printed on it. But he never wrote these things to her because he never sent anyone any letters.
And why would he tell her about you being pregnant with his child? “Y-Yn I did not write these letters. These are not true!?” He scoffs, “why would I tell a woman that I’m supposedly having affair with that my wife is pregnant?”
Yeonjin is going to die. Because he’s never cheated on you once, and she has succeeded in manipulating you— and the proof is so strong as well because the handwriting is identical, and his name is printed.
How the fuck is this even possible? Jungkook grabs his hair out of frustration and pulls on it “yn I love you- I NEVER CHEATED ON YOU!” he’s getting loud as well because you’re just not willing to believe him at all. He has no idea how she got these letters, and she got them from, but he never wrote them.
“I…I did not write the letters! I SWEAR ON OUR CHILDREN’S LIFE.” he grabs the skin of his throat, swearing to God, “ and are you dumb if I wanted to cheat on you I would be really discreet. And really, do you think I would cheat on you with my childhood friend?!”
How can you even believe her? “ and if I wanted to be unfaithful to you, I would’ve never married in the first place. I did so much to have you and you are believing that bitch whore over me. I bounded myself to you and gave you nine children but still. YOU WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE EVERYONE OVER ME. Why am I surprised? I am tired of you. YN. Come with me right now.”
He takes your hand and you both go to the garden, where that woman is still standing and it’s safe to say that both of you are feeling really murderous right now. “HEY YOU STUPID WHORE! Where did you get these papers from because you know damn well that I never wrote them.” Jungkook screams at her before pushing her.
“Tell her the truth before I kill you!”
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yuma-tsukumo · 2 years
Total Drama World Tour Splatoon 3 Comps
Foreword: I Am Very Neurodivergent!
Who asked for this? No one, this is for ME lmfao
NOW ONTO THE ACTUAL GOOD STUFF: Talking about the TDIWT comps (main weapon + main gear abilities) and why I think they'd have the type of loadout pictured!
Characters below marked with a ❥ symbol next to their name are ones I refuse to change since I think they're perfect, but others are up for discussion & feedback! I purposefully prevented duplicate weapon selections since I wanted to challenge myself a lil bit and give everyone their own unique comp!
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BLAINELY ‒ Splattershot Pro / Opening Gambit / Special Power Up / Ink Saver (Main) Fav Mode: Tower Control Why this comp? I'm not too familiar with her personality since I FORGOR but she seems like the type to be kinda cutthroat on the field. Angle shooter to throw the enemy off & popping her Crab Tank when she wants to be very aggressive! Opening Gambit bc she wants to go headfirst and send a message, Special Power Up to Crab Tank more, and Ink Saver to shoot more! Loves TC so she can ride the tower and feel unstoppable!
LINDSAY ‒ Splash-o-matic / Ink Recovery Up / Ink Saver (Main) / Run Speed Up Fav Mode: Turf War Why this comp? She heard that the Splash was REALLY good and thought that just having it would make her a better player. She copied her main abilities from Beth and she's lucky they work out for her, but they aren't top tier for her weapon or playstyle. Throws a lot of burst bombs, rarely uses the Crab Tank wisely. Loves Turf War because it's got the easiest objective!
❥IZZY ‒ Custom Splattershot Jr. / Swim Speed Up x3 Fav Mode: Clam Blitz Why this comp? She wants to make everyone regret playing the game, constantly throwing torpedoes and using her wave breaker to slow down the enemy team. All her gear ability slots are dedicated to swim speed so she can escape sticky situations as fast as possible. She's got a goofy comp but she's a terrifying player. Loves CB because she has an excuse to make the MOST advantage of her speed ability & annoy the opposing team!
❥DJ ‒ Nautilus 47 / Ink Resistance Up x2 / Ink Recovery Up Fav Mode: Turf War Why this comp? He doesn't wanna hurt anyone and he's scared of getting splatted so he chooses the long-ranged Nautilus 47! Point Sensor helps his teammates do all the work of getting splats & Ink Storm allows him to weaken the enemy from a distance without splatting them (unless they're dumb enough to stand in the storm). He has x2 Ink Resistance because he doesn't wanna get splatted and Ink Recovery to recover ink faster. Loves Turf War because he doesn't have to fight if he doesn't want to, he can just ink up the floor instead!
