#Thanks so much for sending this in!
saradika · 8 months
Hello dear Jess!! I was wondering if you still take requests for dividers?
If you do could I maybe ask for some that fit to a Jedi aesthetic, maybe in some orange/golden tones and to a Jedi who's not really following the morality of the Jedi and tends to slip between light and dark side?
Thanks with much love from Bee ❤🐝
hi hi bee! 🐝✨💖 sorry these took me a minute, but I tried to put together some pretty ones to make up for the wait! I did a range of the gold, and then a light grey to dark to represent the morality - I hope you like these!!
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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stormwaterwitch · 1 year
Idk if you've been asked this recently (very sorry if have, feel free to just delete this), but do you have any tips for creating your own pantheon? I'm currently trying to make one for my own fantasy world (that could easily become just my own personal pantheon to work with as a witch), but I keep hitting roadblocks. Mainly due to the fact that I want them to have multiple domains (ideally 3-4 things they're considered to be connected with) but, like, how do I know which ones? How do I decide their symbolism? Do they have holy tenants they would like their followers to adhere to?
Basically, I get very overwhelmed trying to create the small details before I really even have the big details and it's very frustrating. Any advice? Or maybe just a list of details that need to be known/created first. I don't even know at this point.
Heya!! :D I do have some tips and links that might be able to help in this regard!
When I was first making/working with The Jeweled Court I found this discussion by @thiscrookedcrown to be the most helpful thing ever! Here's more info from a previous ask I answered that goes into some more detail about how I made my pantheon! As for details to know/ think about:
This is a lot so I'mma cut it to save your dash :'D
Step 1: BARE BONES- WHO ARE THEY? One thing that really helped me was deciding what "element" my god/desses would reside over first. I had 12 elements and 10 gods to work with so from there it was just divvying up who got what. That being said YES there are STILL some overlaps. The link/discussion by @thiscrookedcrown was the most helpful to me here as it talked about Realms of Influence which helped me get things into perspective when figuring out who everyone was. Example: +The Sapphire Queen is my Goddess of the Oceans +The Pearl Empress is my Goddess of Freshwater/Lakes and Rivers Both are technically water based but The Sapphire Queen is the one who I associate the most with Water as an element because Oceans are just that much bigger than lakes and rivers.
Example: +The Sapphire Queen's realm of influence includes Travel (By Boat) +Lord Diamond God of Wind's realm of influence also includes Travel (By Land) Example: +The Emerald God is the God of the Harvest (Food related) +The Pearl Empress is the Goddess of the Harvest (Season related) AND HEY: It's okay if there is overlap! There is nothing wrong with overlap just as long as you can know at a glance who goes with what.
Step 2: BROAD DETAILS- GROUPING THINGS TOGETHER So that was my first real step in piecing it all together. So once I got my Elements placed with my Gods I went further into ANYTHING that could be associated with that element (granted this took me a long time to iron out and a lot of musing and thinking 'Oh hey that might be cool for XYZ' Example: +The Gold Knight- God of the Sun and Elemental Master of Light +Lord Ruby- God of the Hearth and Elemental Master of Flames
Both of these guys have Candles as part of their associations as candles have both Flame and produce Light. HOWEVER: Bonfires would be ONLY for Lord Ruby as it is definitely more flame related and Lanterns would be ONLY for The Gold Knight as they are there to produce light. Something else I found really helpful was to go by Aesthetics and what felt right/seemed right for each god/dess. (The Pearl Empress got a lot of fruit associations this way as she's a Goddess of seasons)
Step 3: SYMBOLISM- +AESTHETICS GALORE+ Since my Pantheon is partially Pop Culture inspired I had a base starting point for what I could count as symbols for several of my god/desses.
Example: +The Silver Lady- Goddess of the Moon and Elemental Master of Space (a very loose interpretation from Princess/Neo Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon. Thus from that I was able to start with a basic idea of symbolic things)
Associated with:The Stars, Navigation, Darkness, The Moon, Hope Other Names: Serenity, Luna,Selene Symbols: (Most things found/referenced in the Manga/anime) Rabbits Crescent Moon Rhinestones Compasses  Lotus blossoms Dresses Cats Crystals Sweets Star Candy Opal Moonstone Silver
Colors: (When choosing Colors I got a flash of the Silver Millennium Kingdom set against the backdrop of space) Dark Blues Deep Purples Silver White Mythical Animals: Pegasus (Helios Reference)
So for those particular God/desses it was easier and from that base I was able to have similar ideas for the other gods who weren't from other pop culture. Some were very basic/bare bones for a long time.
