#That was good
sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 months
I can’t believe his ass quoted Jesus and then actually came back what a fucking comedian
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doesnotloveyou · 10 months
i think everyone needs to watch "12 Angry Men" and calm down a little before they enter a fight online
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melioradeluxe · 3 months
I laughed so hard
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pensbridge · 12 days
Colin in the mirror scene and the part 1 apology scene: You are clever.
*when talking about Cressida being Whistledown: I always imagined Lady Whistledown would be more...clever.
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prince-les · 2 years
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Did he get his apology yet
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melissa-s23 · 2 years
ok I managed to catch up on the lore stream and ohmagooouuushhh  L’moonberg. The idea that after that they’ll build their own little thing and they want to be co-president. The return to simpler time, to beloved times  “This time, we can do it. Because we’re not kids anymore.” Tubbo’s acting was very good, but this line in particular hits me. There’s an acceptance here for something and i COULD write an essay about it. But am not going to.  The overall dynamic between those two. For a while I was scared of them completely falling apart with the divergence in plotlines, but here they’re finally back. You can tell the weight of their history together by the way they talk to each other and it’s GOOODDD  Tubbo and Eryn is a very good duo, I really like it. And poor guy, after the egg fallout you can really tell he hasn’t been coping well.  Meanwhile, Tommy and Phil going to the button room and talking to Wil (metaphorically).. It works. It works so well. It means so much  And then they reunite, and they go and sit at the bench and watch the sun set. And this time they hope it’ll be good. This time they can have peace.  I will draw something for this stream, but man it’s so good to have them back :’)) 
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revvethasmythh · 3 months
"Maybe it's your turn to run" YELLING CRYING SHOUTING
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trkstrnd · 3 months
i love gay people
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anacharafan · 11 months
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Hey look, it's more fanart for @capnhanbers 's amazing fanfic Jack Of All Trades!
The story is amazing and aaaa I loved this moment in particular
Also I saw the previous art being reblogged, went "ew" and fixed it
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greywindsports · 2 years
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Mead's second goal- ARS vs BHA- September 16, 2022
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
"O my wife Aalo, who hadst at once the soul of a dove and the soul of a wolf—hast thou found peace at last? Now that thou diest a second time, will thy dear soul fly to the bosom of the Heavenly Father, in the folds of whose garment there is rest and everlasting peace? When thy sins are wiped away, canst thou too forgive the living?"
Quis novit Daemonis astus?
The Wolf's Bride by Aino Kallas
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Just seen that vid of shashi tharoor saying “they said the sun never set on the British empire because god couldn’t trust the English in the dark” and I started coughing so hard.
He’s spitting bars so hard one got me in the throat
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Hey, Ralph.
I don’t know how to word this, but do you have any tips for learning to enjoy life again? I’m 24. Just graduated a couple months ago with a Masters. I feel stuck in my current job—not really liking the work anymore, not feeling fulfilled, not making a lot of money, not clicking with my boss. I do what my boss asks but I don’t feel supported by him and don’t see him as someone I can go to if I have a question or need help, which slows down my work. I also feel so much pressure from my parents to do well in my career. My relationship with my dad consists only of talk about my career/money and how I’m not where I need to be in life. He hates that I didn’t major/work in a STEM field or do business.
I don’t really have any interests either. I mean, I feel so burnt out from my education that I can’t even enjoy the things I used to anymore. I went straight from undergrad to masters and feel really burnt out from that. I used to love reading and writing but I can’t enjoy it without feeling like it’s an assignment. But I also find it hard to commit to learning new things now that I don’t have deadlines or guidance on it. I don’t really do much when I’m not working. And I find myself being more and more envious of friends who are having new experiences, getting prestigious jobs, and doing things I’m still afraid to do.
I hate living at home with my family and I fell into a really serious depression when I had to move home from campus at the start of the pandemic. Even though I’m an adult there are rules I have to follow. I can’t really go out or drink, and it’s pretty traditional for the whole family to live together so I feel like I’ll never be able to move out, even if I could afford it (which I’m not quite able to do yet). There’s no privacy and no peace. We can’t even get along yet no one can just move out. I feel so fucking suffocated sometimes.
I’m terrified of driving even though I have my license. I have serious social anxiety and only one friend. I find it hard to stick up for myself and am often seen as weak. I struggle to stay consistent in my search for a new job just because I’m terrified of rejection and of the interview process. I’ll start and stop but can just never stay committed. So I’m stuck.