LESHAWNA ‒ Tri-Slosher / Special Power Up x2 / Ink Saver (Main) Fav Mode: Rainmaker Why this comp? Leshawna seems like the type that'd love to get up close and personal enough to annoy people with the power of her tri-slosher! Toxic Mist slows down her enemies and she takes immense advantage of the Inkjet to snipe them or fly away from danger. She uses two Special Power Up abilities so she can use her Inkjet for longer and has Ink Saver so she can keep on sloshin'! Loves RM because she loves making people drop the rainmaker & popping the bubble before anyone else does!
BRIDGETTE ‒ Dapple Dualies Nouveau / Run Speed Up / Swim Speed Up / Ink Saver (Main) Fav Mode: Splat Zones Why this comp? She wants to move smoothly and quickly to evade enemy fire! Overall just a typical player, chill and wants to complete the objective without focusing too much on getting splats. Her main abilities reflect this: Simple but effective. Loves using her torpedo for distant shots and the Reefslider for fun (doesn't always end well for her lmfao). Loves SZ because she doesn't have to focus on the entire map, just that one small zone! It's the best spot for her to use her Reefslider!
❥COURTNEY ‒ Splat Dualies / Opening Gambit / Haunt / Ink Resistance Up Fav Mode: Tower Control Why this comp? Similarly to Bridgette, she uses the dualies class to evade enemy fire and move around quickly. She loves using her suction bombs to surprise splat any enemies that jump near her location. She knows that the Crab Tank is the best special in the game and she uses it to her advantage. She uses Opening Gambit to fly headfirst into the field and fight her enemies. She uses Haunt as a way to find whoever splatted her and get revenge on them. Ink Resistance helps her roll through enemy ink and be a more sturdy opponent. She's very goal-oriented and leads her team to complete the objective above all else, but be warned: if she starts getting splatted too much, she becomes a force to be reckoned with. Loves TC because she gets to spam suction bombs onto the tower and make it virtually unable to be climbed by the enemy team.
❥EVA ‒ Luna Blaster Neo / Last-Ditch Effort / Haunt / Run Speed Up Fav Mode: Rainmaker Why this comp? Luna Blasters are a little slow but they do high damage which she loves. She tosses Fizzy Bombs to get closer to the enemy and stamps the shit out of people (or throws it at anyone she sees in a high, unreachable place). She has Last-Ditch Effort so she can make a comeback at the last minute and make any necessary push against the enemy. Loves RM because the Rainmaker is like a funky blaster, she absolutely murders with it and is decent at paving a way for herself with it despite being vulnerable!
❥DUNCAN ‒ Grizzco Blaster / Opening Gambit / Ninja Squid / Drop Roller Fav Mode: Clam Blitz Why this comp? He doesn't play by the rules, he probably smuggles (or hacks in) a Grizzco brand weapon, specifically the blaster since it's the class he prefers. He loves the rapid fire rate of the weapon and just how deadly it is to other people who don't see it coming. The kit would come with the Range Blaster's kit: Suction Bombs & the Wave Breaker. He absolutely abuses these in all game modes and is a massive nuisance, though he usually focuses more on kills rather than the game's objective. He uses Opening Gambit to help him rush in and get splats from the get-go. He loves Ninja Squid because it allows him to sneak around and get the drop on people who aren't paying attention to him, it's a pretty good scare tactic. He has the Drop Roller because he's not afraid of being seen whenever he jumps into the fray of battle, he'd rather face the danger head-on and his illegal weapon can help him survive the worst situation. Loves CB because he can wipe out the enemy team with his vicious comp and have enough time to throw as many clams into the basket as possible!
JUSTIN ‒ Jet Squelcher / Run Speed Up / Swim Speed Up / Quick Super Jump Fav Mode: None Why this comp? The Jet Squelcher allows him to fight from a distance, he can't afford to get himself inked up, let alone splatted! He uses the angle shooter to hit enemies from afar and the Ink Vac sucks up any enemy ink that's coming his way. He has Run & Swim Speed Up so he can run away from enemies as fast as possible. Quick Super Jump allows him to jump to the nearest teammate or back to spawn so he can avoid being inked. He's not the best team player since he's constantly focused on himself, though he does try to achieve the game mode's objective.