Example: +The Obsidian Emperor
Death, Protection, Spirit
Associated with:
Smithing, Metalwork, Death, Omens, Divination, Mining
Other Names: N/A
Metallic colors
Metal Jewlery
So don't worry if you don't have the exact specifics right away. Building is a long journey and discovering things as you go along is part of the fun :)
Step 4: RELATIONSHIPS- TOUGH LOVE OR GENTLE GUIDE? Using your current base from steps 1-3 can help identify what kind of personality they might exhibit. If you still feel stumped feel free to lean on an alignment chart for guidance!
From learning HOW your god/dess acts you can then figure out what kinds of people will follow them.
Example: +The Gold Knight- God of the Sun and Keeper of Justice +Lord Diamond- God of Wind and Trickster Deity
A thief would most likely follow Lord Diamond's teachings than The Gold Knight's.
Now you can move into how to followers might show reverence to the gods by looking through your symbols and their personalities.
Example: +Princess Amethyst- Goddess of Time and Knowledge: Followers often wear necklaces that contain sand in them to represent an hourglass +The Sapphire Queen- Followers will carve hair ornaments out of driftwood to wear showing their devotion.
This step was hard for me, for a while they had no real forms but I decided that had to change and so I made designs for them keeping everything from the previous steps in mind. The drawing was the easy part once I had all my ducks in a row ^^
From Top to Bottom: Princess Amethyst, Lord Diamond, The Emerald God, The Gold Knight, The Obsidian Emperor, The Pearl Empress, Princess Rose Quartz, The Sapphire Queen and The Silver Lady
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And to shamelessly plug my own story
This whole group is featured along with a lot of their world building/lore in my story Fragments of Magic: Shards of Allunatia Book 1.
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coralhoneyrose · 22 days
i had a dream that you updated half orange, but in the dream it was a different story, set sometime when emm was still alive... chrom and robin had a sort of accident and robin was pregnant and 'the royal family' (it was frederick) was trying to cover the situation up. but chrom just pictured robin giving birth alone except the physicians and refused to leave robin's side or care about royal stuff. it was sweet in the dream. sorry if this is a weird ask lmao
Omg that's so wild!! An accidental pregnancy plot twist would definitely be one of the more chaotic directions for Half Orange to go in. Can't say I have anything like that planned, but it *is* very sweet that Chrom was insisting on staying with Robin regardless of the consequences. It's just like him to prioritize her over everything else <3
And I don't think it's a weird ask! If anything, it's really cool to hear that my fic left enough of an impact on you that you had a dream about me updating it! I'm absolutely taking that as a compliment :D I'm also low key jealous that you had a chrobin dream in the first place LOL, I keep hoping one of these days they'll show up in one of mine but so far no dice 😔
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nattobees · 10 months
A... AkiShou... 27?🥺
Waah thank you so much for the request! I wasn't really intending or expecting to get asks but this was honestly a pleasant surprise! Here's a little post-canon thing where Shou is still Icarus and Akira gets to be a regular guy. Hope you enjoy, anon!
"How do we get out?"
Shoutarou looked around the small elevator slowly, seeming to take everything in, despite not having much to look at.
"Wait for emergency services, I guess. It's not like there's much we can do."
Akira groaned and slumped down against the wall in a squat.
"Well, I guess this isn't the first time we've been trapped in an elevator like this."
Shoutarou walked the short distance over to him and pressed his back against the wall. He pet Akira's hair a bit, then slid down to squat next to him.
"It's nice that we get to spend it together, this time," Shoutarou leaned his head against Akira's shoulder. Akira was just about to nuzzle his head against the top of Shou's when he suddenly flinched, knocking their heads together.
Akira whimpered, feeling tears spring to his eyes. But Shoutarou seemed completely unfazed, suddenly sitting upright with a tension to his posture.
Shoutarou suddenly ran up to the doors, prying them open to reveal that there was just enough space to squeeze through. White smoke rose from Shoutarou's sweater, and Akira whined.
Shoutarou looked over his shoulder at him, orange flames now dancing off his body, "I'll be right back, stay here where it's safe, okay?"
"Shou-chan come back, pwease? There's definitely new superheroes, we can just cuddle here."
"I promise, it'll be quick!" Shoutarou said hurriedly, "The kaiju's close by."
A bright flash of light forced Akira to look away. And when he opened his eyes, the next thing he saw was a flash of bright orange slipping through the gap in the elevator.
"Shou-chan..." Akira whined, holding his head in his hands as the sting from knocking it against Shou's finally faded away.
