#Thank you my dear!
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dr-shortsighted-owl · 6 months
Top five drinks 💜
Oh spots my spots ❤️
1. Breakfast tea BUT it has to be Yorkshire tea because it’s the best hands down
2. Any other breakfast tea
3. Peppermint tea - so soothing
4. Half a pint of coke specifically from a pub, after hockey - it just quenches my thirst and is extra sugary right when I need it
5. Hot chocolate (with a lil hazelnut syrup if I feel fancy)
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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aandriskobold · 9 months
number 9 for the music ask!!!!
9: A song that makes you happy
Has to be Mr Brightside. Unparalleled serotonin boost the second I hear the intro. Will cheer me up no matter what mood I'm in
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valeriianz · 7 months
Number 9!!!! 👀
9: Tattoos i want
im actually feeling pretty content with my collection and only want a few more. my biggest idea is a half sleeve, starting from my shoulder to my elbow of something Greek Mythology inspired. maybe my two fav gods at the top (Dionysus and Athena), then my fav heros (Achilles and Odysseus), then trailing down to see Charon the boatman and maaaybe Cerberus? with the river Styx trailing down past my elbow. idk, this is the design im thinking of but im not married to it yet. it's a lot and my arm is skinny so, the real estate isn't exactly there lol. maybe my leg or back, but i want it to be visible all the time.
i also have a Sandman design made by our very own @fulcrvm that is sitting and waiting for me to get a little more money haha. that'll definitely get posted once i take the plunge.
but that's really it... who knows though, anything could happen haha
get in my business!
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venerablehoney · 1 year
What are three comfort shows you will pop on any time you don't feel like something new?
What is something that everyone else seems to love, but you don't for whatever reason?
If you could be anywhere right now doing anything, where would you be, and what would you like to do?
Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy and Bobs Burgers
Hmm that's a tough question bananas come to mind...
My family (and extended family) are all in Canada right now at one last get together before they sell the old cabin and I can't go
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thatndginger · 1 year
Happy STS!
Today give yourself a compliment about your own writing.
aaaa Avra you know just how to trip me up.
Alright, let's see.
My writing has improved so much in the last decade, and I know it's going to keep improving. It might be a slow progress, but there will always be progress made with each new sentence.
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
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soundsfaebutokay · 2 years
hi it is me again who you introduced to the amazing devil. Ruin week is Cool and also devastating me. Anyway i came to your blog from the sandman, and the line "don't you think i look pretty/curled up on this bathroom floor" went into the black box of my mind and came out the other end as the image of dream breaking down again and again and being so bitter about and resigned to it and spitting that line out to hob from rock bottom when hob comes to pick up the pieces. That and the image of dream curled in his glass cage glaring vitriol and pride at everyone who sees him. Doesn't make 100% sense with the song but these images are Not letting me go and i needed to share. Keep on keeping on!
I've been keeping this ask in my drafts while drowning in ruin feelings until such time that I can drown in ruin and Sandman feelings.
And now I can't stop thinking about this! That mental picture you just painted is devastating, thanks. But also, consider:
Cos I when I stand oh those folks will run And tell the tales of what I’ve become They’ll speak of me in whispered tones And say my name like it shakes their bones
Sometimes I fall to pieces Just to see what bits of me don’t fit
Cos we’ll dance together so close we’re sharing breath But now I’m leading doesn’t that just scare you to death
I mean it's not the perfect song for Dream, because The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace, like most TAD songs, has a lovely specificity to it that makes it hard to map with full accuracy onto a different story, but a lot of it resonates.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, but also how could you do this to me????? 😭
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wishing you the happiest of birthdays and an absolutely aca awesome year 🌺🌻🌈💚
Thank you so much! Hope your year is aca-awesome too!
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scarletslippers · 2 years
1, 3, 29 for AO3 wrapped!
1. How many words have you written this year?
Published on AO3 - 110,803. Including current wips....much higher 👀😂
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I'm with You - for sheer size and weaving in the canon
Otherwise, hands down I know you (and I'm not going anywhere). I just think it’s so beautiful. Turned out exactly as I’d hoped. 
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
The HARDEST question. I opened 7 fics with passages in the running. I've narrowed it down to a top three 😂 (...anyone wants to ask this again, I have more options)
1) It’s her eyes that get him though. They’re dark with realization, her face open and soft, like she’s just uncovered some great secret of the world and she’s not sure what to do with it. That maybe her only thought is to share it, but she’s trying to tell if he’s ready to take it. If she’s ready to give it. And still she stares, her gaze heavy enough that it forces him to sit back on his heels with the weight of it. Like some new force is tying them together. - warm blood, body (and I lost it, when you found me)
2) Ace hasn’t said it in so many words, not wanting to send Nancy running for the hills. But clearly it’s reflected in his eyes, written in the lines on his face, entwined in the fingers that hold her up, woven in the muscle fibers of the heart she lays her cheek against. So much a part of him that it cannot be separated, that it is obvious now even to those who don’t know him well. Good. For someone who’s been feeling a little lost, he doesn’t mind being defined by her. To be defined by his relationship to her. 
The man that loves Nancy. The man that Nancy loves. 
Well. He’s hopeful at least. He’s pretty sure. - I'm with You
3) “Ace! Ace, look at me. It’s me, it’s Nancy.” She touches him now, hand at his waist, fingers fisting into his coat. He leads her another step back in a mockery of an almost-waltz.
This isn’t how she wanted to dance with him. - The Worthwhile Fight
HONORABLE MENTION: “Girls love mystery,” he quips, tugging her ever closer. “Gotta keep the romance alive, Nancy.” - I'm with You 
Send me a writer’s AO3 wrapped ask! List here.
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honeyfarts666 · 1 year
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your mentions, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Thank you so much!! 💓
1. I love winter! It's my favorite season, especially now that I live somewhere that doesn't get snow very often.
2. I've been married for almost three years which is wild for me to think about 😁
3. And finally, my degree is actually in screenwriting but I'm getting back into novel writing (fanfics and an actual original novel 😱) and I am loving it!
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dr-shortsighted-owl · 2 years
for the trope as meme: fake/pretend relationship, mutual pining, snowed in/trapped together for some reason
Charles! Thank you for the ask!
Fake/pretend relationship: B tier - sometimes I need to be in the mood but oh the shenanigans the couple get into to justify it or they get too deep *chefs kiss*
Mutual Pining: A tier - I want as much pining as a whole damn forest, some good shit honestly
Snowed in/trapped together: B/C tier, not something I actively look for but I do throughly enjoy - shout out to @spaceprincessem and her buck and ana trapped in an elevator fic which was amazing and people should go read ❤️
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stephaniejuhnay · 5 months
💌 sending this to the twelve nicest people who seem to have a good heart! Feel free to pass it along! if you got this, you must be pretty awesome
I’ve been off of here quite a bit for the last few days but you are a doll! 💜
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venerablehoney · 2 years
Tried to think of a random ask ;)
If you owned a over an acer of land, what would you do with it?
I would LOVE to be a beekeeper with tons of native wildflowers :)
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chimchiri · 6 months
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Small art gift for @admiraldora who chose the awful teens as a motif. Had a lot of fun looking up their scenes again and figuring out their overall appearance and outfits.
JM always being in awe of Gideon's biceps are the cutest and funniest moments. I can only imagine how often she she gawks at Gideon in secret and inspects her own muscles in front of the mirror in the fourth's room.
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anthemofgvf · 1 year
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