❥KATIE ‒ Ink Brush Nouveau / Run Speed Up x2 / Swim Speed Up Fav Mode: Turf War Why this comp? She loves painting the floor with her BFF and running around as fast as possible! The Ink Brush Nouveau allows her to plant Ink Mines to prevent enemies from hurting her or her BFF and the Ultra Stamp is fun to play with! Double the Run Speed Up for extra painting speed and Swim Speed Up for...extra swim speed! Loves Turf War because she can run around with her paintbrush and get absolutely nothing done!
❥SADIE ‒ Ink Brush / Run Speed Up x2 / Swim Speed Up Fav Mode: Turf War Why this comp? She just HAD to twin with her BFF! She uses the ink brush instead so she can cover any ground her BFF might be unable to! The Splat Bomb can deter enemies and the Killer Wail 5.1 can push her enemies away! Loves Turf War because she can run around with her paintbrush and have fun with her BFF!
❥SIERRA ‒ Aerospray MG / Special Charge Up / Thermal Ink / Special Saver Fav Mode: Turf War Why this comp? She saw Cody using the Aerospray RG and she wanted to use something similar to what he thought was good but with a twist! She loves tossing Fizzy Bombs to get close to anyone she wants to, same with the Reefslider! She usually wastes her specials and uses them to get closer to Cody. She has Special Charge Up and Special Saver because Cody has them. She additionally has the Haunt ability so she can keep track of anyone that hurts Cody! Loves Turf War because Cody loves it!
❥TYLER ‒ N-ZAP '85 / Comeback / Special Saver / Stealth Jump Fav Mode: Clam Blitz Why this comp? The N-ZAP '85 seems like a very good shooter he can use to impress Lindsay, the Suction Bomb is one of the most powerful bombs in the game and the Tacticooler benefits everyone in the team! Though, e's really bad at playing the game...That's why he has Comeback and Special Saver! They give him slight boosts because he gets splatted so often that they actually work out for him. He has Stealth Jump because he loves thinking that he can jump headfirst into the heat of battle but doesn't want to get instantly splatted (he usually does anyways). Loves CB because it's the closest thing to a real world sport in the game and his Tacticooler is very useful in this mode!
OWEN ‒ Squeezer / Comeback / Intensify Action / Ink Resistance Up Fav Mode: Rainmaker Why this comp? The Squeezer's made from a champagne bottle, he can drink the contents inside! He likes being able to hide behind the Ink Wall (or protecting his teammates with one) and finds it fun trying to use his Trizooka! He has Comeback as insurance for whenever he's splatted, as per Noah's suggestion. Ink Resistance Up was also one of his buddy's suggestions. He uses Intensify Action because he thinks he needs it (spoiler alert: he does NOT need Intensify Action). He's not the best at getting splats but he tries his very best to focus on the objective and win for his team! Loves RM because he thinks its fun to run around with the Rainmaker and it looks so tasty (please don't let him eat the rainmaker)!
❥NOAH ‒ E-Liter 4K / Ink Saver (Main) / Respawn Punisher / Sub Resistance Up Fav Mode: Splat Zones Why this comp? He doesn't need to move from his perch AND he gets to play games with anyone beneath him! He prefers the non-scoped E-Liter 4K because it gives him a wider field of view which prevents him from being surprised by anyone trying to sneak up on him. Besides, his teammates can protect him while he splats the enemy, why should he worry? He plants Ink Mines near himself for further protection in case anyone gets too close and the Wave Breaker helps him keep track of his enemies! He's got all his bases covered. He uses Ink Saver to make sure he has enough ink left for another charge to snipe enemies with. He has Respawn Punisher since he rarely gets splatted and is very good at splatting enemies, therefore he can risk having a slower respawn time if it means making other people get slowed down before he does. He has Sub Resistance Up as well since he knows most people are gonna try reaching him by throwing a variety of bombs, might as well be prepared! He's a scheming sharpshooter and is very good at giving his teammates a plan that'll help them secure a win. Loves SZ because there's only one small area to focus on so he can afford to camp on the highest point of the map and hide behind walls if necessary; also allows him to snipe people more effectively if they stay within the zone!