He grumbled to himself a little. Is this how Shou-chan felt when he was Icarus? Well, he couldn't help it now. He squeezed his way through the elevator doors, almost losing a geta as he did. He only barely managed to save it by grabbing onto the strap with his toes. Once he was out safely with both sandals on, Akira grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall. If the roles were going to be reversed in this new universe, the least he could do was go out and back his Shou-chan up.
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sweetbitterbitten · 5 months
' i am your god, and your executioner '
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it is uttered in effort to s t i l l and so the serene lady steers her mounted steed to a stop, lets slip in a sliver of air - tasting the words, their calculated weight cradled to the curl of her tongue; crimson as crushed berries - before being allowed to perch, and press free in flight from sensibly enshrined lips.
“you undersell yourself to prescribe but two positions of power to your pedigree. i admit astonishment at your delicate modesty, imperial majesty. many would vie for m o r e .”
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royalight · 6 months
Concerned Sentences, Vol. 2 | accepting.
@hypnoswake  asked: "why are you frowning?"
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The   Princess   was   particularly   good   at   hiding   her   true   feelings   behind   an   elegant   facade.   She   spent   years   mastering   the   PERFECT   smile   after   all.   Yet   even   she   could   grow   weary.   The   evenings   festivities   had   been   pleasant   but   the   standing   and   dancing   for   hours   on   end   had   started   to   take   it's   toll,   mostly   on   her   feet.   The   pristine   heels   she   wore   may   have   been   beautiful   but   were   far   from   comfortable.   Sarah   wanted   to   sit,   maybe   take   a   breather   and   venture   out   to   the   garden   for   some   air.
    However   it   was   her   duty   to   stay   put,   entertain   the   guests   -   leave   a   good   impression!
    And   she   thought   she   was   doing   a   fairly   good   job   of   it   until   she   was   approached   by   the   Lucian Prince.
    "I....   I   was   frowning?"   she   paused   briefly,   delicate   fingertips   ran   down   her   ivory   cheeks   cautiously,   expression   perplexed.
    (when   did   she   let   the   mask   slip?)   "My   apologies,   I'm   not   troubled   ...   if   that   was   what   you   were   worried   about?"   and   then   she   turned   to   face   him,   a   polite   smile   pulling   along   her   rosy   lips   followed by  a   soft   bow   of   her   head.
    "Thank   you   for   coming   all   this   way.   Though   I   haven't   seen   Lucis   with   my   own   eyes,   I've   heard   wonderful   things.   It's   truly   a   pleasure   to   have   you   here."
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awalkoflife · 5 months
@fyrewalks sent “ well, this is a surprise. ” ( natasha for bradley )
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basic fighting manoeuvres training. today's exercise: dogfighting. guns only, no missiles. do not go below the hard deck of 5000 feet. simple rules to follow. rooster's entire body is tense however, gearing up to not get caught by captain pete maverick mitchell. the altitude is one he's used to and he's almost certain that he's fully equipped for whatever's in store. that is until he realises the reality of who he's up against. frustration is what leads the aviator toward a near-miss, as he narrowly avoids colliding with the hard deck. back on ground, his punishment is awaiting him, as are his fellow pilots. it's surprising behaviour from him on all counts, that much is true. perhaps though, what he can't quite bring himself to admit is how much he let his emotions overrule him. instead, he gives a word of warning to phoenix, so that she'll be more prepared when her time comes. “ watch your back. ”
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fromxgrace · 6 months
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
@tadbitfooled 🎻 VIOLIN—does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? send an emoji/description of emoji to learn more about a writer's oc! ⟶ still accepting!
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Our father was a gifted lyre player, and his calloused fingertips are the proof. He tried to instill that love for music in both Aurora and I, but for me, the lyre seemed like an instrument of another world—one I had no desire to embrace. The notes felt foreign, the strings resistant to my touch, and I couldn't connect with the harmonies he conjured. It quite literally made me want to rip my wings off.
Perhaps I just was not meant to play an instrument.
However, my sister embraced the lyre so naturally. Figures. She mirrored our father's every move, and it was her everyday practice. It became a bond between them. . . yet another shared language that I struggled to understand. So, I did what I knew best and distanced myself. I preferred the comfort of silence anyway. Well, until I didn't. Eventually, I found a different kind of comfort in Aurora's music. In the late night moments when she played, I would sit beside her, not attempting to learn, but simply to listen. That melodic sound became my lullaby, a comforting hum that eased the deafening silence within my restless soul.