I was in therapy but now that I graduated I no longer qualify for reduced price sessions. I also am not sure how much it really helped, but I guess I felt better when I had then vs not having them now.
Objectively, things aren’t that bad. I still have a job and savings and have somewhere to live and find joy in little things, like new music. And I’m so lucky to have a sister that is comfortable driving and takes me where I need to go. I also dream about a better life, and that makes me happy momentarily but that ends up making me sad when I begin to think how far away (or even impossible) that is for me. Seriously wishing I was a kid again.
I know you don’t know me and wouldn’t be able to fix/solve anything even if you did, but do you have any words of wisdom you can share for how to navigate tough times?
Oh anon - I'm sending you so much love. I'm sorry that you're . I'm particularly sorry about your Dad and your living situation - that is really hard.
What worries me about offering advice is it seems like your brain is using anything you could do to make your life better as something that you're failing at.
So my first bit of advice - is understand that the voice in your brain is not always telling you the truth.
For example, your brain seems to be telling you that you can only find a job if you commit to the process. That's not true. You don't have to stay committed to a job hunt to find a new job. A job hunt is much more like a lottery, than building up a particular muscle. Each application that you put in is a chance. The fact that you've put in 10 applications doesn't improve your chances on the 11th (guess how I know?). Every new job application is a new chance.
Unfortunately you can't know when the winning ticket will come up and rejection from jobs is horrific (or at least I've always found it so). Do what you can - don't set impossible standards.
Reading this - it seems to me that you're doing really well in difficult circumstances. Can you start by acknowledging that?
One of the questions I have is - how much is a problem is it that you can't drive? It will really depend on where you live. In some places you can do what you fundamentally need - to do whether or not you can drive. In other places, driving is essential for independence and ability to do things. Even when it's perfectly possible to navigate the world without a car - driving can still feel like something you should be able to do. Can you unpack those feelings? Are there options to get where you want to go besides driving? In which case who cares if you can drive?
In terms of not feeling overwhelmed. I think it'd be good to consciously pick some aspects of your life that you're not working on. You can't find a new job, plan to move out, figure out how your driving anxiety and you driving can coexist and find a free therapist all at once. Start gentle. Aim to do one of those, sometimes, but make sure you don't do any of it at least one weekend a month.
It doesn't matter which one you pick - it really doesn't. It's the act of consciously not doing the others that matters.
Another thing you could do is do things that are easy and do them badly. You say that you don't have the energy to learn new things. You seem to have a lot of gremlins in your brain that says you must be good at things for them to be worthwhile (not your fault).
I've done some drawing over the last few years - I'm definitely can't draw - I just do it sometimes and I feel my brain go 'I like this form of stimulation'. Or maybe buy a cheap craft kit aimed at children so you can make something (I've recently borrowed some lego off family members with children and made it and found that very satisfying). Don't push this - don't do things because you should - but think about doing something playful (google artists dates for other ideas)
Finally, and this is my most concrete bit of advice - don't try to make friends - just try to do things with other people. Thinking about 'making friends' is to set yourself a task that you can't control. Make the thing you're trying to do as easy and achievable as possible.
For human contact when you're feeling isolated - the easiest thing is to go along to something that is already happening and happening regularly. This could be a class (anything that takes your fancy - as long as you won't try and be good at it), something that has some kind of purpose (plant trees or overthrow the government), or events like board game evenings. If you do something with other people regularly that will help your brain. You might make friends, or you might not, but adding things to your life (as an experiment - you don't have to stick at things you don't enjoy) is your best chance to find some joy.
Some further advice that might help.
I recommend Captain Awkward - who has good advice about on what to do when it feels impossible to leave home and how to find people.
I also think Oliver Burkeman can be really good for burned out people who still want to make their life better.
Finally - it is really hard navigating this world. You are doing really well.
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warmcoals · 8 months
when they cannibalize kare kano to use its (very excellent) music to try to squeeze pathos out of shitass rebuild 2
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introvertedkeni · 1 year
I’m sorry but
“Excuse me, I’ll rekindle the fire for you”
“No need. We’re done. Thanks.”
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flowswept · 7 months
but the actor AU really does bring me some sense of peace.
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