❥HAROLD ‒ Splatana Stamper / Swim Speed Up / Ninja Squid / Stealth Jump Fav Mode: Tower Control Why this comp? NINJA MODE ACTIVATED! While everyone else did whatever it was they were doing, Harold studied the blade, his beloved Splatana Stamper. He can throw a barrage of Burst Bombs to weaken his enemies. He uses his Zipcaster to truly become a ninja and surprise his enemies by coming close to them. It's a coin toss as to whether or not he actually uses his special effectively and gets anything done with it. He has Swim Speed Up to make up for the slowness that comes with the stealth of Ninja Squid! He also has Stealth Jump to really drive home the ninja thing. He's so stealthy, don't mind the amount of times he's been splatted though! Loves TC because he can hide around the area and try splatting his enemies from the shadows when they're too focused on the Tower.
TRENT ‒ Tri-Stringer / Ink Saver (Main) / Thermal Ink / Object Shredder Fav Mode: Rainmaker Why this comp? He thinks the Tri-Stringer can impress Gwen so he's really into using it. He can help her by using Toxic Mist to slow down the enemies and his Killer Wail 5.1 can distract them! He's a relatively casual player just like Bridgette but he's far more goal-oriented and tries to focus on the objective as much as possible. Ink Saver helps him shoot more and his Thermal Ink can help him track his enemies. He's the only person with Object Shredder since he can destroy the objects from a relatively safe distance. Loves RM because he can take down the enemies from afar, he can slow them down and distract them whenever necessary!
GEOFF ‒ .52 Gal / Comeback / Run Speed Up / Ink Resistance Up Fav Mode: Splat Zones Why this comp? He heard the .52 Gal is pretty good and he himself is pretty good with it too, plus it goes well with his shirt! He loves being able to protect himself with the Ink Wall and throw off the enemy with the Killer Wail 5.1! He tries his best to meaningfully contribute to his team but he's pretty susceptible to getting splatted which is why he runs Comeback to make up for it! He has Run Speed Up which helps him run away from sticky situations and Ink Resistance Up is there for the exact same reason. Loves SZ because he can take the enemy team by surprise and flank them just when they think they've captured the zone!
❥GWEN ‒ Bloblobber / Comeback / Thermal Ink / Ink Recovery Up Fav Mode: Splat Zones Why this comp? The Bloblobber is the perfect weapon to use for someone who doesn't wanna get TOO up close and personal to the enemy! Similar to a backline weapon, she anchors herself on a high place and lobs blobs at everyone below! She can easily hide away from people who try shooting or throwing bombs at her which makes it the perfect weapon for her! She tosses Sprinklers around important areas just to throw the enemy off, or she throws them near spawn so she can passively fill her special tank. The Ink Storm is perfect for punishing enemies and weakening them enough to splat with just a few blobs! She's very focused on the objective and doesn't worry about splats as much. Due to this, she runs Comeback as insurance for whenever she's splatted. Thermal Ink helps her keep track of her enemies and Ink Recovery Up replenishes her ink tank faster so she can lob more blobs. Loves SZ because she can take control of it with her ink storm and constantly barrage the small area with blobs!
EZEKIEL ‒ Tentabrella / Ink Saver (Main) x3 Fav Mode: Tower Control Why this comp? He's very scared of getting splatted so he prefers the biggest shield of the Brella class, the Tentabrella! He's at least smart enough to place Squid Beakons around certain parts of the map for his teammates to super jump to. The Ink Vac helps him protect himself and avoid getting splatted, unless someone's smart enough to splat him from behind before he can fire the bomb. He runs three Ink Saver abilities since the Tentabrella churns through ink and he's paranoid that he'll be unable to protect himself if he loses it too fast. While he's not the best, he still tries to help his team win. Loves TC because it's the best place for him to use his Ink Vac and throw it back into the enemy's face!