When she isn't near, I miss her strums along the stringed instrument. I have grown fond of the sound that comes from it and see it as an art for anyone that manages to master it.
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mxdam · 8 months
‘ i’ve been gettin’ off, thinkin’ about what you’re gonna do to me. ‘ and i oop-
"Have you?" Her hand at his jaw, her thumb brushing his cheek. The boyfriend or husband or whatever he is is out; it's just her and Leo now, as it should be, and with her eyes half shut and her thighs spread across his lap, she leans down to brush their noses together, herald of a kiss.
He tastes good. The frame of the couch creaks as she adjusts her weight and settles herself fully against him, her skirt stretched taut, rucked up nearly to her hips. He could, if he so chose, slide a hand up to find the panties she's worn for him, so negligible they barely exist. The hand not cradling his face drives into his thick, dark hair, releasing the oaky scent of his pomade.
She rocks her hips. He's casual tonight in soft designer joggers, Moncler pour l'homme, eight hundred dollars if they're a cent, and she's going to make him come in them.
"Tell me," she murmurs with their faces close, letting him feel the heat of her breath behind the words. She rolls herself languidly against him as his cock begins to harden for her. She licks her lips. The thought of him flushed and sticky and soft and spent makes her cunt flutter. "Tell me just..." She hitches her breath, closes her eyes, as though he's just pushed inside her. "Just what you imagined."
feed the beast :^)
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
3 for profic please!!
WIP Wednesday Game
I! was not sure if you meant three sentences or if you meant three requests for profic (which is...nine? sentences?), SO I did the nine sentences (actually ten) and then put words into three other things to match.
You have three other snippets below! And thanks for getting me to write so many words! :D
TW: mention of assumed suicidal attempt, hospitals in the Fix-It Fic snippet.
Fix It Fic with Andi not Dying:
“So what’s going on with Andi?” Birdie asks, leaning in conspiratorially, holding half of her mask away from her ruby red lips.  “You said she wasn’t awake?  She’s still not awake?  I thought we were just going to check on her, and then there’s all this don’t tell Miles and don’t come here, and it’s all very confusing.”  Her brows furrow.  “I know my birthday’s coming up, but dragging me all the way out to a hospital for a surprise party is not what I’d call a good time—”
“It’s not, Birdie.  It’s not,” Claire interrupts, cutting off the rambling that she knows from experience is just as much Birdie’s way of covering her own uncertainty as it is her attempt to stem her fear.  “When we got there – to Andi’s house – the new one – all of the lights were out, and the doors were all locked, but we….”  She swallows, tastes the cherry on her own lips, and forces herself to keep going, “We heard a car going in the garage.”
Birdie’s brows furrow even deeper, and her gaze drops as she tries to puzzle through things.  “That doesn’t make any sense,” she says, tapping a finger on her cheek.  “You don’t leave a car running in the garage.”  Her eyes widen, and she meets Claire’s eyes with her own green ones.  “She didn’t back into the door, did she?”
Claire shakes her head.  “No, she was….”  She swallows again, harder this time, around a rising lump in her throat.  “We think she wanted to die.”
Or someone wanted to kill her, she thinks but refuses to believe and absolutely refuses to say to Birdie.
Agatha Freaking Harkness:
Agatha doesn’t ignore the little spot of warmth that bubbles in the center of her chest, but forces the soft, nearly fond smile to stretch into a smug smirk, arms crossed, before either redhead turns to her.  “See?  I’m as good a witch as they come, dear,” she says, throat tightening a bit as she calls herself good, even though she doesn’t mean it as a moral note so much as being good at her craft.  As she approaches the two of them, she places a hand on Dana’s shoulder, shakes it a bit, and then starts to the door of the apartment.  “So?  Where’s that spare rabbit of yours, Jess?”
The Thrall of Magic:
Agatha scoots to one side, holding the door open as Sarah and her daughter walk inside, and as she shuts the door and follows them inside, she gives Ralph a sharp look.  His eyes widen, and she instantly regrets that she currently is choosing to live without reaching out with her own magic, because what she wants to do so much right now is to reach into his mind and give him a strict warning to Not Do Anything.  But for now, she can’t – won’t – do that.  Even with the Darkhold’s threads being finally forced out of her pores, she…doesn’t want to reach out again.
Magic isn’t mad at her.  It isn’t like that.  If it were mad at her, it wouldn’t have brought her here, wouldn’t have introduced her to the woman was able to reach for it in ways that Agatha can barely even imagine, the woman who was so full of magic that it poured out of her wherever they touched.