❥HEATHER ‒ Dark Tetra Dualies / Last-Ditch Effort / Ninja Squid / Ink Resistance Up Fav Mode: Tower Control Why this comp? Back to dualies! Heather loves them because she gets to do four dodge rolls as opposed to the usual 2! The Autobomb helps her find enemies or take them by surprise if they aren't paying attention to their surroundings. The Reefslider is an avenue for her to get close to the enemy very quickly and possibly splat them when the Reefslider explodes. Unlike those with Opening Gambit, she understands that the last minute of the battle is the most important one which is why she has Last-Ditch Effort to help boost her abilities where it counts. Ninja Squid allows her to slip past her opponents and sneak up on them and she can dodge-roll if she puts herself in a vulnerable position. Ink Resistance Up helps her move through enemy territory effectively, making her an unstoppable force. She's inclined to focus on the objective, though she favors getting splats just a little bit more. Anything to sabotage the enemy team and prevent them from completing the objective. Loves TC because she can ride the tower and take control of it while her teammates do the rest of the hard work (i.e. preventing the enemies from accessing the tower)!
❥CODY ‒ Aerospray RG / Quick Respawn / Special Charge Up / Special Saver Fav Mode: Turf War Why this comp? What better way is there to impress a lady than to show her that you're nothing more than a special farming Booyeah Bomb spammer? There is none! That's why Cody loves his Aerospray RG! His Sprinkler contributes to passively filling his special gauge and the Booyeah Bomb is the star of the show! He has absolutely zero faith in his own ability to survive so he runs Quick Respawn to make up for it. Special Charge Up and Special saver heavily contribute to his ability to spam Booyeah Bombs as efficiently as possible. He sucks at getting splats and rarely contributes to the objective because he's way too busy trying to spam bombs. Loves Turf War because it gives him the biggest excuse to paint turf and fill up his special gauge!
BETH ‒ Splat Roller / Ink Recovery Up / Ink Saver (Main) / Run Speed Up Fav Mode: Tower Control Why this comp? Beth would love the ability to roll and possibly crush her enemies whenever she does it! She remembers to flick her roller horizontally and vertically but probably not as much as she should. She uses Curling Bombs to throw off her enemies or use it to get even closer to them! When she's in danger she uses her Big Bubbler and tries getting back at them from the inside! She uses Ink Recovery Up to ensure that she can recharge her ink faster and uses Ink Saver to prevent herself from having to recharge the ink as often. Run Speed Up helps her roll around even faster! It goes without saying that she's very dedicated to helping her team win the game! Loves TC because her Big Bubbler is most useful when used on the tower!
❥ALEJANDRO ‒ Tentatek Splattershot / Last-Ditch Effort / Haunt / Ink Recovery Up Fav Mode: Tower Control Why this comp? As a sly and calculating player, Alejandro uses the Tentatek Splattershot to combat the strongest special in the game: The Crab Tank. His loadout is the answer to the meta and he's the only person that has the Triple Inkstrike special. He's a very accurate shooter and surprises his enemies with his Splat Bombs whenever they're hiding behind walls or are about to jump onto the map. He also has amazing accuracy when he gets to use his Triple Inkstrike, carefully aiming them and changing the game each time. Outwardly he's very focused on achieving the objective and winning the game, though his true love lies in splatting his enemies and getting the highest splat count of the game. He's very good at deceiving others and making them question his next move. Loves Tower Control because he can completely dominate the tower and keep people away from it!
As a treat, here's how I'd divide them into teams! TEAM 1: Noah, Owen, Alejandro, Izzy TEAM 2: Lindsay, Tyler, Beth, Justin TEAM 3: Harold, DJ, Leshawna, Eva TEAM 4: Blainely, Duncan, Gwen, Trent TEAM 5: Heather, Bridgette, Geoff, Courtney TEAM 6: Katie, Sadie, Sierra, Cody
Uhh Ezekiel just fills in for whoever's missing LMFAO
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wilsons-striped-ties · 8 months
hey! welcome to my little corner of insanity! what can you find over here? (this corner is currently semi-inactive, will drop by every now and then)
-house md, teacher crush ramblings, fallen london, skyrim, hannibal, bad poems
-other hyperfixations and rambles
mango: my first and former teacher crush, male, he/him, twenty five years older than me, year one to four physical education teacher in high school, married to almost the copy paste girl version of him, used to be a national athlete, mostly cycles to school, successfully moved on from him!
passion fruit: my main teacher crush, male, he/him, no idea about our age gap but he's definitely older than mango, year three to four history teacher in high school, married with three adorable children, really sweet and gives written affection surprisingly well, very very thoughtful, superb memory, gotten much closer to him since i stopped work, he's such a cutie i can't believe i didn't pay him much attention when i was in school :'
[tc ask game #1]
[tc march challenge #1]
[tc may challenge #1]
[tc october challenge #1]
[tc september challenge #1]
[tc april challenge #1]
[tc challenge #1]
[tc july challenge #1]
[tc april challenge #2]
[tc november challenge #1]
[tc coffee challenge]
[tc september challenge #2]
[tc april challenge #3]
-dino, female, she/her, asian, age 18+ but my content won't be 18+
-I don't judge, ask box and dms are always open for chatting <3
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thewertsearch · 2 years
TC: FuCk DoGg I'm ThIrStY. TC: i'M dOwN tO mY lAsT bOtTlE aNd I dOn'T fUcKiN kNoW iF i CaN gEt AnYmOrE iN tHiS mOtHeRfUcKiN mAgIc LaNd So I dOn'T kNoW.
You can, but I don’t think you’ll figure that out until much later - and by then, you won’t have any Faygo left to replicate. 
CT: D --> What you do appear to know is e%actly how to ma%imize my livid contempt for you CT: D --> With your revolting language and your sense of decorum CT: D --> At such breathtaking odds with the richness and perfe%ion of your b100d
Now, this is interesting. I was expecting Equius to defer to Gamzee, but apparently not. There’s no respect here, just exasperation. 
In a sense, he’s doing exactly what he did to Nepeta – trying to corral Gamzee into his proper social role, the one ‘the mother has in store for him’. 
CT: D --> I command you to stop TC: Oh, AlRiGhT bRoThEr. TC: yOu MoThErFuCkIn GoT iT. CT: D --> What CT: D --> Are you serious TC: yEaH. [...] CT: D --> I apologize CT: D --> I was completely out of of line, and I'm sorry CT: D --> I have no right to talk to you like that, or tell you what you can't do
Ok, so he does have to defer to Gamzee, he just has trouble with it. Because, you know, it’s Gamzee. 
The guy is stuck between a rock and a hard place - compelled to enforce Gamzee’s higher status, but unable to do so, precisely because of Gamzee’s higher status. 
TC: i BoNkEd An ImP oN tHe HeAd WiTh A cLuB. TC: AnD tHeN a LiTtLe LaTeR i ScArEd OnE wItH a HoRn. TC: :o) CT: D --> Good CT: D --> This is very good CT: D --> It really pleases me to hear tales of physical subjugation
These two need to hang out more - not only because it’ll continue to challenge Equius’s worldview, but also because these interactions are gold.  
TC: wElL yEaH, tHeY'rE uNdErLiNgS. TC: AnD tHeRe'S SoMe SuBjUgGlAtIoN iNvOlVeD fOr FuCkIn SuRe! TC: bUt NoW wE kInD oF sEtTlEd DoWn AnD mE aNd ThE iMpS aRe ShArInG sOmE pIe
Sounds like Sopor Slime even relaxes the Underlings. Well, they’re part-lusus now, so I guess they do have some Alternian biology. 
CT: D --> Would it be too much to ask CT: D --> For you to maybe CT: D --> Boss me around a little TC: UuUhHhHhH. TC: yOu MeAn LiKe RoLe PlAyInG?
Equius, not that I don't know exactly where this is going, but this better not be going where I think it's going.
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therk900 · 9 months
☀️January TC Challenge (Day 1-31)☀️
1. Do you think your TC will teach you next year? M is teaching me this year and i'm so exited for it! I also still have A this year!
2. If you had to move to another city, how would you tell your TC? Would you confess to them?  Maybe in person so i could see how they reacted and i would maybe confess them!
3. Have you ever written a letter to your TC? If no, would you ever do that and what would be in it? If yes, what did you write?  Yes. I made one for S mid 2022. I wrote how I was so thankful for him.