And it isn’t as though Agatha is mad at magic either.  That’s not the word she would use, anyway.  She’s not sure she could put a word on it.  She can, of course, still be in love with magic, still crave it, while living this way, but maybe, for once, she wants to see what it would be like to live just like everyone else.
Especially since that was how Wanda cursed her.
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"Klee heard you were still feeling sad that all of the horsies are still away! Jean says they're on a very important mission, so. . . I made you this!"
It's a bundle of sticks, some broken into smaller and some still whole. They were tied together tight in certain places, the shape vaguely resembling that of a horse. The little, hand-made figure was held up for Kaeya to take, her face set with a wide and beaming grin. "You should name it!"
Answered! || ((Hello there! TOT I am so sorry for my delay in responding! ;w;/ Thank you so much for this!! Klee is so thoughtful and precious I'M IMMEDIATELY CRYING T^T))
Klee's kindness was far from unusual, yet surprise still colored Kaeya's expression at the sudden gift he was offered. It only lasted a brief moment—quick to soften, as he inevitably did when Klee was involved.
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"Why, what a majestic steed. And you made this just for me?" He smiled as he knelt down onto one knee. The Captian accepted the homemade gift, holding it with great care. "You're quite right; a fine horse like this deserves an equally fine name." He made a show of studying the little figurine.
In his pondering, he thought back to the previous day's patrol route across Windrise, recalled the red windwheels dotted across the fields, spinning faithfully in Mondstadt's ever-present breeze. "How about 'Aster'?" Kaeya suggested. "He can keep me company on my desk until the other horsies return."
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stormwaterwitch · 2 years
I'm new to this and I'm in Australia. Looking for something with positive spells or charm.
Hey there and welcome!
Here's some of my tags that might be a good fit for what you're looking for:
Beginner/Beginner 101
Beginner Spells
My advice for getting started/back into witchcraft
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barghest-land · 1 month
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drawings from paleo expedition to dagestan, done right on the trip. sometimes messy when it was cold and rainy, but i won't correct it. i think it's cool to leave it just the way it was done, and not retouch it after. there will be more drawings later, but those will be done from home
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icefell · 11 months
@kanxing asked: ❛ dangerous to be out so late. ❜
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"Because people like YOU go bump in the night?" the trailblazer replied with a roll of her eyes. Despite the tough facade, admittedly - she found it a bit scary being alone - ...... so this man's sudden appearance was almost welcomed. (almost. He did nearly give her a heart attack ...)
"seriously, where did you even come from?? - and why are you here? If you're here for a fight it's pretty mean to start something with a completely HELPLESS ............and adorable. GIRL."
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sweetbitterbitten · 3 months
beelzebub/petronella brandt (since nella is the owner and operator of a sugar conglomerate in the dutch providences, interacting with gluttony is - a daily business transaction i imagine), also - kitty howard?
mammon/irene adler (conwoman/thief is nothing BUT greed. and not just for money, or jewels, or infamy. but freedom as well)
lucifer and or asmodeus/anne boleyn and or caterina sforza (pride and lust, though anne is all other manner of things - honestly she could just be a three ring circus of every sin except sloth - these just make sense i think. and caterina literally has so much pride she put the pope to shame and both his sons, soooooo)
leviathan/jane parker aka lady rochford and or angelique bouchard (one is a literal magpie -not actually a bird but attracted to shiny things and or tainting them- and the other did the utmost just cause she was jealous her lover chose someone else, cursing him for all eternity)
belphegor/helena campbell and or constance blackwood (helena daydreams her life away and wants to run away from her circus family to have a normal life/i play her as under the dark mothers sway and is basically just sleep walking through her nightmare existence - and constance....is also delusional, ever smiling, pretending, and overlooking actual murder in her vicinity)
abaddon/olypmias and or joanna of castille (mother of alexander the great "in my womb i gained my vengeance!" and sister of catherine of aragorn, entitled "the mad")
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eikonshiva · 11 months
&. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬. | accepting.
@curenone asked: “ i do not wish to bring you harm. ever heard of playing with your food ? ”
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Gloved fingers grazed the hilt of rapier - she wasn't impetuous enough to point it at him immediately but if the strange man proved to be a threat she'd show no mercy.
"who are you?" she asked, the eyes of a coldhearted warrior met his. Everything about him screamed suspicious but there was also a lingering curiosity she held.
-- he was different from others - ..... what that 'meant' Jill wasn't sure.
but it did prevent her from attacking.
"......food? .......... what is it you're after? Explain yourself."
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