4. Are you attracted to your TC in a more emotional or sexual way? Or both? Both if i'm being completely honest
5. How did you meet your TC? Do you remember your first conversation?  B and S both taught me when they first joined, and I sadly don’t remember our first conversation since we had so many and it was so long ago. I think with A, it was just mainly about getting to know each other, and i got to know him because my old maths teacher used to teach him. I met A around the same time as S! I met M at the start of last year since he was my teacher for a small bit of a subject i took! Our first conversation was him praising me and my answers
6. If it were to happen, how do you imagine the perfect kiss going down with your TC? If by chance you have kissed your TC, how did it happen? For S and M, I imagine it being the last day of school and they give me a goodbye kiss! With B, maybe a reunion kiss or something like that. With A, maybe a quick goodbye kiss!
7. Have you ever had an argument with your TC?  No. I would have nothing to argue about with them
8. Do you see your TC outside of school?  I wish I did. Hopefully i get to see B maybe, especially because he left
9. Do you have a memory you are particularly fond of with your TC? Any cute stories? When B was still at my school, B and I would have chats about random things and ask about my hobby of drawing! He also used to check up on me during school assemblies! Once when i was staying back after school, i was on a call with my dad, and i saw S walking towards me. I finished up the call with my dad so fast (my dad and i were done anyway) and talked with S until he got to his car. I helped him remove some things off his car before saying goodbye! This happened recently before it was the school holidays, but when i was in M's class, i was working on my own since i didn't really know anybody in that class. M saw this and decided to work with me! He was really sweet throughout it and technically gave me all the answers With A, we were working on something that my teacher gave me, and it had a question about a sports team that he followed. The question involved his team losing, so A decided to cross out his team's name and put a different team's name instead. A and i were laughing about it for a while.
10. If your TC is still married, would you (still) want a relationship with them? it all depends, really in my opinion
11. Do you have a photo with your TC? If yes, how did you get it?  Yes. I have one with B. I got it because the photo is in the school yearbook.
12. Do you think anyone you haven't told about your TC knows you're crushing on them? Most likely. It is obvious 
13. When is your last class with your TC? Will you see them over summer break?  My last class with S was in 2021 and with B, it was term 3 last year. I won’t see them over the holidays sadly. with M, it was at the end of last year. I will defiantly see A over the holidays!
14. Have you ever mentioned the tcc/teacher crushes to your TC? NO WAY. I would move schools after that. Even to the other side of the world!
15. Do you think one of your classmates has a crush on your TC? I don’t know tbh
16. Do you get jealous when you see your TC with other students? Not really
17. If you and your TC had a long distance relationship, do you think it would work out? Yes...
18. What's your TC's degree? Do you like what they studied? S: Science and a language B: English  M: Science i like those subjects
19. Have you ever cried about your TC? If so, why? No
20. Have you ever cried in front of your TC? If yes, why? I have cried in front of B once, I have forgotten the reason why. S saw me just after I finished crying and it was embarrassing. 
21. Do you know about your TC'S family? If yes, what do you know? I know of M’s daughter. (He introduced me to her once which was cute)
22. Would you consider them a dog person or a cat person? I would consider them all cat people. But maybe M would be a dog person
23. How would you tell your TC about your feelings? (If you had to) Letter most likely so it can be anonymous 
24. Do you know how your TC dresses outside of work? In casual shit, I guess
25. What are they like when they are upset? I’ve never seen any of them upset. When B was getting annoyed, he would just be like “come on guys” and everyone would just shut up
26. Where do you sit in relation to their desk/spot/lecturing position? With B, i used to sit at the front, near where he was sitting. With S and M, usually at the back, so I can admire them. Since A and I have private sessions, I technically sit right next to him
27. Do they know another language?  S knows Italian. i think A may know a tiny bit of greek
28. What do you have in common with your TC? B and I both had pets at one point and A and i went to the same School (he left a couple years before i joined)
29. Have you texted/messaged your TC? I’ve messaged A multiple times! I’ve only emailed the others
30. What is the most frequent TC daydream you play in your head? Me cuddling with them
31. If you could only say one more sentence to your TC before graduation, what would it be?  "I will miss you a fuck ton"
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